• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Mommy's Beary Angry.

As soon as I was done helping Spike I raced home as soon as I was out of sight. The sun was starting to set and most ponies had gone home by now so there weren't too many ponies on the street to see a silvery-white blur streaking past.

I made it home just in the nick of time. Through the walls, I could see Granny Smith and Apple Bloom setting the table, while Applejack sat in the living room next to Big Macintosh. She was staring up at the clock watching as the minute hand drew closer to the 12.

"He's late," She snorted. "Ah swear if he's still over at Twilight's, Ah'm gonna head over there and hogtie him."

"Good luck with that," Mac said.

"Yeah what he said," I said walking in with twenty-eight seconds to spare. "Don't worry, I made sure no one saw me."

Applejack frowned in disappointment as I closed the door behind me. "You got lucky this time," She said. "But just because you're faster than greased lightning in a jackrabbit doesn't give you an excuse to stay for so long."

"I'll remember next time Applejack, I promise."

Applejack smiled at me and said. "Well, you best remember. Don't forget, Ah'm the Element of Honesty so Ah'll know if you're lying."

Later at the dinner table...

"So why were you at the library for so long?" Apple Bloom asked me.

"I was looking through archived newspapers," I answered.

"That's boring."

"What were you looking for?" Applejack asked me.

"A story about an Ursa Major attacking Hoofington."

Granny Smith's fork slid from her hoof clattering to the floor. Her head slowly turned to face me. Her eyes bulging out of her sunken sockets were white with fear. "W-What did you say?" She said her voice filled with dread.

"Some high fallutin unicorn showed up in Ponyville today and immediately started boasting about having single-hoofedly saved Hoofington from an Ursa Major," Applejack explained. "Ah'm fairly certain she's just full of hot air."

"Especially since I couldn't find a single headline in the Hoofington newspapers mentioning it," I added.

Granny Smith took in a deep breath. "A'h was just about you youngin's age, you're Aunt Apple Rose and A'h went wandering into the Everfree Forest.

Of course, we had been told countless times never to go in there alone, but that day we fell in with members of the wrong herd who dared us to go. It was summer and the zap apple harvest was still months away. It was a bright and sunny day, so we thought we would be able to find our way out before it got dark. Of course, we were wrong.

Hours passed and before we knew it the sun had gone down. We were both so scared that we no longer cared about the belt whipping we would get when we got home. Suddenly the entire forest began to shake violently. The trees began shaking and swaying. Then we both heard a deafening roar that scared the birds out of the trees. A dark shadow fell over the forest. Apple Rose and A'h looked up to witness a clash of two titans."

The dining room was so still you could've heard a pin drop. Everyone at the table stood mouth agape at every word of Granny Smith's story.

"There were two big ones, One purple, the other pitch black. Tall as mountains they were and there were two little ones huddling behind the purple one. Ah, 'm guessing they were her cubs and she was trying to protect them from the black one. The ground with every step as they took turns roaring in each other's faces. Now the black one, he was a good head taller than the Mama, which to us would've been two or three barns higher. Not to mention he looked much stronger than her. But that Mama bear wasn't about to back down and let him make a meal of her cubs. After a while, the big guy decided he'd had enough and he ran back into the forest.

The next morning our Pa's found us sleeping in the hollow of a tree. Ah, 'll never forget my Pa shaking his hoof at me as he said 'Missy you have no idea how much trouble the two of you are in, but you will soon.' As soon as we got home, they got the paddle and whooped our flanks until they were as red as a baboon's tuchus. Ah heh heh heh heh heh heh."

"Wow Granny, A'h never knew you saw an Ursa Major before." Apple Bloom said ecstatically.

"Ah will ever forget the sight of that Mama standing on her hind legs roaring up at the moon."

After dinner, I helped clean up the kitchen before retiring upstairs to get ready for bed. As I lay there looking up at the stars with my X-ray vision, I imagined the stars joining together to form the constellation of the Great Bear. The thought that a creature like that could be living just outside Ponyville did little to settle my mind. 'What did Trixie think she would attain by bragging about besting an animal that dangerous when it was obvious to anypony with half a brain that she was lying?' Then I remembered how Snips and Snails bought it like it was on sale. 'Those two were just too gullible for their own good.'

