• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 56 - Stories

Raising the Sun wasn't easy. From all her years of experience, Celestia can admit that she had been through a lot of weather patterns. Raising the sun in Blizzards, Hurricanes, a standard thunderstorm. The sun still had to rise and the moon had to set, despite any weather afflictions.

Psera seemed to have none of these issues. At least when they came over. This morning at six o' three, Celestia took to one of the many rooftops belonging to the Castle of the Gods one wouldn't be able to see from the front and eyed the sky.

It was clear and turning a brighter hue from the black of night. The air was brisk and mint. Twilight. Celestia lifted her horn and poured in her magic. The sky gradually turned from purple to dark blue thanks to that orb of orange rising. Now it was Luna's turn. Her job was done.

"This never ceases to amaze me." Celestia blinked to the lowering of the moon and wrapped up the process. Then turned her smiling gaze to face the voice of Twilight Sparkle. The real Twilight this time. She was staring up to the sky wearing what looked to be a kimono from either Neightons.

It was a reflective red with clouds in a sequenced pattern kept together by a sash tied in the middle. Her glowing violet mane flowed with the wind and her smile penetrated the sky. Her wing was wrapped up in new Gauze and there was definitely some ointment applied to that shiner. But she still looked beautiful as always.

Celestia walked over to share a gentle hug and nuzzle then greeted, "Good morning, Twilight. How did you sleep?"

Twilight separated and replied, "Good morning, Celestia, and not a wink. I had a nightmare at ten last night."

"Yes, we figured you would have an issue of some kind. You've been trapped inside something rather traumatizing, getting over it in one night would be impossible. Even for you."

"Regardless, I believe I have slept more than what is truly necessary in a lifetime anyway." She moved ahead towards the high edge that ascended in the form of brick steps. Then peeked and watched the motion of Psera come to life. At the Pserateps waiting to take to the sky while the rest actually did. "They stall until the sun is high before they start their day."

Celestia followed her sight to the movement in the sky and the ground. At the Pserateps taking flight, creating a beautiful spectrum of art. "It's truly beautiful," she whispered.

Twilight nodded and educated Celestia, "The cool morning air mixed with the heat of the sun provides a cooling sensation that many look forward to. It's elegant and smooth to fly in. Like skating on freshly set ice. Many ponies do it. Those who can anyway."

Celestia nodded and embraced the cool air with a deep inhale. The temperature tickled her lungs and urged her to let it back out. "Madun and I are going to do some basic exercising at two this afternoon."

"Speaking of, I heard you and Madun spar," Celestia recounted.

"Once a week," Twilight confirmed. She silently laughed and said, "They don't know I know, but the Guards tend to watch and place bets. I let them. We started Sparring shortly after I started defensive training, it's customary in Royalty for everyone to know self defense."

Everyone? "Has Dawn?" Celestia slowly asked.

"She's still in it. Her training is on Sundays." Twilight sighed and peacefully recalled, "When me and Madun started sparring, Psera was not prepared for my skill. It was humorous in a way."

Sixteen Years Ago

Twilight was nervous. Even though she was Queen, she wasn't on the throne on Sundays. And even though she was a mother, Molten offered to take care of her filly for the time being while she trained in the Castle's training grounds. The area was lightly full with Guards, a small medical team, and three instructors from the Castle Guard. One of them was Dark.

Upon arrival, Twilight took off her crown and gave it to a few ponies to take care of. Then waited for the second participant.

After a few minutes, her opponent showed up. Sweet and Sexy Madun. He was trotting down that slight decline into the soft sand pit Twilight was standing in wearing no protection whatsoever. Just his coat.

"Good morning," he greeted.

Twilight replied, "Good morning."

"So this is how this happens. You and I are going to Spar so your instructors can get a reading on what you need to work on."

Twilight sighed and levitated a helmet over to her head. A red plastic one that allowed no discomfort for her horn. "I can already combat very well, Madun."

Madun took a helmet from an instructor that offered it to him and plopped it on his head. "I have yet to see it. No magic."

"Of course." Madun and Twilight stood up to face each other. They smoldered into the other's eyes. A breeze whipped up small grains of sand into their stoic faces. Then Madun charged first. Now that was a scary sight. A big pony such as Madun rushing towards her. Well Twilight faced Tirek too when he was a Giant. So she waited patiently until he was close enough.

