• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 15 - WHAT?!!(Arcadia's Fury)

Celestia knew she shouldn't be, but she ended up surprised once more when rations were passed out for dinner. Wasn't much, but would last up to morning. According to a commander, they had more than enough and Celestia was forever grateful for that. The Pserateps were constantly prepared.

The sun was beginning to set and basked the bridge in an orange glow. And according to the LiVAMs above the windows in front of Celestia displaying their progress, they should reach Psera in the middle of the day after tomorrow. No word from Queen Twilight who seems to have disappeared.

Celestia sipped from her drink and glanced down to Madam beside her, staring out the windows too. She wasn't talking for once, which meant she was busy thinking. Celestia wondered what exactly.

Sighing, Singe asked, "So... Psera. Twilight mentioned you have seen it?"

Without turning, Celestia silently answered, "Yes. It is a reserved and sacred land littered with intense security. It is an advanced military nation who worships the ground my student walks on ever since she saved them. And protects their citizens by any means necessary. And they to her."

Madam Singe nodded and whispered, "You're... Not saying something."

Celestia decided to tell her what she needed to hear. "Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle has a lot of credit and influence on Psera. She stays humble and likes small things, a seemingly simple pony. But she is very aware of her power and enforces it with a strong hoof. At the stomp of one, she could have anypony thrown into prison and according to their law, even executed under the right conditions. It happened to us before, imprisonment, and almost happened to us again."

Celestia turned her body to look down at Madam Singe. "I mean no disrespect, Singe. But listen to me when I tell you this. The only ruler here is the King and Queen, Her Majesty, and the Princesses. But above them are King Shimmering Madun, and Queen Arcadia Nova. But the one in charge of everything is Queen Arcadia, who in turn has to get approval from their Senate Board. What Queen Arcadia gives you is what you get. If she orders you to do something, you do it. You call her Queen Arcadia on this boat, and on their land. As well as around her ponies. That stunt you pulled for some unknown reason at the IHT meeting will not be tolerated here on these Aquatas, and especially not there on Psera.

"In Equestria, she may have been calm and collected. But on the inside, she was fuming. You may have seen her mad, upset even. But I warn you..." Celestia leaned in and whispered, "Do not make her angry. We have witnessed her angry before, the entirety of Psera has. We'd rather not again."

Singe gulped and looked around to heed her words. The soldiers were working the controls and making contact with others through some devices on their heads, oblivious to their conversation. She saw innocence in their eyes. But also a fierce fire they made clear much earlier.

She nodded and turned back to Celestia. "Alright, I'll... Keep in line."

"See that you do."

"Hut Hut!!" The soldiers in the room stood and saluted when Twilight walked in from a portal.

Destination for Celestia and the LiVAMs above, she ordered, "At ease. Give me a status."

Admiral Star floated over to her calm form and answered, "We just finished dispersing rations and should have a count of how many we have left within the hour. Nothing strange so far but we should reach our next obstacle by tomorrow midday. That night, we reach the PDS Obelisk line."

Twilight nodded and responded, "Excellent. Depth scans?"

"Nineteen hundred. Normal."


"Nothing new for the next few days. Sunny skies with a chance of rain in four days from now, and raining in five. Psera is going to get wet soon."

"Normal weather. Good. Let Cop know that we will be conducting Obelisk maintenance the night we arrive. I also want eyes behind us. Afterwards, keep me updated. Dismissed."

Admiral Star saluted with respect. Then turned around and moved back to the sternum. Arcadia watched him before focusing on Celestia. "Just came back from home. Mom and Dad are driving my husband nuts again. He is not a fan of in-laws."

Celestia smiled at her and muttered, "Looking for Dawn?"

"Looking for Dawn." She glanced to Madam Singe and greeted, "Hello, Madam Singe."

"Hello, Queen Arcadia."

"Are your ponies spread throughout different Aquatas?" Twilight directed her attention to the LiVAMs above reading the terms and reports Celestia couldn't make out. Just a bunch of lines and flashing characters to her, maybe something deeper to the Queen.

"Yes, ma'am," Singe answered.

