• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 44 - Aquata To Psera

It was decided the Princess would spend the night with the others in Canterlot, despite the resistance Twilight Velvet gave. Captain Smalls decided the best place to watch out for her was in the one location that was much more secure than her grandparents' house. Her job was to make sure the Princess was safe. And since Equestria was still pledged to Psera, their Guards would be helping during the night. And they couldn't do that here.

But even thoroughly protected under the night sky, Fresh Dawn couldn't sleep. Not with the world on her mind. So, she stayed in bed under the covers, her hooves on her chest and eyes trained on the silent ceiling.

The room she occupied lied on the same floor as the Princesses. Small and cozy, it only held a six-drawer dresser with a mirror, a full sized bathroom, and a Queen sized bed with a comforter similar to the one she had on Aquata Zero. Dawn quickly jumped into it when Flurry showed her to the room.

The ceiling held vents for air, and the left side of the bed bared a window so she could see all of Canterlot.

But not right now. Right now, she was thinking. If her mother was still alive, what was she going to say? How would she say it if she actually had something to say? What was her mother going to be like? What did she sound like? Was she going to be this huge genius everyone makes her out to be? Was she going to talk in a language Dawn couldn't understand?

Dawn couldn't sleep with these types of Questions on her mind. She rolled over and sat on the side of the bed, facing the window covered by a sheer curtain. Possibly chosen by Celestia herself. That yellow looked like the type of color she would use.

Dawn used her magic to pull the curtains to the side and exposed the outside world. Layered with stars, clouds, and darkness. She rose up and placed her hooves on the plastic tiling that made up the floor under her. Then slowly treaded her way across for the window she wished to look out of.

The stuffed dog she named Juniper whimpered at her hooves after leaving her spot from the foot of her bed. When Dawn started moving, her ears were perked up. She stopped at her hooves to sniff at. Then pawed at her with a small whimper. Knocking into Dawn's anxiety.

Dawn moved her gaze down to Juniper and petted her head in a loving and reassuring gesture of affection. "I'm okay," she whispered. "Don't worry, I'm okay."

Juniper placed both paws on Dawn's front hooves with a pleading expression trained on her face. This may have been creepy to other ponies, but this was normal for Dawn. She sighed and used her magic to pick up Juniper in her hooves. Then continued staring out the window to the city of Canterlot. It was painted with colorful Pegasi flying around, and walking the bright streets of Equestria. The sky was a pretty sight to witness, adorned with twinkling stars and bright clouds.

But their brightness shined zero light onto her daunting thoughts. She turned her sad gaze down to the puppy in her hold licking her hoof. She smiled and whispered, "You don't want me thinking about it, huh?"

At the quiet woof, Dawn set her back down and walked back to her bed to get some sleep. She had a meeting in the morning at seven. Which meant she had to be up at five. And then they could continue getting her mother back. This just wasn't about Psera. This was also a personal issue.

The halls of Canterlot's castle the next morning were less than busy. A royal guard here and there trotting past their bedrooms, but other than that they were clear. Until one of the doors on the second floor—for the Guests—opened and out stepped Fresh Dawn without her dress, and Gardeen onto the cool and quiet reflective flooring. Juniper and Sky Blue lied upon their backs, embracing their granted laziness.

Dawn stopped in the entrance to let out a quiet simple yawn. Then smacked her lips and eyed the empty halls. There were two Elite Guards stationed further away to allow her privacy, but still nearby in case they needed to get to her.

The sun had barely breached the horizon, and Fresh Dawn was already awake. Even though her reason was to get to Aquata Zero for the meeting, this was actually her normal schedule. They were two hours ahead in Psera than here in Equestria. That meant the meeting was actually at nine o'clock there, and eleven here. Maybe they could talk to her now.

After verifying her Comm Block was working, Dawn started the move for the Guards watching and relaying their position. Then looked up to Gardeen when she arrived and asked, "So what should I do about the others?"

Gardeen repeated, "The others?"

