• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 22 - Virtue Singe

Luna could sense it, Chancellor could sense it. Cadance could definitely sense it. The unease of the castle. While Celestia was off searching for the entrance, the others decided to take their own little tour of the castle of the Gods. Noon was drawing near, meaning the castle was going to be busy for lunch. Now was not a good time to be out in the halls. It was fascinating how they could fly through these halls like this. Impressive.

Novo was especially impressed among all of the glamour. The clean spaces, the rooms, the positioning. Everything was just perfect. Except directions. Since the castle was Pseratopian, the signs on the walls were in Psera's language. They couldn't read that and there was no guide.

The sounds of their moving hooves bounced off the decorated walls that soared high up to the multicolored stone ceiling. A group of ten just looking at everything and passing the less than helpful Guards standing around.

Dragon Lord Ember glanced around from in between them, hummed then commented, "I should've asked Spike if he could've helped us out. He comes here often, right?"

With her eyes on the distance, Cadance shook her head and answered, "Actually, I'm not too sure. Ever since Psera established trading with Equestria, Spike has remained on Equestria."

That was a topic Novo really wanted to bring up. When they ventured off of this main hallway onto the velvet carpeted hall holding a glass wall for the outside world, she stopped in front of them and turned to face the two Princesses of Equestria. "Speaking of, how exactly did you establish trade relations with this nation? It must not have been one easy task."

Cadance sighed and answered, "Queen Twilight and their Government made an agreement on common ground to never trade weaponry or complex technology that could be altered. Then an amendment to an old constitution created by Princess Saemool."

Luna turned her body towards the windows and admitted, "We don't know all of the specifics, but we are sure it was hectic on the Fire Family's part."

"Do you think that—"

"No." Luna turned to Novo and firmly stated, "I'm sure it hurt Twilight's credit when she and Madun gave the idea for Psera to open their borders for trade with Equestria. Psera has a century-long reputation of isolation, so for her to open the borders, even temporarily, makes her suspicious among Psera's eyes. Even more will be dreadful for her and the King. Maybe someday they will open, but definitely not anytime soon."

Cadance agreed with a nod and said, "She's right. Psera isn't that open-minded. The ponies here are more conservative than anything else."

Novo hasn't been here very long, but she could tell that they were definitely not wanted here. The stares were really intense at the least. She swore she heard a few growls. Novo nodded and decided to leave Psera be. "Very well. Where is the Queen anyway? I wish to speak with her."

Cadance glanced up to the ceiling and answered, "Either in the Royal Throne Room, the Grand Library, her office, in her home, or playing with her family."

"Or in the Gardens poking at flowers," Luna added.

Consort Snow looked her way and stated in his Prance tongue, "That is quite specific."

"She's right there." They followed Luna's eyes through the glass down towards the space in between this Castle's two parts. A Garden down below with a park and streaming water was flourishing with flowers. And Queen Twilight was walking through them with her muzzle deep inside. Wearing her hoofshoes, chest plate, and glistening crown. The left side of her body was facing them. Showing half of the pleasant smile on her face under a high sun. A goddess walking through the flowers.

Cadance and the others decided to watch. It was a strange but pleasant sight. Even Ember couldn't deny that.

Cadance's ear flickered when someone whispered into it, "A picture lasts longer."

She yelped and turned to the right. Into the face of King Madun. He was smirking at them, either because of how he caught them or how he made Cadance freak for a second.

She held a hoof over her chest and returned the smile with a greeting. "Hello, Madun. Where have you been?"

Madun walked towards the glass and answered, "Rayray, I had a brunch meeting with our Secretary of Treasury then a briefing with our House of Affairs. Why are you watching my wife?"

Luna answered, "We were going to go speak to her but...she seems busy."

Madun squinted his eyes at her with a look of suspicion before he whispered, "She's close."


Madun just continued watching Twilight. Especially when she stopped and started digging in the soil. "Awww mahnurka, she found it."