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. 'What if they...no even they couldn't be that stupid.' They had to have at least some self-preservation instincts right...right? Oh, who was I kidding? I was talking about the two colts who mistook a jar of paste for mayonnaise.' And as much as I would've liked to forget about them and go to sleep. I knew I couldn't leave them out there in potential danger. Sitting up I reached over and opened the drawer on my nightstand. Whether I liked it or not, this was a job for Kom-El of Kolton.

In a flash of light, I was garbed in the red and blue costume of my homeworld. Racing to my bedroom window, I threw open the shutter and leaped out, my red cape streaming in the night breeze as I flew towards the Everfree Forest.

"Okay, just a quick search of the Everfree Forest and then straight back to bed," I told myself. The sky above me was filled with stars without a cloud to be seen. The next meteor shower wouldn't be until next year, so hopefully, there wouldn't be too many ponies out stargazing tonight.

Third Pony POV.

Twilight Sparkle gazed through the lens of her telescope. She often enjoyed a half-hour of stargazing in summer and early fall before bed. Since the return of Princess Luna, she'd noticed the stars above seemed to twinkle just a bit brighter.

Suddenly out of the corner of her lens, she saw a shooting star streaking over Ponyville.

"What the? That looked like... She adjusted the lens dial to get a closer look. ...That's the shooting star that crashed into Rainbow Dash!" Her outburst woke Spike who was sleeping in his basket at the foot of Twilight's bed.

"Wutzat? I'm awake, I'm awake, the baby dragon groaned rubbing his eyes as Twilight burst into the room.

"Spike I'm going out for a little while." Using her magic the lavender unicorn cobbled together a saddlebag of scientific equipment including a pair of binoculars, a camera, several maps, and star charts, her telescope, and of course a notepad and pencil. "Send a letter to the Princess, tell her I'm on the trail of something big." With that, she galloped out of the bedroom and down the stairs, heading out the front door.

Spike yawned and stretched his arms out before laying back down. "Y-Yeah sure thing...Twilight." He mumbled as he fell back asleep.

Comet's POV.

There it was, the Everfree Forest. Now I had to find Snips and Snails if they were even out here that is and save them from whatever they'd managed to get themselves into. My eyes began scanning the forest, cutting through the thick canopy for any of them.

"This is the entrance closest to Snip's house if they did go into the forest they would've started here." Sure enough, there were two sets of hoofprints both of which matched my classmates' gait. "Those look like their hoofprints alright," I sighed. "Those two just can't stay out of trouble. Well, at least they're staying together." Made my job that much easier.

Much to my misfortune, the tracks led to the mouth of a large cave. Leave it to Snips and Snails to find the only cave big enough for miles around to house Faust knows what.

"How are we gonna find an Ursa Major when I can't even see my own hoof in front of my face."

My ears twitched as they picked up Snip's scratchy voice.

"Hold on," Snails told him before letting out a long grunt that was either him trying to use his horn, or Snails just wasn't getting enough fiber in his diet. A twinkle of light illuminated the cave. "Oh heh, that's much better." No not better, worse much much much worse. Of all the caves in the Everfree Forest for the dimwit duo to stumble upon, it had to be the one with an Ursa sleeping in it.

The behemoth slowly stirred, its eyelids opening to reveal two globular orange orbs with fiery red irises. It rose to its legs snarling at Snips and Snails before letting out a roar that definitely got rid of any fiber problems Snails might have had.

Faster than a bolt of lightning, I swooped down into the cave, flying past Snips and Snails as they for their lives. Ignoring their gasps of astonishment, I charged headlong toward the snarling mass of teeth and claws.

"Alright, you big blue...bear, time to put you back to sleep."


With a crack that shook the ceiling of the cave, my hoof made contact with its snout. The sound of cracking cartilage filled my ears as the monster stopped dead in its tracks. It blinked its globular eyes as if not sure what to make if this insect had just struck it hard enough to break its nose. Then to my surprise, a tear rolled down its cheek as its lips started to quiver. It opened its cavernous maw and let out a blubbering wail so thunderous that shook stalactites from the ceiling. Tears poured down its face as it bawled.