"The other ponies that hold the rest of the keys. Like the big bird pony that Celestia fancies."

Wait, what? Gardeen was always up for some good gossip. She stopped Fresh Dawn and asked, "Celestia what?"

Dawn held a hoof up to her mouth and giggled quietly to herself. "You mean you haven't noticed? The way she was looking at her yesterday?"

"Celestia or Novo?"

"Both. They like each other. I know the looks of affection, because I'm in High school. A few subtle winks here, a touch of the wing there. They like each other. I never would have guessed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. Right, Sky?"

Sky Blue flapped her wings at her name and screeched loud, ringing her ears. Dawn sighed and warned, "Volume, Sky. We're in someone else's—" The area in front of them cracked in a teleportation spell and Celestia was smiling down at her.

"Hahshee Clanah!!" Dawn yelled. She took a deep breath to calm her heart. "You scared me, Celestia."

Celestia grinned and replied, "I'm sorry, Fresh Dawn. I thought you would be up. Would you like to see me raise the sun?"

Oh yeah!! One of them controls the sun, and the other controls the moon! Dawn always wanted to witness that for herself! She was about to comply a big fat "Yes!" But she had a meeting to get to, so...

Dawn shook her head and replied, "As much as I would love to, I'll have to respectfully decline this time around. I have a meeting to attend."

"Right, right, of course. Hopefully along the way to Psera I can show you."

Dawn nodded in an unspoken agreement then walked around Princess Celestia to the Guards with Gardeen. When she passed, she glanced up to Celestia and lightly giggled with a knowing wink. What did that mean?

Celestia paid it no mind and teleported up to the balcony to begin her process. Even though that wink was going to be a gnat in the back of her mind buzzing around.

The sun was shining, the sky was turning purple. Turning Twilight. Here we go again. Celestia feared she was turning into Psera herself. Everything reminded her of Twilight and Psera. The sky, the birds, the buildings. She wondered how things were now since they've left.

Celestia breathed it all out through her nose. Her animated prismatic mane covered her grayish-purple right eye and a bit of her shimmering brass crown. The same one she's had for centuries. Her long horn lit and she began the process of raising the sun at the same time Dawn's chariot soared towards Las Pegasus, and the moon began to lower. She could make her out, the only golden dot out here at this time of day.

Once the sun was up, Celestia smiled and ceased anymore magic. Her eyes closed to gratify in the warmth it provided. In the love and care.

"Relishing again, sister?" Celestia glanced over to her right into Luna's eyes. Leaning over the balcony and watching Fresh Dawn soar away with a bland face. "She's more mature than most teens her age," she said.

Celestia sat down and reasoned, "She grew up around government ponies no doubt. There is still the childish side in her that wants to be free if the pets are anything to go by."

The pets. The living stuffed animals. Luna whispered, "She brought life to inanimate objects, Celestia." She directed her eyes to her and stated, "That is Dark Magic. How did she get a hoof in Dark Magic?"

Celestia sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure," she admitted. "But if I had to guess..." There was only one explanation. Only one name among all of them.

"Twilight," they both said.

Luna asked, "Do you think Twilight knows?"

"I do not know, but it would be the only explanation. According to her daughter, Queen Twilight knew Dark Magic. And based off that photo, there are many other secrets she has not spilled. She is still young in ruling, but I am extremely surprised about the Dark Magic bit of this. Maybe her daughter was infected."

"But how can we be so sure?"

"The only way we can be sure is if we ask her ourselves. So, let's focus on setting her free before we do anything else." Celestia turned around and started to make her way back inside. "But I am sure that Twilight was infected and her offspring caught it."

Luna wasn't sure how Celestia came to that conclusion, but it sounded pretty solid. The only other creatures who were able to bring anything to life were the Gods of Chaos Discord and Maheera Dark, the former's predecessor; and they used Dark Magic as a way of life.

Luna replied, "And if Dawn is in fact infected with Dark Magic... Then what do we do?"

