• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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New Arrivals And Tearful Goodbyes.

Applejack stirred as the sound of the rooster's crow entered her bedroom window. With a yawn, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she looked to see the figure of her big brother standing at the foot of her bed.

*Yawn* "Morning Big Mac, What are y'all doing in mah room?" She asked puzzled.

"Pa told me to come and get ya.” He answered. "Said we're having a family meeting in the Nursery."

"Family meeting? What about?"

"Pa said Something about it having to do with the shooting star that crashed into the orchard last night."

In an instant, Applejack wiped the remaining sleep out of her eyes and threw off her sheets following her older brother to the nursery next to her parent's room.

"Ma what's going on?" Applejack asked as entered the nursery. To her surprise, her parents were standing over the crib in the center of the room while her Grandmother sat in a rocking chair in the corner.

"Good to see you're finally up.” Pear Butter replied. "Now the reason your Pa and A'h called this family meeting is on the count of something landed in the orchard last night."

Applejack's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the fallen star. "Where is it Ma can we see it?"
Bright Mac looked at his daughter and smiled before he picked her up by the scruff of her neck and held her over the crib "You're looking at it Sugarcube." He said.

Lying in the crib was a small white colt with a snow-white coat and a tuft of a steel gray mane on his forehead. The little filly could hardly believe her ears. "What are y'all talking about? A'h thought you said it was a shooting star?" Bright Mac smiled and set her down on the floor.

"Bright Mac, please take a seat we've got much to discuss." Pear Butter said as she ushered her daughter over to the couch. She took a deep breath as Applejack sat next to her brother.

"Y'all know how some foals are found in baskets hun? Well after yer pa and A'h sent you both to bed we went out to the orchard to see what the damage was. When we got there we found, well... It's hard to describe." Pear Butter ran a hoof through her mane as she tried to think of the right word to say. "Ah guess there's no other way to say it, it looked like some kind of rocket ship or something."

Applejack's eyes widened with excitement at the mention of a rocket ship. She was a pretty good teller if somepony was lying for her age. And it wasn't like her parents to go around telling tall tales. A glance around the living room showed that the rest of the family echoed her astonishment. Big Mac was left even more speechless than usual, Not even able to let out a gasp while Granny's lower jaw fell so low that Applejack thought her dentures might fall out.
The room went silent, with nopony able to draw a breath. Finally, Bright Mac cleared his throat. "At any rate when we found it there was a hatch open and there he was lying inside it. And you both know how protective yer Ma can be."

Finally, Applejack found the will to speak again. "Where's the rocket now Pa?"

"It's out in the barn right now and that's where it's gonna stay.” He answered. "A'h think it's best for now that we keep this a family secret until we decide what to do with it. In the meantime, Ah think we should get back on subject." Applejack's gaze drew back to the colt quietly napping in the crib. "Your Mother and A'h talked it over last night and we decided that in light of these strange circumstances, we're going to adopt him.”

" Mac, are you Y'all sure about this?" Granny said climbing out of her rocker. "Pear is already eight months along. You think yer capable of taking on two youngins at the same time?"

Bright Mac scratched his head with his hoof. "It wasn't mah idea Ma honest A'h tried talking her out of it, but you know how stubborn she gets Ow!" Bright Mac winced as Pear Butter flicked his wrist with her hoof

"Ah'm grateful that your thinking of me in my time of great need." She said with a smile. "Really Ah am, But mah mind's made up and there ain't nothing either of you can say or do to convince me otherwise."

Granny Smith cracked a smile. "Sounds like she's got you whipped pretty good."

Bright Mac could only look up at her and scratch his neck. "Yeah looks like it." He said.
Pear Butter held back a chuckle at her husband's humility. "It'll be alright dear, We'll get through it somehow, We always do."

"So what are we gonna call him?" The Apples looked over to their daughter, peering over the bars of the crib. In all the excitement they'd never given it much thought. Bright Mac looked down at his daughter who was gazing up at him.

"A'h guess we haven't figured that out yet Sugarcube.” Bright Mac grunted as he took off his hat. "There wasn't any letter or name tag when we found him." He turned his hat upside down and a small golden diamond-shaped pendant fell into his hoof. "All he was wearing was this when we found him."
Applejack gazed at the pendant with eyes wide in wonder as she watched the light dance off the shooting star in the center.


