• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Little Big Bison Part 2.

Apple Comet's POV

The entrance tunnel spat me out inside a medium-sized chamber. Beyond the portal, darkness enveloped the room casting shadows all around me. Fortunately, my eyesight went far beyond the usual 20/20 vision. A flash from my pupils bathed the room in ultraviolet light.

"Holy Celestia!" I gasped, my matrix dropping from my mouth as I saw atop a small staircase the enormous stone face of a white buffalo cow staring out of the back wall. A warm humble smile spread across her face. "Get a hold of yourself, It's just a statue," I told myself as I reached down to pick up my matrix. Placing it back in my saddlebag, I began to explore the rest of the room.

The walls were intricately decorated with vivid murals that despite their age were remarkably preserved. It was as if this place had been untouched by the sands of time. The stone columns that ran along the walls had been cut into the likenesses of various buffalo. Ancestors, perhaps. Fascinated, I delved deeper into the murals on the walls. "Looks like they tell some kind of story."

The first mural showed a herd of stampeding buffalo chasing various creatures off a cliff, while others cleared away a forest. The second showed a wolf, a bear, a cougar, a coyote, and an enormous snake descending from the clouds toward the buffalo. The third showed the buffalo either being hunted by these animals or falling to illness. Followed by a field littered with dead buffalo and destroyed villages. The fifth mural showed a single calf beseeching a white buffalo on a cloud. Followed by a red comet bringing the calf up to the White Buffalo who presented them with a scroll and a pair of metal bracelets. The final image showed the calf as a gigantic white buffalo chasing away the beasts, and then returning to their village with the scroll.

"I'm guessing this is your story huh?" I said to the stone face." Just then, my ears picked up the sounds of trudging hoofsteps outside. That's right, I came in here to hide. I hid behind one of the columns and peered out through the wall.

Third Pony POV

Little Strongheart tiredly staggered her way toward White Horn Butte. Her breathing was labored. Her legs shook with every step. But the expression on her face showed she was determined to reach the temple. Until, finally, her body could not go on any further and she collapsed onto her stomach. Her throat ached with every gasping breath she took. Her leg muscles covered with micro-tears were too tired to stand. The desert floor scorched her stomach. Little Strongheart rolled onto her side. Her barrel rose and fell with every heavy breath.

"I'll just...rest here...for a little...bit," She panted as her eyes closed.

Moments later Little Strongheart felt the familiar sensation of being lighter than air. She squinted her blurry eyes open to see a blurry red figure engulfing her field of vision. Was it the White Buffalo Cow of legend carrying her off to the clouds? 'Probably not,' she thought skeptically. More likely she was just dreaming. Regardless, Little Strongheart was content to let the rushing wind pass over her.


"Just relax, you're going to be okay," She heard a young voice whisper as she felt herself beginning to descend. A few moments later she felt the ground back underneath her barrel. However, unlike before, it felt firm and smooth. The coolness of the surface brought comfort to her weary soul. Her ears twitched as she heard the sounds of rustling burlap and swishing water. She forced her eyelids open to see a blurry red and blue figure kneeling in front of her. She felt something placed into her mouth followed by the refreshing splash of cool water on her dry lips. Little Strongheart let out a hacking cough as the water raced down her scratchy throat. The figure waited for the coughing to subside before offering another drink. The coolness of the water soothed her raspy throat as she drank in deeply. With her thirst quenched, Little Strongheart felt exhaustion overtake her once more.

Apple Comet's POV.

My conscience nagged at me as I flew back towards Appleloosa. Despite leaving her in the shade with my canteen and apple strudel bars, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for leaving Little Strongheart out there. "It's only for a little while," I told myself. "I'll come back after sunset and return her to her village. She might even be back there when I return."

Spotting the clock tower in the distance, I dived behind a butte and changed out of my costume once again. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, I galloped at lightning speed to the edge of the orchard and snuck in through the back end. Just a young colt out for a trot in the orchard. Nothing to see here.

"Hey, Bloomberg I'm back," I said greeting the apple tree as I reached the top of the hill. "Just gonna see what AJ and Braeburn are up to before I head in." Piercing through the walls, I saw Twilight and the gang had gathered in the living room and were discussing the buffalo problem.

"We're really sorry Applejack," Fluttershy apologized. "We tried our best."

"No need to apologize Sugarcube," Applejack solemnly insisted. "Y'all did the best ya could. It's not your fault the townsponies are so ornery."

