• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,792 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Where There's Smoke...

By now you probably noticed a pattern in my openings to each chapter regarding the weather. Either it's a bright and sunny day or a cool late night. Well, when you live on a planet where the native species can not only control the weather but whose rulers raise and lower the sun and the moon it tends to get kind of predictable. Well for those of you wanting a change of pace, all I can say is be careful what you wish for.

It was about a week after the Ursa Major attack and as per usual life in Ponyville had returned to somewhat normalcy. Trixie had ended up being laughed out of town after the picture of her vomiting on Snips and Snails made the front page. Ponies had begun referring to her as 'The Great and Pukeful Trixie.' Snips and Snails ended up being grounded for a month for sneaking out after dark and ending up in a manure cart and getting puked on.

As for me, I didn't exactly get off the hook myself. While my family understood the reason for my actions and were appreciative of all the lives I had saved, I was still grounded for sneaking out late. As punishment, I was assigned to clean out the pigpens and latrines for a whole week. And so our story begins one week of shoveling pig droppings later.

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in Ponyville. So much so that Applejack thought it would be nice to have a family picnic in the orchard for lunch. Once everyone was washed up, the family headed out to our usual picnic spot.

"Golly it sure is a nice day." Apple Bloom commented on the weather. "It was a great idea to have a picnic instead of eating inside."

"Well, A'h figured it had been a while since we did something together as a family," Applejack said.

"I'm just grateful it's the last day of my grounding," I said relieved.

"Speaking of which, y'all did remember to wash ye'r hooves extra thoroughly right?" Applejack laughed out loud.

"Very funny," I scoffed." I'll have you know I checked them over with my microscopic vision. My hooves are so clean they're practically sterile."

"Well okay then, if ye'r microscope vision says so." Glad she thought it was funny.

"So what did y'all pack for us Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked excitedly.

"I'm glad you asked Sugarcube," Applejack lifted the flap of the picnic basket to reveal several mouth-watering goodies, all apple-based of course."

"Wow Sis, it all looks so delicious," Apple Bloom licked her lips as she took in a whiff. "Mmm smells delicious too."

The smell of baked apples drifted through my nostrils along with the scents of cinnamon, oats, brown sugar, and smoke.

"Did you burn something Applejack?" I asked.

She smelled the inside of the basket. "Don't smell like it," she said.

I took another sniff of the air. "Well, something's burning around here," I said.

"Ah don't smell anything burning, Do you, Big Mac?" Applejack asked. To which Mac replied, "E, nope."

"Wait." I was definitely on to something, the smell wasn't close by, instead, it was drifting from somewhere in the distance. Then I saw it. "Look up there!" I pointed to a cloud of black smoke drifting southwest toward the orchard.

"It looks like it's coming from the Everfree Forest," Applejack said.

"I'm gonna go check it out," I said.

"Now just hold on a minute," Applejack grabbed my shoulder before I could run off. "Did Y'all forget what happened the last time you went in there?"

"I'm not gonna go waking any bears, Sis." I protested. "I'm just gonna fly over and survey the area. Then I'll come right back."

"Let him go Applejack," Apple Bloom pleaded. "If there is a fire then Apple Comet could put it out all by himself." Applejack looked away as she pondered how best to approach.

"Fine," She said reluctantly. "But you fly right back here as soon as you find it understand?"

"Darn tooting," I said.

"Good meantime, Mac and A'h will get the plow and some shovels and get started on a firebreak."


"Sound like a plan Granny Smith? Uh...Granny Smith?" Somehow in the middle of all this excitement, Granny Smith had fallen asleep.

"Zzz...When you stick ye'r hoof in a puddle of goo...zzz...that a second ago was your best pie...zzz...you'll know what to do...zzz"

"I'll just be going now."


Seconds later, I reached the farmhouse, changed into my red and blue costume, and flew out of my bedroom window streaking headlong toward the smoke. The thick voluminous plume concealed my coma from anypony down below. Trixie may have made the front page last week, but the Ponyville Gazette had still found plenty of space for stories about the latest comet sighting and how it not only drove the Ursa Major away but also saved a crashing helicopter carrying Princess Celestia's personal student.