She nodded her head and muttered, "Alright... Alright, where is Odega? I need to question her regarding the Diary. It's extremely important."

Celestia motioned towards the floor and answered, "I believe in the hangar."

Twilight nodded then teleported out of sight, leaving them alone once more. She appeared on one of the many walkways above the desired area, beside a few Guards. They immediately saluted while she stared down at the ponies below. A sea of colors and music of the chatter variety. Where was she? She should be... There. The only pony lighting up the floor below. Literally. She was doing something with Fluttershy. Probably scaring her. She rolled her eyes and teleported to the floor to save her. Fluttershy would definitely freak.


Odega had an idea. A grand idea to get this completely scary pony to not fear her. She took this yellow coated pegasus as soft, and way too kind. She wouldn't last as a refugee on Psera. So while she was leaning down and doing something with a rabbit of some sort that kept growling at her, Odega snuck up from behind and tapped her on the back.

"Hey. You, pony." Fluttershy stood up and turned around. Then widened her eyes and mouth to scream before Odega pushed a hoof into it. "Please don't. I'm Odega, Pony of Flames. And who are you?"

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack bounded over and locked eyes with Odega filled with malice. "You best let Fluttershy go, ya' hear? If ya' know what's good for ya'."

Odega glanced around but calmly removed her hoof from "Fluttershy's" mouth and asked, "And you are?"

"I'm Applejack. This here's Fluttershy." She motioned with her hoof towards the empty space that held Fluttershy before, once again vacant. "She's a quiet and timid one."

Odega blinked at the area and asked, "Why? Ugh, you ponies are so... Soft." Odega shivered and added, "I couldn't be you right now. Really, I mean I know I'm supposed to love all creatures, and I do, but you ponies are so... Weird and—"

"Odega!" Odega eeped and turned around to bow to Arcadia. She was small, but held an eye of authority and a rock hard stare directed at her. "What are you doing?"

"Speaking with the guests." She rose back up and asked, "And where did you float off to earlier? One second you were there, the next you were nowhere. I know, I searched the entire ship."

"I was back on Psera."

"Whooo! Ms. Bigshot has some good magic if she can go over three hundred miles away in the blink of an eye!" She leaned in and whispered loudly, "Had to see the filly and make sure daddy was okay?"

Arcadia rolled her eyes and asked, "And why are you teasing me about that? I'd think it's great for a mother to worry about their foal."

Odega backed down and chuckled with a fast intensity. "Don't worry, I'm doing the same to Merry. And yes, I know she has some foals too. Cute little twins. I know everything. Nopony can hide from me. Just one of my reasons for defense. The only ones who can hide from my senses are Maheera, Narmeelah, the Twins, and Neemorah, The Weather Dancer."

"Well maybe you can tell me—wait, who is Neemorah?" Twilight quickly backpedaled. She leaned in and repeated, "What's a Neemorah?"

Odega raised an eyebrow and repeated, "Neemorah? The Weather Dancer? One of the ponies that helped defeat Maheera? Doesn't that book of yours say that?"

Arcadia lit her horn and teleported the Diary to in front of her face from across seas. Then used her magic to flip through and read it. After a few seconds she shut it back and shook her head. "Nope, no record. Nothing about them."

Odega shrugged and answered, "Well Neemorah's just one of the ponies of legends. She controls the weather by dancing. Pretty lame if you ask me. But she also has something that is very useful for... Attacking."

Twilight sat down and hummed. How come she's never heard of her? She asked, "And what would that be?"

"Seduction." Twilight blinked at her with no expression while Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy slowly poked their heads in with faces practically screaming, "What the buck?"

Twilight stuttered, "S-S-Seduction?"


Rarity asked, "So like... Getting a pony all hot and frisky in the coat?"

Odega nodded and answered, "Yes, just like they're ready for sex."

Rainbow zipped in from above and asked, "Wait, her attack is... Sex?"

Twilight groaned and stroked her face. "Odega that doesn't make any sense, how is that an offensive move?"