"If we could just get the two of them to meet, I'm certain we could get them to settle their differences," Twilight sighed.

"How would we do that when we don't even know where the buffalo are?" Rainbow Dash pointed out the obvious.

"Well, they used to come to the outskirts of town every couple of weeks or so to ask if we've changed our minds about removing the orchard," Braeburn explained. "Sometimes they were polite, sometimes they weren't so polite."

"When was the last time they came?" Applejack asked.

"Bout a month ago," Braeburn answered. "They asked if we'd changed our minds about the orchard. When the Sheriff said no, they said they'd warned us and we'd be sorry. The next night A'h woke up to the sounds of stampeding. When A'h went outside to take a look, I found the fence had been wrecked and several trees were knocked over."

"How horrible!" Rarity gasped.

"Oh, dear Celestia! Bloomberg!" Applejack cried out in horror.

"Oh boy, something tells me you're going to have some company tonight," I told the tree.

Third Pony POV

Chief Thunderhooves grimly examined the spot where his daughter's hoofprints ended. There were no other recent tracks in the area. Just the spot where she had laid down before she disappeared.

"Do you think it was the flaming star?" One of the buffalo asked him. The chief's eyes slid to the edge of his lids and glared at him. "W-Whoa hey! J-Just asking Ch-Chief."

"It does seem to be the likely outcome." He said to the nervous bull. "Search the valley high and low! If any buffalo spots anything they are to send a smoke signal."

"Y-Yes, Chief." The bull nodded while the rest of the herd scattered in every direction. Chief Thunderhooves looked out at the orange sky over White Horn Butte.

"Wherever you have taken her, I will find you." His voice growled with determination.

Little Strongheart felt achy all over as she slowly opened her eyes. The ground she was lying on felt hard but smooth and cool to the touch. Fighting against her muscles' wish to rest, She raised herself off of her side and stood up.

"Where, where am I?" She noticed something lying on the ground. "What's this?" She reached down and picked it up to discover it was a small canteen. A calf's size if she had to guess. "A canteen?" Little Strongheart unscrewed the cap and took a few sips of the warm but refreshing water.

"Ahh...that hit the spot," She sighed with relief. She then put the cap back on to save the rest for later. She then noticed six rectangular objects lying next to where the canteen had been placed. She reached down and picked one up. It was wrapped in paper. Holding it out towards the moonlight, Little Strongheart could barely make out the words Sweet Apple Strudels."
She tore open the wrapping and took a bite. Instantly her taste buds were overwhelmed by a surge of flavor. The taste of apple baked in flour and butter and topped with powdered sugar melted together in her mouth. Little Strongheart felt her knees get weak as it traveled down her throat. Her stomach growling, she squeezed the rest of it from the wrapper and into her mouth.

"Mmm...this is delicious!" When she could savor it no more, Little Strongheart swallowed and then washed it down with a sip of water before immediately opening another bar. Before she knew it, she had gone through all six of them like a starved coyote. "Ahhh...much better..." She said letting out a belch of contentment.

With her hunger and thirst sated, for now, Little Strongheart turned her attention back to her surroundings. She looked up at the stone staircase leading up to the ornately designed entrance. "What am I doing here? The last thing I remember was falling in the desert, and dreaming that I was..." A moment of epiphany struck her. "...that I was flying!" Eyes wide open, she realized what had happened. She looked back at the canteen and the wrappers. Whoever had brought her here knew she would need them. They also had to have known that she was in trouble. A passing Pegasus perhaps? But if that was the case, then why did they bring her here rather than to town to see a doctor? There was no way for them to know about this place as the buffalo kept it hidden from all other races. There was only one entity that could have any knowledge of this place.

"Did the flaming star bring me here?" She hadn't beseeched the Great Spirit for help or guidance. Was this some sort of test? Little Strongheart felt uneasy in her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened as she approached the entrance to the temple. She felt as if something was calling her closer. She tried to stop but her hooves ignored her. And so in she walked.

"Um, hello? Anyone here?" Silence echoed back as she walked down the dark hall to the inside of the temple. "I'm lost and don't know how I got here." Step by tenuous step she moved closer to the end of the corridor. Until she finally reached the chamber at the end.

"Wow, it doesn't like any buffalo have been in here in ages. AIIIEEEEE!" She let out a scream as she saw a large white buffalo head staring back at her from the wall. Its turquoise eyes twinkling like stars. "Phew, get a grip Little Strongheart, It's only a statue."


