• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,792 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Dreams in Darkness. (Updated)

Bloom-El's POV.




The lion brought its paw down hard reducing a market stand to splinters as it narrowly missed me. My heart pounded furiously in my chest as I took off down an alley trying desperately to keep my distance from the ferocious beast. What was I doing? What was I thinking? Taking on a monster like this, Sure I'd saved Ponyville from countless threats before? At least that's what I remembered. But something about this one seemed different somehow. At least the streets looked clear of any ponies thanks to Mac-El and Jack-El. Now all I had to do was find somewhere to hide and hope the others could handle it without me. I'm sure they could handle it on their own. After all, there were six of them and only one lion.

"Apple Bloom!" I heard a voice cry out. I turned around just in time to collide face-first with a white blur barreling down the alley.


When my head finally cleared I found myself facing... "Kom-El?" The colt standing in front of me was a dead ringer for my twin brother, He was clad in a red bandana and wore a serious expression on his face.

"Apple Bloom, listen to me," he said his tone sounding urgent. "We need to get out of here right now." What was he talking about? Why did he call me Apple Bloom? Was he looking for somepony who was lost?"

"I-I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for somepony else. Y-You need to get inside it's not safe out here."

"I'm not mistaken, it's me Apple Comet, your brother your real brother! There's no time to explain, this is all a dream based on our heart's desires meant to keep us trapped here."

"A dream?" I took a step back cautiously, whoever this colt was, he sounded like he was a few apples short of a bushel.

"Listen, you've been getting painful headaches all day right? Falling unconscious? Noticed Ponies around you acting strange when you ask questions?" I felt the color drain from my face as brought up everything that had happened to me today.

"H-How d-did y-you k-know that?"

"Because the same thing keeps happening to me. He said She doesn't want us to find out the truth.

"W-Who's She?"

"Bloom-El there you are!" I turned around to see Kom-El standing behind me. "Why did you run off like that?" His face twisted into a scowl as soon as he laid eyes on Apple Comet. "And what is he doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Apple Comet countered. Suddenly out of nowhere, Kom-El tackled him.

Apple Comet's POV.

Well, this was an unexpected development. Not only had I literally run smack dab into Apple Bloom, but myself as well. And he clearly wasn't happy to see me.

"You foal! You're going to ruin everything!" He spat angrily.

POW! I socked him on the jaw sending him flying into a wall.

"You mean this illusion." I countered rolling back onto my hooves.

"Kom-El stop!" In a blur, Apple Bloom rushed between us her forehooves outstretched to block us. "What were you thinking? You could've seriously hurt him."

"That Colt is an imposter," Kom-El pointed accusingly at me. "He's trying to deceive you."

"Deceive me?"

"Don't listen to him Apple Bloom," He's lying.

"Is that the best you can do Imposter?"

"No this is." I said pointing to a sign hanging above a door."

Wo0Tie's CaFe

"I...A'h can't read it." Apple Bloom exclaimed in shock, her accent showing signs of breaking through.

"That's because the right side of the brain is used for reading, while dreams come from the left side. It's impossible to read anything in a dream."

Kom-El's face went white with fear.

"I-Is what he saying true Kom-El?" Apple Bloom asked. "Is this all just a dream? A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, giving way to a drizzle of rain.

To my surprise, Kom-El's expression softened. "Listen you've had a long day Sis, Why don't you go see how Mom and Dad are doing? I'm sure they could use your help, I've got things here."

"What are you talking about?" Apple Bloom asked angrily "You attacked an innocent pony for no good reason!"

"Your right I was wrong to do that and I'm sorry." He apologized half-heartily. "Now why don't you check on Mom and Dad while I make it up to him."

Apple Bloom's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Sorry brother no can do, Something smells like rotten apples, and Ah think you know what."

Kom-El closed his eyes and shrugged. "Oh, Apple Bloom, why couldn't you just play along." He said before bucking her into me.






We tumbled to a stop about five blocks away, none the worse for wear. At least he was taking it easy on us for now.

"We offered you your heart's desire." Said a voice that sounded like Jav-El with a country accent.

"Gave you everything you wanted." Pearan scolded bitterly.

"All ya had to do was be happy with it." Applejack finished as I rose to my hooves. We were surrounded by doubles of our family. One half was dressed in the flashy boots and capes of Kolton. The other half were just simple earth ponies.

"W-Whats going on?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Our 'families' were just explaining to us how they planned to keep us trapped here forever," I explained.

"And we would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling foals." Granny Smith shook her hoof at us.

"You can't keep us forever!" I said boldly staring them down. "Sooner or later we'll find a way out."

"Y'all are welcome to try, but there ain't no waking up from this dream."

