• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 45 - Unease Of Dawn

Author's Note:

If you haven't read my latest blog post, I suggest you read it soon. Here.

It seemed like everyone wanted to get above deck or at least travel Aquata Zero's four floorz. IHT's rooms were located on the third one directly above the engine while the interesting stuff was above practically at the top. The King and Queen's suite—Dawn's room—was located on the second floor. Along with all other offices for officials of Psera.

Celestia decided a visit to the eatery was in store. Breakfast was good, but Psera food has officially become a craving. It wasn't easy traveling this place considering that every single word on this Aquata was in Old Pseratopian. Now she sees why Twilight picked it up so fast. If you didn't know any, then you will unfortunately end up like Princess Celestia, checking every single room on the second deck.

The hall she was on was just like the others. A little tight, made of steel, filled with pipes and terms in Old Pseratopian on these gray walls. Celestia was pretty much the only colorful pony on this hall. "Are you looking for the eatery?"

Celestia pulled out of what was clearly the latrines she found and looked to her right further down. Novo was poking her head out from a room waving a claw her way. Thankfully, she found the eatery. There was a slice of cake in her other claw. Lemon cake. Her lemon cake.

Celestia abandoned her latrine search and happily pranced over to Novo. She reached her and answered, "Yes I am. Is it in here?"

"Yes, it is." Celestia was about to move inside, but a raise of Novo's wings prevented her advance. "Buh buh buh. What's the magic word?"

Was she serious? That smirk was telling her Celestia she wasn't. Yet that wing did not lower. Celestia deadpanned a look to her and grumbled, "Really?"

Novo chuckled and repled, "What? We were children once. What's the magic word? I will give you a hint: It starts with a P, and has three words. Two are the same."

Celestia smiled and rolled her eyes at Novo's obvious attempts. "Is it please?" She asked.

Novo inched in and whispered, "Close."

Celestia leaned in too and whispered, "Pretty please?"

Novo lowered her voice and put her beak right near Celestia's ear to whisper, "Closer."

"Pretty pretty please?"

"There it is." Novo grabbed Celestia's right hoof and raised it to her beak. Their faces were flushed. Celestia herself was shivering in excitement.

But before Novo could place a kiss on it, Dawn's voice rang into their ears. "Marsha mahl kalumm?!!"

They quickly separated and looked down the halls where the voice came from. Already a few Guards were rushing towards its origin. It sounded like Fresh Dawn. Celestia sighed and said, "We should go and see what the issue is."

"Of course." She let Celestia's hoof go and started to walk down the hall. But Celestia stopped her before she could leave by placing a hoof on her chest. Then leaned in and placed a tender kiss on her left cheek.

"Thank you... For the cake." Then skipped down the hall with the plate of lemon cake in her magic that... Wait...

Novo gasped and followed after her. That sly pony! "Ugh! And I thought we had something, Celestia!"

Celestia stopped and allowed Novo to catch up with a worrying look in her eyes. "No, no, we do," she assured. "It now just involves cake." She leaned in and whispered into her ear. "We can still act like children again, right?"

Novo hummed and kissed her cheek. More like a lick. Hard to kiss with a beak. But the affection and meaning were still there. Celestia pulled away with a wink. Then she and Novo urgently moved down the hall.

The first ponies to get there were Captain Smalls with two more guards and Gardeen. The four rushed into the room and looked around. Everything seemed to still be in place. Flurry and Dawn were on the right sitting at the glass table with eyes on Queen Arcadia's spell book.

Gardeen asked, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Hold anyone at the hall entrance!"

Dawn still had her eyes on the book until Smalls shouted, "Dawn!"

Dawn shook her head and held up the book to their faces with a hoof pointed at the entry for them to take a look. Their eyes quickly scanned the side of the page before Gardeen whispered, "Well... That blows everything out of the sea we're in right now." She looked back to the two Princesses and asked, "What do you think it means?"

Flurry popped another Cherry into her mouth from her seat and answered, "It means Aunt Twilight wanted Dawn to find her."

A hoof suddenly found its way into her mouth to silence her. Dawn backtracked and shook her head with, "No! No, that's not what that means. It just means that mom knew I would find her. She didn't want me to find her, but she knew I would. Yep! That's what that means! Mala chee el sada hoo, el Psera el shrada mah. That's all it means!"

Gardeen blinked at her then stated, "Dawn, it's really obvious that Queen Arcadia knew you'd find her. Maybe there's even more areas in this book we haven't seen yet that holds valuable information like this."

