• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 01 - Welcome Back To Equestria

To see the Queen walking the streets through Cop wearing Golden hoof shoes decorated with crushed gems and a chestplate similar to Celestia's, and a grand crown was a common sight. Especially on Sunny days. She usually held a minimum amount of Guards, at most seven Royal Guards in Gold plated steel armor, as well as weaponized wings, looking out for her security. Seeing her with her husband King Shimmering Madun was also common. Seeing little Fresh Dawn was as well.

But to see them walking with the same foreigners who were related to the pony who attempted to kill her was... strange. So apart from bowing and wishing their Queen a happy birthday, those who saw the royals stared immediately after. Wondering why their fair King and Queen were holding a conversation with them.

They stopped at a crosswalk, discussing something that has bothered Arcadia when she first arrived on Psera while waiting for the honking Pods to pass. Just watching them were mesmerizing to the foreigners.

"I have been conducting a private research study on myself," Arcadia explained. "Based on a find from one of my research facilities, centuries ago it has been discovered that wing length is inherited through love and admiration. The only ponies that I can tell have been admired by Psera from Equestria besides myself is Flurry Heart, whose wings have grown many years ago when she visited to see Events at Eventa. She has received even more when she sees her cousin, and whenever I decide to visit. But based on recent events and findings, I am led to believe... Pserateps were everywhere."

The light changed and gave them a chance to cross the crosswalk as a large group. "What do you mean?" Cadance asked.

"Just like a unicorn, Pserateps have magic. But cannot manipulate and use it as an everyday universal tool like unicorns since they have wings and not horns. Magic courses through the body. But in the end, magic works in the same basic way. When a pony has a foal, that magic is transferred over. You literally make a copy of yourself and another with selected mixed in traits from both partners. Their magic is passed down. And for Pserateps, with the ability to gain more magic through love and admiration."

Celestia stopped once they reached the other side and asked, "Are you saying... You could possibly have a Pseratep Ancestor?"

Arcadia stopped too and nodded, surprising even Madun. "Yep. So, me returning to Equestria for a week will give me plenty of time to conduct this bit of research in the field. It's just a theory, but a very promising one." Arcadia continued walking while Madun held his own theory.

"You may actually be related to a Pseratep in Equestria, and there may in fact be more there besides the ones at the Embassy."

"May have been," Arcadia corrected. "Pserateps gain their longevity through Pseratep magic. I'm not entirely sure if they are still alive by this point. But overall, this is a National Security issue and an investigation, and will be treated as such when I arrive."

The group stopped in front of a three floor office building made out of glass. A cube with a large imprinted symbol of Equestria in the center colored white. A golden text underneath it with a centered alignment, reading "Embassy of Equestria."

Without taking his eyes off the symbol, Madun stated, "I expect my wife to be safe and away from danger." He lowered his gaze and turned his sights to the Princesses. "Even though she has security and can very well take down any creature if she is tense without a sweat, Equestria is an ally to Psera and I expect them to treat her as an ally by protecting her."

With a smirk, Cadance reminded him of a few important facts. "King Madun? I am engaged to her brother, her teacher is Princess Celestia, she saved Princess Luna as well as the whole country on numerous occasions, including recently, saved Seaquestria and Mount Aris; to not provide protection for her would be beyond disrespectful. You have our promise that Queen Arcadia will be thoroughly protected."

Madun nodded in approval. He could practically feel reassurance flowing off of her. "Good. Make sure that it is so. Have a great day, and thank you for informing us of this." He shared a hug with all three Princesses and wished them farewell before they moved on to Arcadia.

Cadance and Twilight shared a loving nuzzle before Cadance suggested, "Be gentle with Fresh Dawn. She likes to visit her cousin, and Flurry enjoys her visits."

"I know. I'll be gentle."

Fresh Dawn gasped and yelled in the Royal Suite living room later on that evening, "Y-Y-You're leaving home without me?! Mommy!!"

Arcadia was standing in front of her daughter calmly using her magic to pack her bags on the couch. Madun was still on the throne until seven and then works back at home or at the office. It was five right now. Thankfully, Arcadia was ready for this. She asked for Merry to bring the twins as well as herself.