Ponies' opinions about the comet were slowly starting to change. Now when I went into town, some ponies were saying the comet was a force for good. Of course, it was still too early to say things were starting to turn around for me. There were still plenty of skeptics, and probably a few conspiracy theorists in tin foil hats who thought I was either an omen of doom or a UFO. The final touch of irony for me was that comet sightings had led to a surge of amateur astronomy. Ponies were talking about forming comet-watching clubs and getting together to discuss where they thought it would appear next. Rumble had actually asked me to join one he was joining. All I can say was they'd be mighty disappointed if I took them up on that offer.

The smoke trail led east continuing past the edge of the forest and over the rolling hills just east of town.

"Hmm, The smoke seems to be coming from that mountain peak. Last time I checked there weren't any active volcanoes near Ponyville. So what could be creating so much smoke?" As I zeroed in on the summit, I noticed the smoke trail was emanating from the mouth of a large cave. Still wary of my encounter with the Ursa Major, I decided to take a closer look using my X-ray vision.

"Well this certainly explains a lot," I said. Lying on the floor of the cave snoring like a dozen sawmills surrounded by piles of treasure was a fully-grown dragon. Deep red scales covered its body from nose to tail and fresh plumes of smoke rose from its nostrils with every fall of its chest. Well, now I knew where the smoke was coming from, not that it did me a lot of good. When it came to dragons, I knew about as much as the next pony. Even though I could probably send packing it with just my hooves, I wasn't about to bring another giant creature to Ponyville so soon. "Well, I told Applejack I would come home as soon as I found where the smoke was coming from, and here it is." With nothing more I could do, I flew back home.

By the time I reached Ponyville, things had gone from bad to worse. The smoke had completely shrouded over the town and showed no signs of stopping there. The streets were nearly deserted as my x-ray vision showed most ponies had gone indoors to seek shelter. Which was probably the right idea. Plus it meant less chance of somepony seeing me. I already had enough to deal with without getting blamed for this too.

As I passed near the Golden Oaks Library, my curiosity got the better of me. Twilight was a scholar, she might know more about dragons. I mean she lived with Spike, that had to count for something right? I banked left to take a closer look at my X-ray vision.

"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"Sleeping," Twilight answered. The Elements of Harmony were gathered in the library as Twilight explained the situation. "According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what is causing all that smoke."

"He should really see a doctor," Pinkie Pie cheerfully suggested. "That doesn't sound healthy at all."

"Well, at least he's not snoring fire." Rarity declared. What are we to do about it?" Special order an industrial-sized nasal strip? I thought to myself.

"I'll tell you what we need to do, give him the boot. Take that and that, Rainbow Dash said as she kicked over a wooden bust. Twilight caught in her magic as Rainbow flew towards it with a flying headbutt. Luckily for the bust, Twilight was quicker. She moved it out of the way sending Rainbow crashing into a bookshelf.

Setting the bust back down Twilight picked up where she had left off. "We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail her. If we do Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years." Fluttershy gasped. Well, this certainly raised the stakes.

"Hmph, talk about getting your beauty sleep," Rarity muttered to Pinkie Pie.

"Alright everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us, let's meet back in less than an hour." And that was my cue to get back home.


Third Pony POV

"Okay girls you heard her, the fate of Equestria is in our... Rainbow Dash paused mid-speech as she heard something outside. "Did you all hear something just now?" She flew over to the window to see the sky was still choked with smoke. But Rainbow Dash could make out just the slightest trail of red leading away from town.

"What was it dear?" asked Rarity.

"I don't know for sure," Rainbow Dash said as she turned around to face her friends. "But I think our old friend was watching us."

Applejack pulled the brim of her hat down hoping her friends wouldn't notice how nervous she was.

"Why that's silly," said Pinkie Pie. "If they were an old friend, why didn't they just come inside?"

"I think she's talking about the comet Pinkie," said Twilight. "Look we've got bigger problems than that right now. Let's gather up our supplies and meet back here..." She paused to glance up at the clock. "...in about forty-five minutes."