"Whoa, whoa whoa hey hey ssh ssh ssh ssh c-calm down!" I whispered frantically. The last thing I needed at that point was a cave-in. "It's okay, here let me take a closer look at that." Seeing me approach, the blubbering beast turned tail and ran away clutching its bloodied and broken nose in its paw. "No, wait! Come back! Well, great now I felt sorry for him. Wait a minute, why would an Ursa Major run away crying like that? It doesn't make any sense unless...


A deafening roar louder than an approaching hurricane washed over me hitting me with such force that it sent me into a tumbling spiral that ended with me bouncing several times along the cave floor.

... ugh, it was an Ursa...Minor."

Third Pony POV

"Whoa!" Snips gasped!

"What was that eh?" Snails wondered out loud as he and Snips stopped running and looked back towards the mouth of the cave.

"I-I don't know, it flew by so fast," Snips said.

"Kinda looked like a meteor or something," Snails said scratching his chin.

"That wasn't a meteor," Snips argued.

"Why's that eh?" Snails asked.

"Because meteors are supposed to crash into the ground and stuff." Snips explained.

THWACK! A tremendous crash echoed from inside the cave.

"Like that?" Snails asked.

"Uhh...yeah," Snips looked uneasily at his friend. "Should, should we go take a look?"

"What about the Ursa Major?" Snails pointed out.

"Well, maybe the meteor scared it off?" Snips suggested. Suddenly they both heard a thunderous wailing followed by the sound and tremors of blue bear paws bounding across the ground.

"I think you might be right Snips." Snails concurred before a second roar at least ten times more powerful than the first washed over them. Snips and Snails promptly fainted on the spot.

Comet's POV

I felt the earth beneath my hooves tremble as I stood up. The tremors were short and frequent, one following after the other. Which could only mean one thing, Mama Bear was coming to teach me a lesson.

"Sounds like Mama's awake," I said as I shook the dust from my mane. I looked outside the cave and saw Snips and Snails lying on the forest floor."Snips Snails!" In the blink of an eye, I ran up to them. Fortunately, they weren't seriously hurt, just unconscious. "Well, this makes the journey back to Ponyville easier for me." I slung Snips under one foreleg and Snails the other and took off towards Ponyville.

"Now the only problem is where can I drop you off where nopony will see?"

Third Pony POV

"What in Equestria was that?" Twilight Sparkle asked herself. The Lavender Unicorn had stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the town square. All around her Ponies opened their doors and windows to see what the ruckus was.

"Hey, Twilight?" Twilight Sparkle looked up to see her friend Rainbow Dash hovering above her.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, you heard that too?" She asked.

"How could I not?" Rainbow Dash replied. "It sounded like somepony bowling with the moon."

"Maybe Princess Luna has taken up a new hobby?" Suggested Pinkie Pie poking her head out of Twilight's saddlebag.

"Gah!" Twilight screamed. "Pinkie! What are you doing in there?"

"I heard a really loud noise so I came to see what it was?" The pink party planner answered clambering her way out of the saddlebag. "What are you doing with all this stuff?"

"Well, I was looking through my telescope at the library when I saw the comet from the other day," Twilight explained.

"You did?" Rainbow Dash swooped down hovering inches from Twilight's face. "When? Where was it going? When I get my hooves on I'll...

"What is that noise?" The door of a familiar red and yellow wagon flew open as Trixie Lulamon wearing a star-covered purple nightcap and matching nightshirt poked her head out. "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs her sleep."

"Nopony asked you!" Rainbow Dash hollered at the stage magician.

Trixie let out a great and powerful yawn. "Oh great it's you," She said sarcastically "Have you nothing better to do than to disturb Trixie?"

"Why you loudmouthed showboating little...

"Ooo Look, up in the sky!" Rainbow was interrupted by Pinkie Pie pointing excitedly at the sky. "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's...

"The Comet!" Twilight and Rainbow exclaimed at the same time.

"Let me at 'em, I've been waiting for a chance like this," Rainbow said excitedly. She took off in hot pursuit only to find herself pulled back by Twilight's aura. "Hey, what gives?"

"Have you forgotten what happened last time?" Twilight scolded as she pulled her pegasus friend back. "We'll observe it from a safe distance."

"Quick, to the Pinkiecopter!" Pinkie Pie declared boldly, wrapping her foreleg around Twilight's neck as she carried her to a pink helicopter with candy cane-colored rotors and landing skids.