Celestia stopped in front of the doors to sigh into the morning air. "I don't know. We can't rid of Dark Magic once it's in the body. We can only hope she is not infected. Now let's get breakfast. You need your rest. You've been up all night."

Luna quickly caught up to her left and walked with her back inside this small guest room. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."

"And what would that be?"

Luna stopped Celestia from advancing with a simple raise of her wing. Then turned to face her with a teasing smirk and asked rather bluntly, "Do you fancy Queen Novo?"

Fancy Queen Novo?! Celestia was about to drop a big fat "NO", but ended up nervously stammering, "N... Uhhh, what? L-Luna—"

"So, you do."

Celestia walked around Luna and excused herself. "Do you always ask random questions this early?" Then used her magic to open the door, and came face to face with—"Oh! Good morning, Queen Novo!"

Queen Novo had a golden claw raised so she could knock. But was quite surprised when Celestia grinned at her like the sun. Novo's tail of feathers seemed to be unkempt and she wasn't wearing her crown. Her coat was a little dirty and chest plate had disappeared. She was just a normal Hippogriff.

That didn't stop her from smiling back and greeting, "Good morning, Celestia. How was your guest?"

Luna just stood to the side with a weird smirk trained on her. Since when does she not call her by her title?

Celestia smiled and walked past shockingly swishing her tail. She hasn't done that in years! She laughed and answered, "Surprisingly quiet. She hasn't spoken much. I think she's still adapting to our ways."

Novo quickly caught up to Celestia and that tantalizing swishing tail of hers so they could have a normal conversation. "So the life-giving filly... Do you know what type of magic that is classified as? I believe Queen Tarsafani has taken an interest in whatever it is."

Celestia raised a hoof to stop her and look around for any listeners. It was as if only they were up.

She looked back to Novo and answered quietly, "Dark Magic." Before Novo could reply, Celestia raised a hoof and clarified, "That is what we believe. She is able to give life. So it's either Dark Magic or Magic we don't know about."

Novo was stumped. She didn't know much about magic, but she knew Dark Magic was an extremely taboo subject through all cultures. "Yes, but... How?"

"Luna and I suspect Twilight. Like you heard yesterday, Twilight knows Dark Magic. So she may have been infected and it was passed on to her offspring. Or... Dawn came into contact with it. But we believe Twilight may have done something that may have affected her foal in the distant past."

Celestia, Luna and Novo walked urgently down the hall while they spoke. Novo inquired, "So is her having Dark Magic a bad thing?"

"I'm... Not actually sure. She doesn't even seem to be affected by it negatively. Only able to give life like her cutie mark suggests."

"Okay... Well what about the opposite?"

"What do you mean 'the opposite?'" Celestia stopped at the top of a pair of stairs and turned back to Novo.

"You said her Cutie Mark is to give life. It also seems to me that she is able to take it. Remember yesterday with that stuffed bird? It was surrounded by her magic, then it was out."

Oh my Faust... Celestia and Luna slowly turned to each other with realization. They remembered when she gave life. But they failed to realize she was able to take it back too!

Celestia looked back to Novo and admitted, "We never considered that. But I am sure Fresh Dawn is responsible enough to know not to do that."

"She'll never know for sure if no one tells her. I'm sure no one on Psera knows about her exceptional skill. If she can do that to inanimate objects, what makes you think she can't do that to living creatures? I am certain no creature has told her about this on Psera. That means the responsibility falls on your shoulders as her family."

Celestia sighed and rubbed under her horn. That migraine was approaching. She mumbled, "How could I have possibly forgotten that?"

Novo chuckled and used her beak to lift Celestia's chin up. "You'd forget your horn were it not attached to your head. But do not worry, I will stand by you. You know I will not leave you."

The sun grinned into Novo's eyes. A brightness she didn't mind staring into. Celestia leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. "Thank you, Novo," she whispered.

"You are very welcome, Celestia."

Luna scoffed and moved past for the staircase with a few choice words. "Will you two not kiss and admit your feelings by now? We are tired of thine 'discreet' romance."