Comet's POV

I made it home with minutes to spare. I changed out of my suit and hid it back in my nightstand drawer. Soon Applejack came home and the first thing she asked Big Macintosh when she walked in the front door was "Where's Apple Comet?" To which Mac simply pointed upstairs. After a few seconds, my bedroom door opened and there stood Applejack looking rather annoyed. "Apple Comet, were you spying on me and my friends just now?"

"Uhh...well I wouldn't exactly call it spying," I said in my defense.

"And what exactly would you call it?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"Watching over you?" I said.

After telling Applejack what I had learned about the dragon, we agreed. Applejack would go with her friends to the mountain and try to persuade the dragon to take his nap elsewhere, and I would stay home and sit this one out. Something I was not okay with.

"I still think you should let me come along, it's going to be dangerous." I insisted as the rest of the family helped Applejack pack.

"And Ah'm telling you that ain't a good idea right now," Applejack retorted. "Y'all will attract too much attention."

"But can I watch your back while you're out there?"

"But who's going to watch yours?" She asked. "Every time you go out there, it ends up being front-page news. The other day Ah stopped by the library, Twilight was reading that fancy star magazine you like, and guess what was on the cover?"

"I was on the cover of Sky and Stars?" I gasped. "Awesome!" The thought of being featured in my favorite magazine made me jump into a floating backflip. "I can't wait for that issue to arrive!"

"You see this is what Ah'm talking about." Applejack angrily stamped her hoof. "Twilight's a smart cookie, it wouldn't take much for her to trace the comet back to Sweet Apple Acres. And it's not just her, Applejack added. "Rainbow Dash still talks about you like ye'r nothing but trouble. And then there's Pinkie Pie."

"What's wrong with her?" I asked."

"She wants to invite the comet to a thank you for saving us from a helicopter crash party." Applejack groaned.

"Did you tell her a comet is just a body of dust, ice, and gas?"

Applejack sighed. "Probably wouldn't matter to her anyway."

"I see your point," I said. "Alright AJ, I'll sit this one out."

"Glad to hear it." She smiled with relief, running her hoof through my mane. "Now if you'll excuse me, this pony's gotta run, Yee Haw!" She reared up on her hind legs and kicked out before galloping out the gate like a derby runner.

"Take care Applejack!" Apple Bloom hollered. "Be home soon."


As Applejack galloped out the gates, I felt a feeling of conflict inside me. On one hoof Applejack did have a point about it being counter-productive to be moonlighting as a celestial object while trying to keep the truth about you a secret. On the other, I knew my heart wouldn't let me ignore the obvious danger she and the others would be placed in. Even though it hurt me to do this to her, I was going to have to go back on my word.

Since my bedroom's position wouldn't afford me a good view of the mountain, I would need an alternate viewpoint and thankfully I knew just the place. The farmhouse's attic had a spiral staircase that led to a cupola on the roof. It should give me a proper vantage point without giving myself away. After picking up my telescope and clothing matrix, I headed for the attic.

Reaching the ladder, I floated up and gently grabbed hold of the cord. Once it was down, I simply flew up to the attic and set my telescope down. So far so good, now I just needed to pull the ladder up behind me. Suddenly my ears picked up the sound of hoofsteps in the living room. It was Apple Bloom and she was heading for the stairs. Hastily I flew over and grabbed hold of one of the ladder's rungs.


Only for it to snap in my hoof like a twig causing it to come sliding down with a crash!

"Oh, no!"

"Hey, what's going on up here?" Apple Bloom galloped up the stairs to see me holding the broken rung in my hoof. "Apple Comet?"

"Uh...this isn't what it looks like?" Apple Bloom looked at me like she wasn't buying it. "Okay look I was gonna spy on Applejack and her friends from the attic. I-I know I told her I would stay out of it this time but...

"Can A'h join you?" She asked.


"Can A'h join you?" She repeated. "A'h want to make sure Applejack is okay."


The farmhouse's attic was cluttered with every kind of antique you could imagine. Tables, lamps, chairs, hat and coat racks, cabinets, mirrors, side tables, trunks, a naked poniquin, cribs, baby things, rolled-up carpets, toys and games, and various other knick-knacks. It was like the Apple family history had been thrown up here.