Arcadia stopped packing her bags and pulled Fresh Dawn close before she began crying. She immediately wrapped her tiny hooves around her mother's single right hoof. "I don't want you leaving! You have to stay here! You have to! Daddy's gross!"

Arcadia sighed and countered, "Dawn, I'll be back in seven days, I promise. I would never leave my little filly behind, you know this. But I have to keep Psera and you safe, so I must to do my duty as Queen." She leaned down and lovingly nuzzled her daughter's head of short red hair. "I'll bring back something from Equestria for you and tell your cousin you said hi. Merry is watching over your father so he can watch over you. Lightning and Daisy are helping too."

Lightning and Daisy Fire were Merry's twin foals. Both were fillies and managed to copy Merry's attitude exactly. While Lightning was more impulsive like her mother, Daisy was more like Blazing, their father. She would at least think first before saying something while Lightning would just blurt it out.

When Merry gave birth, she finally got guards. Princess Merry may be able to defend herself, but her fillies couldn't. At least not until they turn into their mother and end up assaulting one of their own guards. The two were easy to tell apart. Lightning's mane was electric blue and red while Daisy's was orange and red. Other than that, they looked just alike.

Dawn shook her head and spat, "But we never spend time together! I want to be with you, not daddy!"

"When I get back, I promise. You and I can spend a whole day together, do whatever you want without too much sugar." She could tell Dawn was looking forward to spending the day at her favorite ice cream shop because she painted her face over with an expression of disapproval at that last bit.

"If you're leaving, take this with you!" Dawn eagerly trotted out of the bright living room towards the hallway. Then pushed the door open for her bedroom. After she turned four, her parents decided to give her her own "Playroom," filled with toys, books she was able to read at the age of five, and her bed shaped like a book, covered in stuffed animals. The walls were painted like the skies of Psera, synchronized with the time of day. At night, the moon, stars and dark skies filled them. In the day, clouds. Right now, it was nearing Sunset.

Dawn walked towards the bed and dug around in the stacks of dolls. Then used her magic to grab a stuffed green-spotted white bird with a long yellow beak. She turned around and walked out of the room to anxiously run back to her mother.

Arcadia was packing her research bag now, complete with Serl-issued pens that had thermometers. She glanced up and smiled as the doll floated over to her face. Then down to her daughter. She took note that her magic skills were progressing well. Far more than her own when she was her age. By the age of five, she herself had learned to levitate. Fresh Dawn learned it by the age of two. Even though it was an accident.

With a bland face and lively violet eyes, Fresh Dawn explained, "This is Blue Sky. She keeps the bad dreams away. You should take her so she can keep your bad dreams away too."

Arcadia knew for a fact that this was Fresh Dawn's favorite doll. She took it with her everywhere except at school. Her number one friend. Speaking of which it needed to be washed soon.

Arcadia lit her horn and took it for herself, looking at the doll closely. Then leaned down to her daughter and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, Dawn," she whispered. "But I won't be needing her until tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want to sleep with her tonight?"

Fresh Dawn shook her head wildly and answered, "Nope! I'm sleeping with you and daddy tonight!"

Before Arcadia could respond, the door opened up and two little fillies mosied on in. Speak of the little... Lightning zipped right up to Fresh Dawn and tapped her wing while Daisy walked in, looking around the suite. Then Merry strode in last, zipping right up to Arcadia and pulling her into a hug.

"And we're back~!!!" She sang. Some of her orange and red mane got into Arcadia's face. She was used it to it by now.

Sighing, Arcadia set down the doll into the middle of her bag and greeted kindly, "Hello, Merry. How are you?"

Merry let her go and made way for the fillies, grinning all the while. Her green coat seemed bright today. She trotted up to Fresh Dawn and answered, "Spectacular."

Arcadia lit her horn and closed the door while Merry grabbed the three fillies and sat them on the couch. "One little mommy's going on a super important trip while the other one is babysitting four little fillies."

Arcadia was about to correct her before she figured it out. She settled for a snicker herself. Madun. She was always making fun of her brother, but could tell Merry meant no harm. Just playful brother-sister rivalry.

"What about Blazing?" She asked.