A purple haze on his right caught his sight. Especially when it held the voice of Twilight.

"Yeah, I did!" She cheered. The copy of Arcadia here playfully nuzzled up to Madun and added, "You're so sneaky. That was a good one, but~!" She pointed through the windows to herself holding up the packaged buried treasure. Then she leaned into Madun's ear and whispered, "I found it."

Madun just smiled and sighed out, "You sure like to rub it in."

"We rarely get the chance to. I'm going to take this and milk it. Thanks, sweetheart." She leaned in to kiss his cheek and nuzzle the spot.

"You're welcome, baby," he replied. Then nuzzled her back and asked, "Happy late anniversary. Are you going to open it now?"

"Tonight. You still have to find yours." She added that with a weird wink Madun was a little careful of.

He growled and said, "I'll find it, don't you worry. I'll look everywhere."

"Oh, I know. Hint hint: It's closer than you think." After one more wink, this Twilight shimmered into falling twinkling stars. Leaving only the original one on the ground below.

With his eyes on Arcadia, he leaned over into Cadance's ear and whispered, "I'm getting all up in that later." If Cadance was drinking something, she seriously would've started choking. She chose to just cover her mouth and blush incredulously.

"Ugh! Madun!" She teased. She knew he was playing. Right?

In the flash of an eye, Madun turned back to normal. "I was informed as of a while ago that our guests are settling in quite nicely. Which means by either tomorrow or the day after, we can discuss on the threat overseas."

"Yes," Novo agreed. "I believe it's time we got a good reading in on the situation."

"Agreed," Madam Singe added. Luna noticed she's been silent most of this time. Choosing to stand by and observe rather than speak. This was a lot to take in at once. Then again, it wasn't like Singe to take in anything at all.

Madun nodded and stated, "Stay in Cop for the time being and remember..." He turned his body and started walking away. "We need to work together to live in a better world. We're working hard for our citizens." He stopped and looked down through the windows again. "And...for our own families."

Luna followed his stare back through the glass down to Arcadia. Sometime during this moment, Fresh Dawn and her friends managed to find her and were now playing around with her wings. She was laughing at their antics and nuzzling her daughter on the top of her head. Then actually ended up sweeping her and her friends into her wings and giving them a huge hug. It was one of those beautiful moments that happens sometimes in Equestria. But the princesses there rarely had interaction with the foals. Most of the time it's with the nobles. But rarely with the civilians.

Luna sighed and focused back on Madun. He was making his way back down the hall from where he more than likely came from. The soldiers stationed at the end saluted when he walked past, turned, and left their sight. Then continued with what they were doing before.

Queen Novo hummed and stated, "He's that one great stallion." The other mares except Cadance all made their sounds of a definite yes. "My stars, what a stallion."

Cadance cleared her throat loudly and whipped around to glare at them. "Uhh, he is a married pony, ladies. Reign yourselves in."

Novo immediately backpedaled, "O-Of course, of course. We-we just wanted to... You know, just let that be known."

"Uh huh."

Novo quickly walked past her and asked, "Hey, how about we try finding that exit, huh? Speaking of which we should've asked him where it was. I'm sure he knows this place like the back of his hoof."

Well Cadance couldn't deny her about that. While the others moved after Queen Novo, Cadance and Luna shared a look then followed shortly after. They really had to watch her and the others. Yes, Madun was really cute and handsome, but... Queen Arcadia was really territorial about her family, and if she finds out about this, then... There is definitely going to be some magical fire flying all over the castle. Never mess with the all-powerful Alicorn-Pseratep and her family. Did she not see everything that happened when they were at sea?

The rooms in the castle were surprisingly cozy. Not too small and not too big. A good bathroom in the corner with a shower and tub, warm running water, a light above that made Madam Singe raise a hoof over her eye each time she flicked it on, a desk next to her Queen-Sized bed in Neighton standards, and a great window view of Cop. She couldn't see the Obelisk but she heard that she could see that and everything else at night. It was only a little past noon right now. She'd see it soon.