Suddenly one of the torches on the wall ignited by itself, followed by the one next to it. Then the next one. Their bright lights circled her illuminating the room. Suddenly a wall rose from the floor behind her sealing the entrance.

"Oh, no what did I do?" Panicking, she rushed toward the wall and began searching and pressing against its surface with her hooves. "Come on, open up." Realizing nothing she tried was working, panic began to set in.

"Help! Someone, please help me! I'm trapped!" The playing of a flute drifted through the air.

"A flute? Is someone there?" Little Strongheart looked around frantically, trying to find where it was coming from. "Can anyone hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you, you don't have to shout." Little Strongheart turned around to see a white buffalo cow standing behind her.

"Gah! Who, who are you?" She asked nervously.

"Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm." She said in a calm voice. She was young, only a few years older than Little Strongheart, and well-dressed. Her mane was done up in two long braids adorned with porcupine quill hair ties. She wore an eight-pointed star-shaped pendant on her neck made of turquoise. The same star was prominently displayed on the silver bracers she wore on her forehooves. "I am Miracle Star, the guardian of this place. Have you come to take the trials?"

"The trials? What trials?" Little Strongheart raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"The trials to determine if you are worthy of being our next champion." Miracle answered. "That is why you are here right?"

"Next champion? I'm afraid I still don't follow you."

"There is an old prophecy that says when our hearts become clouded with distrust and enmity, the Great Spirit will send a flaming star to search for a champion who is pure of heart and courageous of spirit to lead the buffalo back on the right path. Those who possess such hearts shall be brought to this place, where they shall be tested to prove whether or not they are worthy."

Little Strongheart suddenly felt as if the weight of the world were on her withers. Everything Miracle Star had just said was spot on. There were coincidences and then there was whatever was happening to her.

"Was it you?" She glared at the white buffalo with suspicion.

Miracle smiled at her and said. "Now it is I who does not follow you."

"Were you the one who sent the Flaming Star? Or did you use magic to turn yourself into one?" Miracle Star let out a hearty laugh.

"Young one, I have not left this sacred place in more than..." She counted inside her head for a brief moment. "...actually, it's been so many centuries that I've lost count. Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Little Strongheart's face turned nearly as white as Miracle's. Her mouth hung open and her ears folded back in terror. Her legs trembled with fear as she felt a chill across her spine. "Y-Y-Yo-You're a spirit!" She stammered.

"Well yes, but I'm not an evil spirit." Miracle Star admitted. "I'm not going to eat you or anything, So calm down." Little Strongheart's shaking lessened slightly. "That's a start, we'll work on it."

Chief Thunderhooves looked out at the vast expanse of the badlands. The sun had set and the moon had risen turning the cliffs and peaks of the valley a shadowy purple. He hoped and prayed at any moment a column of smoke would arise signaling she had been found. But hours had passed without any sign of Little Strongheart.

From behind he heard the heavy tramping of hooves. He turned around to see a downtrodden bull looking at him.

"Chief, the last search party just returned. They said they found no trace of Little Strongheart." The Chief's heart grew heavy as he faced the prospect he may never see his daughter again.

"You did all you could," He hung his head in sadness. "We will search again tomorrow."

"Some of the others are talking about possibly asking the settler ponies to help with the search." Chief Thunderhooves' brow furrowed at the mention of the Appleloosians.

"And what makes you think they would help us?" He asked.

"Well, it's just...you know what, forget I said anything." The young bull stepped back submissively.

As Chief Thunderhooves gazed out at the train tracks snaking across the badlands, his mind began to wonder. The fact that the flaming star had appeared just as they were about to take the tree seemed a little too coincidental. Had the settler ponies learned about the plan beforehand? No, they couldn't have. He'd given strict orders that details were not to be discussed with anyone outside the tribe. But, perhaps they had anticipated something happening. It was certainly plausible.

But even then, would the settlers really resort to calfnapping? No, if they wanted to kidnap his daughter, then why did the flaming star return her unharmed? Unless...was it a warning something would happen to her if the buffalo didn't give up the land? A snort of anger erupted from the Chief's nostrils. It was time to visit Appleloosa.

"So what would I have to do for these trials?" Little Strongheart asked. After a few minutes of deep breathing and realizing that Miracle Star was not malevolent, she managed to calm herself down.