After she finally removed her hoof, Dawn sighed and asked, "I don't know, was mom a seer?"


"Then we continue with the original plan until something else pops up. All engines for Psera with these ponies, we dock on Psera, we go under the castle and we retrieve her from the Mecrah Portal. I want direct contact with Psera overnight. Now I have to speak to father about this."

Dawn walked for the door and out into the fancy hallway with her excitable puppy on her tail to get back to the meeting room in the not-so-fancy hallway. She passed the ponies that heard her outburst gathering in the doorway and ordered, "I am not to be disturbed. And Gardeen?"

Gardeen poked her head out of the room and responded, "Yes?"

"Carsee no calarmee."

Gardeen eagerly nodded and watched her walk away with the other ponies. Who then directed their sights to her. She dashed their worries with, "Everything's fine, you may go back to what you were doing."

Luna wasn't entirely moved. She inquired, "Are you sure?"

"Yep!" Gardeen turned around and rushed back over to Flurry Heart to whisper unheard, "Don't. Say. A word about this conversation. It will change everything and cause terrible future events."

Flurry nodded casually from her seat and whispered, "You guys were speaking in your language. I'm in the dark." Then stood up and pranced out of the room with three cherries floating in her magic.

The second Dawn's face popped up on screen and she started speaking Old Pseratopian in the fastest pace she could, Madun knew something happened. He held up a hoof to stop her and asked, "What... Happened?"

The door was locked and sealed, no sound would escape this briefing room. Dawn answered from her seat, "Mom knew I'd find her. Flurry found an entry in Old Pseratopian reading, 'I knew you'd find me, daughter.' What does this mean? Does this affect us, does this affect everything?"

Madun was about to reply, but Dawn slipped out of her seat and started pacing the clean steel floors. She was clearly upset, worried, and tempered. So he leaned on a hoof and let her have this one. "I mean like, wh-wh-what does this mean now? Mom knew I would find her! Which meant she knew we were coming to rescue her. But... Why?"

"All good questions which unfortunately can't be answered until you get back here," Madun replied. "Once we actually get her out alive. There's something else on your mind, isn't there?"

Dawn jumped back into her seat and answered rapidly, "Flurry thinks her lab is rigged. I'm the only one who's able to open the bookcase, get the elevator to move, and open the doors. There may in fact be more things in there that are rigged that only I can use."

Madun nodded casually and responded, "Possibly. But we won't know until you get back here. On a more solid note, a drill team is currently drilling under the castle to reach 'Arcadia's Lab.' That way ponies from Serl and others all over Psera can get in and do a full analysis on what she has down there. When you get here that morning, you're going straight there. Inform IHT and the Zebra."

Speaking of which... Dawn leaned on a hoof to face him with a deadpan glare. "Dad, why are you inviting this foreigner? You know we do not accept unknowing ponies, especially Zebras. They alone aren't even allowed to look in our direction. We prefer they remain ignorant to our existence."

Madun was prepared for her question. He sat back behind his large wooden desk and crossed his hooves. "The Zebra are the ponies we went to war with so long ago, and made extinct. Or so Granny Ice thought. Apparently, we were wrong. Just like your mother thought. Granny Ice wants to learn more about them now."

"So she invited a pony that knows nothing about Psera to Psera," Dawn deadpanned. "Eh. Her choice. But... The Zebra freaks me out. She keeps watching me."

Madun narrowed his eyes and repeated, "Keeps watching you?"

"Yeah, I brought Sky Blue to life in front of them and ever since then she seems to take an interest in me. It's creepy and weird. Almost as weird as Kia being genuinely nice."

"Well she is from another land of magic, I presume. I am sure she is just interested."

Dawn sighed and stated, "I'll ask Flurry about Zebra magic."

After Dawn grabbed and brought her onto the forward deck of the ship out into the ocean breeze, she popped the question at the safety railing and Flurry answered, "There is none."

Now Dawn was confused. She scratched her head and asked, "Zebra's don't have magic?"

"Well... Not in the way you're thinking. Zebras don't use horns or glow or... Whatever. Their magic relies on chants, potions, sometimes dancing, drawings, things of that nature. Sacrifices, forbidden items."

"Oh! So crafting!" Dawn yelled. That made a lot more sense. "You know Pserateps used to do crafting."

Flurry looked over the edge of the Aquata to the sea and asked, "They did?"