Celestia and Luna quickly separated and watched Luna dance down the stairs in shock. "Luna!" Celestia scolded. "We do not—"

"Save it, kiss her, and show you care by now!" She interrupted. Then left their sights. Leaving them alone.

Celestia sighed and turned to apologize to Novo's clearly embarrassed personality. "I am very sorry about her. She's always been impatient."

Novo smiled and replied, "Well I've never had a sister before. Let alone any type of companion in my whole life who managed to stay around. But I do know what it's like for ponies to be impatient. Ruling two lands does that." The two of them shared a hearty laugh and treaded the stairs in silence for a moment. "But... If it's not too much trouble..."

Novo and Celestia ceased their movements once again at the foot of the stairs and faced each other in interest. "If you'd like to get something to eat or whatever you want to do..."

Celestia raised a hoof to silence her. Smiling in knowing. Then whispered kindly, "I would love to, Novo."


Nothing could keep a mother away from their filly. But a Grandmother was even more challenging. Before the other rulers managed to get inside of the Canterlot Castle for their meeting, Twilight Velvet bumped right past them and ran inside with a paper bag leveled on her back.


"My goodness!"

She ignored them and continued her quest for Dawn, with a destination for the Castle's kitchen. She's been here so many times when Twilight was enrolled as a student at Celestia's School of Magic that she knew the place like the back of her hoof.

Nighty was somewhere behind her, but she wasn't worried about him. She burst into the dining area where the Princesses with Sunset and Starlight were setting up and announced, "Grandma's here! And I brought breakfast for you, Dawn!"

Fresh Dawn looked up from her puppy by Celestia's seat and into the eyes of Velvet when she ran over and slid the bag down into her face. Adding to the breakfast of pancakes she already had in front of her. Well she was hungry. But maybe not that hungry.

"Thanks, uhh... Grandma," she coalesced. This much food was unnecessary. But she couldn't possibly say no to her grandmother that came all the way over from Ponyville up to Canterlot just to deliver breakfast, could she?

After it was set in front of Dawn, Velvet sat down next to her and looked down at Dawn's Cutie Mark. "Oooh, I remember when you first got that! Well I don't exactly know how, but I remember seeing it when you were a filly."

Dawn sighed and sarcastically said, "Yep, I'm the only Pseratep who has a butt tattoo." Then took a bite out of the pancakes. Who cooks here anyway?

Sunset gasped and repeated, "Butt Tattoo?! That's a new one. Your cutie mark is your symbol of meaning. It's your pass to the world!"

"It lets everyone know that my Father is the King of Psera, and my Mother the Queen of Psera, the Saviour of Psera, an inventor, innovator, a scientist, a historian of sorts, and the strongest mage in the world. Now everyone's expecting me to do great things too just like the both of them. You should see the way the teachers look at me at school. I can't even go outside anymore without someone asking me to do something." Starlight and Sunset shared a glance before she added, "But we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about the meeting. Where are the other Princesses—rulers? Where are the other rulers, excuse me."

Celestia shuffled around comfortably in her seat and answered, "They should be here soon." The doors leading into the hall pushed in allowing in the rest of IHT. The same ponies that Twilight Velvet nearly ran over in the hall and held no shame for.

Celestia smirked over to Queen Novo who reciprocated kindly with a wink. Then focused back on the leaders taking their seats on both Dawn's side and the opposite. Including that Zebra who nodded happily to Dawn directly across. She wasn't comfortable with her, but Dawn did in fact nod in respect and mannerisms.

Once they were all settled, Luna started it off. "Thank you for coming every creature. Today is supposed to be IHT Day Two, but as I'm sure you all know a rather much more important situation has arisen overseas."

She gestured to Dawn and explained, "After a decade, Psera has sent their Princess as an ambassador to deliver us with great news: They have found Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle's stash of spell books, as well as her Mecrah Portal OUT. For those who may not remember, Queen Arcadia sacrificed her existence by throwing Maheera Dark, The Great God of Chaos and herself into a physical portal here on Equestrian soil that was sealed after twenty-four hours. Trapping her inside a realm of darkness that needs a key to unlock. We searched but found nothing but a reference number for a spell book. The number implied Queen Arcadia had thousands of Spell books located somewhere. And after ten years, the collection was found.