Merry shrugged and made her way to the kitchen. "He works too much. Been talking about the Blue Gold Experiment happening at Serl that he has a hoof in. You eggheads and your science. Can I have some Orange juice?" Arcadia dropped her smile, settling for a deadpan expression that reached Merry's eyes. "I'll take that as a yes."

While Merry rummaged through their fridge, Arcadia rolled her eyes and bent down to the level of the foals smiling. "Are you fillies going to be okay when I'm gone?"

Daisy and Lightning screamed, "Yes!" While Fresh Dawn screamed, "Noooo, I want Mommy to stay!"

Merry peeked out from behind the fridge with a grin directed towards Dawn. "Looks like some little filly is being overprotective."

"Nuh uh!"

A cool breeze passed through the mane of Rainbow Dash's relaxed body. Positioned staring with closed eyes off the largest hill overshadowing Ponyville that was with grass. It waved with the passing air, tickling her coat. Usually she would be taking flight and flying through the sky right now. But Sunset Shimmer decided to make her meditate with her by simply sitting on the grass during her off time when they both don't have to work.

After the Embassy of Psera was created, Sunset Shimmer became Ambassador. A big job for such a small time pony, but Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle knew she could handle it. And she has so far. Rainbow Dash still served with the wonderbolts, but they were all out until something happened. So they chose to chill with each other until things got back to normal upon a hill overlooking Ponyville, directly behind the Embassy.

The only sound were the birds tweeting, the laughter of children, and the sound of water nearby. Fluttershy gave them the idea of finding a way to escape the life of government by taking it easy with soundless nature. Finding peace.

Rainbow immediately stated she was out because it was uncool and she was all about noise. Sunset decided to try it, and somehow managed to pull Dash in.

Sunset blinked open her eyes when she felt the presence of another. Her vision bore straight into the eyes of Starlight Glimmer who was staring back confused. Rainbow Dash still had her eyes closed while they held their staring contest for a few seconds. Which had to eventually come to an end with Sunset asking, "Starlight?"

Rainbow yelped and woke back up with a start while Starlight asked her own question awkwardly, "You . . . Guys okay?"

Rainbow yawned and stood up to stretch, crack, and relax the kinks and more inside of her bones. "Yep!" She answered. Then raised up her rear leg to pop that. "Whoo! Fluttershy was right! That nap was amazing!"

Nap? Sunset shook her head and stated, "No. Rainbow, meditating is when you shut off everything going on currently and just focus."

Rainbow glanced around like it was obvious and responded, "Yeah, that's sleeping."

Sunset shook her head while Starlight just giggled. Then turned back and asked, "So why are you here, Starlight?"

Starlight stopped laughing and cleared her throat. Her eyes took on her serious gaze that Sunset had to kick herself to not laugh at. "Well, orders just came in. The Embassy is going to be locked down for eight days and is currently in an evacuation."

Sunset and Rainbow gasped in surprise and directed their sights down towards the Embassy of Psera. Emergency evacuation?! Standing up, Sunset asked in worry, "What happened? Is everything okay?"

Starlight shrugged in cluelessness. "Not sure really. But a memo came stating Queen Twilight's staying in Equestria for eight days. As of right now, the Embassy is closed and is completely empty. She's coming here tomorrow morning to explain the details but whatever it is the Princesses are involved because they're mandatory on the attendance."

Rainbow poked in and suggested, "Maybe it has something to do with the Crystal Empire."

Sunset and Starlight turned to her with questions in their eyes. Sunset asked, "The Empire? What are you talking about?"

"One of the Wonderbolts is into news and stuff. So much that it's creepy really. Says that an event is coming up revolving around something called International House of whatever and that all World Leaders are meeting here in Equestria, in the Crystal Empire's Senate Hall. Royalty's coming in. Said the city's been all prettied up with flags from the nations. I don't know but it's in the newspaper. I don't read the newspaper."

After rolling her eyes, Sunset made her way down the hill with Starlight and Rainbow Dash for the Embassy of Psera. As the Ambassador, she was required to know this stuff. Why wasn't she informed beforehoof? They picked up their speed when Sunset realized the access gate for the building were void of any guards. There was a crystal gate surrounding the Embassy that absorbed magic, created from the gems Equestria gave to Psera as a trade for that huge block of steel nearly three years ago.