Dawn eagerly nodded. "Yes. When Narmeelah disappeared, they used to draw symbols in the dirt and dance. Sometimes offered sacrifices. They believed that when things happened on the land it was from Narmeelah giving them an order. This was when Psera was really young and honestly stupid.

"When it rained, it meant Narmeelah was lonely. So a pony would sacrifice themselves by volunteering to be tied down and burned alive inside an inferno while everyone else danced and chanted around them to go and be with Narmeelah to keep her company. Until they were just bones and ashes. When there was a hurricane, it meant Narmeelah was angry. So no one would eat for a week as punishment. Things like that."

Flurry's face couldn't have been more terrified. Her mouth was wide open and eyes big. Dawn was pretty sure she was broken right now. "You're joking... Right?" She whispered.

Dawn shook her head. "Nope. They even threw their foals into the fire sometimes, and it still happens today. Although very discreet and they're charged for murder. Now how about those Zebras?"

"Uhh..." Gruesome. Flurry cleared her throat and quickly answered, "Z-Zebras tend to make potions to help heal, teleport, communicate, and other things. Potion-crafting is the most important aspect of Zebra life. They use them for everything. Why do you want to know about Zebras so bad?"

Dawn looked out to the ocean and the endless horizon that they were alone on for a moment in silence. She answered, "Grandma said the Zebras are the same ponies we went to war with in the past. And that they look just like those ponies we made 'extinct.' Dad said that mom did say there still might be those ponies out there."

Flurry settled down on the deck and rolled over with her hooves to the sky on her back. "So what does your grandma want with Queen Tarsafani?" She danced to a tune with no care to the world around her.

"I don't know. But Grandma Ice has always been cryptic with her demands. Whatever she's doing, it involves strange things. I don't like Queen Tarsafani."

"Oh?" Flurry flipped back and looked to her in surprise. Dawn didn't seem to be the type of pony who would judge another based off looks. "Is it... Because of her stripes?"

Dawn gasped and immediately denied, "No! No, she's... She's too curious." Flurry waved a hoof for her to clarify further. Dawn glanced to the right towards the rest of the ship. Then whispered, "Do you ever get that feeling like... Like you're being watched?"

Flurry shook her head and whispered back, "No, but my friends back home say they do all the time by colts and stallions. Why?"

"I... Feel like she's watching me. Like I'm under a microscope dancing to her tune. And she's taking notes. Ever since she saw Sky Blue here." The dress Dawn was wearing scuffled and Sky Blue's cute little head popped out at her chest. Dawn petted her and whispered, "Since then it's like... Like she's interested in knowing more about my magic. Obsessed."

Whoa this was big. Flurry wasn't really comfortable with any of IHT's members except her family, Queen Novo and Madam Singe. She had yet to learn of Tarsafani, but already didn't trust her. "Are you sure?" She whispered.

"Yes. Yeah, like... I know I sound paranoid, but coming from a pony that is actually always watched by the entirety of her country, I know the feeling very well. I don't feel safe around her."


While the rest of IHT decided to walk the long metal halls of the Aquata and get to know it better, one decided to camp it out inside her room. Not because she was fearful, not because she didn't want to interact. But because she had more pressing matters to tend to.

Queen Tarsafani's room was in between both Celestia and Luna's. But those old goats wouldn't be able to hear anything. The inside of the Queen's room was dark. The window was closed off with a black sheet she managed to tuck up there. The room was littered with small scentless candles. And in the middle of the floor was a large rune Tarsafani was currently drawing with wet red dust. The light from the flames made it glow deep in the same hue as blood.

Once the rune was finished Queen Tarsafani patted the dust on different areas of her face: Four around each eye. One on her forehead, one on each cheek, one on her chin. Then she set the container holding the dusty powder softly on the bed mattress and positioned herself in front of the door to the hall. This had to be done precisely right.

Tarsafani closed her eyes and placed her hooves together in a "praying" fashion with closed eyes. This was a strange spell, but it always managed to work. "Hasheema," she whispered through her breath. Then added other ancient terms. The air in the room picked up and started to blow. Blowing her mane to the side to reveal the burn of her blind right eye. The candles blew out and the dust on the floor swirled into a red circle facing her.

The center created blue portal made of fire. Then the red-hued faces of three other Zebras appeared. Two were mares and the other a stallion who spoke first in his deep voice. "Queen Tarsafani."