"It is believed that with this information we will be able to unlock the portal and get her out. It is also believed that we already have the keys that she herself gave us as a symbol of unity. We are now awaiting information from Psera, which Princess Fresh Dawn would like to relay to us now. Princess?"

Jula kay, Dawn thought in her native tongue. She was nervous, but she could do this. She wanted to do this. Dawn took a silent breath and raised the paper holding her notes. Her accent kicked in when she spoke. "The Congress of Psera has requested all parties from the past search or in alliance with IHT to provide magical insight into Queen Arcadia's spell library, and are authorizing safe travel to Psera via Aquata Zero. They wish for us to leave at our earliest convenience so we can retrieve the Great Queen of Psera. Multiple parties are awaiting our arrival so I can reopen the bookcase. Other ponies who try tend to... Be electrocuted."

Cadance assumed, "A protection rune. Classic."

"I unfortunately know nothing about magic but a few big wigs whom have worked with Queen Arcadia in Psera call it the Magical Signature. A form of security that can only be unlocked by a similar copy of the Magical Signature. So children of them, yes. Husband or wife? No. Perfect for safeguarding possessions.

"Now even though I said no and thought it was in Psera's best interests regarding our history, Grandma—Her Majesty Molten Ice... Has requested Queen Tarsafani's presence. Henceforth, I am formally inviting you to visit our great country." Dawn clearly didn't like it. And neither did the rest of the Pserateps glaring at Tarsafani.

Well that's new. According to their history, Zebras were not welcome on Psera soil. The Princesses shared an unsure look of contempt, then glanced over to Queen Tarsafani. The eager nodding of her head and the bouncing of her mane was added to with, "I accept your invitation to visit uhhh... Psera."

Dawn nodded in confirmation and glanced back to Celestia. "Alongside this news is information and that we need to address regarding..." Dawn smoldered and practically growled, "The location of the Mecrah Portal. Gardeen, if you please?"

Gardeen miraculously shot her wings out and slid fifteen sheets impressively across the table in front of all of them bearing the Crest of Psera, and a Classified badge that made Celestia gulp. Luna whistled and commented, "How advanced is Gardeen."

Gardeen blushed and replied, "Oh I do that all the time. It's really fun, I'll teach you someday."

Dawn cleared her throat and got back on task. "What has been placed in front of you is our authorization form, or contract, to witness the underground of Psera. As the ponies bearing the keys and know of magic, it's only logical you help us figure out how to work the portal. Unlike most portals, Psera assumes—based off the images—that the Mecrah Portal OUT runs solely on magic as energy and hardware. The magic is sent through a device that works as the controller to open it. All underground."

"Like the Prisons in Psera," Cadance assumed.

"Correct. But uhh... This is a little more complicated."

A colored photograph slid across the table to stop in front of Cadance and Shining Armor. She slowly raised it with her magic and calmly bit her lip at the image. "And... What in Taratarus is this?"

"The controller?"

"It looks like a keyboard with one hundred more keys and thirty typewriters on top of it put together."

Dawn smirked and replied, "Yes, the work of my mother. And we know we can't figure it out in a day. We need some mages and some knowledgeable ponies if we're going to get Queen Arcadia out of there. Psera has some smart heads, but we're murlahs when it comes to magic. Only my mother knows it inside and out."

Cadance gave the photo back to Dawn and began reading the form like the rest of them. Leaving Dawn to her devices. Mainly back down to the dog licking her ankle for attention. Puppies were so needy, but she was cute. So Dawn picked her up and cradled her in her hooves. Then glanced up and caught the slightest hint of Ice Blue from the Zebra sitting across from her before disappearing. Dawn couldn't help but feel there was an ulterior motive behind that pony. She didn't feel safe. Not at all.