After finding their rooms once more, and after finally unpacking her bags, she dropped into the chair belonging to the desk and just stared out the window. The others have gone off somewhere, but she decided to stay back and think. A majority of her ponies were among the Infected now, leaving only around two hundred on Psera. Including their soldiers.

Madam Singe stared at her reflection in the window and observed herself. A coat the same color as Celestia's with a straight white mane and tail. Bright yellow eyes and a curved horn. She was around the same size as Princess Celestia. But they were nowhere near alike. As a matter of fact, she was very much aware that the Princesses of Equestria were very much better than her in almost every way. Better in magic, better in skill, better in managing a nation, and have been doing it for thousands of years. With the addition of two Princesses belonging to the legendary Crystal Empire.

Many of the rulers had their own niche of greatness. Equestria's was magic, Prance was great food, Mount Aris was stone and rock. Everyone had their own thing that made them special among IHT. But South Neighton? Her country? Not much. She usually came to the gatherings every six years to trade whatever her ponies could find among them that were valuable. But to assist in a possible alliance? Her deceased father told her that working together was for the weak. Not for the strong. But what Madun said in that hall earlier that day made her realize something.

That that was the most stupidest thing ever. Pushing everypony away would certainly mean death in this time and hour. Queen Arcadia Nova came through for them and risked putting her credit as Queen at risk. As well as her own life with her family. Why couldn't she do the same?

Madam Singe sighed and glanced over her shoulder to her room's bedroom door. And the dresser near it. She had put up a few photos she managed to grab before everything hit the fan. Of herself when she was a filly with her then-living family. Her little sister, her mother, her father. All of them. Gone. Deceased. She was the only one left in this family line. And she was making a mockery of it.

Madam Singe promptly made a decision. She was going to be a much better leader. She wasn't going to allow her family's legacy to end as a pointless monarchy. But how? How could she master that?

Singe made her way across the wooden floor for the door. She encased her jacket from the closet in a white magical aura and donned it on her body before opening the door and stepping out into the hall. Her room compared to out here was dark. Everything was bright, but still silent. The second floor must not get that much attention.

Now how does one find anypony in a castle this large? Singe hummed and took her leave by turning a random left and taking a chance. This area was just full of rooms. This castle held so many that they needed a thoroughly detailed map. It was useless to her. There were around one-fifty on each floor except the very top labeled in strong bold letters she couldn't read.

Madam Singe didn't have to decipher it though to understand that the top floor was definitely a no-go zone. So she just moved on and left the residency hall through a pair of steel doors and into what really made up the castle.

The marble floors under her hooves led into different spaces. Ranging from basic closets and storage areas to really big offices for the leaders of Cabinets, Directors of Security, Pseratep Family Resources, Section One, Travel Documentation Organization and more she didn't truly understand. But she did know who probably did.

Eventually, after many twists and turns, Singe made it to the front of the castle. Mainly the main walkway and stairs that led down to this huge empty foyer. But where exactly can she find the Queen in this ancient maze without getting lost?

Madam singe looked over the safety railing down to the marble floors below. There weren't that many ponies to ask directions, and a majority of them spoke a language she couldn't understand, and she wasn't too keen on talking to the Guards standing still all over the place either. Where did the Queen spend most of her time?

"Are you alright, Madam Singe?" Madam Singe looked to the right of her into the face of the very pony she was looking for. How convenient. Queen Twilight Sparkle standing next to her with Fresh Dawn on her back, and two other Pserateps, more than likely of the military variety since their uniforms bared a plethora of badges. One of them was a neon blue mare giving off the aura of authority. She had a white mane and tail and deep green eyes. Her coat held badges of honors and achievements on the right chest, and underneath that was a white shirt with a golden tie.