I turned to face Apple Bloom. "Did you say that?" I asked her.

"Nope." She answered.

"Thought so," I said as my sister's double stepped into the center of the circle with Kom-El trailing close behind.

"Ms. Cheerilee don't like students playing hooky Brother." She said accompanied by a flash of lightning. Apple Bloom gasped in shock as her doppelganger smiled menacingly at her.

"You're not my real sister!" I said defiantly tearing my bandana from my neck and throwing it on the ground.

The other Apple Bloom looked down pitifully at the discarded neckerchief. "So that's your final answer? She whispered icily. "We gave you the perfect life, everything you could ever wish for? And this is how you repay us?"

"I won't live a lie," I answered coolly. "No matter how wonderful you make it." I expected any moment both our families would jump us ready to inflict a terrible punishment for rejecting their temptations. Our doubles would cast away their disguise to reveal something out of our worst nightmares.

But instead, the other Apple Bloom simply sighed and said. "Very well I can see your mind is made up."

She looked at Kom-El and nodded. My Counterpart looked back at her nodded his head in reply and then in the blink of an eye charged me


Apple Bloom's (The real one) POV

"APPLE COMET NO!" My cry was drowned out by a crash of thunder and the howling of the wind as A'h watched Kom-El carry him off high into the storm. In seconds they were just a speck lost in the dark clouds.

"Well, A'h reckon that's the end of that trouble-making varmint." A'h heard Applejack say.

"Eyup!" Big Macintosh agreed.

"You said a mouthful." The other me sneered.

"H-How dare you...you...not me." A'h was so angry, that A'h couldn't think of anything better to say as A'h stomped over to her. "How can Y'all be so heartless?"

"Your brother made his choice Apple Bloom," The other me grinned smugly as she picked Apple Comet's bandana up off the ground.

"He decided he'd rather suffer than accept our offer." She said turning it over in her hoof.

"Ah'm going to help him and you can't stop me," A'h said leaning into her face.

"True but A'h think your big sister can." She replied pointing behind me.



"Ah never imagined my sister's kicks could be stronger than they already were. But apparently, A'h was wrong. My head spun wildly as A'h felt my body tumble through the air like a kite caught in a storm. After a few seconds, A'h noticed A'h was starting to fall. A'h opened my eyes just in time to see the roof before A'h crashed through it.



"Ugh! Did anypony get the number of that wagon?"

A'h managed to land headfirst on the hard floor. A'h was dizzy and shaken but fortunately not hurt. Guess Y'all can't get hurt in a dream. After waiting for my head to stop spinning, A'h picked myself up.

"Where am A'h?" A'h asked looking around. The room Ah'd landed in was as dark as a dungeon. The only light came through windows and the hole A'h made in the ceiling. A'h realized Ah'd landed inside Ponyville's theater Flags showing pictures of the mare in the moon hung from the rafters and the balconies and doorways displayed banners saying things like 'Life Can Be A Dream If You Wish It' and 'Are You The One Who's Dreaming? Or Merely Part of Someone Else's Dream?' A stage sat in the center of the room. a dark blue banner of a black alicorn set against a full moon hung above it.

Suddenly a spotlight shone on the stage in the center of the room.

"What's going on who's there?" No answer, A'h looked up to see the stage light moving all by itself. The chime of an old music box filled the air as two marionettes appeared on stage. My entire body froze in fear, A'h couldn't move, A'h couldn't scream. A'h could only watch as the puppets an earth colt and filly looked up to see a great shadow towering above them. The shadow of a Black Alicorn.

"Aren't you having fun?" A'h turned around to see Gran-El standing behind me. A'h finally found the strength to move and let out a scream as A'h took off running only to crash head-first into Jack-El and Mac-El.

"Ssh," He said.

"Y'all don't wanna leave now do ya?" Jack-El smiled, "The show's just started.

Apple Comet's POV.

Higher and higher Kom-El ascended carrying me deeper into the heart of the storm. The clouds grew darker and more voluminous as we climbed as if seeming to devour everything in sight. I could no longer see Apple Bloom or Ponyville for that matter. It was gone, swallowed by the dark maelstrom below us.

"Alright, farm boy!" Kom-El's voice echoed over the storm. I looked over to see a devious grin on his face. "This is where you get off!" My stomach dropped as I felt him release me from his grip. With super-equine speed, I grabbed his hind leg and held on tight.

"What the? Let go of me!" He roared as he tried to shake me loose.

"Sorry, You're stuck with me!" I shouted back. His face twisted into a snarled rage as he kicked out with his other leg barely missing my head by a few inches. But all that did was give me a second hoofhold on him.