Odega cleared her throat and answered, "Well it's not. It's more like a distraction so we could get in. Yes, I realize that Maheera is a very large and monstrous dragon. Not to mention female. But I also am a female and I would still rut that—"

"Get to the point," Arcadia interrupted. She wiggled her hoof Odega's way and urged her on.

"Right, right. Neemorah was created, according to Narmeelah, as a distraction. A very peaceful and elegant distraction with beauty as her weapon. She's a golden mare with a lot of flash and color. But she's not just a seductress. Actually, she doesn't really do anything. Do you know what a Forly is in Psera, your highness?" Pinkie Pie had no idea if she said forty or Forky.

Twilight nodded and answered, "Yes, it's a poisonous fish that's really pretty."

"Right. Well think of Neemorah as a Forly. Just... More gory and enticing. And unlike a Forly, she doesn't let you touch her to die. She touches you first, if you catch my drift." She grunted through her teeth, "Pretty dangerous mare. But well worth it to see that flank, I'm tellin' you. I'm not gay or anything, but still. I would rut her like it was the end of the world. But those wings are really sharp. Like imagine the Elite Guard's weapons... But worse."

After a few seconds of silence apart from the ponies around them not listening, Arcadia cleared her throat and asked, "So... Her skills are seduction to kill, and the ability to manipulate weather?"

Odega nodded and answered, "Yeah, like she sings, dances, and causes things to happen. She's not an obstacle, so you don't have to find her out here. But she is a little... ehhh, a little hard. She stays on Psera I think for now. Just like everyone else, relaxing and taking it easy underneath the eyes and noses of everyone. Sleeping for over ten million years. But if you want to defeat Maheera, you have to recruit her too. Believe it or not, she serves as a great distraction just by standing still. Like your friend here."

She pointed at Pinkie Pie on Twilight's right side who was trying to dangle her tail into her mouth from behind. Constantly flicking her tongue in and out to touch it. "Seriously, what's going on here?"

Twilight shook her head and answered, "It's just Pinkie being Pinkie. But there's an issue here." She held up the diary with her magic to present to the group. "In the diary, I keep reading, 'Defeated Maheera.' Destroyed Calclon, a giant Crab in the past that tried to enslave ponies to do what he wanted. Along with a few more angry faces that wanted to take over Psera. She wrote great descriptions on how they were done and defeated. But for Maheera Dark, nothing. Just, 'It took me three days, but we finally defeated her.' Over and over and over. There's no description about how she did it. How did Narmeelah defeat Maheera Dark the first few times?"

Odega sighed and answered, "Well... This is probably going to come as a shock, and possibly make you a teensy tiny bit angry after all you're going through to do that, but... You can't."

Cadance had concerns. Not about the trip heading to Psera, but about the future when they did. Not much was promised at the time except immediate evacuation. Now they have to worry about what happens when they do arrive. According to Arcadia, things were still being prepared in Psera. Nothing was absolute and it would be some time before they were. The others of IHT may not be concerned about it, but they don't know anything about Psera. They're already really aggressive to foreigners because of their land that's possibly made entirely out of gold. And may have in the past had a war over it that caused an extinction of the ponies on the other side. So security will definitely be stepped up. And this may in fact hurt Twilight's credit as Queen of Psera. She was doing them all a massive favor.

Shining Armor was somewhere on the ship with Flurry Heart. So Cadance took this time to voice her concerns to her aunts. Walking the halls of the Aquata, their destination for the hangar. The sound of their movement reflected off the steel of the walkways and bounced around the steel interior like the many guards around them exiting rooms, performing duties, or simply talking.

Luna and Celestia were great listeners. Not once did they interrupt. Once those concerns were relayed, Celestia nodded her head and commented, "I understand your concerns. Queen Arcadia is normally organized about these things. But even this may be a challenge for her."

Approaching the double doors for the Hangar, Cadance added, "I'm more worried about the presence of their military and how it will affect the other nations. Equestria knows better than to test these ponies. But the others do not. Their presence may be cause for alarm and may also even be cause for attack. Especially in these dark times."

Luna nodded and stopped in front of the entrance. "I have faith in Twilight to take this matter as professional as possible, and to cease any possible altercations before they even begin."

