• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Drocsid Part 2

Like I said before, figuring out Discord's third riddle was a no-brainer. After reading it for the first time, I'd already figured out where he was referring to and which of my friends I'd find there. And so when I arrived at Whitetail Woods, I was not surprised to find many of the trees to be white and covered in stripes.

"This is the place," I said to myself as I searched through the canopy to find the culprit. It wouldn't be long before I found her.

SLURP! Peppermint Twist ran her tongue across the trunk of a tree. Instantly, the bark changed from wood to peppermint.

"Mmm, delicioussss...." She said as she watched the stripes envelop the tree. Like the rest of my brainwashed peers, she was dressed in a bizarre outfit. In her case Discord apparently, a white leotard with red peppermint stripes was the way to go. Along with this, her glasses had been replaced by a blockier 3-D style pair with spiraling lenses. "What a wonderful sssight to see." She grabbed hold of the tree with one hoof and spun around. "SSScrumpcious ssstripes on every tree."

"Well, there she is, now the only question is how do I stop her?" As I pondered my next step, Twist looked up in the sky and spotted me.

"Oooo, a flying candy ball." She opened her mouth and her tongue flew out like a lizard.

"Whoa!" Banking hard, I flew off, her tongue missing me by a few inches. "Okay, maybe she's not as harmless as she seems."
I realized that if I was going to break Discord's hold on her, I would have to shut her mouth first. But how? Then a thought came to me.


It was a usual Saturday afternoon in Ponyville, I'd decided to take a break from reading at the library and get something sweet from Sugarcube Corner.

"Hello Apple Comet," Mr. Cake greeted me warmly as I walked up to the front counter. "What can I get for you?"

"Hello Mr. Cake, I'll have a..." Before I could finish I was interrupted by a commotion from the kitchen.

"Gosh darn it Gummy! Not again!" Peering through the wall to the kitchen, I saw Pinkie Pie fishing Gummy out of an industrial mixing bowl filled with caramel. Like actually fishing him out with a rod and reel. "Look at you, you're all sticky." The baby alligator attempted to open his toothless jaws only to have them pulled back together by the viscous substance.

"Well, it looks like you bit off more than you can chew hehe," Pinkie Pie giggled to herself as Gummy continued to try and pry his jaws open.

Mr. Cake looked at me awkwardly. "You'll have to excuse me a moment." He said raising a hoof to indicate he'd be right back.

"Sure, take your time," I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"That's it!" I proclaimed ecstatically. I raced back to Sweet Apple Acres, thankfully to find it untouched by Discord's magic. Touching down in front of the kitchen door, I slipped inside and grabbed the largest pan I could find along with the necessary ingredients. I poured a few cups of sugar into the pan and used my heat vision to caramelize it. When I felt I was ready I poured a cup of heavy cream in and blew on the concoction with my ice breath. Taking special care to ensure I didn't freeze it solid. Once I had it at the ideal temperature, I rolled an apple on a stick over it, making sure to evenly cover both sides. A few steps later I had a tasty tantalizing treat you could sink your teeth into. As long as you didn't plan on getting them out anytime soon.

"Well hopefully this will be sticky enough to keep Twist's mouth shut," I said as I headed out the backdoor to confront her.

I made it back to Whitetail Woods to find very little had changed. Twist was still busy turning everything around her into her candy land.

"Well here's hoping this works." I dived down closer to the treeline where I knew she'd spot me. Sure enough, she poked her head out from under the shade. Her mouth salivated as soon as she saw me.

"You're back! Oh, how wonderful! I knew I couldn't let a sweet treat like you get away from me." She ran her tongue eagerly across her mouth as I flew in closer. This was it, I only had one shot at this to work.

SSSLLITTT! With lightning speed her tongue lashed out. Time slowed down as I raised my weapon in my hooves to parry her attack. SPLAT! Contact! I hastily released my grip as Twist's reflex pulled her tongue back in. The apple met her maw with a satisfying nom. Twist's eyes opened in surprise as she tasted not the flying fireball but instead the sticky sweet taste of a caramel apple.