"So you fancy yourself a hang glider huh? Let's just see how strong your grip is." He suddenly banked sharply to the right, then the left trying to shake me off like a piece of cloud. But I was determined to stay on no matter what.

"You know it's too bad you turned out to be evil! We'd have made quite the high-flying act together!"

My thought was interrupted as I felt his right boot slipping off.

"Sorry brother," Kom-El said sliding his foot out."I fly solo!" With one last kick, the boot flew off, leaving me hanging onto the left one with both hooves.

"Nice try," I said desperately wishing I felt as confident as I sounded. Already I could feel the other foot wriggling back and forth.

"Grrr Just you wait the other shoe has yet to drop! Bon Voyage!" With lightning speed, I lunged forward grabbing hold of his cape, and began pulling myself forward.

"I'm through playing around with you, Tell me how to get out of here."

Kom-El let out a diabolical laugh."Oh, my foalish little prince," He said turning to face me. "You still don't get it, do you?" His head turned a hundred and eighty degrees revealing his eyes to be two cat-like cyan jewels. Instantly his body began to change. His legs and barrel grew longer, his coat turned an almost black shade of blue, and his cape transformed into a pair of black wings as a horn sprouted out of the top of his head.

"Nightmare!" I gasped. Before I could react, Nightmare shot a bolt of lightning into my chest knocking me off her back and sending me tumbling into the stormy abyss below.

"Uggh." I awoke from my free fall, feeling none the worse for wear except for the knowledge that Nightmare had managed to one-up me once again. "Where am I now?" I found myself looking up at a large arched ceiling decorated with a large fresco depicting the moon and stars. Stained glass windows lined the walls bathing the room in the moonlight. The walls were decorated with flags and banners embroidered with the moon, stars, and a certain alicorn I'd grown to loathe. I turned around to see an opulent blue throne decorated with batwings and a sculpture of a half-moon on top.

"I know you're here Nightmare!" I shouted up at the ceiling. "I've had enough of your tricks! Show yourself!" A starry wisp of dark blue magic descended from the ceiling curling itself on the seat of the throne. With a clap of thunder, the wisp erupted into a cloud of smoke revealing the figure of Nightmare Moon.

"We meet again Kom-El or do you prefer Apple Comet? Honestly, it's getting hard to remember."

"Why are you still here?" I asked her. "I thought you wanted me out of your mane so you could take over Equestria?"

"Oh what's wrong my little subject," She said feigning disappointment. "Did you not like the life I created for you and your sister? I thought I got everything on your list. A normal life, a loving family, lots of friends, no more feeling like an outcast? What else do you get the Colt who has everything? And your sister, all she wanted was to be just like you. Does that make me a bad Queen?"

"Answer me!" I barked.

Maybe I'm here maybe I'm not." She answered calmly. "Perhaps I'm just a part of your dream or maybe you are just part of mine. Or maybe I already took over Equestria a thousand years ago and you and your sister have just been asleep all that time?"

"So you're saying you're not the real Nightmare Moon?"

"Who can say, foalish mortal, by now you know dreams can make the impossible seem real."

I'll give Nightmare Moon one thing, When it came to getting under my coat, she knew exactly which buttons to push.

"Where is Apple Bloom?" I hissed up at her. The black alicorn chuckled as she summoned up a cloud of smoke next to her throne.

"See for yourself." She said as the smoke cleared revealing a dark blue oval mirror. Dark mists swirled around behind the glass revealing a theater. A single spotlight shone on the center stage where two life-sized marionettes of Nightmare Moon and myself stood against the backdrop of the forest. Apple Bloom was seated in the front row, her legs restrained by Jack-El and Mac-El who were seated beside her. Her face was petrified with fear.

"Apple Bloom," I pressed my hoof up against the mirror watching as my understudy on stage copied my movement.

"I thought she could do with some entertainment," Nightmare grinned with a gleam of triumph in her eyes. "As you can see she's practically glued to her seat.

"Let her go!" I demanded.

"And what will you do if I don't?" Nightmare laughed as she cast another spell. A second Nightmare Moon appeared to my right.

"Beat me down?" This second Nightmare asked coyly as a third one appeared to my left.

"Imprison us in ice?" The third one suggested as a fourth alicorn materialized behind me.

"Burn us with your fiery gaze?" The fourth pondered.

"How about all three?" I suggested.

The four Nightmares erupted into howls of laughter as several dozen more clones appeared surrounding them.

"Face it," They said in unison, "Your power is useless against me, In here I am omnipotent for every one of me you destroy, two more shall take my place."

As much as I hated to admit it, Nightmare Moon had made her point known. I had tried and tried and tried, but was finally forced to accept that for all my power there was no way I could defeat her while I was asleep. I was left with only one option.

"Let her go and I'll stop fighting you."