The stallion next to her was a big guy. Not as big as King Madun but still big enough. Just like the mare next to him, he had on a coat except green with medals on the right chest, a white shirt underneath, and a golden tie. He was a dark green coated stallion with a green and white mane, and long wings. Maybe eight feet.

But her attention was mainly on the small mare in comparison between them. Madam Singe cleared her throat and greeted, "Hello, Queen Arcadia. I was actually looking for you."

Arcadia measured her up and down with her eyes. Reading her body language. Maybe even her mind. Then smirked and turned her head slightly to the left. But kept her eyes on the pony in front of her.

"Just be ready for tomorrow," she told the Generals. "I'll be on the throne unless something changes, so Madun will be in the room with you. I'll bring up the basics with him tonight and you can deliver the specifics tomorrow. Dismissed." The two Pserateps around her saluted first, then pranced off, leaving Madam Singe with Queen Arcadia.

Once they were out of sight behind her, Queen Arcadia focused back on Madam Singe and asked, "How can I help you?"

Madam Singe walked forward closer and said, "I just need to... I need to talk to somepony about a few things that have been on my mind as of late."

Not the first time somepony wanted just to speak. Even as Queen, she always made time to see what was heavy on her friends or acquaintances' minds. Arcadia nodded then gestured with her head to follow her back the way she came. Singe immediately accepted the kind invitation. Maybe she could show her around this place.

While they moved and turned onto another hallway, Queen Arcadia teased, "How many times did you get lost in here so far?"

Madam Singe chuckled and answered, "Ohhhh, too many times already. How was it for you when you first stepped in here?"

"Not really the same. When I moved into this castle over five years ago, King Madun assigned me Guards. He said they were just to assist me in case I needed help, but I'm absolutely positive it's because not everyone trusted me yet. It worked in everyone's favors. They ended up trusting and helping me, and I ended up making new friends. They escorted me through the castle and showed me around. During that time, King Madun was teaching me how to speak Old Pseratopian and I ended up reading it so well it became my second language. So I had help. I only ever got lost once. Fresh Dawn here—according to herself—has never gotten lost."

Fresh Dawn climbed onto her mother's head and announced, "Never!"

Madam Singe smiled to "Little Twilight" and said, "She's adorable. How old is she again?"

"Four, but she's about to turn five in two days. Mommy's little angel." Using her magic, Arcadia plucked Dawn off her head and into one of her hooves. "Who's mommy's little angel, huh?"

When Arcadia started nuzzling, Dawn attempted to push her muzzle away. "Mommm!" She whined.

"Oh, alright." Arcadia levitated Fresh Dawn again onto her back and turned a sudden left up a pair of velvet carpeted staircases. Her eyes glanced over to Singe with a knowing look accompanied with her next words. "I can see something important is on your mind, Singe. And it's troubling you to the point of pain."

Madam Singe sighed and muttered down to the steps they were climbing, "Is it that obvious?"

"Maybe not to other ponies. But as a mother, a wife, a Queen, and a former representative of pony relations, I've learned in time to read body language. In a military nation, it's important." When they reached the top of this Staircase, Queen Arcadia turned a right down this massive hallway. Unlike the floors down below, this one was more bare and fancy. The walls were crafted out of an ornate redwood and decorated with photos, lamps, and other artifacts. The ceiling high above their heads held twinkling chandeliers lighting their passage instead of small lights. Singe assumed this to be an important section of the castle.

The walls held large photographs of past rulers and the ceiling was painted over with a mishmash of notable events in the timeline. Madam Singe attempted to tilt her head back to get a better view of everything up there. But quickly found it futile.

"Where are we?" She asked.

Arcadia closed her eyes and smiled gracefully. "We're on the Executive Hallway. Throne room, Ballroom, Madun and my offices. Where Madun and I rule from. This is just like the courthouses in Equestria. But instead of talking to the judge, you're speaking with the King and Queen of Psera on the throne. Cashiers, meeting rooms of course, dressing rooms, kitchens, cafeteria, and ball room are up here. Only executives or their Representatives are allowed to speak with royalty. Anyone else has to take it up with their local law and they'll talk to their Senate Board Rep, who will then bring it up with our own representatives."