"Excuse me, dear?" Pear Butter asked looking down at her.

"Ah was just thinking that might be his name on the count ah there's one on this pendant," Applejack said as she held up to her Mother's face.
"Hmm... well A'h must admit it does suit him in a way." Pear Butter said as she looked inside the crib. The foal slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"Comet? whoever heard of an Apple named Comet?" Granny Smith suddenly spoke out. Applejack's ears perked up as a bright idea passed through her head.

"Well, what about Apple Comet Granny?" She suggested. "It's got Apple in it and it sort of suits him since he's from space or something."
Granny Smith looked down sternly at her granddaughter.

"Applejack," she said. "Ah don't think that's a good name for him." Applejack's ears drooped down as she looked down at the floor. Suddenly a wide smile crossed Granny Smith's face. "A'h think it's GREAT Name for him!" She exclaimed. Applejack smiled and grabbed her Grandmother's foreleg, While Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and Big Mac, looked on proudly.

"Apple Comet huh? A'h like it." Bright Mac said. "It's a little unusual but A'h gotta admit A'h like how it rolls off the tongue."

"A'h think it's just perfect for him darling." Pear Butter said. Applejack turned to her older brother who was leaning over the arm of the couch to get a better look over the rest of the family.

"What do you think Big Mac?" She asked him.

"E'yup." He answered simply.

"Well, then it's all settled.” Pear Butter Exclaimed. "Welcome to the Family AppleComet." A yawn escaped from the young foal's muzzle as he stretched his legs out to stand up.

"Hi, there little fella!" Pear Butter cooed. AppleComet looked up at her puzzled. "Ah'm yer Mother and this is your Pa and your big siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack."

"Hi, there pardner nice to meet ya," Applejack said as she reached down to rub his cheek with her hoof.

“And this here is gonna be your baby sister real soon.” Pear Butter said pointing to her large round barrel. “She's sleeping right now but Ah promise you'll be seeing her in a few more months. A'h bet yer as hungry as a billy goat after all you've been thru." She gently leaned down into the crib and picked AppleComet up by the scruff of his neck. "Let's get Y'all changed up and fed and after breakfast, I'll give ya a good burping."

"Can we see the rocket now Pa?" Applejack asked turning back to her father.

"We'll talk about it after breakfast Sugarcube. If y'all both get yer chores done this morning then maybe Ah'll letcha take a peek at it."

"Race ya to breakfast!" Applejack called out as she dashed for the kitchen Her brother fast in hot pursuit.
Pear Butter beamed down at her now three children with pride. "Seems like just yesterday A'h was nursing them for the first time." She said wiping a tear from her eyes. “Pretty soon we're gonna have four of 'em. They're growing up so fast."

Bright Mac looked down at his wife who barely came up to his shoulder as she set the newest addition to their family on the floor to change him. She was positively radiant with the beauty of budding motherhood. "E'yup They sure are darling, They sure are."
Despite his earlier reservations about adopting the abandoned foal while they were already expecting another child. Bright Mac could not help but beam with pride at his wife as she finished changing and dressing their newest addition.

"There, all done." Pear Butter smiled as she set the dirty diaper next to her husband. "Y'all mind getting rid of that for me? A'h thinks someone's a little hungry.” She lay down on the floor and nudged AppleComet next to her teats. Bright Mac watched as the tiny colt sniffed at the sweet scent of her milk and slowly began to drink.

"Sure thing dear." He said before picking up the dirty diaper and tossing it into the bin. He wasn't ashamed to admit it, He'd been wrong. The boy was going to make a fine addition to the Apple Family and a great sibling for the rest of the youngins.

Four Months Later

“ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!!” Pear Butter let out a shriek as she felt another contraction.

"Move aside this is an emergency!" Nurses and Orderlies stood aside as the doctors rushed Pear Butter into the operating room. Her worst nightmare was coming true. Fifteen minutes had passed since her contractions began and her cervix had only dilated by 7cm.

Downstairs In the waiting area, the rest of the Apple family sat and waited for the inevitable news. Big Macintosh and Applejack huddled close to their father as they wondered if their mother was going to be okay.

"It's going to be okay isn't it Pa?" Applejack asked her father. Her eyes were moist with tears as she looked up at him.