"Excuse me?" Nightmare and her doubles asked in surprise.

"You heard me, Let Apple Bloom go and you can do whatever you like to me. I won't fight you anymore."

The dark alicorn closed her eyes, pondering my offer. "A knight noble to the end I see." She said dispersing her clones with a flash of her horn. "Very well I accept your terms." She clapped her hooves instructing Jack-El and Mac-El to release Apple Bloom. The two did so without a word.

Apple Bloom's POV.

As soon as Mac-El and Jack-El released me the entire theater began to fade away. The walls and ceiling gave way to a wide-open throne room. The audience slowly faded into nothingness. Props and set pieces became solid objects. The marionette's wooden bodies became flesh and fur. Even my Koltonian clothes disappeared leaving me with just my bow.

"Apple Comet!" A'h ran toward my brother at full speed throwing my forelegs around his neck. "Don't do it! You can still beat her! A'h knows you've got it in ya's." He looked at me his eyes heavy with defeat.

"I'm sorry, Apple Bloom, I tried. At least this way one of us gets to wake up." His words felt like a knife to the heart.

"H-H-How can you say that? *sniff* How can A'h possibly get up tomorrow morning knowing you'll never wake up?" Tears stung my eyes as A'h clutched onto him for dear life.

"A-A'h w-won't leave without you! If you're gonna b-be stuck here then A'h w-wants to be stuck h-here with you!" My voice trembled and my body shook but A'h was determined to stand my ground.

"Aw, how touching," Nightmare Moon cooed. "I hate to break up this tear-filled reunion but a deal is a deal."

"TO TARTARUS WITH YOUR DEAL!" I shrieked at the black alicorn. "Ah've had just about enough of your lies and your nightmares and the way you've treated my brother so horribly!"

"HOLD YOUR TONGUE FOAL! REMEMBER WHO YOU SPEAK TO!" Nightmare Moon roared, her eyes glowing white with fury as she summoned dark clouds in the sky.

"A'h ain't afraid of you anymore! You're nothing but a big bully! A'h don't care what you do to me, A'h won't let you hurt my brother!" The sky flashed with lightning as Nightmare Moon took flight.


"You mean we will!" Suddenly Apple Comet stood beside me. "Sorry Nightmare," He said his voice filled with determination once again. "There ain't no point arguing with my sister when she's made up their mind."

"Good to have you back, brother," A'h said. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Couldn't've done it without you believing in me Sis." He said.


We both looked up to see Nightmare Moon hovering over us like a vulture. Her eyes glowed with fire as her body began to change. Her snout grew longer revealing rows of razor-sharp fangs. Her ears pointed upward becoming more batlike. She began to grow larger, her breastplate burst from her chest unable to hold back her increased muscle mass.
Sharp claws tore through her horseshoes as her shadow slowly began to block out the moon's light. She arched her back as her wings began to grow longer and more leathery to match her bat ears.

"Still not scared?" Apple Comet asked me.

"Not as long as you're with me," A'h shook my head and said.

"Good answer, you ready to finish this?"

"Almost," A'h offered my hoof and A'h closed my eyes. "Take my hoof."

A warm bright feeling rushed through my body as A'h felt his hoof in mine. A'h thought of our family, our farm, and everyone in Ponyville and all of Equestria who were counting on us.

Apple Comet's POV.

"Was all that just for a costume change?" I asked noticing Apple Bloom wearing her Koltonian costume. It was mostly the same as before except for the Apple-shaped Emblem on her chest with a red A in the center and her mane which remained tied up in a bow.

"A'h gave you one too," She answered as I noticed I too was wearing a costume. A bright blue bodysuit with an emblem of my family crest. A red belt with a gold diamond-shaped buckle. A red cape flowed behind me matching boots for hind legs and red wrist cuffs for my forelegs.

"You couldn't have done something about my mane?" I asked noticing I still had that annoying kiss curl in front.

"A'h think it's cute and so does everypony else?" She smiled.

"Even Big Mac?"

"Eyup even if he won't admit it."


A dark shadow loomed over the plateau. I looked up to see Nightmare had transformed herself into some kind of monstrous hybrid of a Batpony and a Timberwolf,

"Fine," I sighed. "Then let's go kick some Nightmare butt."

Author's Note:

(Update: I decided that the ending of this chapter was a bit rushed and left me nowhere to start the next one so, I went back and rewrote it to better set up the final battle in the next chapter. I had a tough time deciding what Nightmare's final form would be. Then I thought back to the bosses of the Zelda series and got some inspiration for something monstrous. A form meant to strike terror into the heart of Nightmare's captives and break their will.

Will it be enough to defeat our super duo? Find out next chapter.

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