"Wow, there's a lot of stuff here," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah and most of it's covered with dust," I said resisting the urge to sneeze. I'd already caused enough damage as it was. "Watch your step."

We made our way to the end of the room, walking past mountains of relics and squeezing through narrow gaps. Throughout our perilous journey, I could feel the dust particles filtering into my nasal passage. It took increasingly more and more of my willpower not to sneeze and unleash a gust in the enclosed space. Eventually, we reached the spiral staircase and made our way up to the top. My resistance fading, I opened the window, signaled for Apple Bloom to get down, and leaned out.


The smoke clouds above blew away allowing the sun to bathe the farmhouse in its light once again. If only for a few more minutes.

"Whoa, Nelly!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Y'all just sneezed a hole through the smoke!"

"That's it!"

"What's it?" Apple Bloom asked.

WHOOSH! I answered her question by grabbing my clothing matrix and leaping out the window. As my costume wrapped itself around me, I took a deep breath into my lungs. It had been a while since I had used this power. As I neared the cloud of smoke, I put my lips together and exhaled releasing a gust of wind that parted it in two.

"It's working you're doing it!" I could hear Apple Bloom cheering me from down below. Another deep breath and most of the smoke was gone although the smell still lingered in the air. What was left I could easily clear up with a few aerial maneuvers. With a burst of speed, I took off coiling around and sailing from cloud to cloud like a red ribbon. Whenever I reached a cloud I would wrap myself around pulling it apart with centripetal force. In no time at all the skies above Sweet Apple Acres were completely clear of smoke.

"Well, that takes care of the farm, for now at least," I said coming to a stop above the cupola with a smile of satisfaction.

"Yeah! Woo hoo! Alright, Apple Comet! Way to go!" Apple Bloom jumped for joy as I floated down to her.

"Thank you, thank you, you're too kind," I said with a smirk as I took a bow. "Now for my next trick, I think I see a town that needs a good smoke clearing."

Third Pony POV.

Button Mash groaned as he lay back on his bed. Life was so unfair, today was the day he had been waiting over a year for. The day that The Legend of Epona, Marejora's Mask came out. He'd even pre-ordered his copy with six weeks' worth of allowance. But then that stinky dragon had to show up and spoil everything. Now Game Palace was closed along with every other store in town and everyone had to stay indoors until he was gone.

"Stupid dragon, covering the whole town in smoke," The brown earth colt muttered bitterly to himself. "I could be playing Marejora's Mask right now!" He threw up his hooves in frustration, remembering what his Mom had told him.

"It'll be alright sweetie, we can always get your new game tomorrow."

'Did she have any idea how long I've been waiting for this game to come out?' Button Mash thought to himself. He turned his head to look out the window. Despite his clock saying it was only 3:45, the sky was as dark as the dungeons of Horule.
With a sigh, the young earth pony sat up and walked toward his window. His eyes looked down at a painted toy sword lying on the floor. A gift his dad had gotten him at the last convention. With a smirk of confidence on his face, Button picked up the sword and pointed it at the sky.

"Begone!" He shouted dramatically, "In the name of Princess Marelda of the Kingdom of Horule, I banish you from this land forever!" He swung his play sword at the pall of soot and to his surprise, a red slash cut across the smog parting it in two. The rays of sunlight illuminated the street outside the window. Button Mash looked down at his mighty weapon, his eyes wide with awe. With a smile, he raised his weapon above his head and shouted. "I HAVE THE POWER!"

All over town, ponies gathered by their windows to see what was happening. Their eyes were wide with awe as they watched the plume of smoke begin to break apart. Slowly they began to emerge from their houses to get a better look.

Then slowly they began to cheer, a few at first, then a few more, and a few more after that. Before long it seemed like all of Ponyville was cheering as the Red Comet of Ponyville, cut through the smoke clouds like a hot knife through butter.

Even far away on the foot of the mountain where the dragon slept, Twilight Sparkle and The Element Bearers would soon see the incredible sight.