The towering stallion could only sigh and look down the hall where his wife had just been taken. "Ah don't know Sugarcube.” He answered. "A'h just don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know Pa? Is the doctor supposed to make ponies better ain't he? He's gonna make Ma all better and the baby too! Please, Pa Tell me Ma's gonna be okay."

"Sugarcube Y'all just need to calm down now, It ain't gonna ya any good to get worked up." Applejack sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I need you to listen to me alright, Are ya listening?" The Orange Filly took a deep breath and nodded. "Good Girl, Now listen I want you to promise me that no what happens with yer Ma and yer sister you all be strong for us okay Sugarcube?"

Applejack sniffled and swallowed as she looked up at her father. With a swipe of her hoof, the sadness was wiped away from her eyes, replaced by a stoic look of determination. "Ah promise Pa!"

Bright Mac looked down at his daughter's face, The worried, scared filly was gone, and in her place was a strong confident mare. “She gets that from her mother no doubt." He thought as he looked back down the hall to the operating room. "A'h just wish A'h could share even one ounce of her innocence right now.”

The doctors had warned Pear Butter after she found out she was pregnant that her last two births had left her at a higher risk for complications. Big Mac especially as well as Applejack had both been born larger than normal foals and the doctor had advised her against giving birth to this one. She'd refused to abort but had agreed to a caesarian in the event something went wrong. Bright Mac could only blame himself. "They get it from my side of the family after all." He thought remembering how his Mother had to have him delivered by a caesarian. She'd swallowed her pride after that and decided one foal was enough after him.

He looked over at his mother who was holding Apple Comet in her arms while Big Mac laid his head in her lap. The tiny foal was content to squirm and wriggle in Granny Smith's arms, While the young colt just lay there, his eyes filled with dread and uncertainty. It was as if he knew what was wrong with his mother and what was likely going to happen to her, It was a feeling his father shared.

Beep beep beep beep beep.

Pear Butter's heartbeat echoed from the EKG monitor, the rhythm increasing steadily slower as the analgesic spell began to take effect. Her coat was coated in sweat from hours of attempting to deliver but with no success.

"You're doing great Pear Butter, I just need you to stay calm and let us do the rest." A nurse said to her. Pear Butter's vision began to blur from the painkiller spell as the surgeons gathered around her.

"Is everything ready?" The Head Surgeon, a Unicorn with a scalpel for a cutie mark asked.

"Yes, Doctor Scalpel." His Assistant answered. "She's been sedated but we don't have much time.”

Pear Butter watched as Dr. Scalpel made the first incision into her stomach. The analgesic spell meant she couldn't feel anything, She could only look on as the doctor cut her stomach open like a side of beef.

"I see the head!" One of the surgeons cried out as Dr. Scalpel reached inside of her and slowly pulled out a tiny figure of a little filly. A soft wailing filled the room as the newborn filly took her first breaths.

"Congratulations Mrs. Apple it's a filly, a beautiful healthy Filly."

A wave of relief washed over Pear Butter as Doctor Scalpel cut the umbilical cord and handed off the newborn to her.
"She's safe...Oh, thank Celestia she's safe." The Newborn Filly nuzzled up against her Mother's neck as Pear Butter took her into her arms. With her pale yellow coat and red mane, she was the spitting image of her Father. "Hello, there my little Apple." Pear Butter smiled as her daughter opened her eyes for the first time.

"Have you decided on a name for her yet?" One of the doctors asked her.
Pear Butter looked into her daughter's eyes. A fusion of red and orange that reminded her of the autumn harvest in full bloom.

"Apple Bloom." She stated. "Her name shall be Apple Bloom.” Suddenly Pear Butter heard the EKG beating faster. She looked down and let out a horrified scream as she saw the sheets of her gurney turning a deep red.

"Oh no she's hemorrhaging! Get me an IV of blood stat and a hemostat potion stat!" Doctor Scalpel cried out. Pear Butter felt a shiver of cold rush down her spine. Her worst fear was coming true. The sudden drama was too much for her newborn who began wailing loudly as the surgeons fought valiantly to save Pear Butter's life.

"Nurse get the foal to postnatal care for clean up immediately!"

"Right away Doctor!" The nurse gently took Apple Bloom from her mother's arms and wrapped her in a blanket.