"You have a really, really fancy Castle, Queen Arcadia. I'm sure none of the other rulers have this."

Before Arcadia could respond, Fresh Dawn jumped off her back onto the carpet. "This is... This is going to be mine one day. Right, mommy?" She asked. "That's what you said, right?"

Arcadia leaned down and kissed her cheek. "That's right sweetheart. But remember what I told you before?"

Fresh Dawn raised a hoof up to her chin and thought, "Ummm...Only if I choose to?"

"Right. It's entirely your choice. In the end, it's your happiness that matters. You can't please the country if you can't please yourself. Okay?"

You can't please the country if you can't please yourself. Madam Singe let that ring around in her head for awhile. It spoke of her life. Her entire life in just a few words coming from the mouth of a pony half her age.

Fresh Dawn nodded and replied, "Okay."

Madam Singe smiled and looked over to Fresh Dawn. "Child?" Dawn's violet lively eyes looked over and trained on Singe's yellow ones. She motioned down to Arcadia with a tilt of her head and said, "You have a very wise pony for a mother. Hold on to her."

Dawn laughed and weaved in an' out between her mother's legs. "She's not going anywhere," she replied.

Arcadia shook her head and said, "She's turning into her father. Possessive of her things." Arcadia looked back up and motioned towards the Guarded violet doors at the end they were coming up on. "Here we are. This is my office space."

"Should I be expecting nice fancy things?"

"More like natural things. I try to keep my spaces as humble as I possibly can."

When they were near, the guards grabbed the doors and pulled them open. Then stepped to the side and saluted to the passing Queen. The space beyond was a giant fancy block. Marble floors and a small Garden up ahead in front of two tall violet colored doors that Dawn jetted past into. Arcadia walked ahead while Madam Singe slowed to look around. The area was nice. But she quickened her pace when the Queen walked into her office. Into paradise.

Singe gasped once over the threshold of cold hard stone onto warm soft grass. Into a room filled with the beauty of nature. If she wasn't sure, she was certain they were inside a garden. Trees, bushes, flowers, a small pond Dawn chose to rest next to. Large towering bookshelves encased in vines. Small trees on the side. Giant mushrooms for chairs ahead in front of that large wooden desk. And the large rotating sun above. Nowhere near as bright. More like a slowly spinning ball of harmless fire.

The Guards outside the doors closed them back, finally giving them some privacy. Madam Singe cautiously stepped over a small stream and whispered, "This is beautiful, Queen Arcadia."

Twilight adjusted the sword in the protective glass casing behind her desk for a moment. Then sat down in her chair and swiveled around to face Singe with a kind smile. "Yes, the spells for this were precise. This is what brings me peace whenever I'm working. Then Dawn gets added to the mix."

Singe followed her sights over to the filly near the front of the room playing with a violet butterfly. "But sometimes it rains," Arcadia added.

Madam Singe sat down on one of the mushrooms and asked, "It does?"

"Well I make it to add color. But it still does. I can make it rain right now if you'd like to match this depressing mood you're in, Singe. You have a good poker face, but it would have to be stone to get past me. What is troubling you?"

"Well..." Singe remorsefully looked over to the magically windows to reality behind the desk. "I'm...ashamed. You know, when the conference started I get to see all of what the others are able to bring to the table as rulers and representatives. But all that my nation brought were scraps. It's clear we all have our differences but even they get along better than I with anypony else.

"And then when I was sitting in my room a few minutes ago, I realized... My decisions, my actions... They were clear examples of my leadership. Of my father's leadership. I wanted to apologize to you about how I talked to you at the Conference. That was out of line for me and you clearly didn't deserve that tone. You may be twenty-six but even I can see you have more experience than myself in many fields. And that made me wonder... Why don't I?"