"You would have to prove to yourself whether or not you are pure of heart and brave of spirit like Tatanka was." Miracle Star explained. "For only a buffalo who possesses these traits may be worthy of being his successor."

Little Strongheart looked over the mural of the great white buffalo chasing away the beasts. "What do mean by his successor? You mean I would become a white buffalo too?"

"Of course!" Miracle Star exclaimed throwing her hooves up in the air. "A Great White Buffalo standing proud and tall with your hooves on the ground and your horns in the sky!"

Little Strongheart imagined herself as the spirit described. The buttes barely reaching her withers while her horns cut through the passing clouds. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. On one hoof, her father would certainly have to pay more attention to her. On the other, she did enjoy being able to sleep in a tipi.

"Would I be a giant all the time? Because that would kinda problematic." She admitted rubbing the back of her head with her hoof.

"Oh, of course not dear," Miracle Star assured her with a wave of her hoof. "You only need to utter the magic words to return to your normal size."

"And what magic words would those be?" Little Strongheart raised her eyebrow.

"I'm not going to tell you before you've proven whether or not you're worthy!" Miracle Star said indignantly.

"Okay okay," What happens if I fail a trial?" She asked feeling her nerves returning.

"Then you shall haunt this place...FOREVER!!!" Miracle Star said as her face transformed into a bison skull.

"AAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" Little Strongheart shrieked and leaped back in terror."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Nah, I'm just kidding with you dear. You'd just have to leave emptyhoofed is all." Little Strongheart glared tomahawks as the White Buffalo chuckled to herself. "Oh lighten up. I'm just trying to have a little fun is all, You have no idea how boring it gets in here."

"Are you done now?" Little Strongheart asked unamused.

"That all depends," Miracle Star answered. "I'm still waiting for your answer. Of course, feel free to take your time. It's been ages since I've had company."

Little Strongheart was conflicted. On one hoof, this was a chance to prove herself to her father that she was more than just a daughter. On the other, she wasn't sure whether or not this was real or a hallucination from being trapped in here for so long." Suddenly she felt an icy cold pinch her wither.

"Aaaaah Cold!"

"I sensed you were conflicted on whether or not all this is real." Miracle Star said. "Hopefully I put it to rest."

"Alright, I'll do it." Little Strongheart said. Miracle Star's face lit up with elation.

"Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. I've been guarding this place waiting for the next champion for so long, I've forgotten what the afterlife looks like." She stomped her hoof on the ground. Sending out a blue wave that rippled across the floor. The turquoise eyes of the buffalo relief behind her gave off a shimmer of light before it lowered down into the floor revealing a descending staircase. "Come, your first trial awaits." Miracle Star vanished in a cloud of white smoke which didn't rise but rather flew through the doorway.

"What did I just say yes to?" Little Strongheart wondered as she tepidly trotted forward. She took one last look at the sealed door behind her before stepping down the first stair.

Of all the things she was expecting to see when reached the bottom, A simple fire resting in the middle of a sand altar was not one of them. She noticed that despite the apparent lack of ventilation, the only smoke in the room was Miracle Star's incorporeal form which circled close to the ceiling before descending and rematerializing in front of the fire.

"Ah there you are, come sit." She said beckoning with her hoof. Little Strongheart did so, crossing her hindlegs buffalo style.
"You are about to embark on a quest that will determine whether or not you are worthy of the power of Tatanka. Are you ready?"

Little Strongheart took in a deep breath. Ignoring the feeling in her gut that was telling her to back out, she said "Yes."

"Good, then let us begin." Miracle Star dispersed once more. Her incorporeal form flew straight into the fire which erupted in a bright flare-up that filled the room with a cloud of white smoke. Despite it being so thick that Little Stronheart could not even see her nose in front of her, she neither coughed nor choked and her eyes remained dry of tears. When the smoke cleared, Little Strongheart saw that the chamber and everything in it were gone.

Comet's POV

After the day I had had, I was ready to sleep through a tornado. Unfortunately, my well-earned rest would have to wait until I got Little Strongheart back to her village. I hadn't told Applejack about her, as there were too many ears around and I wasn't sure how she'd react. Much to my and Braeburn's frustration, my big sister had insisted on sleeping out in the orchard. She insisted it was to help Bloomberg feel safe. But I felt her taking Braeburn's 40mm apple launcher with her was a bit overkill.