Once he was, Twilight slapped her wing into the sand they stood on and swung it straight up to his face. Then swiveled around and brought her right hind hoof under his hooves. Madun yelped and tripped face first into the sand. Then Twilight brought her hoof up and straight down into the back of his helmet.

"Twilight, One. Madun, Zero," an instructor announced. "Round Two!"

Twilight leaned down and playfully asked, "Are you ready to admit defeat?"

Celestia giggled behind a hoof after Twilight's recount of beating Madun's flank. Then stammered, "I-I'm sure he gets you down at times."

Yes, but not in combat, Twilight thought to herself. "Madun is a loving pony. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He's always calm and collected, but can definitely be rough and intimidating if you push him."

"I feel that is everypony, Twilight."

"...true." they watched the increased activity in the air briefly before Twilight whispered, "Congress may keep me off the throne for awhile."


"I still have consequences. But that is fine, it gives me time to catch up with my family and friends. How did Equestria turn out? Our fighting left it in pretty bad shape."

Celestia tittered at Twilight and said, "Nopony had anywhere to sleep, Twilight. Everything was destroyed."

Jeez, was it really that bad? "I am very sorry, Celestia."

"Do not worry. As long as you have a team with you in case something like that happens again. As for your friends and family, they turned out alright. Your mother was very depressed for quite some time. She lit up like a bulb when Dawn showed up."

"Gifts?" Twilight could only assume what happened. Her mother was eccentric when it came to family she hasn't seen in a while.

Celestia eyed a group of colts fly over the castle and answered, "All one hundred fifty wrapped up in a single box with a bow. She allegedly went into your Embassy and took a few things since it was shut down."

Twilight nodded and flicked her ear when she picked up a small sound from behind. It was small and timid. A sound of a pony who was sticking to the back to allow privacy. And since no one decided to make their presence known through a clearing of the throat...

"You can come out, Dawn," she called out. Then moved to turn her head before Dawn shadow-teleported to her side wearing her golden hoofshoes and crown. Dressed for the day. "You're getting good."

Dawn shrugged nonchalantly then froze when her mother nuzzled her cheek. It was... Strange since she never has another pony do that except her father. "Good morning, Veola." Twilight greeted.

"....m-morning, mom," Dawn timidly replied. "Is that what you used to call me?"

Twilight pulled back and moved her attention to the skies over Cop. The traffic was beginning to become a little hectic now. Her sight shifted down to the Pods pulling up to form a line in front of the Castle's closed gates. They would open in a few minutes for the politics to begin.

"Press," she groaned. Then answered, "Yes, Veola is your middle name. It's just what I would call you, like how your father called you Sugar Plum. How is school treating you?"

Dawn lied down in between Celestia and her mother, then answered, "It's... A little tough. Everyone looks to me for magical information and I don't know any. It's pressuring. And I don't understand why they need it if they themselves can't perform magic. It's really hard."

"Oh you're not even in the thick of it." Twilight quickly backpedaled when Dawn's eyes widened. "Wh-What I mean to say is Psera really looked to me to make new things happen. Make this and do that months before I was Queen and before I was Secretary. It troubles me each time I think that Psera may depend on me a little too much. The exact reason why I'm looking forward to the consequences of my actions. It allows me to enjoy life until my sentence is lifted. But I'll be forced to cease all legal actions as soon as I sign the papers.

"Psera I believe will depend heavily on you too. But like I told you years ago when you were just a filly... The choice to be Queen is your decision. In Psera's democracy, it is your birthright to be Queen unless you pass the title on to someone else, or you are impeached from the throne. But you don't have to worry until your father or myself pass you the Crown."

Dawn followed her mother's gaze down to the ground. Those were a lot of ponies down there setting up. Anyone not a lawmaker weren't allowed in the castle yet until nine and it was only seven right now.

Twilight sighed when a few camera flashes lit up from below. No doubt they saw something. "As much as I appreciate their eagerness, I have not slept and would like a little bit of peace for a day."

Celestia laughed and stated, "You and I both know that that is not possible here in Psera."

Twilight blushed and turned her head to the side. "I can dream."

"I know, Twilight." Celestia stood up and stretched her bones. She's been sitting for awhile and it's time to start a new day. IHT was still having their meetings and she couldn't shrug that to the side. "When Dawn arrived in Equestria we were in an IHT meeting in The Crystal Empire."