"Her heart rate is dropping where's that hemostat potion?" Pear Butter's vision began to blur as she felt the life draining out of her. It was getting so cold!

"Here it is Doctor Scalpel." One of the surgeons handed the potion to him. He wasted no time removing the sealant cap. "I need you to drink this okay?" He held her mouth open with his hoof and poured the potion quickly down. She swallowed the first few gulps of it with no problem, however, she began to gag as the last third of it ran down her throat.

"She's gagging tilt her head back." Doctor Scalpel called out to one of his assistants. The assistant surgeon did as instructed holding Pear Butter's head back as the Doctor poured the last of the hemostat down her throat. "Stay with us, Mrs. Mac! I need you to stay with us."

Pear Butter's breathing began to slow as another shiver ran through her body. "B-B-Bright M-Mac P-P-promise you'll t-tell him. T-Tell him I-I-I'm S-S-S-Sorry.” The words choked out of her mouth in heavy labored gasps of air as she gripped the doctor's hoof tightly.

"She's going into shock!" Doctor Scalpel cried. “Find Dr. Nimbus tell him to get a thundercloud in here post-haste!”
"I-I'm s-sorry...every-pony, I-I-I fou-fought...my hardest for you all! But I guess...it just wasn't...enough. Bright...Mac...Granny...Smith......Big Macin...tosh.....Apple...jack.....App..le...Bloom. I-I-I...l-lo-love...y'all...sss...so....much. Take....care of....each...other."

Applejack held onto her father's foreleg tightly, It was nightfall long past time for ponies her age to be in bed. But Applejack could not sleep, Not when her Mother and Baby Sister were both sick. She wanted to believe that they would be okay, that the doctors would make her better and they could all go home as one big happy family. However, when Doctor Scalpel finally did walk out into the waiting hall he wore a grim expression on his face.

"Mr. Mac I'm afraid we have some bad news." He said. Applejack felt her heart drop like a stone into the pit of her stomach. "There were complications during the caesarian. Your daughter is going to be alright...but I'm afraid we couldn't save your wife."

And just like that Applejack fell apart, Every dam, every wall, every fiber of her being shattered like porcelain as she collapsed into a heap against her father's barrel. Bright Mac looked down at his daughter who was sobbing so hard that part of him thought she might have a panic attack. He looked over at his mother, Granny Smith had set AppleComet down in his bassinet and was holding Big Macintosh's head on her shoulder as the large colt cried his eyes out. Tears flowed down her wrinkled cheeks as she patted Big Macintosh on the back with her hoof.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, We did everything we could under the circumstances. Your Daughter is waiting in the maternity ward if you want to go see her."

Bright Mac looked up at the doctor with a heavy hurt in his eyes. Despite that, he still held onto his composure. "Thank you, Doctor." He replied simply before turning down to his children. "AJ, Mac!" His children looked up at him with red eyes. "Do ya two want to go see yer new sister?" Neither one of them said a word.

"Look A'h know yer hurtin' right now, I'm hurtin' and Y'all can be sure yer Granny's hurtin' too. But Yer Ma wouldn't want ya to break down on her like this. She'd want ya to be strong, For her, for me, For yer Granny, For Apple Comet, for yer baby sister, But most importantly for each other. Now the Apples are a family and what does a family do?"

Applejack sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Family sticks...Together no matt' ah...what...happens." The words choked out of her mouth. "E...yup." Big Mac said as he climbed slowly down from his Grandmother's lap. Bright Mac smiled softly as the Apple Clan proceeded to pull itself together. "That's the spirit, now come on let' not keep yer new sister waiting.”

"Which one is she, Pa?" Applejack asked as she and Big Mac peered through the window into the nursery. Foals of all different races and colors lay in their bassinets, Some slept peacefully while fussed and cried.

"She's over there Sugar Cube." Bright Mac said as pointed over to a light yellow filly with a red mane. "That's yer new baby sister, Apple Bloom."

Applejack looked in awe at the little foal as she tossed and yawned in her crib. Apple Bloom, Her baby sister's name was Apple Bloom. Applejack felt a feeling of warmth rush through her, stifling the pain in her heart. She still fought to hold back her tears, but this time she felt different besides grief. She felt joy. Joy for the new life Pear Butter had brought into this world. It didn't erase the sense of loss, but maybe just maybe it might make that burden a little easier to bear. "When can we take her home Pa?"