"What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That is what a dragon snoring sounds like," Twilight explained pointing toward the mountaintop

"No not that," Rainbow Dash said pointing her hoof. "Something is blowing the smoke away from Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie fished a telescope and tripod out of her mane and set it up. She looked through the lens adjusting the dial until it was just right. "She's right!" She exclaimed. "It's the comet and it's driving away all the smoke!"

"What!" The other five mares gasped in surprise. Well, four out of five at least.

No way, that's impossible!" Rainbow Dash nudged in close to Pinkie Pie and looked through the telescope. "How is that possible?" None of her friends seemed to know the answer, save for one. Applejack was doing her best not to look conspicuous.

'A'h thought A'h told him to stay out of this,' She thought. She could feel the frustration building up inside her. Her stomach was doing cartwheels as she watched her younger brother flying around like a lightning bug on a sugar high.'

"So what do we do now?" Rarity asked Twilight. The Princess's student paused for thought, playing her hoof on her chin.

"We do what we came here to do," She eventually decided.

"What about the comet?" Rainbow Dash protested. "Are we just gonna pretend it isn't there?"

"We have more important things to worry about right now," Twilight said. Fluttershy raised a trembling hoof.

"Maybe one of us should go back and investigate." The yellow pegasus meekly suggested.

"No can do Sugarcube," Applejack said stepping in quickly to quash any interest in returning to Ponyville. "Princess Celestia gave us a job to do and by her, we are gonna do it."

"That's the spirit Applejack," Twilight smiled determinedly. Working together we can do anything. Now let's get moving.

"Um...okay then," Fluttershy whispered slinking back.

Apple Comet's POV

Cheering, they were cheering. Out on every street, and in the town square. From open windows and balconies, I could see them cheering. They were cheering for me, well the Red Comet who unbeknownst to them was me. It felt strange, after being the subject of fear superstition these last few weeks. But at the same time, it also felt good to know I was being recognized for helping ponies, even if didn't know who I was.

The skies above the town were mostly clear for the time being. The smoke continued to pour in from the east. But for now, the weather ponies could handle what was still hanging around. Which meant I could head home. After I checked to see how Applejack was doing that is. I wasn't breaking my promise, I was just going to check up on how she and the others were doing and then fly straight back home. It wouldn't take but a few seconds.

One hour later...

And the score was still 35-0 for Pinkie Pie. Okay in hindsight, I might've been lying to myself, but I was still keeping my promise to AJ. Besides, it was obvious that Fluttershy was the one I needed to look out for. Applejack had just spent the last hour dragging the petrified pegasus up the mountain by her tail. In that time, I'd flown from here and back to Ponyville three times. My coat, mane, and tail were all covered in soot. But my suit and cape were both remarkably spotless. I guess Koltonian civilization had advanced beyond doing laundry. Still, I had to remember to bathe before I got home.

Once everypony was back together, the six of them continued on their journey until they came to a narrow gap spanning two ledges. And by narrow, I mean a newborn foal could probably clear it. One by one the party crossed the gap until only Fluttershy remained.

"Your turn Fluttershy," Twilight said.

The yellow pegasus looked down and gulped. "But...it's so...wide."

"Come on Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now." Twilight tried to encourage her.

"You could just leap on over," Applejack suggested.

"I..."The sound of the dragon's snoring interrupted her. "I don't know."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a hop, a skip, and a jump." Pinkie Pie said before proceeding to break into a song.

One song number later...

Well great now that song was stuck in my head. But at least everypony was safely across. The group continued onward until Twilight signaled them to a halt.

"Let's keep it down," she whispered to the group. "According to my map, we've entered an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a rockslide."

The party moved forward slowly so as to not trigger a collapse with their hoofsteps. All the while keeping their eyes on the cliff face for any sign of falling rocks. Rainbow Dash chose to fly rather than walk while Fluttershy was content to slink behind at the rear. Then as Rainbow brushed against a tree branch, several small leaves fluttered down, one of them landing on Fluttershy's um...hindquarters.