"Hmm? Puzzled she reached her hoof to grab hold of the stick. Only for it to snap off in her hoof. Like everything else she licked, Discord's spell had turned it into peppermint. "Mmph mmph! Her eyes bulged in fright as she realized her teeth were stuck deep inside the now peppermint apple.

"Oh, no! I exclaimed as I realized the seriousness of the situation. I swooped down lifting the glasses off her face. In a flash, the rest of her costume vanished and the color returned to her coat and mane. Her legs gave out as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I caught her in my forelegs as her body went limp and gently laid her down.

*POP!* Another flash and she vanished from my forehooves. In its place was Discord's mirror.

"Well, I see you handled that sticky situation." The draconequus's reflection remarked snidely holding the candy apple I had made. "A pity, I thought the pattern brightened up the forest." He ran his claw along the surface, causing the stripes to swirl around like a barber's pole. "Still, the game must go on."

"Just give me the next riddle." I snorted impatiently. Discord placed his claws on his hips. "Would it kill you to be polite for a change?" He said.

I exhaled and rolled my eyes. "Would you please give me the next riddle that tells me where you sent one of my brainwashed friends?"

"There now was that so hard?" Discord mockingly lectured. With a snap of his claws and vanished once more leaving behind the next riddle.

Between alto highs and stratus lows.
Is where awaits your next friend-turned-foe.
Grab a seat and enjoy the show.
Before they make like the wind and blow.

*Pop* Once more the mirror vanished. Either Discord wasn't putting a whole lot of effort into these riddles or my Koltonian brain wasn't perceiving the effort he was. I already had an idea of where to go and who I'd find.

Third Pony POV.

Discord sat down on his floating throne. His claws trilling against the side of his face. The colt was good, he had to admit. To the point that he had a chance of upsetting his plans. Still, he had to be patient and stick to the plan. The Element Bearers were here in Canterlot. Once he had them under his thumb, Equestria would be his to rule once more.

Comet's POV.

"Help!" "Help us!" "Somepony please, I'm trapped!" "Save me!" "My Foals are still inside!" My Husband is trapped under that rubble!" As I approached Cloudsdale, my hearing was suddenly overwhelmed by a torrent of cries for help. Gritting my teeth, I accelerated to supersonic in the direction of the distress calls.

"Oh no!" To say the pegasi were in trouble would've been an understatement. Several buildings had toppled over, their fallen columns smashed into several pieces. Others had their roofs stripped of shingles or just blown away altogether. The streets were littered with overturned cloud carts, toppled statues, and scattered debris. It looked like a rogue storm had ripped through here. Several rescue ponies were at the scene. Digging out those trapped under the rubble and administering first aid. But I could also see they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of casualties.

Steeling my nerves, I closed my eyes and focused my concentration on the direction of the voices. Mentally noting where each one's location was.


In a blur, I swept down clearing away the rubble as I went. The voices around me gasped in astonishment.

"Look, up in the sky?"

"Is it her again?"

"No, it's the red comet!"

"What's doing here?"

"Did you see that?"

"It just cleared away the rubble like that!"

"There it goes again!"

"It's incredible!"

In no time flat, I cleared the street of most debris allowing the rescue workers to move in. The crowd which merely seconds earlier had been in shock and terror was now jubilantly cheering for me. I felt my spirits lifted immensely. The cheers and overwhelming relief fueled my body like a second sun. But my work wasn't done yet. I had to find the classmate that Discord had hypnotized and bring them back to their senses. Lucky for me, I wouldn't have to look far if the orange blur flying over the distant stadium was any indication.

It had a broad wingspan, easily the width of Princess Celestia's royal plumage. It wore a sky-blue costume reminiscent of the Wonderbolts. Upon closer inspection, however, the usual lightning bolt pattern was replaced by images of various weather effects. Including thunderclouds, tornadoes, rain, snow, and fog. They covered the costume from every available space. Creating a chaotic mismatched pattern. An orange muzzle protruded from the mask in front and a purple fuchsia mane and tail flapped wildly in the wind.

"Scootaloo!" She turned her head sideways in my direction.