"Tomorrow morning." He simply said. There was still much to be done, In addition to filling out the necessary paperwork, there was the task of making Pear Butter's funeral preparations as well as notifying the rest of the family. Bright Mac felt his heart sink deep into his chest. He was a stallion of few words and even fewer emotions. But the thought of having to bury the love of his life along with the blame he placed on himself for her weighed heavy on his heart. He'd done a good job keeping a straight face for his family's sake but deep down he felt like bawling like a foal.

"Son, A'h know you're hurt' in right now, Ya might be able to hide it from the kids but ya can't hide it from me." Bright Mac looked down to see his mother standing by him bassinet in hoof.

"A'h just can’t believe she's gone." He said.

"Ah'm gonna miss her too. we all will. A mare like Pear Butter comes bout maybe once in a lifetime.”

"Ah guess Ah've just been keeping up a strong front for the kid's sake."

"You can't blame yourself for what happened. She knew the risk but she wanted to bring that foal into the world out of love for you and us. In the end, it was her decision." Bright Mac sighed and slowly removed his hat. Slowly he reached into his hat and pulled out a letter. To my loving husband and wonderful children. Bright Mac placed the hat back on his head as he looked at the words gracing the envelope.

"Ah'm not gonna lie these next few months are going to be hard for us all. But you need to be strong for all of our sakes. That's what Pear Butter would have wanted." Granny Smith placed her hoof across her son's back and rubbed it gently.

"She wrote it the night before we left for the hospital." He said softly "Told me if something happened to her to open it. Then she smiled and said to keep it under mah hat."

"Well, aren't ya gonna open it?" Bright Mac looked down at his mother's face and the white foal in her arms. He thought back to Pear Butter's threat to move back to Vanhoover if he sent Apple Comet to an orphanage. She was eight months pregnant and she insisted on taking in a stray in the middle of the night. It was just like Granny had said, She had him whipped good.

"Applejack! Big Macintosh!" The Apple siblings turned around to face their father. To their amazement, they saw tears fall down his snout. "There's something I want to share with you."

To my loving husband and wonderful children.

By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be with you. It saddens me greatly that I must leave you behind but know that you were the best family a mare could ask for.

To my loving husband Bright Mac. You have been the love of my life since we first met, The years we have spent together have been the best years of my life. You were a gentle husband and a loving father and I'll know you'll continue to be. Do not blame yourself for what's happened to me. It was my choice to have foals and I'll never regret it. Being your wife and mother to our children is something I would never trade for anything. Do not mourn me forever but lay me to rest and move on for our children's sake.

To my mother-in-law Granny Smith.
Thank you for a wonderful son who gave me the happiest years of my life. I know we didn't start on the right hoof but I wouldn't have anyone else for a mother-in-law. Take care of my husband and kids for me, will you? and finally thanks for all the cooking lessons. As you always said the way to a Stallion's heart is through his stomach.

To my Son Big Macintosh. You are the spitting image of your father. Strong, reliable, humble, and gentle. Keep up your mathematics studies and help your father run things around the farm. I know you'll make somepony special very happy one day. Oh and keep those stallions away from your sisters. When you're not keeping the mares away from you. Know that I'll always love you.

To my Daughter Applejack. My heart breaks and will I not get to watch you grow up. But I know you'll make a fine young mare someday. You are honest, dependable, understanding if not a bit stubborn work on that. I know you'll go on to great things, but never forget an Apple mare is always humble. Take good care of your siblings and know I'll always love you.

To my Newborn Daughter. By the time you read this letter, I will have been gone for many years. Though I could only hold you in my arms for a short time. Know that you've made me proud to be your mother. No matter where your path takes you in life, know that I will be with you in spirit. Listen to your Pa and siblings they know what's best.

Finally to my son Apple Comet. Though you were not a child of my womb. I loved you as my flesh and kin. By the time you come of age, you might notice many differences from other ponies like you, or maybe none at all. Regardless of who you are or wherever you came from know that I love you and this family loves you and you'll always have a home on this farm.

It is with great sadness that must leave you all behind. I shall miss you and no doubt will miss me. But just remember the good times we had together and the love we shared. And someday we shall meet again.
Love your Wife Daughter in Law and Mother Pear Butter.

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