As soon as Braeburn was asleep, I crept out my bedroom window and floated down to the ground. Not wanting to make a scene, I decided to walk through the orchard rather than fly. At the top of the hill, I could see Applejack sitting half-awake, under Bloomberg, apple launcher in her lap.

"Can't sleep. Must protect orchard." She muttered to herself. "Buffalo everywhere. The strong must protect the tangy." Her eyes were heavy with wrinkles and her ears drooped low. I quickly backtracked to my bedroom and retrieved the blanket and pillow from my bed. In the blink of an eye, I swiped the weapon from her hoof and replaced it with the pillow.

"Mmm...This is my apple, this is my gun, this is for eating, this is...so soft." Instinctively, she wrapped her forelegs around the pillow and lay her head on it. Her eyes closed as she let out a big yawn and fell over forward. Her hat fell from her head and rolled onto the ground. I laid the blanket on top of her and left a note in her hat telling her where I'd be.

"Wouldn't mind trading places right now," I whispered as Applejack sighed with contentment. My ears perked up as I heard the distant thundering of hooves. "Huh?" I looked out toward the horizon to see an enormous wave of brown fur and horns headed toward Appleloosa. At the crest was the Chief looking as angry as I'd ever seen a buffalo be. "That doesn't look good." My eyes fell upon the clock tower at the end of the street. "I need to warn the town." It seemed Little Strongheart would have to wait a little longer. I ran as fast as I could to the clock tower. The front door was locked, but I was about to let that stop me. Flying up to the clock's face, I carefully grabbed hold of the hour and began gently turning. Inside the tower, the gears and levers groaned in protest against the outside force. Once the little hand was on the hour I did the same with the big hand moving it to the 12.


Within seconds, the windows all over town began lighting up. The townsponies roused from their sleep went to their windows to see who was ringing the bell. Of course, I'd already made my exit by the time they did.

"What in tarnation is going on," I heard Braeburn mutter from his bedroom as I slipped back into my guest bedroom. I took my costume off and hid it in the drawer. From outside my window, I watched as the townsponies still in their union suits and nightgowns filed into the street. Even with the imminent danger, I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the absurdity of it. Oh no, I was turning into Rainbow Dash, wasn't I? Speaking of which, she and the rest of the Apples filed out of the Appleloosa Inn.

"What is the meaning of waking us all up at this hour, Rarity wailed dramatically still wearing a face mask and curlers. "I need my beauty sleep, or else I'll look hideous in the morning."

"It looks like everypony in town got woken up," Twilight said noticing the large crowd in the street.

"Maybe we're all gonna have one big slumber party?" Pinkie guessed enthusiastically.

"Uh, somehow I doubt that Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash said noticing the herd of buffalo stampeding towards town.

The other ponies noticed the ground shaking and turned around to see the stampede heading straight towards them. They proceeded to react in a typical fashion by rearing up in panic and scattering in multiple directions. And where was Applejack in all this you ask? She was happily snoozing away underneath Bloomberg.

The buffalo came to a halt at the end of the street. The Chief stepped forward, his face fixed in a scowl. From the middle of the street, Sheriff Silverstar still dressed in his union suit did likewise.

"What is the meaning of coming here at this hour Chief?" He asked in a surly tone.

"Where is my daughter?" The Chief asked back.

"I beg your pardon?" The sheriff raised one eyebrow.

"My daughter Little Strongheart has been missing since this afternoon." It was at this moment, I realized my actions may have just made things a whole lot worse.

"Well, A'h don't see what that's got to do with us!" Said the Sheriff.

"So you deny taking her then?" Applejack's friends all gasped.

The sheriff's eyes narrowed. "Are you accusing us of foalnapping?" He asked.

The Chief snorted and glared at him. "I might be,"


In an instant, Twilight teleported between the two of them.

"Okay, everypony...and buffalo, let's all calm down and talk this over rationally, okay?" Her nervous smile told everyone that she had not thought this through.

"All I want is for my daughter to return to me unharmed." The Chief explained.

"This is a law-abiding town, we do not tolerate that kind of behavior." The Sheriff argued.

"Look, we don't we all help you look for your daughter." Twilight politely suggested. "I'm sure if we work together we can find her."

"What'd'ya everypony?" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly. "Who's up for a search party?" To put further emphasis on 'party' she blew into a party horn

"What are you nuts?" One irritable stallion shouted. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"My foals need to be in bed for school tomorrow!" An angry mare said.