According to Celestia, Psera did in fact give them more than enough. So much in fact that it helped their economy by creating more governmental buildings and additions to the castles, and still have enough for a surplus. They have half of that cube left sitting in Las Pegasus where The Psera-Equestria Trade Facility is. Right next to it actually. They had to build a warehouse around it using the metal traded to them. It was a large warehouse secured by a few members of the Royal Guard here in Equestria. Now that Sunset thought about it, they never found out where they got it from. That wasn't important right now though.

Sunset reached out and pressed her hoof against a specific block on the gate, unlocking it with her magical signature. Then pushed it open and walked towards the glass double doors. Two years ago the doors on the castle had been replaced. While the Castle remained mostly crystal, the doors had been replaced with glass, and the balcony overhead had been taken off to be turned into a tinted office for Sunset Shimmer. The ruined top had been shaved off and replaced with a flat roof made out of "A combination of steel and gems." So said the Pseratep overseeing the reconstruction at the time. Other than that, everything inside was the same.

The map room was archived. No one was allowed in there except the Element Bearers, including Twilight whenever it decides to work again. And the extra rooms all had a purpose. Copy room, storage room, mostly storage rooms. Extra libraries, record rooms, data rooms, security rooms, engineering, all types of rooms. The bed rooms for the royals of Psera were upstairs with Sunset's.

But when Sunset, Starlight, and Rainbow all walked inside onto the cool crystal flooring, all of them were abandoned and everything was creepily silent. The only ones around were one or two more Pserateps packing up and making their way towards the Independent Portal room to head back to Psera. Even the LiVAMs behind the information desk were off, along with the lights. The embassy was closed.

"Ambassador Shimmer!" Someone called from beyond the hallways.

Sunset yelled, "I'm in the lobby! Why does that pony sound familiar?" Starlight shrugged at the same time Secretary Manny trotted out from one of the hallways. Quite eagerly making her way towards the lobby and straight for Sunset wearing a dress military suit complete with a black tie and medals on the dark yellow coat.

Sunset smirked and greeted, "Secretary Manny, strange to see you here. Is Equestria in trouble?"

Manny didn't have a problem with Sunset. Just the Princesses here. Sunset knew that. When she reached her, Manny answered breathlessly through her exotic tongue, "No, not at this moment. Queen Arcadia will be staying here in Equestria for eight days to prevent a possible National Security breach starting tomorrow morning. The reason for the evacuation is because this building is to appear lifeless and restricted to anyone until the Conference in the Crystal Empire is over. But will also serve as a temporary on-site fallback for Arcadia and The Elite Guard escorting her here. There's a few here already setting up down the hall at this moment. I have a few questions to ask you involving publication of the event."

"Unfortunately, I have no idea what is going on, but I will answer as best as I can," Sunset admitted truthfully. "All I know as of a minute and a half ago was that the Embassy was evacuated and closed for eight days."

Secretary Manny nodded to confirm Starlight's claims. "That is correct. Apparently an event was setup that the Queen has to attend in order for Psera to stay anonymous to the rest of the world. She is coming tomorrow to plan out strategy. Until then, my soldiers need a place to set up and the Queen needs a place to sleep. So be ready for activity tomorrow morning when she arrives at seven. Now my soldiers need to have a look around this place to secrete any evidence of Queen Arcadia's direct involvement with Psera."

Today was the day. Yesterday, after Madun got home and they sat down and ate dinner, the three went straight to bed. Arcadia had to get up at five to get ready and leave at six. It never took her long to get ready. Especially since her magic had progressed impressively. At the first sight of light that hit the guarded top of the Castle of the Gods, Arcadia's tired eyes blinked open, training directly on the mess of red hair attached to a purple filly underneath her large wing. This was the only time Fresh Dawn ever remained motionless. Sleeping.

Arcadia leaned over and calmly nuzzled her hair, soon moving her eyes from her mane to her right ear. Pierced because of that arrow. When the bed began to quiver, she calmed herself down. Her magic was strong enough to cause chaos.