Arcadia understood. There were many reasons why she acted the way she did. "Well if I could hazard a guess, it's because you seem to push everyone away," Arcadia assumed.

Singe slowly shook her head with sad eyes to the floor and repeated, "Push everyone away. The story of my life. When I was growing up, my father told my sister and I that alliances were for the weak."

Well that's foalish, Arcadia thought to herself.

"So, to appease him, I try to distance myself from everything involving other nations."

"And... IHT?"

"I... Honestly don't know. I joined primarily for trading at first."

Well at least that worked out. Arcadia leaned in and asked, "And... Now?"

"Now?... I guess I actually wanted my country to be a part of something. Earlier in the hall when you said, 'you can't please the country if you can't please yourself,' I realized that... That was my entire life in just one sentence. That I can't exactly please my country if I'm always grumpy like my father."

Arcadia sat back and asked another question. "You speak of your father a lot. What was he like in your life?"

"Nothing really. Always absent and alone. My mother was the only one really taking care of us. Dad was always on the throne. Then he'd come back home and talk about the grueling ponies he'd have to please. It was like he didn't want to be on that throne ruling Neighton. Mom would take care of both my sister and I, and I'd end up looking after my sister whenever she wasn't around. Dad would always tell us that Neighton was always stronger alone than they were together. I think... I think he and mom were having relationship issues and he'd put them on the throne whenever he sat on it."

"And apparently he imprinted those same issues onto you," Arcadia assumed. She could see all of that happening really. Her father was a king with no real goals because there were no real goals in his own life outside of that room. "Did your father ever... Look down on you whenever you made friends?"

The question was barely finished before Madam Singe immediately answered, "Yes. He was always like, 'You don't need friends to be great.' I can see now that it was just a lie. His belief. Especially when I look around here and see how amazing Psera is. All of the grandeur and achievements of you. All of this you could not have done alone."

"That's true. I mean, I stuck out among the Pserateps when I first did magic on this land by 'Dragging my face through the dirt,' as they say." The two shared a good laugh before it became serious once more. "But in the end, I made great friends here in Psera and they helped me achieve restoring this land. And from our same vision we grew as friends and more. This floor didn't use to be like this actually. Because of the disaster, the citizens of Cop needed blankets. So they used the old rug out in the hall to create them and left this floor concrete. When it was finally proper, they put in a new carpet. Everything got a new start, and we prospered before everything started... Drama happened. Let's just leave it at that."

Arcadia may have accidentally hit a sore spot. So Singe decided to make it better. She placed a hoof on her chest and smiled to the Queen. "Well I'd like to at least start a new path. A much better path with much better choices and I believe it starts with this war. I don't know what I can do to help, but I know I can do something. Just ask and I'll try my best to get it done, your highness."

Arcadia's smile could have made the day outside of these castle walls even brighter if it were possible. Madam Singe was open to anything now. She nodded with pleasure and replied, "Thank you, Madam Singe."

Madam Singe stood up from her mushroom and replied, "Please, call me Virtue. That is my real name."

"Virtue Singe?" Well that's interesting. "Alright. Well, Virtue, thank you for opening up."

"Thank you for allowing me, Queen Arcadia." She turned around and was about to make her way to the door. Then stopped and looked over her shoulder. "So uhhh..."

Ah, it took some getting used to. Arcadia smirked and answered, "Go out these two doors, go out the next two doors, continue all the way down, turn left into the stairwell, hit the bottom floor and turn right, then continue straight. It'll take you back to where you started. Your rooms are on the hallway labeled with a green flower tapered to a bronze plaque."

"Okay, thank you." Arcadia watched her walk out the doors before they were closed once more. Leaving only her and her sleeping daughter. She was lying by the pond on her back with that butterfly relaxing on her muzzle. If she wasn't careful, that butterfly could drop straight into her mouth.