"And I've got a court date tomorrow and need to prepare my client's defense!" A lawyer stallion declared.

"That's right," A stallion behind bars said through the black bandana covering his muzzle.

The crowd began to slowly disperse heading back to their homes mumbling and muttering in discontent. Their lack of concern did not go unnoticed by the Chief. Suddenly, Fluttershy stepped forward.

"I'm still willing to help you look for your daughter." She said smiling warmly.

The Chief's face softened as he smiled back at her. "Thank you," He said.

"Ooh me too!" Pinkie said leaning uncomfortably close to the Chief's face. "Does she like parties?"

"What the hey, I'm in too." Rainbow Dash said.

"I suppose it's for a good cause," Rarity said with resignation.

"Count me in too," Twilight smiled with confidence knowing she had her friends backing her.

"Yawn! Do I have to come along too?" Spike asked rubbing his eye.

"You stay back this time Spike, it's well past your bedtime," Twilight said. Spike smiled happily and promptly fell over forward. Before he could hit the ground, Twilight caught him in her magic. "I'll meet you girls back out here in five minutes." She whispered before carrying the sleeping dragon back inside.

"Well, crisis averted," I whispered to myself as I turned away from the windowsill. "Now, I just need to get Little Strongheart back safe and sound, and hopefully by tomorrow, we can work this whole mess out." Unfortunately, as I reached for the drawer on my nightstand, I saw Braeburn walking towards my bedroom door. I lay down on the bed and let out a yawn just as the knob turned.

"Apple Comet are y'all awake?" He asked peering his head through the door.

"Mmm...yeah," I said. "What's going on? I heard the bell in town ringing."

"The buffalo have shown up. Ponies are saying their Chief was accusing us of foalnapping his daughter. Hey, what happened to your blanket and pillow?"

"Uh...I don't know?" I said. "When I woke up they were gone." Luckily Braeburn wasn't the Element of Honesty. "Huh, that's weird. We'll Ah'll get you another from the linen closet. Be right back." I stayed right where I was. I wasn't about to arouse his suspicion any further. I'd have to wait until he was back asleep before heading out to find Little Strongheart.

Third Pony POV.

"Where...where am I?" Little Strongheart found herself outside once again. But this wasn't the badlands she knew. The night sky was gone, replaced by a wide blue open sky. The once barren ground was covered with lush yellow tallgrass. The sound of birds singing along with the gentle flow of a large creek where once an empty basin had stood brought a sense of tranquility.

"Is this part of my trials?"

"Indeed it is Little Strongheart." Miracle Star appeared before her in a cloud of smoke. "Your first trial will begin here."

"Gah! Don't do that!"

"Do what?" The white buffalo asked her.

"Spontaneously appear in front of me like that!" Little Strongheart ranted flailing her hooves. "Sigh, sorry I should be more respectful."

"Apology accepted. Now I assume you know how Tatanka's story goes."

"Y-Yeah, The Medicine Cow in my village told it to me today."

"Good, that'll save us some time. Long story short, this is what the Badlands used to be like before it became well bad." Puffs of smoke erupted from the fields taking the shape of various creatures. Some grazing, some drinking, some sleeping. "All the creatures lived in harmony with the land. Until our race got it into our heads that since we were the biggest and the strongest we should take everything for ourselves.

Suddenly hundreds of ghostly buffalo materialized from a wall of smoke and charged at the rest of the creatures driving them away. The ground ahead of them split open and parted forming a deep chasm. Little Strongheart watched in horror as the creatures one by one ran over the edge to their certain death below. When the smoke from the herd faded it left behind a cloud of thick red dust that filled the air. The barren ground was sparsely covered with patches of dying brown grass and the creekbed was filled with the bodies of drowned fish. "The Great Spirit angered by our callousness sent forth the great predators to hunt us. A single trail of black smoke soared down from the sky where it formed into the shape of a great black wolf. Several plumes of grey smoke followed forming into smaller grey wolves.

"The Great Wolf, a harbinger of death." Miracle Star said. The Great Wolf let out a howl and the rest of the pack charged chasing the buffalo off of the same cliff they had driven the rest of the creatures. Little Strongheart fell to her knees and began to cry.

"How," She sobbed. "How could buffalo be so heartless?"