"Wait where did this even come from?" The confused unicorn asked as Pinkie plunked her in the co-pilot's seat.

"The same place you got your hot-air balloon from duh," Pinkie answered.

"But I don't own a hot-air balloon." Twilight protested as Pinkie started the rotors.

"Room for one more?" Twilight turned around to see Trixie climb into the backseat.

"Trixie? Why are you coming along?"

The azure unicorn rolled her eyes and said. "Because thanks to that comet, the Great and Powerful Trixie is too awake to go back to sleep now."

Now it was Twilight's turn to roll her eyes. "Whatever let's just go."

Comet's POV

I was expecting most of Ponyville to be indoors by the time I got back. Instead, the streets below me were quickly filling with onlookers. I guess they heard that roar all the way in town. And now instead of just streaking by unnoticed, I was once again the center of attention. I just hoped they couldn't see my passengers. The last thing I needed right now was a story in tomorrow's paper about alien abduction. Since I could no longer slip in and quietly drop the two colts off at home, I needed to come up with a plan B.

As my eyes swept over the town looking for somewhere I could leave them to be found, my ears picked up a whirring sound in the distance. I looked behind to see what looked like a helicopter made entirely out of desserts.

"Just when I thought this night could get any crazier," I said.

But wait it got better. Seated at the controls was no other than Pinkie Pie, no surprise, and seated next to her were Twilight and Trixie. The latter was dressed in what looked like her pajamas. I had to admit I did chuckle when I first saw her until I saw who was flying alongside them. Rainbow Dash wore a face of determination as if to say she would not fail this time. It was also at this point when Snips decided now would be a good time to regain consciousness.

"Mmm, what happened?" The stocky grey colt mumbled opening his eyes. He looked down and let out a terrified scream. "AHHHH!"

"What's with...*yawn*...all the noise eh?" Snails yawned tiredly rubbing his eye with one hoof.

"Look down below," Snips pointed at the ground. "We're flying?"

"I thought were unicorns?" Snails asked scratching his head until he saw how high up they were. He screamed and began flailing his long legs frantically. "AHHH get me down from here!"

Fortunately for him and more importantly me, I spotted and smelled a cart labeled B Tannen's Manure Co. It wouldn't be pleasant, but at least, it would be a soft landing. Holding my breath, I swooped down low and dropped the colts in.

Third Pony POV.

"Are you okay Snips?" Snails asked his companion as he pulled himself up.

"Yeah, thank goodness we landed in this nice soft dirt." Snips said with relief.

"Uhh...I don't think this is dirt." Snails said sniffing the bottom of his hoof.

"Aw man and I already had a bath this week," Snips lamented.

"It just dipped down and went back up." Twilight Sparkle followed the comet's movements through a folding telescope. "Now it's turning back towards the Everfree Forest.

"Trixie suspects you know more about this comet than you are telling her."

"It's not just a comet," Twilight explained. "Between its lack of an elliptical orbit, ability to change its direction, and the fact that it's been seen during the day, I'd say we're dealing with some kind of magical phenomenon."

"Pah! Fear, not Twilight Sprinkle...

"It's Sparkle." Twilight corrected.

...The Great and Powerful Trixie shall...*yawn*...shall have to back to you after she has had some coffee."

Suddenly Trixie heard a timer ding followed by a small hatch opening next to her revealing a piping hot cup of coffee with whipped cream on top.

"Good thing I had a voice-activated coffee machine installed in the Pinkiecopter," Pinkie said cheerfully as Trixie picked up the mug and took a sip.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Better make that two."

"Make that three," Pinkie gulped nervously. "And make it an extra, extra, extra, *gulp* extra tall one."

"What are you talking about Pinkie?" Twilight asked. To which Pinkie pointed at the gargantuan purple bear standing just outside Ponyville on its hind legs. Its shadow covered the entire town as it let out a roar that shattered every window in Ponyville.


The volume was so great that it sent the Pinkiecopter spiraling out of control toward the ground with the three mares trapped inside.


Comet's POV

"Oh, no!" The instant I saw the helicopter going down, I streaked as fast as I could, racing against the shadow of certain death. The Ursa Major's presence had sent the entire town into a full-blown panic. But amidst the screams and cries of terror, I could make the voices of the ponies on board. 'Please,' I thought to myself. 'Don't let me be too late.'