"What's this? A new challenger? Alright! Wait'll everypony sees me beat the Red Comet!" With that, she put on a burst of speed. The gust of wind toppled over several of the flagpoles flying from the stadium's roof. I quickly put on speed and pursued her. So that's where all the strong winds were coming from. I had to stop her from causing any more damage to Cloudsdale."

She ascended further skyward. Her body twisted into an inverted semi-loop. Her wings drew back and one mighty thrust unleashed a gust of wind that sent me flailing downward. I tossed and tumbled violently in the wind desperately trying to straighten myself out and pull up. Ignoring the sensation of freefall, l I closed my eyes and focused on the idea of floating in midair. The sensation of spinning slowed as I felt my downward momentum suddenly stop. Willing myself upright as I opened my eyes, I saw Scootaloo looking down from above at me. A confident smirk on her face.

"Not bad!" She said. "Looks like you can handle a little wind! But it's going to take more than that to keep up with me." With that, she spread her wings outstretched and flew off. "Last one to the weather factory is a rotten egg!"

"It's just a race to her." It didn't matter if innocent ponies were put in harm's way. If she managed to get to the weather factory...I wasn't about to let that happen. I pushed myself as hard as I could desperate to close the distance between us. But Scootaloo's oversized wings gave her a good headstart. She was already halfway across Cloudsdale and getting closer to the weather factory with every second that passed.

"Too slow slowpoke Ha ha ha!" She laughed as I struggled to catch up. Nearby pegasi had little time to react before the hurricane-force winds hit them. I needed to stop Scootaloo right here, right now. Pouring on every ounce of speed I could, I streaked toward her location. I had to make it, not just for Cloudsdale's sake, but Scootaloo's as well. As I began to close the distance, she looked up and gasped in astonishment.

"How did you... you must've taken a shortcut or something cheater!" She turned around and stroked her wings back pushing her small frame to its limit. A Mach cone began to form around her as she reached supersonic speeds.

Time seemed to stand still as it often does when I'm moving fast. The airspace surrounding us was filled with fleeing pegasi seemingly frozen in mid-air. The wail of the klaxon held onto a single high note. The only thing other than me that seemed to still be moving was Scootaloo herself, her tail just out of reach of my hoof. Its hairs blowing against the edge of my toe. If I could just get a little closer. The sound waves from her forming boom rippled outward like splashes on the water. With one final effort, I felt them fall into my grip. And then...


The weather factory erupted with the shattering of glass and the deafening boom of Scootaloo breaking the sound barrier. Her tail slipped through my grip as I watched her slingshot ahead. A look of triumph on her face.

"So close but too slow! I did it! I beat the Red Comet! I'm the fastest pegasus alive!" Unfortunately, her triumph would cut short as she veered toward an open window. The next few moments would live in my memories for the rest of my life.


A blinding flash of light engulfed the room as Scootaloo flew through the window. The orange filly was struck by a multi-colored surge of lightning. She let an ear-splitting shriek as the electricity passed through her body.


"SCOOTALOO!" I cried out as the concentrated buildup of lightning exploded with blinding light and deafening thunder. I was thrown back a few hundred meters but managed to recover in time to see the still-electrified form of Scootaloo land in a rainbow-colored pool. Its contents reacted explosively to the lightning flowing through the orange filly's creating a geyser of color and lightning. I dove into the pool wrapped my forelegs around her barrel and flew out before the eruption dissipated. Scootaloo lay unconscious in my hooves. A quick examination revealed that her heart was beating at a slower but still regular beat. Her brain, nervous system, and other vital organs were miraculously undamaged as well. It would seem her pegasus biology had saved her life. However, the multi-colored current passing through her aura made it clear she hadn't escaped completely unscathed.

I removed her goggles and tossed them aside. Then I carefully tore the costume open and peeled it off of her. With a *pop* her oversized wings reverted to normal. However, as I removed the section near her flank, I saw something that made me gasp.