But she stuffed those feelings down and remained diligent and professional. Amidst Gardeen trotting around the room collecting signatures, Tarsafani looked up to Dawn and said, "I couldn't help but notice two things, Princess. The first is this document seems to be about everything above ground, but nothing below it like you clarified."

Dawn nodded and replied, "Yes, Her Majesty doesn't want you going down to the lower levels. You'll learn of everything once we reach Psera. That is if you agree to the Terms and Conditions in pen and signature."

"Alright. Now the second is that your magic that allows you to... Pass on life. Is it a spell?"

Dawn actually had no clue what a spell was. All she knew was that a spell clearly meant anything done with a light of the horn. Levitation was the only spell she was ever taught. Then there was this life-giving she had picked up on. Dawn answered her with a shake of the head. "It sort of... Just happens. I guess I was born with it. I was able to do it on the same day of my mother's remembrance ceremony. And that was how I... Got my cutie mark."

Tarsafani slowly leaned back in her chair and with wide eyes replied astonished, "Wow. Never in my life have I seen a pony of any kind give life before. You are a truly... Special filly."

Dawn smiled at her and replied, "Why thank you, Queen Tarsafani. I appreciate the compliment." Dawn had never been complimented on her magic before. Things like "Truly amazing" and "that's really cool" have crossed the table multiple times. But no one ever told her she was special because of it. Not even her father. So that truly hit deep. Dawn looked down to the puppy and said, "I can't really do much with the magic right now except give things life. But once we get mom out, I'm going to ask her about it. If she's okay."

"I'm sure she is, child. You needn't worry."

It took only another day for Aquata Zero to arrive on the shores of Las Pegasus. The shining sun glinted off the gray steel making up the slanting hull towering over the ponies gathering in front of it. Waving kindly to the Guards manning it.

The steps leading up to the doors held Dawn's form while she climbed it and entered first, followed by Gardeen and Elite Guards carrying her bags and pets. Sky Blue flew in and landed on Dawn's back from above. Then the other rulers walked in. As mages, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer were allowed too. They weren't nearly on the same level as Twilight, but they had some tricks up their sleeves that couldn't be compared to others.

Once they were all in this large steel space with their belongings, Dawn turned around and raised a hoof to her fancy surroundings. "Welcome to Aquata Zero. My family's ship. Home to high ranking officials that traveled in the past. I can't offer you luxury space, but I can offer you bunks below deck. The Guards will show you to them. There's an eatery on this floor and other rooms that can keep you entertained during the voyage back to Psera."

It's been a long time since any of them had been on these Aquatas. Let alone this one at all. When they were here, they were never given an opportunity to stay in an actual room. But it made sense now considering that back then, they actually had ponies with them. But now there was just them. Sixteen ponies and the Pserateps.

After they nodded, Fresh Dawn walked away deeper into the ship while they were led towards a staircase on the side. And just on time, her Comm Block beeped three times. Dad was calling her.

She urgently moved faster and ducked into the Situation Room. Currently abandoned and lifeless. Everything was off. Then Dawn used her magic to flip a switch on the right.

Instantly, all equipment glowed to life. The screens, the small lights above, the lights inside of the glass table. While it all booted up, Dawn moved for the big purple chair. Her mother's chair. The one facing the giant screen on the wall. Once she was comfortable in the soothing fabric, she started tapping on the pad in front of her quickly. Connection Waiting... Approved.

Her father's face was plastered right on the screen sitting behind the desk in his own office with flags on each side. His mane was draping over his face, but she could still make out this big guy. He glanced up from his work and straightened his posture when he saw his daughter.

"Hey, Sugar Plum!" He greeted.

Ugh, that name. Dawn rolled her eyes and groaned, "Dad, I'm not a foal anymore."

"You'll always be my little filly. How're things over there? Alla mal heema?"