"Sorry Applejack,"

Before she could utter one more syllable and possibly cause what she was about to say, I swooped down on her back and carried her off with one hoof over her mouth and my hind legs wrapped around her barrel. Fluttershy struggled and thrashed as she tried to free her muzzle from my grip. I wanted to tell her it was okay, but I couldn't blow my cover.

Unfortunately, the sight of the red comet abducting one of her friends was enough for Twilight to forget her own warning.

"FLUTTERSHY!" She screamed at the top of her voice! A deep rumbling turned their attention toward the slope above them as dust and rocks began falling. "Uh oh."

"AVALANCHE!" They all cried out as several tons of rock came barreling towards them.

"OH NO!" With no time to find a place to safely deposit Fluttershy, I swooped down like an eagle toward the falling rocks, carrying her in my hooves. This was not going to be easy, I had to stop the rocks and make sure no harm came to Fluttershy. Unfortunately, this meant I would have to take my hoof off her mouth.

Third Pony POV.

"Mfffppphh...Mfffppphh!" Fluttershy tried frantically to scream as she felt herself being carried off into the sky. She could feel what felt like a small hoof holding her jaw shut as well as another foreleg atop her She tried to look up to see what was that had grabbed her, but whatever had grabbed her had a good grip around the back of her neck that kept her from moving her head.

As they moved in closer to the falling debris, She felt the hoof release its grip on her muzzle and she screamed for all it was worth.

"EEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Fluttershy screamed as the shooting star shot streaked head-long towards a tumbling boulder that was rolling towards Twilight. She closed her eyes and braced for impact.


What sounded like a clap of thunder filled her ears as Fluttershy felt dirt and dust fly into her face. She could still feel herself flying even though her wings were folded against her sides. She opened her eyes to see several rocks falling towards her friend Rarity.

"Rarity look out!" The alabaster unicorn looked up in awe as the comet swooped in between her and the falling rocks. She heard several of them shatter against the comet's corona before it sped off ahead towards Applejack. The farm pony nearly jumped out of her coat as the comet suddenly shot out a beam of light that split a fallen boulder ahead of them straight down the middle. Applejack wasted no time taking the newly created detour as the comet flew past her toward Twilight.

"Help Somepony!" Twilight cried out. She could feel her legs beginning to tire. As she pushed with everything she noticed the shadow had fallen over her. She looked up in awe as the comet carrying Fluttershy flew straight through an incoming boulder reducing it to a shower of stones. Thinking quickly she conjured up a net over herself to catch the falling debris.

"Nice save Sugarcube." Applejack congratulated as she caught up to Twilight.

"Thanks but the comet still has Fluttershy,"

"Well if it knows what's good for it, it'll put her down right now!" Applejack yelled up at it.

The comet having seemingly heard her gently deposited Fluttershy on the ground in front of them and then took to the skies once more.

As the dust settled and the Mane Six took a moment to catch their breath, Applejack asked. "Everypony okay?"

"Yeah, thanks to the comet," Twilight said. "Though I can't believe I'm saying that."

"Eugh. Blech" Rarity retched as she looked at how dirty her coat was. While Pinkie Pie simply shook it off her coat.

"Whoo-hoo! That was awesome!"

"This is why a girl always packs accessories." Rarity huffed as she reached into her saddlebag and began rummaging through her supplies. "Oh please tell me I brought the tiara that goes with this."

"Uh, I think we got bigger problems than making sure our bows match our horseshoes." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "The comet just tried to abduct Fluttershy."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Fluttershy sighed.

"What are you talking about Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her.

"It grabbed me so I wouldn't scream, I think it was afraid I would cause an avalanche."

Applejack's eyes bugged out as she put two and two together. She wouldn't admit it yet, but she was starting to feel grateful her brother had followed them.

"What did it grab you with?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Claws? Hooks? Tentacles?"

"Um no..." Fluttershy muttered. "Actually it felt like hooves."

"It grabbed you with hooves? Did you get a good look at it?" Twilight inquired. Fluttershy shook her head.

"No, it all happened so fast, I'm sorry," She suddenly felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash smiling at her.

"Hey it's alright," Rainbow said. "We're just glad you're okay."

"And we're one step closer to figuring out what or who the Red Comet is," Twilight added causing Applejack to gulp nervously.

