• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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The Everfree forest. A strange hostile environment forged from the banishment of Nightmare Moon. A place where nature runs untouched by Equestrian magic, a harsh wilderness home to numerous beasts and monsters. A place most ponies avoid at all costs. Pa had told us up and down that, under no circumstances, we were to go in there.

What in Equestria was I thinking? I thought to myself as I picked myself up out of the mud. I was scared I wasn't afraid to admit it. I'd panicked under the stress. What pony wouldn't panic after learning that they were an alien from outer space with freaky alien powers? I'd run away in haste and managed to leap over a mile in distance into the most dangerous forest in all of Equestria!!!
Okay, most colts and fillies couldn't make that claim.

I shook the mud from my coat, my super-speed sending globules of mud flying in every direction. In no time at all, I was completely spotless except for the mud sticking to the bottom of my hooves. Now, what was I to do? Did I go back to Sweet Apple Acres and apologize for running away? What if they didn't take me back? What then? Did I just keep running as long as I could and try to forget about them? I wasn't Pa's real child, Wait what am I saying? That never stopped him from loving me as if I were. Did I wait around here for somepony to find me? The hooting of an owl drew me out of my thoughts. Looking around with my X-Ray vision I spotted the owl sitting on the branch of a tree. Wait a minute, that's right! I have X-ray vision! Finding my way out of this forest was going to be a snap!

SNAP! "YAH!!!" With an echoing yelp, I leaped backward into a nearby tree.



THUD!!! The tree came toppling down in a shower of splinters.
I stood up shaking the moss off my mane as I looked around. In no time at all my vision picked up the sight of a broken twig.
"That's what I'd stepped on? A twig? I need to not be so jumpy" I said to myself as I rolled the fallen timber off of me. "With my strength, I could do some pretty serious damage." CRRRAAACCCKKK!!! "Case in point." I looked down to see my hoof had ripped out a huge chunk of the trunk without me even noticing.
It was then that I decided I couldn't go home now. "Pa, Granny, forgive me but it's for your own safety and mine. At the very least I should head back to get my stuff and say my goodbyes. But first I need to find my way out of this forest."

"AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" My ears picked up the distinctive howl. I didn't need my super-hearing to tell me it was a Timberwolf. Granny had told us stories about them. She'd told us about her first encounter with one when she was very young and how she'd just barely escaped being eaten.
"AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" Another howl echoed through the forest. "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" Followed by another and another after that. They were gathering.

"Oh no, this is bad this very very very bad," I said aloud as I scanned the surrounding trees with my X-ray vision. "Come on, where are you coming from?" My snout soon picked up the tell-tale smell of mossy bark, the well-known smell of a Timberwolf's breath. My ears picked up the clatter of wood prowling through leaves. They were preparing to surround me. I wasn't going to stick around. Quick as a flash, I took off.
my hooves quickly picking up speed. In the distance, I heard the howl of the pack leader.

"Sounds like they know I'm running! Well, let them try to catch me!" I said with a sudden burst of confidence. I was fast enough to leave Pa in the dust without breaking a sweat. A pack of timberwolves would surely be no match for me. "Come on slowpokes! Is that all you got!" I hollered back with a smile as I rushed through the forest, My heightened senses guiding me all the way. Looking behind me I could see the pack far behind me struggling to keep up. These were supposed to be the most relentless predators in the Everfree Forest. Able to chase down a grown stallion with ease. But here I was making them look pathetic. Finally, after several minutes I heard the pack leader howl and the rest of them dispersed back into the forest. "Looks like I'm just too fast for ya!" I said confidently as I slowed to a stop. "Well, that was kinda fun. But I still need to figure out where I am."

My super-hearing picked up the sound of running water in the distance. "Sounds like a stream," I said as I looked in the direction the sound was coming from. My X-ray vision pierced through the foliage of trees to reveal a small stream running through the forest. I'll just stop for a quick drink and then I'll be on my way. I thought to myself as I made my way over to the stream.
I quickly lapped up several mouthfuls of water, Each gulp was more cool and refreshing than the last one. With my thirst quenched I decided to stop and think things over. I didn't know where in the forest I was or where I was going to go from there. I was pretty sure I wanted to run away after what Jav-El and Loran told me. But now I wasn't so certain. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard an all too familiar cry in the distance.


Instinctively I looked behind me, I knew that deep voice anywhere. "Pa?" I said as I listened for the voice again.