Dawn sighed and explained the whole situation in Old Pseratopian. A little loudly but still. "Alla mal heema teh secardo Arcadia. Thell secardo Arcadia me, deuce secardo Arcadia mell, ughh!" Dawn let her face drop into her hooves. Then peeked through them at her father. Her tone dropped into a more sorrowful on. She placed a hoof on her chest and stared at her father with sad eyes. "Mell kalla me, nell Arcadia. Me."

Madun sighed and reverted back to Ponish. "I get it sweetheart. You're your own pony."

"Then why does everyone like to compare me to mom?" She groaned with the weight of pressurized emotions and whispered, "I can't wait until we get her out of there. Then they can focus all on her and leave me alone."

Madun knew for a fact that it was going to be the opposite. That Twilight was going to focus every last single second she was absent in their lives on them both. But he just nodded in understanding and replied, "Maybe. Are you moving now?"

Right on cue, the Aquata's horn blared from the open door. Then Dawn felt the engines kick to life. "The engines just turned on. We're in route back to Psera. We'll be there in two days time."

"Good. I'll call you if we have any news. Until then, get to know your mother's side of the family. They may know magic a lot more than you, but I promise they won't rub it in your face. They're good ponies."

Dawn sighed and acquiesced, "Okay, dad. I'll talk to you later."

"See ya', Sugar Plum." And after a wink, he cut the line before she could get on him about using that name again. She just sighed at the glass and cut her end too. Then looked up from her screen at all of the empty seats and empty atmosphere. There was no one else on this ship but her, Gardeen, the Guards, and... IHT. Made up of pieces of her family. How far does the tree go?

Dawn may as well find out. It was going to be hard dodging all of these ponies on a ship at sea for two days. Aquata Zero was only so big.

The rooms were about the average size for a cruise ship. Enough walking space, a bathroom, and a dresser. Oh and of course a bed, you can't forget a bed. Celestia had her own room next to Luna's. All of them had their own rooms. But there was nothing really interesting down here. So she decided to venture.

After she dropped her things off, she opened the door and nearly bumped into Flurry Heart passing by.

"Oh!" Celestia yelped. Then laughed and apologized, "Excuse me, Flurry."

"It's okay," Flurry replied. Then continued walking past for the stairs they took to get down here. Flurry Heart herself had to get her hooves back. And being in the belly of this thing at sea was not helping. She bounded up the stairs then stopped to take a look around.

She was back at the siding of the ship near the windows overlooking the ocean around them. All noises had disappeared. The Guards from before were nowhere to be seen, but she could still make out voices bouncing around these steel walls hosting pipes, flashing lights, overhead lights, and steel wheels for some reason.

Flurry decided to take the same hall Dawn took and look around. She doesn't remember being on one of these before, but her mother said that she has. Twice. On the way to Psera, and on the way back to Equestria.

Eh, whatever. She was heading to Psera right now on a full blown cruise. Well... Relatively speaking.

Flurry pushed open two doors at the end of this hall and eyed the floor she stepped out on. Instead of the steel like she's seen so far, it was a brown wood with a shiny luster to it. The ceiling above her was flat, white, and decorated with small lights leading up to another pair of doors at the far end Guarded by two of those soldiers locking their eyes on her. The walls were wooden and held really nice ornate photographs of Psera. Princess Dawn must be in there. Maybe she could talk to her. But she obviously had to get through these guys first.

She cleared her throat and asked, "Is Princess Fresh Dawn in there?"

One of the Guards nodded and asked, "Do you need to speak to her?"

Why not? She has nothing better to do. Flurry shrugged and answered, "Well if she's not busy."

The guard nodded and knocked lightly on the door next to him. "You have a visitor, Princess."

The door was pulled open immediately and a tiny voice said, "Let her in."

Flurry Heart took the invitation with careful steps and walked into what was officially the best room in this whole ship. Unlike the dark colors out there, everything was bright in here. Pink, red, purple, glass. It was truly amazing. There were four screens above her head when she walked in that made her gawk. They had moving photos inside! What were those things?! Her eyes remained trained on them before she bumped into Dawn herself. Quite the wake up call. She almost knocked her down because she was just that small.