The ship suddenly shook and all the power went out for a moment. "WHAT?!!" Luna sighed and lit her horn while the emergency lights turned on. Then the familiar sound of the sirens from the other ships blared. Something was happening again. Luna pushed the doors open and walked out into the semi-darkened hangar, specifically one of the walkways above. But the only thing glowing right now was Twilight's form of... Oh no.

Cadance and Celestia stopped by the rail beside her and followed her gaze. Twilight. Was angry. Again. Like last time, her body was flowing with purple flames, softly moving like long hair underwater. Her icy glare was trained directly on Odega who was tapping her hooves together nervously. And had created quite the show for everypony who ducked fast and far away, leaving her and Odega as the center of attention. The Changelings—both reformed and original, the Dragons, and a few Neightons were even shivering.

Celestia tapped her niece and sister's shoulders. Then teleported down to everyone else to see what the problem was. Still on fire, Twilight took in a deep breath and whispered, "Odega? As of this moment, you are the only pony on this ship, let alone the only one I know of in the whole world who even has a possible clue as to how to effectively defeat Maheera. And you're saying there is no way?"

Odega gulped loudly. This pony was even scarier than Narmeelah when she's angry. "W-Well, considering that she's the Original God of Chaos, she... Gets her power from Chaos. As long as there is destruction, she lives. And, well, you can't get rid of chaos. The chaos we're talking about aren't just things that make no sense and shouldn't even exist. But things that are anything but happy. So right now, with your anger, it's somehow making her a bit stronger."

Ignoring the approaching of hooves, Arcadia hummed and looked Odega over. She may be made of fire, but she was still as readable as Spike if he did something he had no business doing. Let alone her daughter. "You’re not telling me something..." Odega gulped. This pony was really good. Raising one hoof off the floor, Arcadia narrowed her eyes and said, "You have three seconds to start talking. One..."

"Qu-Queen Arcadia, it's important that you don't—"


"Her heart!" Odega quickly yelled. She didn't want to know what happened when she got to three. And the Guard's uneasy faces around them were giving her some bad knowledge of what would. "The only way to defeat her is to break apart her heart!"

Twilight softly lowered her hoof to the ground and asked, "What, as in like bad mouthing her? Yeah, no wonder you can't defeat her, even I couldn't do that."

Odega quickly waved her hooves in front of her face and clarified, "No, no. Like her heart. Her physical Heart. That's where everything is. Where her magic flows, where her magic gathers, all of her healing. Every single things starts from there. If you take that out and break it apart, then she's down forever. Gone, goodbye, never coming back."

Arcadia raised her eyes and asked, "And you couldn't do it because..."

"Because it's impossible to get to! Her heart is located in her body deep underneath her scales. But the problem is, we can't get to them because we can't use magic on the entry point. Right here in her chest." Odega reached up and tapped the area on her own body.

"...no magic," Twilight repeated.

"Nope. No magic. Everywhere else, you can use magic, but here? No. Everything has to be done by hoof. No pretty decorative horns, no—"

"Watch it, Odega," Arcadia interrupted. She leaned in and growled through grit teeth, "This is a real horn. A real sharp horn. I am on very tense hooves right now. What you're telling me will change every single thing we have planned. I promised the nation that I would have everyone back home within a span of at most three months. But if what you're telling me is correct then that means that time will be pushed back fifty percent longer."

Odega gulped again and stuttered, "I-I'm sorry, Queen Arcadia. But even Narmeelah wasn't able to get into her scales. And no, a physical and magical combination won't work. A punch in the face that sends her splayed to the ground, it won't happen. In the past, in order for us to get in, Narmeelah figured we'd have to knock her out and then do it by hoof. But she would never pass out. We'd hit her over and over for days. But still nothing. So Narmeelah decided to place her under a spell to put her in a stone prison. That happened over and over. Until eventually, Narmeelah never returned."

Arcadia sighed and closed her eyes. "So... There is no possible way to defeat her." Odega shook her head. Arcadia opened her eyes once again and somehow distinguished the flames from her body. The power on the ship came back on and began moving again across the waters, urging the others onward. Celestia and her friends all took deep breaths. They really hated seeing Twilight that way.