It was Pa! He was out looking for me! With my sensitive ears, I had no trouble picking up where his voice was coming from. My X-ray vision quickly did the rest. Pa was alone carrying a lantern in his hoof and a lasso at his side. Cupping his muzzle with his lantern hoof he called out my name. "APPLE COMET CAN Y'ALL HEAR ME?!"

An uneasy feeling of guilt crept into my stomach. Pa was out here in the Everfree Forest one of the most dangerous places in Equestria looking for me. It didn't matter to him where I'd come from or who I was. He still cared about me. My relief was cut short when I saw several pairs of yellow eyes piercing through the darkness. Something else had found Pa!
"Oh No! The Timberwolves!" I shouted as I burst into a full gallop, within seconds I was at top speed. Through the trees, I could see the Timberwolf preparing to strike. I had to hurry. Faster and faster I raced through the forest, The trees and shrubs becoming blurs as I raced through. Suddenly with a bone-chilling howl, the Pack Alpha leaped at Pa. In an instant, it knocked him to the ground and dug its claws into his barrel!


I felt an overwhelming rage rush through me as I reached the sight of the ambush. The Pack Alpha had Pa turned on his back while the rest of the pack circled waiting for the inevitable kill. I felt the same burning sensation in my eyes I'd felt earlier today. Before the Alpha could finish the job It suddenly burst into flames. In a blind panic, Pa was able to throw it off while the rest of the pack turned to me. With a shout, I dove straight into the closest wolf. Its wooden body shattered down the middle as I crashed through it. Before the rest of the pack could react my burning vision washed over them reducing them to nothing but ashes. The surrounding forest erupted into a fiery inferno as my vision cut a swath through the brush. In an instant, we were surrounded by flames. Acting on unknown instinct I inhaled deeply and unleashed a mighty blow. It was as if I'd swallowed and blown out a hurricane. Gale-force winds passed through my lips, and trees tumbled and fell as they were uprooted. In no time at all most of the fire was extinguished and the charred remains were covered in a thin coating of ice. Feeling safe for the moment I rushed over to check on Pa.

"Pa! Pa!" I cried as I rushed to his side. His face winced in pain as he looked up at me.

"Apple...Comet Ugh." He hissed painfully. "Have Y'all any idea how worried ya made us?” He said with a forced smile.
I looked down to see his back coated in blood. Looking at him through my X-ray vision I could see those claw marks ran pretty deep and that his left hind leg had been badly sprained in the fall. Tears fell from my eyes as I saw the extent of the damage.

"I'm sorry Pa!" I sobbed as I looked down at him. “I'm sorry I ran away from home like that! I promise I'll never do it again!"

"It's...okay...son." He winced as he slowly stood up shifting his weight off his sprained foot.

"Are you going to be alright?” I asked concerned.

Pa looked at me with a soft smile and said. "A'h'll live. That was mighty impressive the way you handled those Timberwolves. A'h guess I know better than to ask y'all how ya did that.” I scratched the back of my head bashfully.

"To tell you the truth Pa I don't know how I did that either," I said. "When I saw that Timberwolf jump out at you, It just came out." Pa chuckled and smiled at me.

'Well, we can talk more about when we get home along with yer punishment for running away."

"AROOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ARRR ARRR ARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" A familiar howl suddenly pierced my ears. Pa and I turned around to see the front half of the splintered Timberwolf howling into the air.

"Pa?" His eyes looked at me with deep fear.

"Long two short long! It's calling the rest of the pack! We've got to get out of here! C'mon!" He hollered as he picked up the lantern in his teeth before breaking into a full gallop. I followed quickly behind doing my best not to outrun him. In the distance, I could hear the rest of the pack responding to the call. Thirty-Three, thirty-three distinct howls. Thirty-three very angry Timberwolves were getting closer every second.
I could outrun them again no problem but I couldn't leave Pa alone. Even with his great strength, I could see his bad leg was seriously slowing him down.

"Don't stop!" He cried through clenched teeth. "The river is not too far now!" I looked forward with my telescopic vision. I could see the trees of the orchard lying just beyond the river. We were almost there just a little further.

"AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" My blood ran cold at the sound of the howl. Pa and I looked behind to see the Timberwolf pack not even thirty feet from us.