Comet's POV

"I'm sorry Applejack, I tried to keep my promise, told myself I was only going to watch over you, but that rockslide was the apple that broke the branch. I couldn't risk you getting hurt again."

As I neared the entrance to the dragon's lair, I began formulating a plan of action. Since the Ursa Major experience had taught me brute force wasn't the best first option, I decided to try something a little different. Swooping under the plume of smoke, I entered the mouth of the cave dodging stalagmites and flowstones until I reached the dragon's lair. The big guy was contently snoozing atop his horde of treasure. His hot smoky breath washed over me like a dormant volcano. This was it, no going back.


The Dragon poked an eye open to see what just flew over his head. He looked up to see me what must've looked like a lightning bug to him buzzing around his airspace. He scowled and stood up, glaring at me. He didn't see me as a threat, merely a pest that wouldn't leave him alone. That was the idea. After a few more laps around his head, with some somersaults thrown in for good measure, He decided he'd had enough. He reached out his claws and clapped them together.

I found myself in total darkness, wedged between two walls of leather. Slowly a crack of light appeared as the dragon opened his palms to see if he got me.


In the blink of an eye, I flew out of his grasp and over his head, landing in a pile of treasure behind him. Snarling, the dragon reached a claw in to grab me, only to end up disappointed when I flew out of the pile and dove into another. Again he reached to get me and again I was too quick for him. This continued for about 37 seconds before the dragon grew angry and swept his massive tail around the cavern. Piles of gold and trinkets collapsed to the floor in a calamity of clattered precious metal. The dragon looked around, his slit pupils diligently searching his horde for any sign of me.


Only to find I was I gone, along with enough of his treasure to leave behind a trail.

Third Pony POV


"That did not sound like snoring," Rainbow Dash said nervously.

"Oh no this is bad, this is bad this is bad this is bad this is very, very bad," Twilight said prancing nervously in place. "Something must have woken him up." She raced up the steps leading to the cave entrance, her friends right behind her. All except for Fluttershy who lay crouched down on her stomach and was shaking like a leaf.


They looked up to see the comet flying out of the entrance like a speeding cannonball.


Followed by one very awake, very angry dragon.

"Get down! Twilight ordered as quietly as possible. All five of them crouched low to the ground as the dragon poked his head out of the cabin.

"Nopony move," Pinkie Pie whispered. "His vision is based on movement." The other four looked at her as if to say, "Are you for real?" The dragon turned his head and looked in their direction.

"HEY!" He called out.The five mares huddled close together in fear. "Did any of you see a comet fly by just now?" All five of them pointed in the same direction. "Thanks!" With that he spread his wings and flew off, his wings whipping up gusts of wind as he passed over them.

"So, mission accomplished?" Rainbow asked.

Comet's POV

The heavy flapping of leather wings told me I was being followed. I rolled onto my back and looked up to see the dragon hot on my tail, pardon the idiom.

"GET BACK HERE YOU THIEF!" He growled in a deep gravelly voice. What he didn't know was I had already dropped everything I'd taken from him when I left behind that trail. But for my plan to work, I had to keep him distracted. I broke off into a split-S reverting myself as I descended toward the mountain range. The dragon banked left to follow, his bulk covering me with its shadow.


"Sounds like a recipe for heartburn," I said to myself as he followed me around the side of the mountain. The two of us twisted and turned like a pair of ribbons soaring past jagged cliff faces and steep slopes. Then suddenly the dragon broke off and flew back toward the other side of the mountain. Had he given up, or was he planning something? The telltale flap of heavy wings told me he was circling around back. The mountainside was too thick to see all the through with my eyes. Thus my ears were my only advantage. I closed my eyes and listened, the leathery flaps were coming from above me getting steadily closer. An ambush, his element of surprise was lost, but I'd play along.

From above he emerged from the other side of the slope. His eyes gleamed with triumph as he dove headfirst toward me. His talons were outstretched like a monstrous vulture. He thought he had me, but he was the one in for a surprise. I hugged close to the slope as he came towards me. He quickly grew closer, closer, closer. Then when it seemed he had me in his grasp, I put on a burst of speed accelerating between his legs and under his tail.