Twilight placed a wing over Dawn and turned her head to look up to Celestia with a bland expression. "How's that coming along? You do know I feel that is a failed experiment that we are now stuck in."

"On the contrary, your disappearance and sacrifice has brought us all closer together. All of the nations depend on each other. The Dragon Lands, The Forgotten Land, Zebrica—" Twilight's huff through her nose interrupted Celestia for a moment. Even the name Twilight didn't enjoy. And she definitely wasn't even around when Psera and Zebrica's rivalry emerged.

Before Celestia could get a word in, Twilight stood up suddenly and started her trek back to the doors. "I have to get ready for the day," was her excuse. But Celestia knew otherwise. Both she and Dawn watched her disappear on the other side behind them. Then looked to each other in the eyes. Zebras really irked her. A lot. But why?

Gardeen had such a hard time getting into the building this morning. So bad in fact a few of the guards providing a barrier to the entrance had to escort her up to the doors so she could get to work. Once she made it inside, she sat down in the foyer and took a deep breath and a quick break.

"Quite the wake up call, huh?"

Gardeen looked up into the smirking face of Starlight. She hasn't seen it in so long she actually missed it. Starlight reached out and smoothed Gardeen's silver mane back into place. Apart from that and the badge she was wearing next to the marriage ring, she looked fine. A little winded from running from the wild press, but still good.

Gardeen sighed and answered, "Yeah, well I'd better get used to it. Psera has a tendency to blow up about this type of stuff."

Starlight laughed and joked, "Which stuff? Royal business as a whole or a pony coming back from the dead?"

Gardeen smiled and led Starlight towards the stairs. "Let's go with both."

The two laughed before Gardeen opened her wings and soared straight up to the third floor. She straightened her wings and flapped them to slow her speed which allowed her to have a graceful landing on the surface way above the ground. Only then did she realize what she forgot. Or rather who she forgot.

"Forget something?" Starlight walked past her into that oh so famous hallway of theirs. The one that had three pairs of Guards standing in front of. The one that held all the VIPs of Psera. But how did Starlight get up here? Unicorns had magic so she probably teleported. It made sense.

Gardeen shook her head and walked past the Guards into this walkway. Unlike usual, this area was quiet. Entirely silent. So silent it made Starlight shiver. She didn't realize it was this silent when she left last night. But now that she was coming back it was as if the silence had been boosted.

Gardeen eyed everything and whispered, "This reminds me of the memorial service."

"How did everything turn out when we left?" Starlight asked.

Gardeen grabbed the badge around her neck and pressed it against that black space for a few seconds. It turned from black to green and let off a second-long high pitched beep. That was the key?! She was always blown away by Psera's technology.

Gardeen sighed and turned around to answer. "Tough. Things didn't actually go back to normal until a month later. Government was shut down partly, parks were closed, Events at Eventa was closed, and plenty of flags are still flapping in the wind to this day." After Gardeen opened the door she strolled in and flipped an unseen switch that highlighted their environment.

Directly at their hooves in front of the door was an overall black carpet with the crest of Psera in the middle and a picture of Narmeelah. The walls were made of red wood with lamps routed into them. They were definitely turned on with a switch.

A single sphere in the ceiling was providing soft light. On the far left was a round glass table with four chairs surrounding it with enough space for a Pseratep's wings, and on the far right was Gardeen's large desk decorated with picture frames of her and Light Pink, friends and ... Family?

Starlight noticed there were no photos of Gardeen with parents or of her younger days like she's seen from so many other office ponies. Strange. There was one of her in between Queen Arcadia and King Madun. Maybe she looked to them as her parental figures. There was even one holding their daughter in her hooves.

On the walls were newspapers that were clearly in Old Pseratopian. Starlight couldn't read any of it. But a photo held half of Twilight, another Madun, and even a few of Gardeen by herself holding up a book with a shiny sticker on it.

Gardeen walked over to her desk and admitted, "I felt like I died the day Queen Arcadia disappeared. Everyone here did." She reached to her desk out of sight and opened up a drawer to pull out her Comm Block. It's been years since Starlight's seen those.

Once Gardeen had it strapped on, Starlight approached the desk and picked up Gardeen's wedding photo. "This is really beautiful," she whispered.

"The photo?" Gardeen chortled and stated, "The wedding itself was amazing. The Fire Family helped me get it setup. It was like they knew Twilight wanted me to be married to Pink. Everyone was there. And in Twilight's place we put a vase of genetically altered Dandelions colored purple in the front row."