"Apple Comet listen to me." He said solemnly as he took the lantern in his hoof. “A'h need ya to use yer speed. Run back to the homestead!"
"I'm not leaving you Pa!" I cried in protest! “I can handle these things." Pa looked down sternly at me.

"Ah'll only slow ya down! FORGET ABOUT ME RUN!!!!" He shouted as he stopped and turned to face the pack. With a flick of his hoof tossed the lantern toward the lead. It shattered against the beast's head in a shower of glass and an eruption of flame. In an instant, the Timberwolf was engulfed in flames. Howls of agony came from its maw before the fire burned off its lower jaw. The rest of the pack slowly backed away from the burning body of their comrade. For a moment I thought they were going to run away. Instead, they just looked at Pa with vengeful expressions carved across their faces. I stood transfixed at the sight before me, My hooves feeling anchored to the forest floor. The entire pack stood before us, their crooked jaws growling and snarling at us.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye one of the pack charged at me! Everything seemed to slow down in that instance. As the Timberwolf leaped toward me I felt the familiar burning sensation in my eyes. I smiled as the heat from my eyes burned my attacker to a pile of ashes. My victory was short-lived as the rest of the pack descended on us. A horde of sharp claws, gnarled teeth, and sickly yellow eyes with only one purpose. To rip Pa and I limb from limb and feast on the remains.

I let loose blast after blast of my heat vision incinerating them one after another. but there were just too many of them to stop. As I turned to my left prepared to fry another I was suddenly knocked to the ground. I looked up in time to see a Timberwolf clamp its jaws around my throat. It snarled as it tried to sink its teeth into my jugular but I was no ordinary prey that was going to lie down and die. I kicked my hind legs into its neck with such force that its head went sailing off into the distance. I threw its headless corpse off of me like a hoofball straight into the two timberwolves standing behind it.

I looked over just in time to see Pa surrounded by Timberwolves. I watched as one leaped at him from the front only to take a right hoof to the lower jaw. The beast's mouth splintered as it crumpled onto its back. Pa leaped on top of it stomping his massive hooves into the monster's chest with such force that his horseshoes left impressions. I could tell he was putting up a good fight but he wouldn't last much longer against the horde.

"I told you I'm not leaving you behind Pa!" I shouted back to him as another Timberwolf tried to jump him from behind. A quick blast of my heat vision and Pa's attacker was engulfed in flames. The remaining members of the pack quickly took him to the ground but before they could deliver a killing blow I took a deep breath into my lungs and let loose another gust of wind from my lips. One by one the Timberwolves blew apart like piles of sticks caught in a tornado scattering into the woods.

"You guys really need to chill out!" I said with a satisfied smirk as the last one blew away. "Are you alright Pa?" I asked as I rushed over to check on him. I had taken extra care to target each of the Timberwolves individually or in pairs rather than the entire pack at once to hopefully not hurt Pa.

"Ah'll live." He groaned as he got back to his feet. "You're pretty handy with that breath of yours ain't ya?"

"Yeah, Did you see when that one Timberwolf tried to jump you from behind and I just blasted him like Pew Pew and he just turned to dust? Oh man, that was awesome!"
I was bouncing around on my hooves with excitement. Who wouldn't be? I'd just taken on a pack of Timberwolves singlehoofedly and won! Okay well, I did have some help from Pa but still, it was still pretty awesome! Just wait till the kids at school get a look at me tomorrow! I'd surely be the talk of the town! The Colt that came from Outer Space! Who was faster than a speeding arrow? More powerful than Timberwolf! Able to leap entire forests in a single bound! Why I bet even Princess Celestia would come to see me!

"Alright alright," Pa said his raised hoof signaling it was time to settle down. "Hold yer horses we've still got to get out of here first and when we get back home we're gonna have a long talk about these powers."

"Yeah Yeah I get the message, Don't worry about it Pa! With my awesome X-Ray vision, I'll find our way home in no time and if anything else tries to tangle with us I'll make him regret messing with me."


"What was that?" A sudden tremor shook the ground. Pa's eyes widened with horror.

"We need to get outta here now!" He shouted at me.


I laughed at his worried sentiment. "Ha let me handle this Pa, I'll make him sorry he crossed into this neck of the woods." I wasn't scared anymore, I didn't need to be scared of anything with my powers. Whatever this thing was it was going down.

"THOOM THOOM THOOM THOOM!! The thundering footsteps were getting closer and closer. The trees shook and swayed as the beast drew closer.

