> Comet The Colt of Steel > by Stallion of Steel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Foal That Fell From The Stars. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hurry up A'h don't wanna miss the big meteor shower!" Applejack called out from the loft of the house. Tonight was the night that astronomers had predicted a major meteor shower and the citizens of Ponyville had gathered on rooftops and hillsides, telescopes in hoof to witness the magnificent sight. "Hold your horses Sugarcube." A gruff but gentle voice replied. “We're coming, remember your Mother is carrying for two right now.” One by one the rest of the family came up the stairs. The first was a beautiful young mare with a light orange coat and poofy orange mane. She had the mark of a jar of Pear Butter on her flank hence her name and her distended barrel made it clear she was with foal. Right behind her was a middle-aged green mare with a cutie mark of an apple pie on her flank. Though her face showed several wrinkles she still trotted with a firm step as if to show she still had some strength in her aging bones. Next came a young colt with a red coat and a cutie mark of a green apple carrying a picnic basket in his teeth. The last to come up was a mammoth yellow stallion with a cutie mark of a great green apple with a golden star. He stood taller than most stallions sitting down and could carry a full-grown apple tree over his shoulder during planting season. Everypony who ever met him described Bright Mac as a quiet gentle giant who worked hard to provide for his family. Like every other colt and filly in town, Applejack had been waiting all week for the big meteor shower. It was a pretty big deal in Ponyville. In ancient times ponies saw falling stars as a sign of great change and would leave offerings in front of their homes in hopes of bringing themselves good fortune. However, since the banishment of Princess Luna, the festival had fallen out of favor as time wore on. "Is everything ready Applejack?" Pear Butter asked slowly sitting down. "You betcha!" Applejack replied trotting over to her mother. "I've been waiting all week for this." "Alrighty just settle down AJ, everyone's here." Bright Mac said sitting down next to his wife. "It's starting!" Applejack cried as the first comet shot across the sky. The sky lit up in a dazzling display of comet tails streaking over the tiny town. "Look Ma, Pa!!” Applejack pointed as one of the comets turned inward towards the farm. "One of them looks like it's breaking away from the rest!" "One of the comets?" Bright Mac chuckled at his daughter's statement. "That’s not possible Sugarcube, comets just don't change course on a bit unless...Sweet Celestia!!! It's heading straight for the orchard!" He cried out as he spotted the comet plunging headlong toward the farm until it crashed into the distant tree line. For the next few moments, the house was dead quiet, Nopony making a sound. After a minute passed Applejack broke the silence. "Wow." She whispered "That was amazing! A'h never thought Ah'd see a shooting star land in our backyard!" She cried with excitement as she raced down the stairs. "Come on everypony let's go check it out?" "Applejack wait!" Pear Butter called out as followed after her daughter. "Hold yer horses, little lady." Pear Butter said as she finally caught the little filly by her tail. "Just where do you think you're going?" "Aw... A'h wanna go see the shooting star!" Applejack pouted as her mother set her down. "The only place you're going little filly is straight to bed. It's much too dangerous for you to go out there! "But...." "No buts young lady." Pear Butter said with a stern look on her face. “Granny will be putting you young' in's to bed while yer Father and A'h go check things out." "But that's not fair!" Applejack pouted and crossed her arms. "Why do grown-ups get to have all the fun?" "Yer already getting to stay up past yer usual bedtime and yah ain't got no school in the morning. Sounds pretty fair to me." Pear Butter answered her daughter. "A'h promise if you and yer brother behave yourselves ya can both have a look at whatever it is in the morning." Applejack sighed and stood. "Alright, but you better keep yer promise." "A'h always do Sugarcube. Now Y'all head on upstairs and I'm sure Granny will be glad to read a story for you." With that, Applejack galloped up the stairs like a filly on Hearth's Warming Day in reverse. "Big Brotha! Big Brotha! Ma says we all can have a look at the shooting star tomorrow!" "Whoa, easy there Pumpkin!" Bright Mac said as his daughter rushed past him. "Slow down there." Applejack kept on running nearly bumping into a table as she turned the corner to her room. Leaving her poor old Pa scratching his head. "That Filly don't know her own stamina." He sighed and turned to his wife. "A'h found the lantern upstairs." The farm was eerily calm as Bright Mac and Pear Butter stepped outside. Falling stars illuminated the sky as they went to see what had landed in the orchard. "A'h think I saw it land somewhere around here." Bright Mac said to his wife as they searched the orchard for the falling star. "No offense but that's like searching for a needle in a haystack." Pear Butter exclaimed as she carried the worn brass lantern in her hoof. "Do you even know what a falling star looks like when it stops falling?" Bright Mac shrugged his shoulders. "Well, Ah'm sure we'll know it when we see it. Ah'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to miss. "What if the orchards caught fire!" Pear Butter exclaimed. "We can't afford to lose any trees this close to harvest!" "A'h think we would've seen smoke or smelled something burning by now if that were the case." Bright Mac reassured his wife. "Whatever it was it probably kicked up a bunch of soil when it impacted, smothered the flames. Anyway, it's getting late, Ah'd say we search for fifteen more minutes before we turn in....... What's that sound?" "Waaaaah! Waaaaaah!!!" Bright Mac looked at his wife. "Did Y'all just hear that?" he asked her. "Waaaaaaah! Waaaaaaah!" "Yeah, I think it's coming from over by the Jupiters." Pear Butter answered. "Waaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah!" "It almost sounds like a foal or something." Bright Mac said. "But who in Equestria would leave a foal out here at this hour? " "OH NO!" Pear Butter cried her maternal instincts kicking into high gear. "Hold on there sweet baby, Ah'm coming!" She dashed as fast as she could closer and closer to the sound of the crying with her husband hot on her hooves. Despite her being eight months pregnant Sweet Peach kept on running. By now the cry wailing through the night was unmistakable. They were almost there. "By Princess Celestia's mane." Sweet Peach gasped in shock as they finally reached the source of the sound. Sitting in a trench of uprooted earth was a sleek arrowhead-shaped craft with rocket engines and fins. A large hatch door lay open giving them a clear view inside of the ship. Lying inside wrapped in a red blanket adorned with a symbol of a golden comet and a pendant wrapped around his neck was a tiny white colt with a silver tuft of hair bawling his little lungs out. "Oh, mah sweet land!" Pear Butter cried out. Ignoring the searing heat, she put the lantern down and rushed in, scooping the infant up her hooves. "Shh, it's okay now little one you're safe now." The softness of her voice seemed to soothe the child as he slowly began to cease crying and look up at her. "Where in tarnation did you suppose he was doing in there?" Bright Mac asked as he looked over the craft that had landed on his farm. "It doesn't matter why he was in there."Pear Butter answered, "What matters is that he's safe now." She nuzzled the top of his head with her snout and smiled softly. "Well, A'h think it does matter. If somepony put him in there then he's somepony else's foal." Bright Mac looked over the interior of the cabin. "A'h'm sure there's something in here that'll explain all of this. A note or photo or something." The cockpit was mostly taken up by the seat. There weren't any instrument panels or controls of any sort leaving Bright Mac scratching his head on how the darn thing was supposed to fly. "Well, he's wearing a pendant of some sort." Pear Butter said as she carefully examined it in her hoof. It was a silver diamond shield emblazoned with a comet soaring through the stars, "Does it say anything about him?" "No, It doesn't, It's just an image of a shooting star." "A shooting star?" Bright Mac's hoof found a switch that opened a hidden compartment. Inside was a long clear crystal covered in symbols that glowed with a strange light. "What in tarnation?" Bright Mac muttered as he removed the crystal from its compartment. "Did you find anything?" Pear Butter leaned in to get a closer look as Bright Mac turned and showed her the crystal he was holding with his hoof. "Ah don't know." He said. "It was inside whatever this thing is. A secret compartment of some kind. All A'h know is it feels strange when A'h hold it." "Well if ya don't know what it is then put it back." Pear Butter replied as she turned her attention back to the foal in her hooves. By now he was content to yawn and rest his head in her arms. Bright Mac bent back down as carefully as he could and slipped the crystal back into its slot in the compartment. "Ow!" He cried as he bumped his head pulling it back out. "You okay dear?" Pear Butter asked concerned. "Ah'm fine just conked mah head is all." Bright Mac grumbled as he closed the door to the craft all the while rubbing the sore spot on his head. Pear Butter giggled a little at her husband's clumsiness. "It's alright dear, Ah'll grab you an ice pack from the fridge after A'h put this little one to bed." "Fair enough. Ah, suppose Ah can pull this out of the ground tomorrow after we drop him off at the orphanage." Bright Mac grumbled as he started to walk back to the house. "Dear." Pear Butter said. “Ah've been thinking." Bright Mac sighed knowing what was to come next. Pear Butter loved children, heck the day she learned she was pregnant with Big Mac was one of the happiest moments of her life. And now with a third on the way he'd learned how to tell when she was thinking about having more. "Oh no Pear, look A'h love with all mah heart, and A'h love our children with all my heart." The words hurt for him to say but he knew if he didn't put his hoof down now he'd never get another chance. "But we can't afford another child right now. Y'all are already eight months along with our third. We just ain't got no more room right now." "He's got nowhere else to go Mac. Look at him, Look at those little eyes, and tell me you can say no to that face." She said holding the sleepy-eyed foal in front of him. She had resorted to fighting dirty. "Look A'h know what yer trying to do Pear but mah mind is made up. We're dropping him off at the orphanage first thing tomorrow." "So what we just drop on the doorstep and leave him to spend most of his foal-hood without a loving family?" A switch inside her flipped. Pear Butter's tone changed from a loving mother to a protective hen. "It's a good establishment.” Bright Mac protested. "Ah'm sure they'll find a home for him in no time." Bright Mac saw tears beginning to form in Pear Butter's eyes. "Oh, Pear please don't start bawling. I'm saying please." "Ah don't want to drop him off at no orphanage like some bad apple out of a bucket." Pear Butter's words were choked with tears. She cradled the foal tightly in her hooves as if fearing Bright Mac would take him away from her. "Bright Mac A'h swear if you send this child to an orphanage Ah'll...Ah'll...A'h'll divorce you and move back to Vanhoover with the kids and Y'all will never see us again!" A fire burned through her streams of tears pouring from her eyes. Bright Mac took a deep breath. "Alright calm just down now. There's no need to get all worked up. We'll talk to the rest of the family tomorrow and see how everypony feels about it." Pear Butter let out a sniffle as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Oh, Mac! Mac you wonderful wonderful stallion!” She exclaimed as she planted a kiss right on his lips. "You make me so happy you big o'l stud you." Bright Mac could only shrug his shoulders and yawn. This was just too much to deal with this late at night. "Ah love you too dear but can we just go to bed now? Shooting stars and rambunctious youngins A'h can handle but foals coming from falling stars is just much to deal with in the middle of the night." > New Arrivals And Tearful Goodbyes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stirred as the sound of the rooster's crow entered her bedroom window. With a yawn, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she looked to see the figure of her big brother standing at the foot of her bed. *Yawn* "Morning Big Mac, What are y'all doing in mah room?" She asked puzzled. "Pa told me to come and get ya.” He answered. "Said we're having a family meeting in the Nursery." "Family meeting? What about?" "Pa said Something about it having to do with the shooting star that crashed into the orchard last night." In an instant, Applejack wiped the remaining sleep out of her eyes and threw off her sheets following her older brother to the nursery next to her parent's room. "Ma what's going on?" Applejack asked as entered the nursery. To her surprise, her parents were standing over the crib in the center of the room while her Grandmother sat in a rocking chair in the corner. "Good to see you're finally up.” Pear Butter replied. "Now the reason your Pa and A'h called this family meeting is on the count of something landed in the orchard last night." Applejack's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the fallen star. "Where is it Ma can we see it?" Bright Mac looked at his daughter and smiled before he picked her up by the scruff of her neck and held her over the crib "You're looking at it Sugarcube." He said. Lying in the crib was a small white colt with a snow-white coat and a tuft of a steel gray mane on his forehead. The little filly could hardly believe her ears. "What are y'all talking about? A'h thought you said it was a shooting star?" Bright Mac smiled and set her down on the floor. "Bright Mac, please take a seat we've got much to discuss." Pear Butter said as she ushered her daughter over to the couch. She took a deep breath as Applejack sat next to her brother. "Y'all know how some foals are found in baskets hun? Well after yer pa and A'h sent you both to bed we went out to the orchard to see what the damage was. When we got there we found, well... It's hard to describe." Pear Butter ran a hoof through her mane as she tried to think of the right word to say. "Ah guess there's no other way to say it, it looked like some kind of rocket ship or something." Applejack's eyes widened with excitement at the mention of a rocket ship. She was a pretty good teller if somepony was lying for her age. And it wasn't like her parents to go around telling tall tales. A glance around the living room showed that the rest of the family echoed her astonishment. Big Mac was left even more speechless than usual, Not even able to let out a gasp while Granny's lower jaw fell so low that Applejack thought her dentures might fall out. The room went silent, with nopony able to draw a breath. Finally, Bright Mac cleared his throat. "At any rate when we found it there was a hatch open and there he was lying inside it. And you both know how protective yer Ma can be." Finally, Applejack found the will to speak again. "Where's the rocket now Pa?" "It's out in the barn right now and that's where it's gonna stay.” He answered. "A'h think it's best for now that we keep this a family secret until we decide what to do with it. In the meantime, Ah think we should get back on subject." Applejack's gaze drew back to the colt quietly napping in the crib. "Your Mother and A'h talked it over last night and we decided that in light of these strange circumstances, we're going to adopt him.” " Mac, are you Y'all sure about this?" Granny said climbing out of her rocker. "Pear is already eight months along. You think yer capable of taking on two youngins at the same time?" Bright Mac scratched his head with his hoof. "It wasn't mah idea Ma honest A'h tried talking her out of it, but you know how stubborn she gets Ow!" Bright Mac winced as Pear Butter flicked his wrist with her hoof "Ah'm grateful that your thinking of me in my time of great need." She said with a smile. "Really Ah am, But mah mind's made up and there ain't nothing either of you can say or do to convince me otherwise." Granny Smith cracked a smile. "Sounds like she's got you whipped pretty good." Bright Mac could only look up at her and scratch his neck. "Yeah looks like it." He said. Pear Butter held back a chuckle at her husband's humility. "It'll be alright dear, We'll get through it somehow, We always do." "So what are we gonna call him?" The Apples looked over to their daughter, peering over the bars of the crib. In all the excitement they'd never given it much thought. Bright Mac looked down at his daughter who was gazing up at him. "A'h guess we haven't figured that out yet Sugarcube.” Bright Mac grunted as he took off his hat. "There wasn't any letter or name tag when we found him." He turned his hat upside down and a small golden diamond-shaped pendant fell into his hoof. "All he was wearing was this when we found him." Applejack gazed at the pendant with eyes wide in wonder as she watched the light dance off the shooting star in the center. "Comet." "Excuse me, dear?" Pear Butter asked looking down at her. "Ah was just thinking that might be his name on the count ah there's one on this pendant," Applejack said as she held up to her Mother's face. "Hmm... well A'h must admit it does suit him in a way." Pear Butter said as she looked inside the crib. The foal slowly opened his eyes and looked around. "Comet? whoever heard of an Apple named Comet?" Granny Smith suddenly spoke out. Applejack's ears perked up as a bright idea passed through her head. "Well, what about Apple Comet Granny?" She suggested. "It's got Apple in it and it sort of suits him since he's from space or something." Granny Smith looked down sternly at her granddaughter. "Applejack," she said. "Ah don't think that's a good name for him." Applejack's ears drooped down as she looked down at the floor. Suddenly a wide smile crossed Granny Smith's face. "A'h think it's GREAT Name for him!" She exclaimed. Applejack smiled and grabbed her Grandmother's foreleg, While Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and Big Mac, looked on proudly. "Apple Comet huh? A'h like it." Bright Mac said. "It's a little unusual but A'h gotta admit A'h like how it rolls off the tongue." "A'h think it's just perfect for him darling." Pear Butter said. Applejack turned to her older brother who was leaning over the arm of the couch to get a better look over the rest of the family. "What do you think Big Mac?" She asked him. "E'yup." He answered simply. "Well, then it's all settled.” Pear Butter Exclaimed. "Welcome to the Family AppleComet." A yawn escaped from the young foal's muzzle as he stretched his legs out to stand up. "Hi, there little fella!" Pear Butter cooed. AppleComet looked up at her puzzled. "Ah'm yer Mother and this is your Pa and your big siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack." "Hi, there pardner nice to meet ya," Applejack said as she reached down to rub his cheek with her hoof. "E'yup." “And this here is gonna be your baby sister real soon.” Pear Butter said pointing to her large round barrel. “She's sleeping right now but Ah promise you'll be seeing her in a few more months. A'h bet yer as hungry as a billy goat after all you've been thru." She gently leaned down into the crib and picked AppleComet up by the scruff of his neck. "Let's get Y'all changed up and fed and after breakfast, I'll give ya a good burping." "Can we see the rocket now Pa?" Applejack asked turning back to her father. "We'll talk about it after breakfast Sugarcube. If y'all both get yer chores done this morning then maybe Ah'll letcha take a peek at it." "Race ya to breakfast!" Applejack called out as she dashed for the kitchen Her brother fast in hot pursuit. Pear Butter beamed down at her now three children with pride. "Seems like just yesterday A'h was nursing them for the first time." She said wiping a tear from her eyes. “Pretty soon we're gonna have four of 'em. They're growing up so fast." Bright Mac looked down at his wife who barely came up to his shoulder as she set the newest addition to their family on the floor to change him. She was positively radiant with the beauty of budding motherhood. "E'yup They sure are darling, They sure are." Despite his earlier reservations about adopting the abandoned foal while they were already expecting another child. Bright Mac could not help but beam with pride at his wife as she finished changing and dressing their newest addition. "There, all done." Pear Butter smiled as she set the dirty diaper next to her husband. "Y'all mind getting rid of that for me? A'h thinks someone's a little hungry.” She lay down on the floor and nudged AppleComet next to her teats. Bright Mac watched as the tiny colt sniffed at the sweet scent of her milk and slowly began to drink. "Sure thing dear." He said before picking up the dirty diaper and tossing it into the bin. He wasn't ashamed to admit it, He'd been wrong. The boy was going to make a fine addition to the Apple Family and a great sibling for the rest of the youngins. Four Months Later “ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!!” Pear Butter let out a shriek as she felt another contraction. "Move aside this is an emergency!" Nurses and Orderlies stood aside as the doctors rushed Pear Butter into the operating room. Her worst nightmare was coming true. Fifteen minutes had passed since her contractions began and her cervix had only dilated by 7cm. Downstairs In the waiting area, the rest of the Apple family sat and waited for the inevitable news. Big Macintosh and Applejack huddled close to their father as they wondered if their mother was going to be okay. "It's going to be okay isn't it Pa?" Applejack asked her father. Her eyes were moist with tears as she looked up at him. The towering stallion could only sigh and look down the hall where his wife had just been taken. "Ah don't know Sugarcube.” He answered. "A'h just don't know." "What do you mean you don't know Pa? Is the doctor supposed to make ponies better ain't he? He's gonna make Ma all better and the baby too! Please, Pa Tell me Ma's gonna be okay." "Sugarcube Y'all just need to calm down now, It ain't gonna ya any good to get worked up." Applejack sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I need you to listen to me alright, Are ya listening?" The Orange Filly took a deep breath and nodded. "Good Girl, Now listen I want you to promise me that no what happens with yer Ma and yer sister you all be strong for us okay Sugarcube?" Applejack sniffled and swallowed as she looked up at her father. With a swipe of her hoof, the sadness was wiped away from her eyes, replaced by a stoic look of determination. "Ah promise Pa!" Bright Mac looked down at his daughter's face, The worried, scared filly was gone, and in her place was a strong confident mare. “She gets that from her mother no doubt." He thought as he looked back down the hall to the operating room. "A'h just wish A'h could share even one ounce of her innocence right now.” The doctors had warned Pear Butter after she found out she was pregnant that her last two births had left her at a higher risk for complications. Big Mac especially as well as Applejack had both been born larger than normal foals and the doctor had advised her against giving birth to this one. She'd refused to abort but had agreed to a caesarian in the event something went wrong. Bright Mac could only blame himself. "They get it from my side of the family after all." He thought remembering how his Mother had to have him delivered by a caesarian. She'd swallowed her pride after that and decided one foal was enough after him. He looked over at his mother who was holding Apple Comet in her arms while Big Mac laid his head in her lap. The tiny foal was content to squirm and wriggle in Granny Smith's arms, While the young colt just lay there, his eyes filled with dread and uncertainty. It was as if he knew what was wrong with his mother and what was likely going to happen to her, It was a feeling his father shared. Beep beep beep beep beep. Pear Butter's heartbeat echoed from the EKG monitor, the rhythm increasing steadily slower as the analgesic spell began to take effect. Her coat was coated in sweat from hours of attempting to deliver but with no success. "You're doing great Pear Butter, I just need you to stay calm and let us do the rest." A nurse said to her. Pear Butter's vision began to blur from the painkiller spell as the surgeons gathered around her. "Is everything ready?" The Head Surgeon, a Unicorn with a scalpel for a cutie mark asked. "Yes, Doctor Scalpel." His Assistant answered. "She's been sedated but we don't have much time.” Pear Butter watched as Dr. Scalpel made the first incision into her stomach. The analgesic spell meant she couldn't feel anything, She could only look on as the doctor cut her stomach open like a side of beef. "I see the head!" One of the surgeons cried out as Dr. Scalpel reached inside of her and slowly pulled out a tiny figure of a little filly. A soft wailing filled the room as the newborn filly took her first breaths. "Congratulations Mrs. Apple it's a filly, a beautiful healthy Filly." A wave of relief washed over Pear Butter as Doctor Scalpel cut the umbilical cord and handed off the newborn to her. "She's safe...Oh, thank Celestia she's safe." The Newborn Filly nuzzled up against her Mother's neck as Pear Butter took her into her arms. With her pale yellow coat and red mane, she was the spitting image of her Father. "Hello, there my little Apple." Pear Butter smiled as her daughter opened her eyes for the first time. "Have you decided on a name for her yet?" One of the doctors asked her. Pear Butter looked into her daughter's eyes. A fusion of red and orange that reminded her of the autumn harvest in full bloom. "Apple Bloom." She stated. "Her name shall be Apple Bloom.” Suddenly Pear Butter heard the EKG beating faster. She looked down and let out a horrified scream as she saw the sheets of her gurney turning a deep red. "Oh no she's hemorrhaging! Get me an IV of blood stat and a hemostat potion stat!" Doctor Scalpel cried out. Pear Butter felt a shiver of cold rush down her spine. Her worst fear was coming true. The sudden drama was too much for her newborn who began wailing loudly as the surgeons fought valiantly to save Pear Butter's life. "Nurse get the foal to postnatal care for clean up immediately!" "Right away Doctor!" The nurse gently took Apple Bloom from her mother's arms and wrapped her in a blanket. "Her heart rate is dropping where's that hemostat potion?" Pear Butter's vision began to blur as she felt the life draining out of her. It was getting so cold! "Here it is Doctor Scalpel." One of the surgeons handed the potion to him. He wasted no time removing the sealant cap. "I need you to drink this okay?" He held her mouth open with his hoof and poured the potion quickly down. She swallowed the first few gulps of it with no problem, however, she began to gag as the last third of it ran down her throat. "She's gagging tilt her head back." Doctor Scalpel called out to one of his assistants. The assistant surgeon did as instructed holding Pear Butter's head back as the Doctor poured the last of the hemostat down her throat. "Stay with us, Mrs. Mac! I need you to stay with us." Pear Butter's breathing began to slow as another shiver ran through her body. "B-B-Bright M-Mac P-P-promise you'll t-tell him. T-Tell him I-I-I'm S-S-S-Sorry.” The words choked out of her mouth in heavy labored gasps of air as she gripped the doctor's hoof tightly. "She's going into shock!" Doctor Scalpel cried. “Find Dr. Nimbus tell him to get a thundercloud in here post-haste!” "I-I'm s-sorry...every-pony, I-I-I fou-fought...my hardest for you all! But I guess...it just wasn't...enough. Bright...Mac...Granny...Smith......Big Macin...tosh.....Apple...jack.....App..le...Bloom. I-I-I...l-lo-love...y'all...sss...so....much. Take....care of....each...other." Applejack held onto her father's foreleg tightly, It was nightfall long past time for ponies her age to be in bed. But Applejack could not sleep, Not when her Mother and Baby Sister were both sick. She wanted to believe that they would be okay, that the doctors would make her better and they could all go home as one big happy family. However, when Doctor Scalpel finally did walk out into the waiting hall he wore a grim expression on his face. "Mr. Mac I'm afraid we have some bad news." He said. Applejack felt her heart drop like a stone into the pit of her stomach. "There were complications during the caesarian. Your daughter is going to be alright...but I'm afraid we couldn't save your wife." And just like that Applejack fell apart, Every dam, every wall, every fiber of her being shattered like porcelain as she collapsed into a heap against her father's barrel. Bright Mac looked down at his daughter who was sobbing so hard that part of him thought she might have a panic attack. He looked over at his mother, Granny Smith had set AppleComet down in his bassinet and was holding Big Macintosh's head on her shoulder as the large colt cried his eyes out. Tears flowed down her wrinkled cheeks as she patted Big Macintosh on the back with her hoof. "I'm very sorry for your loss, We did everything we could under the circumstances. Your Daughter is waiting in the maternity ward if you want to go see her." Bright Mac looked up at the doctor with a heavy hurt in his eyes. Despite that, he still held onto his composure. "Thank you, Doctor." He replied simply before turning down to his children. "AJ, Mac!" His children looked up at him with red eyes. "Do ya two want to go see yer new sister?" Neither one of them said a word. "Look A'h know yer hurtin' right now, I'm hurtin' and Y'all can be sure yer Granny's hurtin' too. But Yer Ma wouldn't want ya to break down on her like this. She'd want ya to be strong, For her, for me, For yer Granny, For Apple Comet, for yer baby sister, But most importantly for each other. Now the Apples are a family and what does a family do?" Applejack sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Family sticks...Together no matt' ah...what...happens." The words choked out of her mouth. "E...yup." Big Mac said as he climbed slowly down from his Grandmother's lap. Bright Mac smiled softly as the Apple Clan proceeded to pull itself together. "That's the spirit, now come on let' not keep yer new sister waiting.” "Which one is she, Pa?" Applejack asked as she and Big Mac peered through the window into the nursery. Foals of all different races and colors lay in their bassinets, Some slept peacefully while fussed and cried. "She's over there Sugar Cube." Bright Mac said as pointed over to a light yellow filly with a red mane. "That's yer new baby sister, Apple Bloom." Applejack looked in awe at the little foal as she tossed and yawned in her crib. Apple Bloom, Her baby sister's name was Apple Bloom. Applejack felt a feeling of warmth rush through her, stifling the pain in her heart. She still fought to hold back her tears, but this time she felt different besides grief. She felt joy. Joy for the new life Pear Butter had brought into this world. It didn't erase the sense of loss, but maybe just maybe it might make that burden a little easier to bear. "When can we take her home Pa?" "Tomorrow morning." He simply said. There was still much to be done, In addition to filling out the necessary paperwork, there was the task of making Pear Butter's funeral preparations as well as notifying the rest of the family. Bright Mac felt his heart sink deep into his chest. He was a stallion of few words and even fewer emotions. But the thought of having to bury the love of his life along with the blame he placed on himself for her weighed heavy on his heart. He'd done a good job keeping a straight face for his family's sake but deep down he felt like bawling like a foal. "Son, A'h know you're hurt' in right now, Ya might be able to hide it from the kids but ya can't hide it from me." Bright Mac looked down to see his mother standing by him bassinet in hoof. "A'h just can’t believe she's gone." He said. "Ah'm gonna miss her too. we all will. A mare like Pear Butter comes bout maybe once in a lifetime.” "Ah guess Ah've just been keeping up a strong front for the kid's sake." "You can't blame yourself for what happened. She knew the risk but she wanted to bring that foal into the world out of love for you and us. In the end, it was her decision." Bright Mac sighed and slowly removed his hat. Slowly he reached into his hat and pulled out a letter. To my loving husband and wonderful children. Bright Mac placed the hat back on his head as he looked at the words gracing the envelope. "Ah'm not gonna lie these next few months are going to be hard for us all. But you need to be strong for all of our sakes. That's what Pear Butter would have wanted." Granny Smith placed her hoof across her son's back and rubbed it gently. "She wrote it the night before we left for the hospital." He said softly "Told me if something happened to her to open it. Then she smiled and said to keep it under mah hat." "Well, aren't ya gonna open it?" Bright Mac looked down at his mother's face and the white foal in her arms. He thought back to Pear Butter's threat to move back to Vanhoover if he sent Apple Comet to an orphanage. She was eight months pregnant and she insisted on taking in a stray in the middle of the night. It was just like Granny had said, She had him whipped good. "Applejack! Big Macintosh!" The Apple siblings turned around to face their father. To their amazement, they saw tears fall down his snout. "There's something I want to share with you." To my loving husband and wonderful children. By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be with you. It saddens me greatly that I must leave you behind but know that you were the best family a mare could ask for. To my loving husband Bright Mac. You have been the love of my life since we first met, The years we have spent together have been the best years of my life. You were a gentle husband and a loving father and I'll know you'll continue to be. Do not blame yourself for what's happened to me. It was my choice to have foals and I'll never regret it. Being your wife and mother to our children is something I would never trade for anything. Do not mourn me forever but lay me to rest and move on for our children's sake. To my mother-in-law Granny Smith. Thank you for a wonderful son who gave me the happiest years of my life. I know we didn't start on the right hoof but I wouldn't have anyone else for a mother-in-law. Take care of my husband and kids for me, will you? and finally thanks for all the cooking lessons. As you always said the way to a Stallion's heart is through his stomach. To my Son Big Macintosh. You are the spitting image of your father. Strong, reliable, humble, and gentle. Keep up your mathematics studies and help your father run things around the farm. I know you'll make somepony special very happy one day. Oh and keep those stallions away from your sisters. When you're not keeping the mares away from you. Know that I'll always love you. To my Daughter Applejack. My heart breaks and will I not get to watch you grow up. But I know you'll make a fine young mare someday. You are honest, dependable, understanding if not a bit stubborn work on that. I know you'll go on to great things, but never forget an Apple mare is always humble. Take good care of your siblings and know I'll always love you. To my Newborn Daughter. By the time you read this letter, I will have been gone for many years. Though I could only hold you in my arms for a short time. Know that you've made me proud to be your mother. No matter where your path takes you in life, know that I will be with you in spirit. Listen to your Pa and siblings they know what's best. Finally to my son Apple Comet. Though you were not a child of my womb. I loved you as my flesh and kin. By the time you come of age, you might notice many differences from other ponies like you, or maybe none at all. Regardless of who you are or wherever you came from know that I love you and this family loves you and you'll always have a home on this farm. It is with great sadness that must leave you all behind. I shall miss you and no doubt will miss me. But just remember the good times we had together and the love we shared. And someday we shall meet again. Love your Wife Daughter in Law and Mother Pear Butter. > Just an Average Colt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note. This chapter takes place when Apple Comet is about 5 years old. Since he's about 7 months older than AppleBloom I'd say it's about 6 years after the Sonic Rainboom. My name is Apple Comet. I am five years old and I live in Ponyville with my Pa, My Grandmother, My older siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack, and my baby sister Apple Bloom. I guess you can say that I'm just an average colt, at least I was until today. It started just like any other morning. I was in the bathroom combing my mane when..... "Apple Comet! Are ya almost done in there? Granny says breakfast is ready!" My Big Sister Applejack called out. She helps my Pa and brother with bucking apples out in the orchard. Now if I just get this one hair in front to not curl...there, perfect. Twang! "Oh Come on!" Hrrm... I could never get that one hair to not curl. Oh well, Granny was serving eggs and hay! I knew I'd better hurry! I made it about halfway down the stairs before I realized I was staring straight through the floor. I could see and hear and even smell everything as if I were in there with them! To be honest this isn't the first time something like this has happened. I was playing hide and seek with Apple Bloom the other day and I found her in the barn hiding in a haystack. It's not that I found her randomly that was strange. It was the fact that I heard her breathing in there from outside the barn. And just last week when Apple Bloom lost her doll, Ms. Apple Worth. I found it in Big Mac's room under his bed without having to look under it. I still don't have a cutie mark yet so maybe I'm supposed to be good at finding things. I wonder what a cutie mark like that would look like. "Is yer brother still up there?" I could hear Pa talking to Applejack in the kitchen. Wait I could see them talking in the kitchen through the stairs. Granny was making another plate of hay and eggs and Apple Bloom sitting next to my usual. And right next to her Big Mac was studying for his algebra test today. "Ah'll go check on him," Applejack said. She got up from the table to look for me. And it's just now I realized that I've been looking through the stairs for the last minute. "I'm coming I'm coming.....WHOA!!!! Oof ow oomph!" In my haste to get down the stairs, I accidentally tripped over my hooves. "Apple Comet! Are Y'all okay?" Applejack rushed over to check on me. "What happened?" I heard Pa say followed by the sound of hoof steps and a cane coming from the kitchen. "Apple Comet fell down the stairs Pa!" Applejack said. I shook the cobwebs out of my head and looked up to see the whole family looking over me. "Big Mac get the first aid kit." My brother nodded and went to the first-floor bathroom to fetch it. "What happened, son?" "I don't know Pa I felt kinda dizzy for a moment and I tripped on my hoof." He looked at me with a worried expression. "You say ya felt dizzy are ya feeling alright this morning? Where are you hurting?" "I'm okay, really Pa I feel fine.." I know it doesn't sound right a colt falls down a flight of stairs and doesn't get hurt. But as Applejack finished checking me over and Big Mac returned with the first aid kit she realized I wasn't fibbing. Her eyes went wide with surprise. "Ah can't explain it but I think he's right Pa. Ah've looked him over from head to hoof and A'h can't find one cut, scratch, bump, bruise, or scrape." "Guess I was just lucky or something," I said looking up to see looks of astonishment on their faces. Finally, Granny Smith reached over to feel my forehead. "Huh, ya don't feel warm to me. Have you been getting enough rest? Maybe something you ate?" "No, it's not that Granny," I told her. "I feel fine now." I slowly stood back up making sure not to trip on my hooves again. "You sure you don't want to stay home from school for the day? A'h can whip you up a home remedy for dizzy spells." "I'll be fine," I reassured her. "Well, you be careful going up and down the stairs from now on." She told me. "Next time ya might not be so lucky." "Thanks, Granny," I said as I rubbed my head. "I'll try to remember that." I've had a lot of accidents around the house. Usually, it's something I've broken or knocked over. but I've never gotten hurt from it, not even a scratch. Guess I'm just lucky I suppose. Anyway, there were more important things to think about. Like Granny's hay and eggs. Since Ponyville Elementary only has one classroom the teachers from each grade took turns using it throughout the day. Apple Bloom and I got to go early in the morning while Applejack and Big Mac went much later in the day. Pa usually sent them out to start their morning chores while we got ready for school. "Goodbye Apple Comet. Goodbye, Apple Bloom." Granny gave each of us a goodbye kiss and sent us out the door. I didn't know it at the time but this day would be one that changed my life forever. The ride to school started like any other morning. Apple Bloom and I took our usual seats in the middle of the cart. She looked over at me with doubt "Ya sure, you're feeling alright Apple Comet? That was a bad fall Y'all had this morning." "Yeah I'm fine" I reassured her but she didn't look convinced. "Y'all have been acting kinda funny lately." I raised my eyebrow in surprise. "Funny how?" "Well, Y'all haven't been paying much attention in class or when it's time to do chores. Pa says you've got yer head in the clouds or something like that." Maybe she was right, maybe there was something wrong with me. "Well to tell you the truth I've been feeling kind of different lately," I said. "Different...how?" She asked me. I looked over the hills into town. Even from this distance, I could see the townsponies were starting their daily routines getting the town ready for another day. "Well, I can see Mr. Rich is just opening up Barnyard Bargains." I turned my gaze over to the clock store. "And Doctor Hooves is talking to the new mailmare about a broken package. She should really watch where she's going." Apple Bloom gave me a look of confusion. "Y'all can hear what they're talking about all the way over there?" She asked. "I know it sounds strange but I can hear them. I can even see their cutie marks from here." "Yeah right, Apple you're just making stuff up." I looked over next to Apple Bloom to see one of our classmates. It was Diamond Tiara her father Filthy Rich was one of Sweet Apple Acre's biggest business partners. Sometimes Mr. Rich dropped her off to play whenever he came by to do business. "There's no way you can see that far away!" "How do you know he's making it up, Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom said coming to my defense. Diamond Tiara smirked smugly and said, "Because nopony can see that far away so clearly." I looked back up at the clouds to see that the pegasi were gone. "They're gone now." "I don't know what you're doing Apple Comet but it's really weird WHOA!!!!!" The cart jostled as we passed over a rock. Diamond Tiara lost her footing and tumbled out of the wagon. "Aiiiiiiieeeeee!!!" In an instant faster than I'd ever moved in my life I caught her tail in my mouth and pulled her back in. The sound of Diamond screaming brought the cart to a halt as the driver unhitched himself to check on us. "What happened, what's going on?" He rushed over to check on us. For the next few seconds, there wasn't a sound, everyone just stood still their eyes fixed on the shaken pink filly and the white colt in front of her. Finally, Apple Bloom spoke. "Wow, Apple Comet that was incredible! How did you do that?" The other children quickly joined in. "Yeah, that was awesome!" Rumble said. "It was amazing!" Twist said. "How'd you move so fast?" PipSqueak asked. I didn't know what to say, everything had happened so fast. I just sat there with my mouth agape as my classmates bombarded me with questions. Finally, the driver managed to silence everypony and get them back in their seats. The rest of the ride to school went on without incident although my ears could pick up what my classmates were whispering to each other. Figures my day had only started and I was already the topic on everypony's lips. "Good Morning class." Our teacher said with a warm smile. She was nothing like I'd imagined her to be on my first day, A crotchety, uptight olf mare with no tolerance for horseplay. Ms. Cheerilee was kind, and helpful, and I don't mind saying it pretty, She didn't mind horseplay as long as it wasn't in class. Woe to any foals who did not heed that dire warning, Ooooooo! "Good Morning Miss Cheerilee." "Now today I thought we'd pick up where we left off yesterday on the subject of vowels and consonants." I sat in the middle with Apple Bloom not paying attention to any of it. I couldn't think about anything else except what had happened this morning. The events kept playing back in my head in clear detail. Maybe I was coming down with something? Except what kind of illness makes you see and hear through walls and move that fast? "Apple Comet? Apple Comet?" I looked up to see the entire class staring at me and Ms. Cheerilee looking at me with concern. "Are you alright?" "He doesn't look so good." I heard a brown colt whisper from the front of the class. "He's been acting funny all morning." Silver Spoon said. Diamond didn't say anything, she only looked at me with puzzlement. "He looks like he's going to barf." Snips whispered to Snails "Apple Comet are Y'all okay?" I looked down to see Apple Bloom's hoof bone on top of mine...wait.....WHAT!! I pulled my hoof away as I looked up at my little sister or rather her skeleton. A shriek escaped my lips as I looked around the room. There were skeletons seated at every desk in the classroom, their eyeballs staring at me through their bony sockets their organs moving around inside their barrels. "Do you need me to call the school nurse?" I looked up to see Ms. Cheerilee's bony face looking down at me. I dived out of my desk and bolted straight for the closet door slamming it so hard I heard the wood splinter. "Apple Comet?" I looked through the door to see Skeleton Cheerilee reaching for the knob. I grabbed onto it for dear life determined not to let them get me. "Apple Comet open the door right now!" I could feel the knob jostling as she tried to open the door but I held on as tight as possible. "I promise I'm not mad at you, I just want to know what's wrong with you." "You can't fool me you Monster!" I screamed out as I held onto the door. "I'm not gonna let you turn me into one of you!" I felt a warm sensation flash through my eyes as I held onto the door followed by the sound of Skeleton Cheerilee yelping with pain as she released her hold of the knob. I could tell she was struggling to remain composed as held her hoof in pain. "What's wrong Ms. Cheerilee?" Twist asked The rest of the class had gathered around her. I could see their little skeletons laughing and giggling behind her at this predicament. "Students please take your seats and let me handle this." Most of them went back to their desks, A few tried to stay behind to watch but Ms. Cheerilee quickly shooed them back to their seats with the rest of the class. "Ms. Cheerilee can I please try talking to my brother?" I saw Apple Bloom had raised her hoof. I blinked my eyes when I thought I saw she was back to normal. No Skeleton no eyes sticking out of the sockets. Just normal regular everyday Apple Bloom. I felt my heartbeat begin to calm down, I let go of the knob and rubbed my eyes as she approached Ms. Cheerilee. "If you think you can reach him then you may. Just don't touch the doorknob okay? It might still be hot.” The teacher replied. She had regained her coat and mane as well. I looked through the wall at the class to discover that all the skeleton colts and fillies were gone replaced by my normal classmates. "Apple Comet it's me." I could see Apple Bloom standing on the other side of the door. Her voice was choked with sadness. "Y'all can tell me what's wrong can't ya?" I looked up to see the doorknob had turned red hot and was beginning to melt under the intense heat. I had done that, I don't know but I knew I had that. I felt overcome by so many emotions. Embarrassment, fear, guilt, regret. It was just too much for me to take. I finally sat back against the door, buried my face in my hind legs, and cried. "Thanks for coming on such short notice Bright Mac," Cheerilee said as she sat down at her desk. The classroom had emptied save for Pa, Apple Bloom, and myself. the rest of the class had been given recess early so we could have a bit of privacy. Apple Bloom sat next to me while Pa was content to stand up. Given his stature there just weren't any seats big enough for him. "It's no trouble at all Miss Cheerilee. As soon as A'h heard what happened A'h dropped everything to head right over. So what's been going on here." "Well it's the strangest thing," Cheerilee explained. "The whole morning he seems distracted like his mind was on something else. When I asked him if anything was wrong He just screamed and started looking around like he was seeing things. Then he ran to the closet door and held it shut." I looked over at the door. The doorknob had finally cooled down enough to be used again, Well at least the inside one had. Still, I don't know how I did that or why I didn't get burned by it. "Is all of this true son?" Pa looked down at me with a stern look in his eye. I knew that look, there was no lying to it. "Ah'm not gonna be mad at you, I just want the truth." "Yes, Pa that's the truth." I sighed and sunk deeper into my chair wishing this would all be over soon. I felt something on my shoulder, I looked up to see Pa's hoof on my shoulder. "It's okay A'h understand, Y'all had a rough day It happens to everypony sometimes." "But Pa!" Apple Bloom interrupted. "How does that explain what happened to the doorknob?" "That doesn’t concern you, Apple Bloom," Pa said. He turned back to me. "Although A'h is mighty curious about that mah self." "I don't understand how it happened Pa. When I heard Miss Cheerilee sounded angry something just happened." Cheerilee's face softened. "That's alright Apple Comet, I'll call a repair pony this afternoon. You've had a pretty hectic experience. Why don't you go home for the rest of the day? I'm sure you'll feel much better tomorrow." "Thanks, Miss Cheerilee," I whispered back. My gaze went down to the bandages covering her burnt hoof. "I'm not mad at you Apple Comet." She said with a warm smile. "It's my fault for not remembering about doorknobs in fire safety." She said with a chuckle. I found myself grinning a little at her response. "Don't you worry Miss Cheerilee," Pa said as he headed for the door. "Ah'm gonna talk with him as soon as we get home." The walk home was uneventful for the most part. I managed to keep my weird spells to myself by keeping my head low to the ground and just following the sound of Pa's hoof steps. ‘Just keep my head down and don't look around I thought to myself not wanting to see any more skeleton ponies or see-through walls. "Y'all have been as quiet as a dormouse since we left school. You sure you're not coming down with something?" I looked up to see Pa looking at me worriedly, Apple Bloom standing just beyond his massive legs. "I'm fine Pa honest I am," I said as I shook my head to clear out the surrounding noise. To the average pony trotting up the road to Sweet Apple Acres that day they probably would have only heard the faint of cartwheels on the cobblestone streets mixed with the distant sounds of the birds singing. For me, the sound of Ponyville's sleepy hustle and bustle was like it was being echoed through a wide cave. "Ah can tell when yer lying to me." His voice boomed. "Whatever's going on Y'all can tell me." His eyes gazed at me like two large yellow moons. I realized it was pointless to keep it from him and Granny forever. "Well I've just been feeling kind of strange lately," I said. Pa raised an eyebrow, his curiosity intrigued. "A'h had a feeling something was up when you fell down the stairs this morning. What's bothering ya?" "Apple Comet says he's been seeing things!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Pa looked down at her crossly. "What did I just get through telling ya earlier bout interrupting others when they're talking?" He said in a stern tone. Apple Bloom turned her head away, Her ears drooping low. "Sorry Pa," she said. Satisfied he turned his attention back to me. "So ya say Y'all have been feeling strange but when we offer to let ya stay home from school suddenly Y'all say yer are fine. What gives?" "I guess it's like Apple Bloom said. I've been seeing through things and hearing through things too." "Ya say Y'all have been seeing and hearing through things huh?" Pa stroked his chin with his hoof. "Ya mean like an X-ray or something?" I thought back to the skeletons of my teacher and classmates staring at me like they wanted to eat me and what happened with Diamond Tiara that morning. "Y-Yeah something like that." I stammered out. "How long has this been going on for?" He asked. "About a month or so," I replied Pa burst out laughing. "So Y'all are saying you've been seeing and hearing through walls for over a month and Y'all didn't tell no one?" "Sorry Pa, I figured I was seeing things that weren't there at first and I just thought it would go away or something." "Well if it comes back ya let us know right away." "Apple Comet? Can just ask y'all something?" Apple Bloom asked softly. "Sure I guess," I replied with a shrug. "What about what happened with Diamond Tiara on the cart today?" "Something else you're not telling me?" Pa asked suspiciously. "You didn't cause any trouble did ya? "No, it's not like at all.” I raised my hooves in defense. "We hit a bump in the road and I caught her before she could fall out. That's all." "What are y'all mean that's all?" Apple Bloom said. "The whole class saw ya snatch Diamond Tiara out of the air like a bolt of lightning!" She looked at me like I just set the world record for the fastest filly catch or something. "I don't know how I did that Sis?” I responded. "When we hit that bump it was like everything around me just slowed down." "Skrrrack!" My super-hearing, yes that was what I was calling it now picked up the sound of splintering wood in the distance followed by something heavy tumbling down. "SOMEPONY HELP!!" Even from the bottom of the hill, I recognized that voice! "Granny!" I cried out bursting into a full sprint! "Apple Comet?!!! Apple Comet?!! Where are ya going?" I heard Pa cry out from behind as he and Apple Bloom gave chase. There was no time to waste I had to get to Granny before it was too late. I felt hooves kicking up dirt and dust as I continued to pick up speed. I was already traveling as fast as a professional derby runner and I wasn't breaking a sweat. Faster and faster I ran the dirt road quickly becoming a blur as the farm came into view at the top of the hill. My super senses kicked in immediately, I saw Applejack and Big Mac were working in the west orchard, but there was no sign of Granny Smith. I had to find her fast. "Come on where are you, Granny?" I cried out as I frantically searched for her. My X-Ray vision was going into overdrive as I looked through the farmhouse, the barn, the silos, the orchard, and the well but there was no sign of her. "Just calm down and listen for her," I said to myself as I closed my eyes. "HELP SOMEPONY!! I'M TRAPPED DOWN HERE AND I CAN'T GET OUT!!!" Granny's voice echoed through my ears. It sounded like she was trapped somewhere underground. "The Cider Cellar!" I exclaimed. There was no time to lose, every second meant the difference for Granny. "GRANNY!!!" My voice was as loud as a dragon's roar. "Hold on I'm coming!" I reached the Cellar door in no time flat and tore the heavily padlocked door off its hinges like it was made of cardboard. "Granny, are you in there?" "Apple Comet? Is-is that you?" Her voice was hoarse from shouting for help. I soon saw why. Toppled barrels littered the cellar floor, their contents gushing everywhere, and lying there with her hind legs pinned underneath a heavy barrel full of cider was Granny Smith. Her wrinkled face was white with fear and her mane was drenched in sweat. "It's me, Granny, I came to save you." "I-It's no use child." She said gloomily. "It's too heavy f-for somepony yer age to lift. G-Go f-find your Pa and siblings h-hurry!" I took a quick look with my x-ray vision Fortunately I could see that her legs weren't broken but the barrel was too heavy to move without hurting her. There was only one thing to do. "What are you doing?! Apple Comet?!" I drew my hoof back and bucked it straight into the head of the barrel. The wood splintered instantly on impact drenching me in a torrent of apple cider. It was working I could feel the barrel getting light enough to move without hurting her. "Rrrgh! Granny I've almost Grrgh got...it AAARGH!!!" With one final heave, the barrel was high enough for Granny to wriggle her legs out. "Celestia...be praised." She said as she looked at her eyes wide in wonder. I slowly set the barrel down. Without all the cider it felt like it weighed almost nothing. I quickly rushed over to Granny's side. "Are you alright Granny?" Faster than even I thought I could move she embraced me, Tears of relief flowing down her cheeks. "Apple Comet...*pant* *pant*...you saved my life. A'h was afraid Ah'd be trapped down here for days until somepony found me if anypony did at that. How did ya know where A'h was?" "A'h heard ya from the bottom of the hill," I told her. Her eyes went wide with surprise. "F-From the b-bottom of the h-hill, ya say?” She stammered. “But t-that's impossible!" "I can't really explain it myself, I'm just glad you’re okay," I said as I hugged her, being gentle so as not to break her in half. "I'm glad too young' in, Tonight Y'all are getting an extra big helping of pie for this." I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in the back of my flank. I turned around to see a bright light glowing from it. The light faded as quickly as it came. In its place was a fiery red comet streaking across the night sky set in a red diamond shield. "Well, would you look at that," Granny said to me. “Y'all have gotten ye'r cutie mark." "I-I-I did? I did! I got my Cutie Mark!" My cutie mark, every colt, and filly ask their parents about them as soon as they learn to talk. Whenever a pony figures out who they are and what they're good at a cutie mark appears on their flank. Some ponies get theirs early, For others, it can take years to get. Guess I was an early bloomer, But what did it mean? My thoughts were interrupted as my ears picked up the sound of voices coming from outside. "What is it?" Granny asked. "Apple Comet? Apple Comet?!" "ApppplllleeeeCccooommmeeettttt!!!!?" "Pa, Apple Bloom what's going on?" I heard Applejack shout. Having sort of gotten the hang of it by now I put my super awesome vision into action. Within moments I could see Pa and Apple Bloom trotting up to Applejack and Big Mac. Pa looked exhausted, His coat was matted with sweat. Apple Bloom lay sprawled out on her stomach having run out of strength to stand. I felt sort of bad for her. I hadn't planned on her running after me. "Did....either....you two see... yer brother run past here?" Pa asked as he took off his hat and wiped the sweat off his brow. "No... Ah didn't saw anypony run past here." Applejack answered. "Are Y'all alright Pa? Ya, look mighty winded." Big Mac asked. "....Ah'll....be fine Son...A'h just need to find yer brother," Pa said as he placed his hat back on his head. "Sounds like Apple Comet gave ya both a run for yer money," Applejack said. "It's Pa and the others!" I exclaimed to Granny. "I kinda forget I left them behind." "Well let's not keep everypony waiting shall we?" Granny said with a smile. “I'm certain they're going to they're gonna mighty impressed when they find out whatcha did for yer little old Granny." I felt proud of myself for the first time that day. After all, everything that'd happened it felt nice to end on a high note. > Homeworld Sweet Homeworld > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun setting gracefully over the orchard signaled the end of a very long very interesting day. Pa was overcome with hysterical relief when he learned about how I'd saved Granny Smith. I'd never seen a grown stallion cry so hard before. Granny eventually managed to calm him down but not before He apologized profusely for not safety-proofing the cellar for her. Applejack and Big Mac congratulated me for saving the day and complimented me on getting my cutie mark, even though they were understandably skeptical about my powers. Apple Bloom on the other hoof was quick to come to my defense, going into great detail about everything I did at school today. They just rolled their eyes at her. After all that drama, I needed to lie down. There's only so much a five-year-old colt can take in one day. As I looked up at my bedroom ceiling my mind began to race back to everything that happened today. I was faster, stronger, and more perceptive than any colt my age ought to be and I was the first in my class to earn my cutie mark on top of that. It wasn't exactly what I thought I'd be when I grew up let alone at five years old. I wasn't that complicated of a kid to figure out. I played with my siblings and the other kids in town whenever I got a chance. Played most of the usual games other colts and fillies did, Tag, Hide and Seek, Catch those sorts of things. I always figured I'd get my cutie mark for something to do with apples and become a farmer like Pa. Now....well, to be honest, I didn't know what was going to happen now. I always felt different from my siblings since I was adopted, I didn't remember Ma very well. She died when I was still a foal. But the Apples already treated me as one of the family. I looked back at my cutie mark. A red shooting star emblazoned inside a diamond shield. It was about as far away from apple farming as you could imagine. A kid who didn't do what I could think they were destined to be an astronomer or an Equestranaut. But a colt who could probably outrun a train and rip a heavy cellar door off its hinges like me would be understandably confused. "Apple Comet! Dinner's ready!" Applejack hollered from downstairs. Granny did promise me an extra-large piece of pie as thanks. Maybe this whole strange powers thing could wait a little longer. Dinner was pretty average, for the most part, with an apple and hay casserole with carrots and peas and apple pie for dessert. Pa led the family in the blessing to Princess Celestia as usual and then we dug in. After a hectic day like today, it was a chance to return to a semblance of normalcy. CLANK!!! Patooie!! Until I bit the tines off my stainless steel fork. The entire room went quiet, everypony just looked at the stainless steel fork I'd bitten in half. Applejack finally broke the silence. "So Apple Bloom... what did you say happened at school again today?" "Oh, now Y'all believe me!" Apple Bloom replied with an eye roll and snark. "Uh sorry?" I said sheepishly. So much for a normal family dinner. "It's okay Ah'll git cha another fork," Granny Smith said as she got up from the table. "Ma?" Pa said turning to face Granny. "A'h think it's time we show him." "Show what Pa?" I asked puzzled. He turned over to face me and said. "Ah'll show ya after dinner." Night had fallen by the time dinner was finished. I'd managed to clean my plate without breaking any more forks although it took longer than usual since I had to be careful not to put too much strength into it. After the table was cleared and the dishes cleaned Pa led us out to the barn. I watched silently as he lifted the bar off the front door and slowly slid it open. His face looked weary as if expected this day to come for a long time. Finally, Pa slid the door aside and ushered us into the barn. "A'h was hoping to wait till Y'all was a little older to show you this.” He said as he led us to his workshop in the back left corner of the barn. "But after what happened today... A'h, think y'all deserve to know the truth." "The truth about what Pa?" I asked puzzled. Pa sighed as he reached for the light cord. With the room illuminated I could have a better view of the workshop. At first glance, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. Racks covered in tools lined the walls, the workbench was coated with a thin layer of sawdust, and a shelf filled with paint cans and brushes next to the door. The one thing that was the faded blue tarp lying on something in the back corner of the room. "Ya know how some foals are found on doorsteps in baskets?" Pa said as he walked over to the tarp. "Well, yer Ma and A'h found ya inside this." With a tug of his mouth, he pulled off the tarp revealing the last thing I ever expected to find in a barn. It was a long cylindrical-shaped object that honestly looked like somepony had stuck wings and fins on a silo. Three rocket engines stuck out of the back and a large hatch door lay shut in the center. Slowly I walked over to it, my eyes took in every detail. I ran my hoof along the surface, Despite having been covered in dirt at some point it felt smooth to the touch. "What is it Pa?" I asked "Some kind of silo or something?" He looked down at me and said. "Ah'm not much of a poet so Ah'll make this story quick. About five years ago during a big meteor shower, we had one stray off course and crash into the orchard.” As he told his story he reached over to a lever on the hatch. "When yer Ma and A'h went out to see what had landed, We found you inside this." With a click, the hatch on the silo opened. The inside looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. A small seat sat in the center with various panels and instrument displays surrounding it." "T-This.....This can't be right, A-Are you t-trying to tell me I-I'm f-from outer space or something?" I stammered out. This couldn't be happening this had to be either a bad dream I was having or an elaborate prank. Pa just smiled at me and walked over to his workbench. He reached into one of the top drawers and took a small wooden box. "Well Ah'm not jumping to any conclusions, but I think you'd better take a look at this." He said as he handed me the box. I opened the lid and my jaw dropped. Lying there was a silver chain and pendant of a comet inside of a shield. It was exactly like my cutie mark. "Y'all were wearing that when we found you. Figured we'd hold onto it until you were ready to know the truth." Pa told me as he straightened his hat. "There's something else for ya too." Pa reached down and opened up a drawer on the bottom of the workbench. He pulled out a small thin cylinder-shaped crystal. "Ah've never been much for geology but A'h knew there was something special about this the moment A'h saw it. Could never figure out what it was though, Even took it to a friend of mine who owns a rock farm. He said He'd never seen anything like it.” He handed it over to me. It felt strangely warm in my hoof almost as if it were alive. As if by my touch, lines of light began to dance across the surface of the crystal slowly coming together to form the shape of a comet's tail. Suddenly the comet flew from the surface of the jewel straight for me. I shielded my face with my foreleg as the comet erupted in a blinding flash of light. As the light faded, I felt my vision slowly returning to me. As I looked around I realized I was no longer in the barn with Pa and the others. Instead, I was in a room I had never seen before. From what I could gather it appeared to be a living room of sorts but the style and the furniture were like nothing I'd ever seen before. "Pa! Granny!? Mac!? Applejack!? Apple Bloom!? Is anypony here?" No answer, that wasn't good. Okay, I just needed to calm down, I was alone in a strange house, and I didn't know how I'd gotten here or how to get home. "Wait a minute there was something I could do though. Nothing a little X-ray vision wouldn't fix. All I had to do was focus on the nearest door and....nothing happened.” Huh, that's strange. While I'd been seeing thru walls for at least a month it wasn't until today that I realized I was the one doing it. I quickly checked the walls and ceiling, nothing just a wall. I tried the floor the same thing, something was wrong. I took a look around the room and spotted a strange sculpture sitting on the glass table in the center of the room. Strangely the table didn't seem to make contact with the floor but rather floated a few inches off the floor. I picked up the sculpture and tried to pull it apart. Nothing, I tried harder pulling with more force this time but the sculpture stood firm. I gave it one last go using as much force as my five-year body could exert. But instead of pulling it apart as I'd done with the cellar door, the sculpture remained intact. In frustration, I threw it against the nearby window where it struck with a satisfying clunk but it wasn't even scratched. Whatever that was made of I couldn't break it. I decided it was best to put it back before someone found it this way. I went over to the window and was awestruck by what I saw. A massive Acadian city of towering marble and glass spires and gigantic skyways stretched out before me. Behind them, I could make out a range of jeweled mountains and lush green forests. And shining high above the sky was an enormous red sun many times the size of Celestia's. Wherever I was one thing was certain. I wasn't in Ponyville anymore. "Hello is anypony here? Where am I?" "You are on Kolton my son." A voice answered. I turned around to see two ponies a stallion and a mare standing behind me. The Stallion was an earth pony, His coat was platinum grey and his mane was a bright sheen of silver. He wore a strange blue and red costume with a red cape and a golden headband. Emblazoned on his chest was the symbol of a red and gold comet. The same symbol as my cutie mark. The Mare was also an earth pony. Her coat was snowy white and her mane was a deep dark blue. Her eyes were the same color as mine. She wore a long flowing blue dress with a vibrant golden cape that flowed behind and around her neck she wore the same pendant of a shooting star. "W-Who are y-you?" I asked taking several steps back. I didn't know them and I didn't trust them. "Greetings Kom-El, I am Loran." The Mare answered. "And I am Jav-El." The Stallion said. "We are your parents." And now my mind was completely blown. "Y-Your my Parents? W-Where did you come from? How did I get here?" "This was your Home Kom-El," Loran said as she gestured over to the window. "And this was Kolton, Our homeworld." "Kom-El? Kolton?" I asked her puzzled "Look, I have no idea in Equestria what you're talking about! My name is Apple Comet! I live on a farm outside Ponyville on Planet Equus where I am probably still in bed and this is a crazy dream I'm having." I said as I bolted for the door to my right. I stopped in my tracks when I realized the door had no knob, no handle to speak of. “I can assure you this is no dream you are having my son," Jav-El said as he placed his hoof on a panel next to the door. The opened effortlessly with a hiss revealing a kitchen like none I'd ever seen. From floor to ceiling, it was virtually spotless. Automated forelegs hung from the ceiling and sat on the counter. A revolving door refrigerator sat in the corner and a strange bubble top appliance that somewhat resembled a stove. From end to end the entire room looked like a cooking assembly line. "A'h young master Kom-El. So good to finally see you at last." A strange golden machine levitated out from behind the counter. Its body resembled that of a metal pony that was missing its hind legs. Instead, its lower barrel seemed to float above the floor. Its forelegs were long and skinny Its head was devoid of any facial features save for a single glowing screen resembling a pair of swim goggles and a filter where its mouth should have been. "My you've certainly grown." It said a line dancing across its eyes as it spoke. "AHHHHHHHH!" I immediately turned tail and ran for the door, only to crash face-first into Loran. "I see you've met Kerax." Loran giggled as she helped me up off the floor. "Don't worry he doesn't bite." " Quite right Lady Loran my design renders me incapable of any mastication whatsoever. I exist only to serve or at least I did. If any of this were real young master I would have been glad to have made something for you if you were hungry." "What a minute. What do you mean if this was real?" I said. My suspicion was piqued, I wanted some answers and I wanted them right now. "What Kerax is trying to say is that none of what you see here is real," Jav-El answered as he walked in. "Only a memory being played back into your mind." "I'll just be going now." The robot said as the kitchen began to slowly fade away replaced by the vastness of space. I found myself overtaken by weightlessness, drifting past stars, comets, and meteors toward a glowing green planet. "Everything you've seen here including your Mother, Kerax, and I was destroyed long ago in a great cataclysm." The planet began to glow brighter and brighter. Gigantic eruptions of bright green ash shot high into the clouds and enormous tremors shook the planet to its core. I held my hoof over my eyes as the planet's aura grew brighter and brighter until it finally exploded in a tremendous green nova! When the light faded only a bright green asteroid belt remained. My heart was pounding as if I'd just run a marathon and I felt my stomach sink like a stone. I wanted to keep telling myself this was all a crazy dream. Hell, I wanted to shout it from the roof of the barn at this point. But the rush of adrenaline flowing through me told me I was wide awake. "We sent you to Equus in a rocket to save your life. As of this recording, you are the sole survivor of Kolton.” I felt my blood run cold as he said those last words. Slowly the remains of Kolton faded away. I was back in the living room again. "From your activation of this recording Am I to assume correctly that your powers are beginning to manifest." "H-How do you know about that?" I stammered. "I'm a scientist son, it's my business to know things." He said with a grin. "Even though you were raised by Equestrians you are not one of them. Your Koltonian body allows you to absorb energy from a star. The light of Equus's yellow sun will grant you abilities more powerful than any Equestrian has ever had." Loran knelt next to me and ran her hoof through my mane. "Listen to me Kom-El, promise us that you will never use your powers to harm. The road ahead for you will not be easy. There will be those who fear you, those who want to destroy you. But there will also be those who will come to believe in you." "Wait who wants to destroy me? I haven't done anything wrong, I'm just a colt?" Before I could ask anymore Loran pulled me into a hug. "Hush now my son.” She reassured me. “I understand this is all very sudden for you. But do not despair. We will be right here whenever you need us." "How?" I asked her. "You're not real!" Loran smiled and released me, holding her hoof out as she stood up to reveal the memory crystal thing whatever she called it. "Contained within this memory crystal are the collected memories of both your Father and me along with all of Kolton's knowledge, history, and culture." She spoke. "All you need to do is hold this crystal and clear your mind." "Now go my son remember the heritage you carry and make us proud," Jav-El said as he slowly began to fade away. "Remember that we love you with all our hearts," Loran said as she too began to disappear. I felt my head begin to spin as the house was engulfed in the same bright light from earlier. "Apple Comet!!!” I heard a distorted voice call out. "Apple Comet?" "Apppppllllleeeeecooooommmmmeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt!!!!!!!!" "It's hurting him Pa!" "It's got him under some kinda spell?" "Hush now he seems to be coming out of it." The smell of fresh hay hit my nostrils as the light faded away from my vision. I looked around to see Apple Bloom's face look up at me with concern. I was back in the barn with the rocket, the crystal, and my family all looking at me like I'd fallen off a roof or something. "Uhh." My head felt like I'd been picked up and thrown by a tornado. "Lil Big Brother, Are Y'all alright?" Apple Bloom asked. "Stand back now give him some space." Pa's voice boomed. "Just relax now son, Y'all went into some kinda trance when you picked up that rock. Had us all mighty worried ya did. "It's not true it can't be true. ." I said shaking my head furiously. "It's not true !! IT'S NOT TRUE!!!" "Apple Comet calm down!" Applejack pleaded. “What's wrong? What isn't true?" "I'M NOT A FREAK!!! I'M NOT SOME KIND OF ALIEN FREAK!!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice as I lashed my hoof out at the first thing I saw which I'm grateful to say was only a beam. With an explosive CRACK!!! The beam exploded into a shower of splinters. My heart raced as I drew my hoof back. The beam was obliterated only the very top which had anchored it to the loft was left lying on the floor next to my hoof. The barn went silent. The Apples were understandably shocked. Pa's face was twisted in an expression of shock. Granny looked like she was going to have a heart attack, Applejack and Big Mac just stared with their jaws hanging halfway to the floor. Apple Bloom just stood there cowering behind her sister's hind legs, I drew my hoof back to examine the damage. There wasn't so much as a scratch on it. I'd just splintered a wooden beam with a single punch and I didn't feel any pain. I stood there looking down at my hoof work for what felt like an eternity until finally, Pa spoke up. "It's alright son just calm down." The rest of the family stood behind him, looking at me with fearful eyes. Not that I couldn't blame them. "S-STAY AWAY FROM M-ME!!! YOU'RE NOT SAFE NEAR ME!!! NOPONY IS!!!" Tears choked my words as they ran down my muzzle. "Consarnit Mac !" Granny Smith shouted in between breaths. "A'h told ya leaving that...doodad in his hooves...was a bad idea!" "Now now settle down Ma!" Pa replied raising his hooves in defense. "Getting all flustered about it ain't gonna make this situation any better." He placed his hoof on my shoulder. Without thinking I swatted it off and bolted through the barn doors quickly picking up top speed. In a split second, I ran past the front with such speed that my wake tore the gate off its hinges. I couldn't stay there anymore, I was a monster, an alien freak from some long-dead world. Every synapse in my brain was screaming to wake up from this nightmare. But even as I shut my eyes and shook my head frantically in an attempt to wake up. I could still feel the wind racing through my coat reminding me that this wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes just in time to see the river getting closer and closer. With a single leap, I not only cleared the river but I broke the world record for the highest jump by an Earth Pony by at least 200 feet. "Whooooaaaaaaaa!!!!" My entire body felt lighter than air, I looked behind me to see if I'd suddenly grown wings. After everything that's happened today, I wouldn't rule it out as impossible. What I wasn't expecting to see was my back still bare. My pupils shrunk when I looked down to see how far I'd jumped. I'd not only managed to clear the river but I was sailing over the treetops of the Everfree Forest. Suddenly I felt myself beginning to drop. I flailed my legs wildly in a desperate attempt to stay airborne but gravity wasn't having any of it. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I dropped like a stone. Tree branch after tree branch snapped under me as I crashed through the thick forest canopy before finally landing face-first in a puddle of mud. > Sacrifice. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Everfree forest. A strange hostile environment forged from the banishment of Nightmare Moon. A place where nature runs untouched by Equestrian magic, a harsh wilderness home to numerous beasts and monsters. A place most ponies avoid at all costs. Pa had told us up and down that, under no circumstances, we were to go in there. What in Equestria was I thinking? I thought to myself as I picked myself up out of the mud. I was scared I wasn't afraid to admit it. I'd panicked under the stress. What pony wouldn't panic after learning that they were an alien from outer space with freaky alien powers? I'd run away in haste and managed to leap over a mile in distance into the most dangerous forest in all of Equestria!!! Okay, most colts and fillies couldn't make that claim. I shook the mud from my coat, my super-speed sending globules of mud flying in every direction. In no time at all, I was completely spotless except for the mud sticking to the bottom of my hooves. Now, what was I to do? Did I go back to Sweet Apple Acres and apologize for running away? What if they didn't take me back? What then? Did I just keep running as long as I could and try to forget about them? I wasn't Pa's real child, Wait what am I saying? That never stopped him from loving me as if I were. Did I wait around here for somepony to find me? The hooting of an owl drew me out of my thoughts. Looking around with my X-Ray vision I spotted the owl sitting on the branch of a tree. Wait a minute, that's right! I have X-ray vision! Finding my way out of this forest was going to be a snap! SNAP! "YAH!!!" With an echoing yelp, I leaped backward into a nearby tree. CRACK!!! CRASH!!!! THUD!!! The tree came toppling down in a shower of splinters. I stood up shaking the moss off my mane as I looked around. In no time at all my vision picked up the sight of a broken twig. "That's what I'd stepped on? A twig? I need to not be so jumpy" I said to myself as I rolled the fallen timber off of me. "With my strength, I could do some pretty serious damage." CRRRAAACCCKKK!!! "Case in point." I looked down to see my hoof had ripped out a huge chunk of the trunk without me even noticing. It was then that I decided I couldn't go home now. "Pa, Granny, forgive me but it's for your own safety and mine. At the very least I should head back to get my stuff and say my goodbyes. But first I need to find my way out of this forest." "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" My ears picked up the distinctive howl. I didn't need my super-hearing to tell me it was a Timberwolf. Granny had told us stories about them. She'd told us about her first encounter with one when she was very young and how she'd just barely escaped being eaten. "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" Another howl echoed through the forest. "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" Followed by another and another after that. They were gathering. "Oh no, this is bad this very very very bad," I said aloud as I scanned the surrounding trees with my X-ray vision. "Come on, where are you coming from?" My snout soon picked up the tell-tale smell of mossy bark, the well-known smell of a Timberwolf's breath. My ears picked up the clatter of wood prowling through leaves. They were preparing to surround me. I wasn't going to stick around. Quick as a flash, I took off. my hooves quickly picking up speed. In the distance, I heard the howl of the pack leader. "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Sounds like they know I'm running! Well, let them try to catch me!" I said with a sudden burst of confidence. I was fast enough to leave Pa in the dust without breaking a sweat. A pack of timberwolves would surely be no match for me. "Come on slowpokes! Is that all you got!" I hollered back with a smile as I rushed through the forest, My heightened senses guiding me all the way. Looking behind me I could see the pack far behind me struggling to keep up. These were supposed to be the most relentless predators in the Everfree Forest. Able to chase down a grown stallion with ease. But here I was making them look pathetic. Finally, after several minutes I heard the pack leader howl and the rest of them dispersed back into the forest. "Looks like I'm just too fast for ya!" I said confidently as I slowed to a stop. "Well, that was kinda fun. But I still need to figure out where I am." My super-hearing picked up the sound of running water in the distance. "Sounds like a stream," I said as I looked in the direction the sound was coming from. My X-ray vision pierced through the foliage of trees to reveal a small stream running through the forest. I'll just stop for a quick drink and then I'll be on my way. I thought to myself as I made my way over to the stream. I quickly lapped up several mouthfuls of water, Each gulp was more cool and refreshing than the last one. With my thirst quenched I decided to stop and think things over. I didn't know where in the forest I was or where I was going to go from there. I was pretty sure I wanted to run away after what Jav-El and Loran told me. But now I wasn't so certain. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard an all too familiar cry in the distance. "APPLE COMET!! APPLE COMET!! Instinctively I looked behind me, I knew that deep voice anywhere. "Pa?" I said as I listened for the voice again. "APPLE COMET!! WHERE ARE YA?!!" It was Pa! He was out looking for me! With my sensitive ears, I had no trouble picking up where his voice was coming from. My X-ray vision quickly did the rest. Pa was alone carrying a lantern in his hoof and a lasso at his side. Cupping his muzzle with his lantern hoof he called out my name. "APPLE COMET CAN Y'ALL HEAR ME?!" An uneasy feeling of guilt crept into my stomach. Pa was out here in the Everfree Forest one of the most dangerous places in Equestria looking for me. It didn't matter to him where I'd come from or who I was. He still cared about me. My relief was cut short when I saw several pairs of yellow eyes piercing through the darkness. Something else had found Pa! "Oh No! The Timberwolves!" I shouted as I burst into a full gallop, within seconds I was at top speed. Through the trees, I could see the Timberwolf preparing to strike. I had to hurry. Faster and faster I raced through the forest, The trees and shrubs becoming blurs as I raced through. Suddenly with a bone-chilling howl, the Pack Alpha leaped at Pa. In an instant, it knocked him to the ground and dug its claws into his barrel! "NO!" I felt an overwhelming rage rush through me as I reached the sight of the ambush. The Pack Alpha had Pa turned on his back while the rest of the pack circled waiting for the inevitable kill. I felt the same burning sensation in my eyes I'd felt earlier today. Before the Alpha could finish the job It suddenly burst into flames. In a blind panic, Pa was able to throw it off while the rest of the pack turned to me. With a shout, I dove straight into the closest wolf. Its wooden body shattered down the middle as I crashed through it. Before the rest of the pack could react my burning vision washed over them reducing them to nothing but ashes. The surrounding forest erupted into a fiery inferno as my vision cut a swath through the brush. In an instant, we were surrounded by flames. Acting on unknown instinct I inhaled deeply and unleashed a mighty blow. It was as if I'd swallowed and blown out a hurricane. Gale-force winds passed through my lips, and trees tumbled and fell as they were uprooted. In no time at all most of the fire was extinguished and the charred remains were covered in a thin coating of ice. Feeling safe for the moment I rushed over to check on Pa. "Pa! Pa!" I cried as I rushed to his side. His face winced in pain as he looked up at me. "Apple...Comet Ugh." He hissed painfully. "Have Y'all any idea how worried ya made us?” He said with a forced smile. I looked down to see his back coated in blood. Looking at him through my X-ray vision I could see those claw marks ran pretty deep and that his left hind leg had been badly sprained in the fall. Tears fell from my eyes as I saw the extent of the damage. "I'm sorry Pa!" I sobbed as I looked down at him. “I'm sorry I ran away from home like that! I promise I'll never do it again!" "It's...okay...son." He winced as he slowly stood up shifting his weight off his sprained foot. "Are you going to be alright?” I asked concerned. Pa looked at me with a soft smile and said. "A'h'll live. That was mighty impressive the way you handled those Timberwolves. A'h guess I know better than to ask y'all how ya did that.” I scratched the back of my head bashfully. "To tell you the truth Pa I don't know how I did that either," I said. "When I saw that Timberwolf jump out at you, It just came out." Pa chuckled and smiled at me. 'Well, we can talk more about when we get home along with yer punishment for running away." "AROOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ARRR ARRR ARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" A familiar howl suddenly pierced my ears. Pa and I turned around to see the front half of the splintered Timberwolf howling into the air. "Pa?" His eyes looked at me with deep fear. "Long two short long! It's calling the rest of the pack! We've got to get out of here! C'mon!" He hollered as he picked up the lantern in his teeth before breaking into a full gallop. I followed quickly behind doing my best not to outrun him. In the distance, I could hear the rest of the pack responding to the call. Thirty-Three, thirty-three distinct howls. Thirty-three very angry Timberwolves were getting closer every second. I could outrun them again no problem but I couldn't leave Pa alone. Even with his great strength, I could see his bad leg was seriously slowing him down. "Don't stop!" He cried through clenched teeth. "The river is not too far now!" I looked forward with my telescopic vision. I could see the trees of the orchard lying just beyond the river. We were almost there just a little further. "AROOOOOOOOOO!!!" My blood ran cold at the sound of the howl. Pa and I looked behind to see the Timberwolf pack not even thirty feet from us. "Apple Comet listen to me." He said solemnly as he took the lantern in his hoof. “A'h need ya to use yer speed. Run back to the homestead!" "I'm not leaving you Pa!" I cried in protest! “I can handle these things." Pa looked down sternly at me. "Ah'll only slow ya down! FORGET ABOUT ME RUN!!!!" He shouted as he stopped and turned to face the pack. With a flick of his hoof tossed the lantern toward the lead. It shattered against the beast's head in a shower of glass and an eruption of flame. In an instant, the Timberwolf was engulfed in flames. Howls of agony came from its maw before the fire burned off its lower jaw. The rest of the pack slowly backed away from the burning body of their comrade. For a moment I thought they were going to run away. Instead, they just looked at Pa with vengeful expressions carved across their faces. I stood transfixed at the sight before me, My hooves feeling anchored to the forest floor. The entire pack stood before us, their crooked jaws growling and snarling at us. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye one of the pack charged at me! Everything seemed to slow down in that instance. As the Timberwolf leaped toward me I felt the familiar burning sensation in my eyes. I smiled as the heat from my eyes burned my attacker to a pile of ashes. My victory was short-lived as the rest of the pack descended on us. A horde of sharp claws, gnarled teeth, and sickly yellow eyes with only one purpose. To rip Pa and I limb from limb and feast on the remains. I let loose blast after blast of my heat vision incinerating them one after another. but there were just too many of them to stop. As I turned to my left prepared to fry another I was suddenly knocked to the ground. I looked up in time to see a Timberwolf clamp its jaws around my throat. It snarled as it tried to sink its teeth into my jugular but I was no ordinary prey that was going to lie down and die. I kicked my hind legs into its neck with such force that its head went sailing off into the distance. I threw its headless corpse off of me like a hoofball straight into the two timberwolves standing behind it. "WHAT ARE Y'ALL STILL DOING HERE?!!!" I looked over just in time to see Pa surrounded by Timberwolves. I watched as one leaped at him from the front only to take a right hoof to the lower jaw. The beast's mouth splintered as it crumpled onto its back. Pa leaped on top of it stomping his massive hooves into the monster's chest with such force that his horseshoes left impressions. I could tell he was putting up a good fight but he wouldn't last much longer against the horde. "I told you I'm not leaving you behind Pa!" I shouted back to him as another Timberwolf tried to jump him from behind. A quick blast of my heat vision and Pa's attacker was engulfed in flames. The remaining members of the pack quickly took him to the ground but before they could deliver a killing blow I took a deep breath into my lungs and let loose another gust of wind from my lips. One by one the Timberwolves blew apart like piles of sticks caught in a tornado scattering into the woods. "You guys really need to chill out!" I said with a satisfied smirk as the last one blew away. "Are you alright Pa?" I asked as I rushed over to check on him. I had taken extra care to target each of the Timberwolves individually or in pairs rather than the entire pack at once to hopefully not hurt Pa. "Ah'll live." He groaned as he got back to his feet. "You're pretty handy with that breath of yours ain't ya?" "Yeah, Did you see when that one Timberwolf tried to jump you from behind and I just blasted him like Pew Pew and he just turned to dust? Oh man, that was awesome!" I was bouncing around on my hooves with excitement. Who wouldn't be? I'd just taken on a pack of Timberwolves singlehoofedly and won! Okay well, I did have some help from Pa but still, it was still pretty awesome! Just wait till the kids at school get a look at me tomorrow! I'd surely be the talk of the town! The Colt that came from Outer Space! Who was faster than a speeding arrow? More powerful than Timberwolf! Able to leap entire forests in a single bound! Why I bet even Princess Celestia would come to see me! "Alright alright," Pa said his raised hoof signaling it was time to settle down. "Hold yer horses we've still got to get out of here first and when we get back home we're gonna have a long talk about these powers." "Yeah Yeah I get the message, Don't worry about it Pa! With my awesome X-Ray vision, I'll find our way home in no time and if anything else tries to tangle with us I'll make him regret messing with me." "THOOM!!" "What was that?" A sudden tremor shook the ground. Pa's eyes widened with horror. "We need to get outta here now!" He shouted at me. "THOOM!! THOOM!!" I laughed at his worried sentiment. "Ha let me handle this Pa, I'll make him sorry he crossed into this neck of the woods." I wasn't scared anymore, I didn't need to be scared of anything with my powers. Whatever this thing was it was going down. "THOOM THOOM THOOM THOOM!! The thundering footsteps were getting closer and closer. The trees shook and swayed as the beast drew closer. "This ain't up for discussion son now come on!" He said reaching with his teeth for my tail. I kicked up a burst of speed before he could nab me dashing headlong through the trees in search of this new challenge. It was not a very long search. "ARRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" A familiar howl echoed through the woods, More Timberwolves? Bring it on I didn't care if it was a hundred! a thousand! ten thousand! ten thousand and one! No pile of bark was a match for me!" Okay, so the Timberwolf was a bit bigger than what I was expecting, Okay it was a WHOLE LOT BIGGER!!! As in the size of our barn bigger! But it didn't matter I still had my powers and it was going down. Right after I got over my shock. "You want a piece of me Bark Breath!" I shouted up at it, The monster looked down at me with burning hatred in its eyes. "Now since I'm so nice I'm gonna count to three and give you one chance to walk away! One!...Two! THWACK!!!! CRASH!!! CRRRRAAAACK!!! SLAM!!! THUD!!! OOF!!! UGH!!! OW!!! Okay, I'll be the first to admit going up to Timberwolf King's face and boasting about how bad you were going to kick its butt might not have been the best strategy. But I was still determined to show it that'd just signed its death warrant. "Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy!" I cried as I leaped toward it my hind hoof extended like I'd seen in those martial arts movies. My flying kick caught the Timberwolf King on top of the head, snapping one of its antlers in half. The beast howled in pain grabbing where its missing antler had snapped off while I landed less gracefully in a tumble not too far off. One-nil to The Colt of Steel! "Aw, what's the matter?" I teased. "Is this little colt too tough for the big bad puppy?" Its eyes turned red with rage as it glared down at me. With a bellowing roar, I charged. With the speed of a bolt of lightning, I was off, my hooves thundering against the ground with the Timberwolf King in pursuit. Trees crumbled as we raced through the forest. As I expected I was too fast for it to keep up with me. Effortlessly darting left and right with each swipe of the claws. "Come on slowpoke!" I shouted as the beast attempted to squash me under a claw only for me to dive clear just in time. "Is that all you got?" My excitement was at an all-time high. Unfortunately, it was all about to come crashing down. "APPLE COMET!!! APPLE COMET!!!" Came a cry of worry from behind me. I turned around to see Pa galloping as fast as he could towards me. His heartbeat was racing rapidly, his eyes white with fear. "PA!" That proved to be the opening the Timberwolf needed. Before I could dodge out of the way the behemoth snatched me up in its jaws and shook me like a chew toy. "NOOOOOOOOO!" I heard Pa cry out as the monster shook his head back and forth and attempted to rip me apart. Its teeth were sharp stakes trying to impale me, fortunately, my skin proved impenetrable. Steadying myself on my hind legs I pressed my forelegs against the King's upper jaw and pushed with all my might. Slowly but surely I was able to push its jaws apart enough to see Pa pick up a large rock to hurl at the King's face. The stone struck the Timberwolf King below its right eye with a resounding KRACK!!! The beast howled with pain and thrashed its head from side to side sending me tumbling off my hooves and out of its mouth. Instinctively I grabbed one of the King's canines to hang onto. SNAP!!! It snapped in my hooves like a toothpick sending me plummeting thirty feet to the ground. "AHHHHHHH!!! Ugh!!!” I hit the ground with a thud but felt no worse for wear. I looked up in time to see the Timberwolf King's claw swipe at me with enough force to send me flying through the trees for at least 800 feet. I dusted myself off and prepared to finish the fight once and for all. My blood ran cold at the sight I saw through my X-ray vision next. The Timberwolf King advanced toward Pa. Its mouth was salivating with what looked like tree sap. Pa was slowly being backed into a corner and then it happened. His sprained leg became caught in a gnarled vine sending him tumbling to the ground with a sickening crack. He looked up in time to see the Timberwolf King bring its heavy claws across his stomach! "YARRRRRRRGH!!!!!" Pa's screams were cut short by agonizing pain as the claw tore through his barrel. I felt the burning rage inside me erupt once again, This time with more power than ever before. "PAAAAAAA!!!!" With a loud war cry, I raced headlong toward the King with such speed that I felt my hooves slowly begin to leave the ground. My entire body felt lighter than the air around it until my hooves were no longer touching the ground. Time seemed to slow down. The wind rushed against my mane as I flew headlong toward the beast. With a resounding KRACK!!! My hoof connected with the monster's front leg with such force that it exploded in a shower of bark. The Timberwolf toppled onto its back clutching its stump and howling in pain. Landing roughly in a patch of soft grass I turned and leaped into the air once more. “YOU LEAVE MY PA ALONE YOU MONSTER!!!!” I shouted as I drove my hind legs into the King's chest. Whelps of agony echoed through the forest as I felt it's its chest cavity collapse under me. It wasn't enough. The monster had to suffer it deserved to suffer! And I was going to make sure it did. Again and again, my hooves pounded against its chest eliciting whelps of pain. With each blow came satisfaction. Finally, I leaped into the air ready to strike the killing blow. "After I finish you I'll make sure none of you monsters hurt never anypony else again." I hissed in a low voice. As I dove toward my target at full force my front hooves ready to strike the killing blow my eyes burning red with rage when I suddenly heard a voice cry out from below. "Apple Comet....Please......stop!" "Pa!" I felt the fire in my eyes fading away. My momentum and speed evaporated instantly as I felt myself gently floating to the ground. Below me, I could see the Timberwolf King's broken form. Whelps of pain winced from its mouth where it lay. I saw deep impacts and gaping holes where my hooves had made their impact and in its eyes ran thin sap-like tears. I looked down at my hooves now covered in dirt and sawdust. My heart sank as the reality of what I'd done sank in. Tears filled my eyes as I looked down at the fallen King. This wasn't me defending Pa or myself, this was me inflicting harm on a creature for revenge. To make it feel the pain I felt. "I'm sorry...” I whispered as my hooves touched the ground. My throat choked with sobs as the beast looked at me with fearful eyes. "F-Forgive me," Slowly trotting up to him I saw up close the damage I'd done. jagged edges jutted out of the stump of its leg. Was this what I'd become? Somepony who hurts others to feel satisfied? Someone who uses their powers to beat down others? I fell to my haunches and shut my eyes in a pathetic attempt to stop the tears from flowing. "S-Son." Pa's voice snapped me out of my trance, and I immediately rushed over to his side. His coat was soaked in blood. Even without my X-ray vision, I could see the claws had cut right to the bone. His breathing was heavy and labored. "I-I'm here Pa. Don't worry I'm gonna run and get some help. We'll get you to a hospital.” Pa's expression said it all. He knew what was going to happen. "No Son....*cough* It...won't do...me...any good." He rasped. "Don't say that Pa! Don't say I'm not gonna save you!" I argued. I refused to believe it but it soon began to sink that It was already too late. "Apple Comet....listen to me. *cough* *cough* These last *cough* five years...Ah've ...watched you grow from... that tiny foal...in that rocket *cough* into a fine young colt. A-A'h w-want you... *cough* to promise me something." "W-What is it? W-Whatever it is I-I'll keep it Pa you have my word.” "My Son *wheeze* Y'all have been given...a powerful gift... *cough* A'h don't know where you came from. *cough* Just know that Y'all have made me so proud to be yer Pa. *cough* *cough* A'h want ya to promise me...that Y'all never do *cough* what ya did tonight. *cough.* Promise *wheeze* me that Y'all never use your powers to hurt others. *cough* *cough*” "I-I-I promise Pa!" He smiled warmly at me as I buried his face in my neck. "Oh Celestia Pa, I-I'm so sorry! I should have never run away!" Pa's blood stained my coat from my neck to my legs. "Don't go on blaming yourself *wheeze* for what happened to me. *cough* It ain't your fault." "B-But Pa!" I protested. “I-If I h-hadn't run off l-like I did n-none of this w-would've happened and y-you w-wouldn't be h-here.....” I felt whatever composure I had left leave my body as I collapsed on top of him like a newborn foal. Slowly I felt Pa's hoof run across my back. "Shhh, It's okay Apple Comet. *cough*” He said softly. Slowly I looked up at him. There were no tears in his eyes, Instead, I saw something else, Acceptance. "Everything happens for a reason. *cough* *cough.* Even death. *wheeze* I-I can f-finally see y-your Ma again. *cough cough* I-I can only imagine the tongue lashing she's gonna give me for *wheeze* making her wait so long." He chuckled heartily to himself before reaching up to take off his hat. "Here give this to them." He said before handing it to me. "Tell 'em A'h love them and Ah'll be watching over them." His eyelids began to sink, his heartbeat was quickly reaching a climax. "A-A-A'H...l-l-love..ya..s-s-son." His breathing fell silent, his heart ceased to beat. With those last words, Bright Mac left this world forever. "Pa....Pa..... PAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" > The Pain of Loss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of that night I felt nothing. I don't know how long I lay there in the forest crying my eyes out. Eventually, I just ran out of tears to cry. Bright Mac was gone and it was all my fault. If I'd just listened to him and gone back to the orchard instead of running off to fight that Timberwolf He'd still be here. But I hadn't listened and now he was dead. Once I managed to pull myself together, I realized I couldn't leave him here to be picked apart by the beasts of the forest. The only problem was he was too big for me to carry on my back, And I couldn't bring myself to just drag him through the woods by his tail or mane. After much thought, I found a way. Taking a deep breath I covered him in a thick layer of ice. Hopefully, it would be enough to keep him safe until I came back. I took my time heading back to the orchard, I was in no mood to run. I didn't want to think about running for the rest of my life. What was I going to tell Granny and my siblings? My hooves felt heavier with each step I took back to the farm. The moon shone brightly in the night sky as I walked up the trail. The stars shimmered brightly in a tapestry of light. I thought back to what Jav-El and Loran had said. That I was not a pony of this world, The last known survivor of a planet long gone. As I looked over my shoulder, I saw the town of Ponyville below. Its lights in the houses had long since dimmed. Everything seemed so peaceful, so tranquil. Tomorrow would be just another day for them, With kids headed off to school and grown-ups going to work. I was pretty certain those other kids didn't have to deal with being an alien. What was I supposed to do in this world? Could I go back to school tomorrow with everything that'd happened? What if they thought I was a freak? What if I hurt someone? Would they run me out of town like a monster? To be honest I kind of felt like one right then. The sign that traditionally hung over the gateway lay face down on the road in front of me. It'd been torn from its screws by my wake when I ran out of the barn. Picking it up I turned it over to see the shiny bright green apple on the front coated in dirt. A reminder of all the damage I'd done so far. Suddenly my ears picked up the sound of voices coming from the house. "Are Pa and Apple Comet going to be okay Granny?" The voice was distant but I instantly recognized it as Apple Bloom. Looking through the walls I saw the rest of the family sitting in the living room. Granny was in her usual rocking chair with Apple Bloom sitting worriedly in her lap. Applejack and Big Mac sat on the sofa staring at the clock on the wall. "A'h'm sure they'll be fine Apple Bloom. Ye'r Pa is as strong as an oak tree and from what A'h saw today yer brother might even be stronger than that." Granny's tone was reassuring but shaky. From the clock on the wall, I could see it was more than two hours after I'd left. Instantly I felt my stomach sink, I'd thought about what Granny and Applejack would say when they found out, But Apple Bloom. How was I supposed to tell her that Pa was never coming home and that it was all thanks to my recklessness? I looked down at the broken sign in my hooves. I sighed deeply, I was going to have to do this sooner or later. I set the sign down by the fence and walked up to the front door. *Knock *Knock* Knock.* "That must be them now," Applejack said as she got up to answer the door. Big Mac and Apple Bloom were right behind her with Granny trailing behind. The door swung open and I was greeted with a group hug from my siblings. "Apple Comet!" Applejack exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. "Thank Celestia yer alright! Y'all had us worried sick about you." Tears of relief ran down her muzzle onto my back. "Where's Pa?" Apple Bloom asked looking up at me with concern in her eyes. "He went out looking for ya!" What little self-composure I'd gathered on my long walk home shattered on the floor. I collapsed into Applejack's arms, My eyes having found fresh tears to cry. The next morning I led the family as well as the local undertakers to the spot where Pa lay. To say they were baffled as to how he became frozen solid would be an understatement. I kept the part about my powers a secret, I didn't want anyone outside the family to know, not really sure they would have believed me anyway. It took 6 work ponies armed with hammers and chisels to free him from the ice and bring him back to town. The funeral took place a few days later. Members of the Apple Family and even The Pear Family showed up from every corner of Equestria to pay their respects along with friends and neighbors. The service was held under a lone oak tree sitting on a hill overlooking the orchard. It was home to a private plot where the Apple family buried their loved ones after death. In its shade lay several simple stone markers inscribed with the names of the dead going back to the founding of Ponyville. "We are gathered here to say our final farewells to Bright Mac." The town's priest Last Rites said as the casket was placed under the tree. It was a great deal larger than an average casket, having taken 12 pallbearers to carry it up to the hill. "He was a simple stallion, honest, loving, hardworking, A farmer like many in his family before him. He worked hard to provide an honest living for his family." "To many who knew him myself included he was a close friend." The preacher continued. "But to those closest to him He was a loving son and a devoted father and he will be missed. He leaves behind a mother and four children, grieving relatives, and many, many friends. We sat in the front row next to the casket. I was supposed to sit next to Apple Bloom but she had been too distressed to go so after the wake the night before, Applejack decided to stay home with her. She'd offered to take me too but I'd refused. Something inside me told me I had to be there. "To many, it seems he left us too soon. But I ask that as we gather here to pay our last respects not dwell on the unfortunate circumstances of his passing, But to remember the joy and happiness he brought into each of our lives." The Priest's eulogy cut through me like a knife, and the familiar feeling of guilt began to bubble up inside of me. I didn't notice I was gripping my chair so tight that my hoof was denting the wood. How could I be so stupid? So stubborn? I only had to listen to his warning and all of this could have been prevented. But now I hadn't and the stallion who'd raised me my whole life was gone. The priest continued for a few more minutes before inviting the family to say a few words on Pa's behalf. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Bakin Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, Cousin Braeburn, Even Great Grand Pear. One by one they told everyone how Pa had impacted their lives in a significant way. Finally, It was our turn, I sat up and followed Granny Smith and Big Mac to the front of the casket. "My son was a simple pony. He got up for chores every day at five in the morning and worked from sunup to sundown like his Pa and his Pa before him." Granny's tone was stoic in the face of the loss of Pa betraying no hint of sadness or grief. Instead, she seemed tired in a way. Her eyes were those of a mare who had seen many loved ones enter and leave this world. "He was an honest gentle soul who loved his family and would do anything to please us. He was kind and generous to everyone he met, always there to cheer up friends and neighbors with a joke or warm smile. He brought many joys into our lives from the day he was born. He was a bright colt, never once tardy for school, His teachers spoke very highly of him whenever we talked." "Ah'll always remember the day A'h first met Pear Butter, Ah ain't ashamed to admit that A'h was angry as a wasp's nest that she and my son were seeing each other. But over the years A'h saw just how deep their love for each other went. She gave us four wonderful grandchildren and a lifetime of wonderful memories before she passed on. Her death was hard on all of us, but Bright Mac took it the hardest. He did his best to keep going but A'h knew in my heart her passing had hurt him deeply. Ah, like to think he's up there with her now." Pa's last words echoed in my head. "Tell 'em I love them and Ah'll be watching over them." I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. "Apple Comet?" I looked up to see Granny looking over at me. Her expression softened as she knelt to my level and embraced me. "Sshhhh It's okay to cry here. She said. "Look at me Ah'm just barely holding it together myself." I looked up to see two thin tears roll down her wrinkled cheeks. "Y'all can head on back to the house anytime." I dried my eyes and shook my head. "No Granny, I'm not leaving until I've had a chance to say goodbye." I stood up as tall as I could and wiped my eyes. Granny smiled and handed me a handkerchief from her saddlebag. "I think yer Pa would mighty proud of that answer." She said gesturing to the casket. I wiped my eyes off and placed the handkerchief in my jacket pocket before trotting up to the casket. I ran my hoof over the surface, The polished oak felt smooth to the touch. "Pa," I said. "I just...I just want to say thank you for taking me in when I had nowhere else to go. I'm sorry...I ran away like I did. I know you told me not to blame myself but I can't help it. If I hadn't run back into the forest you'd probably still be here. But I gave you my word and I intend to keep it. I'm not gonna run away from who I am anymore, I may have let you down once but I swear I'll never let you down again. I'm gonna become a stallion you can be proud of I promise. Goodbye Pa...I'm gonna miss you, Say Hi to Ma for me when you get to Elysium." "That was very good young Colt, I'm sure your father, wherever he is, would be very proud of you for standing up like that." The Preacher said to me with a warm smile. Once the rest of the family had finished paying their last respects it was time to lower the casket. "And as we lay this pony to rest we ask that the Three Judges in their wisdom look kindly upon him and judge him fairly." The preacher proclaimed as the casket was lowered into the earth. "We ask that they grant him passage to the fields where there is no snow nor heavy storms nor rain but where life is free of toil, sorrow, and pain. May the Goddess Faust bless him on his journey to everlasting peace." And just like that, it was over Ashes to ashes Dust to dust. I stayed up on the hill for a while after the mourners had left. I told Mac and Granny that I needed to be alone for a while. They didn't say anything, they just nodded and went back to the house. Bright Mac Beloved Son, Husband, and Father. b 955anm d 995anm "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Pa, But I promise I'll never let anypony down again." I spent the next half hour looking over the names on the grave markers, The names went back to the founding of Ponyville. One stone, in particular, caught my eye, The one lying right next to Pa's grave. Pear Butter Beloved Wife, Daughter, and Mother of Four. b 959anm d 990anm. A single tear ran down my cheek and landed on the headstone. I was only a few months old when she died but Pa told me she loved as if I were her natural-born foal. She and Pa were finally reunited for what it was worth. "Hey Ma it's me Apple Comet, I know we didn't get to spend much time together but I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to Pa. I didn't listen to him when I should have and now....well now he's with you. I guess...I can be happy that you can see each other again, but it still hurts inside." As I stood there it felt like a great weight was being lifted off of my shoulders. I guess there was some merit to what Granny said about the truth setting you free. "I've been going through some changes lately, I'm guessing Pa's told you all about that. At first, I thought I was some kind of monster, somepony who didn't belong. But Pa told me something before he died. He said that it was a gift and asked me to make a promise to never use it to hurt others. I'm going to keep that promise Ma!" I promise I'm going to use my powers to help those in need. I'm gonna make you both proud of me just wait and see." When I got back to the house the mood was mostly silent, The family had crowded into the living room for snacks and conversation. Granny Smith sat on the couch next to Aunt and Uncle Orange. "Granny dear I can't imagine what you're going through right now." Aunt Orange said as he placed her hoof on Granny's shoulder. Her voice was lacking its usual high society tone. "If there's anything Mosely or I can do for you please do not hesitate to ask." Granny took a sip of tea and then set her cup on the table. "Thank you Valencia," She said softly. "Ah'll be sure to keep that in mind." She looked up when she heard me shut the door. "Well look who's finally back, Are you feeling any better? " She asked. I smiled and said. "I am sure Granny, I'm feeling a lot better than I was this morning." She smiled back at me and said. "Ah'm sure glad to hear that. There are apple fritters in the kitchen feel free to help yourself." "Thanks, Granny I could sure go for one right now," I said as I trotted towards the kitchen. "Oh, could ya do me a favor and take one up to yer sister's room?" She asked me. "Poor filly's been feeling down all day. A'h invited her to come down and sit with the rest of the family earlier, But she wasn't feeling up to it." "Sure Granny, I can do that," I said before I headed back into the kitchen. The dining room table was set up like a buffet. Apple dishes of every variety sat out in pans, trays, and plates. Every Apple had brought something to the wake to save Granny the trouble of cooking for everypony there. "Okay Let's Apple Pies, Apple cakes, Apple Tarts, Apple Strudel, Apple Cobbler, Apple Turnover, Apple Dumplings, Apple Crisps, Apple Cider, Apple Jam, What's this?" I picked up what I later found out to be an orange meringue. "Whatever it is it looks fancy, Thanks, Aunt and Uncle Orange. Now, where is the Apple frit...Bingo!" There they were, The batter-fried cinnamon-coated golden deliciousness that was the Apple Families homemade fritters. This was surely just what I needed to cheer my sister up. I picked up a plate with my teeth, taking extra care not to break Granny's good china, and placed two apple fritters on them. *knock knock knock* I tapped on Apple Bloom's bedroom door with the tip of my hoof. "Who is it?" Applejack's voice said from behind the door. I gently set the plate down on the floor. "It's me AJ," I answered. "I brought you some apple fritters from downstairs, I figured you might be hungry. Can I come in?" "Sure thing door's already open." She replied. I picked the plate back up and opened the door. The room was pitch dark the only light was sunlight shining through the window. Applejack sat on the edge of the bed next to a large mound in the sheets. " Who is it Applejack? a muffled voice asked through the bedsheets. "It's Apple Comet," Applejack replied to her sister. "He's brought ya up some Apple Fritter's to cheer you up!" "Go away! A'h never want to see you again!" My little sister's sudden shriek was followed by a pillow flying towards my head. Immediately I ducked and darted away from the puffy projectile which missed me by a country mile. With my X-ray vision, I saw Apple Bloom lying with her forelegs crossed holding a teddy bear in a vice grip Her mane was disheveled and unkempt, her eyes were puffy from crying and a deep scowl crossed her face. "Apple Bloom! "Applejack scowled angrily. Ah, know Y'all are upset but that's no way to treat yer brother when he's just trying to be nice to ya!" "He's not my brother!" Apple Bloom snapped back. "He's a monster! He's an alien freak!" Apple Bloom's words stabbed me like a knife through the heart. My jaw went slack sending the plate crashing to the floor. *CRASH!* "Now that wasn't a very nice thing to say Applebloom! " Applejack said getting up off the bed. "Ah'm so very sorry about her, She's been like this all day." My ears drooped as looked up at her. "No it's fine I understand," I said turning towards the door. I'll go get a broom and dustpan and sweep this up." "Apple Comet wait!" Applejack called out. "Ah'll get it, A'h think you and Bloom need to have a little talk." And with that, she turned and walked out of the room. *Sigh* "Hey Apple Bloom how's it going?" It was a stupid question but I had to start somewhere. She shuffled and turned over to the other side. X-ray vision remember? "Look I don't know what else I can say about Pa." "Well then don't say anything!" She snapped "It's all yer fault he's dead! You and yer freaky alien powers! It should've been you that ended up as Timberwolf food instead of Pa!" My heart sank at her words, I wanted to tell her she was wrong, that she was only being a poophead, But deep down I sort of felt the same. What if it had been me who'd been killed? What would Pa be doing if he were in my shoes right now? "Do...Do you really believe that Bloom?" I asked, "Would the rest of the family be better off if I'd never arrived?" Apple Bloom's heart rate began to speed up, she was breathing harder and faster. "A-Ah'm n-not saying that." She said hesitantly. "Ah'm just saying why you couldn't save him with all yer amazing powers like Y'all did with Granny?" It was a question I'd been asking myself for the last couple of days. I doubted that I would ever find the answer. "I was too foalish I guess." I finally said. "Pa tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen. I thought I could handle them on my own, I could smash them like they were made of glass, I could turn them to ash just by looking at them or freeze them solid with my breath. I forgot that Pa wasn't as powerful as I was and... Apple Bloom believe me when I say I would give up my powers if it could bring Pa back." For a moment the room fell silent, then my ear picked up the faint sound of whimpering coming from the sheets. My heart sank as I trotted up to the bed and lifted the sheets off of her. In an instant, Apple Bloom wrapped her forelegs around my neck and buried her face into my mane. She didn't say anything to me, She just sobbed and trembled against me like a newborn foal. I shut my eyes and patted her gently on the back. Her insults no longer mattered, The fact that I was adopted no longer mattered, My powers no longer mattered. What mattered in this instance was my little sister needed a shoulder to cry on and that I was there for her. "Ah'm sorry." She whispered to me in a trembling voice. "I didn't mean what A'h said! Please don't go away!" A gentle smile crossed my face as I looked down at her. "It's okay Bloom I forgive you." The atmosphere at the dinner table that evening was as silent as a church at night. As the family filed into the dining room everypony sat in the seats they'd been given. Apple Bloom and I sat with Applejack and Big Mac next to the other kids while Granny sat in her usual spot. Pa's usual space was left empty marked by an old photograph sitting in his chair at the head of the table. One by one the family joined hooves and bowed their heads as Granny began the blessing of grace. "Faust Mother of Harmony, We thank you for this bounty of food and for all the blessings bestowed upon this family which we are all grateful for." At once the rest of the family joined in. "We thank you for our health and well-being and our bountiful harvest. In this difficult time as we mourn the passing of Bright Mac we humbly ask that you take his soul into your Elysian Fields so that he may find everlasting peace. Give us the strength to heal and the guidance to move on, so that through this dark time we may see the light. For thou is thy mother thy mentor and thy friend Amen." "Let us eat," Granny said as the rest of the family raised their heads and picked up their utensils to begin eating. > A Family Meeting. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast, the rest of the family packed up the wagons and headed off for home. We said our usual goodbyes and exchanged shows of affection, which unfortunately for me and Apple Bloom meant lots of wet kisses and cheek pinches from elderly relatives. I suppose I should consider myself lucky that my skin was indestructible. Anyway, after we'd said our goodbyes to everyone and the household had been given time to settle down, I decided it was time to talk to the family about what I saw in the crystal that night. I walked into the living room to find Granny sitting on the couch looking through an old photo album with a cup of tea in her hoof. It was now or never. I couldn't let my guilt hold me back anymore. She had to know, they all did. "Granny?" She looked up at me, her face looked more worn and haggard than yesterday. "What is it, dear?" She asked me. "I'd like to call a family meeting if I could. There's something I've got to tell you all." For a moment she just looked at me with her tired weary eyes. Then she closed the album and set it gently on the coffee table. "Alright then." She said quietly before reaching into the nearby nightstand and pulling a small triangle out of the drawer. CLANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG ALANG!!!! "FAMILY MEETING!!!" The volume of her voice was so loud it managed to drown out the clanging of the triangle. Needless to say, it was not a good time to have super-hearing. Much to my misfortune, the insufferable clanging was soon joined by a cacophony of stampeding hooves. I could already tell who they belonged to. "Hurry up, Applejack!" "Ah'm coming Ah'm coming!" Apple Bloom came bounding down the stairs with AJ hot on her heels. Granny ceased ringing the infernal triangle and set it down on the nightstand. "Where's yer brother?" Granny asked. Applejack and Apple Bloom looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "Ah don't know Granny?" Applejack responded. Flush! "He's in the upstairs bathroom," I answered. "You saw upstairs again huh?" Applejack asked me, I recoiled as the image of Big Mac sitting down to do his business ran through my head. "Ugh, no gross! I just heard the toilet flushing that's it!" Applejack chuckled and sat down on the couch. "Ah don't get it Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked her sister. "What's so funny?" Applejack waved a hoof and snorted. "Oh, nothing just yer brother seeing things he probably shouldn't." My embarrassment was thankfully short-lived as Big Mac came trotting down the stairs. "Sorry A'h was late Granny, A'h was in the washroom when A'h heard ya!" "WE KNOW!!!" I shouted in frustration, My voice shaking the window frames and shelves. "Sorry." The living room became awkwardly quiet as Big Mac took a seat on the end of the couch. "Umm...So Granny what'd ya call a family meeting for?" Applejack finally asked. "Ah didn't call it, Ye'r brother did," Granny explained to her. "Go ahead Apple Comet." "I took in a deep breath and sighed. "Thanks, Granny, Everyone I've got something to tell you. The night Pa showed me the rocket, I found a message inside the crystal he showed me.” "You mean the funny-looking one that was glowing all funny-like?" Applejack gave me a look of confusion. "Yeah, that one," I answered. "Well, Ya started to act mighty strange when ya looked into it. What did the message say?" Granny asked getting right to the point. "It told me the truth Granny," I answered. "About who I am, Where I come from, why I'm different." "Well don't leave us in suspense!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she stood up on the couch in excitement. "Come on tell us.?" "As soon as it lit up everything just vanished, I found myself in a strange house that I'd never seen before, And I met these two ponies who said they were my parents.” Their eyes went wide, pupils shrunk in surprise. Granny Smith spat her tea out. "Yer parents?" They all cried out in shock. "As in yer birth parents?" Granny asked reaching for her handkerchief. "That's what they told me." I answered, "They told me their names were Jav-El and Loran and that I was on another planet called Kolton. They said it was where I was born." The room went dead quiet, No one dared say a thing. They just stared in awe at me like a deer caught in a locomotive's headlight. "Umm...Yeah so turns out I'm... kind of...sort of...probably...an...alien or something? I don't know how since I look like any other pony but... Hey, are you guys feeling okay?" An awkward smile stretched across my face. After about a minute or so Applejack finally managed to pick her jaw up off the floor. "Granny?" "Yes, Applejack?" "Could Y'all give me a pinch right about now? A'h wanna be sure A'h ain't dreaming this." "Of course Dear." *PINCH* "Yeowch!" Applejack jumped up landing on her flank in an undignified fashion. "Thank you." "Um, Granny?" Big Mac raised his hoof. "A-A'h think A'h might need a pinch too." "Y-Yeah me too." Apple Bloom added. "Wait!" I interjected "I know this sounds crazy, but I can prove to you it's real. I just need to find some way to make it play the memory for all of us?" They looked at one another with expressions of uncertainty unsure of what to make of my suggestion. Finally, Granny stood up from the couch and walked over to me. "A'h don't know what to say about all this alien whatchamacallit." She said looking me in the eye. "After the way it made you act last time Ah'm not sure it would be a good idea." "It didn't make me act that way Granny I swear it didn't." I protested. "I-I was scared, They told me that Kolton had exploded a long time ago and I was the only survivor. They said they put me in that rocket and sent me here to save me. And they said that I was going to become stronger than I am now. They said that ponies might fear me and that they might try to destroy me." "Alright Ah've heard enough." Granny declared. "My mind is made up. Until you get a little older A'h don't want you fooling around with that thing. It's putting all sorts of kooky ideas in yer head.” She turned over to the couch. "And that goes for you three as well. Ah, don't want nopony fooling around in that barn when Ah'm not around, ya got me?" "Yes, Granny." The three of them nodded. "Alright then." She said as she turned back over to me and placed her hooves on my shoulders "A'h want cha to understand something. Ah, ain't doing this to be mean or cause A'h want to. A'h just want you to be safe because alien or not you're a part of this family and we love you. You've been through a lot these last few days, We all have. Right now you shouldn't be thinking about where Y'all came from or what's going to happen to you. Y'all should be out there being a colt, going to school, making friends. Not spending yer whole childhood cooped up in a barn looking at crystals all day.” "But what about my powers?" I asked her. "Jav-El and Loran said I'm only going to get stronger as I grow. How am I supposed to go to school, make friends, and all that stuff without hurting someone?" Granny rubbed her hoof against her chin, pondering how best to deal with the problem at hand. "Well yes, A'h suppose that is quite a query of a quandary isn't it?" She pondered. "Although... "Although what Granny?" Big Mac asked. "A'h think A'h might have an idea about that." She answered slyly as she reached under the couch and pulled out a large gong and mallet. "You young'uns are free to go, I've got some thinking to do.” GONG! "Family meeting adjourned." "How many instruments does she have under there anyway?" I asked, To which my siblings only shrugged. I didn't know it at the time but tomorrow was going to be one of the craziest days of my life. And considering the last few days, that's saying a lot. > The Apple Family Way Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning didn't start for me with the rooster's usual crow, Instead, I woke up to a much more unpleasant noise. "Rise and shine Lazy Hooves! We've got a whole lot of work today." Shuffling off the covers and shaking my head I opened my eyes to find Granny Smith standing over the side of my bed. "Granny?" I asked, "What are you doing up this late?" "Why Ah'm getting yer lazy bones out of bed for one thing." I glanced over at my alarm clock, It was 6:00 in the morning. "It's only 6 O clock!" I moaned into my pillow. "A'h decided A'h'd be generous since yer still a growing foal." Was her answer. "Come on get up now, We've got a lot of work to get done before ya go to school." With that, she turned around and went back downstairs. I yawned and stretched my hooves out, This was going to be a long day. Granny was in the kitchen washing dishes in the sink when I got downstairs, She'd set out a bowl of oatmeal on the table along with a glass of milk. The rest of the spots lay empty. "Where's everyone else?" I asked curiously. "Still asleep." She replied to me. "This morning it's just you and me." "Why's that?" "Because today Y'all are gonna start learning the Apple Family Way." She answered. "The Apple Family Way? What's that?" "It's what makes an Apple an Apple, We usually wait till yer a little older but Ah've decided to make a special case for ya considering yer unique circumstances." "Yay me." I dipped my spoon into my oatmeal and blew on it. "When you're done with yer oatmeal don't forget to wash yer bowl in the sink." Stars still shimmered in the early morning sky as I stepped outside. The morning air invigorated my senses as Granny led me over to the orchard. "Now before we get started, How much do you know about Applebucking?" She asked me. I scratched my head in confusion. "Only what I've seen from you and Pa. You just hit the tree with your hoof and the apples fall out." Granny looked at me and then shook her head. "There's a lot more to it than that, young' in." She said to me. Had I disappointed her so soon? "Applebucking is a skill that takes lots of practice commitment and determination. Let me show you" Setting a bucket down under the tree Granny circled the tree, examining it up and down, Eventually after finding a spot she liked she leaned back coiled her hind leg muscles in like a spring, and with a spryness that belied her age kicked the tree with both legs sending a single apple toppling into the bucket. *Pant* Pant* "A'h still got it, baby." She said reaching for her rag to wipe her brow. "I don't understand Granny," I said looking at the lone Apple she had knocked from the tree. "You only got one apple with that kick. I don't think you did it right." She turned and glared at me. "Didn't do it right?" She growled "Weren't ya paying attention at all to what Ah was saying? There's more to it than just knocking apples into a bucket! Anypony can do that! It's not about how many apples ya can knockdown it's about concentration, focus, self-control things yer going to learn a lot about Ah can assure you." Stepping aside she gestured to the tree. "Here you give it a try." Nervously I gulped and took in a deep breath. "Okay, I can do this." Everything would be okay as long as I remembered what Granny said, Concentration, Focus & Self Control. Trotting over to the tree I looked it over up and down like I saw Granny do it. I didn't know what I was looking for, but it was an apple tree, its branches were full of apples and all I had to do was knock them down. Turning my hind to the tree I closed my eyes and wound up my hind legs. “Alright Here goes nothing.” CRAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKK!!!!!! I opened my eyes just in time to watch the tree sailing over the orchard straight past Ponyville. "You see this is what A'h was talking about," Granny said somehow managing to keep her lower jaw from hitting the ground. (Third Person POV) Twilight Sparkle slumbered quietly in her room, her best friend Smarty Pants tucked under her hooves as she slept quietly. Being the personal student of Princess Celestia wasn't easy but for an eager beaver like Twilight, it was a dream come true. As she slept Twilight dreamed about what the coming day would bring for her, Would it be new spells to learn? New topics to study? She certainly wasn't expecting a full-grown Apple Tree to come crashing through her ceiling like a guided missile in flight! CRAAAAAAASSSSSH!!!!!! “AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” The early morning Canterlot calm was shattered by an ear-splitting shriek of terror and an eruption of magical energy so powerful it shattered every window in the castle as well as a three-block radius. *Poof* Princess Celestia teleported into the room, Her normally majestic mane was tangled up in split ends and her eyes were bloodshot from having been woken so suddenly. “Twilight What's wrong?! I heard you screaming and.....Oh, my.” She said taking a look around what was left of Twilight's room. The tree had entered through the roof roots first leaving a large hole in the ceiling. Smashed apples lay scattered across the floor and bed, lying in the corner in a small basket was a shaking trembling pumpkin with two green eyes. "P-Princess Celestia! T-T-This tree j-just crashed thru the roof o-out of n-nowhere a-and I got scared so I screamed and I'm really really really sorry for waking you up!" The little filly got down on her knees and begged. *Sigh* "It's alright Twilight." Celestia said calmly her horn lighting up as she changed the pumpkin back into a shaken purple baby dragon. "I'll send the royal carpenter in right away. You and Spike can sleep in my bed tonight." Carefully picking up Spike in her magic, The Princess of Sun gently rocked him back and forth. "Shush it's alright little one." "Is...Is he going to be okay Princess?" Twilight asked her mentor. Her eyes were filled with worry. Celestia looked down at her student and smiled. "He's just a little shaken up is all." She whispered. "A bottle of warm Drakaina's milk, a little burping, and he should be fine. Now come on there's still half an hour before I have to raise the sun and I think we could both use a little more sleep before then." Celestia chuckled as she opened the door for Twilight who rushed over to her mentor's side. (Comet's POV again.) "Okay It seems you need to work on controlling your strength," Granny said as we stood in front of a bare field. "Until then A'h think it might be better to put you to work on plowing." I raised my hoof. "Yes, what is it Apple Comet?" "Isn't plowing the fields Big Mac's job Granny?" I asked. "Besides we don't have a yoke in my size." "Well, Y'all be happy to know that ya won't be using the yoke and plow for this exercise." She answered. "But how am I supposed to plow the field with no plow?" Granny smiled and raised her hoof. "With your hooves of course. I want ya to dig nice straight over the hill and down the other side." She answered pointing to the top of the hill. "Here let me show how it's done." Cracking her bony ankles Granny Smith thrust her hooves into the dirt and began to dig. Moving with a speed that belied her age she dug and dug sweat pouring from her brow, her heart racing faster as she reached the top and proceeded down the other side without missing a beat. In no time at all Granny had dug a straight line over the hill. "Wow Granny that was amazing!" I exclaimed. I'd never seen this side of Granny Smith before, She was always the kindly Grandmother who kept the farmhouse tidy and cooked for us. *Huff Huff* "That was nothing!" She said wearily as she reached for her sweat rag. "In mah prime, Ah could've dug ten rows in that time. Still, Ah've gotcha started, now the rest is up to you. Remember nice straight rows." "Nice straight rows got it." I nodded. Taking a deep breath I dug my right hoof into the ground, followed up with my left and I was off. Quickly reaching super speed levels I dug my way to the top of the hill in under three seconds. Time began to slow down as I made my way down to the bottom, Hoofuls of dirt flying past my face in slow motion as I reached the end of the line. Turning around I began digging my way back up the hill and down the other side. All in all, I managed to plow the entire hill in under 40 seconds. "Well, Granny," I asked beaming with pride at my hoof work. "How did I do?" She rubbed her chin looking up and down at the job I'd done. Finally, she said. "Ah'm afraid it's no good." "No good? I asked confused. "But I did what you said? I dug over the hill and down the bottom.” "That ya did." She answered pointing directly at the hill. "However ya dug the rows too deep." I turned around to see that the rows I'd dug resembled trenches leaving what was left of the hill surrounded by massive piles of dirt, clay, and even bedrock "Whoops! Uhm...err sorry about that, I can fix it I promise." "Just remember bedrock, substratum, subsoil, surface, and organic in that order, and take yer time with it," Granny said as she sat down. The sun had risen over the peak of Canterlot by the time I finished putting the last of the dirt back into place. The hill finally looked somewhat normal. My normally white coat was covered in dirt spots and my mane was streaked with mud. Despite this, I didn't break a single sweat. "Okay, Granny I put the hill back together, What now?" Granny opened her pocket watch to check the time. "7:30 Well A'h must say you certainly did yer time and ya certainly got yer hooves dirty." She said looking at the state of my coat and mane. "It's okay I can grab a shower before school." Before I headed for the house I was stopped by a wooden cane swinging in front of me. "Oh no, yer not tracking dirt in mah house young colt." She hollered out as she held the end of her cane to my muzzle. "Well, then how am I supposed to get clean." I quickly learned that was the wrong thing to say. I ended up having to sit in a metal tub behind the barn while Granny bathed me with a garden hose. "Hold still will ya?" She said as she combed and shampooed my mane. "Y'all still got some clumps of dirt in here. "Ow easy Granny! That hurts." I cried out. "What's taking so long?" "It's yer mane, It's like trying to untangle chicken wire." Great my mane was indestructible but it still hurt when somepony pulled my hair go figure. This was certainly going to make my next mane cut very awkward. CRAAAAACCCCKKK! ....And there goes the comb...great. "Sweet Celestia!" Granny exclaimed her mouth dropped in shock. "What am I gonna do?" "Granny, could I borrow a small mirror?" I asked. "I might have an idea.” Granny sat and watched with amazement as my heat vision bounced off the mirror's surface and into my mane. By focusing the intensity of my beam's heat I was able to gently burn out the dirt clods in my mane with laser precision. Now the more inquisitive of you are probably asking HOW IN EQUESTRIA DID A FIVE-YEAR-OLD COLT COME UP WITH THE IDEA TO USE THEIR HEAT VISION TO CLEAN THEIR MANE?!!! Followed shortly by WHERE AND HOW DID THAT COLT GET HEAT VISION AND WHAT KIND OF PARENTAL GUARDIAN LETS HIM PLAY AROUND WITH IT?!!! Well, it should be blatantly obvious to anypony who's been paying attention that I was no ordinary colt. "Sweet Celestia's Mane" Granny muttered under her breath as I looked at my hoof err I mean eye work in the mirror. As amazing as seeing through walls and shooting beams of heat wasn't enough, I could also see at a microscopic level. It seemed there was no limit to the incredible things I could do. But I wasn't about to go about showing off my powers to everypony in town. I'd learned the hard way with Pa about being reckless with my powers. "I think I got them all Granny," I said proudly setting the mirror down as I stepped out of the tub. "It seems every day Y'all find another way to astonish us Apple Comet." Granny Smith admonished. "Yer faster than a bolt of lightning, stronger than a locomotive, heck A'h would be surprised if one day ya leaped to the moon. Yer certainly a very special colt my boy." "Thanks, Granny," I said stepping out of the tub. I opted to dry myself off the good old-fashioned way. I didn't know how I was going to dry off every angle of my body with just a tiny mirror. "So what's next?" "What's next? School of course!" She answered nonchalantly. "Better get a move on, Between moving all that dirt and taking a bath yer running way behind." I was out of the barn so fast that my coat was completely dry when I reached the front door. Ok, teeth brushed? Check. Coat dried? Check. Mane combed? Check, Hooves cleaned? Check. Lunch packed? Well, it's just an apple, some carrot sticks, and an ear of corn, but check. Backpack packed? Check. Okay, that was everything, there was nothing left to do now but... "Apple Bloom! Apple Comet! Carts here!" Catch the school cart before it leaves without me. My X-ray vision quickly spotted my little sister climbing aboard. As fast as I could run without using my super speed I darted out the door. Already the cart driver had begun pulling away from the front gate. “Wait! hold up! Hey, Stop! Wait for me!” I shouted but I was too far away for the driver to hear me. By the time I reached the gate, the cart was already halfway down the road. "Awe Ponyfeathers," I said kicking the dirt in frustration. As I grumbled over how I was going to get to school on time my super-hearing picked up a sharp whistle in the distance. A smile crept across my muzzle as I took off for the West Orchard. If I hurried not only could I get to school on time I could probably beat the cart there. (Third Pony Pov) The 7:45 Friendship Express from Dodge Junction began its pull into the outskirts of Ponyville. It was a trip that Whistleblower had made many times in his eleven-year tenure as an engineer. He thought he'd seen it all until his fire stoker tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to something behind the train. Poking his head out the side window Whistle Blower was stunned to see a young white colt racing alongside the train. His eyes went wide with shock as the boy seemed to be rapidly catching up with the train's speed, passing the caboose and the passenger cars rapidly. Sue Hoof Sue sighed as looked longingly out the window, It had been a long boring trip for the little filly from Dodge Junction, Most of it spent sleeping on her mother's lap. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she spotted an earth pony about her age racing alongside the train. "Whoa." She whispered in astonishment as he caught up to the window she was sitting at. She knocked on the window and gave him a friendly wave. The colt turned and gave a friendly wave back before sprinting onto the next car. "Mommy Mommy!" Sue cried shaking her Mother back and forth. "Hmm, What is it, Sue?" Her Mother asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I just saw a colt outside running faster than the train." She said her face beaming with excitement. "What's going on?" Her Father asked setting down his newspaper. "Daddy I was looking outside and there was this Colt and he was running as fast as the train, Faster Even!" Sue exclaimed. "Oh Sue you've got quite the imagination I'll say that for you." Her mother replied. "But It's true Mommy just look outside!" Sue's parents peered out the window but there was no sign of any colt running. "Alright Sue that's enough we'll be pulling into the station so get your things together." Her father said folding up his newspaper Sue Hoof Sue crossed her forelegs and pouted. "Nopony ever believes me." Whistle Blower could hardly believe his eyes. That colt was not only keeping pace with the train but seemed to be set to overtake it. Running past car after car the young earth pony was rapidly closing the distance to the cab. As he pulled up to the locomotive. The young colt gestured with his hoof for him to blow his whistle. After taking a moment to shake his head Whistleblower realized he wasn't seeing things and reluctantly obliged. He even clanged the bell for him, Satisfied the colt picked up speed and quickly overtook the locomotive becoming a white blur. "Sweet Celestia I must be seeing things." He muttered as he wiped his brow with his bandana. (Apple Comet's Pov.) Okay so maybe I did a little bit of showing off after I said I’ll be using my powers responsibly, but I made sure not to hurt anypony and I was running late for school so I sort of had a valid excuse. And I was sure the only ponies who'd seen me were the Engineer and that Little Filly with the pigtails. My x-ray vision and super hearing showed everypony else was either sleeping, eating, reading, or going to the bathroom. Hopefully, they'd pass it off as a figment of their imagination or something. By the time I got to school, the cart wasn't even at the front gate. As expected I'd beaten it by a country mile. I decided to hang out behind a tree and wait for it to catch up while I thought up an excuse for how I got to school on time after missing the cart. Soon enough I had it figured out. I would wait out here until after class started, Just long enough that no one would notice how fast I'd got here then knock on the door and explain that I had to trot to school. I could still participate thanks to my super hearing and x-ray vision, hopefully without any skeletons this time so technically I wouldn't be cutting class. Ah, superpowers they might take some serious getting used to but they've got some benefits you just can't beat. Sure enough within a few minutes, the school cart pulled up and the kids got off. The door swung open and Ms. Cheerilee stepped out to greet them. "Good Morning Students, I hope everypony is ready to learn today because we have a lot of topics to cover." One by the students filed through the door, All except for my sister who trotted over to Ms. Cheerilee. "Ms. Cheerilee?" "Yes, Apple Bloom?" "My brother missed the cart this morning, can y'all please not mark him tardy?" "How did that happen?" "Ah don't know." Apple Bloom said. "When I got up I found a note from Granny saying she'd taken him out to do some chores and that he'd be finished in time for school. I tried to tell the driver but everypony was being too loud." "Alright Apple Bloom I won't mark him tardy till lunchtime but if he's not here by then I'll have no choice." "Thanks, Ms. Cheerilee!" Apple Bloom exclaimed pulling Cheerilee's leg into a big hug. Cheerilee smiled and wrapped her neck around Apple Bloom. "You're welcome Apple Bloom, Now you better get to class right away. We're about ready to start." Apple Bloom nodded and trotted inside leaving Cheerilee behind to close the door. I noticed that the doorknob had been replaced after my little episode the other day. She takes the upkeep of the school very seriously I thought as I peered through the walls of the school. "Good Morning Class." Ms. Cheerilee said as she sat at her desk. "Good Morning Ms. Cheerilee!" The class echoed. Cheerilee smiled warmly as she picked up a clipboard off her desk. "Now before we get started let's all take roll call okay? Apple Bloom?" "Here!" "Okay then." Ms. Cheerilee said as she checked her off the list. "Apple Comet is running a little late today so I won't mark him tardy for now. "Probably too busy having a freak out somewhere!" Diamond Tiara sneered before chuckling with Silver Spoon. "Leave my brother alone Diamond Tiara!" Applebloom stood up from her desk. "He's been going through a lot lately!" "I'll bet." Silver Spoon giggled. "Did he melt another doorknob?" While two fillies busted into laughter Applebloom's heart rate began to rise. I could tell she was seriously considering giving those two a good bucking. Fortunately, before things could escalate Ms. Cheerilee stepped in. "Diamond Tiara! Silver Spoon! That's enough! I don't hear another word from either of you unless I call on you, understand?" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sighed and said: "Yes Ms. Cheerilee." Applebloom smiled smugly and sat down. "Good now if there are no more distractions we can back to roll call. Archer?" "Here," The little blue colt raised his hoof. Meanwhile, while Ms. Cheerilee was busy taking roll call I was busy formulating how long It would take an average colt to get to school on hoof. If I ran full gallop without using my super speed I'd probably get halfway past the west orchard before running out of breath. How long would I have to stop to catch it? And I'd have to go through town, Somepony would have to have seen me, other than that little filly and the engineer. These are the kinds of things extraterrestrial little colts have to deal with every day. I guess that would teach me not to race speeding trains on the way to school without thinking up an alibi first. To save time I'm just going to skip all that and cut ahead to when I decided to "Arrive late.” I knocked gently on the door of the schoolhouse making sure not to dent the wood or knock it off its hinges. "Coming." Ms. Cheerilee sang from behind the door as she opened it. "Why goodness Apple Comet!" "Good *pant* morning Ms. *pant* Cheerilee." I panted acting like I was out of breath. "Sorry I'm *pant* late, I sort of *pant* missed the cart." "I know, your sister told me what happened at the cart stop." She explained as she looked at me with concern on her face. “Good heavens did you run here all by yourself?" "Yeah *Pant* I *Pant* I did," I said simply. "You sound exhausted. Do you need me to call Nurse Redheart?" She asked. "No, I think *Pant pant* I think I'll be fine. I-I'm just a little *pant* thirsty." "Well feel free to use the water fountain then take your seat," Cheerilee said the worry in her voice giving way to a stern tone. "Next time something like this happens, find a grownup you trust to help." "Yes Ms. Cheerilee," I replied walking up to the fountain. I pressed the button and put my lips up to the water. It was cool and refreshing even though I didn't feel so refreshed. When I was done I put my backpack under my desk took out my math book and took my seat. "Alright Class let's get back subject, shall we? Now, who can tell me the answer to the third problem on page seventeen? Anyone?" I opened up my textbook and turned to page seventeen. It was a basic addition and subtraction problem involving apples fittingly. This was going to be a piece of cake. It was my first day back at school so I was still a little uneasy about anything weird happening I certainly didn't want to see all your classmate's skeletons again. Luckily nothing out of the ordinary happened until recess. I was sitting on the swing set. I didn't want to accidentally break something or hurt somepony so I sat by myself watching the rest of the class run around and play games. "Tag your it!" "17 18 19 20 Ready or not here I come!" "Peppermints peppermints in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?" "Red Rover Red Rover send Aura right over!" "Hey, Apple Comet!" I looked to my right and saw Apple Bloom standing by the swing next to me. "Can A'h swing here?" "Sure," I said. I could already tell something was on her mind. "So how come Y'all missed the cart this morning?" She asked me. "I was up pretty early helping Granny Smith with some chores," I explained. Apple Bloom looked at me with curiosity. "How early are we talking?" She asked me with eyebrows raised. "About 6 am," I answered. Apple Bloom's eyes went wide with shock. "6 am? That's way too early to get up!” She exclaimed. "You must be tired." "I don't feel tired at all." "Does all this have to do with ya being an alien? Wait a minute. Were y'all even really late?" My little sister was smarter than most ponies give credit for. "Well to be honest." I leaned and whispered in her ear. "I beat the cart here by about ten minutes," I smirked struggling not to laugh as Apple Bloom's jaw dropped. "B-But....." Unable to stutter out a coherent response Apple Bloom simply sighed and said "Oh that's right superpowers. By the way, Ah've been meaning to ask ya what's it like having those?" And now it was my turn to have my jaw drop. "Umm.....well......actually....you see....." I was tongue-tied. The truth was I'd been trying to find an answer to that for the past week. I was six years old, I'd grown up on an apple orchard and suddenly I was faster and more powerful than a locomotive. I was learning faster than my peers and had already memorized the contents of all my textbooks. I could see through walls, hear long distances, breathe ice, and melt things just by looking at them. Oh, and it was all because I was an alien. The only thing I couldn't do at this moment was figure out how I felt about it. "Apple Comet? Are Y'all okay?" Apple Bloom asked as she leaned over to look me in the eyes. "I don't know how I feel right now Bloom." "Hey, Apple Comet!" I looked up to see Rumble looking at me. "We need another pony for soccer you in?" Immediately I was hesitant. The whole reason I'd stayed by the swings was that I didn't want to break something or hurt somepony. I'd seen other foals play it before. It involved a lot of running and kicking which were two things that with me went hoof in hoof with property damage. Before I could decline Apple Bloom spoke first. "Go on ahead. Y'all have done nothing but sit on this swing all recess anyway." I sighed and looked over at Rumble was looking at me with a puzzled expression. "Sure Rumble I'm in." "Great!” The Pegasus Colt exclaimed. “It's you, me Archer, and Button Mash against Snips, Snails, Teddy, and Truffle. We're gonna destroy them!" I felt a rock drop in my stomach as he said those last words. Still, I did my best to remain composed. "I'm sure we will," I told Rumble. Now I just had to make it through the rest of recess without turning the soccer field into a war zone. > The Apple Family Way Part 2 The Goal Seen Around the World. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mood on the soccer field was calm. On one side Button Mash was talking to Archer about some new game he'd just gotten called The Legend of Marelda Journey to the Sky. On the other Snips and Snails were in the middle of a game of rock paper scissors while Teddy and Truffle sat next to the goal net looking bored. "I can't believe I got stuck with you babies on my team." The blue Earth Pony muttered as Rumble and I stepped onto the field. "I'm back guys," Rumble said. "And I got Apple Comet to play for our team." Teddy snorted trying to hold back a laugh. "Apple Comet? You got that crybaby to play for your side." Teddy burst into a peal of laughter. "Wow, you losers must be desperate." He turned his attention and walked over to me, a Cheshire grin crossing his face. "You scared little baby?" He said looking me in the eyes. "I promise I'll try my best not to kick the big bad ball too hard at your face." I imagined myself kicking the ball with such force that it collided with Teddy's head with a sickening smack. I saw his eyes rolling back in his head as the ball catapulted him headfirst into the schoolhouse wall. I swallowed hard. "Aw, are you gonna cry again, crybaby?" He teased thinking his cheap taunts were getting to me. He didn't know how badly he was asking for it. "Alright lay off Teddy!" Rumble shouted, "Did you come here to play or not?" "Alright, you want to play? We'll play," he said still cocky as ever as he walked back over to his team. "Don't listen to him," Rumble said to me placing his hoof on my shoulder. "Between us, Teddy may act big and scary but I heard he still sleeps with a nightlight. Come on let's cream these guys." I took a deep breath and put on my best game face. "Yeah let's do it." I wish I was as confident as I sounded. I was sure we were going to win. I just wasn't sure we were going to do it without me accidentally smearing that loud mouth against the wall. The game got off to a pretty good start. Thanks to my increased awareness It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. It felt more like taking a trot rather than playing a team sport. Teddy gained possession of the ball early and with Snips and Snails in the midfield made a drive for our goal. At this speed, I could've easily intercepted him but I wanted to get through this game without using my powers so I simply matched their pace. Luckily Snips and Snails didn't make for the best midfielders making it easy for Button Mash and Rumble to get around them and close in on Teddy. "Snips Snails! What are you morons doing?" He shouted. "Get over here and watch my back." Snails quickly caught up to Rumble and tried to pass him but Rumble wasn't giving him an opening. Snips tried to pass Button Mash. Neither one of those two was in particularly great shape judging from their heart rate. I quickly closed in next to Snips to stop him from blocking Button Mash. "Hey get outta my way!" The grey unicorn complained as Button was able to catch up to Teddy. Meanwhile, Rumble had managed to outflank Snails and was closing in on Teddy. Unfortunately, before he could intercept the ball Teddy kicked it straight at Archer's head. My instincts kicked in I charged headlong ignoring the ball and tackled Archer to the ground moments before it struck him leaving Teddy's team with the first goal of the game. "Nice moves loser! You just gave us a free goal!" Teddy laughed heartily as I picked Archer up off the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said brushing the grass out of his coat. "I just sort of froze up back there. If you hadn't pushed me out of the way when you did." "Hey we're teammates gotta watch each other's back," I said with a gentle pat on the back. "Now let's get out there and show those guys what we're made of.” Archer looked at me sternly and nodded. The game got back underway with Rumble gaining possession of the ball. Teddy's team moved quickly to stop us from advancing but Snips and Snails weren't any better at defense than they were on the midfield. As for Truffle, he wasn't exactly made goalie for being fast on his hooves. We scored three goals in the span of just a few minutes And Teddy was not happy. "What is wrong with you guys?!” He shouted at his teammates. "You're stumbling around out there like you have two left front hooves!" "Sorry, Teddy." Snails said sheepishly. "We're trying our best out there." "Yeah," Snips added. "It's not our fault. Apple Comet keeps getting in the way." "Well try harder you idiots!" Teddy berated. "They're ahead of us by two goals! Do you want to lose to those babies?!" Snips and Snails shook their heads. "That's what I thought. And as for you." He said turning his frustration onto Truffle. "The next time you see the ball coming I expect you to block it with something other than your fat flank Understand?!" Truffle didn't say a word only sniffing and nodding his head. "Good... now all of you get out there and beat those wimps!" The game was quickly beginning to attract an audience. Other children stopped what they were doing and began walking towards the field to see the match. I could tell Teddy's team was taking this game a little too seriously for a simple playground match. They were putting in more effort than they had before, but not enough to make a difference against my brain's processing speed. I could tell every move they would make before they made it. Still, I held back only kicking the ball with gentle taps and giving myself a wide berth from the others. Teddy's team rebounded with an interception by Teddy from Button Mash followed by another goal shot at Archer's head that he thankfully managed to dodge in time. "Time out!" Rumble called out. The Team captain's trotted up to the center spot. "What are you babies crying about now?" Teddy sneered. "Come to forfeit?" "You tried to hit Archer again!" Rumble shouted at him. "I did not!" Teddy said. "It's not my fault your goalie can't block!" "I saw you!" Rumble said. "You aiming right at him!" "I was not!" Teddy argued getting into Rumble's face. "It was an accident!" The two of them were muzzle to muzzle, looking at each other like two timberwolves fighting over a kill. Right then I decided to step in before a fight broke out. "Okay, everypony just calm down," I said stepping in between to push them apart. "There's no need to start a fight." "Apple Comet what are you talking about?" Rumble said. "He was aiming right for Archer." "I saw it, Rumble," I said. "He says it was an accident." "Yeah, it was," Teddy interjected. I could see his heart beating faster, his pulse speeding up. His voice sounded hesitant. Teddy might have been a convincing playground bully but his lying skills left something to be desired. "And you're going to take his side?!" Rumble said. "No, I'm not," I argued turning my gaze over to Teddy. "I'm just saying that if it was really an accident like Teddy says it was then he should make sure it doesn't happen again." I'd been nose to nose with a Timberwolf King, some big kid on the playground wasn't going to scare me. If he tried something like that again I'd show him what he was messing with. I'd.....I stopped myself there. The image of Teddy broken and beaten, sobbing on the ground passed through my head. In his eyes, I saw myself standing over him hooves raised, a satisfied grin on my face. This wasn't me, I was raised better than this. "Come on Rumble we've got a game to finish," I said ushering him back to the starting line. It was three to two with our team leading. The ball was ours Rumble made a gallop for the goal with Button Mash and myself following alongside. It was looking good until Teddy closed in on Rumble blocking him from the goal with Snips and Snails coming at him from both sides. It wasn't looking good in a matter of seconds from my perspective at least Teddy's team would have the ball and could make a drive for our goal to tie the game. Suddenly Rumble turned to face me. "Apple Comet! Heads up!” He cried as he kicked the ball toward me. This was it, It was all on me to score the goal. In slow motion, I could see Teddy breaking away from Rumble to pursue the ball. My eyes turned to their goalie. Truffle was standing on his hind legs, his forelegs held up to block any shots. He didn't realize he'd left an opening to the left the size of Trottingham. All it needed was a gentle tap. I dashed for the ball my hind leg swung back carefully and ....... "Go Apple Comet!" "PPPPOOOOOOOOWWWWWWHHHOOOOSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!" My Sister's cheer threw off my concentration for just a fraction of a second. But that fraction was all I needed to kick the ball with enough force to send it flying off into the distance to the shock and undying memory of my classmates. (Third Pony POV) The stands were packed in the Cloudsdale Colosseum for the big soccer match between the home team Cloudsdale Cloudbuckers and the visiting Las Pegasus Pioneers. In the stands, a young cyan filly of about ten years old sat on her father's shoulders. Next to them sat a yellow lanky filly and a dark green colt alongside a dark green stallion and a yellow mare. "When's the game gonna start already?" Rainbow Dash complained. "We already sang the Cloudsdale National Anthem!" "Settle down Dashie." Windy Whistles said with a smile. "They still need to clear the field and make sure everything is ready." Windy loved her daughter with all her heart, even if she could be more than a hooful sometimes. "You kids having fun?" Mr. Shy asked his two children. "I-I guess so," Fluttershy whispered with a smile. "Eh, I'll be more excited when the game starts." Zephyr Breeze replied with bored interest, as he rested his head with his hoofs on the rails. His mother sighed and said. "Zephyr please we're here to have a nice family outing." "Ugh... that's easy for you to say." He moaned. "I think my butt's starting to fall asleep." Suddenly, the speakers in the stadium blared to life, with the sounds of a horn section. "Mares and Stallions, Colts and Fillies!!!” The announcer's voice echoed through the seats. The crowd erupted with a roaring ovation. “Give it up for your home team The Cloudbuckers!!!!!" The stands erupted into a chorus of cheers, as the Cloudbuckers flew out onto the field, smiling and waving at the stands. "Yeah Go CloudBuckers!!!!" Bow shouted. "Kick some butt, you guys!!!" Dash cheered. "She is your daughter isn't she?" Windy smirked "That's right she's Daddy's little cheer partner aren't cha Dashie!" Bow said, looking up at his daughter. "Dad!" Rainbow whined. "You're embarrassing me in front of Fluttershy." "Oh relax Dashie." Windy cooed. "He's just playing with you because he loves you." And their opponents for this match The Las Pegasus Pioneers. The fanfare and adoration gave way to boos and hissing as the Pioneers made their entrance. "Boo, you stink!" Rainbow Dash jeered. "Sweetie, what did we talk about good sportsmareship?" Windy scolded. "That there's no point in winning if you're a bad sport." Rainbow finished. "That's right and no filly is a better sport than you," Bow said as he smiled and pinched Dash's cheeks. "Alright, the players are lining up at the center field." The announcer said. "The Referee is meeting with the Captains for the bit toss. Looks like it's going to be an exciting day for......Holy Celestia what's that up in the sky?!!!" Everypony in the stadium looked up to see an unidentified object flying over the stadium at high speed. "It's a bird!" Cried Bow. "It's a shooting star!" Shouted Windy. "No, it's a soccer ball kicked by an Earth Pony who's not really an Earth Pony because he's the last survivor of a distant planet that's long since been destroyed because his parents shot him here in a space rocket where he was found and adopted by somepony and he possesses strange powers far beyond those that any mortal pony has ever seen before!!!!" A Pink Filly with a balloon-shaped cutie mark looking through a telescope on a rock farm miles away said rapidly nonstop. "Pinkie!" Her Mother hollered from downstairs. "What's going on up there?" "I was coming inside, for a long tall glass of lemonade, after getting my chores done, when all of a sudden, my athlete's hoof started acting up like it always does when something unusual flies across the sky, So I grabbed my telescope and came up here, and sure enough a soccer ball came soaring thru the skies over Cloudsdale so fast it broke the sound barrier and It's contrail led right back to Ponyville, Therefore I concluded there's an alien among us who's really good at soccer Mom!!!" Pinkie's chest panted rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath. "Well, when you're done I need ya to give me a hand with making dinner." Cloudy Quartz replied deciding not to question her daughter's eccentricities further. "What are we having expecting the answer to be something rock-related?" Pinkie asked. "Rock soup," Quartz answered, Pinkie's mane deflated on the spot. "Sigh...yep, called it." Pinkie sighed. "Okay, I'll be right down!" Silence hung over the soccer field, as my classmates stared into the distance with eyes wide open. Their jaws hung to the ground in shock not daring to say a word. In the distance, I watched as the ball soared over Cloudsdale without slowing down. At the rate it was flying it'd probably be in Yakyakistan by late afternoon. I just hoped nopony err no Yak got hurt. "Whoa." Snips whispered finally breaking the silence. "That was awesome." That was enough to snap Teddy out of his trance, He frowned and stomped over in my direction like an angry buffalo. "Alright, Spaz what did you do to the ball?" He hissed through his teeth. I could tell his blood pressure was beginning to boil, I only had one shot at diffusing this mess. "I-I don't what happened Teddy?" I answered with the best innocent expression I could muster. "I got the ball went for a goal and It just took off." Teddy grabbed me by the neck and looked me dead in the eye. "So the ball just took off by itself huh? Do I look like a sucker Apple? I know you babies did something to it and I want to know what?" He was getting colder good, If I could just steer him a little farther away, my secret would be safe. "We didn't mess with the ball honest, we didn't," I said raising my hooves in front of my face. Teddy seemed to be buying my scared victim act, a smug grin spread across his face revealing a row of crooked teeth. "I didn't ask if you messed with it." He said looking at me like a cat that had cornered a mouse. "Sounds to me like you've got a guilty conscience." "That's enough Teddy, let him go!" Rumble cried out. We both looked over to see my teammates coming to my aid. "Oh so it was you then, was it?" Teddy said as dropped me like a sack of potatoes and turned to face Rumble. "Thought you'd use your pegasus magic to cheat?" "Don't be ridiculous!" Rumble said. "Pegasus magic doesn't work like that, Besides we don't need to cheat to beat you guys." "Oooh, Shots fired!" Button Mash cried. Teddy's face turned red as a tomato, a remarkable feat considering his dark blue coat. This was turning ugly fast. Getting to my hooves I forced myself in front of them. "That's enough guys," I said pushing them apart. "Teddy I'm sorry about the ball, I don't know what happened but it's gone and you need to accept that." Teddy glared at me and tried to shove my foreleg aside but I wasn't going to budge. "And Rumble fighting Teddy isn't going to get us anywhere but in trouble, Just let it go." Rumble sighed "You know what, you're right Apple Comet. This isn't worth it." He said, turning and walking away. I smiled as I felt a surge of pride flow through me. Not only had I kept a fight from breaking out, but by a miracle, I'd managed to keep my powers a secret. My satisfaction was short-lived as I heard Apple Bloom cry out. "Apple Comet, look out!" I turned around just in time to see Teddy's hoof collide with the side of my jaw, the sounds of keratin splintering echoed through my ears. Teddy's sadistic grin vanished instantly as he fell to the ground crying out in pain. His teammates gathered around trying to help as best as they could. "Are you alright Teddy?" Snips asked. "You don't look too good." Snails added. Teddy sniffed and held his hoof in pain, tears flowing from his eyes. My X-ray vision showed he'd chipped his toe pretty badly. Several fractures ran up and down the pedal bone. It didn't matter that this happened because he tried to sucker punch me, right now he needed my help, and I'd promised on Pa's grave that I would use my power to help others no matter who they were. "Snips, Snails, you two stay with Teddy, I'm gonna go get Ms.Cheerilee," I said. "You're not gonna tell on us are you?" Snails asked. "I'm gonna tell her the truth," I answered. "But what if we get in trouble?" Snips asked. "Right now Teddy's hurt and needs help," I said. "That's more important than any trouble any of us can get into right now." I turned and trotted off towards the front door. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain that Teddy managed to fracture his hoof, trying to buck me in the face. The rest of the school day proceeded as normal, Ms. Cheerilee called in Nurse Redheart, to treat Teddy's fractured hoof. Nurse Redheart was baffled, to say the least when she examined my jaw and didn't find so much as a bruise, while Teddy's hoof looked like he'd tried to buck a brick wall. I played it dumb and told her I didn't understand it either. When I asked if Teddy would be okay, She told me he'd have to go to the hospital to get a cast put on it. She said I was okay to go back to class, but advised me to have Granny Smith schedule an appointment, to have my jaw x-rayed. She never would have guessed I could X-ray myself in the mirror when I got home. After Teddy's parents were called, Teddy was loaded onto the ambulance wagon and taken to the hospital, and our class got back on track after only two reprimands from Ms. Cheerilee, for talking about the fight. After school was let out, I rode the cart home this time. Outrunning speeding trains may be fun, but it wasn't worth being consistently tardy. The only downside was that my "fight" with Teddy was all the other kids were talking about. "Way to stick it to Teddy, Apple Comet!" Button Mash said. "Yeah, you really showed him!" Cotton Cloudy said. "I always knew he was a big crybaby." Namby Pamby said. "How'd you do it?" I sighed and put my hoof on my face, shaking back and forth in disbelief. "What's wrong Apple Comet?" Apple Bloom asked me. "Ugh, it's nothing, Bloom," I told her. "I've just got a big headache." She looked at me in astonishment, then leaned and whispered in my ear. "Y'all mean Teddy actually hit cha hard enough to hurt cha?" "No." I groaned "He didn't hit me hard enough to hurt me." "So then what is it if y'all don't mind me asking?" Apple Bloom looked concerned at me. "I'll tell ya when we get home," I answered. I manage to kick a soccer ball to the ends of the earth, probably breaking every world record known to ponykind, and the second I get into a fight, everypony conveniently forgets about it. I supposed I should be glad that they weren't asking about how I kicked the ball that hard, or how I got away unscathed while Teddy went to the hospital. But I just wasn't in the mood to appreciate the irony. "Granny we're home!" Apple Bloom called out as we walked through the front door. The farmhouse was quiet, the only sound being the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. "Granny, are ya there?" "Hold on Bloom, I'll find her," I said, My X-Ray vision would make this child's play. "Ya know A'h never got an answer from ya about what it's like having powers?" Applebloom asked me. "Well, I guess it feels kind of natural in a way," I answered. "Like when I see through walls, everything in front of me just disappears and I can see what ponies are doing." *Flush!* “Ahhh!!!!" With a blood-curdling scream I shut my eyes and covered my face with my foreleg. "What is it?" Apple Bloom asked looking concerned. "Is Granny in trouble?" "Mac...upstairs...bathroom...must look down... must not look up...can not unsee," I answered shaking my head back and forth in a futile attempt to wipe the image from my head. Apple Bloom snickered "Did Y'all see Mac making horse apples again?" I face hoofed and shook my head harder. A minute Big Mac came downstairs to find Apple Bloom and Me sitting on the couch. "Hey, Mac." Apple Bloom greeted him while trying to keep from bursting with laughter. "Hello, John... I mean Poop... I mean how was your day pooping Mac?" I said to him. Apple Bloom exploded into hysterical laughter. Smooth Apple Comet, real smooth. Why don't ya just tell him, you saw him flush his feces down the pipes while you were at it? Mac looked at me puzzled for a minute before putting two and two together. "Sorry, Y'all saw that." He said. "It's okay," I replied. "If anything it'll teach me not to go pooping err I mean peeping on other ponies' privacy." Apple Bloom fell off the couch and began rolling on the floor. Weren't Fillies supposed to think this stuff was gross or something? "So how was your day at school?" Mac asked attempting to change the subject. "I'd like to say it was uneventful, but I'd be lying," I answered. "Am A'h correct in guessing that this has to do with that UFO that was spotted flying over Cloudsdale earlier?" Mac inquired. "If you mean the class's soccer ball, It was an accident," I said. "I also sort of got into a fight." Big Mac's interest was piqued. "What happened?” He asked looking at me with suspicion. I explained what had happened at school. Mac stood and listened "Seems to me this colt Teddy was itching for a fight." He said when I was finished. "Ah'm proud of y'all for standing up to him and not fighting, Y'all did the right thing." "So does this mean I'm not in trouble?" I asked. Big Mac sighed and said. "Well that's up to Granny Smith, not me, But A'h think she'll understand when ya tell her what happened." "Where is Granny now?" I asked. "Last time I saw her she mentioned something about setting up the obstacle course," Mac answered pointing his hoof out the window. "What were they doing out there?