Dawn giggled at her face and asked, "Too much for you?"

Too much was an understatement. Flurry shook her head and continued observing. "So is this your room?" She inquired.

"This is my parents' room," Dawn answered. "I don't have my own on Aquata Zero."

Flurry's inquisitive mind carried her over to the glass table where all of Dawn's books were for this mission. There weren't that many, but the language certainly was something to read. "If I didn't see your coat, I wouldn't believe for a second that you were part of our family. Guess I was wrong. How do you read this?"

Dawn walked over to the table and looked at one of her favorite books Gardeen wrote exclusively for her in Old Pseratopian. It brought back fond memories. She sat down next to Flurry and picked it up with her hooves. "The Golden Flower," she translated. "Gardeen gave this book to me when I entered middle school. It's a romance novel."

Flurry smirked and teased, "Ooh~, romance, were we searching for something?"

Dawn blushed and bumped into Flurry. "Oh shut up, it's just a book."

She hoofed the book over to Flurry Heart and allowed her to look it over. Flipping the pages quickly, she stated, "This is so cool. Like, you speak a whole other language that no other nation can speak. And fluently I assume. And you live somewhere else, but are related to me. That's so cool."

Dawn felt over the text on the book's cover and explained, "My native tongue is Old Pseratopian. I speak it a lot more than Ponish, surprisingly. I don't speak Ponish too often other than when it's needed. If I get angry, you'll probably just hear me ranting in Old Pseratopian. You wouldn't understand anything."

She and Flurry shared a laugh before Flurry's mental record scratch played when she backtracked a few sentences. What did she say? She turned to Dawn and asked, "Wait a minute! Dawn, did you just say you can only speak Old Pseratopian?"

Dawn glanced her way while dragging her long wings towards her bedside. "Kee... Yes. Why?"

Flurry shifted her gaze to the doors to think for a moment. "Dawn... I think your mom wanted you to find her."

Dawn grabbed a bowl of cherries from inside her drawer in her magic and walked back to Flurry. "What are you talking about?"

"Think about it." Flurry slowly closed the book back and placed it on the table. But kept her gaze on Dawn and took a cherry when offered. "Thanks. But think about it. The bookcase opened when you touched it. The elevator shifted down when you stepped inside. The doors open when you touch it. The notes are in a language that you can read naturally. And I guarantee you will be the only one able to control the Mecrah Portal.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure it'd be a lot of work to have every single thing in there proofed just for your mother, right? It's already hidden underground, nopony knows it's there. It'd be pointless. Unless Aunt Twilight had a really good point. She wanted her daughter to find her."

Ehhh... That was fifty-fifty. Dawn popped another cherry in her mouth and asked, "Yeah, but what about the Magical Signature? Your key to almost everything your parents have?"

Flurry agreed she didn't think about that by nodding. But she couldn't help but feel her theory was more than possible. "Where's the original book you guys found in there?"

Dawn pointed to the one with the spell titled on it right next to her while indulging in more cherries. Flurry immediately grabbed it and started flipping through the language. She knew Aunt Twilight. Ever since moving to Psera she became ominous like that to not come entirely clean and leave clues with something as big as this. Why? There was no clue. But she would.

Wait, what's that? Flurry stopped flipping and eyed a text on the right side of this page. It was smaller than the rest of the text she could see in the book. She pointed it out and asked, "Dawn, what's this?"

Dawn walked over and peered at it with the cup of cherries in her hand. It fell to the floor shortly after, sending precious fruits rolling. She swallowed the one in her mouth before her face contorted into the look of somepony who saw the most interesting thing in the world. Like she just heard she has a twin she doesn't know about.

Flurry Heart waved a hoof in front of her face and asked, "Dawn, what does it say?"

Dawn gulped, took a deep breath, and whispered, "'I knew you'd find me, daughter.'"

Author's Note:

I never clarified the change in time in the recent chapters.

What do you guys think about that teaser? Get ready for a lot more.

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