"This ain't up for discussion son now come on!" He said reaching with his teeth for my tail. I kicked up a burst of speed before he could nab me dashing headlong through the trees in search of this new challenge. It was not a very long search.

"ARRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" A familiar howl echoed through the woods, More Timberwolves? Bring it on I didn't care if it was a hundred! a thousand! ten thousand! ten thousand and one! No pile of bark was a match for me!"

Okay, so the Timberwolf was a bit bigger than what I was expecting, Okay it was a WHOLE LOT BIGGER!!! As in the size of our barn bigger! But it didn't matter I still had my powers and it was going down. Right after I got over my shock.

"You want a piece of me Bark Breath!" I shouted up at it, The monster looked down at me with burning hatred in its eyes. "Now since I'm so nice I'm gonna count to three and give you one chance to walk away! One!...Two!









Okay, I'll be the first to admit going up to Timberwolf King's face and boasting about how bad you were going to kick its butt might not have been the best strategy. But I was still determined to show it that'd just signed its death warrant.

"Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy!" I cried as I leaped toward it my hind hoof extended like I'd seen in those martial arts movies. My flying kick caught the Timberwolf King on top of the head, snapping one of its antlers in half. The beast howled in pain grabbing where its missing antler had snapped off while I landed less gracefully in a tumble not too far off. One-nil to The Colt of Steel!

"Aw, what's the matter?" I teased. "Is this little colt too tough for the big bad puppy?" Its eyes turned red with rage as it glared down at me. With a bellowing roar, I charged.

With the speed of a bolt of lightning, I was off, my hooves thundering against the ground with the Timberwolf King in pursuit. Trees crumbled as we raced through the forest. As I expected I was too fast for it to keep up with me. Effortlessly darting left and right with each swipe of the claws.

"Come on slowpoke!" I shouted as the beast attempted to squash me under a claw only for me to dive clear just in time. "Is that all you got?" My excitement was at an all-time high. Unfortunately, it was all about to come crashing down.

"APPLE COMET!!! APPLE COMET!!!" Came a cry of worry from behind me. I turned around to see Pa galloping as fast as he could towards me. His heartbeat was racing rapidly, his eyes white with fear.

"PA!" That proved to be the opening the Timberwolf needed. Before I could dodge out of the way the behemoth snatched me up in its jaws and shook me like a chew toy.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I heard Pa cry out as the monster shook his head back and forth and attempted to rip me apart. Its teeth were sharp stakes trying to impale me, fortunately, my skin proved impenetrable. Steadying myself on my hind legs I pressed my forelegs against the King's upper jaw and pushed with all my might. Slowly but surely I was able to push its jaws apart enough to see Pa pick up a large rock to hurl at the King's face. The stone struck the Timberwolf King below its right eye with a resounding KRACK!!! The beast howled with pain and thrashed its head from side to side sending me tumbling off my hooves and out of its mouth. Instinctively I grabbed one of the King's canines to hang onto.


It snapped in my hooves like a toothpick sending me plummeting thirty feet to the ground.


Ugh!!!” I hit the ground with a thud but felt no worse for wear. I looked up in time to see the Timberwolf King's claw swipe at me with enough force to send me flying through the trees for at least 800 feet. I dusted myself off and prepared to finish the fight once and for all. My blood ran cold at the sight I saw through my X-ray vision next. The Timberwolf King advanced toward Pa. Its mouth was salivating with what looked like tree sap. Pa was slowly being backed into a corner and then it happened. His sprained leg became caught in a gnarled vine sending him tumbling to the ground with a sickening crack. He looked up in time to see the Timberwolf King bring its heavy claws across his stomach!

Pa's screams were cut short by agonizing pain as the claw tore through his barrel. I felt the burning rage inside me erupt once again, This time with more power than ever before.


With a loud war cry, I raced headlong toward the King with such speed that I felt my hooves slowly begin to leave the ground. My entire body felt lighter than the air around it until my hooves were no longer touching the ground. Time seemed to slow down. The wind rushed against my mane as I flew headlong toward the beast. With a resounding KRACK!!! My hoof connected with the monster's front leg with such force that it exploded in a shower of bark. The Timberwolf toppled onto its back clutching its stump and howling in pain. Landing roughly in a patch of soft grass I turned and leaped into the air once more.