"Sweet Celestia!" It was a blue, green, purple, and yellow lightning bolt set inside a multicolored ring. The same colors as the bolts of lightning that had passed through her. "A cutie mark?" I glance at the other side revealing the same image. It didn't make any sense Ponies were supposed to earn their cutie marks when they discovered what their special talent was. Last I heard getting struck by lightning while flying recklessly and landing in a pool of exploding rainbow wasn't a talent.

Before I could ponder this situation further, Scootaloo's unconscious form vanished in a *pop* of light.

"Okay I know this looks bad, but hear me out on this, I...." Upon seeing the Draconequus's reflection in the mirror I proceeded to shake it violently. Sending Discord ricocheting around like a pinball.

"You put my friend and everypony in Cloudsdale in mortal danger! And then you almost get her killed in a freak accident! And you expect me to hear you out!" The Draconequss's eyes spun in circles making the sound of beads shaking in a foal's rattle. Then without warning, they popped out of his eyesockets in the shape of screws.

"Gah!" Startled I dropped the mirror only for it to levitate directly in front of me.

"Watch it Butterhooves this thing's an antique!" He said as he reached down to pick up his screw eyes. "Okay I admit it, I'm the one who put your friend in this situation. I promise it won't happen again, scout's honor."

"For your sake, it better not." I hissed at him. "Otherwise I don't what I'll do yet but I can promise it won't be painless."

Discord casually screwed his second eye back in. He froze as he saw me staring at him with crimson-red eyes. For a moment he drew back as if it had finally sunk in that he had gone too far with his antics this time. Then he smiled his fanged grin.

"So can I," He snapped his fingers and vanished leaving behind the next riddle.

Where the sky is big and the mesas high is where you'll find the apple of my eye.

A lump formed in my throat as I read the last part. If that wasn't Discord tipping his hat to me, I didn't know what was.

Third Pony Pov.

Discord smiled with delight as he observed the clueless ponies wandering the model of the maze before him. Three down, two to go. Soon the game would be won and Equestria would be his. It was almost too easy. For ponies that supposedly thrived on their friendship, breaking them up had been foal's play.

He laughed as looked down at the state of them. Applejack the Element of Honesty had been reduced to a pathological liar who couldn't tell the truth about the color of the feather quill held in front of her. Then there was Grumpy Pie formerly the Element of Laughter, now an angry grump who hated the mere sound of it. And then of course there was Rarity, the pampered Element of Generosity selfishly hoarding a large boulder on her back like a pack mule. All that remained were those two pesky pegasi, that overconfident bookworm, and that caped colt.

Discord had to admit the last one was proving to be quite the wild card. His body was still aching in some places from when he'd been thrashed around. He didn't like how smart the colt was. He'd already figured out five of his riddles. And then there was the fact that was constantly pulling out new powers seemingly from the sleeves of that ridiculous costume he was wearing. Who did he think he was? Discord himself? The Draconequus snapped his claws and summoned a chalkboard with drawings of the foals he'd sent out to cause chaos. Five were crossed out, and four remained. And to be honest, he didn't hold out much hope for the two colts. Luckily for him though, the next one would be his ace in the hole. Discord ran his claw across the drawing of the yellow filly in the red bow.

"You'll be the one to break him." He laughed.

Comet's Pov

As I followed the train tracks to Appleloosa, the gnawing knot in my stomach only grew stronger. The way Discord's poem read he had to know about me and Apple Bloom. He must've somehow overheard us while trapped in stone. And now he was going to pit me against her. My mind filled rapidly with doubts and worry. What if what happened to Scootaloo happened to Apple Bloom? No, I couldn't think like that. That's what Discord was hoping for. That my doubt and fear would cause me to slip up. Well, I wouldn't.

"Hold Apple Bloom I'm coming." In the distance, my eyes caught sight of something incredible. "Holy Macintosh!" The apple trees in the orchard had grown to gargantuan proportions. To the point, they resembled a city skyline covered with leaves and bark. A trail of destruction led down the hill straight to Appleloosa's main street. Several of the buildings were either covered in apple sauce or had fresh apples the size of large boulders sticking out of their partially destroyed structure.