Odega took her own before Arcadia, with her eyes on Odega reached up and spoke into her Comm Block. "Arcadia to all units. I'm going on the front Deck. Alone." She lowered her hoof and lit her horn, teleporting herself and Odega out of view. Celestia sighed and looked around. Everyone was clearly a little fearful about what just happened. Shivering in their hooves and looking around.

Celestia turned to Cadance and Luna to exchange their own worried looks. What just happened?

When Arcadia teleported outside onto the front deck, it was clear of all soldiers. Completely silent save for the splashing of waves and trotting of Arcadia's golden hoof wear, approaching the steel railing a few ways ahead. Odega chose to follow her. She had a feeling she wanted to say something.

Arcadia placed her front hooves on the rail and stared over at the waves down below with an unreadable expression, impacting the hull of the Aquata. Odega approached her right side and glanced at her for a moment. Then followed her gaze below.

Arcadia sighed and whispered, "I'm sorry, Odega. For how I yelled at you back there. Let alone treated you with a sudden imprisonment. That was very unlike me and an abuse of power. I'm just... Stressed. The safety and well being of every last single creature on these Aquatas depend on my decisions. And the safety of all of them plus those already on Psera depend on my Husband and I's decisions as a whole. We were prepared to strike down Maheera with a mighty hoof. But when you said that there's no way to defeat her with magic it sort of... Dashed my expectations. And I snapped at you.

"I guess it's because of the built up anger that I have directed at you. You sort of find humor in all of this during these times as if it's no big deal. But the thing is Maheera has destroyed and conquered every last available land in the known world, leaving Psera as the only location for refuge, which will cost us millions of Shims and possibly hurt our economy, thus hurting the ponies I have to take care of.

"I want to help these ponies too, I do. But I also don't want to hurt my own in a way that could be irreparable. The plan is to have them in and out of Psera within three months, before our next Quarterly Spending Report comes in so we can have a great promise for our next Quarterly budget of Psera. So everyone working in Psera's Government can have a wonderful life. But now, I'm not too sure."

Odega sighed and stepped back from the rails. She whispered, "I... Had no idea. I'm really sorry, Queen Arcadia."

Arcadia sighed and stepped back from the railing. "Well... I can't see how you could have known. You can only find ponies and know where they are. But you can't find out what they're thinking."

Odega walked over and placed a hoof on hers. Then trained understanding fire-filled eyes on Arcadia's sad ones and whispered, "If you need any advice or help, just know I'm here to help you. Alright?"

Arcadia sighed through her nose and nodded. "Thank you, Odega."

"You're welcome. I have a feeling you want to be alone right now, so... I'll be munching on some of those snacks I smell." Before Arcadia could protest, she turned around and made her way for the doorway leading into the Aquata, leaving Arcadia alone with her thoughts.

She sighed and faced the setting sun. The sea was calm. Quiet. The setting was the most beautiful thing Arcadia had ever seen—well, the second most beautiful thing. Little Dawn was the first. She was going to be so happy when Spike showed up. Unlike most ponies, she doesn't fear him. Actually, she wants him around more than her father. Poor stallion. Arcadia shifted her wings and looked out at the waves. The splashing on the hull, the white noise from no other sound. But even with all of these wondrous things, Arcadia knew she could never escape the problem at hoof.

Getting rid of Maheera. Apparently there was no weak point on her that she could hit with magic. A few ideas here and there, none of them would matter if they couldn't get to her. She knew eventually that the only way to get Maheera down was to either go to her, or Maheera comes to herself. She definitely wasn't coming to Psera, that would be suicide. If everyone followed orders there would be a whole fleet waiting for her when she arrived. And there would be no warning. She would feel the might of Psera. And would definitely fall back. Along with the army coming with her. But in the end, she would still be alive. And awake. If she was asleep, it would be much easier... Asleep...

Arcadia hummed and thought a little more. If they could place Maheera in a sleep spell, she'd be easy to take down. But her scales were too thick.

She needed some help on this. But that could wait until they were back on Psera.

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