“YOU LEAVE MY PA ALONE YOU MONSTER!!!!” I shouted as I drove my hind legs into the King's chest. Whelps of agony echoed through the forest as I felt it's its chest cavity collapse under me. It wasn't enough. The monster had to suffer it deserved to suffer! And I was going to make sure it did. Again and again, my hooves pounded against its chest eliciting whelps of pain. With each blow came satisfaction. Finally, I leaped into the air ready to strike the killing blow.

"After I finish you I'll make sure none of you monsters hurt never anypony else again." I hissed in a low voice. As I dove toward my target at full force my front hooves ready to strike the killing blow my eyes burning red with rage when I suddenly heard a voice cry out from below.
"Apple Comet....Please......stop!"

"Pa!" I felt the fire in my eyes fading away. My momentum and speed evaporated instantly as I felt myself gently floating to the ground. Below me, I could see the Timberwolf King's broken form. Whelps of pain winced from its mouth where it lay. I saw deep impacts and gaping holes where my hooves had made their impact and in its eyes ran thin sap-like tears. I looked down at my hooves now covered in dirt and sawdust. My heart sank as the reality of what I'd done sank in. Tears filled my eyes as I looked down at the fallen King. This wasn't me defending Pa or myself, this was me inflicting harm on a creature for revenge. To make it feel the pain I felt.

"I'm sorry...” I whispered as my hooves touched the ground. My throat choked with sobs as the beast looked at me with fearful eyes. "F-Forgive me," Slowly trotting up to him I saw up close the damage I'd done. jagged edges jutted out of the stump of its leg. Was this what I'd become? Somepony who hurts others to feel satisfied? Someone who uses their powers to beat down others? I fell to my haunches and shut my eyes in a pathetic attempt to stop the tears from flowing.
"S-Son." Pa's voice snapped me out of my trance, and I immediately rushed over to his side. His coat was soaked in blood. Even without my X-ray vision, I could see the claws had cut right to the bone. His breathing was heavy and labored.

"I-I'm here Pa. Don't worry I'm gonna run and get some help. We'll get you to a hospital.” Pa's expression said it all. He knew what was going to happen.

"No Son....*cough* It...won't do...me...any good." He rasped.

"Don't say that Pa! Don't say I'm not gonna save you!" I argued. I refused to believe it but it soon began to sink that It was already too late.

"Apple Comet....listen to me. *cough* *cough* These last *cough* five years...Ah've ...watched you grow from... that tiny foal...in that rocket *cough* into a fine young colt. A-A'h w-want you... *cough* to promise me something."

"W-What is it? W-Whatever it is I-I'll keep it Pa you have my word.”

"My Son *wheeze* Y'all have been given...a powerful gift... *cough* A'h don't know where you came from. *cough* Just know that Y'all have made me so proud to be yer Pa. *cough* *cough* A'h want ya to promise me...that Y'all never do *cough* what ya did tonight. *cough.* Promise *wheeze* me that Y'all never use your powers to hurt others. *cough* *cough*”

"I-I-I promise Pa!" He smiled warmly at me as I buried his face in my neck. "Oh Celestia Pa, I-I'm so sorry! I should have never run away!" Pa's blood stained my coat from my neck to my legs.

"Don't go on blaming yourself *wheeze* for what happened to me. *cough* It ain't your fault."

"B-But Pa!" I protested. “I-If I h-hadn't run off l-like I did n-none of this w-would've happened and y-you w-wouldn't be h-here.....” I felt whatever composure I had left leave my body as I collapsed on top of him like a newborn foal. Slowly I felt Pa's hoof run across my back.

"Shhh, It's okay Apple Comet. *cough*” He said softly. Slowly I looked up at him. There were no tears in his eyes, Instead, I saw something else, Acceptance. "Everything happens for a reason. *cough* *cough.* Even death. *wheeze* I-I can f-finally see y-your Ma again. *cough cough* I-I can only imagine the tongue lashing she's gonna give me for *wheeze* making her wait so long." He chuckled heartily to himself before reaching up to take off his hat. "Here give this to them." He said before handing it to me. "Tell 'em A'h love them and Ah'll be watching over them." His eyelids began to sink, his heartbeat was quickly reaching a climax. "A-A-A'H...l-l-love..ya..s-s-son."
His breathing fell silent, his heart ceased to beat. With those last words, Bright Mac left this world forever.

"Pa....Pa..... PAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

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