*Snap!* My ears twitched as they picked up the sound of a stem breaking off. I watched as another gargantuan apple fell from one of the branches hitting the ground with a deafening tremor. The enormous fruit bounced off the ground landing a short distance away with another boom. Then it began rolling down the hill straight toward Appleloosa.

Fast as I could I flew headlong toward it. My eyes gazed into its smooth red skin as it rolled closer to town like a bowling ball down the lane.

SPLAT! An explosion of fruit flesh engulfed me as I penetrated the giant pome like an arrow. The force of the impact split the apple from the inside out in a shower of mushy flesh. The two halves went off in opposite directions before spinning to a stop on their sides. My costume was covered in juice and I could feel chunks of flesh in my mane. Not exactly how I planned to stop it but it got the job done. I could hear the townsponies below as they gasped in amazement and then cheered as they looked up at the sight of me. The Red Comet had saved Appleloosa once again.

"YOU MURDERER!" A familiar voice suddenly called out from the orchard atop the hill. I turned my head and saw a lone figure standing on a branch of the tallest tree in the orchard. The figure was a pale yellow foal dressed in a pair of worn blue overalls and wearing a tin pot cowl on its head. The pot had a pair of eyeholes cut into it, revealing a familiar pair of gamboge eyes staring back through them, with a burning rage. In its hoof, the figure held a watering can. And on its barrel was a familiar pair of saddlebags.

"Apple Bloom?" A chill ran down my spine as I stared back at the costumed form of my sister. I knew at some point I'd have to deal with her. But as we locked eyes with each other, my mind couldn't help but conjure up the worst possible outcome.

"That name means nothing to me, I am The APPLESEEDER!" She proclaimed raising her hooves above her head. "And I will not rest until this entire world falls under the banner of the Pax Malus!"

A chuckle escaped my muzzle as my mind processed what she had just said. 'No, no stop this is serious!' I said to myself mentally. 'Apple Bloom is in danger.'

"You dare to laugh after committing the heinous crime against apples?" Y'all shall be made an example of."

The branches of the apple trees began to sway.

*Snap!* *Crack!* *Snap!* *Crack!* *Snap!* One by one the roots of the tall tree began to rise from the ground. The enormous trunk rose upward like a dragon after a century-long nap as it stretched out its branches. The other trees in the orchard followed suit and began rising on their roots as well. Then they lined up in straight rows like soldiers. It was an army, an army of apples! And my sister was their general.

"Ten Hut!" Apple Bloom stomped her hoof. The trees clicked their roots together and stood at attention. Raising their branches in a salute. "Prime and Load!" The trees acknowledged and began pulling apples from their branches. "Take Aim!" They cocked their branches back. "Fire!"

A hundred boulder-sized apples filled the air. Below the settler ponies screamed in terror as the massive projectiles hurtled toward Appleloosa. I lined up the first incoming wave and unleashed a powerful continuous beam from my eyes that swept through the swarm like a sword. Several dozen apples exploded showering the ground below in lava hot apple sauce. but it was like swatting a swarm of bees. The ones that were left unscathed kept on coming. I flew ahead of them unleashing blast after blast of my heat vision as I hurtled my body through the others. Even still it was not enough. At least two bushels worth landed in the middle of Main Street. The explosive impacts covered nearby buildings in fruity residue. But fortunately, none of them landed directly on the buildings or any of the townsponies.

"Apple Bloom listen to me!" I entreated "Your putting innocent ponies in danger. This isn't who you are! Discord's brainwashed you! Fight it! Fight Him!"

Apple Bloom smiled and smirked. "My fight is for fruit kind and fruit kind alone For I am the Appleseeder! Prepare the second volley!" Once more the trees reached into their branches to reload. "Ready...Aim.... What in tarnation?"


The ground below began to shake violently. The trees all turned around to face an enormous wall of dust that was heading their way.

"What in the name of all things beautiful and deciduous is that?" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Through the clouds of dirt, I could see an enormous white figure stampeding towards the orchard. It was...

"Little Strongheart!" The towering buffalo princess charged headlong toward the tree army. On her back sat a tiny yellow figure waving a cowpony hat over his head.