She didn't want chaos. She wanted order. Arcadia sighed through her nose and slowly slid out of bed before Madun did the same thing. It surprised her enough that she froze. Madun touched down on the floor and stretched. Then smacked his lips and locked eyes on Arcadia with a smile.

"I woke up when the bed shook," he explained. "Thinking about it again?" Arcadia's closed eyes and sigh gave him all he needed to know.

She turned to Fresh Dawn and whispered, "I will never forgive him for what he did, nor forget. I'm happy my baby's alive. But it shouldn't have happened anyway."

Madun sighed. He hated seeing his wife this way. So he quietly tip-tapped his way over, whispering, "It's not your fault this happened. You're a fantastic mother and a wonderful mare. That disgusting stallion just wasn't born right. He had an issue upstairs. Well now he has an issue downstairs."

Arcadia smiled and covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. It was too early for that. "That was a low blow," she whispered.

"Yeah, and he's giving some low blows." Madun turned to Fresh Dawn and walked around the bed while Arcadia giggled. Then leaned down and nudged his daughter. "Dawn~, wake up. Mommy's getting ready to go."

Fresh Dawn hummed and wiggled around under her covers. "No school today, daddy," she grumbled. "Next week."

Arcadia walked over with an eye on Madun. "She definitely gets that from you," she whispered. Then sat down and lightly picked up her long-winged magical daughter. She pulled her in, placing her by her left shoulder for a few seconds. This would usually wake her up.

Within that time frame, Fresh Dawn began to lightly stir. Her eyes blinked open first. Next she yawned and glanced around before Twilight pulled her back and looked into her confused eyes with happy ones. "Good morning, Dawn," she greeted.

Dawn didn't respond for a second until Madun walked into view. Then began to smile and laugh like the filly she was. "Mommy!" She cheered. "Daddy!"

Madun leaned in and nuzzled his daughter. "Good morning, sugar plum!" He greeted more than enthusiastically. Fresh dawn laughed and grabbed his muzzle. "We have to help mommy get ready to go this morning."

"I'm doing her hair!" Arcadia's eye twitched. That only meant one thing. Next, Arcadia had a braid in her hair with ribbons, and slight glitter. Possibly a sticker and... Is that a toy?

She walked out of the bathroom after bathing and fiddled with the strange lump in her mane while Fresh Dawn ran between her legs with a destination for the kitchen. There was definitely something in there.

"Mommy looks so pretty," Fresh Dawn fawned.

Madun referred to his wife from the fridge. She did gleam like the summer sun in her golden hoof shoes with a single violet gem on the front of each like her chest plate adorned with her crown, all tied together by that messy single braid. There was something in there he couldn't make out and made a face at. But he smiled and nodded in approval.

"She looks gorgeous, sugar plum. Ready for breakfast?"

After getting Fresh Dawn into her high chair, Twilight sat down and ate breakfast with her family. She was already missing her little filly. And not just because of this terrible braid that says Dawn all over it. But also because she was going to be missed too. By her family and friends here. At least Gardeen was coming. How they were going to hide their wings were the issue. They had a full day to figure it out. There was no magical artifact to hide them and the guard needed their wings. Maybe a bunch of gear? She'll leave it to the Lieutenants to figure out.

Finally, the time for departure had arrived. After grabbing her bags, Arcadia swung the door open and walked outside. The guard escorting her were already there waiting. Along with Gardeen wearing her badge and a silver jacket. All strapped and ready to go. When Arcadia set down her bags the Elite Guard quickly strapped them to themselves while she turned around to wish her family farewell.

She and Madun nuzzled and kissed, expressing their love. "I love you, sweetheart," he whispered. "Make sure you get home safely."

"I love you too," she whispered. Next, she leaned down into her daughter's tear streaked face and lightly pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't cry, Veola, I'll be back. I even have Sky Blue to watch out for me, okay?"

Dawn nuzzled into her Mother's coat and ordered, "T-Take care of Sky Blue, mommy! Sky is my best friend!"

"I will." Arcadia pulled back and kissed her daughter multiple times on the cheek. "I love you, Dawn."

"I love you too, mommy."

They hugged a little longer before Arcadia reluctantly pulled back and took a deep breath. She stuffed down those feelings of remorse and regret for leaving her family behind. Then turned around and proceeded to make her way towards the offices hall. Followed by her assistant and lead by four of their guards. She had a home to protect.