Starlight set the photo down and said, "You value Queen Twilight a lot."

"Yeah... She's like a mother to me," Gardeen admitted. It confirmed Starlight's suspicions. "I grew up an orphan. Twice. First time my birth parents blew up in a factory accident. Second time my adopted mother threw her life away to save mine when the Changelings invaded. That was before Twilight showed up." Gardeen closed the drawer and grabbed a fresh clipboard from the top of her desk. Then began making her way to Starlight on the other side.

Starlight was genuinely curious. "How did you two meet? Was it by chance?" Then followed Gardeen to the door back out into the hall. There was a lot of stuff that needed to be done this morning it looked like.

"Her Majesty Molten Ice actually." After they stepped out, Gardeen checked to make sure she was wearing her badge. Then closed and locked the door back. She and Starlight started making their way further left into the offices and continued their conversation. "After Twilight helped rebuild a few of the cities, jobs were being created. Since I showed great skill in management, I applied to be in the castle of all places. It was getting really busy here and they needed ponies who were sharp, and could do well under pressure. I just happened to be placed with Her Majesty Molten Ice."

"So, you worked for her before you worked with Twilight," Starlight quickly assumed.

Gardeen nodded and saluted to two Guards passing by looking at the walls. She wondered what they were looking for. "Yes, I worked for Her Majesty before I worked for Twilight. She was the one who reassigned me. Molten really didn't have much going on. The way she works is she gives orders here and there since she and her son were pretty much in charge until everything was back to normal. And we quickly went back to normal.

"Afterwards, things began to dwindle and the need for assistants was growing thin. So I talked to her Majesty Molten Ice about it and she said that unless there was another pony in the castle that actually needed assistance, then she would help me get a job elsewhere.

"But then Madun walked down the stairs from her Majesty's flower garden and said he knew exactly what I needed. During that time, Madun was crushing hard."

Starlight tittered behind a hoof. But lowered her voice when they approached the guarded closed doors to the Royal Suite. "How bad?"

"He said, 'Twily needs some help getting organized.' That bad."

"Holy stars."

The two giggled before Gardeen continued her tale. "But anyway, next thing I know I'm shaking Twilight's hoof. I was really excited. Twilight was seriously all the rage during this time. Everyone on Psera had their eye on her because she's just so intelligent. Not to mention a foreigner.

"We immediately got off to a great friendship. I showed her what I can do, told her about what I like to do and she the same. I was with her everywhere she went when she left the castle. I was there when she introduced her innovations to Psera, I was there when we went shopping. I was there during planning sessions, and if Merry didn't beat me to it I was there when stallions were around talking and Twilight wanted to talk about how Madun was staring at her later."

Stallions? "But aren't you gay?"

Gardeen nodded and stopped their procession in front of the Guards. "Twilight didn't know at the time and she was so happy when we talked about Madun. Whenever she was having a bad day or she was stressed out, we would sit back and just talk about life. Then Madun literally pushed into the picture by interrupting our conversations."

The doors suddenly bursting open had scared them so much they jumped to the side. Twilight jogged out with her magic scanning the halls and a look of focus on her face. She stopped and scanned a random picture of Psera hanging on the wall one more. Then two more times.

Gardeen had her mouth open in a small "O" with slitted eyes trained on Twilight. What. Was. She. Doing?

Madun leaned over to her ear wearing a honorary red military suit and whispered, "She's still uncomfortable with Queen Tarsafani on Psera. Really uncomfortable. Twilight sweetie, the Zebra is innocent."

Twilight continued her scanning in a long violet dress wearing her signature hoof shoes, chestplate, and horn rings. She looked great, but Gardeen could clearly see that looks were definitely the last thing on her mind. Twilight ceased her scanning and ruled, "As long as she is here in my castle, I'm checking every nook and cranny for any dangerous runes that I did not plant."

Madun sighed before Fresh Dawn walked out and tried her part. She was wearing a cute red and purple dress with sparkling glitter on it. "Aww mom, come on. I doubt she did anything. And even if she did, I doubt she managed to get this close to the suite without being spotted. It would be stupid."

Madun rolled his eyes and finally left the suite's entrance with Gardeen and Starlight. It was going to be a mission to get her to relax around Tarsafani.

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