"Yeeee Haaawww!" Braeburn hollered holding onto Little Strongheart looking like a flea in an elephant rodeo.

"Apple Bloom quickly snapped back to attention. "All forces attack!" The trees unleashed their seed-filled artillery at the advancing target.

"Braeburn take cover!" She shouted.

"Y'all don't have to tell me twice." He said as he ducked down covering his head with his forelegs. Little Strongheart strafed back and forth dodging the seemingly normal-sized apples raining down on her. A few splattered against her coat, but she continued on course toward her target.

This was chance, while Apple Bloom was distracted, I could get that pot off her head and break Discord's spell on her. I waited until the trees reached into their branches for more ammo, then dove into the forest. I zipped my way through the lines until I reached the tree Apple Bloom was standing on. I ascended from the beneath the branch intending to catch her from behind.

'I'm sorry about this Bloom, but I'm doing it for your good.' I was mere inches from my target when suddenly I heard the shriek of a whistle and everything froze in place.

*Pop* Discord's mirror appeared in front of me. His reflection, dressed as a referee.

"Penalty outside interference. What do you think you're doing?" He crossed his and stared at me with a disappointed expression.

"Trying to rescue my sister from your mix-matched clutches," I answered.

"Your sister?"Discord's eyes widened as he pulled out a clipboard from out of frame. "I must've missed that detail when I took your friends. Thanks for filling me in?" He sneered at me with a single fang protruding from his mouth. If my body wasn't frozen, I would've face hoofed at that moment. A pair of glasses materialized on Discord's muzzle as he flipped through the pages of his clipboard.

"In any event, you violated rule 3 slash 2 subsection 4 sub subsection 4 1/2. The participant shall have no outside help at any time during the game. The rules are very clear on this." He flipped it over to show me. On top of being backward, the print was so small it the entire rule could fit in the space between two words.

The mirror turned to face the frozen form of Strongheart suspended mid-gait in the air." By accepting help from this walking mountain cozy and her rider you have violated the rules of the game. I'm very sorry but the rules are very clear. The penalty is disqualification."

"What, that's ridiculous!" I shouted. "I didn't ask for their help. They just showed up."

"That detail is irrelevant, I don't make the rules, I just make them chaotic. I'm afraid you'll have to sit out the rest of the game in...Detention!" With that, he blew his whistle and the mirror vanished along with Apple Bloom. A snap of light engulfed my vision before everything went black.

Third Pony POV.

Little Strongheart stopped completely in her tracks as she felt a strange sensation rush through her body. The sudden momentum sent Braeburn flying off her back.

"Aaaaaaaaah...oof." He landed face first in the feather on her headdress. The plumage broke his fall as slid down on his stomach into the curly field that was her head.

"Braeburn!" The gargantuan buffalo gasped. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

The yellow cowpony sat up and shook the cobwebs from his head. "Ah'm fine, no need to go worrying your big head about me." Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of relief. "A'h take it you felt that funny feeling too?"

"Yeah, for a moment I felt like I was trapped in ice."

*SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP* The sound of stems breaking off branches snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Well, whatever it was, A'h don't think it affected them." Braeburn pointed a hoof at the advancing trees.

"We'll worry about it later," Little Strongheart said. "Right now I want to make sure you're secured and safely fastened.

"Can do," Braeburn replied sliding over the edge of her mane into her headband behind her ear. After checking to make sure he was secure, he called out. "Ready when you are."

Little Strongheart blushed and smiled sweetly at him. Then turned her attention to the trees with a snort and a pawing with her hoofs. She had some stampeding to do. The trees wound back and pitched their projectiles at them.

With a deep bellow, Little Strongheart lowered her head and charged.

Author's Note:

Hey Everyone, I know it's been a while since I submitted well anything really. The Last several months have been pretty hard. I got my shots and got to take my mask off at work. Then the delta variant rolled in and it was back to the mask. This combined with the mix of mundane drudgery and unrelenting customer surge has left me feeling kind of depressed lately. I'll try my best to stay motivated, but I can't make any promises of new chapters until at least the new year. Anyway have a great day, stay safe and try to be optimistic.

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