Tarsafani opened her eyes and smiled slightly to the faces. "Norwee Sercue," she greeted. "How are you?"

Norwee sighed and leaned on a hoof above the other two faces. "We would feel much better with some good news. Max Effort is looking forward to this information."

Tarsafani slowly nodded and answered, "The filly is the daughter to the Great Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle. The pony who saved our lives by throwing away her own. And heir to the Psera crown."

Norwee glowered and repeated, "Heir?"

"She is fifteen years old. We are currently en route to Psera. I'm not allowed to witness the Queen's return, but I—"

"What about the child?" One of the mares interrupted. She had orange stripes, light green eyes, and a dark orange mane and tail. And an obvious urgent attitude.

"Of course, Sermee. She is... Cautious. She doesn't trust us."

Sermee scoffed and replied, "That entire country doesn't trust anyone that isn't of Psera. Her comfort does not matter, we need that creature gone—"

"It is not that easy," Tarsafani interrupted. "She is the daughter of Queen Arcadia and from what we can tell everypony there looks to her for magical wisdom and knowledge. They trust her and her judgement. And if she is cautious of me..."

"Then everypony will be cautious of you, I see," Sermee replied. "Then you must get close to the child and earn her trust. Become her friend. Then at the right moment... Get rid of that magic. You already have the tools. Just grab her and attach them. We cannot let the text come to fruition."

Tarsafani nodded and replied, "Of course. I will update you on any further success." After they nodded, the swirling circle of fire shrunk down rapidly until it was no more. Then the room was again quiet. The candles were blown out and Tarsafani took the sheet down.

While the folding and packing up was underway, she began mentally planning. This filly was really looking forward to getting her mother back. But even Tarsafani could see the difference between her and their saviour. It's hard to call somepony your mother when you've been absent for over ten years. Dawn looks like the type of pony who would say that.

Tarsafani smiled and sighed in pleasure. This was going to be a really eventful trip.

Flurry decided to go inside hours ago. Leaving Dawn to herself on the bow of Aquata Zero. It's been awhile and Cadance became a little worried. So a decision was made to check on her. A kiss to Shining's cheek and she moved to Dawn's last reported position, the tip of the ship. She could see her from the bridge, standing at the rails. Watching the waves splash against their hull. Maybe she didn't want to be inside. Or... Maybe it was something else.

Dawn heard the hoofsteps trot closer across the wood behind her. The hoofsteps of a worried pony.

"Dawn?" Cadance, was it? She trotted to a stop next to her and asked, "Is everything alright?"

Dawn sighed and slowly shook her head to the ocean waves below. "...we're not going to get along."

"What do you mean?"

"Mom and I aren't going to get along."

Not get along? Cadance chortled lightly and assured, "Dawn, you and Twilight are going to get along just fine." Based off of Dawn's deadpan expression to the ocean, she didn't believe it. It made Cadance pick a second choice of words. "What makes you think you wouldn't?"

Dawn slowly shook her head and whispered over the crashing waves, "We're different. Really, really different. Mom dabbles in magic, science, and reading. I like action, sports, and doing my mane in different styles. Like a hairdresser. Does mom like sports? Or doing her mane?"

Twilight hated sports. She never understood them. But there was that one time... "Twilight was into Hoofball for a moment before she disappeared," Cadance admitted. Dawn's ears perked up and she glanced over at Cadance. And to blow a loose strand of her red hair out of the way. "It was during Maheera's reign over our lands. After she picked us up from Equestria, she called us into the Situation Room on this very Aquata. We were there earlier than she expected and we caught her watching hoofball. 'Into it' is a moot term to describe her fascination with the sport at the time. We never asked Madun about it that I can remember. But I understand your concerns. You are afraid you and your mother will not connect."

"Yeah, and we'll have to live together. I have nothing against mom, but... I just want to learn magic. I don't want to go out and go to the theater together, eat popcorn, go to Northern Heights and hit the mall. Dad and I already do that. It's going to be weird. Strange. There's a pony living with us who claims to be my mother and looks like me. But... I don't know her. You know?"

Cadance nodded and decided to take a seat for a deep talk. "I understand. Change is difficult for a lot of ponies. But I promise you will like her at the least. Love her at the most."

Cadance wrapped a wing around Dawn to pull her into a light hug. Then stood up and made her way back to inside of the Aquata. Hopefully what she said would at least stick with Dawn. But she could see where she was coming from. This was a big change, and she was fearful of what happens next.

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