Diving low to the ground I anticipated where the helicopter would crash. There was no margin for error, if I was off even slightly, Twilight and her friends were doomed.

Third Pony POV

"Oof!" Twilight lurched forward in her seat as the helicopter came to a sudden stop. "Huh?" She looked out the window to see the helicopter had stopped falling in mid-air and was now ascending. She looked over the instrument dials checking them carefully. Altitude and speed were increasing despite both rotors being stalled out.

"What's happening?" She asked Pinkie Pie who was fumbling with the controls trying to get some kind of response.

"I don't know," Pinkie said. "The controls aren't responding."

Twilight checked the backseat to find Trixie sprawled out face-down on the floor. "Trixie, are you okay?"

The azure mare looked up, her face was a pale sea green. "Trixie's stomach...ulp doesn't...feel...so...BLEARGH!" Twilight and Pinkie Pie winced as the Great and Powerful Trixie proceeded to toss up the contents of her stomach.

"Oh now would be a good time to mention there are sickbags in the seatback pocket." Pinkie pointed out as the helicopter flew onward.

"What the hay?" Rainbow Dash could not believe her eyes. A few seconds ago she had been caught in a stall. Forced to watch helplessly as the helicopter carrying her friends plummeted toward the ground. Even if she could make it to them before it crashed, there was no way she could get them all out in time. Then just as she managed to break out of her stall, the comet had reappeared and caught the helicopter and was now carrying it off on its back.

"Hey get back here!" Rainbow Dash hollered as she flew off after the comet. She still remembered her injury from last week, but she couldn't call herself the Element of Loyalty if she let her friends get carried off to Celestia-knows-where. She'd just follow at a safer distance was all. Much to Rainbow's surprise, the comet seemed to be headed towards the Golden Oaks Library. But why? She watched as the Comet touched down in front of the library, then as soon as the helicopter was grounded it took off again, flying out from underneath the chopper like a barnstormer.

Rainbow Dash was confused. Why had the comet saved her friends? How did it know where to drop them off? It must've known somehow that Twilight made her home in the library. Had it been watching them this whole time? Rainbow had more questions than answers but first, she had to make sure that her friends and Trixie were okay, they would show that showoff how real heroines save the day.

Comet's POV

Once Twilight and her friends were safe on solid ground, it was time to deal with the Ursa Major in the room. Since it was obvious it was me she was after, it was up to me to be the pied piper of Ponyville and lure her away from town.
Climbing straight up at a 90-degree angle, I waited until I was eye-level with Canterlot Castle before streaking over her head towards the Everfree Forest. Mama Bear took a swat at me with her paw, letting out a roar of frustration when she missed. I circled above her a few more times for good measure before heading back to the cave, with Mama Bear following me like a fruit bat on an apple.

Once inside, I led her back to her den where her cub was. The deep whimpering sounds of the Ursa Minor echoed off the walls of the cave as we drew closer reminding me why its mother was so upset. When I reached it, the cub was lying on its side in a fetal position, tears trickled down its cheeks as it sobbed quietly clutching its bloody nose. I knew I had to get out of there before the Ursa Major showed up, but just I couldn't bring myself to leave it suffering like that. Against my better judgment, I landed in front of it and placed my hooves on its snout. Much to my relief, its nose wasn't broken, just swollen.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about hurting you like that," I whispered to it. "I was trying to protect my friends, well they're not really my friends but still I hope you feel better soon." The Ursa Minor lowered its arms and looked down at me. To my surprise, its lips stretched into some semblance of a smile.


And that was my cue to leave. Luckily getting out from under Mama Bear's nose was simply a matter of tunneling out the back of the cave. Once outside, I flew around the outskirts of town and looped my way towards home.

Third Pony POV

"Are you guys alright?" Rainbow Dash flew down to check on her friends. Twilight and Pinkie Pie looked a little dazed and disoriented but otherwise okay.

"A little shaken, but yeah I think we'll be fine," Twilight answered holding her hoof to her head. "I'm not so sure about Trixie though." The magician was busy emptying the contents of her stomach into a barf bag.

"Eh, she'll be fine," Rainbow shrugged. "Now come on we've got an Ursa Major to stop."