Mount Aris. Home of the Hippogriffs. Half bird, half pony. Tall creatures with shining sharp beaks and claws ruled and protected by the beautiful Queen Novo who bravely ordered the Hippogriffs go underwater when the Storm King invaded. But thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends of Equestria, they managed to take him down. And reform his captain, who she hears now resides as an EUP commander in Equestria.

Even now as she sat on her throne at the highest peak in her castle, she couldn't help but feel grateful to Equestria for letting them feel the heat of the same sun that bore through many of the stained glass windows on the side of the castle, heating up the room and warming the armor of her guards that outlined the path from the throne to the double doors. Giving a glint to the golden base of her three feathered crown as she stared down her carpet with intense magenta eyes.

Equestria. She had to admit, she was worried when Princess Celestia sent a letter describing an approaching metal shortage. Unfortunately, they couldn't help them. The Hippogriffs and Seaponies have never utilized much metal except for armor and slight building material. After that, stone and nature were their homes. They didn't have nearly one percent of what they needed, and Equestria's continent magnified their own, shadowing their IHT Allies. The Dragon Lands, Prance, even Hoof Yun. None were as big as Equestria.

But now her mind was telling her things. She attempted an in-body contact with relief efforts nearly four years ago with a full company of military. However, they were apparently in the midst of a hurricane or something because there were so many high winds with a lot of dirt and dust, her troops couldn't get through. They were forced to turn back. Two years later after no contact, it looked as if Equestria had never went through a shortage. Complete with apparently new governmental buildings.

Strange. This seven day conference coming up would give her a grand opportunity to speak with them about it. It's truly amazing how they managed to persevere a metal shortage so quickly. To lose a well adapted material such as metal would be a catastrophe to any civilization. Hoof Yun is a prime example. All of Hoof Yun's cities held skyscrapers with businesses. All using steel and magic. The city was overpopulated, riddled with unicorns with smaller eyes, adding to their uniqueness than the fact that they do not speak much if any Ponish. Their ruler Jim Sun had also noticed Equestria's sudden resurrection. He called it, "Truly suspicious."

As a matter of fact he wasn't the only nation to notice. Prance, North Neighton, South Neighton, Saddle Arabia, Breighton, The Dragon Lands, even The Forgotten Lands noticed. The land occupied with nothing but Alicorns, who never pay attention to Equestria noticed them this time. How did they overcome this plague was the question. Still without an answer.

Queen Novo took a deep breath then slinked off her throne, making calm and elegant progress across the red carpet for the door. She had to grab Skystar then board the chariot for the Conference tomorrow. Most Royalty tended to arrive at the conferences early by at least a day to interact and catch up. This time would be no different.

The guard at the end of the room pushed open the doors, letting her out into the decorative comfortable hall where she called, "Is my chariot ready?"

A female Hippogriff with a shining golden coat, blue beak, and yellow eyes and tail was at her side in a second, saluting. "Yes, ma'am. Do you want me to grab your daughter?"

"Yes, thank you Shining Pearl," she answered. "And please make it quick, I've been thinking too much lately and I seem to have forgotten how long I usually do that."

"Right away!" Shining Pearl quickly zoomed off down the hall, leaving Novo to make her way down the opposite direction filled with windows displaying the beauty of Mount Aris. The land wasn't too big, but was in no means small either. She could see the rolling hills, the busy towns, the flourishing waters of Seaquestria.

She could see her guards packing her things into the Chariot far down below while four others were attaching themselves to the craft. Most of the time, these meetings were tense. The last one was as if somepony had managed to push a huge block of gas into the room. Somepony was bound to create some negative effects. Most of these creatures in the world were hostile towards a new civilization. Either that or wanted to take whatever they had. Once again, this time would be no different.

The inside of the Embassy of Psera in Ponyville was once again active. But not with office ponies. Celestia could tell that the second she, Luna, and Cadance arrived on the soil in front of the gate. Two Elite Guard Pserateps were already there, standing by the entrance with full armor, helmets, and a strange small device curled on their ears. They didn't see a Comm Block, but they knew for a fact that they were definitely needed.