Arcadia sighed and casually pulled out a drawer on her desk. It held a value that could never be measured. The treasure inside would remain a backup method in case no other attack worked. A small treasure chest she pulled out with her magic and placed on her desk in front of her. It looked exactly like a pirate's treasure chest. Just much smaller and fitted with her magical signature. Dawn's magical signature.

She placed her hoof on the right side of the chest and popped it open. The treasure inside painted her face in a rainbow glow. But her expression of steel did not change. Inside were a dozen of large glowing pearls made of different colors. Red, Blue, Green, White, Gold, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Gray, Pink, and Black. Black was a last choice. There were no other colors to choose from. And her reason for choosing these required her not to be picky.

She lifted the treasure chest and poured them out onto her desk. The clammer of beads froze her advances and pulled attention to her daughter. Just an ear flick, nothing more. Arcadia placed the chest softly back on her desk.

Lying at the very bottom were a list of names and instructions. Red was Queen Novo, Blue was Madam Virtue Singe, Green was King Chancellor, Purple and Red was Princess Fresh Dawn, White was Princess Celestia, Purple was Queen Amira, Pink was Queen Farue, and Yellow was Consort Snow. Hopefully, they would never have to use these for their true purpose. But the future was unpredictable.

On the paper stuffed inside was the depiction of a large ring with a layer of circuitry connecting twelve holes near the outer edge. The holes were labeled with those same names. And at the very bottom was a number. A number only she knew. But another would eventually figure out.

Arcadia's eyes glanced once more to Fresh Dawn. She had rolled over in her sleep and shook off the butterfly, curled up in a cute little ball. Her mother smiled before moving on to the next most important thing in the room. To her bookshelf. Through a specific book was the biggest secret she's ever held. A secret that shall remain as such unless the plan did not work. Based off her studies so far of Maheera. She was impervious to magic. Any kind at a specific key point on her body. If the energy the Blue Gold put off didn't affect her, then this spell definitely would.

Arcadia used her magic to gather the pearls back into the chest on top of the clued note. Then shut and locked it back. She was taking it with her back to the room because she needed to add a few more things to it. Then she could pass them out tomorrow.

But until then, Fresh Dawn needed her lunch. Levitating in her magic, the chest followed behind Arcadia over to Fresh Dawn so she could carefully and peacefully pick her up, and hold her to her chest. Dawn instinctively wrapped her hooves around her neck and mewed. Then they proceeded towards the door.


The night in Psera was once again beautiful. The hours moved fast and the light of the sun eventually made room for the dark of the night. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna conducting their nightly duties of lowering the sun and raising the moon. Then both went to sleep. One for comfort, and one for the sure duty of keeping the many nightmares away. One by one or many by many, the Ponies of Psera slept. The only ones up were the Guards of Psera, the police of her cities, and many other ponies who decided to stay awake for some reason.

At least a mile away from the COTG, Gardeen was cradling her girlfriend of five years, Light Pink. When Gardeen saw Fluttershy earlier that same day, she saw this same mare peacefully snoring in her hooves with her muzzle buried in her neck. They had the same attitude and possibly the same look. The Element Bearers were in their own rooms on the second floor of leaders, snoring away. Applejack was holding her little sister close while Rarity held Sweetie Belle in the next room over. Spike chose to sleep in a much larger basket on the floor of their room. He didn't want to leave Sweetie Belle alone. Thus the origin of that kiss mark was still on his cheek even at this hour.

Scootaloo was sleeping with Rainbow Dash in the most awesome way possible. Together. The rulers of the kingdoms were in their own beds save for Amira and Haakim, and Queen Novo and her daughter. These rooms were made for one pony each, but none wanted to be alone. Not at this time.