""WHAT THE?" The dragon turned his head, CRAAASH! before he crashed full speed into the side of the mountain.

Third Pony POV

Pinkie Pie wincingly closed her eyes and held up a white picket sign that read 'Is there a doctor in the house?' Even from the summit, she and her friends had felt the impact.

"Ooo," Rainbow cringed as she looked down. "That has got to hurt."

"I assume you know from prior experience," Rarity dryly remarked.

They gasped in horror as the ground beneath the dragon gave way sending him plummeting down the precipice.

"Oh my goodness he's falling!" The others turned to Fluttershy as she jumped headfirst off the side of the cliff.

"Fluttershy!" All five of them gasped in astonishment.

Faster than she had ever flown before, Fluttershy raced to catch up with the falling dragon. As far back as she remembered dragons had always scared her. So much so that she had been afraid of coming along on this mission. But that fear was now gone, replaced by the determination to reach him in time. She was the Element of Kindness, compassionate to all creatures great and small. Even if it was a big scary dragon. She was almost there, she could feel it, but so was the ground. Fluttershy grabbed hold of the dragon's tail. Even though she didn't have anywhere near the strength to stop his momentum, she felt she had to try. The ground was getting closer, Fluttershy closed her eyes and pulled with all her might.

Suddenly she felt herself rising, she opened her eyes and looked up to see the Comet holding her by her midsection. She felt its small hooves wrapped under her as it began pulling the both of them back to the top.

"Look, on her back!" Twilight called out.

"It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the Comet!" Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly.

They cheered and hollered as the comet and Fluttershy carried the dragon up the mountain. For a moment Fluttershy thought she could make out the silhouette of a pony inside the comet's coma.

"That was incredible Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash cheered as the comet set the two of them down in front of the cave.

"The way you dived off the mountain like that was simply daring dear," Rarity declared.

"You were all like whoosh and the dragon was all "Ahh somepony save me." And you were like, "I'll save you!" She struck a triumphant heroic pose. "And the comet appeared and saved you too."

"Speaking of which," Twilight interjected. "I think it's time we see just what or who this Comet really is. The Comet sensing trouble took off like a bat out of Tartarus. "Hey get back here!" The purple unicorn shook her hoof in frustration.

"Let it go Sugarcube," Applejack said lowering her hoof. "Just let it go," She knew a certain young colt who was going to get a talking to when she got home.

"Oh you poor poor thing," Fluttershy fluttered towards the dragon and planted a kiss on his forehead. The once ferocious beast shed a single tear and ran one of his fingers through her mane.

"I can't believe you saved me," He said in a low but soft voice. "Not many creatures would care much about a dragon."

"Well, to be honest, I've always kind of been scared of dragons," Fluttershy admitted But when I saw you were in danger, I just knew I had to do something."

"Fluttershy dear," Rarity said. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Well, I was afraid of letting you all down," She answered.

"Hey listen," Rainbow Dash looking a little guilt-ridden. "Throughout this trip, I know I said some things I shouldn't have. That you were useless, that you were slowing us down. But you really pulled through for us in the end. And I just wanted to say, I'm sorry."

Fluttershy smiled at her. "Apology accepted, I should've been more honest about my feelings with you girls." The two pegasi embraced each other.

Comet's POV

By the time I got home, the sun was beginning to set. I was covered in soot, rock dust, and dead dragon skin. I changed out of my suit and headed for the bathroom. I ended up spending fifteen minutes in the bathtub scrubbing myself clean. When I was finally done, the inside of the tub looked like a coal chute. Still, nothing a little super fast knee grease couldn't fix, and in the end, it was all in a day's work for a hero.

"Apple Comet! Get ye'r caboose down here, you've got some explaining to do."

Even if it gets him scolded by his grandmother.

Author's Note:

Phew, this one took me more than a month to get done. But Rome wasn't built in a day as they say. Next time, Apple Comet meets a new face in town and faces off against a swarming menace. Until then, read, comment, share and keep looking up at the sky. You never know when you might see a red comet.

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