Shrugging it off, Celestia and the other Princesses strode forward and lifted their wings to be checked. Even though they were on Equestria, it was for Twilight's safety. She wasn't scheduled to arrive yet for a few more minutes. Cadance could practically feel the tears going on on the other side of the portal from little Fresh Dawn. She was a crier.

After they were verified, they were allowed to pass and enter the gates that protected the embassy. Four Elite Guards were on the top of it, smoldering at the landscape of Equestria for any suspicious ponies while making idle conversation. Since she wasn't here yet, they were allowed to relax until she was.

Cadance reached the door first and pulled it open, revealing the inside of the castle. Two more guards worked behind the desk setting up some type of serious equipment immediately looked up when they did. They eyed the Princesses passing by before they continued on with what they were doing.

As they moved Cadance leaned over into Luna's peripheral and asked, "So many already?"

Luna nodded and answered, "They just don't want a replay of the wedding. Even though most of Equestria is peaceful, they'd rather she have a handful of guards."

"And an Army off the coast. Don't forget the Aquatas. Do we have any nations on the West Coast?" Luna shook her head. "Good, it would have caused issues."

They turned down a hallway and slowed to a calm walk by one of Twilight's many libraries. In front of her portal room to be exact. Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Shining Armor were already there. The former was blowing her nose into a napkin and trying to stifle her tears. "My little filly's growing up!" She whimpered. "She hasn't been home in so long!"

Night Light and Shining Armor sighed after the Princesses joined them. Night Light blandly corrected, "She visited last month, remember?"

Twilight looked to him aghast and answered loudly, "For a day! Not seven!" She cried again and blew her nose into the napkin. "She's growing up so fast! I remember her carrying around her little Smarty Pants wearing diapers. Now she's carrying around her little filly with extra diapers!" The Princesses smiled and nodded. Well Celestia and Cadance. Luna just blinked at her use of words. What was a Smarty Pants?

Someone sighed on the other side before four Elite Guards stepped through and moved to the side, followed immediately by Queen Arcadia. Twilight Velvet squealed and darted forward to wrap her hooves around her daughter's neck. The action would've tackled her to the ground. But Twilight was beyond used to it.

"Mom, I barely stepped out the portal and you're already embarrassing me," she grumbled.

Twilight Velvet pulled back and placed a kiss on her horn. "Hey, sweetie! How's Psera, Madun, and precious little Fresh Dawn? Oh I miss my little baby!"

She pulled back so everyone else could get a hold of a hug while the Guard and Gardeen continued pouring out of the portal. "Madun is doing well, and Fresh Dawn is still being a little filly. She really didn't want me to go, and decided to gift me with two good luck charms. One is her favorite doll, and the other..." Twilight seethed through her teeth and slowly turned her head. They all trained their sights on the braid with so much stuff in it.

Shining chuckled and asked, "Is there another toy in there?"

"I feel something. Not sure if it's a toy." Arcadia moved to embrace Cadance and her brother with love while the Guard set down her bags. After a few more seconds, she pulled back and hugged Princesses Luna and Celestia. "Hello, Celestia and Luna."

They both gifted Arcadia a loving squeeze and delivered their own greeting before pulling away a second later. Celestia sighed and calmly addressed her. "Thank you for coming... Princess Twilight."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia," Twilight responded. "What is the status on the conference and where will I be staying? In the Empire?"

Luna nodded and answered, "More than likely. As you know, most of the members arrive early to meet and greet with each other. They bring their team, tour and converse before tomorrow at ten. So far, North Neighton's President has arrived in Canterlot and is enjoying the sights and stores with her guards of four. She is not expecting much if anything."

Sounded good. "Great. Now, I wish to speak with you about how we're going to get these guys in. Captains?" Arcadia turned to two familiar stallions who immediately trotted forward and saluted. Arcadia turned back to those in front of her and motioned with a hoof towards the captains. "This is Captain Dark Silver of the Elite Guard, and Captain Blinding Silver of the Aqua Guard, no relation. They decided to combine forces for this one. Captain Dark Silver was actually part of the Royal Guard in the past and was actually the first Pseratep I ever met when I was on my way there. Him and two of his soldiers were sleeping in a boat an estimated fifty miles from Psera's East Coast."