The Royal Suite was silent in the middle of them all. The living room was tidy and clean, and the lights were off. The only sources of light were the magical windows Queen Arcadia placed on the home's walls to bring in light on sunny days. Living in a house with no windows was a little jarring to her and Madun both. Let alone their filly. In the master bedroom, Arcadia was snuggled up in King Madun's hooves with her head tucked under his. Silently sleeping. The king was as well.

But in the room much closer to the front, littered with stuffed dolls, Fresh Dawn was having trouble. Her eyes were shut, her heart slowly beating before it would speed up and she'd toss and turn. The covers were a mess of disorganization. All twisted and wrapped. Just like her dreams.

She was in Psera among the night sky. She knew she was home. But then again she wasn't. The stars shining above held her form high above Cop, hovering like a dainty bird above the castle. Dawn looked to her hooves. They illuminated a bright ghostly purple accompanied by wisps of purple mist or smoke. Great. Once again, another dream in the real world. Then she looked towards the east behind the castle. Towards the mountain range shielding Merōl from sight.

Suddenly she was grabbed so fast it elicited a yelp out of her. She was pulled through the sky and swiftly over Merōl out into the ocean. Eventually soaring past the famed Obelisk line glowing bright. The wind blew her mane to and fro, shielding her sight while she squirmed from its grasp in both the dream world and in her bed. She tossed and turned whimpering to free herself from this force.

More distance over the waves of Psera's seas she flew before slowly to a stop in the middle of nowhere. The only sound was her rapid breathing and the splashing of the waves beneath her hooves. But where was she? Why was she pulled out here?

Dawn slowed her rapid breathing and assessed her situation. There was nothing but the sounds of water splashing. Stars in the sky and the moon shining onto her ghostly form. Her mind was confused. Why would her dreams bring her out here? She looked around and assessed everything. The water was splashing, the sky was full of stars, the... Water.

She took a closer look towards the waves below. It was... They were black. Dawn gasped and descended closer down to the surface for a closer look. It didn't even smell like water. She dipped her hoof into it. Thick and warm. Strange. What was this? Did mom and dad know? She followed the way the waves were moving. No. They weren't moving. They were speeding. Flying past. The waves grew worse and a high wind reached her mane, blowing it out of place in the direction of Psera.

For Psera. What was this? What was going on?! Dawn gasped and flew back the way she came. Something was wrong. Mom had to know. She must reach her body, as mom would say, at once! But the water came alive. A giant splash from below made her shout and duck when an infected Sea pony jumped out to soar directly over her. Her real body tousled among the covers when they almost caught her head before even more started flying out trying to grab her.

"Keep flying, keep flying!" She screamed in her head. There was no way she was going down like this. How far was she from the tall crystal things she passed? She flew as fast as she could in their direction, she could see their shining beacons in the distance, tiny stars miles away as bright as a flashlight. But her fears that there were scores of these creatures miles ahead of her were confirmed when a giant dragon exploded out from the waves with its mouth wide open. She quickly zoomed straight through those teeth and out the other side into safety.

Eventually something small grabbed her right rear hoof. Still flying, she flipped over and looked at the small unicorn foal trying to bite and take a huge chunk out of her. She screamed and smacked it off. Then flipped over to continue flying. And would have if she didn't fly straight into darkness. She was grabbed by a huge claw and lifted up into the face of the biggest dragon she's ever seen. They were nothing like Spike. The mouth was wide open in an evil grin. Deep red eyes pierced through her innocence. The darkness behind her easily swam past, heading closer and closer to Psera's shores. She was overrun. They were going to attack her home!

This horned dragon slowly opened their big chompers and exposed all the pink wet insides. Teeth dripping with saliva, breath the worst thing Fresh Dawn has ever smelled. Then she was pulled forward. Deeper and deeper into this face. Dawn couldn't tell if this was real or not. But in a situation such as this, she did the one thing that anyone would do.

She screamed.

Author's Note:

What is Queen Twilight "Acadia Nova" Sparkle hiding? There has to be something about those pearls, right?

Keep reading and find out!

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