"Their hearts were led astray by wickedness and greed." Miracle Star placed her hoof on her wither. "Now come on get up. Your first trial doesn't involve crying over something that happened long ago." Little Strongheart wiped her eyes and stood up. as Miracle Star reached behind and pulled out a small bag. "You'll need this to finish your first trial." Little Strongheart pulled the tie opening it to reveal...

"A...sniff...seed?" A tear ran down her cheek landing on the tiny seedling. Miracle Star nodded affirmingly.

"The greatest yet most humble gift of the earth."

Little Strongheart pawed at the soil with her hoof creating a small hole with which she planted the seed. She then took the canteen she had found outside and gently sprinkled some water into the soil.
Suddenly before her eyes, a leafy stalk sprouted from the earth. It grew taller and taller until it was at eye level with the two buffalo. Then its bud bloomed revealing a bright yellow sunflower.

The Great Wolf and its pack took notice of Little Strongheart's deed and walked over to her. Little Strongheart terrified started to step back. But Miracle Star simply stood there as the behemoth alpha grew closer. Then again what did she have to fear if she was already a ghost? It looked straight at Little Strongheart its fiery red eyes piercing into her soul. Then it looked down and sniffed the flower she had planted going over every part of the plant. Satisfied with whatever Little Strongheart had done, the Great Wolf rose to its full height raised its head to the air, and let out a haunting howl.


The rest of the pack joined in as one by one they all turned into smoke and vanished.

"Congratulations, you have passed the first trial." Miracle Star explained. "You have shown appreciation for what the land offers us by giving back to it." She vanished once more into a puff of smoke as the grassland around her faded to white.

When her vision cleared Little Strongheart found herself deep in a forest. The branches above her were filled with a bounty of different fruits. And the nearby stream offered crystal-clear water.

"Umm...Miracle Star?" She called out hesitantly. The White Cow appeared in front of her once more.

"You called?" She said.

Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of belief. "That was better."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Your second trial takes begins here in this grove." She held her hoof up and summoned a small burlap bag in a cloud of smoke. "I want you to take this and gather up food and water. But take only what you need and nothing more. Miracle vanished once more leaving Little Strongheart alone.

"Alright," She sighed as she walked over to the nearest bush and began gathering berries. Once she felt she had enough she moved onto the next tree. She stood on her hind legs and rocked the trunk with her forelegs until some apples fell from the branches to the ground. Little Strongheart gathered them up and moved onto the stream. She took her canteen and filled it with water.

"Psst hey?" Little Strongheart looked up.

"Is someone there?" She asked looking for the source of the voice.

"Yeah, over here." From the thicket emerged a bipedal canine with a grey and red coat and the ears and tail of a fox. His eyes were yellow and his muzzle was wrapped with a friendly grin. He carried a large burlap sack over his shoulder and a large jar in one five-fingered paw. "I couldn't help but notice you gathering food out here."

"Who are you?" She asked curiously.

"Of course, where are my manners today? My name is Yotoce, Like you, I am a gatherer and I'm willing to share with you a secret of mine."

"What kind of a secret?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as he smiled at her.

"I have with me my magic sachel with which I can gather as much food as I want. And my bottomless pitcher which can hold enough water to fill a lake. I would gladly lend them to you when I am done using them."

"And when would that be?" She asked signaling him to continue.

"Oh very soon." Was his answer. "I was just on my way back to my den when I saw you. If you'd like you can come with me and I'll give them to you as soon as I've emptied them." A grin spread across his muzzle as he waited for her answer. His tail wagged with anticipation.

"No thanks, you keep them," Yotoce's grin fell from his face. His ears folded down and his tail stopped wagging.

"P-P-Pardon me?" He asked.

"I appreciate the offer, but I've got all I need already." Little Strongheart said putting her canteen back. "Besides if you take everything you want now, there won't be any left when you need more." She smiled at him as the pitcher fell from his paw and the sack tumbled from his shoulder spilling open to reveal the bones of a buffalo.

"Uhh...I can explain?" Yotoce said nervously as Little Strongheart glared at him. But instead of explaining, he took off running back into the trees.

Once more Miracle Star appeared next to her. "I am impressed, While he was not the fastest nor the strongest predator, Coyote more than made up for it with his wits and silver tongue." She turned and looked down at the pile of bones in the sack. "Sadly many a selfish bison took him up on his offer. All of them ended up meeting the same fate. Had they only taken what they needed instead of all they wanted, they would've not ended up the way they did." She looked up at Little Strongheart and smiled. "Your temperance has seen you through the second trial. Congratulations." Once more Miracle Star turned to smoke as the forest faded to white.