Twilight nodded her head in approval. "You're right, it's up to us. You go to Sweet Apple Acres and bring Applejack here."


"Pinkie you go to Fluttershy's cottage."

"Umm, Twilight."

"I'll head for Carousel Boutique and meet you all back here."


"Sigh, what is it Pinkie?"

"The Ursa Major left already."

"Huh?" Twilight looked up to see The Ursa Major was gone. "W-where did it go?"

"It saw it chasing the comet back to the Everfree Forest," Pinkie answered.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" They turned to see Trixie standing proudly triumphant. "Citizens of Ponyville! Behold and Rejoice! For once again The Great And Powerful Trixie! has vanquished The dreaded Ursa Major!" Hearing the news, the townsponies slowly emerged from hiding and began crowding around Trixie. Cheers and whoops filled the air as Trixie took off her nightcap and bowed.

"What!" Rainbow Dash shouted indignantly. "You didn't get rid of the Ursa Major, the comet did."

"Poor jealous little fool," Trixie said callously brushing off Rainbow's outburst. "Who do you think summoned the comet to lure away the Ursa Major in the first place?" The crowd began chanting "Trixie! Trixie! Trixie!"

"Was there ever any doubt?" Trixie asked with a smug grin.

Rainbow Dash's face turned red like a rotten tomato, steam poured out of her nostrils as she snorted angrily. "Why you little...

"Easy Rainbow," Twilight said conjuring up a brick wall to keep her from doing something regretful. "She's not worth it."

Rainbow Dash fumed for a moment, then sighed and turned back around. "Yeah, you're right, but I'd still like to see her knocked down a peg or two.

The crowd continued to grow as more and more ponies flocked to see their supposed savior. One of them, a stallion wearing a brown fedora and carrying a flashbulb camera around his neck stepped forward.

"Great And Powerful Trixie, how about a photo for the front page of tomorrow's paper?" He asked. Trixie was all too willing to oblige.

"Trixie would be honored." She playfully swept her mane back and smiled as the photographer began setting up his camera. All the while the crowd continued to chant her name. "Truly, Trixie is the magical unicorn in Equestria," She said with a dramatic sigh."

"Yeah, way to go Trixie!"

"We always knew you could do it eh?" Trixie recognized those voices. She looked down to see Snips and Snails galloping towards the front of the crowd. Perhaps it was just her imagination, but the rest of her admirers seemed to be giving the two a wide berth. Suddenly a horrible odor hit Trixie's nostrils like a mule's kick. Her face turned green as she looked down at the two colts standing in front of her covered in what Celestia only knew.

"Hey, Trixie are you okay?" Snips asked.

"Yeah, you're not looking so good eh?" Snails added.

Trixie felt her stomach inverted as the scent passed her sinuses. She knew young colts tended to get dirty while playing. But at that moment, Snips and Snails smelled like they'd been rolling in manure.

"Okay smile," The photographer said as the smell exited Trixie's sinuses and landed on her tongue. As the camera bulb flashed, Trixie's throat unleashed a deluge of partly digested hayshake onto Snips and Snails.

She would end up on the front page of tomorrow's paper. But not for the reason she wanted.

Sweet Apple Acres lay silent despite the chaos that unfolded in town. The lights in the farmhouse were out, but a closer sweep with X-ray vision showed Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were wide awake having taken shelter in the basement. Applejack was conspicuously absent, most likely she had gone into town to reach her friends.

I flew in through my open window landing on my bedroom floor, I felt emotionally drained. What had started as a quick sweep of the Everfree Forest had ended with me saving Snips and Snails from themselves, but all of Ponyville from certain destruction. As I pressed the emblem on my chest to retract my suit, I pondered. At what point did my life go from keeping who I was a secret to being the biggest unexplained phenomenon in Ponyville? I put the clothing matrix back in the drawer and lay back on my bed. My eyelids felt heavy and the mattress was so soft. Almost like a cloud. Tomorrow I would have a lot of explaining to do, but right now I just wanted to forget everything and dream.

Author's Note:

Fun facts: Granny Smith's monologue was inspired by Robert Shaw's about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis in Jaws. The scene where Comet saves the helicopter is inspired by a similar scene in Superman the Movie.

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