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "Ah don't know." Mac Shrugged. She just said it had to be ready by the time you got home from school." A lightbulb lit up in my head. This had the Apple Family Way written all over it. "Thanks, Mac, We're gonna go see what this is all about." "It's what Ah'm here for." He smiled and said. "And Apple Comet?" "Yeah?" I said turning around. "If y'all don't see her there, Don't go looking through the outhouse." He said with a smirk. Apple Bloom fell to the floor, laughing herself into a fresh fit of hysterics. "Thanks, Mac," I said irritably. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Some days it's hard having these powers, You see things you can't unsee and ponies never let you forget about it. > The Apple Family Way Part 3 Strength and Speed. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walk through the orchard was tranquil, Princess Celestia's sun basked the afternoon sky in warmth. The sounds of birds singing soothed my nerves after the hectic day I'd had. "What do y'all suppose Granny and Applejack are up to?" Apple Bloom asked me as soon as we were out the door. After laughing herself silly for about two minutes straight, she'd finally managed to pull herself together. "I think I already know," I answered. "It's got to be like the chores Granny had me doing this morning." "Why's Granny so interested in Y'all doing chores all of a sudden? All she ever asks me to do is clean up my room and make mah bed." "She told me It was part of learning the Apple Family Way," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Next thing I know I'm bucking trees into the sky and turning hills into dirt piles." I was in no rush to find out, I felt content to close my eyes and let my uncertainties wash away. "Ah'm still not sure about this Granny." I heard Applejack say. "A'h know he ain't exactly like other colts his age, but is all this really necessary? Ah mean Ah didn't start learning how to buck trees until I was eight." Wait a minute?" I thought as I opened my eyes and looked around, Sure enough, there was no sign of Applejack around, I closed my eyes again and listened. "Well Applejack you also weren't running faster than a speeding arrow or breaking cider barrels with yer bare hooves at his age either," Granny replied. "Your little brother may not look it, but we both know he's made of strong stuff." "What is it?" Apple Bloom asked. I quickly shushed her. Realization spread across her face. "Well....A'h guess Y'all have a point there." Applejack conceded. "It's just A'h can't help but wonder if this training is really gonna work for him." "Y'all are hearing something aren't cha? Is it AJ and Granny?" "Yeah," I said preparing to break into a run. "Come on let's go find them." Using my super hearing like a bat in the darkness, It didn't take long for us to find Granny Smith and Applejack. We found them setting up the athletic field where the town often held athletic events. Apple Jack was placing poles and tying wind chimes to them for some reason, while Granny was busy rolling barrels into a zig-zag formation. Since Ponyville regularly scheduled these events weeks in advance I knew there wasn't any coming up soon. "And that's the last one," Applejack said as she set the last hurdle on the ground. "Hey, Sis!" Apple Bloom called out as we stepped into the clearing. "What are Y'all doing?" "Oh howdy, Apple Bloom. AJ said as she walked over to us. "We're just setting the obstacle course up." "I'm guessing it's for me right?" I said. Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes. "Shoot Lil brother, Y'all must be a mind reader on top of everything else." That got a laugh out of me. "I don't know if I can do that yet," I answered. "But my hearing is pretty good." "Granny! He's here and so's Apple Bloom!" Applejack hollered out. Granny set aside the barrel she was setting up and turned to acknowledge us. "So are Y'all ready for yer next task?" She asked as walked up to me. "I guess," I answered. Granny nodded then turned her attention to Applejack. "Applejack Ah'm gonna need ya to stick around a while for when something breaks." "Y'all mean "if" something breaks right?" Applejack asked confused. "Not if, when." Granny corrected her. "Y'all need to pay more attention to what Ah'm telling ya." "Alright, Apple Comet for yer first task A'h want to see how well ya control yer kicking," Granny said leading us up to the test of strength. "I want cha to aim for right here." She pointed to the line at the bottom that said Baby Hooves. "But Granny, Isn't the goal of the game to try to hit the bell?" I asked. My question got a hearty helping of stink-eye from Granny. "I said yer goal is to get it up to Baby Hooves." Her stink eye bored into my own eyes. "Once Y'all can do that 'we'll talk about going a little higher. Now go one and remember Baby Hooves." *sigh* "Baby Hooves." I muttered as I stepped up to the target "Baby Hooves, Baby Hooves, Baby Hooves." I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and gently tapped the button as softly as possible. Tink!! Clank! "Did I get it?" I opened my eyes to find Granny shaking her head in disappointment, while Applejack and Apple Bloom looked up in astonishment. "I'm afraid not," Granny said. I looked up to see that the puck had not only hit the bell but had struck with enough force to lodge it in the dent it made. "This test was about controlling that strength of yer's, not using it. We'll have to work on that later. Applejack, find the ladder and the toolbox and get that bell fixed would ya?" "Sure no problem." Applejack nodded. "As for you two come with me." So I didn't pass the first test, At least I didn't kick the bell into Canterlot this time. "Alright, this next challenge is going to test yer running abilities. 3 laps around the track as fast as ya can. Jump the hurdles, weave through the barrels without knocking them over, leap across the baskets of grapes without breaking a single one, weave through the poles without ringing the chimes, leap through the hoops without falling into the mud, and cross the finish line. Granny said putting extra emphasis on the specifics of each task. This test is about controlling ye'r speed, not seeing how fast you can run, so take your time and remember if mess up a task It'll cost ya a three-second time penalty. Ya got all that?" "I think so," I answered enthusiastically but a little confused. I admit at the time I didn't fully grasp what this had to do with learning the Apple Family Way, But a chance to let out some excess energy without worrying about ponies seeing me did sound like fun. "Can I run too?" Apple Bloom asked Granny Smith. "Ah'm afraid a course like this is a little out of your league, Apple Bloom. Heck, most grown stallions would have trouble completing it.” Apple Bloom’s eyes sank. “Ah Understand Granny.” She whimpered softly as she turned and began to walk away.” “Tell ya what, Whenever yer brother isn’t practicing, I’ll let you and Applejack come out and run together. How’s that sound?” Apple Bloom turned around, her eyes full of excitement, and leaped onto Granny wrapping her little hooves around her neck “Oh thank you, thank you so much, Granny!” She cheered. Granny smiled and wrapped her forelegs around Apple Bloom’s barrel before setting her down. “Easy there, Ah’m not as young and spry as ah used to be.” She chuckled. "Come on let's go so yer brother can get started. “On Ye’r Mark...Get Set...GO!!!!” In an instant, I was off like a rocket, the wind whipping through my mane. Time seemed to slow down as I reached the first hurdle. My leg muscles coiled tightly like steel springs. With a single leap, I cleared the hurdle by at least a couple hundred feet........in height and distance. “WHOOOOAAAAA!!!!!” “What in Tarnation!!!!” Applejack exclaimed as she watched me take to the sky like a hay bale in a tornado. Apple Bloom just stared up with her jaw dropped in awe. “GRANNY!” I shouted up into the air. “I THINK I JUMPED TOOOOO FAAAARRRRR!!!!” Pow!!! “Ow!” I wound up landing in a briar patch. All in all, not a good first run. Fortunately, after half an hour of getting briars pulled out of my coat, Granny let me try again without the hurdles. Which went about as well as my first run. Which is to say not well at all. I started pretty well, Without the hurdles to jump, I was able to stay on the track. Unfortunately, I messed up at the barrel weave. I cleared the course without touching a single barrel. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for the wind I was whipping up behind me. One by one the barrels blew over spilling dirt and flowers onto the track. The next obstacle was where things got sticky for me. I had to jump on and off of several baskets of grapes without breaking a single one. I didn't want a repeat of last time so instead of jumping mid-run I came to a halt in front of the first basket, hopped onto the grapes, and hopped off the instant I felt them under my foot. Unfortunately, I was still having problems with height and sticking the landing. I ended up leaping over 100 feet into the air and ended up face-first in the very last basket. To add insult to nonexisting injury the impact of my fall knocked over the other baskets. "Apple Comet are Y'all okay?" Apple Bloom cried from the sidelines. I stood up and brushed the smeared grapes off of my face. "Ugh gross." My view was obscured by a wall of sticky mane that clung to my face like glue but I could feel it sinking into every fiber of my coat. Great, I was probably gonna need three more baths after this. But that could wait until later. I still had two more obstacles to pass and I wasn't going to let a little grape juice stop me. "Look at that, He's still going for it!" Applejack exclaimed. "Course he is." I heard Granny say. "He's an Apple through and through." With my X-Ray vision guiding me along the way I was soon back in the race. My coat was covered in grape juice and dirt but I didn't care. One way or another I was going to finish this race. Up ahead I could see the poles with their chimes dancing from the wind I'd whipped up earlier. Remembering my lesson from the barrels I slowed down just enough to hopefully avoid knocking them over. Left, right, right left right, left left left right, right, I dashed from pole to pole like a streak of light. just one more to go and I would be done. "GO APPLE COMET!!!" For the second time, that day Apple Bloom's cheer caught me off guard. Instinctively I turn my head for a split second in her direction and "WHAM!" I had x-ray vision, telescopic vision, super hearing, and reflexes...and still, I managed to crash headfirst into the last pole like an idiot. The impact of my skull not only uprooted the pole but also sent it flying into the distance. And of all the places for it to land, It would end up being the worst possible place. *** (Third Pony POV) ”97, 98, 99, 100 Rarity said as she finished combing her mane. “Oh, it looks simply ravishing .” Setting her comb down on her vanity, she proceeded to admire her new do from every angle. “Rarity you’ve outdone yourself again. Why I don’t see how any colt could keep his eyes off you.” Little did she know at that moment that her vanity was about to be shattered both figuratively and literally, For at that very moment Rarity saw in her reflection a high-speed projectile heading toward her window. “AAAAIIIIEEEEHHHH!!!!” She shrieked, diving from her vanity just as the pole smashed through the window and into her vanity mirror with such force that it not only shattered the mirror but penetrated on through the wall behind it. The force of the impact sent makeup and beauty supplies airborne. Compacts and curlers crashed to the floor. Cream jars and lotion bottles spilled their contents into the carpet. Rarity ducked for cover under her bed as the chorus of shattered glass and scattered makeup filled the room. “My Vanity.” She whispered in shock as she slowly emerged from the safety of her bed frame. The room fell silent. Rarity stared at the empty frame of her mirror listening to the ringing of the chimes hanging from the pole. Her shock was instantly replaced by burning rage. Split ends popped out of her mane one after another as pulsating veins appeared on her forehead. Her left eye began to twitch until finally, the rage burst forth. “MY VANIIIIITTTTTY!!!!!!!” The mirror exploded in a shower of glass at the volume of Rarity’s voice before falling on top of her dresser with a crash scattering cosmetics and fragrances across the floor. With the wrath of a teenage mare scorned Rarity stomped over to the window, the floor shaking with every step. Slamming the window open, She shouted to the heavens. “I DON’T KNOW WHO ARE OR WHY YOU DID THIS! BUT WHOEVER YOU ARE NO MATTER WHERE YOU HIDE I WILL FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO I SWEAR VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!” Thankfully for Apple Comet, Rarity's rage was distracted by the timely arrival of her Mother. "Rarity what's going on in here? Cookie Crumbles asked opening the door. "I heard screaming and thought.....Oh, my!" "Mother!" Rarity exclaimed suddenly. "I-I didn't hear you come in." Cookie Crumbles surveyed the devastation of her daughter's room. "Rarity I know you like to think of yourself as an artist but I think you might be going a little too far with this organized chaos of yours. That Vanity cost your father and me quite a bit. Although I must admit those wind chimes do add a sense of tranquility to the room." "I-I can explain, it's actually a very funny story." Rarity mumbled nervously. "You see I was in here seated at my vanity doing my usual afternoon beauty treatment. Not that I'm not beautiful all day, I get that from you after all. When all of a sudden out of nowhere this pole comes flying through my window and Crash!" She exclaimed pounding her hooves together. "Right into my vanity. After that, I sort of almost lost my composure for just a second. Rarity smiled embarrassingly. "You're not hurt are you dear?" Cookie Crumbles asked noticing all of the shards of glass scattered over the floor. "No, I'm fine Mother, Just a little shaken is all. Think I'll go lie down for a while." Rarity answered raising her hoof to her forehead in her usual dramatic way. "Well as long as you're okay." Cookie Crumbles sighed as she began to levitate the broken glass into a dustbin. "I would like to know how it got there. Poles just don't fall out of the sky for no reason." ( Apple Comet's POV) The shrill screech of Granny's whistle echoed through my ears as I picked myself up off the ground. "Alright, that's enough!" Granny cried. "Obviously, there's a lot of improvement that needs doing." "I'm really sorry Granny," I said my head hung low. "I tried my best." She placed a hoof on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "Ah know ya did." She said softly. "Nopony gets it on the first try. Course Nopony never jumps that high either." "Well, at least nopony got hurt," I said attempting to lift my spirits. My confidence was instantly shattered by the distant sound of breaking glass and a shriek of terror. I froze in horror as I realized what was probably responsible. My super-hearing soon confirmed my worst fears as I picked up the voice of a very upset, very angry, and very vengeful mare. “I DON’T KNOW WHO ARE OR WHY YOU DID THIS! BUT WHOEVER YOU ARE NO MATTER WHERE YOU HIDE I WILL FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO I SWEAR VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!” I was faster than a speeding arrow, more powerful than a Timberwolf King, virtually indestructible, and yet in that moment that instant I tasted true terror. And though I didn't know it at the time, Its name was Rarity. "Ugh, Apple Comet are Y'all feeling alright?" Applejack asked me. I didn't respond, I just stood there like a statue with an expression of fear spread across my face. "Okay, seriously Y'all are starting to scare me." "Applejack please allow me." Granny gently nudged her aside and pulled out her trusty triangle. CLANG A LANG- A LANG -A LANG -A LANG -A LANG -A LANG -A LANG!!!!!!!! Instantly I snapped out of my trance. "Huh, where is she? Don't let her find me!" "Whoa calm down their little brother, Don't let who find ya? Granny do have any idea what he's talking about?" Granny just shrugged her shoulders. "Easy there just take a couple of deep breaths and calm down." Applejack's voice seemed to soothe my anxiety. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. "That's it just keep breathing." I took a few more deep breaths for good measure then looked up at my sister's face. "Thank you," I said softly. "T'wern't nothing." She replied. "Now Y'all mind telling us what Y'all were going on about?" "It sounded like I broke somepony's window when I hit my head on that pole. The mare that owned it sounded very upset." To my surprise, none of them seemed shocked at what I said. "So ya heard that huh?" Granny said. I nodded my head. "She said she was gonna find me and that vengeance would be hers. I said, "I don't know what that means but it sounds really, really, scary." Granny reached down and lifted my head. "It's okay." She whispered. "Y'all didn't mean to do it, It was just an accident. Nopony's gonna hurt you." Not like anypony really could but I didn't want to have a repeat of Teddy twice on the same day. "It's mah fault." Apple Bloom spoke up. "If A'h hadn't distracted cha when A'h did you wouldn't've hit the pole." Her ears drooped down as looked me in the eyes. I couldn't stay mad at that face. "I forgive you, Bloom, I said pulling her into a hug. "Ow!" She suddenly yelped. "Watch it will ya?" I immediately released her. "Sorry, guess I forgot my own strength for a second." Just to be safe I took a quick look over my x-ray vision. To my relief, she didn't show any broken bones or injuries. "Did ya recognize the voice?" Applejack asked me. "No, I didn't," I answered. "But I know what direction it came from. I pointed over in the direction of Ponyville." Granny and Applejack looked at each other. "As an honest mare, A'h don't know how we're gonna explain this to whoever owns that window," Applejack said. "E'yup," Granny replied. "Looks like we got ourselves a bale of explaining to do." "Am I in trouble?" I asked nervously. "No yer not in trouble," Granny said. "Y'all just don't know yer own strength is all. Now come let's go getcha cleaned up for dinner. The walk back to the house was awkward, to say the least. Not for the grape juice and dirt sticking to me but for everything I'd done today. I felt like a cross-eyed one-pony wrecking crew with four left hooves living in a world made of cardboard out there. "That was pretty amazing what Y'all did back there." Apple Bloom said as we reached the top of a hill. Ah never seen anypony run as fast or jump as high as you." "Thanks," I replied a small smile spread gently across my muzzle. "Need to work on my landings though." Apple Bloom giggled at that comment. "Heck with jumps like that, we oughta send ya to Cloudsdale for the Best Young Fliers Competition." Applejack chuckled. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith burst into a fit of laughter, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But I joined in too. After everything that happened today, I needed a good laugh. Still a flying Earth Pony? Whoever heard of that? "Hey, Apple Comet?" Apple Bloom tapped a hoof on my shoulder. "Ah been wondering what it would be like to have powers like you do?" "To be honest Ah've been thinking about that myself," Applejack said. "Just imagine how many apple trees A'h could buck if ah was as fast and strong as you are." In my head imagined one apple tree after another crashing into the ground while a bright yellow blur crashed through anything in its path. "Trust me it's not as easy....as...you'd....think," I said as I came to a sudden stop towards the farm. "Umm, Granny?" "Yes, dear?" "Were we expecting a delivery today?" "No not today, Closest A'h can think of is this Thursday. Why do ya ask?" "Because I see an apple tree sitting outside the front gate with a note attached to it." I chose not to mention the two small hoof prints embedded deep into the splintered trunk just yet. "Where do Y'all suppose it came from?" Apple Bloom asked I felt something drop inside me as Applejack moved in to take a closer look at the hoof prints I'd made earlier that day. "A'h'd say whoever did this gave it a pretty good bucking for such small hooves. Hold up there's familiar about these prints." "There ya are." Applejack's amateur gumshoeing was by a deep voice behind us, that nearly scared me into the air again. I turned around to discover Big Macintosh was the culprit. "Mac, didn't A'h talk to ya bout sneaking up on us like that?" Applejack scolded. "Y'all nearly scared us half to death." "Sorry," Mac said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Mac, did ya see who dropped it off?" Granny asked. "E'yup." "Well don't keep us in suspense, who was it?" "He said he was a royal messenger from Canterlot," Mac said pointing the parchment tied to the tree's trunk. Granny Smith adjusted her glasses as she examined the seal holding up the parchment. "It's the royal seal alright. She said carefully removing it, The scroll unfurled revealing a lengthy letter written in exquisite penmanship. Dear Apple Family. This morning I awoke to find this embedded in the roof of my castle. Based on the angle and estimated trajectory, I believe it belongs to you. Thankfully the damage was minimal and I'm happy to report that nopony was hurt. However, the cause of this phenomenon is still unknown. If any of you know anything about what happened, I ask that you share that information with me as soon as you possibly can. Signed Princess Celestia. The orchard fell deathly silent. Applejack and Big Mac stood frozen in shock. With a sigh, Granny Smith rolled the scroll back up. "Not a word of this gets out, Ya understand?" She said with a look of determination on her face. Applejack protested. "But Granny this is Princess Celestia we're talking about! We can't lie to her?" "Yes, Applejack A'h understand that."Granny Smith replied, making it clear that her mind was made up. But right now A'h needs you to understand that Ah'm doing this for our good." "How is lying to the Princess for our good?!" Applejack's hissed through her clenched teeth. "Because it ain't lying if you don't say anything !" Granny shouted. "If ponies find out about yer brother, they're gonna start asking questions we aren't prepared to answer! "What does where he came from have to do with this? " Applejack said getting in close with Granny's face. "It has everything to do with it!" Granny rebutted pressing her muzzle to Applejack's. "If word gets out about him, Somepony might come and try to take him from us!" "Are you saying Princess Celestia might try to kidnap him?" Applejack said accusingly. "A'h was talking bout somepony much much worse," Granny said, her voice becoming lower. Applejack loosened her stance, it seemed she had conceded to Granny on that point. Still, her face said she wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. I stood transfixed at the argument unfolding in front of me. An argument I was the subject of. I felt feelings of disgust rise inside of me, Why did they have to fight over me? Was I just some terrible secret that needed to be kept from the rest of the world? Applejack and Granny continued to argue with Applejack emphasizing not comprising your moral character. Granny hit back with the importance of making sacrifices when it came to family. Big Mac had seen enough, With a stomp of his hoof he shouted out, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Applejack and Granny Smith fell silent as they both looked at Big Macintosh. The Teenage Colt's brow was furrowed with frustration, Despite this, he still managed to hold on to his calm temperament. "Look at ya both!" He said. "Yer both acting like stubborn mules!" "Well, I never!" came a voice of outrage from across the fence. The entire family turned around to see a mule mare standing in front of the fence with a look of disgust and outrage etched across her face. "Young Colt come here." She instructed pointing down to the ground in front of her. Hesitantly Big Mac did as instructed. "A-A'h didn't mean to...Slap! Big Mac was cut off by a stinging slap across his muzzle. Big Mac winced bringing his hoof up to his jaw. "We Mules might seem stubborn to you, but we have feelings too you know." With a sneer of disgust, she turned and walked off with her head held up straight. "W-Wait A'h-A'h didn't mean it like that, A'h just...Aw, shoot." Big Mac said stomping the dirt in frustration. "Sigh, anyway as A'h was saying, the two of you are being so stubborn with your own views that you haven't stopped to think about how Apple Comet feels about this. Applejack and Granny Smith both turned and looked at me. With a sigh, Applejack reached around to rub her neck. "Aw shucks, Mac's right. Apple Comet Ahm sorry, A'h guess we got so caught up in what we thought was right that we didn't stop to consider what you wanted. "A'h still don't think it's right keeping secrets from the Princess. But A'h forgot it's not mah secret to tell." "It's okay Applejack, I forgive you. I don't think I'm ready to share who I am with anypony else right now. Applejack smiled and said. "A'h understand it's yer secret and Y'all don't have to tell anypony you don't want to." "A'h suppose A'h owe ya an apology too." Granny Smith said rubbing her hoof against her wrist. "A'h guess It's still a little early for ya to be learning the family way. But if ya still feeling like getting out there and practicing sometimes, Ah'll be more than happy to coach ya!" "Thanks, Granny, I'll remember that the next time I feel like practicing controlling my powers. Now we please go inside? I think this grape juice is starting to dry." "Oh no you don't, I just scrubbed the floor two days ago." In an instant, her tone shifted from apologetic to stern as she pointed to the barn. "Sigh, Yes Granny right away." With my head hung low, I marched off to my second bath of the day. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only pony in Equestria with this kind of luck. Aw who am I kidding, Who else in Equestria could cause as many freak accidents in one day as I can? Third Pony POV. "Achoo!" Twilight Sparkle turned and sneezed at just the right second to avoid getting any on the book she was reading. Reaching over with her magic the young mare pulled a tissue out and proceeded to wipe her nose. Satisfied she tossed it into a nearby basket. "Huh weird." She said before returning to her book. > A Visitor from Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Name is Apple Comet, I am ten years old and I live in Ponyville with my Grandmother, my older siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack, and my little sister Apple Bloom. I like studying astronomy and astrology and reading about stars and planets. At first glance, I probably seem like just a normal ten-year-old earth colt. But looks can be deceiving, I'm really an extraterrestrial from the planet Kolton. I'm serious, my birth Mother and Father put me in a rocket ship and sent me to Equis when I was just a foal to escape the destruction of Kolton. My ship crashed at Sweet Apple Acres where I was found by Ma and Pa. Even though they already had two children and a third on the way, they took me in and raised me as one of their own. They've both passed on since then, now it's just me, Granny, Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom. But it gets even crazier because I'm a Koltonian my body absorbs mana from Equis's sun. What does this mean you ask? It means I'm faster than a bolt of lightning, more powerful than a Timberwolf King, and I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I can see through walls and over vast distances, and hear sounds that are miles away. I can exhale with the force of a hurricane or even freeze things solid. I can fire solar mana from my eyes and even fly. Okay, that last one might be a bit of a stretch. During a jump two years ago, I discovered I could telekinetically alter my mono-directional gravity field. My only problem was controlling it so that I didn't crash into something. Which, needless to say, I had a bit of trouble doing. Thankfully I'm impervious to injury, however, the same couldn't be said for the outhouse I crashed into. Since then I've decided to leave the flying to the Pegasi. Now at this point, you're probably wondering if you can really do all these things, Then why aren't you the most famous colt in all of Equestria? Well, the answer is simple, outside of my immediate family, nopony knows I'm an alien and I plan to keep it that way. "Apple Comet!" Speaking of which, turning around I saw my big sister Applejack standing in the bathroom doorway. "y'all still aren't ready? The rest of the family will be here any minute!" "I'm almost done," I said. "Just having trouble with this one bang that won't uncurl." "Y'all have been having trouble with the one kiss curl since y'all had hair." She chuckled. "Leave it, it looks cute on you." I sigh and set my comb down in defeat. "Someday I'll win," I muttered to my reflection as I stepped down from the bathroom stool. It was a very important day in Ponyville, The Summer Sun Celebration. Every year all of Equestria celebrates how Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony a thousand years ago and saved the Kingdom from eternal night. This year the celebration was being held in Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres had been tasked with catering the event. Members of the Apple Family from Appleloosa, Dodge City, and even Aunt and Uncle Orange from Manehatten had come to Sweet Apple Acres to pitch in. One by one, family members pulled up to the farmhouse with carts full of food and drink, ready to be served. We shared our hellos and hugs before pointing them over to the picnic tables. So far so good, that was until... "Where are those two adorable little ones of yer's Gerty?" Great Auntie Applesauce and Apple Rose showed up. "There they are!" Apple Rose said as she pointed us out. Apple Bloom and I both froze in horror as the two elderly mares trotted up to us. "Oh my goodness gracious, let me take a look at you two." Auntie Applesauce said before she proceeded to squish my face together like a constipated foal. "Oh Apple Comet, You've gotten so big since A'h last saw ya." I cringed as her wrinkly lips pressed against my cheek. It's probably important to mention that Great Auntie Applesauce used to go by another name before half her teeth fell out. I don't want to sound mean because she is family and I love her, but when she kissed me I could feel her dentures shifting back in forth inside her mouth. "It's nice to see you too Auntie Applesauce." I winced, I could already feel the lipstick she'd left sinking into my coat. Looking over I could Apple Bloom futilely trying to squirm her way out of Aunt Apple Rose's cheek pinches. But there was no escape to be found. All we could do was wait until they decided to let us go. Then we could spend the rest of the day stuffing our faces with dessert to try and forget the horror we'd been through. "Oops, sorry about that dear." She said noticing the lipstick mark she'd left on my cheek. "Let me get that for ya." To my horror, she proceeded to lick her hoof and rub it into my chin. I shuddered as the smell of dentures wafted through my nostrils. "There we go." She said making sure to pinch my cheek for good measure. "Ugh...thanks, Auntie Applesauce," I said in as nice a tone as I could. I thought it was finally over, I was wrong." "Let me see this handsome young colt." Aunt Apple Rose said pinching Apple Bloom's cheek one more time for good measure before turning her full attention over to me. My mouth stretched into a nervous smile as the realization that I was next began to sink in. "My oh my, y'all seem to get more and more handsome each time A'h see yah." She said pinching both cheeks tightly in her hooves. "Thanks, Aunt Apple Rose." Of course, since she was stretching my cheeks out, it came out sounding more like I said "Tanks Ant Appa Wose." This, of course, elicited a coo of "Aww" from all three mares. Thankfully at that moment, Granny decided to step in and put a stop to the torture. "Well now that ya gals are here, A'h was thinking we have some tea and catch up." "That sounds lovely Gertie." Aunt Apple Rose said releasing her grip on my cheeks. Auntie Applesauce planted a quick kiss on Apple Bloom's forehead before the three of them went inside. Apple Bloom and I breathed a sigh of relief, The nightmare was over. Looking back on everything that would happen that night, it was a poor choice of thought. The adults wasted no time getting ready for the summer sun celebration. As soon as the first wagon was unpacked, they got to work. In just minutes they transformed the kitchen into a baking assembly line. Everypony had a part to play. The Stallions were put in charge of bringing in ingredients and loading the wagons with as much dessert as they could carry. Meanwhile, the mares split into two teams. One worked in the kitchen rolling, kneading, and baking while another led by Applejack gathered apples from the orchard. While all this was going on the foals were given free reign to play outside, on the condition that we stayed in the backyard. There were games set up to make sure we didn't get bored. I wasn't in any hurry though, there'd be plenty of time to play before the day was through. "That's funny," I said to myself noticing for the first time that the sky over Ponyville was covered with clouds. Whoever was in charge of the weather today was certainly taking their time. "What's funny?" a voice from behind said startling me. "Gah! Babs!" "Well hello to you too cousin." She said letting out a snort as she laughed. "What are ya doing just standing here?" "I was just watching the clouds go by," I answered Babs looked at me like she thought I was crazy or something. "Are you serious?" She said. "Look around us, we've got the whole day to ourselves to play and you're looking at clouds? Come on let's go toss some horseshoes." She grabbed my hoof before I could protest. "What color d'ya want to be, red or blue?" "Uh, I'll be blue." "Fine by me," Babs said handing over the blue ones. "You wanna go first?" I asked her. "Sure." She accepted. Her first toss landed about 9.75 inches from the stake. "Nice toss," I said. "Gonna be hard to beat that." Not really, with my super intellect, I could calculate the trajectory, distance, and power needed to score a ringer in almost any circumstance. But the game wouldn't be much fun then. 8.97 inches from the stake would suffice. With the strength a normal pony might use to lift a teacup, I made my toss. "Looks like yours is closer than mine cuz." Babs conceded. Looked like Granny's practice was still paying off. "Guess I'm going first," I said as we headed over to retrieve the shoes. I still had to concentrate a lot, but I'd gotten much better at controlling my strength. Still, there was the occasional accident now and then. A plate would get scrubbed too hard or a door knob would get yanked out of its socket. It felt like living in a world made of cardboard. Always having to be constantly careful not to break something or somepony. But like they say, practice makes perfect. "Alright, here it goes," I said winding up for my first toss, making sure to use only the minimum of my strength. It landed about 8.03 inches from the stake. My second landed about 7.56 inches to it. "Not bad Cuz not bad, Ya might wanna put more into your throws. ." Babs said stepping up to toss. Her first landed 8.75 inches behind the stake, while her second nearly got a ringer. "Darn, I almost had it that time." "Looks like you need to control how much strength you're using." I chuckled as I headed out to retrieve the shoes again. "Apple Comet can I ask ya somethin' personal?" Her request sounded somewhat hesitant. "Sure what is it?" "You got your cutie mark when you were younger right?" She avoided direct eye contact with me instead choosing to glare at her flank. "Do you remember what you got it for?" Our family never spoke with others about what I had done that day, even to relatives. Granny wasn't sure how they'd react to us telling them it was the family crest of an alien species. So to my big sister's consternation, we came up with a cover story. "Oh, I was stargazing one night when I happened to spot a comet in my telescope. The next thing I knew, I felt a tingly feeling on my flank. I looked down and there was the comet I'd seen. I showed it to Granny Smith and she told me about how her Ma and Pa would watch the stars to determine how to plan their harvest." "I've heard that story before." Babs said, "So then your special talent is stargazing?" "Well, the correct term is Astronomy but close enough." I corrected her. "You use a lotta funny words when you talk, y'know that?" "Heh so everyone tells me." I laughed. Why do you ask?" Babs turned and looked away. "Oh no reason, I was just curious that's all." She said quickly changing the subject. " Jus forget it let's get back to the game." 'Well, she certainly seemed eager to change the topic of conversation.' I thought to myself. Deciding to ask her about it later, I lined up my next shot in preparation for my next swing. It was still too early in the game to score a ringer, so I settled on 6.21 inches from the stake. One...two...three... Clang a lang a lang a lang "SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!" Applejack's holler threw off my concentration for just the fraction of a second needed for me to screw up. I looked up long enough to see the horseshoe leave my hoof, soaring majestically before landing perfectly around the stake. A perfect ringer. My disappointment was cut short by the sound of stampeding hooves behind me. I turned around just in time to witness the entire family come charging out of the house, carrying plates, baskets, and even whole tables of food. Before I could ask, Apple Mint shouted "LUNCH TIME!!! and the rest of my cousins burst out of the gate leaving me in a cloud of dust, which flooded every orifice on my face. Thinking quickly I burned it from my eyes with my heat vision, then took in a deep breath. But luck decided it was not going to be on my side that day as I felt a sudden sneeze coming on. "Ah....Ahh.....Ahhh..CHOOOOOOOO!!!" Third Pony POV. "Howdy there Ah'm Applejack." Twilight Sparkle stared uncomfortably as the orange farm pony stood next to her and Spike "Why don't A'h introduce Y'all to the Apple Family?" All eyes were on her, a feeling the unicorn wasn't used to. "Thanks but I really need to hurry...... "Ahh.....CHOOOOOOOO!!!" Twilight Sparkle was suddenly cut off by a sneeze that was as loud as a full-grown dragon in allergy season. Everyone looked up to see the clouds suddenly disappear into puffs of fluff. The weather vane on the roof of the house continued to spin violently, swaying back and forth as it turned. For a moment the orchard fell silent. The Apples began to whisper amongst themselves. Finally, Spike asked the question that was on everypony's mind. "What was that?" Applejack smiled sheepishly. "Oh, just...just the wind is all?" She said but Twilight wasn't buying it. "Are you okay? The unicorn asked. "You sound a little nervous." "Me nervous? Pshaw." The Applejack scoffed with a wave of her hoof. "Ah was just startled was all, on the count of how sudden it was." The orchard fell awkwardly silent. Twilight noticed a bead of sweat running down the side of her host's head."Um, are you sure? She asked as delicately as possible. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything but you acting a little funny?" "Funny? Funny?" Applejack said before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Oh, of course, Sugarcube, If there's one thing we Apples enjoy it's a hearty helping o' good humor. A real funny farm that's us, yes indeedy. Which reminds me Ah said Ah was gonna introduce ya' to the family and A'h hasn't done that yet. Ah, am so sorry. Why am Ah still rambling? Stop Rambling AJ and introduce her to the family!" Comet's POV. "Phew." That had almost been too close a call. At the last second, I managed to tilt my head upwards so my sneeze would hopefully disperse in the clouds. Not that there were many clouds left, but it seemed to have done the trick. Unfortunately, it had not gone unnoticed. My hearing picked up the sound of voices coming from the orchard. A whole crowd's worth. A glance through my X-ray vision revealed the rest of the family lined up in the orchard in front of a single table. Seated at the table were two ponies I didn't recognize. One of them was a light purple unicorn with a six-pointed star on her flank. Her mane and tail were indigo with a magenta-purple streak running through them. Her eyes were two gorgeous pools of the most beautiful violet that I'd ever seen. The other wasn't even a pony at all. Based on what I was able to study at the library without arousing suspicion, I deduced he or she was a dragon. We didn't get a lot of non-ponies around Ponyville, so they kind of stuck out like a sore thumb. The Unicorn asked Applejack if she was feeling okay. Applejack replied as only a pony who was trying to cover up a murder could. Before immediately going about and introducing the two of them to the family. At this point, I decided it might be best to rejoin the family before anything else happened. Be it Applejack acting stranger or yours truly causing another weather anomaly. "Apple Comet, Over here." I looked over to see Apple Bloom at the back of the line. Waving to me while balancing a platter of cake on her butt. Okay, then "What's going on?" I asked trying to avoid staring at the cake on her butt. "Why is there a cake on your butt?" "Where's, yours?" She asked me. "My butt cake?" I giggled as she rolled her eyes at me. "Just grab the plate with yer mouth and help me carry this." "You want me to grab the plate sitting on your butt with my mouth?" "Hurry up and grab it." She snapped. "Applejack's almost to the end of the line!" "Okay okay keep your bow on." I decided it was better to grab hold of it from the side. Gently as I could, I locked my jaw around the plate and lifted. As soon as it was free Apple Bloom stepped up from under and grabbed hold of the other side. The dishes were piling up on the table. It was practically a small mountain by the time we got up there. "Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp." Applejack paused a moment to catch her breath. "Big Macintosh, Apple Comet, Apple Bloom...AND....the wisest of all the family Granny Smith." My heart beat faster as we set the cake down in front of them. She was even more breathtaking up close. How the scent of her mane wafted in the breeze. The way her eyes sparkled like two shimmering stars when she looked at me. The way she gagged after swallowing an entire slice of pie whole. "Well, Ah'd say yer already part of the family. Applejack complimented as she put her hoof on the Unicorn's shoulder. "Well I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way." "WHAT!? BUT I NEVER EVEN GOT YOUR NAME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Everypony stopped what they were doing and stared at me. "Err...I mean you only just got here heh heh." "My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike." She said gesturing to the dragon next to her. "My name's Apple Comet, I know my sister already introduced me, but you seemed a little confused. Twilight smiled at me. "Well, it's very nice to meet you Apple Comet." She said my name, She actually said my name. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love to stay and talk to you, I've got a lot of work I need to do today so we'll just be going now. Come on Spike." A collective aww of disappointment fell upon the orchard. "Aren't cha least gonna stay for brunch?" I looked to see Apple Bloom pulling out her sad face. Bingo. Twilight sighed "Fine." The family erupted into a chorus of cheers. I turned to Apple Bloom. "How do you do that?" I asked. She closed her eyes, smiled at me, and said: "It's all in the delivery." "So yer a dragon, what's that like?" Spike looked at Apple Bloom with a smug grin on his face. "Meh, it's pretty cool I guess." He said closing his eyes and throwing his claws up as if to say yeah whatever. "What's it like living on a farm?" Oh, brother if he only knew. "E'h it's nice but it gets boring from time to time, having to do the same old chores over and over." Apple Bloom replied not knowing how lucky she had it, what with getting to do chores all the time and not having to worry about keeping her powers in check. Much to my disappointment, I ended up having to sit at the foal's table with Spike and my cousins while Twilight sat next to Applejack and Big Mac. I was frustrated not knowing why I felt this way, Twilight Sparkle was a complete stranger. Why did it matter that I couldn't sit next to her or talk to her? Why did the idea of talking to her feel so..good? I thought as I took several nibbles from my croissant. Why couldn't I get her out of my mind? This feeling, I'd never felt this way about Granny or my sisters or anypony at school. What was it and why was it driving me up the wall? "You okay?" Spike asked me. "You've been staring at the grown-up's table for fifteen minutes." I sighed and set my croissant down. "Yeah...I'm fine, Just overwhelmed with excitement is all." "Y'all look like something's bugging ya?" Apple Bloom said. "It's nothing Bloom honest." "Doesn't seem like nothing?" She said raising her eyebrow in suspicion. Spike took another glimpse at the adult's table where Twilight was rubbing her stomach which had noticeably become distended. "Oooohhhh." She moaned holding up her hooves as Applejack offered her some apple turnover. "No more, I couldn't eat another bite, Oooohhhh, Somepony get me a bucket, I think I'm gonna throw up." "No problemo new friend," Applejack said dashing off to retrieve a bucket. "Wait a minute..." He pondered for a few seconds before turning back to me. His cheeks were puffy and his lips shrunk into a puckered grin before he fell out of his seat laughing. Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and looked at the dragon rolling around the floor holding his sides. "What's so darn funny?" Apple Bloom asked. Spike sat up and wiped a tear from his eye. "Your brother likes Twilight!" He said pointing at me as he burst into fresh peals of laughter. A collective "Oooooooooooo!" spread across the table. "What's not to like?" I said sounding like a clueless idiot. "She seems like a nice pony. "No no no no no," Spike said shaking his head back and forth. "Not like you just like her, like you like her, like her." He winked in my direction. "That sentence makes no grammatical sense." I shot back. "No no your still not getting it," Spike said. He was really starting to annoy me. "Look you like Twilight right? I saw you reacted when she said we were leaving." "Everypony saw that." Apple Bloom said with a mouthful of apple chips, causing the table to erupt with laughter. "Yes." I groaned placing my hoof to my face. "And you've been staring at her since we sat down here right?" I watched as Applejack returned with a bucket for Twilight, who promptly buried her face in it before proceeding to loudly empty the contents of her stomach. "Yeah, so what?" I noticed Spike's face change from smug to disgust. "So I'm gonna just go check and see how she's feeling right now." He said getting up from the table. A sly expression crossed his mouth. "Of course, you're more than welcome to come with me if you're concerned about her." I shot the dragon a glare so sharp if it was a sword it would've impaled him before turning my gaze back to Twilight. Applejack was holding by her mane while the Unicorn continued to expel her brunch into the bucket. "Feeling better?" Applejack asked, to which Twilight lifted her head, burped, and said "A little." Applejack gazed down at the puke bucket in front of them. "Looks like ya need to cut back on the... Eww! Mac, did ya see who brought apple corn chutney to the banquet?" She hollered out. "Eenope!" Mac replied reaching down for the bucket. "She seems fine, probably just ate too much," I said Spike raised his eyebrows in confusion. "How do you know that?" he asked me. I smiled smugly and said. "Let's just say I've seen this before." "And you can tell from way over here? Yeah, I'm not buying it." "Apple Comet's good at noticing things." Apple Bloom pointed out. "Oh, what can he see through walls or something?" Spike chuckled I almost choked my croissant "Don't be ridiculous," I said smiling nervously. "I'm just very observant is all." Spike squinted at me. "You're starting to remind me of Twilight and it's creeping me out." With that, the Baby Dragon got up from the table and walked over to where the grown-ups were. "You don't really have a crush on Twilight do ya?" Apple Bloom asked me. Immediately a course of giggles broke out at the table. "Don't be silly Bloom, of course not," I answered placing my hoof to my chest confidently. "Yer not scared are ya?" Red June teased. "Of course not, I just think she seems very nice," I said taking another bite of my croissant. "If that's so why don't you go talk to her?" Apple Squash asked me. I swallowed my croissant hard and looked down at my now-empty plate. I looked over at the grown-up's table where Spike was talking to Twilight. I felt my heart race as I gazed into her nauseous eyes. Even looking like a balloon stuffed with pie, she was still beautiful. "Well, are ya gonna do it or not?" Apple Mint asked. "Why are y'all being so pushy for?" Apple Bloom asked indignantly. "What's it to you if Ma'h brother likes somepony?" "Come on Apple Bloom." Red June said. "We're just having a little fun." I decided I'd heard enough. I grabbed my plate and got up from the table. "I'm gonna go get myself some apple tart before it's all gone." "Apple Comet wait!" Apple Bloom called out to me. "Don't worry I'll be right back," I reassured her. As soon as I got some one-on-one time with our guest. Okay, super senses time to go to work. "You try these apple cider cookies Twi? They're delicious." Spike said munching on an apple cider cookie. Twilight's face turned a pale shade of green. "Ooooh For the love of...Celestia Spike,...Don't...mention...ulp...apples." "She's fine," Applejack assured him. "Just needs to learn to pace herself is all." Twilight opened her mouth as if to say it was you who was force-feeding me but only managed to let out a "BRRRUUUUHHHAAAAAHHHHHHUUUURRRRRRRP!!! Ooooh! I think my heart just stopped." "Whoo Wee!" Applejack complemented Twilight even as she tried to waft away the smell with her hat. That could peel paint off the side of a barn! Looks like we might have a new contender for the belching contest later Don'tch'a think Mac?" Big Mac took out a small scorecard that read 9.3." "I-I think she's trying to say we've really enjoyed the food but that we've really got to get going. Spike said taking Twilight by the hoof. "We'll see you at the celebration tonight. "Well Twilight, it was sure nice to meet cha Hope Y'all are feeling better soon," Applejack said giving Twilight a hearty pat on the back that elicited a yelp from the Unicorn. "Let's get out of here Spike." She hissed through her teeth. She was leaving, this was it, it was now or never. "TWILIGHT WAIT!" Twilight let out a moan as she turned around to face me. "Oh, it's you." She said. I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked into her eyes. "I-I just wanted to say..." I swallowed hard and took several deep breaths. My throat dried up, my leg tensed up "I-I just wanted to say that....I-I t-think your mane is pretty?" What little self-esteem I had left at that moment boiled away. I hung my head low folded my ears and turned to walk away. "I just wanted to tell you that," I whispered. I blew it, my last chance to tell Twilight how I felt and I blew it. I should've known it would end this way. What did I have of telling her something I didn't understand myself? This feeling, When I first saw Twilight I felt happy like really, really happy. Like my heart was flying around inside my ribcage. But I when I got the chance to talk to her, I suddenly felt nervous and now that I'd blown what might be my last chance to talk to her, I felt sad. What was wrong with me? I'd never felt this way about anypony before. I'd never really bought into the whole fillies are gross talk the other colts at school spouted. They didn't seem any different from us. So why was I suddenly feeling about a mare who was at least five years older than me? "Thank you." I turned around to find Twilight smiling at me. "I appreciate the compliment." She said. "Yours is pretty cute too with that kiss curl in the front." "My face turned flush as her words entered my ears. My lips contorted into a dopey grin. I probably looked like a sick mule, no offense to any sick mules out there. She walked up to me and took my kiss curled into her magical aura. I swore to myself I would never cut it off. "You like Astronomy or something?" She asked noticing my cutie mark. "Umm...Yeah, I-I have a telescope in my room." "Really? What's your favorite topic?" "That's easy Comets." "Which ones can you name?" "Let's see there's Mareley's Comet, Comet Hackney Bopp, Comet McDraught, Comet Lusitanjoy, Calabrese's Comet. Those are the ones I name off the top of my head." "What four parts make up a comet?" "Come on Twilight, there's no need to....." Spike tried to object before I cut him off with... "The Nucleus, the Coma, the Tail and the Jets." "How often does Mareley's Comet pass by Equis?" "Every 74 to 79 years." Twilight smiled and clapped. "Very good, It seems like you really know your stuff. I bet you get really good grades in school." I blushed when she complimented me on my grades. The truth was I was top of my class. But I wasn't about to brag. "Well heh heh yeah." "Well I'd like to stay and chat, but I really must be going. It was very nice meeting you and your family." "The pleasure is all ours," Applejack said offering Twilight another hoofshake, which She hesitantly accepted. Fortunately for her, it was much more gentle than the last one. "Feel Free to drop by anytime." "Oh, I will," Twilight said nervously before motioning to Spike with her head to leave. "Wait! Before you go, will I see you at the celebration tonight?" I asked her. "We'll see." She said sounding strangely sad for some reason "I've still got a lot of things left to check on before the festivities." My stomach went hollow at the thought of never seeing Twilight again. "Well...If I don't see you again, Then I want you to know I enjoyed having you over." "Heck we all did," Applejack added. "In fact," Applejack took off her hat, reached deep inside, and pulled out a fresh hot apple pie. "Take some pie with ya for the road." The smell of fresh pie wafted into Twilight's nostrils, her eyes rolled back, her face turning green as her legs gave way before she proceeded to faint on that very spot. "Huh guess she couldn't handle her pie," Applejack noted. "Eeyup." Big Mac Concurred. > Comet's sentence (Deleted scene) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time we got back to the farmhouse, the inevitable was upon us. Princess Celestia's Chariot sat parked outside the front gate. This was the first time I'd seen her up close and personal since The Summer Sun Celebration occurred past my bedtime. But I'd seen pictures of her in school books and newspapers. Pictures that did not properly do her justice. She was a tall slender pony with legs longer than any I'd ever seen and a horn as long as a regular pony's foreleg. Her mane and tail shimmered in an aurora of colors. Her wings and slender neck gave off the grace of a beautiful swan. She wore elegant golden shoes on her feet, a large golden necklace with a large purple stone set in the center, and a magnificent golden tiara with a matching stone. My Predicament momentarily forgotten, I gazed in wonder at the enchanting mare in front of me. I felt....warm in a good kind of way. Not just warm but....energized? It was like every fiber of my being was being bathed in raw power. I could feel it flowing through my skin down to my bones. "Here they are Princess." One of her Royal Guards said as He pointed us out to her. She smiled warmly as she turned to face us. "Greetings My Little Ponies." She spoke softly with the voice of an angel. At once we all knelt before her. "Arise." Everypony sprang to their hooves like jackrabbits. "Yer' Highness this is so unexpected." Granny Smith began. "May I ask what brings Y'all to our humble orchard?" Celestia smiled softly as her horn lit up bringing forward the tall oak projectile of discussion. " Well, it seems this apple tree crashed through the roof of my castle this morning." "THAT APPLE TREE CRASHED INTO THE CASTLE!!!" I screamed internally as my blood ran cold, this was way-way way-way way-way-way-way beyond bad. It was a level so far beyond bad, worse, horrible, terribly awful, or the worst possible thing! It was breaking your neighbor's window with buckball on a monumental scale! I had vandalized Princess Celestia's Castle. My pulse began to rise, sweat began to drip down my forehead. In my mind, I saw a horrifying vision. We were being herded through a crowd in the town square. Our legs and neck were bound in shackles. Ponies jeered and hurled insults and rotten fruit at us as we walked past them. "Freak!" "Monster!" "Traitors!" I looked up to the podium to see Princess Celestia standing before us in all her glory. My stomach sank as I saw her face was scowled in anger and disgust. Her eyes pierced through me like two daggers. "Bring forth the defendants!" Her tone was emotionless and authoritative. The guards nudged us with their spears. "Kneel!" One of them commanded. None of us resisted, From this position Princess Celestia seemed to tower even higher before us! "You four stand accused of harboring a dangerous alien being." She stood at her full height and glared down at me. "And you, You have harmed many of my little ponies with your reckless and destructive behavior!" "Y-Y-Your Highness!" I pleaded "I-I-I...." "ALIEN YOU SHALL ADDRESS ME BY PROPER TITLE OF YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCESS CELESTIA WHILE IN MY PRESENCE!!!" She roared at me her voice echoing like a sonic boom. "Y-Y-Yes your R-Royal Highness Princess Celestia." I groveled meekly. My dignity meant nothing to me, My life meant nothing to me. All that mattered was my family's safety. "Very well how do you plead? She asked me seemingly satisfied with my pleading. "Y-Your Royal Highness Princess Celestia, I never meant to hurt anypony. I was sent here by my birth parents to save my life. I'm the last of my kind. My power draws from your magnificent sun! I can't control how strong I am, But if spare my family's lives I shall devote my life to serving you." I looked up to see Celestia scratching her chin with her hoof pondering my decision. Every second I was in her presence I could feel my power building up inside me. It felt like I was being force-fed a bucket of raw power. "Very well then." She coldly said. "I will spare the Apple Family the torment of rotting away in a dungeon. I felt my hopes rise deep inside of me. "On the condition that they banished from Equestria never to return." Only to feel it plummet into the pit of my stomach and shatter. I looked behind me, Applejack and Big Mac's faces were frozen in horror, while Apple Bloom proceeded to break down in tears. But the worst of all of them was Granny Smith. Sweat was pouring down her forehead as she suddenly fell short of breath and collapsed to the ground clutching her chest with her right hoof. "Granny!" I heard Applejack shout as she and Big Mac rushed to her side. One glance of my x-ray confirmed it she was having a heart attack. Turning to face Celestia I entreated"Princess you've got to help her! She's having a heart attack!" Princess Celestia turned her head and scoffed. "I don't need to help that traitor!" Her voice was a tone of disgust. "But she'll die without help." Her heart rate was falling fast, Time was running out. A flash of pain flooded my head as I felt of rush of energy flood through my body. "ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!" I screamed as the power surged through every cell in my body. Snap! Effortlessly I snapped my chains as though they were made of paper. "Look out he's loose!" a stallion screamed, The crowds erupted into a full-blown panic. Ponies were galloping every which way frantically desperate to escape. But that didn't matter to me, all that mattered was getting Granny Smith's side. Guards seize him! Princess Celestia boomed. "Granny! I cried as I rushed to her side. Her face was contorted with agonizing pain and her heart rate was dropping rapidly. "Apple...Comet." She winced as she looked up at me. "Don't...blame...ye'rself." her hoof brushed against my cheek before her eyes closed. "Put your hooves up!" I was suddenly picked up and hurled into the air, landing on the ground with a thud. I looked up to see one of the guards standing over me his spear at my throat. "Don't Move!" He barked at me. "Alien that attempt to escape will cost your family dearly." Celestia spat venomously. "Guards! Take the Apple Family to the dungeons and lock them up for life! As for you Alien Menace I believe I will have to destroy you myself! "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" All of a sudden the energy building up inside me exploded outward. My entire body erupted into a white-hot ball of flame so bright it blinded me. In an instant, my hearing was filled with the sounds of ponies crying out in terror before they were silenced forever. > Concentration and Condensation. (Deleted Scene) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay so maybe I overreacted back there when I shouted that Princess was coming and ran off. But I had my reasons, chief among them keeping my secret a secret. By the way, if you're keeping score of everything that happened today you'd realize I wasn't doing the best job of that. Which is why I headed straight to the barn. After all, nothing says something is suspicious like hiding an alien spacecraft in your barn. "Just get a hold of yourself." I told myself "It might just be a coincidence, What are the chances that the Princess visiting Ponyville has anything to do with me?" Which admittedly didn't help me at that moment. "Aw who am I kidding, Who in Equestria can cause as many freak accidents in one day as I can?" *** Third Pony POV "Achoo!" Twilight Sparkle looked up from her book and pulled a tissue out with her magic. "Huh weird." She said pondering the strange sensation running down her spine before returning to her studying. ***Comet's POV "Okay just calm down," I told myself If I started to panic I was going to start breaking things. If I started breaking things that just led to those things breaking even more things and before I knew the whole farm would be broken. I had to find somepony I could trust who understood what I was going thru. But no one on Equus could understand that. Suddenly a revelation crossed through my mind. I pulled the tarp off of the rocket and opened the hatch. "This is what brought me here. I whispered as I examined the foal-sized pod I had been placed in. My attention was drawn to the switch on the side of the pod. With a click I pressed it and a section of the wall slid open revealing a now empty slot to insert a crystal. "That's right Pa kept it in his tool bench" I exclaimed. I felt a rush of melancholy as I trotted over to Pa's tools. I looked over at the beam next to it. Its fresh color stood in contrast to the worn and faded wood that made up the rest of the barn structure. It was the beam I'd smashed in a bout of anger yet in that instant I realized it was more than that. It was a reminder of what I was capable of, What I could become if I wasn't careful for just one instant. "Sigh, I just need to grab the crystal and I can leave." I sighed as I walked over to the tool bench. carefully sliding the top drawer open, To my surprise it was empty. "It's not here!" I exclaimed hastily checking the other drawers. Nothing, nada, zip, The crystal was gone and with it the only ponies that could help me. Suddenly a strange flash of light flooded the room. Instinctively I closed my eyes and felt a strange weightless sensation as if my body had disappeared and my soul was being pulled like a coin caught in a magnet. When the light faded I found myself in Granny Smith's bedroom. "I'm in Granny's Smith's room?" My disembodied voice echoed through the room. "How did I get here?" The strange sensation returned directing me to the top drawer of her dresser. I could sense the crystal was in there. I couldn't explain how I knew that. I could just feel it I guess. A flash of light flooded the room as I felt myself being pulled back into my body. As the light faded I was standing back in the barn. "Ugh, okay that was weird," I muttered as I tried to process what had just happened. I could still "feel" the crystal tethered by some strange pull to my head that reminded me of Unicorn magic in some way. Or at least what I'd read about Unicorn magic. No one in our family was a unicorn so I didn't have a personal point of reference. Feeling overwhelmed I decided it best to try and put it out of my mind. "Focus Apple Comet focus, The Princess will be here any second. Need to hide the rocket. *** I took my time getting back to the house. I wasn't in any rush to explain that something else weird had happened to me. When I got there I found the entire family waiting for me. They asked me the usual was I feeling alright, To which I responded by saying I needed to lie down. After a less-than-relaxing outdoor bath, I was finally let back into the house. As soon as I got to my room I plopped down on my mattress and got comfortable. What I'd done today would have been enough to tire out an Equestria Games athlete. Not that my body or mind could get tired thanks to the power of Celestia's sun. But after a day like this, I was emotionally spent. Even super colts need to lie down now and then, If only to clear their heads if nothing else. I decided to make a checklist of everything I had done that day and what I needed to do before either the Princess or someone from the Castle came knocking on our door. Ironically my train of thought was interrupted by a knock at my door. Peeking through with my X-ray vision I saw Apple Bloom standing behind the door. "Oh hey, Apple Bloom." I suppressed a giggle as I watched her jump back in surprise. Once you got the hang of it X-Ray vision was a lot of fun provided you didn't look into any bathrooms. "How'd Y'all know it was me?" She asked as I opened the door. "How do you think?" I answered smugly. "Ha ha very funny." She said rolling her eyes. "Granny told me to come and find you. She wants us both in the kitchen." "What for?" I asked She'd never asked me to help in the kitchen before. "She said she wanted help setting the table." "Setting the table?" I asked puzzled. I took a glance through the floorboards, making sure to avoid the downstairs bathroom as I looked for the kitchen. Sure enough, Granny Smith was stirring a pot on the stove. She was humming a tune as she took a sip from the broth. "Hmm needs a pinch more cinnamon." She muttered as she reached for the spice rack. A glance over to the dining area revealed the dinner table was not set yet. I figured the least I could do was help her in the kitchen. "What are you looking at now?" Apple Bloom asked sticking her nose close to mine. "Just looking downstairs," I answered. "Come let's go." *** The sweet-savory smell of apples boiling in broth wafted through my nostrils as Apple Bloom and I stepped into the kitchen. I instantly recognized it as boiled apple soup. Not my favorite dish, that honor goes to Granny's cinnamon apple fritters. But hey anything Granny cooked I would eat. "Ah, there you are," Granny said as she stepped away from the pot and turned toward us. "Yer both just in time to help set the table. Apple Bloom A'h want you to fetch the tablecloth, Apple Comet I want you to help me pour soup. There's a step stool for you over there." Deciding not to waste any more time I grabbed the step stool and joined Granny at the stove. "You sure you want me doing this after today?" I asked. "Or For land's sake, it's just a little soup, not a marathon. Just put the soup bowls on the tray as I hand 'em to ya." Her tone was reassuring as she poured the contents of the ladle into a bowl. "If it's too hot just blow on it gently." I took the bowl from her hoof, the steam coming off of it permeated my senses. Closing my eyes in dread I took a deep breath and blew on it as gently as a kiss. As if by magic the soup suddenly didn't feel so hot. Actually, it felt kinda...cold. No, it wasn't cold it was...freezing. I opened my eyes to find I had frozen the soup solid. "Oh...my," Granny muttered shockingly as she tapped the soup with her hoof. "YEOW Sweet Celestia that's cold!!!" "Oops sorry, Granny," I said sheepishly. "Guess I still haven't gotten the hang of that one yet. If you want I can try melting it with my eyes. "No no that's quite alright, Ah'll just make ya another bowl." She said reaching into the cupboard. I decided to give it a try anyway. I took a deep breath and focused my sight on the frozen soup in front of me. Immediately volumes of steam rose from the icy surface as it began to crack and melt. I'd have this soup nice and hot in just moments. CRRAAAACCKKKKOOOOM!! Unfortunately, I didn't know how fragile porcelain becomes when exposed to sub-zero temperatures. The heat escaping from the bowl expanded until it shattered under pressure. I fell back and hit my head on the floor. "What was that?" Granny Smith cried out as she turned around to see what happened. Once she saw the pieces of exploded china covered in boiling soup, She was able to put two and two together. "Apple Comet what did you do?" She asked gazing at me with her stink eye. "I-I was trying to warm up my soup." I smiled sheepishly. She wasn't buying it. *** "Next time A'h tell ya not to do something A'h expect ya to listen." Granny scolded me as she set a fresh bowl of soup down. "Just let this one cool on its own okay?" "Sorry, I broke your china, Granny," I muttered. "It's alright." She smiled at me. "A'h knows Y'all didn't mean to do what ya did." She reassured me as she took her seat. "Now everypony join hooves in prayer." I took Applejack and AppleBloom's hooves and knelt my head down like we did every meal. "We give our thanks to the soil for giving us this bountiful harvest. We give our thanks to the Pegasi who brought forth the rain to nurture it. We give our thanks to Princess Celestia who raises and lowers the sun so our fruits may grow. We give our thanks to those Earth Ponies who came before us and taught us how to till the land. And finally, we give our thanks to Faust Mother of Harmony who endowed us with her wisdom and knowledge. May it guide us on the path to Harmony Amen. "Amen." We said. "Alright let's dig in!" Granny shouted. *** The Apple Soup was delicious that evening. Made with just the right proportions of cinnamon and lack of subzero temperature. I'd forgotten how easy it was to lose sight of your worries when you're at the table among family. "Apple Comet? If y'all don't mind me asking, What made ya shout out that Princess Celestia was coming?" Until Applejack said that. Well, where did I begin? Did I tell her straight off the bat that I kicked a full-grown apple tree into the castle of our Kingdom's ruler in full view of Granny Smith? Could Granny even tell how far I kicked it? She did squint whenever she was reading something. What am I saying? Who else but me has eyesight that good? "I-I-I overheard somepony talking about it while we were walking back to the house," I answered nervously. "Y-You know super hearing and all that." Applejack looked confused about what I was saying." "Are ya sure?" Big Mac asked me. "Ah didn't hear anything bout her visit while I was at the market today." "Seems to me something like that would be pretty big news," Granny added. Crap my story was unraveling fast. I had to think of something fast. I looked around the room for anything to take my eyes off the family. "Ya feel'in alright" Oh no please Celestia no. I thought as I turned around to see Apple Bloom looking at me with those worried puppy dog eyes of hers. "Y'all sound nervous about it?" she said softly as she squeezed my hoof. I was no use, I was a condemned pony on the stand. I had to come clean. "I...sigh...sort of kicked a tree into her castle this morning," I confessed. "I saw it crash into one of the towers." The dining room went silent, None of them said a word. They just looked at me, The look in their eyes told me they were shocked by their ability to still be amazed by anything I did at this point. "Y-You k-kicked a tree that far?" Applejack stammered. "I didn't mean to," I responded in defense. "Granny was trying to show me how to buck apple trees and it just sort of happened. "Is this true Granny?" Big Mac asked. Granny simply nodded her head. "A'h figured learning how to buck apples would help him learn to put his strength to good use. She said. "Though A'h guess A'h underestimated how strong he was." Applejack and Big Mac were dumbstruck. I guess I would be too if I were in their hooves right now. I suddenly felt something grab my hoof. I looked over to see Apple Bloom holding it in hers. "Ya didn't mean to do it on purpose, Apple Comet." She whispered. "A'h know You'd never harm anypony." "Have you already forgotten about Pa?" I replied. She looked away from me sadly. My frustration quickly evaporated. "Sorry It's just, it's been a long day. I whispered. "Have ya already forgotten about me?" Granny said. "A'h probably wouldn't be here if ya hadn't found me in the cellar that day." My heart skipped a beat as I looked down at the fiery comet on my flank. "It's not that I've forgotten." I began. "It's just...I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Every time I try to help out on the farm or fit in at school I'm afraid of breaking something or hurting someone. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be just like everypony else. Granny set her spoon down and looked at me. "But yer not like everypony else Apple Comet. She said. "Being different from others doesn't make you a bad pony, far from it. It's what makes ya unique. Maybe instead of running away from who you are, Y'all should be trying to figure that out." (This is as far as the chapter goes.) > Lipstick Removal. (Deleted Scene.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're doing great Bloom, just need you to hold still for a little longer." Apple Bloom winced eyes wide shut as my heat vision went to work on the kissy mark on her cheek. Thanks to years of practice, I could focus the heat and intensity to almost any level I wanted. Strong enough to disintegrate a grown timberwolf with one blast, or delicate enough to remove a kissy mark off my sister without hurting her. "Ow!" At least I could if she would just hold still. "I told you not to move," I said as I examined the spot on her cheek. My microscopic vision soon found the spot I'd hit. It was no bigger than a pinhead. "Hmph, Y'all try sitting still for a minute." She huffed crossing her arms. "Can't Y'all just use soap and a washcloth?" "You're the one who said you wanted to do what I do," I replied. "Anyway, it's so small you can't even see it." "You can see it." Apple Bloom stated. "Yes, I can, now if you'll just hold still I can get this last little part." "Sigh alright just make it quick will ya?" "Sure thing Sis," I said focusing my sight on the last little spot of lipstick like a tiny magnifying glass. "Steady....steady....stead... "Apple Bloom...Apple Comet!" I turned my head at the last split second before my heat vision bored a pencil-sized hole in the bathroom wall. "Applejack!" I exclaimed. My big sister did not look too happy to see what we'd been doing. "What did Granny Smith say about using yer heat vision on other ponies?" "That I'm not supposed to after what happened with Winona?" I'd rather not discuss that in detail. "That's right, Now come on downstairs, That Emissary from Canterlot will be here any minute." (The scene ends here.) > The Nightmare Rises. (Updated) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful. Okay mostly uneventful. A few minutes after Twilight left, Pinkie Pie dropped by to deliver a party invite to Applejack. And by dropped in I mean she literally dropped in via parachute, played Charge on a kazoo handed Applejack the invitation before heading off back into town parachute in tow. All without my somehow noticing until she landed. Someday I'll figure out how she does it. Anyway, after that everypony's focus shifted back to prepping for the Summer Sun Celebration. By the evening the last cart had returned from making its delivery to town and the family sat down for dinner. Well except for Applejack No matter how I tried I couldn't get the thought of that invitation out of my head. Why was I so interested in that party anyway? Just because Twilight would be there. I didn't even notice the food on my plate until Granny asked me if I was feeling well. I told her I was fine, that I was just excited about the festival later tonight. I managed to polish off about half of my apple casserole. Applejack could have the rest when she got back. For dessert, we had apple pie with vanilla ice cream. I was the only kid at the table who's got a chance to melt. I didn't care Applejack would still eat it anyway. As soon as the after-dinner cleanup was done, the foals and the elders went upstairs to bed. Since my cousins were staying over, Apple Bloom and I had to share beds with them, which unfortunately meant sharing a bathroom. It's bad enough having to share a bathroom with nineteen other ponies. But when you have X-ray vision and super hearing it's enough to make your stomach churn. Since I didn't want to see my relative's bathroom habits up close I decided to wait in my room. "A little quality time with my telescope should help take my mind off things," I said removing it from my closet. Ever since I found out I was an alien, I had a fascination with astronomy and astrology. Truth be told I didn't need a telescope to stargaze. My eyesight was good enough that I could see distant stars and planets at night. Granny thought it might be something cool for me to have though, and it is. According to her, it belonged to Pa, He used it to watch the stars in anticipation of the coming harvest. "Okay, lenses are focused, angle looks just about right. Time to see what stars are out tonight." I didn't have to look far. "Huh? That's strange." I said taking notice of the moon. "What's strange?" I turned around to see Babs Seed standing in the doorway. "There's a weird shadow on the surface of the moon," I said stepping away so she could take a look. "Wow." She whispered. "What do you think it is?" "Well If my lunar calendar is accurate, it should be a full moon tonight," I explained. "And seeing how it doesn't corroborate with any known lunar phase, my logical hypothesis would be that it's merely an optical illusion caused by the moon's magic radiating from its surface. Babs's eyes twitched like she was trying to communicate in Morse code that she was confused. "Okay, I did not understand a word you just said." She said "Ever heard the Legend of the Mare in the Moon?" I asked "Yeah, when I was in kindergarten," Babs answered. "Don't tell me you believe in that baby stuff?" "No no of course not," I assured her with a wave of my hoof. "I'm nine years old, well past believing in old mare's tales. I mean who grows up believing those stories are real?" Babs let out a chuckle at the thought of a grown-up believing in made-up stories. Third Pony POV. "Achoo!" Twilight Sparkle shot up in her bed. "Ugh, I hope I'm not catching something from being here." She groaned before throwing her pillow back on her head. Meanwhile, the party downstairs continued to rave on, Comet's POV "Bathroom's available now if Y'all want it." Apple Squash announced as she led Cinnamon Sugar Liberty Belle and Red June into my room. They were carrying their sleeping bags along with pillows, board games, and several pony dolls. Great I thought as rolled my eyes. My room was about to be filly slumber party central. I suppose it could have been worse. At least there wasn't any make-up or hoof polish or anything like that. "Thanks," I said plainly as I walked to the door. I wondered if anypony would mind if I slept in the bathtub tonight. Sometimes it's hard being the only colt in the family. The sounds of family young and old alike getting ready for bed echoed through the halls as I walked to the bathroom. Our rooms were all in the same hall so we all shared a bathroom. Since I first discovered my powers, I'd often use this opportunity in the morning or at night to practice honing my senses. I'd focus on one particular sound or sight and tune out everything else. I had two rules about it though. One listens before you look. And two don't close your eyes. I could imagine seeing what I heard with frightening accuracy. The bathroom sink was cluttered with toothbrushes and discarded tubes of toothpaste. Sighing I gathered them up giving each of them a once over with my heat vision to make sure they were sterile. Most ponies will tell you that all you need is a rinse of water. But I've always found that ultraviolet light works best. Once I was done. I checked the medicine cupboard to make sure my toothbrush was still clean. "Well, at least they didn't use that," I whispered as I shut the cupboard door. Some kids at school call me a neat freak because I wash my hooves thoroughly and I make sure my mane is tidy. I doubt they would if they could see germs the way I could. I brushed and flossed like I did every night before taking a swig of mouthwash that I got from my last dental visit. Right as I was in the middle of gargling, I heard the sound of somepony opening my nightstand drawer. "Huh? What's this?" Said a voice I recognized as Red June. "What'd'ya find?" Cinnamon Sugar asked her. "Some kind of pendant." Was Red June's answer. I spat my mouthwash against the mirror in shock before racing out the door. My x-ray vision confirmed what I feared. Red June was wearing my Mother's pendant. "Looks cool huh?" She bragged as the others oohed and awed at it like it. "Is that real silver?" Liberty Belle asked. "You know what A'h bet it is." Red June smirked before proceeding to strut around like a fashion model on a runway. I felt a sudden anger rising within me. I could tolerate sharing my telescope, my books, and most of my other possessions. But that pendant was a gift from my Mother, and that was off-limits to anypony except myself and my immediate family. I rushed back to my bedroom. My reflexes were all that kept me from ripping the door off its hinges. "Put that back where you found it!" I said bursting into the room. The girls gasped and jumped back at my sudden appearance. It must have been quite a terrifying sight. For a moment none of them said or did anything. They just looked at me with their mouths wide open. Then Red June scoffed at me and turned her head. "Relax will ya, Ah wasn't gonna steal it or nothing. Hey, wait a second how did ya know what we were doing in here if Y'all were in the bathroom?" Road apples she had me there. My anger quickly faded as I tried to think up an excuse. "Alright, you caught me," I said kicking my hoof forward. "I didn't go to the bathroom. I was spying on you outside the door." Which was true from a certain point of view. Naturally, my cousins didn't take too kindly to this. "What!" Liberty Belle gasped. "You Creep!" Red June said pointing accusingly at me. "Why would ya do that cuz?" Babs asked sounding upset. "I just wanted to make sure my stuff was safe." "Oh, so that a bunch of big clumsy fillies didn't break your precious things?" Cinnamon Sugar huffed. "That and to make sure you didn't take anything," I added. "Like my pendant for example. Speaking of which hoof it over." "Why's it so important to ya?" Red June asked. "Because I was wearing it when Ma and Pa found me," I answered. Red June's anger instantly vanished. She held the pendant up to her face and gazed at the silver comet on it. Without saying anything she undid the clasp and hoofed it to me. "Ah'm sorry, A'h didn't know." She whispered. "It's okay," I said putting my hoof on her shoulder. "Just ask me next time okay?" "Y-yeah sure," she muttered as she trotted over to her sleeping bag. I went over to my nightstand and put the pendant back in my drawer. "How come it looks like yer Cutie Mark?" Cinnamon Sugar asked. I turned around and looked at my flank. "I don't know," I answered. "I got it while stargazing one night. "Maybe yer parents were stargazers or something?" Liberty Belle said. Would they believe me if I told them the truth? I pondered as I shut my drawer. "Kom-El? Wake up. Wake up Kom-El." "Huh, wha?" My eyes squinted as I slowly opened them. Was it time to go to the festival already? A large yawn escaped my lips as I rose from my bed. Wait a second, Kom-El? Did she just call me Kom-El?" Only two ponies I knew ever called me that and neither of them sounded like that. Come to think of it, I'd never heard this voice in my life. My eyes shot open as I looked around. My bedroom was empty. There was no sign of my cousins anywhere. No sleeping bags, no pillows, no toys scattered across the floor. I rushed to my window and that's when I noticed something was very off. Sweet Apple Acres had completely vanished. In its place was a vast barren surface of craters and dry seas resting the shadow of something enormous. My jaw dropped as I looked up "It's impossible!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my hooves in my eyes. I looked up to find the image hadn't changed. I was standing in the shadow of the Equis. "Tis not impossible little one." Did she just call me little one? Her voice was at a higher pitch than mine. "Who are you?" I called out. "Show yourself. A bright blue light materialized in front of me. "Here we are!" "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." I face hoofed. The little filly in front of me couldn't have been more than three years old. Her coat was a dark shade of blue with her mane being just a shade lighter. She was dressed in very elegant regalia including a dark blue tiara and matching shoes. But the biggest shock of all was she was an alicorn. I'm not kidding, She was a little blue alicorn. "Greetings Kom-El. Tis good to finally make thy acquaintance, We hath much to discuss with thee." Okay her voice did not fit with the vernacular she was using. She sounded like a kindergartener trying to give a fifth-grade performance. "Okay, then why don't we start with who you are and where am I?" "Certainly." She said raising her right hoof rather dramatically. "We are Princess Luna, Princess of the Night, Raiser of the Moon, and Guardian of the Dream Realm." Pffff, Okay that right there might have just been the funniest thing I'd ever heard in my life. Was this what I sounded like to others when I talked about grown-up matters? "Aren't you a little young to be an alicorn princess?" I chuckled. "Silence thy tongue subject!" She pouted. "We art many thousands of years old!" It finally dawned on me that she was speaking a dialect of old equish, circa the 5th century I think. It was kind of hard to tell because her pronunciation was that of a young foal. "Okay settle down I was just making sure is all," I assured her. "Thou must understand we hath not always been like this." She said as she hung her head low. "In thy current state, thy magic be but a fraction of thy power. Hence." She gestured her hooves around her body. "I see, so where am I?" "Thou art in the realm of dreams." She answered. "I'm asleep?" "Thou art correct." She nodded. "We hath observed thy dreams ever since thou fell from the stars. But we could not speak to thee because we were not strong enough to escape her." "Her?" I asked. "The Mare in the Moon." The little filly said her eyes trembling with dread. "She who doth turned us against thy sister to seize thy kingdom. Nightmare Moon!" "But that's just an old mare's tale, a story in a book," I argued. "Tis not just a mere story." She countered. "Equestria's future doth depend on thee Kom-El." "And that's another thing, I don't know where you heard that name but it's not mine alright? My name is Apple Comet and it's always been that." It was pretty safe to assume the horse was out of the barn, but I wasn't about to let my tongue slip just yet. "We think Loran and Jav-El would disagree with thee." She smirked at me with a twinkle in her eye that said 'gotcha'." "Sigh fine you want my help you got it. So how do you suggest I defeat Nightmare Moon?" "The Elements of Harmony." She explained waving her hoof over her head. "Though not strong enough to defeat her before, Nightmare Moon's power hath waned greatly over the last thousand years. Thou shall have a short opportunity to free thee from her power." "THERE YOU ARE YOU NAUGHTY LITTLE FILLY!!!!" A booming voice echoed around us. Luna froze in terror, her little legs trembling with fright. A black miasma smothered the sky in total darkness. "Oh no! She's found us!" Luna whimpered curling herself into a ball behind. I took her by the hoof and gently pulled her into my arms. "Don't worry," I assured her. "I won't let anything happen to you." The alicorn filly sobbed and hiccuped onto my shoulder. A flash of lightning briefly illuminated the darkness revealing the massive shadow of a demonic face. I grit my teeth as my eyes lit up red with the fury of somepony who'd lost a loved one to a monster like this. I no longer cared if this was a dream or not. No way in Tartarus was I going to let this monster take Luna away. "Where are you?" I shouted as loud as my lungs would allow. "Whoever you are, you don't scare me." A sinister laugh echoed out from every direction. Luna wrapped her hooves around my barrel in a vise grip. Her heartbeat was so frantic I was afraid she might go into shock. "AW HOW BRAVE OF YOU, IT SEEMS OUR RUNAWAY PRINCESS HAS FOUND A GALLANT KNIGHT TO PROTECT HER. A PITY, HE CANNOT SAVE YOU LITTLE LUNA! AHA HA HA HA HA HAH!" Out of the darkness came a murky blue fog. It rose higher and higher billowing like the smoke of an enormous blaze. Slowly the fog began to take shape. First, a pair of cat-like eyes appeared, they glared at me like a beast that had found its prey. Next four legs as tall and thick as the town hall sprouted lifting the mist even higher. A barrel formed, followed by a neck, then, a head, a snout, ears, and a mouth of shark-like teeth. Dark blue flames erupted from the head and flank as the mist began to fade Another flash of lightning and the colossal figure of Nightmare Moon stood towering above us. "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Her laughter rippled across the sky like thunder. "My how pathetic you two look down here. Like two flies in a spider's web." Her eyes spilled into even fours as she licked her fangs. "I could just eat you both up." "EAT THIS!" With Luna tightly wrapped in my arms, I leaped into the air. My hoof found Nightmare Moon's lower jaw with a satisfying THWACK!!!! Stunned the titanic mare fell to her side with an earth-shattering impact. THOOM!!! "YOU IMPUDENT FOAL!!!" She howled at me, "YOU"LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" "Oh, you read Power Ponies too?" I replied smugly as I watched her stagger to her hooves. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF THE POWER YOU ARE MESSING WITH!!!" "While I'm pretty sure you do after that haymaker." I said landing behind her." My pithy comeback was disrupted by the sound of whelping from between my legs. I looked down to see Luna clutching her jaw in pain. "Luna, what's wrong?" "DO YOU WANT TO TELL HIM LULU OR SHALL I?" Nightmare Moon asked wincing in pain. "We have shared thy same body and mind with Nightmare Moon for the last millennium." Luna hissed through her hurt jaw. "Whatever pain she feels, We feel." "Wait if this is a dream how can either of you feel pain?" "Because thou art the one who is dreaming. She explained. We are but a mere visssitor." "NOW THAT YOU'VE HEARD THAT WILL YOU STRIKE ME DOWN AND BEAT ME WITHIN AN INCH OF MY LIFE?" The behemoth smiled a serpent-like grin. "I WONDER HOW MUCH PUNISHMENT SHE CAN TAKE?." I paid her no mind. Luna's jaw was two inches to the left of where it should be. Blood was slowly trickling out of the right side. It would have to be reset and a healing potion applied. "Can you heal yourself if I reset it?" I asked. Luna simply nodded and closed her eyes. "Okay here goes." I was no Dougie Haflinger even if I did come with my own built-in set of x-ray goggles. But between the two of us, I think we did alright. "Crick!" "Okay, it's set." The alicorn filly's horn lit up, sending a soft blue light washing over her lower jaw. "Better?" "Better." She smiled at me. "HMM A WARRIOR AND A HEALER, HOW TOUCHING BUT ALAS POINTLESS." Nightmare Moon raised her hoof high into the air with a satisfied smirk. "Farewell little insect." She said as she brought it down on top of us. Luna closed her eyes and curled up as the shadow of a shoe the size of our barn drew in closer. Then suddenly as quickly as she brought it down it stopped. "WHAT IS THIS?" The Colossal Mare cried in disbelief as she felt something pushing against her hoof. With my hind legs squatted down and the muscles of my back and arms coiled like bands of steel. I slowly stood up. "HOW ARE YOU STILL RESISTING?" She attempted to apply more pressure but try as she might her hoof continued to rise higher and higher. "URARGH!! With one last cry, I leaped into the air with such force that it threw the astonished giantess onto her back a distance of several hundred feet. With the immediate danger dealt with, I turned my attention back to Luna gently kneeling to her level. "Wait here while I handle her and sorry in advance for any pain you might feel. I'll try to pull my punches where I can." She smiled at me before planting a kiss on my cheek. "Our hero." She giggled as she watched my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "THERE IS NOWHERE IN THIS REALM FOR TO HIDE YOU INSOLENT BRATS!!!" Nightmare Moon had gotten to her hooves with a look of menace in her eyes. "WHEN THIS WORLD IS MINE, I SHALL SEE TO IT PERSONALLY THAT YOUR DREAMS CONSIST OF NOTHING BUT NIGHTMARES!!!" "Sounds great, Granny won't let me see any horror movies by myself," I said sarcastically as I leaped into the air. Suddenly I was caught in a bright cyan aura. I couldn't feel my body couldn't even move my eyes. Nightmare Moon had caught me in her aura. "SO STRONG FOR SUCH AN ANNOYING LITTLE FLY, ESPECIALLY ONE WITHOUT WING! BUT LIKE SO MANY INSECTS YOU EVENTUALLY FALL IN MY TRAP! DID YOU THINK THE SAME TRICK WOULD WORK ON ME TWICE?" A-HA HA HA HA HA!!!!" Her booming laughter was accompanied by flashes of lightning. I could feel myself getting pulled in closer, her enormous cat-like eyes gazing in on me. "Tell me little fly," She whispered icily in my face. "What do you fear more than anything else hmm?" She lowered me next to her muzzle and opened wide revealing two rows of razor-like teeth topped with serpentine fangs and a thin forked tongue. "Oooh I can almost taste it." She hissed lowering me toward her mouth. Her tongue slithered and danced around me. "You know there was a Timberwolf King who tried this once with me!" I snarked. "Let's just say it didn't end too well for him!" Her tongue drew back as she brought us back to eye level. "Yes I suppose you have proven yourself rather tough to swallow." She concurred. "Fortunately I have other methods to find out what you fear." I suddenly felt a feeling of weightlessness as Nightmare Moon levitated me high into the air. She gently drew in a deep breath and exhaled a thick plume of purple mist that swiftly enveloped my entire field of vision. "Is that...all you got?" I hacked as the mist slowly began to circle me or was I circling it? I tried to see through it with my X-ray vision but the mist only grew thicker the deeper my sight went. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Her laughter echoed in every direction as the mists began to pick up speed. "LITTLE KNIGHT, HEART OF MIGHT... LET'S SEE WHAT GIVES YOU A FRIGHT... RESIST YOU MAY, PLEAD YOU MIGHT... YOUR DEEPEST FEARS SHALL COME TO LIGHT!!!" As quickly as it had come, the mist parted slowly, my body ceased to spin as I felt sensation returning to my legs. I instantly recognized where I was. "The Everfree Forest? What am I doing here?" Was I still dreaming or had I got up in the middle night and sleepwalked off the farm and was just now waking up? Deciding I wasn't going to get answers standing here I leaped into the air. My eyes widened in horror at what I saw. "It can't be!" I whispered in shock, The forest stretched out in every direction as far as my eyes could see. There was no sign of Ponyville, Canterlot, or anywhere else for that matter. Even the mountain on which Canterlot sat was gone. Every direction was just more trees as if the Everfree Forest went on forever. The sky above was pitch black without a star to be seen. The only light to be seen came from the misty bluish aura of the moon. "I'm still asleep!" I exclaimed as I settled on the ground. "Well of course ya are!" I heard a familiar voice say. I felt a chill run down my back as I turned around. Out of the foggy mist that drifted through the trees came an enormous translucent blue stallion. My heart froze in terror as I looked into the empty sockets where his eyes should have been. "P-P-Pa?" "A'h told ya not to go back into the forest, but Y'all didn't listen to me." His tone was cold and unfeeling not all the way Pa talked. I tried to stammer out a coherent response but I could not get the words to come out. All I could do was back away as the Ghost closed in. "What's the matter? Timberwolf got yer tongue? He got a lot more of me thanks to you." He pointed his hoof at me and scowled. "I-I I-I'm s-s-sorry Pa!" He looked at me with anger and worse disappointment in his eyes. "That's all ya got to say for running away from home? For getting me killed? for putting yer Granny and yer brother and yer sisters through Tartarus for all that time? A'h knew it was a mistake taking ya in. In a way Ah'm sorta glad Pear passed on when she did so she didn't have to see what a failure you've become. A'h don't know what she saw in you. yer, not an Apple heck yer not even a real pony yer just some alien freak with no parents, no place to call home and nopony who loves ya." At that moment I just wanted to curl up and die. My stomach turned inside out as his words passed through my ears. Tears stung my eyes as the memories of that night came flooding back to haunt me. "NOOOOOOO!!!! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! I screamed as I fell to my hind knees. The spectral stallion paused as I looked him in the dead vacant eyes. "Well would you look at that, It seems our valiant little prince has a weakness after all." He said with the voice of Nightmare Moon before disappearing into a cloud of smoke. The smoke cleared revealing the now normal-sized alicorn. "It seems you have regrets about your past, about your father...sorry your 'adopted' father." She said gazing at me like a cobra that had cornered a rat." It hurts, doesn't it? Bright Mac took you into his home, raised you as his own and you repaid him by leading him to his death. Her words stabbed through me like a knife to her heart. Every syllable hissed through her fangs sent shivers up my spine. "Do you see now that you are helpless before me alien? This realm is mine just as the world will soon be. But I'll be more than happy to share it with you. Her horn lit up as she cast an explosion of what felt like dust into my eyes. "Ugh, what did you do to me?" "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." Nightmare Moon cackled. "The Sands of Hypponos, anypony whose eyes it touches shall sleep forevermore. Welcome to your new home my Little Prince, or should I should say, Sleeping Prince. I suggest you take the time to make yourself comfortable for you shall never wake again!" > The Night... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon stood before me laughing triumphantly. As I looked into her eyes I felt my fear turn to anger, but it was not toward the monstrous Alicorn in front of me. I was angry at myself. I'd let everypony down, Granny, Mac, AJ, Bloom, Luna, and the one that cut deepest of all, Pa. Now I'd be trapped here leaving Nightmare Moon free to terrorize Equestria. "Oh, what's the matter Little Prince?" She cooed at me mockingly. "Did my voice frighten you just now? Aha ha ha haw. I'm sorry, Why don't I make it up to you?" She walked over and whispered into my ear. Her breath was as cold as the air on a still night. "How about this? I'll undo the curse set upon you if you agree to forever serve me?" I winced as She placed her hooves on my shoulder. Her shoes felt cold to the touch. You'd be my Dark Knight second only to me, You could have anything you want. Power, wealth, acceptance, even true love." Luna's words echoed in my memory as Nightmare Moon nuzzled her cheek against mine. "She who doth turned us against thy sister to seize thy kingdom."  "I would love you like you were my own foal." Nightmare whispered tenderly. Hmm, a mother who torments and traumatizes me by making me relive my worst memory. They sure have a crazy way of expressing love on the moon, don't they? I wasn't buying it. "Like you told Luna you loved her?" I asked her. She seemed to shrug but I could tell deep down I'd just struck a nerve there. "You didn't know her before she met me." She began to explain. "Forced to live in the shadow of her sister, Her long nights slept through unappreciatively by her subjects. She didn't have a friend in the world until I came along. "You mean until you turned her against her sister!" I reminded her. In an instant, her mood changed from calm to fury as she turned to face me. "I showed her the truth about Celestia!" She snarled baring her fangs at me, "I helped her see through all the lies and deceit." "The only lies and deceit I see are your own!" I said stomping my hoof on the ground. "I saw how you tried to take her back from me. That didn't strike me as something a good friend would do." I thought for sure she was going to attack me for that. But instead, she simply turned around and sighed. She looked up gazing into the shadowy mists as if she was contemplating what I'd just said. Then she opened her eyes looked at me and calmly asked me. "Is that your final answer?" "It is," I answered. She sighed looking at me dejectedly as if I'd disappointed her with my answer. "So be it, If you will not join me then you shall sleep forever more. Pleasant Nightmares my little Prince." Her horn gave off a blinding flash before she vanished into a cloud of smoke. Her insidious laugh echoed around as the smoke began to clear. I felt a chill in the air as the forest seemed to grow steadily darker. "ARRROOOOOOOOO!" The familiar howl left every hair on my coat standing on its end as my nostrils breathed in the foul odor of wet mossy bark. Behind me, I could hear the rustling of leaves, the splashing of feet in shallow puddles, and the blocky click-clack of wooden limbs sprinting. It was alone? They never hunted alone, always in a pack. At that moment I understood what Nightmare Moon meant. I was to be imprisoned here, forced to face my most painful memories again and again. A sentence that was most logically designed to break the will and spirit of even the bravest of ponies. So why didn't feel scared at that moment? If I died assuming the Timberwolf could kill me in this dream what would it matter? I would return at some point and relive it all over again. It was getting closer, in my head, I could picture it step by step like the shadow of death the predator inched closer to the unsuspecting foal who had foolishly ignored his parents and wandered into the forest. I could destroy it? It would be as easy as snapping a twig. Or I could burn it or freeze it or just grab it and smash it into the ground repeatedly until it was nothing but a pile of splinters? What would happen if I did? Would more come? Or maybe Nightmare Moon would throw some other horror at me? Or maybe she'd gotten bored with me and decided to leave me here alone for all eternity, wandering in a forest that seemed to stretch into infinity? At least until I died. Then what? The telltale snarl of the beast told me It was almost on top of me. Deciding it best to not keep it waiting I turned to face it. Third Pony POV The still calm of the upstairs hallway was broken by the sudden chorus of ringing alarm clocks. Babs Seed's eyes slowly stirred as she wrapped her pillow over her ears wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. Groaning She reached out toward the offending timepiece. A twist of the key and the infernal racket around her became slightly more bearable. Babs was hesitant to separate herself from her snug comfortable sleeping bag to deal with her cousins' alarm clocks. Why couldn't Apple Bloom's family have digital clocks like hers did? She pondered. The accompaniment of more moans from her cousins came as a welcome relief. Sprawled out across the room they slowly shuffled and crawled out of their sleeping bags like zomponies in a horror movie. rising from the grave. "Uhh..." Cinnamon Sugar moaned. "Ughh..." Liberty Belle groaned. "Five more minutes." Red June muttered sleepily. One by one the clocks ceased their incessant ringing until only one remained. "Hey, Apple Comet! Feel like shutting that off for us?" Red June hollered at her cousin who was somehow sleeping like a log thru all that ringing. "How can anypony sleep thru that?!" Liberty Belle shouted over the sound of the alarm clock. Red June had enough and stomped over to his bedside. "Hey, can't cha hear that!?" She asked impatiently pointing at the clock. "It means it's time to get up. When she got no response Red June picked up the clock and held it to his ear in hopes of getting his attention. Nothing, not even a smug turnover to say Ehhh I don't really feel like it. "URAGH!" Red June raised the clock into the air as if to smash it against the floor. "There's probably a key on the back!" Cinnamon Sugar pointed out "A'h know!" Red June shouted as she turned it. A tranquil silence fell upon the bedroom as Red June casually tossed the alarm clock on the floor before grabbing hold of the blanket with her teeth. "C'mon up and at 'em" She muttered yanking it off the bed. To her mounting frustration, the sleeping colt did not budge. "Boy, He sure is a heavy sleeper." Cinnamon Sugar noted scratching her head. "Aw right, mister Ah've had enough of yer games." Red June threw her hooves up and walked over to the door. "If y'all wanna sleep thru the festival fine by me." SLAM! The other fillies stood there unsure of what to make of this. "Wow, I take it back." Said Cinnamon Sugar. "He's a really heavy sleeper. Babs began to feel worried, She could sense something didn't feel right. "Um, Apple Comet are you okay?" She asked as slowly walked up the bed. Apple Comet lay on his side his back facing them not moving. Gently Babs placed her hoof on his shoulder and turned him over. "AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She let out a shriek of terror that got the attention of everyone in the house. Moments later door slammed open as several Apples rushed into the room armed with whatever they could grab at such short notice. Thinking somepony had broken in they had come prepared with everything from bats and sticks to frying pans and rolling pins. Granny Smith had even brought along a blunderbuss loaded with apples. "Who's in here?" She asked as her eyes scanned the room for signs of a possible intruder. Immediately the three fillies rushed to Granny's side. Their faces were white with fear as if they'd seen a ghost. "Granny Smith thank Celestia yer here!" Babs said wrapping her forelegs around her neck. Cinnamon Sugar and Liberty Belle quickly joined in." "Good heavens, you three look like Y'all'd seen a ghost or something. What happened?" "BWAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Big Macintosh's cry brought the family's attention to the bed. "Oh, my land." Granny Smith whispered in shock when she saw what had frightened him. Apple Comet lay motionless, only the rising and falling of his barrel indicated he was breathing. His eyes were covered with a thick layer of black shimmering sand. Carefully Granny Smith ran her hoof over Apple Comet's eyes to collect a sample. The Apples watched as more began to trickle out of his eyes. "W-W-What's wrong with him?" A stallion in the crowd nervously asked. Granny stared at her hoof watching as the sand slowly faded away into a wispy mist. It felt fine yet cold to the touch Next she checked his temperature, heartbeat, and pulse, all seemed normal despite the sand's temperature. "In all mah years Ah've never seen anything like this." She sighed sitting down next to him. "Is...He?" Big Macintosh asked. "He's breathing, His pulse and heartbeat seem normal. And he's not running a fever. Whatever he's got it's nothing Ah've ever seen." Granny felt a surge of anxiety run down her spine. Her stomach turned as all sorts of different possibilities ran through her head. What if this was some kind of alien sickness? What if he suddenly got worse? What if it was contagious? What if he...... "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE MAC! HE NEEDS A DOCTOR!" Mac momentarily startled by Granny's outburst shrunk back. But he quickly realized She was right, this was a job for a certified medical professional. "COMING THRU!!!" The other Apples sensing what was coming gladly got out of the way as Mac galloped down the hall like a speeding locomotive. Granny sighed as she turned her attention back to the still form of her adopted Grandchild. He'd never had so much as a cut or scrape for as long as she had known him. For him to just come down with something like this out of nowhere was unheard of. She spotted his blanket lying on the floor. It wouldn't do him any good to leave him exposed like this. She thought as she reached down to pick it up. "Apple Comet's gonna be okay right?" Granny Smith stopped and turned to see Apple Bloom walking into the room. Her eyes shook with uncertainty as she looked at her. It was a feeling that she shared with her youngest grand foal. "We'll know when the doctor gets here." She said picking the blanket up off the floor. "What if the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with him?" Granny Smith stopped for a moment, She hadn't considered the possibility that it might come to that. "Then we'll have to take him to the hospital." She said laying the blanket over top of Apple Comet. "What if they can't help him?" At that moment Granny wanted to tell her to not be ridiculous and that that wasn't going to happen. But she stopped and looked down at the still form of Apple Comet. She'd seen her fair share of illnesses and ailments over the years. She'd lost her fair share of friends and loved ones that way. No, she couldn't think about it right now. "Apple Bloom I want cha to listen to me." Granny stood stoically over Apple Comet's bed her back facing her youngest grandfoal. Apple Bloom nodded. "A-Ah'm listening." "Good to hear that." Granny Smith took a moment to gather her courage before slowly turning to face Apple Bloom. "Now Ah don't know what's wrong with Apple Comet and we might not know until the doctor gets here. It might be a spell or a hex or something he touched or ate. To be honest it's like nothing Ah've ever seen before. Right now all we can do is wait for the doctor and hope for the best." Apple Bloom felt a spiny lump in her throat as Granny Smith explained everything to her. Her eyes were becoming red and puffy, she felt tears begin to form as fears of what this meant for Apple Comet formed in her head. What if the doctor really couldn't do anything? What if he stayed that way forever? What if he...he....he. "Now now," Granny said sitting up forelegs outstretched. The little yellow filly threw herself into her embrace burying her head in her shoulder. "It's okay to be upset, trust me Ah'm upset too," Granny whispered as she felt a single tear race down her cheek. Comet's POV Sensing that its cover had been blown the monster stepped out of the shadows and faced me in the light. At first glance, it didn't look too different than any other Timberwolf. Its bark was smooth dark ebony its eyes shone with pale silver light Almost as if it were merely the shadow of a Timberwolf instead of the real thing. The beast circled me a moment its eyes staring back into me. I stared back determined to show it I was not afraid. "Well, are you gonna do something?" I snapped at it. "Or are you just gonna circle and growl at me?" The Timberwolf stopped and turned to face me, a scowl formed across its face. Then in the blink of an eye, it lunged ...right into my hind legs! "WHAM!!!" An explosion of shattered lumber echoed through the forest as the Timberwolf's head separated from its body sailing off into the distance while its body tumbled to the ground before erupting into a cloud of blue smoke. For a moment I imagined the head flying so far as to land on top of Nightmare Moon's. My sense of triumph was to be short-lived however as the smoke cleared two figures stepped forth. Somehow out of the remains of the first Timberwolf emerged two more, their cold silver eyes staring lifelessly back at me. WHAM!!! BAM!!! You know those moments when you feel so frustrated that you just want to hit something to relieve your stress? But you can't bring yourself to do it because you're afraid of accidentally hurting somepony? Just replace those moments with every minute of every day and make it strong enough to knock down buildings and you'd get how my life is. And that was on days when I wasn't imprisoned in my dreams and tormented by my most painful memory by an evil Alicorn bent on ruling Equestria. So you might understand why I wasn't too upset when I saw the Timberwolves I'd just smashed up spawn four more or eight or sixteen or thirty-two. What I had here was an opportunity to forget about my problems and just cut loose for once and I was determined to take it. Third Pony POV "My he certainly is a tenacious one isn't he?" Nightmare Moon said with an air of reluctant admiration as she watched the battle play out in the dark waters of a small reflecting pool. The young colt was putting up a ferocious fight cutting down her Timberwolves one after another without showing any signs of slowing down. "By now you should've realized that for each of my little pets, you destroy two more shall take their place. Or is your hatred of them so great that you do not care? Either way, it matters not, sooner or later you will have to accept the inevitability that there is no escape from the night." "It seems thou hath underestimated him, Nightmare Moon." A defiant voice said from behind her. Nightmare gave a smug grin as she turned and looked at the ragged form of Luna trapped in a crystal orb on the table behind her. The Filly wore shackles on her hooves and neck and had a ring of moon rock placed over her horn to nullify her magic. "I must admit I was a teensy bit careless," Nightmare admitted as she picked the filly's prison up in her aura. Her enormous face loomed in front of her captive as she grinned. "But as you're about to see he is quite out of the way." With a flick of her hoof, the image in the pool was dispelled. "Show me his physical state." At her command, the water in the shimmered and rippled showing her what she commanded. Luna gasped in horror as she looked upon the face of the sleeping colt. Her face slowly turned white as she watched the sands of Hypponos continue to pour from his eyes like a cascading waterfall." "No, it can't be." She whispered as she felt her stomach begin to turn inside out. She felt hot tears running down her face but her throat felt like it was gripped in a vice. "What did you think would happen by getting him involved?" Nightmare asked a devious smirk stretched across her face. "That somehow he would be able to bear the elements of harmony all on his own? That he would just singlehoofedly defeat me? Ha ha ha ha ha." Luna's ears drooped as she hung her head low. She could feel the last little thread of hope she had left slowly unraveling leaving her stomach feeling hollow and empty. "All you accomplished was condemning him to a fate worse than death." What was left of Luna's fortitude crumbled as the little filly sank to her stomach and buried her face into her hooves. All the while Nightmare grinning triumphantly in satisfaction knowing she had broken the captive Princess's will. "There there, my dear." She cooed putting on a show of false sympathy. Just close your eyes and let your future Queen make it all better." Nightmare tapped the tip of the horn against the surface of the orb, releasing a starry blue mist that began to wrap itself around sobbing filly like a python smothering its prey. Luna felt her body rapidly fading away as Nightmare's magic began to reabsorb her. "Forgive Me, Sister, Forgive me Kom-El..." > ...Is Darkest.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack couldn't grasp what she'd just witnessed. Only minutes before she and several of her friends had gathered inside the town to witness the arrival of Princess Celestia. What they'd gotten instead was something straight out of those old mare's tales Granny used to tell her. She remembered biting on Rainbow Dash's tail, Twilight confronting Nightmare Moon as she called her, and the mayor siccing the royal guards on her to no effect as the dark alicorn made her escape. It made her wonder if this was all some sort of crazy dream she was having. The festive fervor had vanished from the room. Nightmare Moon's escape had left several ponies sprawled unconscious across the floor. Those that were still awake huddled together in fear at what they had just witnessed. Some muttered anxiously to those around them, while others remained frozen where they stood. In the midst of all this, she noticed Twilight galloping out the door with her little dragon slumped across her back. "She seems to be in an awful hurry." Applejack thought as the unicorn ran past her. She then noticed a familiar blue pegasus trailing behind her from above. "What in tarnation has gotten into you Dash?" She muttered to herself as she started to follow after. "Applejack!" Applejack turned around in time to see a pink blur rush past her face, skid into a 180-degree turn, and come to a complete stop "Bwah!" Applejack leaped back in surprise as Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared in front of her. "Where're ya going?" She asked Applejack casually. Applejack exhaled and held a hoof to her chest. "Land sake Pinkie Pie, Y'all startled me." The pink mare smiled sheepishly and blushed. "Oops sorry about that, it's just I saw you running off after Rainbow Dash flew off. Twilight ran off and Nightmare Moon turned into soot and I was wondering where was everypony going. Because the party was just getting started but I guess it's over now on account of what Nightmare Moon said about the night lasting forever and all that..." "Okay okay, A'h git the message Sugarcube," Applejack said as she placed her hoof over Pinkie Pie's mouth. "Look Ah'm head back over to the library, figure that's probably where Twilight's headed. You go find the girls and meet me there, okay?" Pinkie said nothing but simply nodded twice. Applejack slowly took her hoof off of Pinkie's mouth and the party pony happily pranced back over to the town hall leaving Applejack shrugging her shoulders. "Jus Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie." She thought as she started to gallop off. Apple Bloom stared up solemnly at the canopy of her bed. She had declined to go to the Summer Sun Celebration with the rest of the family, instead opting to stay home with Granny Smith. Through her bedroom door, she could hear the faint voices of Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart talking in Apple Comet's room, though she couldn't hear what they were saying. She hoped with all her heart that Doctor Horse would know how to make him all better after all isn't that what doctors were for? But what if he couldn't? What if he never woke up? What if this was some kind of weird alien sickness or something? "Ugh, A'h can't take this anymore!" She finally cried out as she rolled off her bed. "A'h have to know what's going on in there." Checking to make sure the hall was clear, Apple Bloom slowly tiptoed out into the hallway. The floorboards creaked and groaned under her hoof steps as she made her way to her brother's room. As she did the voices coming from behind the door slowly became clearer. "This is like nothing I've ever seen before." She heard Doctor Horse say from behind the door. "He's not running a fever, his heart rate and pulse are excellent and his blood pressure is the best I've ever seen in a colt his age. Any luck with that blood sample?" Apple Bloom stood on her hind legs and peered through the keyhole as Nurse Redheart held up a shot with a broken needle. "None, I've gone through every syringe I've got. His skin's as tough as dragon's hide." Doctor Horse sighed. "Alright, I'll send for an ambulance and get this shipped to the lab. Hopefully, they'll be able to provide some answers." Nurse Redheart nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard. When she was finished she tore it off and handed it to Doctor Horse. The good doctor rolled it into a scroll, tied the vial of sand he'd taken from Apple Comet's eyes to it, then teleported it presumably to the hospital. "Well, we've done all we can do for him here, nothing to do now but wait. Keep an eye on him, I'm gonna go talk to Granny Smith." Apple Bloom froze up as she saw the doctor's aura wrap around the doorknob. Before she could react the door swung outward sending her flying onto her back with a loud thud. "Ow." "What was that?" Asked Nurse Redheart. Doctor Horse looked down to see Apple Bloom rubbing her hoof against the back of her head. "Are you alright?" He asked kneeling to check on her." "Uhh....hi?" Apple Bloom's ability to form a coherent response evaporated as she realized she'd just blown her cover. "Sorry about that, are you okay?" The little filly sat frozen on the spot, an awkward grin stretched from ear to ear. "Here let me help you up." The Doctor said offering his hoof. Apple Bloom accepting she had been caught took it. "May I ask what you were doing behind the door?" "Umm...A'h was jus...going to the bathroom?" A nervous grin stretched across Apple Bloom's face. "You mean that one over there." He asked pointing behind her. Apple Bloom's pupils shrunk in panic as she laid eyes on the door he was pointing at. it was the one with the hoof painted sign on it that said Wash Yer Hooves. "Uhh...Did A'h say going? What I A'h meant to say was A'h was coming from the bathroom." Apple Bloom said shrinking into a sitting position, her shoulders flinched up to her face. She was sweating profusely and her facial muscles were straining to keep smiling. "I didn't hear a flush or a door open or close?" The yellow filly's ears drooped as she bowed her head. " Sigh...Alright, ya caught me." She answered simply. "Is everything alright out here Doctor?" Nurse Redheart asked poking her head out into the hallway. Doctor Horse smiled. "Well, I think Apple Bloom was about to say something she wants to get off her barrel." Apple Bloom took a breath and said. "Ah'm sorry for eavesdropping on you." " You were eavesdropping on us?" Nurse Redheart asked confused. "A'h heard what Y'all were saying about Apple Comet. Does he really have to go to the hospital?" Doctor Horse took off his glasses with his magic, placing them in his coat pocket. "I know this must be pretty scary, with what you've been through in the past." He said kneeling to Apple Bloom's level. "But I promise we'll do everything we can to make him better." "What if you can't? *Sniff* What if he stays like this forever?" "Ssh...try not to think about that." Nurse Redheart said placing her hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder. "Right now your brother needs you to be brave for him. Can you do that?" Brave? The very thought of it was almost laughable. She could never hope to be able to run as fast or jump as high or do any of the things Apple Comet could. No, she was just an ordinary filly from Ponyville. "A-A'h don't know if A'h can Nurse Redheart." She whimpered pitifully. "Well, what do you think Apple Comet would do if he were in your hooves." What would Apple Comet do? More like what wouldn't he do? He'd run to the very ends of Equis, even through Tartarus itself, letting nothing stand in his way of saving her. What could she do that he wouldn't make look feeble by comparison? Nothing, that's what. And yet despite all his power, the only reason he ever seemed to use them was to practice not using them. He always kept pace with her when doing chores, even though he could probably finish an entire day's work in a flash. He never used them in public either, although that was probably because he didn't want other ponies to find out he was alien. Now that Apple Bloom thought of it, she realized that except for his powers, she never really saw him as an alien. The word brought to mind, weird creatures with big heads, slimy tentacles, and green-skinned bipeds with blank faces. None of those described Apple Comet. He had two eyes, two ears, four legs, a muzzle, a nose, and a mane. and a tail, just like everypony else. Albeit, faster, stronger, smarter and the whole being from outer space thing, but deep down underneath all that he was just another member of the family. A little bit different perhaps, but could not the same be said about Applejack's appetite? Or Big Mac's love for philosophy? Or Granny Smith's habit of sometimes putting on mismatched horseshoes? 'A'h guess everypony is different in their own way, even ponies from other planets.' And it suddenly dawned on her that for an alien from outer space, Apple Comet was kinda average for a colt. If it weren't for the fact that she'd the spaceship and the crystal.....Wait, the crystal! "That's it!" With a sudden burst of speed, Apple Bloom took off racing down the stairs. "What's it?" Doctor Horse asked looking confused. Nurse Redheart could only shrug her shoulders and shake her head. "Granny!" Granny Smith looked up from the stove as Apple Bloom came galloping through the kitchen doorway like a champion derby runner crossing the finish line. "Where's the crystal?" She asked her wasting no time cutting to the chase. "Crystal? What crystal?" Granny asked looking quite confused. "The one that belongs to Apple Comet!" Granny's spatula fell to the floor with a clank. "Granny, are you alright?" Apple Bloom asked her looking a bit concerned. "Huh? Oh uh..yes, just fine dear." She answered in a slightly frazzled tone. "What exactly did Y'all want it for?" "So then A'h got to thinking if what Apple Comet said about the crystal was true, then maybe his parents might know what was wrong with him." Apple Bloom explained as Granny opened the door to her room. "Ah'm still not sure about this Bloom," Granny said with uncertainty as she closed the door. "Well, A'h am." Apple Bloom retorted. "If A'h were in Apple Comet's hooves right now, A'h know he wouldn't rest until he found a way to help me. "You sure know how to humble yer stubborn o'l Granny don't cha?" Granny stated warmly as she led Apple Bloom over to the side of her bed. With a grunt, she lifted the side of her mattress revealing a medium-sized wooden oblong box. "A'h had hoped that yer brother would be a little older before we had to get this out again," Granny stated as she opened the box. Apple Bloom's eyes shone with wonder, as she gazed upon its radiant brilliance and the strange symbols that that shone along its smooth surface. "It's incredible!" She whispered in awe. "It sure is something ain't it?" Granny concurred. Their awe was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Granny Smith?" "Aw shoot it's the Doctor." Apple Bloom whispered. "We gotta hide the crystal." "Well let's not just stand here with bees under our bonnets." Granny concurred "Just one second!" She closed the box and slid it back under the bed then walked over to the door while Apple Bloom sat down on the bed. "Oh hello, Doctor!" "Hello Mrs. Smith, is everything ok in here?" Granny noticed he sounded wearier than before. "Just fine thanks." She answered. "Apple Bloom and A'h were just talking about Apple Comet's little condition." "I see, well the reason I found you is I just got a letter back from the hospital. There's been some kind of emergency at the Town Hall and there aren't any ambulances available right now." "Oh no!" Apple Bloom cried out. "What happened?" Granny asked worryingly. "They aren't exactly sure at the moment." Dr. Horse raised his hoof to calm them down. "All they said was they need every available medical pony they can get. Granny sighed and said, "We understand Doctor." "In the meantime, Nurse Redheart is going to stay here with you, if anything happens she knows how to reach me. I'll try to get back here as soon as I can." A flash of light from his horn and he was gone. An ominous silence fell over the room. Apple Bloom glanced at the picture on Granny's dresser. It was a picture of the family at the last reunion. She was up front next to Apple Comet and Babs. "Everypony else was there..." She whispered trying her best not to cry. "Do y'all think they're okay?" Granny Smith hunched her shoulders and walked back over to the bed. "Now isn't the time to go assuming the worst." She said retrieving the box from under the bed. "Our family's been through more than enough heartache tonight." Nurse Redheart heard a knocking at the door. She sighed as she went to answer it. It had been a long night for her. Apple Comet's condition hadn't changed, There'd been an emergency at town hall and there was no telling when an ambulance would become available. 'A nurse's work is never done.' She thought as she reached for the doorknob. She opened to find Granny Smith and Apple Bloom standing in front of her. The young filly was holding an oblong wooden box under her foreleg, looking at her like a puppy that was left out in the rain. "We're sorry to disturb ya." Granny Smith said to her. "But Apple Bloom was wondering if she could just have a moment alone with Apple Comet?" "It would be really quick." Apple Bloom begged as she Nurse Redheart the saddest most pitiful face she'd ever seen. At any other point in her day, Nurse Redheart would be intrigued to know what Apple Bloom had inside the box. But after being on call since around sunset yesterday, she was running on fumes and really couldn't care less. 'Just take a short break and let the kid have some time with her brother. She told herself. 'What harm could it do? "Oh, why not?" She said sounding almost relieved in a way. "I could use a cup of coffee anyway. Just be careful and don't touch near his eyes, okay?" "Oh, A'h won't, A'h promise." Apple Bloom ambled past her anxiously. "C'mon Ah'll put the kettle on and get us a couple of mugs." Nurse Redheart gave a tired smile and said. "That actually sounds wonderful right about now. The instant the door shut behind them, Apple Bloom tore the lid off the box and picked up the crystal in her hoof. She stared with wonder at the rows and columns of strange symbols carved across its surface. What did they mean? Was it some kind of secret message or a code? Her thoughts turned to memories of that night four years ago. Memories that she had tried her best to put behind her. For a long time, Apple Bloom had tried her best to move on from what happened that night. And yet looking at the crystal, she could feel the memories of her brother returning to the farm alone flooding into her mind. "Go away! A'h never want to see you again!" "He's not my brother!" "He's a monster! He's an alien freak!" It's all yer fault he's dead! You and yer freaky alien powers! It should've been you that ended up as Timberwolf food instead of Pa!" She'd hated him, despised him, told him she wished he'd been the one who got killed. And how had he responded? "Apple Bloom believe me when I say I would gladly give up my powers if it could bring Pa back." A drop of water splashed against the surface of the crystal. Apple Bloom saw a single tear streaking down her reflection's cheek. She wiped it off with her hoof and steeled herself. This was no time for tears, Apple Comet was counting on her. She couldn't...wouldn't let him down. "Hey, Apple Comet." She whispered as she walked up to his bed. "Ah don't know if y'all can hear me? But I've brought the crystal from yer rocket ship. Thought maybe it might hold the answer to what's wrong with you. A'h mean A'h don't know how it works since you were the only one who could make it work." Apple Bloom sighed and sat down on the corner of the bed facing him. "Ya know Ah've always wondered, can ya read my mind? Can ya tell what Ah'm thinking about right now? It seems so strange, to have a brother who fell from a star. Meanwhile, Ah'm just a normal kid, A'h can't run as fast or jump as high or see thru walls or do any of wonderful things Y'all can do." "Sometimes....sometimes A'h lie awake at night, wondering would it would be like to be like you? How it would feel to outrun a speeding train, lift a tractor over my head, or leap a mountain in a single bound. How do y'all do it? How can somepony so powerful be so gentle, so kind, so selfless? Your somepony A'h could never be." She laid the crystal in his hoof. "If you can read mah mind....A'h just want to say...where ever you came from... you will always be my brother." Slowly a strange light illuminated the room. > ...Just Before...(Updated) (Retconned) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Comet's POV) When I was younger, whenever I would have bad dreams, Granny would tell me the things I saw were like pictures in an old book. They might look real and scary, but they couldn't so much as touch you. But with Nightmare Moon it felt different. It was like she could take what was in your dreams and somehow make them real. Darkness surrounded me from all sides. Endless waves of the beasts came from every direction at once, snarling and growling with a hunger that could not be sated. What had started as just one Timberwolf had multiplied to become thousands. An unstoppable horde that multiplied every time I destroyed one. At first, they didn't seem like much of a threat. I had destroyed the first...two hundred, give or take a few, without breaking a metaphorical sweat. But as their numbers grew, so did their aggression. I quickly found myself bucking, kicking, and throwing around what felt to me like a pile of falling lumber that was determined to bury me alive. Eventually, their numbers grew so great that I was forced to use my heat vision and super breath just to get some breathing room. The entire thing happened so fast that a normal pony watching wouldn't be able to process what was happening in front of them. The sonic booms generated by my speed alone were enough to shatter them to pieces. For me, it was like everything around me was moving in slow motion. By the time I destroyed my thousandth Timberwolf, I realized this was a fight even I could not win. And so I did the only thing that seemed logical, I took to the skies. In the blink of an eye, my leg muscles propelled me high into the air. The wind rushed through my mane as I ascended higher and higher. From up here the Timberwolves I'd been fighting looked like a swarm of ants. I landed in a thicket of trees about three miles from where I'd jumped. The boughs and branches of the tree line did little to slow my landing. "Crash!" "Snap!" "Crack!" "Thud!" "Oof!" Picking myself up, I shook the cobwebs from my head, dusted myself off, and took a moment to catch my breath. Had I lost them? A quick sweep of the forest with my x-ray and telescopic vision revealed no hide nor bark of any Timberwolves. For a moment it looked like I was in the clear. Then suddenly I saw a cloud of smoke billow up from the ground, followed by another, then another and another, and then about several thousand more. "Of course, they can teleport." I should've known it wouldn't be that easy to get away from them. No, they were here to make sure I stayed out of their mistress's way. Well, I wasn't about to make it easy for them. "Think you can keep up with me huh? Alright then...." WHOOSH! "DON'T FALL BEHIND!" In an instant I was off again, leaping and bounding my way across the sky with the pack in hot pursuit. As I expected they weren't fast enough to catch me, but they weren't about to let that stop them. I just had to stay in the air as much as possible, and hope they didn't spontaneously grow wings. The forest stretched out far into the infinite, repeating itself in every direction. Every landing spot was a potential ambush point. I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up. My mind was racing at a thousand thoughts a second trying desperately to find a way out of this place. Then suddenly in the middle of a jump, a fiery red comet emerged from behind the moon and I heard a familiar voice in my head. "If you can read mah mind....A'h just wanted to say...where ever you came from.... you will always be my brother." That voice...it almost sounded like..."Apple Bloom!" "Wha? Who said that?" "I did." "Apple Comet? How are Y'all talking inside my head?" "I could ask you the same question." "Sweet Celestia Y'all can read minds!" She exclaimed. "Where are you?" "In yer bedroom, I brought you the crystal that was in yer rocket ship." Well, that explained a lot. "That's it!" "What's it?" "Apple Bloom, listen to me, I need you to keep your hoof on the crystal, can you do that?" "A'h guess so. " "Good, now I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind." "How am I supposed to do that?" I facehoofed, of course, teaching my sister how to use an alien artifact wouldn't be that simple. Looking down at the forest below, I could see I had reached the apex of my leap and was starting to descend. I had to think fast. "First close your eyes," I said closing my mine own. "Okay, they're closed." She replied. "Now what?" "Alright good, I can sense you, now hold onto the crystal, and don't let go." In the next fraction of a second, our consciousnesses raced toward each other from opposite ends before merging in a brilliant flash of light. "Wha in tarnation just happened!" Apple Bloom cried as she struggled to catch her breath. "I guess that when our hooves both touched the crystal, it created some kind of telepathic tether between our minds." It was then that we both noticed we standing beside each other. "Apple Comet!" Apple Bloom's eyes twinkled with joy as she promptly tackled me to the floor. "A'h was afraid Y'all were never gonna wake up!" She exclaimed wrapping her forelegs around my neck. At that moment I swear it felt like my heart was going to burst. Her tears of joy ran down the side of my neck, I gently wrapped my forearms around her barrel and held her close. "I was afraid I would never see you, Applejack, Granny, Mac, or Sweet Apple Acres again." For a moment the two of us laughed and hugged each other, happy just to be together again. Finally, we both stood up and looked out into the distance, at the towering skyline of an ancient city, resting on the shores of a vast lake. In the distance jeweled mountains shimmered under the light of a giant red sun, creating a dazzling span of rainbows that spanned from peak to peak. "Wow." "Sis," I said placing my hoof on her shoulder. "Welcome to Kolton." To say she was awestruck would be a massive understatement. "It's incredible." She whispered turning to me. "but didn't Y'all say it was destroyed?" "That is correct." A bold voice behind us said. We turned around to see two figures materializing out of thin air. "Kolton is no more, only dust in the cosmos, along with all of its inhabitants." Jav-El and Loran stood in front of us, Their posture was as poised and stoic as the night I first saw them. "Hello, again Kom-El." Loran smiled warmly upon seeing me. "You've grown so much since I last saw you. And greetings to you as well Apple Bloom." "Well, this explains the other conscience we sensed with yours," Jav-El said looking at Apple Bloom who by this point was hiding behind me the way Winona did when she knew she'd done something bad. "W- Who are you? H-How do Y'all know mah name?" She asked nervously as she peeked out from behind me. "Do not be afraid, we mean you no harm, I am Loran." "And I am Jav-El. We are Kom-El's parents, or at least a copy of them, Their conscience, their memories..." Loran knelt and kissed me on the cheek. "...And their love." She said finishing Jav-El's sentence. "Oh, my little shooting star, how I've missed you." I felt a tear fall from her cheek onto my back as she embraced me. It was strange, here I was hugging a mare who I'd only met once before and both times it wasn't really her. But I didn't feel like I was embracing a shadow. I could feel her love for me flowing from her body to mine. "I missed you too...Mom." Also, it felt weird calling that, As long as I could remember I'd never really had a mother figure in my life. That's not to say Granny didn't do a good job raising me, it's just, that I always saw her as my Grandmother. And I never really got a chance to know Pear Butter. As I said, it felt weird, but it felt weird in a good way. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you call me that." She said wiping a tear from her eye. "Group hug!" I heard Apple Bloom cry out. Before I could get a word in edgewise I was sandwiched between two walls of fur. "Oof." "Oh, goodness!" Loran chuckled as she wrapped her leg around Apple Bloom. " Well, you certainly got over your shyness quickly." "What's there to be shy about?" Apple Bloom said excitedly. "It's not every day A'h get to meet ponies from outer space." Jav-El let out a hearty laugh. "High praise indeed." He said. "Hey!" I protested. "What am I, a bag of oats?" "No yer mah brother silly billy." She replied with a cheeky grin on her face that said 'gotcha'. And as much as I hated to admit it, she had. Plus it was kind of sweet to hear her say she saw me as one of the family, instead of just an alien. Not that I ever doubted she did. Loran chuckled as she pulled both of us in for one more hug, before finally releasing us. "So what brings you two here?" Jav-El asked. Apple Bloom and I looked at each other. I could tell she felt the same as I did. "It's kind of a long story," I answered. "Can we come inside and sit down?" "Certainly," Jav-El replied. "This is as much your home as it is ours." He closed his eyes and stood perfectly still. As if by mental command, the door behind him silently slid open by itself. As he opened his eyes once more, Apple Bloom asked. "How'd Y'all do that?" He smiled at her, pointed at his head, and winked. I'll say one thing about Koltonian architecture, It's certainly different. The first floor of my parent's house was set in a circle, around a large cylinder with a spiral staircase. All of the rooms seemed to revolve around the cylinder, like the numbers on the face of a clock. As we stepped into the living room, I felt a familiar sense of remorse come over me. This was where I met my parents the night I'd...no I couldn't think about that right now. Nightmare Moon was out there somewhere, and I was the only pony who stood a chance of stopping her. "Sweet Celestia!" Apple Bloom could hardly contain her excitement. "This room is bigger than our farmhouse!" Her voice echoed against the high domed ceiling. "I take it that means you're impressed." Jav-El smiled. "Being one of Kolton's foremost scientists has its benefits, although I always thought it was a bit excessive." "Welcome back young master Kom-El, It's so good to see you." a familiar electronic voice chimed from the ceiling. From the staircase, a legless golden shell silently descended. "EEEEEEEKKKK!!!!" Apple Bloom predictably shrieked in terror, ducking back behind me as the robot approached. To be honest I couldn't blame her. I imagine the sight of a metal ponnequin front half with a screen for a face moving by itself would scare anypony stiff. "Do not be afraid youngling," Loran said. Kerax means no harm." "I most certainly do not," The robot replied."Why the very idea goes against the first law of my programming." He moved in closer towards us. "Why he's practically family," Jav-El stated. "Most kind of you to say, sir." Kerax turned his mechanical head and nodded briefly. "I was not aware the young master would be bringing a guest." He turned over to Apple Bloom. "May I ask what your name is youngling?" "A-Apple...Bloom M-Mr Alien...Robot...Sir." My sister stuttered nervously as she gazed into the wavy line on his face screen. "She's my adoptive sister," I explained hesitantly, "From Equus." "Ah, I see, Well if there's anything I can do please don't hesitate to call." With that, he turned and floated off presumably to do whatever alien robots do all day. For a moment the room was quiet. My parents looked at us and we them. Finally, I said, "We don't have robots on Equus." "Oh." Jav-El acknowledged. We sat down on a long couch in the middle of the room. My parents sat down opposite us. "So," Loran started. "What do you wish to speak to us about?" I slowly took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Tonight I was visited in my dreams by Nightmare Moon. She's a wicked mare who wants to take over Equus so that the night will last forever. When I tried to stop her, She put a curse on me that trapped me in a deep sleep. Then she cast into an endless looping nightmare." Loran gasped in horror and thrust herself from the couch, her body phasing through the table in front of us as she wrapped her forelegs around my neck. Jav-El stood up, doing his best to maintain his composure. Still, I could sense he was concerned for my wellbeing. "Oh thank Rao you're safe." She said wrapping her legs around me tightly. "Thank who now?" I asked confusedly. "Rao is the creator of all light and life," Jav-El explained. "He who ignited the sun with his essence, so that our people might bathe in his power. He who raises it every morning to signal the coming dawn, and lowers it every evening to herald Luda's night." "So he's like Princess Celestia, except he's a stallion?" Apple Bloom asked having been listening in on our conversation with what I could imagine was piqued interest. It was a question none of us had an answer for. "Honestly if you should be thanking anypony it should be Apple Bloom," I said pointing in her direction. "If she hadn't brought the memory crystal to me, I might never have escaped. That's how we ended up here." Loran released me from her hold and trotted over to Apple Bloom who sat blushing bashfully against the arm of the couch. "Well shucks, A-A'h couldn't just leave Y'all like that." She said. Before she could say more Loran pulled into a tight hug. "Apple Bloom of Equus, No words can express my gratitude to you." She held my sister in front of her. "You have saved my only son from a fate worse than death. For this, I would like to make you an honorary member of the Stable of El." Apple Bloom's eyes lit up like Hearths Warming lights. "Wow, what does that mean?" She asked. Loran smiled at her and said. "It means you can call us Mother and Father if you like." Apple Bloom's face sank as she turned her head away from them. "What's wrong?" "A'h appreciate what Y'all are trying to do but..." She said gloomily as she clambered down from the couch. Loran turned to Jav-El. "Did we offend her in some way?" She whispered to him. I felt that familiar sense of guilt rising in my heart. "It's nothing you two did," I told them solemnly. "It was me." Both of them looked at me with bewilderment. "What do you mean?" Loran asked, the concern evident in her voice. The familiar sense of guilt began to rise in my stomach. Even thou the Apple family held no ill will for what happened to Bright Mac, the memories of that night cast long shadows deep in the back of my mind. A penance I could never atone for. I glanced across the room at the form of Apple Bloom dejectedly walking away. She didn't acknowledge our conversation, but the way she walked like she was carrying a heavy load on her shoulders said it all. "I'd rather not talk about it in front of her. " I replied grimly. Loran started to raise her hoof to protest but stopped when Jav-El placed his on her shoulder "Loran, he doesn't want to talk about it right now." She sighed and looked over at the yellow filly slowly climbing the stairs, then turned back to me as if to say "What did you do to her?" > ...The Dawn? (Retconned) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A still silence hung over the house, save for the sounds of my hoofsteps as I ascended the spiral staircase. It had been...a surreal evening, to say the least. I'd fought a figure from an old mare's tale, been trapped in an endless nightmare, had my mind melded with my sister's, and reunited with my parents inside a memory of my long-destroyed home planet. School-age foals just aren't cut out for this kind of stuff. "Okay get a grip," I told myself mentally. 'First I need to find Apple Bloom and straighten out this misunderstanding. Second, I need to find a way to break the curse. And lastly, I need to stop Nightmare Moon and save all of Equestria from eternal darkness. Easy-peasy right?' The second floor of my parent's house was certainly...unique. The staircase exited to a circular hall ringed by a series of colorful circular doors. Bam! Bam! Bam! "Consarnit, why won't any of these stupid doors open!?" I looked over my shoulder to find Apple Bloom bucking her hooves frustratingly against a door. "Ahem." Apple Bloom stopped and smiled embarrassingly at me. "Need some help?" I called out to her. She sighed and sat down on her haunches as I walked up to her. "I had some trouble with doors the first time I was here too," I explained standing on my hind legs to press the panel next to the door. It slid silently open revealing a simple but elegant bedroom with a princess-sized bed. I quickly deduced it was my parent's room. "Looks comfy, and there's a spectacular view." "Yeah spectacular." Apple Bloom mumbled sounding unsure as she slowly stood up. "Look, Apple Bloom, about what my Mom said, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. There was no way she could've known." She looked down at the carpet, her eyes tracing the lines running through it. "All I'm saying is please don't be mad at them." Apple Bloom raised her neck and looked up at me. "A'h ain't mad at 'em." She said. "You aren't?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No A'h ain't," She answered simply. Not realizing I should probably just let it go, I kept going. "Then why did you walk away from them?" Apple Bloom sighed and climbed up onto the bed. She lay down on her back and looked up at the ceiling. "A'h just didn't want to upset them." "Is this about them letting you call them Mom and Dad?" I asked. To which Apple Bloom replied. "What was A'h supposed to say to them?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, you got a point there," I said as I sat down at the end of the bed. "Still, I gotta hoof it to you, you're taking this a lot better than I thought you would." Apple Bloom sat up and sighed. "Yeah, well A'h guess Ah've just sorta gotten used to weird alien stuff happening." "I don't think I'll ever get used to it," I said with a smirk. Apple Bloom fell back laughing. "Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha huh, Are Y'all serious?" She let out a snort as she rolled onto her side. I couldn't help but chuckle a little myself. What can I say? My sister's laughter is infectious. "Applejack as my witness it's true," I said as I placed my hoof over my heart. This sent Apple Bloom into a fresh peel of hysterics. "Is that what you call seeing your parents for the first time in five of your Equis years?" A familiar disembodied voice said. We both looked up to see the figure of Loran materializing in the doorway. "EYAAAAAAHHH!!!" Apple Bloom sprang up like a startled cat and proceeded to wrap her hooves around my neck like a loa constrictor, sending both of us tumbling off the bed. Flailing desperately I grabbed ahold of the bedspread in a last-ditch effort to pull us back up. That...is not what happened. Instead, we ended up tangled in a rolling heap of legs and tails sprawled across the floor. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Loran apologized as Apple Bloom and I rose to our hooves. "I think it's the suddenly appearing out of nowhere that gets to her," I said rubbing the side of my head reflectively. Neither of us was actually hurt since we weren't in our physical bodies. "A'h wasn't scared of her." Apple Bloom said in her defense. "A-A'h just ain't used to ponies appearing outta thin air like that is all." Loran tried her best to hold back her laughter. "Well, I'll try my best to use the door in the future." She said mirthfully as she turned her attention to me. "Kom-El your father wants to see you downstairs." The way she said that was...weird. Not weird as in how she said it or pronounced it, but weird in how normal it sounded. Almost like she could be just another mare from Ponyville instead of a four-dimensional sentient memory of a mare from another planet. "What for?" I asked. We descended the staircase, only to find the living room empty. "He's not here," I said stating the obvious. "I thought you said he would be downstairs." "You thought correctly." Loran calmly said as she walked over to the large column in the center of the room. "So where is he?" Loran placed her hoof on a panel on the column. Instantly a section of the floor to her left slid back revealing an illuminated spiral staircase leading down. "Downstairs in his basement laboratory of course." She answered. "Well get a move on, let's not keep your father waiting." Apple Bloom took one look at me and said. "Y'all go first." At the bottom of the stairs stood a silver metallic door with a panel next to it. Loran offered to let one of us push it. I decided to let Apple Bloom do the honors. Give her a chance to redeem herself for what happened upstairs. The door slid open with a soft hum revealing a large octagonal room that certainly didn't look like any alchemy lab on Equis. The walls floor and ceiling were covered in a silver metallic sheen. Strange floating screens displaying strange symbols resembling hieroglyphics covered the walls in a display of different colored lights. In the center of the room sat an imposing half-moon-shaped console with a large floating screen showing what looked like a model of an equine brain. Both of us were struck speechless, the technology in this place had to be at the very least, centuries ahead of anything on Equis. "A'h there you are," The voice of Jav-El echoed from the ceiling. The empty chair in front of the console suddenly turned around by itself. The sight shook Apple Bloom out of her silence as she let out an ear-splitting shriek and reached out to grab me as a familiar shimmer of lights signaled the arrival of the Koltonian scientist. "So Kom-El, Apple Bloom, what do you think of my...laboratory?" Apple Bloom clung to my back petrified with fear, her forelegs frozen in a death grip around my neck, and her hind legs wrapped trembling around my barrel. Meanwhile, I was lying splayed out on all fours like somepony who had a wagon full of pianos dropped on him. "It's...incredible, " I groaned. Jav-El just stared at both of us dumbfounded. "I think you came on a little too strongly there Sir." I heard Kerax say. I couldn't see where he was though. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized, Apple Bloom hesitantly released her grip on me as I rose to my hooves. "Ah'm sorry Ah'm so sorry, please please please don't be mad at me." She apologized profusely. "It's fine," I hissed, "just promise me next time you get scared you'll only hold my hoof?" "You got it li'l big brother!" She exclaimed happily shaking my hoof harder than she ever had. "So...Dad," Still felt weird calling him that, "Mom said you wanted to see me?" He looked at Loran and nodded approvingly. "After our little chat in the living room, I decided to take a closer look at a hunch I'd gotten when you arrived. But I couldn't get a complete picture of what it was through melding alone. So I had Kerax take a neural telepathic scan of your brain. "Well, where is he?" "Right in front of you." The robot's voice answered from the holo-screen behind Jav-El." "A'h thought he was a robot?" Apple Bloom said. "When we spoke earlier, you were speaking to one of my robotic shells." He explained. "So you're like a turtle?" "I do not know what this turtle is you speak of young Apple Bloom. Is it what your species refers to artificial intelligence cores as?" "Umm...no." "Why don't we continue this discussion at another time Kerax." Jav-El interrupted. I think right now Kom-El is more interested in the scan results. "Wait," I protested. "When did this happen?" Jav-El reached over and picked up the image of the brain in his hoof and held it out to show us. "When your mind first melded with the crystal, I sensed it was giving off abnormal neural oscillation patterns so I had Kerax take a neural telepathic scan of your brain." He rotated the brain around to show the brainstem, around which pulsated a dark sandlike blob, its essence racing through my synapses like venom turning the image a murky dark blue. "Go ahead, touch it." I hesitantly reached out with one hoof. It felt cold to the touch, I quickly drew my hoof back. "That looks like the sand Nightmare Moon used on me," I said, "only it feels like it's..." "Alive." Kerax finished. "I was gonna say moving, but now that you mention it... wait! How did you even reach that conclusion?" Jav-El calmly flicked his hoof, sending the hologram floating back to the screen like a bird set free before turning his chair back over to the console. "It spoke to me," Kerax said resuming his typing. "It spoke to ya?" Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow as the image of my brain disappeared, replaced by a graph of a wavy blue line covered in a black ghostly aether. "Kerax playback the audio sample," Jav-El commanded. The line suddenly began moving erratically. "Apple BLOOM!...WHAt IS GoING On heRE?" The voice was deeply distorted, with seemingly no control over its speed and pitch. It was almost like somepony was trying to control what I was saying. "Where are you?... HoW DiD YOu maNAGE to PENetRate My...That's it!" The static grew steadily louder, sending the waveform into a frenzy of spikes. "...WhaT EVer IT iS Your dOing... Apple BLOOm lisTEN to ME, I Need you...CanNOT EsCape Me...Can you do that? Good, now I want you to...SuRRenDER tO the NIGHT...Just close your eyes and...WHat Is tHis..." The computer sent out a high-pitched crackling before it finally faded to silence. "O-Okay...A-A'h believe ya." Apple Bloom stammered, her legs shaking like a foal trying to walk for the first time. "Whatever this thing is, its consciousness has somehow become neurally entangled with yours," Kerax said as Jav-El tapped the line on the screen with his hoof. The line disintegrated at his touch into hundreds of tiny dots. Some were light blue, some pitch black, it wasn't hard to figure out which were mine. "Now watch what happens, when I separate the two brainwaves into individual neurons and reform them inside separate fields." The dots scattered in opposite directions, following the motions of Jav-El's hooves. It quickly became clear what he was doing. "It's like some kind of puzzle." Apple Bloom said as she watched him tap the two separated groups. Like metal particles to a magnet, the dots were drawn to each other merging into two separate lines. With one final tap, the dark line spoke again. "WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHO IS WITH YOU? HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO PENETRATE MY SPELL? WHATEVER IT IS YOU'RE DOING WON'T WORK! GIVE UP AND SURRENDER TO THE NIGHT. WAIT WHAT IS THIS STRANGE MAGIC I'M SENSING? DO NOT THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME, LITTLE PRINCE! WHEREVER YOU GO I WILL FOLLOW!" The voice faded back into static before Jav-El switched it off. "I'm sorry Kom-El," He said regrettably as he knelt his head. "I tried to stop her, tried to fight back." He stood up from his chair and looked at us. His eyes were no longer the familiar blue I shared but instead glowed with a bright cyan aura. "But she was just too strong." I was so startled I stumbled backward, almost tripping over my hind legs. This couldn't be happening, I-I had to get Apple Bloom and Loran out of here. I grabbed Apple Bloom's hoof and made for the entrance, only to run smack into my Mother. To my horror, her eyes were the same as Jav-El's "Forgive me my precious shooting star!" She sobbed, tears running down her cheeks as she wrapped her forelegs around my body. "It will all be over soon." I wriggled and thrashed and thrashed about. But Loran's grip was like a vise. My 'body' in this place was only a construct of my subconscious, deprived of its usual superequine strength. "MOM LET GO OF ME!" I shouted. Loran howled with laughter, A very familiar laughter. "Mommy's not here anymore little prince," She said mockingly in Nightmare Moon's voice. "It's just you, your sister, and me now. But do not despair both of you will be seeing them again very soon. In fact, you'll be so happy you'll never want to leave again." A dark portal appeared below us and a pair of dark tendrils emerged from it. "APPLE BLOOM RUN GET OUT OF HERE!" I shouted. But Apple Bloom remained still, her legs frozen in fear as one of the tendrils wrapped around her barrel like the body of a hungry snake. The sensation shook her out of her shock, She let out an ear-splitting scream as the tendril dragged her toward the portal. "HEEELLLLLLLLP MEEEEEEEE!" "NO APPLE BLOOM!" I struggled with all of my strength but to no avail. I was only as strong as I would've been on Kolton. I could watch as Apple Bloom disappeared into the dark swirling abyss. And suddenly I felt Loran's grip release me. I fell to the cold sterile floor like a sack of potatoes. "Let this be a lesson to you Little Prince," Nightmare crowed. "You can try to run, You can try to hide, But you never escape me. For I am Terror, I am Fright, I am Nightmare Moon!" Jav-El silently walked up next to her, His eyes gazing at me with the same hunger as Loran's. "Still, I feel as though I should thank you for showing me the secrets inside this crystal, Never in all my years could I have imagined the wonders I have seen. When Equestria is mine, I'll be sure to put it to good use." Nightmare Moon's sickening laughter filled my ears as I rose to my hooves. I had no idea how I was going to fight her, or what good it would do. Luna was gone, Apple Bloom was gone, and my parents were gone. All because I couldn't save them, It felt like Pa all over again. I felt a sudden rage erupt deep inside me. Without thinking I charged at the laughing form of Loran and jumped into the air. My hoof struck her muzzle with a satisfying smack, sending her crashing to the floor with a shriek. "I-It's okay my little shooting star." She cried her voice no longer that of the evil sorceress who controlled her. "I do not blame you." My anger and better judgment melted away as I rushed to comfort her. "THWACK!" I got backhoofed across the muzzle for it. "Is that any way to treat your mother Little Prince?" Nightmare scolded condescendingly as she rose to her hooves. "I think you need a time-out." Before I could react she pivoted on her front hooves and bucked me in the face. I felt no pain as I tumbled and rolled across the floor over the portal's edge. Only the tearing of my heartstrings as I pulled myself up to see my parents walking silently towards me. "Goodnight Little Prince." Jav-El hissed as he kicked my left hoof off. "Sleep tight remember you've got school tomorrow," Loran added as she did the same to my right. The last thing I heard before the darkness consumed me was the sound of Nightmare Moon's laughter doubled by the two of them. > For the Colt and Filly... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Apple Comet, it's time to wake up." A'h groaned pulling the blanket over my head, ignoring the sounds of hoofsteps against the hardwood floor. "Ugh, five more minutes," "A'h see you're going to be difficult this morning." Before A'h could protest the covers were pulled away and my pillow yanked out from under me Seeing this was a battle A'h wasn't going to win, A'h tepidly opened my eyes. "Who turned on the sun?" A'h muttered as A'h rubbed my eyes. "Good morning to you too." My Ma Pearan said standing next to my bed with a smug grin on her face. "It's past time for you to get up. Hurry up your breakfast is already on the table." She turned and walked out the door. Well, too late to go back to sleep now. A'h thought as A'h sat up and stretched. Why does school have to start so early anyway? On top of that, A'h hadn't gotten much sleep last night on the count of this crazy dream Ah'd had. Something to do with Timberwolves and sand and brains and my twin sister. Maybe that second piece of apple pie A'h ate yesterday wasn't such a good idea. The sun was shining brightly over the town of Ponyville this morning. Early to bed, early to rise, that was the farmer's way of life. 'What A'h wouldn't give to buck the pony that coined that term.' A'h thought as A'h trudged over to my wardrobe. A'h never really wore clothes much, except for during winter or on special occasions like family get-togethers. A'h opened the middle drawer inside of my wardrobe like A'h did every morning and pulled out my lucky red bandana. It wasn't anything fancy, just a red bandana with a shooting star pattern no different from any other bandana, but A'h never went anywhere without it tied around my neck. There that almost looked acceptable, now just needed to do something about my bedhead and my full bladder. 'A'h much better,' A'h thought as A'h stepped out of the bathroom. Mane combed, hooves washed, bodily needs addressed, what was A'h forgetting?" Oh right, A'h forgot to introduce myself. My name is Apple Comet, Ah'm ten years old and A'h live with my Ma Pearan, my Pa Jav Mac, my big siblings Big Mcintosh and Applejack, my twin sister Apple Bloom, and my Granny Smith. We own Sweet Apple Acres, the largest orchard in Ponyville. Actually, it's the only orchard in Ponyville. Pa says it's been in the family since my great-grandparents first settled here over a hundred years ago. Well, that's enough introductions, it was time for breakfast. The smell of eggs, hay, and toast wafted through my nostrils as A'h trotted into the dining room. Pa sat at the end of the table sipping his morning cup of coffee. Ma and Granny Smith sat on opposite sides of him. Big Mac and Applejack sat to the left of Ma leaving Apple Bloom sitting at the end of the table next to the only empty seat left. "Well look who's finally up," Pa said acknowledging my presence as A'h walked in. "Morning everyone," A'h said. "Looks like your last to the breakfast table this morning." Apple Bloom said teasingly as A'h trotted over to my chair." A'h paid her no mind choosing instead to turn my attention to the plate of scrambled eggs, hay, and toast set in front of me. "So what's on the agenda for today Pa?" Applejack asked before taking a bite of toast. "Well as soon as you girls are done cleaning up the kitchen, You and your Ma can start with the trees on the southeast hill. They looked about ready for harvest when I checked them this morning. While you're doing that your brother and A'h are gonna head into town to pick up some nails and shingles from Hay's hardware to finish fixing up the barn roof, which we should be able to finish by this afternoon. And as for you two?" He said turning his attention to us. "As soon as you get home from school A'h needs one of you to feed the pigs and the other the chickens and when you're done with that you can help your Granny pull carrots in the vegetable garden." "Y'all can count on us Pa. We'll have those chores done faster than Applejack's breakfast," A'h said pointing over to my big sister who was tearing through her eggs and haycon like a twister through a cornfield. She stopped when she realized everyone at the table was looking at her. "Uhh...Ah'm done now," She said blushing awkwardly as she stood up. "Ah'm, just gonna wash my plate before heading outside." An uneasy smile stretched across her face as she picked up her now empty plate and walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, what he said." Apple Bloom added. Bloom-El's POV. "Bloom-El it's time to get up. The current time is 7:05 am and you have a full day of school ahead of you." "Ugh, five more minutes," I grumbled folding my pillow around my head. "Opening Bloom-El bedroom window." The mechanical voice said as the automatic shutters slid up bathing my room in sunlight. Instantly A'h felt the rays of Celestia's sun flowing into my body. "Alright, you got me. I'm up now." I said admitting defeat as I threw off my covers. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night on account of a crazy dream I had about memory crystals, brains, and my twin brother. Maybe eating that second slice of rainbow cake topped with a dessert of a hundred flavors wasn't such a good idea. I stretched my forelegs and let out a long yawn. Looking down at my nightstand I saw the clothes my Mom had set out the night before. A bio-fiber matrix generator. A complete outfit storage small enough to fit in the sole of my hoof. It even had our family's crest on it. I placed it against my chest and clicked it. Instantly a bright blue bodysuit expanded out of it, covering my body like a living cloth. A red cape billowed out from behind my neck followed by a matching red skirt with a golden belt and matching cuffs for the sleeves on my forelegs. A pair of red boots for my hind legs provided the finishing touch. I walked over to my wall mirror and gave myself a once-over. "Huh, not bad," I said admiring myself. The generator had fused itself into the fibers of the suit becoming the emblem now emblazoned upon my chest. Now I just needed to do something about my mane before heading downstairs. This looked like a job for...my vanity. Fortunately, my mane wasn't the curly kind like my brother's was. He's always got this one kiss curl in the front that he can't seem to comb away no matter how much he tries. Heh heh. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Bloom-El. I live here in Ponyville with my Mom Pear-El, my Dad, Bright-El, my big brother Mac-El, my big sister Jack-El, my twin brother Kom-El, my grandmother Gran-El, and our service AI Kerax. We came to Equis a long time ago after our home planet Kolton exploded, of course, that all happened before I was born. There, much better. Now that I looked presentable, it was time to see what Kerax was cooking for breakfast. "Good Morning Everypony." The kitchen was abuzz with the usual symphony of whistling, ticking, and whirring of its many appliances working in synchronicity. "Well look who finally decided to get up." My Mom said. "How long did it take Kerax to wake you this morning?" "Approximately 25.18 seconds Mistress." One of Kerax's shells answered looking up from the stove. "She's been making a rather impressive improvement these last two weeks." "Sounds like that new alarm Dad set up is working wonders," Jack-El said with a snort. "Uh-hmm," Mac-El added. "What's for breakfast?" I asked Kerax. "Oh, I think you're going to be very excited with what I have for you today. ." The robot answered reaching for something behind the counter. "Tah Da! Apple Cinnamon pancakes topped with powdered sugar, maple syrup, and freshly sliced cinnamon apples. "Well, what do you say to Kerax?" Dad asked. "Wow, thanks Kerax!" I exclaimed happily grinning from ear to ear. "You're most certainly welcome young Bloom-El," He nodded as he floated over to the breakfast table. "Bon appetite" I wasted no time digging in. The first bite of warm pancake moistened with sweet maple syrup and cooked cinnamon apple melted inside my mouth. My hindlegs legs felt weak as the mush slid down my throat. "Mmmmm." I moaned softly in bliss. "Uh, Sis you're doing that moaning thing again?" Kom-El said looking up from his plate. I said nothing to him, I simply cut off the next piece and took another bite. The shivers ran down my spine as the maple syrup hit my tongue once again. That moaning thing? He could never understand how I felt about pancakes. After staring at me for a few more seconds he shrugged and went back to his breakfast. Apple Comet's POV. After breakfast, Apple Bloom and A'h finished our morning routine by washing our hooves, brushing our teeth, and combing our manes and tails. The school cart arrived at its usual time and we took our usual seats on it. All in all, it seemed like it was going to be a perfect day in Ponyville. Princess Celestia's sun was shining, the birds were singing and the mood on board was one of horseplay and mischief. "What do you think we're gonna learn about in school today?" A'h asked Apple Bloom. "Whatever Ms. Cheerilee decides A'h guess." She answered as A'h let out another yawn. "Y'all seem mighty tired this morning?" "A'h didn't get much sleep last night." "How come?" "A'h had this crazy dream in the middle of the night." "What was it about." "A'h can't remember the whole thing. Just bits and pieces, but A'h think it was about ...Urgh." My head suddenly felt like its inside was on fire. "Apple Comet? Apple Comet are you okay?" A'h heard Apple Bloom cry out in concern as I reached instinctively for my forehead. Then as it came the pain was gone. And suddenly Ah'd forgotten what A'h was just thinking about. "Yeah, i-it's gone now," A'h said looking at her. "What were we talking about again?" "A'h think you ought to see the nurse when we get to school?" "Yeah maybe." "LOOK UP IN THE SKY!" Somepony hollered out. Everypony stopped what they were doing and moved over to the other side of the cart. "What is it?" "Is it a bird?" "Is it a balloon?" "What's going on?" Apple Bloom asked. "Only one way to find out," A'h said getting up from my seat. The crowd of foals was thick, with colts and fillies pushing and shoving to get a glimpse of what was in the sky. Apple Bloom and I carefully peered through the rows of heads. What we saw left me awestruck. A'h couldn't believe what A'h was seeing. Ponies, earth ponies flying through the air without wings. A'h had to pinch my neck to make sure A'h wasn't dreaming or seeing things. As quickly as they appeared the moment passed as they disappeared over the rows of rooftops. My mind was swarming with questions. Who were they? Where did they come from, how did they do that? And what did they want? "Argh!" Without warning the flashing pain returned rushing thru my temples like a fire through a hayloft. My hind legs gave out sending me tumbling back toward the floor. "Apple Comet!" I heard Apple Bloom cry out as the pain slowly faded away giving way to unconsciousness. Bloom-El's POV. I love many things about living on Equis. The green grass, the blue skies, the pancakes. But none of that compares to the feeling when I first step outside and feel the rays of Princess Celestia's sun supercharge my body. On Kolton, I would've been just an ordinary filly with an ordinary family. But on Equus, the light of the royal sun grants us powers and abilities, unlike anypony else. Invulnerability, super strength, super speed, flight, okay Kom-El, and I haven't quite got the hang of that one just yet. But in the meantime, we can still jump really high. We can also see through walls, hear far away, shoot sunlight from our eyes, and even breathe ice. It's not all fun and games though. We have to be careful around other ponies so that we don't accidentally hurt them. Doing even the simplest things like opening doors or picking things up takes lots of practice and concentration. Fortunately, Dad arranged with Princess Celestia to let us use the Everfree Forest as a practice area since nopony ever goes in there. In exchange, we have to promise to use our powers to help other ponies in need. So if there's anypony out there with a stuck pickle jar I'm your Superfilly. From up here, Ponyville looked like a bunch of dollhouses put together to make a little toy town. Yet thanks to my telescopic vision and super hearing I could see the looks of astonishment on the ponies' faces as they looked up at us, and heard what they were saying. "Holy Celestia it's them! The Koltonians!" " Wow look at them go!" "How do they fly without wings?" "It's incredible!" "Looks like we've got an audience!" Kom-El laughed as we soared over the town hall. Everypony in town had stopped what they had been doing to look up at us. Some smiled, some waved, and a few even cheered at us. "They really seem to love us," I said. "Well of course," Kom-El replied waving to the crowd below. "We only save Ponyville from danger like three to four times a week. It sure feels good to be loved, doesn't it?" I looked down and saw a group of young fillies that couldn't have been more than seven years old, dressed in red capes like my own. "You're our hero Bloom-El." One of them shouted up at me. I smiled and waved down at them. "Yeah, it does." My eyes drifted for just a second toward a school cart stopped in the middle of Saddle Street. Like everypony else, it seemed to have stopped in hopes of catching a glimpse of us. But what I saw next made me double-take. My X-ray vision showed me the foals had crowded together on one side of the bus to see us. And among them, tucked away in the back of the throng was us. Or at least some ponies who looked almost exactly like us. The resemblance was uncanny. They had the same coat, the same mane, and the same eye color as Kom-El and I. Their mane styles were a bit different. The other me wearing a bow in her mane, while the other Kom-El wore a red bandana around his neck. "Get ready we're starting to come down." I heard Kom-El say. "Oh right." Suddenly the other Kom-El collapsed clutching his head in pain. "That colt's in trouble." I gasped. "We have to...AIIIIIIEEEE!" I screamed out in pain as I felt what seemed like thousands of knives stabbing into my frontal lobe. "Bloom-El!" I heard Kom-El cry out as I felt my body suddenly go limp. The stabbing pain faded away replaced by the feeling of my body hurtling toward the ground. > ...Who have Everything? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Comet's POV. "Apple Comet, wake up, we're here!" Apple Bloom's hoof shook me by the shoulder. Ugh, My head felt like that one time we rode the Tilt-a-Whirl at the fair. My hoof instinctively reached for my forehead as A'h squinted my eyes open. This wasn't the first time A'h dozed off on the school hack. But from the way my head felt, it must've been going downhill at breakneck speed. "Come on we're gonna be late." Well whatever happened, Apple Bloom seemed no worse for wear. "Ugh...hold yer horses, Ah'm coming." A'h groaned rubbing the sleep from my eyes as A'h stood up and stretched my legs. A'h wasn't fully awake yet, but close enough. My head still felt like a tree trunk at the end of Applebuck season, but somehow A'h was able to get to class without stumbling all over myself. "Good Morning Class." Ms. Cheerilee greeted us in her usual cheery way. "Good Morning Ms. Cheerilee!" The class chorused in their usual response. Without missing a beat Ms. Cheerilee picked up her chalk and began writing the day's lesson on the board. "Now I'd like everyone to take out last night's homework and leave it on their desk. I'll be around to collect it in just a minute. While I'm busy with that I want you all to put on your learning faces and your thinking caps because we're gonna start today off with an assignment." Everypony in the class did exactly as instructed Apple Bloom and myself included. All in all, it looked like It was gonna just another normal school day. But even as my headache started to go away, something in the back of my head kept bugging me. While A'h was asleep on the cart, Ah'd had a strange daydream. Apple Bloom and A'h had been sitting on the hack when somepony hollered out and pointed up at the sky. When A'h looked up to see what it was, A'h saw me and Apple Bloom flying through the air like Pegasi. Only we didn't have any wings. But we were both dressed in these strange red and blue costumes with red capes. And A'h remembered both of us had a diamond on our chests with a letter inside. But then Apple Bloom woke me up before A'h could see what letter it was. "Buck up Apple Comet, it was just a dream," A'h told myself. "Y'all should've listened to Ma bout eating pie before bed." But a part of me just wasn't buying it. A'h wasn't into comic books or superhero movies like some of the other Colts in my class. So why in the middle of the cart ride had A'h dreamed about my sister and A'h as superheroes? "Apple Comet?" A'h looked up to see Ms. Cheerilee standing next to my desk. "May I please see your homework?" "Huh? Oh sure of course." I said handing it over to her. She looked at me for a second before saying "Thank you" before moving on to the next desk. Bloom-El's POV. "Bloom-El? Wake up! Wake up Bloom-El!" I opened my eyes to the feeling of fresh grass in my mane and the sight of Kom-El standing over me. My head pounded as I tried to get to my hooves. What just happened? The last thing I remembered was leaping to school beside Kom-El, Then nothing. "Come on this is no time to be sleeping." Kom-El chided as I began to stand on shaking legs. " Ugh... what-what just happened?" I hissed. Kom-El simply shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know, we landed here and then you just fell asleep. Are you feeling okay?" "I-I did?" My head felt like I'd just dropped out of the sky like a rock. But that couldn't be right. Kom-El and I had been leaping to school for years and neither one of us ever had any problems. The closest was that one time Kom-El misjudged his jump and got his cape tangled up in the weathervane. Looking up I could see we'd landed on the front lawn just outside the school. Ms. Cheerilee was already outside greeting our classmates as they filed through the front door. She looked up at us and smiled. "A'h Good morning, Kom-El, good morning, Bloom-El," She greeted us in her usual warm friendly tone. "right on time as usual I see. Are you ready for another full day of learning?" Kom-El nodded and smiled her way. "I sure am Ms. Cheerilee." He said confidently strolling up to her. My brother was such a teacher's pet. I don't mean he's a suck-up or a tattletale or anything like that. I mean that he was always courteous and did whatever task Ms. Cheerilee asked of him without question. "That's good to hear." She grinned. "And what about you Bloom-El?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah I guess." The lightheadedness was starting to fade away. Probably just stress from rushing to get ready this morning. A little time in the sunshine and I'd be back to my usual super self by recess. "That's the spirit, get in there and seize the day!" Ms. Cheerilee exclaimed excitedly heading inside, humming a delighted tune to herself as she went with Kom-El right behind her. 'Just another school day' I thought to myself. But in the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that something just seemed off about it. 'Come on get a grip,' I told myself. 'You do not have off days, it's all in your head. A little schoolwork and you'll forget all about it.' The only problem with that logic was that Koltonians never forget. "Bloom-El!" I looked up to see my best friends waving over to me. I smiled back as I walked over to my desk between them. We'd been the best of friends for as long as I could remember. "Hey Diamond Tiara, hey Silver Spoon." "Are we still on for swimming together after school?" Diamond asked me. "Sure," I said eagerly hoping to get my mind on anything else before class started. "Will your brother be coming along?" Silver Spoon asked. "That depends on whether any old mares need help crossing the street." I joked eliciting giggles from both of them. "Alright, class settle down," Everypony stopped what they were doing and sat up straight. "Take out your homework from last night and place it on your desk. I'll be coming around to collect it momentarily." I sighed and did as instructed reaching into my saddlebag. That was the one thing I didn't get about going to school Everything was so easy for us. Of course when you have a super genius IQ and can memorize the contents of entire books in seconds. What could really challenge you? I got my answer when I opened my book. eAMe tOhZ7etS QjV696 j3z 9f23 slK "Wha...What is this? I gasped loudly in shock. The pages were covered with jumbled distorted letters and numbers Some big some small, some upside down, some even spilling over to the other page. I quickly turned the page only to find more of the same. XpOtS GR1mE4 ZoTz I tried again but page after page was just garbled letters and numbers in no sensical order covering the page like one of them fancy hidden pictures you're supposed to stare at. Wait? Why was A'h thinking like that? It ain't like me. "Bloom-El what's wrong?" I heard Silver Spoon ask worriedly as I reached down for my math book. fAN3e M8tH+m@tZ Throwing it open I flipped through the pages at lightning speed. !+1=Moo $x%-7t&_2# What's going on here? None of it makes any sense. "Bloom-El are you okay?" I looked around to see everypony in class was looking at me. I looked at the blackboard to see, T0Daz aZz1gm&nt Yhy Gen3 zUcKeD "This Ain't right, None of this ain't right? Aaaeeeeegh!" I screamed as I felt the familiar feeling of shooting pain come rushing into my skull. my eyes went white with pain as I felt my legs give out from under me. "Bloom-El! Bloom-El!" Apple Comet's POV. "Ugh, what just happened?" A'h remembered sitting in class getting ready to write down today's assignment, And then nothing. "Apple Comet? Apple Comet?" A'h felt a familiar nudge on my shoulder. A'h looked up to see a blurry two-headed yellow pony in front of me. A'h let out a scream and fell backward off my seat onto the grass. A'h could hear the echo of laughter around me as the two-headed eight-legged eight-eyed monster stood over me. "What are y'all doing sleeping during lunch?" Its heads spoke to me in unison with my sister's voice. "Are Y'all really that tired?" "What what are you?" A'h asked it. "What are ya talking about? It's me, Apple Bloom." The creature said holding a pair of black U-shaped thing-a-jigs in both its left front hooves. "Now quit fooling around and put your glasses back on. You're as blind as a bat pony without them." "M-My glasses?" Hesitantly A'h reached out with my two right front hooves at the same time. Realizing that was one more than A'h was supposed to have. I let out another scream. The two-headed Spider-Bloom rolled her eight eyes and lowered the glasses onto my face. "Here allow me." Instantly everything became clearer. A'h was lying down on the playground grass. Apple Bloom, no longer sporting no more extra body parts standing over me. "There, better?" She asked offering her hoof up. "Y-Yeah A'h guess," A'h said sheepishly accepting it. Now that A'h knew where A'h was, the only questions A'h had were where did these come from and why were they the goofy-looking horn-rimmed kind? "How long have A'h had these?" Apple Bloom looked at me like Ah was a few apples short of a bushel. "What're you talking about? Y'all have had them since 1st grade." "1st Grade? No that can't be right, A'h didn't need them this morning!" A'h took them to prove her wrong but to my surprise, the blurred vision instantly returned. "Are you feeling alright? You're talking kind of funny." "A'h ain't talking funny, A'h swear something is seriously wrong. A'h keep getting these headaches that make me pass out. And when A'h wakes up things are different than they were before." "Different how?" "Like these glasses, A'h didn't have them when A'h woke up this morning, They just appeared out of nowhere!" "A'h think Y'all need to see the school counselor, this ain't funny talk anymore, it's crazy talk." "Are you saying I'm crazy?" A'h lashed back angrily pounding the lunch table with my hoof. Apple Bloom flinched back nervously covering her face with her forelegs like A'h was gonna hit her. My hooves trembled uncontrollably as A'h looked down to see a dent in the wood. Ah, 'd hit the table so hard it had left a mark. This wasn't like me at all. What if...maybe Apple Bloom was right, maybe A'h did need to talk to somepony. "Apple Bloom, Ah',m sorry, Ah'm so so sorry." A'h scooted out of my seat and made my way over to her. "Your right, A-A'h n-need help. Ah, 'll..." Before A'h could finish, a roar louder than any Ah'd ever heard before echoed through the air. Even with my hooves held over my ears, A'h could still hear it. Then as quickly as it came it was gone, replaced by the wailing of a distant siren. The playground had fallen silent, everypony sitting frozen in shock. Students that had dove under the lunch tables were trembling like flies trapped in a spider's web. Some were crying while others huddled close together in fear. "W-Wha-What w-wa-was th-th-that?" Apple Bloom stammered slowly rising out from under the table. As the shock slowly began to fade Ms. Cheerilee, quickly took charge. "Everypony stay calm! everything's going to be fine" Even raised her voice was calm and controlled as she gathered us up. "We're gonna play the follow the teacher as we rehearsed. Everypony line up single file and head for the basement. Stay close together, we don't want to lose anyone." Another roar, loud enough to rattle the schoolhouse's windows cut her off. But Ms. Cheerilee kept her calm. "It's gonna be okay, we'll get through this as long as we stay calm and together." Slowly our classmates emerged from under the tables lining up as instructed. A few were hesitant at first until somepony shouted that Snips had peed himself. That flushed them out pretty fast. Once everypony was lined up Ms. Cheerilee made a quick headcount before herding us back inside. As we filed through the storm doors, A'h caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. Two figures flying through the air. At first, A'h thought they were just pegasi until A'h noticed they didn't have any wings. They were clad in blue bodysuits with red capes streaming behind them. Before A'h could get a closer look, another roar rattled the schoolhouse. This time it was so loud it cracked my glasses. Before A'h could even get a word out, Apple Bloom grabbed me by the hoof. "C'mon let's go!" She cried out pulling me inside. Bloom-El's POV. "Wake up Bloom-El wake up!" I opened my eyes to the sight of my brother and Mr. Rich standing over me. The fading pain in my head told me I'd fallen unconscious again. That made what three times today? But that didn't explain why Mr. Rich was here. "What are doing at our school, Mr. Rich?" I moaned rubbing my head. He raised an eyebrow and said. "Um...You two are in my store, You crashed through the window and knocked over several shelves of merchandise." I turned around to see I'd been lying down on top of a row of shelves. Several rows behind me had toppled over like dominos spilling various knick-knacks everywhere. "Oops, sorry about that." Mr. Rich turned his neck and huffed. "Well, I'm still gonna have a word with your parents about some form of compensation." A piercing roar filled the air causing Mr. Rich to let out a shriek that I'd never heard from a stallion before. But of course, that can wait till later. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between the front of the store to the storeroom door. Quickly withdrawing his keys he flung open the door and dashed inside slamming it behind him. "What in tarnation is going on here?" "Why are you talking like that?" Kom-El asked. "Consarnit A'h don't know! Weird things just keep happening today." "CARRIAGE!" An earth pony mare cried out in terror We looked up to see an airborne carriage heading right here with two ponies trapped inside. "I got it!" Kom-El took off like a flash catching the wagon by the undercarriage before it hit the ground and gently set it down. "Are you alright?" He asked tearing the door off the carriage. The couple inside the carriage looked pretty shaken but otherwise fine. "I-I think so," The mare in the carriage sighed with relief. "Thank you so much." "PIE WAGON!" The other mare suddenly screamed pointing her hoof up at a pie wagon headed right for her. "I got it!" Quick as a flash, I was off, my mind already calculating where it was going to land. A quick glance of my X-ray vision showed that nopony was inside, only freshly baked pies. I caught it by the back end sending an avalanche of pies sliding toward me. "Uh oh." Pie after pie piled on top of me, coating my fur in every flavor imaginable. Apple, blueberry, cherry, strawberry, blackberry, boysenberry, and course banana cream. When it was over I was covered from head to toe. "Pfffft looks like dessert is on you tonight Sis," Kom-El said trying desperately not to laugh. The ponies we had saved were also trying to stifle their laughter as they trotted away. That's it I was done playing games, whatever this varmint was, it was gonna pay. Using my super speed, I shook the pie off of me. The fruit filling flew off in every direction. "Hey watch it!" Kom-El protested covering his face with one leg. I ignored him. "C'mon let's go already." I cried taking down the street. I'd already figured out where the cart had been thrown from. Now all I had to do was confront this pie wagon thrower and bring him to...justice? Standing in front of me towering over the rooftops and market stands was an enormous starry blue lion, at least fifty hooves long and thirty hooves tall. Its mane shimmered like waves on a sea of stars and its coat was as dark as a starry night. Its teeth were as long as a pony's leg and its eyes glowed like two bright stars. For the moment the beast was distracted by a pair of red and blue blurs zipping around its head. A closer inspection with my telescopic vision revealed them to be Mom and Dad keeping him busy while Mac and Jack-El raced up and down the various streets leading ponies away from the scene to safety. "What is that thing?" "Now I know it didn't hit you that hard," Kom-El said coming up beside me. "It's a Nemean Lion now come on Mom and Dad need our help." "What do we do?" Kom-El winked at me and smiled "We do what we always do, save the day." He said with a smirk before leaping headlong into the fray. "Oh right, heh heh of course." A feeling of hesitation gripped my stomach. What was I so scared of? This wasn't anything new to me. "Come on Bloom-El, You've done this before. Just go out there, be a hero, save Ponyville, and everyone in will love you for it." My pep talk did little to encourage confidence. It made me feel even more doubtful. Was my life really always this perfect? Did I deserve to have it? Did Ponyville really love us as much as they said? Or did they only love us when we saved them from danger? A crash of thunder brought my attention to the sky above. A sky that I swore was clear just a moment ago. Apple Comet's POV. "Okay that's everypony," Ms. Cheerilee sighed with relief as she closed the door behind her. Our class had taken shelter in the school basement. It was mostly used as an office by the school paper, But it also doubled as a shelter in case of an emergency. "Now I know some of you might be a little nervous or afraid. I just want you to know that we're all gonna be perfectly safe down here. There's nothing to be afraid of." "Ms. Cheerilee?" a hoof shot up from the class. "Yes, Twist?" "How long do we have to stay down here?" The frizzy maned filly asked. "Until we hear we hear the all-clear siren." Another hoof went up. "Yes, Featherweight?" "What are we supposed to do until then?" He asked. "Well, why don't we have some quiet reading time?" She gestured over to the trolley of books in the corner. The class groaned unenthusiastically. "Aw, but that's so boring." Snips complained. "Now now children," Cheerilee assured. "We've got lots of books, I'm sure there's something everyone can enjoy." She brought the trolley over and one by everypony grabbed a book. Finally, it was my turn, A'h knew which one wanted right away. I reached over to pull out the Astronomical Astronomers Almanac to All Things Astronomy when A'h suddenly stopped. Something was off about the lettering on the book's spine. AOrg tEPaR0gOr "What the?" "The Astronomical Astronomers Almanac to All Things Astronomy. That seems right up your alley." Ms. Cheerilee smiled as A'h opened the book to the first page. TOmec R eTom & RoidasT My face turned white as A'h looked at it. The pictures were as A'h remembered but the words were nothing but a jumbled mess. Checking to make sure my glasses were on straight, A'h turned to the next page. hEt nus HET ONOM & hEt TARs "T-This is all wrong, it doesn't make any sense!" "Is something wrong?" Ms. Cheerilee asked me. "T-The w-words," I stammered. "They don't make any sense." "Oh, Apple Comet, it's okay if you don't understand what some words mean. Why don't I help you?" "But I've read this book before, I know every sentence on every page. It doesn't make any sense." A series of shocked gasps suddenly erupted from behind me. "Y-Your voice...it ch-changed." Apple Bloom stammered nervously. "What are you talking..." Celestia, she was right! My Apple family accent was gone. My eyes darted around the room frantically looking for some answer to what was happening. "Alright class it's obvious we're all a little overexcited," Ms. Cheerilee said trying to reassert control of the situation. "Why don't we all sit down with our books and relax." My eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the front page of the school paper. WAKE UP! It said in bold letters. That didn't make any sense, I was already awake. Or was I? "Arrgh!" I felt the sudden familiar pain of lightning striking my brain. "Apple Comet!" Cheerilee gasped as I went down on my hind knees. The view through my glasses became blurred and distorted as I fought to remain conscious. "Don't give in," I heard a faint distant voice say. "You're so close to the truth now, fight it, fight her!" "Who's there?" I asked. "Listen to me, none of this is real, You're trapped in a dream! "What are you talking about? Who are you?" "Umm, who are you talking to Apple Comet?" I heard Snips ask. "It's all a lie!" The voice continued. "You're not a simple farm colt! Neither your birth nor adoptive parents are still alive, Your life is not this perfect!" "No that's not true! That's impossible!" "Search your feelings, you know it to be true." "Noooooo! No!" I cried out in denial. "Think about it, the constant blackouts? The gaps in your memory? Your inability to read? Your accent? Not to mention those glasses you've suddenly always worn." Suddenly it was as if all the missing pieces fell into my lap. As much as I didn't want to believe it, the voice in my head seemed to have all the answers. "Listen to me, you're running out of time. You need to find the filly in the red cape and leave this place together." "Filly in a red cape? What in Equestria are you talking about?" "There's no time to explain she's at the other schoolhouse on the other side of town. You need to go there now!" The voice faded away. "Apple Comet, can you hear me? Speak to me." I opened my eyes to find I was still standing. Had I passed out again? Everything was blurry. I felt around for my glasses thinking I might've dropped them until I realized they were on my face. Slowly I took them off to find my vision was normal again. "Are you alright?" Ms.Cheerilee stood by my side a look of great worry on her face. Apple Bloom stood next to her a first aid kit in her mouth. "I'm fine now," I said folding up my glasses. "Are you sure?" Apple Bloom asked. "Your voice is still different." A reassuring smile stretched across my face. "Don't worry sis, A'h feels right as rain now," I said. Apple Bloom's face relaxed "You gave us all quite a scare," Ms. Cheerilee sighed with relief. "What happened?" "Ms. Cheerilee, can A'h ask you a question?" She looked at me puzzled but said, "Sure." "What do Y'all know about dreams?" "That's a strange question, why do you ask?" Something about her tone seemed uneased. "A'h had a really strange dream last night and A'h can't stop thinking about it." Her answer was not what I was expecting. "Oh, well, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. After all, it was only a dream right?" It wasn't like Ms. Cheerilee to be evasive when answering a student's question. She seemed nervous trying to answer as fast as she could. "But Granny Smith says that talking about your dreams can help you understand them?" "That's funny, Granny Smith never said that to me?" It was now Apple Bloom's turn to seem suspicious. "Really? A'h thought she did after that nightmare you had last week." I slinked over to her. "You know the one Y'all had about the giant pony-eating apples?" Apple Bloom instantly seemed to recall the event. "Oh, that dream, A'h guess A'h forgot all about it." The trap was sprung. "You didn't forget, you never had it." I bore my teeth like the lion of a chimera. "And if you did you wouldn't admit it out in the open for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to hear because you know they'd bully you." "What are you talking about?" The Pink posh filly in question asked in shock. "Yeah we're friends aren't we?" Silver Spoon added. "We'd never do anything mean like that." "Alright, that's enough Apple Comet," Ms. Cheerilee interrupted with a stern expression on her face. It's obvious you've been under a lot of stress today for whatever reason." Why don't you lie down on the couch for a little bit? It'll help you take your mind off things." "Couch what couch?" What was she talking about? There wasn't a couch in the school...basement? My eyes laid upon the sight of a dark blue almost black couch sitting where the editor's desk had been. I knew it hadn't been there a second ago. A feeling of unease filled my stomach as I remembered who it reminded me of. Something told me if I did as my teacher asked, I'd never wake up. "No thanks, Ah'm feeling better now," I answered. "Are you sure?" Ms. Cheerilee asked sounding a little disappointed. "It's really comfy." "Yeah Ah'm sure." Something told me I was gonna have to run soon. "Well then you leave me no choice," She said icily as her expression changed to irate. "Class seize him!" Like a switch had been flipped the other foals surrounded me like a pack of Timberwolves. "Should've done what the teacher said Apple Vomit." Diamond Tiara sneered menacingly. "Heh heh, Apple Vomit." Snails laughed goofily. "Huh huh, gross," Snips added. "Are you two done?" Diamond snapped at them. The two goofballs shut their mouths and motioned zipping their lips. "Now then," She said turning her attention back to me. "As I was saying, you should've done what you were told. It would've made this a whole lot easier. But you just had to keep sticking your snout where it didn't belong." "So you're the one behind all this?" Diamond Tiara let out a snort, "Ha as if, no I'm just playing my part just like everypony else, right Apple Bloom?" Suddenly I felt something leap onto my back. Without warning, Apple Bloom wrapped her forelegs under my elbows and crossed her hooves behind my head as she lifted me onto my hind legs. "Apple Bloom! You too?" I cried in disbelief. Her eyes were brimming with tears as if she regretted being a part of this. "Why couldn't you just be happy?" She asked barely choking back from sobbing. "You had everything your heart desired?" "Because none of it is real," I answered trying desperately not to cry myself. "This isn't my life, it's not who I am, it's just a fantasy." Apple Bloom's face hardened with rejection. She realized that playing to my heart wasn't going to work. "Then A'h suppose we're doing the hard way." She spat angrily. "I suppose so," I concurred realizing what I was going to have to do. I carefully slid my hind leg around and behind hers. Then I bent down and grabbed her other leg. Before she could realize what happened I lifted her and slammed her onto the floor. Quick as a flash, I bolted for the storm door, dodging and shoving past the angry swarms of my classmates. "Get him!" "Stop him!" "Don't let him get away!" "Grab his legs!" "I've got him!" "Silver get off me!" "Look he's over there!" "After him!" "He's headed for the door!" In the chaos, I somehow managed to reach the storm door only to find it covered with more padlocks and chains than a Hoofdini escape act. "Looking for this?" Ms. Cheerilee asked smugly jingling a key in her hoof. She opened her mouth tossed it in and swallowed. "Burrrrp! No way out now! You're trapped! Now, why don't you quit struggling and accept your fate already?" As much as I hated to admit it, this Cheerilee had a point. If whoever or whatever was keeping me trapped here could control what happened in my dreams...then why couldn't I?" "Well shucks Ms. Cheerilee," I said turning to face her. "When Y'all put it that way? A'h guess A'h only got one choice... or two." WHAM! With a single buck, the doors flew open sending padlocks and chainlinks flying into the air in an explosion of shattered metal. The doppelgangers of my class stood frozen in shock. "Now if you'll excuse I think it's past time I woke up." With those words, I took off galloping as fast as only I could into the dark and stormy night. > Apple Comet's glasses (Deleted Scene.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (This was supposed to be the opening scene to the next upcoming chapter. I was going to have the Black Sands give Comet a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and mess up his vision so that he would recognize Bloom-El and Kom-El on a count of they both attended the same school. The schoolhouse is also a two-story building in this scene. I was gonna have two classrooms and two Cheerilees teaching both Apple Comet and Bloom-El in separate classes. Finally, I decided it was just easier and made more sense for the Black Sands to create two different schools in different locations instead of putting Apple Comet and Apple Bloom in the same school. So no more glasses in the finished chapter. I just wanted to get something out to you for being so patient with me. Enjoy.) Apple Comet's POV. (Deleted scene.) "Hey, Apple Comet? Wake up, we're here." A'h awoke to the feeling of Apple Bloom's hoof prodding at my shoulder. A'h must have dozed off in my seat on the ride over here. A'h opened my eyes to the sight of a yellow pony-sized blur in front of me. "Gah!" A'h gasped shrinking back at what looked like a two-headed filly with eight legs and four eyes on each head. "Quit fooling around and put your glasses back on, we're gonna be late." It's two heads said to me in unison in my sister's voice. My glasses? What was this thing talking about? What was it? Why did it sound like Apple Bloom? Frozen in terror I could only close my eyes as the creature reached toward my face with its many arms. I could feel it rubbing its hooves on my face. The fur on its forelegs even smelled like Apple Bloom. "There, Y'all ought to be more careful. These things are expensive." It said taking its hooves off of me. A'h tepidly opened one eye to see the two-headed creature was gone. In its place sat Apple Bloom looking rather unsettled. "Apple Bloom? is that you?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do y'all mean? Of course, it's me. You feeling alright this morning?" A feeling of relief washed over me. A nightmare or an early morning mare A'h guess. A'h took it as a sign of no more desserts before bed. "Y-Yeah, Ah'm fine now. Just a bad dream A'h guess." Bloom still seemed unsure but she rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Well then let's go, if we hurry we can still make it to class on time. And try to keep your glasses on your muzzle, Y'all are blind as a fruit bat without 'em." "My glasses?" A'h asked suddenly noticing for the first time the black-rimmed lenses sitting on top of my muzzle. Where had these come from? A'h didn't remember having these earlier this morning. A'h was suddenly very confused. How long had A'h needed glasses? When did A'h get 'em? Before A'h could ask about it, A'h was suddenly pulled out of my seat by my hoof. "Come on let's go!" "W-Wait!" A'h staggered clumsily onto my three remaining legs as Apple Bloom led me to the door. The other students laughed and chuckled as she pulled me by the hoof. "Quit dragging your hooves, we're gonna be late!" "U-Uh Y'all g-go on ahead, Ah'll catch up with you before..." The tolling of the bell cut me off before A'h could say, "Class. Ugh...never mind." With a sigh, A'h shrugged and joined the herd of my fellow students heading for class. It was the darndest thing, A'h could've sworn A'h didn't need glasses earlier this morning. And yet the evidence was literally right in front of me. > Dreams in Darkness. (Updated) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloom-El's POV. "ROAR!" THWOOSH! KRUNCH! The lion brought its paw down hard reducing a market stand to splinters as it narrowly missed me. My heart pounded furiously in my chest as I took off down an alley trying desperately to keep my distance from the ferocious beast. What was I doing? What was I thinking? Taking on a monster like this, Sure I'd saved Ponyville from countless threats before? At least that's what I remembered. But something about this one seemed different somehow. At least the streets looked clear of any ponies thanks to Mac-El and Jack-El. Now all I had to do was find somewhere to hide and hope the others could handle it without me. I'm sure they could handle it on their own. After all, there were six of them and only one lion. "Apple Bloom!" I heard a voice cry out. I turned around just in time to collide face-first with a white blur barreling down the alley. CRASH! When my head finally cleared I found myself facing... "Kom-El?" The colt standing in front of me was a dead ringer for my twin brother, He was clad in a red bandana and wore a serious expression on his face. "Apple Bloom, listen to me," he said his tone sounding urgent. "We need to get out of here right now." What was he talking about? Why did he call me Apple Bloom? Was he looking for somepony who was lost?" "I-I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for somepony else. Y-You need to get inside it's not safe out here." "I'm not mistaken, it's me Apple Comet, your brother your real brother! There's no time to explain, this is all a dream based on our heart's desires meant to keep us trapped here." "A dream?" I took a step back cautiously, whoever this colt was, he sounded like he was a few apples short of a bushel. "Listen, you've been getting painful headaches all day right? Falling unconscious? Noticed Ponies around you acting strange when you ask questions?" I felt the color drain from my face as brought up everything that had happened to me today. "H-How d-did y-you k-know that?" "Because the same thing keeps happening to me. He said She doesn't want us to find out the truth. "W-Who's She?" "Bloom-El there you are!" I turned around to see Kom-El standing behind me. "Why did you run off like that?" His face twisted into a scowl as soon as he laid eyes on Apple Comet. "And what is he doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing," Apple Comet countered. Suddenly out of nowhere, Kom-El tackled him. Apple Comet's POV. Well, this was an unexpected development. Not only had I literally run smack dab into Apple Bloom, but myself as well. And he clearly wasn't happy to see me. "You foal! You're going to ruin everything!" He spat angrily. POW! I socked him on the jaw sending him flying into a wall. "You mean this illusion." I countered rolling back onto my hooves. "Kom-El stop!" In a blur, Apple Bloom rushed between us her forehooves outstretched to block us. "What were you thinking? You could've seriously hurt him." "That Colt is an imposter," Kom-El pointed accusingly at me. "He's trying to deceive you." "Deceive me?" "Don't listen to him Apple Bloom," He's lying. "Is that the best you can do Imposter?" "No this is." I said pointing to a sign hanging above a door." Wo0Tie's CaFe "I...A'h can't read it." Apple Bloom exclaimed in shock, her accent showing signs of breaking through. "That's because the right side of the brain is used for reading, while dreams come from the left side. It's impossible to read anything in a dream." Kom-El's face went white with fear. "I-Is what he saying true Kom-El?" Apple Bloom asked. "Is this all just a dream? A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, giving way to a drizzle of rain. To my surprise, Kom-El's expression softened. "Listen you've had a long day Sis, Why don't you go see how Mom and Dad are doing? I'm sure they could use your help, I've got things here." "What are you talking about?" Apple Bloom asked angrily "You attacked an innocent pony for no good reason!" "Your right I was wrong to do that and I'm sorry." He apologized half-heartily. "Now why don't you check on Mom and Dad while I make it up to him." Apple Bloom's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Sorry brother no can do, Something smells like rotten apples, and Ah think you know what." Kom-El closed his eyes and shrugged. "Oh, Apple Bloom, why couldn't you just play along." He said before bucking her into me. CRASH! CRUNCH! BAM! POW! WHAM! We tumbled to a stop about five blocks away, none the worse for wear. At least he was taking it easy on us for now. "We offered you your heart's desire." Said a voice that sounded like Jav-El with a country accent. "Gave you everything you wanted." Pearan scolded bitterly. "All ya had to do was be happy with it." Applejack finished as I rose to my hooves. We were surrounded by doubles of our family. One half was dressed in the flashy boots and capes of Kolton. The other half were just simple earth ponies. "W-Whats going on?" Apple Bloom asked. "Our 'families' were just explaining to us how they planned to keep us trapped here forever," I explained. "And we would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling foals." Granny Smith shook her hoof at us. "You can't keep us forever!" I said boldly staring them down. "Sooner or later we'll find a way out." "Y'all are welcome to try, but there ain't no waking up from this dream." I turned to face Apple Bloom. "Did you say that?" I asked her. "Nope." She answered. "Thought so," I said as my sister's double stepped into the center of the circle with Kom-El trailing close behind. "Ms. Cheerilee don't like students playing hooky Brother." She said accompanied by a flash of lightning. Apple Bloom gasped in shock as her doppelganger smiled menacingly at her. "You're not my real sister!" I said defiantly tearing my bandana from my neck and throwing it on the ground. The other Apple Bloom looked down pitifully at the discarded neckerchief. "So that's your final answer? She whispered icily. "We gave you the perfect life, everything you could ever wish for? And this is how you repay us?" "I won't live a lie," I answered coolly. "No matter how wonderful you make it." I expected any moment both our families would jump us ready to inflict a terrible punishment for rejecting their temptations. Our doubles would cast away their disguise to reveal something out of our worst nightmares. But instead, the other Apple Bloom simply sighed and said. "Very well I can see your mind is made up." She looked at Kom-El and nodded. My Counterpart looked back at her nodded his head in reply and then in the blink of an eye charged me SLAM! Apple Bloom's (The real one) POV "APPLE COMET NO!" My cry was drowned out by a crash of thunder and the howling of the wind as A'h watched Kom-El carry him off high into the storm. In seconds they were just a speck lost in the dark clouds. "Well, A'h reckon that's the end of that trouble-making varmint." A'h heard Applejack say. "Eyup!" Big Macintosh agreed. "You said a mouthful." The other me sneered. "H-How dare you...you...not me." A'h was so angry, that A'h couldn't think of anything better to say as A'h stomped over to her. "How can Y'all be so heartless?" "Your brother made his choice Apple Bloom," The other me grinned smugly as she picked Apple Comet's bandana up off the ground. "He decided he'd rather suffer than accept our offer." She said turning it over in her hoof. "Ah'm going to help him and you can't stop me," A'h said leaning into her face. "True but A'h think your big sister can." She replied pointing behind me. "Huh?" BUCK! "Ah never imagined my sister's kicks could be stronger than they already were. But apparently, A'h was wrong. My head spun wildly as A'h felt my body tumble through the air like a kite caught in a storm. After a few seconds, A'h noticed A'h was starting to fall. A'h opened my eyes just in time to see the roof before A'h crashed through it. CRASH! CRACK!! "Ugh! Did anypony get the number of that wagon?" A'h managed to land headfirst on the hard floor. A'h was dizzy and shaken but fortunately not hurt. Guess Y'all can't get hurt in a dream. After waiting for my head to stop spinning, A'h picked myself up. "Where am A'h?" A'h asked looking around. The room Ah'd landed in was as dark as a dungeon. The only light came through windows and the hole A'h made in the ceiling. A'h realized Ah'd landed inside Ponyville's theater Flags showing pictures of the mare in the moon hung from the rafters and the balconies and doorways displayed banners saying things like 'Life Can Be A Dream If You Wish It' and 'Are You The One Who's Dreaming? Or Merely Part of Someone Else's Dream?' A stage sat in the center of the room. a dark blue banner of a black alicorn set against a full moon hung above it. Suddenly a spotlight shone on the stage in the center of the room. "What's going on who's there?" No answer, A'h looked up to see the stage light moving all by itself. The chime of an old music box filled the air as two marionettes appeared on stage. My entire body froze in fear, A'h couldn't move, A'h couldn't scream. A'h could only watch as the puppets an earth colt and filly looked up to see a great shadow towering above them. The shadow of a Black Alicorn. "Aren't you having fun?" A'h turned around to see Gran-El standing behind me. A'h finally found the strength to move and let out a scream as A'h took off running only to crash head-first into Jack-El and Mac-El. "Ssh," He said. "Y'all don't wanna leave now do ya?" Jack-El smiled, "The show's just started. Apple Comet's POV. Higher and higher Kom-El ascended carrying me deeper into the heart of the storm. The clouds grew darker and more voluminous as we climbed as if seeming to devour everything in sight. I could no longer see Apple Bloom or Ponyville for that matter. It was gone, swallowed by the dark maelstrom below us. "Alright, farm boy!" Kom-El's voice echoed over the storm. I looked over to see a devious grin on his face. "This is where you get off!" My stomach dropped as I felt him release me from his grip. With super-equine speed, I grabbed his hind leg and held on tight. "What the? Let go of me!" He roared as he tried to shake me loose. "Sorry, You're stuck with me!" I shouted back. His face twisted into a snarled rage as he kicked out with his other leg barely missing my head by a few inches. But all that did was give me a second hoofhold on him. "So you fancy yourself a hang glider huh? Let's just see how strong your grip is." He suddenly banked sharply to the right, then the left trying to shake me off like a piece of cloud. But I was determined to stay on no matter what. "You know it's too bad you turned out to be evil! We'd have made quite the high-flying act together!" My thought was interrupted as I felt his right boot slipping off. "Sorry brother," Kom-El said sliding his foot out."I fly solo!" With one last kick, the boot flew off, leaving me hanging onto the left one with both hooves. "Nice try," I said desperately wishing I felt as confident as I sounded. Already I could feel the other foot wriggling back and forth. "Grrr Just you wait the other shoe has yet to drop! Bon Voyage!" With lightning speed, I lunged forward grabbing hold of his cape, and began pulling myself forward. "I'm through playing around with you, Tell me how to get out of here." Kom-El let out a diabolical laugh."Oh, my foalish little prince," He said turning to face me. "You still don't get it, do you?" His head turned a hundred and eighty degrees revealing his eyes to be two cat-like cyan jewels. Instantly his body began to change. His legs and barrel grew longer, his coat turned an almost black shade of blue, and his cape transformed into a pair of black wings as a horn sprouted out of the top of his head. "Nightmare!" I gasped. Before I could react, Nightmare shot a bolt of lightning into my chest knocking me off her back and sending me tumbling into the stormy abyss below. "Uggh." I awoke from my free fall, feeling none the worse for wear except for the knowledge that Nightmare had managed to one-up me once again. "Where am I now?" I found myself looking up at a large arched ceiling decorated with a large fresco depicting the moon and stars. Stained glass windows lined the walls bathing the room in the moonlight. The walls were decorated with flags and banners embroidered with the moon, stars, and a certain alicorn I'd grown to loathe. I turned around to see an opulent blue throne decorated with batwings and a sculpture of a half-moon on top. "I know you're here Nightmare!" I shouted up at the ceiling. "I've had enough of your tricks! Show yourself!" A starry wisp of dark blue magic descended from the ceiling curling itself on the seat of the throne. With a clap of thunder, the wisp erupted into a cloud of smoke revealing the figure of Nightmare Moon. "We meet again Kom-El or do you prefer Apple Comet? Honestly, it's getting hard to remember." "Why are you still here?" I asked her. "I thought you wanted me out of your mane so you could take over Equestria?" "Oh what's wrong my little subject," She said feigning disappointment. "Did you not like the life I created for you and your sister? I thought I got everything on your list. A normal life, a loving family, lots of friends, no more feeling like an outcast? What else do you get the Colt who has everything? And your sister, all she wanted was to be just like you. Does that make me a bad Queen?" "Answer me!" I barked. Maybe I'm here maybe I'm not." She answered calmly. "Perhaps I'm just a part of your dream or maybe you are just part of mine. Or maybe I already took over Equestria a thousand years ago and you and your sister have just been asleep all that time?" "So you're saying you're not the real Nightmare Moon?" "Who can say, foalish mortal, by now you know dreams can make the impossible seem real." I'll give Nightmare Moon one thing, When it came to getting under my coat, she knew exactly which buttons to push. "Where is Apple Bloom?" I hissed up at her. The black alicorn chuckled as she summoned up a cloud of smoke next to her throne. "See for yourself." She said as the smoke cleared revealing a dark blue oval mirror. Dark mists swirled around behind the glass revealing a theater. A single spotlight shone on the center stage where two life-sized marionettes of Nightmare Moon and myself stood against the backdrop of the forest. Apple Bloom was seated in the front row, her legs restrained by Jack-El and Mac-El who were seated beside her. Her face was petrified with fear. "Apple Bloom," I pressed my hoof up against the mirror watching as my understudy on stage copied my movement. "I thought she could do with some entertainment," Nightmare grinned with a gleam of triumph in her eyes. "As you can see she's practically glued to her seat. "Let her go!" I demanded. "And what will you do if I don't?" Nightmare laughed as she cast another spell. A second Nightmare Moon appeared to my right. "Beat me down?" This second Nightmare asked coyly as a third one appeared to my left. "Imprison us in ice?" The third one suggested as a fourth alicorn materialized behind me. "Burn us with your fiery gaze?" The fourth pondered. "How about all three?" I suggested. The four Nightmares erupted into howls of laughter as several dozen more clones appeared surrounding them. "Face it," They said in unison, "Your power is useless against me, In here I am omnipotent for every one of me you destroy, two more shall take my place." As much as I hated to admit it, Nightmare Moon had made her point known. I had tried and tried and tried, but was finally forced to accept that for all my power there was no way I could defeat her while I was asleep. I was left with only one option. "Let her go and I'll stop fighting you." "Excuse me?" Nightmare and her doubles asked in surprise. "You heard me, Let Apple Bloom go and you can do whatever you like to me. I won't fight you anymore." The dark alicorn closed her eyes, pondering my offer. "A knight noble to the end I see." She said dispersing her clones with a flash of her horn. "Very well I accept your terms." She clapped her hooves instructing Jack-El and Mac-El to release Apple Bloom. The two did so without a word. Apple Bloom's POV. As soon as Mac-El and Jack-El released me the entire theater began to fade away. The walls and ceiling gave way to a wide-open throne room. The audience slowly faded into nothingness. Props and set pieces became solid objects. The marionette's wooden bodies became flesh and fur. Even my Koltonian clothes disappeared leaving me with just my bow. "Apple Comet!" A'h ran toward my brother at full speed throwing my forelegs around his neck. "Don't do it! You can still beat her! A'h knows you've got it in ya's." He looked at me his eyes heavy with defeat. "I'm sorry, Apple Bloom, I tried. At least this way one of us gets to wake up." His words felt like a knife to the heart. "H-H-How can you say that? *sniff* How can A'h possibly get up tomorrow morning knowing you'll never wake up?" Tears stung my eyes as A'h clutched onto him for dear life. "A-A'h w-won't leave without you! If you're gonna b-be stuck here then A'h w-wants to be stuck h-here with you!" My voice trembled and my body shook but A'h was determined to stand my ground. "Aw, how touching," Nightmare Moon cooed. "I hate to break up this tear-filled reunion but a deal is a deal." "TO TARTARUS WITH YOUR DEAL!" I shrieked at the black alicorn. "Ah've had just about enough of your lies and your nightmares and the way you've treated my brother so horribly!" "HOLD YOUR TONGUE FOAL! REMEMBER WHO YOU SPEAK TO!" Nightmare Moon roared, her eyes glowing white with fury as she summoned dark clouds in the sky. "A'h ain't afraid of you anymore! You're nothing but a big bully! A'h don't care what you do to me, A'h won't let you hurt my brother!" The sky flashed with lightning as Nightmare Moon took flight. "YOU INSOLENT BRAT! YOU SHALL SUFFER FOR YOUR ARROGANCE! PREPARE FOR AN ETERNITY OF ENDLESS NIGHTMARES!" "You mean we will!" Suddenly Apple Comet stood beside me. "Sorry Nightmare," He said his voice filled with determination once again. "There ain't no point arguing with my sister when she's made up their mind." "Good to have you back, brother," A'h said. He looked back at me and smiled. "Couldn't've done it without you believing in me Sis." He said. "RAARRRGH!!!" We both looked up to see Nightmare Moon hovering over us like a vulture. Her eyes glowed with fire as her body began to change. Her snout grew longer revealing rows of razor-sharp fangs. Her ears pointed upward becoming more batlike. She began to grow larger, her breastplate burst from her chest unable to hold back her increased muscle mass. Sharp claws tore through her horseshoes as her shadow slowly began to block out the moon's light. She arched her back as her wings began to grow longer and more leathery to match her bat ears. "Still not scared?" Apple Comet asked me. "Not as long as you're with me," A'h shook my head and said. "Good answer, you ready to finish this?" "Almost," A'h offered my hoof and A'h closed my eyes. "Take my hoof." A warm bright feeling rushed through my body as A'h felt his hoof in mine. A'h thought of our family, our farm, and everyone in Ponyville and all of Equestria who were counting on us. Apple Comet's POV. "Was all that just for a costume change?" I asked noticing Apple Bloom wearing her Koltonian costume. It was mostly the same as before except for the Apple-shaped Emblem on her chest with a red A in the center and her mane which remained tied up in a bow. "A'h gave you one too," She answered as I noticed I too was wearing a costume. A bright blue bodysuit with an emblem of my family crest. A red belt with a gold diamond-shaped buckle. A red cape flowed behind me matching boots for hind legs and red wrist cuffs for my forelegs. "You couldn't have done something about my mane?" I asked noticing I still had that annoying kiss curl in front. "A'h think it's cute and so does everypony else?" She smiled. "Even Big Mac?" "Eyup even if he won't admit it." "RAAARRRGH!" A dark shadow loomed over the plateau. I looked up to see Nightmare had transformed herself into some kind of monstrous hybrid of a Batpony and a Timberwolf, "Fine," I sighed. "Then let's go kick some Nightmare butt." > Requiem for a Nightmare. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had all come down to this moment. We had taken everything Nightmare Moon had thrown at us. From our most painful memories to our worst nightmares to even our heart's desires. This was where either she fell, or we did. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Nightmare's booming laughter echoed through the throne room. "FOALS! YOU ARE IN MY WORLD THERE IS NOWHERE YOU CAN RUN! NOWHERE YOU CAN HIDE!" "We aren't running and we aren't hiding Nightmare Moon!" I shouted defiantly. To which Nightmare let another laugh! "OH LITTLE PRINCE, STILL STUBBORN, GALLANT, AND STUPID TO THE END I SEE, VERY WELL I SHALL INDULGE YOU WITH ONE FINAL DEFEAT!" With that, the former alicorn let out a deafening screech that shattered the stained glass windows and shook the throne room like an earthquake. To my super hearing, it felt like nails on a chalkboard played through concert speakers. Apple Bloom's legs gave out and she collapsed to the floor desperately covering her ears. I wanted to help her, But my legs wouldn't move I could only stand there as the ultrasonic waves seemed to stab the inside of my head. "DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE THAT SIMPLE?" Her voice boomed as she lifted me off the floor with her magic. With the callousness of a foal who'd grown bored with a toy, she threw me hard against the wall. Then ripped me out and did the same with the other. Then just for variety, she threw me up onto the ceiling. All the while cackling as she proceeded to use me like a telekinetic wrecking ball. "YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED IN YOUR HAPPY LITTLE FANTASY WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!" She said as she threw me to the end of the hall. My thoughts went back to my life as an Earth Pony, the life I'd always wanted. No powers, no alien crystals, just me, Bloom, AJ, Mac, Granny Smith, Ma and Pa, and how it all turned out to be one big lie. Nothing more than a prison Nightmare had thrown me in to keep me out of her mane. I felt my blood beginning to boil, this witch had trapped me, tormented me, tried to brainwash me into believing her twisted fantasy, And to make it worse she had dragged Apple Bloom into her little game. She dared to mess with my family, my family? My thoughts raced back to Jav-El and Loran and how Nightmare had gotten them too. She just crossed the line. "Burn!" I roared as unleashed my heat vision onto her chest. Nightmare screamed in agony as her wings gave out. Her magic dissipated as she plummeted to the floor. This was the opening I had been looking for. With a burst of speed, I charged. My eyes burned red with fury as my hoof connected with her chin. The beast staggered as I followed up with a flurry of blows that slowly forced her back to the steps of her throne. "HAPPY? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH?" I screamed as continued to pound on her."WHAT YOU'VE TAKEN FROM ME!" I bucked out with my hind legs sending the monster crashing into her throne. "YESSSS, THAT'S IT!" She lisped as she looked up at me. Her face was beaten and bruised. Her right eye was almost swollen shut and her jaw had been dislocated to the left. "TELL ME MORE, HOW DID IT FEEL TO KNOW ESCAPE MEANT SACRIFICING THE LIFE YOU ALWAYS WANTED!" "You're about to find out," I hissed as I ascended the throne ready to finish the job. KRAKOW! Nightmare shot a bolt of lightning from her horn, but rather than aiming for me, she focused her shot on the ceiling which exploded in an avalanche of stone and iron. And it was seconds away from burying Apple Bloom. My face white with shock I raced under the falling debris and grabbed Apple Bloom by the collar. With no time to get us both out of the way, I threw her as far as I could before the ceiling buried me. Apple Bloom's POV. "Ugh..." What in tarnation was that? The last thing A'h remember was feeling like a swarm of bees was stinging the inside of my head. My legs gave out on me and after that, nothing. My ears were still ringing as A'h tried to stand up. A'h felt like a newborn foal trying to take my first steps as A'h tried to put together what had happened. "I'M CURIOUS, WHY IS IT YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF TO PROTECT OTHERS?" A'h heard a familiar voice say. A'h looked up to see Nightmare Moon talking to a large pile of stones. "IS IT BECAUSE YOU THINK IT'S THE ONLY WAY THEY'LL ACCEPT YOU? OR PERHAPS YOU BELIEVE IT'LL MAKE THEM THINK OF YOU AS A HERO RATHER THAN AN OUTSIDER." Another flash of pain went through my head as A'h began to remember. "APPLE COMET!" Without thinking, A'h charged at Nightmare Moon. A'h was so fast she never even saw me coming. A'h charged head-first into her side knocking her off her hooves. But A'h didn't care about that, Apple Comet was in trouble and he needed my help. With strength that put Big Macintosh to shame, A'h lifted a large chunk of the ceiling like it was a hay bale and threw it aside. "Apple Comet, are you alright?" A'h asked as A'h dug him out of the rubble. "Be...behind you!" He shouted as A'h Suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground. "IMPRESSIVE, YOU MANAGED TO CATCH ME OFF GUARD!" She laughed before slamming me hard against the floor. "A MISTAKE I WILL NOT MAKE TWICE!" "A'h ain't afraid of you!" A'h said defiantly as A'h stood up. To which Nightmare just laughed. "YOU WILL BE BY THE TIME I'M FINISHED WITH YOU." She said lunging for me. Her fangs gleamed like sharp knives. Fortunately, my new Koltonian brain was thinking thoughts faster than Mac's mathematics. A'h quickly thought up a plan. A'h dove under her legs as she landed and ran back towards the throne. "You'll have to catch me first!" A'h shouted. Nightmare Moon looked mighty angry as she turned around to see me sitting on her throne. "🎶Ah'm the Princess of the castle and you're a dirty...🎶 "GRRRR GET OFF MY THRONE!" She roared baring her fangs as she stomped over to 'my' throne. "What throne?" A'h asked innocently. "DO NOT TEST ME, CHILD, I AM IN NO MOOD!" "Aw shucks Nightmare, A'h ain't testing ya, Ah'm distracting ya." "DISTRACTING ME?" Her eyes suddenly went wide as she realized what A'h meant. ""UH-OH...WHUAAA!!!!" Nightmare screamed as she was suddenly yanked back and lifted into the air. Standing behind her, holding onto her tail with both forelegs was my brother, and boy was he not happy. "Let's see how you like being thrown around!" He said as he began to swing Nightmare around in circles. NO! PUT ME DOWN! I COMMAND YOU!" But Apple Comet didn't listen. Nightmare tried to fly away but my brother kept an iron hoof wrapped around her tail. They spun faster and faster until they were nothing more than a black and blue blur. "LET...ME...GOOOOOOO!" A'h was beginning to enjoy this "You want me to let you go?" Apple Comet asked sarcastically. "Okay," "WAIT DON'T AAAAUUUUUGGHHHH!" CRASH! With the monster alicorn's tail wrapped in his hooves, Apple Comet leaped through the hole in the ceiling. "So long Nightmare Moon," he said releasing her. Nightmare went flying like a fruit fly on an apple, Bam! Pow! Straight to the moon. "And don't bother writing." "That was amazing!" A'h exclaimed as Apple Comet floated back down. "Aw it was nothing," He said with a wave of his hoof. "What you did back there was amazing. I mean you stared down a monster that would make a grown stallion pee himself and laughed in her face." A'h suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. With super speed, A'h ran up to him and threw my forelegs around his neck. "Whoa, easy there remember you've still got my strength." "S-Sorry, Ah'm just glad you're okay." A'h sniffled loosening my grip while A'h buried my muzzle into his shoulder. "When A'h saw you up on that stage, saying how you were gonna give yourself up to Nightmare Moon. A-A'h thought A'h was never gonna see you again." For a moment he said nothing. He just stood there, holding me. "Apple Bloom, thank you for saving me." "Huh?" A'h opened my eyes in surprise. He continued. "I had been beaten down so low that I'd given up hope of ever escaping. I thought if I could at least save you then it wouldn't be so bad. But you stood up and did what I couldn't muster the courage to do. When you were offered a chance to escape you refused to leave me behind. When I had given up hope you lent me your strength. You're my hero, Apple Bloom, don't ever forget that." A'h suddenly felt speechless, here was my adopted brother, who could lift almost anything, run fast enough to appear invisible, and leap across an entire orchard with one jump thanking me for saving him. A'h felt overwhelmed with joy and excitement. "Oh, Apple Comet A'h...A'h...A'h" A'h broke down sobbing into his shoulder, the shock of everything we'd both been through being too much for me to keep cooped up. Apple Comet wrapped me in forelegs and began to shed tears of his own. "Ssh, It's okay," He whispered. "I understand, I was scared too. More than I've ever been in my life." We were both just happy to have each other after having been separated in Nightmare's illusion." After a few minutes, we managed to pull ourselves together. "So what do we do now?" A'h asked. "What do you mean?" Apple Comet said passing the question back to me. "A'h mean how do we get out of this place." A'h began to explain. "We beat Nightmare Moon, But we're still here." Suddenly A'h felt something hit my mane. A'h reached up to find a sprinkle of black sand in my hoof. A'h both looked up to see the ceiling disappearing before our eyes. "What's happening?" A'h asked as the walls started to disappear too. Their stones just seemed to turn into sand and blow away. "I think we broke the spell." Apple Comet said a smile creeping up his muzzle. "Without Nightmare Moon's presence, her illusions are falling apart." The light of the full moon quickly filled the room, not that there was much of a room left. The walls were almost gone by now leaving only the floor left. "Where are we?" A black starry desert stretched out before us. It's dunes twinkling like they were made of stars. Apple Comet scooped up a hooful of sand. "The Black Sand of Hyponos." He said with a look of dread as he dumped it back onto the ground. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We looked up to see the shadow of Nightmare Moon silhouetted against the moon's surface. "FOALS! YOU THINK ME BEATEN SO EASILY?" She bellowed before disappearing into a cloud of smoke. "I AM DREAD!"A trail of starry magic jumped from the cloud and dove into the sand below. "I AM TERROR!" The ground began shaking violently, lifting the floor into the air. It felt like a mountain was rising from underneath us. Suddenly the enormous face of Nightmare Moon rose from the sands. "I AM NIGHTMARE MOON!" Apple Comet's POV ""HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" My jaw dropped in awe at the sight before me. The sandy form of Nightmare Moon towered above us like a living mountain. Her head eclipsed the moon behind her. Her eyes each one the size of the moon itself glared down at us. bathing us with their light. "NOW DO YOU SEE? NO MATTER HARD YOU FIGHT, YOU CANNOT DESTROY ME! NO MATTER HOW FAST YOU RUN, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME! NO MATTER WHERE YOU TURN, NO ONE CAN HELP YOU!" The floor below us moved closer to her face. I looked and gasped as I saw it was attached to her foreleg. What had once been the floor of her palace throne room was now small enough to fit in the frog of her hoof. "YOU ARE MERELY ANTS STRUGGLING AGAINST A GOD!" I stood petrified with fear, I wanted to shout, I wanted to leap into action, anything but stand there like a statue trying to draw flies. But as I looked into the behemoth's eyes I realized that it was futile. Even with all my power even with Apple Bloom fighting alongside me as my equal, how could I possibly hope to vanquish something of this size and power? "I CAN SEE FROM YOUR SILENCE THAT YOU HAVE FINALLY ACCEPTED THE INEVITABILITY OF YOUR FATE! Nightmare laughed with the volume of a hurricane as her aura wrapped around us. My body still petrified I could only watch as we were lifted high into the sky. "GOOD! THAT WILL MAKE WHAT COMES NEXT EASIER FOR US BOTH" She raised us above her head, her neck tilting back. 'Oh, sweet Celestia!' My eyes widened with horror as I realized what she was about to do. "TRUST ME, EATING YOU TWO WILL BE MORE UNPLEASANT FOR ME!" She opened her mouth revealing a pitch-black abyss. That was enough to snap me out of my trance, unfortunately, it was too late. "AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" A piercing shriek reached my ears as Nightmare released Apple Bloom first. Her eyes were white with terror, begging me to save her. Begging me not to let her fall into that black hole never to return. At that moment, I felt like I was reliving that night in the Everfree Forest all over again. The night I got Pa killed, and now Nightmare was making me go through it again. The thought of losing another member of my family ignited something inside me. "NO!" A burst of energy erupted from deep inside me breaking Nightmare's aura. "WHAT!" Ignoring the cry of astonishment from the lunar leviathan, I dove headlong toward the abyss. My entire body felt wrapped in a blanket of pure energy propelling me faster than I'd ever gone before. But would it be fast enough? With every passing second, I drew closer to my sister as did the black hole. SWOOSH!" In the blink of an eye, I wrapped my hooves around her barrel and then zoomed upward toward the rapidly closing jaws above me. My telescopic vision spotted a gap I could still make it through. It was going to be close, but I was determined to make it. With just seconds to spare, I threaded the narrow gap between the enormous two incisors before the jaws slammed shut with an echoing crash. Immediately I felt the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. Apple Bloom was unconscious from shock, but she was unharmed and that's all that mattered to me. "Uhh...Wha...?" She slowly began to stir, "W-Where am A'h? What just happened?" She opened her eyes and gasped in astonishment. "Apple Comet! Y--Y-You're flying?" Apple Bloom's POV. A'h thought for certain A'h was done for when Nightmare Moon dropped me towards her mouth. As A'h closed my eyes for what A'h thought would be the last time, A'h saw my life flash before me. And then in a flash of light, A'h saw a red comet racing towards me. And now here A'h was snatched away from falling like an apple from a tree by my big brother. Well, my second big brother anyway. "What kind of big brother would I be if I weren't there to catch my siblings when they fall?" He smiled at me and said. A'h felt like the luckiest filly in the whole wide world. After all, how many girls could say they had a brother who was willing to fly into the jaws of a monster to save them from certain doom? Not a whole lot A'h imagine. My excitement was short-lived as A'h saw a spell streaking after us. "Behind You!" A'h shouted. Apple Comet turned and fired a blast of heat from his eyes more powerful than I'd ever seen him do before. It met the spell head-on stopping it in its tracks. "THIS...THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" The mountainous mare roared her luminous eyes wide with shock and disbelief as she tried to push her spell back. "I BROKE YOU DOWN! SUBJECTED YOU TO YOUR WORST FEARS, YOUR MOST PAINFUL MEMORIES! I EVEN OFFERED YOU YOUR HEART'S DESIRE JUST TO GET YOU OUT OF MY MANE! AND YET STILL YOU PERSIST IN DEFYING ME! WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR?" "After all this time, I thought that would be obvious by now." Apple Comet said, cooly. "I'm fighting for my home, the only home I've ever known. But more importantly, I'm fighting for those I share it with. My family, my friends." He reached his hoof out to me. "Let's finish this, together." In an instant, A'h felt an incredible rush of energy. My entire body started glowing like the sun. It was the most incredible feeling A'h ever felt in my life. With my eyes burning brightly A'h added my heat vision to Apple Comet's. Together with our combined power, it burned through Nightmare Moon's spell bathing the desert in a blazing red light. As A'h looked down into black alicorn's empty eyes, A'h saw fear in them for the first time. "NO, THIS CANNOT BE! I AM TERROR! I AM THE NIGHT! I AM NIGHTMARE MOOOOON!" As the light faded the headless body of Nightmare Moon collapsed into the sand. Apple Bloom?...Apple Bloom?" "Apple Bloom!" "Gah!" "Come on don't you fall asleep on me too ya hear?" "Granny?" A'h was back in Apple Comet's room. Granny Smith was standing over my shoulder. "Oh thank Celestia," She sighed wiping her brow with relief. "A'h was starting to get worried." "Where's Apple Comet? Is he alright?" "Ugh...keep it down will ya?" A voice mumbled from under the covers. "APPLE COMET!" In a flash, A'h tore the blanket off to find Apple Comet covering his eyes with his foreleg. "Hey, what's the big idea?" He asked, his eyes squinting from the bright lights as he lowered his leg. Before he knew what hit him A'h jumped on him and wrapped my hooves around him. "Your eyes, they're not covered with sand anymore!" In a flash, he disappeared from my grip and ran to the window. "It's still night out!" He glanced at his alarm clock which showed it was 8:16. "Then that means Nightmare Moon is still out there, I have to stop her!" "Whoa hold yer horses there sonny," Granny held up her hoof. "Y'all just woke up." "You don't understand," Apple Comet continued. "Nightmare Moon won't rest until she takes over Equestria. She attacked me in my dreams and put a curse on me so I couldn't wake up." It's true Granny!" A'h said. "She took over Apple Comet's parents and tried to trap us in our heart's true desire." "Oh no, the crystal!" Apple Comet dashed back over to the bed and threw the blanket back. His face sank when he saw it was covered with cracks and its light was gone. "No!" "Something wrong with it?" Granny Smith asked curiously. Apple Comet looked at her with tears in his eyes. "T-They're gone." Apple Comet's POV. The front door to the barn slid open with a creak the light of the full moon chasing the darkness back into the corners. I hadn't set hoof in here since that night five years ago. Too many painful memories. Nightmare Moon was still out there, and I knew I was the only one who could stop her. I needed to prepare, so I asked Apple Bloom and Granny Smith to be left alone for a few minutes. As soon as I knew they were downstairs, I'd flung open the window and leaped out to the barn. I walked over to the tarp in the back corner of the barn and pulled it off, revealing the arrowhead-shaped spacecraft underneath. The only other time I'd seen this had been so overwhelming that I hadn't taken the time to examine it closely. With a better understanding of my heritage, I was able to appreciate it more. The way its sleek silver body gleamed even after more than ten years spent in the back of the barn. How its passenger compartment resembled something of a cocoon keeping me safe during my long voyage through space. I still couldn't believe I was the only colt in my class who'd been to space. I could only imagine how they'd react if they knew the truth. "So I have you to thank for pretty much my entire life huh?" I honestly don't why I was talking to an inanimate spaceship. Maybe part of me expected it to talk back, maybe my ordeal inside my head had left me a little unglued. Either way, I found it kind of therapeutic under the circumstances as I turned my attention to the dashboard. I could see the door to the compartment that held the crystal, but I had no idea how to open it. Shrugging my shoulders I decided to just leave the crystal in the compartment. "Hey, Mom and Dad. I don't know if you're still in there and can hear me, But I just wanted to say even though I only knew you for a short time, I'll never forget it. You sacrificed yourselves so I might have a chance at life even though you knew you couldn't be part of it." 'Come on keep it together' I told myself. 'Nightmare Moon is still out there.' "So I'm making you a promise I made to somepony else. I'm gonna make your sacrifice mean something. By being someone you'd be proud to call your son." "I've got to go now, Equis is counting on me, even if they don't know it yet. Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad, and thanks for everything." As I placed the crystal inside, I felt a sense of both grief and comfort. I had lost my parents for the third time, I would have a difficult battle ahead. But at the same time, I felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted from my heart. "Damaged Memory Crystal detected." "Huh?" "Please insert damaged memory crystal into the storage compartment to begin a diagnostic scan." A familiar mechanical voice said. "Kerax?" "Voice identification confirmed, greetings Kom-El. Please insert the damaged memory crystal into the storage compartment to begin a diagnostic scan." I picked up the cracked and faded crystal in my hoof. Was I being given a second chance? "A'h though we'd find you here." I turned around to see Granny Smith and Apple Bloom standing in the doorway. "Gah!" I was so startled I dropped the crystal back in the ship. "Granny! Apple Bloom! Look I wasn't trying to run away or anything, I was just..." "Settle down, ya ain't in trouble, however, A'h would like to hear an explanation as to why y'all thought it necessary to take off without telling us where ya were going. Well, Ah'm waiting." "I'm going to face Nightmare Moon," I sighed and said. "I don't want to hear any arguing or trying to talk me out of it. Equestria is in danger and we all know I'm the only one who can stop her and I won't be told otherwise. I just came here to be alone for a little while before I left." "Let me come with you," Apple Bloom insisted. "We beat her together once before, we can do it again." "No Apple Bloom it's too dangerous. I'm grateful to you for wanting to help. You saved me more than once tonight. But this isn't a dream. It's real life and you'd be no match for her. I have to do this alone." "No, you don't!" Apple Bloom protested, "Your family and family always stick together no matter what." "Apple Bloom that's enough." Granny shushed her before turning her attention back to me. "You know the night my son and Pear butter brought you in from the orchard, A'h didn't know what to make of you. A foal falling to earth from a comet? Who'd ever heard of such a ridiculous thing? But through the years you've been here, through good times and bad, Ah've seen you do some amazing things. A'h still remember the day you saved me when A'h was trapped under a barrel in the cellar. A'h know we haven't always agreed on everything when it comes to where you came from, But if tonight has taught this old gal anything, it's that Foalton is as much your home as Sweet Apple Acres. "Umm...it's Kolton Granny." Apple Bloom pointed out. "Huh? What did A'h say?" Granny asked confused. "Anyway, A'h guess the point Ah'm trying to make is if y'all feel like fighting Nightmare Moon is something ya gotta do, then get out there and kick her in the dishpan!" "Kick her in the dishpan?" Apple Bloom muttered confused. "Thanks, Granny," I said with a smirk as slid the crystal into the compartment. "I'll make you proud." "Ya already have, now move yer caboose! Equestria ain't gonna save itself." That was all the encouragement I needed. In a flash, I took off through the barn door and launched into the air, climbing higher and higher with every second. I wasn't going to rest until the sun rose over Equestria once again and Nightmare Moon was back in the moon where she belonged. Suddenly out in the distance, I saw an incredible flash of light coming from the Everfree Forest. "That must be where Nightmare Moon is." It made sense for the self-important Queen of the Night to make her lair in one of the darkest and most dangerous places in all of Equestria. Well, it wasn't going to deter me. With lightning speed, I flew across the sky leaving a streak of white in my wake. My telescopic and X-ray vision began scanning the forest in tandem looking for the flash's source. Suddenly the sky began to grow brighter. I looked up to the sun's rays poking over the peak of Mt Canterlot. Instantly I began to feel its warmth energizing my body, rejuvenating my cells. But wait, Nightmare would never allow the sun to rise, so why was the sun rising? I got my answer when I spotted the ruins of an old castle deep in the Everfree Forest. It was overgrown and covered with vegetation but strangely the rope bridge connecting it to the rest of the forest looked recently repaired. Suddenly my super hearing picked up a familiar voice. "Gee Twilight, A'h thought you were spouting a whole bunch of hooey, but I reckon we do represent the elements of friendship." "Applejack?" A quick scan with my X-ray vision revealed my sister to be standing in the middle of the same throne room from my dream. Alongside her were five other ponies two of whom I recognized as Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle. My heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on the purple unicorn. But the biggest surprise in the room was who she was talking to. Princess Celestia in all her splendor spoke to Twilight, calling her her faithful student. Wow, and I thought she was incredible before. The Princess congratulated Twilight and the others on defeating Nightmare Moon. Wait so while I was trapped in my dreams, my sister and Twilight were out saving Equestria without me? I felt surprised, guilty, and honestly a little cheated. After being terrorized and tormented all night, a part of me was looking forward to seeing the look on her face when I showed up. Celestia turned her attention to the other side of the room where another pony lay on the floor. "Princess Luna!" The other pony raised her head revealing herself to be another alicorn. Instantly my mind conjured up images of a young blue filly who spoke in olde equestrian. Celestia reconciled with Luna offering her a second chance. Part of me felt a sense of guilt and worthlessness as I saw Luna embrace her sister apologizing profusely. I had failed to protect Luna from Nightmare Moon when she needed me. And now partially thanks to Applejack she was free once more. Some hero I turned out to be. I spent all night trapped in my own dreams, failed to protect Luna, put Apple Bloom in danger, and quite possibly destroyed the only thing my parents left me. Meanwhile, my sister and her new friends saved Equestria. Not exactly the stuff legends are made of. With nothing better to do, I flew back to the farm. Third Pony POV "Did you just see that?" The royal guard turned to his partner. "See what?" His partner asked. "That shooting star." His partner looked at him confused. "It's past sunrise." "I swear it was just there." His partner shook his head. "Look it's been a long night, the sun was late to rise and we're both tired. Let's just get the Princess and her student back to town and you can tell your family about it when you get home." Comet's POV again. 'Home Sweet Home' I thought as I landed on the roof behind the steeple. Part of me just wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep, the other part wanted to slap the first for just thinking about it. "Oh no! He's gone." I heard a mare's voice gasp from my bedroom. I looked into my bedroom to see a Nurse with a red cross cutie mark standing over my empty bed in shock! 'Of course,' I facehoofed, it only made sense that Granny would've sent for a doctor when I was under the sands of Hyponos. And now I was gone like an escaped mental patient. I had to think fast before that nurse panicked and called out a search party or something. I searched the rest of the upstairs floor with my X-ray vision looking for an alibi. Then I noticed the upstairs bathroom was unoccupied. Perfect. After checking downstairs to make sure the coast was clear, I flew around to the front door, crept in, and then raced up the stairs and down the hall to the bathroom. FLUSH! "Ahh," I sighed with mock relief making sure the nurse would hear me as I stepped out of the bathroom door." Sure enough, she turned around to find me standing there "There you are." She breathed a sigh of relief. "You had me worried sick. You really shouldn't be out of bed in your condition." "I had to pee," I said innocently. The nurse rolled her eyes, "Well you're awake so that's good news. Now would you please get back in bed so I can check you over?" "But I'm not tired," I whined. But my nurse wasn't having any of it. She grabbed my hoof and led me back to my room. After a thorough examination, Nurse Redheart was unable to find anything wrong with me. Still, she insisted I stay in bed until the doctor got here. And unfortunately for me, she insisted on staying to make sure I didn't disappear again. So here I was, in bed once again with Nurse Redheart sitting in a chair by my bedside, watching me like a hawk. Thankfully she did her best to make me comfortable by bringing me some books to read. I spent the rest of the morning reading Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. I wonder what AK Yearling would say if she ever learned about me. Maybe she'd write a book about it? Daring Do and the Colt from Kolton. I'm sure it would be a bestseller. Much better than Daring Do and the Colt who had to stay in bed because he was sick. "Well Apple Comet, honestly I don't know what to say." Dr. Horse looked over his notes. Whatever was wrong with you last night, I can't seem to find a trace of it anywhere in your body. You're as fit as a fiddle." "Does this mean I'm free to go?" I asked eagerly. The Doctor smiled and held out a hoof in front of me. "Not just yet," He said. "There are still a few questions I'd like to ask you about your condition. I've never seen anything like it before. Let's start at the beginning, I need you to recall everything that happened yesterday before you went to bed." I leaned back against my pillow and looked up at the ceiling. This was going to take all day, wasn't it? As it turns out it didn't take all day. Somehow I managed to condense yesterday's events into a half-hour explanation. Of course, I might have taken some creative liberties like omitting the part about Apple Bloom using an alien artifact to contact me in my dreams. Along with pretty much her entire involvement, but in the end, both of them seemed to believe my story. I told them I had a dream about meeting the Mare in the Moon. She was talking about how she was going to take over Equestria and I foolishly said I was gonna wake up and tell everyone. Then she threw the sand of Hyponos in my eyes and fled. Thankfully with everything that happened that night, they bought it. However, Dr. Horse insisted on checking me over one last time. I was just lucky they didn't decide to take a blood sample. That would've been hard to explain. Before heading off to the Summer Sun Celebration, there was still one more thing I had to do. I made my way over to the barn one more time. The door was padlocked, but a quick search under a conspicuously placed horseshoe on the ground revealed a key. The barn was silent save for my hoof steps as I approached the ship. "Umm, Kerax? It's me Kom-El," I said hesitantly. "Hello again Kom-El, it is good to see you again." The friendly robotic voice graciously answered. "How may I be of assistance?" I took a deep breath preparing myself for the worst. "How is the crystal, can it be fixed?" "It is difficult to say at this time." He answered displaying an image of the crystal on the console. "While the surface damage was easily repairable, I'm afraid the memory core was damaged. I've done my best to salvage and fix what I can, but I am afraid at this time there is no way of telling how much can be saved." "What about my parents?" I asked. "Do you know if they're alright?" "I can confirm fragments of both their memories are still in the core." He said pulling up an image of what looked like a pair of broken DNA strands. "Unfortunately, they are badly desynchronized and scattered about the memory core. Given enough time, I might be able to resynchronize them. But it is a delicate process, one that offers no guarantee of success. All I can offer you is my word that I will do my very best to help them." The first tear ran down my cheek as I realized I might never see my parents again. The cracks in the surface left by the Sands of Hyponos would eventually be fixed but the scars they left would always remain. It felt like a perfect metaphor for my broken heart. "Thank you Kerax," I whispered sadly. "I suppose that's all I can ask of you. I think I need to be alone for a little while." Deciding there was nothing more I could do here, I turned to face the door. "I understand, Young Master before you go, however, there is one more thing. Your parents wanted to wait until you were a little older before letting you have this but given what you've been through this last night, I think you've proven you're ready." "Ready for what?" I sniffed. "Do you still have your mother's pendant and the cloth you were wrapped in?" A strange question for an advanced AI to ask. To which I answered. "I have the pendant in my bedroom and the cloth is in the attic with the rest of my foal things." "Bring them here, I've got something I want to show you." I raced back to the farmhouse. After checking to make sure Dr. Horse and Nurse Redheart had left. I ran up to my bedroom and grabbed Loran's pendant from my nightstand. Then I went up to the attic and got my baby blanket from the box with my foal clothes. With these items in hoof I raced back to the barn. "Ok, I got them, what now?" "Just place them inside the ship and I'll do the rest." I did as instructed placing the blanket down first and laying Loran's pendant on top. A beam of light shone from the console as the blanket and pendant disappeared in a flash of twinkling lights. In their place was a silver diamond-shaped emblem small enough to fit in my hoof. Emblazoned on the front was, of course, a comet. "What is this?" I asked as I reached in to examine it more closely. "It is a clothing matrix generator," Kerax explained. "Something to remember your Koltonian heritage by. I figure if last night was any indication you're probably going to need it." "How does it work?" I asked "Simply place it against your chest and see what happens." I did as instructed, instantly the emblem lit up and transformed in a flash of light becoming the red and blue crest of the Stable of El. A wave blue light rippled out from the symbol covering my body in a bright blue material. A second flash around my waist became a red and gold belt with a diamond-shaped buckle. It was followed by four more from the light traveling down my legs. The front ones stopped at the fetlock becoming a pair of red and gold sleeve bands while the back ones went all the way down, covering my hooves in a pair of red boots. Finally, two ribbons of red light emerged from my collar, joining together to form a red cape adorned with a golden El crest. "Whoa," I whispered in awe. My sadness completely forgotten, I gazed at my reflection in the ship's hull. Not believing what I was seeing. It was the same costume that I had worn in my battle with Nightmare Moon. But how did it know? The sound of wings flapping caught my attention. I looked through the roof with my X-ray vision to see a flock of birds passing over the barn. I had a sudden overwhelming desire to join them. "WAHOOOOO!!!!" In a flash, I took to the skies, my cape streaming in the wind behind me as the wind rushed across my face. It was incredible, I felt like a bird released from its cage. I went into a dive, swooping between two rows of apple trees. Their branches swayed and rustled as I passed under them. Reaching the end I climbed back into the air. The view of Sweet Apple Acres was breathtaking. Rows upon rows of apple trees spread across rolling green hills. Beyond them lay Ponyville with its thatch roof buildings and cobblestone roads. Even from up here, I could see the streets were filled with jubilant ponies celebrating the arrival of the Princesses as well as Applejack and her friends no doubt. After everything that had happened last night, I felt I could do with a little celebrating. Like a streak of light, I raced toward town. Third Pony Pov. "Sister Look up in the sky!" Luna gasped and pointed at a streaking red object as it passed over Ponyville. "What is it?" Celestia asked wondering why Luna was suddenly pointing at the sky. "A shooting star!" Luna exclaimed. Celestia let out a giggle. "A shooting star in the middle of the afternoon? You're going to have to do better than that Luna." Ignoring her sister's jesting, Luna looked back up at the sky. "Thank you Kom-El, For everything." > So This Is Normal Now? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning after the Summer Sun Celebration, I was ready for things to get back to normal. Of course, I should've known by now that living in Ponyville meant life was anything but normal. It was breakfast time, Applejack was in the kitchen with Granny Smith putting the finishing touches on a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes. The doggy door flew open as Winona came in carrying the morning paper. The border collie ran up to Big Macintosh and set the paper down next to his chair "Good girl Winona," Big Macintosh complimented her as he reached down to pick it up. Winona gazed up at him, her tail wagging with excitement as Mac pulled off the rubber band. She knew what always came after retrieving the morning paper. " Big Macintosh's eyes widened as he stared at the front page. "Hey Applejack, you're on the front page!" "Whut wus that?" Applejack came out from the kitchen carrying a platter of pancakes in her mouth. "A'h said you're on the front...." Big Mac began before was cut off by an excited bark from Winona "Alright, girl, A'h hear ya." He sighed as he stood up and trotted into the kitchen to get a dog treat, Winona happily bounding behind him. Applejack glanced down at the newspaper as she set the platter down on the table. The headline read Heroic Heroines Save Equestria. Eternal Night Thwarted By Elements of Harmony. The picture on the front showed Applejack and the other element bearers standing next to a proud Princess Celestia and a sheepish-looking Princess Luna. I could relate to how she felt. "A'h still can't believe you and your friends saved all of Equestria." Apple Bloom said. "Aw shucks, it was a team effort." Applejack humbly admitted. "A'h couldn't have done it without 'em." The article went on to mention the other mares' names as well as the elements they each represented. Applejack was the Element of Honesty. Yeah, that seemed about right, my big sister couldn't lie her way out of a wet potato sack. The two Pegasi Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were the Elements of Kindness and Loyalty respectfully. Pinkie Pie, The local party planner who often remembered other ponies' birthdays even before they did was the Element of Laughter. A unicorn named Rarity was the Element of Generosity and Twilight Sparkle according to the article was the most important Element of all, Magic. My heart fluttered a bit at the sight of the lavender unicorn. The article mentioned she had taken over the position of Librarian at the Golden Oaks Library. I made a note to check out some books the next time I was there. My thoughts of lovesickness were interrupted however when my X-Ray vision spotted a small article on the bottom of the third page. UFO Spotted Over Ponyville. Yesterday's celebrations were somewhat interrupted by reports of what eyewitnesses described as a red comet. According to eyewitness accounts, the object passed over Ponyville at 1:38 pm before disappearing. "It just came out of nowhere!" says Ponyville resident Lyra Heartstrings who was sitting on a bench in the park when she saw it. A local Pegasus, Rumble had this to say. "At first I thought it was some kind of fireball or something. We all cleared the sky pretty quickly. This morning the Mayor's office released a statement. "We understand our citizen's concerns regarding public safety in the wake of the incident at Town Hall last night. We ask ponies they remain calm and avoid giving in to the temptation to panic. These sightings are most likely the result of mass hysteria leftover from last night's events. (Continued on page 4) For the rest of breakfast, I kept quiet, making a mental note to myself to not fly over Ponyville anytime soon. The sun was shining bright as I walked over to the barn. Its rays warming my coat and reenergizing my body. The orchard was filled with the sounds of birds singing as they flew in the air. It almost seemed like they were tempting me to join them. 'Maybe later.' I thought to myself, right now though I had somewhere I had to be. The still silence greeted me as I walked through the barn door. The spaceship was resting in its usual place. I quietly closed the door behind me and bolted the latch shut. "Kerax?" I called out walking over to the ship. "Ah good morning young master, I trust you slept well?" The artificial voice asked from under the tarp. "Like a pegasus on a cloud," I replied pulling the tarp off the ship's surface. "I've never heard that expression before, I assume it means yes?" "You could say that," I said tossing the tarp to the side. "How's it coming along?" The cockpit hatch rose revealing the holograms of Loran and Jav-El's memories. "It's been slow going I'm sorry to say. So far I've only managed to repair a few hundred billion neurons of memory." "A few hundred billion? My face lit up with excitement. "That's great, how many are there in total?" "Altogether about one hundred trillion each." Was his answer. "Two hundred trillion?" I gasped, my jaw dropping in shock as I realized I had vastly underestimated the scale of this endeavor. "How long is that going to take?" "Let's see, by my last calculations, I estimate it should be done in about five hundred zetyaro." "How long is that in days?" "Days Young master?" "You know the time it takes the sun to rise and set?" "Ah, I see how many woluo are in one of these 'days'?" I explained to Kerax that there were twenty-four hours in a day, sixty minutes in one hour, and sixty seconds in one minute. He then lectured me on the time units of the Koltonian calendar. I won't bore you with the entire lecture. All you need to know is the ratio of time units from Koltonian to Equestrian is 1.37 years per amzet 0.99 seconds per thrib 1.65 minutes per dendar 2.74 hours per wolu 1.14 days per zetyar Which meant it would take Kerax approximately five hundred and seventy Equis days to finish. "Well, thanks, Kerax," I said when it was finally done. "I really appreciate you doing all this for me." "Think nothing of it, young master, I was in service to your father his entire life. He and your mother, they never treated me as just a machine, they considered me part of the family. I couldn't very well leave them scattered about like this." It felt strange hearing these words coming from a machine. But Kerax had always been helpful to me. I figured if my parents were able to see past that, then the least I could do was try. "Well, then I guess I consider you family too Kerax." "Really? Oh, thank you, young master, You have no how good it is to hear you say that." The elation in his electronic voice brought a warm smile to my muzzle. "I think I already do." I decided it best to leave Kerax to his work and see if there were any chores I could help out with. I didn't get far from the barn when my superhearing honed in on a familiar voice. "Good morning Twilight," "Good morning Applejack," "Twilight?" "Y'all ready to try ye'r hooves at apple-bucking?" "Well, I'm always up for learning about new things." My telescopic vision went into action following the direction of the sound with my X-ray vision taking care of any trees that were in the way. I saw Applejack leading Twilight and Spike past the front gate. A tingly feeling came over my stomach as I looked into the lavender unicorn's eyes. They were like deep ponds covered with floating lilac petals. "She came back." A sudden feeling of panic overtook me. "What do I do? What do say to her? Do I congratulate her on saving Equestria? Ask her about Princess Celestia. Is my mane straight? Are my hooves clean? Do I have any dirt spots on my coat? What do I do, what do I do? Think Comet think, I mean for Celestia's sake you can read at Big Macintosh's level. You shouldn't have this sort of trouble talking to a mare." But I was drawing a blank, I had a faster developing, faster thinking, faster-reacting brain and all I could come up with at that moment were brain farts. "Okay calm down take deep breaths but not too deep that you blow something away," I told myself. "You can do this Apple Comet, just remember she is only a mare, she is only a mare," I repeated the mantra in between slow deep breaths. It seemed to be working, I could hear my heart slowing down. This was good, "Alright I can do this." I headed back toward the farmhouse at a brisk canter. Just coming back from a brisk stroll through the orchard when I happened to bump into them. I didn't want to give away the fact that I knew they would be there in advance By the time I got there, they had gone inside. My X-ray vision showed they were in the tack storeroom. Applejack was busy fitting Twilight with a basket harness. "Now just hold still, this will only take a moment," Applejack said as she slid one of the straps under the unicorn's barrel. It made sense, today was the beginning of Applebuck season. Twilight grimaced as Applejack adjusted the straps on her harness. "Yeowch! Too tight!" It was evident she wasn't used to wearing work attire. "Sorry," I slowed my pace down to a trot as I worked my way over to the double doors. I took one last deep breath, put on my best energetic smile, and waited as the doors slowly opened. "Hey Applejack!" I called out to my sister with a friendly wave. "What's going on?" "Oh hey, Apple Comet," My sister replied. "Twilight and Spike were just stopping by to help with the harvest." "Really? That's great!" I said, "Hey Twilight, I saw you and Applejack on the front page of the news this morning. Twilight blushed not used to being the center of attention. "Oh, you saw that huh?" She said with an awkward smile. I felt my heart ricochet inside my ribcage. She was even more beautiful when she was nervous. "Um...yeah...you looked...great standing next to...Princess Celestia." Smooth Kom-El, real smooth. "Sorry if I seem a little nervous," She admitted. "I'm not used to being the center of attention." "No that's okay, I understand," I said. "So is it true that you're moving here to Ponyville?" "Yep, sure am, you're looking at Ponyville's new head librarian." She said smiling at me as if hearing herself say those words made her as happy as I was. "That's great!" I said, "I love to read." Twilight's smile grew wider. "Well, you're more than welcome to come down to the library with me later if you want?" She said before turning to Applejack. "As long as it's okay with you." "Fine by me," Applejack said, "provided he gets his chores done and is back by dinner." "Ha is that all?" I said confidently, "Bring 'em on, I'll have them done in no time." "In that case, why don't you take Spike with you?" Twilight suggested. "Wait, what?" The purple dragon spoke up. "It'll be a chance for you two to get to know each other better while Applejack and I do the same," Twilight explained to him. "I'm sure between the two of you, those chores will get done twice as fast." "Eugh, so this is your idea of getting things done in no time huh?" Spike asked sarcastically as he set down the two pails of slop he was carrying. "Well not exactly," I answered dumping my pail's contents into the pig's trough. Truth be told I had been planning to power through my list of chores with my super speed so I could spend more time with Twilight. But the addition of Spike presented an obvious complication in that plan. I could've just said no to her but I doubt that would've gone over very well. Like it or not it looked like we were stuck together for the time being. May as well get to know each other a little better. "So Spike, you're a dragon right?" I asked as he handed one of his pails over to me. "Um yeah?" "So, how'd you end up with Twilight?" "Oh that, it's a long story." "Well it's not like I've got somewhere I have to be," 'Anymore' I added to myself. "Well, it all started when I was just an egg... Spike explained how Twilight had hatched him from an egg when she was just a filly as part of her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's school. Not only did she pass the exam, but the Princess was so impressed that she made Twilight her personal student. ...and the two of us have been inseparable ever since." Spike finished his story with a bow. I had to admit, that hearing about how Twilight's magic surge went out of control reminded me of my own struggle learning to control my powers. "Wow, ha ha ha ha, so she really turned her parents into cactus?" "Well, actually a cactus and an agave, but that's beside the point," Spike answered. "So what about you?" "What about me?" I asked setting down my now empty pail. "Well, it's just I told you all about Twilight and me, and I was wondering if you'd tell me something about you." I turned around to face him slowly. "What do you want to know?" I asked him. The young drake looked at me and said "You seem so much different than the rest of your family. N-Not that that's bad or anything," He stammered nervously. "I'm just saying..." "You want to why?" I finished the sentence for him. "It's okay, Spike, I understand," I sighed. "The truth is I was abandoned as a foal. I never really knew my Mom and Dad. The Apples found me on their doorstep one night and took me in. That's pretty much it." "Whoa dude, I'm sorry to hear that." Spike scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I never knew who my parents were either, it's always just been me, Twilight, and Princess Celestia. Oh and Twilight's family whenever they'd drop by." "What is Twilight's family like? I asked him. "Well her Mom and Dad are kinda what you'd expect. Just two normal unicorns, then there's her brother Shining Armor who believe it or not is the Captain of the Royal Guard." "Twilight's brother is Captain of the Royal Guard?" My eyes bulged out in shock. "Yeah, the whole family was there at his appointment ceremony, They were all so proud of him." My mind was now officially blown. How the parents of two exceptional children could be considered normal was beyond me. "Hey, are you okay?" Spike asked as he noticed my left eye twitching uncontrollably. "Yeah, I'm fine." Despite never having worked on a farm before, Spike turned out to be a big help. He was a fast learner and took on new tasks eagerly. His anatomy also came in handy in many unexpected ways. For one thing, his claws made pulling weeds out of Granny's vegetable garden a snap. By noon we had managed to finish off the list. So we decided to see how Applejack and Twilight were doing. "Hey, Twilight!" Spike called out as we approached. "Hey Spike, how are you two getting along?" She asked him. "Great!" He exclaimed excitedly, "We finished all our chores," "That's great news," Twilight said, I'm glad to see you two are becoming friends." "Hear, hear," Applejack added, Why don't you boys head on inside and wash up, while Twilight and I finish moving these golden delicious to the barn? After lunch when Big Mac is done plowing pfft we'll all go down to Ponyville pfft together!" Applejack burst into a fit of laughter. Spike and I looked at each other. "What's so funny about that?" he asked before letting out an unexpected belch of fire. "Brrraaaap!" To my surprise, out of the fire came a scroll, "It's a letter from the Princess," Twilight exclaimed as Spike unrolled it. "Hear ye, hear ye," He began reading in an overly dramatic tone. "Her Grand Royal Highness Princess Celestia of Equestria is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent city of Canterlot on the 21st day of yadda yadda yadda cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest." The Grand Galloping Gala?" Both mares exclaimed. "The Grand Galloping Gala! Woo-Hoo!" "What's the Grand Galloping Gala?" I asked as Spike let out another belch revealing two tickets. "The Grand Galloping Gala is the most important social function in all of Equestria," Twilight explained. "Anypony who's anypony will be there." "Well then call me nopony," Spike added. "I don't want any of that girly frou-frou nonsense." "Aw c'mon Spike," Twilight implored. "A dance would be nice," "It would be more than nice," Applejack said. She went on to explain how she'd always wanted to set up a bakery stand at the Gala to bring more business to Sweet Apple Acres. "Ah'd give my hind leg to go to that gala." Gee, thanks for the unpleasant image there Sis. Before Twilight could finish offering her, a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail crashed in front of us and immediately asked about the gala. If I hadn't seen and heard her coming in advance, She probably would've scared me into the stratosphere. "Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked. "You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples." As my sister accused her of spying, the weather mare dusted herself off and told them about how the Wonderbolts would be there and how she wanted to impress them enough for them to let her join them. I tuned her out after about ten seconds. As somepony who spent most of their waking life trying to blend in, I just couldn't relate to what she was saying. And things just got crazier from there, Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued to argue over who had the better reason to go. It got to the point where the two of them were going to hoof-wrestle over it. "Enough!" I shouted. Everypony stopped and looked at me. "Look it's obvious that both of you want to go to the Gala, but this arguing is getting us nowhere. Now I'm sure Twilight will make up her mind about who she goes with when she's ready, but until she does you'll just have to wait." Applejack and Rainbow Dash just stood there blinking, as if to ask where in Equestria did that outburst come from? The silence was broken by the grumbling of Twilight's stomach. "Well gee thanks Apple Comet," She said awkwardly. "Why don't we go into town for some lunch and then we can stop by the library?" "Fine by me," I said. Unfortunately for the three of us, that was not to be the end of Twilight's ticket woes. Right as we were walking outside Sugarcube Corner, my hearing picked up the sound of hooves galloping towards the front door. "You might want to step back," I warned. Twilight stopped and turned her head to face me. "Why?" She asked simply. 'BAM!' The top half of the door flung open as a pink blur came flying out causing Twilight to rear up sending Spike tumbling to the ground. "That's why," I said. "Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said as she stood up. "Whatcha doing?" Her eyes sparkled as she noticed the tickets lying on the ground next to Spike. "Are those two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?" Much to the annoyance of my super-hearing, Pinkie Pie spontaneously broke into a random song. I swear somehow she seems to have more stamina than me. As I fine-tuned my hearing for the second time that day, I picked the dainty hoofsteps of another of Twilight's friends. And this one shook me to my very core. *Gasp!* "Are these what I think they are?" My blood ran cold as memories from my distant past came rushing to the surface. “I DON’T KNOW WHO ARE OR WHY YOU DID THIS! BUT WHOEVER YOU ARE NO MATTER WHERE YOU HIDE I WILL FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO I SWEAR VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!” The furious voice from my memories echoed in my head as Rarity fawned over the tickets. I didn't hear what she was saying, I was too paralyzed with fear. "Hey, are you okay?" Pinkie's Pie's face asked as it suddenly appeared in front of me. "Gah!" I shouted as I fell over backward. "Oops tee-hee sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. Here have a cupcake," She said pulling one seemingly out of thin air and setting it in my hooves. *Gasp* "Oh Angel these are perfect," 'Faust help me this was anything but perfect.' I thought as I looked over to see the last Element of Harmony talking to a white rabbit holding one of the tickets. "Uh listen, girls," Twilight spoke up. "I haven't decided who I'm going to give the tickets to." "You haven't?" Rarity and Pinkie Pie said in disbelief at the same time. "Um, excuse me Twilight," Fluttershy began, I would just like to ask if it would be alright if you haven't given it to someone else..." Fluttershy explained that she wanted to go to the Gala because there was a garden filled with all kinds of rare animals that she wanted to see. "Gee Fluttershy, it sounds beautiful?" Before Twilight could say more, another voice rang out. "Wait just a minute," Everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing on the roof beam of a house. "Rainbow Dash, were you following me?" Twilight asked sounding increasingly frustrated. As Rainbow pleaded her case another familiar voice said "Wait just another minute," "Oh no," I facehoofed as Applejack walked up. "Applejack have you been following us too?" I asked finally summoning the nerve to get up off of my back. "Nope A'h was following this one to make sure she didn't try any funny business," She answered pointing to Rainbow Dash. She then leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "By any chance did ya talk to Twilight about what A'h said?" "Alright that's it," I said gently swatting her hoof away. "I've heard enough of this! I know the grand galloping gala means a lot to you all, but crowding around Twilight isn't going to help her decide. If I were in her place I'd have half a mind to rip those tickets up in front of all of you." Actually, I was tempted to crumple them into a ball and throw them to the moon. The five of them gasped in shock, "Apple Comet!" Applejack scolded. "How could you say such things? Don't you care about our family's livelihood?" "I do care about our family Applejack," I protested. "But this isn't about family, it's about friendship and right now none of you are acting like Twilight's friends." The five of them folded their ears and lowered their heads. *Sigh* "Aw shucks li'l brother," Applejack said ashamedly, "Your right." "I guess we were so busy thinking about what we wanted, that we never stopped to consider Twilight's feelings." Fluttershy quietly admitted. "We should've known better than to act like a bunch of party poopers," Pinkie Pie said. "I haven't quite perfected my moves for the Wonderbolts yet anyway." Rainbow Dash said sheepishly. "It was wrong of us to act so selfishly," Rarity added, her voice sending another chill through my body. Twilight smiled sweetly at her friend's sincerity. "Aw, I forgive you." She said as six out of nine of us willingly joined in a group hug. The other three, however... "You don't think this will become a regular thing do you?" I asked Spike. The dragon rolled his eyes and said, "I hope not." Meanwhile, Angel squirmed desperately trying to free himself. I decided to wait till tomorrow to visit the library, there's only so much insanity I could take in one day. I would later learn from Twilight how wise a move that had been. > Power Ponies and Chicken Coop, (Deleted Scene) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After washing our hooves and or claws thoroughly the four of us sat down for lunch. While Applejack and Twilight prepared a plate of hay and daisy sandwiches, Spike munched on a pouch of gems while reading a comic book he'd brought with him. The Power Ponies, the cover showed six ponies in bright colorful costumes standing on top of a tall building overlooking a city. Now I personally am not a fan of comics. It's not that I hate them or anything, I know plenty of colts and fillies at school who read them. I've even caught Ms. Cheerilee on more than one occasion with my X-ray vision during recess. No there are two reasons I don't read comics. The first is that is because the ones I have read featured characters I just couldn't relate to. The super ponies in those comics were always catching the bad guys and saving the day. They never had to fear being ostracized for being different or worry about what other ponies would think of them. They were always loved and admonished by everypony. And the second reason is their depictions of extraterrestrials. Almost all of them were sinister invaders bent on conquering Equestria. I know it's fiction and therefore not real, but knowing what I know about my parents and myself only made reading about them reinforce my belief that it was best to keep my secret in the family. "Whatcha reading there Spike?" Applejack asked as trotted over carrying a plate of sandwiches. "Just the newest issue of Power Ponies," He said not taking his eyes off the page. "Spike," Twilight scolded, "what have we talked about regarding eye contact when talking?" The little dragon huffed in annoyance and set the book down. "It's rude to look away when talking to somepony." He said reciting a lecture he'd probably heard many times before. "That's right," Twilight smiled as she took a seat at the table next to him. "Maybe Apple Comet would like to look at that with you?" "Oh that's okay Twilight," I blushed trying to keep myself together. "I don't read comics all that much." "He ain't exactly one for make-believe stories Twi," Applejack explained to Twilight. "Nah he's more into astrology ain't ya li'l brother." "It's astronomy," I corrected her. "Pssh, astronomy, astrology, tomato, tomahto," My sister dismissed with a wave of her hoof. "Hey that's right, Twilight suddenly recalled. "I remember you telling me all about Comets the other day." What she said next nearly made me choke on my sandwich. "Did you see the one that appeared yesterday?" I swallowed hard, forcing the lump of partially chewed bread and flowers down my throat. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked with concern. "For a moment you looked like you choking." "Yeah...I'm...fine," I said between slow deep breaths. "And no I didn't, I left my telescope at home yesterday." "Pfff, are you serious?" Spike asked cutting through my excuse like a paring knife through an apple's skin. "You forgot your telescope? It was the middle of the afternoon, you could see it with the naked eye. You must need glasses or something." "Alright, Spike that's enough," Twilight said sternly as she lifted the comic book from his claws. "Aw c' mon I was just joking," Spike whined as Twilight set the book next to her. "You can have it back as soon as you apologize to Apple Comet and finish helping him with his chores." The young drake grumbled in frustration, "*sigh* Sorry Apple Comet." "That's okay Spike," I said, "Uh as long as you're not reading this, could I just take a look at it?" "Yeah knock yourself out." he sighed. "Thanks," I don't what exactly drew me to it. Maybe it was curiosity wanting to learn more about a new friend by what they read. Maybe I just wanted to see what it was that excited him. Or maybe after an eventful couple of days, I was just looking for some good old mindless escapism. The Power Ponies turned out to be kind of what I was expecting. I didn't find any of the characters to be particularly likable. The dialogue mostly consisted of bad puns and shoehorned catchphrases. Whoever wrote it had no idea what it was like living with superpowers. And I really couldn't hold that against them. After all, as far as they knew superheroes were just works of fiction meant to entertain foals. I'd like to say the rest of the afternoon passed without incident, and that I was able to go to the library with Twilight. But unfortunately, that is not what ended up happening. As soon as lunch was finished and the kitchen had been cleaned up, everypony went outside to finish their separate tasks. "So what did you think of the Power Ponies?" Spike asked me as we walked over to the chicken coop. Spike carried a pair of baskets for the eggs while I had a bag of feed slung across my back. "It was okay, I guess," I admitted. "Okay?" The purple dragon stared at me in disbelief. "Just okay?" "Well, it's like Applejack said, I'm not much of a comic reader." "Man you don't know what you're missing," He said. 'Oh I think I do,' I thought as I opened the latch to the pen's gate. "Okay just like last time, I'll spread the feed, and call them out. While they're pecking around, you head inside and gather up the eggs, Got it?" "Got it, Spike nodded. "Here chick, chick, chick, here chick, chick, chick," I called out as I reached into my sack and tossed a hooful of feed onto the ground. Like a stampede of tiny ostriches, the chickens came pouring out. "Here chick, chick, chick, chick, here chick, chick, chick, chick." I nodded to Spike signaling the coast was clear. The drake nodded in reply and rushed inside. "BRAAAP!" A moment later there was a flash of green light from inside the coop. "What the?" I peered through the walls to find Spike holding a letter desperately trying to stomp out the burning remains of a hen's nest. "Oh no!" Dropping the sack, I rushed over and grabbed the chicken's water feeder in my mouth. Then as fast as I could without going full speed, I charged in and dumped the contents of the feeder on the fire. A cloud of smoke rose from the remains of the nest. Fortunately, it had been one of the empty ones. Spike smiled awkwardly at me, holding a rolled-up scroll in one claw. "Uhh...I can explain." > Look, up in the sky! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am glad I got home when I did that day because things only got crazier from there. As soon as I got home, I poured myself a tall cool glass of lemonade, went upstairs to one of my astronomy books, and lay back on my bed. I felt bad for Twilight, being forced to choose between you're five closest friends could not have been an easy decision to make. Part of me hoped she took my idea of tearing up those tickets and forgetting about them. Applejack came home a few hours later, her head hung low and her ears folded. At first, I thought it was because Twilight had either destroyed the ticket or given it to one of the others. But a closer inspection of the inside of her hat revealed that wasn't the case. "Applejack, what's wrong?" Granny Smith asked with concern. Applejack looked up at her with tears in her eyes. "It's Mac, he's in the hospital and it's all my fault." Hospitals, there are lots of reasons foals don't like going to them. Whether it's because they're afraid of getting a shot or they're visiting a loved one that is sick or injured a hospital can be a very scary place. We were seated in the hall outside the doctor's office, The clock slowly ticking by. Through my X-ray vision, I watched as Doctor Horse wrapped Big Mac's barrel in bandages. According to Applejack, he had been walking down Stirrup Street in one of Granny Smith's girdles after losing a bet, when suddenly he cried out in pain and fell. I didn't need a doctor's word to figure out that the girdle he had been wearing was too tight, creating constricting pressure on his spine and ribcage that eventually resulted in multiple hairline fractures across his ribs. He'd recover eventually, but he would be taking it easy for a while that was for sure. "It's all my fault," Applejack sobbed burying her face in her hooves. "If A'h hadn't made that stupid bet, this would never have happened." "There there, Applejack," Apple Bloom said softly placing her hoof on her big sister's knee. "It'll be okay, Ah'm sure Mac will forgive you." "Ah appreciate what ye'r saying Sugarcube," Applejack said as she placed her hoof on top of Apple Bloom's. "But A'h don't feel like Ah deserve forgiveness for this." "Now, now don't say things like that," Granny Smith told her. "If anything it's the fault of this old gal for being so petite hee hee hee hee hee hee." She chuckled to herself. "How can Y'all be laughing at a time like this?" Applejack asked irritably. "Just trying to lighten the mood," Granny said. About half an hour later, Doctor Horse stepped out. His muzzle was wrapped in a warm smile as he closed the door behind him. "Apples, I have good news, Big Macintosh is going to be just fine." Overcome with elation Applejack leaped out of her chair and wrapped her forelegs around the doctor's neck. "Oh thank you Doctor Horse! Thank you, thank you so much!" Fresh tears flowed down her muzzle, only this time they were tears of relief. Unfortunately in her relief, she forgot her own strength. "You're...welcome." Doctor Horse choked as he desperately tried to pry her forelegs off with his magic. "Okay Applejack, you can let go of the doctor now," I said. "I think he got the message." Applejack opened her eyes to see the Doctor's face turning blue. She released her grip sending the asphyxiated doctor into the floor, gasping for breath. "Oops, sorry about that?" As the color returned to his face, Doctor Horse took in several deep breaths. "I understand...your excitement, but I must ask you...to respect my personal space...in the future. Now as I was saying, Big Macintosh is expected to recover fully, provided he does not exert himself for at least six weeks." "Six weeks!" Applejack exclaimed, "But it's Applebuck Season, without Big Macintosh, we'll fall behind on our harvest!" "Well, I'm sorry to hear that," Doctor Horse said condolingly. "Perhaps you could hire some hooves to help out. However, I must insist that Big Macintosh be allowed time to rest and recuperate. "When can we see him?" Apple Bloom asked. "You can see him right now actually," Doctor Horse replied. "However, I must ask that you be... Almost as quickly as me, Applejack rushed past him into the doctor's office. "Mac! Oh, Mac A'h am so sorry!" Without thinking, She threw herself on top of him. "GAAAARRRGGGHHHH!" Mac screamed as Applejack buried her face on top of his sore barrel. "NO! GET OFF OF HIM!" The doctor shouted as he tried to pry Applejack off of Big Macintosh. "NURSE REDHEART GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" We were banned from the hospital for the rest of the day. They gave Mac a whole bottle of painkillers and told us he'd have to stay overnight for observation. Applejack took it pretty hard, she hardly said a word once on the walk home. For the next few days, she stayed close to Mac, checking on him, making sure he was comfortable, and of course reminding him of how sorry she was. Eventually, Mac was able to go outside for short amounts of time. However, he still wasn't fit enough to work, so Applejack offered to pick up the slack for him. Which is where everything started to go downhill. Another day on the farm, I got up, went to the bathroom, washed my face, and went down to breakfast. Had breakfast, went upstairs, brushed my teeth, combed my mane and tail, and made my bed. So far, so regular. I sat down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. The room was silent, save for the ticking of the alarm clock on my nightstand. I still had a few minutes before I had to go out and do my chores. I decided to spend them in the solitude. Unfortunately, that solitude was destined to be interrupted. My right ear twitched as I heard a faint rumbling in the distance. It was steady, continuous, and concentrated in one place. My vision raced through the walls and over the trees towards a cloud of dust in the distance. It was a herd of cows stampeding down the road in a blind panic, and they were headed right for Ponyville. Before I could even think about what I was doing, I opened the drawer of my nightstand and grabbed the clothing matrix resting inside. Placing it against my chest, I allowed it to envelop me in the clothing of my native planet. Quick as a flash, I flung open my window and climbed out. The herd was getting closer to town, there was only one way I was gonna make it in time. Like an arrow from a bow, I took to the sky, streaking to avert certain disaster. Third Pony POV. Rainbow Dash let out a yawn as she flew over the thatch-covered roofs of Ponyville. It was still early and she wasn't yet fully awake. She was never much of an early bird, preferring to sleep in over getting the worm. Nevertheless, she still had a few more places to check before her morning weather shift was through. "What the hoof is that?" She said noticing a cloud of dust headed straight for Ponyville. Squinting to get a closer look, Rainbow's eyes went wide at the sight of what looked like a stampede of cows being chased by a shooting star. "Look, up in the sky!" One of the cows gasped. The entire stampede looked up to see a red ball of directly above them. "It's a bird," cried a Cracker, "It's a phoenix," declared a Hereford. "It's a dragon!" screamed a Holstein, bringing the entire herd to a screeching stop. "A dragon!" The entire herd bolted in the opposite direction. Comet's POV again. "No no no, not that way! Stop!" I called out, but it was no use, I had been so determined to catch up to the herd that I hadn't thought about what I was going to do when I reached it. The cows were headed back up the road towards Sweet Apple Acres. And I needed to get after them before... "Hey!" ...Somepony saw me. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. "Hey get back here!" Of all the ponies in town, why did it have to be her? I couldn't head back towards Sweet Apple Acres now, that would give away the whole charade. No, I had to find somewhere to disappear to and fast. With that thought, I went into a half loop and flew towards town. Third Pony POV. "Hey get back here," Rainbow Dash shouted as the comet went into a half loop and flew over her head. But she would eat her own wings before she let it get away from her. With the speed that earned her the reputation as the fastest flyer in Ponyville, she darted after it, matching it move for move as it tried to escape her. No doubt about it, it was the same object that was seen over the Summer Sun Celebration two days before. And she was gonna find out what it was or her name wasn't Rainbow Danger Dash. Comet's POV "You're not gonna shake me off that easily," As much as I hated to admit it, she had a point. Every maneuver I pulled, Rainbow Dash matched, sticking to my tail like burs. Below I could hear astonished gasps and murmurs of the townsponies as stood transfixed looking up at the aerial acrobatics above them. "Look it's the shooting star!" One mare gasped. "The one from the summer sun celebration," A stallion muttered. "I told you, Mom, it was real!" A young filly declared. Great now we had an audience, this was exactly what I didn't need. To make things worse, our chase was headed for the center of town which only meant more ponies were going to see us. "When the Wonderbolts hear about how I caught you, they'll have to let me join them." Rainbow declared proudly as she raced to catch up to me. The back of my mane stood on end as the implications of what would happen if she caught me came rushing forward. My secret would be exposed, and everypony would know who I was. I needed to end this chase now, but how? I couldn't fly low to the ground without putting everypony in the square in harm's way. The airspace above the town was mostly clear for now. But if any more pegasi were to join the chase, then we might be dealing with a mid-air collision or two. I had lead to lead us out of town before somepony got hurt. And the best way to get there was to go straight up. Like a screaming bottle rocket, I began climbing higher and higher, putting on as much speed as I could. The town hall dome dwindled as I flew ever higher. In the distance, I could see Canterlot resting on the side of Mt Equis. Even further away, the Pegasi city of Cloudsdale floated gracefully across the sky. I certainly couldn't lay low in either of those places. My best bet was probably the Everfree Forest. Nopony in their right mind would think to look for me there. "Hah, you won't shake me with flight school tricks like those," I looked behind to see Rainbow Dash was still behind me, a confident smirk spread across her face. Desperate I went into a series of rolls and turns, trying to incorporate every flight maneuver I knew about, in the hopes of shaking the pegasus off my tail. "You're good, but I'm better," She boasted as she matched me move for move. It soon dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to outmaneuver her. So I turned to the only option I had left, speed. My coma erupted in a flash of red light as I rocketed toward the Everfree Forest. Third Pony Pov. Rainbow Dash had to shield her eyes as the Comet released a flash of light, But she didn't slow down even slightly. She was determined to catch it and find out what it was. It wasn't a normal shooting star, that much she knew for sure after she saw how it tried to get away from her. But nothing got away from Rainbow Danger Dash. The Comet was getting faster, trying to outpace her, trying to beat her. Rainbow wouldn't allow that. She was the fastest flier in all of Equestria, she was the Element of Loyalty, and she was going this thing why that was. As she put on more speed, Rainbow Dash suddenly felt a familiar feeling, A feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. A vapor cone began to form around her. "I have you now," She said with a smile. There was a crack like distant thunder and then the sky lit up in an aurora of color. Comet's POV. "WHAT IN EQUESTRIA?" I gasped as I saw a flash of light erupt behind me, sending a shockwave of many colors out in every direction. I was so entranced by its display that I didn't notice the supersonic projectile headed toward me until it was too late. WHAM! Something crashed into me from behind sending me tumbling towards the ground. My senses overloaded as a thunderous roar washed over me. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as my brain seemed to catch on fire. I forced my eyes into a squint and out of the corner of my eye, my telescopic vision spotted Rainbow Dash falling toward the ground. The collision had knocked her unconscious and sent her into a death spiral. "Oh no!" Fighting through the pain, I willed my body to right itself in mid-air. Then with as much speed as I could put on, I rushed to Rainbow's rescue. My neural synapses were still surging, but my conscience pushed them aside. My only thought at that moment was saving Rainbow Dash. Somehow with just feet left to the forest canopy, I swooped under her upside down and grabbed her wrapping my forelegs around her barrel. I felt a rush of euphoria, I had done it. With the crisis averted, I quickly checked her over with my X-ray vision. Her heart was beating slower accounting for the unconsciousness. Fortunately, aside from a mild concussion, her head hadn't sustained any serious injuries. Made sense why she was so hard-headed I guess. Still, I needed to get her to the hospital as soon as possible. I landed in an empty clearing just up the road from the hospital. After gently setting Rainbow Dash down on the grass, making sure not to drop her head, I pressed the emblem on my chest. In a flash of light, my koltonian costume vanished back into the hoof-sized emblem. I reached back to place it in my saddlebags, only to find it wasn't there. "Oh no, I left my saddlebags at home." I couldn't run to the hospital carrying it in my hoof and I couldn't leave it here where somepony might find it. With no other option, I popped it in my mouth and headed for the hospital, clenching it in my teeth as I ran. Hopefully, I'd think of something before I got there. The entrance to the hospital was clear when I arrived. "The flowerbed," I mumbled as I ran over to the row of flowers planted around the sign. I dug a small hole placed the matrix inside and covered it up. With that out of the way, I ran to the front door to give a little performance. "Help! Somepony help!" I shouted as I pushed open the front door, panting rapidly to make it seem like I was out of breath. Immediately the Receptionist got up from her desk and galloped over to me. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned. "I was walking down the path out there when I heard a loud crash," I explained. "When I went over to see what it was, I found a pegasus lying on the ground. She looked hurt and wasn't moving, so I came here." "Alright wait here," The receptionist said. "I'll be right back." A few seconds later she came back with two paramedics. "Alright, where is this Pegasus?" One of them asked me. "Follow me, I'll show you," I said. I led the paramedics to where I'd left Rainbow Dash. Luckily they didn't ask me any questions. They simply loaded her onto a stretcher and took her back to the hospital. When we arrived in the lobby, I found Doctor Horse was waiting for me. "Apple Comet, I'm surprised to you again so soon." He said as he watched the paramedics carry Rainbow Dash down the hall. "What happened to her?" "I dunno," I answered. "I was walking down the road when I heard something crash in the distance. I went over to see what it was and that's when I found her." "I see," The doctor concurred. "Well, it's a good thing you did. You may have saved her life. By the way, how's your brother doing?" "He's getting better," I said. "He's able to go out for walks a few times a day. "That's great, just a reminder he's not to do any labor for the next few weeks." "He knows, he's not stubborn like Applejack," I said. "Thank Celestia for that," Doctor Horse sighed with relief. "Well, I better be going, duty calls. Why don't you help yourself to a lollipop on your way out?" With that, he turned and walked down the corridor. I walked out of the hospital, lollipop in my mouth. The satisfying taste of a job well done. I quickly retrieved my clothing matrix from the flowerbed and donned my costume from behind a tree. Like a streak of light, I headed home taking the long route around the outskirts of Ponyville. I'd had enough excitement for one day, and it wasn't even noon yet. > Stubbornness thy name is Applejack. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I got back home I found the farm to be a bit more crowded than usual. The herd of cattle, I'd spooked had gathered outside the farmhouse. "Oh, It was just terrifying Applejack," a brown-spotted Holstein wailed dramatically. "That ball of fire just came out of nowhere. I thought for sure we were all going to be roast beef." The other members of the muttered amongst themselves. Amongst the gossip, I could make out the words phoenix, dragon, meteor, and omen. I instantly knew they were talking about me. "There there Daisy Jo," Applejack said reassuringly patting her on the back. "It's alright, just calm down and take a deep breath." Daisy Jo inhaled slowly and exhaled. "Thank Celestia you and Winona showed up when you did." "Aw shucks, it ain't no trouble at all, right girl?" Applejack said looking down at Winona who replied with a single bark and went back to panting happily. "Exactly." "But what if it comes back?" A brown cow spoke up. Applejack raised a forehoof in dismissal. " Ah'm sure whatever it was is long gone by now." But the brown cow wasn't convinced. "How can you be sure of that?" She asked insistently. "How do you know it won't come back?" "Umm...well," Applejack froze unsure of what to say at that moment. Sweat began to run down her forehead, and not the kind that came from a hard day's work. "I heard ponies talking about seeing it at the Summer Sun Celebration." A guernsey called out, sending the herd further into gossip. "Now now settle down everypony err Ah mean cow," Applejack said trying to regain control of the situation. "Let's not be too hasty." But I could see the herd was one step away from becoming an angry mob. I had to step in but do so in a way that didn't arouse suspicion. "It must be a sign of bad things to come!" A jersey declared. How do you do know it's not a sign of something good?" I asked aloud. The entire herd turned to face me. "I saw it at the celebration myself. It appeared after Nightmare Moon had been defeated. That doesn't sound like a sign of bad things to me." "And who are you?" One of the cows asked. "Is that you Apple Comet?" Daisy Jo asked poking her head up from behind the herd. "Yes, it's me, Ms. Jo," I replied. "It's good to see you, come on up let me get a better look at you." As I worked my way around the outside of the herd, I could feel their eyes staring at me, I could hear them whispering and murmuring amongst themselves. Some of them were optimistic, others were still uncertain. Daisy Jo smiled as I stepped over to her and Applejack. "My look at how big you're getting. I trust you've been drinking your milk every day?" She said with a slight chuckle. "Ladies this is Apple Comet, He's quite the young astronomer. "Well uh, thank you, Ms. Jo," I told her as I scratched the back of my mane. "I just thought I'd say what was on my mind is all." Applejack took off her hat and sighed with relief as she wiped the sweat off her brow. "Alright everyone," She said. "We've all had a little too much excitement today. Let's all get moseying along and try to put this ordeal behind us." The herd wasn't entirely convinced but thankfully most of them decided it was probably for the best. When the last cow had left the orchard, Applejack turned to me and said, "Inside now!" I spent the next several minutes explaining to my sister everything that happened. While Applejack was still somewhat disappointed with how everything had turned out, she did acknowledge that I was just trying to use my powers to help And she was grateful to hear that I had taken Rainbow Dash to the hospital. However, I still ended up being sent to my room until Granny Smith and Apple Bloom got back from the market. As I sat and watched Applejack as she worked the orchard by herself, I noticed she seemed more fatigued than usual. I knew she had been pushing herself harder than usual to account for Mac's absence. But she hadn't stopped once in the last several hours, even missing lunch to keep working. That was not normal for Applejack. Normally whenever lunchtime came around, Applejack would be the first one in. Part of me wondered if she was punishing herself out of a sense of guilt for Mac's injury. I decided I couldn't just sit here and watch her do this to herself. I stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen. A half-dozen sandwiches and a canteen of water later, I found her standing under one of the many apple trees. Her head was resting against its trunk as she snored softly. It was even worse than I thought. Applejack was working herself to the point of exhaustion. "APPLEJACK!" Her eyes shot open as her neck bolted up. "Huh, wha?" She looked around frantically trying to find who'd woken her up. Then she saw me standing there with a lunch pail and canteen. "Apple Comet? What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be in your room till Granny comes home." Her eyelids were sunken low with bags under them. "I brought you something to eat," I said as I set the lunch pail down in front of her. "You missed lunch more than an hour ago. I also thought you might be thirsty." She looked down at the lunch pail and canteen in front of her. A goofy smile spread across her face. "Well shucks, that's real sweet of you to care about your big sister like that Sugarcube. You can go back inside now." "Uh actually Applejack, there's something I've been wanting to say. I've been watching you from my room and I couldn't help but notice you working yourself to the brink of total exhaustion." Applejack looked at me, trying her best to give her impression of Granny Smith's stinkeye. "Well, of course, Ah have," She said. "Working hard is all part of living on a farm." "Yeah, but you can't do it all by yourself." I protested. Applejack looked confused at me. "Why would Ah glue items to a shelf? So they don't fall off of course." "That's not what I said!" "You're looking for bread? Have you checked the breadbox?" My patience was beginning to run out. "Applejack, listen to me, you are in over your head with this harvest. If you don't stop and rest or at least ask for some help I'll..." "You'll what?" She said squinting her pupils at me. "I'll finish the rest of the harvest by myself and leave nothing for you." "You wouldn't dare," Applejack whispered venomously. "Oh, wouldn't I?" I retorted. "We both know I could do it in a snap if I wanted to. One instant I'm here... In a flash, I ran to the barn and back, returning with a dozen apple baskets on my back. ...The next done." "Apple Comet, listen to me. You will put those baskets back in the barn, and go back inside until Granny Smith and Apple Bloom get home." "Are you going to stop me if I say no?" Applejack's eyes widened as she realized she was essentially powerless to refuse my help. "G-Granny Smith will hear about this." She stammered trying to assert her authority. "I'm sure she will, and I'm also sure she'll understand when she sees you in the state you're in. Last chance Applejack, either you go in the kitchen and call up your friends for help, or sit back and watch as I do in minutes what would take you the next few days." "Y-You can't do this to me! Ah, 'm your big sister." She said before turning and galloping headfirst into the same tree she'd been resting against earlier. "And I love you very much," I said standing over her. Her lips whimpering Applejack finally accepted defeat. "Alright Ah admit it! You were right Lil brother, Ah was in way over my head. I just felt so guilty about Mac hurting himself over that ridiculous bet that I guess started looking at it as my punishment." "You don't need to punish yourself like this," We both looked behind to see Big Macintosh standing there. "Mac!" Applejack exclaimed rolling onto her side as he walked towards her. "How long have you been here?" "Long enough," He said. "Applejack this isn't the way to make what happened to me right. All you'll end up doing is putting yourself in the hospital as well." Applejack sighed as she knelt her head down, her eyes closing in acceptance. "Ah'm sorry Mac, Ah don't know what Ah was thinking. Ah, let my guilt and my stubbornness get the better of me." Big Macintosh smiled and let out a hearty laugh. "Apology accepted," He said. True to her word Applejack called up Twilight and her friends who were happy to come help with the harvest. Working together we were able to get the entire orchard harvested by the end of the week. Applejack learned a hard lesson about not being afraid to ask for help. While I learned a lesson about using my powers responsibly. Although sooner or later I knew I would have to use them again. > For the Birds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Applejack and I went to the hospital to visit Rainbow Dash and pick up a refill of Big Macintosh's pain medicine. As we waited in the reception area, we were surprised to see Twilight and the others walk in bearing gifts of get-well cards, flowers, balloons, and cupcakes. "Hey Applejack!" Pinkie called out. "Are you here to see Rainbow Dash too?" "Well, that and pick up Big Macintosh's prescription," Applejack answered. "Did he get those 'sorry you got hurt from wearing a girdle that was too tight for you' cupcakes' I baked for him?" "Yes, he did," Applejack said as her eyebrow slowly rose. "Though how you managed to fit all that on a batch of cupcakes a dozen times Ah'll never know." 'And in cursive no less.' I thought as the peppy pink party planner turned her attention to me. "Hey, Apple Comet, I haven't seen you around Sugarcube Corner lately." "Well, I've been kind of busy," I said. Yeah, busy being the mysterious flying object that seemed to be the topic on everypony's lips. Not to mention the reason Rainbow Dash was even in the hospital at all. "Oh, I bet, what with that UFO that's been seen flying all over town. I asked Mr. and Mrs. Cake what they thought it was and they both said they had no idea what it was. And I was like that's weird. So I went out and asked Twilight about it because she's really smart about all kinds of stuff and she said... "Okay, Pinkie I think he gets the idea," Twilight said coming to my rescue. "I heard about how you found Rainbow Dash yesterday. That was some quick thinking you did, bringing those paramedics to her. You may have saved her life." 'Yeah, when you leave out the part where she crashed headfirst into me then I look pretty dang heroic.' "Oh, it was nothing," I shrugged. "I was doing what I learned in school is all." "Oh, it most certainly wasn't nothing." Rarity spoke up sending a cold wave of fear down my back. "Why you saved our friend in her most dire hour. You must simply allow us to repay your heroic deed somehow. Stop by my boutique sometime and I'll make something just for you." "Well...I..." "Um I can't make you anything," Fluttershy added. "But you're welcome at my house anytime. I'm sure my animal friends would love to meet you." She smiled at me with the most gentle eyes I'd ever seen on a pony. "Gee...thanks? I mean..." "Ooo when Rainbow gets out of the hospital we should throw you...a party!" Pinkie screamed throwing her hooves up in an explosion of confetti and streamers. Only to be silenced by a shush from the receptionist returning with Mac's medicine. "Oops, sorry," she whispered gathering up her mess with an awkward smile. Rainbow Dash was sitting up in her bed as we walked in. She was wearing bandages wrapped around her head. Her eyes were bored and listless as she stared at the wall in front of her. As soon as she turned to face us, Pinkie Pie burst out from under her bed and yelled, "Surprise!" How she had moved from the door to under the bed with me seeing her just completely baffled me. Maybe she's secretly Koltonian or something, I dunno. "Gah!" Rainbow Dash leaped startled out of her bed nearly hitting her head on the ceiling fan. "Pinkie Pie? What the hay?" "Gotcha, tee hee," Pinkie said with a giggle before she was smacked upside the head with a pillow. "Now we're even." Rainbow Dash said smiling from ear to ear. Before things could escalate to a full-blown pillow fight, Twilight levitated the pillow off Pinkie's face and set it back on the bed. "Okay girls, that's enough," She said pulling Pinkie away from the bed. "So Rainbow dear," Rarity began. "How are you feeling today?" "Well aside from being scared out of my bed, fine aside from my head hurting." She admitted. "Oh, my," Fluttershy gasped softly. "You must have hit your head pretty hard when you landed." "It wasn't the ground," Rainbow grumbled. "It was that thing I was chasing. It felt like colliding with the broadside of a full-grown dragon." Fluttershy let out an "Eep" and dove into the blankets. Part of me wanted to join her. Twilight, however, was intrigued. "Interesting, you're saying that saw the UFO up close? What did it look like?" Rainbow put a hoof to her chin and ran it back and forth as she began to recall. "Well, all I could see was that its entire body was covered in fire. And it had a long red tail that trailed behind it. Kind of like a comet." I had to get out of that room before anypony laid eyes on my flank. "Um...I have to go to the bathroom, "I said inching back towards the door. "I'll be right back." I cantered out of there as fast as I could, my eyes darting for the closest restroom I could find. Once I'd taken care of business, I decided to take a walk around the hospital to put some distance between Applejack and her friends. Rainbow was getting too close to the truth for my comfort, even if she didn't know it. As I rounded the corner, my ears picked up the voice of Nurse Redheart who was arguing with somepony. "I already told you, Rainbow Dash has other visitors right now, you can either sit down and wait or come back another time. "And I'm telling you Dash will vouch for me, we're old friends." The other voice, a grouchy scratchy voice if I ever heard one replied. "So just tell me what room she's in and I'll be on my way." To my surprise, the pony arguing with Nurse Redheart wasn't a pony at all. She was a Griffon. Her head plumage was bald white while the rest of her was gamboge. She was about a head taller than the average pony. She looked at Nurse Redheart with the eyes of a predator. I could tell she wasn't going to just sit and be patient. "Look lady I'm getting tired of you pulling my tail, either tell me which room Dashie is in, or you're going to have one grumpy griffon on your hooves." To which Nurse Reheart hollered out, "SECURITY!" Instantly two burly earth ponies wearing security guard uniforms charged into the reception area with scowls on their faces. "You heard the nurse, scram!" One of them 'politely' suggested. The Griffon looked up at the two bruisers who looked like they had muscles on their eyeballs. She shrank back before looking at Nurse Redheart and saying, "This ain't over." With that, she flew out the door taking to the skies like a raptor. Leaving me to wonder where in Equestria Rainbow Dash had met her. As I approached the door to Rainbow's room, my superhearing picked up what they were saying. "I'm serious Twilight I really did pull off the Sonic Rainboom," Rainbow said. "Seriously, you guys must have seen it from town." Peeking through the wall with my X-ray vision, I saw Rainbow Dash hovering above her bed. "We're not saying we don't believe you." Rarity chimed in. "It's just your story and the Doctor's has a few...inconsistencies." "Applejack," Rainbow said turning to face my sister. "You're the Element of Honesty, do I sound like I'm lying?" Applejack looked uncertain as she held one hoof under her lip. "Well no," She answered before adding "But then again you did say you hit it head-on Sugarcube." "What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash asked accusingly. Applejack smiled nervously and took a step back not saying a word as the cyan pegasus's eyes narrowed. "I think what Applejack is trying to say is maybe you'll remember more clearly after you've had some rest," Twilight suggested. Rainbow's tense posture relaxed as she set herself down on the bed. "I should've had it," She said bitterly. "I was so close I could almost touch it, I even pulled off the sonic rainboom, and it still wasn't enough." "None of us think any less of you for failing to catch it," Fluttershy said sitting down next to her. "We're just glad Apple Comet found you when he did." "Oh yeah," Rainbow said in realization. "Hey, I just remembered I never thanked him for finding me. Is he still in the bathroom?" "Maybe he needs more fiber in his diet?" Pinkie Pie suggested causing Rainbow to burst out laughing. "What?" I blurted out in surprise. Immediately the six mares turned their attention towards the sound of my voice. Pinkie Pie rushed to the door and opened it. "Never mind, here he is," Pinkie said poking her head out into the hallway. "What took you so long?" "I kinda got lost on the way back," I explained as my cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "Well come in, we were just talking about you," Pinkie said cluelessly. "Hey look who's back?" Rainbow declared as I walked into the room. "I was just remembering that I forgot to thank you for saving me, yesterday, so thanks I owe you one." She smiled at me in an almost sisterly way. "Oh, yeah no problem," I said. "Rainbow can I ask you a question?" "Sure kid, what is it?" "Did you ever meet a Griffon before?" Rainbow looked stunned as if she hadn't been expecting that question "Why do you ask?" "When I was trying to find my way back from the bathroom, I overheard some ponies arguing. I went to check it out and this Griffon was arguing with Nurse Redheart about wanting to see you. She said you two were close friends, is that true?" "She's here?" Rainbow's eyes went wide as she sat up at her bedside. "Where did you see her?" "At the front desk, hey!" I shouted as Rainbow Dash ran past me out the door. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cried out her hoof outstretched but it was too late. "I was gonna tell her she already left," I told them. Rainbow Dash was allowed to go home early that day, with Doctor Horse noting her 'exceptional' recovery rate. The next day was market day. The day the Apple family brought the crop to market to be sold. Granny Smith and I set up the stand outside Sugarcube Corner. Today's produce was an assortment of vegetables including carrots, corn, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes. What you didn't think we just sold and ate nothing but apples did you? I noticed the sky was almost empty, for some reason, most of Ponyville's pegasi seemed content to remain earthbound today. The ones assigned to weather duty remained aloft, but whether they were looking up from the ground, or moving clouds around, they kept a sharp eye out. I may not be a mind reader, but I could tell what they were wondering. When would the Comet come back? 'Word about Rainbow Dash must have got around,' I thought sadly as I tried to focus on something, anything other than the voice in my head telling me this was all my fault. "Why the long face?" Granny Smith asked me. I sighed and said, "I don't know what to do Granny?" "You add up the total cost of the customer's purchase and give them their change. You know how to do that." "No, it's not that," I told her shaking my head. "It's about what happened the other day. I was just trying to save Ponyville and instead, I ended up scaring everypony in town and putting Rainbow Dash in the hospital." A smile slowly spread across Granny Smith's wrinkled muzzle as she placed her hoof on my shoulder. " Well, Ah think Ah know just the thing that'll cheer you up." She reached into her purse and pulled out a hooful of bits. "Get yourself something from Sugarcube Corner. Ah, can handle the cart on my own til you get back." With a shrug of my shoulders, I pocketed the bits and walked over to the confectionery store. *Ding, ding* "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what can I get for you today?" Mrs. Cake asked as I walked through the door. She was a pudgy blue earth pony with a swirly pink mane and a cutie mark of three cupcakes. "Just a cupcake," I answered. "Okay, and what kind would you like dear?" "Chocolate's fine," I said. Mrs. Cake reached into the display and took out a chocolate cupcake. "That'll be four bits," She said. "I placed my money on the counter and took my treat noticing for the first time the lack of a certain pink party pony. Hesitantly I asked, "Hey is Pinkie Pie around here?" My eyes darted around the room looking in every conceivable direction the poofy pink mare might come from. "She's out and about, doing what I don't know." Mrs. Cake answered. "But knowing Pinkie she'll be back before you know it." 'Yeah and the last place you'd think to look.' I thought as allowed myself to relax. "Well, thanks," "Enjoy," I took a seat by the window and stared at the cupcake in my hooves. 'So this was all I had to do according to Granny Smith huh?' I thought as I stared at the intricate swirls in the chocolate icing. 'Well couldn't hurt to try I guess.' I pulled off the paper and took the first bite. Instantly a flood of glazed sugar and cooked flour washed over my taste buds. It was good, I couldn't deny it. But hardly the medicine for self-doubt and lack of confidence. As I swallowed and prepared to take a second bite, I heard a hollering coming from outside. "Aaah! A rattler, a rattler! Run for the hills! Everypony forsake yourselves!" I looked out the window to see Granny Smith fleeing in terror from the cart. Her face was white with terror as she ran down the street. "Granny!" I cried out as I rushed out the front door. Behind the cart, I could see what looked like a snake poking its head out from behind the produce. But a closer look with my x-ray vision revealed the true snake in the grass. "Gilda." The Griffon popped her head up from behind the cart laughing at her cruel joke. This stuff ain't fresh dude she said with disgust to a pony staring at her as she stepped out from behind the cart. "Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke." Pinkie Pie said from the cafe table next to me. Wait a second. "Gah! Pinkie Pie, where did you come from?" I asked. In a flash, I was pulled over to the other side of the table and dressed in a dark grey fedora and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. "Well I'd like to give you my life story," she began explaining. "But right now I'm kinda busy keeping an eye on Gilda. You see I've been thinking she's nothing but a big meanie, but then Twilight suggested I was just jealous of her friendship with Rainbow Dash. So I decided to spy on her to find out whether she was a meanie or not. While Pinkie was quietly rambling, Gilda decided to swipe an apple from a bucket and leave without paying. She smiled a smug grin as she took the first bite. It was proof enough for me. I bolted from my seat and galloped after her. "Stop thief!" Gilda turned around to face me. "You talking to me dweeb?" She said unimpressed to see a colt coming after her. "I didn't see you pay for that Apple," I said. "And I didn't much care for the way you scared my grandmother like that." The griffon laughed heartily at me. "Aw man, you're so scary with your dorky hat and glasses. I think I might run away." "Look I'm not having..." I said before pausing to remove my 'disguise' "I'm not having a good day today. Just pay for the apple and apologize to Granny Smith and we can forget this ever happened. Gilda erupted into another fit of cackling laughter. "And what if I say no shorty? What is big bad you gonna do to me?" Before I could answer, Gilda felt something bump her from behind. She turned around to see Fluttershy leading a family of ducks through the street. "Hey, I'm standing here!" She shouted angrily at the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy stepped back nervously "Oh um, I'm sorry." She apologized softly. "I-I-I was just trying to... "I'm sorry I'm sorry," Gilda cut her off mockingly. "Why don't you watch where you're going?" "Why don't you learn some manners!" I snapped back. Gilda turned around and looked at me the way an eagle looks at a fish in a river. She took in a deep breath. RRROOOAR!!! And let out a deafening roar in my face. She probably expected me to run away crying or cower in front of her begging her not to hurt me. What she didn't expect was to be dealing with somepony who was anything but ordinary. "Ugh, now I know what Granny meant by the early bird gets the worm," I said wafting my hoof in front of my nose. Gilda's eyes widened in shock. I wasn't fleeing, I wasn't cowering, I wasn't even trembling. Everypony around us stood frozen in shock at what was happening. The town square was deathly quiet. "You really need a breath mint," I told her."Heck, you could use a whole roll." Gilda said nothing, her beak hung open in disbelief. "What's the matter? cat got your tongue?" As the shock began to fade, Gilda's expression turned to anger. "Y-You, little twerp!" She screeched as she reached out to grab me. Unfortunately for her, I could see it coming in slow motion and easily stepped under it. What I didn't see was what happened next. KA-BOOM! Out of nowhere, a three-layer strawberry cake blindsided Gilda, sending the Griffon sprawling to the ground. "Leave him alone you meanie mean pants!" Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie jumped onto Gilda's back tackling her to the ground and pinning her forelegs down. "Grrr get off me, you pink weirdo!" Gilda demanded. "Not until you apologize to everypony you wronged!" Pinkie Pie said. "Pah! In your dreams poof head!" "Okay, the hard way it is," Pinkie said as she reached for one of Gilda's feathers. "Hey, what are you doing? *Pluck* "Ow!" "Last chance Gilda," Pinkie Pie held the feather above her like a cake knife. "Are you going to apologize?" Gilda answered with, "Go to Tartarus!" With that, a Cheshire grin spread across Pinkie Pie's face. "Then let's get started." She lowered the feather down to Gilda's stomach and began to stroke it back and forth."Coochie coochie coochie coo." Gilda sputtered and held her beak shut determined not to give in to the torture. The Griffon's cheeks began turning red as Pinkie Pie moved up and down her stomach. "Not talking eh? I guess I'll need to resort to enhanced interrogation methods. She raised her poofy pink tail and wiggled it back and forth before lowering the tip onto Gilda's hind paws. Gilda's eyes silently begged for mercy, but Pinkie Pie was clearly beyond that point as she began reciting a nursery rhyme as she moved from toe to toe. "This little pony went to Ponyville, This little pony stayed home, this little pony was big mean jerkface, and this little pony... "Alright, Uncle Uncle," Gilda cried out unable to withstand any longer. "L-L-Look I-I'm sorry, I-I was j-just kidding around earlier y-you know?" She reached into her satchel and pulled out a clawful of bits which she held toward me. "Here's the money for the apple okay, so are we cool?" A cruel smile curled up around my face as I looked into the nervous Griffon's eyes. "Well I think should also apologize to Fluttershy for being rude to her just now," I said. O-Of course, I-I was just about to do that." She stammered nervously before looking over at Fluttershy. "S-Sorry Butterfly or w-whatever y-your name is, it was all m-my fault I-I w-wasn't looking where I was going." "Oh um that's okay," Fluttershy said as she slowly backed away not sure what to make of the Griffon's sudden change of mood. "It's a start," I said letting her know I was partially satisfied. "But there's still one more pony I think you need to apologize to." We found Granny Smith sitting on a bench struggling to catch her breath. My x-ray vision showed her adrenaline was still pumping, but thankfully her heart rate was beginning to slow down. "Are you okay Granny?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Yes, I am now, but that rattlesnake plum near scared the daylights out of me." "Actually about that, I think Gilda here has something she'd like to say to you." I gave her a not-so-gentle nudge with my hoof. "That wasn't a rattlesnake in your produce," The Griffon said hesitantly. She was obviously not used to apologizing for her actions. "It was my tail." "And?" Pinkie Pie said "And I also stole an apple, but I've paid for it now." "And?" I added. "And I roared in your grandson's face." With a speed that belied her advanced age, Granny Smith drew her cane and in one solid motion, hit Gilda over the top of her head. "Ow, I'm sorry okay!" Gilda pleaded as Granny gave her the patented stink eye. "And you'll get more where that came from chicken legs if you ever you ever mess with my Grandchildren again!" "Geez, I said I was sorry already." Gilda groaned while rubbing her head. "I just came to town to visit my friend Rainbow Dash and find that thing that put her in the hospital so I could teach it some manners." She pounded a fist into her palm to emphasize her point. Oh boy, just when I thought she couldn't be any more of a nuisance. "So where does scaring Granny Smith fall into that plan?" Pinkie Pie said giving Gilda the third degree. Gilda responded with, "Hey I said I was sorry what more do you want? Ow!" Before another blow from Granny's cane silenced her. "A little more respect for your elders would be a start," Granny said. Later that day, The Apple family gathered at Sugarcube Corner along with all of Applejack's friends for a party to celebrate Rainbow Dash's recovery. There was food and drink and games and music. Everyone ended up having a pretty good time. Even Gilda managed to be on her best behavior. Of course, she had some 'encouragement' from me and Pinkie Pie. As the party started to wind down, Granny decided to head home with us young'ins while Applejack stayed behind to help clean up. As we walked toward the door I was surprised to see Gilda walk up to me. "Hey kid," She said. "I just wanted to say you showed guts standing up to me the way you did. You really care about your family don't you?" "They mean more to me than anything else in the world," I replied. "Man that is so lame," Gilda rolled her eyes at me. "But still you've earned my respect. Anypony willing to stand up to a griffon is okay in my book." "Thanks, chicken legs, you're not so bad yourself." "Oh, that's it!" She snarled before proceeding to chase me out the front door. As I raced out into the street my super-hearing picked up the sound of laughter from inside Sugarcube Corner. > eixirT lufrewoP dna taerG ehT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we might have bitten off more than we could chew. Situations where it probably would've been a good idea to have looked before you leaped. Today I learned this also applies to Koltonians as well as Equestrians. Let's rewind, shall we? It was a pleasant sunny afternoon in Ponyville. I was on my way to visit the library. I pranced excitedly as I thought about seeing Twilight and Spike. And then, I saw them just walking down the street. "Twenty-five Twilight, Twenty-five tricks, and counting. I thought Unicorns were supposed to only have a little bit of magic that matches their special talent." Spike said complimenting Twilight about something she had done. "True, for ponies whose talents for things like singing, cooking, or math." Twilight conceded in her oh-so-wonderful modest way. "But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?" Even though I didn't understand a word of context, I could see it in the way her eyes sparkled like two purple stars, the way her mane swirled like a majestic nebula. She truly was brains and beauty incarnate. My knees went weak as I stared at her. "Like you, Twilight and you know a ton of...uh don't look now but I think something there might be something seriously wrong with Apple Comet." "Huh?" Twilight looked at me. " Hey, Apple Comet are you feeling alright?" I probably looked like a lovesick foal but I didn't care. Just being with her was all the medicine I needed. "Gangway! Coming thru!" I was suddenly knocked out of my lovesick stupor by a rear-end collision courtesy of my classmates' Snips and Snails. "Oof!" "Ugh!" The three of us ended up tangled in a three-pony heap of legs and barrels. "Oops sorry Apple Comet," Snails apologized in his dopey voice. "You really shouldn't be standing in the middle of the street like that." "And you two should know to stop when you see somepony right in front of you," I groaned pushing one of his lanky orange legs out of my face. "What's going on you guys?" Spike asked "Wha? Haven't you heard?" Snails said in seeming disbelief. "There's a new unicorn in town." "Yeah, they say she's got more magical powers than any unicorn anywhere!" Snails added before I stood up letting them both slide off my back like water on a duck. "Whoaa!" "First of all, who's they? Second, where are they? And third, did either of you not see me standing here?" Snails stood up and shyly kicked the ground with his hoof. "Well we found these flyers all over town," He explained pulling out one he had picked up and unfurling it. COME ONE COME ALL WITNESS THE GREATEST MAGIC FEATS IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA! PERFORMED BY THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON! Below the lettering was a silhouette of an azure blue unicorn wearing a purple wizard hat and cloak decorated with stars and moons. "A magic show?" I asked them. "That's why you two blindsided me?" Snips answered with, "Not just any magic show, but the greatest magic show in all of Equestria!" "You're just parroting what the flier says," I said with dull uninterest. "Besides, Twilight is the most magical unicorn in Ponyville." Spike boldly declared while Twilight simply rolled her eyes. "Fine let's go see this magic show." She sighed with annoyance. "Eh why not," I agreed. "Not like I have anything better to do today." A small crowd had gathered in the town square in front of a yellow Vardo wagon with a red roof. The mood was electric with anticipation as the ponies waited anxiously to see what kind of show they were about to see. "Wow this is quite a crowd," Twilight said "Hey, Twilight!" A raspy voice called out from above. We looked up to see Rainbow Dash waving to us. "Come with me, we're all down in front." Suddenly the wagon's roof flew up, its side folded open releasing a stage ringed with a purple show curtain. The stage dimmed as several fancy props covered with fireworks popped up from behind the curtains. "Mares and Gentlecolts," A mare's voice said. "Come one come all! Witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" An azure unicorn mare dressed exactly like the one on the flyer stepped out from behind the curtains. Her mane was a pale blue, like Twilight her eyes were violet, although they were slighter darker. A magician's wand with a blue five-pointed star set against a shimmering blue moon adorned her flanks. "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" The stage erupted into a torrent of fireworks as trumpets played out a fanfare. So Princess Celestia raising the sun every morning mostly on time, that's old hat now? So far my impression of the so-called Great and Powerful Trixie was lukewarm at best. And clearly, I was not the only one. "My, my, my! What boasting!" Rarity declared. "Come on, nopony's as powerful as Twi..." Spike began before getting distracted by Rarity. "Ahem, Oh hey Rarity, I uh-mustache." Smooth, Spike, smooth. "There's nothing wrong with talented, is there?" Twilight asked. "Nothing at all, except when someone goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons," Applejack replied as Trixie conjured up a bouquet. "Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us." Rarity said misinterpreting the context of the current situation more than she'd probably care to admit. "Especially when you got me around being better than the rest of us." Rainbow Dash laughed missing the point by a mile. "Eh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic boo!" I was beginning to worry she'd hit her head on me harder than I thought. This banter did not escape Trixie's ears. "Well, well, well, It seems we have some neighsayers in the audience." However, to be fair to her, she was just trying to entertain her audience. "Who is so ignorant to challenge the magical abilities of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria?" Okay, I took back what I just thought about Trixie. She had just crossed the border into full-blown narcissist territory. "Just who does she think is?" Rarity whispered to Twilight. "Yeah," Spike said in agreement. "Since we all know that Twilight is..." Twilight shushed him before he could finish. "What, what's wrong?" "You saw the way they reacted to Trixie." She whispered. "I don't want them to think that I'm a showoff." "Though to be fair Twilight, you don't go on and on about your talent like a broken record," I said coming to her defense. And she didn't hide them from everyone outside her immediate family along with her alien heritage either. "What did you say about Trixie?" Oh crap, Trixie was glaring at me, her right eye twitching with anger. The crowd was also looking at me, no doubt wondering what was going to happen next. "Hey lay off him, he's just a kid." Rainbow Dash said coming to my defense. "What makes you think you're so awesome anyway oh Great and Powerful Trixie?" Trixie smirked confidently. "Only the Great and Powerful Trixie had magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa major!" I rose onto my hind legs, fell onto my back, and proceeded to laugh my flank off. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Was she serious? An Ursa Major? Defeated by her? What did she boast it to death or something?" "What is so funny?" Trixie demanded the corner of her mouth twitching alongside her eye now. This only caused Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike to join in. Even Rarity let out a classy "haha," "So you don't believe Trixie do you?" The stage magician hissed menacingly. "Well, maybe you'll change your mind after hearing Trixie's story." Another salvo of bottle rockets shot into the air creating the image of a large blue bear with a star on its head. It looked less like an Ursa Major and more like a foal's drawing of an Ursa Major. "When all hope was lost When it seemed the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, The Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest." An explosion of Trixie waving her wand at the bear illustrated the story. The audience oohed and awed with excitement as the illuminated Trixie chased away the Ursa Major. "Aww Sweet!" Snips and Snails cried out high hoofing each other. Trixie had them eating out of the frog of her hoof. Which when you think about it was much more hygienic than the other way around. "That settles it!" Snips cheered. "Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville." Snails oafishly declared. "No in all of Equestria!" Snips incorrectly corrected his lanky friend. I, however, was not so impressed. "Can you do any tricks that don't involve fireworks?" I asked Trixie. "Cause that's starting to get kind of old." The Showmare's jaw dropped in disbelief. Her irises sank into the depths of her eyes as she tried to form a coherent response. "Uh uh uh uh uh uh... "Uh, are you okay?" I asked her. "All I asked was whether you knew any other tricks." "Tricks, tricks? Why of course! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Trixie exclaimed suddenly snapping out of her stupor. "You better believe I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve. In fact, why don't you come up and be Trixie's assistant?" Suddenly I felt her aura envelop me in her magic. She lifted me out of the crowd and levitated me onto the stage. "Now if you would be so kind as to tell Trixie and her audience your name?" "Umm...Apple Comet," I answered. "Well, Apple Comet," She continued. "Tell the audience and Trixie what trick you would like to see Trixie perform." 'Well seeing you fly through the air like a comet, bend steel bars into the shape of animals, and make snow cones for everypony with just your breath were all certainly good options.' I thought with a laugh. 'But surely such parlor tricks were beneath the Great and Powerful Trixie.' I thought of every magic trick I could think of, which wasn't much considering I never had much interest in stage magic. "Can you make something appear out of thin air?" I asked. "Yeah like a better act!" Rainbow Dash hollered as Applejack pulled her back down. To everypony's surprise, Trixie didn't get angry or berate Rainbow for her outburst. Instead, a coy smile stretched across her face as turned back to me. "Of course I can young colt." She said pointing up at the sky. "Observe a bright sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. Now watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie summons... She levitated a bucket of water off the stage and dumped it on Rainbow's head, drenching the pegasus from head to toe. ...a sudden downpour!" The crowd certainly seemed to enjoy it. Hearty laughter filled the air as Rainbow Dash stumbled around blindly trying to get the bucket off her head. "Hmph looks like you should've cleaned up your own act before heckling others," Trixie smirked holding her head up and puffing her chest out in triumph. "Very funny," Rainbow's voice echoed off inside the bucket. "Ah hate to say it Rainbow," Applejack said as she twisted the bucket around trying to loosen it. "But you probably should've kept your mouth shut." With a pop, the bucket flew off Rainbow's head revealing a soaked and angry pegasus. "Oh, you are so dead." She hissed through her teeth. Sensing her friend was about to do something of questionable legality, Fluttershy grabbed her hoof and patted it gently. "Now now calm down Dash, let it go. She's not worth it." Rainbow Dash glared up at Trixie who was grinning smugly in triumph then back at Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus smiled softly at her. She took in a deep breath and said: "Your right Fluttershy, let's get out of here." "Here here," Rarity agreed. "I've got better things to do than stand here listening to a blowhard." "Took the words out of my mouth," Spike said with disgust. "Come on Twi let's go." Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry and then turned to walk away. "It appears The Great and Powerful Trixie is just too much for some members of her audience." Trixie boasted. "Apple Comet are you coming or not?" Applejack asked me. I looked back at Trixie who was grinning ear to ear triumphantly. "Oh please," She exclaimed dramatically. "Why would he want to go with you when he can stay here and bask in the greatness that is Trixie?" 'And you just blew your chance,' I thought to myself as my face turned to disgust. "Actually, I just remembered I have somewhere more important to be right now." I trotted offstage not looking at Trixie once as I did. "Fine," She huffed. "Obviously it was foolish of Trixie to think an average colt could handle the daunting task of being her assistant." "Yeah, why don't you go somewhere and be average eh?" Snails laughed obnoxiously. "Yeah somewhere boring like the library!" Snips added. "You know Snips," I said. "That's the first good idea the two of you have had all day." "The nerve of that mare!" Rainbow Dash shouted as we walked away from Trixie's show. "Who does she think she is bragging to everypony about how great she supposedly is?" "A kettle being called black by a pot?" Rarity suggested. "What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow flew up to Rarity's face. "All I'm saying Rainbow is that while I share your distaste for Trixie's boastfulness, it did remind me of somepony I know." Rarity explained as she gently moved Rainbow back with her magic. "Whoa hold on slow down! I am not like Trixie," "Maybe not," Rarity continued but you do have your moments from time to time." "She has a point, Dash." Applejack concurred. "Okay I admit it," Dash threw her hooves up in defeat. "Sometimes I brag about my accomplishments. I can't help that I'm so awesome!" Meanwhile Twilight and Spike were having a much different conversation. "I don't get it Twi," Spike said. "Why didn't you stand up to Trixie back there." Twilight sighed, "I already told you, I'm not comfortable with the idea of showing off my magic in front of others." "But why not?" Spike continued. "You were doing incredible with your magic this morning." "Because there is a difference between practicing magic and showing off with it." I had to admit she had a point. Besides, Trixie wasn't worth it," On that, we could both agree. "Be back before supper now, alright?" "Alright," I said waving Applejack goodbye. Everypony else was either going home or back to their place of work. While I was finally going to get that time at the library with Twilight and Spike. The scent of varnished oak wood and musty old books hit my nose as I walked through the door. Books upon shelves upon walls of literature surrounded me. Even though I could speed-read through this entire library in a matter of minutes, I felt like I could stay here forever. "Make yourself at home," Twilight said closing the front door behind her. "Just make sure to put everything back where you found it and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask Spike or me for help." Her voice was angelic in the way she explained everything to me. And I had the rest of the afternoon to spend with her. "Uh, are you okay?" Twilight asked me. "Yeah, I'm good." My hooves were shaking and my knees felt weak but I didn't care. Her smile was like a ray of sunshine fueling my molecular structure. "Um well okay then." I decided to take a break from astronomy to study something a little different. My nose was in a copy of Monstrous Manual by Marey Hijinx. "Ursa Major, the adult form of Ursa Minor very few photographs of this monstrous but elusive creature are known to exist. However oral and written accounts of those who have seen it describe it as a starry bear-like creature of unfathomable size with fangs and claws as long as twelve hoofs or more. Unfortunately, because so few who encounter this creature are ever seen again, these accounts cannot be completely verified." Well, at least it was some help. Marking my place, I closed the book and stood up. "Hey, Spike?" The dragon looked down from the rolling ladder he was standing on. "Does the library have archives of newspapers?" "Why do you ask?" He said. The basement door opened revealing a spiral stairway leading down below the depths of the tree. With the flip of a switch, the room lit up revealing shelf after shelf of book spines labeled with the names of newspapers from all over Equestria. "Here it is boys," Twilight said. "I know it's not as big as the royal archives in Canterlot but it's got newspapers from just about every city in Equestria. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you looking for?" "Any recent editions of the Hoofington Post," I said. "How recent are we talking?" Twilight answered. "Since the last Ursa Major attack," was my answer. Several volumes later... "Anything yet?" I asked. Twilight looked up from the book she was reading and shook her head. "Nope," We had spent the last few hours searching through edition after edition with no sign of Trixie nor Ursa Major. I was concluding that either the Hoofington Post thought a giant star bear attack wasn't newsworthy or Trixie's story was a load of bupkis. "Look, Apple Comet, it's getting late. I think we can safely say Trixie's story is just that, a story." "Yeah, I think you're right," I said in agreement. I looked outside through the door to see Spike walking back to the library. When he'd heard I was interested in fact-checking Trixie's story he said he was going out to see what Trixie was doing. Twilight hadn't been too keen on the idea and made him promise her he wouldn't spy on or bother the showmare. "I'm back, man you would not believe what I saw. Trixie's got Snips and Snails worshiping the ground she trots on. Any luck on your end?" "Nope, we looked over a hundred different editions of the Hoofington Post and found neither hide nor hair of Trixie's Ursa Major." "Well, in that case, somepony better pick up that phone... Twilight and I both looked at the young dragon confused. ...Because I called it!" Twilight sighed, "Look I'm going to go lie down, Apple Comet you should help Spike clean up and then you need to get going." Her horn lit up in a flash of light as she teleported upstairs. Spike and I gazed at the stacks of books strewn out across the table. It looked like I'd be taking the express route home for dinner tonight. > Mommy's Beary Angry. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as I was done helping Spike I raced home as soon as I was out of sight. The sun was starting to set and most ponies had gone home by now so there weren't too many ponies on the street to see a silvery-white blur streaking past. I made it home just in the nick of time. Through the walls, I could see Granny Smith and Apple Bloom setting the table, while Applejack sat in the living room next to Big Macintosh. She was staring up at the clock watching as the minute hand drew closer to the 12. "He's late," She snorted. "Ah swear if he's still over at Twilight's, Ah'm gonna head over there and hogtie him." "Good luck with that," Mac said. "Yeah what he said," I said walking in with twenty-eight seconds to spare. "Don't worry, I made sure no one saw me." Applejack frowned in disappointment as I closed the door behind me. "You got lucky this time," She said. "But just because you're faster than greased lightning in a jackrabbit doesn't give you an excuse to stay for so long." "I'll remember next time Applejack, I promise." Applejack smiled at me and said. "Well, you best remember. Don't forget, Ah'm the Element of Honesty so Ah'll know if you're lying." Later at the dinner table... "So why were you at the library for so long?" Apple Bloom asked me. "I was looking through archived newspapers," I answered. "That's boring." "What were you looking for?" Applejack asked me. "A story about an Ursa Major attacking Hoofington." Granny Smith's fork slid from her hoof clattering to the floor. Her head slowly turned to face me. Her eyes bulging out of her sunken sockets were white with fear. "W-What did you say?" She said her voice filled with dread. "Some high fallutin unicorn showed up in Ponyville today and immediately started boasting about having single-hoofedly saved Hoofington from an Ursa Major," Applejack explained. "Ah'm fairly certain she's just full of hot air." "Especially since I couldn't find a single headline in the Hoofington newspapers mentioning it," I added. Granny Smith took in a deep breath. "A'h was just about you youngin's age, you're Aunt Apple Rose and A'h went wandering into the Everfree Forest. Of course, we had been told countless times never to go in there alone, but that day we fell in with members of the wrong herd who dared us to go. It was summer and the zap apple harvest was still months away. It was a bright and sunny day, so we thought we would be able to find our way out before it got dark. Of course, we were wrong. Hours passed and before we knew it the sun had gone down. We were both so scared that we no longer cared about the belt whipping we would get when we got home. Suddenly the entire forest began to shake violently. The trees began shaking and swaying. Then we both heard a deafening roar that scared the birds out of the trees. A dark shadow fell over the forest. Apple Rose and A'h looked up to witness a clash of two titans." The dining room was so still you could've heard a pin drop. Everyone at the table stood mouth agape at every word of Granny Smith's story. "There were two big ones, One purple, the other pitch black. Tall as mountains they were and there were two little ones huddling behind the purple one. Ah, 'm guessing they were her cubs and she was trying to protect them from the black one. The ground with every step as they took turns roaring in each other's faces. Now the black one, he was a good head taller than the Mama, which to us would've been two or three barns higher. Not to mention he looked much stronger than her. But that Mama bear wasn't about to back down and let him make a meal of her cubs. After a while, the big guy decided he'd had enough and he ran back into the forest. The next morning our Pa's found us sleeping in the hollow of a tree. Ah, 'll never forget my Pa shaking his hoof at me as he said 'Missy you have no idea how much trouble the two of you are in, but you will soon.' As soon as we got home, they got the paddle and whooped our flanks until they were as red as a baboon's tuchus. Ah heh heh heh heh heh heh." "Wow Granny, A'h never knew you saw an Ursa Major before." Apple Bloom said ecstatically. "Ah will ever forget the sight of that Mama standing on her hind legs roaring up at the moon." After dinner, I helped clean up the kitchen before retiring upstairs to get ready for bed. As I lay there looking up at the stars with my X-ray vision, I imagined the stars joining together to form the constellation of the Great Bear. The thought that a creature like that could be living just outside Ponyville did little to settle my mind. 'What did Trixie think she would attain by bragging about besting an animal that dangerous when it was obvious to anypony with half a brain that she was lying?' Then I remembered how Snips and Snails bought it like it was on sale. 'Those two were just too gullible for their own good.' Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. 'What if they...no even they couldn't be that stupid.' They had to have at least some self-preservation instincts right...right? Oh, who was I kidding? I was talking about the two colts who mistook a jar of paste for mayonnaise.' And as much as I would've liked to forget about them and go to sleep. I knew I couldn't leave them out there in potential danger. Sitting up I reached over and opened the drawer on my nightstand. Whether I liked it or not, this was a job for Kom-El of Kolton. In a flash of light, I was garbed in the red and blue costume of my homeworld. Racing to my bedroom window, I threw open the shutter and leaped out, my red cape streaming in the night breeze as I flew towards the Everfree Forest. "Okay, just a quick search of the Everfree Forest and then straight back to bed," I told myself. The sky above me was filled with stars without a cloud to be seen. The next meteor shower wouldn't be until next year, so hopefully, there wouldn't be too many ponies out stargazing tonight. Third Pony POV. Twilight Sparkle gazed through the lens of her telescope. She often enjoyed a half-hour of stargazing in summer and early fall before bed. Since the return of Princess Luna, she'd noticed the stars above seemed to twinkle just a bit brighter. Suddenly out of the corner of her lens, she saw a shooting star streaking over Ponyville. "What the? That looked like... She adjusted the lens dial to get a closer look. ...That's the shooting star that crashed into Rainbow Dash!" Her outburst woke Spike who was sleeping in his basket at the foot of Twilight's bed. "Wutzat? I'm awake, I'm awake, the baby dragon groaned rubbing his eyes as Twilight burst into the room. "Spike I'm going out for a little while." Using her magic the lavender unicorn cobbled together a saddlebag of scientific equipment including a pair of binoculars, a camera, several maps, and star charts, her telescope, and of course a notepad and pencil. "Send a letter to the Princess, tell her I'm on the trail of something big." With that, she galloped out of the bedroom and down the stairs, heading out the front door. Spike yawned and stretched his arms out before laying back down. "Y-Yeah sure thing...Twilight." He mumbled as he fell back asleep. Comet's POV. There it was, the Everfree Forest. Now I had to find Snips and Snails if they were even out here that is and save them from whatever they'd managed to get themselves into. My eyes began scanning the forest, cutting through the thick canopy for any of them. "This is the entrance closest to Snip's house if they did go into the forest they would've started here." Sure enough, there were two sets of hoofprints both of which matched my classmates' gait. "Those look like their hoofprints alright," I sighed. "Those two just can't stay out of trouble. Well, at least they're staying together." Made my job that much easier. Much to my misfortune, the tracks led to the mouth of a large cave. Leave it to Snips and Snails to find the only cave big enough for miles around to house Faust knows what. "How are we gonna find an Ursa Major when I can't even see my own hoof in front of my face." My ears twitched as they picked up Snip's scratchy voice. "Hold on," Snails told him before letting out a long grunt that was either him trying to use his horn, or Snails just wasn't getting enough fiber in his diet. A twinkle of light illuminated the cave. "Oh heh, that's much better." No not better, worse much much much worse. Of all the caves in the Everfree Forest for the dimwit duo to stumble upon, it had to be the one with an Ursa sleeping in it. The behemoth slowly stirred, its eyelids opening to reveal two globular orange orbs with fiery red irises. It rose to its legs snarling at Snips and Snails before letting out a roar that definitely got rid of any fiber problems Snails might have had. Faster than a bolt of lightning, I swooped down into the cave, flying past Snips and Snails as they for their lives. Ignoring their gasps of astonishment, I charged headlong toward the snarling mass of teeth and claws. "Alright, you big blue...bear, time to put you back to sleep." THWACK! With a crack that shook the ceiling of the cave, my hoof made contact with its snout. The sound of cracking cartilage filled my ears as the monster stopped dead in its tracks. It blinked its globular eyes as if not sure what to make if this insect had just struck it hard enough to break its nose. Then to my surprise, a tear rolled down its cheek as its lips started to quiver. It opened its cavernous maw and let out a blubbering wail so thunderous that shook stalactites from the ceiling. Tears poured down its face as it bawled. "Whoa, whoa whoa hey hey ssh ssh ssh ssh c-calm down!" I whispered frantically. The last thing I needed at that point was a cave-in. "It's okay, here let me take a closer look at that." Seeing me approach, the blubbering beast turned tail and ran away clutching its bloodied and broken nose in its paw. "No, wait! Come back! Well, great now I felt sorry for him. Wait a minute, why would an Ursa Major run away crying like that? It doesn't make any sense unless... "RRRROOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!!" A deafening roar louder than an approaching hurricane washed over me hitting me with such force that it sent me into a tumbling spiral that ended with me bouncing several times along the cave floor. ... ugh, it was an Ursa...Minor." Third Pony POV "Whoa!" Snips gasped! "What was that eh?" Snails wondered out loud as he and Snips stopped running and looked back towards the mouth of the cave. "I-I don't know, it flew by so fast," Snips said. "Kinda looked like a meteor or something," Snails said scratching his chin. "That wasn't a meteor," Snips argued. "Why's that eh?" Snails asked. "Because meteors are supposed to crash into the ground and stuff." Snips explained. THWACK! A tremendous crash echoed from inside the cave. "Like that?" Snails asked. "Uhh...yeah," Snips looked uneasily at his friend. "Should, should we go take a look?" "What about the Ursa Major?" Snails pointed out. "Well, maybe the meteor scared it off?" Snips suggested. Suddenly they both heard a thunderous wailing followed by the sound and tremors of blue bear paws bounding across the ground. "I think you might be right Snips." Snails concurred before a second roar at least ten times more powerful than the first washed over them. Snips and Snails promptly fainted on the spot. Comet's POV I felt the earth beneath my hooves tremble as I stood up. The tremors were short and frequent, one following after the other. Which could only mean one thing, Mama Bear was coming to teach me a lesson. "Sounds like Mama's awake," I said as I shook the dust from my mane. I looked outside the cave and saw Snips and Snails lying on the forest floor."Snips Snails!" In the blink of an eye, I ran up to them. Fortunately, they weren't seriously hurt, just unconscious. "Well, this makes the journey back to Ponyville easier for me." I slung Snips under one foreleg and Snails the other and took off towards Ponyville. "Now the only problem is where can I drop you off where nopony will see?" Third Pony POV "What in Equestria was that?" Twilight Sparkle asked herself. The Lavender Unicorn had stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the town square. All around her Ponies opened their doors and windows to see what the ruckus was. "Hey, Twilight?" Twilight Sparkle looked up to see her friend Rainbow Dash hovering above her. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you heard that too?" She asked. "How could I not?" Rainbow Dash replied. "It sounded like somepony bowling with the moon." "Maybe Princess Luna has taken up a new hobby?" Suggested Pinkie Pie poking her head out of Twilight's saddlebag. "Gah!" Twilight screamed. "Pinkie! What are you doing in there?" "I heard a really loud noise so I came to see what it was?" The pink party planner answered clambering her way out of the saddlebag. "What are you doing with all this stuff?" "Well, I was looking through my telescope at the library when I saw the comet from the other day," Twilight explained. "You did?" Rainbow Dash swooped down hovering inches from Twilight's face. "When? Where was it going? When I get my hooves on I'll... "What is that noise?" The door of a familiar red and yellow wagon flew open as Trixie Lulamon wearing a star-covered purple nightcap and matching nightshirt poked her head out. "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs her sleep." "Nopony asked you!" Rainbow Dash hollered at the stage magician. Trixie let out a great and powerful yawn. "Oh great it's you," She said sarcastically "Have you nothing better to do than to disturb Trixie?" "Why you loudmouthed showboating little... "Ooo Look, up in the sky!" Rainbow was interrupted by Pinkie Pie pointing excitedly at the sky. "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's... "The Comet!" Twilight and Rainbow exclaimed at the same time. "Let me at 'em, I've been waiting for a chance like this," Rainbow said excitedly. She took off in hot pursuit only to find herself pulled back by Twilight's aura. "Hey, what gives?" "Have you forgotten what happened last time?" Twilight scolded as she pulled her pegasus friend back. "We'll observe it from a safe distance." "Quick, to the Pinkiecopter!" Pinkie Pie declared boldly, wrapping her foreleg around Twilight's neck as she carried her to a pink helicopter with candy cane-colored rotors and landing skids. "Wait where did this even come from?" The confused unicorn asked as Pinkie plunked her in the co-pilot's seat. "The same place you got your hot-air balloon from duh," Pinkie answered. "But I don't own a hot-air balloon." Twilight protested as Pinkie started the rotors. "Room for one more?" Twilight turned around to see Trixie climb into the backseat. "Trixie? Why are you coming along?" The azure unicorn rolled her eyes and said. "Because thanks to that comet, the Great and Powerful Trixie is too awake to go back to sleep now." Now it was Twilight's turn to roll her eyes. "Whatever let's just go." Comet's POV I was expecting most of Ponyville to be indoors by the time I got back. Instead, the streets below me were quickly filling with onlookers. I guess they heard that roar all the way in town. And now instead of just streaking by unnoticed, I was once again the center of attention. I just hoped they couldn't see my passengers. The last thing I needed right now was a story in tomorrow's paper about alien abduction. Since I could no longer slip in and quietly drop the two colts off at home, I needed to come up with a plan B. As my eyes swept over the town looking for somewhere I could leave them to be found, my ears picked up a whirring sound in the distance. I looked behind to see what looked like a helicopter made entirely out of desserts. "Just when I thought this night could get any crazier," I said. But wait it got better. Seated at the controls was no other than Pinkie Pie, no surprise, and seated next to her were Twilight and Trixie. The latter was dressed in what looked like her pajamas. I had to admit I did chuckle when I first saw her until I saw who was flying alongside them. Rainbow Dash wore a face of determination as if to say she would not fail this time. It was also at this point when Snips decided now would be a good time to regain consciousness. "Mmm, what happened?" The stocky grey colt mumbled opening his eyes. He looked down and let out a terrified scream. "AHHHH!" "What's with...*yawn*...all the noise eh?" Snails yawned tiredly rubbing his eye with one hoof. "Look down below," Snips pointed at the ground. "We're flying?" "I thought were unicorns?" Snails asked scratching his head until he saw how high up they were. He screamed and began flailing his long legs frantically. "AHHH get me down from here!" Fortunately for him and more importantly me, I spotted and smelled a cart labeled B Tannen's Manure Co. It wouldn't be pleasant, but at least, it would be a soft landing. Holding my breath, I swooped down low and dropped the colts in. Third Pony POV. "Are you okay Snips?" Snails asked his companion as he pulled himself up. "Yeah, thank goodness we landed in this nice soft dirt." Snips said with relief. "Uhh...I don't think this is dirt." Snails said sniffing the bottom of his hoof. "Aw man and I already had a bath this week," Snips lamented. "It just dipped down and went back up." Twilight Sparkle followed the comet's movements through a folding telescope. "Now it's turning back towards the Everfree Forest. "Trixie suspects you know more about this comet than you are telling her." "It's not just a comet," Twilight explained. "Between its lack of an elliptical orbit, ability to change its direction, and the fact that it's been seen during the day, I'd say we're dealing with some kind of magical phenomenon." "Pah! Fear, not Twilight Sprinkle... "It's Sparkle." Twilight corrected. ...The Great and Powerful Trixie shall...*yawn*...shall have to back to you after she has had some coffee." Suddenly Trixie heard a timer ding followed by a small hatch opening next to her revealing a piping hot cup of coffee with whipped cream on top. "Good thing I had a voice-activated coffee machine installed in the Pinkiecopter," Pinkie said cheerfully as Trixie picked up the mug and took a sip. Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Better make that two." "Make that three," Pinkie gulped nervously. "And make it an extra, extra, extra, *gulp* extra tall one." "What are you talking about Pinkie?" Twilight asked. To which Pinkie pointed at the gargantuan purple bear standing just outside Ponyville on its hind legs. Its shadow covered the entire town as it let out a roar that shattered every window in Ponyville. RRROOOOAAAAAARRRR!!! The volume was so great that it sent the Pinkiecopter spiraling out of control toward the ground with the three mares trapped inside. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Comet's POV "Oh, no!" The instant I saw the helicopter going down, I streaked as fast as I could, racing against the shadow of certain death. The Ursa Major's presence had sent the entire town into a full-blown panic. But amidst the screams and cries of terror, I could make the voices of the ponies on board. 'Please,' I thought to myself. 'Don't let me be too late.' Diving low to the ground I anticipated where the helicopter would crash. There was no margin for error, if I was off even slightly, Twilight and her friends were doomed. Third Pony POV "Oof!" Twilight lurched forward in her seat as the helicopter came to a sudden stop. "Huh?" She looked out the window to see the helicopter had stopped falling in mid-air and was now ascending. She looked over the instrument dials checking them carefully. Altitude and speed were increasing despite both rotors being stalled out. "What's happening?" She asked Pinkie Pie who was fumbling with the controls trying to get some kind of response. "I don't know," Pinkie said. "The controls aren't responding." Twilight checked the backseat to find Trixie sprawled out face-down on the floor. "Trixie, are you okay?" The azure mare looked up, her face was a pale sea green. "Trixie's stomach...ulp doesn't...feel...so...BLEARGH!" Twilight and Pinkie Pie winced as the Great and Powerful Trixie proceeded to toss up the contents of her stomach. "Oh now would be a good time to mention there are sickbags in the seatback pocket." Pinkie pointed out as the helicopter flew onward. "What the hay?" Rainbow Dash could not believe her eyes. A few seconds ago she had been caught in a stall. Forced to watch helplessly as the helicopter carrying her friends plummeted toward the ground. Even if she could make it to them before it crashed, there was no way she could get them all out in time. Then just as she managed to break out of her stall, the comet had reappeared and caught the helicopter and was now carrying it off on its back. "Hey get back here!" Rainbow Dash hollered as she flew off after the comet. She still remembered her injury from last week, but she couldn't call herself the Element of Loyalty if she let her friends get carried off to Celestia-knows-where. She'd just follow at a safer distance was all. Much to Rainbow's surprise, the comet seemed to be headed towards the Golden Oaks Library. But why? She watched as the Comet touched down in front of the library, then as soon as the helicopter was grounded it took off again, flying out from underneath the chopper like a barnstormer. Rainbow Dash was confused. Why had the comet saved her friends? How did it know where to drop them off? It must've known somehow that Twilight made her home in the library. Had it been watching them this whole time? Rainbow had more questions than answers but first, she had to make sure that her friends and Trixie were okay, they would show that showoff how real heroines save the day. Comet's POV Once Twilight and her friends were safe on solid ground, it was time to deal with the Ursa Major in the room. Since it was obvious it was me she was after, it was up to me to be the pied piper of Ponyville and lure her away from town. Climbing straight up at a 90-degree angle, I waited until I was eye-level with Canterlot Castle before streaking over her head towards the Everfree Forest. Mama Bear took a swat at me with her paw, letting out a roar of frustration when she missed. I circled above her a few more times for good measure before heading back to the cave, with Mama Bear following me like a fruit bat on an apple. Once inside, I led her back to her den where her cub was. The deep whimpering sounds of the Ursa Minor echoed off the walls of the cave as we drew closer reminding me why its mother was so upset. When I reached it, the cub was lying on its side in a fetal position, tears trickled down its cheeks as it sobbed quietly clutching its bloody nose. I knew I had to get out of there before the Ursa Major showed up, but just I couldn't bring myself to leave it suffering like that. Against my better judgment, I landed in front of it and placed my hooves on its snout. Much to my relief, its nose wasn't broken, just swollen. "Hey, I'm really sorry about hurting you like that," I whispered to it. "I was trying to protect my friends, well they're not really my friends but still I hope you feel better soon." The Ursa Minor lowered its arms and looked down at me. To my surprise, its lips stretched into some semblance of a smile. RRRROOOOAAARRRRR!!! And that was my cue to leave. Luckily getting out from under Mama Bear's nose was simply a matter of tunneling out the back of the cave. Once outside, I flew around the outskirts of town and looped my way towards home. Third Pony POV "Are you guys alright?" Rainbow Dash flew down to check on her friends. Twilight and Pinkie Pie looked a little dazed and disoriented but otherwise okay. "A little shaken, but yeah I think we'll be fine," Twilight answered holding her hoof to her head. "I'm not so sure about Trixie though." The magician was busy emptying the contents of her stomach into a barf bag. "Eh, she'll be fine," Rainbow shrugged. "Now come on we've got an Ursa Major to stop." Twilight nodded her head in approval. "You're right, it's up to us. You go to Sweet Apple Acres and bring Applejack here." "Twilight." "Pinkie you go to Fluttershy's cottage." "Umm, Twilight." "I'll head for Carousel Boutique and meet you all back here." "TWILIGHT!" "Sigh, what is it Pinkie?" "The Ursa Major left already." "Huh?" Twilight looked up to see The Ursa Major was gone. "W-where did it go?" "It saw it chasing the comet back to the Everfree Forest," Pinkie answered. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" They turned to see Trixie standing proudly triumphant. "Citizens of Ponyville! Behold and Rejoice! For once again The Great And Powerful Trixie! has vanquished The dreaded Ursa Major!" Hearing the news, the townsponies slowly emerged from hiding and began crowding around Trixie. Cheers and whoops filled the air as Trixie took off her nightcap and bowed. "What!" Rainbow Dash shouted indignantly. "You didn't get rid of the Ursa Major, the comet did." "Poor jealous little fool," Trixie said callously brushing off Rainbow's outburst. "Who do you think summoned the comet to lure away the Ursa Major in the first place?" The crowd began chanting "Trixie! Trixie! Trixie!" "Was there ever any doubt?" Trixie asked with a smug grin. Rainbow Dash's face turned red like a rotten tomato, steam poured out of her nostrils as she snorted angrily. "Why you little... "Easy Rainbow," Twilight said conjuring up a brick wall to keep her from doing something regretful. "She's not worth it." Rainbow Dash fumed for a moment, then sighed and turned back around. "Yeah, you're right, but I'd still like to see her knocked down a peg or two. The crowd continued to grow as more and more ponies flocked to see their supposed savior. One of them, a stallion wearing a brown fedora and carrying a flashbulb camera around his neck stepped forward. "Great And Powerful Trixie, how about a photo for the front page of tomorrow's paper?" He asked. Trixie was all too willing to oblige. "Trixie would be honored." She playfully swept her mane back and smiled as the photographer began setting up his camera. All the while the crowd continued to chant her name. "Truly, Trixie is the magical unicorn in Equestria," She said with a dramatic sigh." "Yeah, way to go Trixie!" "We always knew you could do it eh?" Trixie recognized those voices. She looked down to see Snips and Snails galloping towards the front of the crowd. Perhaps it was just her imagination, but the rest of her admirers seemed to be giving the two a wide berth. Suddenly a horrible odor hit Trixie's nostrils like a mule's kick. Her face turned green as she looked down at the two colts standing in front of her covered in what Celestia only knew. "Hey, Trixie are you okay?" Snips asked. "Yeah, you're not looking so good eh?" Snails added. Trixie felt her stomach inverted as the scent passed her sinuses. She knew young colts tended to get dirty while playing. But at that moment, Snips and Snails smelled like they'd been rolling in manure. "Okay smile," The photographer said as the smell exited Trixie's sinuses and landed on her tongue. As the camera bulb flashed, Trixie's throat unleashed a deluge of partly digested hayshake onto Snips and Snails. She would end up on the front page of tomorrow's paper. But not for the reason she wanted. Sweet Apple Acres lay silent despite the chaos that unfolded in town. The lights in the farmhouse were out, but a closer sweep with X-ray vision showed Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were wide awake having taken shelter in the basement. Applejack was conspicuously absent, most likely she had gone into town to reach her friends. I flew in through my open window landing on my bedroom floor, I felt emotionally drained. What had started as a quick sweep of the Everfree Forest had ended with me saving Snips and Snails from themselves, but all of Ponyville from certain destruction. As I pressed the emblem on my chest to retract my suit, I pondered. At what point did my life go from keeping who I was a secret to being the biggest unexplained phenomenon in Ponyville? I put the clothing matrix back in the drawer and lay back on my bed. My eyelids felt heavy and the mattress was so soft. Almost like a cloud. Tomorrow I would have a lot of explaining to do, but right now I just wanted to forget everything and dream. > Where There's Smoke... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By now you probably noticed a pattern in my openings to each chapter regarding the weather. Either it's a bright and sunny day or a cool late night. Well, when you live on a planet where the native species can not only control the weather but whose rulers raise and lower the sun and the moon it tends to get kind of predictable. Well for those of you wanting a change of pace, all I can say is be careful what you wish for. It was about a week after the Ursa Major attack and as per usual life in Ponyville had returned to somewhat normalcy. Trixie had ended up being laughed out of town after the picture of her vomiting on Snips and Snails made the front page. Ponies had begun referring to her as 'The Great and Pukeful Trixie.' Snips and Snails ended up being grounded for a month for sneaking out after dark and ending up in a manure cart and getting puked on. As for me, I didn't exactly get off the hook myself. While my family understood the reason for my actions and were appreciative of all the lives I had saved, I was still grounded for sneaking out late. As punishment, I was assigned to clean out the pigpens and latrines for a whole week. And so our story begins one week of shoveling pig droppings later. It was a bright and sunny afternoon in Ponyville. So much so that Applejack thought it would be nice to have a family picnic in the orchard for lunch. Once everyone was washed up, the family headed out to our usual picnic spot. "Golly it sure is a nice day." Apple Bloom commented on the weather. "It was a great idea to have a picnic instead of eating inside." "Well, A'h figured it had been a while since we did something together as a family," Applejack said. "I'm just grateful it's the last day of my grounding," I said relieved. "Speaking of which, y'all did remember to wash ye'r hooves extra thoroughly right?" Applejack laughed out loud. "Very funny," I scoffed." I'll have you know I checked them over with my microscopic vision. My hooves are so clean they're practically sterile." "Well okay then, if ye'r microscope vision says so." Glad she thought it was funny. "So what did y'all pack for us Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked excitedly. "I'm glad you asked Sugarcube," Applejack lifted the flap of the picnic basket to reveal several mouth-watering goodies, all apple-based of course." "Wow Sis, it all looks so delicious," Apple Bloom licked her lips as she took in a whiff. "Mmm smells delicious too." The smell of baked apples drifted through my nostrils along with the scents of cinnamon, oats, brown sugar, and smoke. "Did you burn something Applejack?" I asked. She smelled the inside of the basket. "Don't smell like it," she said. I took another sniff of the air. "Well, something's burning around here," I said. "Ah don't smell anything burning, Do you, Big Mac?" Applejack asked. To which Mac replied, "E, nope." "Wait." I was definitely on to something, the smell wasn't close by, instead, it was drifting from somewhere in the distance. Then I saw it. "Look up there!" I pointed to a cloud of black smoke drifting southwest toward the orchard. "It looks like it's coming from the Everfree Forest," Applejack said. "I'm gonna go check it out," I said. "Now just hold on a minute," Applejack grabbed my shoulder before I could run off. "Did Y'all forget what happened the last time you went in there?" "I'm not gonna go waking any bears, Sis." I protested. "I'm just gonna fly over and survey the area. Then I'll come right back." "Let him go Applejack," Apple Bloom pleaded. "If there is a fire then Apple Comet could put it out all by himself." Applejack looked away as she pondered how best to approach. "Fine," She said reluctantly. "But you fly right back here as soon as you find it understand?" "Darn tooting," I said. "Good meantime, Mac and A'h will get the plow and some shovels and get started on a firebreak." "E'yup." "Sound like a plan Granny Smith? Uh...Granny Smith?" Somehow in the middle of all this excitement, Granny Smith had fallen asleep. "Zzz...When you stick ye'r hoof in a puddle of goo...zzz...that a second ago was your best pie...zzz...you'll know what to do...zzz" "I'll just be going now." WHOOSH! Seconds later, I reached the farmhouse, changed into my red and blue costume, and flew out of my bedroom window streaking headlong toward the smoke. The thick voluminous plume concealed my coma from anypony down below. Trixie may have made the front page last week, but the Ponyville Gazette had still found plenty of space for stories about the latest comet sighting and how it not only drove the Ursa Major away but also saved a crashing helicopter carrying Princess Celestia's personal student. Ponies' opinions about the comet were slowly starting to change. Now when I went into town, some ponies were saying the comet was a force for good. Of course, it was still too early to say things were starting to turn around for me. There were still plenty of skeptics, and probably a few conspiracy theorists in tin foil hats who thought I was either an omen of doom or a UFO. The final touch of irony for me was that comet sightings had led to a surge of amateur astronomy. Ponies were talking about forming comet-watching clubs and getting together to discuss where they thought it would appear next. Rumble had actually asked me to join one he was joining. All I can say was they'd be mighty disappointed if I took them up on that offer. The smoke trail led east continuing past the edge of the forest and over the rolling hills just east of town. "Hmm, The smoke seems to be coming from that mountain peak. Last time I checked there weren't any active volcanoes near Ponyville. So what could be creating so much smoke?" As I zeroed in on the summit, I noticed the smoke trail was emanating from the mouth of a large cave. Still wary of my encounter with the Ursa Major, I decided to take a closer look using my X-ray vision. "Well this certainly explains a lot," I said. Lying on the floor of the cave snoring like a dozen sawmills surrounded by piles of treasure was a fully-grown dragon. Deep red scales covered its body from nose to tail and fresh plumes of smoke rose from its nostrils with every fall of its chest. Well, now I knew where the smoke was coming from, not that it did me a lot of good. When it came to dragons, I knew about as much as the next pony. Even though I could probably send packing it with just my hooves, I wasn't about to bring another giant creature to Ponyville so soon. "Well, I told Applejack I would come home as soon as I found where the smoke was coming from, and here it is." With nothing more I could do, I flew back home. By the time I reached Ponyville, things had gone from bad to worse. The smoke had completely shrouded over the town and showed no signs of stopping there. The streets were nearly deserted as my x-ray vision showed most ponies had gone indoors to seek shelter. Which was probably the right idea. Plus it meant less chance of somepony seeing me. I already had enough to deal with without getting blamed for this too. As I passed near the Golden Oaks Library, my curiosity got the better of me. Twilight was a scholar, she might know more about dragons. I mean she lived with Spike, that had to count for something right? I banked left to take a closer look at my X-ray vision. "What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?" Applejack asked Twilight. "Sleeping," Twilight answered. The Elements of Harmony were gathered in the library as Twilight explained the situation. "According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what is causing all that smoke." "He should really see a doctor," Pinkie Pie cheerfully suggested. "That doesn't sound healthy at all." "Well, at least he's not snoring fire." Rarity declared. What are we to do about it?" Special order an industrial-sized nasal strip? I thought to myself. "I'll tell you what we need to do, give him the boot. Take that and that, Rainbow Dash said as she kicked over a wooden bust. Twilight caught in her magic as Rainbow flew towards it with a flying headbutt. Luckily for the bust, Twilight was quicker. She moved it out of the way sending Rainbow crashing into a bookshelf. Setting the bust back down Twilight picked up where she had left off. "We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail her. If we do Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years." Fluttershy gasped. Well, this certainly raised the stakes. "Hmph, talk about getting your beauty sleep," Rarity muttered to Pinkie Pie. "Alright everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us, let's meet back in less than an hour." And that was my cue to get back home. SWHOOSH! Third Pony POV "Okay girls you heard her, the fate of Equestria is in our... Rainbow Dash paused mid-speech as she heard something outside. "Did you all hear something just now?" She flew over to the window to see the sky was still choked with smoke. But Rainbow Dash could make out just the slightest trail of red leading away from town. "What was it dear?" asked Rarity. "I don't know for sure," Rainbow Dash said as she turned around to face her friends. "But I think our old friend was watching us." Applejack pulled the brim of her hat down hoping her friends wouldn't notice how nervous she was. "Why that's silly," said Pinkie Pie. "If they were an old friend, why didn't they just come inside?" "I think she's talking about the comet Pinkie," said Twilight. "Look we've got bigger problems than that right now. Let's gather up our supplies and meet back here..." She paused to glance up at the clock. "...in about forty-five minutes." Comet's POV I made it home with minutes to spare. I changed out of my suit and hid it back in my nightstand drawer. Soon Applejack came home and the first thing she asked Big Macintosh when she walked in the front door was "Where's Apple Comet?" To which Mac simply pointed upstairs. After a few seconds, my bedroom door opened and there stood Applejack looking rather annoyed. "Apple Comet, were you spying on me and my friends just now?" "Uhh...well I wouldn't exactly call it spying," I said in my defense. "And what exactly would you call it?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Watching over you?" I said. After telling Applejack what I had learned about the dragon, we agreed. Applejack would go with her friends to the mountain and try to persuade the dragon to take his nap elsewhere, and I would stay home and sit this one out. Something I was not okay with. "I still think you should let me come along, it's going to be dangerous." I insisted as the rest of the family helped Applejack pack. "And Ah'm telling you that ain't a good idea right now," Applejack retorted. "Y'all will attract too much attention." "But can I watch your back while you're out there?" "But who's going to watch yours?" She asked. "Every time you go out there, it ends up being front-page news. The other day Ah stopped by the library, Twilight was reading that fancy star magazine you like, and guess what was on the cover?" "I was on the cover of Sky and Stars?" I gasped. "Awesome!" The thought of being featured in my favorite magazine made me jump into a floating backflip. "I can't wait for that issue to arrive!" "You see this is what Ah'm talking about." Applejack angrily stamped her hoof. "Twilight's a smart cookie, it wouldn't take much for her to trace the comet back to Sweet Apple Acres. And it's not just her, Applejack added. "Rainbow Dash still talks about you like ye'r nothing but trouble. And then there's Pinkie Pie." "What's wrong with her?" I asked." "She wants to invite the comet to a thank you for saving us from a helicopter crash party." Applejack groaned. "Did you tell her a comet is just a body of dust, ice, and gas?" Applejack sighed. "Probably wouldn't matter to her anyway." "I see your point," I said. "Alright AJ, I'll sit this one out." "Glad to hear it." She smiled with relief, running her hoof through my mane. "Now if you'll excuse me, this pony's gotta run, Yee Haw!" She reared up on her hind legs and kicked out before galloping out the gate like a derby runner. "Take care Applejack!" Apple Bloom hollered. "Be home soon." "E'yup." As Applejack galloped out the gates, I felt a feeling of conflict inside me. On one hoof Applejack did have a point about it being counter-productive to be moonlighting as a celestial object while trying to keep the truth about you a secret. On the other, I knew my heart wouldn't let me ignore the obvious danger she and the others would be placed in. Even though it hurt me to do this to her, I was going to have to go back on my word. Since my bedroom's position wouldn't afford me a good view of the mountain, I would need an alternate viewpoint and thankfully I knew just the place. The farmhouse's attic had a spiral staircase that led to a cupola on the roof. It should give me a proper vantage point without giving myself away. After picking up my telescope and clothing matrix, I headed for the attic. Reaching the ladder, I floated up and gently grabbed hold of the cord. Once it was down, I simply flew up to the attic and set my telescope down. So far so good, now I just needed to pull the ladder up behind me. Suddenly my ears picked up the sound of hoofsteps in the living room. It was Apple Bloom and she was heading for the stairs. Hastily I flew over and grabbed hold of one of the ladder's rungs. SNAP! Only for it to snap in my hoof like a twig causing it to come sliding down with a crash! "Oh, no!" "Hey, what's going on up here?" Apple Bloom galloped up the stairs to see me holding the broken rung in my hoof. "Apple Comet?" "Uh...this isn't what it looks like?" Apple Bloom looked at me like she wasn't buying it. "Okay look I was gonna spy on Applejack and her friends from the attic. I-I know I told her I would stay out of it this time but... "Can A'h join you?" She asked. "What?" "Can A'h join you?" She repeated. "A'h want to make sure Applejack is okay." "Oh...sure." The farmhouse's attic was cluttered with every kind of antique you could imagine. Tables, lamps, chairs, hat and coat racks, cabinets, mirrors, side tables, trunks, a naked poniquin, cribs, baby things, rolled-up carpets, toys and games, and various other knick-knacks. It was like the Apple family history had been thrown up here. "Wow, there's a lot of stuff here," Apple Bloom said. "Yeah and most of it's covered with dust," I said resisting the urge to sneeze. I'd already caused enough damage as it was. "Watch your step." We made our way to the end of the room, walking past mountains of relics and squeezing through narrow gaps. Throughout our perilous journey, I could feel the dust particles filtering into my nasal passage. It took increasingly more and more of my willpower not to sneeze and unleash a gust in the enclosed space. Eventually, we reached the spiral staircase and made our way up to the top. My resistance fading, I opened the window, signaled for Apple Bloom to get down, and leaned out. "AHHCHOOO!" The smoke clouds above blew away allowing the sun to bathe the farmhouse in its light once again. If only for a few more minutes. "Whoa, Nelly!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Y'all just sneezed a hole through the smoke!" "That's it!" "What's it?" Apple Bloom asked. WHOOSH! I answered her question by grabbing my clothing matrix and leaping out the window. As my costume wrapped itself around me, I took a deep breath into my lungs. It had been a while since I had used this power. As I neared the cloud of smoke, I put my lips together and exhaled releasing a gust of wind that parted it in two. "It's working you're doing it!" I could hear Apple Bloom cheering me from down below. Another deep breath and most of the smoke was gone although the smell still lingered in the air. What was left I could easily clear up with a few aerial maneuvers. With a burst of speed, I took off coiling around and sailing from cloud to cloud like a red ribbon. Whenever I reached a cloud I would wrap myself around pulling it apart with centripetal force. In no time at all the skies above Sweet Apple Acres were completely clear of smoke. "Well, that takes care of the farm, for now at least," I said coming to a stop above the cupola with a smile of satisfaction. "Yeah! Woo hoo! Alright, Apple Comet! Way to go!" Apple Bloom jumped for joy as I floated down to her. "Thank you, thank you, you're too kind," I said with a smirk as I took a bow. "Now for my next trick, I think I see a town that needs a good smoke clearing." Third Pony POV. Button Mash groaned as he lay back on his bed. Life was so unfair, today was the day he had been waiting over a year for. The day that The Legend of Epona, Marejora's Mask came out. He'd even pre-ordered his copy with six weeks' worth of allowance. But then that stinky dragon had to show up and spoil everything. Now Game Palace was closed along with every other store in town and everyone had to stay indoors until he was gone. "Stupid dragon, covering the whole town in smoke," The brown earth colt muttered bitterly to himself. "I could be playing Marejora's Mask right now!" He threw up his hooves in frustration, remembering what his Mom had told him. "It'll be alright sweetie, we can always get your new game tomorrow." 'Did she have any idea how long I've been waiting for this game to come out?' Button Mash thought to himself. He turned his head to look out the window. Despite his clock saying it was only 3:45, the sky was as dark as the dungeons of Horule. With a sigh, the young earth pony sat up and walked toward his window. His eyes looked down at a painted toy sword lying on the floor. A gift his dad had gotten him at the last convention. With a smirk of confidence on his face, Button picked up the sword and pointed it at the sky. "Begone!" He shouted dramatically, "In the name of Princess Marelda of the Kingdom of Horule, I banish you from this land forever!" He swung his play sword at the pall of soot and to his surprise, a red slash cut across the smog parting it in two. The rays of sunlight illuminated the street outside the window. Button Mash looked down at his mighty weapon, his eyes wide with awe. With a smile, he raised his weapon above his head and shouted. "I HAVE THE POWER!" All over town, ponies gathered by their windows to see what was happening. Their eyes were wide with awe as they watched the plume of smoke begin to break apart. Slowly they began to emerge from their houses to get a better look. Then slowly they began to cheer, a few at first, then a few more, and a few more after that. Before long it seemed like all of Ponyville was cheering as the Red Comet of Ponyville, cut through the smoke clouds like a hot knife through butter. Even far away on the foot of the mountain where the dragon slept, Twilight Sparkle and The Element Bearers would soon see the incredible sight. "What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That is what a dragon snoring sounds like," Twilight explained pointing toward the mountaintop "No not that," Rainbow Dash said pointing her hoof. "Something is blowing the smoke away from Ponyville. Pinkie Pie fished a telescope and tripod out of her mane and set it up. She looked through the lens adjusting the dial until it was just right. "She's right!" She exclaimed. "It's the comet and it's driving away all the smoke!" "What!" The other five mares gasped in surprise. Well, four out of five at least. No way, that's impossible!" Rainbow Dash nudged in close to Pinkie Pie and looked through the telescope. "How is that possible?" None of her friends seemed to know the answer, save for one. Applejack was doing her best not to look conspicuous. 'A'h thought A'h told him to stay out of this,' She thought. She could feel the frustration building up inside her. Her stomach was doing cartwheels as she watched her younger brother flying around like a lightning bug on a sugar high.' "So what do we do now?" Rarity asked Twilight. The Princess's student paused for thought, playing her hoof on her chin. "We do what we came here to do," She eventually decided. "What about the comet?" Rainbow Dash protested. "Are we just gonna pretend it isn't there?" "We have more important things to worry about right now," Twilight said. Fluttershy raised a trembling hoof. "Maybe one of us should go back and investigate." The yellow pegasus meekly suggested. "No can do Sugarcube," Applejack said stepping in quickly to quash any interest in returning to Ponyville. "Princess Celestia gave us a job to do and by her, we are gonna do it." "That's the spirit Applejack," Twilight smiled determinedly. Working together we can do anything. Now let's get moving. "Um...okay then," Fluttershy whispered slinking back. Apple Comet's POV Cheering, they were cheering. Out on every street, and in the town square. From open windows and balconies, I could see them cheering. They were cheering for me, well the Red Comet who unbeknownst to them was me. It felt strange, after being the subject of fear superstition these last few weeks. But at the same time, it also felt good to know I was being recognized for helping ponies, even if didn't know who I was. The skies above the town were mostly clear for the time being. The smoke continued to pour in from the east. But for now, the weather ponies could handle what was still hanging around. Which meant I could head home. After I checked to see how Applejack was doing that is. I wasn't breaking my promise, I was just going to check up on how she and the others were doing and then fly straight back home. It wouldn't take but a few seconds. One hour later... And the score was still 35-0 for Pinkie Pie. Okay in hindsight, I might've been lying to myself, but I was still keeping my promise to AJ. Besides, it was obvious that Fluttershy was the one I needed to look out for. Applejack had just spent the last hour dragging the petrified pegasus up the mountain by her tail. In that time, I'd flown from here and back to Ponyville three times. My coat, mane, and tail were all covered in soot. But my suit and cape were both remarkably spotless. I guess Koltonian civilization had advanced beyond doing laundry. Still, I had to remember to bathe before I got home. Once everypony was back together, the six of them continued on their journey until they came to a narrow gap spanning two ledges. And by narrow, I mean a newborn foal could probably clear it. One by one the party crossed the gap until only Fluttershy remained. "Your turn Fluttershy," Twilight said. The yellow pegasus looked down and gulped. "But...it's so...wide." "Come on Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now." Twilight tried to encourage her. "You could just leap on over," Applejack suggested. "I..."The sound of the dragon's snoring interrupted her. "I don't know." "There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a hop, a skip, and a jump." Pinkie Pie said before proceeding to break into a song. One song number later... Well great now that song was stuck in my head. But at least everypony was safely across. The group continued onward until Twilight signaled them to a halt. "Let's keep it down," she whispered to the group. "According to my map, we've entered an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a rockslide." The party moved forward slowly so as to not trigger a collapse with their hoofsteps. All the while keeping their eyes on the cliff face for any sign of falling rocks. Rainbow Dash chose to fly rather than walk while Fluttershy was content to slink behind at the rear. Then as Rainbow brushed against a tree branch, several small leaves fluttered down, one of them landing on Fluttershy's um...hindquarters. "An...an...ava... "Sorry Applejack," Before she could utter one more syllable and possibly cause what she was about to say, I swooped down on her back and carried her off with one hoof over her mouth and my hind legs wrapped around her barrel. Fluttershy struggled and thrashed as she tried to free her muzzle from my grip. I wanted to tell her it was okay, but I couldn't blow my cover. Unfortunately, the sight of the red comet abducting one of her friends was enough for Twilight to forget her own warning. "FLUTTERSHY!" She screamed at the top of her voice! A deep rumbling turned their attention toward the slope above them as dust and rocks began falling. "Uh oh." "AVALANCHE!" They all cried out as several tons of rock came barreling towards them. "OH NO!" With no time to find a place to safely deposit Fluttershy, I swooped down like an eagle toward the falling rocks, carrying her in my hooves. This was not going to be easy, I had to stop the rocks and make sure no harm came to Fluttershy. Unfortunately, this meant I would have to take my hoof off her mouth. Third Pony POV. "Mfffppphh...Mfffppphh!" Fluttershy tried frantically to scream as she felt herself being carried off into the sky. She could feel what felt like a small hoof holding her jaw shut as well as another foreleg atop her She tried to look up to see what was that had grabbed her, but whatever had grabbed her had a good grip around the back of her neck that kept her from moving her head. As they moved in closer to the falling debris, She felt the hoof release its grip on her muzzle and she screamed for all it was worth. "EEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Fluttershy screamed as the shooting star shot streaked head-long towards a tumbling boulder that was rolling towards Twilight. She closed her eyes and braced for impact. KRRAACK! What sounded like a clap of thunder filled her ears as Fluttershy felt dirt and dust fly into her face. She could still feel herself flying even though her wings were folded against her sides. She opened her eyes to see several rocks falling towards her friend Rarity. "Rarity look out!" The alabaster unicorn looked up in awe as the comet swooped in between her and the falling rocks. She heard several of them shatter against the comet's corona before it sped off ahead towards Applejack. The farm pony nearly jumped out of her coat as the comet suddenly shot out a beam of light that split a fallen boulder ahead of them straight down the middle. Applejack wasted no time taking the newly created detour as the comet flew past her toward Twilight. "Help Somepony!" Twilight cried out. She could feel her legs beginning to tire. As she pushed with everything she noticed the shadow had fallen over her. She looked up in awe as the comet carrying Fluttershy flew straight through an incoming boulder reducing it to a shower of stones. Thinking quickly she conjured up a net over herself to catch the falling debris. "Nice save Sugarcube." Applejack congratulated as she caught up to Twilight. "Thanks but the comet still has Fluttershy," "Well if it knows what's good for it, it'll put her down right now!" Applejack yelled up at it. The comet having seemingly heard her gently deposited Fluttershy on the ground in front of them and then took to the skies once more. As the dust settled and the Mane Six took a moment to catch their breath, Applejack asked. "Everypony okay?" "Yeah, thanks to the comet," Twilight said. "Though I can't believe I'm saying that." "Eugh. Blech" Rarity retched as she looked at how dirty her coat was. While Pinkie Pie simply shook it off her coat. "Whoo-hoo! That was awesome!" "This is why a girl always packs accessories." Rarity huffed as she reached into her saddlebag and began rummaging through her supplies. "Oh please tell me I brought the tiara that goes with this." "Uh, I think we got bigger problems than making sure our bows match our horseshoes." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "The comet just tried to abduct Fluttershy." "I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Fluttershy sighed. "What are you talking about Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her. "It grabbed me so I wouldn't scream, I think it was afraid I would cause an avalanche." Applejack's eyes bugged out as she put two and two together. She wouldn't admit it yet, but she was starting to feel grateful her brother had followed them. "What did it grab you with?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Claws? Hooks? Tentacles?" "Um no..." Fluttershy muttered. "Actually it felt like hooves." "It grabbed you with hooves? Did you get a good look at it?" Twilight inquired. Fluttershy shook her head. "No, it all happened so fast, I'm sorry," She suddenly felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash smiling at her. "Hey it's alright," Rainbow said. "We're just glad you're okay." "And we're one step closer to figuring out what or who the Red Comet is," Twilight added causing Applejack to gulp nervously. Comet's POV "I'm sorry Applejack, I tried to keep my promise, told myself I was only going to watch over you, but that rockslide was the apple that broke the branch. I couldn't risk you getting hurt again." As I neared the entrance to the dragon's lair, I began formulating a plan of action. Since the Ursa Major experience had taught me brute force wasn't the best first option, I decided to try something a little different. Swooping under the plume of smoke, I entered the mouth of the cave dodging stalagmites and flowstones until I reached the dragon's lair. The big guy was contently snoozing atop his horde of treasure. His hot smoky breath washed over me like a dormant volcano. This was it, no going back. SWOOSH! The Dragon poked an eye open to see what just flew over his head. He looked up to see me what must've looked like a lightning bug to him buzzing around his airspace. He scowled and stood up, glaring at me. He didn't see me as a threat, merely a pest that wouldn't leave him alone. That was the idea. After a few more laps around his head, with some somersaults thrown in for good measure, He decided he'd had enough. He reached out his claws and clapped them together. I found myself in total darkness, wedged between two walls of leather. Slowly a crack of light appeared as the dragon opened his palms to see if he got me. SWISSH! In the blink of an eye, I flew out of his grasp and over his head, landing in a pile of treasure behind him. Snarling, the dragon reached a claw in to grab me, only to end up disappointed when I flew out of the pile and dove into another. Again he reached to get me and again I was too quick for him. This continued for about 37 seconds before the dragon grew angry and swept his massive tail around the cavern. Piles of gold and trinkets collapsed to the floor in a calamity of clattered precious metal. The dragon looked around, his slit pupils diligently searching his horde for any sign of me. SWOOP! Only to find I was I gone, along with enough of his treasure to leave behind a trail. Third Pony POV "RROOAARRRR!" "That did not sound like snoring," Rainbow Dash said nervously. "Oh no this is bad, this is bad this is bad this is bad this is very, very bad," Twilight said prancing nervously in place. "Something must have woken him up." She raced up the steps leading to the cave entrance, her friends right behind her. All except for Fluttershy who lay crouched down on her stomach and was shaking like a leaf. WHIZZZ! They looked up to see the comet flying out of the entrance like a speeding cannonball. THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! Followed by one very awake, very angry dragon. "Get down! Twilight ordered as quietly as possible. All five of them crouched low to the ground as the dragon poked his head out of the cabin. "Nopony move," Pinkie Pie whispered. "His vision is based on movement." The other four looked at her as if to say, "Are you for real?" The dragon turned his head and looked in their direction. "HEY!" He called out.The five mares huddled close together in fear. "Did any of you see a comet fly by just now?" All five of them pointed in the same direction. "Thanks!" With that he spread his wings and flew off, his wings whipping up gusts of wind as he passed over them. "So, mission accomplished?" Rainbow asked. Comet's POV The heavy flapping of leather wings told me I was being followed. I rolled onto my back and looked up to see the dragon hot on my tail, pardon the idiom. "GET BACK HERE YOU THIEF!" He growled in a deep gravelly voice. What he didn't know was I had already dropped everything I'd taken from him when I left behind that trail. But for my plan to work, I had to keep him distracted. I broke off into a split-S reverting myself as I descended toward the mountain range. The dragon banked left to follow, his bulk covering me with its shadow. "YOU WILL RETURN WHAT YOU STOLE, OR ELSE I'LL HAVE COMET FOR DINNER!" He said licking his lizard lips. "Sounds like a recipe for heartburn," I said to myself as he followed me around the side of the mountain. The two of us twisted and turned like a pair of ribbons soaring past jagged cliff faces and steep slopes. Then suddenly the dragon broke off and flew back toward the other side of the mountain. Had he given up, or was he planning something? The telltale flap of heavy wings told me he was circling around back. The mountainside was too thick to see all the through with my eyes. Thus my ears were my only advantage. I closed my eyes and listened, the leathery flaps were coming from above me getting steadily closer. An ambush, his element of surprise was lost, but I'd play along. From above he emerged from the other side of the slope. His eyes gleamed with triumph as he dove headfirst toward me. His talons were outstretched like a monstrous vulture. He thought he had me, but he was the one in for a surprise. I hugged close to the slope as he came towards me. He quickly grew closer, closer, closer. Then when it seemed he had me in his grasp, I put on a burst of speed accelerating between his legs and under his tail. ""WHAT THE?" The dragon turned his head, CRAAASH! before he crashed full speed into the side of the mountain. Third Pony POV Pinkie Pie wincingly closed her eyes and held up a white picket sign that read 'Is there a doctor in the house?' Even from the summit, she and her friends had felt the impact. "Ooo," Rainbow cringed as she looked down. "That has got to hurt." "I assume you know from prior experience," Rarity dryly remarked. They gasped in horror as the ground beneath the dragon gave way sending him plummeting down the precipice. "Oh my goodness he's falling!" The others turned to Fluttershy as she jumped headfirst off the side of the cliff. "Fluttershy!" All five of them gasped in astonishment. Faster than she had ever flown before, Fluttershy raced to catch up with the falling dragon. As far back as she remembered dragons had always scared her. So much so that she had been afraid of coming along on this mission. But that fear was now gone, replaced by the determination to reach him in time. She was the Element of Kindness, compassionate to all creatures great and small. Even if it was a big scary dragon. She was almost there, she could feel it, but so was the ground. Fluttershy grabbed hold of the dragon's tail. Even though she didn't have anywhere near the strength to stop his momentum, she felt she had to try. The ground was getting closer, Fluttershy closed her eyes and pulled with all her might. Suddenly she felt herself rising, she opened her eyes and looked up to see the Comet holding her by her midsection. She felt its small hooves wrapped under her as it began pulling the both of them back to the top. "Look, on her back!" Twilight called out. "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the Comet!" Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly. They cheered and hollered as the comet and Fluttershy carried the dragon up the mountain. For a moment Fluttershy thought she could make out the silhouette of a pony inside the comet's coma. "That was incredible Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash cheered as the comet set the two of them down in front of the cave. "The way you dived off the mountain like that was simply daring dear," Rarity declared. "You were all like whoosh and the dragon was all "Ahh somepony save me." And you were like, "I'll save you!" She struck a triumphant heroic pose. "And the comet appeared and saved you too." "Speaking of which," Twilight interjected. "I think it's time we see just what or who this Comet really is. The Comet sensing trouble took off like a bat out of Tartarus. "Hey get back here!" The purple unicorn shook her hoof in frustration. "Let it go Sugarcube," Applejack said lowering her hoof. "Just let it go," She knew a certain young colt who was going to get a talking to when she got home. "Oh you poor poor thing," Fluttershy fluttered towards the dragon and planted a kiss on his forehead. The once ferocious beast shed a single tear and ran one of his fingers through her mane. "I can't believe you saved me," He said in a low but soft voice. "Not many creatures would care much about a dragon." "Well, to be honest, I've always kind of been scared of dragons," Fluttershy admitted But when I saw you were in danger, I just knew I had to do something." "Fluttershy dear," Rarity said. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" "Well, I was afraid of letting you all down," She answered. "Hey listen," Rainbow Dash looking a little guilt-ridden. "Throughout this trip, I know I said some things I shouldn't have. That you were useless, that you were slowing us down. But you really pulled through for us in the end. And I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." Fluttershy smiled at her. "Apology accepted, I should've been more honest about my feelings with you girls." The two pegasi embraced each other. Comet's POV By the time I got home, the sun was beginning to set. I was covered in soot, rock dust, and dead dragon skin. I changed out of my suit and headed for the bathroom. I ended up spending fifteen minutes in the bathtub scrubbing myself clean. When I was finally done, the inside of the tub looked like a coal chute. Still, nothing a little super fast knee grease couldn't fix, and in the end, it was all in a day's work for a hero. "Apple Comet! Get ye'r caboose down here, you've got some explaining to do." Even if it gets him scolded by his grandmother. > Never Judge A Zebra By It's Stripes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. I know it seems like I say that a lot, but it's thanks to our dedicated weather team that sunny days are the norm in our little town. Even though we did have that heavy rainstorm a week ago. Applejack ended up having to sleep at the library with Twilight and Rarity. And if that weren't enough she somehow managed to pull a tree into Twilight's bedroom. Not a tree branch, but the entire tree. I like to think of it as karma for all the times she's laughed about me bucking an apple tree all the way to Canterlot. Not so funny when it happens to you is AJ? But I digress. Apple Bloom and I were walking with Applejack. We had just finished a produce delivery to Barnyard Bargains and we were heading to Sugarcube Corner to say hello to Pinkie Pie and the Cakes. "Boy, it sure is a beautiful day isn't it Applejack." Apple Bloom said. "It sure is Sugarcube," Applejack replied. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing, everypony is out and about, nothing could ruin this day." Except for her tempting fate, it seemed. As we walked through the town square, everything seemed normal. Then I heard somepony shout, "She's coming!" Immediately everypony stopped what they were doing and ran for the nearest shelter. The square devolved into an aimless stampede with Ponies running every which way looking for somewhere to hide. "Oh, sweet Celestia!" Applejack exclaimed, her face white with fear. "We gotta find somewhere to hide. Come with me if you want to live." She galloped off toward Sugarcube Corner as fast as her hooves would carry her. "Whelp here we go again," I said to Apple Bloom rolling my eyes. She nodded at me in a disappointing agreement as we trotted after Applejack. Oh right, I probably should explain. The 'She' everypony was referring to was Zecora. She was a zebra who visited Ponyville about once a month and looked in all the stores. She never buys anything, of course, that's because the stores are all inconveniently closed. Now at this point, you're probably wondering why everypony avoids her like the ponypox? Well, I've heard that she lives in the Everfree Forest. Which yeah, I can personally attest isn't the friendliest place in Equestria. She's been doing this for the last few years now. At first, Apple Bloom and I were as scared of her as the rest of them. But now, she's not so much scary as she is meh. Once I saw through her hood with my x-ray vision, I realized she wasn't that different looking than any other pony. Aside from the stripes and her manestyle and her jewelry, but that was no reason to treat her like a social pariah. And so here we were inside Sugarcube Corner with the lights off again. Applejack's friends huddled around each other in fear. I found it hard to believe these were the mares Princess Celestia had tasked with getting Razor to move out. Who's Razor you ask? Why He's the dragon who's snoring almost covered Equestria in smoke. Turns out he and Fluttershy are pen pals now, go figure. "Do you see her?" Rarity asked in fright. "I don't see her yet," Pinkie Pie stood at the window, peering through the blinds for any sign of the 'Evil Enchantress' as she called her. She'd even composed a song titled as such, one that made me grateful Zecora only showed up once a month. "Tic Tac Toe, Three in a row." Apple Bloom declared with as much boredom as she could show. "You win," I said with disinterest. "What's the score?" "I don't know." Was her answer. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from outside. "Does my breath stink?" It asked letting out a short burp. "Not more than usual," Said another. As the other voice asked if it was zombies, my eyes saw a face that made my heart flutter. Twilight Sparkle trotted down the street, her trusty dragon assistant riding on her back. "Twilight," I whispered in a dopey lovesick voice. "Twilight?" Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "OMG, it's Twilight!" Pinkie said rushing to the door and opening the top half. "Psst Twilight! Spike! Come here, come here, hurry! Before she gets you, " She whispered gesturing to them to come inside. Twilight let out a groan that told me she wasn't in the mood for Pinkie's antics. I could relate. "Who? The zombie pony?" Spike asked again as if this was a George Pomero film or something. "Z-Zombie Pony?" Pinkie asked nervously. "Spike, there are no zombie ponies," Twilight huffed as the two of them walked inside. "Pinkie, What are you doing alone in the dark?" Pinkie replied "I'm not alone in the dark," as she pointed to the rest of us. "Hi, Twilight!" I waved to her. "Oh hello, Apple Comet." She smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. "Okay then, what are you all doing here in the dark?" "We're hiding from her," Applejack drew open the curtain and pointed to the figure outside. Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Her?" "Did ya see her Twilight?" Apple Bloom asked her. "Did you see Zecora?" "Apple Bloom! A'h told you never to say that name?" Applejack scolded. "Zecora! Zecora, Zecora, Zecora!" "And that goes for you too, Apple Comet." Twilight sighed and said. "Well, I saw her glance this way." "Glance evilly this way," Pinkie corrected her. "And then a bunch of you flip out for no reason?" Preach it, sister. "No good reason? You call protecting your kin no good reason?" Applejack argued pulling both of us close to her. "Why as soon as my brother and sister saw Zecora ride into town they both started shaking in their little horseshoes." Never mind the fact that I've taken on timberwolves, an Ursa major, a full-grown dragon, and the Sands of Hyponos and come out on top every time. Oh, and I would never have defeated that last one if not for Apple Bloom's help. "No, we didn't, Apple Bloom protested. Applejack threw both of us on her back. "So A'h swept them both up and brought them here." "We walked here," Apple Bloom pushed herself off Applejack's back. "For safekeeping," Applejack continued as I did the same. "We're not babies, Applejack," Apple Bloom pointed out. "We can take care of ourselves." Well, one more than the other anyway. "Not with that creepy Zecora around." Applejack lectured. "She's mysterious," Fluttershy said. "Sinister," Rainbow Dash added. "And Spoooooky!" Pinkie Pie finished. "Argh! She's just a zebra!" I shouted pulling at my mane. "I mean for Celestia's sake, you girls have saved Equestria what is it twice now? Aren't you all a little old to be acting like this?" "Couldn't have said it better myself," Twilight said. I blushed as I realized she had just complimented me. "Have any of you actually talked to her or gotten to know her? Do any of you even know where she lives?" "That's just it," Applejack said. "She lives in the Everfree Forest!" A sudden crash echoed through the store. Everypony looked over to see Spike covered in pots and pans. "Spike!" "Uh, sorry." As he picked himself up and began cleaning up the mess, Applejack and the others resumed where they had left off. "The Everfree Forest just ain't natural, the plants grow." "The animals care for themselves." Fluttershy pointed out. "And the clouds move." Rainbow Dash said. "All on their own!" They finished at the same time. Rarity dramatically fainted to the floor. "And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing evil." Pinkie Pie said. I even wrote a song about her." "Here we go," Rainbow Dash groaned. "She's an evil enchantress, she does evil dances. And if you look deep in her eyes, she'll put you in trances," Sigh you know having an eidetic memory can be useful, but sometimes there are things you just wish you could forget. As I watched Pinkie Pie bounce around the room and Applejack shake Apple Bloom like a bored ragdoll I realized that this was one of those times. "So...watch out!" Pinkie finished her song by standing in a creepy position on top of a table. "Wow catchy," Twilight said sounding like she didn't know how to rationalize what she just saw. "It's a work in progress," Pinkie said. "It gets worse every time she sings it," I whispered to Apple Bloom. "This is all a lot of gossip and rumors," Twilight said. "Now tell me what exactly have you seen Zecora do?" "Well...Once a month she comes to Ponyville." Rainbow Dash said. "Oooooh," Twilight said with much sarcasm. "Then she lurks by the stores," Rarity added. "You mean like a customer?" I asked eliciting a chuckle from Twilight and a stare from Applejack. "Oh my," Twilight giggled. "And then she digs at the ground," Fluttershy said. "Good gracious!" Twilight exclaimed dramatically before finally breaking character. "Okay I'm sorry but how is any of this bad? Maybe she comes to town to visit?" "Yeah, maybe she's just trying to be neighborly." Apple Bloom suggested. "Did you ever stop to think of that?" I asked. "Will you two hush and let the big ponies talk." Applejack scolded. "We will when you start acting like it," I told her. "Ooh burn!" Spike said. "W-What about digging at the ground," Rainbow Dash protested. "You've got to admit that's weird." "What if she's digging for innocent creatures?" Fluttershy hypothesized. Pinkie began singing the evil enchantress song again. No way in Tartarus I was gonna listen to that twice in one day. "Oh my goodness," I gasped. "Zecora's right outside the window and she's got two heads!" "AAAAAH! TWO-HEADED EVIL ENCHANTRESS!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. Everypony except Twilight, Apple Bloom, and yours truly ducked for cover. "Wow, you all really believed that?" Twilight said in disbelief as she looked at the state her friends were in. Rainbow Dash was hanging onto a ceiling lamp. Rarity had dramatically fainted...again, Fluttershy was cowering in the corner with her wings over her face, Applejack hid under a table, her forelegs wrapped tightly around the two of us. Spike was in the kitchen hiding in the oven. And Pinkie Pie the worst offender was hiding in the front display case nervously chewing through a plate of cupcakes. "Look," Twilight sighed. "I'm sure there is a reason for everything Zecora does, and if anypony here were brave enough to approach her, she would find out the truth." Or he, I thought to myself. "Hey Applejack, I gotta pee." "Yeah me too," Apple Bloom said. "Nice try, how do A'h know you two aren't just gonna run off?" She asked suspiciously. "Do you want to wait and find out?" I asked her. She immediately released us. As Twilight continued to try to talk sense into her friends Apple Bloom and I made tracks for the bathroom. Once there, I quickly ushered her into the stallion's room and closed the door. "See anything?" Apple Bloom asked as I peered out the window behind the toilet. "Coast is clear, I answered. I opened the latch and slid it open. "After you." As soon as we were out the door, we made ourselves scarce. My x-ray vision gave us an edge over both Zecora and Applejack. "What's she doing?" Apple Bloom, asked as I watched the zebra through a nearby house. "Looks like she's leaving town, come on let's go." Third Pony POV. "Those two young' ins sure have been in the bathroom for a while," Applejack said. "Come to think of it, I haven't heard a flush either." "Sounds like somepony needs some bran muffins!" Pinkie sang out loud while holding up a tray of bran muffins. Applejack raised an eyebrow and placed her hand on the tray. She slowly lowered it, then turned and walked over to the bathroom without saying a word. "Apple Bloom, are you alright in there?" She knocked on the mare's bathroom door. There was no response. She turned the knob to find the door was unlocked and Apple Bloom wasn't inside. "Huh, that's strange." She closed the door and tried the Stallion's room. "Apple Comet, Do you know where Apple Bloom is?" Again there was no response, and again the door wasn't locked. Applejack opened the door to find the Stallion's room empty and the window wide open. It didn't much for her to put two and two together. "Those two are in so much trouble," She muttered menacingly. Comet's POV We tailed Zecora to the Everfree Forest. As far as I was aware, the Zebra had no idea we were even there. She trotted down a path that seemed to lead straight to the depths of the forest. I kept Apple Bloom close to my side as we followed after. Any creature that looked at us as a pair of tasty morsels, was gonna end up with a broken jaw. Zecora stopped at a field of blue flowers. She glanced down at them, then proceeded to tread around them. Almost as if they were dangerous in some way. Upon closer inspection, I could see why. "Interesting, these flower's leaves are covered in a surface oil similar to urushiol found on Toxicodendron diversilobum." "Huh?" Apple Bloom's jaw hung down. "Poison Oak," I explained. "But there's a whole other compound in it that I've never seen before. "You can tell that just by looking at them?" She asked me. "At the microscopic level yes," I answered. "Wow," She whispered. "Looks like they went this way." My ears picked up the distant voices of Applejack and her friends followed by the galloping of hooves. Looks like they found the trail of hoofprints we left along the path. While I could easily fly Apple Bloom and myself back to the farm, I knew I never would be able to logically explain how we got there so fast. That plus the comet's appearance would make it too easy for somepony like Twilight to put all the pieces together. There was only one thing to do, we had to face the music. "Apple Comet? Apple Bloom?" My sister gasped and turned her head in the direction Applejack's voice came from. Zecora also looked up from the flowerbed as the six appeared from behind us. "You two are in a heap of trouble, "Applejack snorted. At this point, Zecora spoke up. "Beware beware you pony folk, those leaves of blue are not a joke." "Y-You keep your creepy mumbo jumbo to yourself, ya hear!" "I'd listen to her Applejack," I said. "Those flowers are covered with... "And you keep your mouth shut young colt." "Beware, beware," Zecora warned before stepping back into the mist. "Yeah back at ya Zecora!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "As for you two," Applejack turned back to us. Why didn't you listen to your big sister when you were told to?" "Because you never specifically told us to listen to you?" I answered. Applejack's face turned red. "Well, ye'r sure as sugar gonna listen now." She muttered menacingly. "You two are going to march ye'r keisters back home right now or so help me if Zecora didn't curse you already, then ye'r gonna wish she had." "Just like in my song," Pinkie Pie added. "She's an evil enchantress, she does... "Alright alright, we're going just for the love of Celestia don't sing that song again!" "Thank you," Said Twilight in relief. I grabbed Apple Bloom's hoof and we got the hay out of there. Whatever punishment Applejack had in store for us couldn't possibly be as bad as hearing that song again. "Well, what do either of you have to say for yourself?" Applejack asked. Apple Bloom and I looked at each other. As soon as we got home, Applejack sat us down on the couch in the living room and immediately began scolding us. "Y'all lied to me, y'all disobeyed me, y'all ran off on me into the Everfree Forest no less, what am A'h gonna do with you?" For about a minute, neither of us said anything. "Well?" "W-We were just trying to find out more about Zecora," Apple Bloom spoke up. "And was that worth putting yourself in danger and making me worried sick about you?" "Apple Comet was with me the whole time, he wouldn't let anything happen to me." That turned Applejack's attention to me. "Apple Comet," she said in a monotone voice. "What gave you the right to bring your sister into the most dangerous place in all of Equestria? A'h thought you of all ponies would know better than that." Okay, that was a low blow. She continued. "Just because you can fly and you're stronger than a herd of Brahma bulls does not make what you did okay. What if you got separated or Zecora got the drop on one of you? Y'all would've been cursed or hexed or something worse." "That's something I wanted to talk to you about." I looked down at her hooves. "You've got some surface oil on your hooves from when you stepped in those blue flowers." "Don't try to change the subject young colt!" She snapped. "I'm not honest, I'm just saying you might want to wash them with soap and water. "Hmph," She turned her head away from me. "Ah'll wash my hooves when Ah'm done working and not a second before." "Why are you being so gosh darn stubborn?" Apple Bloom asked. "Because Ah'm your big sister and it's my responsibility to look after you," Applejack answered. "And if you talk to me like that again, y'all can go to bed straight after supper!" Apple Bloom jumped down from the couch. "One day Ah'm gonna bigger than you Applejack," She declared trotting toward the stairs."And when A'h am, Ah'll be able to go wherever A'h want whenever A'h want and you won't be able to stop me!" "That's fine but until that day, you'll do as you are told. Now go to you're room and don't you dare come out till supper time." Apple Bloom scowled at her, then walked up the stairs without saying a word. "And as for you," Applejack said turning back to me. "A'h better not see or hear about a red comet in the sky for the rest of the day! Or else you'll be on pig pen duty for the rest of the year." With the prospect of shoveling pig droppings for several months in front of me, I did the only thing I could. "I promise you, you won't." And I kept that promise. The day turned to night and there was no sign of the red comet in the sky. Dinner that night was tense, to say the least. Applejack and Apple Bloom didn't talk to each other once the entire meal. After dinner, Applejack made Apple Bloom and I wash and put away the dishes, telling us it was the sort of thing 'big ponies' have to do. After that, we washed up, brushed our teeth, and got in bed. As I closed my eyes, my thoughts turned to Zecora. Something told me there was more to her than meets the eye. > The Incredible Shrinking Apple. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, I woke up, got undressed, made my bed, and went into the bathroom to relieve myself and comb my mane. By now I had accepted that it was foolish to expect today to be normal, even by my standards. So I wasn't too surprised when my ears picked up the sound of what sounded like a mouse screaming in a Southern accent. GAH! "That sounded like it came from Applejack's room." Peeking through the walls, I zeroed in on Applejack's bed where something was moving around inside her empty pajamas. I raced out of the bathroom to my sister's room. "Applejack? Where are you?" "Ah'm down here!" The tiny voice said. I looked down my eyes frozen in astonishment. "Applejack?" Standing on the collar of her pajama top was my big sister, now no bigger than one of Apple Bloom's dolls. "What in Equestria or Kolton happened to you?" "A'h don't know, A'h woke up and everything was bigger." I gave her a quick examination with my X-ray vision. I wasn't a licensed doctor, but if any colt in Ponyville could figure out what was wrong, it would be me. "I'm not seeing any change in the skeletal structure or any muscle deformity. Your heart rate is a little faster than normal but that's probably because you're just now realizing what's happened to you. Your stomach is the same apple graveyard it's always been. So it's not something you've eaten." I said with a chuckle. "Har dee har har, so do you know what's wrong with me?" "Of course that was easy," I told her. "All I had to do was examine your coat." "What's that got to do with anything?" "Well, you remember those blue flowers you and the others stepped in yesterday? The ones I tried to tell you about but you wouldn't let me?" Her pupils shrunk even smaller as I explained how the surface oil of those leaves had behind left a compound that had seeped into the pores of her skin." Her expression shifted from shock to horror and finally to regret." "Apple Comet A-Ah'm so sorry," She wept. "A'h should've listened to you about those plants. Can you ever forgive me?" I smiled warmly at her and said, "I already have." "Hey Applejack," Apple Bloom said walking into the room, Granny says it's time for breakfast and..." She paused as she saw me standing next to Applejack's nightstand. "...Apple Comet what are you doing in Applejack's room?" "Oh no." Applejack whispered unsure of how her 'little sister' would react to seeing her 'big sister' like this. "Oh...uh, I was just straightening her bed for her is all." I picked up the covers and began straightening it out." "Were you talking to someone, A'h could hear you talking about those blue flowers down the hall?" "Um...oh you heard that? Well, sometimes I like to talk to myself when I'm working," Applejack facehoofed. She was probably thinking I was as terrible a liar as she was. Her suspicion aroused Apple Bloom next asked: "What's that behind you?" "The nightstand?" I answered. "No no not that, the thing on the nightstand?" "The lamp?" "Ye'r hiding something ain'tcha?" Her eyelids narrowed. "Why would I hide something from you?" "Because that's what ye'r doing, now stand aside." She nudged me aside to find Applejack standing perfectly still. Even her eyes were motionless. "Huh? When did Applejack get a doll of herself?" Apple Bloom asked. "And why were you trying to hide it?" I could only imagine what must have been going through Applejack's head, seeing her 'little sister' the size of the farmhouse looming over her. Apple Bloom reached down and picked her up by the barrel. Applejack began sweating like a cornered animal as Apple Bloom brought her up to her face. " Hey, this doll's all furry and it smells like sweaty apples." She said smelling her sister's mane. "Oh well, A'h guess A'h can still play with it." Applejack let out a neigh of terror and began struggling against her sister's grip. "Apple Bloom Y'all put me down this instant ya hear?" "AH!" In her shock, Apple Bloom dropped Applejack sending her plummeting to the floor. "AAAAHHH!" In a split second, I rushed forward and caught her by the tail with my teeth. "Gotcha." I set her gently down on the bedspread and let her catch her breath. Her breathing was rapid as she realized just how close she'd come to death. "Apple...jack?" Apple Bloom loomed over, her red eyes filled with concern. "Is that really you?" I explained to her my hypothesis of how the substance in the blue flowers was responsible for Applejack's condition. Immediately Apple Bloom reached over and pulled her older sister into a teary embrace. "Applejack, Ah'm so sorry," She held her close to her chest as the tears flowed down her face. "A'h could've hurt you or done worse without realizing it was you." To Applejack it must've felt like being an Ursa Minor's teddy bear. "A'h forgive ya," She gritted through her teeth. "Now can y'all gently put me down so A'h can breathe?" Apple Bloom sat down and gently placed Applejack at the edge of the bed. "That's better, now what are we going to do about this?" Apple Bloom and I looked at each other. "Twilight!" We said at the same time. Then Apple Bloom's stomach let out a gurgle. "Maybe we should have some breakfast first?" I suggested. "Where's Applejack?" Granny Smith asked as we sat down at the breakfast table. "Oh she's still up in her room," Apple Bloom said. "She's not feeling quite herself this morning." "Oh dear, is she sick?" "I guess you could say that," I answered. "Well, A'h suppose A'h should take her up some breakfast then," "That's okay Granny, I can do that when I'm done." "Why that's very sweet of you," Granny smiled. "Applejack sure is lucky to have a little brother who cares so much about her." I quietly snickered when she called me Applejack's 'little brother'. True to my word, Apple Bloom and I brought up a plate of eggs sunny-side-up, haycon, and toast. Along with a glass of apple juice with a straw. "Hey Applejack, we brought you something to eat." Apple Bloom said as I set the plate down on her nightstand. "I know it must seem like a lot at your size, but try to eat as much as you can," I said expecting her to take a few mouse-sized nibbles before calling it quits. "Don't mind if A'h do!" With those words, Applejack attacked the plate like a ravenous timberwolf, diving head-first into the yolk of one of the eggs. Like a prairie dog from its hole, she poked her head hat and all out the top and gobbled down a hooful of yolk. "Om nom nom nom nom." I knew she had quite the appetite, but I didn't think even Applejack could finish what would've been a cartful of food to a normal-sized pony. But she just kept on eating. When the eggs were gone she jumped on top of a strip of haycon and began tearing into it. When she was finally finished there weren't even any crumbs left. "BUURRRRRP! Well, excuse me!" Applejack lay on her back covered in egg yolk and toast crumbs. Her stomach was so full, her belly button had turned from an innie into an outie. "A'h can't believe she ate the whole thing," Apple Bloom said in a shocked monotone voice. "Well, that's one thing about her the flower didn't shrink," I noted. "Alright now that's taken care of, let's go see Twilight." Applejack rolled over and stood up. "Not just yet," I said. "First you need to wash up." Applejack looked herself over and noticed for the first time that she was covered in her breakfast. "Oh right, of course." "How's she going to take a bath at that size?" Apple Bloom asked me. The torrent of water stopped as I turned off the sink faucet. We'd filled the bathroom sink about up to the bottom of Applejack's barrel, and placed her favorite bottle of shampoo face down on the outside of the sink so she could stand under it. I checked the water one last time to make sure it was just right. "Perfect, okay put her in." Applejack gently deposited Applejack in the sink and handed her a cotton swab to scrub herself. "Thanks now can A'h have a little privacy?" "Sorry Applejack," I said. "But you're too small for us to leave you alone in here." She scowled and looked up at the two of us. "A'h ain't a baby, A'h can take care of myself." Apple Bloom let out a chuckle. "Sorry Applejack, but we're the big siblings now, and that means you gotta do what we say." "Within reasonable boundaries," I added placing my hoof in front of Apple Bloom. The last thing I needed today was my little sister going on a power trip. With a sigh, Applejack picked up the cotton swab and waded over to the shampoo bottle. She held it underneath as I gently pressed down on the handle sending a drop of shampoo the size of her head onto it. She took the cotton swab and began scrubbing it into her coat and mane. Then she rolled around in the water to rinse off. When she was done, Apple Bloom picked her up and I dried her with my heat vision. "A-Are you sure that's safe?" "Perfectly, I use it on myself after my baths," I explained. "No wonder your towel never seems to get used." Once Applejack was squeaky clean, the three of us headed off to the library. "A'h still don't understand why we're hoofing it there?" Applejack sat atop Apple Bloom's bow, wearing her hat and carrying her lasso, both of which had inexplicably shrunk with her. "Because Twilight would see the comet and become distracted from the matter at hoof," I said. "Besides I only need to speed-read through the medical and botany sections to find out what that plant is and then Twilight can prepare the cure. "And if that doesn't work out, we always get you a job in the circus lassoing grasshoppers." Apple Bloom chuckled which earned her a thump on the head from Applejack. "Ow, A'h was just joking." "Well quit joking and keep walking." When we got to the library we were surprised to see all of Applejack's friends arriving. And that was just the start of it. The flowers had affected each of them differently. Pinkie Pie's tongue had swollen like a blimp and was also covered in blue spots. Rainbow Dash's wings were inverted causing her to repeatedly crash into things. Rarity's coat and mane had grown wild and unkempt leaving her looking like a giant hairball. And Fluttershy...seemed unaffected for some reason. "Huh seems like you're not the only one who woke up feeling stranger this morning, " I said to Applejack. From inside I could see and hear what they were saying." "A pfurse!" Pinkie spat. "A purse?" Spike pondered. "How could it be a purse?" "Pinkie? What happened?" Twilight asked her. Her horn had gone limp and was covered with the same blue spots as Pinkie's tongue. "Pee pah Zthcora, sthe put a cursthe on me." "Hey say it don' spray it," Spike said. "Ow, Oh," Rainbow Dash suddenly came crashing through the front door. "She's trying, Ow, to say-ow Zecora, oh!" She tried to explain before she crashed into a bookshelf. "She slapped us with a-ow-curse." "I'm afraid I have to concur," Rarity's voice said from the mound of hair covering her body. Spike and Twilight both yelled in surprise. "Hey, Twilight is this a bad time to stop in?" I asked walking through the front door. "Applejack has a teensy little problem." "Oh ha ha ha," Applejack rolled her eyes as she slid down Apple Bloom's mane. Everypony except Rarity gasped when they saw how small Applejack was. "It's a curse, I tell ya!" Rainbow Dash declared. "It's not a curse," I argued. "Besides Fluttershy...seems just fine." Twilight pointed out. Everypony looked at the yellow pegasus. "Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her." Rarity agreed. Although how she could tell, I didn't know. Maybe the plants gave her x-ray vision to compensate for all that hair. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" Twilight asked. "Is there something wrong with you? Would you care to tell us?" The pink-haired pony shook her head no. "So you're not going to tell us?" Fluttershy nodded yes. "Yes you're not, or yes you will?" "Good gravy girl! What's wrong with you?" Applejack demanded as she hopped down from Apple Bloom's back onto the table. Fluttershy opened her lips and said: "I don't want to talk about it?" I was at a loss for words. Spike on the other hoof fell to the floor and began laughing his scales off. "Ha ha ha ha, this is hilarious!" He declared. "Look at all of you! We got Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple Teeny, Flutterguy, and...He paused at Twilight. "Twilight Flopple?" I suggested. "Spike doubled over laughing once again while Twilight scowled at me. "Don't encourage him," She hissed, then turned back to Spike. "And as for you, start looking for more books so I can find a cure." "I might be able to help you with that," I said raising my hoof. Twilight looked a little skeptical. "Really, how?" "Well," I explained. "It just so happens that I happen to own a microscope and after 'ahem' examining my big sister under it, I discovered a surface oil residue on her coat similar to urushiol found in Toxicodendron diversilobum. But instead of breaking out in skin rashes as with Toxicodendron diversilobum, some unknown compound in the surface oil triggered the reactions in each of you." Twilight let out a squee of excitement and clapped her forehooves together. "Whether it was because she thought I was on the trail of a cure, or just because she was excited to see me so interested in science, I don't know. Rainbow Dash, however, was not impressed. "Okay, then smart guy," She said trying to pull her out from between the rungs of a ladder. "If you know so much...about this toxic dental...whatever, then how do we...aaaah!" With a pop, her head came loose sending her crashing into the wall behind her. "Well I don't know the answer to that," I admitted. "However I might know someone who does." Y'all better not be saying who A'h think ye'r saying." Apple Teeny squeaked. "Okay, I won't," I told her. "Apple Bloom will." "Zecora." "When we followed her yesterday, I noticed she was taking extra care not to step in those blue flowers you all did." "I Knthew it Zthecora Mussth have pursed those bfue fthlowers!" Pinkie exclaimed expectorating much to everyone's disgust. "Eww!" "Oh that's nasty." Fluttershy said. "No she didn't put a curse on those flowers," I said. I was starting to lose my patience. "They were already like that. She even tried to warn you herself." "Pah!" Rarity spat out another lock of her mane. "Come again, dear?" "Beware beware you pony folk, those leaves of blue are not a joke. That's what I remember her saying." Their jaws all dropped in awe. "You can remember what she said yesterday word for word?" Twilight asked astonished. "I happen to have a very sharp memory," I said. "My guess is if we all go to the Everfree Forest and find Zecora, I'm sure she'll know what kind of flowers they are." "How do you know we can trust her?" Rainbow Dash asked accusingly. "We can't," Twilight admitted reluctantly. "But if what Apple Comet is saying is true, then Zecora is our best bet for finding a cure." "As much as A'h hate to admit it, A'h think you might be right. My brother is many things but unreliable ain't one of 'em." "All in favor of Apple Comet's plan raise your hoof and say aye," Twilight said. "Aye," Apple Bloom raised her hoof. "Aye," Spike raised his claw. "Aye," Applejack raised her hoof. "Aye," Rarity's hoof emerged from her shaggy coat. "Aye," Rainbow Dash raised hers off the floor. ""Aye," Fluttershy rolled her eyes and raised her hoof. "Ey pfft," Pinkie Pie reluctantly raised her hoof. "Then it is decided," Twilight declared. "We're going to see Zecora." "Yes!" Apple Bloom pumped her hoof excitedly and grabbed me by the hoof. "Come on Apple Comet, let's go home and grab our saddlebags." She began pulling me toward the door when Twilight pointed out. "You're staying here." Apple Bloom stopped and turned around. "Wait? What?" "You two are gonna stay here and help Spike look for any information about those plants," Twilight explained. "Between the three of you, it should all go a lot faster. Now if you have no further questions, we really should get going." She held her hoof next to the table for Applejack to climb onto and then four of them walked out the door. Rainbow Dash tried to fly out but ended up hitting her head on the doorframe. After the third try, she just walked out with the rest of them. "Aw, ponyfeathers!" Apple Bloom said. And so the search for a cure was on. Using my keen telescopic vision and eidetic memory I quickly searched through the library to find what I needed. "Hmm, Perplexing Pony Plagues, that seems like a good place to start," I said pulling it from the shelf. "Tome of Flora and Fauna, that definitely could be useful." So I added it to the list. "Hey Apple Comet, what about this?" Apple Bloom reached down and picked up a book off the floor. Its cover was a vibrant green with a three-leafed plant on the front. "Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super." Sure why not, I guess we're willing to try anything at this point." In no time at all, we had compiled an impressive collection of books. And so we sat down at the table in the middle of the library. I opened up Perplexing Pony Plagues to the table of contents and began reading through it. Thanks to my x-ray vision, I was able to read through it twice as fast by reading through each right page and turning it to read the left. "Let's see, Hooferia, Pony Pox, the Reins," They all bore similarities to their afflictions, but none of them correlated with exposure to the blue flower. "Wow, you're really into this aren't you?" Spike said. "You're breezing through that book." "Yeah well, what can I say, I'm a fast reader," I said turning the page. "You know you remind me a lot of Twilight." He laughed. "Once she's set on finding something, she won't let anything stand in her way." I smiled at him, "I'll be sure to take that as a compliment. Our reading session continued for several more minutes with none of us having any luck. Then suddenly Apple Bloom said: "Hey A'h think A'h found it!" I stood up and walked over to see what she had found. "Poison Joke, native to the Everfree Forest, known to play practical jokes on those who come in contact with it." She could hardly contain her excitement. "Known afflictions include but are not limited to, droopy horns, excessive fur growth, and coarseness, inverted wings, swelling of the lips and tongue, excessive salivation, unnatural changes in size, changes in vocal pitch and tone, and uncontrollable diarrhea. Looks like Applejack's friends kind of lucked out after all." And when we turned the page it seemed so had we. "Look, there's a remedy to cure it." Apple Bloom said. "We just need to get Applejack and the others to take an herbal bath." There were even illustrations of each ingredient and the step-by-step process of how to prepare the remedy. I quickly memorized all of it. "Spike, wait for us outside the Everfree Forest," I instructed him. "Apple Bloom and I are gonna go home and get our saddlebags. We'll meet you there." I turned to Apple Bloom and said: "Come on sis, let's hoof it double time." Apple Bloom smiled and nodded her head. As soon as we were away from the library, we ran till we reached the road that led up the hill to home. "Alright, the road looks clear," I whispered. Apple Bloom climbed onto my back and wrapped her forelegs around my neck. "You ready?" She wrapped her hind legs around my barrel and whispered: "Giddy up." SHOOM! Like an arrow from a bow, I took off running at speeds that would put an Equestria Games sprinter to shame. Of course, I wasn't going my fastest, I did have a passenger after all. But we reached the orchard in under nineteen seconds. As soon as we arrived we went up to our rooms and grabbed our saddlebags and one other thing. The door swung open as Apple Bloom walked into my room. "Okay Ah'm ready if...you are." She was surprised to see me in my Koltonian suit. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Just writing a letter," I said opening my bedroom window. It won't take long." "What am A'h gonna tell Spike?" "I'll be back before you get there," I assured her. WHOOSH! Third Pony POV "Well, this is the place," Spike said standing outside the entrance to the Everfree Forest. "So where are those two?" Whoosh! Suddenly the Red Comet of Ponyville flew overhead streaking toward the forest. "Whoa!" "C'mon girls we have to get to Zecora's" Twilight called back. "Ooh...ahaha!" Rarity screamed as she tripped over her coat and tumbled into the mud... "Hey wait for me..." Rainbow called out before crashing head-first into a tree. "Ow," "A'h am so glad A'h chose not to ride with her," Applejack said from Twilight's back as she watched Rainbow pick herself up off the ground. "Look, upfft in the ssky!" Pinkie Pie spat and pointed up. "It's the Comet!" Twilight gasped. "I'm on it!" Rainbow Dash said as she took off after it. "CRASH!" Only to crash head-first into Fluttershy. ""Ouch." Comet's POV. Good, everypony was exactly where they needed to be...except for one. My eyes penetrated the forest canopy searching for a certain zebra. She had to be close, I was coming up on the field of poison joke. Then my nose picked up a scent I'd never smelled in the forest before. It was a very pungent fragrance but not overwhelming, mixed with the faint traces of smoke from scented candles from about fifteen hours ago. I looked down and saw somepony or some zebra had hollowed out a house out of an old tree. Its branches were covered by ceramic bottles hung from ropes and a strange red mask hung above the entrance. Behind the bark, I could see Zecora stirring a large black cauldron with a wooden spoon. The inside of her house looked like something out of one of Daring Do's adventures. Creepy masks and bottles hung from the walls and ceiling. Zecora stopped stirring and took a sip of whatever she was brewing. Satisfied, she took a bowl and filled it up. Guess that was her breakfast. Unfortunately for her, my problem couldn't wait till after she was done. She sat down at a small table next to the window, now was my chance. Third Pony POV. Zecora set her bowl down on the table and sat down. She inhaled the aroma of herbs and spices coming from her morning stew. It was a simple dish, but then she was a simple zebra. She dipped her spoon and brought it to her lips when suddenly... WHOOSH! ...something streaked past her window. Zecora let out a high-pitched bark, spilling her soup on her lap, then ran outside to see what it was. Whatever it was had left behind a dusty red trail. She looked up and saw written across the sky in fiery red letters... HELP ZECORA! POISON JOKE! "What is this I see, This comet has left a message for me?" The message jogged her memories of what happened yesterday. She rushed back inside to grab her things and then headed for the meadow where she knew the flowers grew. "It looks like it's writing something," Twilight said observing the Comet's movements. "What does it say?" Rarity asked, unable to see past her mane. "Help Zecora, Poison Joke! It's sending her a message about us." Applejack's tiny face lit up as Twilight read her brother's message. "Whoo doggy, don't that beat all!" And just outside the forest, Spike saw the message as well. "Help Zecora, Poison Joke." Spike read the message out loud. "How does it know what happened to Twilight and the others?" Comet's POV With the message sent, all that was left to do was catch up to Apple Bloom and meet Spike. I took the usual path around the outskirts of the forest and landed in a ditch behind the fence. I took off my costume, threw the matrix in my saddlebag, and ran back home to find Apple Bloom waiting for me outside. "Showoff," She said unimpressed. "Hey, what can I say, I have good penmanship." I chuckled. "Whatever," She shrugged. "Let's just get going," When we arrived in town, we were surprised to see an angry mob of townsponies carrying torches and pitchforks gathered. outside the entrance to the Everfree Forest. "What's going on here?" Apple Bloom wondered. Using my x-ray vision, I quickly singled out Spike amongst the throng. The young dragon was doing his best to try to calm everypony down. "Okay, everypony just settle down, there's no cause for alarm." "How can you say that when it's literally written in the sky!" Daisy asked him. "The message couldn't be clearer, somepony's been poisoned and clearly that zebra is responsible." "I knew she was trouble the minute I saw her!" Lily Valley added. "How long are we supposed to sit back and let things like this happen?" Roseluck demanded. The mob erupted in a chorus of agreement. Apple Bloom glared at me. "Good penmanship huh?" She said. "Okay, obviously my message was misconstrued, but I can fix this I swear it!" "Well, you better hurry before this gets any worse." "Um...well...I..." I began racking my brain trying to figure out a way to disperse the mob without anypony getting hurt. At that moment my eyes fell upon the costume shop and I hatched an idea. "Come with me, this way!" The bell rang as we entered the store, but the mob outside paid us no mind. The racks and displays were mostly covered by adult costumes. Nightmare Night was still a few months away. "What now?" Apple Bloom asked me. My eyes fell upon a brown cloak similar to what Zecora had worn. Unfortunately like almost everything else, it was adult-sized. "Get on my shoulders," I said. I walked out of the store with Apple Bloom standing on top of me. My strength and X-ray vision made me a natural choice for the bottom half. The mob was still outside the forest. But from the look and sound of things, they weren't going to stay for long. "I'm not going to ask you again!" Daisy warned Spike. "Stand aside and let us through!" The young dragon nervously stood his ground. "I-I-I've already told you, I can't let you through no matter what!" Roseluck sighed and said in a low menacing whisper: "Then you leave us no choice," "Everypony walk around him!" Lily barked. The mob split into two halves which walked around Spike into the forest "Okay Apple Bloom, showtime." "Ahem, Beware, beware Ponies of Ponyville, for A'h am Zecora!" Even though she sounded nothing like her, it was enough to get the mob's attention. "AIIIIEEEE!" Bulk Biceps screamed and fainted. "It's her!" Daisy cried out. "Huh, I somewhat remember her being taller," Roseluck said. "So what do we do now?" Lily asked. "I would recommend you start running for your lives!" Apple Bloom said with a wave of her hoof in a spooky voice. "She does have a good argument," One stallion pointed out. A glare from Daisy shut him up. "What are you a stallion or a mouse?" She asked him. "Uh...a mouse?" He answered nervously backing away. "Well, I'm through running and hiding." Daisy said, "I say we get her!" "Yeah!" The mob roared in agreement. "Uh...I say we let her go?" Spike raised one claw nervously. "NO!" shouted the rest of the crowd and they began to close in. "Um Apple Comet," Apple Bloom whispered nervously. "You wouldn't happen to have a backup plan for your backup plan would ya?" "As a matter of fact, I do," I said. "Hold on tight." As soon as her hooves were wrapped around me, I turned and ran down the nearest alleyway. "After her!" Lily shouted as the mob followed after us. When they got there, however, all they would find was her cloak and hood lying on the ground. "She's...gone?" Roseluck gasped. "That was too close," Apple Bloom said as we soared above the rooftops. "Admittedly that could've gone better," I said in agreement. "But hopefully they should be distracted searching Ponyville, long enough for us to get to Zecora's place." We ducked behind the candles on top of Sugarcube Corner and waited for the mob to disperse. When the coast was clear, I flew us down behind the store and we ran to catch up with Spike. "There you are. Nice trick with the disguise back there." He greeted us. "How did you know it was us?" Apple Bloom asked him. "How could I not?" Spike answered. "You were clearly standing on your brother's shoulders. Plus you sounded nothing like her." "Whatever the point is we bought ourselves some time," I said. "Now let's not waste anymore," With that, I led them back to into the Everfree Forest. It wasn't long before we came across the girls out in the forest gathering ingredients with Zecora. "Applejack!" Apple Bloom called. "Twilight!" Spike shouted. The purple unicorn looked up from her search. "Spike, what are you doing here? Wait don't tell me, you found the cure in that book Supernaturals didn't you?" "How did you know?" He asked her. Twilight rolled her eyes and groaned. "Never mind, just help me look for ingredients will you?" Spike smiled a toothy grin and saluted her. "Sure, no problem." "So Applejack, I said turning my attention to my 'big sister standing on Twilight's head. "How was Zecora's place?" "Well as much as A'h hate to say it, You two were right and A'h was wrong." She admitted. "YES YES YES!" Apple Bloom cheered pumping her forelegs into the air. "Go, Bloom, Go Comet, Go Bloom, Go Comet, You were right, Applejack was wrong, She admits it!" Applejack rolled her eyes as Apple Bloom began doing spontaneous cartwheels around the forest. "So you're Zecora huh?" I asked walking up to the Zebra. "You don't look so scary up close." "What a very considerate thing to say, how are you this fine day?" She smiled and said to me. "Fine, my name's Apple Comet and that's my sister Apple Bloom. You've already met our 'big sister' Applejack." Zecora let out a laugh. "So very nice to meet you two," She said simply. "But one thing I must ask you." She pointed to my cutie mark. "Your cutie mark, what was it for? I can't help but think I've seen it before." Uh oh, that wasn't good. I needed to deflect her suspicion fast, or else my secret might be revealed at last. Great now she had me doing it. "I got it from my love of astronomy," I said. "Then perhaps you can explain why a shooting star might write in the sky." This zebra could give Shadow Spade a run for his money. I was just barely maintaining my outside composure. On the inside, I was sweating like I ran ten laps around the world. "You saw a shooting star write something?" I asked pretending to sound surprised. "I've never heard of one doing that before. What did it say?" "Help Zecora, Poison Joke!" Twilight answered for her. "It was how she knew where to find us. That Comet whoever or whatever it is has been watching us since it first appeared at the Summer Sun Celebration." "Quite a mystery I must say," Zecora concurred. "But one perhaps for another day. We have all but one of the ingredients filled. But we still need one from Ponyville." "But the whole town has formed an angry mob, and they're out there looking for Zecora," Spike warned them. "What!" Twilight shrieked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. "When did this happen?" "Not long after the Comet appeared," Spike told them. "Oh no, they must've misconstrued its message to Zecora. We have to set this right, let's go!" "Right behind ya!" Rainbow Dash said. BAM! Before crashing into a tree, again. "Ow," "I'll get her," Fluttershy said as she flew over to help Rainbow Dash. Our arrival in town wasn't exactly met with fanfare. Ponies took one at us and immediately went into hysterics. "Look Rose, how awful." Daisy cried. "The wicked enchantress has cursed them all." "The horror! The horror!" Lily Valley screamed as her eyes rolled back and she fainted. "Run Ponies Run!" The two of them split off and ran for their houses shutting the doors behind them. "Well at least they aren't carrying torches and pitchforks," I said to Apple Bloom. Twilight walked up to Daisy's door and knocked. The Pink Earth Mare hesitantly opened the door. "Daisy, we need to talk." So, in the end, Zecora was able to whip up a batch of the cure for Applejack and her friends. She went back to being our big sister and everypony in town learned a valuable lesson. Never judge a book by its cover or else like a good book, you might miss a good friendship. It was a lesson that gave me pause for thought. This whole ordeal had taught ponies tended to fear what they didn't understand. They took one look at Zecora's stripes, her jewelry, her mane, her tail and I guess her cutie mark. I still didn't know if Zebra's got those. Anyway, they looked at those things about her and immediately decided they didn't like her without even getting to know her. Even Applejack my own sister and the Element of Honesty had fallen prey to preconceived notions. The same mare who was a part of the family that took me in and treated me as kin even when they knew I wasn't kin or even the same species. I knew it wasn't because my cover looked similar to theirs. They'd read the pages written in the dead language of my birth world. And though it was illegible to them, they had still found a place on their shelf with the rest of the family, even at the expense of one of their own. And then along comes Zecora, a different species but still a native to this world, and everypony just loses their mind. It just doesn't make any logical sense. Ponies will take in an extraterrestrial just because it looks like them on the outside. But they'll shun a native of their planet because she looks a little different. It makes me wonder how Ma and Pa would've reacted if I was a slimy one-eyed green tentacle monster. Oh well, at least Pinkie Pie isn't singing or spitting that evil enchantress song anymore. > Day of The Parasprites > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I was on my way to deliver a bucket of apples to Fluttershy's cottage. 'Now this is a job for me,' I thought to myself as I cantered through town. 'No big emergency, no town in peril, just a simple errand for one of Applejack's friends.' In time I would come to regret my choice of thoughts, but for now, I was as happy as a breeze blowing through the orchard. The streets bustled with activity as Ponyville was preparing for a visit from her Royal Highness Princess Celestia herself. Townsponies worked diligently to make sure everything was perfect for her arrival. The streets were swept, storefronts were decorated, fresh trees and flowers were being planted and banners displaying the royal seal were hung. This was the kind of excitement I could get behind. As I neared Fluttershy's cottage, I could hear the cheerful singing of the birds in the nearby trees and the gentle flow of the stream flowing over the rocks under the bridge. But they weren't the only ones singing. "Ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah," Fluttershy's voice was angelic, the kind of voice that could soothe a savage beast. I know that because I saw her do it up on that mountain with the dragon. As I walked into her front garden, one of her birds flew up to her and chirped something in her ear. "Oh, he's here?" She said with a smile before flying over to greet me. "Good afternoon, Apple Comet." She greeted me with a warm smile as she landed in front of me. "Good afternoon Fluttershy," I said setting the bucket of apples down in front of her. "Here are the apples you ordered." "Oh thank you very much, I appreciate you bringing them here so quickly. I hope you didn't have any trouble getting here with everything that's going on in town." "No trouble at all," I assured her. "I'm always glad to help one of Applejack's friends." "Aw, you're such a sweetie for bringing these over to me." She cooed pinching my cheek. "Why don't you come inside for a bite to eat?" What could I say? I wasn't about to pass up free food. "Sure," Fluttershy's cottage could best be described as one big animal shelter. The ceiling was covered with hanging birdhouses and cages. A labyrinth's worth of tiny staircases crisscrossed the room from floor to ceiling. At first glance, the living room seemed empty. But I could see the animals watching us from their various hiding places. "It's okay everyone, he's our guest," Fluttershy told them. All at once they came scurrying out. Mice, birds, squirrels, raccoons, hedgehogs, skunks, and one white rabbit who for some reason did not look happy to see me. "They're all staring at me," I whispered to Fluttershy. "Oh, they're just curious about you, that's all." She whispered back. "Don't be shy, go on, introduce yourself." Don't be shy. I couldn't believe I had lived on this planet long enough to hear those words come out of her mouth. Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to try. "Uh...Hi, My name is Apple Comet, it's...nice to meet...you?" The animals stared back at me, not sure of what to make of me. "Well," Fluttershy said, "I'm gonna go into the kitchen and whip everypony up some snacks. Why don't you have a seat on the couch and get to know everyone a little better?" "Um sure, why not?" I walked over to the couch and climbed up. It was comfortable, but the atmosphere in the room was still unsettling. Fluttershy flew into the kitchen and began singing again as she searched her cupboards for ingredients. As expected, her kitchen was stocked full of bags of animal feed and there were dozens of bowls of every size inscribed with the names of each animal. The white rabbit hopped up on the opposite side of the couch and sat down. "Hey, little guy?" He turned to face me as if to say, "What are you doing in our house?" I slowly reached out my hoof to pet him. CHOMP! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Angel, what's wrong!" Fluttershy burst through the door to find the white rabbit holding his mouth in terrible pain. She rushed to his side and slowly pulled his paw away to reveal a partially chipped tooth. She turned to me and asked: "What happened?" "I just reached out to pet him, and he bit me," I explained. Fluttershy looked at him like a strict mother would at a disobedient foal. "Angel Bunny." She scolded. "What have I told you about biting company?" Angel's floppy ears dropped down as he hung his head. Fluttershy then turned to me. "I'm so very sorry, here let me take a look at it." I was reluctant at first, but eventually, I showed her my hoof. "I don't understand," She gasped in astonishment as she examined my hoof. "I can't even find a scratch. Does it hurt when I touch it?" "A little bit," I lied. "Wait here, I've got a first aid kit upstairs." She flew up the stairs leaving me alone with Angel. The white rabbit scurried to the other side of the couch. His eyes glazed over in fear as if to say, "What in Equestria are you?" The other animals chirped, squeaked, grunted, and barked at one another. I'm guessing it wasn't every day that this sort of thing happened around here. "I'm back," Fluttershy soon returned with the first aid kit. "She gave Angel something for the pain, while I got some disinfecting potion poured on my hoof. "I'm so sorry about all this," She apologized as she wrapped my hoof in bandages. "I don't know what could've possibly come over him." Angel's jaw dropped as he waved his paws in protest! "Yes well, maybe this experience will teach you not to go around biting others." Fluttershy lectured him as if he were a disobedient colt. "Now say you're sorry." Angel looked up at her in fear as if to ask if he had to. Her stern nod said yes. His body trembled as he tiptoed toward me and kissed my bandaged hoof. "Aw, I forgive you too," I said reaching out to pet him. "EEEEEEEEP!" As soon as he saw my hoof coming toward him, Angel screamed and dove between the couch cushions. "Angel Bunny! You come out from there right now! This is no way to act around a guest!" But the little rabbit just curled up into a trembling ball. "Angel I'm going to count to three, if you're not out here by I get to three, you're not getting any dessert tonight. One...two... Angel jumped out from the cushions and grabbed onto Fluttershy's foreleg. "Oh goodness, you're shaking like a leaf!" "Look if this is a bad time, I can always come back another day." Fluttershy looked at the terrified rabbit and sighed. "Perhaps that would be best," She said with a tone of disappointment. "I need to check and see how the flower gathering is going anyway. If you're still hungry, there's fresh fruits and vegetables in the kitchen, help yourself." My ears twitched as I picked up what sounded like a table saw coming from outside. I looked through the wall in time to witness the bucket of apples I'd delivered disappear before my eyes. "Sweet Celestia!" I cried galloping off the couch. "Apple Comet? What's wrong?" Fluttershy called after me as I ran out the door. I reached the stump where Fluttershy had left the bucket and looked inside to find a little blue dot with wings standing at the bottom of the now-empty bucket. "Burrrrrrp!" It let out a tiny belch then flew out in front of me. "Wow!" I couldn't believe something so small could eat so much, not even Applejack. I'd read about caterpillars eating thousands of times their weight in one day, but this was something else. "Oh my goodness!" I turned around to see Fluttershy standing behind me. "It's...it's...so...cute!" "Cute?" I asked as the insect flew into her hooves for a nuzzle. "Not icky, or disgusting, or insatiably voracious?" "Oh goodness no." She said. "Insects are a very important part of our ecosystem. They help to control pests and pollinate plants and they're an important food source for many animals. "Do you know what it is?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, I've never seen anything like it before." The bug purred contently as nuzzled up inside her mane. "But I know it's the cutest little buggy I've ever seen." "Well, maybe there's a book on entomology at the library that knows what it is," I said picking up the bucket. "I'll try there." Fluttershy paid me no mind, instead choosing to nuzzle the insect with her hoof. "You're the cutest thing ever, I can't wait to show you to all my friends." In hindsight, I probably should've guessed today wouldn't be a good day to visit the library. Inside the oak tree, Twilight and Spike argued over the Princess's upcoming visit over a clutter of books. "Oh! Hurry up, Spike! This place isn't going to clean itself." "It also didn't mess itself up." "Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!" "I thought this was just an unofficial casual visit." "There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty. I want this place to be spotless and you've barely made a dent in the clutter." "Maybe you should start reading them one at a time...whoa ho! Oof." "Everything's got to be perfect, no time for fooling around." "You know this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't two of us here getting under each other's feet." "Great idea! You clean, I'll...see who's at the door." I decided I'd seen enough. "Oh hi, Apple Comet." "Hey Twilight, I was gonna ask if you had any entomology books, but it looks like you're in the middle of something. I'll just come back later." To my surprise, Twilight smiled at me. "Actually, you've come at just the perfect time," She said. "I've got to check on how everyone else's preparations are coming along, and it wouldn't be fair to leave Spike here to clean up the library all by himself." And that was how I got stuck cleaning the library for the rest of the afternoon. Not much exciting happened other than Pinkie Pie stopped by to ask if either of us had a set of bagpipes. Neither of us asked why we just said no and she left. Twilight came home around sunset with a yellow one of those insects. When I asked where it had come from, Twilight said Fluttershy had brought three of them to Sugarcube Corner. "Wait, three? Where did the other two come from? I only saw one at her cottage." "Huh, that's weird," Twilight said. "The same thing happened to me when I left the bakery. I thought I had one, but when I arrived at Rarity's boutique, I had three." I suddenly had a bad feeling about all this. In just a few hours, these insects had multiplied from one to six. And if one could consume a bucket of apples by itself, how much could six eat? I needed to know what I was up against. "Hey before I go, I'd like to check out a book on entomology if that's alright." "Taking an interest in our new friends are we?" Twilight asked coyly. "You might say that," Or you might say I was going to get to the bottom of things. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to read the Encyclopedia of Equestrian Entomology before the day was out. When I got home, it was already close to dinnertime. I left the book on my nightstand and I went to wash up. After dinner was over my siblings let it subtly be known that they weren't happy about the fact that I'd spent my afternoon at the library while they had to pick up my slack. "Ahh...that there was good eating," Applejack said licking her lips she placed her empty plate on top of mine. "E'yup!" Big Mac agreed as he did the same. "You said it," Apple Bloom said adding her plate to the rest. "What's going on here?" I asked. "Well since we all had to put in the extra effort to make up for your absence," Applejack began. "We figured you could make it up to us by washing and putting away all our dishes for us." Apple Bloom finished. "E'yup." By the time I was done, I had just enough time to grab a shower, change into my pajamas, and brush my teeth. As I climbed into bed, I looked at the Encyclopedia of Equestrian Entomology resting on my nightstand. "Sigh. I'll take a look at it tomorrow," I said to myself as I turned off the light. It was a decision I would come to regret. The next morning when I woke up, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I got up, went to the bathroom, combed my mane then went back to my room to make my bed. Then, as I straightened out my blanket, my eyes fell upon the encyclopedia sitting on my nightstand. I looked downstairs at the kitchen to see Granny Smith and Applejack mixing a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I still had a few minutes. I set the book down on my bed and began reading. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for. "Here it is, Parasprites. A species of insect native to many regions including but not limited to The Everfree Forest, Southern Equestria, The Tenochtitlan Basin, and most of Sub-Mareharan Zebrica. Known for its voracious appetite and ability to reproduce asexually, the parasprite is one of the most destructive pests known to ponykind. A single parasprite can quickly multiply into a destructive swarm in as little as twenty-four hours. Holy Celestia! I need to find Applejack's friends and warn them fast!" "Apple Comet, You're oatmeal is ready!" Applejack called up the ceiling. Moving at superspeed, I marked my page and ran downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning Applejack, good morning Granny Smith, good morning Big Mac, good morning Apple Bloom, good morning Winona." I greeted each of them with the speed of a parasprite on a sugar high. I grabbed a bowl and spoon, scooped in some oatmeal, poured myself a glass of milk, and sat down at the table. As fast as I could without forgetting my table manners, I scarfed down my breakfast, carried my dishes to the sink and washed them, dried them, and put them away. "Well, somepony's got some pep in their step today," Granny remarked. "Thanks for breakfast, it was delicious, sorry I can't stay, but I gotta go, it's an emergency, I love you all bye!" Whoosh! "Alright," I heard Granny Smith ask Applejack and Big Mac. "Which one of you two let him try coffee?" Quick as a flash, I ran to the bathroom, grabbed my toothbrush, applied some toothpaste, and proceeded to brush my teeth so fast, that the friction ignited the bristles. A quick rinse and it was good to go again. After flossing and rinsing, I ran back to my bedroom to grab my saddlebag. I packed the encyclopedia and my clothing matrix, then ran downstairs back to the kitchen. "Look, A'h promise, A'h won't be mad if you just tell me who it was," Granny assured Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack, listen to me," I said at a normal speed. "Your friends are all in danger, I need you to meet me outside Fluttershy's cottage as soon as possible. "What are you talking about?" She asked completely dumbfounded. "There's no time to explain," I said. "I'm gonna head to town to make sure everyone's alright. Meet me at Fluttershy's and don't be surprised if you see the red comet. The rest of you stay and defend the orchard. I gotta go now!" VFOOM! "Apple Comet, wait!" I heard her call out. But I was already a streak racing for the front gate. "Oh no!" By the time, I got to the library it was already overrun with parasprites. "Spike!" The young drake lay slumped against the front door. His head lay tilted down and his scales were covered in perspiration. A quick x-ray showed his heart was beating at a slower-than-normal rate. He must've been doing something strenuous until just recently. I gently placed my hoof on his shoulder. "Spike, are you okay?" The young dragon's eyes shot open. " No! stay back! Don't come any closer!" He screamed with his arms flinched in front of his face "I don't have any more food for you just leave me alone!" "Spike it's okay, it's me, Apple Comet." Spike slowly lowered his arms and looked up at me. "Apple...Comet?" "I came to warn you about the parasprites, but I'm guessing you already know." He lay back against the front door. "Tried to...contain them..." He whispered. "...couldn't do it...too many...to handle...had to...get out of there." "What happened to Twilight? I need to find her." "Rarity." That was all he said. "Then that's where I'll find her," I said. "You rest here, for now, I'll be back later." Spike smiled a toothy grin as his eyes fell shut. Carousel Boutique was infested too. It looked like Rarity had taken off in a hurry giving the parasprites the run of the place. "Too late again. Looks like Rarity already left ." The front door was left open and a recent set of her hoofprints led from the front door to the street. There was also a second set of hoofprints that belonged to Pinkie Pie who looked like she stopped to talk with Rarity before going wherever she was going. I could worry about that later, right now I had a trail to follow. "Looks like she went this way." Sure enough, the trail led to a third set which belonged to Twilight. They'd met each other here, then went off to find somepony else. Most likely Fluttershy. You're probably thinking I know this because I recognize Applejack's friends by their hoof impressions and gait. And you'd be half-right. Every pony has a unique hoofprint and no two ponies have the same set of hoofprints. Well, the same can be said for magic. Every pony regardless of race has a unique magical signature all their own. This aura is usually invisible to the naked eye. The most often ponies see it is when a unicorn channels it through their horn. That aura's color is unique to that one unicorn. But like I said everypony has one. And growing up in a family of earth ponies, I've learned one place you can see that aura is in their hoofprints. For those curious about what they look like. They kind of look like tiny shimmering sparkles of different colors depending on the pony. As for Pegasi, well their wings leave behind these shimmering contrails in the sky. Judging from the irregular multihued contrail above me, It seemed the two unicorns weren't the only ones heading to Fluttershy's. I arrived at Fluttershy's cottage to find it in a state of complete chaos. The parasprites had multiplied by the hundreds filling the air with the buzzing of their tiny wings. Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash stood outside the front door next to her. "If we can't get them under control before the princess arrives, it'll be a total disaster!" Twilight moaned as a Parasprite spat its offspring onto Rarity's face. "Ew," She gagged. "If you ask me, it's already a total disaster." "Twilight!" The four of them turned to face me as I galloped up to them. "Apple Comet, what are you doing here?" She asked me. "I came to warn you about the parasprites," I said. "You're a little late there kid," Rainbow Dash said. "I brought the encyclopedia I checked out yesterday," I said ignoring the cyan pegasus. "I didn't get past the basic description before coming here, but I'm confident it'll tell us how to get rid of the parasprites." I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out the book only for it to be immediately snatched up by a group of parasprites. "Hey!" I shouted as they carried off my book. "That's a library book!" Twilight scowled and glared daggers at the swarm. "Not from my library," She whispered icily. Immediately her horn lit up as she grabbed the other half of the book with her magic. One of the parasprites whistled with its legs. Immediately parasprites began flying out of the woodwork from every direction. "They're gathering together," Fluttershy noted as the Parasprites joined together to form what looked like a five-fingered claw. It became a tug of war between them and Twilight as more and more parasprites joined in. "A little...help?" Twilight grunted. Immediately Rarity added her magic with Twilight's while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy grabbed the unicorns by their tails and added their wing power. And what was I, a superpowered alien doing during all this? Nothing, there wasn't anything I could do without revealing my secret. And I assumed four ponies against a swarm of hoof-sized insects were more than enough. "I think...I've almost...got it," Twilight said. Sweat poured from her brow as the book began to slip from the swarm's fingers. Then suddenly the parasprites let go and the book turned into a high-speed projectile. "Twilight look out!" Time slowed down as I pondered my options. If I shoved her and Rarity out of the way, I might injure them by mistake. But if just stood there and let the book hit one of them, you see where I'm going with this. So I did the only rational thing I could. I took one for the team. TWHACK! "Oh my goodness!" Rarity shrieked. "Apple Comet!" Twilight screamed as I fell to the ground. The four of them crowded around me. "Fluttershy get the first-aid kit!" "I'm on it!" Fluttershy galloped inside her house. "Where did he get hit?" Rainbow asked. "On the side of the head somewhere. Oh, Apple Comet, what in Equestria were you thinking?" I wasn't even scratched. Couldn't say the same for the Equestrian Encyclopedia of Entomology though. The spine had split wide open on impact sending pages flying out. So much for my ace in the hole. Fluttershy soon returned with the first-aid kit. "How is he?" She asked worryingly. "He's still breathing thankfully," Twilight said. "But we need to get a doctor for him as soon as possible." "Those pests, they did that on purpose!" Rainbow Dash glared at the parasprites with murder in her eyes. "When I get my hooves on them, I'll turn them into bug juice!" Fluttershy gasped. "Rainbow! You wouldn't!" "Are you kidding me?" Rainbow replied incredulously. "Girls enough!" Twilight raised her voice. "We have more important things to worry about." She gently levitated me with her magic and brought me into the living room. Fluttershy set out some pillows on the sofa as Twilight lay me down on top. "Fluttershy go upstairs and make sure there aren't any parasprites left inside." The yellow pegasus nodded and flew upstairs. "Rainbow check all the doors and windows. We don't any of them getting inside." "On it," Rainbow said with a salute. "Huh, that's strange," Twilight said examining my head with her magic. "There doesn't seem to be any sign of cranial trauma. No fracture, no swelling of the brain tissue, no internal bleeding, I can't even find a cut or a bruise anywhere on him." "Maybe he's just stunned?" Rainbow suggested. "Even if that were the case, an impact like that would leave some sort of mark." "So what does that mean?" Rarity asked. "I don't know," Twilight answered. "But we should still patch him up just to be sure." "What in tarnation is going on here?" Came a voice from outside. Rainbow Dash flew over to the window. "Guys, Applejack is outside," She said. "Oh no," Twilight moaned. "She'll be crushed when she sees what happened to her brother." "Apple Comet? Where are you?" "Twilight dear, we have to tell her." Rarity said. Twilight sighed and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Let her in Rainbow." Rainbow Dash nodded and went to open the front door. "Applejack get in here quick!" She hollered. Needless to say, when Applejack learned what happened to me, she was none too pleased. "Why those no-good winged varmints! When Ah get mah hooves on them, I'll turn 'em into bug juice!" "That's what I said," Rainbow Dash said. I lay down on the sofa. Fluttershy had wrapped my head in bandages and covered me with a blanket. "Alright, it's obvious we're all a little shaken up by what happened," Twilight said. The Princess's student was barely holding herself together as she spoke. "But we can't lose sight of what's important right now. We need to get this problem under control before the Princess arrives." "Exactly," Pinkie Pie said. "Which is why I need you gals to help me find some maracas." "Pinkie! This is serious," Twilight snapped. Apple Comet is seriously hurt because of these things. Now we don't have time for your nonsense!" "You're right! Getting a tuba should be our number one goal." Twilight facehoofed. "Look, Pinkie it's obvious you're in the middle of something, so why don't you just run along and do it? The rest of us can handle this." "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." Pinkie Pie turned and walked out the door. "Alright, we need to herd these parasprites up and drive them back to the forest," Twilight explained. "Since Applejack is the expert on this subject, I'll let her explain the rest." "Ah'll need Twilight and Rarity to wait over here." She said pointing to a spot on the table. "Ah'll herd the varmints straight at ya like a funnel." She drew her other hoof toward the spot like a battle map. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will stay up high so they can't fly away." "Aye, aye." Rainbow Dash saluted. "What about Apple Comet?" Fluttershy asked. "Will he be alright here all by himself?" Applejack smiled at her. "He'll be fine Sugarcube. He may not look it but my little brother is tougher than he looks. Alright, you all know what to do. So let's get out there and round up these varmints! Who's with me?" She held out her hoof in front of them. One by one the other four placed their hooves on top of hers. "Let's do this," Rainbow said. Several minutes went by. Applejack and the girls got to work rounding up the parasprites in Fluttershy's front yard. Except for my sister, none of them would've suspected the unconscious colt lying on the sofa was following their every hoof step. Unfortunately, while they were busy corralling the parasprites outside, they were unaware of the adorable threat multiplying upstairs. Through the ceiling, I could hear the sounds of wings buzzing growing steadily louder. One or more parasprites must've entered through a window and now the cycle was starting all over again. I cautiously opened one eye and looked through the walls outside. The girls had gathered most of the parasprites into a large ball and they were rolling it out toward the forest. This was my chance. I threw off the covers and leaped to my hooves. Then I went over to Fluttershy's closet and grabbed the largest butterfly net she had. "Perfect, those bugs are gonna wish they'd never hit me with a library book." Despite the droning hum behind Fluttershy's bedroom door, the upstairs hallways seemed unsettlingly quiet. The animals had either retreated into their little homes or hidden under whatever furniture they could fit in. I approached the bedroom door, butterfly net at the ready. Behind it, I could see parasprites now numbering 5,239. This was it, I grabbed hold of the doorknob and counted. "1...2...3!" BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT! The swarm of flying multicolored dots hit me like a hurricane-force wind. The butterfly net filled in just seconds before it snapped off the handle from the combined weight of the parasprites. The rest quickly wasted no time rushing past me down the stairs where they immediately picked up where the first swarm had left off. "That's it," I said tossing the broken handle aside. "The horseshoes are coming off." I galloped downstairs and grabbed my saddlebag." What the?" Immediately noticing the increase in weight and the sound of something moving inside, I turned it upside down before opening it. A dozen parasprites tumbled out, one of them clutching my clothing matrix in its legs. "Hey don't touch that!" I shouted as it tried to take off with my costume. With lightning reflexes, I snatched the parasprite out of the air and held it close to my face. "Listen, I've had just about enough of you causing trouble for me and my sister's friends today. So how about you give that back to me, then you and all your friends take off and never return to Ponyville again?" "EEEEEEEEEK!" The parasprite let out a high-pitched shriek dropping it on the floor. The other parasprites immediately stopped whatever it was they were doing and turned their attention to me. "Uh oh." With no other choice, I grabbed my matrix and placed it on my chest. As my costume enveloped me, I ran for the front door. With the swarm hot on my heels I took off leading them higher into the sky. Third Pony POV. "All Right!" Rainbow Dash high-hoofed Fluttershy. "Ouch," The yellow pegasus said softly. "We did it," Twilight said enthusiastically as the two pegasi landed next to their friends. "Nice Work Applejack." "Couldn't have done it without you all." Applejack humbly admitted. "Now let's get back and clean up that mess before... WHOOSH! Everypony looked up as the red comet passed over them followed by a swarm of parasprites. ...something like that happens." Twilight facehoofed. "Where in Sam Hill did all those other Parasprites come from?" Applejack asked. "Well, I may have kept just one," Fluttershy confessed. "I couldn't help myself, they were so cute." Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity all facehoofed. "Now what?" Twilight moaned into her hoof. "I'm gonna find out where it's leading them." Rainbow Dash said strapping on her weather goggles. "Be careful," Fluttershy implored. "You remember what happened last time." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and took off after the new swarm. Comet's POV It looked like Applejack and the others had the parasprite problem all rolled up. And then I just so happened to fly by with about 5,239 more of them trailing behind me. As Fluttershy explained to them how she wanted to keep one parasprite for herself, I facehoofed. What was she thinking, leaving me home alone with a horde of parasprites? As I pondered what to do next, I noticed a rainbow coming up behind me, which could only be one pony. "Well, here goes nothing," I heard her whisper. She sounded unsure about whatever she was about to do. "Hey, you! Comet! Can you understand me?" She called out to me. For a moment, I felt like my lower jaw would fall off. She couldn't see through my coma, could she? Or was she trying to communicate with a body of ice and gas? "Listen if you can understand what I'm saying, do a barrel roll." I nodded nervously and performed the maneuver she'd requested. The parasprites matched my move creating a multicolored ribbon that looped and rolled behind me. "Wow, that was awesome!" Rainbow Dash complimented me as I completed my loop. "Twilight was right, alright listen I need your help. I'm gonna create a tornado down there and I need you to lead these bugs into it okay?" I signaled 'I understand' by going into a loop. "Alright, let's do this!" Rainbow pumped her hoof in excitement, while I breathed a sigh of relief. My secret was safe for now. "Time to take out the adorable trash," Rainbow said as she dove down. I kept the parasprites busy while she worked on the tornado. She flew around in tight circles moving faster with each rotation The wind howled and the trees swayed as the funnel cloud started to take shape. Their branches rocked as the wind carried their leaves away. Applejack and the others held onto whatever they could grasp to keep from being blown away as the tornado grew stronger. So far so good, we were almost there. "Way to go Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cheered against the roaring wind. "Looks like all our problems will soon be solved!" Applejack shouted with excitement. "They will with these cymbals!" Said Pinkie Pie appearing out of nowhere. She held up a pair of crash cymbals which immediately flew from hooves into the tornado. "She has the worst possible timing!" I cursed as I dived down toward the tornado. At this wind strength, those cymbals were like two discuses of death or grievous bodily injury. Either way, I had to get Rainbow out of there. Racing against time and brass, I dove into the twister and snatched up Rainbow by the tail. Before she realized what was happening I flew both of us out through the wall of the storm just as the cymbals collided with each other. "Hey, what are you doing?" Rainbow shouted as I carried her to safety. Without her wing power, the tornado quickly lost strength and dissipated. I dropped Rainbow gently on a soft patch of grass then flew off after the swarm that was now headed for Ponyville. Third Pony POV. "Pinkie Pie! What have you done?" To say Twilight Sparkle was upset with Pinkie Pie would be an understatement. "I've lost a brand new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done," Pinkie said. "Will you forget your stupid instruments for one second? You're ruining our efforts to save Ponyville." "Me? Pinkie spoke in her defense. "I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruiness? Ruinette? "Come on girls, there's no reasoning with that one," Applejack glared in disappointment. "She's a few apples short of a bushel." "Hey, I'm trying to tell you all that the ruining is on the other hoof," Pinkie hollered as her friends ran past her. "If you'd just slow down and listen to me." Comet's POV I flew as fast as I could back to Sweet Apple Acres. As soon as I landed I ran for the barn. I gathered up as many empty gunny sacks as I could find, then ran for the farm bell. Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! In no time at all the family came running to see who was ringing the bell. "Apple Comet, what's the meaning of ringing the bell during my afternoon nap?" Granny Smith asked. "And why are you dressed in those fancy alien tights?" "There's no time to time explain, you have to listen to me. There's a swarm of parasprites headed for Ponyville and they're eating everything in sight." "Jumping Jehoshaphat!" Granny Smith threw her forelegs up in terror. "All Apples to battle stations. This is not a drill, A'h repeat this is not a drill!" She ran back inside and came back a few moments later wearing a pot on her head and carrying a pitchfork in her teeth. Puh! "Alright everyone, we need to lock down this orchard tighter than Tartarus. Those parasprites are not to touch one apple on this property ya hear?" "Yes, Granny!" Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh both said saluting her. "While you guys are doing that, I'm gonna fly back to Ponyville and try to catch as many parasprites as I can," I said holding up a gunny sack. "You can do it, Apple Comet. Ah, believe in you," Apple Bloom said. She said with a cheerful smile. "I won't let you or Ponyville down," I smiled back at her. With my spirits lifted, I took off for Ponyville to undertake a little bug-catching. By the time I arrived in Ponyville, panic had already set in. Ponies fled aimlessly in every direction as the parasprites devoured everything in sight. It was clear I was gonna have my work cut out for me. I put my hoof to my lips, and let out a sharp whistle. Immediately a swarm of parasprites stopped what they doing and looked up. Enticed by the warm glow of my coma, they flew straight toward me. I waited until they were within a foreleg's distance, then quick as a flash I unfurled my gunny sack and trapped them. The bag quickly filled as the parasprites unable to stop their momentum flew straight in. In no time at all, I had a sack full of Parasprites all tied up and ready to be relocated. I swooped down and gently deposited it on the street below before flying back to Sweet Apple Acres for another. When I returned, however, things had somehow gotten worse. "What in Equestria?" In the time I'd been gone, the parasprites had gone from eating all the food in sight to eating everything except the food. Like termites, they devoured furniture, signs, carts, and even houses! Nothing was safe from their insatiable appetite. Everywhere I looked I heard the scream of ponies crying out for help. I tried whistling but the parasprites paid me no mind and went on with consuming Ponyville. "Alright if you won't come to me, then I'll just have to come to you." Spotting a large group of them eating the roof off of Sugarcube Corner, I swooped down and snatched up several of them in my sack. Time instantly slowed to a crawl as I circled back to get the ones I'd missed. The tempo of the parasprite's wings went from a prestissimo to a larghissimo as I gathered them up at speeds faster than the eye could perceive. Before long I had another full sack of parasprites that wouldn't be troubling anypony anytime soon, or so I thought. When I went to drop it off with the first sack, however, I found it lying flat and empty in the street. A large hole had been eaten through the side of it. "Uh, oh that isn't good." Right at that moment, my ears picked up the sound of tiny mandibles chewing their way through burlap stitching. I looked behind to see my prisoners were trying to make a break for it. "And neither is this." The sack burst open from the combined weight of the parasprites who immediately resumed eating Sugarcube Corner. "That's it! I'm done playing nice." I said throwing my torn sack to the ground. I'd finally lost my patience. "I'm gonna blow you bugs away!" Circling back around, I breathed in deep and unleashed a hurricane-force wind. The parasprites scattered like leaves to the wind blowing in every which direction. Some of them tried to hold onto whatever was left of the roof. But the candy-colored roof shingles were quickly stripped away by the sheer velocity, along with the weather vane of a pony holding a candy cane which spun off and sailed into the distance. When I was finished the parasprites had all been blown away. But the roof and outside of the tower of Sugarcube Corner had been stripped down to a skeletal frame. A toothless baby alligator with bulging purple eyes bit down onto the bedpost for dear life. "Oops, guess I overdid it a little," I said sheepishly. Just then it hit me. If the parasprites were capable of eating the buildings in Ponyville, then...I had to get back home fast. When I got back to Sweet Apple Acres, I was horrified to discover I was too late. The parasprites had ignored the orchard in favor of the farmhouse. With an appetite that would any termite to shame, they had reduced it to a skeletal frame. Cold sweat poured down my face, I searched desperately for my family. "OH NO! GRANNY SMITH? APPLEJACK? BIG MACINTOSH? APPLE BLOOM? "We're down here!" Applejack called up. I turned around to find the entire family standing behind a makeshift barricade at the front gate. Overcome with relief, I landed and ran up to Apple Bloom embracing her in my hooves. "Thank Rao and Celestia, you're all okay." I cried joyfully into my sister's mane. "When I saw the farmhouse, I was afraid I was too late." Apple Bloom's eyes moistened as she hugged me back. "There there, little big brother, A'h said A'h believed in you and A'h meant it. Besides, we all know you could rebuild the house by yourself in one afternoon if you wanted to." A smile crept across my muzzle as I stifled a giggle at what she had said. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just glad you're all safe and sound." As I wiped the tears from my eyes I suddenly realized I was forgetting somepony. "Oh no, Kerax!" Quick as a flash, I raced to the old barn, only to find it too had been devoured along with nearly everything inside. Everything except my spaceship that is. "Kerax, are you there?" The interior of the spaceship hummed to life as the passenger compartment slid open. "A'h Master Kom-El, I was wondering when you'd show up." Said the warm mechanical voice from the control console. "Are you okay, did the parasprites damage you in any way?" I asked. "If you're referring to those voracious insects that recently passed through here then no. Although not for a lack of trying. It seems the ship's hull was not to their palate." "And the memory crystal?" I continued. "Perfectly safe and sound. Would you like an update on the progress of the reconstruction of the memory core?" He asked. "Some other time," I said with a sigh of relief. "Right now I've got a town to save." With the weight of my worst fears lifted from my shoulders. I took off for Ponyville, once again. As I flew over the front gate, I heard Apple Bloom say, "Go get 'em, little big brother." This was it, "Time to show these pests that they messed with the wrong koltonian." As I flew into the heart of the swarm, I steeled myself for what was sure to be a long and drawn-out battle. But I was ready, I was prepared, I was...hearing music? Amid all this destruction, somepony thought it would be a good time to play the tuba and the accordion and the harmonica and the banjo. Who would be playing music at a time like this? I got my answer when I looked down to see Pinkie Pie walking through town dressed up as a one-pony band. But the strangest thing about it was the parasprite's reaction to it. They seemed entranced and drawn to it like it was calling to them. One by one they stopped what they were doing and fell in single file behind Pinkie Pie as she marched them through the town like the Pied Piper of Ponyville. "What in Equestria is going on here?" I wondered as one by one Applejack and her friends followed Pinkie to the road leading outside of town. And just when things didn't seem like they could possibly get any crazier, The Royal Chariot landed in the middle of the road carrying Princess Celestia herself. Applejack and her friends rushed to meet. Meanwhile, I decided to just fly back home. This whole ordeal had been too much for me. Third Pony POV. "Twilight Sparkle my prized pupil." Princess Celestia stepped down from her gleaming chariot. "Hello, Princess," Twilight said nervously. "So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends." "So...how was your trip? Hit much traffic?" Princess Celestia looked down at the parade of parasprites marching by her hooves. "Oh ho ho," she chuckled. "These creatures are adorable." "They're not that adorable," Rainbow Dash grumbled. "I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit. I even saw the Red Comet in the sky as I was landing." "It's here?" Twilight looked up for any sign of the Red Comet, but it was long gone. "Quite a mystery that comet is," Celestia said. "Unfortunately one that will have to wait. I'm afraid I can't stay too long, there's an emergency in Fillydelphia, apparently some sort of infestation. "An infestation?" Twilight inquired. "Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor city." The Princess explained. "I'm sorry Twilight to put you all through so much trouble." "Trouble?" Twilight asked with a twitch in her eye. "What trouble?" Comet's POV. "Hey, Apple Comet? how did it go?" Apple Bloom asked as landed back at the farm. "I'd rather not talk about it," I answered. "Right now I need some lumber, Pa's tools, a floor plan of the farmhouse, and a little peace and quiet. I've had a day from Tartarus." Somewhere in the distance, I heard a sad trombone playing. > Diamond Tiara Better Lay Off or Else! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the end of summer comes the beginning of the school year. Much to the disappointment of many my age, the schoolhouse survived the parasprite swarm intact. But after the hectic summer, I'd had, I was ready for the structured classroom environment. As I stepped off the school cart and breathed in the fading summer air, I felt tranquil for a moment. "Hey Astrodork move your flank, we're gonna be late!" I looked behind to see Diamond Tiara glaring impatiently at me. With a snort, I stepped aside to let her pass. That filly had some nerve, even before she got her cutie mark. The way she held her snout up as she walked, she acted like she was the queen of everyone. Her shiny coat and well-hooficured nails made it obvious she'd never had to break a sweat in her life. Her 'friend' Silver Spoon followed behind like a well-pedigreed dog. I took a deep breath and ignored her. She wasn't worth my time. As the school bell rang, everypony filed in and took their seats. The class was abuzz with the chatter of what everypony did on summer break. "Let's quiet down please," Ms. Cheerilee said. "We have a very important lesson to get to." The class settled down and turned their attention to the teacher. "Thank you, today we are going to be talking about Cutie Marks." Diamond Tiara let out a "Bo-ring as Ms. Cheerilee removed the blank card from the easel in front of her, revealing a card depicting several different cutie marks. "You can all see my cutie mark can't you?" Ms. Cheerilee showed everyone the image of three smiling sunflowers on her flank. "Like all you ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark, my flank was blank." She lifted the card to show the class a picture of herself when she was a foal. "Aww...! She's so precious!" Peppermint Twist cooed. "Then one day when I was about your age," Ms. Cheerilee continued. "I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared." She showed the class a picture of herself when she was about Applejack's current age. "Look at her hair!" Aura cried out in shock pointing to her younger teacher's wavy mane. "Yes I know," Ms. Cheerilee shrugged it off with a wave of her hoof. "But that was how everypony was wearing their mane back then. I had decided to become a teacher and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little ponies while they were learning. Now can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?" Twist raised her hoof excitedly. "Oh! Oh! Oh! When she discovers that certain something that makes her special." Or when he hears his grandmother calling for help from the cellar and lifts an entire cask of cider by himself to save her. I thought to myself. "That's right Twist." Ms. Cheerilee said. "A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she finds that certain something that makes them different from every other pony." As she continued, I noticed Diamond Tiara leaning in close to Apple Bloom. She was clutching something in her hoof, a blank folded piece of paper. "Psst, Psst," Apple Bloom tried to ignore her, but Diamond was persistent. So I decided to lean in. "Hey down in front," I hissed in her ear. "Apple Comet is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" Ms. Cheerilee stopped her lecture to ask me. "Just that I saw Diamond Tiara trying to pass a note to Silver Spoon," I said with a smug grin on my face. Ms. Cheerilee narrowed her eyes at Diamond Tiara. "Diamond Tiara, is this true?" She asked. The rich filly's face went white with fear. "No, it isn't I swear," She denied pointing her hoof at me. "He's lying to get me in trouble." "Then what is that in your hoof?" Ms. Cheerilee pointed to the slip of paper in the hoof she was pointing with. Diamond Tiara's ears fell flat as she realized she'd been caught. "Uhh..." Her face turned beet red as she realized the entire class was staring at her. "Would you like to read it to the rest of the class?" Diamond slumped back under her desk. "No." She whispered embarrassingly like she'd been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. "Then in the future, I suggest you wait until after class for that sort of thing." Ms. Cheerilee turned and went back to her lesson. "I'll get you for this," She whispered as she glared at me. The school day came and went and before long the bell rang letting everypony know that class was dismissed. "Want some peppermint ssssticks?" Twist asked us as we filed out the door. "I made them myself. "Sure sounds good," I said. "Mm-mm," Apple Bloom shook her head no. It was clear something was bothering her. "They'll make you smile-i-le," Twist lisped hoping to entice her. "No..." she moped. I was about to ask her what was wrong when the answer appeared next to me. "I don't know why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark." Diamond Tiara whined to Silver Spoon in her doornail to a chalkboard voice. "I mean waiting for your cutie mark is so last week. You got yours, I just got mine, Even Apple Vomit got his years ago." So 'this' was her getting me for earlier huh? "Apple Vomit, ha that's funny because that's what hearing you talk makes me want to do," I said to the two spoiled brats. Diamond Tiara looked at me like she was about to blow a gasket. "Yeah well just for that, you're not invited to my cuteceanera this afternoon!" She snapped poking her hoof into my chest. "I wasn't planning on going anyway," I said. Realizing she wasn't going to get her way with me, Diamond turned her attention to Apple Bloom and Peppermint Twist. "Don't worry you two are still invited if you want to come," She said. "It's going to be amazing," Silver added. "It's a party celebrating me and my amazing Cutie Mark, "Diamond gloated. "How could it not be?" She and Silver Spoon did their super special hoof shake or whatever. "Bump! Bump! Sugar lump, rump!" The three of us were not impressed. "Remind me what exactly did you two do to earn your cutie marks again?" I asked pretending to be interested. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She said snobbishly as she and Silver Spoon walked away. "See you this afternoon," Silver sneered before she and Diamond followed up with "Blank Flanks." The sound of their teasing laughter made me seriously contemplate using my powers for less than altruistic reasons. "Apple Bloom you can't let those brats get to you," I said to her as we walked home. "Those cutie marks are as shallow and self-absorbed as they are." "It's not that," Apple Bloom moped as she hung her head down. "Everypony else in our class has his or her cutie mark except for me." "What about Twist?" I pointed out. "What about her?" Apple Bloom mumbled. "Maybe we can talk her out of going to that dull party and the three of us can do something fun together instead." "Like what?" Apple Bloom looked up at me. "Well," I suggested. "we could go to the movies or the bowling alley or get some ice cream. Does that sound good to you?" "Ah guess," Apple Bloom sighed her tone still somewhat reluctant but we were making progress. "Tell you what, when we get home, why don't you talk to Applejack about it and I'll head over to Twist's house and see if I can't set things up." "But don't you have chores to do?" Apple Bloom reminded me. To which I smiled at her. "I'll be back with plenty of time to spare," I said with a wink. In record time, I made it back to town and headed for Peppermint Twist's house. When I knocked on the door, I was met by an amber-white mare who could almost be an adult version of Twist without glasses. Everything about her was just about the same except for her eyes which were a minty green instead of fuschia and her cutie mark which depicted three wrapped peppermint candies of different colored stripes. "Why hello young colt," She said in a warm inviting tone. "What can I do for you today?" "Is Twist home?" I asked her. "She's busy in the kitchen right now," She explained. But I'm sure she wouldn't mind a visitor. I'm Peppermint Stick, Twist's mother, it's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, I'm Apple Comet." "Such fine manners for a colt your age, come in, come in." She led me into the kitchen where Twist was busy folding a candy mixture on a cooking sheet with a spatula. "Twist there's somepony here to see you," Twist looked up from her work. "Apple Comet? What bringsss you here?"She asked putting down her spatula. "Hey Twist, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, while you're here can I offer you a homemade candy cane?" She pointed to a jar of them sitting on the table. "I made them myself." "With my supervision of course." Her mother added. I sat down at the table and gently lifted the top off of the jar. The smell of fresh peppermint hit my nose, reminding me of Hearth's Warming Morning. "Mmm smells good," I said selecting a pink and white cane from the jar. "How doesss it tassste?" Twist asked me as her confectionary touched my taste buds. A smile spread across my face as I imagined myself in an endless forest of candy cane trees with peppermint leaves. "Mmm, it's delicious," I said. "Thanks, I love making my own sssweetsss at home," Twist said. Suddenly a flash of light appeared on her flank. What was once just a blank flank now showed a pair of crossed candy canes. Twist's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! My cutie mark! Look Mom I finally got my cutie mark!" Peppermint Stick scooped her daughter up off the kitchen stool and embraced her tearfully. "Oh my little candy cane, you're growing up so fast." She said overcome with emotion. "I can still remember when you were just a newborn foal." Meanwhile, I was left sitting there with my jaw hanging open. My candy cane fell from my lips to the floor shattering into a million crackly pieces. "Mom, you're embarrassing me in front of Apple Comet," Twist whined. Peppermint Stick turned to me. "You'll have to excuse all this emotion," She said. "It's just I've dreamed about this moment since the day she was born." I stood up from the table and pushed my chair back in. "I'll just...come back some other time," I said turning to walk out. 'Well, that couldn't have possibly been timed any worse,' I thought to myself as I walked away from Twist's house. How was I gonna tell Apple Bloom that another friend had gotten her cutie mark before she did? Should I tell her at all? I could just say that Twist already had plans for the weekend. No that wouldn't work, she'd find out the truth sooner or later and when she did she'd be crushed knowing I lied to her. "Look out coming through!" I looked behind to see an orange pegasus filly riding towards me on a scooter. As I stepped to the side to let her pass, I got a closer look at her. Her eyes were grayish purple and her tail was magenta. But the most obvious detail to me was her flank was blank. "Hey, wait," I called out to her. She put her hoof out to stop, then turned to face me. "Yeah?" "Are you new around here or something?" I asked her. "I don't think I've seen you before." "Kinda," She answered. "I just moved here." "What's your name?" "Scootaloo," She said. "I'm Apple Comet," "Apple Comet?" She raised an eyebrow. "That's a funny name, What do apples have to do with comets?" "It's complicated," I said to her. "Oh, well it was nice meeting you Apple Comet, but I gotta get going now." "Wait before you go, do you have any plans for this afternoon?" "Are you asking me on a date or something?" She looked at me with an expression of disgust. "No no no, it's not like that," I waved my hooves in defense. "It's just my little sister is having a bit of a bad day, and she could really use some friends to cheer her up." Scootaloo scratched her chin. "I'll think about it," She said as she got back on her scooter and rode off. On my way home, I happened to walk by the Carousel Boutique. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for who I saw was there when I looked in the front window. "Ugh, how much longer is this going to take?" Diamond Tiara asked impatiently rolling her eyes with disgust. "I know right, it's just two dresses." Silver Spoon said agreeing with her like a good little toady. From the floor above, I heard a yelp of pain in a squeaky voice. "Yeow! Watch it will ya?" I looked up through the spire on top to find Rarity making adjustments to a pink and purple dress with white spots worn by a white unicorn filly I'd never seen before. Her eyes were a pale light green and her mane was a swirl of mulberry and rose pink streaks. "Urrgh this is taking forever." She groaned. in a voice so sweet it gave my ears cavities. "Yes, well you should've thought of that before you destroyed that ponnequin." Rarity scolded. "I just tried to move it with my magic a little," The filly argued. "I didn't know it would spontaneously combust like that." I looked over at the corner where a charred, half-melted ponnequin stood. "Yes well, luckily I keep a fire extinguisher up here for just this sort of thing. Now hold still, the more you move the longer this will take." I felt a pang of sympathy for the filly. For I too knew the pain of being scolded for immolating things I wasn't supposed to. "Did you hear Rarity's little sister earlier?" Silver Spoon said teasingly to Diamond Tiara. Oh right, for a moment I'd blissfully forgotten they were there. "Yeah, when I first heard her speak I thought she was a mouse." Diamond laughed cruelly. "I'm Sweetie Belle, do you have any cheese lying around?" Silver said sticking her front teeth out like a mouse. Diamond Tiara doubled over laughing. My eyes burned red as I glared at them. Who were they to mock somepony's voice for sounding different when theirs made me want to tear my ears off? I was so angry that I just wanted to... WHOOSH! As fast as I could, I ran back to the orchard, took off into the sky, flew all the way out to Rambling Rock Ridge, zeroed in on the biggest rock formation I could find, wound back my foreleg, and hit it as hard as I could. KRAKOOOOW! With a deafening crack, the rockface exploded in a shower of splintered gravel. clouds of rock dust filled the air as the formation crumbled like a house of cards. Birds scattered to the skies as the shockwave washed over the area. Anypony out there that day would've seen a red comet collide with the rock formation, only to emerge from the ash and dust like a phoenix. Having found an outlet for my stress, for the time being, I stopped by Saddle Lake to wash the dirt and dust from my coat before flying on home grateful that I had managed to keep from losing my temper. By the time I touched down my coat was air-dried and I was feeling much calmer. "Okay no more sidetracking," I told myself. "Time to find Apple Bloom." But she wasn't here and neither was Applejack or the cart. "They must've gone to the market already." I deduced. And so using the orchard for cover, I sped off to the market. When I arrived, I found Applejack apologizing to a bearded stallion holding a tennis racquet covered in apple chunks. "I don't care how eager she is," He berated her. "You need to tell your sister she needs to learn to respect other ponies' property! I was on my way to a match that I'm going to have to forfeit now while I have your apples washed out of my racquet." "Yes sir, A'h understand," Applejack nervously bowed her head at him. "and A'h promise A'h will have a talk with her about this." The stallion huffed and turned his head away. "I'll send you the cleaning bill in the mail." He said walking away. "What was that all about?" I asked her. "Apple Bloom got a little bit carried away with trying to earn her cutie mark selling apples," Applejack said. "I'm guessing it didn't work?" "E'yup, Ah'm afraid so." I noticed the trail of shimmering yellow hoofprints leading away from the cart. "Do you know where she went?" "She said something about visiting her friend Twist," Applejack said. "Oh no." "Why oh no?" Applejack raised her eyebrow curiously. "I have to find her fast," I said as I took off after her. Galloping as fast as I could through mid-afternoon hoof traffic, I arrived at Twist's house only to discover I was too late. She'd already answered the door. Worse still, I could see Diamond Toilet and Silver Scrubber at the other end of the street. This was a recipe for a disaster. "So I was thinkin...maybe we could do something together this weekend since I don't have a cutie mark and you don't have a... "Apple Bloom wait!" I called out. She and Twist turned to look at me. "Oh, Apple Comet, you're back!" Twist closed the top half of the door and reached for the bottom knob. "Where have you been?" Apple Bloom asked. "You said you'd come home as soon as you were done here." "I'll explain everything later, right now we need to get out of here," I said as the door opened and Twist stepped out. "You're leaving already?" Twist asked us. Apple Bloom gasped when she saw her friend's cutie mark. "T-Twist your flank!" "Oh, I guess Apple Comet didn't tell you yet." Apple Bloom scowled angrily at me. "No, he didn't," She said. "Actually on second thought," I said getting behind Apple Bloom. "Why don't we go inside and discuss it?" I stood on my hind legs and gently tried to push Apple Bloom through the door by her um...' hindquarters' "You haven't lived till you tried of Twist's candy canes." "Hmpf," With a huff, she sat down and crossed her forelegs. "A'h ain't going nowhere until you start explaining." "This doesn't mean we can't all go to the cuteceanera this afternoon does it?" Twist asked worryingly. "You're still gonna be there right Apple Bloom?" "Of course she will." I turned my head to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking by. Instinctively I stepped in front of Apple Bloom. "It's not like being the only pony there without a cutie mark would be like the most embarrassing thing ever." Silver Spoon laughed teasingly. At that moment I wondered if anypony would care if I airmailed those two to Saddle Arabia. They'd probably get sent back with a return to sender stamp on them. "Sniff...sniff...sniff...sniff." My anger quickly melted when I saw the look on Apple Bloom's face. Her eyes were moist and her ears folded down. She trembled and shook as she tried her best not to cry. "Apple Bloom." I embraced her, holding her head to my chest. "It's okay, Don't listen to them." "Why?" She whimpered into my coat. "Why what?" I asked her. She looked up at me, her teary eyes filled with anger. "Why didn't you tell me that Twist had already gotten her cutie mark?" Her tone shifted from melancholy to hurt. "I'm jussst gonna give you two some privacy," Twist said awkwardly closing the door. "I was going to tell you as soon as I found you," I said. "And when were you going to do that huh?" She snapped. My ears folded down as what she said began to sink. "Look, Apple Bloom, I know I let you down and I'm sorry." "Ye'r darn right y'all let me down! A'h thought A'h could rely on you. A'h thought A'h could trust you. But apparently, A'h was wrong!" With that, she ran off galloping on three legs, holding her fourth to catch her tears. It would've been easy to blame Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but the truth was I shared some of the blame too. "Would a peppermint stick help?" I looked behind to find Twist poking her head out the slightly open door. "No thanks Twist," I said solemnly. "I don't think there's enough candy in the world that would make me feel better right now." I wandered aimlessly through the streets, trying to find anything to take my mind off my troubles. But no matter where I looked, I couldn't get my mind off of what Apple Bloom had said. Her words cut through me like a knife. I knew all too well how painful it could be to feel like an outcast. To want to be like everypony else, only to be reminded constantly how different you were. I looked at the red comet on my flank. It wasn't even a real cutie mark. Just some family crest according to Jav-El. Just another reason I could relate to the pain that Apple Bloom was feeling. "Hey Gloomy Gus, why the long face?" Asked Pinkie Pie who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I let out a surprised neigh as I reared up and fell flat on my back. "Oof! Pinkie Pie? Where did you come from?" More importantly, how in Kolton did I not see or hear her coming?" "Well, I was born on a rock farm out west." She began. "I was the second youngest of four sisters... "No, I mean just now." "Oh," She reached out her hoof and helped me up. "I was just out running some errands for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. See Diamond Tiara is having her cuteceanera at Sugarcube Corner this afternoon and... "Yes, yes I know about all that, Diamond Tiara told me I'm not invited." "Gasp!" Pinkie Pie recoiled in shock. "Not invited? But why wouldn't she invite you?" I could think of many good answers, but Granny Smith had taught me better than to say them in public. "It's not a big deal," I sighed. "I wasn't planning on going anyway." I flicked my tail and began walking away when Pinkie suddenly cried out and wrapped her foreleg around her neck. "It is 'too' a big deal!" She argued. "Nothing damages a young pony's tender psyche like being uninvited to a party. But don't you worry, your best pony pal Pinkie Pie has a plan to turn that frown upside down! Kay?" With that, she lifted me by the barrel and carried me back to Sugarcube Corner. "Ta-dah!" Pinkie Pie thrust open the doors to Sugarcube Corner's kitchen. "Brace yourself, for this is where the magic happens!" "It's a kitchen I see that, but what does that have to do with me?" I asked her. Pinkie Pie set me down and placed a hoof on my back. "Well, baking always cheers me up when I'm feeling sad and blue, so I thought maybe it would do the same for you." What was with the rhyming all of a sudden? Was she turning into Zecora or something? "You want to help you bake things?" Pinkie Pie nodded her head like it was a tin can with an acorn in it, her grin never wavering. I sighed and figured 'What the heck?' It was not like I had anything better to do today. "Alright, where's the recipe?" No sooner had I asked than Pinkie Pie had the recipe card held out in front of me. "Here you go!" I smiled back nervously at the eager pink pony as I read the card. Three-layer Triple Chocolate Cherry Torte. Wow, that was a lot of calories. "Well, let's get cooking then," I said hesitantly trying to match her enthusiasm. And so for the next hour, I became a baker's apprentice. Pinkie Pie showed me how to measure, pour, mix, bake, and decorate. She quickly took notice of how fast of a learner I was. "Wow, you catch on pretty quick don't ya?" She said as I measured a tablespoon of sugar. "Well, I have had some practice with Granny Smith and Applejack in the kitchen," I humbly admitted. *Ting* "Now why shouldn't we take a cake out of the oven too soon?" Pinkie asked me. "Because the sudden shift from hot to cold air will deflate it," I answered. "Rightarooney," Pinkie said. "And now we get to my favorite part, decorating," Pinkie said excitedly as she offered me a bowl scraper. "Before we get started is there anything special you want to add?" In my mind, I imagined what Diamond Tiara's reaction would be when she saw the cake read, 'Happy Cuteceanera to Porcelain Throne along with an image of a diamond-studded toilet. "No, not really," Though I smiled cheekily from ear to ear. Everything was set, the tables were decorated and covered with tons of delicious desserts. The rafters were covered with banners and streamers. Games had been put up, and goody bags had been filled. All that was missing was the Cuteceanera brat. A well-dressed elderly stallion opened the front door. Diamond Tiara walked in wearing her Cuteceanera dress. Behind her entered her father Filthy Rich, and her mother Spoiled Rich. I could feel the middle-class contempt in the air already. Mr. Rich wasn't so bad, he could be pleasant for conversation and he was a good friend of Pa. Spoiled, however, lived up to her name with her haughtier-than-thou attitude toward anypony who wasn't as wealthy as her. It was obvious who did the foal rearing in this family. "What are you doing here?" Diamond Tiara demanded indignantly as soon as she saw me setting tables. "I thought I uninvited you?" "I've been busy helping Pinkie Pie get things ready for your Cuteceanera," I answered with a huff. "Don't worry I don't plan to stick around this snob fest." "What's this all about Diamond Tiara?" Filthy asked his daughter. Diamond put on her best lip wobble and gave him her best crocodile tears. "Oh, Daddy," She sobbed. "It was horrible, at school today, he framed me for passing notes and got me in trouble." "He what!" Spoiled Rich gasped glaring sharply at me. "And that's not all," Diamond continued. "After school, he kept pestering me no matter how much I asked him to stop. So finally I told him he was uninvited to my Cuteceanera." Spoiled had heard enough. "Young Colt, I have half a mind to have you expelled for this. Not only did you get my daughter in trouble for something she did not do, but you've reduced her to tears with your relentless bullying. Such low-class delinquents such as yourselves should be taught to keep away from your betters and... BUCK! CRRAAAASSH! Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich watched in shock and horror as I kicked out with my hind legs, sending Spoiled Rich crashing through the roof and flying straight into the sun. "AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!" Poof! ...Are you listening to me?" Spoiled's question snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Did you say something just now?" I asked back. "I was counting all the balloons in my head and sorting them by color." And calculating how much it would take to use up all the hot air you just blew. I thought privately. Spoiled's right eye began twitching. She clenched her teeth and snorted angrily. "Okay, dear," Filthy said putting his hoof on his wife's wither. Even Diamond Tiara looked scared of her mother. "Let's go talk to the Cakes and thank them for all the hard work they put into our little Diamond's party," he suggested leading her over to the kitchen. I took that as my cue to leave. "Leaving so soon?" Or I would have if Pinkie Pie hadn't been standing there when I opened the door. "Gah! How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough," Was her answer. "Where are you going? The party is just about to start." "Home," I told her. "Diamond Tiara's made it obvious she doesn't want me here." I tried to go around her, but every time I did Pinkie would just step in front of me. "Pinkie Pie cut it out and let me through." "Not unless you tell meeee," She said in a sing-song voice. "Tell you what?" I asked her. My patience was beginning to wear thin. "What's really bothering you today?" She replied. My mouth fell open in stunned silence. "I can tell it's more than Diamond Tiara." We went upstairs to Pinkie Pie's bedroom and sat down on her bed. I explained to her what happened at school and Twist's house. I left out the part where I smashed a rock formation though. That would've been hard to explain. "And then she ran away crying." I sighed sadly. "She was right though, I did let her down." Pinkie Pie placed her hoof on my wither. "That's where you're wrong," She said comfortingly. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "There was no way you could've known Twist would get her cutie mark this afternoon. Or that Apple Bloom would head over there after you'd already left. Sometimes things just happen that we can't anticipate." 'Easy for her to say,' I thought. She can't see objects traveling in slow motion the way I could. Still, she had a point. "Yeah, you're right, but how do I make it up to her?" I asked. To which Pinkie wrapped my neck under her foreleg and pressed her cheek against mine. "Leave everything to me," She said. "You just go downstairs and enjoy the party." What was she talking about? I "But I wasn't invited." I again reminded her. "Then crash!" Pinkie suggested throwing up her other hoof. The party downstairs was in full swing. Every colt and filly in our class was there, along with parents as well as ponies who were just stopping by to congratulate Diamond Tiara on getting her cutie mark. While everypony else was busy dancing, playing party games, and enjoying the desserts, I did my best to remain inconspicuous. Luckily with all the noise and activity nopony seemed to notice me duck over to the punch bowl. Especially the Cuteceanera girl was busy having her ego stroked by everypony she spoke to. As I poured myself a cup, my X-ray vision spotted two ponies hiding under the table. "Scootaloo?" "Oh, no, busted." Sweetie Belle whispered as I leaned down. "Oh, hey heh heh, what's up?" The orange pegasus said nervously. "What are you doing down there?" I asked. "We're hiding so no notices we're mmph," Sweetie Belle said before Scootaloo muzzled her. "Oh, well, in that case, do you mind if I hang out down there with you?" I asked. Both of them blinked at me. "Why?" Asked Scootaloo. "I was kind of uninvited by Diamond Tiara, and I don't want her to know I crashed," I told them. The two fillies scooched aside to make room. "Thanks, my name's Apple Comet by the way," I said introducing myself to Sweetie Belle. "That's a weird name." She said looking confused. "What do apples have to do with comets?" "That's what I asked him," Scootaloo said. "It's a long story," I said. "I'd like to hear it," Sweetie said enthusiastically. As I pondered how best to explain the origins of my name, I heard a door open from the kitchen. "A'h can't believe A'h didn't think of this. A cupcake-eating cutie mark. It's sooo obvious." "Apple Bloom?" Through the kitchen wall, I saw my sister talking with Pinkie Pie about eating cupcakes. "Apple Bloom?" "Can you girls excuse me for just a minute? I'll be right back."I slipped out behind the table and made my way to the kitchen. "What was that all about?" I heard Sweetie Belle ask Scootaloo. To which Scootaloo shrugged her wings and said, "Must be a colt thing or something." "I guess a cupcake-making cutie mark could work too," Apple Bloom looked up at the chef's hat Pinkie Pie had placed on her head as Pinkie began to sing. "All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix," "Apple Bloom!" My sister looked from the mixing bowl as the record player on the kitchen counter continued to play instrumental music. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I asked. Pinkie Pie pressed the stop button. "No, not at all, we can just take it from the top. "She said pressing the rewind button. "Actually, Pinkie I'd like to have the music off for just a minute. There's something important I have to say." "Oh, okie dokie." She set the needle aside and resumed baking, humming the song to herself as she did. "Apple Bloom, I just want to say I'm sorry I let you down. I know what it feels like to not fit in. To want to be like everypony else, only to be reminded that you're different. But not having a cutie mark does not make you any less of a pony. "You're still the brave, independent, helpful sister I know and love." Apple Bloom threw herself into my embrace. "Oh, Apple Comet Ah'm so sorry for what A'h said to you. Can you forgive me?" I smiled and looked down at her teary-eyed face. "How could I say no," "Sniff sniff sniff sniff" We both looked up to see Pinkie Pie wiping tears from her eyes. "That was beautiful," She picked up a napkin and blew her nose into it. Both of us cringed back at the sight of it. "Come on out to the party there are some ponies I think you'll want to meet." "The party!" Apple Bloom suddenly lunged out of my grip. "How could A'h have forgotten the time? How could A'h have forgotten Pinkie was hosting it? How could A'h have forgotten it was at Sugarcube Corner?" "Hey," I placed my hoof on her wither and smiled. "It'll be fine, I won't let you down a second time." She smiled back and hugged me. "You're the best Lil' big brother ever." "Sniff, don't forget your party hat, Forgetty Forgetterson." Pinkie sniffled as she placed a party hat on Apple Bloom's head. We walked out of the kitchen together. Apple Bloom hanging close to my side. Her eyes darted back and forth as she kept watch for you know who. "So where are these ponies you wanted me to meet?" She whispered. I smiled when I looked at the punch table and saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still there. "Over by the punch bowl," I said. "Just stick close to me." "Y'all don't have to tell me twice." We crept over to the punch bowl, using the other partygoers as cover. "Hey! What are you still doing here?" We'd almost made it when we were caught. Diamond Tiara stomped over to us like an angry bull. Her face turned from pink to red as steam came out of her snout. Apple Bloom crouched down behind me trying to make herself as small as possible. "I thought I made it clear you weren't invited to my cuteceanera!" Diamond leaned her face in, pressing her hoof into my chest. "Actually, I was just leaving, but now that you're here, there's something important I've been wanting to tell you," I said standing my ground. I'd faced off against an Ursa Major, a full-grown Dragon, and even Nightmare Moon herself. I wasn't about to be intimidated by a petulant bully. "Oh, yeah, what's that?" Diamond sneered. "Stop bullying my sister you spoiled brat!" Diamond Tiara shrank back from my surprising outburst. "What did you just say?" She hissed. So I leaned in a little closer and repeated myself. "Stop, bullying, my, sister, you, spoiled, brat." "You can't talk to her that way!" Said Silver Spoon coming to her friend's defense. "Oh, I can't call her a spoiled brat, but it's perfectly okay for you two to tease Apple Bloom for not having a cutie mark?" It was at that point that Diamond Tiara noticed who was behind me. "Well, well well, look who's hiding behind her big brother again Silver. Oh, that's right, he's not even your real brother. He's adopted because his real parents obviously didn't want him." Okay, that was low even for her. At that moment something came over Apple Bloom. "Raaaarrrrgh!" Without warning, she charged out from behind me and tackled Diamond Tiara to the ground. As her namesake headpiece tumbled to the floor. Diamond Tiara looked up to see Apple Bloom mounted on top of her. "Holy Celestia!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed from under the table. "Don't you dare say that about my brother!" Apple Bloom roared as she raised her hoof to pummel her. With lightning reflexes, I grabbed her by her foreleg and yelled, "Stop!" Apple Bloom looked and Diamond Tiara looked at me. "She isn't worth it, let it go," Apple Bloom looked down at Diamond Tiara who was shivering with fear. With a sigh, she took my hoof and dismounted my tormentor. I pointed her in the direction of the two fillies crawling out from under the punch table. Then I turned my attention back to Diamond Tiara. "You were very lucky that I was here," I said picking her tiara up off the floor. "I didn't think Apple Bloom could do what she almost did. But you sure as sugar found a way. I pulled her up off the floor and gave her back her tiara. She checked it over for damage and placed it back on her head. "Whatever, thanks, I guess." She huffed trotting off as if the whole incident had never occurred. "Well, that's gratitude for you," I said to myself before turning and walking over to the punch bowl. "Hey, you girls want to get out of here and have some real fun?" "I thought you'd never ask," Scootaloo said with a grin. "Hey guys, wait up!" Peppermint Twist said running up to us. "Room for one more?" Apple Bloom smiled at her friend and said, "Sure." She turned to me and asked, "What did you have in mind?" "I smiled and said, "I think you're all gonna like it. The moon shone brightly over the farmhouse. Inside Apple Bloom's bedroom, four fillies lay sprawled across the floor on their sleeping bags. "It was a great idea your brother had to have a sleepover at your house, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle said. "And it was cool, he let us borrow his telescope," Scootaloo added. "Though he is certainly taking his time in the bathroom, isn't he?" "Maybe he needs more fiber in his diet, one of us should go check on him?" Twist suggested. "A'h wouldn't if A'h were you," Apple Bloom warned her. "My Lil big brother's dookie stinks could put a skunk to shame." The other three fillies shared a collective, "EWWW!" "On second thought, maybe he needs less?" Twist held her nose at the thought. Unbeknownst to her and the others, I wasn't actually in the bathroom, but instead floating above the farmhouse roof in my costume. I could see and hear everything that was going on. "So Apple Bloom, what exactly are we gonna search for with your brother's telescope?" Sweetie Belle asked. "A'h honestly don't know," Apple Bloom answered. "He just said to point it above Ponyville at exactly nine o'clock." "Well it's 8:57 so he better hurry," Scootaloo pointed out. "So anyway, Ah've been thinking, now that we're friends...A'h mean we are friends now right?" "Sure, I mean how could we not be? We're totally alike." Scootaloo pointed out. "We, well us three don't have cutie marks, no offense Twist." "None taken," the frizzy-maned earth pony raised her hoof and said. Scootaloo continued, "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon drive us crazy." "Totally crazy," Sweetie Belle agreed. "Well, now that we're friends, what if the three of us work together to find out who we are and what we're supposed to be?" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pondered Apple Bloom's proposal. " "Ooh, ooh, we could form our own secret society." Sweetie Belle suggested. "I'm liking this idea," Scootaloo said. "A secret society, yeah." Apple Bloom's face lit up with excitement. "We need a name for it though." "The Cutie Mark Three?" "The Cutetastically Fantastics?" Then Apple Bloom came up with the name that would eventually go down in Ponyville history. "How about the Cutie Mark Crusaders! You'd still be welcome to pal around with us too Twist," "Sounds good to me Apple Bloom," Twist said. "This is gonna be so great!" Scootaloo cheered. "We're going to be unstoppable!" Apple Bloom said. That might've been overestimating things, but it was still nice to see her confidence back. Bong Bong Bong Bong Bong Bong Bong Bong Bong The grandfather clock downstairs struck nine, it was time. I took to the night sky. Third Pony POV. "Look, up in the sky!" Scootaloo gasped. The four fillies crowded around the telescope and took turns looking into it. "It's an assteroid!" Lisped Twist. "It's a Meteor!" Cried, Sweetie Belle. "No, it's a Comet!" Apple Bloom said with a grin on her face. "It's the Red Comet of Ponyville!" Twist said in realization. "Red Comet of Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "You mean you haven't heard about it?" Twist asked in shock. "Not really," Sweetie admitted. "Hey you guys, be quiet!" Scootaloo said. "I think it's writing a message in the sky." "What does it say?" Asked Sweetie Belle. "Good night my little Diamond!" Filthy Rich kissed his daughter on the forehead as she lay down in bed. "You still love me, don't you Daddy?" She asked. "Of course I do pumpkin, it's just your behavior this afternoon was honestly a bit troubling." "The only troubling behavior I heard about was that blank flank and her delinquent brother. No doubt he put her up to it." Spoiled argued with her husband. "Now dear we went over this, I talked with Applejack about it and she said she'd give that filly a stern talking..." A flash of light outside the window interrupted him. "What was that?" Filthy Rich walked over to the window. "Filthy, what is it?" Spoiled asked. "Girls come quick!" He said. "There's something in the sky, and it's writing some kind of message." Diamond Tiara scrambled out of bed to join her parents at the window. "What does the message say, Daddy?" Filthy Rich pointed up to where the message was. Diamond's eyes lit up when she saw the object was writing her name in big red letters. "Look it's spelling my name in the sky!" The rich filly jumped up and down in excitement. "Looks like somepony or something up there knows what we already know." Spoiled said with a smug grin. This event would surely make the morning paper. "That we have the most special filly in the whole wide world." Filthy smiled with pride. "Wait it's spelling out something else!" Diamond said eagerly. She waited excitedly to see what the rest of the message said about her. DIAMOND DAZZLE TIARA IS A BIG FAT-FLANK! Filthy Rich stood frozen in shock. Spoiled fainted to the floor. As for Diamond Dazzle Tiara, she just stood there, one eye twitching. That thing had just written in big bold red letters in Luna's night sky for everypony in town to see, that she Diamond Dazzle Tiara, was a Big Fat Flank! The joy on her face contorted into pure rage as she let out a deafening ear-splitting "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" While at a farmhouse outside town, four fillies laughed long into the night. > Pinkamena Diane Pie's Perplexing Probability Predictions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some things in the universe that science or magic just can't explain. Like where did magic come from? When did it first manifest? And why out of all the habitable planets in all of the galaxies did it manifest here? But this isn't about the great mysteries of the universe, but rather one in our little town. And that is the mystery of Pinkamena Diane Pie. Everypony in town knows who she is? After all, she's made it a goal to know everypony who lives here and everypony who visits. She's a baker, a party planner, The Element of Laughter, and all in all a pony who does anything to cheer you up when you're feeling down. But she's also a pony of peculiar habits. There's just something about her nopony that can explain. A logic all her own that I'm not sure even she fully understands. Most ponies who know her just chalk it up to Pinkie being Pinkie and move on with their day. But then most ponies aren't Twilight Sparkle or me. By the way, in case any of you were wondering whatever happened regarding that message I wrote about Diamond Tiara. You know the one where I called her a big fat flank. Well, not much ever came of it because Spoiled Rich called up the Newspaper Office and threatened litigation for slander and defamation of character if they published a story about it. She also had them place a notice stating the Rich family would sue anypony who spread gossip about 'events that happened last night.' The following Monday, Ms. Cheerilee gave a speech about sensitivity and feelings which summed up 'Please don't tease Diamond Tiara or her mom will cut our funding. Without mentioning either by name of course. But come on, even Snips and Snails figured it out. Lastly, Granny Smith decided to paddle me as punishment but after the paddle broke in two on the first blow, she settled on grounding me and doubling my chores for the rest of the week. Anyway back to my story, It was the first day of the end of my punishment. And I decided it was as good a time as ever to visit the library. Luckily Applejack had to go to the market to pick up some groceries and she agreed to pick me up when she was done. I took my time getting there, relishing the feeling of fresh grass on my hooves and the cool autumn breeze in my coat. It was nice just to take a walk around town after being corralled at the orchard for an entire week. Suddenly, I noticed Pinkie Pie hiding behind a tree. She was wearing a rainbow-striped umbrella hat on her head and looking nervously up at the sky. I looked up but all I could see were clear skies and pegasi. Nothing out of the usual. Meanwhile, Pinkie zipped from cover to cover like she was afraid somepony would spot her above. Maybe she and Rainbow Dash were in some sort of prank war and she didn't want the cyan pegasus to find her. I searched the skies again but Rainbow was nowhere in sight. Pinkie ran out from under a rock and looked down at her tail which was twitching back and forth. "Hmm...twitchy...twitcha twitcha twitch," My ears perked up as I realized what was going to happen. I looked to see a frog falling from a cart headed right for my head. With lightning reflexes, I stood up on my hind legs and caught the amphibian in my forehooves. "Ribbit." "He said nice reflexes in frog," Pinkie said turning to face me. You see sometimes Pinkie has these strange tics that she calls her Pinkie Sense. Supposedly each one of them means a different thing. How? I have no idea, maybe she's an alien too, or something. "Oh no!" I heard Fluttershy's voice cry from above. I looked up to see the yellow pegasus was pulling a cart filled with frogs, as well as carrying a basket and wearing a saddlebag filled with amphibians. "I'm coming Slippy," Fluttershy carefully landed in front of me. "Is he alright?" I looked at the frog and he looked at me. "Ribbit," "I think he'll be alright," I said as I hoofed him back to Fluttershy. "Oh thank goodness," She sighed with relief as she placed Slippy gently in her basket. "I'm so glad you were here, Apple Comet. I shudder to think of what might've happened if you weren't." "Think nothing of it Fluttershy," I said. "What are you doing with all these frogs anyway?" "Oh, I was transporting them to Froggy Bottom Bog. You see their pond has been getting a little overpopulated lately, and I just couldn't bear to see those poor frogs hopping into each other. So I'm taking them to where they'll have more space." A warm fuzzy feeling came over my heart as I watched Fluttershy make a headcount of all the frogs. Whether they were great or small, Fluttershy's kind heart and gentle nature never ceased to surprise me. "Well, glad I could help out," I said. "Oh Apple Comet," She leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. "You're such a sweet young colt." I breathed in the smell of her organic shampoo, it smelled like fresh dahlias. A flower befitting the bearer of the Element of Kindness. "Well, I must be going now if I'm going to reach Froggy Bottom Bog by this afternoon. Bye-bye now." With that, she took off with her slimy cargo in tow. "I should probably be going too," I said to Pinkie Pie. As soon as I took my first step, she ran up in front of me. "Wait!" She hollered and reached behind her pulling out a matching umbrella hat. "Safety first." "I'm not gonna wear that," I said pushing it away from me. "Ah, ah-ah, safety first," Pinkie said trying to put it on my head. "I don't need it," I protested. "That's not what twitchy tail says." She said singingly." "Okay first off your tail isn't twitching, second an umbrella isn't adequate protection from falling objects larger than frogs and third I'll look ridiculous." "Oh my gosh! Is that Niels Grasse Tycho behind you?" Pinkie suddenly pointed behind me and shouted. You're going to have to do better than that," I said rolling my eyes. But Pinkie wasn't paying attention to me. "Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Tycho. How was your trip?" My ears twitched and I turned around to see Twilight Sparkle walking down the other end of the street with a golden unicorn stallion. He was wearing a light blue button shirt with a black vest that was decorated with golden suns and silver moons. His mane was jet black and frizzy and he sported a mustache on his face. On his flank was a cutie mark of the constellation Corvus the crow with a red star highlighting one of its eyes. "Quite pleasurable actually," He said in a smooth baritone voice. "Holy Celestia!" I exclaimed, "It's Niels Grasse Tycho!" I couldn't believe it, Niels Grasse Tycho the foremost authority on astronomy in all of Equestria was talking to Twilight Sparkle. I galloped over as fast as I could without going to superspeed. "Twitcha twitch!" I heard Pinkie cry out followed by the sound of a rope unraveling wire by wire. "Look out, It's gonna fall!" A mare cried as I looked above me to see a harness holding up a piano that was seconds from giving way. Time instantly seemed to slow down. One of the movers tripped and fell putting him straight in the path of the piano. He looked up just as the rope snapped sending the piano plunging sideways toward him. WHOOOSH! In a flash, I reached him and pushed him to safety but now the piano was just inches from my head. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact. ...The next sound I heard, was the glowing hum of a magic aura. I opened my ears to see the piano suspended inside a magenta mana cloud. It floated gently upward and righted itself before setting itself down in the street. "Oh, my gosh! Apple Comet, are you alright?" Twilight's face was covered with cold sweat. Her heart raced inside her chest. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine," I assured her as dusted myself off. "What in Equestria were you thinking? You could've been killed." Twilight scolded me not knowing it would take more than a piano to even scratch me. "I guess I just wasn't thinking about that," I said. "Well, you were lucky I was around when it happened." "I could say the same thing about him," said the stallion I'd saved. He was a young well-built earth pony with a beige coat and a dirty blonde mane dressed in a blue movers jacket and cap. "I thought I was a goner for sure." He took off his cap and held it timidly in his hoof. "I have to know, why did you do it? What made you sacrifice yourself to save me?" I simply told him: "It was the right thing to do." "Sweet Celestia, I almost got a colt flattened." He slumped down muttering to himself. Twilight looked at both of us unsure of what to say. "Twilight is everyone alright?" Niels Grasse Tycho came running up to us. His shirt was splotched with patches of sweat. "Thankfully," Twilight said with relief. "Well thank Celestia for that," he looked at me with relief in his eyes. "So Apple Comet, Twilight tells me you're a fan of mine," Tycho said as we sat inside the library. "I've read all your books and articles," I said with excitement. "I've wanted to be an astronomer like you since I was six years old." He glanced down at the red comet on my flank. Almost as if he'd seen it somewhere before. For a moment, I was afraid he might be on to me. Then he said, "Well, it looks like you've already got the mark for it." I'm not ashamed to admit I fanboyed a little when I heard that. "So what are you doing in Ponyville?" I asked once I'd calmed down. "I've come searching for the Red Comet," He answered. Suddenly all the pieces fell into place. Tycho's visit to Ponyville wasn't due to mere happenstance. He was here because yours truly called his sister's bully a big fat flank. I had to admit I had conflicting feelings about it. While I was well aware of the danger of my secret being discovered, I couldn't help but be starstruck at the chance to talk with one of my idols. "So how long are you staying in Ponyville?" "Until next Saturday," "A whole week!" My favorite astronomer was going to be staying in my hometown for an entire week. My outburst brought Twilight teleporting downstairs. *POP!* "What's going on down here? I heard shouting." She asked anxiously. I was too embarrassed to say anything so I just slunk down in my seat. "We're fine Twilight," Tycho assured her. "Apple Comet just got a little overexcited is all." Twilight's violet eyes darted over to my seat. "Sorry," I whispered in my best Fluttershy impression. She snorted in disappointment and sighed. "Just try to keep it down okay? This is a library. Other ponies could be trying to read." With another pop, she was gone leaving the two of us alone again. Flashing an awkward smile, I willed my body back into a proper seating position. "So how's Manehatten? I got a cousin that lives there you know." "So this Tycho fella is in town looking for the Red Comet huh?" Applejack made it no secret that she was less than pleased with the news. "Yep, and he's staying here for an entire week," I said as we walked the road back to the farm. "How can you be so calm about it?" Apple Bloom asked nervously. "Aren't you worried he's gonna find out who you are?" "Because panicking won't help my situation, I need to approach it with a calm logical state of mind," I answered. Truth be told I was sweating buckets on the inside. Niels Grasse Tyson was no detective but with his know-how of Astrophysics combined with Twilight's first hoof encounters with me. I knew the risk of them solving the mystery of the Red Comet was statistically high. "And how do y'all plan on calmly approaching it?" Applejack asked as we approached the gate to the orchard. As soon as she saw us, Winona looked up from a hole she had been filling and came running. "Step by step of course," I said. Step one: Cover my bases. I needed to make sure any evidence of my alien heritage was safely locked away and hidden. "Hello, Young Master, it's been a while since your last visit." The electronic voice greeted me as I pulled off the tarpaulin. "Hello Kerax, How's the work coming on the memory crystal?" The glow of his hologram projector illuminated the corner of the barn. The image of my parent's memories looked more cohesive than last time, but I could see there was still a long way to go. "Progress on memory crystal repair at 13.3 trillion neurons reconnected." At the current rate, I calculate the odds of 100% resynchronization at 49.4 percent. How are you finding life on Equus?" "Actually, that's why I'm here. You see there's this pony that just arrived in town today. His name is Niels Grasse Tyson and he's a world-renowned astronomer. "I see, what does this have to do with you?" "Well, he's come here searching for the Red Comet. I don't think he'll come looking here, but just to be safe I'm gonna move you somewhere a little more discreet." I levitated up to the ceiling beams and carefully examined the floor of the barn. I inverted my body so that I was facing the floor and dove straight down into the ground. Vibrating my body through layers of dirt and rock, I burrowed a shaft underneath the barn. When I was satisfied with its depth, I tunneled through the wall and flew back up so the ship would fit. Finally, when the shaft was wide enough, I burrowed a den out of the bedrock at the bottom in which to hide it. When I was done, I had a wide spacious chamber in which to hide my ship, plus some extra space for myself. "Not too shabby if I do say so myself," I said as I flew back up. "You, ready Kerax," I asked. "As I'll ever be sir," He said closing the hatch door. I raised the ship upright, then reached and lifted it by the tail. Not surprisingly it felt as light as a feather. "You know it's kind of funny," I said as I floated it over to the shaft. "What is?" Kerax asked as I floated the two of us down "This ship carried me from Kolton to Equis, and now I'm carrying it." "Yes, I suppose it is funny in an ironic sort of way." He remarked dryly as we descended to the bottom. "Yeesh, tough crowd." Once my ship was safely tucked away, all that was left was to cover the hole. I gathered together a few spare boards and nails. Using my hooves as a hammer, I assembled a makeshift trap door and frame. I used some spare barn door hinges from Pa's old workbench and an old horseshoe for a latch. In no time at all, I had a fully functional trap door. I covered it with a layer of dirt and hay so anypony who stepped on it would be unable to tell it was there. "Okay, there's that taken care of." I felt a sense of pride as I dusted my hooves off in satisfaction. It was then that I became aware of the dirt and dust I was covered in. "Ugh," Step two *sigh* Take a bath. Splash! "Apple Comet, do me a favor, next time you want to go digging holes in the barn, ask first if it's okay?" Applejack said as she dumped another bucket of water over my head. Since I was covered head to hoof in dirt, soil, and rock dust, I wasn't allowed inside to bathe. So I had to take a bath in the wooden tub. "What's it look like down there?" Apple Bloom with curious excitement. "Right now it's pitch dark if you can't illuminate your body," I answered as Applejack scrubbed me over with a brush. I'm thinking of turning it into a secret hideaway. "Well, you're not gonna spend all your time down there like a prairie dog." My big sister scolded scrubbing deeper into my coat." "I know, It's just gonna be for those times where I need a little solitude." My ears perked up as they picked up the sound of rolling cartwheels and two familiar voices arguing. "So basically I get these different little niggly feelings, and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy it means it's my lucky day. And when my knee gets pinchy, it means something scary is about to happen." "Ugh, Pinkie Pie, we really don't have time for all this 'Pinkie Sense' nonsense. We're here to answer serious scientific questions." "Twilight are you sure we need all this equipment? I thought we were just going to ask a few questions." "We're also here to gather important scientific data." Through the side of the barn, I could see Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Niels Grasse Tycho walking up the hill to the orchard. The Lavender unicorn was hauling a wagon loaded with seemingly every type of scientific surveying equipment you could imagine. "Oh and when my shoulder's achy, it means there's an alligator in the tub." Suddenly I felt something scaly brush against my hind leg. I looked down to see a pair of purple reptilian eyes staring up at me. "Neigh!" With a neigh, I leaped so high out of the tub that I broke through the ceiling and the cloud cover. Third Pony Pov. "What in Equestria is that?" Twilight gasped in astonishment as she watched something shoot through the roof of Sweet Apple Acres. The object went straight up vertically piercing the cloud overhead. "Well, my shoulder was just achy a moment ago." Pinkie offered her explanation. "That doesn't make sense !" Twilight irritably pointed out. "You just said an achy shoulder means there's an alligator in a bathtub. Not something just flew through the roof! You're putting holes in your own logic!" Pinkie's tail began to twitch. "Oooh boy!" "Take cover!" Spike cried diving under the wagon. "Relax Spike," Twilight calmly reassured her nervous assistant. It's all the way over at Sweet Apple Acres. The odds of it landing near are a million to one." Plop! Chomp! A toothless baby alligator landed on Twilight's head and bit down on her horn "NEEEIIIIGGHHH!" Twilight let out a neigh of terror and reared back. She thrashed her head back and forth trying to dislodge the bug-eyed lizard. "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" The alligator spun back and forth like a scaly gymnast on a bar. Finally, the gator released its grip executing a triple somersault and landing on all fours. "Bravo, bravo!" Pinkie held up a perfect ten scorecard. "That was magnificent Gummy!" She congratulated as she scooped the baby alligator in her hooves. The young gator blinked it's bulging its eyes at her, then proceeded to start biting around her head with its gums. Pinkie laughed playfully as he bit down on one of her ears. "What is going on here?" Niels Grasse Tycho asked. The astronomer's eyes were struggling to blink at what he was seeing. "This is Gummy, my pet alligator," Pinkie said holding the reptile in front of him. "He's got no teeth see?" Tycho's face twitched a little as Gummy stuck out his tongue to touch one of his eyeballs. "That's um...very nice," Pinkie." He was beginning to question if coming here was a good idea. "Okay, okay I get it," Twilight said trying desperately to maintain a modicum of calm in the situation. "Can we please get going? I'd like to get this field surveying done sometime before nightfall." "Okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie said somehow giving an okay gesture with her hoof. "Twilight facehoofed and began walking again. Apple Comet's POV. As I watched the scene play out below me, I realized how close I was to being found out. After regaining my momentum, I ducked down on top of a cloud, laying my body out flat so as not to be easily seen. I couldn't stand or walk on it the way Pegasi could, so I simply levitated in place splayed out like a carpet. I could feel the moisture soaking into my coat like drops of dew. "Apple Comet!" I heard Applejack holler my name through the hole I'd made in the roof. Oh well, just another chore to be added to the list. "Apple Comet get down here right now!" "What if he can't hear us?" Apple Bloom asked. "Oh, he hears us alright, and if he knows what's good for him, he'll come down right now!" At that moment, however, the best place for me to be was on this cloud. Because unbeknownst to Applejack at that time, Twilight and company were walking up to the barn. Umm, Applejack?" Apple Bloom tugged at our big sister's leg. "Not now Apple Bloom," She said before looking back up through the ceiling. "Apple Comet, I'm gonna count to three and if y'all ain't down here, y'all are gonna be peeling apples for the next week. One...two...three... "Applejack who are you talking to?" Twilight asked walking up to the barn door. Applejack turned and gasped when she saw her friend standing there hauling a wagon full of scientific doodads. "Gah! Twilight when did you get here?" "That's what A'h was trying to tell ya, but nopony listens to Apple Bloom," My little sis whispered with a roll of her eyes. Applejack smiled embarrassingly. "So what brings you all by?" She asked. "What was that thing that crashed through your roof just now?" Twilight pointed to the hole I'd left. Applejack and Apple Bloom looked up through the gaping hole at the blue sky. "Uh, thing?" Even from up here, I could see the beads of sweat rising from my big sister's pores. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place and she knew it. Thankfully before Applejack could blow her cover, Pinkie Pie cut in. "I think I can answer that question. See Gummy was obviously practicing his Gator cannonball trick, he's been practicing these last several weeks. At first, I was like Gummy are you loco in the coco? Firing yourself out of a cannon is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals. But he shrugged and simply said...Mff mffph..." Having heard enough, Twilight wrapped her magic around Pinkie's snout and muzzled her. Despite this, Pinkie continued with her story. "Alright never mind, forget I asked," she said. For a moment Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. "We were wondering if we could set up a survey site around here." "What are y'all surveying? if y'all don't mind me asking?" Applejack turned her attention to Tycho. "And who is this?" "Niels Grasse Tycho," He said offering her his hoof. Applejack shook it with a caution that was uncharacteristic of her. "Oh, right, y'all are the fancy Astro guy Apple Comet was yakking about. It's nice to meet you," I wondered what he would say about me if he knew I was up here. "Y'all planning on going stargazing later?" Apple Bloom asked him curiously. "Not quite, Tycho admitted. "We're researching the Red Comet." Whatever poker face my sisters had up until that moment collapsed like a house of cards. "My, um...how fascinating," Applejack said anxiously. "Y-yeah, please tell us more." Apple Bloom with a nervous smile. "Are you two feeling alright?" Twilight's gaze narrowed as she began to catch on that the two of them were acting rather unusual. "Are we feeling alright?" Applejack laughed nervously. "What a silly question, of course, we're feeling alright aren't we Apple Bloom?" "Yep fit as a fiddle," Twilight wasn't buying it. "You two are hiding something, I can tell." "What, us? Come on Twilight, we're the Apples the most honest folk in all of Ponyville," Her face was flush with sweat. "Alright Applejack, fess up. "What do you know about the comet that you aren't telling us?" Applejack's defenses were crumbling right in front of my eyes. It would take a miracle to save them. A miracle that didn't involve me. Poof! Beep Beep Beep Ba Beep Beep Beep! Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie's tail flattened out like an inside-out umbrella. "Pinkie?" Twilight asked slowly stepping back from the party planner. "Why is your tail beeping?" "I dunno, this is a new one to me," Pinkie said as her tail began sweeping around like a radar dish. Suddenly it stopped and pointed due south. "Wait, hold on, I'm getting something. The comet is going to appear...at Froggy Bottom Bog!" Twilight's brow furrowed, while Applejack and Apple Bloom just looked up through the hole in the ceiling. "Let me guess, your pinkie senses are tingling?" The librarian asked unimpressed. "Right medium but wrong publisher," Pinkie answered. "And where was this twitch all the other times the comet appeared huh?" Twilight continued. A question I wanted to know the answer to myself. Pinkie offered up her own theory. "Well, I don't know all the details yet, but given the comet is a relatively recent phenomenon in Ponyville, it's possible my Pinkie Sense hadn't yet calibrated to accurately predict its appearance." "And was it planning to do this before the Ursa Major or after the Dragon?" While Twilight continued to give Pinkie the skeptic's argument, I decided the timing was as good as ever to make my escape. Carefully levitating my body off of the cloud, I floated quietly over to the back of the farmhouse. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, I quietly settled gently down. My coat was wet and dewy from being in contact with that cloud. On the bright side, most of my dirt spots were gone so that was a plus. "So Pinkie Sense says the comet is gonna appear at Froggy Bottom Bog." While I pondered the possibility of how Pinkie knew that even before I did, She continued to argue with Twilight. It didn't look like things were going to calm down anytime soon. "You know what? Just forget it! If you'll excuse me, Tycho and I have real scientific phenomena to study." With a snort, Twilight backed the cart out of the barn and trotted away. Unfortunately, she was so frustrated that didn't see the open cellar door in front of her. "Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!" "Give it up, Pinkie, I'm not falling for that ag-ah! "Hey, Twilight what are you doing?" I asked from the bottom of the staircase. Thank you super-speed. "Apple Comet, you startled me." She wiped her forehead with relief. "You should really watch where you're going, you almost walked into our new root cellar." She smiled at me. "I guess this makes us even for earlier huh?" Boy if she only knew. "What've you got in the cart?" I asked. "Oh, this? Just some scientific instruments. Niels Grasse Tycho and I gonna be gonna surveying the orchard to see if the comet left any clues behind." "That's cool, anyway I just remembered there's something important I need to do, so I'll leave you to it." I walked up the stairs and closed the cellar doors. As I walked back to the house, Twilight said something that made my inner nerd squee. "Hey Apple Comet, I'm sure if you ask nicely Niels Grasse Tycho would gladly autograph your copy of his book." With renewed vigor, I raced upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed my copy of Astrophysics for Ponies in a Hurry, and one other thing. The humid swamp air clung to my coat like moss to the side of a tree. The sound of buzzing wings and chirping crickets meant I was getting close. I'd left Astrophysics for Ponies in a Hurry on the kitchen table and a note on the front door saying I was going for a short walk and would be back later. I didn't say that I'd be bringing my saddlebags and my clothing matrix though. But then I didn't want anypony to know where I was going until I got back. A cut across the orchard and a superspeed dash through the Everfree Forest later, I was close to Froggy Bottom Bog. My hooves were spattered with mud and my coat was covered with leaves and burs, but I didn't care. As I reached the end of the tree line, I came to a stagnant slough. The shore was lined with rows of vine-covered cypress trees. Cattail reeds and tall flat mushrooms grew in the pea soup green still waters. It was everything an amphibian could ask for. Speaking of which... "Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit." Standing along the shore, Fluttershy watched eagerly as her froggy friends hopped from her cart to their new home. She was smiling warmly the way a mother does when she watches her foal take their first steps. It's a scene that made me wish I'd brought a camera. Suddenly the stillness of the water was broken by an enormous breach. A massive brown head rose from the water, its neck rising to seemingly blot out the setting sun. Then another head broke the surface followed by two more. Four pairs of green-slitted eyes stared down at the yellow pegasus, eyeing what must have looked like a tasty meal. Fluttershy stood frozen mouth agape, she couldn't scream, she couldn't run, She could only watch as the hydra's heads lunged toward her. Their leathery lips salivating at their soon-to-be morsel. "Fluttershy!" As the initial shock wore off, I grabbed my costume matrix from my saddlebag and charged. In a flash of red and blue, my hooves left the ground as I scooped up Fluttershy and carried her away seconds before the hydra's jaws could snap shut around her. The four heads let out a collective roar of disappointment as we ascended above the treeline out of its reach. Looking down and realizing what just happened, Fluttershy finally found the voice to scream. "EEEEEYYYYAAAAAAAAHHHH! Third Pony Pov. "Did you hear that?" Twilight Sparkle looked up from the map she had been graphing. Her eyes darted back and forth looking for the source of the disturbance. "Hear what?" Spike asked looking confused. "I could've sworn I heard something just now. Did you hear anything Tycho?" The astronomer looked up from the total station he'd been calibrating. "No, should I have heard something?" He answered. "Forget it, it was probably just the wind or something." Twilight shrugged her shoulders and went back to what she was doing. Comet's Pov. After dropping Fluttershy off at her house, I flew back over the Everfree Forest to hide my tracks. I took the opportunity to burn the mud off my hooves with my heat vision. The less evidence that I was at that bog the better. As I passed over, I again saw the hydra still fuming over its lost meal. With four heads to remember me by, I doubted it would forget about me any time soon. I touched down at the edge of the forest and changed out of my costume. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, I slipped through the fence and walked the trail back to the orchard. If anypony asked I'd gone out for a short walk. When I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight, Spike, and Tycho were still there. Since they seemed busy, I decided to head inside and grab my copy of Astrophysics for Ponies in a Hurry. When I looked through the kitchen wall, however, it was gone. A quick examination of the kitchen revealed a trail of familiar yellow hoofprints leading outside to a table at the worksite. "Hey, Twilight, how's it coming along out here?" I asked walking up casually. "Hey, Apple Comet, did you take care of that important thing you were supposed to do?" She asked me. I smiled confidently and said, "Yeah, I did," "Your little sister stopped by earlier," Tycho said. "Seems you left your copy of my book on the kitchen table." "Oh, was that where it was?" I said turning my head towards the table. "I was wondering where I left it," "You should probably thank her next time you see her." He added. "Oh, I will," I assured him. I opened the book and was surprised to find something on the inside of the front cover. To Apple Comet, always keep reaching for the stars and stay clear of rising pianos. Your friend and fellow astronomer, Niels Grasse Tycho. I didn't know a koltonian could faint until now. Third Pony POV. The Next Day. The front door swung open as Twilight Sparkle stepped into Sugarcube Corner. Right away she noticed Pinkie Pie was chatting with Fluttershy about something. "Good morning Twilight," Pinkie Pie greeted her from behind the counter. "Good morning Pinkie Pie, Good morning, Fluttershy." She replied. "Come sit up at the counter, Pinkie Pie and I were just talking." "Really?" The unicorn's curiosity was piqued as she sat on the stool next to the pegasus. "What about?" "Well, you know how my Pinkie Sense told me the Comet was going to appear at Froggy Bottom Bog and you didn't believe it?" "You mean where specifically explained how improbable it was?" Twilight said warily. She was hoping not to have a repeat of yesterday. "Tell her Fluttershy," Pinkie said. "Well, I'd taken some frogs over to Froggy Bottom Bog, because the pond had gotten so populated. I was letting out of my cart and was watching them hop to their new home when suddenly this enormous hydra rose out of the water." "A hydra!" Twilight's face went white with shock. She had no idea one of her best friends had had a close brush with one of the most dangerous creatures in all of Equestria. She threw her hooves around Fluttershy and hugged her tight. "Thank Celestia, you're okay. If something had happened to you, I don't know what I would do. How did you escape?" "Well," Fluttershy continued. "I almost didn't." Twilight was on the edge of her seat. "I was so scared I couldn't move. I couldn't look up as the Hydra lunged for me. I heard somepony call my name and then suddenly the comet appeared out of nowhere and carried me to safety." Twilight's relief turned to disbelief. "What! When did this happen?" "Yesterday afternoon around 2:30. It all happened so fast, one moment I was being carried through the sky. The next it set me down outside my cottage and flew off again." Twilight's eyes began twitching. Her hooves shook violently with rage. "Rrrgh... "Um, Twilight are you okay?" Fluttershy asked scooching back on her seat. "RrrARRRRRGGH!" In an instant, the unicorn's mane and tail burst into flames. Her coat turned white and her eyes glowed red as she realized the opportunity she'd let slip through her hooves. Thinking fast, Pinkie Pie grabbed a fire extinguisher from under the counter and doused her friend before the fire could spread to the rest of the bakery. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" As the smoke alarm sounded off a defeated and extinguished Twilight fell from her scorched stool. "Ugh, I give up." > Comet Rainboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following afternoon was interesting, to say the least. After the others heard about Twilight's little ahem 'episode' at Sugarcube Corner that morning, they decided to stage an intervention at the library. Needless to say, she did not take it well. "Look, girls, I appreciate the sentiment, but I 'really' don't need this." The six of them had gathered in a circle along with Spike and Niels Grasse Tycho. "Nonsense, dear." Rarity protested. "Just look at yourself." She held up a mirror to Twilight's face. "All this comet nonsense is doing horrors for your complexion. As your friend, I must insist you take a couple of days off to pamper yourself." "Well, A'h ain't, one for all that frou-frou stuff," Applejack admitted. "But, A'h knows a thing or two about overworking yourself, and trust me, it doesn't ever end well." I smiled from outside the library at the mention of that experience. "I gotta go with AJ on this one Twi," Rainbow Dash said. "Believe me, I wanna catch that comet too, but you need to lay off this egghead stuff for a while and relax." "You mean the way you 'relax' when you're on weather duty?" Twilight replied sarcastically. "What's that supposed to mean?" The cyan pegasus snapped back. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "Rainbow, remember we're here to help Twilight." She guided the grumbling pegasus down to the floor. "Twilight," Niels Grasse Tycho stood up. "I think what your friends are trying to say is that maybe you should take some time off. Celestia knows you earned it." "Thanks to a certain somepony," Twilight glared to her left at the dragon standing next to her. "What? It's not my fault the Princess happened to agree with me," Spike said throwing his claws up. "All we're saying is we think you could use a day off from comet chasing," said Rarity. "Which is why I went ahead and booked an appointment at the spa for two this afternoon." The alabaster unicorn opened her saddlebag with her magic and levitated out a brochure for the Ponyville Day Spa. "I just know you'll love it." Twilight skimmed over the brochure filled with images of ponies indulging in various treatments such as lying on massage tables and sitting in mudbaths. "Look Rarity, I appreciate you going to all this trouble, but this just isn't for me." She said floating the brochure back over to her. Rarity sighed and took the brochure back. "Very well," she said with a hint of disappointment. "I see we're going to do this the hard way. Pinkie!" "On it!" The pink mare said suddenly appearing behind Twilight who let out a startled neigh. "Pinkie what are you...no stay back! Don't come any closer, I'm warning you." The party planner backed the librarian up against a bookshelf. "Should've done it the easy way," Pinkie said in a sing-song voice as she reached behind and pulled out a freshly sharpened quill. "W-What are you g-gonna do with that?" Twilight shuddered. "Coochie coochie coo!" The color drained from Twilight's face as she froze in horror. "No, not that, anything, please I'm begging you, no, no. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha stop pleeease!" She fell to the floor laughing and Pinkie pounced on her. "Make her stop Rarity, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" "Will you go quietly?" The fashionista raised an eyebrow curiously. "Yes, yes, yes, ha ha ha, now for the love of Celestia, ha ha ha ha, call her off." "Sigh, very well." She snapped her hoof signaling Pinkie that their victim had broken. As Twilight stood up, Rarity placed her hoof on her shoulder. "There that wasn't so bad now was it? Now about our little outing. I figured that since it's you've been working yourself so hard, I'd splurge and get the full experience." Twilight opened her mouth only for Rarity to muzzle her with her hoof. "No, not a word of protest, I insist on seeing to it personally that you forget all your troubles this afternoon. Now come along, tah tah." Before Twilight could even process what just happened. Rarity took her by the hoof and dragged her out the front door. Honestly, I felt kind of bad having caused her so much recent stress. But on the other hoof, anything that got her off my trail was a good thing. Well, for the next couple of days, I kept a close eye on Twilight and Tycho's progress. I visited the library every afternoon after school since I knew Twilight had a makeshift laboratory in the basement. Through the floor, I watched and listened as she and Tycho discussed the results of their daily findings. They kept track of their investigation on a large bulletin board covered with a map of the town. Pushpins marked places where the comet had been sighted, as well as the date, time, and direction it had been traveling. Red arrows indicating flight path crisscrossed the map. As well as this, the map was ringed with photos taken of the comet with details of each sighting written underneath. My attendance did not escape their notice. Luckily, whenever one of them brought up how often I was coming here, I simply told them how excited I was to be around my favorite astronomer. Fortunately, being the astronomy nerd I was, they never doubted me. I ended up spending a lot of time discussing astronomy with Tycho. We talked about stars, planets, galaxies everything you possibly imagine. One day, the topic of conversation shifted to the discussion of life on other planets. I asked him if he believed there might be intelligent life out there. He smiled at me and said. "Well as my good friend Carl Saddle used to say, given the vast size of the universe, it would be highly improbable for it not to exist somewhere else than Equus. Of course, the chances of it visiting this world in our lifetime are pretty much slim to none. I let out a snort of laughter. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha." "Well, I'm glad you find it so funny," Tycho said. Boy if he only knew. Eventually, after a week of piecing together eyewitness accounts and analyzing flight patterns, Twilight and Tycho's search for the comet had turned up nothing that they didn't already know. As it was the last day before Tycho went back to Manehatten, I decided to make one last stop at the library to see him. As I was walking there, I happened to spot Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy out of the corner of my eye. The cyan pegasus was hovering in front of her friend looking at her the way a drill sergeant stares down a recruit. "Now, what have we learned?" She asked. "Loss of control," Fluttershy answered. "Good." "Screaming and hollering." "Yes and most importantly?" "Passion!" A grin spread across Rainbow's muzzle. "Right so now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one." She said as she landed in front of her. Fluttershy stood up straight and inhaled. Then leaning forward she gave a cheer fit for a mouse. "Yay." Rainbow Dash facehoofed. "Ugh, you're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder. "Yay." "Louder!" "Yay." "LOUUUDERRR!" Fluttershy reared up on her hind legs, her lungs expanding to their maximum capacity inside her ribcage as she took in the deepest breath she could. "Yay." Rainbow Dash facehoofed and fell backward. "Too loud?" Fluttershy whispered cautiously. When I arrived at the library, I was surprised to find my older sister inside with Twilight, Tycho, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Books bobbed up and down in the three unicorn's magic as they crisscrossed from shelf to shelf. Meanwhile, the earth ponies and Spike kept busy sweeping the floors and dusting the shelves. "Oh, howdy Apple Comet," Applejack greeted me as I stepped in. "Y'all mind lending a hoof and helping clean up?" "Sure, why not," I said with a smile as I walked over and picked up a broom. "Last one." Twilight sighed as she set the final book into place. "Thank you so much for helping me clean up all these books guys. It was a crazy week of research." Through the wall behind her, I saw Rainbow Dash speeding headlong toward the library. "Everypony get down!" I shouted dropping to the floor and covering my head. Everyone looked at me like I was acting weird until the cyan pegasus came crashing through the window creating a calamity of crashing books. When the dust cleared the library looked like a bomb had gone off. As everyone stood up and shook the books off of them, We heard a loud cheer coming from the window. "Rainbow Dash, you rock Woo-hoo!" When she saw the devastation Fluttershy gasped. "Did my cheering do that?" "Hehe, sorry about that ladies and gentlecolts, Rainbow Dash nervously apologized. "That was a feeble performance." "It wasn't all bad," Fluttershy said comfortingly as she flew in through the window. "I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin." "You just need to work on the not crashing into the library part," I added. "Ugh," Rainbow groaned. "I'm not talking about my performance," She said turning to Fluttershy. "I'm talking about yours, that feeble cheering." "But you are going to cut out the part where you crash into the library right?" "What are you two arguing about?" Twilight asked. "Were we arguing?" Fluttershy said. "I'm sorry." "I wish you guys could come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the Best Young Flier's Competition." "What's that?" Twilight continued. Suddenly Pinkie Pie burst out of the pile of books in front of her. "It's where all the greatest pegasus fliers get together and show off their different flying styles." She began dashing about the room imitating said different styles. "Some are fast, beep beep. Some are graceful, whoa whoa whoa." She lost her balance and fell back. "Golly, Ah'd love to see you strut your stuff in that competition," Applejack admitted. "Yeah, I wish you guys could be there," Rainbow said. "Fluttershy is a great support, but her cheering isn't exactly inspirational." "Is nobody gonna bring up the fact that Rainbow just trashed the entire library?" I asked. "Ooh!" Pinkie said bouncing up onto her hooves. "I'd love to see you do a sonic rainboom! It's like the most, coolest thing ever! Even though I've only seen it once it was really really far away. But it was still awesome!" "Are you talking about that bright explosion of color that appeared over the Everfree Forest a few weeks back?" Twilight asked. The memories of Rainbow Dash plunging unconsciously to her near death made my ears fold down. "I only did it one other time, when I was a filly," Dash humbly admitted. "But after I pulled it off chasing the comet I thought I could do it again." "I'm guessing from your crash landing, you haven't been having much luck," Twilight said surveying the damage done to her home. Rainbow shook her head. "She's practiced that move a hundred times and she hasn't even come close to pulling it off," Fluttershy said. "I don't know if I can cheer loud enough to help her." "The grand prize is an entire day with the Wonderbolts," Dash said anxiously. "If I don't get the hang of the Sonic Rainboom by tomorrow, not only will I lose for sure, but my chances of someday joining them will zero zilch nada. It will be the...worst...possible...thing." "I think you might be blowing this a teeny bit out of proportion dear," Rarity said clearly less than impressed with Rainbow's impression of her. "Eep!" She squeaked as Rainbow suddenly grabbed her by the collar. "You don't understand, it has been my dream since I was a filly to join the Wonderbolts. I dream about it, I fantasize about it, I can't go through life without thinking about it!" Rarity leaned back nervously trying to put some distance between their faces. "Okay, okay I get the message, maybe there is something we do to help." "Not unless you know how to make the comet appear again." I froze in place, Rainbow's words echoing inside my ear canals. "Um... I'm afraid not," Rarity said hesitantly. "I was thinking more along the lines of finding a way to be there to watch you perform." "But Cloudsdale way up in the sky!" Rainbow reminded her. "Only Pegasi can go there." "Twilight," Rarity turned her head to the librarian. "A little help if you don't mind." "What do you want me to do," Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Find a way for us to go to Cloudsdale." Rarity answered. "Well, I'd need to clean this mess up first." The lavender unicorn pointed to the sea of book covers strewn across the floor. "There's got to be a flight spell here somewhere." "Here you go, page twenty-seven," Pinkie hoofed her an open book. Twilight was left speechless. "Where did you find that?" Applejack asked the party planner. "It landed on my face when Rainbow Dash knocked me into the bookcase," Pinkie said. "Well, that's...oddly convenient," Applejack said as Twilight read over the page which showed an earth pony with butterfly wings. "Here it is, a spell that will allow earth ponies and unicorns to fly for three days. It looks really difficult though, I don't know if I can do it." Burrowing through the pages with my x-ray vision, I searched through the index for something a little more simple. "Well, maybe there's an easier spell in the index?" I subtly suggested. "Hmm, it's worth a look I suppose," Twilight said flipping to the back of the book. "Let's see here."Her hoof ran down the page until she came to C. "Cloud walking page 16." She flipped back over to the page. The illustration showed a unicorn standing on a cloud with wavy lines of magic drawn on its hooves. "Jackpot!" Twilight exclaimed. "It says here this spell will allow earth ponies and unicorns to walk on clouds and it looks much simpler than that other spell. Good call Apple Comet, you must have x-ray vision or something." Applejack and I looked at each other and smirked. If she only knew. "Goodnight, Applejack, goodnight Big Macintosh, goodnight Apple Bloom," I said. "Goodnight, Apple Comet, goodnight Big Macintosh, goodnight, Apple Bloom," Applejack said. "Goodnight, Applejack, goodnight Big Macintosh, goodnight Apple Comet." Apple Bloom said. "E'yup," Big Macintosh said. It was late, Granny Smith had already gone to bed. Everyone else had gotten into their pajamas and nightgowns and brushed their teeth. Tomorrow was going to be yet another busy day. I closed my bedroom door behind me, pulled back the covers, and climbed in. A sly grin spread across my face as I waited for my siblings to fall asleep. Yep, you guessed it, I was sneaking out. As soon as I was certain they were asleep, I sat up, retrieved my clothing matrix from my nightstand, and placed it against my chest. As the red and blue material spread across my body, I felt like a caged bird soon to be set free. The life of an average colt was great, but the koltonian part of me had been feeling pretty restless lately. Clad in the identity of Kom-El, I undid the window latch, threw open the sash, and flew out in a flash. My destination? The cloud house just outside Ponyville. Third Pony Pov. "Are you coming to bed?" Twilight Sparkle looked up from the telescope lens. Her faithful assistant Spike was standing at the balcony door. She looked up at the moon and saw it was close to 9:30. She had to be up bright and early tomorrow if she and her friends were going to stay on schedule. First, there was breakfast and bathing, then the all-important inventory check followed by the pre-flight check of the hot-air balloon she had rented not to mention checking over the flight plan before take-off... "Twilight," Spike said snapping his claws in front of her face. "Huh? Oh right, of course, coming Spike." The two of them walked back inside missing the comet passing by just seconds. Comet's POV. It wasn't hard to figure out where Rainbow Dash lived. After all, there was only one three-story doric style cloudominium in all of Ponyville. Being the head weathermare paid very well. Rainbow Dash lay asleep in her bed surrounded by a collection of Wonderbolts paraphernalia, that brought to mind my obsession with astronomy. I'd thought long and hard about what I was about to do. My conscience told me it was the right thing to do. While my better judgment told me it was reckless and stupid. In the end, recklessness and stupidity won out over better judgment. Okay step one, I needed to wake her up. WHOOSH! "What the?" Rainbow Dash sprang up bolt erect as the light from my coma lit her room bright red. She threw off her covers and rushed to her window, where she saw me streaking away from her house. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and blinked to make sure she wasn't just seeing things when she saw the message I'd written. WANNA RACE? "Wanna race?" A confident grin stretched across her muzzle as she kicked off her slippers and untied her robe. "You're on!" With a burning determination in her eyes, Rainbow Dash spread her wings and took off after me. Step one was complete, and on to step two. I ascended higher into the clouds with Rainbow following close behind. The sensation of the wind rushing across my face as I broke through the cloud cover revigorated my restless spirit. Up here above the sea of clouds under the light of the moon and the stars, dressed in the clothes of my homeworld, I felt like a bird freed from its cage. For the next few minutes, I led Rainbow through a series of loops, rolls, climbs, and dives. The cyan pegasus matched me move for move as we danced across the sky. The entire time, she was laughing and cheering like a playful filly. We soon forgot about the race and began chasing one another back and forth. "Wahoo! Alright! That was Awesome!" She cheered as we both came out of a somersault. "You're pretty fast whoever or whatever you are." Her fears and doubts seemed an ocean away. "You're not an ordinary comet, that much I know for sure." I kept my muzzle shut and my tongue planted down on my palate as she banked left to get in closer to me. Her eyes narrowed as if studying me. I wasn't sure if she could see through my coma up close but I wasn't about to take that chance. I took off like a rocket as she leaned in kicking up a wall of clouds in my wake. From behind, I heard Rainbow shout "Hey come back here!" followed by a rush of air as she raced to catch up. Even with my headstart, she was rapidly closing the distance. A vapor cone started to form around her body. The pressure waves around her were agitating her innate pegasus magic turning the cone a multicolored hue. Realizing what was about to happen, I banked a hard right just as the sky fell silent. KRAAAKOOOMM! An explosion of light and color lit up the sky. The soundwave could be heard as far away as Vanhoover. Rainbow Dash shot past me leaving behind a multicolored trail. A moment later the soundwave washed over me. All at once, every single synapse in my brain erupted in pain from the overwhelming feedback. "AAAARRRHHHHH!" Instinctively I let out a scream of agonizing pain as I clutched my head in my hooves. My equilibrium bottomed out sending me spiraling into free fall. To make matters worse the sudden change in air pressure had blown my cape over my head further disorienting me. As the sound traveled further away, I grit my teeth and willed my eyes to squint open. Through the billowing fabric of my cape, I could see the ground slowly approaching. At this speed, the impact would wake up everypony from Ponyville to Canterlot. I had only seconds to act. Fighting against the rotational inertia, I spread my legs outward to slow my angular momentum. The burning sensation in my head was beginning to fade allowing me to see more clearly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rainbow Dash streaking towards me at full speed. "Hold on I'm coming for ya!" I heard her call out over the roaring wind. She was trying to save me. While I appreciated the concern, I couldn't let her see me or else my secret would be out. I had to get out of this tailspin. Fighting against the rotational force, I willed my body to pitch up. With just seconds to spare, my coma reignited and I sped off with as much speed as I could muster. I looked behind to see Dash's rainbow intersecting with my ion trail. A reminder of how close I'd cut it. I could only imagine the look on her face had she caught me. It would've been awkward, to say the least. I wasted no time heading straight for home. My better judgment scolded me the entire way saying 'I told you so.' I arrived home to find my siblings waiting in my room dressed in their pajamas. Applejack was standing by the table lamp. No doubt waiting to spring the trap when I flew in. Granny Smith meanwhile was still sound asleep. That figures, she could sleep through a hurricane. Realizing, that flying away until morning would only add to my forthcoming punishment. I decided it best to just get it over with. Flying up to the open window, I carefully leaned my hind leg in and climbed through. "I see you guys," I said to them as I closed the sash. "I already know I'm in trouble so let's just get it over with. Applejack blinked with confusion for a moment before remembering X-ray vision is a thing with me. "Very well then," The next morning the sonic rainboom made the front page of the Ponyville Gazette. According to the reports, it had been seen everywhere from Canterlot to Cloudsdale. Scholars were puzzled as to who had pulled it off, but I knew that was soon to change. As punishment for sneaking out last night, Granny Smith decided to give my sisters the day off so she could dump their chores on me. And so while Applejack was in Cloudsdale with her friends and Apple Bloom got to play with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, I was stuck bucking apples and washing the pigs. Well, at least I was certain Rainbow Dash wouldn't have any confidence issues at the Best Young Fliers competition that afternoon. Even if she didn't win, I imagined the Wonderbolts would certainly be interested in meeting the mare who pulled off not one, not two, but three sonic rainbooms. She would go on to add one more that afternoon. Several hours passed and Applejack returned home looking mentally and emotionally exhausted. Her gait was sluggish and her head hung down as she walked back to the farmhouse. Her ears were folded down and her muzzle was bent into an annoyed scowl as she muttered irritably to herself. "Sonic rainboom sonic rainboom A'h swear, A'h didn't think that mare's head could get any bigger. Next pony that mentions the sonic rainboom to me is gonna be carrying their backside home in the front." Without saying a word she walked past me pausing briefly to flash a glare at me as if to say this is all your fault before heading on inside. SLAM! With a slam of the door, she went inside. I decided to hold off on asking her how the competition went until she'd had time to cool down. From what she had said, it sounded like Rainbow's famous ego had received a very unwelcome boost from their trip. > Green Fever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue, it's something many of us read or hear about, but not something we often apply to our daily lives. Most of us grow up reading stories where the gallant knight rescues the fair princess or of the gallant heroine who defies danger to save her true love. But true rescue isn't some glorified fantasy where the hero or heroine is handsomely rewarded. It is a reminder that everyone needs help from time to time and of the potential for good inside all of us. This is a story of a time when I was reminded of this. A time when I faced the reality that I was not invincible. It was a typical Ponyville afternoon. I was at the library, enjoying some quality reading time. "Hey, Apple Comet," I looked up from my book to see Spike walking out of the kitchen carrying a plate of gemstones. With his cheeks full of chewed-up minerals, he asked me. "What are you reading about?" "Meteorites," I answered simply. The young drake swallowed his food and selected another gem from the plate. "Meteorites huh?" He said biting the stone in half. "Anything interesting." "Actually yes, I was just reading about this meteorite they recently found in the South Equestrian Desert." Tossing the rest of the gem in, Spike walked over and peered over my shoulder. The picture showed several scientists standing around a fairly large obsidian rock about the size of a buckball that was covered in protruding green crystals. "According to Professor Emil Haflinger, it's composed mostly of iron ore as well as an unknown luminous mineral element never before discovered." "Do you think it's edible?" Spike asked as popped another clawful of gems in his mouth. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief at that question. "What? I'm just asking." He. threw his claws up, and shrugged his shoulders. He was thinking with his stomach today. "I don't think the Equestrian scientific community would think very highly of you eating such an important mineral discovery Spike," I answered rolling my eyes. "You know you sound like Twilight when you talk like that." I didn't know whether to take that as a joke or a compliment. "Is that so?" We both turned around to see Twilight and Rarity standing in the doorway. The librarian wore a stern look of displeasure on her face and her tone was one of disapproval. "Twilight!" Immediately Spike rushed over and began desperately trying to explain his way out of it. "I-I didn't see you come in. Hi Rarity, I-I was joking Twi honest, you know I think you're smart and talented and brilliant and..." He stopped when Twilight placed her hoof over his mouth. "Spike?" She hissed leaning in close, eyes glaring with anger. "Gotcha," A smile spread across her face as she pulled him in close for a hug. Rarity chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her neck. "Funny, I was gonna say funny before you stopped me," He said as Twilight released him. "Spike," Rarity began, "How would you like to help me with a very special order?" The dragon's eyes lit up like freshly cut emeralds. "Y-You...w-want my...help?" His tail was wagging back and forth like a scaly dog's. "I think he's saying he'll do it," I said. A short time later, we arrived at Rambling Rock Ridge. Rarity had led the way, her shimmering horn guiding her as she held her head out in front. Spike followed behind pulling his red wagon. And I had been given the envious honor of cataloging and categorizing said gems as well as carrying Rarity's sketchpad and art supplies in my saddlebag in case inspiration struck. "Oh my gosh! Sapphire Shores! The Pony of Pop! She is awesome! I mean, she's gorgeous and talented and," Spike paused his praise for Sapphire Shores. "Heh...and not even half the pony you are. I mean you're ten times more gorgeous and talented," "Spike, a lady is never jealous." Rarity assured him. "Eh, of course not. But were you totally flipping out or what?" "Ladies do not 'flip out' Spike," She said with confidence. "However I was quite, in awe." While I didn't get the appeal of pop music, I could somewhat relate to Rarity's 'awe' as she put it. After all, I still had my autographed copy of Astrophysics for Ponies in a Hurry proudly displayed on my bookshelf. "Oh," Rarity looked up as her horn lit up once more. Like metal, to a magnet, it began pulling her toward a nearby gem deposit. "Aha," "Did you find some?" Spike asked jumping with excitement. "Yes, right here," Rarity pointed at the patch of earth where the gemstones lay. Spike bounced on his heels and began digging frantically. His pupils shrank as soon as he laid eyes on them. "Ooo you look so delicious," He said licking his salivating lips. However before he could stuff his cheeks like a scaly squirrel, Rarity stepped in. "Spike! I promised I'd give you some gems to snack on, but we need to collect more first or I'll never be able to make these outfits for Sapphire." "Besides, didn't you eat a whole plate of gems at Twilight's?" I reminded him. With a sigh, Spike stepped out of the hole and carried the gems over to the wagon. "I'll miss you, my sweets." "Come along Spike," Rarity said with a wave of her mane. "We have many jewels to find." Spike took a bow and said: "At your service milady," Shrugging my shoulders, I slung off my saddlebags and took out a notepad and pencil as well as the junior gemologist's field guide I'd checked out from the library. For the next hour and a half, the work continued. Rarity's gem-finding spell almost put my X-ray vision to shame. Watching her magic drift out from her horn and hone in the next deposit was a sight to see. To this point, I silently challenged her to find every deposit I saw. She didn't miss one. Spike meanwhile ever willing to impress her, dug up claw after claw of gemstones. Of course, he did try to sneak some past us a couple of times. But a quick glare or "ahem" from Rarity or myself was enough to 'persuade' him. By mid-afternoon, the wagon was filled with gems to the point it was in danger of overflowing. "I think we're just about done Rarity," I said hoofing my notepad to her review. "Hmm...Outstanding work Apple Comet," She said flipping through the pages. "I can why your grades are at the top of the class." "Hey, what about me?" Spike groaned. "I did all the work here, and on an empty stomach I might add." "Well it sounds like you burned off all the gems you ate at Twilight's," I said with a laugh. The dragon narrowed his gaze at me, arching his shoulders. "You've been very patient today Spike." Rarity praised him petting his scaly crest with her hoof. "And for that, you get the finest reward." She reached into the pile with her magic and pulled out a brilliant hexagon sapphire. Spike opened wide and stuck out his tongue like a chameleon at a passing fly. Then for whatever reason, he closed it, letting the gem fall into his claws. "Is something wrong?" Rarity asked him. At that moment, my ears picked up the sound of something rustling in the distant bushes. "No it's perfect," Spike said as Rarity's lit up once more. However, instead of its usual light blue, it was luminous green. "Hmm that's strange," She said noticing the color change. "My gem-finding spell has never done this before. Whoaaa!" Like a fish on a hook Rarity's magic reeled her in. "Boys, bring the cart, there's moreover here!" Spike and I shrugged our shoulders and followed. "Yesss, gemsss. gemsss!" "Where?" "Precioussss gemsss! He is the gem hunter. With him, we can have all those gems...and more!" "What about the other one?" "He is just a pup, he is of no use to usss." "Quiet you fool, he is looking this way." "Don't be ssstupid he cannot see us from there," "What are you looking at?" Spike asked me. "I thought I saw those bushes over there move. Probably just an animal or something." I said not wanting to give our watchers the hint that I was on to them. "Spike, Apple Comet! Where are you?" Rarity called over to both of us. "You know it's terrible to keep a lady waiting." "Come on let's go!" Spike said as he grabbed me by the hoof and pulled me along. As soon as we caught up with Rarity, he proceeded to start digging in the spot she marked. "I think we're really going to strike gold this time. So to speak," Rarity said to me with excitement as Spike burrowed through the layers of dirt. Whatever it was, I just wanted to get it and get out of there before our 'friends' in the brush got any more bright ideas. "No way! You guys have got to see this?" Spike cried with excitement. Rarity and I looked into the pit just as Spike pulled out a familiar glowing green ore. "Hmm, I've never seen a gem like this before," Rarity said curiously as she levitated it in her magic. "Apple Comet found it in a book he was reading at the library. Right Apple Comet? Apple Comet? Hey, are you ok? you don't look so good." All of a sudden, I felt hot and short of breath. My heart was beating faster and every muscle in my body felt like it was on fire. "I...It...hurts," I winced as I realized the sensation I was feeling was pain. I'd never been hurt or sick before in my entire life. Never been physically exhausted. And suddenly I felt as weak as a kitten. My knees buckled as I collapsed onto my side. Rarity let out a shriek as she rushed over to me. "Sweet Celestia! He's burning up!" She exclaimed as she felt my forehead. Spike, help me get him...mfffph!" Before Rarity could finish, a huge grey paw reached out from the bushes and grabbed her by the muzzle. "Rarity!" Spike cried out as the assailant stepped out from the bushes revealing itself to be a grey bipedal canine wearing a black studded collar and a red vest. "Got you now!" It said in a low nasally voice. Its sickening grin revealed rows of sickly yellow sharp teeth. Rarity's face went frozen in sheer terror as the creature gazed at her with its sickly green eyes. "Now you hunt gems for us." WHACK! Out of nowhere, the green rock struck him in the jaw. The dog yelped in pain releasing Rarity from his grip as he clutched the side of his face. "Leave her alone!" Spike stepped in front of me as Rarity ran to my side. The dog stared at him, one eye swollen shut. The side of his jaw was swollen and bruised. He snarled in rage as he looked at us. "GRRRRR...GET THEM!" He howled pointing at us. Suddenly two more dogs burst out from the ground behind us. The smaller one pounced on Spike pinning his arms back while the larger one grabbed Rarity by the barrel with one big meaty paw. "AAAAIIIIEEEEE!" Unhand us this instant you ruffians! You brutes! You...you," "Diamond Dogsss!" The first one lisped through his swollen jaw. "And we will not let you go. You and the scaly one will hunt gemsss for us. He reached down and grabbed me by the neck lifting me into the air. "That is if you don't wish anything to happen to this little one." His fingers tightened around my throat slowly choking off the air to my lungs. My vision began to blur as it became harder and harder to stay awake. "Stop, please! You're hurting him!" Rarity pleaded. "I'll...I'll...I'll do it, just, please let him go!" "As you wish," He released his grip dropping me to the ground. I rolled onto my side gasping for air. My body still felt like it was on fire. "Fido, Spot take these prisoners down to the mines." "What about him Rover?" Spot asked pointing to me. Rover looked down with a devilish grin. "This one is too sick to work," His voice distorted as my vision faded to black. "Take him to the dungeons." "Kom-El? Wake up Kom-El." The darkness retreated to the edges of my vision as I opened my eyes to be greeted by the faces of Jav-El and Loran. "It is so nice to see you again," My birth mother said setting a glass on the table in front of her. "Yes, we really should spend time together more often." Said, my father. "Mom, Dad?" I was back inside the living room of my parents' house on Kolton. "But how? I left the memory crystal with Kerax." "You are dreaming my son," Jav-El explained. "You fell unconscious and are merely projecting your memories of us onto your subconscious." I suddenly remembered blacking out. "My entire body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't move, I thought I was going to die." Loran reached over and embraced me in her forelegs. "It's okay now dear, just breathe. You need to rest and recover your strength." "Do you have any idea what might've caused your symptoms?" Jav-El asked. "Well," I explained. "I was feeling fine until my friend Spike showed me this green mineral he found." My father's face went white with shock. "Great Rao," He whispered in silent terror. Loran looked worrying at him, clutching me tighter as if I might float away if she let go. "Jav-El, do you think it's possible?" "It might be, Loran," He said with grim resignation. "Kom-El, tell me, was the mineral inside a meteorite? Was it glowing?" "It was but what does have to do with anything?" I answered. Jav-El closed his eyes and held out a small circular object in his hoof. "Do you remember the night you first activated the memory crystal and I revealed to you what happened to our world?" From the device, a tiny construct of Kolton appeared glowing bright green. Suddenly everything clicked. "Are you saying it might've come from Kolton?" "I cannot say for sure at this time," Jav-El said as the planet in his hoof exploded. "This is only a dream state. We know no more than you about it. The most likely place you'll find answers is inside your memory crystal." "The crystal was damaged a few months back," I told him. "Kerax has been trying to repair it." "Did you call me young master?" The golden automaton materialized in front of me. "Do you require my services?" "I'm fine Kerax," I said. "I was just talking to my subconscious parents here." I couldn't help but laugh a little as I gestured to them. "Very well Sir, I'll be here if you need me." With a nod of his golden head, my robot butler vanished. "Well, this is certainly a troubling development." Jav-El concurred. "How long did Kerax estimate it would take to repair? "Approximately five hundred and seventy Equus days total," I said. "At last count, it was down to four hundred and ten." "I see, well in the meantime, you should rest." He suggested. Whatever this substance is, it seems to interfere with your body's ability to absorb solar energy along with contaminating what you've already stored up. You'll likely be weaker than usual when you wake up." "Weaker huh?" I said looking down at my hoof. "Guess I finally get to see what that's like. So how long till I'm back to my full strength? "A few hours at least," was my father's diagnosis. "You lost a lot of your reserves. "So be careful, for Spike and Rarity's sake," Loran said. "You! Small pony! Wake up! Wake up!" I awoke to the feeling of a sharp object jabbing against my stomach. "Ow! Hey, cut it out!" I protested. My entire body felt sore all over as if all the running I'd done in my life had finally caught up to me. "Get up!" I opened my eyes to the sight of a large brown diamond dog clad in a metal chest plate and helmet prodding me with a diamond-tipped spear. "Alright, already," Ignoring the aching sensation in my legs, I forced myself into a sitting position. Kidnapping notwithstanding, I supposed my accommodations could've been worse. I mean at least I had a bed/ bench made of hardwood to sleep on. And a rusty soiled bucket in the corner that I hoped wasn't used for what I thought it was. "Hey!" Without warning my jailor, I assumed due to the ring of keys he wore around his waist pinned me down on the bed by my forelegs as a second guard stepped out from behind carrying an iron collar and chain. Realizing what was about to happen, I tried to push him off. But it was no use. With my energy depleted I wasn't even as strong as an earth pony colt. I could only look up as my guards fitted the heavy collar around my neck. "Get your stinking paws off me you dumb dirty dogs!" I shouted in vain as the padlock closed in the hole. "Silence!" The one holding the chain screeched as the jailer released me. "You come with us," With a tug of the chain he pulled me off the bed. I spread my legs out in an attempt to land on my feet, only for my muscles to cry out in soreness sending me sprawling to the floor like a newborn foal. "Get up!" I thought about offering some suggestions for which to improve his bedside manner. But realized that it would likely fly in one ear and get trapped in a pile of earwax. So with great reluctance from my muscles, I did as I was told. It felt strange walking down the many winding tunnels the Diamond Dogs called home. I couldn't see through the walls and my hearing was noticeably less sharp. The iron collar clamped around my neck weighed it down forcing me to walk with my head hung low. "So where exactly are you taking me?" I asked hesitantly after a while. The guard holding my chain glared down at me and snorted. "Big pony and scaly one say they not work until they see you okay." His friend said. "We take you to them, show them you okay." "And you plan to show them I'm okay by making me wear this?" I asked tugging at my collar. Apparently, the big one didn't understand the concept of sarcasm because he jerked my chain forward. "Ow! Hey!" "Small pony talk less, walk more." He grunted. As much as I hated to admit it, I didn't see much of a way out of this for me. These caverns were as dark as a dungeon. The only light to be seen came from the lanterns hung along the walls. Without a source of sunlight, I wasn't escaping from here any time soon. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity of walking through endless tunnels, we arrived at a metal barred door. As the guard dog in front thumbed through the many keys on his keyring, I leaned my head over to see what lay beyond. Noticing what I was doing, the other one pulled me back and growled at me." With a click, the key turned in the lock and the first guard dog pushed the door open. "Rover, we bring the other pony like you said." The alpha dog turned around looking almost relieved for some reason. "Ah, finally!" He said with a hint of exhaustion."Bring him here," The guards did as instructed half dragging and half yanking me along as he brought me over to his boss. "Apple Comet! Spike gasped as they brought me in. "Oh, thank Celestia!" Rarity cried with relief. "You have no idea how worried we both were." The guard handed my 'leash' over to Rover. "We bring you your ssson as promised," He said to Rarity."Now you find us gemsss," "Wait what?" I didn't have time to process what was happening before Rarity galloped over and wrapped me in her embrace. "Oh, Apple Comet, my sweet baby boy!" She exclaimed dramatically as she nuzzled my neck with her snout. "I was worried I wasn't ever going to see you again." She felt my forehead. "Your fever seems down, are you feeling better?" She looked down and noticed the collar wrapped around my neck. "You mongrels! what have you done to him?" "We bring him like you ask," Fido answered. "I don't recall asking you to bring him to me in chains!" Rarity stomped her hoof down. "My son is not some slave to be driven along by the neck!" "Diamond Dogs hold up our end of the deal!" Rover barked. "Pony and scaly one must honor theirs." Rarity to her credit did not flinch as the alpha dog leaned into her face. Her eyes remained focused sizing him up. "I will not bring you one bauble until you take that hideous contraption off of his neck!" She hissed in a menacing whisper. Fido and Spot shrunk back in fear whimpering." "What are you mice or dogs?" Rover roared at them. "M-Maybe we s-should let him go R-Rover," Fido said trembling. "Y-Yeah, I-I mean where's he gonna go?" Spot said with a nervous smile. Rover facepawed and shook his head. "Hmph! Fine," he grumbled gesturing for the guards to come over. "Take it off him," The guards looked confused for a moment. Then the one with the keys shrugged his shoulders and unlocked my collar which fell to the ground with a satisfying clank. "Ah, that's so much better!" I said as I raised my neck for the first time since I woke up in this place. It was still a little sore where the collar had rubbed against it, but at least I could move it. "Yes, it is," Rarity cooed as she nuzzled a spot where the collar had left a mark. "There, Pup is off the leash now get to work!" Rover ordered. "I beg your pardon?" Rarity scowled. "Is that any way to ask for somepony's help?" The alpha turned to his lackeys. "Fido, get the wagon, Spot bring the Pup's bag." The two boneheads nodded and ran off to get the items in question. "We bring you your son, let him off leash. Now you find us gemsss, scaly one dig, pup take notes!" "I don't know if you were raised under a rock." Rarity said eloquently. "Although given this place, that wouldn't surprise me. But where we come from when we want help, we ask for it nicely." Rover smiled a fanged grin as Fido and Spot returned with a worn-looking wagon and my saddlebags. "Where we come from, the pack takes what it wants." Fido held up the rusty harness that was attached to the front. "If you think I'm pulling that cart with that filthy thing on my back you're sadly mistaken." Rarity scoffed. "I just had my coat cleaned." "Either you pull or pup and scaly one pullsss." Rover pointed with a dirty jagged claw at me and Spike. Rarity looked back at us, tears welling in her eyes. "Don't do it Rarity!" Spike pleaded. "I can pull it, honest!" "No Spike," She said with a shake of her head. "I can't ask you to do that for me." She looked up at the Diamond Dogs who were smiling with glee. "I'll do it." With a sigh, she closed her eyes and turned around. Fido and Spot placed the harness on her barrel. Their worn filthy claws dug into Rarity's shiny coat causing her to wince in pain. Spike and I looked silently at each other. Both of us knew what the other was feeling. Guilt. We toiled away the rest of the day, searching every cavern, every tunnel, every nook, and cranny. Rarity led the way, marking where every gem deposit was to be found. She never complained once, even as her coat and mane became damp with perspiration and the harness rubbed against her sides. Spike was tasked with digging up the gems she found. By the end of the day, his scales and claws were caked with dirt. Even as his stomach growled he did his best to put on a brave face. And I was responsible for keeping count of every rock that went into the cart. With every shaft we passed through, I looked up hoping desperately to see even a glimpse of sunlight. But to no avail. By the day's end, we'd brought in ten cartfuls of gems. Much to our captor's delight. "You work hard today Pony, bring us lotsss of gemsss." He said as he congratulated Rarity with a not-so-gentle pat on the back. She looked up at him mustering as best a smile as she could. "As reward, we invite you to join usss for dinner." My stomach rumbled even though I was certain tonight's dish wouldn't agree with it. "Well um, Rover," Rarity said bashfully. "We'd be delighted. And what pray to tell will we be dining on?" "MEEEEEAAAAAAT!" All three of them answered loudly at the same time. "And I thought my sister's friend's cheer was shrill." To say dinner that night was uncouth would be an understatement. Disgusting would be a more appropriate term. As the pack devoured the carcass of some poor unfortunate creature, raw I might add, the three of us could not help but feel a little queasy. Thankfully our hosts were at least smart enough to remember that ponies were herbivores and had prepared for us cream of cave fungus soup. Which for those who are wondering, was just as unappetizing as it sounds. Needless to say, we did not eat well that evening. After dinner, the three of us were led back down to the dungeon. "You work hard today pony," Fido said to Rarity inserting one of the keys into the cell door. "Now it time to sleep, you need rest before you hunt more gemsss tomorrow. "Umm Rover, if it's not too much to ask, could the three of us possibly share this cell?" Rarity asked looking up at him with pleading eyes. "I understand if it's asking a lot, it's just, my poor son and his friend have been through so much today." She held her hoof to her head as if about to faint. "I can't bear the thought of them having spent the night all alone in a cold dark cell. If you can find it in your heart to allow it, I'd be ever so..." "Make her stop Rover!" Spot interrupted pulling at his ears in frustration. "Her melodrama is driving me crazy!" "Okay okay, you three sleep together!" Rover threw up his paws in defeat. Rarity opened one eye and took her hoof off her forehead. "Thank you, come on boys, it's time for bed. " She said simply before stepping into the cell with the grace and poise unbefitting of a prisoner. Spike and I looked at each other. Neither of us could think of anything to say, so we both shrugged our shoulders and followed her. "Sleep tight prisoners," Fido said as he turned the key in the lock. "You have a busy day tomorrow." He handed the keys to a guard, then turned to leave with Rover and Spot. Zzzz....zzzz...zzzz...zzzz...zzzz I was awoken from the most uncomfortable sleep of my life by the sound of a dull rusted two-pony saw cutting through a Califoalnia redwood. "Uhh...what is that dreadful noise?" Rarity mumbled stirring from her stiff position. "Twilight...stop grinding your teeth," Spike whispered in his sleep. Carefully leaning the side of my head up, I peered through the bars out of the corner of my eye. My muscles and joints cried out sorely as I pushed myself off of my side for a better look. Slumped against the left wall just outside our cell with his helmet over his eyes, our jailor was snoring loud enough to wake the dead. His ring of keys clinked with every rise and fall of his breath. Wait! "Rarity, Rarity," I whispered with excitement as I shook her by the wither with my hoof. "Mmm Apple Comet, what is it?" Her eyes squinted open as she looked up at me. Her normally stylish mane was flat and splayed out in different directions. "Rarity, listen to me but keep your voice down," I told her. "The guard's fallen asleep with the keys on his belt. "Her eyes popped open as she looked up to see our captor. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" A confident grin spread across her face as she nodded her head. "Spike, Spike?" She gently nudged him with her hoof. "Mmm...I wanna get some parfait," He muttered in his sleep. "Spike, wake up, we're leaving." The drake's eyes slowly slit open. "Where are we going?" He asked mumbling. "Don't ask questions Spikey, just hold onto me and keep your voice down." Rarity explained as she climbed off of the bench and levitated him onto her back. "Mmm, okay," He said rubbing the sleep from his eyes before laying his head against her mane. My aching muscles protested as I walked up to the cell door. Peering my head out, I checked to make sure the guard was alone. "Is it safe?" Rarity asked. "Coast is clear," I told her. "Do your stuff." Rarity smiled as she aimed her horn at the guard's keyring. With grace and poise, her aura gently lifted the ring off the guard dog's belt loop and carried it over to the cell door. "Now which one did Fido use?" She whispered as she tried one of the keys on the ring. It didn't fit. "Not that one," She tried another, but no match. "Not that one either." The third however fit nicely into the lock. "Got it," With a satisfying click, the key turned and the door easily swung open. "Nice work," I whispered as she removed the key from the door. "When you've done as much sewing work as I have darling, you develop a delicate touch for it." "You'll have to give me lessons sometime, Now come on let's go." Carefully, we tiptoed past the sleeping guard and crept out the doorway and up the stairs which led us to the guard's barracks. "Oh, boy," I whispered as I saw the floor was littered with dog beds filled with sleeping guard dogs. The floor was littered with pieces of discarded armor as well as assorted personal objects. The air was filled with the sounds of snoring and the smell of sleep farts. "How do we get past here?" Rarity whispered. I carefully plotted a path from one end of the room to the other. Taking special care to memorize the locations of any objects that might make any noise. "Follow me, watch your step, and do exactly as I do," I said taking my first tepid step. We would have to take it slow and steady. Rarity sighed and followed after me. For two minutes and eleven seconds, we crept across the room passing so close to sleeping dogs that we could smell their rancid breath. Rarity's face scrunched up as one guard rolled over and breathed directly in her face. She winced trying desperately not to gag. We were almost at the end when my worst fears were realized. SQUEAK! I turned around in fright to see Rarity's right hind leg standing on a squeaky blue pony toy. Her face froze in fright as she slowly turned to the dog lying next to her hoof. His ears twitched as he reached his paw out toward her leg. Rarity shoved her hoof into her mouth to keep from screaming as he felt around for her. Finally, after several heart-stopping moments, he grabbed hold of the toy and pulled it from under her hoof. SQUEAK! With lightning speed he pulled the toy closer to him. Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. Her coat glistened in a cold sweat as she wasted no time getting to the exit. "That was a close call," I said once we were far away enough from the barracks. Luckily there weren't any more guard dogs nearby. For the moment we could catch our breath as we walked. "I can feel my heart beating against my ribcage," Rarity said holding her hoof to her chest. "Still that was pretty impressive. How did you figure a way out like that?" "Well, I've navigated my way through enough pig pens to know how to watch my step," I said. "How's Spike doing?" Rarity looked at the sleeping dragon lying sprawled across her back. Her cheeks blushed as she smiled at him. "We should let him rest. Faust knows he's earned it. What about you?" "Eh, I've felt better," I admitted. Rarity placed her hoof on my forehead to feel my temperature. "Hmm, your fever hasn't returned, that's good. But I still think you should see a doctor once we're back in town. In the meantime try not to exert yourself too much darling." "I'll try," I said Third Pony POV. Zzzz...zzz...zzz...zzz Gus's chest rose and fell as he lay back peacefully slumbering. While most of the other dogs resented cell duty, it was. something he looked forward to as he was a light sleeper who found he got better night's rest in the jail than the barracks. As his mind drifted deeper into his subconscious, something else drifted through his large intestine. The meat he had consumed ravenously at dinner was proving difficult to digest. The pressure in his gut began to build rapidly. His face grimaced with pain as he felt it race through his digestive tract until... "Pbbbtttt!" Instantly his eyes shot open as he sat up to search for the source of the noise. "Huh? What? Who there? What's going on?" Gus's eyes fell upon the empty open cell. He looked down at his down at the now empty hook on his belt where his keys were supposed to be. "Oh, no Rover not going to be happy about this." Rover cradled the shiny green rock that hung around his neck as he slept. From the moment he'd laid eyes on it, it was love at first sight. He loved the way it glowed brightly like a ball of emerald flame. It was his new favorite treasure, his...precious. One that would show the rest of the pack who the true top dog was. "Rover!" The door to his quarters flew open. Rover sprung upright as one of the guards stood in the doorway panting. "Prisoners, take key, escape from cell." He explained. A snarl crossed Rover's muzzle as he gripped the rock tighter in his paw. "Find them now!" He roared. Comet's POV. "Awrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" "That doesn't sound good," I said stating the obvious. "Hmm...What time is it?" Spike mumbled rubbing his eyes. "Arf arf arf arf arf arf arf!" "Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff!" "Boys," Rarity stated with concern. "I think they're on to us. I suggest we start running." We took off galloping as fast as we could. We weren't sure where we were going or what the plan was. We just knew we needed to put as much distance between us and that barking as we possibly could. "This way!" I called out recognizing a split in the tunnel from when I was brought out from my cell. Rarity didn't question my reasoning. She simply followed with Spike riding on her back hanging onto her mane like a bridle. The barking was growing louder they were closing in on us. As long as we stayed in the tunnels, we were like rats in a maze. We needed to get to someplace wide open where they couldn't corner us. "I can see an exit up ahead!" Rarity cried as she pointed out a doorway up ahead. Ignoring the fatigue in my legs, I pushed my body onward toward the light. The tunnel spat us out into a large central cavern that connected to several other tunnels, some on the ground and some in the ceiling. The claw marks leading up the walls suggested this was how the diamond dogs traveled to the surface. "Which way do we go from here?" Spike asked nervously. Suddenly the ground erupted from underneath us as a medium gray paw grabbed Rarity's foreleg. She let out a shriek and jerked back sending Spike tumbling off her and onto me. Before we could run or turn around the ground behind us erupted as Fido and Spot jumped out. Immediately the smaller dog jumped on top of Spike and me pinning us both to the ground. Fido meanwhile grabbed Rarity by the barrel with his enormous paws. "You go nowhere, pony except back to the dungeon!" Rover's ghastly face answered as he pulled himself up from the hole. His collar glowed with a familiar green aura. My face went white with terror as I felt the familiar fever wash over me. "You think you can run away from us?" The pack leader sneered. More dogs began emerging from the ground and the tunnels. "No creature escapes Diamond Dogs." My vision began to blur as my legs ceased what little resistance they could muster. If I had eaten that cave fungus at dinner, I probably would be throwing it up about now. "Apple Comet!" Rarity gasped as she noticed me writhing in pain on the floor. "Get off, you're hurting him!" "Silence!" Rover barked. "Rover, he not looking so good right now." Spot pointed out. "You see even he agrees with me," Rarity added. "Grrr," Rover growled and leaned in closer to get a better look at me. The increased proximity to the mineral sent my fever into overdrive. My lungs erupted into a violent coughing fit that left my tongue, palate, and nose feeling warm and wet. Instinctively I hacked up what was in my mouth. Rarity let out a shriek as Spike screamed something that made my heart turn cold. "He's coughing up blood!" Upon hearing this, something inside Rarity snapped. She bit down hard on Fido's finger causing him to yelp out in pain. Immediately his grip loosened as she landed on her hooves. Her horn lit up brighter than I'd ever seen it as she telekinetically lifted Spot off of us and threw him into Rover. The smaller dog struck Rover in the stomach like a cannonball sending him flying backward into the diamond dogs standing behind them. "DON'T ANY OF YOU LAY ANOTHER PAW ON EITHER OF THEM!" Her voice amplified by her magic echoed around the cavern. "YOU MONGRELS HAVE SHOWN US NOTHING BUT INHOSPITALITY AND RUDENESS SINCE THE MOMENT YOU BROUGHT US HERE!" She stood protectively in front of us, snorting and pawing the ground like she was ready to charge. "MY COLT IS VERY SICK AND THE MEDICINE HE NEEDS IS VERY EXPENSIVE! THAT'S WHY WE CAME LOOKING FOR GEMSTONES. INSTEAD, YOU THREW HIM INTO A PRISON CELL ALONE, FORCED HIM TO WEAR A HIDEOUS IRON COLLAR, AND SLAVE AWAY FINDING GEMS FOR YOU HEARTLESS GREEDY MUTTS! YOU ALL OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!" Rover and Spot clung to each other whimpering, while Fido stepped backward with his tail between his legs. "We so sorry, we not know!" Fido whimpered. "Y-Yeah, I-it was all Rover's idea," Spot stammered pointing a shaking paw at the leader. "Get off me!" Rover shoved the smaller dog off his chest and stood up defiantly. Then he said something he would forever regret saying. "Who do you think you are? Letting yourselves be intimidated by a mule!" "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Rarity shouted at the top of her lungs. Her magic surged as one by one she ripped the spears from the paws of several guard dogs and levitated them over Rover's head. "I...am...not...a...mule," She hissed venomously before driving them into the ground around him to form a makeshift cage. Rover's face turned pale with terror as his body trembled from head to toe. "P-please, d-don't hurt me." He begged holding his paws up pathetically. "I-I-I d-do a-anything," "Anything?" Rarity asked with a confident smirk. Her aura wrapped around Rover's collar as she undid the clasp and tossed it away. "Okay Rover, here are my terms. One, you set us free and lead us out of this place. Two, You hand over the gems you made us gather for you. And three, I want you to Pinkie Promise me you will never kidnap ponies ever again. "Okay, okay, we do as you say. We let you go and kidnap no more ponies!" "Do you pinkie promise? Cross your heart hope to die, stick a cupcake in your eye?" Rover, Fido, and Spot held up their pinkie claws. "Y-yes!" "Then say it." "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye." Even in my weakened state, seeing the diamond dogs all reciting the pinkie promise in unison was enough for me to find the strength to laugh out loud, albeit very painfully. "Good, now remember you all pinkie promised so don't break it." Rarity said in a sing-song voice. "OR ELLLSSSSE!" A distant wailing voice echoed through the cave. "Rover?" "Yes, Fido?" "I think I just marked on your territory." "Apple Comet?" "I think he's waking up!" "Stand back, give him some space. That means you Pinkie Pie." I slowly opened my eyes to find myself staring up at a white ceiling surrounded by Applejack and her friends. "Oh thank Celestia you're awake!" Applejack said smiling as big as I'd ever seen her. Her eyes were red and puffy, suggesting she had been crying. "Applejack?" I slowly sat up to find myself sitting in a hospital bed. Judging from the balloons tied to the foot of the bed and the banner that read Get Well Soon Apple Comet, I could only assume Pinkie Pie had done some redecorating while I was out. "What happened? How did I get here?" "Well..."Pinkie Pie answered setting down a basket of cookie pops on the side table. "After you didn't return, Twilight organized a search party to find you, which was good because I was worried something might've happened to you. I mean why wouldn't I be worried? After all, Rarity is one of my best friends and you're Applejack's brother and she's also one of my best friends. And Spike is an assistant to Twilight who's also one of my best friends. Anyway...when we arrived at the quarry, Rarity was there waiting for us with you on her back. At first, I was excited to see you because I was worried, I mean who wouldn't be? But then when I went to say hi to you," Her tone of voice suddenly shifted from energetically happy to soft and sad. "You didn't say anything. You just lay there. Rainbow Dash took one look at you and immediately volunteered to fly you to the hospital." "Well yeah, I wasn't gonna leave you hanging," Despite her usual attempt to put on airs, I could tell the cyan pegasus had been just as worried as her friends. "You've been asleep for a day and a half," Fluttershy said. "How are you feeling?" I looked over at Applejack who looked like she was trying her hardest not to let any fresh tears fall. I smiled and placed my hoof on top of hers. "Lucky, that my big sis has such loyal, kind, funny, and generous friends." The twin dams in Applejack's tear ducts burst. "Oh, Apple Comet! Come here you little rascal." She threw her hooves around me and embraced me tightly. "Speaking of which, there's someone else who'd like to see you," Twilight said turning the doorknob in her magic. As soon as it opened, three familiar ponies yelled out "SURPRISE!" Only to immediately be shushed by Nurse Redheart who was passing in the hallway. "Oops, I mean surprise," Sweetie Belle whispered embarrassingly. Apple Bloom immediately ran up to my bed and proceeded to join our group hug. "Oh, Apple Comet! A'h was so worried about you." Her eyes were wet, but her smile and laughter told me they were tears of joy. "Y'all were asleep for so long, A'h thought you were never gonna wake up." "We missed having you at school," Scootaloo said as she pulled in a red wagon that was filled with what looked like get-well cards. "So Ms. Cheerilee had the whole class make you get well soon cards." Sweetie Belle explained. She rifled through the collection of cardboard and construction paper with her magic until she found the one she was looking for. "Here," She floated it over to me. "The three of us made you this." My heart exploded...twice. It was a crayon-drawn picture of the four of us together. I was riding in a wagon with Apple Bloom and Sweetie being pulled by Scootaloo on her scooter. Written at the top were the words Get Better Soon. They had even signed their names on it. A tear fell from my eye as I embraced my sister. "Oh, girls! It's wonderful! Thank you so much!" "Yeow!" Apple Bloom yelped as I heard her back crack. "Careful," Fortunately, I couldn't see any cracks or breaks in her spinal column. Nor was there any internal bleeding. Wait a minute, I could see my sister's bones again. I looked out the window to see Celestia's sun shining in the blue afternoon sky. My ears pitched up as I heard the wheels of a linen cart coming from around the corner outside my room. "Whoops sorry," I said. "I guess I forgot my own strength." I suddenly had a feeling my stay at the hospital was going to be over a lot sooner than expected. Third Pony POV. Later that night. Spike gazed deeply into the emerald in his claw. His thoughts drifted back through the events of the past couple of days as he watched the moonlight shimmer across its many facets. As compensation for having to go through what did, Rarity gave him an extra helping of gems and even a kiss on the cheek. It should've been everything he ever wanted. So why did he feel so empty? Try as he might he couldn't get the image of Apple Comet writhing in pain on the ground out of his head. In hindsight, he felt like he probably should've noticed it sooner. Of course, the Diamond Dogs showing up when they did hadn't helped matters. But still, he wondered how he could not have seen it right in front of him. It was that crystal that made him sick. But how? And why did it only affect Apple Comet and not him and Rarity, or the Diamond Dogs? He pondered whether or not he should tell Twilight about it. Would she believe him if he told her a space rock made Apple Comet sick? He felt a sense of guilt circling deep inside him. Rarity may have found it, but it was he who dug it up. He wondered what Apple Comet would think of him. Would they still be friends? "Spike, are you coming to bed?" Twilight stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. Spike sighed and dropped the emerald back into the burlap sack. "Yeah, I'm coming," he said. "Hey is everything alright?" She asked. For a moment he pondered spilling his heart out to her. But then decided it was late. "Yeah, I'm just tired." He said climbing down from the windowsill. "I understand," Twilight said. "You've been through an awful lot these last couple of days." She pulled back her sheets with her magic and climbed into bed. "Yawn. Good night Spike," "Good night Twilight," He said as she turned off the lamp. His conscience weighing heavy on him, Spike took one last look out the window and climbed into bed. While he was glad to be back home with Twilight, he had a feeling he wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. > Little Big Bison Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to hear the story of one of the strangest weekends I had that didn't involve the world almost ending? If so buckle up because it's going to get crazy. In hindsight, I probably should've seen the writing on the wall when I saw the receipt Applejack brought back from the train station. "Hey, Applejack?" I asked. "Yeah?" She asked looking back from the kitchen doorway. "I think the ticket office made an error. It says here you rented a private first-class car for Bloomberg?" The Bloomberg in question was an apple tree. Just bear with me here. "Ain't no error there little brother," She assured me. I stared at her eyes wide open. "Are you sure?" I persisted. "It says here it comes complete with a king-sized four-poster bed." "Sure as sugar," she replied confidently. "And that the total comes up to around 5,000 bits?" "That was the price we agreed on." She confirmed. "Applejack? Are you feeling alright?" I took a quick x-ray of my sister's head to make sure she hadn't suffered any blunt force trauma or was under the effect of some mind-altering spell. Alas, there were no signs of recent injuries or abnormal brain activity. "Fit as a fiddle Sugarcube. Now if y'all will excuse me, A'h gotta finish making sure Bloomberg has got everything he needs for his big trip." With that, she closed the door behind her. Leaving me alone to stare eyes twitching at the receipt. At that moment Apple Bloom came down the stairs and trotted into the kitchen. "Yeah that's pretty much how I reacted to it," She said when she saw the expression of disbelief on my face. The next afternoon, I was on a train packed into a tight sleeping car with the Element Bearers and Spike. Meanwhile, Applejack was in the private car reading a bedtime story to Bloomberg. I was seriously worried about the state of her mental health. "And that is when the yellow birdie thought to himself. Hmm. My favorite little tree isn't such a little tree anymore." Rarity decided she had enough. She stood up and trotted back toward the door. "Applejack, were you reading a bedtime story to an apple tree?" Yes, she was Rarity, yes she was. "Heh...uh...yeah...well you know being planted in a whole new place is very upsetting for a tree," She said trying to rationalize her actions. "And Bloomberg here is one of my favorites." At least when I talked to Kerax, he talked back. As Rarity and Applejack continued to argue, I lay back in my bunk and looked out my window. Until Applejack said something that made me cringe. "Who you calling a baby?! Bloomberg's no baby! Don't let widdle Rarity make you all saddy-waddy. Bloomberg's a big and strong apple tree. Yes, he is. A-coochie-coochie-coo-coo-coo! "It's widdle Rarity who's all saddy-waddy! Urgh," Rarity groaned in frustration. 'At least you're not all scaredy-waredy like I am,' I thought as the fashionista turned and trotted back to the sleeping car. Meanwhile, Applejack nuzzled closer to Bloomberg. Things did not improve after sunset as Applejack's friends stayed up chatting. "Oh, man we're going so fast!" Rainbow Dash said. "This is so exciting, I can't even wait." "Ooh, my goodness..." Twilight said. "For crying out loud in the morning," Rarity groaned as she covered her face with her pillow. "Do you guys mind?" Spike groaned irritably. "I was up early roasting those snacks you're all eating and I'm pooped." "Uh, speaking of," Rainbow Dash mentioned. "Some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped." Spike looked up and glared at her. "Okay, fine," He grumbled before spitting a burst of green flame that illuminated the car and roasted Rainbow's popcorn to cinders. "Good night." "Uhh...maybe it's time we all got a little shut-eye," Twilight said nervously. "We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." The rest of the girls let out a collective "Awwww" of disappointment. Mercifully darkness soon filled the car. The only light was the flicker of a lone candle. I lay half-asleep on my side, letting the clickity-clack of the train's wheels soothe me to sleep. "Psst Pinkie Pie, you asleep yet?" "No are you asleep yet?" "If I was sleeping how could I have asked you if you were asleep?" "Oh, hee-hee," My hoof clenched tightly against my pillow as I wrapped it around my head in a futile attempt to keep the noise out. "When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all the way from the train to the orchard?" "What tree? You mean Bloomberg?" "...No Fluttershy," "Fluttershy's not a tree silly," By this point, my eyes were glowing red under my eyelids. "What's going on?" Twilight asked. "Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree." "I do not think she's a tree! I was just..." "Did you say she was a tree?" "No. Well yes. But not exactly." "Ya know she's not a tree right?" "She's not a tree Dashie." "I'd like to be a tree," Fluttershy said. "Enough!" I shouted ripping my pillow in half. Everypony in the car stopped and stared at me. Fluttershy shrunk back whimpering. I threw both halves of my pillow down on the bed and stood up. " Honestly. you four are worse than Apple Bloom and her friends. I'm going to sleep with Bloomberg, at least he's able to keep quiet." Grumbling to myself, I blew out the candle and trotted back to the private car. "Yawn! Hold the door, man," Spike yawned following after me. "Where did that come from?" Twilight asked as soon as I closed the door. "I paid them no further mind as I opened the door to the private car. Silence and shadows greeted us as Spike and I walked in. "Hey Bloomberg, scooch over," I said closing the door behind me. Despite the occasional apple or branch brushing against my coat and Spike's snoring, I slept through the rest of the night like a foal. The next morning, however, I was awoken by a deep rumbling under the train. Careful to avoid Bloomberg, I climbed out of bed and. stretched my legs out. Letting out a deep yawn of satisfaction. Wiping the sleep from my eyes I looked through the wall. Only to discover... "Buffalo?" It was a herd of buffalo. At least a hundred of them surrounded the train. Their stampeding shook the ground under the tracks causing the train to shake rattle and roll. Despite the deafening thunder of their hooves, Spike remained obliviously asleep. My eyes quickly searched for my saddlebag. "Where's my saddlebag?" Suddenly, I remembered. "That's right, I left it in the other car. The indistinct shouting from the next car told me Applejack and the others were awake. My saddlebag was hanging in the coat closet with the others. Suddenly several cars ahead, one of the buffalo leaped on the back of the one in front of him. Then, a young calf leaped from the herd onto his back. The calf leaped onto the roof of the car and ran along the roofs toward the back of the train. There wasn't time to change, I'd have to tackle this situation without my suit. Third Pony POV. Little Strongheart dashed across the roofs of the train cars. Her sight fixed on the last car of the train. That was where the tree was stored. When suddenly a cyan-colored pegasus mare with a multi-hued mane and tail flew up from between the cars and landed in front of her. "Where ya headed in such a hurry?" She asked Little Strongheart. Suddenly behind her, the buffalo cow saw a flaming red star streaking towards them. "Behind you!" She shouted attempting to warn her. "Nice try, the pegasus scoffed. "You gotta get up pretty early in the...oof!" Before she could finish Little Strongheart headbutted her in the chest and pushed her down and out of the way. She suddenly felt lighter than air as the fireball collided with her. "Little Strongheart!" She heard her father call out her name. The entire herd stopped in their tracks and gasped in awe as the flaming star carried her off the train up into the clouds. "Father!" She called out to him. Her voice was snatched away by the rushing wind as she noticed the train and the herd seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. In moments it was just a speck on the horizon. Little Strongheart as the flaming star carried her high into the clouds. Back on the ground, the herd could only stand still in shock as the train continued onward to Appleloosa. "What was that Chief?" One of the bulls asked. Chief Thunderhooves tried to speak but found himself at a loss for words. He had just seen his daughter, his only calf carried away by a ball of fire, taken to spirits only knew where. "I...I...I...I don't know," Back on the train, Rainbow Dash stood up and dusted herself off. "Well, I can't say I saw that coming." She admitted as she shook off her wings. She searched the skies but the comet was long gone. "Dashie! Semaphore!" Pinkie Pie shouted from the window below her. "Sema what?" Rainbow Dash looked up just in time to see a signal post dead ahead. "Whoa!" She ducked down her head missing its arm by just inches. "I should probably get down from here." Comet's POV. I'll be the first to admit, I may have acted a little hasty back there grabbing one of the buffalo. After all, it wasn't like I could just talk to her without revealing who I was. So now here I was, thousands of feet up with a less-than-cooperative passenger. "Hey, can you understand me? I demand to know where you are taking me!" Little Strongheart, I assumed that was her name because I heard one of the buffalo call out to her by it. Little Strongheart, kicked and thrashed her legs futilely. Though I don't know where she thought she was going up here. Come to think of it, neither did I. "I'm warning you, my father is the chief of our tribe!" She continued. "You won't get away with this!" Despite her brave face, I could tell by her heartrate that being this high up was terrifying to her. Below us, the buffalo herd had come to a halt and was staring up at us, while the train continued onward to Appleloosa. "L-Look I-I promise I'll tell him to forget about all this if you just put me back...Daaaaaaaaaaaah!" Her rant was cut off as I banked into a 180-degree turn followed by a 70-degree dive. Little Strongheart screamed as we plummeted like a car on a roller coaster. At around fifty feet, I leveled off and began to gradually descend. Little Strongheart lifted her hooves away from her face and opened her eyes. Ahead of us, the buffalo tribe stood looking up in mute astonishment. All of them except for the chief had their mouths open agape. "Daughter!" He called out to her. "Father!" She called back, then looked up at me. At around four feet I released her. Her legs sprawled out as soon as her hooves touched the ground. She was shaken but physically unharmed. Once he saw his daughter was safely on the ground, the Chief pointed at me and shouted: "Seize it!" As soon as I saw the wall of horns and hooves charging at me, I ascended into a vertical climb. Once I was above the clouds, I exhaled and gathered my thoughts together. "Okay, not how I was expecting to wake up this morning," I said as I surveyed the breadth of the land below me. "I need to get back aboard the train before Applejack's friends notice I'm gone." With that thought in mind, I took off following the tracks. I caught up with the Friendship Express just as it was approaching the outskirts of Appleloosa. Time was running short, I needed to be on that train before it pulled into the station. The only problem was getting on board without any witnesses. A bright red comet flying into a train was going to draw a search party. A quick pan of the train with my X-ray vision showed the private car was occupied by Applejack and her friends. "Spike, wake up, wake up!" Twilight shook the still-sleepy dragon. Meanwhile, Applejack comforted Bloomberg by tenderly holding one of his branches and speaking baby talk to him. Luckily while that car was out of the question, the sleeping car in which they slept was empty. I lined myself up perpendicular to the train, then dived straight down. Just like when I was carrying Little Strongheart, I leveled myself off and let myself gently float down until I was about three feet above the roof. Once I was low enough to be concealed, I floated my way over to the front platform of the sleeper car and dropped down. "Do you think the buffalo took him?" I heard Fluttershy say with worry from the next car as I opened the door. "Now why in tarnation would they do a thing like that?" Was the question that Applejack posed. "They seemed pretty interested in getting to this car," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Well, we aren't going to find standing around like this," Twilight stated the obvious. "Let's split up and search the train. Apple Comet has to be around here somewhere." I ruffled up my mane to make it look like I had bedhead. Then slowly, I opened the door. "What was all that noise?" I said letting out a yawn for dramatic effect. "Apple Comet!" Immediately Pinkie Pie ran up and grabbed me. "You had us all worried you silly Billy," "I just went to the bathroom," I winced pretending that the pressure she was putting around my barrel was hurting me. Getting the message, Pinkie released me. "You didn't see the buffalo?" Twilight looked at me curiously. "Buffalo?" I let out another yawn. "Applejack what's going on here?" My sister shrugged her withers and said: "Your guess is as good as mine Sugarcube." The moment we stepped off the train onto the platform, my cousin Braeburn was there to greet us. "Hey there, welcome ta A-Appleloosa!" As I looked into his beaming eyes and excited grin, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. And judging from the way the others were flinching back, I wasn't alone. "Um...are you feeling alright? Cousin Braeburn?" I asked hesitantly. To which he answered by leaning his face in close to mine and smiling. "Why of course, Cousin Apple Comet, Why a'h feel as fit as a fiddle in a square dance." At this point, I wondered if it was too late to get back on the train. That is until he wrapped his foreleg around my neck and pulled me in close. "Come and let me show you all the wonders of A-A-Appleloosa!" He held his other foreleg out before the bustling main street of the town. For the next few minutes, Braeburn took us by the reins and showed us around the town. "Boggles the mind, we settler ponies built all this in just the past year don't it?! And as you can see, we have all the finest comforts. Like horse-drawn carriages." He pointed to a stagecoach where the driver and passenger were arguing over which turn it was to pull next. "And those there are horse-drawn, horse-drawn carriages." He pointed to a trio of ponies who were drawing with paper and pencils. "And here's our local watering hole, the Salt Block." The saloon doors swung open as the barkeep tossed a stallion out of the establishment. "That's enough salt for you!" He said firmly. "Can't I at least...get a glass of water?" The customer asked painfully. "Over there is the office of Sheriff Silverstar," Braeburn continued. "And here's where we have our wild west dances. And here's where we have our mild west dances." Okay, forget Braeburn, this whole town had clearly lost its marbles from living out here for so long. "And here's the wonderful sight in all of...A-A-A-ppleloosa! Our Apple Orchard. First harvest should be any day now. Good thing too because we need that grub to live on. Why don't y'all plant Bloomberg and then we can catch up on old times?" "Cousin Braeburn?" I nervously raised my hoof. "Yes, cousin Apple Comet?" He asked me casually. "How long have you been out in the sun today?" Braeburn's right pupil dilated while his left was constricted. Clearly, the answer was too long. "Ahem," Applejack cleared her throat indicating it was time to change the subject. "Y'all wouldn't know anything about a herd of buffalo would ya?" Braeburn's face sank "Why do you ask?" He said sounding like he was dreading the answer. "Some Buffalo tried to board the train on our way here," Twilight explained. Braeburn shook his head. "Them Buffalo, they want us settler ponies to take every tree you see here off this land. They sure as hay sure don't want any new ones put in." Well, that explained why Little Strongheart was interested in the car Bloomberg was in. When Fluttershy asked why Braeburn looked solemnly at the orchard and said "Beats me. We put a lot of hard work into this land, so we can feed our town, our families, our foals!" His tone grew steadily angrier as he went on. "And now they're saying all these trees have to go? T'ain't fair!" Third Pony Pov. Later that afternoon, in a small encampment outside of town. The Buffalo had gathered to discuss what had happened on the train. Chief Thunderhooves stood before the rest of the herd. His daughter Little Strongheart by his side. "My fellow Buffalo, like you I am troubled by what happened on the train this morning." His deep gruff voice rippled over the herd. "The appearance of this flaming star is something none of us anticipated." "What do we do Chief?" One of the buffalo asked. "What if this star is a sign or some kind of omen." A chorus of worried murmurs spread throughout the herd. Chief Thunderhooves closed his eyes and took in a gentle deep breath. "Alright everyone, settle down," He said holding his front hooves up. "Panicking won't get us anywhere. I will consult with the Medicine Cow and see what she has to say." "Enter." Chief Thunderhooves did as instructed. The smell of herbs and spices filled the Chief's nostrils as he stepped through the opening. His large frame brushed against the tapestry. Little Strongheart followed behind him, the tipi's flaps swinging against her sides. Seated in front of them was an old Bison Cow dressed in many necklaces of shells, beads, and turquoise. Her face was weathered with many wrinkles as was her body leaving her skin looking like it was clinging to her skeleton. Her gray hair was tied into two long braids that hung down to the floor. "You requested to see me?" She asked him. "I have," Chief Thunderhooves said plainly. A thin smile stretched across her aged face. "Tell me, what troubles you?" "This morning, while we were trying to get the tree, a flaming star appeared out of nowhere and snatched up Little Strongheart." The Medicine Cow scratched a hoof under her chin. "Hmm, a flaming star? That's strange because unless my old eyes deceive me, she is standing right next to you. "Well, it didn't exactly abduct me," Little Strongheart explained. "It just sort of carried me off the train and flew me around for a little bit, before bringing me back down. She shuddered as she remembered the traumatic experience. "Oh, well, I'm glad to see you alive and unhurt." The Medicine Cow said as she slowly stood up. "That's it?" Chief Thunderhooves asked in astonishment. "What else were you expecting?" The Medicine Cow said as she carefully stretched her legs. "I don't know, A sign? An omen? A prophecy? Something that would explain what it is we're dealing with?" "Well, I don't know any of those that involve a flaming star. But this does remind me of a story my grandmother told me when I was just a calf." She walked over to a parfleche sitting in the corner and opened it. Inside was an old rolled-up ledger. "We don't have time for old calf's tales." Chief Thunderhooves said with irritation. "Father please don't be rude," Little Strongheart scolded him. "Thank you, dearie," The Medicine Cow said as she lay it on the floor and unfurled it revealing an elaborate series of painted illustrations. "Long ago, when this land was young, the buffalo lived a strong and plentiful existence. They ate grass from the fertile plains and drank from the flowing river. They gave their thanks to the spirits of the earth, water, and sky, and in return, they lived free of illness, old age, and predators. However, over time their hearts grew selfish and wicked. They forsook the spirits by eating and drinking to their heart's content until the plains were stripped bare and the riverbed dried up. They chased away the other creatures by stampeding and flattened the forests so that they had more room to stampede. The other creatures were very upset by this and told the Great Spirit of the buffalo's selfishness and greed. And so to punish them, The Great Spirit, stripped the buffalo of their good health and sent wolves, coyotes, cougars, and bears to hunt them. Over the next several moons, the buffalo either starved became ill, or were hunted down by the predators. With their species facing possible extinction, all of the buffalo prayed to the Great Spirit for deliverance save for one. Tatanka, a young calf whose mother had succumbed to illness and whose father had been felled by a bear. Tatanka prayed to the Great Spirit to forgive the buffalo for their hubris. That night as the buffalo slept, a star fell from the sky and took Tatanka as he slept. It carried him up to the clouds where he was awoken by a White Buffalo Cow. At first, the young calf was frightened, until the White Cow told him she meant him no harm. She told him the Great Spirit had heard his prayer and sensed that he was pure of heart and brave of spirit. She offered him a pair of sacred bracers that would help him when he got back to earth. In return, she gave him a list of seven sacred tenants for the buffalo to follow from that day forth. First, they would respect the earth and never again take its gifts for granted. Second, they would only take from the earth and water what they needed and nothing more. Third, everything they took would be used. Nothing would be wasted. Fourth, they would respect the rights of the other creatures who shared the world. Fifth, they would honor the spirits of the sky for their rain and the spirits of the earth for their harvest. Sixth, these honors would be given through ceremonies and festivals. One in the Spring and the other in the Fall. And Seventh, as penance for their wickedness, the buffalo would no longer be protected from illness and old age. However, if the buffalo followed these tenets and lived a virtuous life, upon death they would be granted a home in the sky with the Great Spirit. Tatanka gladly accepted and she sent him back to Earth on the falling star. As soon as he got back, Tatanka put the bracers on his hooves and immediately felt their power. His coat changed from brown to snow white. He grew from a small calf to a full-grown bull and kept on growing larger and larger until the tallest trees reached his withers and his horns brushed the clouds. With his newfound size and strength, Tatanka drove the predators from the land with ease. When he was done, he returned to his village and delivered the seven tenents to his tribe. "The buffalo agreed to follow the tenants and continue to do so to this day." The Medicine Cow finished her story. "Well, that was certainly riveting." Chief Thunderhooves said with a deadpan tone. "However it doesn't answer the question of why the flaming star has reappeared." "Eh, who can tell," The Medicine Cow shrugged her withers and began rolling up the ledger. "Maybe it's a sign the Great Spirit has chosen a new champion for the buffalo. Someone pure of heart and brave of spirit like Tatanka was." She placed the ledger back in the parfleche. "You mean me?" Little Strongheart asked curiously. "Could be dearie, could be hoo hoo hoo," The Medicine Cow chuckled. "Then again it all could just be a coincidence of no meaning whatsoever. Who can tell?" "Sigh, I think I've heard enough," Chief Thunderhooves turned and walked out. "Father," She called out to him. But he ignored her. "I'm so sorry about him. He's been acting like this all day." "He's just a little overprotective, all father's all," The Medicine Cow assured her. "I'm certain everything will work out for the best." A sly grin spread across her wrinkled face. Comet's POV. I stared out the window of Braeburn's guest bedroom. My eyes and ears watching and listening to the goings-on in town. After we planted Bloomberg in the orchard. Twilight had suggested everyone split up and ask around town to see if any of the townsponies knew anything about the buffalo. Applejack and I went with Braeburn to his house to unpack while the rest of the group went to the hotel. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter past two. They'd been out for two and a half hours. So far without any luck. Everypony they asked gave the same answers. "Buffalo? Why they ain't nothing but uncivilized brutes who are trying to run us off this here land." "Ugh, As if Ah'd know anything about those hairy beasts." "They think just cause they're bigger than us they can drive us away from here. They can take a short run off a high cliff for all A'h care." "If ya ask me, A'h think it's time Sheriff Silverstar did something about it ." "Buffalo smell like hairy butt!" That last one admittedly got a chuckle out of me. It was a school-age colt who said it to Spike. It wasn't what he said, it was how he said it. I just want to state for the record that I do not think buffalo smell like quote 'hairy butt'. I could see that this search was going nowhere fast. If our group wanted some answers, we'd have to get them from the buffalo. The only problem was we didn't know where to find them. But I knew a way to fix that. I checked my saddlebag to make sure I had everything I needed. Mainly my suit matrix. But also a water bottle, a few apple strudel bars, a compass, a map, and my wallet. Most of it was unnecessary in practice but it was important to keep up appearances in case I ran into somepony out there. With everything accounted for, I strapped on my saddlebag and headed out the bedroom door. There was just one obstacle to overcome. "Don't worry Braeburn, Ah'm sure Twilight will figure something out," Applejack said as I looked through the staircase. She was sitting next to him on the sofa. "She's got a knack for solving these kinds of problems." Ever since the incident with the diamond dogs, Applejack had become much more apprehensive about me going out on my own. Thinking quickly, I looked out the wall toward the orchard behind the house. Perfect. "Applejack, I'm heading out to the orchard to visit Bloomberg." "Just a moment young colt!" She called out as I cantered for the door. She stood up and trotted up to me with one eye glaring suspiciously. "Could you take him his security blanket when you go up there?" She held the mint green apple-covered garment up. "He seemed mighty nervous when we planted him this morning. What with all the new trees around him and all." "Uhh...sure." I took the blanket and walked out that door without saying another word. Finding Bloomberg in the orchard was easy. Since he was one of my sister's favorites, he'd absorbed enough of her residual magic to give off a visible aura. The hard part was figuring out what to say when I found him. Maybe Applejack did have some kind of magic that allowed her to talk to trees? Or maybe she was just going crazy. "H-Hi Bloomberg, it's me Apple Comet." I smiled awkwardly as I approached the tree. "I'm not sure if you can understand me. But I brought you your blanket, even though I have no idea how to put it on you." Bloomberg stood there silently as I looked down at the blanket in my hoof. I finally decided to wrap it around the bottom of his trunk. "It's been a crazy two days, hasn't it? What with everything that's happened. Hopefully, things will calm down soon." What was I doing? Was I so desperate for someone to confide in that I was talking to an apple tree? "Anyway, I need to get going, before this mess gets any crazier." After a quick survey to make sure nopony was nearby, I took off galloping out the back of the orchard. Once I was out in the desert I took off running, my legs carrying me like the wind as I searched for any signs of the buffalo. "The buffalo intercepted the train along the distant outskirts of town. That area should be covered in tracks." Sure enough, when I arrived at the spot, the ground was practically nothing but hoofprints. "This is the spot alright, the tracks go all over the place. Speaking of which," I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out my clothing matrix. "It's probably best that I don't leave any of mine to follow." Placing it against my chest, I took to the air to get a better look. "That's better," From up here I could see which direction they came from, and which way they went. "Now let's see if they lead me to where the buffalo roam. Third Pony POV. "Ugh!" Little Strongheart groaned rolling over on her bedroll in frustration. After the visit to the Medicine Cow didn't go as planned, her father had gone to consult with the village elders. But not before forbidding her from leaving the village. She'd thought about sneaking out, but her father had posted guards to keep an eye on her. The only place she could get any privacy was their tipi or the outhouse. And she knew she couldn't stay in there all day. "I'm so bored!" She said as she threw up her hooves in aggravation. She peered through the opening to one of the guards standing outside her tipi. If she went out, he'd ask where she was going and then they'd follow her around the village. "Stupid flaming star!" She muttered into her pillow. "Everything was just fine until you showed up. Now, Dad is acting even more bull-headed than usual. If there was just some way to get him to see reason." "Look, up in the sky!" She heard someone gasp in amazement. "It's the flaming star!" Immediately Little Strongheart leaped to her hooves and peered out the opening. She looked up in time to see the flaming star pass overhead. Instantly the entire village's gaze was frozen toward the sky. Some in fear, others in awe. Even the guard outside her tipi had forgotten what had been doing as he stared breathlessly up at the sky. Realizing this was her chance, Little Strongheart slipped out the opening and made her through the dumbstruck herd. This was her chance to get some answers. As soon as she was out of the village, she took off in a full gallop She didn't care how fast she had to run or how far. One way or another, she was going to get some answers. Comet's POV The trail of hoofprints led into a dry hilly valley. Towering buttes surrounded it creating a rocky curtain that concealed it from the outside. On a sprawling piece of flatland, around a dozen tipis had been erected in a circle. "This looks like the place," I said as my sight zoomed in for a closer look. Below the buffalo carried on with their everyday lives. Tending to chores, running errands, or just talking to friends and neighbors. "Not exactly the sort of creatures you'd expect to ambush a train." One tipi, in particular, stood out more than the others. It was larger and painted in colorful intricate patterns. A single buffalo silently stood guard in front of the entrance. "That must be the Chief's." My x-ray vision showed he wasn't home, but that it was still occupied. "Ughhh! I'm so bored!" "There's Little Strongheart. The young bison tossed and turned on what looked like a bed mat. "Stupid flaming star! "Everything was just fine until you showed up." "Well, that's not very nice." As if they'd heard me, one of the buffalo pointed up at the sky and gasped. "Look, up in the sky!" "It's the flaming star!" Another cried out. Every buffalo in the village stopped what they were doing and looked up. It was at this time that I noticed the lack of cloud cover in the area. "Me and my bright coma," I said before noping the heck out of there. "Well so much for heading back to Appleloosa. I needed to find a place to land out of sight." Fortunately, luck was on my side as I spotted a hollowed-out depression jutting into the side of a distant mesa. "What's that?" Curiosity getting the better of me, I flew over to investigate. "Well, this certainly wasn't what I was expecting," I said as my hooves touched down on a brown stone-cut floor. Before stood an impressive stone portal framed by two intricately decorated columns. Above the doorway was an impressive image of a white buffalo standing proud and tall. It was clear to me that Buffalo had built this place. But for what purpose? There weren't any traps set up which meant there probably wasn't anything they'd consider a treasure hidden here. Was it the entrance to a temple or a shrine? It certainly gave the appearance of being sacred ground. Was I defiling it just by standing on it with uncloven hooves? My thoughts were interrupted by the distant sounds of charging hooves. Turning around, I looked into the distance to see where it was coming from. "Little Strongheart? What's she heading this way for?" Then the answer hit me like a horseshoe to the face. "Of course, she followed you here you idiot! Well, so much sneaking my way out of here." Pressing onto my emblem, I changed out of my costume and picked it up in my mouth. There wasn't any time to run away without being seen. I'd need to hide and make my break for it when the time was right. Gathering up the last of my skepticism, I galloped up the short flight of steps that led into the temple. Third Pony POV Little Strongheart's legs burned from fatigue as she pursued the flaming star. Her coat damp with sweat clung to her skin as she stampeded across the desert. Yet despite this, her eyes never wavered from the sight of its red tail. To her surprise, it suddenly changed course and headed for White Horn Butte. No buffalo ever set hoof there, it was considered sacred. The domain of the spirits of their ancestors. For a moment Little Strongheart pondered the words of the Medicine Cow. Was this flaming star an emissary from the Great Spirit? Had it come to help the Buffalo in their time of need? There was only one way to find out. > Little Big Bison Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Comet's POV The entrance tunnel spat me out inside a medium-sized chamber. Beyond the portal, darkness enveloped the room casting shadows all around me. Fortunately, my eyesight went far beyond the usual 20/20 vision. A flash from my pupils bathed the room in ultraviolet light. "Holy Celestia!" I gasped, my matrix dropping from my mouth as I saw atop a small staircase the enormous stone face of a white buffalo cow staring out of the back wall. A warm humble smile spread across her face. "Get a hold of yourself, It's just a statue," I told myself as I reached down to pick up my matrix. Placing it back in my saddlebag, I began to explore the rest of the room. The walls were intricately decorated with vivid murals that despite their age were remarkably preserved. It was as if this place had been untouched by the sands of time. The stone columns that ran along the walls had been cut into the likenesses of various buffalo. Ancestors, perhaps. Fascinated, I delved deeper into the murals on the walls. "Looks like they tell some kind of story." The first mural showed a herd of stampeding buffalo chasing various creatures off a cliff, while others cleared away a forest. The second showed a wolf, a bear, a cougar, a coyote, and an enormous snake descending from the clouds toward the buffalo. The third showed the buffalo either being hunted by these animals or falling to illness. Followed by a field littered with dead buffalo and destroyed villages. The fifth mural showed a single calf beseeching a white buffalo on a cloud. Followed by a red comet bringing the calf up to the White Buffalo who presented them with a scroll and a pair of metal bracelets. The final image showed the calf as a gigantic white buffalo chasing away the beasts, and then returning to their village with the scroll. "I'm guessing this is your story huh?" I said to the stone face." Just then, my ears picked up the sounds of trudging hoofsteps outside. That's right, I came in here to hide. I hid behind one of the columns and peered out through the wall. Third Pony POV Little Strongheart tiredly staggered her way toward White Horn Butte. Her breathing was labored. Her legs shook with every step. But the expression on her face showed she was determined to reach the temple. Until, finally, her body could not go on any further and she collapsed onto her stomach. Her throat ached with every gasping breath she took. Her leg muscles covered with micro-tears were too tired to stand. The desert floor scorched her stomach. Little Strongheart rolled onto her side. Her barrel rose and fell with every heavy breath. "I'll just...rest here...for a little...bit," She panted as her eyes closed. Moments later Little Strongheart felt the familiar sensation of being lighter than air. She squinted her blurry eyes open to see a blurry red figure engulfing her field of vision. Was it the White Buffalo Cow of legend carrying her off to the clouds? 'Probably not,' she thought skeptically. More likely she was just dreaming. Regardless, Little Strongheart was content to let the rushing wind pass over her. "Ta...Tatanka," "Just relax, you're going to be okay," She heard a young voice whisper as she felt herself beginning to descend. A few moments later she felt the ground back underneath her barrel. However, unlike before, it felt firm and smooth. The coolness of the surface brought comfort to her weary soul. Her ears twitched as she heard the sounds of rustling burlap and swishing water. She forced her eyelids open to see a blurry red and blue figure kneeling in front of her. She felt something placed into her mouth followed by the refreshing splash of cool water on her dry lips. Little Strongheart let out a hacking cough as the water raced down her scratchy throat. The figure waited for the coughing to subside before offering another drink. The coolness of the water soothed her raspy throat as she drank in deeply. With her thirst quenched, Little Strongheart felt exhaustion overtake her once more. Apple Comet's POV. My conscience nagged at me as I flew back towards Appleloosa. Despite leaving her in the shade with my canteen and apple strudel bars, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for leaving Little Strongheart out there. "It's only for a little while," I told myself. "I'll come back after sunset and return her to her village. She might even be back there when I return." Spotting the clock tower in the distance, I dived behind a butte and changed out of my costume once again. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, I galloped at lightning speed to the edge of the orchard and snuck in through the back end. Just a young colt out for a trot in the orchard. Nothing to see here. "Hey, Bloomberg I'm back," I said greeting the apple tree as I reached the top of the hill. "Just gonna see what AJ and Braeburn are up to before I head in." Piercing through the walls, I saw Twilight and the gang had gathered in the living room and were discussing the buffalo problem. "We're really sorry Applejack," Fluttershy apologized. "We tried our best." "No need to apologize Sugarcube," Applejack solemnly insisted. "Y'all did the best ya could. It's not your fault the townsponies are so ornery." "If we could just get the two of them to meet, I'm certain we could get them to settle their differences," Twilight sighed. "How would we do that when we don't even know where the buffalo are?" Rainbow Dash pointed out the obvious. "Well, they used to come to the outskirts of town every couple of weeks or so to ask if we've changed our minds about removing the orchard," Braeburn explained. "Sometimes they were polite, sometimes they weren't so polite." "When was the last time they came?" Applejack asked. "Bout a month ago," Braeburn answered. "They asked if we'd changed our minds about the orchard. When the Sheriff said no, they said they'd warned us and we'd be sorry. The next night A'h woke up to the sounds of stampeding. When A'h went outside to take a look, I found the fence had been wrecked and several trees were knocked over." "How horrible!" Rarity gasped. "Oh, dear Celestia! Bloomberg!" Applejack cried out in horror. "Oh boy, something tells me you're going to have some company tonight," I told the tree. Third Pony POV Chief Thunderhooves grimly examined the spot where his daughter's hoofprints ended. There were no other recent tracks in the area. Just the spot where she had laid down before she disappeared. "Do you think it was the flaming star?" One of the buffalo asked him. The chief's eyes slid to the edge of his lids and glared at him. "W-Whoa hey! J-Just asking Ch-Chief." "It does seem to be the likely outcome." He said to the nervous bull. "Search the valley high and low! If any buffalo spots anything they are to send a smoke signal." "Y-Yes, Chief." The bull nodded while the rest of the herd scattered in every direction. Chief Thunderhooves looked out at the orange sky over White Horn Butte. "Wherever you have taken her, I will find you." His voice growled with determination. Little Strongheart felt achy all over as she slowly opened her eyes. The ground she was lying on felt hard but smooth and cool to the touch. Fighting against her muscles' wish to rest, She raised herself off of her side and stood up. "Where, where am I?" She noticed something lying on the ground. "What's this?" She reached down and picked it up to discover it was a small canteen. A calf's size if she had to guess. "A canteen?" Little Strongheart unscrewed the cap and took a few sips of the warm but refreshing water. "Ahh...that hit the spot," She sighed with relief. She then put the cap back on to save the rest for later. She then noticed six rectangular objects lying next to where the canteen had been placed. She reached down and picked one up. It was wrapped in paper. Holding it out towards the moonlight, Little Strongheart could barely make out the words Sweet Apple Strudels." She tore open the wrapping and took a bite. Instantly her taste buds were overwhelmed by a surge of flavor. The taste of apple baked in flour and butter and topped with powdered sugar melted together in her mouth. Little Strongheart felt her knees get weak as it traveled down her throat. Her stomach growling, she squeezed the rest of it from the wrapper and into her mouth. "Mmm...this is delicious!" When she could savor it no more, Little Strongheart swallowed and then washed it down with a sip of water before immediately opening another bar. Before she knew it, she had gone through all six of them like a starved coyote. "Ahhh...much better..." She said letting out a belch of contentment. With her hunger and thirst sated, for now, Little Strongheart turned her attention back to her surroundings. She looked up at the stone staircase leading up to the ornately designed entrance. "What am I doing here? The last thing I remember was falling in the desert, and dreaming that I was..." A moment of epiphany struck her. "...that I was flying!" Eyes wide open, she realized what had happened. She looked back at the canteen and the wrappers. Whoever had brought her here knew she would need them. They also had to have known that she was in trouble. A passing Pegasus perhaps? But if that was the case, then why did they bring her here rather than to town to see a doctor? There was no way for them to know about this place as the buffalo kept it hidden from all other races. There was only one entity that could have any knowledge of this place. "Did the flaming star bring me here?" She hadn't beseeched the Great Spirit for help or guidance. Was this some sort of test? Little Strongheart felt uneasy in her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened as she approached the entrance to the temple. She felt as if something was calling her closer. She tried to stop but her hooves ignored her. And so in she walked. "Um, hello? Anyone here?" Silence echoed back as she walked down the dark hall to the inside of the temple. "I'm lost and don't know how I got here." Step by tenuous step she moved closer to the end of the corridor. Until she finally reached the chamber at the end. "Wow, it doesn't like any buffalo have been in here in ages. AIIIEEEEE!" She let out a scream as she saw a large white buffalo head staring back at her from the wall. Its turquoise eyes twinkling like stars. "Phew, get a grip Little Strongheart, It's only a statue." "PHWOOSH!" Suddenly one of the torches on the wall ignited by itself, followed by the one next to it. Then the next one. Their bright lights circled her illuminating the room. Suddenly a wall rose from the floor behind her sealing the entrance. "Oh, no what did I do?" Panicking, she rushed toward the wall and began searching and pressing against its surface with her hooves. "Come on, open up." Realizing nothing she tried was working, panic began to set in. "Help! Someone, please help me! I'm trapped!" The playing of a flute drifted through the air. "A flute? Is someone there?" Little Strongheart looked around frantically, trying to find where it was coming from. "Can anyone hear me?" "Yes, I can hear you, you don't have to shout." Little Strongheart turned around to see a white buffalo cow standing behind her. "Gah! Who, who are you?" She asked nervously. "Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm." She said in a calm voice. She was young, only a few years older than Little Strongheart, and well-dressed. Her mane was done up in two long braids adorned with porcupine quill hair ties. She wore an eight-pointed star-shaped pendant on her neck made of turquoise. The same star was prominently displayed on the silver bracers she wore on her forehooves. "I am Miracle Star, the guardian of this place. Have you come to take the trials?" "The trials? What trials?" Little Strongheart raised an eyebrow in confusion. "The trials to determine if you are worthy of being our next champion." Miracle answered. "That is why you are here right?" "Next champion? I'm afraid I still don't follow you." "There is an old prophecy that says when our hearts become clouded with distrust and enmity, the Great Spirit will send a flaming star to search for a champion who is pure of heart and courageous of spirit to lead the buffalo back on the right path. Those who possess such hearts shall be brought to this place, where they shall be tested to prove whether or not they are worthy." Little Strongheart suddenly felt as if the weight of the world were on her withers. Everything Miracle Star had just said was spot on. There were coincidences and then there was whatever was happening to her. "Was it you?" She glared at the white buffalo with suspicion. Miracle smiled at her and said. "Now it is I who does not follow you." "Were you the one who sent the Flaming Star? Or did you use magic to turn yourself into one?" Miracle Star let out a hearty laugh. "Young one, I have not left this sacred place in more than..." She counted inside her head for a brief moment. "...actually, it's been so many centuries that I've lost count. Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" Little Strongheart's face turned nearly as white as Miracle's. Her mouth hung open and her ears folded back in terror. Her legs trembled with fear as she felt a chill across her spine. "Y-Y-Yo-You're a spirit!" She stammered. "Well yes, but I'm not an evil spirit." Miracle Star admitted. "I'm not going to eat you or anything, So calm down." Little Strongheart's shaking lessened slightly. "That's a start, we'll work on it." Chief Thunderhooves looked out at the vast expanse of the badlands. The sun had set and the moon had risen turning the cliffs and peaks of the valley a shadowy purple. He hoped and prayed at any moment a column of smoke would arise signaling she had been found. But hours had passed without any sign of Little Strongheart. From behind he heard the heavy tramping of hooves. He turned around to see a downtrodden bull looking at him. "Chief, the last search party just returned. They said they found no trace of Little Strongheart." The Chief's heart grew heavy as he faced the prospect he may never see his daughter again. "You did all you could," He hung his head in sadness. "We will search again tomorrow." "Some of the others are talking about possibly asking the settler ponies to help with the search." Chief Thunderhooves' brow furrowed at the mention of the Appleloosians. "And what makes you think they would help us?" He asked. "Well, it's just...you know what, forget I said anything." The young bull stepped back submissively. As Chief Thunderhooves gazed out at the train tracks snaking across the badlands, his mind began to wonder. The fact that the flaming star had appeared just as they were about to take the tree seemed a little too coincidental. Had the settler ponies learned about the plan beforehand? No, they couldn't have. He'd given strict orders that details were not to be discussed with anyone outside the tribe. But, perhaps they had anticipated something happening. It was certainly plausible. But even then, would the settlers really resort to calfnapping? No, if they wanted to kidnap his daughter, then why did the flaming star return her unharmed? Unless...was it a warning something would happen to her if the buffalo didn't give up the land? A snort of anger erupted from the Chief's nostrils. It was time to visit Appleloosa. "So what would I have to do for these trials?" Little Strongheart asked. After a few minutes of deep breathing and realizing that Miracle Star was not malevolent, she managed to calm herself down. "You would have to prove to yourself whether or not you are pure of heart and brave of spirit like Tatanka was." Miracle Star explained. "For only a buffalo who possesses these traits may be worthy of being his successor." Little Strongheart looked over the mural of the great white buffalo chasing away the beasts. "What do mean by his successor? You mean I would become a white buffalo too?" "Of course!" Miracle Star exclaimed throwing her hooves up in the air. "A Great White Buffalo standing proud and tall with your hooves on the ground and your horns in the sky!" Little Strongheart imagined herself as the spirit described. The buttes barely reaching her withers while her horns cut through the passing clouds. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. On one hoof, her father would certainly have to pay more attention to her. On the other, she did enjoy being able to sleep in a tipi. "Would I be a giant all the time? Because that would kinda problematic." She admitted rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. "Oh, of course not dear," Miracle Star assured her with a wave of her hoof. "You only need to utter the magic words to return to your normal size." "And what magic words would those be?" Little Strongheart raised her eyebrow. "I'm not going to tell you before you've proven whether or not you're worthy!" Miracle Star said indignantly. "Okay okay," What happens if I fail a trial?" She asked feeling her nerves returning. "Then you shall haunt this place...FOREVER!!!" Miracle Star said as her face transformed into a bison skull. "AAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" Little Strongheart shrieked and leaped back in terror." "Ha ha ha ha ha, Nah, I'm just kidding with you dear. You'd just have to leave emptyhoofed is all." Little Strongheart glared tomahawks as the White Buffalo chuckled to herself. "Oh lighten up. I'm just trying to have a little fun is all, You have no idea how boring it gets in here." "Are you done now?" Little Strongheart asked unamused. "That all depends," Miracle Star answered. "I'm still waiting for your answer. Of course, feel free to take your time. It's been ages since I've had company." Little Strongheart was conflicted. On one hoof, this was a chance to prove herself to her father that she was more than just a daughter. On the other, she wasn't sure whether or not this was real or a hallucination from being trapped in here for so long." Suddenly she felt an icy cold pinch her wither. "Aaaaah Cold!" "I sensed you were conflicted on whether or not all this is real." Miracle Star said. "Hopefully I put it to rest." "Alright, I'll do it." Little Strongheart said. Miracle Star's face lit up with elation. "Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. I've been guarding this place waiting for the next champion for so long, I've forgotten what the afterlife looks like." She stomped her hoof on the ground. Sending out a blue wave that rippled across the floor. The turquoise eyes of the buffalo relief behind her gave off a shimmer of light before it lowered down into the floor revealing a descending staircase. "Come, your first trial awaits." Miracle Star vanished in a cloud of white smoke which didn't rise but rather flew through the doorway. "What did I just say yes to?" Little Strongheart wondered as she tepidly trotted forward. She took one last look at the sealed door behind her before stepping down the first stair. Of all the things she was expecting to see when reached the bottom, A simple fire resting in the middle of a sand altar was not one of them. She noticed that despite the apparent lack of ventilation, the only smoke in the room was Miracle Star's incorporeal form which circled close to the ceiling before descending and rematerializing in front of the fire. "Ah there you are, come sit." She said beckoning with her hoof. Little Strongheart did so, crossing her hindlegs buffalo style. "You are about to embark on a quest that will determine whether or not you are worthy of the power of Tatanka. Are you ready?" Little Strongheart took in a deep breath. Ignoring the feeling in her gut that was telling her to back out, she said "Yes." "Good, then let us begin." Miracle Star dispersed once more. Her incorporeal form flew straight into the fire which erupted in a bright flare-up that filled the room with a cloud of white smoke. Despite it being so thick that Little Stronheart could not even see her nose in front of her, she neither coughed nor choked and her eyes remained dry of tears. When the smoke cleared, Little Strongheart saw that the chamber and everything in it were gone. Comet's POV After the day I had had, I was ready to sleep through a tornado. Unfortunately, my well-earned rest would have to wait until I got Little Strongheart back to her village. I hadn't told Applejack about her, as there were too many ears around and I wasn't sure how she'd react. Much to my and Braeburn's frustration, my big sister had insisted on sleeping out in the orchard. She insisted it was to help Bloomberg feel safe. But I felt her taking Braeburn's 40mm apple launcher with her was a bit overkill. As soon as Braeburn was asleep, I crept out my bedroom window and floated down to the ground. Not wanting to make a scene, I decided to walk through the orchard rather than fly. At the top of the hill, I could see Applejack sitting half-awake, under Bloomberg, apple launcher in her lap. "Can't sleep. Must protect orchard." She muttered to herself. "Buffalo everywhere. The strong must protect the tangy." Her eyes were heavy with wrinkles and her ears drooped low. I quickly backtracked to my bedroom and retrieved the blanket and pillow from my bed. In the blink of an eye, I swiped the weapon from her hoof and replaced it with the pillow. "Mmm...This is my apple, this is my gun, this is for eating, this is...so soft." Instinctively, she wrapped her forelegs around the pillow and lay her head on it. Her eyes closed as she let out a big yawn and fell over forward. Her hat fell from her head and rolled onto the ground. I laid the blanket on top of her and left a note in her hat telling her where I'd be. "Wouldn't mind trading places right now," I whispered as Applejack sighed with contentment. My ears perked up as I heard the distant thundering of hooves. "Huh?" I looked out toward the horizon to see an enormous wave of brown fur and horns headed toward Appleloosa. At the crest was the Chief looking as angry as I'd ever seen a buffalo be. "That doesn't look good." My eyes fell upon the clock tower at the end of the street. "I need to warn the town." It seemed Little Strongheart would have to wait a little longer. I ran as fast as I could to the clock tower. The front door was locked, but I was about to let that stop me. Flying up to the clock's face, I carefully grabbed hold of the hour and began gently turning. Inside the tower, the gears and levers groaned in protest against the outside force. Once the little hand was on the hour I did the same with the big hand moving it to the 12. Bong-Bong-Bong-Bong! Within seconds, the windows all over town began lighting up. The townsponies roused from their sleep went to their windows to see who was ringing the bell. Of course, I'd already made my exit by the time they did. "What in tarnation is going on," I heard Braeburn mutter from his bedroom as I slipped back into my guest bedroom. I took my costume off and hid it in the drawer. From outside my window, I watched as the townsponies still in their union suits and nightgowns filed into the street. Even with the imminent danger, I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the absurdity of it. Oh no, I was turning into Rainbow Dash, wasn't I? Speaking of which, she and the rest of the Apples filed out of the Appleloosa Inn. "What is the meaning of waking us all up at this hour, Rarity wailed dramatically still wearing a face mask and curlers. "I need my beauty sleep, or else I'll look hideous in the morning." "It looks like everypony in town got woken up," Twilight said noticing the large crowd in the street. "Maybe we're all gonna have one big slumber party?" Pinkie guessed enthusiastically. "Uh, somehow I doubt that Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash said noticing the herd of buffalo stampeding towards town. The other ponies noticed the ground shaking and turned around to see the stampede heading straight towards them. They proceeded to react in a typical fashion by rearing up in panic and scattering in multiple directions. And where was Applejack in all this you ask? She was happily snoozing away underneath Bloomberg. The buffalo came to a halt at the end of the street. The Chief stepped forward, his face fixed in a scowl. From the middle of the street, Sheriff Silverstar still dressed in his union suit did likewise. "What is the meaning of coming here at this hour Chief?" He asked in a surly tone. "Where is my daughter?" The Chief asked back. "I beg your pardon?" The sheriff raised one eyebrow. "My daughter Little Strongheart has been missing since this afternoon." It was at this moment, I realized my actions may have just made things a whole lot worse. "Well, A'h don't see what that's got to do with us!" Said the Sheriff. "So you deny taking her then?" Applejack's friends all gasped. The sheriff's eyes narrowed. "Are you accusing us of foalnapping?" He asked. The Chief snorted and glared at him. "I might be," *Pop!* In an instant, Twilight teleported between the two of them. "Okay, everypony...and buffalo, let's all calm down and talk this over rationally, okay?" Her nervous smile told everyone that she had not thought this through. "All I want is for my daughter to return to me unharmed." The Chief explained. "This is a law-abiding town, we do not tolerate that kind of behavior." The Sheriff argued. "Look, we don't we all help you look for your daughter." Twilight politely suggested. "I'm sure if we work together we can find her." "What'd'ya everypony?" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly. "Who's up for a search party?" To put further emphasis on 'party' she blew into a party horn "What are you nuts?" One irritable stallion shouted. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" "My foals need to be in bed for school tomorrow!" An angry mare said. "And I've got a court date tomorrow and need to prepare my client's defense!" A lawyer stallion declared. "That's right," A stallion behind bars said through the black bandana covering his muzzle. The crowd began to slowly disperse heading back to their homes mumbling and muttering in discontent. Their lack of concern did not go unnoticed by the Chief. Suddenly, Fluttershy stepped forward. "I'm still willing to help you look for your daughter." She said smiling warmly. The Chief's face softened as he smiled back at her. "Thank you," He said. "Ooh me too!" Pinkie said leaning uncomfortably close to the Chief's face. "Does she like parties?" "What the hey, I'm in too." Rainbow Dash said. "I suppose it's for a good cause," Rarity said with resignation. "Count me in too," Twilight smiled with confidence knowing she had her friends backing her. "Yawn! Do I have to come along too?" Spike asked rubbing his eye. "You stay back this time Spike, it's well past your bedtime," Twilight said. Spike smiled happily and promptly fell over forward. Before he could hit the ground, Twilight caught him in her magic. "I'll meet you girls back out here in five minutes." She whispered before carrying the sleeping dragon back inside. "Well, crisis averted," I whispered to myself as I turned away from the windowsill. "Now, I just need to get Little Strongheart back safe and sound, and hopefully by tomorrow, we can work this whole mess out." Unfortunately, as I reached for the drawer on my nightstand, I saw Braeburn walking towards my bedroom door. I lay down on the bed and let out a yawn just as the knob turned. "Apple Comet are y'all awake?" He asked peering his head through the door. "Mmm...yeah," I said. "What's going on? I heard the bell in town ringing." "The buffalo have shown up. Ponies are saying their Chief was accusing us of foalnapping his daughter. Hey, what happened to your blanket and pillow?" "Uh...I don't know?" I said. "When I woke up they were gone." Luckily Braeburn wasn't the Element of Honesty. "Huh, that's weird. We'll Ah'll get you another from the linen closet. Be right back." I stayed right where I was. I wasn't about to arouse his suspicion any further. I'd have to wait until he was back asleep before heading out to find Little Strongheart. Third Pony POV. "Where...where am I?" Little Strongheart found herself outside once again. But this wasn't the badlands she knew. The night sky was gone, replaced by a wide blue open sky. The once barren ground was covered with lush yellow tallgrass. The sound of birds singing along with the gentle flow of a large creek where once an empty basin had stood brought a sense of tranquility. "Is this part of my trials?" "Indeed it is Little Strongheart." Miracle Star appeared before her in a cloud of smoke. "Your first trial will begin here." "Gah! Don't do that!" "Do what?" The white buffalo asked her. "Spontaneously appear in front of me like that!" Little Strongheart ranted flailing her hooves. "Sigh, sorry I should be more respectful." "Apology accepted. Now I assume you know how Tatanka's story goes." "Y-Yeah, The Medicine Cow in my village told it to me today." "Good, that'll save us some time. Long story short, this is what the Badlands used to be like before it became well bad." Puffs of smoke erupted from the fields taking the shape of various creatures. Some grazing, some drinking, some sleeping. "All the creatures lived in harmony with the land. Until our race got it into our heads that since we were the biggest and the strongest we should take everything for ourselves. Suddenly hundreds of ghostly buffalo materialized from a wall of smoke and charged at the rest of the creatures driving them away. The ground ahead of them split open and parted forming a deep chasm. Little Strongheart watched in horror as the creatures one by one ran over the edge to their certain death below. When the smoke from the herd faded it left behind a cloud of thick red dust that filled the air. The barren ground was sparsely covered with patches of dying brown grass and the creekbed was filled with the bodies of drowned fish. "The Great Spirit angered by our callousness sent forth the great predators to hunt us. A single trail of black smoke soared down from the sky where it formed into the shape of a great black wolf. Several plumes of grey smoke followed forming into smaller grey wolves. "The Great Wolf, a harbinger of death." Miracle Star said. The Great Wolf let out a howl and the rest of the pack charged chasing the buffalo off of the same cliff they had driven the rest of the creatures. Little Strongheart fell to her knees and began to cry. "How," She sobbed. "How could buffalo be so heartless?" "Their hearts were led astray by wickedness and greed." Miracle Star placed her hoof on her wither. "Now come on get up. Your first trial doesn't involve crying over something that happened long ago." Little Strongheart wiped her eyes and stood up. as Miracle Star reached behind and pulled out a small bag. "You'll need this to finish your first trial." Little Strongheart pulled the tie opening it to reveal... "A...sniff...seed?" A tear ran down her cheek landing on the tiny seedling. Miracle Star nodded affirmingly. "The greatest yet most humble gift of the earth." Little Strongheart pawed at the soil with her hoof creating a small hole with which she planted the seed. She then took the canteen she had found outside and gently sprinkled some water into the soil. Suddenly before her eyes, a leafy stalk sprouted from the earth. It grew taller and taller until it was at eye level with the two buffalo. Then its bud bloomed revealing a bright yellow sunflower. The Great Wolf and its pack took notice of Little Strongheart's deed and walked over to her. Little Strongheart terrified started to step back. But Miracle Star simply stood there as the behemoth alpha grew closer. Then again what did she have to fear if she was already a ghost? It looked straight at Little Strongheart its fiery red eyes piercing into her soul. Then it looked down and sniffed the flower she had planted going over every part of the plant. Satisfied with whatever Little Strongheart had done, the Great Wolf rose to its full height raised its head to the air, and let out a haunting howl. "Arooooooo!" The rest of the pack joined in as one by one they all turned into smoke and vanished. "Congratulations, you have passed the first trial." Miracle Star explained. "You have shown appreciation for what the land offers us by giving back to it." She vanished once more into a puff of smoke as the grassland around her faded to white. When her vision cleared Little Strongheart found herself deep in a forest. The branches above her were filled with a bounty of different fruits. And the nearby stream offered crystal-clear water. "Umm...Miracle Star?" She called out hesitantly. The White Cow appeared in front of her once more. "You called?" She said. Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of belief. "That was better." "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Your second trial takes begins here in this grove." She held her hoof up and summoned a small burlap bag in a cloud of smoke. "I want you to take this and gather up food and water. But take only what you need and nothing more. Miracle vanished once more leaving Little Strongheart alone. "Alright," She sighed as she walked over to the nearest bush and began gathering berries. Once she felt she had enough she moved onto the next tree. She stood on her hind legs and rocked the trunk with her forelegs until some apples fell from the branches to the ground. Little Strongheart gathered them up and moved onto the stream. She took her canteen and filled it with water. "Psst hey?" Little Strongheart looked up. "Is someone there?" She asked looking for the source of the voice. "Yeah, over here." From the thicket emerged a bipedal canine with a grey and red coat and the ears and tail of a fox. His eyes were yellow and his muzzle was wrapped with a friendly grin. He carried a large burlap sack over his shoulder and a large jar in one five-fingered paw. "I couldn't help but notice you gathering food out here." "Who are you?" She asked curiously. "Of course, where are my manners today? My name is Yotoce, Like you, I am a gatherer and I'm willing to share with you a secret of mine." "What kind of a secret?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as he smiled at her. "I have with me my magic sachel with which I can gather as much food as I want. And my bottomless pitcher which can hold enough water to fill a lake. I would gladly lend them to you when I am done using them." "And when would that be?" She asked signaling him to continue. "Oh very soon." Was his answer. "I was just on my way back to my den when I saw you. If you'd like you can come with me and I'll give them to you as soon as I've emptied them." A grin spread across his muzzle as he waited for her answer. His tail wagged with anticipation. "No thanks, you keep them," Yotoce's grin fell from his face. His ears folded down and his tail stopped wagging. "P-P-Pardon me?" He asked. "I appreciate the offer, but I've got all I need already." Little Strongheart said putting her canteen back. "Besides if you take everything you want now, there won't be any left when you need more." She smiled at him as the pitcher fell from his paw and the sack tumbled from his shoulder spilling open to reveal the bones of a buffalo. "Uhh...I can explain?" Yotoce said nervously as Little Strongheart glared at him. But instead of explaining, he took off running back into the trees. Once more Miracle Star appeared next to her. "I am impressed, While he was not the fastest nor the strongest predator, Coyote more than made up for it with his wits and silver tongue." She turned and looked down at the pile of bones in the sack. "Sadly many a selfish bison took him up on his offer. All of them ended up meeting the same fate. Had they only taken what they needed instead of all they wanted, they would've not ended up the way they did." She looked up at Little Strongheart and smiled. "Your temperance has seen you through the second trial. Congratulations." Once more Miracle Star turned to smoke as the forest faded to white. Apple Comet's POV. "There you go, good as new," Braeburn said smoothing out the last corner of my bed. "Y'all head on back to sleep now ya hear?" "Sure thing Cousin Braeburn," I said climbing under my new blankets. "Alright then, see you bright and early tomorrow." He ruffled the top of my mane with his hoof then turned off the light and left the room. I watched and waited for him to get into bed before turning my attention back outside. Twilight and the others soon gathered outside the hotel. Their saddlebags were loaded with provisions. Along with them was Sheriff Silverstar now properly dressed in his hat, vest, and badge. "Alright is everypony ready?" He asked sounding a touch irritated about going out this late at night. "Ready." Rainbow Dash said with a hoof pump. "Ready." Said a surprisingly confident Fluttershy. "Ready!" Shouted an eagerly beaming Pinkie Pie. "Ready." Said a determined Twilight. "Sigh as I'll ever be." Said a sleep-deprived Rarity." Meanwhile, back in the orchard, Applejack continued to slumber peacefully under Bloomberg. "Well, then suppose we better get going," Sheriff Silverstar grumbled. "Do you remember where you last saw your daughter?" Twilight asked the Chief. "She left behind tracks when she disappeared from the village." He answered. "I'll show you where they are. But just so we understand each other, this changes nothing between us and Appleloosa." "The feeling is mutual," Sheriff Silverstar glared back at him. "Aw, c'mon you guys, don't be so grumpy," Pinkie said pulling both of them by the neck into a group hug. "We need to stay positive if we're going to find Little Strongheart." "Don't touch me," The Chief said. Pinkie immediately released them and awkwardly backed away. After a moment of awkward silence, Rarity spoke up. "Well, let's be on our way shall we?" The Chief grunted as he turned around and started walking. The rest of the buffalo did the same receding into the badlands like a tide. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took to the skies while everypony else followed on foot. With so many possible witnesses and two pegasi in the sky, I was going to have to be very careful about how I approached this. I looked through the wall to see if Braeburn was asleep yet. To my surprise and disappointment. He was standing at his window watching the herd leave town. The expression on his face was a mixture of concern and indecision. He said nothing, he just stood there. With a sigh, he walked out of his room and went downstairs. Looks like I wasn't the only one in this house that wasn't getting any sleep tonight. Third Pony POV. As soon as the search party left town, Twilight tried to break the ice with the buffalo to break up the awkward silence that had fallen over the group. "So...um...Chief, I was wondering." "Thunderhooves, I am the mighty Chief Thunderhooves." He answered. "Oh, uh thanks...actually, I wanted to ask you about the dispute between your tribe and the Appleloosians. I already got their side of the story from Applejack's cousin. But I'd like to hear your side of the story." Chief Thunderhooves closed his eyes and let out a snort. "Very well," He accepted. "There is a long and winding trail that runs through the valley. For generations, my tribe has used it for the sacred ritual of stampeding. My father stampeded on these grounds. And his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and... "Um...okay Chief, I think they got the message," One of the buffalo walking next to him said. "Hmph...every year we stampede across this path, but this year the Appleloosians..." He glared over at Sheriff Silverstar. "...planted their orchard over it." "Well, that wasn't very nice," Pinkie said to the Sheriff. "Well, how were we supposed to know?" He grumbled. "Despite us several times asking them nicely, they have refused to move the trees." "Oh yeah, real nice," Sheriff Silverstar rolled his eyes in disgust. "Like the times you came through in the night and knocked several of our trees over. Or how you ambushed a train that was coming in this morning." "We were only after the tree." Chief Thunderhooves said. "Though it does seem a little coincidental that my daughter was abducted by the flaming star at just that time!" Twilight stopped in her tracks. "Flaming Star?" That seemed oddly familiar to her. "I think he's talking about the Comet dear," Rarity suggested. "You're not telling me you believe this hoo-hah are you?" Sheriff Silverstar said dismissively. "Hmph! I and the rest of the herd know what we saw. It carried my Little Strongheart into the clouds then brought her back to us." "This flaming star," Twilight asked. "Did it happen to have a tail like a comet?" Chief Thunderhooves's eyes widened. "It did. You know of it?" "Well, kind of," Twilight admitted. "It's a long story." To Be Concluded. > Little Big Bison Part 3. (Updated) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the whiteness around her faded once more, Little Strongheart found herself standing at the mouth of a wide dry ravine. The sandstone walls towered high above her. In the center stood a large rock formation atop which stood an enormous dead tree. As she had expected by now, Miracle Star appeared atop it in her signature cloud of smoke. "Two trials down, three to go." She complimented. "But don't go thinking these last three will be so simple." In a flash, she teleported in front of Little Strongheart. "You have shown a willingness to repay the land and temperance for its bounty. Now you must prove your ultimate respect to it." She raised her foreleg pointing to the trail behind her. "This Ravine is the hunting ground of the Great Cougar. She will allow you safe passage through, but only if you do exactly as she says." "How do I know I can trust her?" Little Strongheart asked understandably hesitant after her last trial. "The Great Cougar is a creature of her word. I give you mine on that." Miracle Star reassured her. "I must go now, but I will be watching you. Good luck." With that, she vanished once more. Little Strongheart took in a deep breath and exhaled, before beginning her trek into the ravine. She hadn't gone when she arrived at a fork in the road. "Purrrrrrrr," She heard a low guttural purring from above. "So, another buffalo wanders into my hunting grounds." The voice was high-pitched and raspy yet terrifying. Little Strongheart felt the coat on the back of her neck stand up as she looked around for the source of the voice. "RAOWR!" She looked up in time to see the enormous figure of a white cougar pounce from the ledge above, landing in front of her with a deafening crash. Little Strongheart felt like a mouse trapped in a corner as the cougar rose to her full height. So tall was she that Little Strongheart's eyes were at level with her massive paws. Her coat was as pale as the moon and her eyes shimmered like two emerald balls of fire. "So, what brings you to my domain?" "Umm..." Little Strongheart nervously raised one hoof. "I-I-I was just p-passing through, y-you know, for the t-trials and all." The Big Cat raised one eyebrow suspiciously. "Is that so? Purrrrrrrr." Her eyes narrowed as she looked down at the small buffalo trembling with fear. "Very well then, you may pass." She said with a grin wide enough to swallow Little Strongheart in one bite. "But on one condition." Little Strongheart stood there for several moments shivering from head to toe. Her headband was soaked with sweat. "W-W-What is it?" She finally asked. "The path through my ravine is long and tiring. But there is a stream for drinking and bushes with berries. Purrrrrr. You may eat and drink if you like. And there are many dead trees you may strip of their bark and branches for a fire. But anything you take must be used and if anything you take is thrown away, even so much as a single berry, Grrrrrrrrrr...Rrrraaaaaoooow!!" She opened her maw revealing two stalactite-sized rows of razor-sharp teeth. A tongue larger than a rug ran across the top row. It was at this point Little Strongheart felt the sudden urge to use the little cow's room. But she was too afraid of what the ferocious feline would think. "I will be watching you. Purrrrrrr." The Great Cougar said crouching down to Little Strongheart's eye level before leaping high into the air and over the canyon wall. The impact of her paws hitting the unseen ground echoed like thunder. The instant that the echo faded, Little Strongheart ran behind a large boulder to relieve herself. "Oh, why did I have to drink so much water?" She lamented. After doing her 'business' in somewhat privacy, Little Strongheart continued on her journey through the ravine. When she reached the stream, she decided to take a drink from her canteen taking special care not to drink too much. After all, she didn't know if and when the Great Cougar might decide to show up. After filling up the small empty portion of her canteen, she went to screw the top back on when she heard the sounds of splashing coming from inside. She peered down into the bottleneck and saw a small fish swimming around inside. "Oh hello there." She giggled as watched the fish swim frantically back and forth. "Seems you swam in there by mistake. Don't worry, I'll get you out. She carefully submerged the canteen on its side allowing the fish to swim out of the bottleneck and back into the stream. "Good luck," After checking to make sure her canteen was empty. She screwed the cap back on and went on her way. A little while later she reached some bushes filled with ripe berries. The long trek had burned off some of the strudel bars. So it was understandable that Little Strongheart thought about taking a couple to eat. As she reached for a bush, she suddenly drew her hoof back. Her eyes turned to the burlap bag tied to her barrel. Remembering that she already had food of her own, she sat down and let it slide off her back. Untying the knot, she reached inside and pulled out a red juicy apple. Her lips salivating as she took the first juicy bite. In just minutes she had eaten the whole thing down to the core. Reaching back into her bag, she pulled out a hooful of berries and began tossing them into her mouth one by one. By the time she was done, Little Strongheart had gone through two apples and two hoofuls of berries. As she stood back up she noticed the apple cores she had left on the ground. As she pondered what to do with them, she noticed an anthill nearby. She smiled and picked up the apple cores in her mouth, then dropped them next to the anthill. "There you go, she said leaving a few berries as well for good measure before continuing on her way. As she continued, Little Strongheart noticed rainclouds beginning to form overhead. Accompanied by the distant clap of thunder. "Great," She said sarcastically as she felt the first raindrops on her head. Spotting an alcove on a nearby slope Little Strongheart ran inside to seek shelter as the rain began to come down. The alcove was spacious, enough for a small herd to shelter for a night. A bare tree stood within the mouth of the opening. Its bare branches offered no fruit. Rocks were piled in one corner of the cave. "Well, it beats staying outside." Little Strongheart said as a flash of lightning lit up the sky. The rain poured down hard turning the once small stream into a rushing torrent. Little Strongheart shivered as the cold breeze wafted through her damp coat. She realized that while the alcove provided shelter from the rain, It did not offer the same from the cold. She eyed the dead tree standing just inside the cave. One side of its trunk was drenched with rain and covered with moss. The other side was dry and bare. Little Strongheart took note that the bark in some places seemed newer than in others. Remembering the Great Cougar's words she quickly hatched a plan. Since she lacked horns, she carefully chipped away at an older section of bark with her hooves. It was tedious and delicate work, but eventually, she was able to remove a good-sized piece of bark. She gathered some stones from inside the alcove and laid them out on the ground in a ring. Then she placed the bark in the center and went back to look for more stones. Eventually, she found what she was looking for. A piece of flint. "Perfect, she said picking it up. "Now all I need is something metal to strike it against." Her eyes turned to her water canteen. Like the rest of her, it was damp from the rain. She wasn't sure if it would work, but she felt she at least had to try. She took the flint and the canteen and held them close to the fire. She held the bottom of the canteen against the bark since it was the only part that wasn't wet. Then she struck the flint against the bottom. Nothing happened. She tried again, but once more nothing. She tried a third time. This time she produced a small spark. Her face lit up with excitement. She struck it a few more times until a tiny wisp of smoke rose from the bark. "Fire from water, how about that," She remarked as the bark began to crackle and burn. Little Strongheart sat down and warmed herself by the growing fire. By the time the fire had died down, it had stopped raining. Little Strongheart kicked some dirt on the few remaining embers before gathering up her things to continue on her way. She stopped at the tree and placed her hoof on the spot where she removed the bark as if to say thanks before moving on. At last, after what seemed like hours of walking, Little Strongheart arrived at the end of the Ravine. To her shock and horror, she saw the ground was littered with dozens of buffalo skeletons. "Gasp! Wha...what...is this?" RRAAAAOOOOW! A familiar roar echoed through the canyon. Little Strongheart looked up as the Great Cougar leaped from the cliff. Her pounce carried her majestically to the ground below where she landed in front of Little Strongheart. The impact of her landing shook the canyon, causing discarded bones to rattle and dust to rise beneath her paws. Little Strongheart stood paralyzed with terror as the Great Cougar rose to her full height. "Purrrrrr, well done, you have done as I instructed taking only what you need and wasting nothing that you took." She purred with contentment as she looked over at a pile of skulls. "Unlike those that came before you, you thought of more than just yourself. For this, you have completed the third trial." "Couldn't have said it better myself." Miracle Star said appearing next to Little Strongheart. The young buffalo jumped up letting out a terrified yelp. "Yaaaaahh!" "Purrrrr, although you need to work on your nerves a little." "I was just thinking the same thing," Miracle Star concurred. "Still, well done. Only two more trials left to go." "Be warned though," The Great Cougar growled. "The last two trials are the toughest yet." Little Strongheart took a deep breath. "I'm ready," She said determinedly. "Very well then," Miracle Star nodded as everything turned to white once more. Apple Comet's POV. Cousin Braeburn sat there at the kitchen table. A glass of apple cider next to him. He had drunk about half of it before he lost interest. Now he just stared at his rippling reflection in the amber liquid, unaware that I too was watching him through the floor. By now it was obvious that he wouldn't be going back to sleep tonight. If I was to have any chance of getting Little Strongheart back before sunrise, I was going to need a plan B. I opened my bedroom door and crept across the hall to the upstairs bathroom. Once inside, I flipped on the light and closed. A pull of the flush chain and a turn of the faucet and I had my alibi. I turned off the faucet, rustled my mane into a disheveled state, put on my best sleepy face, and went downstairs. Hearing the sound of my hooves on the stairs, Braeburn got up from the table and went into the living room. "Cousin Apple Comet, what are you still doing up?" He asked. "Yawn, I can't sleep Cousin Braeburn," I said rubbing my eye. "I keep hearing the clock tower ringing in my head." "His expression softened. "Yeah, that was an unpleasant surprise, wasn't it? Come on into the kitchen. Ah, 'll make you a glass of warm milk." "Cousin Braeburn?" "Yes, Cousin Apple Comet?" "Do you think they'll find the Buffalo Chief's daughter?" He looked at me with concerned uncertainty. "Ah'm sure they will, A'h mean with all of them working together, and what not?" "You don't sound very certain?" I said as he reached into the cupboard and pulled out another glass. With a sigh, he set the glass down on the counter. "That obvious huh?" He admitted. "Ah'd be lying if A'h said A'h wasn't a little worried." "Braeburn," I said in a stern tone. "Alright, fine!" he broke down and admitted. "The truth is Ah'm worried sick about her. The Badlands get very cold at night and there ain't no shortage of nasty critters out there either." "Well, why don't we go help Applejack's friends then?" I suggested. "I mean they could use everypony they could get." "One, because it's dangerous. Two because it's way past your bedtime. And three, most ponies in town made it clear while A'h was out there that they want nothing to do with the search." He poured some milk into a kettle and put it on the stovetop. "Did you try talking to them yourself? Maybe if they talked to them about how you feel, they'd understand." "Ain't no use Cousin, ponies in this town stick to their beliefs like burs to a saddle." "You didn't answer my question. Did you talk to any of them or not?" "A'h..." He paused. "No, A'h didn't. But A'h didn't need to ask to know how they feel about the buffalo." "That shouldn't matter right now!" I argued. "Whatever Appleloosa's problems with the buffalo are, that doesn't change the fact that right somepony is lost out there and possibly needs our help. The fact that you can't sleep proves that you know it's the right thing to do." Braeburn hung his head in defeat. "A'h, aw-shucks you're right Cousin Apple Comet. A'h can't just lie in bed knowing she's out there all alone." He turned the dial on the stove off. "That settles it, Ah'm gonna round up anypony who'll listen and get together a search party." "Great," I smiled. "But you still have to go back to bed." He said picking up the kettle and pouring some milk into my glass. " I put on my best-disappointed face. "Aw, gee do I have to? Well, ok?" True to his word, Braeburn left the house to round up a search party. While I, not true to mine, waited until he was gone before slipping out the bedroom window once more. I crept through the orchard, stopping briefly to check on Applejack. Who even with the clock tower bell ringing and the buffalo stampeding was still fast asleep. As soon as I was past the fence, I took off for the ruins. I knew the risks, but aside from Rainbow Dash, I knew I could get there before the rest of them. "Look! Up in the Sky!" The search party immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up. "It's the Flaming Star!" One of the Buffalo gasped. "After it!" Chief Thunderhooves ordered. At once, the entire herd stampeded in the comet's direction. The sound of the hooves rolling across the plain like the boom of thunder. Rainbow Dash immediately took to the sky, followed by Fluttershy. While the remaining three Elements of Harmony along with the Sheriff were left taking up the rear. "Well, Ah'll be pickled in daises and left to marinate," The astonished Sheriff said. "You girls were telling the truth." "Well, duh silly," Pinkie Pie remarked. "Why would we lie about a thing like that?" Sheriff Silverstar looked at the party planner dumbfounded. "Just don't think about it," Twilight wisely advised him. "Trust me." Once more Little Strongheart found herself in an unfamiliar place. This time, at the entrance to a large cave overlooking a desolate wasteland with nary a single living thing to be seen. The wind whipped across the dry earth kicking up clouds of dust. While a wide dry bed was all that remained of a creek. A cloud of white signaled the familiar arrival of Miracle Star. "Quite a depressing place isn't it?" The White Buffalo said. "I'm guessing you probably know what happened here by now." "Buffalo," Little Strongheart closed her eyes and sadly admitted. "For this trial, you must first speak to the Great Bear Mother. You'll find her in her cave. You can't miss it." Little Strongheart looked up at the cavernous mouth of the cave. Several trails of enormous tracks led inside. The largest set was easily the size of a full-grown buffalo. Her jaw fell to the ground as the greatness of the Great Bear Mother began to sink in. "Now now, I know what you are thinking." Miracle Star said trying to soothe her. "Those are some pretty big feet. But try not to bring that up to her. She's very sensitive about it. Oh and watch out for her cubs. They can be a little playful. Well, good luck." She gave Little Strongheart a firm pat on the back before vanishing once more. Little Strongheart paid her little mind as realized how easy she'd had with the Great Cougar. Eventually, she managed to take one timid step forward...and fall face-first into a footprint right in front of her. "Well, this is off to a great start." She grumbled. But being the trooper she was, she picked herself up off the ground and continued onward. "Okay, you can do this. You've made it this far. You just need to keep calm and watch your step. Her foreleg knocked against something on the ground. Little Strongheart looked down to see a pile of bison bones lying at her feet. "AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Her scream awoke something deep in the cave. "RRRRAAAWWRROOW!!!" THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! From out of the darkness a pair of golden yellow eyes appeared. Followed by a large ursine face covered with golden fur. Little Strongheart stared in awe. It was so...adorable! Despite being easily big enough to knock over a tipi with one swipe of its paw, the bear's face had the traits of a cub. Resisting the urge to squee, Little Strongheart stepped forward cautiously. Even though it was only a cub, it was still big enough to eat her for a snack. "Uh...h-hi there, little guy." She waved nervously at the enormous cub. "I-Is your mother home?" The cub opened its mouth revealing two large rows of razor-sharp baby teeth and lunged down. Little Strongheart let out a scream as the cub snatched her up in its mouth like a salmon and happily carried her deeper into the cave. "AHHHHHHHH!!!! Let me go!" But the cub paid her no mind. All she could do was close her eyes and try not to think of the saliva that was seeping into her coat. Ah, Mato what have you brought for me this time?" A curious maternal voice boomed. The cub spat Little Strongheart onto the cave floor. She was covered with saliva from hoof to horn but was otherwise unharmed. Immediately another cub ran up to her and began sniffing her. "So another buffalo has come to take my trial? I must admit it has been a while." "I-I..Uh..." Little Strongheart tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. "Not much for talking, are you? Well then, perhaps you will listen." Little Strongheart gasped in astonishment as the Great Bear rose onto her rear legs. Her massive body covered her field of view in an insurmountable wall of golden fur. "Mato, Hunomp, go and play somewhere else." The two cubs scurried off. " For this trial, you must make right what your race made wrong. You alone must bring life back to the barren land. Outside you will find a parfleche of seeds. Take them and plant one every twenty paces. If your heart is pure they will grow. But if it is wicked. they will sprout into poisonous snakes. Knowing this do you still wish to continue?" The idea of poisonous snakes rising out of the ground made Little Strongheart feel understandably uneasy. Her skin crawled as she imagined the sight of them slithering closer to her. But she took in a deep breath and exhaled. After a few more breaths, her heart began to calm down. "I do," She said. "Then go, and may the Spirits look upon you with favor." As soon as she stepped hoof outside the cave, Little Strongheart saw the parfleche waiting for her. "This must be it," She said as she went to closely examine it. Inside were the seeds. "Yep, these are seeds alright. The question is will they be enough?" Looking out at the vast barren stretch of land, Little Strongheart realized the scale of her labor. But she had given the Great Bear Mother her word, and she would not go back on it. So she tossed the parfleche across her back and began walking counting her steps as she went. "Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty. Good a place as any I guess." She dug a small hole with her forelegs, then reached into her parfleche for a seed. "Good luck little fella, please don't grow into a snake." She placed it in the soil and reburied it. Then gently watered it with her canteen for good measure. "Okay one down, a few million to go." One, two, three, four," And so Little Strongheart walked, stopped, dug and planted and watered. The heat of the sun bore down on her as she carried out her labor. Her coat became thick with a sheen of sweat. On the plus side, the dry heat dried up Mato's saliva. Still, she continued, walking, stopping, planting, and watering. She stopped occasionally to rest and to eat and drink. But only for a short time. By the time the parfleche was empty, Little Strongheart was exhausted. Her legs struggled to walk, and her hooves were covered in dirt. Her coat drenched in sweat was clinging to her skin and her tongue felt bone dry. She poured the last few drops of water from her canteen onto the plot of land and promptly fell to her side. Her knees finally gave out. As she lay there on the dry unforgiving ground, she heard the familiar rumble of thunder. She looked up to see dark clouds blanketing the sky and felt a raindrop on the bridge of her nose. She had been so concentrated on the work that she had failed to notice the coming storm. The sensation of the rain on her coat filled her with a sense of euphoria. Washing away the aches and pains of her joints and muscles. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, Little Strongheart saw the spot where she just planted the seed begin to move. Remembering what the Great Bear Mother had said, she tried to move but her body was too tired to go on. She could only watch and wait to see what would sprout. The soil rose and rose until finally, a thin green stem emerged from the dirt. Little Strongheart smiled softly with contentment, before falling asleep from exhaustion. Wake up Little Strongheart. Wake up." Brightness slowly invaded the young buffalo's gaze. The smell of wet grass carried through the air. All around she could hear the singing of birds and the flow of water. "Mmm, what happened?" She asked rubbing her eye with her hoof. She opened her eyes to find herself lying in the middle of a forest meadow. "How did I get here?" "You did not go anywhere dear." Little Strongheart looked up to see the Great Bear Mother standing over her. "Huh? What do you mean?" She asked. This once barren land has been given life thanks to your selfless toil." She pointed with one paw to the once-empty creek now filled with flowing water. A family of deer stood at the water's edge drinking, while schools of fish swam below the surface. The branches were filled with the singing of birds and the chattering of squirrels as they scampered up and down. "Every living thing has a place in nature that helps to give it balance. The buffalo forgot this when they cleared this area for land to stampede on. They were so concerned with getting what they wanted that they forgot about the needs of other creatures that they shared the land with." Little Strongheart thought about Appleloosa and the ponies that lived there. Like many of her tribe. she wasn't happy about them planting their orchard on their stampeding grounds. But if this was the lengths some buffalo would go to get more of those grounds. Could she say they were any better? "It was Tatanka's selflessness that showed both the spirits and the buffalo what things one willing to atone can do. By showing you possess that same selflessness, you have passed the fourth trial. Congratulations." With that, the Great Bear Mother turned and walked back into the forest. Mato and Hunomp followed behind her. Looking. around her, Little Strongheart felt a sense of contentment that seemed to lift away the aches and pains in her body. "Four trials down," Miracle Star appeared in her signature cloud of smoke. "I have to admit, you have exceeded my expectations." "Um, thanks. I'm surprised I made it this far myself." Little Strongheart admitted. "In life, the ones who surprise us the most are most oftentimes ourselves." Miracle Star mused. "You have proven yourself pure of heart and brave of spirit. But there is one more trial, one that no buffalo has completed in a thousand years." "Why not?" Little Strongheart asked. Miracle Star said nothing. She just closed her eyes and turned her head to the side as if something were bothering her. "Because your last trial is not a test of strength, courage, or willpower, but of your ability to resist temptation." Comet's POV. "This is the spot where I left her." Arriving at the entrance to the ruins. I found Little Strongheart had already left. But not before helping herself to the provisions I had left for her. "Looks like she enjoyed the apple strudel bars." A closer examination of my aura vision revealed more. Her shimmering hoofprints led up the stairs, through the entrance, and down the passage up to a wall that had risen from the floor. "She went inside. The once-dark mural chamber behind it was now lit by the torches on the walls. Finally, the Buffalo relief on the wall had lowered to the floor revealing a hidden passage that went down somewhere. "The relief was hiding a hidden passage. Did Little Strongheart know about it? Or did she stumble upon it by accident? Well, I'm not going to find the answer out here." WHOOSH! CRASH!" With a burst of speed, I flew through the entrance, crashing through the wall like it was made of balsa wood. As if sensing something was wrong, the relief began rising out of the ground. "Oh no, you don't," Fast as I could, I flew on top of the relief and braced myself into a front leg stand between it and the ceiling. The mechanism beneath groaned against the resistance of my muscles. Trying to crush me like a bug. But I wasn't going to go squish because some contraption from a Daring Do story wanted me to. Pushing out with my quadriceps, I slowly forced the relief back down into the floor. "There, now to see where this passage leads." My x-ray vision showed no hidden traps or mechanisms up ahead. Just a small chamber with a sand-covered floor and a long extinguished fire ring. "This can't be right." Little Strongheart's tracks ended close to the edge of the fire ring. A final indentation marked where she had sat. I hastily searched the room from top to bottom for signs of a trap door, a false wall, or anything that might explain what happened. Nothing, it was as if she had just vanished into thin air. And if she didn't come back soon, I dreaded to think of what the buffalo might do. Little Strongheart felt a cool breeze as the light around her faded. The ground she stood on turned to stone spreading outward in a circle. A flight of stairs rose from the ground leading straight into the side of a hill. Little Strongheart gasped as out of the whiteness emerged a towering statue standing on its hind legs. Its height easily dwarfed White Horn Butte. Dressed in an elegant jingle dress and headband, the titanic figure smiled gently down on the young cow. Its forehooves held outstretched as it was offering to show her something. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Miracle Star appeared beside her. "But do not let its beauty distract you. This is the final trial, one that will determine whether you are truly worthy of the power of Tatanka." "What do I have to do?" Little Strongheart asked. "Simply enter the statue's base and make your way up to its forehooves. There you will find your final reward waiting for you." "You said this last trial was about resisting temptation." Miracle Star nodded. "As you make your ascent you will encounter many temptations meant to lead you astray. No matter what they offer you, you must not lose sight of your goal. If you do..." "I won't," Little Strongheart assured her. "Not after I've come this far." The White Buffalo smiled at her. "Then enter Little Strongheart, and may the spirits watch over you." She waved her hoof and the stone doorway in front of her slid down into the floor. With a deep breath and a firm nod, Little Strongheart steeled herself for whatever was to come before heading inside. As she galloped past the doorway, Miracle Star watched with anticipation. "Fear not brother, hopefully, we will be together again soon." "Whoa!" Little Strongheart gasped in amazement as she stepped out of the narrow entrance hall into the vast atrium that made up the statue's inner frame. A smaller version of the statue stood in the center of the room on a raised circular platform. The rectangular windows ringed high along the walls and cast beams of light onto them. Craning her neck up to the high ceiling, she saw a large hole in the center. "Wow, this is incredible!" She said. A tingle of excitement overcame her anxiety as she walked up to the center platform. The Statue of the White Buffalo Cow smiled gently at her as she reached the top. Much like the way she smiled at Tatanka, Little Strongheart imagined. Like the one, she was inside, she stood on her hind legs. Unlike that one, however, her forehooves were holding onto a stone tablet with writing on it. "What's this? Little Strongheart said taking a closer look. The writing was in Buffalo Syllabary, though a bit older than the one she was used to using. "Good thing Father insisted I study Graphemics." The path to your destiny lies ahead. Through temptation and ego dread. Only those pure of heart and soul. Will ultimately reach the final goal. Cast aside want for one's own self. And renounce all desires for power and wealth. Remember the tenets of Tantanka's tale. And you will reach the end without fail. Bring me proof of the lessons you have learned. And the role of protector you will have earned. "Hmm, okay so that's a mouthful," Little Strongheart said scratching her head. She looked around the room searching for whatever 'proof' the statue wanted. But all she saw were stone walls. "Well, whatever I'm supposed to bring it doesn't look like it's in here." She looked back up at the hole in the ceiling. "Maybe it's up there? The question is, how do I get there?" As if by her command, the statue's turquoise eyes lit up and the floor beneath her began to rise. "What the? What's going on?" Little Strongheart cried out in surprise as she walked over to the edge of the platform to see the ground below drifting further and further away. "AHHHHH!" She stumbled back and hastily scampered toward the center of the platform. Looking up she noticed for the first time that the hole in the ceiling was just the right shape for the platform to pass through. Like a key in a hole, the rising platform passed through the hole in the ceiling. Then with a loud thud stopped. Little Strongheart found herself in a large circular room dominated by two large stone reliefs. The first was of Tatanka himself. The other one depicted a buffalo with glowing red eyes and a coat as black as smoke. Little Strongheart felt a sense of dread looking at it. POOF! A cloud of smoke erupted from the stone tablet in the statue's hooves. Little Strongheart jumped back as the smoke rose from the stone. When it cleared she saw that the writing that was on the tablet was gone. In its place was a different message. "One last trial to overcome, Then the champion of the land you will become. A champion's true strength comes not from their might. But from the ability to tell wrong from right. Two paths appear before you, one in front and one behind. Follow your heart and what you seek, you will find." SCRAAAAPE!!! The sound of stone scraping together filled the room as both reliefs parted way and retreated into the sides of the wall. Dust fell from the ceiling as the dormant stones slid apart. As the room fell silent and the dust cleared, Little Strongheart peered from behind the statue and gasped in amazement. "Wow!" Behind Tantanka's relief lay a shrine to the White Buffalo Cow. The benevolent figure sat smiling with her forelegs outstretched. But it was what she was holding that got Little Strongheart's attention. A pair of silver bracers that shimmered in the darkness. "The Sacred Bracers." Her eyes shimmered with wonder as she gazed at their divine beauty. Set within each bracer were the two biggest and most flawless pieces of turquoise she had ever seen. Each one was as big as her eyes. So beautiful were they that she could not help but be drawn to them. It didn't look like there were traps or obstacles between her and her prize. Could she just walk in and take them? "Hello? Is someone there? I heard the doors open!" A muffled voice echoed from behind her. Little Strongheart turned around to find a second chamber where the black buffalo relief had once stood. "Who said that?" She asked. "Oh thank the Great Spirit!" The voice cried in elation. "You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to come. And come to think of it, neither do I." "Where are you?" Little Strongheart asked as she tiptoed toward the source of the voice. "In the chamber of the black buffalo, I'm trapped inside this jar! You've gotta get me out!" The voice sounded desperate. Little Strongheart carefully approached the second chamber which was bare save for the large ceramic head of the black buffalo. Little Strongheart hesitated. Remembering Miracle Star's warning. This last trial was one of temptation. "Who are you really?" "My name is White Lightning Cloud." The voice explained. Like you, I took these trials and made it all the way here. But when I took the bracers that white buffalo turned on me and locked me in this jar. You've got to get me out of here!" "You honestly expect me to believe that?" Little Strongheart said. "She told me this last trial is about temptation, and you certainly seem like you're trying to lead me astray." "Listen to me you don't understand," The voice pleaded sounding more desperate. "Miracle Star is not who she says she is. She leads buffalo in here to take the trial, then waits until they fail and are eaten. If they make it here like I did she locks them in here." "Then where are the others?" Little Strongheart asked suspiciously. "It sounds like you are alone in there." "Gone," White Lightning Cloud replied grimly. "There's a portal at the bottom of this jar. As soon as she gets a new victim, she drops the old one in to be eaten by the Predators. Saw it with my own eyes, I'll never forget it. And I'm next if you don't get me out of here!" A seed of doubt grew in Little Stronghearts barrel. The sinister face looking back at her gave her every reason to suspect this was a trap. That she should just turn around and take the bracers. But something in White Lightning Cloud's voice tugged at her conscience. "Please! I have a family!" She turned her gaze back toward the statue on the platform. "A champion's true strength comes not from their might. But from the ability to tell wrong from right." She whispered. Against her sense of self-preservation, Little Strongheart could not bring herself to leave White Lightning Cloud behind. And so hesitantly she reached up and lifted the lid off of the jar. SHUSSHH! Instantly a cloud of black smoke erupted from the jar, sending Little Strongheart flying onto her back. The jar lid was launched into the air with such force that it shattered against the ceiling. The entire room turned black as the billowing smoke filled the air. Little Strongheart coughed and hacked as it washed over her. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!" A peal of deep thundering laughter that shook Little Strongheart to the core echoed through the statue. Through her smoke-stung eyes, Little Strongheart could see two ominous red eyes burning like fiery coals. "Finally after more than three thousand years, I am free!" From out of the fading smoke emerged an enormous black bison. His coat was shaggy and unkempt and his skin was a sickly pale blue. His horns were black and shiny and his eyes resembled red-hot coals. He wore a talisman of bones around his neck with bleached bracers on his forelegs to match. In his hoof, he carried an ebony staff topped with an obsidian stone set in the head. Smoke rose from his nostrils with every hot breath he took. Little Strongheart lay sprawled on her back paralyzed with fear, unable to even move her eyes. "W-who-who a-ar-are y-you?" She asked. The Black Buffalo smiled a wicked toothed grin and kicked his former prison with his hind legs shattering it against the wall behind him. I am Gnaskiyan! And thanks to you this land will soon belong to me and me alone. As thanks for releasing me, I shall spare you so that you may watch as I stampede everything in my path to oblivion." A cloud of white smoke rose from the floor. "Not so fast Gnaskiyan!" Miracle Star stood between him and Little Strongheart with an expression of defiance on her face." I've waited for three millennia for this moment!" "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Gnaskiyan bellowed with laughter. "Miracle Star how nice to see you again after all this time. You've certainly become a ghost of your former self since we last met!" "I see three thousand years of imprisonment hasn't improved your sense of humor." Miracle Star said unfazed. "Yes well, as much as I'd love to catch up on old times, I'm afraid I must be going. I've got a lot of stampeding ground to reclaim! But before I go..." He raised his staff upward, electricity building up inside the stone. "KENAHKIHININ!" KRAAAKOOOW!!! A bolt of blue lightning erupted from the head, but it struck neither of the two buffalo. Instead, it shot past them, hitting the altar of the White Buffalo Cow in the other chamber. The altar exploded in a shower of stone and dust. The clap of the thunder echoed through the still air. Little Strongheart and Miracle Star looked on in horror as Gnaskiyan out a triumphant laugh belching smoke from his nostrils. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! NOW NO ONE CAN STAND IN MY WAY! FARE THEE WELL CHAMPION! INUK CHUK! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" With a flash from the eyes of his talisman, the Black Buffalo began to transform before their very eyes. His leg muscles bulged, his hooves grew wider shattering the stones beneath them, and his horns brushed the ceiling for a brief moment before punching straight through them. "We need to leave right now!" Miracle Star said as she reached out and pulled Little Strongheart to her hooves. "But what about the bracers?" Little Strongheart asked as debris began to fall from the ceiling. "There's no time, come on!" She said as she teleported the two of them in a cloud of smoke. WHOOF! In an instant, the two of them were outside on a hill a considerable distance from the statue. The once blue sky had turned black as smoke as bolts of lighting raced back and forth across the sky. The great statue shook and trembled as cracks erupted across its smooth surface. Chunks of stone exploded from the cracks and plunged to the ground below. The once gentle face of the White Buffalo Cow broke apart piece by piece leaving behind a hollow grotesque shell. With one final eruption, the statue broke in two as Gnaskiyan's colossal form burst forth from it. The two halves fell to the ground where they shattered like porcelain. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" The shadow of the enormous black buffalo fell over the ground like a shroud, drawing closer to Little Strongheart and Miracle Star. Then in an eruption of black smoke, he was gone. As the smoke faded, a still silence fell over the fallen remains of the statue. Little Strongheart stared at the broken face of the white buffalo now split in two like a broken mask. "What have I done?" She lamented. To Be Concluded. > Little Big Bison Finale. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet's POV. I walked out of the hidden passage with my head hung low. I'd really gone and done it this time. I left a young buffalo outside an abandoned temple, went back to my cousin's house like it never happened, came back, and found she was gone. What was I expecting? I'd searched every part of the butte with my X-ray vision and found nothing. No hidden passages, no more secret chambers, no Little Strongheart. "Why did you have to leave her alone out here you idiot." I scolded myself. You should've taken her back to her village or town, or anywhere but here. Now she's gone Faust knows where and when the Chief finds out she's gone, he's certain to take it out on the town." I paused at the exit to the temple as I saw Rainbow Dash standing outside looking around. "I'm certain this is where the comet landed." She said as her head panned back and forth. She paused and looked down at the food wrappers left on the ground. "What's this?" She trotted over and picked one of them up. "Sweet Apple Strudel? That's made by the Apple Family. What are they doing here?" She turned and looked at the doorway where I had been standing a moment before. "Maybe I'll find some answers there." "Oh no, not now, not now." Fast as I could, I darted back inside searching for a place to hide. The flittering of Rainbow's wings told me she was right on my tail. "Whoa, looks like I was right, something did a number on this wall," Rainbow said noticing the hole I'd made. Thinking quickly, I darted behind one of the columns and leaned against it as tightly as I could. "Wow, a secret room!" She peered her head through the hole and looked around. "Looks like this place was built by buffalo. I gotta tell the girls about this." I fought back the urge to sigh with relief as she turned around and galloped back outside. "Phew, that was a close call." I wiped my forehead with relief. This entire night was turning out to be one long cat-and-mouse game. I watched and waited as she picked up one of the food wrappers, then flew off presumably to rejoin the group. Once more I was alone or so I thought. Without warning, a violent tremor outside shook the temple knocking me off my hooves. Dust poured down as chunks of the ceiling rained down. I looked up in time to see the column I had been hiding behind falling toward me. I threw up my hooves and caught it, then carefully dropped it to my side. "What in Equestria was that?" Rolling to my hooves I ran out of the temple's entrance charging through the fallen rubble in my way while ignoring the falling debris that shattered against my back and head. Reaching the entrance, I gasped in astonishment. Standing in front of me was the enormous black hooves of a gigantic buffalo. Craning my neck upwards, I saw he was as tall as the butte. The tip of his horns seemed to pierce the moon and his black coat covered the sky like a curtain. With a series of thundering tremors, the gargantuan buffalo took several steps back. He lowered his head pointing his horns at the butte. "Just when I thought tonight couldn't get any worse." Third Pony POV. Rainbow Dash banked sharply as the enormous cloud of smoke appeared. As soon as she was clear, she turned around and gasped in shock. "Holy Celestia! What is that?" Wasting no time, she raced back to warn the girls. She found them along with the rest of the search party in the same state of shock. "Rainbow Dash! What's going on?" Twilight asked her as swooped down into a hover. "I don't know, that huge buffalo just appeared out of nowhere," Rainbow said completely dumbfounded. "It is Gnaskiyan!" One of the buffalo said. "The bringer of havoc and destruction." "That's bad right?" Rainbow asked. In the distance, Gnaskiyan charged the butte sending the entire top tumbling over the side. "Yes, very bad." The buffalo confirmed. Sheriff Silverstar marched up to Chief Thunderhooves. "So this was your plan all along huh?" He pointed his hoof in accusation. "Our Plan? I knew nothing about this?" Chief Thunderhooves snorted. "Yeah, right, y'all were probably planning on sending this big galloot to flatten Appleloosa!" "Oh, please if we wanted to flatten your pathetic little town, we'd have done it ourselves." "Uh, guys," Twilight called out to them, but neither paid her any notice. "So you admit it then? A'h knew we couldn't trust your kind." "The feeling is mutual." Chief Thunderhooves replied, his large face nearly nose to nose with Silver Star. "Guys," Twilight spoke once more. But they continued to ignore her. "GUYS!" A piercing shriek silenced the argument. The entire group turned to look at Fluttershy. "Um, I think Twilight has something she'd like to say," the yellow pegasus said softly. "Go ahead Twilight." "Uh, thank you Fluttershy," Twilight said still somewhat in shock at the volume of her normally shy friend's voice. "Ahem, listen, this is no time to be arguing amongst ourselves. If we're going to have a chance at stopping this," She turned to the buffalo that had spoken earlier. "What did you say his name was?" "Gnaskiyan," He answered simply. "Right thank you," Twilight nodded her head in gratitude. "If we're going to stop Gnaskiyan, we're going to have to work together." She narrowed her eyes at both of them. "That means this whole land dispute ends now. Got it?" Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves both looked at each other. Neither looked completely comfortable with the idea. "Fine," Silverstar turned his head away. "Sigh, very well." The Chief sighed. "So what do we do?" Twilight smiled and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, head back to Appleloosa and warn everypony what's coming." She said. "Then find Spike, we'll need him to contact Princess Celestia so she can bring the Elements of Harmony to Appleloosa. "On it!" Rainbow saluted and took off in the direction of the town. "Fluttershy go with the Chief back to the village and warn the rest of Buffalo." "Okay," The yellow Pegasus nodded and flew off. "The rest of you stay close to me, we're gonna try to find a way to slow him down if at all possible." "Twilight, dear how are we going to do that if you don't mind me asking?" Rarity eloquently inquired just before another deafening crash filled the air. Everypony and buffalo looked up to see another section of the butte come tumbling down from Gnasiyan's striking it. "I, don't know yet, but I'll do my best to think of something." Twilight reluctantly admitted. "Ooo," Pinkie Pie bounced up and down waving one hoof in the air. "Why don't we let the comet help?" She suggested. "And what makes you think it would want to help?" Sheriff Silverstar asked doubtfully. Pinkie Pie grabbed his head in her hooves and pointed it upward. "Because it's right there silly," She giggled. From the rising dust cloud emerged the Red Comet streaking into the sky. Sheriff Silverstar's jaw hit the desert floor. "Just don't ask Sheriff, trust me," Twilight said. Comet's POV. I can with utmost certainty that I was not expecting to be facing a buffalo the size of a mesa when I decided to sneak out of bed tonight. But I suppose that's what I get for sneaking around the adult's backs. I wasn't sure where he had come from or what he wanted. But I couldn't allow him to destroy that mesa while Little Strongheart might be inside. Banking into a 180-degree turn, I raced toward him aligning my trajectory with his head which was big enough to fit onto the side of a mountain. As I closed in, I cocked my hindlegs inward and pivoted on my outstretched foreleg aiming for the side of his face. KA-POW!!! "OW!" Immediately his head snapped back as he staggered to his left, his knees struggling to regain balance. To my surprise, however, he quickly steadied his stance and shook his head. He glared at me with burning red eyes and snorted a cloud of black smoke from his nostrils. "What trickery is this? A flaming star?" A sinister grin as wide as Appleloosa's main street spread across his face as he let out a booming peel of laughter. "Hahahahahahahahahaha! Is that the best you can do Great Spirit? A firefly? The buffalo's faith in you has clearly waned if this is the extent of your resistance!" "What gives? That blow should've knocked him on his side." A closer look with my aura vision revealed why. His massive hooves were drawing in lines of magic from the rubble he'd knocked down from the cliffside. "He grows stronger each time he destroys something. If he gets to Appleloosa...Well, I'm not gonna let that happen." I charged forward like an angry wasp, hitting him with blow after blow from every angle. Hoofjabs, uppercuts, double hind flying kicks, every attack I could think of. The titan staggered and stumbled, the bones on his necklace rattling with every blow, but his hooves stayed firmly planted. ENOUGH!!! He roared with such volume that it threw me into a tailspin. I grow bored with your annoying antics! I will swat you like the horsefly you are! Then I will turn this land into my stampeding ground!" He raised his forehoof out summoning forth a black staff as large as a tree. He raised it high above his head in front of the moon. The black gem set in the head began to crackle with arcs of lightning as dark clouds formed around it. It looked strong enough to scorch this entire area to ashes. As the lightning began to build stronger and stronger I raced toward it, my eyes frantically surveying the. surface for just the right spot. If I could find its softest point and strike it with enough force, it would hopefully shatter into pieces rendering it useless. Before I find it, however, the Buffalo cried out "KENAHKIHINEN!" KRRAAKOWW! A shower of bolts washed over me, blinding me with their brilliant light. The current raced through my body causing my mane and tail to stand on end and leaving the rest of my body feeling like it was only fire. The deafening crackle of thunder rippled through my ears as I struggled to regain my senses. WHAM! Then I felt a wall of gemstone hit me across the side sending me plummeting into the ground like a meteor. When he said he was gonna swat me like a fly he meant it. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't going to go squish so easily. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't going to stop him from trying as his house-sized hoof came down on the crater I was in. CRASH! Third Pony POV. Meanwhile... "Wake up! Wake up!" Braeburn pounded frantically on every door he passed. He didn't bother to wait for somepony to answer. He just galloped on to next door. In a short amount of time, he had managed to gather a considerable crowd of irritable sleep-deprived townsponies onto the main street. "First of all, Ah'd like to apologize for waking you all up at this hour. A'h wouldn't have done it if it wasn't important." "Well, out with it then," An impatient stallion demanded. Braeburn took in a deep breath and exhaled, only to be cut off by a blinding flash of multicolored light followed by a rumbling boom. All eyes turned to the sky as a rainbow appeared from the explosion heading towards the town. It passed above the main street and then stopped suddenly above the crowd. "Listen up everypony, Rainbow Dash said in her authoritative tone, we need to evacuate Appleloosa right now." Several townsponies gasped in shock, while others muttered to those standing closest to them. "Evacuate Appleloosa? What for?" Braeburn asked. At that moment, a distant flash of lightning illuminated an enormous black shadow across the side of a butte. "That's what for," Dash answered. "Little Strongheart sat next to Miracle Star in front of the ruins of the fallen statue. The fallen half of its broken face stared back at her with one eye. The young buffalo looked back, guilt written all over her face. "It's all my fault," She bemoaned. "You told me the trial was one of temptation, and I gave in." "No, it's all your fault young one." Miracle Star said. "Part of the blame lies with me." "For thinking I was worthy of taking the trials?" Little Strongheart said believing what was on the spirit's mind. "No," Miracle Star replied sharply. "For not telling you the whole story." Little Strongheart looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" She asked. "That name and voice Gnaskiyan used, White Lightning Cloud. He was my twin brother." Little Strongheart's jaw fell open. "Your brother?" Miracle Star nodded her head silently. "From the day we were born, we were inseparable," She said with an air of sadness. "We did everything together, He wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend in the world." Little Strongheart looked away, her ears drooping as she looked into the stone eye of the statue's face. "What happened to him?" She finally asked. Miracle Star closed her eyes as if reaching into a painful part of her visible soul. "On the day we both came of age, the then champion came to our village. He was old and grey and he knew his time was soon at an end. He told the Chief that he had recently had a vision that showed him that his successor was in our village. Every buffalo gathered in the center of the village. The champion walked around looking at everyone he passed by. Then he stopped, his old eyes fell upon my family. He looked at my parents, and then at my brother and me. Then he raised his forehoof and pointed at me. 'This one,' he said, 'She is the one I saw in my vision. She will take the trials.' I didn't know what to say. Every buffalo in the village was so excited, they all wished me luck." "As you might expect, I ended up passing the trials and when I returned home it was a cause for celebration. My parents, our Chief, the village elders, everyone congratulated me and told me how what I was chosen to do was a great honor. The only one who wasn't celebrating was my brother. When I asked him what was wrong, he simply shrugged and said 'nothing." "I didn't realize it at the time, but White Lightning Cloud was envious. He felt betrayed and left behind. As tales of my deeds spread throughout the Badlands, his feelings of neglect and inadequacy grew. Finally, he came here searching for some way to become as powerful as I had. And unfortunately, his hatred and envy attracted the attention of Gnaskiyan. He made my brother a deal, In exchange for becoming his vessel on this plane, he would become more powerful than I." Ghostly tears fell from her eyes, rolling down her until they fell off and dissipated into smoke. "And my brother...accepted. He became an unstoppable force of destruction that caused death and devastation wherever he went. And as champion, I knew it was my duty to stop him." "What ended up happening?" Little Strongheart asked hesitantly. Miracle Star closed her eyes and took in an ethereal breath. "At the time I did not know of my brother's actions. I just knew that as long as Gnaskiyan was free, the world would remain in peril. I fought him while the previous champion prepared a ritual that would seal Gnaskiyan up. The ritual succeeded at the cost of his own life. It was only afterward that I learned of what White Lightning Cloud had done. He became a pariah in our village to the point that our parents disowned him. Meanwhile, I was celebrated as a hero. I could not stay there anymore." Eventually, when my time came close, I received a vision as well. A pair of siblings, one of whom would be my successor. I could not bring myself to separate them the way I had been from my brother and so I passed on without taking a successor. As punishment, I was condemned to haunt this place until a worthy successor came." "Wow," Little Strongheart said. "I never would have imagined your life would've been so painful. I'm not saying that spirits don't have feelings because you do but..." "It is okay, young one. I understand what you are trying to say. What matters now is stopping Gnaskiyan, that is if you are still up for it?" "Stop him how?" Little Strongheart asked incredulously. "He destroyed the bracers and the jar." Miracle Star smiled slyly. "The magic of Tatanka does not flow from the bracers, but into them." She pointed at Little Strongheart's chest. "From the purest heart." "No no, that can't be right." Little Strongheart shook her head protestingly. "I gave into temptation, I failed the trials, I can't be pure of heart." "You fell for Gnaskiyan's deception out of a desire to help my brother. That does not make you impure of heart, just naive of mind." Miracle Star said knocking on Little Strongheart's head with her hoof. "Besides, I believe every creature deserves a second chance to make amends for their mistakes." Little Strongheart still wasn't quite convinced. "What if it doesn't work? What if I'm not worthy." "There is only one way to know for sure," Miracle Star said. "And that is?" Little Strongheart asked. The White Buffalo walked forward and turned to face her. "Stand up straight, hold your head up, and stomp your forehooves like this." She raised one knee and stomped. She did the same with the other leg, then the first one again. Her hooves stamping out a rhythm. "Now you try." Little Strongheart raised her knee up and hesitantly brought it down. She repeated this with the other leg. "Okay it seems you have the rhythm down, Now this time do it with your eyes closed and repeat after me." Little Strongheart closed her eyes and listened as Miracle Star performed a chanting. "Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk" "Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk Inuk Chuk!" She repeated after her, the sounds of their hoofsteps on the stone hammered out the beat as Miracle Star began to chant faster. "Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk," Little Strongheart followed her stamping her hooves faster her hind legs instinctively joining in the beat. From the ruins of the statue, an ethereal white light shone from inside the rubble. The stone beneath shifted and fell as the light rose from the ruin in the form of a ball. Like an arrow, it homed in on Little Strongheart. Immediately the young calf felt a surge of warmth rush through her body. Every nerve tingled as she felt it race through her body. Unbeknownst to her, her coat was changing from brown to white. Bands of light enveloped her shins forming a pair of silver bracers with turquoise stones. Another band of light enveloped her neck forming a silver necklace with a turquoise pendant. Her muscles bulged and expanded as she felt the ground beneath her shake with every stomp of her growing hooves. "Yes, you are doing it!" Miracle Star cheered. "Keep it up!" Little Strongheart gritted her teeth as she felt the magic inside her building, reshaping her body. "Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk Inuk Chuk!" With every stomp, the bulging feeling grew stronger, the crashes louder. She could feel whatever force was holding back the magic growing weaker. Her voice deepened as it neared critical mass. "INUK CHUK! INUK CHUK! INUK CHUK! INUK....CHUK!" With one final surge the dam holding back the magic burst. Little Strongheart clenched her teeth as she felt herself rising higher and higher into the air even as her hooves remained on the ground. Her heart raced faster and faster as every bone lengthened and every muscle swelled. Her horns grew longer, curving outward as her head sprouted further and further upward. The flooding sensation continued for what felt like an eternity but suddenly faded as quickly as it came. Little Strongheart opened her eyes and looked down to find the ground was a lot farther away than it was before. Two enormous tree trunks covered in white shaggy hair stretched down from her vantage point. The debris left over from the statue closer resembled the smaller replica that was once inside. "WHOA! What just happened!" Her voice several octaves deeper echoed through the air. "I believe you just proved yourself worthy," a small voice squeaked. A tiny puff of white smoke rose on her snout revealing the tiny figure of Miracle Star. "My you certainly got big didn't you, almost as big as I was in my day." "Ugh, my head feels really sore," Her voice rippled through the air as she reached out to rub her horns. Little Strongheart's eyes, already the size of telescope lenses, bulged out as she ran the length of her fully-grown horn. "My horns! They grew too!" She cried out a step in astonishment as she stumbled backward. She heard something crumble beneath her hind leg. "What was that?" She turned around slowly and looked down to see a massive hoofprint driven into the stone floor. "Whoops, sorry." She blushed and grinned sheepishly. "Guess I'm gonna have to practice watching where I step." Miracle Star laughed heartily. "Oh ho ho don't sweat it, I caused my fair share of collateral damage back in my day. You'll get used to it. Right now though, we need to focus on stopping Gnaskiyan." Little Strongheart's ears drooped down as she thought about what that entailed. Being a headstrong calf she was used to butting heads with others both figuratively and literally. But Gnaskiyan was something else entirely. "What's wrong?" Miracle Star asked, noticing her uncertainty. "I don't know if I'm ready to," The colossal calf admitted in her booming voice. "I mean yeah I passed the trials and I transformed and everything, but it still feels like I'm not ready yet." The White Buffalo Cow placed her forehoof on the bridge of Little Strongheart's snout. "Young one, no one is ever completely ready. I wasn't, nor was the champion that came before me. Not even Tatanka when he became the first champion. There's no number of trials to prepare you for everything life gonna throw at you. No amount of wisdom will tell you how to shoulder your burden. You've just got to learn to take what life throws at you. And when you get knocked down you get right back up. But I believe in you because you already showed me you possess the most important attribute of a champion. A strong heart." Little Strongheart's enormous face lifted into a grin of determination as she held her head up high. "You're right, it's time I stop doubting and start believing in myself." A twinkling smile spread across Miracle Star's tiny muzzle. "Now that's the spirit of a true champion. Now just close your eyes and focus on where you want to go." Little Strongheart did as instructed. The turquoise stones in her bracers shimmered as clouds of white smoke erupted from beneath her hooves. They spread up her towering legs and wrapped around her barrel covering her gargantuan form in thick smog. A flash of lightning illuminated her form before the smoke cleared leaving no sign of either of them. Comet's POV Darkness filled my vision as I felt the weight of a cliff bearing down on my shoulders. Every muscle in my body ached as I held back the massive black hoof that was threatening to plant me in the ground. "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" The thunderous voice of the Black Buffalo boomed down on me. "It seems you have some fight in you after all little star! But you cannot resist me forever!" "Oh yeah, watch me," I said as I bent my hind knees into a squatting position. I could feel my energy building up inside me, coiling like a spring as I dug down deep. All those barrel-squat exercises were about to pay off. WHOOSH! With one powerful thrust of my glutes, I launched myself into the air pushing the hoof upward with such momentum that the Black Buffalo was thrown off balance. He stumbled backward on three hooves, his staff falling from his grip before tumbling over onto his back with a thunderous crash. BOOM! Now was my chance, as his weapon fell to the ground like a fallen tree, I charged hoof outstretched at the gem on top. I could see the soft spot. One hit would shatter it hopefully into harmless. Before my hoof could make contact, however, the staff suddenly flew away of its own will, leaving me with nothing to hit but the ground. CRASH! "Nice try little star! KENAHKIHINEN!" I shook the dust out of my mane just as another bolt of lightning surged through my body pinning me to the ground. Every nerve felt like it was on fire. I could not move or stand, my hooves fused to the ground as the current passed through them. When it stopped, my entire body fell limp. What was wrong with me? I'd taken magic spells plenty of times before and they never left me drained like this before. The only other time I could think of was when I fought Nightmare Moon. But that was in my dreams, this was reality. My thoughts were interrupted as a dark aura suddenly enveloped my body. Before I could comprehend what was happening, it levitated me off the ground and into the air. A snaking trail of magic tethered it to the staff pulling me closer like a fish on a line. The Black Buffalo rose to his hooves using his staff as a crutch. His smile gleamed with triumph as he brought me in closer. His already gigantic face seemed to only grow larger as he brought me in closer. "What sorcery is this?" He said with a mix of surprise and fascination. His fiery red eyes bore into me as he studied me. "A pony inside of a flaming star? Clothed in strange garment no less. Fascinating! Tell me, what is your name, and how did you acquire such power?" As the reality of my situation began to sink in, I realized there was no way for me to escape his grasp. Still, I wasn't about to give up so easily. "I could ask you the same question," I said in defiance. His lips folded into a grin. "A clever comeback." he said. "Very well, I will indulge. I am Gnaskiyan and this world will soon be my stampeding ground! Now tell me who are you?" "I'm the colt that's gonna kick your hairy smelly butt when I get out of here," I said to his astonished face. His eyebrows each the size of a normal buffalo curved upward as his eyelids opened wide. He let out a booming laugh that rattled my eardrums. "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I admire your spirit, and how exactly do you plan to do that?" I closed my eyes and knelt my head. "Like this," FWOOSH! I unleashed a flash of heat vision across the surface of my eyes, stunning Gnaskiyan in his tracks. His concentration broke as he threw up his foreleg to shield his eyes from the blinding light. His aura vanished freeing me from his captivity. I flew over his head and along his back. "Have to hurry, it won't be long before he regains his eyesight." I ascended into preparing to strike the stone one more time. "What the?" Suddenly a massive cloud of white smoke appeared out of nowhere, covering the area like a shroud. Claps of thunder echoed across the ground as another gigantic figure stepped forward out of the smoke. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw who it was. Third Pony POV "Little Strongheart?" Chief Thunderhooves's jaw hung open in disbelief. "N-Not so l-little any-more." One of the buffalo standing next to him stammered in fear. The Buffalo Princess stood as tall as a mesa butte, her coat as white as the clouds. She wore a pair of silver bracers on her forelegs and a silver pendant around her neck. "Well, looks like we found her," Twilight said. "And I must say she's certainly become a much snappier dresser," Rarity complimented. "I mean the way the silver and turquoise meshes with her new coat color is simply fabulous." The entire group stared at her. "What? I can't help if I have an eye for fashion." "Gnaskiyan! I have come to stop you!" Her deep voice echoed across the badlands. Gnaskiyan still blinded by Apple Comet turned in the direction of her voice. As his vision slowly cleared he saw Little Strongheart standing before him with a determined expression. His face fell in astonishment. "No, it can't be! I thought I destroyed those accursed artifacts!" "Your rampage ends here!" She said with a snort as she lowered her head. "I won't let you terrorize this land!" "Bold words for one so young! Very well, I will indulge you with one final defeat!" With a wave, Gnaskiyan's staff vanished from his hoof in a puff of smoke. The Black Buffalo lowered his head to meet his opponent. He pawed his hoof and flared his nostrils. Little Strongheart looked back, her face unflinching. She wasn't intimidated by his display. "RARRRRRGH!" BOOOM! With a thunderous crash, their skulls met. Their towering legs kicked up enormous clouds of dust as the two fighters vied for dominance. Gnaskiyan held a clear size and strength advantage. Try as she might, Little Strongheart could not push him back. Her hooves carved deep trenches in the earth as she dug her heels in. With a raise of his head, Gnaskiyan threw her off balance and sent her crashing onto her side. CRASH! But Little Strongheart lived up to her name with her tenacity. As soon as she touched the ground, she instinctively rolled out of the way and rose to her feet. Without wasting a moment she charged her wither into Gnaskiyan's side and wrapped her forelegs around his. Using leverage and momentum, she shoved him off balance, sending him to the same ground he'd thrown her on. SLAM! "Wow, she's good," said Twilight. Chief Thunderhooves sat back and smiled with pride. "I always told her those wrestling lessons would pay off someday." He said as he watched his gigantic daughter drive her knee into her opponent's exposed stomach. Gnaskiyan roared in pain as he thrashed about trying to get free. Little Strongheart seized the opportunity to deliver several more blows before the Black Buffalo threw her off. Once more he charged at her, but this time Little Strongheart was ready. This time instead of meeting him head-on, the Buffalo Princess pivoted on her forelegs delivering a powerful buck to his chin. POW! Gnaskiyan staggered as his head snapped back. Little Strongheart charged forward delivering a headbutt to the side of his head, sending him to the ground once more. Unfortunately for her, one of Gnaskiyan's hooves kicked out as he fell striking her in the side striking her in the jaw. Little Strongheart winced as struggled to keep her balance. Sensing his chance. Gnaskiyan lunged driving his head into hers. Still reeling and with her guard down. Little Strongheart was unable to stop his momentum and was driven into the side of a butte. " An admirable effort child!" He said as he butted her deeper into the side of the rock formation. "But you...do not...stand...a chance...against...me!" Little Strongheart gritted her teeth as each blow struck. She did her best to try and block the strikes with her forelegs, but with each blow, her footing weakened and she slumped back deeper into the butte. "Oh, no Little Strongheart!" Chief Thunderhooves cried out as she slumped down on her side. Gnaskiyan continued his relentless assault goring and kicking her while she was down. "We have to do something, she can't fight back!" Twilight shouted. "Look, up in the sky!" Pinkie Pie pointed excitedly. "It's the comet!" Rarity exclaimed as the comet flew towards the battle. "No, no, no," Pinkie shook her head. "You're supposed to say the whole thing." The others looked at her confused, but then just shrugged. Just Pinkie being Pinkie they thought. Apple Comet's POV. As soon as the shock of seeing Little Strongheart the size of a butte wore off, I flew up to a higher altitude to get a better view of the situation. Luckily, Gnaskiyan had forgotten about me for the moment as he focused his attention on his new opponent. The two of them fought. Their hoofsteps shook the earth beneath them. Gnaskiyan eventually gained the upper hoof driving her sideways into a butte. Realizing she needed my help, I dove back into the action. Gnaskiyan too busy headbutting his target didn't notice as I zeroed in on his left eye. POW! "GARRRGH!" The Black Buffalo let out a cry of pain as he brought one hoof up to his eye. With his one good eye, he glared daggers at me. "You again! You'll pay for that!" He raised his hoof into the air, summoning his magic staff once again. I had him mad, that was good, now all I had to do was come up with a plan in the next 3.7 seconds before he started blasting. "'XO-LOT-TAL!" The head of the staff erupted as a ball of fire flew out. It missed sailing right past me, then suddenly turned around to follow. "What the?" I said as the ball of fire began to catch up. "Ha Ha Ha Ha! Now you know what it's like to be pestered by an annoying fly!" He held his staff outward again. "Here, have a few more." At his command several more flaming spheres appeared. One by one they flew towards me. "Whoa!" I dodged as best as I could, but they easily matched my every move. It soon became obvious I was surrounded and outnumbered. Like Hydra's heads, they snaked around me simultaneously attacking from multiple directions. Their patterns formed a circular cage that was getting tighter with every pass. All the while, Gnaskiyan continued to add more. "Ha Ha Ha Ha! That's right fly, fly around all you like. But pretty soon you won't have anywhere to fly. And when that happens..." Unfortunately for Gnaskiyan, he was so busy gloating that he forgot the important lesson of not turning your back on your opponent. Giving Little Strongheart ample time to rise to her hooves. RAM! With a thunderous charge, Little Strongheart slammed her head into the evil buffalo's err...backside. He cried out in pain, his forehoof releasing the staff from his grip as he stumbled forward. As it hit the ground the balls of fire dissipated. Not wasting her chance, the buffalo princess jumped onto his back and grabbed hold of him by the horns. With her hind legs wrapped around his barrel, she shifted her weight forward to the side. THOOM! With a tremor that could be felt as far away as Appleloosa, the clashing titans hit the ground. Gnaskiyan thrashed his head violently trying to break his horns free of Little Strongheart's grip. Determined not to let her opponent escape, Little Strongheart held on tight, shifting all her weight to keep on his side. "NOW, DO IT!" She called out. "Is she talking to me?" I wondered out loud. regardless, I knew what she was referring to. And judging from his reaction, so was Gnaskiyan. " NO!" The black buffalo roared as he saw flying head-on towards his staff. He thrashed violently struggling to free himself. Little Strongheart held on desperately with all her might. But eventually was thrown off by her stronger heavier opponent. Gnaskiyan rose to his hooves and reached out for the staff. Little Strongheart desperately struggled to stand as she saw his toes reaching for his weapon. By sheer adrenaline, she managed to stand and charge. But Gnaskiyan had already seen her coming and drove his head into her jaw. His horn plunged into her cheek turning her white coat red with her blood. In the distance, I heard the terrifying voice of Chief Tunderhooves call out his daughter's name. "Little Strongheart No!" With blood pouring down the side of her head the buffalo princess fell to her knees. Satisfied with his violent deed. Gnaskiyan pulled his blood-soaked horn from her face and reached down for his staff. He grasped it in his hoof and raised it high. As he pointed it in my direction, Little Strongheart in the throes of shock made one final charge. Her legs stumbled as drew close and her head missed Gnaskiyan. With a snarl, he turned and bucked her in the side of the head with his hind legs. Tired, beaten, and bloody, Little Strongheart fell to the ground. With a smirk, Gnaskiyan turned back to me. but his sadistic satisfaction turned to horror as my hoof made contact with the staff's headstone. KRRAAASH! Third Pony POV. Little Strongheart wearily lifted her head as the flaming star collided with Gnaskiyan's staff. The stone shattered into countless shards as the magic within exploded outward in a ball of blue lightning engulfing the flaming star. Out of the flash, the star emerged. Its fire extinguished it crashed into the depression she had left in White Horn Butte. From the smoke rising from the head of the staff, Gnaskiyan's eyes burned with a barely contained rage. "I must admit, I underestimated you two." He seethed tossing his now useless staff to the ground."Unfortunately for you, it did not change the outcome of our battle. His massive head leaned in close to her. "Out of pity, I will let you live a little longer. So you can watch as I stampede everything you know and love into the earth. Unless of course, you are foolish enough to try and stop me." He turned his back delivering one last kick to her barrel. "Let that be a reminder. Farewell Champion." With that he galloped off, his towering legs shaking up clouds of dust from the earth as he stampeded off in the direction of Appleloosa. "Everyone huddle together!" Twilight yelled as loud as she could. Her friends as well as Sheriff Silverstar and the Chief did as instructed. Twilight's eyes and horn lit up as willed her magic to reach out as far as she could. FLASH! With a flash and a pop, a dome of magenta magic engulfed the search party vanishing them into thin air just as Gnaskiyan's locomotive-sized hooves flattened the ground they had been standing on. The black bison paid them no mind and continued on his path of destruction. POP! "Phew that was close," Pinkie Pie said wiping her brow with relief. "He's headed straight for Appleloosa!" Sheriff Silverstar cried out. "We have to stop him!" "And how do you propose we do that?" One of the buffalo asked him. Twilight Sparkle turned her gaze over to the fallen form of Little Strongheart. If anyone stood a chance at stopping Gnaskiyan it was her. "Follow me," she said before teleporting with another pop. "Holy Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed understandably taken aback when she saw how big Little Strongheart was up close. The buffalo princess's head alone was the size of Applejack's barn. Her barrel resembled a hill covered in white hair. The pupils of her eyes were each as big as a full-grown buffalo. "Ulp...h-hi there," Twilight offered up a trembling hoof wave. "L-Little Strongheart wasn't it? M-My name is Twilight Sparkle and m-my friends I was just wondering if you're gonna be okay?" Little Strongheart slowly raised her head causing Twilight to step back. Her entire body felt sore up and down. "That wound looks pretty serious," Twilight said noticing the gaping hole in the side of her face. "We need to operate immediately," Pinkie Pie said suddenly appearing from behind dressed in a nurse outfit. Twilight reared back and let out a surprised neigh. "Pinkie when did you get here?" She turned around to find the rest of the search party standing behind her. "You aren't the only one who can teleport darling," Said Rarity as she stepped forward to take a closer look at Little Strongheart's injury. "Oh, dear look at what that horrible brute has done to your face!" She levitated a needle and spool from her saddlebags. "I'm afraid this is going to be nowhere near enough." "I, have an idea, Pinkie said as she bounced over to Little Strongheart's chest. She withdrew a pair of candy cane-striped hedge trimmers and began furiously trimming away clumps of the giant buffalo's coat. Once she had enough she put the shears back inside her mane and tied the hair she had gathered with two large rubber bands. "Here try this," She said presenting the hair to Rarity. "Hmm, a little unorthodox I must admit," the fashionista said examining the thick strands. "But it just might work. The only problem is whether or not my needle will be enough to pierce her skin. "I gotcha," Twilight's raspberry aura took hold of the needle. With a poof, the needle had grown to the length of a rapier. "Thank you Twilight, now I need you to hold the ends while I suture them together." Rarity said threading the hair through the large needle. Twilight seized the openings of the wound with her magic and brought them closer together. BZZZT! Suddenly a bright red beam shot out of the mesa onto Little Strongheart's face. It quickly drew across the open wound cauterizing it shut as it went. "What the?" Twilight turned around the beam finished its sweep. "Chief look! the wound is gone." One of the buffalo pointed to the spot on Little Strongheart's cheek now just a scar on a burnt patch of bare skin. WHOOSH! Out of the butte the red comet flew high into the sky. "The flaming star!" "It's going after Gnaskiyan!" "Gnas...kiyan!" Little Strongheart winced as she tried to stand. Her sudden movement sent everyone running for cover. "Where does she think she's going?" Sheriff Silverstar asked once they reached the safety of a field of rocks. Chief Thunderhooves regaining his composure stepped out from behind the rocks. "LITTLE STRONGHEART! DAUGHTER! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" He shouted at the top of his voice. "You don't have to shout Father," She whispered as she pushed herself up off the ground. "Oh, sorry," He quickly apologized as his gigantic daughter slowly rose to her hooves."Listen to me..." he paused feeling suddenly uncertain of what to say. "Father now is not the time for one of your scoldings. Besides, we both know you can't punish me right now." Chief Thunderhooves felt a lump form in his throat. Seeing his daughter standing at her full height looking down on him with her enormous eyes bearing down made him realize how small he was next to her. He couldn't exactly send her to her tipi anymore. "I-I." He felt himself shrinking under her gaze. "You're right, I can't. " He finally admitted. "You're not my little calf anymore. You're growing up." "And up and up and up," Pinkie Pie added with a snort. "You've clearly proved that you're ready to stampede your own trail in life. I just want to say, that I'm proud of you and I love you my Little Strongheart." A single tear fell down Little Strongheart's cheek, hitting the desert ground with a splash. "Thanks Dad, now stand back everyone, I've got some stampeding to do!" "That's my little...er, I mean big girl." Little Strongheart pawed the ground kicking up piles of earth. She snorted and let out a low bellow, then took off galloping. The thundering of her mighty hooves echoed through the night. Apple Comet's POV. I was still feeling drained after crashing through Gnaskiyan's scepter, but I couldn't stop and rest knowing Applejack and Braeburn were in danger. As long as I had my power, I wouldn't let any harm come to them. Catching up to Gnaskiyan had been the easy part. I had just followed the crater-sized hoofprints he'd left. Stopping him would be the challenge. After all, do you stop a rock formation with legs? It was a question I didn't have time to ponder. Appleloosa was just over the next hill. The mood on the town's main street could best be described as panicky. And honestly, who could blame them? With a bison the size of a butte headed straight for them who wouldn't be? Ponies crowded into stagecoaches and carts, anything with wheels that could carry them as far away from the stampeding menace as possible. It was now or never, I had to stop him here. Drawing upon every ounce of power I could muster, I rushed to close the gap. I locked onto the knee of his right foreleg and cocked my hindleg back. TWHACK! "YAAAAHHHH!!!" With everything I had, I delivered a powerful flying side kick to his knee, sending the gargantuan goliath flying head over back into the hillside. BOOOOOM! Every window in town shattered. Every shelf spilled its contents. Carts and wagons jumped into the air. In the orchard, apples rained from the branches covering the ground in their harvest. The evacuation of the town was brought to a complete halt as the townsponies looked up at the enormous clouds of dirt rising from the Macintosh Hills. I managed to glide my way back to the orchard with my coma flickering like a candle in the wind. By chance, I happened to land beneath Bloomberg. To my shock and amazement, I found Applejack still sleeping soundly under the tree. "Consarnit Bloomberg, how many times have A'h told ya not to go playing with dynamite?" She muttered to herself in her sleep. Ignoring what she had just said, I grabbed her wither and shook her. "Applejack, Applejack wake up it's me Apple Comet. We need to get out of here right now." She let out a deep yawn and proceeded to roll over onto her side. "That's nice Apple Comet, y'all can tell me about it in the morning." "GRRRRROOOOOOOWWWWWWWL!!!!! The way things were going, Appleloosa wasn't going to make it to morning. Out of the rising dust, the long shadow of the black bison fell upon the orchard. His red eyes stared at me with the fury of a forest fire. The earth beneath me shook violently with every step as he lumbered forward slowly. I grabbed Applejack and threw her across my back. Unfortunately, she was much heavier than she usually was. I was only able to take a few steps before my legs gave out pinning me under her. "APPLEJACK FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA WAKE UP!" I shouted as loud as I could. Applejack began to stir. "Mmmm, y'all don't have to shout," She mumbled as her eyes opened. "Apple Comet, what in tarnation are y'all doing under there?" She looked up and noticed the obvious giant buffalo stomping toward the orchard. "WHOA NELLIE!" She exclaimed. It seemed hopeless. Gnaskiyan was headed straight for us. My solar energy was all but gone and by sunrise, Appleloosa would be nothing but a trail of hoofprints and rubble. "GNASKIYAN!" Suddenly, the enormous white figure of Little Strongheart appeared out of the dust. Gnaskiyan turned around just as the buffalo princess slammed her head into the side of his. BAM! Caught off guard, Gnaskiyan could only stumble sideways as Little Strongheart followed up with a double kick off her hind legs. POW! The Black Buffalo tumbled sideways, his mass shaking the orchard to its foundation as he fell. The crackle of splintering timber and the rustle of falling leaves echoed all around us as the impact uprooted many trees. Little Strongheart wasted no time pinning Gnaskiyan to the ground. "YOU'RE FINISHED!" She roared as she pointed her horns at the talisman around his neck. " NO!" Realizing what she was about to do, Gnaskiyan kicked out violently with all fours. Little Strongheart flew off landing on her back in the middle of the orchard. Her ridged back flattened the trees beneath her like a meteorite. BOOOOOOOM!!!! "WHAAAAAAAAAA!" Applejack cried as we were both sent airborne by the shockwave. Luckily Bloomberg was there to break our fall with his branches. "What did A'h miss?" While Applejack and I recovered our senses, Gnaskiyan staggered triumphantly to his hooves. "Wrong calf, it is you who is finished. You and the rest of this pitiful world will be trampled beneath my hooves." With bloodlust in his eyes, Gnaskiyan charged forward. His black and shiny horns pointed at Little Strongheart's neck. The Buffalo Princess reached for something dangling on one of her horns. Cusping it in her hoof she held it out in front of her as if it were a ward against evil. " Including...this?" She asked holding up the talisman he had been wearing around his neck. As soon as he saw it, Gnaskiyan's enormous face froze with terror. He tried to stop but his momentum was too great. "SMASHHH!!!" Like a battering ram to a gate, his horn collided with the object unleashing a massive flash of eerie green light that lit up the entire orchard. "NOOOOOO CURRRRRSSSSSSE...YOUUUUUUUUUUUU...!!!!" The evil shaman screamed as the talisman's magic engulfed him. Everywhere for miles around the sky, the hills and the buttes were bathed in the ethereal glow. And then it was gone. All that remained was a single ball of light that ascended into the sky and then vanished in Luna's tapestry. All was silent, Except for fields of hoofprints and the swath of destruction carved through the orchard, there was no sign of either of the giant buffalo. "LITTLE STRONGHEART!" I cried as leaped out of the tree. I stopped only long enough to change out of my costume. Then I ran for the orchard as fast as I could muster. For the second time in my life, I knew what it meant to be physically tired. But I pressed my weary legs onward and kept on galloping. "Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart!" "APPLE COMET WAIT UP!" Applejack called out behind me. But I kept on running and calling out to Little Strongheart. "Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart!" I don't remember exactly when I lost consciousness. I just know that at some point, my legs gave out and my body followed suit. Third Pony POV. "Little Strongheart, wake up. Wake up." The Buffalo Princess slowly began to stir. She opened her weary eyes to find herself lying in a field of lush tallgrass. Standing above her was Miracle Star and a brown bull that seemed oddly familiar to her. "M-Miracle Star?" She asked puzzled. "Where are we? What's going on?" She turned her attention to the bull. "And who are you?" "Patience, patience all will be answered in due time. For your first question, I suggest you stand up. You can't see very much when you're lying down." Little Strongheart rose to her hooves. She found that the aches and pains she had accumulated over her battle were gone. "Whoa!" Beyond her, in every direction lay endless green plains stretching seemingly into the infinite. Everywhere she looked she saw buffalo. Herds upon herds upon herds of them. Some stampeded or butted heads, while others were simply content to graze and drink. "What is this place?" "The Happy Grazing Ground." Said Miracle Star. "The reward promised to the buffalo who lived a virtuous life." "So...I'm...dead?" Little Strongheart asked with hesitant dread. "Dead? Hahahahahaha," Miracle and the Bull both laughed heartfully. "No of course not," Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of relief. "Then why am I here?" "We just wanted to congratulate you one last time for completing the trials." Miracle said. "And to thank you for all you've done." The Bull added. Little Strongheart swore she had heard his voice before. "Have we met before?" She asked him. "We have spoken," He said. "But my tongue was not my own. I'm White Lightning Cloud." Immediately everything clicked. "You're her brother, but I thought that you were..." She stopped when noticed he appeared uncomfortable. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." "No it is alright, I understand." He said. "You have a right to feel distrustful. I just wanted to thank you for freeing me from Gnaskiyan's possession. You have no idea how it feels to finally be free after so many centuries." Little Strongheart smiled and said, "I forgive you. so what happens now?" "That is up to you now," Miracle Star said placing her hoof on Little Strongheart's wither. "This is where we say goodbye. The role of the champion is yours now. I know you will do us and your tribe proud." Little Strongheart knelt her head down. "I'll try to do my best." She said. "That's all the Great Spirit can ask of you," Miracle Star smiled and said. "Farewell Little Strongheart " The two siblings turned and slowly walked off into the distance. Little Strongheart felt exhaustion overtake once more and she fell onto her side. Comet's POV. I awoke the next afternoon to the sounds of intensive labor. As I threw off the covers, I found myself surrounded by a conical canvas wrapped around wooden poles. I was inside a tipi. I looked down to find the bed I'd been sleeping in was little more than I blanket and pillow on the floor. As I examined the pattern on the canvas, my X-ray vision suddenly returned. A pair of work ponies were tying a rope around the trunk of an uprooted tree. "Okay pull 'er up." One of them said to a buffalo holding the rope indicating the rope was properly tied. The buffalo nodded and pulled the fallen tree upright. Around the rest of the orchard, other groups worked removing fallen trees, planting seeds, and repairing broken fences. As I stood up, I noticed Applejack walking over to my tent, carrying a tray with a plate of eggs, haycon, toast, and a glass of apple juice. Deciding I could do with a bite to eat, I made my temporary bed and stretched my legs. "A'h good y'all are awake," Applejack said settling the tray down in front of me. "A'h was just coming to check up on you." "What's going on Applejack," I asked. "How come the buffalo are helping rebuild the orchard?" Applejack just winked at me and said, "Why don't y'all come out and A'h'll explain everything. After you've had some grub of course." My stomach couldn't argue with that logic. One clean plate later, we were heading back to Braeburn's house. Along the way, Applejack explained what had happened while I was out. "So in the end, both sides reached an agreement. The buffalo would help us rebuild Appleloosa and provide tipis to those whose homes were damaged during the battle. In return, we agreed to clear them a path through the orchard for them to stampede." "That's great," I said. "What about Little Strongheart? Did anyone find out what happened to her?" Applejack noticing the concern on my face placed her hoof on my shoulder. "She's alright Sugarcube. The Buffalo found her early this morning." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Where was she?" I pressed further. "Believe it or not, asleep in the Chief's tipi. Back down to normal size too. No one knows quite how she got there." I smirked and shook my head. Whatever, just one more unexplainable phenomenon in a day filled with them. The town's main street was abuzz with activity. Buffalo and Ponies working side by side to clean up the mess. Construction crews worked on repairing the damaged buildings. Those that were condemned were knocked down by the buffalo to be replaced. Wagons would haul away the debris when they were done. Local businesses pitched in to help as well. The Town Doctor had moved his practice outside and was treated on-the-job injuries with what looked like a buffalo medicine cow. The Saloon Keeper was giving out buckets filled with sasparilla, probably baled out of his flooded cellar. The General Store Owner was donating his inventory to those who had lost valuable possessions. The local Undertaker was very busy. Thankfully his caskets were only being used for spare wood. "It's amazing," I said breathlessly. "Both sides are coming together to help one another." "Eyup," Applejack said with a hint of pride from seeing folks working hard together. "Soon as Twilight heard about what had happened she got everypony and buffalo organized." Up ahead the purple unicorn and Spike were supervising a group of work ponies rebuilding the schoolhouse. "How's everything coming along Twilight?" "Great," She said with much enthusiasm. " So far, everything's running on schedule, I can't wait to file my report to Princess Celestia." "One job at a time," Applejack chuckled. "Let's focus on fixing the town up first." "Oh, right, of course." I felt my heart flutter as her violet eyes looked at me. "Apple Comet you're awake. How are you feeling?" "Oh, um, fine, just fine, fit as a fiddle in fact," I answered in the most awkward way possible. "Are you sure? Spike asked gesturing to his cheeks. "Your face looks a little red to me." His pointy baby teeth flashed a knowing grin. So that's how he wanted to play it huh? Luckily at that moment, Rarity happened to be walking by carrying a roll of tapestry in her magic. "No more than yours," I said pointing over to the fashionista. He looked over and immediately got that lovey-dovey expression on his face. His scaly tail swished back and forth. "Well, that's good to know," Twilight smiled and said. She turned back to Applejack. "If you'll excuse us, we need to get back to work. We can catch up later. Come along, Spike." The drake followed her but his head stayed over his shoulder following Rarity's curly tail. He ended up walking head over heels into a trough. SPLASH! We ended up staying in Appleloosa for another three days due to the railroad being out of service. That didn't bother me that much since the work helped to pass the time. Because of my age, I was stuck doing chores with the other foals as well as a few buffalo calves. I made friends with many of them. The most popular topic was Little Strongheart and the Flaming Star. About how they saved the town, and how cool they were. They would often take turns pretending to us. One buffalo calf even jumped in a barrel of flour to look white. She ended up being chased by an understandably angry baker. I joined in a couple of times. It felt strange pretending I was enjoying reenacting a battle that had been anything but fun for me. The day before we left, Pinkie Pie threw a party for everyone in town. The main street was decorated with banners and balloons. Tables and stands were set up with all sorts of delicious food. And a large stage was built at the end of the street. As the sun began to set, a crowd began to gather at the front of the stage. Behind the curtain, the crew was working feverishly to get everything ready. "Y'all set to go Braeburn?" Applejack asked. Braeburn had been given the honor of giving a speech about what everyone had supposedly learned from these last few days. "Ready and rooting," He answered. "Got my speech right here," He reached into his vest pocket only to find it empty. "Huh that's strange, maybe A'h kept in my hat." "Uh, Cousin Braeburn, did you check your other pocket?" I politely suggested. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a set of papers. "Oh right, thanks Cousin Apple Comet," He said embarrassingly putting his hat back on. The crowd cheered as Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silverstar introduced him. "A'h thinks that's your cue," Applejack said nudging him with her knee. "Chip a hoof," Braeburn smiled and straightened his hat one more time. With a confident trot, he walked out past the Sheriff and the Chief. "How is she?" The Chief asked as soon as he and Silverstar were behind the curtain. His normally surly face looked concerned. "Still the same as before," Twilight answered looking over at the dressing booth door. "Hmm, I see." He said before walking up to the door and gently knocking. "Little Strongheart, Meadow Lily is everything alright in there?" "Sigh, Father would you please not call me that? It's so embarrassing." She groaned. "Oh, sorry," He said looking away bashfully. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" Little Strongheart took in a deep breath and rested her head in her hooves. "I don't know if I can go through it," she admitted. "All those eyes watching me." "Not go through with it?" He replied incredulously. "But you're the guest of honor everyone's expecting you." "Ughhhh! You're not helping!" Chief Thunderhooves cautiously backed away. It was clear this was a job for someone who knew how she felt. "Umm...excuse me, Chief?" I said in my most innocent colt tone of voice. He looked down at me. "I was wondering if I could say something real quick to her." His expression told me he was unimpressed. "Look, kid, you seem nice and all, But now is not a good time." "I'll be really quick, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye." He still didn't look convinced. "What was that?" he asked. "It's a Pinkie Promise!" "GAHHH! Both of us screamed as Pinkie Pie poked her head out of Chief Thunderhooves' headdress. "Pinkie Pie! Where did you come from?" I asked. The door to the dressing room flung open. "What's going on out here?" Little Strongheart asked. "I was just coming back to check how things were going and I overheard somepony making a Pinkie Promise." The Pink Party Planner said. "So I thought I'd help explain." "Would you please get out of my headdress?" Chief Thunderhooves asked gruffly. "Okie Dokie," Pinkie Pie leaped out of the headdress landing on her front hooves and transitioning into a cartwheel. "It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it," I told him. "Make it quick," he said shaking his head as he walked away. "What did you want to tell me?" She asked me. We'd already met earlier the day before when Appleloosa and the Buffalo signed a treaty agreeing to share the land. "I just wanted to thank you for saving the town," I told her. "I know you probably heard that a lot already. It's just my cousin Braeburn's house is right next to the orchard." Her eyes widened in shock. "You're the reason he and the rest of the settler ponies could be here tonight to celebrate." She ran her forehoof across the scar on her cheek. "Thank you," she said softly, her cheeks turning rosy red. "I thought it was pretty cool how you kicked Gnaskiyan's butt," I continued. She smiled softly and looked away. "Yeah, well I had a little help from a friend," She admitted. "I'm gonna be honest, ever since all this happened, I've been praised by everyone who walks up to me. Father's always going on about how proud he is of me. And the same with ponies as well. They all walk to me and shake my hoof. Tell me how I'm a hero and how great I am. It's gotten to the point where I don't know who I am anymore." She stopped when she noticed Chief Thunderhooves standing behind me. "Father." "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," He said looking with a look of guilt. "I came back to see if you were feeling better and well I...umm ." Little Strongheart huffed and turned her head. "You overheard huh?" "Daughter, I'm sorry. I guess I was so proud of what you'd done, I never stopped to think about how it was affecting you. I just want you to know that none of it changes anything between us. You may be the White Buffalo, but you're still my daughter, and I love you." Little Strongheart turned around, a tear running down her cheek. "Father," "Can you forgive an old stubborn bull?" He asked. Without hesitating, she threw her forelegs around him in an embrace. "Of course I can." She said as he put his foreleg over her. The two laughed heartedly as the crowd applauded. "Everything okay back there?" Braeburn asked as he walked through the curtain. Chief Thunderhooves and his daughter both looked at him. "Everything's just fine." He said. "Oh, well that's good," Braeburn said relieved. "And now the moment you have all been waiting for, here she is, Little Strongheart!" The crowd whooped and hollered with excitement. Little Strongheart looked up at her father and smiled. "I'm ready she said. It looked like my work here was done. I quickly made my exit. Third Pony POV. Little Strongheart quietly stepped out from behind the curtain. She smiled and waved graciously before trotting over to the podium. The excitement of the crowd more closely resembled a concert rather than a speech. "Ahem, testing 1,2" She tapped the microphone with her hoof. The feedback echoing from the speakers brought the cheering down to anxious whispers. "Thank you, I'm not one accustomed to really being in the spotlight." She looked up at the spotlights hanging from the rafters. "These last few days have been...really hard to describe I'm not gonna lie." She let out a nervous laugh. Several in the crowd laughed along. "We've faced events that seemed so strange, it felt almost like a dream. We've seen our homes and livelihoods damaged. Our way of life was nearly brought to an end. But we also realized something else. Before all this happened, we were locked in a bitter feud over this land on which we stand. Our differences seemed irreconcilable. Until we were shown how small we really are in this world, myself included in case any of you were wondering. Over the past few days, I've seen buffalo and pony come together in the face of hardship. We've sheltered neighbors who lost their homes. We've mended fences both figuratively and literally. But most important of all, we've built a friendship where there was once animosity. That friendship is something that stands taller and stronger than either Gnaskiyan or me. In closing, I'd like to leave you with some words of wisdom someone once told me. No one is ever completely ready. I wasn't when I became the white buffalo. Neither was the one who before me or the one who came before her, and so on. No number of trials will prepare you for everything life gonna throw at you. No amount of wisdom will tell you how to shoulder your burden. You've just got to learn to take what life throws at you. And when you get knocked down you get right back up. But I believe in you all because you all have shown me that together this town possesses the most important attribute of a champion. A strong heart. So stand tall, stand strong, and most importantly stand by one another. In doing so you will tower above all obstacles. Thank you." The crowd erupted into uproarious applause. The thundering of clapping hooves shook the ground. Little Strongheart watched as the sun dipped behind the distant hills. "THWOOSH!" At that moment, a fiery streak of light suddenly appeared overhead. "Look! Up in the sky!" She heard somepony cry out. "It's the Flaming Star!" She heard a young buffalo say as the object changed its direction toward the orchard. Little Strongheart smiled as she looked up at the shimmering trail it left behind. "Thanks for the strudel, friend." She said. > Too Close to the Sun. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sun, its very existence is the reason life can exist on Equus. It warms our planet, helps plants grow, and produces the oxygen we breathe. Those plants provide many animals including ourselves with food. Its rays contain vitamin D which can help with negative emotions. And if you're of a certain extraterrestrial species those rays allow you to do things you'd never think were possible. But it's important to remember not to get too close to the sun. Especially when you're me. It was a big day in Ponyville. Applejack and her friends had been cordially invited to a social brunch at Sugarcube Corner. Now at first, that doesn't sound like a big day in Ponyville. Except that this was no ordinary social brunch. Now, why is that? You might wonder at first. When does an ordinary social brunch become a not ordinary social brunch? Well, the answer is when none other than Princess Celestia herself attends it. As you might expect, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were on high alert. A visit by the Princess of the Sun was a momentous occasion. One that would be taken notice of by newspapers across Equestria. Their small bakeshop would soon be on the lips of every noble in Canterlot, and every food critic in Equestria. One small slip, one slight fault and it would be curtains for their business. Everything had to be perfect. Where do I fit into this picture? Well, since Twilight was the Princess's personal student, her friends were cordially invited to the brunch. Apple Bloom and her friends were off crusading, and I hadn't visited Sugarcube Corner in a while, so I figured I might as well tag along. Of course with Princess Celestia being there, I couldn't just go as is. A fact made abundantly clear by the fact that Applejack washed her coat, combed her mane and tail, and scrubbed her hooves. I know shocking right? Anyway, after taking a bath and failing once again to get rid of that one curly hair, I laid out what I was going to wear. Rarity had sewn me a fine sweater vest after Niels Grasse Tycho visited. It looked just like his complete with stars and planets and even a matching bowtie. I put on a light blue dress shirt to complete the look. "I must admit, I look rather spiffing if I do say so myself," I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. Now if only I could do something about that darn curl. "Apple Comet, you ready yet? We gotta get going?" Applejack said casually from her bedroom. When you're family knows you have super hearing, they can call out to you from pretty much anywhere in the house. "Coming," I said turning away from the mirror. As we walked the road into town, I could feel my body soaking up the rays of the sun. Converting it into the fuel that supercharged my cells. In the far distance, I could see a golden chariot pulled by four white pegasuses headed toward Ponyville. Of course, anypony in Equestria could instantly recognize it as the Royal Chariot of Princess Celestia. I mean she sits right in the middle of it for her sake. Her facial expression was calm and poised. Her shimmering mane blew gently in the wind. One of her magenta eyes glanced over in my direction. As she slowly turned her head to face me, a warm smile crept up her white muzzle. A small giggle escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and turned to face forward. She hadn't seen me from that far away, had she? 'Why not?' I thought to myself. 'I mean could see her. But I'm not like other ponies. Then again, neither was she.' "Hey, Apple Comet, what y'all staring at?" My big sister's drawl shook me out of my thoughts. "Nothing. Coming AJ." I answered as I trotted to catch up to her. We arrived in Ponyville to find the Royal Guard had established a considerable presence ahead of the Princess's arrival. They were patrolling on every street and flying above every rooftop. The area around Sugarcube Corner had been cordoned off by a line of guards blocking the road. Crowds of ponies had built up in front of them hoping to catch a glimpse of the Princess. A few Pegasi tried to get a better view by hovering above the crowd. They were quickly grounded by the pointed spear and steely gaze of the winged guards. Through the walls, I could see everyone inside the bakery was working frantically to finish getting everything ready. Twilight was teleporting to each station, checklist, and quill in her magic. Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Cake were checking over the decorations, while in the kitchen, Mr. Cake and Spike were busy making pies using his fire breath to bake them. Okay, well that was one way of being efficient I guess. Suddenly the air was filled with the ruffles of fanfare. On the ground and in the air, guards playing trumpets and drums adorned with the Celestial banner signaled the imminent arrival of the Princess. The sound sent Twilight and the Cakes into immediate panic mode. They began galloping and teleporting every which way, checking to make sure everything looked presentable. Outside, hushed whispers and muttering filtered through the crowds. Then as the Royal Chariot began its descent, the voices fell silent. The Princess waved to the crowds as her chariot landed in front of the bakery. As her long tall legs stood up and stepped off the chariot, everypony in the crowd knelt in respect. "Good day my little ponies," She said in her elegant graceful tone. Her warm smile radiated a sense of gentleness as she ducked her head through the front door. One of the guards carrying a gilded birdcage followed her. As soon as she was inside, the two guards in front of the door blocked it with their wings, while one of the Pegasi guards addressed the crowd. "Everypony who is on the guest list please form an orderly line in front of the establishment. The rest of you go about your business." The crowd gradually dispersed as those on the guest list lined up in front of Sugarcube Corner. Among them was Rarity, overdressed as per usual. "Name?" One of the guards asked in a commanding tone when it was our turn to enter. "Applejack and this is my little brother Apple Comet. We're here for the brunch with Princess Celestia." The guard glared at me for a moment, clearly not impressed but also not viewing me as a threat. "Very well, you may enter." The mood inside the bakery could best be described as awkward anxiety. Also hot for some reason. I looked up at the ceiling to find the fans were in working order. "Applejack, glad you could back it," Twilight said as we walked in. "Wouldn't miss it for the world Twi," My sister replied. The two of us turned to the Princess who was seated behind a table and bowed. "Your Highness," "It is good to see you again as well Applejack." She turned her eyes over to me. "And who is this?" As I looked into her eyes I felt my temperature slowly begin to rise. My pores began to perspire staining my dress shirt. "M-My name is A-Apple Comet, y-your Highness." "Is everything okay?" She asked noticing how uncomfortable I was. "There is no need to be nervous." "I'm...fine," I said in short ragged breaths. "J-Just a little...hot is all. I-I'm gonna get something to drink." "Here, allow me." She levitated a bottle of cola out of an ice tub. Before she could bring it over, a yellow hoof snatched it out of her aura. "Don't worry Your Highness, I'm on it," Mr. Cake said as he bit the cap off and inserted a straw into it. "Here you go, Apple Comet." "Umm...thank you, Mr.Cake." I took the bottle from his hoof and took a sip. The first sip hit the spot. The second however was where I noticed something was definitely wrong. It went from ice cold to bubbling hot. Curious, I removed the straw and looked into the bottle... "KER-SPLOOSH!" ...Just as an explosion of carbonated water, sugar, and corn syrup exploded in my eye. The entire brunch stopped as everybody looked at the cola-covered colt in a sweater vest and bowtie. BAM! Suddenly the door flew open and the two pegasus guards burst in. "What's going on in here?" One of them asked. "It just exploded like a bomb!" Cherry Berry shrieked. "A bomb!" The guards looked at each other, then immediately flew in front of Princess Celestia, shielding her with their bodies. "Code Red! Code Red! No pony move!" One of them yelled while the other blew a shrill whistle. The rest of the guards came storming into the bakery either by kicking in the doors or smashing the windows. "Everypony on the ground now!" "GUARDS! STAND DOWN!" The volume of the Princess's voice sent the two guards shielding her face-first into the floor. The tablecloth uprooted and went airborne carrying off the dishes and desserts in a hurricane of confection and cutlery. And guess which poor sap they ended up landing on. For the second time in seven-point-eight seconds, all eyes were on the white colt covered in cupcake frosting, apple pie, and Earl Grey. Reactions were varied. Applejack looked dumbfounded. The Cakes were staring back and forth nervously. Probably thinking they could kiss their business goodbye. Rarity cautiously poked her head out from under the table she was hiding. Twilight's left eye was twitching uncontrollably. Her muzzle stretched into an unsettling grin. And then there was the Princess who held a hoof to her muzzle. "Oh, oh my, I'm so sorry," She whispered with maternal concern. She rushed out from behind the table and up to me. "Are you alright?" Her long neck craned down like a graceful swan. Her ears drooped downward and her eyes pleading for forgiveness. At this point, my entire body felt like it was about to burst into flames at any moment. I felt a bead of sweat fall from my nose. It hit the floor with a bubbling hiss of steam. It was then that my eyes fell upon her royal cutie mark. Everything suddenly clicked, I had to get out of there fast. Without thinking, I took off galloping out the door and into the street. "Wait come back!" The Princess cried as ran as fast as I safely could. "Whoa! Hey, where's the fire?" Rainbow Dash asked as I ran past her. I paid her no mind and kept on running. I needed to get safely out of town and fast. Thankfully my senses were as sharp as ever. They seemed even sharper than usual. Spotting an alley, I ducked down it. The coast was clear. I fired up my coma and took to the sky. SWOOOOSH! The instant I took off, it was like I drank a bucket of pure adrenaline. My coma which was usually a clear red was instead a bright white. In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance from Ponyville to Canterlot and kept going. Neighagra Falls, the Crystal Mountains, Rainbow Falls. All of them passed by me in a flash. Before I knew it, I was passing over the peak of Mount Everhoof, the highest known point in all of Equestria. The temperature up here could freeze a pony solid, yet I was still sweating like I was in a sauna. My heart racing I climbed higher into the sky. The Arctic wind whipped through my mane as I ascended through the cloud barrier. Before long I could see the curvature of the planet stretched out before me. All of the towns and cities of Equestria and beyond. I saw the mountains of Yakyakistan, The deserts of Saddle Arabia, and The Serengeti of Farasi. Equus itself lay before me. My body was still racing with adrenaline like Pinkie Pie after drinking a six-pack of Red Minotaur. Well, I had to find some way to work it off. Might as well see the world while I'm at it. By the fifth time, I'd flown around the world, I felt my excess energy beginning to fade. I now felt like Pinkie Pie the day after drinking a six-pack of Red Minotaur. It didn't take me long to figure out what happened. The Princess of the Sun unknowingly meets a member of an alien race who can absorb energy from sunlight. Surely nothing abnormal could ever possibly come from that. From the position of the sun, I estimated my flight time totaled to about eighteen minutes. Princess Celestia would probably still be in town when I got back. I'd just have to stay home until she left. By the time I passed over Canterlot Peak, my coma had changed back to its normal red hue. A peek through the walls of the castle confirmed my suspicions. Princess Celestia was still in Ponyville. I did get quite the reaction from the locals, however. "Look, up in the sky!" "It's the Red Comet of Ponyville!" "What's it doing here?" "I read it recently appeared in that settlement town!" "Do you think it's some kind of UFO?" "Somepony summon the Royal Guards!" Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to take a closer look at the castle. I'd seen it many a time from a distance. But I'd never really gotten a chance to see it close-up like this. Through the stonewalls, I was able to see parts of the castle that were definitely not on the official tour. The long majestic throne room, where Princess Celestia held court. The ballroom where the Grand Galloping Gala was to be held. The kitchen was stocked with enough provisions to feed the entire Apple family for a week. There was even an observatory. I had to get a closer look at that. Fortunately, it looked like nopony was inside. With a giddy smile of excitement, I flew inside. "Wow," I whispered in awe as I gazed upon its splendid magnificence. The centerpiece of the room was the telescope itself. It was easily large enough to take up all the space in the old barn. "I could probably stay up all night just looking through this thing." The ceiling was ornately decorated with the constellations of the night sky. A half-ring of bookshelves wrapped around the back of the room. Their shelves displayed dozens of astronomy books. Some of them were centuries old. I could spend all day in here reading them. "It flew inside the observatory!" Unfortunately, it looked like I didn't have that kind of time. Outside, a group of pegasus guards was closing in on the tower. "Guess my private tour is over." WHOOOSH! "Incoming!" One of the guards shouted as I rocketed out of the observatory. He ducked his head down as I raced past. "After it." The other guards having recovered their bearings after being scattered like scared pigeons began pursuit. Of course, by that time, the only part of me that was still in the city was the trail of my comet's tail. Third Pony POV. Princess Celestia sat on the couch in the middle of the Mayor's office. Mayor Mare had her aides bring it in when it became clear that the chairs in her office would not be enough to comfortably seat her royal 'assets'. At first, she'd told Mayor Mare it was not necessary but the politician had rebutted with "Oh we can't have the Princess of the Sun not being comfortably seated." She decided it best to accept it so things could move forward. Once the 'proper seating' had been arranged, the meeting had gotten underway. "Before we get started your Highness, I just want to say I'm sorry to hear about what happened at the brunch." "Oh, it's quite alright," Celestia assured her. "Besides I was partly to blame." Inside, however, she was feeling racked with guilt over what had happened. That poor colt, the shame, and embarrassment he must be going through right now. "I just hope Apple Comet is alright." "I'm sure he'll be fine," Mayor Mare said with a dismissive tone. "You did send your guards out to look for him." "That I did," Celestia nodded. She had scolded the guards who'd stormed the bakery harshly and ordered them to search for Apple Comet and apologize sincerely when they found him. Philomena's disappearance could wait for now. That bird was probably pulling one of her acts again. "While you're here your Majesty, There is something else I wanted to discuss with you," The Mayor continued. "Oh?" Celestia's ears perked up. "And what is that?" "The Comet." Mayor Mare answered simply. "Do you have any idea what it might be?" "Hmm..." Celestia closed her eyes and thought back to the morning of the Summer Sun Celebration. "Well, I know one thing for certain. It's not a real comet. Other than that, I'm afraid I don't know any more than you do at the moment." Mayor Mare sighed and adjusted her glasses. "All I know from experience is whenever it appears trouble usually isn't far behind. The Ursa Major, the Dragon, the Parasprites that hullaballoo in Appleloosa. Ponies are asking me questions I don't have answers for. Just a month ago I had the Rich family in my office asking me why the Comet had called their daughter a quote 'Big Fat Flank' end quote." When I couldn't give them an answer...well I'd rather not repeat what Mrs. Rich said to me in polite company." Celestia raised an eyebrow. "The Comet called their daughter a big fat flank?" It took every ounce of regal poise she had to not burst out laughing. "Well, actually it wrote it in the sky in big fiery letters," The Mayor corrected her. "You have no idea what a nightmare it was keeping that out of the press." "Yes, I can imagine my little ponies would take notice of a celestial object writing that somepony is a big fat flank." Celestia concurred. "Did the daughter do anything that might've provoked the comet in any way?" Now it was Mayor Mare's turn to raise an eyebrow. "I...I did not think to ask them that question at the time," The politician admitted. "If I had, I'd probably be facing a recall election right about now." "Well, it seems our otherworldly visitor has a sense of humor at least, albeit a mean-spirited one. Still, from what you've told me it doesn't seem to be up to anything malicious." The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'm busy right now," Mayor Mare hollered at whoever was outside. "Your Highness, it's most urgent." "Come in," Princess Celestia said recognizing the voice as one of her guards. "Thank you, Your Highness, I thought I'd knock first after you know, our little talk?" The guard admitted hesitantly. "What news do you bring?" The Princess asked him. "The Comet has appeared over Canterlot and breached the palace observatory." The guard explained. "Was anypony hurt?" Celestia's face became concerned. "No, Your Majesty. They say they chased it off. But it's heading this way." Princess Celestia stood up calmly and looked out the window. In the distance, she saw the comet streaking away from Canterlot towards Ponyville. "Hmm...I think it's time I met this comet face to face." She said stepping out of her slippers. She levitated her tiara and necklace off of her and placed them on the couch along with her slippers before teleporting away. Comet's POV. "Okay, lesson learned," I told myself. "Next time I want to take a tour of the castle, I'll buy a ticket. At least I'm almost home." As the thatched rooftops of Ponyville became closer, I saw that the skies were being patrolled by the Princess's guards. Perhaps word had already reached them from Canterlot. Or maybe they were just on patrol. Either way, it posed a problem for me slipping back into town. Cloud cover over Ponyville was nonexistent today. It simply wouldn't do to have cloudy skies on a day when the Sun Princess was visiting the town. So, there was no chance of me landing undetected. As I pondered how best to proceed, I saw a flash of golden light above the spire of the Town Hall. A tall, white alicorn with a shimmering multi-colored mane suddenly appeared. Even, though she was bereft of golden regalia, the golden sun on her flank told me it was Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia?" I said in astonishment. "What's she doing out here?" The look of determination on her face told me whatever it was, she meant business. With a downward flap of her wings, she took off like a supersonic swan. "Uh, oh." My eyes bulged as hers narrowed as she looked in my direction. "Hello, Little Comet," She said in a stern maternal tone. "If you've got a moment, I'd like to have a word with you." Sorry Princess, but I just remembered a very important appointment far far away, I thought as I turned sharp right. "Where are you going?" She asked with a sly grin. "I just want to talk." Her horn lit up enveloping me in a golden field. Instantly my entire body began flooding with energy. The familiar hot sensation I felt when I used my heat vision spread to every part of my body. The blue sky of Equestria disappeared in a blinding flash of light. When the light faded I found myself floating in the blackness of space. Surrounded by vast fields of floating rocks drifting orbiting around a gigantic red sun. Their dark craggy surfaces were illuminated by luminescent green veins. "RAO!" A single cataclysmic word echoed through the blackness around me. From the surface of the sun emerged a seemingly impossibly towering figure, a literal red giant. Its figure resembled a pony made entirely of plasma. Its mane and tail pulsated like a perpetual solar flare. Two white-hot eyes each one the size of the moon stared deeply into me. My barrel felt like a star about to go supernova. I wasn't sure what exactly was going to happen next, but I knew I couldn't be anywhere near Ponyville when it did. Third Pony POV. Princess Celestia sensed something was wrong. As soon as her magical field captured the comet, it began to glow brighter. Seeming to feed on her magic. Memories of an old enemy flashed through her mind. She released her hold on the comet which ascended vertically like a firework, releasing a shockwave that flung the Sun Princess back into a reverse somersault. With the skill and grace of centuries of practice, Celestia righted herself. She looked up to see the comet was gone. All that was left was the trail of shockwaves left in its wake. Below, the citizens of Ponyville stood in shock and awe at what they had just witnessed. Comet's POV. Higher and higher I ascended, past Canterlot, past Cloudsdale, past Mt. Everhoof. I ascended higher than anypony had ever ascended before. All the while the burning sensation in my barrel continued to rise like a ticking time bomb. Reminding me that I was running out of time. The cloud cover gave way to the deep dark blue of the stratosphere. Celestia's sun hovered far out in the distance. Its warmth pushed my threshold to its breaking point. I reached my forehooves out toward it and with every ounce of concentration I had, let go! FWAAAAAAAAAAASH!!! Celestia's magic was expelled through my eyes and hooves like a solar flare. Traveling at the speed of light to the closest place I could safely release it. The Sun itself. Close enough to be witnessed through a telescope, but far enough not to put anypony in harm's way. The intense heat rushed through my body like water from a collapsing dam. I strained against the pressure still trying to expand outward from my body. Forcing its direction forward toward the sun. The farther away it traveled, the easier it became to control. By the time it reached the halfway point, the eruptive sensation had slowed to a steady flow. Finally, after an exhausting eight minutes and twenty seconds, I felt the last of the excess energy leave my hooves. I was utterly and completely exhausted. My eyes rolled back as I fell into deep unconsciousness. Third Pony POV. POP! Twilight Sparkle materialized inside the town hall. She found Princess Celestia standing at the window dressed once more in her regalia. Her friends filed in through the double doors behind her. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice," The Princess turned to face them. Her tone of voice was composed but with an air of seriousness. "We came as soon as we saw what happened," Twilight said. "What exactly did happen if you don't mind me asking?" Princess Celestia closed her eyes and exhaled. "I'm not entirely sure myself. When my magic touched the comet, it reacted strangely. It was like a fire reacting to fresh kindling. "So you're saying your magic 'fueled' the comet?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Well for lack of a better term yes," Celestia answered. "There is something else you must know as well. Earlier the comet was sighted over Canterlot, entering the palace. "WHAT!" All six mares exclaimed at once. "When did this happen?" Rainbow Dash asked. "About twenty minutes ago. According to the report, it flew into the palace observatory and then flew back out. Thankfully nopony was hurt and it appears nothing was taken." Applejack breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her forehead. "This doesn't make any sense," Twilight said. "What would the comet be doing in an observatory? "Maybe it was hoping to meet other comets" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Observatories are usually the best place to see them." "Pinkie, darling," Rarity placed her hoof on the pink mare's wither. "I appreciate the attempt at levity, but this is a matter of national security. I mean the Grand Galloping Gala is in just a few weeks. And I would hate for all my hard work to go to waste." "You're thinking about 'that' at a time like this?" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Why of course, I didn't put myself through all those hours of toiling and tailoring just so they could cancel the Gala." Rarity huffed. "I assure all of you, the Grand Galloping Gala will go on. I'm just going to have to step up security that's..." Celestia paused as she suddenly felt a strange sensation rush into her head. Her eyes flashed white as she felt an intense heat race up her horn. "Aaaarrrgh!" She cried as her magic involuntarily lit. Its usual golden glow was replaced with a plasma red. Her mane and tail surged upward changing their color to resemble a solar eruption. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted in shock and horror as her mentor stumbled and fell sideways. She quickly conjured up a levitation spell to catch her before she hit the floor. The fire faded as the Solar Diarch's hair slowly returned to its natural hue. Twilight carefully set the Princess down on the floor as the guards came rushing in. "What happened?" One of them asked. "I-I don't know," Twilight answered. She was fine one moment, then suddenly she just burst into flame." The other guard went to check on the Princess. "Are you alright Your Majesty?" "...Yes...I...think I'll be alright." She winced as her barrel slowly rose up and down. "Twilight," "I'm here Princess, what do you need?" The lavender unicorn's face was fraught with concern. "I felt...a great disturbance in the sun. Like some other source of light...transferred its energy into it...and then dissipated." "Some other source?" Her violet eyes widened in realization. "THE COMET!" "Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped. Applejack bit her lower lip nervously. 'What in tarnation have y'all gotten yourself into this time Apple Comet.' She wondered. "Twilight, are you saying the comet did this?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm not sure yet, but based on how it reacted to the Princess's magic, I'm not sure what else could've done it." "Twitchy Tail!" Pinkie Pie suddenly cried out. Twilight's eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she hastily threw up a forcefield around her friends and braced for impact. "Nothing's falling," Twilight opened one eye cautiously. She looked over at the pink mare whose tail was still twitching uncontrollably. "What gives Pinkie?" "I don't know, my tail won't stop twitcha twitching. Whatever it is must still be falling." Her tail straightened out making the sound of an accordion tube. "Whatever's falling is falling outside." She casually reached into her mane and pulled out an extendable spyglass. "Now let's see." She fully extended it and looked through the lens. In the distance near Canterlot, she saw the figure of a pony plummeting from the sky. "Oh, it's just somepony skydiving," Her mane suddenly went flat. without an instructor. Or a parachute." Her head slowly turned toward her friends, giving them a look at her mortified expression. "Gulp...or a reserve parachute." The entire room gasped in terror. "We have to do something!" Rarity screamed. "I'm on it!" Without a second's hesitation, Rainbow Dash charged the closest window...with predictable results. "BAM!" "I'm okay," The Cyan Pegasus shook her head as she picked herself off the floor. As she fumbled for the window latch Princess Celestia raised her head. "Leave it to me." She said stoically. "Princess Celestia wait!" Twilight protested. "You can't, you're in no condition to..." Celestia's horn lit up undoing the latch on the window and opening it. "Helps if you open it first." The Princess said as she lay back down. "Uh... thanks," Rainbow Dash said. The Element of Loyalty leaped out the window and took to the sky. Comet's POV. They say the higher you fly, the colder it gets. Yet even as the icy wind whipped through my coat, My body still felt hot from the energy I had expelled. I opened my heavy eyes to find the clouds beneath my hooves and the ground above my head. "What the?!" My cry of astonishment was quickly snatched upward by my velocity. I willed my body to pull up, but my body did not respond. Instead, I continued to plunge like a rock. "What's going on? Why can't I fly?" In the distance, I could see Canterlot, but only at a distance. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see any closer or through the walls. And the only sound I could hear was the wind whistling past my ears. "The flare! My eyes widened in horrifying realization. "I'd expelled too much energy! I couldn't ignite my coma. I looked down at the ground getting closer with every second. So this is how it was going to end huh? Well, at least it would be quick. I stopped struggling against the wind, closed my eyes, and brought my legs in. "Ma, Pa, Jav-El, Loran, I guess I'll see you all soon." KA-BOOOOOM! I opened my eyes to the sight and sound of the sonic rainboom. "Rainbow Dash!" The cyan pegasus shot toward me like a bolt of lightning. Leaving a shimmering rainbow in her wake. "Hold on, I'm coming!" She shouted with determination. It was a race to see who would reach me first. Rainbow Dash or the ground. In a split second, she dipped down into a dive leveling out just above the tree line. Then positioning herself beneath me ascended upward vertically. My momentum instantly reversed as I felt her forehooves wrap tightly around me. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed with relief as she turned back toward Ponyville. My heart was still racing from the adrenaline, and my mind was overcome with conflicting emotions. I just felt overwhelmed with exhaustion, relief, and uncertainty. My head slumped back as I fell into unconsciousness for the second time. Rainbow Dash's POV. Well, I can't say I saw this coming. Out of the ponies to save from falling from the sky, AJ's little bro was probably the last one to expect. First off how did he get up there? Second, why was he falling so far away from Ponyville? Maybe Twilight would have the answer, she's good at that egghead stuff. One thing was certain, I was going to have some choice questions for Applejack when I got back. Comet's POV "Wake up Kom-El wake up." I opened my eyes to the sight of four dark blue legs wearing shimmering blue slippers. I followed them upwards to a black peytral with a white half-moon. A long dark blue neck lowered down revealing a pair of familiar cyan eyes and an azure mane. "Boo," "Gah!" I sprung to my hooves and almost immediately stumbled backward. "P-Princess Luna!" The blue alicorn laughed heartily as I rolled onto my side and stood up. "Gotcha! Tee-hee." She smiled and stifled a giggle with her hoof. "Where are we? What is this place?" I asked noticing for the first time where I was. We were standing inside a deep violet nebula surrounded by a field of shimmering floating orbs. "The Realm of Dreams." Her voice was just as regal as her sister's but with a tone of playfulness to it. "This is where we last met. Fear not, this experience will be nothing like that," she assured me. "Nightmare Moon is no more in either here or the waking world thanks to thee and thy sisters." "Well, that's...good to know," I said. "Do you know where I am in the waking world right now?" "Thou art in the hospital." She answered. "Thou hath been asleep for nearly an entire day." "An entire day?" I said as my eyes bugged out in astonishment. Princess Luna nodded her head. "T'would appear Celestia's presence has quite the peculiar effect on thee." She put it bluntly. "If yesterday's astronomical events are anything to go by. What concerns us more, however, is the absence of our sister's magic within thee." "Sister's magic?" The gears in my head began turning as I realized what she meant. "You mean the energy from her sun." Again Luna nodded her head. "When we first met, We felt the same magic within thee as Celestia. Tis what gave us hope that thou would save us. Alas, what magic remains is but a mere ember of its former self." "Well, I did expel most of it back into the sun," I admitted anxiously. The blue alicorn held back a laugh."Pfft...Thou would explain..pfft pfft...the stench of singe... haha...emanating...from her mane! Hahahahaha!" She said falling onto her back in a fit of laughter. Tears rolled from her cyan eyes as she held the sides of her barrel in her forehooves. Her hindlegs flailed back and forth as she rolled back and forth. I rolled my eyes at her and exhaled. "I didn't do it to prank her, I did it to keep myself from going supernova over Ponyville." Luna's laughter eventually subsided as she rolled onto her side and stood back up. She wiped a tear from her eye as she slowly regained her composure. "Oh, right of course. T'was very brave and noble of you ." She said with a giggle. "Fret not Kom-El, for like the phoenix who is reborn from its ashes, We believe your power will return to thee in time. Just as our sister's sun rises and sets." Pop! In a flash of light, one of the orbs turned into an alarm clock which immediately began ringing. In a chain reaction, the other orbs changed into clocks of various shapes and sizes. Some chimed, others tolled, still, others cuckooed. "Alas, We can hear the lark singing his song. We must be off." "What did you say?" I called back over the chorus of clockwork. Luna took in a deep breath "WE SAID ALAS WE CAN HEAR THE LARK SINGING HIS SONG! WE MUST BE OFF!" The volume of her voice sent me tumbling backward in a heap of hooves. All of the clocks changed back to orbs. Their auditory assault had been bested. "Okay...that's what I thought you said." "Hmm... it would appear our royal vocal cords art almost at half strength?" Luna pondered as my vision faded to white. I awoke to the smell of recently cleaned sheets and stale hospital air. My body felt like it had just been released from stone. I let out a great yawn and stretched my forelegs above my head. Looking around, I saw my bed was just one of six in this room. The other beds were vacant, but the clipboards attached to their feet told me they were occupied. I looked out the window to see the sun in its morning climb. Just then I heard the sounds of rolling wheels accompanied by hoofsteps on the tile floor outside. The silhouette of a pony's head appeared in the door window. The knob turned and the door opened to reveal Nurse Redheart pushing a cart. "Oh, you're awake," She said with a pleasant surprise. "How are you feeling?" "Confused," I answered as she trotted up to my bed. "Well, you're not the only one." Nurse Redheart said as she pushed the cart next to my bed. "When Rainbow Dash told us she caught you falling from the sky, none of us could figure out how you got up there. You wouldn't happen to know by any chance would you?" Oh sure, I thought, I just flew to the edge of the atmosphere, unleashed a burst of solar energy, and fell back down to Equus. "I'm afraid I don't remember much about yesterday," I told her. She took it surprisingly well. "Well, I'm sure you'll remember more as time goes by." She said. "In any case, Dr. Horse will be happy to hear you're up. I'm just gonna give you a quick check-up, and then he's going to come and examine you. And after that, you can have some breakfast. I'll bet you're hungry." She said in a deep voice. I could've eaten an entire bale of hay by myself. "What about my family?" I asked. Nurse Redheart's cheery smile vanished replaced by a thousand-yard stare. "Hey, are you okay?" "They stopped by to visit yesterday." She whispered with a quiet tone of dread. Her eyes twitched as she stood frozen in place. "They said they'd be back to visit this afternoon." A trembling smile rose on her face. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Junior Nurses yay," I said a silent prayer for Nurse Redheart's traumatized soul. My check-up and examination went well, with neither Nurse Redheart nor Dr. Horse finding anything wrong with me. Which greatly puzzled them considering the reason I was admitted in the first place. For Breakfast, they brought in a food cart and gave me a menu. I ended up putting away an omelet with haycon and toast, a bowl of cereal, and a stack of waffles covered with powdered sugar and maple syrup. And to wash it all down, a tall glass of orange juice. Nurse Redheart's eyes widened as she watched me put away my food. "Goodness, you were hungry." After breakfast, Nurse Redheart brought in a stack of letters for me. They were mostly get-well cards from family, friends, and classmates. There was one however that stuck as different from all the others. It was a scroll tied in a red ribbon with a golden seal. On the seal was a single letter C. Curiously I undid the seal and unfolded the seal. Dear Apple Comet, I wish to express my sincerest apologies for what happened at Sugarcube Corner. No colt or filly should have to endure what you did in my presence. Rest assured I have spoken with my guards about their conduct and will be instructing them on how to better handle situations like that in the future. It also saddens me greatly to hear of you being sent to the hospital. Yet at the same time, I am also relieved knowing you are safe and sound. I wish you a full and speedy recovery and hope that you are back on your hooves soon. I would also like if possible a chance to make up for everything you went through. My faithful student tells me you two share a love of books and astronomy. I would like very much to invite you to the palace once things have calmed down. I'm sure Twilight would love to show you the observatory. Just don't let her keep you in there all day. Sincerely Princess Celestia, Regia Solus Equus, PS If you ever wish to write to me, talk to Spike. He'll put you in touch with me. I looked out the window at the rising sun. I felt its rays sinking under my skin. I wondered how she would react if I told her I'd already seen it. Probably not a good idea. Rainbow Dash's POV The night before. I lay awake in bed, my restless eyes staring up at the ceiling. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Apple Comet plunging helplessly down to earth. I had decided to hold off on questioning Applejack about it. At least until he was home safe and sound. I sat up and walked over to my window. The night sky shimmered with countless twinkling stars. My mind flashed back to the night before the Best Young Fliers competition. The night the comet challenged me to a race. I could still make out the letters it had written outside my window. Wanna Race? Suddenly I remembered something about that night. When I pulled off the sonic rainboom, it knocked the comet out of the sky for a brief moment. I didn't get a good look at it before it pulled up and flew off. But while it was falling, I could've sworn I heard somepony screaming. Was the comet nothing more than a pegasus in a costume pulling a prank? Or maybe it was some other creature. One nopony had ever seen before? If so, what did it want with Apple Comet?" "Yawn!" I let out a yawn and stretched a foreleg out. I decided I'd see Twilight about it tomorrow morning. She's good with that egghead stuff. But one thing was for certain, I was gonna have to keep a pretty close eye on that colt. > The Comet, the Dragon and the Owl. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say my life was turned upside down after I was released from the hospital, would be an understatement. While I was out, news had spread all over Equestria of the colt who'd been 'abducted' by a comet. The doctors and nurses had to keep the press out and limited visitation to family members only. To make sure my recovery went undisturbed. This did not stop them from questioning me about it. Every time I stuck to my story about not remembering anything. The doctors eventually chalked it up to an acute stress-induced loss of consciousness. While the other patients in the foal ward quickly settled on alien abduction. Ugh, I never wanted to hear the word 'probe' in a prepubescent voice ever again. "It's not funny Apple Bloom!" I snapped as we trotted down the hallway toward the entrance. My younger sister begged to differ as tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks. Her legs wobbled and swayed as she tried her hardest not to fall laughing. "Bu-huh-huh-huh-ut it ha-ha-is, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" I let out a groan of frustration and rolled my eyes. Such an outdated stereotype. Never in my life had I felt the urge to abduct somepony just so I could insert a scientific instrument into their lower gastrointestinal orifice. Applejack and Granny Smith barely suppressed a chuckle while Big Mac just rolled his withers and kept on trotting. The moment we stepped hoof into the reception area my eyes narrowed. Like many reception areas, there was plenty of reading material on hoof. Unlike most reception areas, however, the ponies that were forced to sit and wait were interested in what they were reading about. LOCAL COLT ABDUCTED BY COMET Mayor annouces comet curfew for foals COMET BREACHES CANTERLOT CASTLE City remains on high alert COMET SIGHTINGS REPORTED WORLDWIDE Erratic flight pattern baffles experts I WAS ABDUCTED BY A COMET! Exclusive interview with all the gruesome details Pages 2-8 The last one, which was from The Equestria Enquirer showed an altered photo of me standing next to a tall faceless green-skinned creature in a suit. Eyes bugged out, mouth hanging open, mane and tail standing on end. Crudely pasted above me was a flying saucer inside a comet's body. My eyes glowed red as I grit my teeth in anger. FWOOSH! "EEEEEK" Lyra Heartstrings let out a shriek as the tabloid spontaneously combusted, the ink and paper turning to black ash. My eyes reverted to normal before anyone saw me. The reception area fell silent. Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked at the mint green unicorn staring down at the ashes falling to the floor. Bulk Biceps slowly and nervously folded and slid the newspaper he'd been reading back into the rack. "Let's just go," I hissed venomously walking toward the exit with my head hanging down and my ears pointed back. The ride back to the farm was uncomfortably silent, to say the least. I kept my head down the entire ride, buried in Applejack's hat. Not a very convincing disguise, but fortunately luck was on my side as the gossip-hungry populace of Ponyville had collectively buried their muzzles in whatever publication about me they could get their hooves on to notice us. "I always had a bad feeling about that comet Mootilda," I heard Daisy Jo say. "I know what you mean Daisy," said Mootilda. "I still shudder when I think about what happened that day." "Filthy Dear I'm worried," Spoiled Rich huddled close to her husband. "What if the comet decides to abduct our little Diamond next?" "Not for all the bits you're worth," I muttered under my breath. "Not to worry dear," He assured her, "Our daughter is perfectly safe right where she is in the family panic room. " I chuckled a little at the thought of Diamond Tiara locked in a concrete box bored out of her skull from having nothing to do. "I heard ponies say it's the beginning of an alien invasion," Daisy whispered to Roseluck. "What with the big meteor shower coming up soon." Aw, ponyfeathers! I'd forgotten all about the meteor shower. Of all the times for my powers to go into overdrive. "Yeah, the comet was probably just a scout ship for the invasion fleet that's coming," Rose said in agreement. "We're doomed I tell you DOOMED!" Lily shrieked before promptly fainting. "Calm down, Apple Comet, calm down," I told myself. "This is all just hysteria, everyone will forget about it once the meteor shower passes. Then everyone in Equestria will see it was just a meteor shower. Nothing more than chunks of rock and metal drifting through space. Hahahahahaha!" My left twitched violently as if to tell me I was full of manure. "Are y'all alright Apple Comet?" Apple Bloom lifted the hat to get a better look at me. She gasped as soon as she got a look at my face. In her eyes, I saw the reflection of a colt smiling at her like a giggling twitching idiot. "Oh, I'm fine Sis," I said in a sing-song voice. "Just fine, everything is fine, yep I haven't got a care in the world." Apple Bloom wisely put the hat back down and scooted a seat away. "Oo...kay, good to hear that." 🎶 "Just another day in Ponyville, a regular day in Ponyville, a beautiful day in Ponyville, where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens."🎶 "Aw, who am I kidding?" I buried my face into my forehooves and proceeded to cry my eyes out. "Apple Comet?" I felt Apple Bloom's hoof touch my shoulder. I looked up to see her looking at me with concern. I proceeded to gently pull her in close to me and hold her like a teddy bear. Her hooves wrapped around my neck as she patted me on the back. "There, there, it's okay, Ah'm here for ya," The scent of fresh apple blossoms in bloom filled my nostrils as she nuzzled me. "Ah don't want to alarm anypony," Applejack said. "But A'h think we're starting to draw a scene." I looked up from Apple Bloom's shoulder to see several ponies in the vicinity staring at us. It made me feel even more vulnerable than yesterday. "Hey isn't the colt from the newspapers?" One stallion asked. "Hey, it is," A mare said instantly making the connection. The crowd drew in closer chattering amongst themselves with excitement. I hid my face behind Apple Bloom's chest. "Mac, get us out of here!" Applejack hollered. Big Macintosh reared up on his hind legs, let out a loud neigh, and took off galloping as fast as he could. The crowd not satisfied with the amount of dignity they'd managed to strip from me, took off after us. "Hey Wait!" "Come back!" "I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the spaceship!" It was my worst nightmare come to life. The herd was relentless, hounding us like a pack of timberwolves. Fortunately, Big Macintosh was fast enough to keep them comfortably behind us. Except for the Pegasi of course. Snap! Snap! Snap! Hearing the telltale clicking of a camera shutter, I looked up to see a trio of pegasi above us snapping pictures. My feelings of humiliation turned to a boiling rage. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? Before I could do something regretful, a cyan streak swatted the camera from one of the would-be paparazzi's hooves. It fell to the street where it smashed to pieces. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Hovering in front of them was the Element of Loyalty herself Rainbow Dash, looking as angry as I'd ever seen her. Startled Big Mac put the brakes on bringing the cart to a jerking stop. The mob that had been chasing us froze in their tracks. The street fell silent as everyone looked up at the pegasi floating muzzle to muzzle. The stallion whose camera was smashed looked down in disbelief at broken bits and pieces lying on the ground. Then turned his attention and his anger toward Rainbow Dash. "What's the big idea? That camera cost me 500 bits!" He poked her chest with his hoof. "Ulp." He stopped when Rainbow grabbed him by the neck. "That'll be nothing compared to your hospital bills if you don't leave right now." Rainbow's icy stare sent the stallion's heartbeat racing. His adrenaline levels rose as his pores began to sweat with fear. "Alright, alright I get the message." "Good now get." Rainbow released him and the stallion flew off as fast as he could. Rainbow Dash stared down at the other two. "You can threaten us like this, we're the press!" One of them a yellow mare shouted at her. Rainbow Dash leaned her face in eyes narrowed. "I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. If I hear about you or any of your paparazzi friends bothering the Apple family, You'll wish you'd heeded it. Got it?" The yellow mare swallowed nervously and nodded to her. "Good, now get lost both of you!" The two pegasi nodded and flew off. Rainbow looked down at the crowd. "What are you all staring at? Go, get out of here!" The crowd dispersed. At that moment, I felt a flood of relief. My lips curled into a smile even as tears continued to flow down my cheeks. Rainbow turned and fluttered down to the wagon. A concerned look in her eyes but a warm smile across her muzzle."You okay there sport?" She asked spreading her forelegs out. I happily leaped up and threw my legs around her like a teddy bear. Her sky-blue coat felt cool to the touch "Thank you," I whispered shakingly. She gently ran her hoof down my back as our cheeks nuzzled together. "No problem," She shrugged it off. "Just looking out for my friends is all." "Couldn't've said it better myself," Applejack said. "E'yup," Big Mac replied in his own way. "Hey, I know what will cheer you up. How about I take you to the library? I'm sure Twilight will be happy to see you." The smile on my face spread from cheek to cheek. I turned back to face my family. "Go on," Granny Smith said. "You've more than earned some time to yourself. Just be back before supper," "I think I would like that very much," I said. We touched down outside the front door of the library. Much to my disappointment, I saw Twilight in the basement frantically drawing notes on a large chalkboard. Underneath her twitching eyelids, her pupils were fully dilated and her mane was covered with split ends. The nearly empty pot of coffee surrounded by used coffee mugs clued me in. "Oh boy," "What's wrong?" Rainbow asked. "Nothing," I said. "You just said oh boy." The sky-blue pegasus raised an eyebrow. "Uhh... yeah as in...oh boy I'm so excited to be here?" I said giving the most obvious fake smile. Rainbow stared for a moment then proceeded to knock on the door. "Coming! Coming!" Spike called out as he ran down the stairs to the door. A hooful of gems in one claw, a rolled-up comic book in the other. "Apple Comet!" His eyes widened when he saw me. "When did you get out of the hospital?" "Just this morning," I answered. "Is Twilight around?" His eyes darted to the sides as he tried to figure out how best to explain the lavender mare's caffeine-fueled behavior. "Uhh...now's not a good time. Twilight's been acting kinda...how to put it delicately?" "Egg-heady?" Rainbow guessed. "Well, not the word I would've used." His claws scratched behind his head. "She's been down in the basement for a day and a half now." Rainbow Dash and both looked at each other and said "Oh, boy." "For the last time, I am not jumping to conclusions Ms. Smartypants. I'm just saying the timing of the recent celestial events with the upcoming meteor shower is suspect that's all." Twilight Sparkle glared daggers at the stuffed button-eyed doll slouched on the table. Her left eye twitched violently. "No, you're the one who's acting sleep-deprived!" She looked up as she heard a knock at the door. "Urgh...come in," Spike opened the door. "Rainbow Dash and Apple Comet are here, I just thought you should know." He said. The purple unicorn's weary face lit up. With a *pop* she teleported to the top of the staircase. "Apple Comet!" She leaned her neck down gazing at me with heavy red eyes. "Just the colt I wanted to see. How'd you like to help me with a little research?" Before I could answer, Rainbow stepped in front of me. "If it's about the comet forget it! He's been through a lot today and from what I can see so have you. When's the last time you slept?" "I..." Twilight paused, "honestly I can't remember." "Last time I counted about thirty-six hours fourteen minutes twenty-three seconds," Spike said. "When was that?" I asked. "Breakfast this morning," Spike answered. "Look Twilight you've been working very hard," Rainbow said delicately. "Why don't you get some sleep?" Twilight's eye twitching reached a fevered pitch. "Get some sleep?" she snapped indignantly. "How can I sleep with everything that's going on? The comet's acting strange, Princess Celestia is indisposed, And the meteor shower is in just a few days! Coincidence? Oh...I think not!" It finally dawned on me that coming over at this time was not a good idea. "Okay settle down Twi," Rainbow raised her hooves in defense. "It's up to something, I don't know what, I don't know why, but when I find out, I'm gonna...I'm gonna...YAWN!" Her eyelids slammed shut and her legs collapsed sending her to the floor like a bag of oats. "...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz" "Decaf," Spike said. "From now on she's drinking decaf." "So, I'm guessing this isn't the first time something like this has happened huh?" I asked Spike as the two of us tidied up Twilight's lab. "It happens from time to time," He admitted. "But she's been making a consistent effort to better control it." I looked up through the ceiling at the purple unicorn sleeping soundly in her bed. She seemed so peaceful and serene, like a sleeping princess from a fairy tale. The way her barrel rose and fell with every breath. My eyes glanced over the reversible chalkboard covered with numerous equations, graphs, charts, times tables, and calculations. I noted that over time, her work became more and more illegible, a sign of her sleep deprivation. The word 'comet' was substituted with coffee in more than a few places. And Saddle Arabia was spelled Saddle Arabica. From what I could make out, Twilight had been plotting my course marking the time and locations of comet sightings around the world, then using them to calculate my rate of speed and trajectory. "So this was what kept her awake so long?" I said playing up the appearance of innocence. "Yeah," Spike confirmed. "She's convinced the comet's behavior is somehow related to the upcoming meteor shower." My eyes turned to the bulletin board on the wall which was covered with cutout newspaper articles thankfully from reputable sources. Rubber bands strung between pushpins connected the pieces of the puzzle. "Like a scout ship for an alien invasion," I said coming to the grim but logical conclusion. If I was correct, it would most logically result in nationwide or even worldwide panic. And while it would inevitably recede, I had a feeling I'd never be able to show my face in Ponyville ever again. "What made you come to that conclusion?" Spike raised an eyebrow. I flicked my tail and sighed. "I don't know, maybe all this comet hysteria is starting to rub off on me." Spike scratched the back of his head. "I guess you aren't interested in reading about astronomy then huh?" He said. I laughed heartily at the irony. "No thanks. I think I'm just gonna head home instead." "Are you sure?" Spike asked concerned. "I can help you look for a subject if you want." I turned my head around and said, "No thanks Spike, you were right, this wasn't a good time for me to come over." As soon as I got home, I told Applejack about what I saw in Twilight's lab. A family meeting was called and eventually, it was decided I would stay home from school until the meteor shower under the guise that I wasn't feeling well. Apple Bloom would bring my schoolwork and homework home to me and keep me in the loop on what was happening at school. On the second day of my hermitage, there came a knocking on my bedroom door. I looked up from my schoolwork to see Applejack and Spike standing on the other side of the door. "Come in," I said. The door opened and Applejack stepped in. "Howdy Sugarcube, hope a'h ain't interrupting but y'all got a visitor." The purple dragon was carrying a stack of comic books that went up to his chin His slitted eyes peering just over the top. "Hey, Apple Comet, I heard you weren't feeling well, so I thought I'd come to cheer you up." "Spike?" I had to admit, I did not see this coming. "What have you got there?" I asked him. "Just a little something..." His arms strained as he carried the stack into the room. "That I like..." The stack fell to the floor collapsing like a house of cards. "...To read." Ah, 'll leave you, boys, alone."Applejack said closing the door. "So what do you think?" Spike held his arm out in presentation. His sharp-toothed maw beaming with anticipation. "Uh...I dunno Spike, I've never really been into comic books to be perfectly honest." I admitted. "Have you ever read one before?" He said with a mildly irritant tone. "Well...no." "Then how can you know whether or not you like them?" He argued. "Look, all I'm asking is for you to give them a chance. If you don't like them, you don't have to read them. I looked down at the vibrant covers around me. Each one bearing a name that promised excitement and adventure. Action Comics, Detective Comics, All-Star Comics, All Equestrian Comics. Nearly all of them depicted ponies in colorful costumes with different powers or gimmicks. Among them was a red pegasus in a lightning bolt cap. A blonde-haired earth pony mare dressed in a black outfit. And a unicorn dressed in a red and green outfit wielding a glowing green ring on his horn. "Okay Spike, I'll try it." Hesitantly I reached down and picked one of the Adventure Comics, depicting a unicorn stallion dressed in a red and green star-themed outfit. "The Amazing Star-Stallion?" I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened the first page. The story was about a unicorn astronomer named Starry Knight who witnesses a meteorite impact. He arrives at the site and upon examining the meteorite with his magic, he accidentally releases stellar energy that was trapped within. It merges with his magic greatly strengthening it to the point where he can control it not just with his horn but with his eyes and hooves as well. One page showed him rescuing a train from a collapsing bridge by levitating it into the air. Then he constructed a set of tracks by projecting them from his eyes, set the engine down on it, and off it went. All while standing on a starry disc projecting from his hooves. Admittedly a lot of the dialog was cliche and the story glossed over the details of the hero's personal life in favor of adventure. But I found myself enjoying it. By the end of the story, I was eager to read the next. We spent the rest of the afternoon reading comic books. By five o'clock, I'd breezed my way through every issue with Star-Stallion, as well as several issues featuring other heroes like the Scarlet Speedster, Black Swan, and the Green Signet. "You are a fast reader, you know that?" Spike said as I placed the last comic in its stack. I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, what can I say? When I find a subject that interests me, I jump right in." "So I take it that means you like comic books now?" We looked each other square in the eyes. A sly grin across both our faces. "Yeah, I guess I kinda do," I said. Spike ended up coming over every day for the next week. We read comic books and talked about things that interested us. We became more than acquaintances. We became friends. I found having someone to talk to in between my chores and schoolwork to be very cathartic. Eventually, Saturday came, and with it the meteor shower. Throughout Equestria, ponies cleared the streets, taking shelter in their homes and businesses. The armed forces were placed on maximum alert. From Cloudsdale, the Wonderbolts maintained a constant aerial patrol. As night fell Equestria waited with bated breath for what would come next. The next morning, when I peered through to the kitchen to read the headline in Mac's hoof. INVASION FEARS FIZZLE OUT METEOR SHOWER PASSES WITHOUT INCIDENT It felt like a block of dark matter had been lifted off my back. Maybe now I could to my relatively normal life. I came downstairs with a skip in my step and a smile on my face. "Good morning everypony," I said elatedly. "Well, somepony's certainly in a better mood," Granny Smith said as I sat down. "Why wouldn't I be? The meteor shower came and went without incident." I crowed. "I can't wait to tell Spike all about it." I picked up my fork and knife and dug into my breakfast. The lightly salted and peppered taste of Granny's eggs sunnyside up was made only sweeter by the taste of vindication. That afternoon, Applejack accompanied me to the library. As we walked through town, I overheard conversations that other ponies were having. "Oh, Mootilda, I just feel so foolish for believing that alien invasion nonsense." Daisy Jo lamented. "Well, at you can you say you weren't alone in that department," Mootilda said comfortingly. "I can't believe I spent twenty-five million bits on a comet shelter." Filthy Rich muttered irritably. "There there, Filthy," Spoiled caressed his shoulder. "We can always sue them out of existence." He sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Yes, I suppose we can." "Ponies these days will fall for any mass hysteria," Roseluck said hypocritically. "I know right, I mean one pony yells out invasion, and then everypony around them suddenly loses all rational thinking skills," Daisy said in agreement. "Y'all sure have spent a lot of time with Spike lately," Applejack said as we got closer to the library. "Yeah, well it's been kind of nice having someone to spend time with who's more like me," I answered. "What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked curiously. "Well, it's just...we share several similarities." "Oh, like what?" Applejack smirked interested in where I was going with this. "Well for starters we're both orphans who were adopted. We both know what it's like to be different. To feel like we don't always fit in." "You two talk about that sort of thing?" She asked. "No," I shook my head. "Those are just some things I've noticed while we were spending time together. My eyes blinked as I spotted an unusual sight before me. "Hey, Applejack, when did Twilight get an owl?" "What in tarnation are you talking..." She paused as she saw the librarian standing outside the library. Her friends gathered around staring at the owl perched on her back. "...about." "Hi Applejack," Twilight greeted as we walked to her. Her violet eyes glanced down at me and immediately looked away with embarrassment. "Oh...uh...hi Apple Comet." "Hello, Twilight, you're looking rather rested today," I said. Suddenly a pair of baby blue eyes appeared in front of me. "Apple Comet!" Before I knew it, I was scooped up in Pinkie Pie's inescapable embrace. "I've been super-duper worried about you this past week. What with you being abducted by a comet and ending up in the hospital? I wanted so so badly to throw you a sorry you were abducted by a celestial object party. No offense to Princess Celestia of course because she's our princess and she's a great princess and I forgot where I was going with this but oh yeah. But then Applejack told me you weren't feeling well, so I tried to visit you in hopes of cheering you up. But then she told me you were feeling really really unwell and that I should wait until you were feeling better and now you are feeling better which means we can finally have that party." She finished her long-winded assault on my senses by placing a party hat on my head and a blower in my mouth. "Is that all?" I asked her impatiently. "Yeppers Peppers!" She confirmed releasing me from her grip. "So Twilight, ah've been meaning to ask, what's with the owl?" Pinkie Pie drew in a breath only to be muzzled by Twilight's magic. "If it's all the same Pinkie, I'd prefer to tell her myself," Twilight said. Pinkie Pie replied with a muffled "Okey-dokey." after which Twilight released her. "Well, last night I was writing down my findings on the meteor shower when all of a sudden I heard a tapping noise coming from the balcony door." While Twilight continued her story, my ears picked up noise coming from one of the windows. "Psst, Apple Comet." I looked through the tree to see Spike standing at the slightly open window. "Spike?" I whispered. "Meet me inside, we need to talk," He said. I looked back to see Applejack and the others were enraptured by Twilight's tale. "Ahem," Twilight paused her story and looked at me. "If anypony needs me I'll be inside." Twilight smiled at me and said, "Sure Apple Comet." She immediately resumed her story as the others fawned over the owl. "There you are," Spike was waiting for me at the top of the stairs as I closed the door behind me. "You saw it didn't you?" "The owl?" I questioned. "Yeah, that dirty feathered beak-faced job stealer." He scowled coming down the stairs. "I feel like I'm missing a step here," I said. "That owl shows up out of nowhere and thinks he can just take my job as Twilight's assistant." He said pointing his claw into my chest. "Well, we're gonna show him he's got another thing coming." "And how exactly are we going to do that? If you don't mind me asking?" I was still way out of the loop on this. "Simple, we just have to show Twilight that birdbrain out there is no match for me." He pointed his thumb into his chest. "Spike," Twilight looked up from her reading. "Can you fetch me that book called Two-headed Myth..." "Mythological Mysteries, I know where it is," He called out. Luckily so did I. Grabbing a nearby shelf ladder I pushed it into position by the time Spike got there. "Thanks, Apple Comet, he said as he scampered up the ladder. Unfortunately, the ladder didn't go up high enough. So I climbed after him and slid myself between his legs. "Quick, stand on my shoulders," I said with a quick wink. He winked back and stood on my shoulders. I raised myself onto my hind legs and wrapped my fetlocks around his ankles. "Easy, now, easy." His claw reached for the title spelled across the book's spine. His fingers made contact and pulled it free. "Got it!" He said as he held the book up in triumph. "Hoot!" Just in time for Owlowiscious to snatch it up in his talons. "What? Hey! Give that back!" Spike lunged for the owl. "Spike no!" I called out as he slipped from my grip and fell forward. "Whaaa!" His face just inches from the floor, my hooves holding on tightly to the barb of his tail. Meanwhile, Twilight politely thanked Owlowiscious and turned her attention to us. "Spike, what have I told you about horsing around in the library?" She scolded. "You or Apple Comet could've gotten seriously hurt." She turned back to the owl. "Would you mind getting me Ferrets of Fairyland too?" "Hoot." Owlowiscious flew off once again. SNAP! "Shoot." Twilight cursed. "Yes sir." Spike rushed forward eager to help. "My last writing quill is broken." She held the quill and its broken-off tip in her magic. "Never fear! Spike your number one assistant is here! Quill...quill...where is it?" While Spike searched around the room, Owlowiscious let out a hoot and then calmly reached down toward one of his wings. Where am I going to get a quill?" Not finding a quill downstairs, Spike raced upstairs to Twilight's bedroom. "Spike, wait! Wait!" She called out as Owlowiscious presented her with one of his freshly plucked feathers. I went upstairs after Spike but stopped when I noticed the 'intimate' contents of the drawer he'd decided to search. Which was made more awkward by what Twilight said next. "Apple Comet, could you see what he's up to?" My face turned redder than Big Mac's as I saw the drake inspecting a lacey saddle blanket. "Uhh...umm...uhh" A thousand thoughts raced through my head. 999 of them involved Twilight wearing the saddle blanket. Not even my super-senses could alert me in time when Spike came barreling back downstairs. FLASH!. A flash of magenta magic brought me back to my senses. In front of me behind a shimmering barrier sat Spike, rubbing his head. *POP!