Apple Comet's POV.

"There you go, good as new," Braeburn said smoothing out the last corner of my bed. "Y'all head on back to sleep now ya hear?"

"Sure thing Cousin Braeburn," I said climbing under my new blankets.

"Alright then, see you bright and early tomorrow." He ruffled the top of my mane with his hoof then turned off the light and left the room. I watched and waited for him to get into bed before turning my attention back outside.

Twilight and the others soon gathered outside the hotel. Their saddlebags were loaded with provisions. Along with them was Sheriff Silverstar now properly dressed in his hat, vest, and badge. "Alright is everypony ready?" He asked sounding a touch irritated about going out this late at night.

"Ready." Rainbow Dash said with a hoof pump.
"Ready." Said a surprisingly confident Fluttershy.
"Ready!" Shouted an eagerly beaming Pinkie Pie.
"Ready." Said a determined Twilight.
"Sigh as I'll ever be." Said a sleep-deprived Rarity." Meanwhile, back in the orchard, Applejack continued to slumber peacefully under Bloomberg.

"Well, then suppose we better get going," Sheriff Silverstar grumbled.

"Do you remember where you last saw your daughter?" Twilight asked the Chief.

"She left behind tracks when she disappeared from the village." He answered. "I'll show you where they are. But just so we understand each other, this changes nothing between us and Appleloosa."

"The feeling is mutual," Sheriff Silverstar glared back at him.

"Aw, c'mon you guys, don't be so grumpy," Pinkie said pulling both of them by the neck into a group hug. "We need to stay positive if we're going to find Little Strongheart."

"Don't touch me," The Chief said. Pinkie immediately released them and awkwardly backed away. After a moment of awkward silence, Rarity spoke up.

"Well, let's be on our way shall we?" The Chief grunted as he turned around and started walking. The rest of the buffalo did the same receding into the badlands like a tide. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took to the skies while everypony else followed on foot. With so many possible witnesses and two pegasi in the sky, I was going to have to be very careful about how I approached this.

I looked through the wall to see if Braeburn was asleep yet. To my surprise and disappointment. He was standing at his window watching the herd leave town. The expression on his face was a mixture of concern and indecision. He said nothing, he just stood there. With a sigh, he walked out of his room and went downstairs. Looks like I wasn't the only one in this house that wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

Third Pony POV.

As soon as the search party left town, Twilight tried to break the ice with the buffalo to break up the awkward silence that had fallen over the group. "So...um...Chief, I was wondering."

"Thunderhooves, I am the mighty Chief Thunderhooves." He answered.

"Oh, uh thanks...actually, I wanted to ask you about the dispute between your tribe and the Appleloosians. I already got their side of the story from Applejack's cousin. But I'd like to hear your side of the story."

Chief Thunderhooves closed his eyes and let out a snort. "Very well," He accepted. "There is a long and winding trail that runs through the valley. For generations, my tribe has used it for the sacred ritual of stampeding. My father stampeded on these grounds. And his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and...

"Um...okay Chief, I think they got the message," One of the buffalo walking next to him said.

"Hmph...every year we stampede across this path, but this year the Appleloosians..." He glared over at Sheriff Silverstar. "...planted their orchard over it."

"Well, that wasn't very nice," Pinkie said to the Sheriff.

"Well, how were we supposed to know?" He grumbled.

"Despite us several times asking them nicely, they have refused to move the trees."

"Oh yeah, real nice," Sheriff Silverstar rolled his eyes in disgust. "Like the times you came through in the night and knocked several of our trees over. Or how you ambushed a train that was coming in this morning."

"We were only after the tree." Chief Thunderhooves said. "Though it does seem a little coincidental that my daughter was abducted by the flaming star at just that time!" Twilight stopped in her tracks.

"Flaming Star?" That seemed oddly familiar to her.

"I think he's talking about the Comet dear," Rarity suggested.

"You're not telling me you believe this hoo-hah are you?" Sheriff Silverstar said dismissively.

"Hmph! I and the rest of the herd know what we saw. It carried my Little Strongheart into the clouds then brought her back to us."

"This flaming star," Twilight asked. "Did it happen to have a tail like a comet?"

Chief Thunderhooves's eyes widened. "It did. You know of it?"

"Well, kind of," Twilight admitted. "It's a long story."

To Be Concluded.

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