* In a flash, Twilight teleported us to the bottom of the stairs. "Spike, what were you thinking running around the library like that? You almost ran into Apple Comet. You could've both fallen down the stairs and gotten hurt." Spike immediately went into panic mode. "I-I-I was just trying to find a quill for you. C-Cause the one you had broke." Twilight exhaled and placed her hoof on her forehead. "I tried to tell you before you started turning the place upside-down. Owlowiscious gave me one of his feathers to write with instead." She held up the owl feather in her magic. Spike looked like a volcano about to erupt. "RAARRRGH!" Without warning, he suddenly lunged for Owlowiscious. "Why you little...!" The owl flew up while Spike crashed headlong into Twilight's desk, knocking over the inkwell and spilling ink all over the scroll Twilight had been writing. "SPIKE! What on Equus has gotten into you today?" She shouted looking angrier than I'd seen her since the Pinkie sense. Spike shook his head and rose to his feet. "I could ask you the same question," he snapped. "But a better one would be when were you going to tell me you were planning on replacing me with freaky feathers here?" He pointed a claw accusingly at Owlowiscious. "Replacing you?" Twilight stood aghast but kept her composure. "I don't know where you got such a ridiculous idea, but it's no excuse for acting like a jealous monster! This is not the Spike I love." Spike's anger shattered into a thousand pieces. His eyes welled up with tears. He looked crushed. "Y-You d-don't l-love me a-anymore?" He stammered in a trembling voice. Twilight's jaw fell. "What? No, I never said that!" "Yes, you did!" Fresh tears flowed from his eyes as he pointed a claw at her. "You said it right to my face! Well, I hope you and Owlowiscious get along great together because I quit!" He wiped his arm across the mucus running from his nose. "You won't have Spike the Dragon to kick around anymore!" He bolted out the front door, his face flush with tears "Spike wait!" Twilight cried out but he ignored her and continued running through the streets. The entire time, I had been watching in stunned silence. But I couldn't stay quiet anymore. "I'm going after him," "Spike, wait up!" I called out to him. He looked back at me and just kept on running. "Listen to me!" "Go away!" He shouted defiantly. Running as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. I decided to let him tire himself out before talking to him. He gave up on running after a block, but continued to ignore me and just kept walking forward. Eventually, when he couldn't ignore my presence anymore, he turned around to face me. "Will...you just...stop...following... me already?" His face twisted into an angry snarl. "Not until you hear what I have to say," I said sternly. He snorted smoke from his nostrils and crossed his arms angrily. "Alright, what is it?" He said impatiently. "Spike, I know why you're upset. What Twilight said to you back there was wrong. You have every right to be angry with her." His anger softened slightly as he wiped the snot from his nose. "But running away isn't going to solve your problems, it's only going to make things worse. Believe me, I know." Tears built up in my eyes as my thoughts drifted back to that night. I closed my eyes and inhaled. "Come with me, there's something I have to tell you." We ducked behind a building, out of sight of everypony else. After a quick check with my x-ray vision to make sure the coast was clear, I let loose. "When I was about five years old, I...got into an argument with Pa one night. I said some things I really regret and ended up running away from into the Everfree Forest." Spike wiped his eyes and looked up at me. I continued, "It didn't take me long to become lost. I was scared, it was dark, and I didn't know how I was going to get home. Then I ran into some timberwolves." The dam broke as I felt tears run down my cheeks. "I ran for my life, calling out to Pa, Big Mac, Applejack, Granny Smith, anypony I could think of. I ended up running into Pa, who'd come out looking for me. However when he saw the Timberwolves...He...he...only one of us made it out of the forest that night." At that point, I expected to collapse into a pathetic sobbing heap. Yet something inside me spurred me onward. The more I talked, the lighter the weight on my conscience felt. "He's up on a hill overlooking the orchard...sniff...buried right next to Ma...sniff. Not a day goes by...sniff...that I don't think about him. That I wish I had done things differently. But I can't change that. Pa is gone and it's partially my fault. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did." Spike's eyes glistened through tears as he gazed at me. His arms fell to his sides as he slouched his shoulders. Without saying a word, he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. His tears dampened my coat as he sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged him back. "It's okay, buddy I'm here for you." "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed with relieved excitement as she galloped over to greet us. Her horn lit up as she telekinetically pulled him toward her embrace. " You had me worried sick. I went to all my friends asking if they had seen you." Applejack and the others stood behind her, their faces lit up with joy and relief. Spike put his arms around Twilight as she held him close. "Twilight, I'm so sorry for running away like that. Can you ever forgive me?" Twilight lifted him in front of her face and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Of course I can, after all, you are my number one assistant." Hearing that, Spike's eyes bulged with joy. "Thank you Twilight! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" "Not so fast," Twilight interrupted him. "We still have to discuss your punishment for running away." To her surprise, Spike simply shook his head and said, "I don't care about that, whatever it is, I'll take it. I'm just your still alive." Twilight looked at me confused. "Apple Comet, what did you tell him?" I looked over at Applejack and smiled. She smiled back at me. "Just a personal experience, Twilight," I said. "Hoot, hoot," Spike looked up at Owlowiscious who was pointing to a spot he'd missed with one wing. "Yeah, yeah," He muttered dusting it with his mop. As punishment for trying to run away, Twilight had him reorganizing and tidying the library from top to bottom. "Look at it this way Spike," I said placing some books back onto a recently dusted shelf. "You got to keep your job." He looked back at me, shrugged his shoulders, and sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right," He admitted. "Anyway, thanks again for talking me out of running away. I don't know what I was thinking." "Hey, what are friends for?" I said. He didn't smile at me. Instead, he looked almost guilt-ridden. "What's wrong?" I asked him. His gaze slowly drifted towards my flank for some reason. "I was just...thinking, about what you told me yesterday. You know, about your Pa?" "Oh," I replied. "I was wondering, how do you do it? I mean if something happened to Twilight because of me, I don't think I could live with myself." "You mean how do I go on living with the knowledge of what I did?" I felt the familiar pain of loss rising in me. But it was not alone. "Yeah." I reached down deep within myself. "It wasn't easy at first," I admitted. "Heck, it still isn't easy sometimes. I cried more times than I ever had before or have since. I blamed myself, secretly wishing I had been the one taken instead. What ultimately got me through it was my family. Even, after all, I put them through by running away, they loved and supported me even when I felt like I didn't deserve it. They taught me the true meaning of forgiveness. It's one thing for others to forgive you for the things you did. It's another to forgive yourself. There's still a part of me that still carries that guilt. But my family has shown me I don't have to carry it alone. That's how I'm able to go on living." "Sounds like somepony just learned an important friendship lesson." Twilight emerged from the basement carrying a broom, dustbin, and wastebasket. "Gah, Twilight!" Spike gasped and proceeded to begin dusting the closest shelf. "We weren't slacking off, I swear." Twilight let out a chuckle. "Relax Spike, you've got all day to finish." Her gaze shifted to me as her ears folded down. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I overheard what you said on my way up here. I thought it was very brave of you to come forward with that experience of yours." She knelt her head down and planted a kiss on my cheek. Instantly my ears stood erect and my eyes popped out. "Hoot, hoot." Owlowiscious let out the owl equivalent of a wolf whistle. "You said it, man," Spike said in agreement. > Drocsid Part 1. Everything Goes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a time after the comet hysteria life was peaceful for the most part. The only excitement was Applejack mentioning at the last minute that she agreed to let her friends throw Pinkie Pie a surprise birthday party in the barn. I ended up volunteering to help set it up so that I could make sure the trapdoor remained sufficiently well hidden. Between being on edge the entire time, and hearing Spike recant his story of being interrogated by Pinkie Pie, It ended up being the most awkward birthday party I've ever been to. As I watched Pinkie Pie lead the girls in a conga line, I imagined her mane going flat and her eyes twitching while Applejack and her friends turned into a bucket of turnips, a rockpile, a ball of lint, and a sack of flour. I concluded that Pinkamena Diane Pie was one really bad day away from complete insanity. And today was merely a close call. Then came the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. I and the rest of the family wished Applejack well before she left. We had all pitched in to help her whip up a cartful of pastries to sell at the gala. When she left I snuck up to my room to catch a glimpse of Twilight in her gala dress. The way the starry earrings shimmered like her eyes. The way her shoes tapped with every step she took. The way her long dark blue dress rolled across her back down to her...umm...well you get the idea, she was beautiful. Then again when wasn't she? Even so, I'm glad I didn't get to go to the Gala. Because it ended up being a total disaster. Between flying cakes, falling columns, and stampeding animals, the last thing it needed was a comet flying around. Still, despite all the insanity, I was happy Applejack and her friends had a good time. Little did I know that the chaos of that night was just the calm before the storm. A few weeks later, our class went on a field trip to Canterlot. I was a little hesitant at first when Ms. Cheerilee announced it. But after she informed us that Princess Celestia would likely be too busy to meet our class, I was on board. "Alright, Ms. Cheerilee's class?" The conductor asked as we walked onto the platform. "That's us," Ms. Cheerilee confirmed reaching into her saddlebags. "I've got the tickets right here." The conductor took them and counted them up. He looked down at us counting quietly to himself. "Alright, everything seems to be in order," He said reaching for his trusty hole-puncher. "You're in car number four, down there. Watch your step... Whoosh! Faster than he could finish his sentence, three filly-sized blurs rushed past him. "Come on let's go!" "Dibs on the window seat!" "Hey wait for me!" The Conductor spun around on his hind legs about three times as the tickets and hole-puncher went flying from his hooves. "...And have a safe trip," He said dazedly as the hole-puncher landed on his hat. The train ride up to Canterlot was about as pleasant as one could be. When you were sharing the car with the rest of your class. I tuned out most of the chaos around me with the help of the new issue of Star-Stallion. Stopping occasionally to peek out the window. Seeing the spires of the palace drawing closer filled me with a sense of uncertainty. After all, my last visit there had been as a trespasser. "It sssure is beautiful issn't it?" A lispy voice asked me. I looked away from the window at the square-framed glasses of Peppermint Twist. "Yeah, breathtaking." I concurred. "What's wrong? You sssound nervousness?" She asked. "I'm just anxious with excitement like everyone else," I assured her. "I want to start our field trip here, in the world-famous Canterlot Sculpture Garden," Ms. Cheerilee said as she led us down the freshly swept path. On one side stood sculptures of ponies in various poses. Some sat atop pedestals, while others had been deemed worthy of their own base. On the other, a wall belonging to the garden's hedge maze. "That one over there represents friendship," Ms. Cheerilee said pointing to a statue of three foals jumping atop one another. As we stopped to admire it, the Cutie Mark Crusaders crashed head into butt with each other. I let out a chuckle as their pupils spun around their sockets like tops. They shook their heads and glared at me angrily. "I'm so sorry Sis, it was just...so..." I couldn't control myself and fell on my back laughing. Apple Bloom and her friends snorted at me one by one and continued with the tour. Their heads held up with disgust. "This one over here represents victory," Ms. Cheerilee pointed to a statue of a mare dressed in a cape holding a flag. Flanked by two stars zooming forward. "How cool would it be to have that for a cutie mark?" Scootaloo said excitedly to her friends. "Cool if you were actually victoryful at somethin'." Said, Apple Bloom uncharacteristically rude. "That's not a word!" Scootaloo argued. "What are you a dictionary?" Apple Bloom shot back. "No," I interrupted. "But as somepony who has read a dictionary cover to cover, I can confidently say that 'victoryful' was not in it." "Aw put a sock in it, Apple Comet," I was dumbstruck. Apple Bloom never talked to me like that. Fortunately, Ms. Cheerilee was there to quickly reestablish order. "Girls!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders stopped and turned their attention to her. "Now this is a really interesting statue. What do you notice about it?" Interesting would not have been the word I'd use to describe the amalgamation of animal parts sculpted together into the hideous hodge-podge standing before us. "It's got an eagle claw," said Apple Bloom. "And a lion's paw," Scootaloo said in awe. "And a snake tail," Sweetie Belle said jumping into the air. "Meh, I don't get modern art," I said. "This creature is called Draconequus," Ms. Cheerilee explained. "He has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things. What do you suppose that represents?" "Confusion," guessed Apple Bloom. "Evil," said Sweetie Belle. "Chaos," said Scootaloo. It's not chaos you dodo!" Sweetie Belle suddenly snapped at her. "Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of!" Scootaloo shouted back. "And it is too chaos." "Is not!" Sweetie Belle whined. The two glared at each other. "You're both wrong!" Apple Bloom said jumping on both their heads. Without warning, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle jumped up and tackled her. They tussled and tumbled, kicking, biting, and grabbing at each other. "Enough!" I shouted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders paused and stared at me. I stepped in between them, pushing them back with a nudge of my hooves. "I don't know what's gotten into you three, but I'm putting a stop to it." "You aren't the boss of us!" Scootaloo argued holding onto Sweetie's hock. "No, but I am," Ms. Cheerilee spoke up. "Thank you Apple Comet. This statue represents 'Discord' which represents a lack of harmony between ponies. You three have demonstrated discord so well that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it." The rest of the class laughed at their misfortune. "Now let's go, and I don't want any more fighting." As the rest of the class continued, the CMC continued to argue about what the statue represented. "It's confusion!" "Evil!" "Chaos!" My ears picked up the sound of cracking stone. I looked up to see cracks spreading up and down the statue. "Umm...girls? I think we really should get back to the others." I suggested. "Aw, can it Pointdexter!" Sweetie Belle said. The sound of laughter filled the air as the statue began to shake back and forth. The CMC looked up to see light pouring from the ever-growing cracks. "Okay, we see your point Apple Comet," Apple Bloom said nervously. The four of us ran to rejoin the rest of the class. However as we turned the corner, I ducked the hedge and reached into my saddlebag. It had been a while since I needed to use my matrix. With the change complete, I took to the skies just as the statue exploded in a shower of stone and light. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" From the light emerged a long hairy serpentine form. It swirled and curled higher and higher. "Free at last!" Standing on his pedestal, the Draconequus now flesh, fur, and an assortment of animal parts stretched up like a cat waking up from a nap. "Ugh, two thousand years can give you such a crick in the neck." He twisted his neck around a full 360 degrees. Ah, much better. "Now where was I?" He looked around the garden. "Oh, Celestia what have you done to the place? Everything is so neat and orderly. Oh, well I suppose it'll make for a good warm-up." He laced his claws together and cracked his knuckles. "Let's get started with an old favorite shall we?" With a snap of his claws, the Statue of Victory leaped from her pedestal carrying her flag along with her. Followed by the Statues of Friendship who leaped down one after another. One by one the statues jumped down and lined up in front of the Draconequus. With another snap of his claws, he changed his appearance to resemble that of a military general. Complete with a swagger stick and glasses. "Alright, you maggots listen up!" He said in an authoritative tone. "I am your Supreme Commander General Discord and my orders for you are simple. Go out there and cause some chaos!" He emphasized the last word with a clench of his paw. I'd seen enough. As the statues saluted him, I swooped down smashing through them like a minotaur in a pottery store. SWOOP! *SMASH!*" *CRASH!* *CRA-ASH!* *POW!* *CRACK!* *KRA-KOW!* *CRRACKKKK!* Discord's jaw fell to the ground. He looked up to see me streaking through the sky. "Hey! Do you mind? I'm trying to cause chaos around here and I would appreciate you not smashing my minions!" He shook his paw angrily at me as I circled toward him. "Are you listening to me? Right, that's it!" He snapped his claw and... *SMACK!" I opened my eyes to find myself staring into my reflection on a glass floor. Beyond it, I could see Discord looking up with a triumphant smirk. "What the?" He snapped his claws and in an instant, I was pulled towards him. "Well, well, well. I've heard of catching lightning in a bottle. But never a comet." Discord's enormous face stood in front of me, as large as a billboard. I stood up to find the walls were made of glass and the ceiling was just a hole sealed by a cork. I was inside a giant bottle. "Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a comet turn into a pony before either. Haha haha, oh today is turning out to be full of surprises." Alright, enough was enough. I thought as I jumped into the air, socking the cork with a solid uppercut. It flew from the bottle like a cannonball allowing me to fly out. "Oh, no you don't!" Discord snapped his claw again and in an instant, gravity caught up with me. "Whoooaaah!" "Nice try little one but I'm not letting you go so easily." He sneered as another cork bound by chains plugged the hole. "You'll find I'm full of surprises," I said as I cocked back my foreleg and hit the glass with all my might. *Clink!* Discord chuckled as I focused my heat vision on the glass. "Haha haha hahaha ow, ow oh hot! hot! hot! Hot!" He yelped in pain dropping the bottle to the ground where it shattered releasing me. "You little brat! I am the Spirit of Chaos and I will not be made a fool of by....whoa!" *SMASH!* *BASH!* *CRASH!* *SLAM!* *SUBALUWA!* I couldn't help but smile out of the corners of my face as I thrashed Discord around like a chew toy. When I was done, I left him sprawled painfully inside an outline-shaped hole in the path. "Of...course you know...this...means...war." He declared weakly raising his claw. "Oh, no you don't!" anticipating his next act, I pinned his claw to the ground with my hoof. *Snap!* "Psych!" He said snapping his paw. *Pop!* In an instant he vanished, leaving me high and dry. "Hahahahahahaha!" "Drat!" I pounded the ground in disappointment. Well, he wasn't going to get far. "Ah'm telling you Ms. Cheerilee, the Discord statue just started cracking and glowing all by itself." "Oh, no Apple Bloom." I spotted her sister and her friends leading the class back towards me. I galloped over to my saddlebag, changed out of my costume, hid it in my saddlebag, and put it back on. "Apple Comet!" I looked to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Ms. Cheerilee looking at me with concern. "Goodness!" Our teacher exclaimed. "What in Equestria happened here?" I looked over the shattered remnants of the statuary that had previously filled the garden. Now just a trail of broken body parts. Thinking quickly, I formulated an alibi. "Ow, my pastern, I think I twisted it when I was running away with you." I held my hind leg clutching it in mock pain. "Let me take a look at that." Ms. Cheerilee looked down to examine it. "Does it hurt when I move it?" I hissed noddingly in approval. "Okay, stay calm, we're going to get you help. In the meantime try not to put too much weight on it." "Okay...Ms.Cheerilee...I'll...ugh...try." Apple Bloom could tell I was faking it but came to the right conclusion that I was doing it to hide my powers. While Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just looked at each other and smiled. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Hoof Doctors Yay!" My eyes widened with horror. But before I could protest both fillies vanished in a *pop* of light. "What the?" Apple Bloom said before she too vanished. "What jusst happened?" Twist asked in horror. "Now, now stay calm my little ponies," Ms. Cheerilee said trying to remain composed before she too disappeared. One by one the rest of the class disappeared leaving me alone in the garden. "There that's better, just the two of us now." Discord's voice echoed around me. "Where are you? Show yourself!" I demanded. "What, so you throw me around like a rag doll again? I think not." "What have you done with them?" "Tsk tsk tsk, Is that any way to ask for something?" He said condescendingly. "I'm not playing games here!" "Oh, well that's too bad because I am. And if you want to save your friends, you will play with me." So that's how it was going to be. "And what sort of game would you have me play?" "I'm so glad you asked. Look in the mirror." *Pop* With a flash of light a mirror appeared in front of me. In it, I saw the reflections of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Ms. Cheerilee, and the rest of the class. "I've sent your school chums and your teacher to the far-flung corners of Equestria. All you need to do is find them and bring them back here." "What's the catch?" I asked. "You're nopony's fool kid, I respect that. The first catch is that to find them, you'll have to solve a riddle. And second, they won't be quite themselves when you find them." "Alright, what's the first riddle?" The mirror shone revealing the riddle written in glowing letters. Where the sun and stars shine from the ground is where the first of your friends will be found. Beneath the rolling hills so vain, their peaks proudly proclaim their name. But pride goeth before the fall. Hurry if you wish to save them all. With a snap of his claw, my body felt lighter once again. "I'd shake a leg if I were you. The show is about to start." The mirror vanished and I felt alone once again. Throwing my matrix on once again, I took off in search of my destination. Third Pony POV. Discord chuckled to himself as he watched the young colt take to the skies in a ball of fire. "That should keep the little rascal busy while I work on my schemes." He said with a snap of his claw. Instantly he teleported next to a pair of large doors with a horn-shaped keyhole. Humming a jaunty little tune to himself, he placed one claw inside the hole and felt around. With a click, he withdrew his claw which was now the shape of a certain alicorn's horn, and the doors aside. Sitting on a pedestal was an overly jeweled jewel box. "We....have a winner!" Comet's POV. "A place where the sun and stars shine from the ground?" None of my classmates nor Ms. Cheerilee were to be found anywhere near the princesses' private chambers. Nor anywhere else on the castle grounds. Of course not wanting a repeat of last time, I didn't stay long. "Beneath the rolling hills so vain, they proudly proclaim their name." Since hills didn't usually talk, I deduced that proclamations would be written rather than oral. And If they're vain then they'd want as many ponies as possible to see it. Therefore they'd want to make the letters as big as possible. "There's only one place in all of Equestria where you'd find letters that big. I headed west, certain I would find my answer. Applewood Coltifornia, Home of Equestria's film industry. Home to famous stars and landmarks, including the world-famous Applewood Hills sign. "Beneath the rolling hills so vain they proudly proclaim their name. If I'm right, this is where I'll find one of my classmates. Below it seemed like any other sunny Southern Coltifornia day. The streets were filled with traffic. Ponies to and from every which way. Even with my eyesight, finding my classmate would be like trying to find a drop of water in the ocean. Then suddenly without warning... "TIMES HAVE CHANGED, AND WE'VE OFTEN REWOUND THE CLOCK! SINCE THE PURITANS GOT THE SHOCK! WHEN THEY LANDED ON FRIENDSHIP ROCK!" ...The entire city began to shake violently! Ponies scattered for shelter, while carriages spun out of control. The buildings swayed and shook, the ponies inside trying desperately to stand on their feet. "IF TODAY, ANY SHOCK THEY SHOULD TRY TO STEM! INSTEAD OF LANDING ON FRIENDSHIP ROCK, FRIENDSHIP ROCK WOULD LAND ON THEM!" "Wait, a second I recognize that voice!" I realized. "Sweetie Belle!" Her voice was still the high-pitched nasally one that occasionally cracked on the higher notes. But it echoed across the city like a sonic boom! High-rise windows shattered raining glass down on the streets below. Cracks spread across the streets, and fire hydrants erupted. "I have to find her and fast. Before she decides to do an encore. Unfortunately for my hearing, that meant following the disturbance to its source. "IN OLDEN DAYS A GLIMPSE OF DRESSAGE WAS LOOKED UPON AS SOMETHING TRANSGRESSIVE BUT NOW WHO KNOWS! ANYTHING GOES!" The assault on my eardrums led me straight to the Applewood Bowl amphitheater. "There she is." Sweetie Belle stood center stage dressed in a sailor outfit. She was practically putting on a one-filly show, the amphitheater shaking with every note she sang. "Okay, well I'd found her." I winced. "Now to put a stop to her performance before she sings the city into a chasm." "IF RIDING IN FAST CARTS YOU LIKE IF LOW BARS YOU LIKE IF OLD HYMNS YOU LIKE OR MARE WEST YOU LIKE OR FANCY DRESS YOU LIKE WHY NOPONY WILL OPPPOOOOSE!" A piece of dome broke loose falling dangerously close to her. SWOOSH! CRUSH! I quickly snatched her up and muzzled her performance with my hoof. She squirmed and protested but I kept my grip on her. The shaking stopped replaced by the sounds of the chaotic aftermath left in its wake. I looked down at Sweetie Belle, I noticed something else was off about her. Besides her tremor-inducing singing voice. The colors of her coat, mane, and tail were strangely faded. And her expression was one of anger and frustration. Almost as if she was upset at me for interrupting her performance. No doubt Discord's doing. My ears twitched picking up the sound of cracking marble in the distance. Turning my head sharply, I spotted a large dam in the distance, with large cracks spreading across it in every direction. "Aw dam, it!" I exclaimed as I flew towards it with all haste. Water was already beginning to spray through the cracks spreading them further. The workers who had figured out what was happening galloped or flew to safety. But for those downstream, there would be nowhere to go, except below sea level. FWOOOOOSH!!!! With a deep breath, I exhaled freezing one of the leaks in its tracks. Hopefully, the dam would hold until I finished the job. CRRRAAACK! A large section of the dam broke loose turning the spray into a torrent. It became clear that the dam wasn't going to hold. I was going to have to come up with a different solution. I scanned my eyes along the walls of the canyon. I saw several sections where the rocks seemed pretty loose. It wouldn't take much effort to send them tumbling down. The only problem was my hooves were already full. "Mmm...Mmph!" I gazed down at the struggling filly squirming in my hooves. I couldn't set her down or else she'd start singing again. But I couldn't move those rocks without letting her go. I was at an impasse. CRRRRUMMMBLE! Just then the top of the dam gave way. The water no longer held back washed over it in a tidal wave of certain destruction. I glanced over at the hillside rock formations and the buildings in the path of the raging deluge. I had an idea, I reckless idea but I was out of options. I flew over to the closest rock formation and released Sweetie Belle's muzzle. "THE WORLD HAS GONE MADE TODAY AND GOOD'S BAD TODAY AND BLACK'S WHITE TODAY AND DAY'S NIGHT TODAY AND THAT GENT TODAY YOU GAVE A BIT TODAY ONCE HAD SEVERAL CHATEAAAAAAAAUUUUUUX." The canyon walls shook and quaked sending thousands of tons of loose rock plummeting into the canyon. Dodging falling rocks, I flew in closer to the weak points. By now some of the rocks had reached the bottom of the valley and were piling up in the river below. But I would need more if I was to stop that flood. Spotting another loose section on the other side of the canyon, I flew Sweetie in closer. "JUST THINK OF THOSE SHOCKS YOU GOT! FROM THOSE SHAKES YOU GOT! FROM THOSE QUAKES YOU GOT! THE DAM BREAKS YOU GOT! AND ANY ACHES YOU GOT! IF ANY ACHES YOU GOT FROM THOSE HIIIIIGH NOOOOTES!" With that high note, the wall gave way sending an avalanche of boulders rolling down the hill. Some were as big as buildings. With a thundering crash, the floodwaters met the avalanche sending waves high into the air. The water poured over the top and cascaded down the other side. "CAUSE CELESTIA KNOWS! ANYTHING GOOOOOOOOOOES!!!!" With a final fanfare from unseen trumpets, Sweetie took a bow to the heavily shaken audience below. The floodwaters began to calm as the tidal wave receded to a waterfall. I decided then and there that was not a fan of show tunes. At least everypony downstream managed to evacuate. *POP* In a flash of light, Sweetie Belle suddenly disappeared from my hooves. In her place was a small hoof mirror. "Using my tricks against me. You're cleverer than I thought." Discord's reflection said staring back at me. "Still I suppose even a blind pig finds a truffle occasionally." "Where's Sweetie Belle? What have you done with her?" I demanded. "Ah ah ah, that would be telling. And you wouldn't want to ruin the game so early would you?" "I dunno, I rather enjoyed playing pinata with you!" He paused a moment, then quickly composed himself. "Yes well, enjoy your moment of triumph while you can. Here is your next riddle. *FLASH* Within canyons of steel beneath skies of blue, the next of your friends are waiting for you. The tired, the poor, and wretched refuse they see, as only fit to bend at their knee. Beware their touch, beware their gaze, or else you will join their garish soiree. *Pop* I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach about who the riddle was talking about. As for where there were many cities in Equestria with extensive skylines. Luckily my steel-trap memory recalled a story Applejack told me about her time staying with Aunt and Uncle Orange. One that involved a poem referenced in the riddle. Third Pony POV Discord grinned with satisfaction as he snapped the mirror away. Everything was going according to plan. The Elements of Harmony were in his possession. The Element Bearers would soon be on their way to Canterlot. And by the time that caped colt figured out what he was up to, it would be too late. Comet's POV The salty breeze of the sea air flowed through my mane as I approached my destination. The towering spires of Manhattan's skyline crested over the rolling hills. Immediately I noticed something was off when I spotted the Statue of Friendship. The once oxidized copper statue had been turned into sterling silver and her crown had been replaced with a diamond tiara. "I was afraid it would be them." The city beyond had been transformed as well. Once steel skyscrapers were now towering silver monoliths. And the streets and sidewalks below had been turned into solid diamonds as had many of the abandoned carts that had been left strewn about. The sounds of terrified screams echoed through the walls of the steel canyons as ponies some turned diamond or silver themselves scattered to find shelter. "Let's see if I were a self-centered spoiled brat that had been corrupted by the Spirit of Chaos, where would I be? Someplace where I could be the center of attention naturally." I streaked forward in the direction of the screams. Bridleway, known throughout Equestria as the Great Galloping Way had been transformed into a garish parody of its former self. Like the rest of the city, the buildings had been turned into a garish display of luxury. BZZZT! Out of nowhere a blast of shimmering light struck a billboard. Instantly the lettering changed from Marecy's to Diamond's "And that's the last one," a familiar voice said. Diamond Tiara dressed in a strange outfit stood triumphantly at her work. She was dressed in diamond regalia complete with a diamond cuirass, matching slippers, and a decorative mask that resembled her tiara. "Ah, what a beautiful sight. Nothing but diamonds, flawless brilliant diamonds." Pirouetting on one leg, she took in the sight around her. Soon, all of Equestria will be nothing but diamonds." Several police paddy wagons pulled up. The officers dressed in riot gear jumped out and surrounded her. "Attention, Attention!" A mauve police mare with an orange mane said through a bullhorn. "You are surrounded! Take off your mask and surrender!" "Ahahahaha!" Diamond Tiara cackled. "That is no way to address your future queen!" BZZZT! She fired a beam from her tiara. The officers quickly ducked behind their shields as the beam changed them into diamonds. "What are we supposed to do? I heard one of them ask the mare with the bullhorn. "Give her a time-out?" Spotting me up in the sky, another one pointed up and shouted, "Look up in the sky! It's the comet!" "Hey your right," another said. "And it looks like it's writing something. Diamond Tiara scowled with rage when she saw what I had written. HEY QUEEN FAT FLANK! UP HERE! "Rarrrrrgh!" BZZT BZZT BZZT BZZT. She fired several angry blasts at me. With a mischievous grin on my face, I easily dodged them all. "Urrrrgh! You're not gonna get away from me this time!" To my surprise, she lifted off the ground and flew after me. "Oh boy!" I quickly turned tail around down the nearest street, with Diamond following after. "Get back here! As your queen, I order you to get back here!" "Well she's certainly being more of a royal pain than usual today," I muttered to myself as I turned down the next street. To be honest I was enjoying this quite thoroughly. After putting up with Discord's antics it felt cathartic to be the one driving someone else up the wall for a change. We twisted and turned over the streets of Manehattan, climbing higher with every turn. "You will be the most beautiful jewel in my collection!" Diamond howled as she doggedly pursued me. She fired several blasts, none of which came close to hitting me. Although a few sections of my trail did fall back to earth as fiery red gems. "Sorry to disappoint you, your royal pain in the flank, but I've no plans of becoming another bauble for you to show off," I muttered in disgust. Unfortunately, I was having so much fun riling up Diamond Tiara that I forgot about the other thing the city was covered in. ZZZZAP! A second beam shot towards me. It struck the end of my cape turning it into solid silver. Turning around, I saw Silver Spoon dressed in ornately decorated silver regalia flying towards me. Her glasses had been replaced by a matching ornate eyemask. "Of course how could I forget there were two of them," I scolded as she fired another beam from her eyes. I went into a dive, and the best bullies followed right on my tail. "You can run but you can't hide!" Diamond declared. "Wherever you go we can follow!" Added Silver Spoon. And follow me they did. Following me through every dive, every turn, every maneuver I pulled. And while they weren't able to match me move for move, they used their numerical superiority to keep me on my toes. One of them would fire their beam at me and when I moved to evade the other one would fire at me. The only advantage I had was that I had months of flight experience, whereas they were clearly new at this. I didn't know how long they could last in the air and I didn't have the patience to find out. I needed to figure out how to beat them and beat them soon. "Let's see, their powers seem to be derived from their headwear. Maybe if I can get it off them it'll stop?" It was as good a guess as any. ZZZZAP! Another blast from Silver Spoon whizzed past me. "The only problem is how to get them on the... wait where'd Diamond Tiara go?" Quickly looking through the nearby skyscrapers, I saw no sign of the Princess of Pestering. BZZT!" From below the familiar twinkling blast struck me. The flames of my coma changed into solid carbon encasing me inside a diamond. My body went rigid, unable to move. I forced my eyes down to see Diamond Tiara, staring up at me with a gleam of triumph in her eyes. My limbs seized up, unable to move inside the solid mass as it plummeted back to earth. ZZZZAP! Another blast from Silver Spoon halted my momentum and sent me swinging back and forth between two buildings. Through the reflections inside the crystal, I could make out a silver chain hanging from the diamond. A pendant, those two brats had me trapped in some oversized pendant. "Well done Silver, Diamond complemented her partner in crime. "This will serve as a warning to those who dare mock my gorgeous flank." Silver Spoon giggled as the two of them did their stupid little dance. "Bump." "Bump." "Sugarlump rump. Heheheheh." "Come on let's get a closer look at it." She smirked as the two of them flew down to get a better look. I hated to admit it but the two of them had me stuck good. I couldn't move a muscle except for my eyes. Wait, my eyes. It was my last shot, otherwise, I could look forward to a future as a gaudy bauble in Queen Diamond's crown jewels. FLASH! "AAAAIEEEEEEEEEE!" Diamond and Silver shrieked as the light emanating from the diamond illuminated the entire street. Reflecting off the silver windows and diamond streets. Panicked and disoriented Diamond and Silver tried to flee only to end up crashing headfirst into each other. Diamond's tiara mask fell from her face along with Silver Spoon's glasses. In a flash of light, their regalia vanished along with my carbon prison. The instant I could move I swooped down snatching Diamond and Silver up before they could reach the street level at breakneck speed. A wave of magic swept back over the city as the silver buildings and diamond streets returned to steel and asphalt. The unfortunate ponies who'd had the misfortune of being changed also returned to normal. Cheers erupted from below us as the city returned to its vibrant normal self. I made haste for the shoreline, with the troublesome twosome tucked tight in my grasp. "What's going on, why is it so windy?" Diamond screamed against the wind rushing over her. "My glasses, I can't see without my glasses!" Silver Spoon cried out. *POP* *POP* And just like that they were gone. In their place was the familiar mirror. "And so once again the day is saved thanks to...hold on I seem to have jumped a few pages ahead in the script, my bad." I could hear the sounds of his finger flipping through pages. "Ah, here we are. Ahem...so it seems it seems you vanquished the vain vixens. But you haven't won yet." "Is this guy for real?" I rolled my eyes at the corny delivery of his monologue. "Hey, do I interrupt you when you're monologuing?" He snapped. "Sorry," I sighed. "Continue." "Thank you, I shall." Where hooves trample and branches sway the next of your friends is waiting to play. Take the red path or the white whichever you choose but one thing's for certain, you're bound to lose. With a pop, the mirror vanished once more. I quickly deduced that the riddle was referring to Whitetail Woods as Applejack had competed in the running of the leaves a couple of months back. As for the red and white paths, that part was still a mystery, but one I was certain would make sense when I got there. Third Pony POV Discord snapped the mirror away. His expression was a mixture of frustration and begrudging respect. The colt was good he had to give him that. Too good, if his luck didn't change soon, he would pose a threat to his plans. "Where did you come from little comet?" The Draconequus pondered the question. He reached down into his fur and pulled out a pocket watch on a chain. "Oh, my how time certainly flies." With a snap of his claw, the mirror reappeared showing six mares galloping through the front doors of the palace. With an evil grin, he dipped his claw into the mirror. The image rippled like water slowly changing to resemble one of the throne room stained glass windows. "SSSHOWTIME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Pressing his mismatched hands together Discord summoned a swim cap onto his head, then dove into the mirror like it was a swimming pool. > Drocsid Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like I said before, figuring out Discord's third riddle was a no-brainer. After reading it for the first time, I'd already figured out where he was referring to and which of my friends I'd find there. And so when I arrived at Whitetail Woods, I was not surprised to find many of the trees to be white and covered in stripes. "This is the place," I said to myself as I searched through the canopy to find the culprit. It wouldn't be long before I found her. SLURP! Peppermint Twist ran her tongue across the trunk of a tree. Instantly, the bark changed from wood to peppermint. "Mmm, delicioussss...." She said as she watched the stripes envelop the tree. Like the rest of my brainwashed peers, she was dressed in a bizarre outfit. In her case Discord apparently, a white leotard with red peppermint stripes was the way to go. Along with this, her glasses had been replaced by a blockier 3-D style pair with spiraling lenses. "What a wonderful sssight to see." She grabbed hold of the tree with one hoof and spun around. "SSScrumpcious ssstripes on every tree." "Well, there she is, now the only question is how do I stop her?" As I pondered my next step, Twist looked up in the sky and spotted me. "Oooo, a flying candy ball." She opened her mouth and her tongue flew out like a lizard. "Whoa!" Banking hard, I flew off, her tongue missing me by a few inches. "Okay, maybe she's not as harmless as she seems." I realized that if I was going to break Discord's hold on her, I would have to shut her mouth first. But how? Then a thought came to me. Flashback It was a usual Saturday afternoon in Ponyville, I'd decided to take a break from reading at the library and get something sweet from Sugarcube Corner. "Hello Apple Comet," Mr. Cake greeted me warmly as I walked up to the front counter. "What can I get for you?" "Hello Mr. Cake, I'll have a..." Before I could finish I was interrupted by a commotion from the kitchen. "Gosh darn it Gummy! Not again!" Peering through the wall to the kitchen, I saw Pinkie Pie fishing Gummy out of an industrial mixing bowl filled with caramel. Like actually fishing him out with a rod and reel. "Look at you, you're all sticky." The baby alligator attempted to open his toothless jaws only to have them pulled back together by the viscous substance. "Well, it looks like you bit off more than you can chew hehe," Pinkie Pie giggled to herself as Gummy continued to try and pry his jaws open. Mr. Cake looked at me awkwardly. "You'll have to excuse me a moment." He said raising a hoof to indicate he'd be right back. "Sure, take your time," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "That's it!" I proclaimed ecstatically. I raced back to Sweet Apple Acres, thankfully to find it untouched by Discord's magic. Touching down in front of the kitchen door, I slipped inside and grabbed the largest pan I could find along with the necessary ingredients. I poured a few cups of sugar into the pan and used my heat vision to caramelize it. When I felt I was ready I poured a cup of heavy cream in and blew on the concoction with my ice breath. Taking special care to ensure I didn't freeze it solid. Once I had it at the ideal temperature, I rolled an apple on a stick over it, making sure to evenly cover both sides. A few steps later I had a tasty tantalizing treat you could sink your teeth into. As long as you didn't plan on getting them out anytime soon. "Well hopefully this will be sticky enough to keep Twist's mouth shut," I said as I headed out the backdoor to confront her. I made it back to Whitetail Woods to find very little had changed. Twist was still busy turning everything around her into her candy land. "Well here's hoping this works." I dived down closer to the treeline where I knew she'd spot me. Sure enough, she poked her head out from under the shade. Her mouth salivated as soon as she saw me. "You're back! Oh, how wonderful! I knew I couldn't let a sweet treat like you get away from me." She ran her tongue eagerly across her mouth as I flew in closer. This was it, I only had one shot at this to work. SSSLLITTT! With lightning speed her tongue lashed out. Time slowed down as I raised my weapon in my hooves to parry her attack. SPLAT! Contact! I hastily released my grip as Twist's reflex pulled her tongue back in. The apple met her maw with a satisfying nom. Twist's eyes opened in surprise as she tasted not the flying fireball but instead the sticky sweet taste of a caramel apple. "Hmm? Puzzled she reached her hoof to grab hold of the stick. Only for it to snap off in her hoof. Like everything else she licked, Discord's spell had turned it into peppermint. "Mmph mmph! Her eyes bulged in fright as she realized her teeth were stuck deep inside the now peppermint apple. "Oh, no! I exclaimed as I realized the seriousness of the situation. I swooped down lifting the glasses off her face. In a flash, the rest of her costume vanished and the color returned to her coat and mane. Her legs gave out as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I caught her in my forelegs as her body went limp and gently laid her down. *POP!* Another flash and she vanished from my forehooves. In its place was Discord's mirror. "Well, I see you handled that sticky situation." The draconequus's reflection remarked snidely holding the candy apple I had made. "A pity, I thought the pattern brightened up the forest." He ran his claw along the surface, causing the stripes to swirl around like a barber's pole. "Still, the game must go on." "Just give me the next riddle." I snorted impatiently. Discord placed his claws on his hips. "Would it kill you to be polite for a change?" He said. I exhaled and rolled my eyes. "Would you please give me the next riddle that tells me where you sent one of my brainwashed friends?" "There now was that so hard?" Discord mockingly lectured. With a snap of his claws and vanished once more leaving behind the next riddle. Between alto highs and stratus lows. Is where awaits your next friend-turned-foe. Grab a seat and enjoy the show. Before they make like the wind and blow. *Pop* Once more the mirror vanished. Either Discord wasn't putting a whole lot of effort into these riddles or my Koltonian brain wasn't perceiving the effort he was. I already had an idea of where to go and who I'd find. Third Pony POV. Discord sat down on his floating throne. His claws trilling against the side of his face. The colt was good, he had to admit. To the point that he had a chance of upsetting his plans. Still, he had to be patient and stick to the plan. The Element Bearers were here in Canterlot. Once he had them under his thumb, Equestria would be his to rule once more. Comet's POV. "Help!" "Help us!" "Somepony please, I'm trapped!" "Save me!" "My Foals are still inside!" My Husband is trapped under that rubble!" As I approached Cloudsdale, my hearing was suddenly overwhelmed by a torrent of cries for help. Gritting my teeth, I accelerated to supersonic in the direction of the distress calls. "Oh no!" To say the pegasi were in trouble would've been an understatement. Several buildings had toppled over, their fallen columns smashed into several pieces. Others had their roofs stripped of shingles or just blown away altogether. The streets were littered with overturned cloud carts, toppled statues, and scattered debris. It looked like a rogue storm had ripped through here. Several rescue ponies were at the scene. Digging out those trapped under the rubble and administering first aid. But I could also see they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of casualties. Steeling my nerves, I closed my eyes and focused my concentration on the direction of the voices. Mentally noting where each one's location was. SWOOSH! In a blur, I swept down clearing away the rubble as I went. The voices around me gasped in astonishment. "Look, up in the sky?" "Is it her again?" "No, it's the red comet!" "What's doing here?" "Did you see that?" "It just cleared away the rubble like that!" "There it goes again!" "It's incredible!" In no time flat, I cleared the street of most debris allowing the rescue workers to move in. The crowd which merely seconds earlier had been in shock and terror was now jubilantly cheering for me. I felt my spirits lifted immensely. The cheers and overwhelming relief fueled my body like a second sun. But my work wasn't done yet. I had to find the classmate that Discord had hypnotized and bring them back to their senses. Lucky for me, I wouldn't have to look far if the orange blur flying over the distant stadium was any indication. It had a broad wingspan, easily the width of Princess Celestia's royal plumage. It wore a sky-blue costume reminiscent of the Wonderbolts. Upon closer inspection, however, the usual lightning bolt pattern was replaced by images of various weather effects. Including thunderclouds, tornadoes, rain, snow, and fog. They covered the costume from every available space. Creating a chaotic mismatched pattern. An orange muzzle protruded from the mask in front and a purple fuchsia mane and tail flapped wildly in the wind. "Scootaloo!" She turned her head sideways in my direction. "What's this? A new challenger? Alright! Wait'll everypony sees me beat the Red Comet!" With that, she put on a burst of speed. The gust of wind toppled over several of the flagpoles flying from the stadium's roof. I quickly put on speed and pursued her. So that's where all the strong winds were coming from. I had to stop her from causing any more damage to Cloudsdale." She ascended further skyward. Her body twisted into an inverted semi-loop. Her wings drew back and one mighty thrust unleashed a gust of wind that sent me flailing downward. I tossed and tumbled violently in the wind desperately trying to straighten myself out and pull up. Ignoring the sensation of freefall, l I closed my eyes and focused on the idea of floating in midair. The sensation of spinning slowed as I felt my downward momentum suddenly stop. Willing myself upright as I opened my eyes, I saw Scootaloo looking down from above at me. A confident smirk on her face. "Not bad!" She said. "Looks like you can handle a little wind! But it's going to take more than that to keep up with me." With that, she spread her wings outstretched and flew off. "Last one to the weather factory is a rotten egg!" "It's just a race to her." It didn't matter if innocent ponies were put in harm's way. If she managed to get to the weather factory...I wasn't about to let that happen. I pushed myself as hard as I could desperate to close the distance between us. But Scootaloo's oversized wings gave her a good headstart. She was already halfway across Cloudsdale and getting closer to the weather factory with every second that passed. "Too slow slowpoke Ha ha ha!" She laughed as I struggled to catch up. Nearby pegasi had little time to react before the hurricane-force winds hit them. I needed to stop Scootaloo right here, right now. Pouring on every ounce of speed I could, I streaked toward her location. I had to make it, not just for Cloudsdale's sake, but Scootaloo's as well. As I began to close the distance, she looked up and gasped in astonishment. "How did you... you must've taken a shortcut or something cheater!" She turned around and stroked her wings back pushing her small frame to its limit. A Mach cone began to form around her as she reached supersonic speeds. Time seemed to stand still as it often does when I'm moving fast. The airspace surrounding us was filled with fleeing pegasi seemingly frozen in mid-air. The wail of the klaxon held onto a single high note. The only thing other than me that seemed to still be moving was Scootaloo herself, her tail just out of reach of my hoof. Its hairs blowing against the edge of my toe. If I could just get a little closer. The sound waves from her forming boom rippled outward like splashes on the water. With one final effort, I felt them fall into my grip. And then... KRAAAKOOOW! The weather factory erupted with the shattering of glass and the deafening boom of Scootaloo breaking the sound barrier. Her tail slipped through my grip as I watched her slingshot ahead. A look of triumph on her face. "So close but too slow! I did it! I beat the Red Comet! I'm the fastest pegasus alive!" Unfortunately, her triumph would cut short as she veered toward an open window. The next few moments would live in my memories for the rest of my life. KRAAKOOM! A blinding flash of light engulfed the room as Scootaloo flew through the window. The orange filly was struck by a multi-colored surge of lightning. She let an ear-splitting shriek as the electricity passed through her body. "AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" "SCOOTALOO!" I cried out as the concentrated buildup of lightning exploded with blinding light and deafening thunder. I was thrown back a few hundred meters but managed to recover in time to see the still-electrified form of Scootaloo land in a rainbow-colored pool. Its contents reacted explosively to the lightning flowing through the orange filly's creating a geyser of color and lightning. I dove into the pool wrapped my forelegs around her barrel and flew out before the eruption dissipated. Scootaloo lay unconscious in my hooves. A quick examination revealed that her heart was beating at a slower but still regular beat. Her brain, nervous system, and other vital organs were miraculously undamaged as well. It would seem her pegasus biology had saved her life. However, the multi-colored current passing through her aura made it clear she hadn't escaped completely unscathed. I removed her goggles and tossed them aside. Then I carefully tore the costume open and peeled it off of her. With a *pop* her oversized wings reverted to normal. However, as I removed the section near her flank, I saw something that made me gasp. "Sweet Celestia!" It was a blue, green, purple, and yellow lightning bolt set inside a multicolored ring. The same colors as the bolts of lightning that had passed through her. "A cutie mark?" I glance at the other side revealing the same image. It didn't make any sense Ponies were supposed to earn their cutie marks when they discovered what their special talent was. Last I heard getting struck by lightning while flying recklessly and landing in a pool of exploding rainbow wasn't a talent. Before I could ponder this situation further, Scootaloo's unconscious form vanished in a *pop* of light. "Okay I know this looks bad, but hear me out on this, I...." Upon seeing the Draconequus's reflection in the mirror I proceeded to shake it violently. Sending Discord ricocheting around like a pinball. "You put my friend and everypony in Cloudsdale in mortal danger! And then you almost get her killed in a freak accident! And you expect me to hear you out!" The Draconequss's eyes spun in circles making the sound of beads shaking in a foal's rattle. Then without warning, they popped out of his eyesockets in the shape of screws. "Gah!" Startled I dropped the mirror only for it to levitate directly in front of me. "Watch it Butterhooves this thing's an antique!" He said as he reached down to pick up his screw eyes. "Okay I admit it, I'm the one who put your friend in this situation. I promise it won't happen again, scout's honor." "For your sake, it better not." I hissed at him. "Otherwise I don't what I'll do yet but I can promise it won't be painless." Discord casually screwed his second eye back in. He froze as he saw me staring at him with crimson-red eyes. For a moment he drew back as if it had finally sunk in that he had gone too far with his antics this time. Then he smiled his fanged grin. "So can I," He snapped his fingers and vanished leaving behind the next riddle. Where the sky is big and the mesas high is where you'll find the apple of my eye. A lump formed in my throat as I read the last part. If that wasn't Discord tipping his hat to me, I didn't know what was. Third Pony Pov. Discord smiled with delight as he observed the clueless ponies wandering the model of the maze before him. Three down, two to go. Soon the game would be won and Equestria would be his. It was almost too easy. For ponies that supposedly thrived on their friendship, breaking them up had been foal's play. He laughed as looked down at the state of them. Applejack the Element of Honesty had been reduced to a pathological liar who couldn't tell the truth about the color of the feather quill held in front of her. Then there was Grumpy Pie formerly the Element of Laughter, now an angry grump who hated the mere sound of it. And then of course there was Rarity, the pampered Element of Generosity selfishly hoarding a large boulder on her back like a pack mule. All that remained were those two pesky pegasi, that overconfident bookworm, and that caped colt. Discord had to admit the last one was proving to be quite the wild card. His body was still aching in some places from when he'd been thrashed around. He didn't like how smart the colt was. He'd already figured out five of his riddles. And then there was the fact that was constantly pulling out new powers seemingly from the sleeves of that ridiculous costume he was wearing. Who did he think he was? Discord himself? The Draconequus snapped his claws and summoned a chalkboard with drawings of the foals he'd sent out to cause chaos. Five were crossed out, and four remained. And to be honest, he didn't hold out much hope for the two colts. Luckily for him though, the next one would be his ace in the hole. Discord ran his claw across the drawing of the yellow filly in the red bow. "You'll be the one to break him." He laughed. Comet's Pov As I followed the train tracks to Appleloosa, the gnawing knot in my stomach only grew stronger. The way Discord's poem read he had to know about me and Apple Bloom. He must've somehow overheard us while trapped in stone. And now he was going to pit me against her. My mind filled rapidly with doubts and worry. What if what happened to Scootaloo happened to Apple Bloom? No, I couldn't think like that. That's what Discord was hoping for. That my doubt and fear would cause me to slip up. Well, I wouldn't. "Hold Apple Bloom I'm coming." In the distance, my eyes caught sight of something incredible. "Holy Macintosh!" The apple trees in the orchard had grown to gargantuan proportions. To the point, they resembled a city skyline covered with leaves and bark. A trail of destruction led down the hill straight to Appleloosa's main street. Several of the buildings were either covered in apple sauce or had fresh apples the size of large boulders sticking out of their partially destroyed structure. *Snap!* My ears twitched as they picked up the sound of a stem breaking off. I watched as another gargantuan apple fell from one of the branches hitting the ground with a deafening tremor. The enormous fruit bounced off the ground landing a short distance away with another boom. Then it began rolling down the hill straight toward Appleloosa. Fast as I could I flew headlong toward it. My eyes gazed into its smooth red skin as it rolled closer to town like a bowling ball down the lane. SPLAT! An explosion of fruit flesh engulfed me as I penetrated the giant pome like an arrow. The force of the impact split the apple from the inside out in a shower of mushy flesh. The two halves went off in opposite directions before spinning to a stop on their sides. My costume was covered in juice and I could feel chunks of flesh in my mane. Not exactly how I planned to stop it but it got the job done. I could hear the townsponies below as they gasped in amazement and then cheered as they looked up at the sight of me. The Red Comet had saved Appleloosa once again. "YOU MURDERER!" A familiar voice suddenly called out from the orchard atop the hill. I turned my head and saw a lone figure standing on a branch of the tallest tree in the orchard. The figure was a pale yellow foal dressed in a pair of worn blue overalls and wearing a tin pot cowl on its head. The pot had a pair of eyeholes cut into it, revealing a familiar pair of gamboge eyes staring back through them, with a burning rage. In its hoof, the figure held a watering can. And on its barrel was a familiar pair of saddlebags. "Apple Bloom?" A chill ran down my spine as I stared back at the costumed form of my sister. I knew at some point I'd have to deal with her. But as we locked eyes with each other, my mind couldn't help but conjure up the worst possible outcome. "That name means nothing to me, I am The APPLESEEDER!" She proclaimed raising her hooves above her head. "And I will not rest until this entire world falls under the banner of the Pax Malus!" A chuckle escaped my muzzle as my mind processed what she had just said. 'No, no stop this is serious!' I said to myself mentally. 'Apple Bloom is in danger.' "You dare to laugh after committing the heinous crime against apples?" Y'all shall be made an example of." The branches of the apple trees began to sway. *Snap!* *Crack!* *Snap!* *Crack!* *Snap!* One by one the roots of the tall tree began to rise from the ground. The enormous trunk rose upward like a dragon after a century-long nap as it stretched out its branches. The other trees in the orchard followed suit and began rising on their roots as well. Then they lined up in straight rows like soldiers. It was an army, an army of apples! And my sister was their general. "Ten Hut!" Apple Bloom stomped her hoof. The trees clicked their roots together and stood at attention. Raising their branches in a salute. "Prime and Load!" The trees acknowledged and began pulling apples from their branches. "Take Aim!" They cocked their branches back. "Fire!" A hundred boulder-sized apples filled the air. Below the settler ponies screamed in terror as the massive projectiles hurtled toward Appleloosa. I lined up the first incoming wave and unleashed a powerful continuous beam from my eyes that swept through the swarm like a sword. Several dozen apples exploded showering the ground below in lava hot apple sauce. but it was like swatting a swarm of bees. The ones that were left unscathed kept on coming. I flew ahead of them unleashing blast after blast of my heat vision as I hurtled my body through the others. Even still it was not enough. At least two bushels worth landed in the middle of Main Street. The explosive impacts covered nearby buildings in fruity residue. But fortunately, none of them landed directly on the buildings or any of the townsponies. "Apple Bloom listen to me!" I entreated "Your putting innocent ponies in danger. This isn't who you are! Discord's brainwashed you! Fight it! Fight Him!" Apple Bloom smiled and smirked. "My fight is for fruit kind and fruit kind alone For I am the Appleseeder! Prepare the second volley!" Once more the trees reached into their branches to reload. "Ready...Aim.... What in tarnation?" "RRRRRRRRUMMMMMBLE" The ground below began to shake violently. The trees all turned around to face an enormous wall of dust that was heading their way. "What in the name of all things beautiful and deciduous is that?" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Through the clouds of dirt, I could see an enormous white figure stampeding towards the orchard. It was... "Little Strongheart!" The towering buffalo princess charged headlong toward the tree army. On her back sat a tiny yellow figure waving a cowpony hat over his head. "Yeeee Haaawww!" Braeburn hollered holding onto Little Strongheart looking like a flea in an elephant rodeo. "Apple Bloom quickly snapped back to attention. "All forces attack!" The trees unleashed their seed-filled artillery at the advancing target. "Braeburn take cover!" She shouted. "Y'all don't have to tell me twice." He said as he ducked down covering his head with his forelegs. Little Strongheart strafed back and forth dodging the seemingly normal-sized apples raining down on her. A few splattered against her coat, but she continued on course toward her target. This was chance, while Apple Bloom was distracted, I could get that pot off her head and break Discord's spell on her. I waited until the trees reached into their branches for more ammo, then dove into the forest. I zipped my way through the lines until I reached the tree Apple Bloom was standing on. I ascended from the beneath the branch intending to catch her from behind. 'I'm sorry about this Bloom, but I'm doing it for your good.' I was mere inches from my target when suddenly I heard the shriek of a whistle and everything froze in place. *Pop* Discord's mirror appeared in front of me. His reflection, dressed as a referee. "Penalty outside interference. What do you think you're doing?" He crossed his and stared at me with a disappointed expression. "Trying to rescue my sister from your mix-matched clutches," I answered. "Your sister?"Discord's eyes widened as he pulled out a clipboard from out of frame. "I must've missed that detail when I took your friends. Thanks for filling me in?" He sneered at me with a single fang protruding from his mouth. If my body wasn't frozen, I would've face hoofed at that moment. A pair of glasses materialized on Discord's muzzle as he flipped through the pages of his clipboard. "In any event, you violated rule 3 slash 2 subsection 4 sub subsection 4 1/2. The participant shall have no outside help at any time during the game. The rules are very clear on this." He flipped it over to show me. On top of being backward, the print was so small it the entire rule could fit in the space between two words. The mirror turned to face the frozen form of Strongheart suspended mid-gait in the air." By accepting help from this walking mountain cozy and her rider you have violated the rules of the game. I'm very sorry but the rules are very clear. The penalty is disqualification." "What, that's ridiculous!" I shouted. "I didn't ask for their help. They just showed up." "That detail is irrelevant, I don't make the rules, I just make them chaotic. I'm afraid you'll have to sit out the rest of the game in...Detention!" With that, he blew his whistle and the mirror vanished along with Apple Bloom. A snap of light engulfed my vision before everything went black. Third Pony POV. Little Strongheart stopped completely in her tracks as she felt a strange sensation rush through her body. The sudden momentum sent Braeburn flying off her back. "Aaaaaaaaah...oof." He landed face first in the feather on her headdress. The plumage broke his fall as slid down on his stomach into the curly field that was her head. "Braeburn!" The gargantuan buffalo gasped. "Where are you? Are you okay?" The yellow cowpony sat up and shook the cobwebs from his head. "Ah'm fine, no need to go worrying your big head about me." Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of relief. "A'h take it you felt that funny feeling too?" "Yeah, for a moment I felt like I was trapped in ice." *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP* The sound of stems breaking off branches snapped her out of her thoughts. "Well, whatever it was, A'h don't think it affected them." Braeburn pointed a hoof at the advancing trees. "We'll worry about it later," Little Strongheart said. "Right now I want to make sure you're secured and safely fastened. "Can do," Braeburn replied sliding over the edge of her mane into her headband behind her ear. After checking to make sure he was secure, he called out. "Ready when you are." Little Strongheart blushed and smiled sweetly at him. Then turned her attention to the trees with a snort and a pawing with her hoofs. She had some stampeding to do. The trees wound back and pitched their projectiles at them. With a deep bellow, Little Strongheart lowered her head and charged. > Drocsid Part 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Pop!* When the darkness faded, I found myself seated at a desk. Regaining my senses, I looked around and quickly realized I wasn't back at Ponyville Elementary. For one thing, my desk was surrounded by steel bars on all sides and above. I was locked in a cage. In front of me stood an imposing wall of wood that seemed to stretch on forever. "Where am I?" I tried to stand up, but my limbs felt restrained. I looked down to see my forelegs were cuffed together. They were attached to a barrel chain that was wrapped around my side and attached to the back of my seat. To top it off my hindlegs were also shackled to the chair legs. "What's going on here?" "Silence!" A deafening voice boomed from the top of the desk. The order was accompanied by the clap of a ruler across the surface. Slowly a head rose from the top of the desk. Its coat was cerise, with a rose-colored mane tied into a bun. A reddish pair of glasses attached to a gold chain rested on her muzzle. Her grayish-green eyes stared through the lenses down at me. A blocky jewel necklace hung from her neck. Its stones clacked as her neck peered over the side. "M-Ms. Cheeril-lee?" I gasped. "SILENCE!" She screeched the ruler in her hoof stretching to an impossible length as she brought it down to the floor with a sickening crack. "You have been sentenced to detention for violating the rules of the game set forth by our lord and master Discord." As punishment, you must write an unlimited-page essay on every known flavor of flan." She tapped her yardstick on the floor which immediately began to quake violently beneath me. I looked down in time to see a stack of papers erupt from beneath my desk. "What the...Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I rose higher and higher, the stack quickly becoming the peak of a mountain of paper. When It stopped my desk was at level with Ms. Cheerilee's. "You may begin," she said. I reached for the pencil lying at the edge of the desk. My restraints pulled against me as my teeth struggled to grasp. Just as my teeth touched the eraser, the pencil suddenly rolled down my desk toward the edge. My lightning reflexes caught it as fell over the side. "Gotcha." Suddenly without warning, the pencil jumped out of my grip. I tried to grab but once again my restraints did their job. I could only watch as the pencil plunged to the bottom floor with a high-pitched "Kowabunga!" *CLACK!* Ms. Cheerilee's steely gaze fell upon me. "Young colt I will not tolerate disorderly behavior in my class." She reprimanded. "I suggest you get your act together unless you want to end up in the corner like your little friends." She pointed her hoof over to a corner of the room. I turned around to see Snips and Snails seated on a pair of stools. Both were dressed in costumes that could only be described as ridiculous even by Discord's standards. Snips was dressed in a barber's apron and his mane was done up in a wild unkempt style. Crudely fastened to his hooves were an assortment of scissor blades that had at some point been driven into the seat of the stool nailing him to the spot. Snails on the other hoof had been stuffed inside an oversized snail shell as well as given a shell-shaped cowl to wear. Needless to say, neither one of them looked the least bit threatening. "Ms. Cheerilee, when can we come out again?" Snips asked. "When you've learned to be competent underlings," was her answer. "We can do that," Snips said struggling to free his scissor hooves from the softwood. "Yeah, we'll be the most complement underlings Lord Discord ever had?" Snails added. "I can see there's still much improvement needed." She said raising her ruler to strike against her desk. *Pop* A pair of giant dunce caps materialized over Snips and Snail's heads covering them completely. "So is that a no?" Snail's muffled voice asked from inside his cap. "As for you," She turned her attention back to me. "I'm willing to forget your hijinks this one time, provided it does not happen again." *Pop* The pencil re-materialized on my desk. "Now Get to work!" With that, she picked up her pencil and began writing something on her desk. Good, with her distracted, I could make my move. I pulled my hoof shackles and focused my strength on the link in the middle. With just the right amount of pressure, it would break. "What that?" To my awed surprise, instead of breaking, the link began to stretch like a piece of bubblegum. I pulled and I pulled, and the chainlink stretched and stretched. Stretch...Boing! With the sound of a rubber band, the link retracted to its original length. "I thought you might try that," Mrs. Cheerilee said with a smug grin. "Those chains are made of elastic links. The more you pull them, the harder they stretch. And while we're on the subject, The cell bars are impact absorbent, The seat of your chair is adhesive, and this entire classroom is in a parallel dimension. So you aren't going back home until your unlimited page is done which by the puny laws of your home dimension will be an eternity. Oh, and your next bathroom break isn't for another one thousand years. So you better hold it in because I WILL NOT TOLERATE ACCIDENTS IN MY CLASSROOM! NOW GET BACK TO WORK!" With that, her elongated neck snapped back as she resumed her work. As the classroom fell silent, I shuffled my flanks in my seat. Sure enough, the surface of my seat tugged and pulled at my seat. It appeared Discord had gotten wise to what I could do and decided if he couldn't beat me in Equestria, then he'd beat me in whatever this place was. This would require a different approach. Luckily I had nothing but time, so I picked up my pencil and began writing my essay. Of course, I wasn't going to write it. I was just writing chicken scratch. But the sight and sound of graphite on the paper provided the distraction I needed to ponder my way out of this. I was in a parallel dimension, with laws of physics that were different than back home, forced to do an impossible assignment. I began noting down every detail around me, putting together a clearer picture of my current circumstances. The sky outside the classroom window, if you could call it sky, was a strange collection of strange incandescent shapes of electric blue and murky purple pulsating against blotches of inky blackness. An archipelago of floating islands of different shapes and sizes. drifted in the hazy ether. Was this school building sitting on one of them? If I managed to escape the class, how would I escape from the dimension? One question at a time I suppose. First I had to figure out how to break these chains and unglue my keister. The answer quickly came to me. When Ms. Cheerilee wasn't looking, I would blow gently on the links of my chains as well as my shackles and desk seat. If the material they were made of was like rubber and glue in Equestria, I should be able to weaken the bonds of their molecules by lowering the temperature. Of course, I couldn't just use my ice breath at full blast without Ms. Cheerilee noticing, I had to blow quietly and softly on each link. All the while continuing to write my pretend essay. The process was long and tedious but as they say, in detention you have nothing but time. And with that time, the shackles on my hooves warped and became more fragile, until eventually, one of them was weak enough for me to shatter. Leaving it on, I began working on weakening the rest of them. As I worked I could feel the grip of my chains and chair weakening. Finally, the last shackle was weak enough to remove. I carefully slipped out of my bonds and pulled my flank up and off the seat. The adhesive surface cracked as I separated from it. The sound alerted Ms. Cheerilee who looked down from what she was doing. I managed to slip my shackles back on and sit down before she made eye contact. She glared at me curiously, but I was a school colt in detention writing an essay. With a huff, she went to what she was doing. I slipped my bonds again and floated over to the bars. They felt rubbery just like my chains. I guessed this was what gave them their impact absorbency. "FWOOOOSH!" With a breath of air cold enough to make a windigo proud, the bars froze solid. KRRRAAASH! Ms. Cheerilee looked up at the sight of me breaking through them like icicles. "Stop, you're not allowed to leave detention!" She barked as I took off. Her hoof reached for the ruler next to it. I ascended higher, passing above the cloudline that was for some reason in the classroom. Ms. Cheerilee reared back her foreleg and swung her expanding ruler out like a whip. It widely missed and quickly retracted as she prepared to try again. Another miss, followed by another, and then another. "I will not tolerate such behavior in my class!" Her hoof pressed a button on her desk. A klaxon wailed as the lamp on her desk looked up shining its light on me. "Get him," She pointed up at me. The stack of papers on her desk blew into the air. The first one folded neatly in half then began bending and folding its edging until taking the shape of a paper airplane. From its belly, a drawn-on hatch opened releasing a paper missile! "Are you kidding me," I said as shredded exhaust erupted from its tail. I went into a dive successfully evading it, or so I thought at first. Until I saw the missile drop altitude to follow me. By now the other sheets had finished folding themselves and so joined the chase. All the while, the desk lamp continued to track my movements like a searchlight. I pulled a 180 turn putting myself in a head-on collision course with the lead plane. As I had hoped the missile followed. I waited until I was nearly nose-to-nose with the plane before stalling into a free fall. The missile was not as quick and collided with the plane in an explosion that sent paper bits falling to the floor. One down, eleven more to go. The remaining planes wasted no time trying to avenge their fallen comrade. One by one they unleashed their missiles at me. A blast of my heat vision incinerated all of them. Unfazed, the planes reopened their hatches and fired another wave at me. I waited until all of them were following me and then led them straight toward the squadron. The planes aware of what I was doing, broke formation and scattered. I tailed the closest one and flew underneath. BOOM! One of the missiles connected with the tail sending it crashing to the ground. I spotted another one and pursued it, As expected the missiles followed me. BOOM! another hit, followed by another and then another. One by one I hunted them down and one by one they fell until only one was left. SCRRRAAACK! A blast of my heat vision ignited the paper wings sending the plane crashing down to the floor in a ball of fire. As its frame flickered and burned, Ms. Cheerilee looked up at me with hatred in her eyes. "Very well then, she acknowledged in a calm yet menacing tone. I see the usual disciplinary measures will not cut it with you. You leave me no choice but to bring out the big guns." She ducked under her desk and began pulling something out with her mouth. A paddle, the kind Granny Smith used to talk about from her filly days. "Students that don't respect authority get a paddling!" She raised the implement of punishment into the air where its board stretched to a seemingly impossible length, then with one mighty blow she brought the blade of the board down on her desk cleaving it clean in two. "What was that?" Snip's voice echoed inside the oversized dunce cap. "I don't know but all of a sudden my butt feels kinda sore eh." Snails answered. Ms. Cheerilee reared her head back and with one motion swung the paddle in mid-air. As she did, the board radiated with a cerise aura that separated in mid-swing. The aura formed into the shape of...umm hindquarters. I dashed to the side leaving the attack to crash into the classroom ceiling leaving behind a posterior-shaped indentation. "Stand still, the more you struggle the harder this will be for both of us!" My teacher ordered through gritted teeth as she unleashed another 'spanking spell.' Ugh, no amount of therapy on Equus would make that sound right. This one missed as well, leaving behind another 'imprint in the ceiling. She swung again, and again, each time taking out another section of the ceiling. "If you won't face your punishment, I just have to bring your punishment to you!" With these words she raised her paddle high, summoning the energy within. Before my eyes, the board grew and grew, and grew. Its length stretched almost to an impossible length, except in this place anything was possible I suppose. With one mighty swing, her paddle swept the room. I tried to fly above it, but the paddle seemingly anticipating this, met me in mid-air. SMACK! I was splayed across the surface like Rainbow Dash on the side of a house and sent flailing toward the floor. The room spun around me in a spiral of colors. My coma sputtered and flickered out as I spiraled into a sure-to-be hard landing. SPROING! To my amazement, the wooden plank reacted like a rubber band and catapulted me back into the air. SMACK! Straight into the path of the paddle that is. I was sent tumbling straight into the two dunce caps seated on the stool in the corner. CRASH! "Is it time for us to come out?" Snips asked shaking his head. His scissor hooves still holding him in place. "Maybe they let us out for good behavior eh?" Snails said as I rolled myself off the letter C on the cap. I took the opportunity to pull off his cowl and Snip's apron. Immediately, both colts reverted to their normal oddball selves before disappearing with a *Pop!* Wherever they went, I hoped it was better than this place. With my classmates dealt with, I turned my attention back to Ms. Cheerilee. "Helping students escape from detention? That's a paddling!" She raised her paddle once more and swung. As the board stretched out, I waited until it reached the end of its arc. Then I jumped over it like a hurdle and took to the air. Ms. Cheerilee growled as the board retracted, immediately readying it for another swing. As she swung, I dived down and waited for her to react. Sure enough, she lowered her angle of attack midswing expecting to intercept me. With a smirk, I flew up and over dodging her swing once again. What got me the first time, was that I wasn't expecting the paddle to be able to expand and retract. Now that I knew what it was capable of and her approach, I was able to anticipate her actions and react accordingly. Every swing of the paddle drew me closer and closer to her. Desks were toppled over, books were knocked off the shelves. With each swing, Ms. Cheerilee's temper flared hotter, and her swings grew more erratic. "Stand still and take your deserved punishment." In frustration, she stood on her hind legs, took the board of the paddle in her forelegs, and bent it into an arrow shape. Then with a flick of her hoof, she threw it directly past me. To my amazement, the paddle turned around and began flying towards me. It was then that I recognized the shape as one I'd seen in my local toy store. A boomerang. I banked hard right letting the projectile pass by me. Only to watch as it circled back in my direction. Of course, it wouldn't be that simple. I banked hard again as it returned my way to let it pass, then sped head-on toward Ms. Cheerilee. Our eyes locked as she held out her forehoof as if to call her weapon back to it. Behind me, the boomerang had turned around and was on my tail once more. I slowed down to let it catch up to me as I streaked toward my brainwashed teacher. With just seconds toward contact, I landed right in front of her and dashed between her legs. Ms. Cheerilee had no time to react before the boomerang struck her across the chest, pinning her to the chalkboard behind her and knocking it off the wall. CRASH! And just like that, it was over, Ms. Cheerilee lay on the floor moaning. I removed the glasses and necklace and untied the bun in her mane. Her rosy hair fell down the sides of her head. "Ugh, where am I?" She groaned as the brightness slowly returned to her color. Before she could get an answer she disappeared with a pop and was replaced by a familiar mirror. "Tsk tsk tsk, such poor behavior. Discord said with a hint of disappointment. "What am I going to do with you? You insist on spoiling my plans. You refuse to take your deserved punishment. I suppose I could just simply leave you there all alone? But where would the fun be in that?" "Enough games Discord!" I said. "What have you done with Ms. Cheerilee and my classmates?" "I'm not seeing any improvement in the attitude department. But if you must know, I have them right here." He raised a deck of cards and with a snap of his claw levitated several of them to reveal the images of my class. "I'm keeping them close to my chest for when I need them." He twirled his talon circling the cards above his head. "Let them go!" I demanded. "Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Discord let out a hearty chuckle. "Oh, you are amusing if not a pain in my neck. Very well, I will give you one last chance to play. If you win, I'll give them back, if not...well, I haven't decided on that yet." "How do I know you won't make up an excuse to disqualify me like last time?" I asked. Discord smiled a devious grin. "You don't, but you don't really have a choice. Since you've been away, I've been keeping very busy. He spun his claw in a circle making a swirl in the reflection. The faces of Applejack and her friends appeared, but something was very wrong. Applejack, my big sister who was so known for her honesty that she bore the element of it was blatantly lying with every sentence she spoke. Pinkie Pie's normal cheerful demeanor was replaced by sheer grouchiness. Rarity was selfishly hoarding a large boulder. Fluttershy was verbally belittling her friends. Twilight the only one seeming unaffected was trying desperately to keep order. As for Rainbow Dash, she was nowhere to be seen. "What have you done to them?" I hissed through my gritted teeth as Discord reappeared. "I simply invited them to play a game for the Elements of Harmony." He said. "And just like you, they couldn't seem to follow the rules. I might be persuaded to change them back if you agree to play one more game with me." I knew he was full of it, but I also knew if I refused there was a good chance I might be stuck here forever. I would just have to stay on guard for his tricks. "Alright, Discord, I'm gonna hold you to that," I said. The Draconequus smiled a fanged grin. "Splendid, "I'll be waiting for you in Ponyville. Don't keep me waiting too long." With a flash of light, he vanished leaving the mirror behind. With determination pushing against hesitation, I stepped through the mirror."Whooaah! And promptly fell face-first into something wet and chocolatey? I lifted my face to find I had landed face-first in a mud puddle. At least it looked like a mud puddle. I ran my tongue across my lips to make sure I was tasting what I thought it was. "What is this? Chocolate milk?" At that moment I noticed the sensation of raindrops hitting my back. I stood up and looked up to see the sky was filled with pink clouds pouring brown droplets of rain. "Chocolate rain? "No doubt this was Discord's doing. I flew up to take a closer look. "That's strange," I reached out to touch it. "It feels solid? Some of the clouds stuck to the frog of my hoof. "Smells familiar." I tasted it with my tongue. "It's cotton candy!" Okay, this was Discord. I looked down below to the sight of Canterlot Gardens, looking much worse for wear than I remembered. My stalwart eyes picked up the familiar twinkling of six familiar auras. "Applejack." They were coming from hoofprints in the ground. My sister and her friends had been there. I followed the tracks into the labyrinth. Something seemed off about them. Something about them had changed. The tracks continued into the maze going in separate directions, but the structure of the auras changed. They went from being two earth ponies, two pegasi, and two unicorns to six earth ponies. As I followed the trails further, I noticed they seemed to change even further once they reached certain points. The natural glow of their auras faded to darker shades. Only Twilight's hoofprints were unaltered. Further evidence including a rock-shaped hole in the wall and the trench made by somepony pushing a heavy rock along confirmed my theory. This is where Discord corrupted my sister and her friends. Which meant all of Equestria was in danger. I immediately set off for Ponyville determined more than ever to end this madness. To say things were out of control in Ponyville would not have done the term justice. The sight before me more resembled something out of a Lewis Carousel novel. The sky was covered with cotton candy clouds. The rolling green hills now resembled a patchwork quilt. Several buildings had been raised into the air on floating islands. The Town Hall was rotating around upside-down. Several dirt roads were coated in slippery soap. "Holy Celestia!" I quickly flew home passing a flock of flying pigs along the way. I arrived to find Big Macintosh digging in the fields. Dug-up corn stalks littered the grounds indicating this was not normal farm labor. "Big Mac?" He poked his head out of the hole and looked at me. His tongue panting as he galloped over to me. "Oh no." I put two and two together just as he tackled me and pinned me to the ground. His large tongue slurped across my face. "Ugh gross, cut it out, Mac!" "Woof woof!" He barked. "I can't believe it, my big brother is a dog." I needed to get him off me before he decided he wanted a walk. But how? I looked up a nearby tree to see a group of squirrels playing poker. A sly smile crossed my face. "Mac squirrel!" Immediately his head shot up as he looked around for the aforementioned rodents. "In the tree over there go get 'em, boy." He jumped off me and galloped for the tree. "My suit is going to need a wash after this." I mulled as I burned the hoofprints off my chest emblem with my heat vision. "I need to find Granny Smith." "BAM!" "Hello, my baby Hello my honey Hello my ragtime pal." "Send me a kiss by wire, Baby my heart's on fire!" "If you refuse me honey you'll lose me then you'll be left alone." "So baby telephone and tell me I'm you're own!" I stood there, legs frozen, eyes wide with disbelief as my Grandmother continued to dance and sing accompanied by an unseen ragtime piano. My left eye began to twitch uncontrollably. The outhouse door flew open as Winona stepped out on two legs carrying a newspaper in her foreleg. "Ah'd give it a couple of minutes to air out before going in there." She said waving her paw in front of her nose as she walked by me. I just stood there laughing uncomfortably. "Well, I've got an appointment with Discord to keep and I wouldn't want to keep him waiting." As I flew over Ponyville, things only got stranger and stranger. I saw packs of long-legged bunnies stampeding to and fro. I saw a herd of buffalo in pink tutus dancing. Ponies were walking upside-down, and fleets of pies were floating in mid-air. At one point I narrowly avoided a mid-air collision with a purple earth mare in a beanie copter hat. Her eyes swirled mindlessly as she ran her hoof and down her lips. "Alright, Discord where are you?" "Right here." His voice said seemingly from nowhere. Suddenly an oversized pencil eraser appeared behind me and began erasing my tail. My eyes widened with horror as I quickly put on speed to escape. SMACK! Only to run smack dab into the face of a hundred-story stop sign. As I peeled my face off of the surface, I began to lose the feeling of sensation in my tail. I looked behind and gasped in horror as I saw it and my tail being quickly erased. I tried willing myself to fly away, but my body was rapidly becoming more and more drained. I could only watch as my hindquarters were reduced to eraser shavings, followed by barrel and forelegs until I was nothing more than a disembodied face. *POP* Discord appeared before me dressed as a traffic cop. "Hey kid can't you read yet? The sign says stop and that means you. As if to accentuate his point further, the pencil wrote it down on the sign and tapped it with its head. "What have done to me?" I shouted demanding an explanation. "Ah, yes your body," Discord said nonchalantly with a snap of his claw. The pencil turned and began drawing up a storm of graphite dust. *Cough cough cough,* When the dust was clear, I didn't quite feel like my usual self. "Like it? I think it's some of my best work." Discord held up a mirror in front of me. I screamed. "AAAAAHHHHH!" My face was surrounded by purple flower petals. My body was teal and covered with green and red dots. My hooves had been replaced by oversized green flippers. And my tail was a flag with a screw and a baseball on it. "Hmm, you're right, wrong shade of teal." The draconequus said before disappearing with a snap of his fingers. "Hey! Get back here and fix me right now!" I demanded indignantly. The pencil turned over and erased me once more. "Not like that, like..." I was cut off as the pencil erased my mouth. It was starting to dawn on me that maybe just maybe this time, I was just a bit out of my league. No, no I wasn't going to give up. My friends and family, heck everypony in Equestria were counting on me at this moment. The pencil flipped over and I could feel my body returning to me. Once again, however, it felt different. I looked in the mirror and saw a white face staring back with sunken eyes through a round face with chubby cheeks and a double chin. Attached to its blimp-shaped barrel were four chunky legs with stubby hooves at the end. "Great Kolton!" I exclaimed. "I've become a super fatso!" At that instant, the force of gravity caught up with me and I plunged to the ground like a meteorite. CRASH! The impact sent shockwaves that rippled through the ground knocking over cardboard cutouts that had once been buildings and sending ponies bouncing across the ground like a trampoline. *Pop* Discord appeared once again. "Well, you certainly let yourself go while I was gone." He said prodding my rotund barrel with his claw. Luckily I have just the weight loss plan you need. *Pop* He conjured up a can that read Quik-loss and shook it vigorously. "If you think I'm drinking that, then you're sadly..." Another snap of his fingers cut me off as he summoned inside my muzzle which forced my jaws apart. "Fire in the hole," He said as he pulled the tab off and shoved it in like it was a bundle of TNT. I tried desperately not to swallow, but he simply raised his head with his magic and poured it down. As it poured down my throat and into my stomach, I felt a familiar sensation building up. "BURRRRRRRRRRRRRR......RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...URP!" I could feel my barrel deflating like a balloon. As if the excess fat in my body had been magically turned into gas. My excess cheeks and chin melted away as my belch went on. Before long my hooves could touch the ground. Of course, knowing Discord, I wasn't too surprised when everything around me suddenly started becoming larger. Houses, streetlights, trees, the mirror, and Discord himself seemed to stretch higher and higher. A grin of triumph on his muzzle as his head rose up and up and up. Eventually, even the blades of grass grew to resemble enormous stalks. "Pee-yew! That could peel the paint off the sky." The Ursa-sized Draconequss said wafting his paw in front of his now. "Still you can't argue with the results." With a snap of his claw, a scale materialized beneath me. "Let's see," The clock on the top barely jerked to one notch. "Hmm...says here you've lost 99.97% of your body weight which leaves you with about .03% left. The machine popped out a slip of paper which Discord promptly snatched up. "Hmm your fortune says not to make mountains out of molehills, although at your size there really isn't much of a difference is there? OH HO HO HO HA HA HA HA HA HA!" I'd had enough, small or not, I wasn't going to let Discord toy with me any longer. I flared up my coma and launched myself straight at his oversized smug face. Facing giants was nothing new to me. Unfortunately in my anger, I forgot one little detail. Discord wasn't giant. I was small and my powers had shrunk proportionately with me. "Oh look a breezie." Discord exclaimed with excitement as he pursed his lips together and blew. FWHOOOSH!! In an instant I was thrown backward by his hurricane-force breath. My coma flickered out as I was flung backward. With a *pop* a strip of flypaper appeared behind me, and before I could come out of my dive, I was stuck to it. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, come into my parlor said the Flyder to the Comet," Discord said. However, his voice was no longer deafening. My ears twitched at the sound of buzzing wings. I looked up to see the eight-legged form of a brown and grey flyder with four yellow and red eyes. "Mmm, I could just eat you up." "Oh no," A look of horror crossed my face as Discord snapped his mandibles and flew toward me. Summoning all my strength I tried to tear myself away from the paper, but at this size it was futile. As I gazed into Flydercord's eyes I saw my reflection struggling from over a hundred different sides. "So are you ready to play our final game?" He asked. "Huh?" I said dumbstruck. "With a *Poof* I found myself standing back on the ground. Discord now back in his normal form was sitting on a mushroom. "You didn't think I was actually going to eat you, did you? Good heavens no." He chuckled as he summoned a hookah and a bottle of bubble soap. "I just wanted to remind you who is in charge of these games." As he spoke the soap bottle poured its contents into the water pipe. The pipe then shook itself up and the mouthpiece floated over to him. "What game was that? You just kept changing me with your magic. That's not a game!" He blew into the mouthpiece sending a stream of bubbles out of the hookah. "Oh, so I can't use my powers against you but you can use your powers against me?" He crossed his arms and scoffed. "That hardly sounds fair to me." I raised my eyebrow. "Let me guess, you're subtlety suggesting neither of us uses our powers for this last game." He took another hit of bubbles. "Something like that," he said. "You win you get your friends and teacher back. However, if I win," He tapped his claw against his chin in thought. Then you get to see what it's like to be trapped in stone." "Sounds reasonable, how do I know you'll play fair?" I asked. "Hmm, that's a good question," He answered scratching his head. "The answer is you don't. You'll just have to take my word for it." "Alright, but I'll be watching you," I said furrowing my brow. "So what game would you have us play?" "Ah, now that is an interesting question, so many to choose from. "Chess, checkers, Go, pachisi, nine mare's morris?" As he listed them off the games appeared floating above his head. "But in the end after seeing how you handled my last games, I decided on something a bit more physical, more confrontational if you will. A game that truly embodies the spirit of one on one." He snapped his claw..." *POP* In a flash of light, I was transported to the Elementary School playground. In front of stood the school's tetherball pole. I looked down to see my costume was gone replaced by a blue athletic top. On my forelegs were a pair of red sweatbands. And judging from the tight sensation around my forehead, I guessed I was wearing a headband as well. "Well, what do you think?" I looked up to my right to see Discord standing next to me dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, sneakers, and sweatbands. "We're playing tetherball?" I asked confused. "You were expecting something else?" The Draconequus raised an eyebrow at me as he tossed me a bottle of water. "Well, kinda yeah," I admitted. "Oh ye of little faith," He scoffed. "Tetherball is the ultimate competitive sport. Just you, your opponent, the court, the crowd, and a ball on a tether. Simple but intense. Best out of ten wins. You win you get your teacher and classmates back, I win, you take up a new career as a pigeon toilet." "No magic?" I asked. He raised his lion's paw. "No magic, no powers, just the two of us the tetherball, and the scoreboard." I looked over where he was gesturing to see a scoreboard with Discord and Challenger on it. "Heads or tails?" I turned back around to see a bit in his palm. "Winner gets first to serve and choice of clockwise or counterclockwise. I pondered my decision for a moment. Both choices gave Discord a chance to turn the tables on me if he decided to go back on his word. "Tails," I answered. "Alright," He tossed the coin into the air. It flipped in the air several times, but it happened so fast, I wasn't able to get an exact count. Which was unusual for me. Come to think of it, had it always been this quiet around here? The coin landed in Discord's talon as he flipped it over to his paw. Slowly he raised his talon away to reveal... "Hmph tails it is," he said with a hint of disappointment. "What direction do you want to play? Clockwise or counterclockwise?" "Counterclockwise was my answer." I reasoned that since Discord's nature was going against the natural order of things, forcing him to play clockwise would present a disadvantage. I just hoped I was right. We took our positions at our sides of the court. I picked up the ball in my hoof. "Plaaay ball!" Discord said taking an aggressive stance. With a deep breath, I reared my foreleg back and spiked it. > Drocsid Part 4 Finale. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tetherball sailed softly from my hoof passing over the line before it ran out of inertia and swung back. "Ahahahahaha! What was that?" Discord chortled. "Was that the best you can do?" "I don't understand," I said in disbelief. "I used the same amount of strength I always use..." My eyes widened as it dawned on me. I didn't have my powers. I always had to restrain myself at my recess to avoid hurting others around me. But without my powers, I was no different than any other earth pony." "Since I'm a good sport, I'll let you take a mulligan on that last swing, just this one time. After that, I'm not holding anything back." I looked at the ball with a new sense of uncertainty in my stomach. I had no experience as an average pony. Except briefly when I was trapped in my nightmares. But I'd been brainwashed half the time. "Okay, you've got this," I whispered to myself. "Just hold nothing back and aim for his smug face." I raised the ball once more and with the strength to send it to the moon spiked it. It sailed from my hoof with a satisfying bop and sailed to Discord's side. The Draconequus intercepted it with a two-clawed spike that sent right back at me with astonishing speed. I jumped into the air and swiped my hoof at it. But it sailed past me wrapping it around the pole while I landed splayed out on my hooves. "One-nil to me," Discord said as the scoreboard added a number beneath his name. I rose to my feet, ignoring the new aching sensation in my forearms. Discord picked up the ball and reared back for a swing. studying the trajectory, I rose on my hind legs and crouched down. As soon as it left his talon, I jumped up on my hind legs and spiked it back at him. He let out a yawn of boredom and simply slapped it with his lion's paw. Quickly, I jumped up to intercept, only to miss once again as the scoreboard raised his score to two. "Two to nothing, you sure you don't want to play tiddlywinks?" "Game on," I answered. I wasn't about to give him a sense of satisfaction. The next round I tried a different tactic, When he served the ball, I jumped into the air and soccer kicked it with my hind leg. The ball shot back with such speed that Discord had to duck to avoid being hit. "Two to one now," I said with a smug grin as the scoreboard changed my zero to a one. "So you've got some game after all?" He said with a devilish grin. "Good, I was worried this game was starting to get boring. Your serve." I took the ball into my hoof and looked down at it. The stakes of the game began to sink in, I was not only playing for my life but the lives of my friends and everypony in Equestria as well. With my physical attributes still being unfamiliar to me, I would have to keep playing unpredictably in hopes of catching Discord off guard if I were to have any chance of winning. I hefted the ball into the air, then pivoted on my hind legs to let out a kick that sent the ball straight into Discord's paw. The Lord of Chaos winced as the rubber surface stung his paw dropping the ball in his side. The score was now tied. "Oh, it's on," He hissed blowing on his paw. The next few rounds were where things began to heat up. I managed to keep up with Discord's strikes long enough to score two more goals bringing the score up to four to two. However, I was beginning to feel the unfamiliar sensation of fatigue setting in. My coat was damp with sweat, my breathing coming in sharp raspy pants. My leg muscles ached as I raised the ball to serve once more. Thwack! Discord easily intercepted my spike with a strong hand sending it back to me like a guided missile. I served it back only for it to be flying back in my direction. Back and forth, back and forth until my hoof missed by a mere millimeter. "3 to 4, I'm back in the game." Discord grinned through his mismatched fangs. From the sweat stains on his jersey, it was clear the competition was getting to him too. Still, it was clear he held the athletic advantage. Things continued downhill in the eighth round with Discord scoring another easy point to tie the game. "Feeling the heat yet," Discord said as he took a satisfied sip from a water bottle. "It's still...pant...not over...pant...yet..." I panted trying to sound more confident than I was. My leg muscles were aching and my damp mane clung to my net. As I took my position, the weight on my shoulders grew heavier. Whoever scored this goal would have a clear path to win. Discord raised the ball to spike once again. THWACK! KER-POW! A sensation of stinging pain exploded across the front of my muzzle. My body was thrown backward as I landed face-first sideways on the hard unforgiving pavement. I felt a jolt of pain rush through my jaw into the nerves of my teeth, and the taste of copper running down my snout to my lips. "Oooh, that looks like it hurt," Discord said with a wince. Pain shot up and down my muzzle as I tried to roll over to see what the damage was. "Not to worry, I have the cure." He snapped his claw, summoning forth a red toolbox with a white cross on it, and changed into a doctor's coat, stethoscope, and head mirror. "Let's see what the damage is." He gently lifted my head off the ground and turned my neck to face him. When I looked in the head mirror, I let out a scream of horror. Blood was pouring out my nostrils and down my snout which was slowly turning a reddish purple. I jerked my head out of Discord's grip and fell back to the ground, my eyes tearing up as I tried not to focus on the pain. "Sniff, sniff sniff," "Oh, come on," Discord snapped. "There's no crying in pro tetherball." I ignored him as I lay there clutching my broken snout in agony, tears streaming down my eyes. I could feel the mucus inside mixing with the blood. The congestion only added to the pain. Never in my life had I felt physical pain before, I didn't know how else to process this information, I could lay down trembling like a leaf as the contents of my nose poured onto the pavement. "Yes, maybe I did spike it a little too hard." Discord awkwardly ran his paw through his mane. "Alright fine, but this won't be covered by your insurance." *Snap* Instantly I felt the cartilage in my snout snap together, and the aching in my jaw faded. I lifted my head and ran a hoof across my snout. Just mucus, the bleeding had stopped. I looked up at Discord. The Draconequus wore an impatient scowl on his face. "Yeah, yeah you're welcome. Now can we get back to the game? I've got a trophy photo to take after the game and I don't want to be late." I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up at him, then over at the purplish bloodstain on the asphalt. A fierce rage rose from deep within me. A rage had seen manifest on the playground many times before, but never felt myself. Once the tears started blowing, it meant hooves would start kicking and the teeth would start biting. My chest panted in and out as if struggling to hold back my heart from kicking its way out. I rose to my hooves, my nostrils flaring as I stared daggers at Discord. "Play ball." This was it, I needed this point to tie the game. After that, well I dunno, we never took tetherball this seriously on the playground. I just knew a tie wasn't a win for Discord. "Don't worry, I won't hit so hard this time." Discord sneered as took the ball in his claw and served it. My adrenaline surged as it came toward me. Without thinking, I let out a cry, jumped up, and spiked it back. Discord in shock quickly rushed to serve it back, to which I jumped up and served it back again. Back and forth back and forth, back and forth, with every service I let out a warcry unleashing my fury on the ball. The draconequus stared back at me with cold anger, the front and pits of his jersey were stained with sweat. He couldn't believe I was putting up such a defense after falling so hard. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until finally I swiped and missed. I fell sprawled out on my hooves, utterly exhausted. An unseen buzzer signaled time, as the scoreboard flipped one last time, revealing the final score to be 6-4. Discord stared down at me, his serpentine body panting heavily from the exertion. "That...is...game!" He said as he summoned a towel and a bottle of water. He gulped it down and proceeded to wipe the back of his neck with the towel. "Well kid, I gotta give it to you, you gave me one heck of a game! But there can only be one winner and that is me. Tell you what, since you were such a good competitor, I won't turn you to stone." "I was completely exhausted. "Pant pant pant, y-you...w-won't? Pant pant pant pant." His muzzle flashed his wicked grin at me. "No instead, I'm going to make you the figure on my tetherball trophy. With a snap of his claws, the cabinet appeared behind him. "You're going to look great in the center of my trophy cabinet." True to his word, The middle spot on the center shelf was vacant with a sign that read Reserved for Apple Comet. "And don't worry about your little friends. I promise I'll keep them busy as my minions." With a snap of his claw, he summoned them around me. "Now, any last words?" I struggled to raise my neck off the ground, gazing into the blank featureless of my friends. He had won, despite my best efforts, without my powers I was no match for him. Even with them, Discord could simply bend reality or banish me to an alternate dimension. I was a fool for thinking I could take him on all by myself. Suddenly I heard a voice ring out. "Get away from him you monster!" Twilight shouted as her friends surrounded him. Discord rolled his eyes in annoyance as he turned to face them. "Oh, this again!" His boredom soon faded as a bright light engulfed them. "Uh, oh," He turned to my hypnotized friends. "Get them!" "Before they could, six beams of color shot upward and merged to form a rainbow. "No no no, not again! Not Again!" Discord turned tail but before he could run away, the rainbow homed in on him and turned him back to stone. In an instant, all traces of Chaosville vanished and the sun shone through the dark clouds. A familiar feeling of warmth entered my body as I slowly stood up. My athletic wear was gone replaced by my saddlebags. I saw my suit matrix lying in the grass in front of me and picked it up. "Ugh...what happened?" Apple Bloom moaned rubbing her head. Ms. Cheerilee and my other classmates all stood up dazed and confused. "Is everypony okay?" Twilight and the others hurriedly galloped over to check on them. "Uhh...I don't know, " Ms. Cheerilee groaned holding her head. "What are we doing back in Ponyville?" "And why do I have show tunes stuck in my head?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity levitated her little sister into her embrace. "Thank Celestia you're okay." "Alright, class let's do a quick headcount and make sure we got everybody." Ms. Cheerilee said. Everypony lined up as Ms. Cheerilee began counting heads. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...where's Scootaloo?" Everyone turned around to see the orange filly lying on the ground. "Scoot are you alright?" Apple Bloom asked. "Mmph...I feel funny?" She groaned. "Funny how?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Kinda...tingly all over." Apple Bloom and Sweetie's eyes fell on the pegasus's flank. "Scootaloo!" The unicorn exclaimed. "You got your cutie mark!" "Huh...what?" Scootaloo looked tiredly over to her flank. A golden lightning bolt inside a ring. "Her tired eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, my gosh!" She exclaimed jumping to her hooves. "My Cutie Mark!" That got the entire class talking back and forth. "What do think it means?" Sweetie Belle asked me. I felt a knot in my stomach remembering how I had not been fast enough to save her in time. "Well, it's a lightning bolt, which is an electrostatic discharge formed when two regions either in the atmosphere or the ground temporarily neutralize themselves causing an instantaneous release of energy." "Gee thanks for the lesson nerd," Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes in annoyance before looking back at Scootaloo. "Congratulations on getting your cutie mark Scootaloo." "Really?" Scootaloo's eyes lit up with excitement. "Thanks, Diamond." "You're welcome, now that you're one of us, you won't have to hang out with those loser blank flanks anymore." Scootaloo's expression soured. "What did you just say?" Diamond looked at her somewhat confused. "Chill out, I'm just saying that now that you've got your cutie mark, you don't need to be a part of that stupid club." Scootaloo scowled at the heiress, and for a second I could see electricity building inside her. "Thanks but no thanks, I wouldn't join you on a bet." With a huff, she turned and flicked her tail at her. "Fine, be with your loser friends, see if I care...hmph." "Alright Diamond Tiara that's enough," Ms. Cheerilee said. "We're all a little on edge right now. Why don't you children go to recess, while the adults talk?" The class whooped and cheered as they took off running for the playground. "Phew, thank goodness for extracurricular activity. Now Twilight would you explain what's been going on? Twilight looked at the fallen form of Discord. The Draconequus had been turned to stone mid-run and was frozen in frantic flight. His face had been chiseled into an expression of terror. "It's a long story, Ms.Cheerilee." She said. "Well, I've got time, why don't we head inside and you can tell me all about it over a cup of coffee." "Eh, why not?" "You gonna be alright Apple Comet?" Applejack asked me with some concern. "Yeah, I'll be fine," I answered. "I'll find a spot under a tree to read." "Sounds a plan pardner," Applejack smiled as she followed her friends inside. "Thanks for sticking with us Scoots," Apple Bloom said. "Ah no problem," Scootaloo dismissed with a wave of her hoof. "I wasn't about to ditch my best friends to hang out with those two stuck-ups." They joined together in a group hug. "So what do we do next?" Sweetie asked. "I dunno, wanna play tag?" Apple Bloom suggested "Sure," Scootaloo said with a grin as she reached out to touch Apple Bloom's muzzle. "Tag your it." ZOOOOOOM! The three of us just stood there in awe as Scootaloo disappeared in an orange and purple blur, leaving behind a brief trail of sparks. The sound of thunder caused the rest of the class to look up at the sky. "I think we found out what her cutie mark is for." Apple Bloom said in a stunned hush. "Apple Bloom, take Sweetie Belle back to the orchard. "I'll meet you there once I find Scootaloo." I galloped around the side of the school and through the trees until I was certain I was behind sufficient cover. Then I dug my costume matrix out of my saddlebags. "As if today wasn't already long enough." Once airborne, I picked up Scootaloo's trail by following her aura. She was traveling so fast that she wasn't leaving behind hoofprints. But her aura had left of streak pegasi magic combined with residual electrons and ions. While I wasn't a weather expert, I had spent enough time studying innate magic to realize that the explosion had bonded the energy within the lightning to Scootaloo's magic. The energy allowed her to vibrate her body at superequine speeds like me. The question was, was this beneficial or potentially harmful to her? The trail ended funnily enough at the foot of Foal Mountain. Scootaloo was trotting around in circles, calling out in every direction. "Hello? Anypony here? I'm lost! Somepony! Anypony! Help!" I decided now was as good a time as any to make my introduction known. WHOOSH! "Hey, that's the red comet! And it's writing something." Scootaloo wait there, I'm coming down! CRACK! I landed a distance away from her. "Scootaloo's eyes lit up with surprise as soon as she recognized me. "Apple Comet!" ZOOOM! In her excitement, she raced over to me. "You're the Red Comet?" "I realize I have a lot of explaining to do," I said. "Take my hoof, I'll explain along the way." She looked at my hoof, then after a moment of hesitance, she smiled and accepted. We flew back to Sweet Apple Acres. At first, Scootaloo was anxious, but after some reassurance, she began to relax and open up. Her small wings fluttered rapidly in the wind like a hummingbird's. "This is incredible!" She exclaimed with excitement as she spread her legs in an X-shape. A single tear flew from her eye into the breeze. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine she sniffled. "It's just, I've never really been flying before." She turned away with a sad look on her face. My gaze fell back to her small underdeveloped wings. Their weak muscles struggled futilely to keep her aloft. "Hey, it's okay, believe me, I know it feels to not fit in," I said comfortingly. "I go through it every day. Just know you don't have to do it alone. You've got me. you've got Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and your aunts." "I...I guess so." She turned her head back toward me. "Close your eyes, take a breath, and exhale." She did so. "Now hold on tight." I went into a steep dive. Scootaloo let out a surprised yelp. "Do you trust me?" I asked her. She looked away from uncertain, then looked back. "I...trust you." "Then close your eyes and trust me." She took another breath and closed her eyes. I pulled up and climbed completing the maneuver with an aileron roll. "So you're an alien from another planet?" Scootaloo shouted as we drew closer to Sweet Apple Acres. "And your parents sent you here in a spaceship!" "Pretty much. "I answered. "So that was you who fought that Ursa Major? And that Dragon?" "I was also the one who called Diamond Tiara a big fat flank." Scootaloo laughed so hard she almost lost her grip on my hoof. "Hahahahahahaha! Oh man, I forgot all about that. That was the best sleepover ever! Even if you did spend all that time in the bathroom." She jabbed my side with one of her wings. "Well, we're almost there," I said as we passed over the fields of trees. "Hey I can see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo exclaimed with excitement as we neared the old barn. The two other Cutie Mark Crusaders were standing by the entrance. "Let's make an entrance shall we?" I suggested. "Let's" Scootloo nodded in agreement. CRASH! "EEEEEEK!" Sweetie Belle let out an ear-piercing scream as dove behind a nearby stack of hay bales. "Da-da-da-da!" Scootaloo stood on her hind legs like a gymnast after dismounting. "Hey, girls!" "Pah!" Sweetie Belle poked her head out spitting out some hay that had gotten in her mouth. "Scootaloo!" She galloped over to greet her friend. "Apple Comet," Apple Bloom ran over and the four of us joined us in a group hug. "What are you wearing?" Sweetie asked looking at my costume. "I'll explain inside, come on," I said. I walked over to the bolt and undid it. Then pulled the barn door open. "What does the barn have to do with that costume?" Sweetie as I led them into the barn. "I promised you, girls, an explanation and I will deliver," I said closing the barn door behind me. I walked to the hay lining on the floor and unearthed the secret trap door. "How long has this been here?" Scootaloo asked. "A couple of months," I answered raising it. I dove down the hole firing up my coma emerging moments later with a sleek arrow-shaped craft. "Whoa!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gasped simultaneously. "This is how I got here." At my touch, the hatch silently slid open revealing the inside. Scootaloo zoomed over her grayish-purple eyes going over every detail. "This is awesome!" She exclaimed as she jumped inside and sat down. "How do you fly it?" "Warning unauthorized lifeform detected. Identify yourself." "It talks?" Sweetie gasped. "Voice not identified." "It's okay Kerax they're with me." "A'h young master Kom-El, may I ask why you've brought others with you today?" "There have been some unexpected developments lately," I said turning to the confused unicorn. "Sweetie Belle," I said slowly and concisely. "I am an alien from the planet Kolton. That Spaceship brought me to Equus when I was a foal. And I'm also the Red Comet. "Sweetie Belle promptly fainted. "Well, that went better than what A'h expected." Apple Bloom said. After reviving Sweetie Belle I explained my secret in-depth to them. How my parents sent me here before Kolton exploded. How my powers worked, and why I kept my true identity secret. They sat and listened quietly. Which given their usual antics was quite a remarkable accomplishment. "So now you know the truth about me. I have to ask, what will you do with it?" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat in front of the spaceship. Their minds were figuratively blown by what I had told and shown them. "What do you want us to do?" Scootaloo tepidly asked. "I'd prefer if you kept it a secret between us as friends," I answered. "So we can't tell anypony?" Sweetie Belle asked. "No you can't," said Apple Bloom. "Girls you need to understand how important this is. Outside of me, Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith nopony else knew about Apple Comet's secret. Now can A'h trust you as fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders?" She held out her forehoof in front of her. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. Then they each placed their hoof on top of hers. "Deal," They both said. I placed my forehoof on top. "Welcome to my secret keeper's club," I said. > The Inner Madness of Twilight Sparkle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony once said that all it takes to go insane is one bad day. Looking back at my life up to now, I can say with certainty that I've had my fair share of those. But even after all had been through, I did not truly know of madness until I looked into the eyes of Twilight Sparkle. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Twilight. Not Nightmare Moon or Discord? Surely you can't be serious? Well as Pinkie Pie would say, I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. It was an ordinary Saturday not unlike any other, little did I suspect the horror that was about to be unleashed on Ponyville that day. Scootaloo had gathered the Cutie Mark Crusaders outside the clubhouse for a little demonstration. Ever since her little 'accident', I had begun studying her condition after school. "This is incredible!" I exclaimed. Scootaloo stood motionless, her body vibrating like a blurry image in a photograph as multicolored bolts of lightning arced around her body. "IIIIIII'mmmm fffffeelllllling tiiiiinglllllyy alllll ooooverrrrrrr!" The soundwaves coming from her muzzle shook back and forth. Slowly her molecular structure started to become intangible. "Wow." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle whispered in astonishment as they looked right through their friend's body. "Okay, Scoots that's enough." The orange filly slowly faded back to a solid tangible state. "That was so awesome Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle's voice cracked in excitement. "You were all see-through and stuff." "Aw, shucks it was nothing." Scootaloo waved a hoof nonchalantly. "Watch this." FLAAASH! In a fraction of a second Scootaloo phased back and forth through the trunk of the treehouse. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's jaws dropped in awe. "Holy guacamole!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as the rush of wind blew over the three of us. "I must admit I'm impressed," I admitted. "The progress you've made in one week is incredible. How is that possible?" "I dunno," She replied. "I just sort of came to me. " "You knew how?" Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "Yeah," "Like instinct," I thought out loud as I flipped the notes on my clipboard back over. "That would make sense considering your cutie mark." "Make sense how?" Sweetie asked. "A pony's magic changes when they acquire their cutie mark," I explained. "It becomes more unique. What the cutie mark represents immediately becomes instinctive to the mind and body. Hence why her body holds up under the speed and friction and her brain can process everything that's going on around her when running. Sweetie Belle blinked at me. "You lost me on that last part," She said. With Scootaloo's examination over with, I decided to head into town to the library. To research magic's effects on the laws of physics. Anypony who paid attention to basic magic 101 knew that when it came to physics magic didn't obey the law. It was a wild card, an exception that followed its own rules. As my battle with Discord had recently taught me, not even I was immune to it. As I headed out the door, I ran into Applejack in the kitchen. "Where are you going Sugarcube?" She asked me. "The library," I answered. "Okay, well just remember RD is coming around this afternoon to demolish the old barn." She reminded me. " And then we're heading off to our picnic. So no comet sightings unless there's an emergency, got it?" "Got it," I said before heading out the door. As I galloped down the road into town, I felt the gentle breeze blow the smell of fresh grass through my nose. the warmth of Celestia's sun on my coat fueling my Koltonian body. The singing of the birds in the trees and the sky filled the air with a pleasant song. After the insanity of the past week, it felt nice to simply enjoy the tranquility of an ordinary day. "What a beautiful day!" I exclaimed. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing. There's no insane Chaos God wreaking havoc! Just an ordinary Saturday." As I passed by Sugarcube Corner, I noticed Twilight and Spike standing inside in front of the counter. "Whoa," Spike said staring at a box of cupcakes. "Uh, I only ordered twelve." Twilight pointed out to Mrs. Cake. "Oh, I know dear, but I had an extra. So I thought I'd make it a baker's dozen." She explained. "Uhh no," Spike said, his voice filled with dread. "Oh, that was very thoughtful of you," Twilight said. "It's just some icing from the extra cupcake is getting all over the one next to it. See?" Her tone sounded anxious. I saw the neurons in her brain begin to speed up as she focused on this minor flaw. "Ohh, sure." Mrs. Cake said looking a little confused. "It's just I'm planning on sharing these at a picnic later," Twilight rambled on. "And I don't anypony to feel like somepony else is getting more icing." "Oh, no...of course not." Mrs. Cake smiled awkwardly as Twilight levitated a spatula in her magic. "Not to worry, I'll just move some of this to...hmm...I think I may have scooped too much...oops." Twilight smiled nervously as she tried to 'correct' the situation. "Now those two have more. "Let's just try this again...hmm, no, that won't do. Let me just...hmm...put some here and...no that's not right. A little more on this one...a little bit...and wait." I was no psychologist but Twilight seemed to be showing symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'd seen enough. "I'll just...a little bit there and...wait...I'll just..." The doorbell jingled as I pushed it open. "Twilight is everything alright?" I asked. "Gah!" The librarian yelped, and the spatula in magic flew up catapulting a glob of frosting that flew past my head and landed on my flank. "Oh, Apple Comet! I am so, so sorry." She levitated a napkin out of a nearby dispenser and trotted over to me. "I was trying to get these cupcakes just right and you just happened to walk and surprise me." "What was wrong with them?" I asked innocently as she began wiping the frosting out of my coat. "Oh, not much," She answered. "It's just I had one extra and the frosting on it was spilling over onto the one next to it and I didn't want somepony to think I'd given extra icing to one of my friends. So I was trying to equally redistribute it when you walked in. "Uh-huh," I looked over at Spike who shrugged his shoulders and threw his claws up. "Anyway now that you're here, why don't you have it?" Twilight neatly folded the napkin and tossed it toward the trash. It bounced off the lid and fell onto the floor. "Oh, no!" She gasped as she picked the napkin up making sure to fold it carefully once more. It went in this time. "Yes!," Twilight pumped her hoof in triumph "Now all I have to do is wipe down the mess the napkin made with another napkin." She plucked another one from the dispenser as Spike held out the extra cupcake. "No thanks, you have it," I told him. The trot back to the library erased any lingering doubt about Twilight having OCD. Again I was not a psychologist and therefore not licensed to diagnose anypony with a mental disorder. But it was very apparent that Twilight wasn't fully in control of herself at the moment. By the time we got there, the checklist Spike was writing looked like a roll fresh out of the paper mill. "Looks like that's everything," Spike said checking off the last item on the list. "Almost everything," Twilight corrected him. "Triple-check checklist to make sure we didn't miss anything when we double-checked the checklist!" Spike glanced at the carpet-length parchment nervously. "Ugh..check," he said hoping Twilight wouldn't notice. "Ugh...I've been holding that quill so long, I've got a claw cramp." "I got ya, Spike," I said reaching into my saddlebag for the first-aid kit I'd offered to carry. Thanks, Apple Comet," he said gratefully as I opened the lid and removed the roll of bandages. "I'm just glad we don't have anything to report to Princess Celestia this week. I don't think I could write another word!" Twilight's pupils sunk deep into her eyes. "We haven't sent a letter to Princess Celestia this week?!" "Why? Is that bad?" Spike asked. The panicked look in the librarian's eyes told me yes, this was a bad thing." Bad? BAD? Of course, it's bad!" Twilight said, her neck recoiling in shock. "I'm supposed to send Princess Celestia a letter every week, telling her a lesson I've learned about friendship! Not every other week, not every ten days, every...single...week! She accentuated every word with a tap of her hoof on Spike's smooth chest before rushing to a nearby bookshelf. "Oh, where's my calendar? Where's my calendar?" She asked as she telekinetically tossed books and papers aside." "Where it...always is?" Spike answered hesitantly. He led me over to another shelf with drawers on the bottom. A quick look at my X-ray vision revealed it was in the last drawer. I pulled it open in clear view of Spike. "That one with the green cover." He said pointing it out. I picked it up and headed back to Twilight who quickly snatched it up in her magic. "When did we send the last one?" She asked Spike frantically. "Last Tuesday," Spike said. "And today is?" The answer was Tuesday. "Eeek!" Twilight's entire body stood on end as she dashed upstairs shouting, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," Through the wall, I saw her staring out her bedroom window. Her eyes were frozen wide in terror. "If I don't send her a letter by sundown, I'll be...tardy!" "What's that now?" Spike asked as we stepped through the open doorway. "Tar-dy, Spike!" She said emphasizing each syllable. "Late, I'll be late, Oh, how could I let this happen?" She bemoaned throwing herself atop her bed and covering herself with a blanket. "I'm usually so organized. I've never been late with an assignment." Spike cautiously poked the trembling sheet, then lifted it. "Oh, please." He scoffed. "You're the most studious student ever! I'm sure the Princess will forgive you if you missed one little deadline." Twilight's front half popped out like a prairie dog from its hole." "I'm afraid I have to take that chance, Spike. This is the ruler of Equestria we're talking about." She said with a dramatic wave of her hoof before jumping down from her bed. "What if instead, she starts thinking I'm not taking my studies on friendship seriously?" "Why would she?" I asked Spike, who simply shrugged his shoulders. "What if she makes me come back to Canterlot and puts me back in school and makes me prove I've been taking them seriously by making me take a test?!" She continued. What if I don't pass?" "Twilight, I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill here." I instantly regretted my words as Twilight stared at me like I'd kicked an ice cream cone out of her hoof. "A mountain of a molehill?" She whispered with a quiet fury. "A Mountain Out OF A MOLEHILL!" Spike and I slinked back in terror as Twilight approached. "Do you know what happens to students that fail Apple Comet?" She leaned her neck in close like a hydra. "They get...sent back...a grade. That's bad enough in any ordinary class with any ordinary teacher. A slight chuckle escaped her lips. Unlike Pinkie Pie's however, it was devoid of happiness and joy. "Oh, but we aren't talking about any ordinary class with any ordinary teacher. Oh no, we're talking about Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, She who raises the sun, The greatest teacher Ponykind has ever known! And if I fail her studies, she won't just send me back one grade oh no. She'll send me all the way back to Magic Kindergarten!" "Okay Twilight," I said raising one hoof cautiously. "Take a step back, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and count to four." Twilight tilted her head the way Winona does when she's confused. She took a step back, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled." "Better?" Spike asked. "Better," She confirmed. "You were right Apple Comet, I can't just run around panicking. If I'm going to save my record, I gotta get out there and find a friendship problem before sundown!" I leaned in closer to Spike. "Did I do good?" I asked him. "Honestly, I don't know," was his response. "So boys got any problems troubles conundrums or any sort of issues major or minor that I, as a good friend can help you solve?" Spike and I stared at each other for what felt like the awkward minute of my life. "I got nothing." He finally said. "Yeah me neither," I added. Twilight's ears drooped down as she let out a sigh. "Well, then I'm going to have to find somepony who does." With a look of determination, she galloped down the stairs and headed out the door. "This won't end well," Spike sighed. "We should follow her," I suggested. "Something tells me today is going to be one of those days." "You read my mind." He said. "So is this the first time something like this has happened?" I asked Spike as I secretly led him down the trail of hoofprints Twilight left behind. "Well I don't like talking about Twilight behind her back," Spike explained. "It's just she takes her studies very seriously and..." "AIIIIEEEEEEEE!" My ear twitched as I picked up a shrill scream in the distance. "Rarity!" I gasped. "Rarity?" Spike asked as my ears picked up another scream. "Don't worry Rarity, I'm coming!" I heard Twilight call out followed by the galloping of her hooves. "Why m-e-e-e-e? WHYYY?! Why? Why-y?! And of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!" "Uhh, maybe she's at Rarity's," I suggested with a nervous smile. Luckily Spike didn't argue or question how I'd come to that conclusion. The bells above the door jingled as I pushed open the door to the carousel boutique. Rarity stood next to a ponyquinn stitching some ribbon onto a dress. "Welcome to carousel..." She paused. "Oh hello Spike, and Apple Comet, it's been a while since you stopped in. What can I do for you two today?" "We were wondering if Twilight stopped by just now," Spike explained. Rarity's expression blanked out. "She did actually, you just missed her. Is something the matter? She seemed somewhat flustered." "She's a little on edge about not having written to Princess Celestia this week," Spike said, scratching the back of his head. Did she say where she might be going?" "Nothing specific I'm afraid," Rarity answered. "Well we won't keep you then," I said. "C'mon Spike let's go." "Where to next?" Spike asked once we were outside the boutique. "We need to find the rest of her friends. Wherever they are that's where Twilight will be heading." The Librarian's sparkling hoofprints were heading out of town towards Sweeta Apple Acres. "I just remembered something, Applejack is having Rainbow Dash demolish an old barn for her this afternoon." "You think Twilight would think to look there?" Spike asked. "KIAAAAAAH!" A battle cry accompanied by the sounds of hooves breaking through worn wood echoed in the distance. "It's worth a look," I said. The drake shrugged his shoulders in agreement and mounted up on my back. "Giddy up," he said As I galloped up the hill, my ears twitched picking up the sound of familiar voices. Glancing over at the old barn, I saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash standing outside the barn. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I can tell you two must've had a terrible fight." She levitated the pegasus over to a nearby bench and lay her on top like a therapist's sofa. "Now why don't you tell me about your issues with Applejack." "I don't have any issues with Applejack." Rainbow Dash protested. "Then why are you destroying her property?" "Because she asked me to, right Applejack." Applejack walked over, her head wrapped in a crash helmet. "Yes ma'am, A'h wanted to put up a new barn, but this one's gotta come down first. Hehe. Now get back to it RD." "Rainbow smiled and said. "You got it, boss." "Ah'd take cover if I were you," Applejack warned Twilight as Dash ascended skyward. "Oh, boy," Realizing what was about to happen, I skidded to a stop. "Why are we stopping?" Spike asked. "Get off and duck and cover," I told him. "You didn't answer my question," he said. "Trust me, just do it." The drake clambered down from my back and crouched down beside me covering his head with his claws. "So why are doing this?" He asked. To which I pointed to the rainbow descending from the sky at breakneck speed. KA-BOOOOOOM! I pulled Spike underneath me and positioned myself on top as the deafening sound echoed around us. The wind howled violently blowing leaves and apples off the nearby trees as debris from the barn's frame rained down for miles around us. As the dust settled and the rainbow mushroom cloud slowly began to dissipate, I released my grip allowing Spike to wriggle out from under me. He looked up at the explosion, his eyes and mouth open in astonishment. "H-How did you know that was going to happen?" He asked raising a trembling claw at the destruction. "Have you ever known Rainbow Dash not to show off?" I answered as a piece of barn landed beside us. Spike stared at the jagged plank of wood sticking out of the ground like a thrown javelin. "I guess not." He said nervously. We shadowed Twilight a good distance behind. Her mane had become messy as a result of being near the explosion. "Sigh, I can't believe I wasted all that time. I should have come here first she said as she neared Fluttershy's cottage. "Fluttershy always has some fear she's trying to get over. As a good friend, I'll be able to help her." My ears twitched as I picked up the roar of a bear coming from behind the cottage. through the walls and out the kitchen window, I saw something that made me do a double-take. Fluttershy the Element of Kindness. The timidest mare in all of Ponyville dropkicked a full-grown bear from behind. She then grabbed one of the downed Ursa's legs and proceeded to pull it back, bending the bear's spine in a wrestling hold. The bear let out a roar and pounded his paw against the ground in protest as Fluttershy trampled her hooves up and down his back. Finally, with the precision of a Griffin on the hunt, she twisted his neck with a snap. The bear fell silently to the ground. "Why are we stopping again?" Spike asked. I looked back over at Fluttershy "You really should have come to me sooner. You were carrying so much tension in your shoulder." The yellow pegasus said sweetly as she rubbed the bear's shoulder. "Uhh..." I said trying to come up with a response. "Oh, look Twilight's on the move again." "It's fine, it'll all be fine. The day isn't over yet. But it will be soon!" Twilight lay on a park bench, stroking her tail and talking to herself. "Oh, it'll all be over!" She groaned looking upside down into an adjacent puddle. My time in Ponyville! My advanced studies! No no, you're a good student. You can do this." "Alright I've seen enough," I said to Spike. "Let's go talk to her." "You just have to keep it together. Keep it together." She said talking to her reflection in the puddle. "Twilight." The purple unicorn looked up, her eyes staring out at a trio of fillies playing jump rope. "Twilight! I called out placing my hoof on her shoulder. "Gah! She screamed and tumbled off the bench landing unceremoniously across my back. "Spike, Apple Comet," What are you two doing here?" Spike and I looked at each other. I silently nodded my head to say 'tell her' as I let her slide off. He nodded in return and reached inside my saddlebag for the box of cupcakes. "Twi, we're both worried about you." He began. "This whole letter thing is getting to you." Twilight continued to stare at the fillies as she wiped her eyes with her foreleg." You've been so anxious all day that you completely forgot about the picnic." Twilight turned her head and looked at us with manic eyes and a Cheshire grin. "Why don't you go relax and hang out with..." "The picnic!" Twilight stood bolt erect. "I should go see my friends!" She took off once again snatching the box of cupcakes up in her magic, leaving us both confused and honestly a little frightened. "Sigh, saddle up Spike," I said. Like a mare on the run Twilight galloped toward the park, weaving in and out past ponies. "I'm seriously starting to think we might need professional help here!" Spike said as we followed after her. "What kind of professional are you talking about? A therapist or an orderly?" I asked. "Well, I want to say the first one," He admitted. "On account of Twilight being my friend, but right now I'm not so sure." Up ahead, Applejack and her friends were gathered at the picnic spot except Rarity who was feigning fainting on her couch. Needless to say, they were surprised and a bit disturbed when they saw Twilight gallop up to them with her disheveled mane and maniac grin. "Are you alright hun?" Applejack asked her. To which Twilight shouted, "NO! I am not alright." Her friends muttered amongst themselves as Twilight continued. "It's just terrible!" "Yes," They said in unison, their eyes filled with concern. "Simply awful!" "Yes!" They said louder. "It's the most horrible trouble I've ever been in and I really really really need your help!" "YES!" They all shouted. "Twilight!" Everyone turned their attention to Spike as he dismounted. "We've been chasing you the last eight blocks." I looked over at my sister and acknowledged her. " Hey Applejack." "Apple Comet," She nodded with the tip of her hat. "Oh you poor dears," Rarity exclaimed rushing past Twilight and over to us. "You must be so exhausted." She levitated both of us onto the picnic blanket in front of the basket. "You must have something to eat, I insist. I whipped up some healthy nutritious snacks and I've got the most delicious mineral water imported from Mustangia." "And when you're done with those, you can stuff your face with a cupcake!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly grabbing the box from Twilight's magic and holding it in front of us. "Hello! Did everypony just forget about my problem!" Twilight screamed. "My letter to Princess Celestia is overdue and I haven't learned anything about Friendship today!" "Is that what's bothering you?" Rainbow Dash asked raising an eyebrow. "YES!" Twilight screamed. "If I don't get it turned in on time I'll be tardy. TARDY!" "No offense Sugarcube, but it sounds like y'all have got yourself worked up over nothing." Twilight stared down at Applejack with madness in her eyes. "This...is not...nothing! This...is....everything! I need you guys to help me find somepony with a problem I can fix by sundown! My whole life depends on it!" "Hehehehe, oh Twilight." Pinkie Pie let out a chuckle. "You're such a crack-up." She rolled onto her back laughing. Which Twilight did not appreciate? "Come on now," Applejack said. "Have a seat and stop sweating the small stuff." "UGHHHHHH!" Twilight gritted her teeth and raised her head letting out a loud groan of frustration. She proceeded to stomp off leaving her friends confused. "Wow, I've never seen Twilight so upset before," Fluttershy said. "Oh, what a drama queen," Rarity said as she lay back on her couch. To which, everyone looked at her like she was one to talk. "Mm relatively speaking..." "Anyhoo, I'm sure she'll get over it," Applejack said reassuringly. "Now how about you two boys get some grub." Spike and I both looked back at Twilight who was muttering to herself. "Well, I haven't had lunch yet," Spike admitted. A short distance away, I saw the CMC walking into the park with an inflatable beachball. Little did I know it was an omen of what was to come. For the next half hour, I helped myself to some lunch and tried to get my mind off of Twilight. 'She'll be fine," I thought to myself as I chewed around a bite of sandwich. "She probably just went home to decompress and reflect on this current situation. Heck, she's probably got her nose in a book about stress management right now." It wasn't working, I could feel in my bones that whatever was happening with Twilight had yet to reach its peak. Once I was through with lunch I went over to where Apple Bloom and her friends were and asked to join their game. "Why sure you can join us," Apple Bloom said enthusiastically. "My serve next," Scootaloo said. "This is what I need," I said, "a nice friendly game of ball. "Hehehe," A laugh accompanied by rustling in the bushes distracted me leaving me wide open for the ball to smack in the face." "What was that all about?" Scootaloo asked as the ball bounced across the grass and rolled to a stop. I looked over at the bush where I heard the laughter but all I saw was a bird singing in its nest. "I thought I heard something over there," I said. "Just my imagination playing tricks on me, I guess." Suddenly the ball began to glow with a familiar magic aura. It grew and expanded like cookie dough in an oven until in a flash of light... *POP* "Hi, kids!" Twilight Sparkle stood there, staring at us with pupils sunk deep into her eyes. Her jaws ground her teeth together in a back-and-forth motion. A chill ran down my spine as I stared deep into her eyes. The eyes of a pony who had fallen over the edge and slipped the bounds of sanity. Apple Bloom shrunk back nervously, not sure what to make of this situation. "Oh, hi Twilight." "How's it..." Before Scootaloo could finish Twilight interrupted with... "Gur-ate, just gur-ate," Her eyes twitched violently with every word she spoke. "Your four look like you're doing gur-ate too. Looks like four good friends who obviously don't need the help of another...good...friend." Scootaloo curled up frightened into a ball as Twilight sat down and stared out sideways into space. Then with a light of her horn, she levitated a tattered worn pony doll with a stringy mane and button eyes that looked like they were barely holding on. "This is Smarty Pants, She was mine when I was your age...and now I want to give her to you. Of course, you can play her with her too if you like Apple Comet. I won't judge." "Girls get behind me." The CMC did as instructed slinking back behind my tail. "Look Twilight, you've had a long day. Why don't head back to the library, pour yourself a nice bubble bath with some scented candles and a good book, and relax," I politely suggested feeling like a hostage negotiator. Twilight stared at me for the longest time as if pondering my suggestion. "Look she even has her own notebook and quill when you want to pretend like she's doing homework." She replied bending her neck sideways. Okay, that didn't work. Time for Plan B. "That's...um...great, Twilight, I said hesitantly taking the doll from her magic. "Yeah...I really like her mane?" Sweetie Belle added. A rictus grin spread across the Librarian's muzzle. "That's great to hear, I just hope the fact that there's four of you and only one of her doesn't become a problem. I'd hate to cause a rift between such good friends!" "Oh, don't worry, we 'll share," I said with a nervous smile. "I'll share her with Apple Bloom right now." My sister looked at me like I'd tried to use her as a living shield as I passed the doll to her." "Ah think Sweetie wanted to play with her first," She said passing it to Rarity's sister. "Y'know 'cause you said you like her mane so much." Sweetie Belle shook her head quickly. "No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no! I think Scootaloo should get to play with her first." Scootaloo glanced at Sweetie and hesitantly picked up the doll. "I'd love to...but, um...you take her Apple Comet." And just like that, I was back at square one. I looked into Smarty Pants's button eyes. "You don't like me do you Apple Comet," A high-pitched babyish voice came from behind me. I turned to my right to see Twilight's crazed face staring back at me. "Ahhh!" I let out a scream dropping the doll as I fell onto my back. "Let's get out of here!" Scootaloo shouted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders took off galloping. "I gotta think of something." Twilight's eyes darted back and forth. Sweat was trickling down her forehead. Her anxiety had crashed through the roof and was on course to clear the moon. "Think, think, think, think, think Twilight, think. That's it!" With a clop of her hooves, she picked up the doll and looked at me. "Oh, you four are going to like Smarty Pants!" Her eyes narrowed as she leaned in close. "And you're going to like her more than anything." She whispered menacingly into my ear. With that, she aimed her horn at the horn. I had to stop her. "Twilight Stop!" What happened next would turn a really bad day into a really, really, bad day. Hearing my cry Twilight turned for a split second, A stream of hearts flew from her horn and struck me head-on. With a terrified neigh, Twilight's face went as white as Rarity's. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, no,no,no,no,no,no,no! This is bad! This is bad! This is Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!" "What is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad? What did you just do!" I was feeling a little tingly but otherwise fine. "The want-it, need-it spell," Twilight answered. "Whatever or whoever it hits becomes irresistible to anypony who sees it!" "Wait what?" "I want him!" "I need him!" "I really like his mane!" Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle cantered toward me with hearts in their eyes. My blood ran cold. "Apple Comet, run!" Twilight shouted. I didn't need to be told twice. I jumped to my hooves and took off galloping. I needed to find a place to either lie low or take off from, until this spell either wore off, or Twilight found a way to reverse it. "I want him!" "I need him!" "I saw him first!" "He's my brother!" That one made my skin crawl. In the distance, I saw a familiar face. Big Macintosh, my big brother. Surely he could talk some sense into these spell-crazed fillies. "Big Macintosh! I need your help!" He looked at me and instantly his eyes filled with hearts as he started galloping toward me!" "Eeyup!" "AHHHHHHHH!" My shriek of terror echoed throughout the park. Everypony turned to see where the noise was coming from. "What's all the commotion about," I looked over to see Mayor Mare. "They're trying to catch that colt! an orange Pegasus said. "That incredible amazing Colt!" Bon-Bon, the candy shop owner said. As soon as they saw me, they were under the Want-it Need-it spell." A multi-colored tidal wave of ponies zeroed in on me. "Okay, forget subtlety I need to get out of here now!" With a flash, I fired up my flare and took off at top speed. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from Ponyville for a while. I could figure out what to do next when I wasn't being hunted by a lovestruck mob. Twilight's POV. They say all it takes to lose your sanity is one bad day. Looking back at that day, I could safely say I was well past that point. Forget being tardy, forget my perfect record. I just cast a forbidden spell on Apple Comet. An innocent colt who'd done nothing but try to reach out to me. I had to find him, and fast. "AHHHHHHH!" A scream of terror echoed across the park. Naturally, everypony who heard went to see what was happening. As soon as the first one fell under the spell, the rest quickly followed. Before long everypony in Ponyville was after Apple Comet. "Oh, what have I done?!" Tears fell from my eyes as I felt my legs give out. I fell onto my side into the grass, my body had lost its will to keep going. Images of my fate flashed before my eyes. I saw myself on trial in Canterlot. Locked in a cage as the charges were read. My former friends and Spike testified against me. The Princess sentenced me to an eternity in Tartarus. "I'm sorry Apple Comet, I'm so sorry!" FWOOOOOSH! Suddenly out of nowhere, a flash of light erupted from the stampede. I forced myself up and saw the Red Comet rising into the sky. Leaving behind its signature fiery tail. A few pegasi attempted to give chase but by the time they were in the air, it was already halfway to the Everfree Forest. I didn't have time to ponder as I heard somepony call my name. "Twilight!" I turned around to see my friends. "Girls!" My guilt quickly sank back in. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." "What is?" Fluttershy asked innocently. She was too innocent to have a guilty friend like me. "I-I.." The tears burst forth once more as I threw myself at Applejack, wrapping my forelegs around hers. "Please forgive me, I don't know what I was thinking." "What are you talking about Sugarcube?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I cast a want-it need-it spell on Apple Comet and now the whole town is chasing him." Her jaw fell open as she stared down at me with shocked eyes. "Please forgive me I had nothing to report to Princess Celestia and the day is almost over." "Uh, Twilight." Rainbow Dash pointed up to the sky where the sun was finally setting behind the mountains. Today was over, and so was the rest of my life. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" I knew that voice all too well, but I had never heard it filled with such anger and disappointment. I watched as Princess Celestia cast the reverse spell. Immediately all the ponies who'd been affected snapped out of their trances. The Princess descended gracefully, her ornate shoes pressing gently into the grass as she landed. Her eyes bared down at me. "Meet me in the library," She said in a stern authoritative tone. I stood up and looked over at my friends. "Goodbye Everypony...*sniff* If you care to visit, I'll be in Tartarus." Comet's POV. Silence, peaceful silence. I had watched the sunset from the throne room of the Castle of the Two Sisters. Never would I have thought a place where Applejack and her friends had fought to save Equestria from the forces of evil could be such a tranquil place. It took an uncharacteristically long time for me to mentally process what had just happened. Twilight Sparkle the Element Bearer of Magic itself had gone off the deep end and cast a spell on me that made anypony who so much as glanced at me want me. I'd lost count of how many times I'd pinched myself and called out to Princess Luna, thinking this was just a dream. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think dealing with Discord made more sense," I said out loud as I gazed out of the skeletal frame of what had once been a stained glass window. Deciding that it was probably best to get home before morning, I flew out the window and ascended high into the sky. I took my usual route home, flying along the outskirts of town to avoid drawing attention. I landed in the orchard and ran the rest of the way, following the train tracks over the river. From behind a tree, I carefully surveyed the area. The streets of Ponyville were almost completely deserted. Most of the houses had their lights on, including a certain tree. My ears twitched as they picked up the beating of hooves on the dirt road. From around a corner, I saw Applejack and the others beelining for the library. Peeking through the trunk with my x-ray vision. What I saw inside made my internal temperature rise. Standing before Twilight and her friends was none other than Princess Celestia herself. "But...but I'm supposed to send you a letter about friendship every week. I missed the deadline. I'm a bad student! I'm tardy." The Princess's expression relaxed. "You are a wonderful student Twilight. I don't need to get a letter every week to know that." Just then Applejack and the others crashed through the front door in a pile of legs and wings. "Wait!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You can't punish her," pleaded Pinkie Pie. "It wasn't her fault!" Applejack said. "I'm listening," the Princess said. One by one explained how they hadn't taken Twilight's concerns seriously and pleaded with her not to send Twilight to Tartarus. Princess Celestia closed her eyes and quietly exhaled. "Very well, I will forgive Twilight's punishment on one condition." "Alright," The five of them said in unison." "From this day forth, I would like all of you to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when and 'only' when you happen to discover them." The library erupted in a chorus of cheers as Princess Celestia fluttered up to the balcony window. "Princess Celestia wait! What about Apple Comet?" Twilight spoke up. "Ooh, ooh, pointy tail! Pointy tail!" Pinkie Pie said as her poofy tail pointed in my direction. "My Pinkie sense tells me he's right outside. But he's hiding because he doesn't want to be seen." She bounced happily to the open doorway. "Hello, Apple Comet! I know you're out there but I'm respecting your personal space by calling out to you." I leaned back against the tree, not daring to move a muscle. Princess Celestia smiled and trotted gracefully onto the balcony. "Well, if that's everything, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting some mail." She unfurled her wings and ascended to above the library's tree cover. Then hovered in place for a moment surveying the area. Her muzzle curved into a gentle smile as she lit her horn and aimed it in my direction. "Hold still my little colt, this will only take a second. "Oh No." Memories of my last encounter with her flooded back as she aimed her horn in my direction. I felt the burning sensation of Rao, deep inside my chest. My pores perspired profusely. *POP* "What the?" I opened my eyes to find Twilight's violet ones looking down at me. "Uhh...hi," I said raising a hoof awkwardly." "Umm...hi," she said back as realized what the Princess had done. "Hold still, this will only take a moment." Her horn fired off a lavender beam that sent a warm tingling sensation through me. "There that should do it." I stood up and ran a hoof across my chest. Twilight turned away, her eyes heavy with guilt. "Apple Comet...I..." Before she could say another word, I wrapped myself around her neck in an embrace. "It's okay, Twilight I forgive you." She sniffled wiping a tear away with her hoof and pulled into a hug. Dear Princess Celestia, We are writing to you because today we all learned a little something about friendship. We learned that we should take your friends' worries seriously. Even if you don't think that she has anything to worry about. And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem... ...into an enormous huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Princess-has- to-come-and-save-the-day problem. And even if it does, you should still learn to forgive them. After all, anypony is capable of having a really bad day. Signed your loyal subjects. PS Spike didn't have to learn a lesson because he is the best most awesome friend a pony could ask for. He and Apple Comet are the real heroes of the day. Risking claw and hoof to... "I think you're giving us too much credit man," I said. "Umm...right I'll just send it then." > On Leather Wings Part One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Night, it's every foal's favorite holiday. The night when every pony dresses up in costume, and foals go door to door getting candy. *Knock knock knock* "Are you almost done in there?" Apple Bloom asked impatiently. "I wanna go out and get candy." "Patience, sis, patience, One cannot rush preparation," I answered. Over the years I'd gone out as many different things. A Royal Guard, an Equestranaut, the Sun, the Moon, Equis, an Asteroid Field, The Constellation Equuleus, and Niels Grasse Tycho. That one was my personal favorite. This year, however, I'd really outdone myself. After weeks of thoughtful consideration and planning, I had thought of the most excellent Nightmare Night costume of all time. It was ingenious actually. Once everyone saw my costume, I'd have enough candy to fill my spaceship. I took one last look at my reflection in the mirror. "Perfect." I stepped out the bathroom door. "Well, what do you think?" The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked each other dead in the eyes, then fell back laughing. "Bahahahahahahahaha!" "I looked down at my costume. I had dressed in some old white bedsheets, fashioning them into a toga. I had also fashioned some grey yarn into a beard and curled wig. "What's wrong with it?" "Wha-ha-ha-ha-what are you supposed to be-ha-ha-ha?" Apple Bloom chortled. Her mane was done up in a conical shape with streaks of white lightning on the side. Her coat was covered with stitched lines, and her eyes' contours were colored with purple eyeliner. As you might've guessed, she was going as the Bride of Frankensteed. "Sigh, I'm Hippoarchus, the greatest astronomer of ancient Thrace," I explained. "I founded Trigonometry, I created the solar and lunar orbital models that the Princesses move to move the sun and the moon to this day." I held up a homemade astrolabe to prove my point. The trio blinked at me. "We don't know who that is, "Scootallo the Werewolf finally admitted. "Honestly you look like a hobo dressed in bedsheets," Sweetie Belle the Vampire added. "Sigh, let's just get going," I sighed. Are y'all youngin's, yawn, all ready to go?" Granny Smith asked tiredly as we stepped outside. Unlike us, she was not dressed up. Big Macintosh was hitched to the wagon dressed in a top hat and cloak with a skull apple on it. Applejack was seated up front dressed as a scarecrow. "We're ready!" Apple Bloom said enthusiastically. "Well, then all aboard!" Big Mac said. The Moon was high and the Nightmare Night spirit was in full swing as we rode into town. Everywhere you looked there were ponies dressed in costumes and spooky decorations set up. "This is gonna be the best Nightmare Night Ever!" Scootaloo proclaimed. "We're going to get so much candy!" Sweetie Belle chirped excitedly. "Well, here we are," Applejack said as the wagon came to a stop in front of a sign that read HAUNTED HAYRIDE. "Yawn, alright everypony stay together." Granny Smith yawned as she forced herself out of her seat and slowly climbed down. "Ah'm getting too old for this." We scampered out excitedly, treat sacks clutched tightly in our teeth. "Ah'll be running the Applebob station if y'all need me," Applejack said tossing out a wooden tub and a sack of apples. "Look," Apple Bloom pointed out. "It's some of our friends from school." Sure enough, Noi, Pina Colada, and Erroria walked down the street dressed as a Princess, a Ladybug, and an Equestranaut. And there was one more with them. A colt with a white and brown-spotted coat and a reddish-brown mane dressed as a pirate. "Hey isn't that the new colt from...what's that place?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I believe the place you're looking for is Trottingham and yes I believe it is him," I said. "Hey, girls, what's up?" Scootaloo said walking up to them. "Nice costumes." "Thanks, you too," Erroria said in agreement until she laid eyes on me. "Oh my gosh! What are you wearing?" I did my best to mentally shrug off her reaction. "It is a toga, a garment worn in Ancient Thrace." "It makes you look like a hobo in bedsheets," Noi said, as the other two snickered loudly. "I am Hippoarchus, the greatest astronomical observer of the ancient world!" I proclaimed boldly. "I discovered the procession of the equinoxes. I invented the armillary sphere." "Pff, whatever, you still look homeless," Noi said unfazed as Pina Colada and Erroria burst out laughing. "I think it's a great costume." Holy Celestia! The new colt was speaking up in my defense. "Uh...Pipsqueak wasn't it?" I said trying not to sound as certain of his name as I was. "That's right, you're one of the Apples, right? Apple...something or other?" "Apple Comet," I said. A few houses later, our sacks already starting to fill with candy. I'd gotten quite a few odd stares from ponies who'd answered the door. Most of them rolled their eyes and just gave me some candy. "Where should we go next?" Sweetie Belle asked. My eyes turned to the Golden Oaks Library. "Let's try the library," "Good idea," Apple Bloom said. Through the walls I watched Spike pacing back and forth. He was dressed as a dragon of all things. Which is like me dressing up as an Earth Pony."Come on Twilight, we're gonna be late for the Nightmare Night Festival." "Here I am," Twilight Sparkle strutted down the stairs. She was dressed in a decorative robe and hat covered with bells, moons, and stars. A long white beard completed the look. Anypony who saw couldn't mistake her for anything else. "Huh? Are you that one kooky Grandpa from the Ponyville Retirement Village?" Okay, maybe they could. "I'm Starswirled the Bearded," Twilight said stating the obvious. From the way he stared at her, I knew he didn't know who Starswirled the Bearded was. "Father of the amniomorphic spells?" Nope. "Did you even read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history?" He obviously hadn't. Before the situation could get any more awkward, Spike was saved by our knocking at the door. "Oh, did you hear that? That sounds important." His stubby legs rushed for the door, leaving Twilight dazed and dizzy. "Ahh!" He let out a surprised scream, before realizing it was us. "Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!" "Hi, everypony, great costumes." Twilight stepped out to the door as Spike ran to get the candy. Her eyes fell upon me. "Apple Comet, what an excellent Hippoarchus costume." "Thanks, Your Starswirled the Bearded costume ain't bad either." I complimented. "Did you stitch those borders yourself?" She smiled and said, "Why yes I did thank you for noticing." Spike returned with the candy bowl and began passing it out. Pipsqueak squeezed his way between Erroria and Pina Colada. He balanced himself on his front legs holding his toy cutlass between his teeth. Then promptly tripped and fell to the ground onto his chin. "Pipsqueak the pirate at your service," he said picking himself up. "It's my very first Nightmare Night." "Since you moved from Trottingham?" Twilight inquired. "No, my very first Nightmare Night ever." He corrected her. "BAW CAWWWK!" A sudden noise from behind startled me. "GAAAAGGH!" I turned around to see a quadrupedal chicken with a pink face carrying a bag of candy in her...hooves. "Enough chit-chat, time is candy!" Pinkie Pie? I was presently aware of everything going on on this street both inside and out. How did she sneak up on me? "Pinkie Pie, aren't you a little old for this?" Twilight asked the obvious question. "Too old for free candy?" Pinkie Pie let out another squawk and glared at Twilight as if the librarian had offended her. "Never." Twilight rolled her eyes. "So what do you think?" She asked showing off her costume. The bells on her hat jingled as she turned her head and posed. "Yeah! great costume Twilight! You make a fantastic weirdo clown!" Pinkie laughed before proceeding to peck eat the entire bowl of candy like it was chicken feed and zipping off. "A clown?" Twilight scowled. "Don't listen to her," I said. "You're not the one dressed like a chicken." Her anger fading, she sighed. "Yeah you're right, I'm not gonna let this experience ruin my Nightmare Night." "Great so can we go out and get some more candy Grandpa?" Spike asked. Twilight rolled her eyes again in defeat. After a while of going door to door, our bags were starting to get full. To my embarrassment, nopony whose house we stopped by knew who Hippoarchus was. Estimated guesses ranged from a frat pony to a hobo. The fact that Pinkie Pie decided to tag along also did not help matters. Still, I guess I couldn't complain since I still got candy, and everypony was having a good time. By the time we arrived at the festival grounds, the party was in full swing. Ponies were dancing on a stage to a country and western band, while foals tried their hoof at the various games. Twilight and Spike were there. Twilight was complaining to Spike about how nopony knew who Starswirled the Bearded was. While Spike was gorging himself on candy to the point I wasn't sure he'd be able to get out of his costume tomorrow. "Hey look we're here already! Should we get something to eat?" Twilight asked. Spike let out a fiery burp indicating he was already full. "Twilight! Twilight! Look at our haul!" Pinkie Pie went galloping up to them and showed them her candy before proceeding to devour it like a hog through slop. "Ah, can you believe it? And then we went to Cheerilee's house, and got a bunch more goodies didn't we Pip?" "Sure did," Pipsqueak nodded his head. "We also found somepony who knew who I was," I added. My ears suddenly perked up as I heard the distant beat of wings. I glanced up to see a figure in a black and purple costume with gold lightning bolts pushing a thundercloud around. A figure with a multi-colored mane. A sly grin crossed my face. I turned around and waved at her. "Hey, Rainbow Dash! Nice Costume!" She jumped back with such surprise that she fell backward off the cloud and landed unflatteringly on her stomach. Everypony dropped what they had been doing and proceeded to laugh uncontrollably as Rainbow shook her head vigorously to get her senses back. "H-How did you know I was there?" She asked in complete disbelief. "I dunno," I answered throwing up my front hooves. "I just happened to look up and there you were." "Well, and how did you know it was me and not a Shadowbolt coming to get you?" "I don't know what that is, but you're the only pony in town with rainbow hair." She promptly fell on her back again. "Aw, man it was going to be so perfect. I was gonna scare your tails off." "Cheer up Dashie," Pinkie Pie zipped over to her. "Have some candy," She proceeded to bury the cyan pegasus under a pile of candy. Wait didn't she eat all of her...you know what, I wasn't even going to bother questioning it. After parting ways with Rainbow Dash, we headed over to the Apple Bobbing station. "Hey sis, how's it going?" I asked Applejack. Next to her Golden Harvest and that Stallion whose tennis racket Apple Bloom ruined were bobbing for apples. "So, far so good, lots of ponies wanting to bob for apples," She said as the stallion pulled one from the tub and left. "Hey you two," She said addressing Twilight and Spike. "Happy Nightmare Night," "Thanks, I'm a dragon," Spike said. "With that beard, Ah' reckon you're some country-western singer." Applejack incorrectly guessed. Twilight grunted for the umpteenth time, while Spike just laughed. "While y'all are here, ya feel like bobbing for an apple?" She said as Derpy Hooves stepped up. The mailmare was dressed in brown paper bags for some reason. She dove head-first into the tub and surfaced a few moments later with the drain stopper in her mouth. "Maybe later Applejack," I said as the green-dyed water drained out the bottom, leaving Derpy Hooves smiling awkwardly with the drain stopper in her mouth. The sounds of cheering and applauding caught our attention. Everyone looked over at the podium onstage where I saw that Rainbow Dash was not the only pony tonight with rainbow hair. "Thank you, thank you everypony, and welcome to the Nightmare Night Festival." Somehow, a clown just made the perfect costume for the mayor. "Now all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of Nightmare Moooooooon!" "Spooky voice might work better if she wasn't dressed like that," Spike pointed out. "Indeed," I concurred as a mysterious green fog engulfed the stage. Either one of the zebra's potions or she had had an entire head of broccoli for dinner before coming here tonight. From out of the mist she stepped, wearing a white wig covered with fake plastic spiders and a black robe. "Follow me and very soon you'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon," She said. We followed Zecora to a clearing in the Everfree Forest where a weathered statue of Nightmare Moon stood. "Listen close, my little dears, I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary," She explained as she blew more of her magic powder from her hoof. It formed a cloud with coalesced into the shape of Nightmare Moon. "Of Nightmare Moon who makes you wary." I stared into the eyes of the illusion. The same eyes I had seen in my dreams that night. The night I was trapped in my dreams by her. "Every year we put on a disguise, to save ourselves from her searching eyes." The other foals around me let out a scream as Zecora continued. "But Nightmare Moon just wants one thing. To gobble up ponies in one quick swing." Pipsqueak and Pinkie Pie let out another scream as the apparition of Nightmare Moon dived down toward us. It bore its fangs in a canine-filled smile. It dispersed into a cloud of smoke as it hit the ground. Through the smoke Nightmare's cat-like visage peered looking hungrily back and forth at us. It was too much for Pipsqueak who took off running straight for the statue of Nightmare Moon. With the smoke obscuring everypony's vision, I took off after him, grabbing his tail mere centimeters from the base of the statue. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "He looked at me, then up at the statue, and immediately clutched onto me as Pinkie Pie let out another terrified squawk. "Hungrily she soars through the sky," Meanwhile, Zecora threw another hooful of powder. "If she sees nopony she passes by." Another Nightmare Moon emerged from the clouds scaring the fangs off of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "So if she comes and all is clear, Equestria is safe for another year!" I looked down at the petrified pirate clutching my foreleg for dear life. "Hey, it's okay it's just an illusion. Look it's already disappearing." He pulled his head away and looked up at the figure of Nightmare Moon as she turned to smoke. "Ms...Zecora," He said hesitantly releasing my leg. "If we wear costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we need still need to give her some of our candy?" "A perfect question my little friend," Zecora replied. "For Nightmare Moon you must not offend." She blew another hooful of dust. "Fill her belly up with a treat or two so she won't return to come and eat you." The specter of Nightmare Moon lurched its neck forward. Its jaws opened wide with razor-sharp teeth. Pip immediately ducked behind me. I felt a chill run down my spine as I gazed at the jagged rows of fangs. It brought me back to that night. The night, I dove into those very jaws to save Apple Bloom. *CHOMP!* "Everypony just dump some candy and get out of here!" Pinkie Pie screamed. Everypony hastily emptied their bags in front of the statue. Just then there was a clap of thunder and the wind began to howl. I looked up to see the clouds part way revealing the full moon. A dark shadow flew across its lunar surface and began to descend. My eyes zoomed in to take a closer look. It was a dark chariot, pulled by dark grey pegasi with batwings and ears, dressed in metallic blue armor. Their slit amber eyes shone like jewels in a dark cave. A tall cloaked figure sat in the chariot, a dark blue muzzle being the only visible feature. A smaller figure sat by its side dressed in all black. A wide-brimmed hat covered its head and a domino mask obscured its eyes. Everypony stepped back tepidly as the chariot passed over them. "Gasp! It's Nightmare Moon! RUN!" Pinkie screamed sending everypony stampeding back to town. Everyone except Twilight, Spike, and yours truly. "Are you just as confused as I am?" I asked him. "Moreso," Spike answered. We followed the chariot back to town. You could feel the tension in the air as everypony stopped what they were doing to look up. The two figures leaped from the chariot and spread their wings out, gliding to the ground like a pair of vultures. The cloaked figure landed gracefully and threw back their cloak to reveal...Princess Luna. She was taller than the last time I saw her. Her coat was a darker shade of blue, while her once normal mane was now dark starry ethereal. Instantly everypony stopped what they were doing and bowed before her. The Princess of the Night stepped forward. The cloak on her back transformed into a swarm of bats as she brandished her wings. She looked at the terrified ponies with a scowl of anger. The other figure a bat colt dressed in an all-black costume with a cape, hat, and domino mask walked beside her. A rapier at his flank. The Princess looked at a pegasus dressed as a witch who let out a scream of terror before pulling her pointed hat over her face. CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE! Princess Luna spoke in a voice so powerful it washed over them like a sonic boom. "WE HAVE GRACED YOUR TINY VILLAGE WITH OUR PRESENCE, SO THAT YOU MAY BEHOLD THE REAL PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT! A CREATURE OF NIGHTMARES NO LONGER, BUT INSTEAD A PONY WHO DESIRES YOUR LOVE AND ADMIRATION! TOGETHER WE SHALL CHANGE THIS DREADFUL CELEBRATION INTO A BRIGHT AND GLORIOUS FEAST! A flash of lightning and a boom of thunder accompanied her declaration. "Did you hear that? Nightmare Moon said she's going to feast on us all!" Once again Chicken Pie sent the entire town into a panicked frenzy. Immediately Princess Luna's eyes filled with hurt. "What! No children no, you no longer have a reason to fear us!" She called out. "Screams of delight are what your Princess desires, not screams of terror!" With a stomp of her hoof, she declared. "Madame Mayor, your Princess of the Night and Prince of Gotland hath arrived." To which the mayor let out a terrified gasp along with her assistant. "What is the matter with you? Luna declared angrily. "Very well then, fine, be that way. We won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell." The masked figure tugged at her leg. "Aunt Luna," He said. "I think you were a little too loud with your speech." "It is the traditional Canterlot voice, dear Nephew. It is tradition to speak using the royal 'we' and to use THIS MUCH VOLUME WHEH ADDRESSING OUR SUBJECTS!" Luna's nephew and everypony else winced as the Princess of the Night's voice rattled the nearby windows. "I'm gonna talk to her," Twilight decided. "You can't to her," Spike grabbed the edge of her cloak. "She's Nightmare Moon." "She's no more Nightmare Moon than I am Hippoarchus," I said with a slap of my hoof on his claw. "Come on Twilight let's see if we can smooth this out." We followed the shimmering cobalt hoofprints back to the statue of Nightmare Moon. Princess Luna lay sadly in its shadow with a despondent expression on her face. Her Nephew, having taken off his hat and mask to expose his dark black mane had his hoof on her wither. Her eyes grew alert as we drew near. She instinctively stood up and turned around shielding her Nephew behind her. "Who goes there?" Twilight looked at each other for a moment before she stepped forward. "Princess Luna, hi, my name is... "Starswirled the Bearded and Hippoarchus, commendable costumes. Thou even got the bells and the toga right." "Yes!" Twilight and I hi-hoofed. "Finally somepony who gets it right!" She said. An awkward pause followed as Luna and her Nephew stared at us."Our actual names are..." "Twilight Sparkle and Apple Comet," She rose into the air, front legs stretched outward. IT WAS THOU WHO UNLEASHED THE POWERS OF HARMONY UPON US AND TOOK AWAY OUR DARK POWERS!" "And that's a good thing...right?" Twilight said wincing heavily at the volume of her voice. "But of course, we could not be happier, is that not clear?" Luna said touching back down. "It was certainly loud," I groaned as I rubbed my forehead. "But this is the traditional Canterlot voice! It is tradition to..." "Yes, yes, we get it," I interrupted. "We're just asking for the sake of our eardrums, please turn down your volume." She looked at me as if pondering her decision, "Very well then," She said in a mercifully lower tone. " "Okay that's better," Twilight said nervously. Her eyes darted to Luna's still-unnamed Nephew. "I almost forgot to ask, who is this?" Luna smiled down at the Batcolt. "Ah, yes. Ahem, PRESENTING!" She paused as she realized what she was doing. "Oops sorry, presenting His Lord Bruce Kane of Gotland." Okay, I did not see that coming. "Um...thank you, Auntie," His was one of rehearsed composure. "It is nice to meet you both." "His parents The Earl and Countess of Gotland our distant nephew and niece hath entrusted us with escorting him on this his first Nightmare Night." "As I gazed into his golden yellow eyes, I saw not the snobbish stuck-up product of a gilded upbringing, I'd come to expect from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Instead, I saw a colt not unlike myself. His costume was that of a dashing adventurer out of an old comic book. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. The points of his fangs protruded from his lips. "You want to go get some candy with me?" I asked him. "Sure," He said. "You wish to go back there after the way they greeted us?" Luna asked him in disbelief. "Yeah, it sounds fun," Bruce answered. The Princess looked at him puzzled. "Nephew pray tell, what is this fun, thou speaks of?" Wow, she really had been gone a long time. Luckily Twilight was there to step in. "I have an idea. Why don't you and I work on changing your approach, and the Colts can go out and get more candy?" The Princess of the Night scratched her chin, pondering the offer. "Hmm...Thy offer is tempting. Very we shall go and work on our approach. And in the meantime." Her horn lit up as she summoned forth a scroll. "Apple Comet of the Apple Family, as Princess of the Night! We hereby doth appoint to the position of Royal Chaperone to his Lordship the Earl of Gotland! You are to escort him on this night and make sure he doth make it back safely!" "I will defend him with my life your Majesty," I said with a bow. "Don't worry about me, Auntie," The Earl, said with a flash of his rapier. "For tonight I am Tornado! The swift and cunning, enemy to all corrupt tyrants." With a few graceful swings of the blade, he managed to cut my toga loose sending it falling to the ground around my hooves. "Oops," Tonight had just gotten that more awkward. > On Leather Wings Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So this is your first time outside Gotland City?" "Yeah, I'm not used to seeing buildings so short," "Really, what are they like in Gotland?" "Tall, really really, tall. So tall that you can't even see the top." "Wow, that is tall," "And Gothic, that's what my parents call it." It didn't long for his Lordship and I to hit it off. As we went from house to house, we talked about everything. "What are your parents like?" "They're the rulers of the city, although they're mostly figureheads. Most of our royal duties are just smiling and waving." "Where do you live?" "Kane Keep, it's our ancestral family home. It's a really big castle on top of a mountain. You can see the entire city from there." "Really how many rooms do you have?" "I dunno, There are so many and they're all so big!" "Do you ever get lost in there?" "All the time, Where do you live?" "I live on an orchard on the hill outside town. Sweet Apple Acres. We Apples grow the best apples in all of Equestria. "Hey, I've heard of that place. We once ordered two tons of apples from you for a Hearth's Warming ball." "Yeah, I remember, That order paid for a new barn, and there was still enough left over for a silo." It's true what they say, friendship makes for strange bedfellows. Here I was talking to a pony whose species I'd only read about in books. And a noble no less. We were just like the Prince and the Pauper. "Hey, there's my sister and her friends!" I said noticing the CMC in the crowd. "Come on I'll introduce you. Apple Bloom!" My sister looked over and spied me walking over to her. "Apple Comet! You're okay?" "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I said. Just then Chicken Pie's dropped down in front of us. "Because you and Twilight ran off after Nightmare Moon," She said. "Where is she by the way? I don't see her with you. All I see is that Batpony that was with Nightmare Moon. Oh no! She must have eaten Twili....yelp!" "I'm gonna stop you right there, okay?" I said thrusting my hoof to her muzzle. "Twilight is fine, Princess Luna did not try to eat her. And the two of them went off to improve the Princess's approach. Also, Bruce, Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie Bruce. Now can we get back to getting candy?" Pinkie Pie shook her head in the key of high B. "Okay then." We continued down the road that led to Fluttershy's cottage. I quickly noticed the other foals keeping a wide distance between Bruce and myself. The Batponies slitted eyes looked away uncomfortably, as he kept his head turned away from the path. I could tell, the things they had been saying were getting to him. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. He turned his head and looked at the ground. I could see from his pulse rate that he was anxious or afraid. "Sigh, Apple Comet? Do you think I'm a monster?" His question hit me right out of left field. "What? No, no, no, no, no, no. Why would I think that?" "It's just, Batponies, well, this isn't easy for me to say, but other ponies say things about us." "Um...I don't follow you," I had a feeling where he was going, but I didn't exactly know why. "It's just for the last thousand years, we've kind of kept to ourselves. My parents told me stories of how after Nightmare Moon was imprisoned, the rest of Equestria turned on us because Luna was our Patreon Princess. Plus the fact that we're nocturnal. They said things like we were going to help her take over Equestria and that we drank the blood of sleeping ponies and stole newborn foals from their cribs. It got so bad that eventually, we all had to migrate to Gotland Bay, and for the past millennium we haven't set hoof from it." My heart fell like a lead weight as I listened to his words. From the sound of it, it seemed that other ponies had seriously mistreated Batponies. "I'm sorry to hear that Bruce," I said. "It sounds like your race has had it pretty rough. I hope things get better now that Luna is back." Both of our ears flinched as we heard a familiar boom in the distance. "Charmed." "Cor, what was that?" Pipsqueak asked as the deafening voice continued. Bruce and I both looked at each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" We both said at the same time. A fanged smile spread across his muzzle. "Everyone follow us!" I said. "Onward!" Bruce shouted as he daringly drew his rapier. As my eyes zoomed in on Fluttershy's cottage. I was greeted with a terrible sight. The Yellow Pegasus lay on her back outside her front door, cowering in fear before the Princess of the Night. As the conversation unfolded, she tried numerous times to escape, only to be thwarted by Twilight. By the time we'd got there, Luna had telekinetically pulled Fluttershy into a crushing hug. "WE THANK THEE FLUTTERSHY! OUR NORMAL SPEAKING VOICE SHALL SURELY WIN US THE HEARTS OF THY FELLOW VILLAGERS!" "Fluttershy you gotta hide!" Pinkie Pie called out. "Nightmare Moon is here and...BAWCAWK!" She suddenly leaped into the air as I gently tapped her hind leg with my hoof. "YEEOWW!" "Oh, hello again, Pinkie Pie," Twilight groaned rolling her eyes. "What's going on Auntie?" Bruce stepped forward. "AH, NEPHEW, WE WERE PRACTICING OUR..." She paused. "We were just practicing our normal voice with Fluttershy." The Pink-maned Pegasus flopped back and forth like a newborn foal in her hooves. Her tongue hung out the side of her mouth. "Ahh!" Pinkie Pie called out again. "She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can...BAWCAWK!" Another tap to the hind leg sent her airborne again. This time landing beak-first in the pond. "This is all wrong!" She said shaking the water off her feathers. "I'm a chicken, not a duck!" "Sooo...you want to go have some fun now?" Twilight suggested to Luna. Our return to the festival did not get off to a good start. Ponies took one look at Luna and scampered. "It is no use Twilight Sparkle," Luna said with a sad sigh. "They have never loved us and they never shall." Her words cut through Bruce like a sword through a rope. "Hey cheer up Bruce," I placed my hoof on his wither. "The night is still young." "Thanks, Apple Comet," He mumbled. "It's just, what if Aunt Luna is right about all this? What if the rest of Equestria doesn't want us Batponies anymore?" His thin membrane wings drooped down to his sides as his pointed ears folded back. "You just have to give them a chance Bruce," I said. "Once they see the real you, they'll see you're more than just monsters to be feared. Look, my sister, Applejack is up ahead. She's one of the friendliest ponies you'll ever meet. "Help!" My ears twitched as I saw Pipsqueak flailing over the side of the tub. I took off in a gallop only for Applejack to catch him at the last second. "Whoop, Careful there partner," She said as she set him down. I smiled with satisfaction, taking it as a sign that this time things would end well. And then Applejack saw Luna and proceeded to cower in front of her. My smile faded. "Friendliest you'll ever meet huh?" Bruce said sarcastically. As Twilight explained the situation to her, Applejack stood back up. "All you gotta do is have the right attitude. Loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun." She explained as she led the Princess over to the Spider-Toss game. "There's that word again, fun. Pray do tell, what purpose do they serve?" "Just try to land the Sp-spiders on the web." A terrified Cherry Berry said trembling on the ground. The Princess took up a spider in her hoof and tossed it. It landed close, just barely missing the bottom of the web. She looked over at us with uncertainty. "You can do it, Princess," said Applejack." She looked back at the web with a look of stoic determination. Her second toss landed dead center. "Your Princess enjoys this fun in what other ways may we experience it?" She asked with much enthusiasm. While Twilight and Applejack led Luna off, Bruce and I decided to have some fun of our own. I spotted a stallion dressed in a top hat and cape standing in front of a row of metal targets. "Step right up boys, try your luck. All you have to do is hit a target with a Batarang and you'll win a prize," He said. You want to try it, Bruce?" I asked. "It'll be fun." He looked away uncertain for a moment, then said, "Sure why not." The Operator placed three black bat-shaped boomerangs on the counter. Bruce picked up one of them with his wing. He looked into the painted red eyes of the plastic head. "That's it huh?" He muttered. He opened his mouth and let out a high-pitched whooping sound that made my ears fold back. I saw a sound wave fly from his mouth, bounce off one of the targets, and fly back to his ears. His eyes narrowed behind his domino mask as he reared his wing-back, and threw the Batarang. It flew swiftly through the air, striking the target dead-center. He repeated it with two more targets, knocking them both down. "W-Wow, Three for three," The Operator said in disbelief. "I don't know how you did it, but you earned yourself a prize." He leaned under the counter and pulled out a larger Batarang. "Here we are, something for you to take home. Give it a toss and it'll come right back to you." He demonstrated with a flick of his hoof. The Batarang spun through the air turned around and flew back to his hoof. "Just don't practice with it in the house okay?" He said handing it over to Bruce. "Wow, thanks," Bruce said with a fanged grin that made the operator slink back. "Yes...well, Happy Nightmare Night." "What was that Bruce?" I asked as we walked through the festival. "It's called echolocation," He said casually. "It's how we bat ponies find our way in the dark. We let out a sound in our throats that only we can hear and when it hits something, that tells us where and what it is." "So you can hear the shape of objects?" I was well aware of the concept of echolocation, having researched it in my quest to understand my sensory powers. "That's right, I just made the sound and I threw the Batarang in the direction it came back from." "Fascinating." "BAWCAWK!!" Both of our ears twitched at the same time as we heard the telltale squawk of Chicken Pie! "Aaah! Nightmare Moon is gobbling Pipsqueak! Everypony run!" Both of us dropped our bags of candy and galloped in the direction of the disturbance. Through the forming crowd, I could see Luna pleading her case to the villagers. "Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!" It wasn't going very well. "Fair villagers, please do not back away. Let us join together in...fun!" She looked down to see one of the toy spiders and threw it into the air. The crowd wasn't going for it. "Not fun enough for you? What say you to this?" She fired a spell from her horn, changing it into a real spider. She then fired the spell on a bowl of spiders. The newly changed arachnids swarmed out of the bowl, straight toward a hysterical Cherry Berry who fled in terror as the spiders crawled onto the web. Luna meanwhile seemed elated. "Huzzah! How many points do I receive?" Golden Harvest let out a scream as one of the spiders jumped onto her face. The rest of the crowd followed suit scattering in all directions. "Do not run away. As your princess, we command you! Be still!" Two ponies crashed head-on into each other. Cherry Berry ran head-first into a candy stand. The Mayor scampered up a banner pole which promptly toppled over. Finally, Luna let out a deafening roar! "BE...STILL!" The crowd fell silent as everypony hit the ground. The soundwaves hit my eardrums like a speeding train. I fell to the ground clutching my head in pain. "Princess, remember, watch the screaming." Twilight tried to remind her. "NO TWILIGHT SPARKLE! WE MUST USE THE TRADITIONAL ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE FOR WHAT WE ARE ABOUT TO SAY!" The Princess of the Night ascended, her nebulous mane surging and her eyes white with rage. "SINCE YOU CHOOSE TO FEAR YOUR PRINCESS RATHER THAN LOVE HER! AND DISHONOR HER WITH THIS INSULTING CELEBRATION! WE DECREE THAT NIGHTMARE NIGHT SHALL BE CANCELED FOREVER!" With that, Luna Princess of the Night ascended into the gathering clouds and disappeared. The crowd fell silent in shock and despair. "Shoot, we had everything going our way," Applejack sighed. "Luna was happy, everypony in town was happy, now look at 'em." "But I wanted to be a zombie next year!" Noi wailed "Well, I guess I won't be coming back to Ponyville anytime soon," Bruce said looking sadly at the discarded hat and mask in his hoof. "You know, I really wanted to believe other ponies had changed. That they wouldn't look at us as monsters." His pointed ears folded down as he tossed his hat aside. I picked it up off the ground. "You're not a monster Bruce," I said. "And from what you've told me about your parents, the rest of bat ponykind isn't either. You're just misunderstood is all. Believe me, I know how that feels." Tears welled in his eyes, as I offered his hat back to him. "You're somepony I'd be proud to call my friend." And then we had a bit of 'bro moment' as he hugged me tight wrapping his leathery wings around me. "Thank you! Thank you!" He said. "It's not over yet," I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Twilight looking at us with determination. "Boys come with me, we gotta find Luna." "What are you going to do Twilight?" Applejack asked her. To which Twilight answered. "What I do best, show her. What do you say El Tornado? You up for saving the day?" In a flash, Bruce donned his hat and mask and drew his rapier. "For you Mi Abuela, it would be an honor." "Good, now here's what I need you both to do." The first rule of hunting is knowing your prey. Their strengths, their weaknesses, their traits, characteristics, and most importantly, their habits. Once you know them inside and out you can predict their actions. Once you can predict their actions, you can track them, and once you can track them, you can trap them. Finding our prey wasn't too difficult. Pinkie Pie was just prancing about acting like a chicken. All we had to do was lay a trail of feed for her. Sure enough, her eye caught a piece of candy lying on the ground. "Ooo." With a beaming smile, she pecked the wrapping open with her beak and gobbled it up. When she was done her eyes fell upon a trail of candy leading into a dark alleyway. "Oooh" She followed the trail scarfing down each piece of candy along the way. It was almost too easy. Suddenly, a dark figure dressed in a black cape and hat descended from the rooftop. Batwings sprung out from beneath the cape as it landed on all fours. It said nothing, it just glared at Chicken Pie with golden-slitted eyes that were hidden behind a domino mask as it drew a rapier with its wing. "BAWCAAAWK!" Chicken Pie let out a squawk of pure terror as she turned and took off running back the way she came, only to trip over somepony who was standing behind her. She fell face-first skidding to a stop across the ground as the dark figure pounced into the air landing behind her. With a slash of its sword, it cut a swath into Chicken Pie's ahem backside sending feathers flying. When it was finished it leaped into a flying somersault landing on its hindleg in front of Chicken Pie and baring its blade covered with her feathers. "You have caused enough mischief tonight. For this, you shall bear the mark." It said pointing to Chicken Pie's posterior. She looked behind to see a T carved into her plumage. "BAWK! Who...who are you?" She asked terrified. A sly grin crossed the figure's muzzle. "I am..." He tossed aside his hat and pulled off his mask. "His Lordship Bruce Kane, Earl of Gotland." "Huzzah!" Bruce and Pinkie Pie looked over to see Twilight and Princess Luna standing at the other end of the alley. "Bravo Nephew, bravo!" Truly a performance for the ages. Has thou ever considered the theater?" Pinkie opened her mouth to scream but was quickly muzzled by a white hoof. "Shhh," I hushed her as Twilight and Luna stepped forward. "Thank you, Apple Comet," Twilight said. "Now, Pinkie, we need to have a little talk about your behavior tonight. I know you're really, really into Nightmare Night. But that doesn't excuse the way you acted around Princess Luna." "And Rainbow Dash, if you could get rid of that Thundercloud, that would be great," I shouted up. The mischievous Shadowbolt tumbled off her cloud and just managed to right herself. "Oh, come on! How is a pony supposed to have some fun around here!" "As I was saying," Twilight resumed."She's changed, she's not evil or scary anymore and she definitely doesn't want to gobble you up!" "Or drink your blood or kidnap foals." Bruce added to Twilight and Pinkie's surprise."I just wanted you all to know that. Our fangs are for eating fruit. Especially blood oranges, they're my favorite. And they're not called that because they have blood in them, they just look like they do. I'll be quiet now." 'Smooth Bruce, smooth.' I thought. as I removed my hoof from Pinkie Pie's mouth. "Well duh, I know that. Sheesh, Twilight, I'm almost as big as her, how's she gonna gobble me up? "By chopping you up into pieces?" I suggested. "Ooh yeah, that could totally...Gulp...work." Pinkie gulped nervously as what I suggested sunk in. "Not helping Apple Comet," Twilight hissed through her teeth, before turning her attention back to Pinkie. "So why do keep running away and screaming?" "Because it's fun to be scared," Was the Pink Pony's reply. "Fun?" Twilight's eyes lit up with elation. "Pinkie Pie you're a genius!" "Not I'm not I'm a chicken. BAWCAWK!" She said as Twilight jumped off her. "Princess Luna, I've finally figured out why you've had so much trouble being liked." "Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm," The Princess of the Night sighed in a deadpan tone as she rolled her eyes. "Follow me I'll explain along the way." Twilight cantered out of the alley as Luna sighed again and stood up. "Come along Bruce, might as well see where this is going." "That's the spirit!" Pinkie Pie jumped up and embraced her. After much planning and discussion, I made my back to the throngs of dismal and depressed ponies. I found Pipsqueak lying down next to Noi, Pina Colada, and Erroria. "Hey guys," I said making sure to come off as downbeat and depressed as they were. "Hey," they all said dismally in unison. "I never thought my first Nightmare Night would be my last," Pip said sadly. "Well, cheer up, it could always be worse," I reassured him. "How?" He moaned. Suddenly a piercing shriek shattered the night air. Everypony looked up to see a winged shadow standing on top of the town hall. It spread its leather wings wide and took to the skies. Everypony predicably started screaming and running around, crashing into each other and decorations that had been picked from last time. I stood perfectly still, my legs frozen in as Noi, Pina Colada, and Erroria scattered while Pip ducked behind me. With a shrill cry, the winged monster dove down and snatched me up. As my hooves left the ground, I found the voice to scream again! "HEEEELLLLLP HEEEEELLLLLP MEEEEEEEEEE!" I watched as Ponyville faded into the distance becoming smaller and smaller. I could still make out the expressions of terror on everypony's faces. "Okay, Bruce I think we're far enough. Time for phase two." "You got it," he said. We touched down in front of the Statue of Nightmare Moon. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and a very intrigued Luna were waiting for us. "How did it go?" Twilight asked. "Perfect, I said. "You should've seen the look on their faces when Bruce snatched me." "I'll have to take your word for it. Now everypony get ready for phase two. "I'm on it," Pinkie drew out a large knife and an orange. She brought the blade down, taking the end off to reveal blood-red flesh. It wasn't long before we heard the thunder of galloping hooves. "They're coming! Everypony in position!" Pinkie cried out. A few seconds later, a crowd of ponies entered the clearing. Some of them carried torches and pitchforks, but from the way they held them close, they seemed like more of a scared herd than an angry mob. As soon as they saw us, they froze in terror. A collective gasp of shock escaped their lips. Before them, lay the fallen form of Apple Comet, lying lifeless in the hooves of a monster. The fur on my neck was stained red with my blood which flowed down in a trickle. My assailant looked up at the crowd with white pupilless eyes as it let out an ear-piercing shriek that exposed his blood-soaked fangs. Its wings sprung out fully erect as if to drive them away. Above the grisly scene, Nightmare Moon stood atop the pedestal, watching with delight as her subject sucked my veins dry. "This one didn't have any candy to offer. So I let my loyal minion feast on him instead." She said gazing at them with glowing white eyes. Her gaze narrowed her eyes as she looked at the foals hiding behind the legs of the adults. "I do so hope you will be different, for I am very famished." She ran her tongue slowly around her fangs. With a chorus of bloody murder screams, every scattered back to town, leaving behind their bags of candy. Nightmare Moon lifted off from her pedestal. Her eyes fell upon little Pipsqueak who had tripped over a rock and been left behind. Bruce dropped my limp form and followed after her. The little pirate could cower in terror as the two landed on opposite sides of him. He swung his plastic cutlass wildly in a futile attempt to fend them off. Which worked when it connected with Bruce's muzzle. "Ouch, that hurt," The Batcolt said as he rubbed his muzzle. The young pirate drew his blade back. "This little morsel shows admirable courage." Nightmare Moon laughed jovially as she lit up in a burst of light. When it faded, she was Princess Luna again. She spat her plastic fangs into her hoof and dropped them in front of Pip. She levitated him up off the ground and set him down on all fours. "Princess Luna?" He turned around and looked over at the pedestal to see me standing up. "Thanks for the save Pipsqueak," I said. "I had the worst itch on my nose while I was lying still." "Pip looked around confused. "What's going on here?" "Tis merely a little Nightmare Night merriment my little colt," Luna said with a giggle. "I'd say out of everypony you were the bravest one of all." The spotted Colt smiled as Twilight and Pinkie Pie came out of hiding. "Happy Nightmare Night Princess," "Happy Nightmare Night Pip, and please just call me Luna. "NOW COME, FOR THERE IS STILL... for there is still much merriment to enjoy on this most wonderful of nights." "BAWCAWK!" Chicken Pie jumped up excitedly leaving behind a freshly laid egg. A few hours later as the festivities began to wind down and everypony started to head home, Luna's chariot arrived to take her and Bruce home. "Thank You Twilight Sparkle, thou hath, err...I mean you have shown me that ponies can see me for who I am now, rather than how I was." "Anytime Princess," Twilight said. "And Apple Comet, you showed me that bat ponies can make friends with others outside our kind." Bruce said to me." "Anytime, Bruce," I smiled. "You'll come back next year won't you?" Pip asked Luna. The Night Princess smiled warmly and knelt her head down. "I wouldn't miss it for the world Pipsqueak," She said softly. I might even see you later tonight," She winked and planted a little kiss on his cheek. "Gor Blimey!" Pip's face turned several shades of red. "Well, we must be off, farewell subjects. We shall see you next year. Hyah!" With a crack of the whip, the drivers took off galloping into the sky. Everypony waved goodbye as the chariot flew past the harvest moon, casting its shadow upon the land like a signal in the sky. Third Pony POV The Twilight sun slowly crested over the ocean as the royal chariot departed the front gates of Stately Kane Keep. Bruce Kane fluttered over to the large double doors and swung the hinge of the old door knocker. "Coming, Coming," A stone-grey middle-aged Batpony answered the door. He was dressed in a tuxedo jacket and sported a pencil mustache on his muzzle. His black mane had receded to the sides and back of his head. "Ah, Master Bruce, welcome home Sir. I trust your Nightmare Night went well?" "Better than expected Pennyworth," said Bruce. "Oh, how so?" The butler inquired. "I made a friend," Bruce told him. > Super Bloom Part One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it's easy for me to forget that I'm not like everypony else. That I'm more than just an adopted member of the Apple Family. That I'm an outsider on this planet. Sometimes I wish that weren't the case. I wish I was just an ordinary Earth Pony like the rest of my adopted, no, my real family. There have been times, I've had this wish granted. The first was when Apple Bloom and I were trapped in my dreams. The second, was when I faced Discord. Both experiences taught me that acting like everypony else and being like everypony else are two very different things. "Today's the day Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said poised with confidence. "A'h can just feel it. Today's the day we're going to get our cutie marks in...bowl'in!" "Mmmph!" Sweetie Belle cheered in excitement with the handle of her bowling bag in her mouth. "Pah! I mean Yay!" I swear that filly's talent could be giving ponies cuteness-induced heart attacks. "I thought we were just bowling for fun." I raised my hoof. "Well, you and Scootaloo are," Apple Bloom corrected me. "But after today Sweetie Belle and I won't be the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We'll be the Twin Pins!" "That makes it sound like the most pins you get are two." Scootaloo pointed out. Apple Bloom pondered for a moment. "Hmm...what about the Bowling Dolls?" "But I'm a colt," I pointed out to her. Apple Bloom crossed her forelegs with a huff. "Alright, Mr. Smarty Pants, why don't you think of a name for us then?" "Alright....how about..." "Nothing space-related," She added. "Very well..." I conceded. "Hmm...I've got it! The Cutie Mark Bowlers Club?" "Eh," Sweetie shrugged. "It's a bit...passe, but I suppose it's better than nothing." That week staying at Rarity's had rubbed off on her vocabulary. "Fine, fine can we just go in now?" Apple Bloom said growing impatient. The thunder of polyurethane hitting pinewood greeted us as we stepped inside. The lanes were filled with ponies young and old. "Name?" The mare at the front desk asked. "The Cutie Mark Bowler's Club." Apple Bloom answered enthusiastically. "How many in your party?" "Four," Scootaloo said. The mare looked down at a list of lanes on her desk. "I'll set you up on lane 15. Would you like bumpers?" "No thanks, we're professionals." Sweetie declined with a wave of her hoof. The mare rolled her eyes, 'Eh, suit yourself." First up for the Cutie Mark Bowlers was Sweetie Belle, who started the game by rolling two gutterballs with her snout. "0/0 Not a good start Sweetie, "The Unicorn Filly closed her eyes and gave me a cavity-inducing grin as she trotted back. "You're up next Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said. As the Tomcolt filly stood up and went over to get her ball, I grabbed her by the foreleg. "Remember, what we talked about the laws of motion?" I reminded her. "Yeah, yeah," She muttered. She set her ball down, turned around, and looked down through her legs at the pins. With a precise kick of her hind leg, she sent straight into the center pin for a strike. CLOP! "Yes strike!" She exclaimed. "Looks like you've been taking my lessons about probability assessment to heart," I said. Sweetie Belle looked at me bemused. "Pro what?" "It means analyzing my immediate surroundings and predicting the outcome of every possible action," Scootaloo explained. "Y'all have any idea what she just said," Apple Bloom asked Sweetie who shook her head. "It's complicated, but basically because I think faster, I know what's going to happen sooner." Scootaloo picked up her ball and set it down as the pinsetter set the pins up for her next turn. "Which means I know exactly the right force and angle," She kicked the ball again sending it into the headpin for another strike. "Ain't that sort of cheating?" Apple Bloom scowled. "Well, no not exactly cheating, although I see why you might see it as unfair," Scootaloo said stepping off the lane. "You're up. Apple Bloom went over to the ball return and rolled her ball down. She opened her mouth wide and picked it up in her teeth. She tried to carry it to the lane, but the ball's weight was more than she had expected and she tripped on her hooves falling face-first. The ball flew from her mouth and landed on the lane where it began rolling slowly toward the pins. At the same time, a colt in the next lane rolled a perfect strike. "Coo! A bowling Cutie Mark!" Somepony exclaimed." Apple Bloom stood up excitedly. "A'h did it! A'h did it! A'h..." Her eyes fell on her blank flank. "Blank?" The ponies in the other lane cheered. "But, but what about my ball?" She looked back at her lane as her bowling ball rolled slowly up to the pins. Not wanting to see my little sister crushed, I put my lips together and blew down the lane. The ball suddenly gained momentum, enough that it was able to knock down all but one pin." "CLOP!" "Wow that was pretty good Sis," I said with a cheerful smile. Instead of cheering up she just sneered at me. "That bowling sure was fun, even if all I got was gutterballs," Sweetie said as we walked down the street. "Next time we should use bumpers for you," Scootaloo recommended. Apple Bloom's mood hadn't improved much since we left the bowling alley. Her head hung low with her ears folded down. "Cheer up Apple Bloom," I said placing my hoof on her shoulder. "Bowling just isn't your special talent. You'll find it one day." "I know what she needs to put the bloom back in her apple," Sweetie Belle said. "A treat from Sugarcube Corner will cheer you up." Apple Bloom looked down at the cupcake in front of her and nudged it aside. "No, it won't." "A party will cheer you up!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily. Apple Bloom looked at us with our party hats and kazoos and said, "No it won't" "A lovely new chapeau with cheer you up." Rarity said. Apple Bloom looked at the multi-feathered headpiece and took it off. "No, it won't." Apple Bloom walked far ahead of us as we left Carousel Boutique. "Come on, Apple Bloom, it's just a cutie mark!" Scootaloo hollered at them. "Or lack of a cutie mark," Sweetie Belle hopped up and pointed out. "Shh...that's not helping!" Scootaloo and I said in unison. Apple Bloom scowled as she began trotting faster toward the Everfree Forest. "Look why don't you girls just go?" I suggested. "I think I need to have a word with Apple Bloom alone." "Apple Bloom, wait up!" I said with a burst of speed to catch up. "What do you want?" She grumbled angrily turning her head away from me. "Well, for starters I don't like the idea of you going into the forest alone," "A'h ain't a baby, A'h can take care of myself." She snapped as she absent-mindedly tripped over an exposed root. "Ahhh!" FWOOSH! A split second before she could tumble down a hill, I grabbed her by the tail and gently carried her to the ground. "You should watch where you're going," I said. "Stop it!" She snapped kicking over a nearby rock. "Okay, what's bothering you!" I snapped it's not just...a cutie mark?" My eyes fell upon the rock she had kicked over. It was a luminescent red gemstone that glowed with a strange light. "What's this?" Apple Bloom stared curiously at the shimmering crystal. "I don't know, I said gazing at its deep red surface. I felt a familiar sensation wash over me as Apple Bloom reached down to pick it up. "Don't touch it!" I quickly thrust my hoof down to stop her. Our hooves touched simultaneously as a sudden surge of energy rushed from the crystal into our bodies! We both screamed as the stone emitted a flash of light that knocked us both off our hooves. Every muscle in my body ached as I fought to open my eyes. "Ugh..." In my mind, I saw visions of Kolton exploding in a shower of luminescent green light. Fragments of a familiar green mineral were all that was left. Amidst them, I saw several other colors of minerals. Blue, white, gold, and red. The same red I had just touched. "Sweet Celestia! He's burning up!" Rarity's voice echoed in my mind. "He's coughing up blood!" Spike cried out as my vision slowly returned to me. "Apple Comet! Apple Comet get up! Get up!" The blurred face of my sister swirled around as my eyes readjusted. "Oh thank Celestia you're okay." "What...just happened?" I asked as I struggled to find my footing. "A'h don't know, but ah can see your bones." "What!" I rose to my hooves, my legs buckling slightly from how quickly I'd gotten up. I examined my forelegs but only saw my coat. "I can't see my bones, and I don't think anything's broken. That's when my eyes fell upon my flank. My 'blank' flank. "What happened to my cutie mark?" "Argh too loud! You're hurting my ears!" Apple Bloom cried out in pain. I turned back to my sister and there I saw, on her flank, the image of a red comet. "Apple Bloom your flank!" I pointed to it. She opened her eyes and looked at it. Her face lit up with joy. "A cutie mark! I've got a cutie mark! " Yes! WHOOOOSH! She shot straight into the air, straight through the tree cover and a passing cloud, leaving behind a blazing trail. I tried to find her, but I couldn't see far enough. My eyes turned back to the stone. The color was different but the glowing luminescence reminded me of the stone Spike had found the day we were abducted by Diamond Dogs. The pieces were coming together, but one question remained. When I was exposed to the green mineral, I felt weak and feverish. I became nauseous and at one point even began coughing up blood. This was different, I felt sore and tired, but not sick. Was it the same mineral but just a different color? Or was it native to Equus? Before I could ponder it further, I was interrupted. "Look out below!" I looked up to see the red comet plummeting toward Earth. I hastily stepped to the side ignoring the aching of my muscles as the comet slammed into the ground. CRRAAAAAASHHH! Dust and dirt filled my vision as the impact threw me off my hooves. I landed hard on my side. The air was knocked out of my lungs as debris began to fall back to earth. "Okay, A'h was not expecting that." Apple Bloom said as she climbed up out of the crater she had made. Her coat and mane were covered with dust, but she hadn't been so much as scratched by the impact. She shook the dust from her mane and tail and looked over at me. "Apple Comet!" In a flash, she was by my side. "What happened? Your lungs look all flat, and one of your ribs has a crack in it. "I guess I'll have to take your word...ugh...for it because I can't see it." I winced as I struggled to get my breath back. "Urgh...It hurts to breathe." "What do you mean it hurts? Nothing can hurt you." She said as a piece of glowing debris landed inside the crater. "That red rock," My eyes widened as I pointed to it "It somehow transferred my powers into you when we touched it." "A'h ain't ever heard of no rock swapping ponies cutie marks." Apple Bloom stepped over to the crater and gazed at the glowing mineral. She turned back to her flank and the crater she had dashed out of. Her face turned pale as she realized what she had done. "Oh, no oh no oh no! Apple Comet, Ah'm so so sorry, A'h didn't know, A'h didn't mean to hurt you." Her ears flicked as she suddenly turned behind. "It's Zecora! She's coming this way." I tried to look up, but a sharp pain in my barrel forced me back down. I could only listen as the sounds of the Shamare's hoof steps drew closer. Apple Bloom...urgh.. listen to me, you cannot use your powers...ugh...around Zecora..or else...or else...ugh..." I blacked out from the pain before I could finish. Apple Bloom's POV. "Apple Comet? Apple Comet!" Oh, no. Please get up, Apple Comet! You have to get up." "Apple Bloom my dear, what are you doing here?" Zecora stepped out from the trees behind me. "Zecora, y'all have to help me, Apple Comet is hurt bad." "I came here when I heard a great ka-boom. Stand aside and make room." She cantered over to my side and looked at him. "Hmm this is queer, I could swear there was supposed to be a cutie mark here." Her eyes turned back to me and widened when she saw my flank. "Tell me how did this happen?" My eyes looked over at the crater A'h had made. The glowing rock sat in the middle. A'h heard Apple Comet's last words echo in my head. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. A'h was going to disappoint Applejack if she ever found out. But A'h had to do it. "Well...we were walking through the Everfree Forest when we saw this thing falling out of the sky," A'h was never one for making up stories, but somehow, A'h just came up with it off the top of my head. "We heard the boom and went to see what it was. That's when we found that glowing red rock in the crater." A'h felt sick to the pit of my stomach for lying. But A'h didn't know what else to do. "A'h went to touch it and Apple Comet tried to stop me. We both ended up touching it and it lit up all bright and shiny. We were thrown back, and when A'h got up, A'h had my brother's cutie mark and he was on the ground saying it hurt him to breathe. Zecora's eyes narrowed as she looked over at the crater. "Hmm..." She scratched her chin with her hoof. "Quite a strange tale that you weave, and yet one I cannot disbelieve. Never have I heard of a rock from space removing a cutie mark from its place." She placed her hoof on Apple Comet's barrel and gently pressed it in several places. Apple Comet let out a wince of pain when she reached a rib with a crack. "A fractured rib is what appears to be causing your brother's tears." She reached into her bag and pulled out a vial of potion. "Carefully lift his head and hold his mouth open, so the potion can make his rib unbroken." "Alright," A'h sat down next to Apple Comet and gently lifted his head. His mouth was already open a little bit, from his breathing, So all A'h had to do was move it a little bit while Zecora poured the potion down his throat. He coughed and sputtered as the purple liquid ran down his throat and into his stomach. It turned his stomach juices purple and gave off this weird smoke that wrapped around his fractured rib and made the crack in it disappear. "It's working! His rib ain't broken no more," A'h said with excitement. "His breathing is becoming less pained, now that his lungs are no longer restrained," Zecora said as Apple Comet's eyes slowly opened. "Apple...Bloom? What just happened?" "Apple Comet! You're alright!" My heart lit up with joy as A'h pulled him into a hug. CRAAAACKKKK!". "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" "What's wrong?" A'h asked. "Too tight," He wheezed as A'h realized A'h now had my brother's strength. "Oops, sorry." Zecora stared at both of us. "Umm...got any more of that potion?" A'h asked her. "Thanks for looking after them Zecora," Applejack said with a tip of her hat as we waved goodbye to her. "It was a pleasure Applejack, I'm always glad to have them back." She said before turning and heading back home. As soon as Applejack shut the door, her mood instantly changed. "Alright now, A'h want the truth about this glowing space rock from the both of you." Apple Comet and A'h looked at each other. Both of us knew it was pointless to try and lie to Applejack. "Well, To put it bluntly," A'h began, "We found a glowing red rock in the Everfree Forest." "And when we touched it at the same time, it transferred my powers in Apple Bloom." Apple Comet finished. An O formed on Applejack's muzzle. "Wait, hold up...are you saying you have his powers now?" An awkward smile formed on my face. "Uhh...Kinda." Applejack sighed and facehoofed. "Sweet Celestia, the things A'h have to deal with. A'h don't suppose you know how long this is supposed to last?" Apple Comet and A'h looked at each other again. "No, we don't Apple Comet admitted. "But I think I might know someone who does." The barn door slid open letting the fading light of the afternoon sun in. Apple Comet galloped over to the pile of hay and began brushing it aside to reveal the trap door beneath. He raised the latch and began slowly lifting the door open. "Urgh...I don't remember this thing being so heavy," He said as he strained to lift the latch open. "A'h help ya" In the blink of an eye, A'h was right next to him. A'h reached down for the latch. "Just be careful you don't..." SNAP! ...know your own strength," He finished as A'h snapped the latch clean off the door. "Oops, sorry," My face blushed with embarrassment as A'h gently placed the broken latch down on the ground. "Sigh, leave it to me." Applejack sighed and she walked up and placed her hoof in the hole where the latch used to be. With a simple lift, the trapdoor lifted. "Why don't you let your brother go first." "Hey Kerax, it's me!" The lights of the silver spaceship lit up like a shooting star. Strange humming noises started coming out of it as the hatch silently slid down. "Ah, Young Master Kom-El. How may I assist you?" The glowy blue image of the robot pony said. We both showed him our flanks. "Odd, what may I ask is Apple Bloom doing with the Emblem of El?" "That's not all that's changed." He said looking at me. "Yeah, A'h got his powers," A'h said. Kerax stared at us. "Okay, well I cannot say I was expecting that. Young Master. But I might have a solution. If you lie down inside the ship, I can run a physiological scan of your body." Apple Comet peered inside the pod. "Kind of small isn't it?" "Allow me," Suddenly the inside of the spaceship stretched out by itself. "Whoa!" A'h gasped. "How'd did y'all do that?" "The alloy of this ship's hull is made from Liquid Geo. An engineered metal capable of changing its shape at will." Kerax explained as the once foal-sized seat became colt-sized. A stunned Apple Comet looked at me and said; "Well here goes nothing. "Running Physiometric scan." A blue forcefield covered the cockpit, Three yellow balls of light appeared and began running back and forth across it. "Now just hold still, this will be over in approximately one Equus dendar ." "How long is that?" A'h asked him. "From what Master Kom-El has told about your planet's units of measuring time, three-fifths of a Kolton dendar." "How long is...ya know what never mind, forget it," A'h said deciding to just wait however long it took. Physiological scan complete," The lights vanished as the forcefield faded. "The analysis results show no levels of solar energy in your body. There is however a large quantity of an unknown energy source. I will have to study this further later." "Looks like you're up," Apple Comet said to me as he climbed out of the ship. "Whenever you are ready, we can begin." "Kerax said. A'h looked inside the ship with all its fancy lights. "Well here goes," A'h carefully climbed in. The inside felt firm like the exam table at the hospital. "Running Physiometric scan. The forcefield and lights reappeared. It reminded me of what Granny Smith told me about getting her hip x-rayed. It didn't hurt at all. A'h could hardly feel a thing as the lights passed over me. "Physiometric scan completed." The lights and force field vanished. "Please step out carefully." A'h rose and climbed over the side, sliding to the ground." "Well, this answers where our missing solar energy went, as well as the unknown energy inside Young Master Kom-El. From what he has told me of Equus, it is what Equestrians call magic. Analysis shows similarities to local soil and sediment as well as the seed-bearing fruit known to equines as apples. "So you're saying I'm now an Earth Pony and Apple Bloom is a Koltonian? Apple Comet said. "Is there any way to fix this?" A'h asked. "We've both got school tomorrow." "To tell you the truth, I don't know." If I could get the mineral for analysis, I might know more. But I'm afraid right now there isn't much I can do other than continue to analyze these results." "Well, thanks for your help Kerax." Apple Comet said. "Come on Apple Bloom let's go." We made our back to the ladder, Applejack was waiting at the top. "How'd it all go?" She called down. "I'll fill you in when we're at the top." Apple Comet hollered back as he placed his hoof on one of the ladder's rungs. A'h watched and waited as he climbed his way to the top. Once it was my turn, A'h reached for the rung..." SNAP! "...and broke it clean off. "Oh second thought, A'h think A'h can jump it," A'h said crouching down. "Apple Bloom wait don't..." Apple Comet called out, but it was too late. WHOOSH! CRAASH! A'h felt the beam and shingles smash against my head as A'h crashed through the roof. The scent of musty hay was replaced by the cool breeze of the sky. Below A'h could see the sea of apple trees and the farmhouse. And beyond that, A'h could see Ponyville up close and in detail. Even with the wind rushing through my ears, A'h could hear Applejack say "Whoa Nelly!" As she and Apple Comet looked at the hole A'h had made. "For the first time today, A'h truly felt incredible. "Holy Celestia! This...is...awesome! Whoa? Whoa? WHAAAAAAAA!" That is until gravity caught up with me. "Okay, don't panic, just do whatever Apple Comet does to fly." A'h tried spreading my legs out like a parachute jumper. When didn't work, A'h resorted to magic words. "What does always say...Up up and away? Up up and away, please! Up up and away pretty please with a cherry on top!" The ground drew closer and closer. "Come on...come on." A'h closed my ears and hoped. Suddenly A'h felt an intense heat flood my body followed by the feeling of going up. A'h opened my eyes to see the grass below. It was so close, that A'h could touch it. "Ah'm doing it! Ah,m doing it! Ah,m flying! Ah,m flying! Ah,m...Ahhh!" CRASH! The orchard outhouse exploded in a shower of timber and splinters. Luckily A'h crashed straight through and only ended up eating dirt. "So according to the holo-whats-it inside ye'r spaceship, y'all don't know when this is gonna wear off?" Applejack said as she scrubbed the brush against my coat. "We don't know if it'll wear off at all," Apple Comet said as he applied some more shampoo to my mane. "In the meantime Apple Bloom, you'll have to just have to get acclimated to my powers like I had to." "Ah sat quietly in the tub listening to them back and forth. A'h wasn't sure how to feel about all this. On one hoof, the idea of having Apple Comet's powers was starting to grow on me. If A'h could figure out how to stop breaking everything. On the other hoof, part of me felt guilty when A'h looked at the comet on my flank. It felt like A'h had stolen it from him. "You mean those exercises Granny used to have you do?" Applejack asked. "Not quite Apple Comet replied. I was thinking something a little less... potentially destructive." "A'h can get behind that, what is it?" Applejack sighed. "Concentration," He said simply. A "Huh?" escaped from my lips. "What's that got to do with it?" "Everything," He pointed out to the fields in the distance. "What do you see?" A'h looked over at the fields and Big Mac pulling a plow. My eyes zoomed in closer and A'h could see tiny beads of salty sweat dripping off the hairs of his coat. They hit the dirt beneath with a loud plip plop. "Eww, gross." A'h gagged. "What?" Applejack asked. "Big Mac is all sweaty." Both of them started laughing. "Well, at least you didn't see him dropping road apples in the upstairs bathroom," Apple Comet said as he did his best to compose himself. A snort escaped my nose as A'h remembered the way his face turned red that day. "Now close your eyes and tell me what you hear." A'h closed my eyes and turned my ears. A'h heard the leaves rustling the wind and the songs of the birds in the trees and the sky. The creaking of the weathervane on the roof as it slowly turned. And there was more. The swaying of the sign on the henhouse, The chorus of clucking and feathers ruffling. The baaing of sheep. The sound of Winona barking as she chased after a skittering chipmunk. The skittering of bugs in the grass. The gnashing of their mouths as she chewed through the blades. The dripping of droplets from the water pump. A'h could it all at once as if it was happening right in front of me. "Argh too loud!" A'h cried out folding my ears down as an explosion of pain shot through my head. A'h fell forward and opened my eyes to see my two skinless siblings looking at me with concern. "The world seems so big, doesn't it? Like everything is right next to you all at once?" "Ahhh!" A'h Yelled as A'h closed my eyes and covered my ears with my hooves. Apple Comet placed his hoof on my fetlock and gently pulled away. "Apple Bloom, listen to me, I want you to imagine a box. Put the three of us inside of it. The only things you can see and hear are me, Applejack, and your thoughts. Can you do that?" In my mind, A'h imagined the walls of the box. The sounds around slowly disappeared as A'h followed his voice. "Ah'm doing it." "That's good," He said. "Now open your eyes and tell me what you see and hear." A'h slowly opened my eyes and ears to see my siblings' coats and all, smiling down at me. Everything was silent. "Just you," A'h said. He offered me his hoof. "When the world seems too big, just remember you have the power to make it small. Nothing can come inside your box unless you allow it to." He said. A'h smiled up at him as he pulled me up. "Thanks." Third Pony POV. "Thanks again for bringing this specimen to me Zecora." Twilight smiled as she placed a glowing red mineral inside a metal glove box with a pair of metal tongs." As a precaution, both the unicorn and the zebra were dressed in hazmat suits, since Zecora had explained the effect it had on the Apple siblings. "Tis, a pleasure Twilight, I have a feeling you will set things right." The zebra's rhyme echoed inside the hood. "Trust me, I won't rest until I figure this out," Twilight said pulling the tongs out and sealing the hatch shut. "This is the second glowing rock I've heard about this year. " She then carefully placed them inside a pouch with a magical warning sign on it and sealed it shut. "I wrote to Princess Celestia about it the green one Rarity, Spike, and Apple Comet found when they were kidnapped by Diamond Dogs. She said there was nothing about it in the Canterlot Archives." "I will peruse my personal tomes, perhaps there is something from my home," Zecora said. Twilight levitated a magic detector around the room checking for any residual magic around. The light on the front lit up green as the gauge signaled it was clear. "Okay, it's safe." She said removing her hood with her magic. "That's a good idea, it's best to check multiple sources. She looked over at the glove box glowing with a red light. "You know what puzzles me the most? Apple Comet was there both times these rocks were discovered. I don't know if that's a coincidence, but seeing how he and Apple Bloom were affected makes me wonder about last time." "What happened last time?" Zecora asked. "The day Rarity discovered the green rock, she and Spike both said Apple Comet became very sick," Twilight answered. At first, I chalked it up to a serious illness, but now I'm not so sure." > Super Bloom Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom's POV. A'h lay in bed, my eyelids struggling to close. My ears twitched with every sound they picked up. Mostly snores, coming from the other bedrooms. Despite the walls between us, A'h felt like we were in the same bed. Big Macintosh and Apple Comet's snoring honestly weren't that bad. But then they've both always been quiet sleepers. And Granny Smith was out like a light the moment she got into bed. No the worst snorer in our house was Applejack, who sounded like a dull saw slowly cutting back and forth through a log. A'h wrapped my pillow around the top of my head and thought about what Apple Comet had said. "When the world seems too big just remember you have the power to make it...SNNOOOOOORRRRRRRRE!" Gosh darn it! Applejack's snoring was so loud it was even interrupting my thoughts. A'h heard a loud Shrrip! followed by the smell of chicken feathers. A'h poked my eyes open to see the two sides of my pillow in my hooves. "Great, just great." With a sigh, A'h dropped them over the side and threw off the covers. A'h walked over to my closet, the floorboards creaking under my hooves. "How does Apple Comet sleep through this every night?" A quick peek through the walls revealed my little big brother sleeping soundly like a newborn foal. A'h reached for the knob and turned. CRUNCH! Only for it to crumble in my hoof like a balled-up piece of paper. "Dang it!" A'h exclaimed letting the crushed remains of the door knob drop to the floor. A'h walked over to my bed, pulled out a hooful of feathers, and jammed them into my ears. "A'h swear A'h will never take a good night's sleep for granted again," A'h vowed as A'h climbed into bed. "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" A'h slowly opened my tired eyes. "Mmm, ugh." A'h let out a groan as A'h pulled the halves of my pillow away from my ears. A'h sat up and looked out the window at the sunlight passing through and carefully removed the blanket. A'h slid my hind legs over the edge of the bed and let my hooves hit the floor. Quietly tiptoeing to the window, A'h stepped into the light. A warm pleasant feeling overcame me. My eyelids felt less heavy, and my body was less tired. As if the rays of the sun were melting it all away. A'h looked out the window at the orchard, my eyes taking in every detail big or small. A'h could see the birds singing in the trees, the leaves rustling in the wind, and the insects climbing up blades of grass. "Ugh," A sharp pain suddenly went through my head as A'h was reminded of what Apple Comet said. "Make it small," A'h whispered closing my eyes. Make it small, make it small." Slowly the sounds of the outside began to fade and with it the pain. A'h opened my eyes to find myself in my room looking at the window in front of me. My ears twitched as A'h heard the sounds of hoof steps coming closer to my bedroom door. "A'h peered through it to see Applejack standing outside. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "Apple Bloom you up?" Her nail struck the wood like a sledgehammer even though she only lightly tapped it. "Yeah, Ah'm up," A'h said. The knob turned pulling the latch back into the door. "That's good, why don't y'all come down and get some breakfast?" My stomach rumbled with the volume of an angry dragon. Breakfast sounded pretty good right about now. A'h looked down through the floor to the kitchen where A'h saw Granny Smith frying up some eggs on the stove. WHOOSH! In the blink of an eye the world around me stood still, A'h galloped past Applejack, raced down the stairs, and was at the kitchen table by the time things started moving again. "Morning everypony!" A'h said. "One plate of scrambled eggs with four pieces of haycon, a side of hash browns, and medium toast with jam." Granny Smith sighed. "Coming right up." "I see the effects of the red rock haven't worn off of you." Apple Comet said. "You sure you'll be able to go to school today?" "Ah'm fine," A'h told him. "In fact, Ah'm better than fine, Ah'm super." "Well, just remember what we talked about yesterday okay? If the world feels too big..." "Just make it small," A'h finished. "Also remember that you are a lot stronger than you were before," Applejack said walking in. "If Diamond Tiara or anypony else gives you a hard time, don't send them flying to the moon alright?" She accentuated her point with a poke of her hoof. In my mind, A'h saw her and Silver Spoon mocking me with their usual name for me. "Blank flank Blank Flank Blank....WHAM! AHHHHHHHHHHH!" A'h turned around and unleashed a buck that sent them both flying to the moon. Their screams grew fainter the farther they flew until they both landed on the moon with a distantCRASH! My classmates and Ms. Cheerilee cheered me on as A'h dusted my hooves off and walked away. "Apple Bloom?" Applejack's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you listening to me?" "Huh?" A'h looked at her just as Granny Smith set my plate down in front of me. "Oh yeah sure, Ah'll be fine." A'h picked up my fork and knife and began cutting into my eggs. The scent of their delicious yolky goodness wafted into my nose. A'h opened my mouth and took a bite. CLINK! A'h looked down at my fork to see the points missing. A'h opened my mouth and spat into my napkin to find them sticking out of the bits of egg. Everypony stopped what they were doing and stared at me. "Ah heh heh... could A'h get another fork please?" A'h gazed into the mirror at my reflection. The yellow filly dressed in a blue gingham dress and Mare Jane horseshoes gazed back. A'h never thought Ah'd get cutie mark and have to hide it from everypony. But it wasn't mine. "Apple Bloom, you ready?" Applejack called down. With a deep breath, A'h checked to make sure my flank was properly covered. "Coming!" "Hey, Apple Bloom what's with the dress?" Scootaloo asked as A'h set my saddlebags on the hook. "I thought you hated wearing them." "Oh hi girls," A'h smiled. "No reason just felt like doing something a little different is all." "Are you sure?" Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "Last time were at Rarity's you said hated being dolled up all fancy pants-like." "That was different," A'h corrected her. "A'h drew the line on the pigtails." A'h leaned in closer to whisper. "Look Ah'll explain at recess okay?" The bell rang signaling everypony to take their seats. "Good Morning Class," "Good Morning Ms. Cheerilee." "Now before we start, I have some bad news. Apple Comet is out sick today." "Gee, what a tragedy," Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes with a bored huff. "Yes, well hopefully he'll be back tomorrow. But in the meantime let's pick up where we left off on Friday. Everypony take out your pencils and paper." She picked up a piece of chalk and began writing on the board. BOOM! TAP TAP TAP TAP! My ears folded shut as the sounds of chalk running across stone echoed around me. A'h closed my eyes and raised my hoof to my forehead. "Apple Bloom, what's wrong?" Scootaloo asked me, A'h opened one eye to see her skull and eyeballs looking at me. A'h closed my eyes and shook my head as A'h listened to what was going on around me." "What's with her?" Silver Spoon's skeleton whispered to Diamond Tiara. "This assignment must be too much for her blank flank brain." Diamond Tiara's bony face answered with a sneer. Ah let out a squeal and closed my eyes burying my face into my desk, "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" TICK TOCK TICK TOCK! "TWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET!" TAP TAP TAP TAP! "Just make it small," A'h whispered. "Just make it small, just make it small." A'h imagined the classroom was box getting smaller and smaller. The noise around me began to go away as the box shrank and shrank until it was only covering my desk. The noise grew quieter and quieter and then it was gone. A'h opened my eyes slowly to see Ms. Cheerilee, fur and all looking at me with concern. "Are you alright Apple Bloom?" She asked me. A'h could still hear the hushed whispers around me. But they seemed much farther away than they had been before." The ticking of the clock on the wall didn't sound like a clock tower anymore. The songs of the birds singing outside were silenced by the panes of the window. "Ah think so," A'h told her. "Alright then let's continue shall we?" Ms. Cheerilee turned around and started writing on the chalkboard again. The sound of chalk moving across the board as she wrote no longer sounded like big rocks hitting each other. "How in tarnation did Apple Comet go through this every day?" Apple Comet's POV. "Sigh." I was bored. There was no other way to say it. I was bored. I closed up my copy of Astrophysics for Ponies in a hurry. I figured that without my x-ray vision and super mental processing speed, it would help kill some time. But even though my brain was thinking slower, I still remembered the contents cover to cover. I set it down on my nightstand before falling back onto my bed. It felt strange having my bedroom be so quiet. Not being able to look through the ceiling and see flocks of birds flying overhead. Not being able to hear conversations going on downstairs. *Knock knock knock.* My attention turned to the door. "Apple Comet, It's Twilight, I just wanted to talk to you." "Twilight?!" What was she doing here? I quickly crawled under my blanket and lay my head down like I was sleeping. "C-Come in," The doorknob turned in a luminescent raspberry light before sliding open. Twilight's lavender face poked in through the doorway. "Are you feeling okay?" I heard you were feeling sick, so I came to cheer you up. "Oh hey Twilight," I greeted her in my raspiest voice. *Cough cough.* "Yeah I'm not feeling so good." "That's a shame," She said trotting up to my bed. The door behind closed in her aura. Her eyes quickly fell upon the book on my nightstand. "Reading this again?" She smiled. "It's a classic, one of my favorites. "Great minds think alike I suppose," *Cough cough cough* For a moment her gaze narrowed as she stared at me. "You're bedside is awfully tidy for somepony who's sick. I don't see any medicine or tissues or water. What's going on?" My face went white as I realized what she was talking about. Uhh...well, I..." Suddenly I was seized by her aura as she placed her hoof over my forehead to check for a fever. "I wouldn't stand so close Twilight, *cough cough* I don't want you *cough cough * catching what I got." "You're not warm, and your coat is dry." A sly grin spread across her face. "You're not playing hookey are you?" She said with a raised eyebrow. "What me? willingly and maliciously miss a day of school? Never!" I protested indignantly. "Cut the theatrics you're as bad a liar as your sister." She said pulling the blanket off me. I blushed from mane to tail as she exposed me. Her eyes fell upon my blank flank. "So Zecora was telling the truth about you." I scrambled off the bed and pressed myself up against the wall. "What did she tell you?" I said with a mix of anger and fear. Why are you even here in the first place? Don't you have work at the library?" "Whoa, calm down," Her expression softened as walked over to the front of the bed. "Zecora told me about what happened to you and Apple Bloom She brought the rock to the library for study." My mind was racing with fear and trepidation. How much did Twilight know about the rock? How close was she to connecting the dots? "You were ashamed to go to school without your cutie mark, weren't you? Afraid of what the other colts and fillies would say about you?" My anger cooled as her words entered my ears. It was the perfect alibi. The only question was did she believe it or was she leading me on? Her eyes no longer piercing became gentle pools of empathy. I folded my ears down and my tail in and frowned. "Alright, you got me, I admit it. I'm not sick. I just didn't want anypony to see me like this," I whispered looking at my blank flank. The guilt I felt for lying to her helped to make my performance believable. Suddenly I felt Twilight's forelegs wrap around my neck pulling me into her soft chest fur. "Hey, it's okay, I know what peer pressure can feel like. Believe me, I've been there before." She whispered as I felt her hoof run down the back of my mane. "I know how it feels to be stripped of a part of you. To know that piece of you is missing. Just know you have nothing to be ashamed of. The rock may have taken your cutie mark, but it didn't take who you are. You're still the same sweet colt I talked to about astronomy the day I came to Ponyville." I let out a hum of contentment as my heart flipped inside my barrel. It seemed my secret was safe for now. "And you don't have to deal with it alone. I promise I will not rest until I figure out how to fix this." I felt a sense of elation upon hearing that. "You really mean that Twilight?" "Would you like to see what I've been up to since yesterday?" She said with a confident smile. I smiled back. "Sure." Her horn lit up engulfing both of us in bright light. *Pop!* Apple Bloom's POV. "So basically what you are saying is that red rock gave you your brother's powers and his cutie mark?" Scootaloo whispered to me as we sat at the furthest table. "Mhm, that's why A'h wore a dress today," A'h explained looking down at my covered flank. "Wow, that's so cool," Sweetie Belle said excitedly. "So can you turn into a comet and fly like he does?" "Well, kinda," A'h blushed thinking back to yesterday. "A'h still need practice." "What d'ya hit?" Scootaloo asked taking a bite of her sandwich. "Oh not much, just put a hole in the barn roof." A'h lied. "Well, at least you didn't hit an outhouse like your brother." Sweetie Belle giggled causing my coat to turn even redder. "Oi, what are you girls whispering about?" The three of us looked over to see Pipsqueak standing behind me. My cheeks blushed as A'h tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh, uh nothing," Sweetie said with an awkward smile. "Just you know..." "Secret Cutie Mark Crusader business," Scootaloo interrupted in a severe tone. "Top secret." "Uhh...yeah," Sweetie added. "Topper than top secret." "I can keep a secret," Pip said looking at me. His reddish-brown eyes rippled. "Uhh...sorry Pip...but you have to be a Cutie Mark Crusader." A'h felt a nauseous guilt rise in my stomach as A'h said those words. Pip's ears folded down as his withers slumped. "Oh," He said in defeat, "I understand. I just thought that since we were mates...I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear anything." With that, he took his lunch and trotted over to another table. Was this what it was like for my brother? Always had to make up excuses to keep his secret. "Can you believe that dress Apple Bloom is wearing?" My ears twitched as they up the stuck-up voice of Diamond Tiara. "I know right, she looks like one of those dolls in an antique store that no filly ever buys." Silver Spoon chuckled. "She probably thought in her dumb hayseed brain that it was a good way to hide her blank flank." As their mocking laughter echoed in my ears, A'h felt my eyes beginning to burn with anger. What did A'h ever do to her? At that moment, the sunlight reflected off her Tiara giving off a shimmering sparkle. Just because her parents were rich, she thought she could talk about my family like they were mud on the bottom of her perfectly manicured hooves. At that moment, A'h wanted nothing more than to show her otherwise. "Ow...Oww...Oww...hot...hot...HOT...HOT...HOT" !" Diamond suddenly screamed out in pain. "What's wrong?" Silver Spoon asked her. "It burns!" Diamond shouted her hooves grasping for her head "Ow Ow!" Her hoof recoiled as it touched the band of her tiara. With determination, she yanked her tiara off her head dropping it on the lunch table. By now everyone had stopped eating and was staring as the tiara bounced on the table and rolled to a stop. Steam was rising off the hot metal leaving a headband-shaped mark in the wood. "Oh, my gosh! Diamond are you alright? What happened" Silver Spoon stood up and reached a hoof toward Diamond's mane." "Ow don't touch it!" Diamond swatted her hoof away. Her eyes were puffy and her nose sounded stuffy. The faint scent of singed hair drifted in my direction. "Was that you?" Scootaloo asked me. A'h felt my rage cool as what A'h had done began to sink in. "Come let's get you to the school nurse." Silver Spoon took Diamond sniffling by the hoof and led her back inside. "A...A'h didn't mean to?" A'h said feeling a sense of dread. "A'h...A'h can't stay here!" Without thinking, A'h bolted up from the table and took off galloping. "Apple Bloom!" A'h heard Scootaloo call out to me. But A'h just ran faster, the world slowing down around me. A'h didn't know where A'h was going, A'h just knew A'h had to get far away from here. Apple Comet's POV. *POP!* "Welcome Apple Comet to my Laboratory!" "Gah! Twilight?" Spike screamed covering his lap with a comic book. "What are you doing in here? you're supposed to knock first." "Whoops? Sorry Spike," Twilight apologized as she covered her eyes with her hoof. "We'll just be in the basement if you need anything." His slit green eyes met mine as he sat silently on the toilet seat. "Uh...hi?" *POP!* "Sorry about that, Anyways, welcome to my laboratory." She lit her horn and instantly the room came to life. Twilight had the basement set up with various scientific instruments and machines. "Looks like you've been keeping pretty busy lately," I said gazing at everything going on around me. Machines hummed, gears turned and chemicals bubbled inside tanks and test tubes. "I like to stay busy," Twilight said as she descended the stairs. "There's always something new to discover. Like the meteorite fragment, you and Apple Bloom found yesterday." My eyes fell upon a clear glove box with a metal frame atop a metal table. Inside glowing like a fresh ember was the red koltonite. My stomach felt nauseous and I began to sweat as I slowly followed after her. "Quite the amazing discovery." "Have you figured out why it switched my Cutie Mark?" I asked. "Well, not quite," Twilight admitted. "At least not yet anyway. What I have found is that it is emitting some kind of energy signature that doesn't match any known magic on Equus. "So the reason is space magic?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Well, I guess you could call it that," Twilight walked over to a shelf. "However coincidentally, there was one close match I found." She levitated a lead box off of the bookshelf and placed it on the table next to the koltonite. "Before I open this we need to be properly dressed. She cast a spell around a nearby coat rack and teleported a pair of white hazard suits onto us. "Safety first." I looked down at my hooves to see my suit had several empty sheaths where scaly claws might go. "It belongs to Spike," Twilight confirmed. The latch on the box snapped open with a click. The lid slowly rose to illuminate the table with an eerie green glow. "I believe you are familiar with this specimen." I swallowed nervously as I stared into the faucets of the gemstone. "All too well." "Admittedly I don't know much about crystals and gemstones unless they're associated with magic in some way. That's Rarity's thing. But according to my analysis results, both specimens share similarities in energy readings." "So why are they different colors?" I asked. "Your guess is as good as mine," Twilight answered. "The universe is a vast and unknown mystery. Any number of things could've happened on their journey to Equus." She closed the lid firmly and secured the latch. Then slowly removed her hood. "There's something else I want to talk to you about while you're here. Something that's been in the back of my mind for the longest time now." "What is it?" I asked pulling off my hood. "When you, Spike, and Rarity were captured by Diamond Dogs, why did the green gemstone only affect you?" My anxiety level rose. "W-what do you mean?" Her eyes narrowed as her pupils fixed on me. "Both of them told me what happened in the tunnels. Every time it was close, you got so weak, you couldn't stand up and at one point were even coughing up blood. But as soon as you were away you started to get better. Meanwhile, neither of them was affected." "I-I don't know why it made me sick, It-it just did." Twilight scratched her chin pondering what I said. "Hmm...perhaps you're right. After all, this is a relatively recent discovery. Anyway, I didn't mean to bring up unpleasant memories. Why don't I make it up to you with some sandwiches?" She teleported the suits back to the coat rack and opened the door. I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was well past lunchtime at school. "Sure why not?" I answered, although, in my head, I wondered how much Twilight knew and how much she was letting on. Apple Bloom's POV. A'h stared at my reflection in the water. The yellow filly with the red mane and dirt-stained dress stared back at me. Ah had made it from school to the Everfree Forest in what felt like a blink of an eye. But my guilty conscience caught up with me. A'h didn't want to say it out loud, but the way A'h had acted was just as wrong as Diamond Tiara. WHOOSH! The sound of a speeding object in the distance reached my ears. A'h looked up and turned around to see an orange and purple streak racing toward me. "Scootaloo?" She came to a stop, sparks shooting off her wings as she came to a halt. " Apple Bloom, there, you are." "How'd you find me out here?" A'h asked her. "You left a trail for me to follow," She said. "What were you thinking running off like that?" A'h closed my eyes and sighed. "A'h...A'h...A'h guess A'h wasn't thinking." A'h turned away from her and walked back to the pond's edge. "A'h thought A'h could handle having these powers. If given the chance, A'h could be just as good as Apple Comet. But now A'h see that A'h was wrong. A'h was so focused on the things A'h could do with them, that A'h didn't stop to think about the things A'h should or shouldn't do with them." Scootaloo put her hoof on my withers. "I know how you feel believe me. Ever since I got my powers, a lot of things have changed." "Like what?" A'h looked up at her. "Well, everything. Before Discord hypnotized us, I couldn't wait to get my cutie mark. Now that I have it, it's not what was expecting." "What were you expecting?" A'h asked her. She looked up at the sky with starry eyes. "Ever since I first saw Rainbow Dash flying, I was inspired. I thought, someday that's going to be me up there flying through the clouds, wowing audiences at shows. I thought that was where I would be. Not down here." "Oh," A'h said rubbing my hoof against my cannon. "Do ya sometimes wish it was something else?" Scootaloo turned to me and snorted. "Are you kidding me? I'm the fastest runner in all of Equestria. I can pass through solid objects, at least most of the time. I can even finish my homework in like five minutes flat." Her face grinned with pride. "It may not be the cutie mark I expected, but it's still awesome." "Well, yeah but this ain't really my cutie mark, it's my brother's. A'h didn't earn it and A'h don't deserve it." "ARRROOOOOOOO!" A howl in the distance perked my ears up. "You heard that too right?" Scootaloo asked hesitantly. "Yeah, Timberwolves," A'h said turning in the direction of the sound. A pair of sickly yellow eyes stared back at me, baring its mouth of stake-like teeth as it emerged from the bush. Four more followed behind it forming a semicircle around us. "What's say we get out of here?" Scootaloo suggested. "Sounds good to me," I agreed as the timberwolves closed in. "Then on my mark, get set, go!" "WHOOSH!" ZOOOOM! In the blink of an eye, we were off, the trees of the forest zipping past us. If we could just find our way out of the forest and get to help we'd be safe." *Pop!* Suddenly A'h felt a strange tingle in my flank and my legs gave out. A'h fell face over my forelegs tumbling into a somersault. My dress skirt flew up as bounced off my flank and landed on my side. "Uhh...what just happened?" My head was spinning and my barrel ached. Shaking my head, A'h looked up to see my dress was covered in dirt and grass stains, and my skirt was folded up exposing my flank. My blank flank. Where once a red comet had been, was just fur. "Oh, no my cutie mark! It's gone!" The effects of the pink rock must have worn off along with my brother's powers. "Oh no, then that means..." "ARRROOOOO!" Looking around, A'h saw Scootaloo was nowhere in sight. A'h was alone, hurt, and lost in the Everfree Forest, and likely soon to be dinner. With all the breath in my lungs, A'h let out one desperate cry. "SCOOTALOO! APPLE COMET SOMEPONY HELP ME!" Apple Comet's POV "What do you like on your sandwich?" Twilight asked me. "Well, I'm not picky," I answered. "But I'd have to say my favorite is..." At that moment, I was cut off by a sudden tingling sensation. I turned around to see my flank light up with the image of a red comet. A warm sensation washed over my body like a wave. My muscles instinctively flexed as I felt a familiar power flooding them. The walls of the library became transparent as the sounds from outside attacked my ears at once. My world was getting bigger once again as my sensual radius expanded to cover Ponyville and beyond. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes as the surge of sensory information hit my nervous system like a speeding train. Just make it small, I told myself. Just make it small. Just make it small. Slowly the radius began to shrink back. The sounds of talking, trotting, wings flapping, and general goings on began to fade. "Apple Comet, Apple Comet ...are you alright? Apple Comet, speak to me." I opened my eyes to find Twilight Sparkle looking down at me with worrying eyes. I panted for a few seconds as the pounding in my head came to a stop. "What just happened?" I asked. "You got your cutie mark back," She said pointing to my flank. "Whatever effect the meteorite had on you and Apple Bloom must've worn off." "Yeah, I guess..." My ears suddenly twitched as they picked up a distant voice. SCOOTALOO! APPLE COMET! SOMEPONY HELP ME!" "Apple Bloom?" My eyes turned instinctively in the direction of the scream. They traveled through the walls of the tree, through the streets of the town all the edge of the Everfree Forest. "Oh no," I whispered. "Apple Comet are you alright?" Twilight asked noticing my troubled state. "I gotta go," I took off with a full gallop towards the front door, my Koltonian instincts kicking in. "Apple Comet wait!" Twilight called out to me as I ran out. The street outside was fairly quiet with not too many ponies walking around. Spotting an alleyway, I darted down and fired up my coma. FWOOOOOSH! In just moments I was over the rooftops of Ponyville speeding headlong toward the Everfree Forest. My sight raced ahead of me, cutting through the dense tree cover. Until they saw something that made my blood run cold. "Oh no! Timberwolves! They had Apple Bloom surrounded and were closing in on her. Their hideous wooden maws salivated with sap. Memories of Pa flashed back through my mind. No, I would not let things repeat themselves. I would not let her down. With a crackling boom, I raced toward the forest at top speed. KRAAAAKOOOOW!!!!!! Apple Bloom's POV. My heart pounded as A'h stared into the pale green eyes of the Timberwolf. Its foul breath wafted through my nose as it closed in. Its stake-like teeth bared at me. This was it, Ah was gonna end up just like Pa. A'h closed my eyes and curled up into a whimpering ball. "SLAAAAAM!" CRRRAAAAASH!" A sudden tremor shook the forest. Followed by the sounds of something flying away. "Hey guys, remember me?" That voice, it couldn't be. Hesitantly, A'h uncurled and peeked one eye open. A white figure was standing between me and the Timberwolves. On its flank was a fiery red comet. "Apple Comet?" Was it really him? My heart lit up with joy as he turned to face me. His eyes burning red and his face stern with determination. The rest of the pack stood frozen. Their wooden jaws hung in seeming disbelief. "Alright, who's next?" His voice was fierce and protective as if daring the Timberwolves to try. "FLAAAAAAAASH!" KRAAAKOOOOM! Suddenly, out of nowhere, an orange and purple streak shot through the remaining timberwolves, sending chunks of lumber flying everywhere. In the blink of an eye, Apple Comet threw himself on top of me as debris rained down around the forest. "Apple Bloom, are you alright?" Scootaloo stood next to me, her body crackling with tiny bolts of lightning. Without thinking, A'h threw my forelegs around my brother's neck in a tight embrace. A'h was just overcome with emotion at that moment. "And then just as A'h thought the timberwolves were going to eat me, there was this big boom! A'h opened my eyes and saw the timberwolf was gone. And Apple Comet was standing between me and the rest of them." The Apple family stood in awe around my bed as A'h recounted what had happened in the Everfree Forest. "Sounds like you got off lucky Sugarcube," Applejack said. Her relief was tempered by a hint of scolding. "Y'all are fortunate to have a brother who cares about you." "Boy, don't A'h know it," A'h said in agreement. "Being a Koltonian was a lot harder than A'h thought it would be. Ah'll take being an earth pony any day. Even if it means being a blank flank. Um, no offense Apple Comet." "None taken," he said. "I thought being an earth pony would mean no longer feeling like an outsider. But instead, it felt like a piece of me was missing." Granny Smith gently placed a bony hoof on his wither. "You coming from another world don't make you an outsider. This orchard is your home as much as it is ours." "Eyup," Big Mac nodded in agreement. "So Apple Bloom, you sure you don't miss having Apple Comet's powers?" Applejack asked me slyly. "Well...maybe just a little," A'h answered with a wink and a pinch of my hooves. > Can't this town be big enough for the both of us? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout my young life, I have come to expect the unexpected. Finding out that I'm an extraterrestrial from a doomed planet? Check. Finding out I'm a living solar battery with abilities beyond the rest of my adopted species? Check. Leading a secret double life as a day-saving mysterious phenomenon? Check. Fighting literal Gods to save the day? Check. Finding out I have a fan club? I'm going to have to get back to you on that. It was the weekend, which meant it was time for the first weekly Rainbow Dash fan club meeting. The decorations were set up, the speaker's podium was in place and everypony was dressed in their official fan club merchandise. "Attention everypony! Attention!" The room fell silent as Scootaloo approached the podium wearing a rainbow wig. "The official Rainbow Dash Fan Club will now come to order. Let's get right down to our first order of business. I motion that Rainbow Dash be declared the most awesome pony in Ponyville." "I second the motion," Snails said raising his lanky hoof. "And might I add that if you looked up awesome in the dictionary it would have a picture of Rainbow Dash." The rest of the club murmured in agreement. "I think the word awesome is played out," Snips argued. "Rainbow Dash deserves better. I motion we declare her the most stupendous pony." Scootaloo was not impressed. "Stupendous? Is that the best you got? I motion that we declare her wonderiffic." "Astonishing!" "Breathtaking!" "Astounding!" "Bedazzling!" "Eavesdropping," I said with a sly grin as I looked through the wall at the surprised cyan pegasus hovering outside. Eventually, it was decided that Rainbow Dash would be declared the awesomest most stupendous, wonderiffic, astonishing, breathtaking, astounding, bedazzling pony in all of Ponyville. Unfortunately, the decision took the club over an hour to reach. By which time the meeting was adjourned. Well, there was always next week's meeting. I closed the door to my bedroom and exhaled. "Time for a little one-on-one with my books. What will it be today?" Luna's Tapestry? Cosmos A Pony's Voyage by Carl Sable? Astrophysics for Ponies in a hurry?" Read that one more times than I could count." "Help! Help! Help! Help!" My ears twitched as they picked up a distant cry for help. I raced to the window and threw it open. My eyes followed her cries over the fields toward a distant well with a broken cover. Penetrating the earth and stone, I saw Aura, one of my classmates standing at the bottom. "Aura! Hold on I'm coming," With a flash of light, I donned the attire of my homeworld and took off out the window. Adrenaline surged through my body as I raced towards the well. Just had to dive in grab her and fly out easy right? Suddenly a cyan streak dove from the sky crashing through the well cover. A few moments later it rose from the well carrying a dirty and messy filly on its back. "Rainbow Dash?" I thought as I watched her come in for a landing. Other ponies who saw what happened gathered around them. "Um wow, what's with this crowd?" Rainbow said bashfully as the crowd cheered for her. "Uh, thanks everypony, it was really no big deal." "Look it's the Red Comet!" Aura pointed at me as I passed over. Rainbow Dash smirked. "Looks like you were too slow this time!" She hollered out. I couldn't argue with her there. But at least Aura was safe and sound! "GAAAAAAHHH" A blood-curdling scream turned my attention to a steep hill. My blood ran cold as I saw a foal in a stroller speeding down the hill toward a cliff's edge. "WHOOOSH!" In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance. I grabbed the handle tightly only for it to snap off in my hooves. Time was running out. Below the gasps and screams of gathering bystanders reached a peak as the stroller reached the edge only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare panted hard, her coat drenched with sweat. "MY BABY! IS SHE ALRIGHT?" Her mother cried as she sprinted down the hill. Rainbow peered inside the stroller only to find..."Huh? She's gone?" The crowd gasped in shock. Then somepony pointed up at the sky. "Look!" The crowd looked up to what must've been an incredible sight, A comet carrying a foal through the air. "CREAM PUFF!" The mother screamed as she watched a celestial object carry her daughter away. Meanwhile, Cream Puff continued to bawl and squirm in my hooves, not knowing how to react to this new unknown. "Shh shh shh shh, It's okay I got you," I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I said soothingly as I searched for a safe place to deposit her. CRRRACKKKK! A splintering sound echoed in my ears, followed by shrieks of terror. I turned my head to see a group of elderly ponies trapped on a balcony now seconds from giving way. "Hey wait up!" I turned around to see Rainbow Dash closing in on me. Perfect. I slowed down to match her speed, then passed Cream Puff to her. "Hey, what are you..." With my forelegs free I was off once again racing against time as the balcony tilted sending the trapped seniors tumbling toward the railing. Ponies below gasped in horror as the balcony leaned further and further until finally, it gave way with a sickening snap sending those trapped plummeting to certain death. Or it would have if I hadn't caught it in time. "What's happening?" "Let me adjust my glasses." "Are we in Elysium?" "Sure seems like it." I looked up through the floor to see four senior citizens staring in awe as the ground beneath the balcony drew further and further away. From their increased heart rate, I could see their ordeal shook them, although thankfully it looked like none of them had sustained any injuries. Still, at their age, they would need medical attention. I beelined for the hospital taking it slow to ensure no more unnecessary excitement. After setting the balcony outside the hospital entrance, I decided to head back home. "Look! Up in the sky!" I heard a filly shout pointing up. "It's the Red Comet!" A chorus of cheers and hoof stomping rose from the crowd. "Yay!" "Three cheers for the Red Comet!" "Hip hip." "Hurray!" "Hip hip." "Hurray!" "Hip hip." "Hurray!" "Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet!" "Well, this is certainly new," I said scratching my mane dumbfounded. In just a few minutes, I'd gone from astronomical phenomenon to town hero. Still, stranger things had happened in my life. The next day began like any typical day. I woke up, had breakfast, did my morning chores, washed up, and had lunch. I was rinsing my plate in the sink when there came a knock at the door. "Ah'll get it," Apple Bloom said. Behind the door, I saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Hey Girls," Her expression changed as she realized her friends weren't their usual chipper selves. "What's up?" "We need to talk with Apple Comet," Scootaloo answered irately. "What about?" I asked as the two of them stepped into the kitchen. Scootaloo reached into her saddlebag and removed a folded-up piece of paper. She unfolded it and put it on the kitchen table. "See for yourself, hero." I turned off the sink and trotted over to the table. What I saw I was not prepared for. Join the Red Comet Fanclub Today! Sign up outside Sugarcube Corner hours 12 to 5 Free glow in the dark cap and t-shirt with sign up. *Must wait two to four weeks for delivery. Limit one per sign-up.* "Okay, since when do I have a fan club?" I asked scratching my mane. "Since this morning," Scootaloo rolled her eyes while Sweetie Belle smiled awkwardly at me. "They're all over Ponyville. Do you have any idea what this could do to the Rainbow Dash fan club?" "No not really," I answered with sincere honesty. "A'h honestly don't see what the problem is Scoots," Apple Bloom said in my defense. "So my brother has a fan club too. A'h reckon Ponyville's big enough for the both of them." "Yeah, it's not like every member of your club is gonna up and quit to join Apple Comet's..."Sweetie Belle said before Apple Bloom muzzled her. "Mmmphhh mmmphhhh...." "Not helping." "Thank you. Look Scoots, I'm just as confused as you are right now. I think the best thing we can do right now is head to Sugarcube Corner and get some answers." The trot to Ponyville was filled with awkward silence broken only by the sounds of our hoofsteps. Scootaloo led the way, her face etched with a frustrated frown, while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hung back. I took the opportunity to study the flier with my telescopic vision further. The impression and texture of the ink removed any doubt in my mind that they had been made in a printing press. The color red was also an interesting choice given it was an uncommon color for printing. But one somepony might go with for a stylistic choice like this. Strangely whoever had printed them hadn't bothered to trademark or incorporate the name. That meant it was probably a foal doing it out of admiration like Scootaloo. In that case, where was their connection with the merchandise? And where were they printing these fliers? 'Patience one thing at a time.' "Oh, Wow!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. A line of ponies foal and grown-up alike had lined up outside the bakery. All of them were holding fliers. "Looks like we're in the right place," Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo let out a snort and flicked her tail before stomping up to the front of the line. "Alright, who's in charge here?" "That would be me," A familiar gaunt yellowish face answered. Featherweight hovered out from behind the stands. His wings efficiently carried his bony frame over to us. "What can I do you for?" "Featherweight?" Apple Bloom said. "Ye'r the one who started this club?" "Well actually, no, I'm just helping set up fliers and sign up new members." He admitted. "But you know who is right?" Scootaloo continued. "Yes, but they have asked to remain anonymous for reasons unknown. And I will respect that." Featherweight affirmed. "Well, I guess we're back at square one huh girls?" I said. *BANG!* Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked up. A shriek of terror pierced the air. "AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE! HELP! HELP!" A hot air balloon had burst and was plummeting back to earth. Inside the basket, Cherry Berry frantically hollered through a megaphone. With the crowd distracted I was free to to do my thing. I dashed down the closest alley and took off. SWHOOOOOSH! As I raced toward the falling balloon, another figure fast approached in the distance. "Rainbow Dash." The Element of Loyalty was streaking headlong toward the falling balloon. She was making good speed, but not enough to catch the balloon in time. The crowd below watched with bated breath to see what happened next. Within seconds before the basket hit the ground. I caught the bottom and carried it away. Cherry Berry fell back as the balloon's canvas turned into a wind sock whipping in the breeze. The crowd below cheered as we passed over them. All except a certain Orange Filly. I carried the basket to an open field and set it down on its side allowing a dizzy and disoriented Cherry Berry to tumble out. Shaking her head she stood up on shaky legs like a newborn foal and looked up as I took off. As soon as she saw me she smiled and grabbed the megaphone from the basket. "Thank you!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" A chorus of screams from a distant hill caught my attention. A wagon filled with tourists careened out of control around a corner and towards a steep hill. "You have got to be kidding me." Unable to believe the odds, I sped off once more. As I flew off, I heard Rainbow Dash call out to me. "Hey Comet wait up!" I didn't have time to wait for her, the cart had already reached the edge of a hill and plunged sharply sending its passengers hurtling towards a cliff. "Okay, Apple Comet you can do this, it's just a foal stroller but bigger." As I raced toward the hill one of the passengers a mustachioed stallion in a tropical shirt and visor pointed me out. "It's the red comet!" The other passengers paused their full-throated screaming to peer their heads out. As soon as they saw me, their screams turned to cheers. Now I had even more pressure to succeed. VOOOOOOM! Suddenly a cyan streak zipped past me sending me into an uncontrolled spin. Righting myself, I followed Rainbow Dash as she threw herself in front of the cart and tried to stop it with her hind legs. Her hooves kicked up dirt as she tried in vain to slow the runaway cart's momentum by beating her wings. But the momentum was too great for her. Her legs gave out and she fell beneath the cart landing flat on her stomach as it rolled on. I caught up to the cart as it reached the end of the road. Pressing my front hooves into the dashboard, I closed my eyes and concentrated. The cart's momentum began to slow despite the groaning protest of the wheels. When I opened my eyes I was met with the flash of a camera bulb. "That's one for the scrapbook. The stallion with the mustache remarked. With the day saved again, I flew up the hill to check on Rainbow Dash. Luckily my x-ray vision showed she was none the worse for wear. The cart's undercarriage was high enough for her to pass through with little more than a few scrapes and bruises. "I'm fine, I'm fine," She said brushing the dirt from her coat. "But you and I need to talk." Right on cue we both saw a plume of smoke rising in the distance. Zooming in, I saw it was coming from a crane at a nearby construction site. Suddenly the boom swung wildly sending a wooden beam it was carrying high into the air. I'd seen enough. Ignoring Rainbow's calls I raced toward the impending disaster. Realizing what was happening several of the workers jumped from the building as the beam swung back. SMASH! Like a wrecking ball, the beam slammed into the frame of the building collapsing the floor above and sending the upper half tumbling down like a house of cards. Most of the workers had already fled but a few remained caught in the path of the falling debris. "Run Away!" One of them a mare shrieked as two halves of a broken beam fell toward her. Fortunately, I was able to reach her just in time and carry her to safety. Another worker found himself caught in the open surrounded by falling boards and cinderblocks. I dropped off the first worker then I flew back in, weaving and dodging past falling debris to carry him back out. "SNNNAAAAAP!" "Gah!" Another Stallion gasped as the rope holding up a pallet of bricks snapped sending its payload down toward his head. WHOOSH! With just seconds to spare Rainbow Dash swooped down tackling him out of the way in time. BOOOOOOOOM! Without wasting a second Rainbow threw the astonished stallion onto her back and carried him over to where the others were. A still quiet fell upon the remains of the construction site. Thankfully while there were a lot of shaken nerves there weren't any injuries. I carefully hoisted the stallion I had saved off my back before taking off once more. Ponies were already gathering around the remains of the construction site. Including a certain orange pegasus. Slowly the shock began to wear off. Then somepony let out a cheer. "Yaaaaay!" Others immediately joined in as the crowd began stomping their hooves and chanting. "Woohoo!" "Yeah!" "Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet!" Scootaloo stared up at me with eyes burning with anger. She let out a low growl, gritting her teeth before turning and stomping off. I wanted to tell her I was sorry. That I wasn't doing this for fame or popularity. Third Pony POV. SLURRRRP! *burrrrrrp!* Scootaloo set the empty milkshake glass in front of the others. "The nerve of that colt!" She snorted pounding her hoof on the table. "Who does he think he is?" "He was just trying to do the right thing Scoot," Apple Bloom said in her brother's defense. "Yeah, it's not like he was trying to make his fan club more popular or..." Sweetie Belle paused as she Scootaloo's grayish-purple eyes glaring daggers at her. "I'm just...gonna...shut up...now." Beyond the Crusader's corner booth, the rest of Sugarcube Corner was bustling with business. Not surprisingly the topic on everypony's lips was the way the Red Comet saved the day again. Outside the line in front of Featherweight's stand stretched around the block. "Everything okay over here girls?" The Crusaders looked up as Mr. Cake spat a tray onto the table. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and each other. Finally, Sweetie Belle answered, "Err...yes everything is just fine." "E'yep, just three fillies enjoying their milkshakes," Apple Bloom chimed in. "Nothing going on here." The orange Stallion raised an eyebrow and began clearing their dishes off the table. "Oookay. Quite a bit of calamity in town earlier wasn't there? That Red Comet sure is something eh? The Missus and I can certainly sleep better at night knowing it's around. Can I get you girls anything else?" Both fillies glanced at Scootaloo, the orange pegasus's teeth ground back and forth angrily inside her muzzle. "Nope, we're good," both answered in unison. Apple Comet's POV. The next morning, I trotted into the kitchen to find myself on the front page. MAYOR TO HOST RED COMET PARADE At a press conference yesterday afternoon Mayor Mare announced that Ponyville will hold a parade this afternoon in honor of the Red Comet. In a statement released to this paper, the Mayor said quote. "We do not know what this comet is or where it came from. What we do know is that it has saved the lives of many of our citizens on more than one occasion. The least we can do is show our appreciation." The Comet which has averted five major emergencies in the past two days has recently won the heart of Ponyvillians with its heroic deeds. Turnout is expected to be high with many local businesses joining in on the festivities, including Sugarcube Corner which will be hosting a comet party. Barnyard Bargains will be offering discounts on Telescopes and other astronomy-related items for ponies scanning the skies for a glimpse of the Comet. "Good Morning," Granny Smith greeted me as I took my seat. "You made the front page again." I looked at the photo showing me streaking across the sky. "Lucky me," I sighed and picked up my fork. "Well, ain't y'all excited about it?" Applejack looked at me curiously. To be honest, under different circumstances, I would've been. For so long, ponies had looked at the Red Comet as either an omen of disaster, a supernatural phenomenon, or a spreader of falsehoods about spoiled rich fillies. Now they saw me as something to celebrate. "Why?" I asked simply. "It's not like I'm gonna give a speech or be given the key to the city." "Alright, Sugarcube what's really going on here," Applejack cut straight to the chase. I swallowed the bite I was eating and set my fork down. "We found out yesterday that I have a fan club. Well, technically it's for the Red Comet and Scootaloo is not happy about it." "Why? Because of the Red Comet stealing Rainbow Dash's thunder?" "Exactly, wait how did you know that?" Applejack smirked. "A'h was in town, A'h saw the whole thing play out. Well not the whole thing exactly but A'h saw and heard enough. Besides Dash was acting more ornery than a rooster locked out of the henhouse." She chuckled. Apple Bloom let a giggle. I sighed and rested my head in my hooves. "What am I going to do?" Applejack's expression softened. "Hey, A'h know y'all didn't do what you did to show up Dash or upset Scootaloo. And y'all didn't do it because it makes you famous or loved. You did it because helping ponies is part of who you are. Just like me and my friends." "Eyup," Big Mac said from behind his newspaper. "Why don't cha both talk to Scootaloo this afternoon? A'h'm sure y'all can put this all behind you." I looked down at my flank, the red and orange comet streaking through the air. Applejack was right, it didn't matter who was in the limelight, what mattered was my friendship with Scootaloo. By the time we arrived at the parade grounds early that afternoon, it was packed. Ponies had gathered flank to flank in front of the stage. Some were holding up signs and banners showing the Red Comet. Others had brought cameras and telescopes hoping to catch a glimpse of it. Well unless another major emergency happened which was fairly likely given the last two days, they were in for a disappointment. "Any sign of her?" Apple Bloom asked. My eyes and ears scanned through the crowd. "Daddy, do you think the Comet will appear today?" "I hope I brought enough film in my camera," "Hey down in front, I can't see!" "Um excuse, excuse me, could somepony let me through? I need to use the bathroom." "I'm telling you man, that comet is not really a comet! It's a spaceship man! Piloted by faceless green-skinned bipeds! They want to meet us but they think they'll blow our minds!" "No sign of her so far," I said. "Maybe she didn't come?" Apple Bloom suggested. "Mares and Gentlestallions, it is my pleasure to introduce our Mayor, her Honor Mayor Mare." The crowd fell silent as the Mayor "Ahem, thank you everypony thank you. Welcome to Ponyville's first but surely not last thank you parade for Ponyville's greatest hero, The Red Comet." The crowd cheered in appreciation waving signs as streamers and confetti drifted down. As the Mayor continued her speech, my eyes drifted to the sounds of hoofsteps beneath the stage. Peering through the floorboards, I gasped. "Scootaloo!" The orange filly crept out from behind the planks and tiptoed her way to the stairs. Suddenly she galloped onto the stage. "Not so fast!" The crowd gasped. "Aren't you all forgetting somepony?" "What is she doing?" Apple Bloom whispered. "What about Rainbow Dash? She was there too. But I don't hear anypony talking about her. I guess because you're all too busy talking about how great the Red Comet is!" "Ha ha," Mayor Mare awkwardly tried to laugh it off. "Has anypony lost a young filly?" By this point, I was already making my way through the crowd. "Excuse me, coming through, excuse me," Squeezing my way through the last two ponies, I galloped towards the stage. "Scootaloo, Scootaloo!" "Hey! Wait up!" Apple Bloom hollered out behind me." Scootaloo turned to face me. "Apple Comet?" "Scootaloo!" The murmuring of the crowd stopped as more and more eyes fell on me. I reached the front of the stage panting to appear out of breath. "Scootaloo, wait. You don't have...to do this." Scootaloo looked at me angry but also confused. I looked up at Mayor Mare. "Your honor, could I have a word with my friend here?" The Mayor looked at me perplexed, then simply sighed and said. "If it gets you foals out of my mane. Make it quick though." "Thanks, listen Scootaloo, I know why you're upset and you have every right to be. I know how much the Rainbow Dash fan club means to you. But you don't have to worry about other ponies forgetting about it. There's room in this town for both Rainbow Dash and the Red Comet. And even if everypony left the club, you'd still have Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and myself. We're your friends and friends put friends before popularity." Any anger or resentment the Orange Filly had left melted away. Scootaloo's eyes glistened with tears as she galloped down from the stage and threw her hooves around me. I was all too happy to return the feeling. The crowd awed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came galloping up, accompanied by Applejack and her friends. Scootaloo and I looked at each other for a moment before awkwardly releasing ourselves. "Ahem," The Mayor cleared her throat. "Well if you two are done here, we have a parade to hold. So if you wouldn't mind," "Oh right, of course, Mrs Mayor." Third Pony POV. The sun was setting low over Ponyville, painting the sky shades of yellow and orange. Scootaloo lay across her bed, her eyes perusing an extreme sports magazine. "Scootaloo? There's someone here to see you." She heard Auntie Holiday call from downstairs. Scootaloo jumped down from her bed and scampered downstairs. "Hey Squirt, what's up?" Scootaloo came to a sudden stop. Rainbow Dash was standing in the doorway next to Auntie Holiday. "Whoa." "I just stopped by to say I thought it was pretty awesome what did at the parade. You really do care about me huh." "Well, next time I just hope she shows her appreciation in a less disruptive way." Auntie Holiday interjected. Dash looked away for a moment uncertain. "Listen Scoots don't anypony I said this, but these last couple of days I've kind of been feeling less than awesome. Everywhere I went ponies were talking about Red Comet this and Red Comet that, and I guess it kind of, slightly, made me feel well you know." "Jealous?" Scootaloo guessed. "Just a teeny bit," Dash gestured with her wing. "But then seeing you run up on stage to defend me reminded me of something important. Loyalty. It made me realize that there's more to being a hero than fame and popularity. It's being there for those you care about. Without a word, Scootaloo threw her hooves around Rainbow's neck. Rainbow smiled and embraced her in her wings. "Today you were my hero Squirt." > Spiketano > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously on Comet the Colt of Steel. Spike gazed deeply into the emerald in his claw. His thoughts drifted back through the events of the past couple of days as he watched the moonlight shimmer across its many facets. As compensation for having to go through what did, Rarity gave him an extra helping of gems and even a kiss on the cheek. It should've been everything he ever wanted. So why did he feel so empty? Try as he might he couldn't get the image of Apple Comet writhing in pain on the ground out of his head. In hindsight, he felt like he probably should've noticed it sooner. Of course, the Diamond Dogs showing up when they did hadn't helped matters. But still, he wondered how he could not have seen it right before him. It was that crystal that made him sick. But how? And why did it only affect Apple Comet and not him and Rarity, or the Diamond Dogs? He pondered whether or not he should tell Twilight about it. Would she believe him if he told her a space rock made Apple Comet sick? He felt a sense of guilt circling deep inside him. Rarity may have found it, but it was he who dug it up. He wondered what Apple Comet would think of him. Would they still be friends? Spike's POV. "Come on where is it? I know I put it here somewhere." How could I be so careless, of the things I could've misplaced it just had to be that fire ruby. Figures, I find a perfect, flawless, delicious fire ruby and I go and lose it. Just as I was about to lose hope, I spotted a glint of fire poking out beneath an emerald. "Ah hah." Brushing it I saw the fiery red of my birthday present. It was cut flawlessly into the shape of a heart. I had been aging it for the past few months, but it would all be worth it when I took that first bite. "No no, patience," I reminded myself. "The time has to be just right." CRASH! Judging from that sound, it seemed like Twilight could use some help. With my birthday present in claw, I opened the door and stepped out to find piles of books spread across the floor. Twilight's horn popped through a spine as her head rose out of one of the piles. I couldn't resist. "Ha ha ha ha ha." "Spike what are you laughing at?" Twilight scowled at me. "This little beauty is a birthday present to myself, it's a fire ruby. I've been aging it for months and it's almost ripe." I said as I struck it with a tuning fork to show her. "Hey, you took my advice! Just use the floor as one big shelf." Twilight scowled as we heard a knock at the door. "Hellooo," That voice, could it be? The door swung open as Rarity poked her beautiful head inside. "Anypony home? Twilight..." she gasped as soon as she saw me. "Is that a fire ruby?" She was trotting right over to me. "It must be at least twenty karats. No inclusions, pristine facets." Her eyes shimmered as she gazed into it. If there was any pony in Ponyville who appreciated gems as much as me it was her. "And totally delicious," I added. "Hey, Rarity is everything okay in here?" A smaller white head with a short silver mane poked through the door. "Whoa! what happened here?" "Apple Comet," Twilight sighed with relief. "Can you help me get out of here?" Apple Comet's eyes went lovestruck as he happily trotted over to Twilight's rescue. "Of course, Twilight it would be my pleasure." I'd swear that Colt was walking on air if I didn't know any better. Not that I could judge him mind you." "Anyway," Rarity continued. "I just came by to see if you had any books on historical fashion." I couldn't help but grin. "Oh I'm sure we've got one lying around here somewhere, I said. "That's not funny!" Twilight snapped. Rarity's attention turned back to the fire ruby. "Did you say delicious?" She asked. "Sure did. Next week's my birthday and this is my birthday dinner." "Well Happy Early Birthday Spike." Apple Comet said picking a book up off the pile. "I think this is what you might be looking for Rarity." "Thanks, Apple Comet," The beautiful white mare gracefully lifted it off his hoof with her magic. "I've got a feeling ruffled taffeta capes are going to make a huge comeback this season. And I want to be ahead of the game." She looked back at me. "I hope it's as tasty as it is beautiful Spike. I've never seen anything quite so stunning before." "I'm sure Spike could think of something or somepony?" Apple Comet grinned slyly as he looked at me. A fire rose in my cheeks as I realized who he was talking about. "Dude!" He was one to talk, looking at Twilight all googly-eyed. I had half a mind to stick this fire ruby where Celestia's sun didn't... "Oh Spikey Wikey, I'm sure he's just kidding you." Rarity cooed before doing something that made the fire go wild. *Peck* Did I say go wild? I meant erupt like a volcano. "Oh dear, you're burning up." We better get you to bed right away." She levitated me onto her back and carried me upstairs. I swore to myself I would never wash that cheek again. A week went by and true to my word, I did not wash that cheek. "Just about finished, Spike? Everypony will be here soon." Twilight said as she set the spoon in the punch bowl. "They're perfect," I said. "Everything looks perfect. The library had been decorated with balloons and streamers. The tables had been covered with cloth with food set out for the guests. "Not quite everything." Twilight trotted over to me, washcloth held in her magic. "A washcloth? I don't get it." She levitated it into my claw and leaned in. Then it struck me. "Oh no way Twilight, I said I wasn't going to wash the cheek Rarity kissed and I meant it." A sinister smirk spread across her face as she lifted the washcloth back up. I took off running with Twilight in hot pursuit. "It's over Spike I'm cleaning that cheek!" Twilight fired up her horn teleporting me back in front of her. I took off again only to run face-first into something. "Ow." I rubbed my head, looking up to see what I had hit. "Apple Comet?" Twilight gasped as I looked up to see Apple Comet looking concerned over me. "Are you alright?" She teleported over to check on him. "Yeah, I'm fine Twilight," He said sounding none the worse for wear. Meanwhile, I felt I'd tried to butt heads with a minotaur. The rest of Twilight's friends entered soon after including Rarity. "Oh goodness, gracious!" She exclaimed. "What happened?" Twilight levitated me up and began wiping my cheek. "Nothing Rarity, Spike just needed a reminder of the importance of good hygiene." "Ow ow ow!" Pain erupted across my jaw as Twilight removed the lipstick mark. "Stop! It hurts." I yanked the washcloth forcefully off covering my jaw with my claw. "Spike," Twilight said. Her aura wrapped around my claw to pull it away. But then Apple Comet stepped forward. "I think he's hurt." His eyes looked guiltily at me. Immediately Fluttershy galloped into action. "Show me where it hurts." I lifted my claw away and pointed to my lower jaw. "Hold on I've got a hoof mirror." Rarity opened her saddlebag and levitated it out. "Thank you," Fluttershy said as she took the mirror in her hoof and opened it. "Now say ahh." "Ahh," Fluttershy lifted my lip and held the mirror close. "Goodness." she gasped. "What, what is it?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy reached down to the floor and picked up something white and pointy. Everypony let out a collective neigh of shock. "It seems the collision chipped one of Spike's canines." Wait what? I looked in the mirror and saw where the tip had broken off. I could see these red and blue worm things sticking out. I reached a claw in to touch when Fluttershy grabbed it and pulled it back. "Careful Spike, you don't want to touch those nerve endings," Fluttershy warned me. "They're susceptible to pain. "Don't worry Spike you're a dragon," Twilight assured me. "You'll grow a new one in about a week. " "A week? Oh no! My Fire Ruby!" Fluttershy's ears folded back. "I think it would best to wait until your new fang grows in." "I'm sorry Spike." Apple Comet apologized. Man, he looked pathetic. And yet hitting him felt like running into a brick wall. I clenched my claw into a fist and raised it. Apple Comet took a step back in hesitation. "Apology accepted, Bro Claw?" I smiled, and he smiled back. "Bro Claw?" "Bro claw." We clawed or rather I clawed he hoofed, the point is I forgave him. Twilight's friends let out a collective aww." "Aww!" "Ain't that sweet," Applejack said. "This is great and all, but aren't you supposed to get presents on your birthday?" Rainbow Dash reminded us. "Well, actually this is my first birthday in Ponyville..." I said. "Usually I get one present...from Twilight...a book." Apple Comet did not look amused. "Speaking of presents, this is from my new line of taffeta capes. I'm going to make one for each of you." Rarity levitated out a magenta cape and hat. Everypony else was less than excited. "Wow," "They're great," "I already have one." Man, I wish I'd gotten to have my earlier birthdays in Ponyville. I got more presents than I knew what to do with. "Applejack I can't thank you enough for this great blanket, I really needed a new one." It was so soft and comfy. "C'mon Spike you already thanked me fifteen times. Ah, 'm starting to get a little embarrassed." Applejack blushed. "I know I keep thanking you guys, but I'm just so grateful. I wish this party could last forever." "Well duh, the party can't last forever. Pinkie Pie said bouncing off a popped balloon. "Because you have to go to Sugarcube Corner 'cause the Cakes said they have a special surprise for you, 'cause it's your birthday!" "No way!" I sprang out of my blanket and took off running out the door. As I swung it open I heard Twilight call out. "Spike wait! Your fang!" "I said the party couldn't last forever. Not that it has to end right now." Pinkie hollered. But I didn't care I was too excited. I burst the front door of Sugarcube Corner with the speed of a dragon sky-high on cake and soda. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake." I greeted them, too excited to worry about trivial things like shortness of breath. As the initial surprise wore off they both smiled at me. "There's the dragon of the hour. Happy Birthday, Spike!" Mr. Cake said as Mrs. Cake reached under the counter. "Thanks!" I said. "When we found out it was your birthday, we couldn't resist trying a new recipe. Sapphire." "Wow!" My eyes gazed in awe at the succulent mouth-watering tasty temptation of mineral and frosting laid before me. This birthday just kept getting better and better. I eagerly licked my chops in anticipation. Um...Spike? what's with your tooth?" Mr. Cake pointed out. Oh, no I'd forgotten all about that." "Oh uh, that? It's fine," I quickly said. "It happened a few days ago, I'm expecting to grow a new one any day now." The Cakes looked at each other. "Well...okay," Mrs. Cake relented. "Just be careful okay." A wave of relief washed over me. "Oh, I will Mrs. Cake, don't worry." "Thank you so much!" I said as I walked out the door. "Man, first I get a bunch of great presents from my best friends, and now an amazing sapphire cupcake." I was on top of the world. "Ha ha, what a day!" BAM! "Whoa!" Not looking where I was going I bumped into something sending the cupcake flying from my claws. My muzzle exploded with pain from where I had chipped my fang. "Yeowch!" I looked up to see Ms. Cheerilee sitting in the street her eyes spinning in circles. She shook her head and looked down to see the groceries she'd been carrying scattered on the ground. "Oh my gosh! Spike!" She apologized rushing over to help. "Are you okay? I waved her off fighting through the pain to get to my feet. "I'm fine...I just need to get..." I froze as my eyes fell upon the sight of a cupcake lying upside down in the grass. "No!" With a burst of speed, I rushed over but it was too late. "No no no no no no no. Nooooooooooo!" My eyes began to well with tears. Ruined. My special Sapphire birthday cupcake was ruined. This was the worst birthday ever. "I am so so sorry," Cheerilee apologized placing a hoof on my shoulder. "I-It w-was a p-present, sniff, for m-my b-birth-day." My fang ached as I stammered out a response. Stupid Apple Comet, this was all his fault. If he had just stayed home, none of this would've happened. "Birthday!" Cheerilee recoiled. "Oh Spike I am so so sorry, I wish I had...wait." She rushed over to the grocery bag she had been carrying and dug deep within. "Aha." Wiping the tears from my eyes, I turned around to see Cheerilee holding a white hat with a red hatband. With a smile, she placed it on my head. "Here, I know it's not a substitute for a cupcake, but I want you to have it as a way of saying I'm sorry. Hope you have a great birthday." With that, she gathered her groceries off the ground and went on her way. I ran a claw around the brim of the hat. It was mine, mine." I heard the sound of bouncing. Turning my head, I saw Lickity Split bouncing a ball around. A strange thought echoed in my head. 'Spike want!' "Hmm...I wonder," I played it cool walking up to Lickity casually, "Hey there Lickity Split, that's a cool ball you got there. Did you know it's my birthday?" Before he knew what hit him, I was out like the wind. "This is unbelievable," I laughed. "You're right, I can't believe it." A voice said from behind me. "Gah!" I yelped, the ball bursting in my claw as I jumped back. Apple Comet trotted up to me, looking like I'd never seen him before. His eyes glared at me like two balls of fire. "What were you thinking? Taking some pony else's things? Where'd you get that hat from?" I stood frozen for a moment, I'd been caught red-clawed. I'd never seen this side of Apple Comet before. The stern expression on his face, the tone of outrage in his voice. Was this the same mild-mannered colt who liked to come to the library and go all gooey-eyed around Twilight? "Well?" He raised an eyebrow scoldingly. "Umm...Ms. Cheerilee gave it to me, you know, for my birthday." My scales began to glisten with sweat as Apple Comet looked down at the tattered remains of my ball. Mine. "For some reason, I'm having trouble believing that." I felt a rush of anger surge through me as he said that. He had made me do that. "Yeah, well if you hadn't chipped my fang, I wouldn't have dropped my cupcake in the grass! It was sapphire Apple Comet Sapphire!" Without thinking, I took a swipe at him, my claws barely missing the top of his mane as he ducked. " "Spike!" A shrill voice cried out as I felt myself lifted and pulled away. "What do you think you're doing?" Twilight stared at me. Her face was a mix of shock and barely restrained anger. "Ahh! Twilight I was just...it..." "Save it!" She said icily as she set me gently on the ground. "We'll discuss it back at the library. With that, she trotted over to Apple Comet. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I-I'm fine, he didn't get me." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure." "I am so, so sorry. I don't what's gotten into him." I looked down at my hand claws outstretched. Had I just attacked one of my friends? I got a major talking to from Twilight when we got back to the library. As if that wasn't enough, she made me clean up after the party as punishment. It wasn't fair, that cupcake was supposed to be mine, and that ball was supposed to be mine. Instead, ssstupid Apple Comet had taken both from me. But the worst thing was when I went to take a bite of my Fire Ruby. "Yeowch!" An explosion of pain shot through my mouth as the ruby fell to the floor. "Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight burst into the room. She looked at me and then at the Fire Ruby. With a sigh, she teleported it away. "I'm sorry Spike but you're gonna have to wait until your fang grows back before you can eat this." With that, she turned and walked out of the room. Great, first Apple Comet cost me my sapphire cupcake, then my ball, and now my Fire Ruby. I went to bed hungry that night, no cupcake, no fire ruby. "Spike want, Spike get!" The voice in my head whispered. "Spike want, Spike get!" I tossed and turned as the voice continued. Pony hurt Spike, Pony make Spike lose gems, Spike make Pony pay!" My eyes shot open as I sat up. I looked over at Twilight's bed to see she was still asleep. Without thinking, I threw my blanket off and carefully climbed out of bed. Creeping over to the door, I glanced back again to ensure Twilight was still sleeping. Then with slick deftness, I opened the door ever so slightly and slinked out through the gap. My mind was foggy, I knew where I was going but I didn't know why. I crept down the stairs to the library and made my to the basement door. My mouth watered as I turned the knob opening the way to Twilight's lab. My Fire Ruby had to be in here somewhere, I could smell it. I could also smell something else. Something different. Was different good? "Spike want," the voice whispered in my head." Different was good. I followed the scent to a heavy box with a latch. Checking over my shoulder to ensure the coast was clear, I lifted my claw under the latch and lifted it. It opened with a satisfying click. My tongue ran across my lips as I lifted the lid to reveal an eerie green glow. "Spike want!" I said as I reached to pull out a glowing green gem. My pretty gem, my preciousssssss." The next morning I was awoken by a startled gasp and the clatter of something falling. "GASP!" I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, my entire body feeling a little cramped. Rising I felt my back ache as I sat up "What happened? Twilight stepped back with a look of fear as I stood up, her eyes were at the level of my chest. Was it some kind of shrinking spell? "GAAH!" I leapt back to the wall feeling like I was standing on stilts. I pulled off my hat and looked down at my legs. My feet were a lot bigger and further away than they normally were. I examined my claw next to find both it and my arm had grown too. "What's happening to me Twilight?" "I don't know," she answered worryingly. "Think back to last night, did something happen? What did you do after I saw you?" I scratched my head trying to remember. "I went to talk to..." I glanced over at the globe. Such a nice globe. "Spike!" Twilight called out. "Huh?" "You went to talk to who?" "Um...I don't remember," I said remembering more important things. "Hey, can I have that globe? You're not using it right?" Suddenly it levitated upward leaving to fall face-first into the floor. Instinctively I reached for my mouth expecting to feel a jolt of pain. Instead, I felt nothing. Reaching inside I felt where I had chipped my fang yesterday. "Hey, my fang grew back, Oh well." I looked over at Twilight's bed where she had piled up everything that was in the room. "That's strange," Twilight said. "Normally it doesn't grow back for at least a week. "What about this book?" I asked. To which Twilight levitated it and me up. "Spike I'm worried about you, you usually aren't so... grabby." What was her problem this morning? She wasn't using any of this stuff. "My arms aren't usually this long either," I said realizing how lower my voice was. I sounded like Fluttershy that time she touched Poison Joke. "What's happening to me?" The air was tense as we waited in the examination room. Twilight turned her head away. The perfect opportunity. *Slap!* Okay, too slow, next time. The door opened as Dr. Horse stepped in. Twilight was distracted, now was my chance. *Slap!* Ow, okay she was faster than I expected *Slap!* "Well, now what seems to be the problem?" The Doctor asked. Twilight sighed. "This is Spike, *Slap* and there's something wrong with him. *Slap!* He used to be half this size, *slap* and he keeps trying to take things that aren't *slap* his." She was proving to be a most worthy opponent. The doctor trotted up to me and looked me in the eye. "Alright then, let's just have a look-see shall we? Little Guy not fewwing so good? Who's a brave little boy huh? Who's a brave boy?" I had never felt the urge to find out what a pony tasted like until just now. Before I could ponder further, I felt a familiar sensation in my gut. BUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" A burst of glowing green light illuminated the Doctor's office. "What just happened!" Twilight whispered in astonishment. She was standing on the back of her hooves, her back arched like a scared cat. "I believe that was a belch," The Doctor explained. "Although a bit more combustible than usual." "B-but it was glowing green!" Twilight argued. "My fire's always been?" I stated. "But not glowing. It was just like..." She paused her mouth hanging open in shock. She raised a shaking forehoof and pointed it at me. Okay, now I was starting to get scared. It wasn't like Twilight to pause in the middle of speaking. "...Y-Y-Your eyes." "My eyes?" The Doctor was looking at me weirdly too. I saw my reflection in that shiny circle thing he wore in his head. I saw myself gazing back with eyes of glowing luminescent green. "Y-yes well, The doctor stammered. "I-in any case d-dragons are beyond my area of expertise. Y-you might have better luck at the vet." With that, he dashed out of the room like his tail was on fire. "Spike?" Twilight glared at me with suspicion. Did you happen to eat a certain space rock last night?" "Um...I can't recall." I said scratching my head. Twilight groaned and illuminated her horn. My stomach lit up as she hit it with an X-ray spell. Sitting there was the glowing green rock Rarity had found that day. "Well done Spike, well done," She scolded. "You've gone and eaten a one-of-a-kind mineral specimen." "Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" I smiled embarrassingly. "Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? You saw what it did to Apple Comet. What if this is what's causing your strange behavior? Blah blah, blah blah blah blah," Her voice slowly faded away as my eyes drifted toward the candy dish. "Spike, are you listening to me?" She telekinetically turned my head towards her. "Uh, yeah I heard you, and I'll water the plants as soon as we get home." With a groan, she facehoofed. Apple Comet's POV. "What took you so long?" Apple Bloom asked as closed the front door behind me. "Just wanted to make sure I had everything," I said as I walked over to the Crusader's wagon. "You're just going to the library," Scootaloo pointed out impatiently. "What could you possibly need?" "Well the book I have to return for starters," I said with a smile as I fished it out of my saddlebags to show them. Scootaloo rolled her eyes at me. "Ugh, you are like the biggest egghead I know." "I'll take that as a compliment, I said as I climbed into the wagon. "Whatever," She shrugged. "Everypony hang on." Scootaloo pushed off with her hind leg and we were on our way. As we rolled down the road, my thoughts drifted back to Spike. He hadn't seemed like himself yesterday. Stealing from other ponies and slashing at me with his claws. It just wasn't like him. "Whatcha thinking about?" I turned to face Apple Bloom. With a deep breath, I answered. "Spike, he was acting strange yesterday." Apple Bloom tilted her neck, "Strange, how?" "I caught him trying to steal things from other ponies," I explained. "When I confronted him, he slashed at me." "He slashed at you? Apple Bloom gasped taken aback. "That don't sound like Spike to me. What happened?" "If you're asking why he was stealing, I don't know. When I caught him in the act, he told me he'd gotten them for his birthday." "Now that definitely don't sound like the Spike A'h know." Sweetie Belle leaned into my other side. The Spike A'h know is small and sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly." "Look out!" Scootaloo cried as she jerked the scooter hard to avoid hitting the large purple dragon standing in front of us. "Spike?" My mouth dropped in surprise. The dragon before us was much taller than the baby I'd seen yesterday, easily the size of a Diamond Dog. His arms were long and gangly with long meaty claws. His legs while gangly were much thicker. A thick powerful tail trailed behind him. "Spike want!" He said through a mouth of long sharp teeth. His emerald eyes gazed hungrily down at us. Without thinking, I grabbed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle by the barrel and leaped out of the cart. "Scootaloo run!" I shouted as I dashed to the end of the street. The orange filly stood there, eyes wide in astonishment. "Uhh...hi Spike," She smiled a nervous grin. The dragon reached down with his grasping claws and grabbed the back of the scooter. "Hey! Whoaaa!" Scootaloo tumbled as Spike shook her off but she dusted herself and grabbed the other end. "Hey, that's mine!" "Wait here," I said placing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a short distance away. I galloped headlong toward the greedy dragon. I didn't know what was happening, but I wasn't about to let it continue. "Spike!" I called out, the purple dragon turned his gaze toward me. An expression of anger on his face as took a deep breath. "Uh oh!" FWOOOSH! I dived right of the gust of fire, the heat washing over me as I rolled into the grass. Despite having missed me, my body felt like it had been bathed in the flames. My legs suddenly gave out and I found myself unable to stand. "Spike! What have you done?" I craned my neck up to see Twilight looking at Spike with horror. I felt her magic wrap around me before she teleported me to her side. "Apple Comet, are you okay?" I managed a pained groan in response. My entire body was still burning from my close contact with the glowing heat. "Sweet Celestia," She muttered. "How could you do this Spike? Don't you have any concern for anypony else?" "Spike want!" He growled looking at her with glowing green eyes. I felt a bolt of fear run through me as I remembered where I had seen that green glow before. Deciding he had no further reason to be here he took off with a scurrying burst of speed. "Spike!" Twilight called out before she noticed my head brushing against her hind leg. "Girls get next to me." She said to the CMC. Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded before galloping up next to her. With a flash of magenta light, we were gone. *POP* The next thing I felt was the sensation of floating in Twilight's magic. She set me down gently on soft sheets that smelled faintly of her. "What's going on?" Scootaloo asked. "No time to explain girls, I have to find Spike. Stay here and don't go out until I get back." With a pop, Twilight disappeared once more leaving the four of us in the bedroom. "So, want to explain what happened back there?" Scootaloo asked as I fought to stay awake in the comfort of Twilight's bed. "The only time Ah've ever seen him look like is when he was around one of those glowing rocks." Apple Bloom said what I was thinking." "You mean the one that made you switch powers?" Sweetie Belle inquired. "Or the green one, he found with Spike and Rarity," was Apple Bloom's response. "But it didn't affect either of them." "Unless he ate it," I said as I raised myself into a sitting position. Apple Bloom reached out with a forehoof, but I gently brushed it aside. "I'm okay, It's wearing off. I need to find Spike." I reached into my saddlebags for my matrix only to be stopped by Sweetie Belle. "No you don't," she squeaked. "Your job is to lay down until your powers come back." I wanted to argue but the truth was I still felt drained from the effects of Spike's fire. "Don't worry, I've got you covered. Scootaloo said with an excited grin. "You aren't the only one with powers remember?" I smiled back at her. "Just be careful out there okay? I'll try to catch up as soon as I feel better." "I'll be waiting at the finish line." She quipped before disappearing in a streak of light and color. Spike's POV. More, more, more, more apples, more leaves. So many must have them all. "Twilight, get my rope!" What was that? Hrrm...orange and purple pony, trying to trap Spike. Spike trap them. "ROOOOOAAAAAAR!" "HELP!" Hur hur, that show them. SWOOOOOOOOSH! What was that? FLLLAAAASSH! CRASH! "ROOOOOAAAAAAAR!" You make Spike drop hoard, make Spike mad. "What in tarnation is that?" "I don't know, I've heard some ponies talking about sightings of an orange flash, but I didn't know what to make of it." Grr Flash make Spike drop hoard. Spike make Flash pay. "Well whatever it is, Spike sure seems angry with it." "ROOOOAAAAAAR!" Scootaloo's POV. "That's right Spike just keep following me." All things aside this was pretty awesome! I felt just like Rainbow Dash right now. Saving the day, man I bet Apple Comet was gonna be so jealous that he missed out on this." "ROOOAAAARRRRR!" Spike continued to bound after me, his heavy footfalls shaking the ground. I figured if I kept him running, he'd eventually tire himself out. I didn't know how long that would be, but it couldn't be too long right? "What's the matter slowpoke can't keep up with me? Ha, I don't blame ya. I'm the fastest filly alive! The schoolyard speedster, the... SMACK! "Ow." Once again Apple Comet's words about always watching where I was going echoed through my ringing head. Of course, I would be fine, every since I got my powers I'd been healing a lot faster. Still, I was glad Rainbow Dash hadn't been here to see this. "HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Spike's booming laugh echoed from behind me. Peeling my head from the tree I turned around to see him pointing and slapping his thighs as his belly shook at what must have been pretty funny for him. "Yeah, yeah very funny!" "There he is! Get him!" Both of us looked over his shoulder to see Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash standing there. My embarrassment instantly doubled. Spike took off running with Applejack and Twilight in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Dash flew over to check on me. "Hey Squirt, are you alright?" She asked me. I rolled to my hooves and stood up. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Don't sweat it, I've flown into things more times than I'd like to admit. Did you happen to see which direction the streak went?" The streak?" She hadn't seen me crash? Do I tell her it was me? Or do I do what Apple Comet would and keep it a secret? "Umm..." "It's fine, don't worry about it." Dash stopped me. "Right now I gotta catch up with the others." She took flying after Twilight and Applejack. It looked like my identity was safe for now. Apple Comet's POV. "Are you feeling any better?" Apple Bloom asked me as I sat up in Twilight's bed. "Much better," I answered. "I think it's almost gone." My strength had almost returned to its normal level, "It must've been the soup I made." Sweetie Belle said with a cheery grin of satisfaction. I glanced over at the soup bowl filled with bubbling blackened broth and chunks of soot that I assumed had once been letters. "Right...the soup." Reaching my saddlebag once more I fished out my matrix and placed it against my chest. With a bright flash of light, I was costumed once more. "Do you think it's okay for you to go after Spike again so soon?" Apple Bloom looked at me with concern. A shrill siren answered her question as we all dashed to the closest window. ROOOAAAAAAAAAAR!!! Sweet Celestia, it was the Ursa Major all over again. Spike had somehow grown even larger, to the point that he resembled a full-grown dragon and was standing in what remained of Sugarcube Corner. "Well, I guess that answers your question huh?" Sweetie Belle stated matter of factly as I trotted over to the balcony door. "Apple Comet?" I turned around to see Apple Bloom looking at me with concern. "Be careful okay?" I nodded silently at her, then opened the door. WHOOSH! The streets were filled with pandemonium. ponies galloping left and right trying desperately to escape the enormous dragon who let out a deafening roar. RRRROOAAAAAAARRRR!!! There was a crunching metal, followed by roaring water. A tidal wave roared down the street swallowing up everything in its path. With a sigh, I dove down to rescue the ponies who had been swept up. SWOOP! Before any of them knew what just happened, they were standing on a nearby rooftop, soaked but unharmed. Spotting the town water tower, I noticed the tank was missing. "Well, I guess that explains where the wave came from. "Yaaaaaaaaaaah!" Ears twitching I snapped my head to Spike only to see what looked like a pink balloon plummeting towards a lake. Inside were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, wrapped up and holding onto each other for dear life. "Oh, no!" Streaking across the sky, I arrived too late to prevent the two pegasi from splashing into the lake. Splash! Taking a deep breath, I dove in after them. Grabbing the cloth with both my front hooves, I flew up to the surface and gently deposited them back on the ground. The two pegasi emerged from the cloth and shook themselves off. "Hey Comet, thanks!" Dash hollered out to me as I ascended. It felt kind of jarring hearing her call me that. VRROOOOM! ZOOOOOM! WHOOOOSH! Suddenly above me, I saw three pegasi dressed in bright blue and gold jumpsuits. "Hey, it's the Wonderbolts!" Dash called out. Great, one more thing to worry about. "Look at the size of that thing," One of them a yellow mare with a fiery orange mane called out. "Blaze cut the chatter!" The lead flier, a light grey mare with a poofy dark blue mane said. "We need to focus." At the moment they seemed focused on Spike who was clutching the tank from the water tower in his claws and Rarity coiled in his tail. The dragon's eyes shifted back and forth as he faced this new challenge. They widened as they fell upon a distant mountain... Spike smiled a fanged grin and began lumbering toward it. "Well, at least he's moving away from town." I thought out loud as Rarity continued to scream for help. "Flight Leader, I think someone's following us." The three Wonderbolts turned to face me. "It's the Red Comet!" The third one a white mare with a golden yellow mane said. "What's it doing? The flight leader looked at her, then me, then Spike. "The same thing we are, I think," she answered. Good, it sounded like she had a level head. I fell in behind the lead. I had to admit, I was never really a fan, but this was kind of exciting. Spike proved remarkably fast for how big he was. He reached the mountain before us and quickly began climbing, with Rarity shrieking all the way. I couldn't help but feel like I'd seen this somewhere before. 'Okay, I need to get Spike down, get Rarity out of his clutches, all while avoiding his radioactive breath. But how? I thought back to all the other oversized opponents I had faced. All of them had one thing in common. I always ended up coming to blows. Despite everything that was happening, Spike was still my friend. I'd already hurt him once before. I didn't know if I could do it again. "Help! Help!" Okay, first things first I had to save Rarity. "Hey, where's it going?" I heard one of the Wonderbolts say as I broke formation. "Forget it," the Flight Leader said. "Focus on the mission." Rarity's eyes lit up as soon as she saw me. Spike's tail had her wrapped in a python grip. "Yoo Hoo, Comet! I hate to impose but if you could see to getting me out of here I'd really appreciate it." Spike looked down as he realized what I was doing. SWISH! SMASH! "GYAAAAAAHHHHH!" Rarity let out a scream as his tail barely missed me. SNAAAAAAP!" Luckily the Wonderbolts provided a timely distraction, allowing me a second chance. I grabbed the tip of his tail and began unwinding it. Rarity let out a shriek as she slipped out. I let go as I raced after her. SLAM! Spike slammed the water tank down embedding it into the side of the mountain. He looked down at us with fury in glowing green eyes. I swooped under Rarity, catching her across my back. "Oof," She cried as her momentum came to a stop before shaking her clear. "Thank you so much, dear. If you could take me back to my boutique, that would be great." ROAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!! Spike roared in fury at the sight of his prize being stolen from him. He slid down the mountain, his claws carving deep marks into the side of the mountain. "Look out!!!" BOOOOOM! With a thunderous crash, Spike landed on his feet and began charging after us. "Um...excuse me?" Rarity tapped me with her hoof. "If isn't too much trouble, would it be possible to go a little faster?" ROOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!" "AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! Must go faster! MUST GO FASTER!!!" Spike was gaining on us fast. "Look out!" FWOOOSH!!! A jet of glowing green fire erupted from Spike's mouth. Immediately I banked hard left to avoid it. Despite missing us by a wide margin, I felt the heat wash over me. In an instant, my entire body was racked in excruciating pain and fatigue. My coma flamed out as every muscle in my body screamed in agonizing pain. My head was overcome by a wave of pain signals as I felt gravity take over. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Rarity's screams as we both fell back to Earth. Spike's POV Hur hur hur Stupid Comet think it can take Spike's treasure. Spike show stupid Comet. Hur hur hur. Spike watch as Comet and Rarity fall from the sky. Mine! Spike catch Comet and pretty Rarity. Pretty Rarity scream at Spike and go to sleep. No matter, she Spike's once more. Spike look over at Comet, no not Comet, but Colt. White Colt...wearing funny clothes. Wait Spike recognize Colt from somewhere. Colt with Spike and Rarity when taken by Diamond Dogs. Colt get sick. Glowing gem make Colt sick. Spike eat glowing gem. Gem make Spike fire glow. Spike fire make Colt sick. 'Sweet Celestia! He's burning up!' 'He's coughing up blood!' "APPLE COMET? OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I suddenly felt very strange. It was as if my entire body was a rubber band somepony had just released. The next thing I knew, I was falling. "Gaaaaaaaahh!" As we hurtled toward the ground, I looked at Rarity and Apple Comet. Both were unconscious. Apple Comet was dressed in some kind of blue costume with his cutie mark on the front. A red cape fluttered behind him. He almost looked like a character out of the Power Ponies. And Rarity, sweet beautiful Rarity. I'd never be able to tell her how I felt about her. At least she and Apple Comet wouldn't feel anything when we landed. BOOOOOM!!!! I looked off into the distance to see a rainbow speeding toward us, leaving a series of rings in its wake! A sonic rainboom! That meant..."Ooof" The three of us landed unceremoniously in a bright pink fabric. "Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash said. "We did it, we actually...oh my," Fluttershy said noticing Apple Comet's unconscious form. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she gazed upon the Comet on his chest. "Can't say I was expecting that." We touched down safely on the bridge, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie were waiting for us. "Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked. "Spike's okay, I think, but Rarity and Apple Comet are both unconscious. Rainbow said. "Apple Comet?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, while Applejack began sweating buckets. "Oh my!" Exclaimed Fluttershy, "He's burning up! We need to take him to the hospital." "No!" Everypony turned to face Applejack as she trotted forward with a defiant expression. "What did you say?" Twilight asked. Applejack took her brother's forehoof and placed it on the symbol of his costume. Immediately the costume and cape lit up with red and blue light before disappearing. CLACK! A small silver diamond-shaped object clattered against the stones. It had Apple Comet's cutie mark engraved on it. Applejack quickly picked it up and tucked it under her hat. "What was that?" Twilight asked. "Nothing for you to worry about Sugarcube," Applejack responded defensively. "Let me see," She grasped the hat in her magic, but Applejack's hoof held firm. "A'h said no Twi!" a back-and-forth tug of war ensued. "You've known the whole time haven't you?" Rainbow Dash fluttered forward. "Why didn't you tell us?" "Because it weren't my place to." Applejack fired back. "Um...girls." "The biggest mystery in all of Equestria and you didn't say anything. So much for the element of honesty." "Girls." "It ain't dishonest to protect family," "Girls!" Everypony paused and looked at Fluttershy who was fanning Apple Comet with her wings. "Now is not the time to argue," Our friends need our help. Applejack looked at her friends with nervous uncertainty. Then she said, "Fine, y'all can take him to the hospital. But nopony breathes a word about this, ya hear me? Pinkie Promise." "Loud and clear cavalier!" Pinkie Pie said. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." We all stared at her. "Ahem." "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye," Fluttershy said. "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye," I said. "Hrmph, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Rainbow groaned. Twilight sighed. "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. I expect an explanation for this later Applejack." Applejack took a deep breath and exhaled. "I think y'all best ask Apple Comet when he wakes up. It's his secret to tell, not mine." I felt a pang of guilt as I heard her say those words. Looking out at the destruction I'd caused around Ponyville. torn off roofs, overturned carts, and water-soaked streets. My eyes gazed down at a massive claw print in the earth. Had I done all that damage? I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as the reality of what I had done sunk in. > Sharing My Heritage. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn't surprised to find myself back in the hospital when I woke up. I wasn't surprised to learn I had been out for a few days. I wasn't even surprised to learn my visits were limited to strictly family. I wasn't surprised until Applejack came to visit me. "Howdy Pard'ner, how ya doing?" "Feeling better," I answered. How's everypony doing at home?" Applejack took a slow breath. "We've all been missing you terribly," she said. "Listen, Apple Comet, there's something I have to tell you." She told me what happened with Spike and how Rainbow and Fluttershy saved us from falling to our doom. My heartbeat spiked inside my chest as I realized what that meant. Applejack's friends knew my secret. "So they know," I whispered, unsure how to react to this devastating news. "Don't worry, A'h made them Pinkie Promise not to tell anyone." "Can we trust them?" I asked. "A'h trust them," Applejack answered. "Celestia knows they ain't perfect, but Ah'd trust them with my life." I looked out my window, listening to the birds singing. "How're Rarity and Spike doing?" Applejack's ears sank. "Rarity's doing fine. She's already backfilling orders for customers. Spike on the other hoof, Twilight says he hasn't gotten out of his bed for the past few days." My heart sank with empathy for the young drake. I couldn't say I blamed him. If I had transformed into a rampaging monster and destroyed the town I'd probably do the same thing. "Listen Apple Comet, A'h ain't going to pretend like things will go back to the way they were. But like A'h told them, this is your truth to tell when you are ready." "Thanks, Applejack," I didn't cry the rest of the time I was there. I didn't panic, at least not outwardly. I didn't read or play with the other foals. I mostly just sat in bed, pondering the implications of what I had learned or spying on the doctors and nurses through walls and floors for anything about my case. I was so quiet that many hospital staff asked me if something was wrong. I told them I was just tired or wasn't hungry or I pretended to be asleep. The next day I was discharged from the hospital. When Nurse Redheart came to get me, she told me that my family couldn't come because of the start of zap apple season, so they had asked Twilight to get me. My adrenaline raced as I pondered what this meant. Twilight Sparkle the mare I admired for her dedication to knowledge and learning and her devotion to her friends. How would she react when I told her the truth about me? Would she still see me as a pony or a scientific specimen to probe and study? 'She has a good heart,' I told myself. 'Besides Applejack trusts her enough to come to get me, and she wouldn't do that if she suspected her friend had an ulterior motive." Twilight was waiting for me as I stepped out into the lobby. Her face was the same warm gentle expression she always wore when I stopped by. "Hey Apple Comet, you ready to go home?" Home? I can't say I was expecting that from her. 'What were you expecting? Hey, Apple Comet want to come to my laboratory so I can study your alien physiology?' "Uhh...sure?" We stepped out of the hospital into the crisp autumn air. "So, how are you feeling? Better?" Twilight asked as we trotted down the path. "Much better," I answered. "That's good, I bet you can't wait to return to school and see all your friends." "Yep," "And I bet you can't wait to stop by the library." I couldn't take it anymore. We were lying to each other to avoid the Ursa Minor in the room. "Twilight, you don't have to pretend. We both know what you want to talk to me about." Her ears folded down as she realized she'd been found out. "That obvious huh?" She muttered rubbing her hoof against her cannon. I could imagine the suspense driving her crazy while I was out. The answer to one of Equestria's biggest mysteries was practically at her hooves. So close and yet so far away. Add to that dealing with Spike and the cleanup of last week's rampage; it was a wonder she looked half as well as she did. "Why don't we talk about it back at your lab?" I suggested. Her violet eyes shimmered as she neighed with excitement. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes," She said as she bounced circles around me like a foal on Hearth's Warming Morning. "Uhh Twilight? Are you alright?" She paid me no mind as she continued to bounce around. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes." I shrugged my withers and snorted. "Okay let's go then." We started our journey to the library after letting Twilight get her excitement out. I could see signs the townsponies had been hard at work repairing the damage from Spike's rampage. Most of the footprints had been filled in and the water tower was back in its rightful place. There was still a big hole in the roof of Sugarcube Corner that somepony, probably Pinkie Pie had covered with an oversized band-aid. "Applejack told me Spike's been taking things pretty hard," I said. Twilight folded her ears and frowned. "Yes, he has." "Would it help if I talked to him?" Twilight pondered the question. "I don't know, Apple Comet. All of us have tried, even Rarity, We arrived at the library shortly after. Peering through the tree's bark, I saw Spike sitting in a fetal position inside his basket. his blanket draped over him as he gazed down at his feet. He had hastily thrown all his birthday presents into the closet. "Spike, I'm home," Twilight said as she stepped inside. "There's someone here who wants to see you." For a moment Spike looked over at the door, then went back to his sulking. Twilight looked at me. "I'll be in the lab when you're ready." With that, she turned the knob to the basement door and opened it. I trotted up the steps to the bedroom and knocked on the door. "Spike? It's me, Apple Comet. Are you okay in there?" "Go away! Leave me alone!" I opened the door a crack and leaned inside. "Spike, please talk to me." He turned his back to me, clutching the blanket tighter. "Stay back don't come any closer! I said stay back!" He pleaded desperately on the verge of tears. "Spike listen, I don't blame you for what happened," I said as I stepped through the doorway. Spike bolted from the basket and dove under Twilight's bed. "Please, go away! I don't want to hurt you again." 'He just did,' I thought as I sped over to the bed and lifted it with my hoof. Spike looked up with an expression of sadness and guilt. His emerald eyes were dull and faded, having lost the otherworldly glow of the green mineral. His cheeks were beginning to hollow and his rib cage poked against the scaly skin of his chest. "Sweet Celestia," I gasped softly. Spike lunged past me and dashed for the exit. I cut him off in a millisecond. "Spike listen to me," "No you listen to me!" he interrupted. "I don't want you around me! I don't want anypony around me! You're not safe as long as you're around me! Nopony is! I'm a monster and that's all I'll ever be." He tried to pass me but I blocked him. "You're wrong!" He stopped and stared at me. "Would a monster feel bad about the damage he did or the ponies he hurt? Would a monster shut himself off from his friends out of fear of hurting them? Your feeling this way proves you are not a monster Spike. You're my friend, and I care about you." At that, he threw himself onto my shoulder sobbing. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." "I forgive you," I said wrapping my forelegs gently around him. *Pop!* Twilight, appeared in a flash of lavender light. "Is everything okay up here?" Spike looked up from my shoulder at her with tears in his eyes. He wiped them away with a wave of his claw, then ran his wrist across his nose. Twilight summoned a box of tissues and floated one over to him. "Yeah, we've just been having a little guy talk," I said. "Isn't that right Spike?" The young dragon blew his nose and wadded up the used tissue. "Yeah, guy stuff." He puffed up his bony chest. "You wouldn't be interested." Twilight let out a giggle as she offered him another tissue. "If you say so Spike." I trotted over to the closet door and opened it. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked as I dug through the pile of discarded presents until I finally pulled out the heart-shaped fire ruby. "I think someone's overdue for a well-deserved birthday dinner," I said. Spike's heart rate increased as he stared at the magnificent gem. "N-no thanks, I-I'm good." The growling of his stomach betrayed him. Twilight scowled and levitated him over to me. "Spike, you've hardly eaten the past few days. You're turning to scales and bones." I offered the outstretched gem to him with a warm smile. "Go on." He looked at me and the fire ruby. One trembling claw reached out and grasped it. For a moment Spike gazed into the gem's many facets. Then slowly, he brought it up to his lips and opened his mouth. His jaws closed around the edge as he took the tiniest bite. His pupils dilated as his fangs chewed the bite into tiny pieces which his tongue quickly lapped. Then without a word, he swallowed. His mouth-watering Spike proceeded to devour the fire ruby like he was Applejack in a pie-eating contest. "Feeling like your old self again?" Twilight asked as he licked his leathery lips. Spike let out a short belch and licked his claws clean. "Yep." "Please have a seat." Twilight gestured to a lonely chair in the middle of the lab. I did as instructed. Twilight levitated a roll of parchment and a quill and ink bottle from the desk. Calmly she opened the bottle and dipped the point in the ink, then began writing. "So how long have you been the biggest mystery in Ponyville?" "Since the Summer Sun Celebration," I said, not knowing how I felt about this. Was I being interviewed? Interrogated? Evaluated as a candidate for experimentation? Twilight paused momentarily, peering her head out from behind the scroll. "That matches up." She said resuming her writing. "My next question is how can an Earth Pony, especially one so young be capable of pulling off such feats of magic? I mean flight, strength, transformation spells, or is the comet an illusion spell?" This was it, time to see how she reacted. "Because I'm not an earth pony." Twilight carefully set the writing materials on the desk and looked me over confusedly. "Well, you've never had a horn or wings as long as I've known you. So if you're not an earth pony, what kind of pony are you?" "A Koltonian," was my answer. Twilight blinked once. "A what?" "A Koltonian," I repeated. "How do you spell that?" She asked. "K-o-l-t-o-n-i-a-n." She hastily scribbled it down. "Okay, Next question, what kind of pony is a Koltonian?" "The extraterrestrial kind." Twilight's pupils shrunk as the quill fell from her aura. "Excuse me." I could do this, I just needed to lay it on gently for her. Taking a deep breath, I stood up. "Twilight, what I'm about to say might sound crazy, but I swear on my sister's element it's the truth. Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. You might want to sit down." Twilight looked at me quizzically but did as I suggested. Okay here goes. "I wasn't born on Equus. I was born on another planet called Kolton. My parents sent me here in a spaceship when I was a newborn. It crash-landed at Sweet Apple Acres where the Apples found me and took me in." For a moment she didn't say anything or move a muscle. Her heart rate increased as her brain processed what I had told her. Finally, she spoke. "So what you're saying is you're an alien lifeform that just so happens to look exactly like an Earth Pony?" She lit her horn illuminating my barrel with an X-ray spell. She studied my anatomy for several minutes, writing down her findings in her scroll. "Hmm, your anatomy doesn't show anything unusual." She made her way up my neck to my head. "Gasp!" "What is it?" I asked. "Your brain, one moment please." She levitated over a book of anatomy and flipped it open. "Brain development, brain development, aha here we are. Oh my gosh, Apple Comet, your brain is at the stage of adult stallion." "Well, everypony always tells me I'm smart for my age," I said. "Do you believe me now?" She closed the book setting it down on the table. "Sure, why not." She said throwing her forehooves up for dramatic effect. If Pinkie sense can exist, I don't see why you can't be an alien." A sly grin crossed my muzzle. "You want to see my spaceship?" Twilight's pupils sank deep into her eyes. A beaming smile crossed her face as she let out an excited neigh. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" A short time later we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. The zap apple trees had begun to blossom, meaning the third sign had already passed. "So basically the cells of my body absorb solar energy, then store that energy for when I need it," I explained as we trotted to the barn. "That's amazing! Are you getting all this Spike?" Twilight turned the baby dragon riding on her back. His claws wrote feverishly as he struggled to keep up with our conversation. "Doing...my best Twi." He panted, his claw throbbing from the sheer amount of writing he had done since we started up the hill." "This is it," I said as we stopped at the door. "You ready?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Apple Comet, I've been in here before remember?" "I do, Pinkie Pie's last birthday party," I said undoing the latch. "Please, don't remind me of that," Spike shuddered. "I'll never look at a bucket of turnips the same way. The door swung open illuminating the barn. "So where is the spaceship? Is there some invisibility spell or something?" Twilight craned her neck examining the rafters. "No," I answered shutting the door behind us. "Look under the hay on the floor." Twilight's horn lit up, her magic parting the hay to reveal the hidden trapdoor. "Always the last place you think to look," Spike commented as Twilight lifted the handle. "How long did it take you to dig this shaft?" Twilight asked as we descended the ladder. "About 11.8 seconds," I answered. "It wasn't so much digging as it was boring." "Doesn't sound very boring to me Spike commented as we reached the bottom. Twilight's horn lit up illuminating the chamber. Her jaw hit the floor upon seeing the sleek silver diamond-shaped craft before them. "Whoa," Spike whispered. "I trust you believe me now?" I said as I trotted up to the ship. Both of them nodded their heads silently. The canopy opened with hiss at my touch revealing the interior. A static hum filled the air as the holographic form of Kerax materialized. "Young Master, It is good to see you again." His head turned to face Twilight and Spike, causing the former's eyes to roll back in her head as she fainted on the spot. "Is she alright?" Spike said nothing, his gaze transfixed on the hologram. I trotted over to Twilight who had fallen ungraciously on her side. Her breathing and heart rate had slowed, but she was otherwise fine. "She'll be fine, she's just fainted from shock. Carefully I turned her onto her back and raised her forehooves above her head. "What are you doing?" Spike asked. "Stimulating blood flow to the brain," I said. "Mmm, Mph," her eyes flickered, then slowly opened. "Spike? Apple Comet? What happened?" "You fainted after this glowing alien looked at you," said Spike. Twilight sprang to her hooves with a startled neigh as she looked at Kerax with frozen fear. "Guys, this is Kerax. he served my parents on Kolton and now serves me. Kerax, this is Twilight Sparkle and Spike. They are friends of mine." "Uhh....hi?" The young dragon raised a hesitant claw smiling nervously as he gazed into the glowing light of Kerax's face screen. "It is nice to meet both of you," The AI said politely. "Although it seems my first impression was a bit too strong. So Young Master, what can I do for you today?" I smiled confidently. "My friends might be interested in seeing the memory crystal." I looked over at them. " The fear in Twilight's eyes vanished and was replaced with curiosity. "Very well, Young Master, by the way, you'll be happy to hear that your parent's memories are at twenty percent synchronization." The compartment door slid open revealing the memory crystal. "What was it he said about your parent's memories?" Spike asked as I took the memory crystal out. "My parents made copies of their memories and placed them inside this memory crystal, along with all knowledge of my planet's history, science, and culture. But they were...hey!" Twilight with an excited gasp snatched up the crystal in her magic. "History, science, culture, all knowledge?" Her eyes twinkled in the darkness as she gazed into the crystal excitedly. "Just imagine it Spike, the secrets of an alien civilization. The proof that we're not alone in the universe!" "Uhh...Twilight?" He poked her wither. "Oh, Princess Celestia will flip when she hears about this. I can see it now!" "Twilight," "The groundbreaking discoveries, the advancements in magic, the award ceremonies!" "Twilight!" "What?!" Spike pointed at me. In an instant, Twilight was in my face. "Apple Comet, you have to let me study this crystal." She pleaded frantically. "Please, it could change Equestria forever!" Her pupils bulged as she stared into me. "I'll do anything, anything!" My internal temperature rose as I gazed into her sparkling violet eyes. They shimmered like pools of beautiful desperation. My heartbeat swiftly picked up as I breathed in the scent of her coat. The smell of her lavender shampoo mixed with nervous sweat. "I'm afraid the memory crystal is keyed to Young Master Kom-El's thoughts," Kerax interjected. "It won't activate for you." Twilight looked at me with pleading eyes. I'd already committed to sharing this much with her. I sat down, placing one hoof on the crystal. The other, I extended to Twilight. She accepted and offered the other to Spike. "Close your eyes and clear your mind." As I did, the crystal lit up with ethereal light. When the light faded, we stood in a vast black void filled with glowing white orbs. "Where are we?" Twilight asked. "Is this it?" I put one hoof out. Lines of light raced out of the ground forming a square. It felt solid, then again none of this was physically real. "No, this is something else. The last time I used the crystal, I was transported to Kolton or at least a memory of Kolton." "Really?" Her eyes lit up once again. "What was it like?" "I was at my parent's house, It was like nothing you've ever seen." Suddenly before our very eyes, the house materialized out of thin air. "W-What's going on?" Spike asked astonished at the living room that just spontaneously appeared. "It's the memory crystal," I explained. "It takes your memories and projects them around you." "So you're doing all this with just your mind? That's incredible!" Hearing Twilight say that filled me with a sense of pride. "It even feels real," Spike said wiggling his clawed toes on the carpet. "So where are your parents?" Twilight asked. Memories of that night flashed before my eyes. "I'm sorry Kom-El, I tried to stop her, tried to fight back. But she was just too strong." "Forgive me my precious shooting star! It will all be over soon." "MOM LET GO OF ME!" "Mommy's not here anymore little prince. It's just you, your sister, and me now. But do not despair both of you will be seeing them again very soon. In fact, you'll be so happy you'll never want to leave again." "Apple Comet! What's going on?" "I-It's okay my little shooting star, I do not blame you." "Is that any way to treat your Mother, Little Prince? I think you need a time-out." "Goodnight Little Prince." "Sleep tight remember you've got school tomorrow," Twilight and Spike stood aghast. Both of their heart rates had spiked and they were breathing faster. "T-That was N-N-Nightmare M-Moon!" Spike finally stammered out. "Wait, you saw that too?" I blurted out forgetting where we were. Both of them jumped back. The three of us stood silently for a moment, trying to rationalize what we'd just seen. Then, Twilight levitated me into a hug. "Shh...It's okay," She cooed. I felt the warm tears running down my face as I embraced her. The orchard was quiet as we walked back to the farmhouse. No one said a word, though I could tell from their heartbeats that Twilight and Spike were eager to know the truth. "Hey, Kom El," Twilight whispered, then paused to ponder her wording. "I know what we saw back there...was a lot...for you to go through. I'm not saying you need to tell me what happened right now. But I'm willing to listen if you ever want to get it off your barrel." "Thanks, Twilight," I said. "And please call me Apple Comet." A soft smile formed on her muzzle. "No problem, Apple Comet." "I'm guessing this means Princess Luna knows?" Spike asked. "Yeah, she knows," I said. Twilight's jaw hit the dirt and her eyes widened. "Wait if Luna knows then does that mean Celestia knows too?" "No, she hasn't told her, thankfully," I said. Twilight looked at me like I'd thrown a book on the floor. "What's that supposed to mean?" My heart began to beat faster as I thought about that day at Sugarcube Corner. "It's just...you know how sunlight becomes more concentrated the closer you get to the sun?" A nervous smile spread across my face. "And with the whole me absorbing sunlight thing." The neurons in Twilight's hippocampus began firing rapidly as she began to remember. Her left eye began to twitch as she bit her lower lip. "What does that have to do with Luna not telling Celestia?" Spike asked confused before Twilight burst into flame like Celestia had.