"Permission to speak freely," Dark requested.


Dark lowered his hoof and motioned to Twilight. "She scared the life out of me and made me fall out the boat when she landed on it. But we quickly became the best of friends and am proud to say she has led Psera into the most wonderful of years. We want to keep those years running, but our men and women need cover ups to be able to protect her in visible sight."

Gardeen poked in and whispered, "As you can see ... Psera is really serious about Arcadia's safety."

The Princesses and the family looked around. There had to more than seventy guards setting up, gifting Cadance a wonderful idea. She turned back with a smile that Twilight was suspicious of and suggested slowly, "This may be out of your league, and comfort zone, but I have an idea."

After the idea was delivered, and the Princesses went into the map room to conduct a meeting with the Queen, the guards were left outside to each other. A changing room had been setup in one of the many others inside the embassy that Dark had a sneaking suspicion was another library. Point being there were books everywhere. On the walls, in the closets.

"Jeez, Queen Arcadia," Dark whispered. He closed the closet door and turned back around to head for the bench where two more guards were dressing themselves up in suits and tuxedos. "She suggested we be... Hosts?"

"Unfortunately," Captain Blinding Silver replied. He sighed and adjusted his tie while checking his inconspicuous wings. "Thankfully, that trick they teach you in training about folding your wings works out perfectly. We look like regular pegasi. Uncomfortable, but still."

Dark Silver reached up and adjusted the earpiece connected to the Comm Block underneath his suit. "Everyone make sure your 'pieces are in place. We don't want a relay reaching the ears of these ponies."

The rest of the Guard saluted and agreed before one, a mare with a familiar accent stepped in. "Wow, look at you boys getting all handsome." Captain Dark and Blinding turned their nonchalant attention towards the door that a mare guard walked through, smirking at all the "Handsome" Pserateps wearing a different suit and tie, along with sunglasses. Dark knew that voice anywhere.

"Captain Gliding Sword," he greeted. Then sighed and asked exhausted, "Why are you here?" He really didn't care about her answer and continued getting ready.

Captain Gliding Sword took off her sunglasses while she walked and gazed around, allowing her green eyes to scan Dark Silver up and down to answer, "I was here last night. One of the first few to arrive and scope out the Crystal Empire. Now that is a pretty place. I'm telling you. This is my first time in Equestria ever since they completely renovated every single thing and I have to admit... It's nice and laid back. But to answer your question, I'm Captain of Queen Arcadia's personal Guard. I'm the one that moves around with her everywhere she goes with nine others while you two commandeer the outside troops wearing sexy tuxedos. Jeez, you gonna hurt somepony with that thing, aren't you? Poor mares don't stand a chance. Oh, and word of advice?"

Gliding Sword walked up and informed, "They use different words here. Say Everypony, not everyone. It may cause some suspicions. Heard there were some Aquatas two miles out?"

Captain Blinding Sword nodded and answered, "Yep, we're not expecting trouble. Nopony is. But we don't want to risk Queen Arcadia's safety and have a Royal Wedding repeat."

At that, Captain Gliding Sword growled in anger. Fueled by the playback in her mind when she witnessed the arrow impale Twilight into her side. "That pony's rotting away in that cell. Last I heard, he was beaten nearly to death in there. Guards had to use a stun dart to take down the attacker. I also heard they took their time."

"Good riddance." Dark turned around and yelled, "Alright, everyone listen up!" All nearby focused on him. "I'm sure you all know the mission! Keep the Queen safe until this week is out and our home is still a secret. Rules of Engagement: Stay in character until Arcadia is hurt or is under attack, we need to keep ourselves a secret as close as possible. If there are any questions, refer to Captain Blinding Silver, Captain Gliding Sword, or myself, am I clear?"

The Guards in the room saluted and yelled, "Yes, sir!"



The Map Room inside the Embassy was a little dusty. But with a sweep of her wings, Arcadia happily resurrected its current state to how it were in the past. Spotless and shiny. She made her way from the door towards her old throne and sat down while the Princesses sat in the thrones made for the Element Bearers. They wouldn't mind. Two guards waited by the entrance to the room while the four Royals spoke with each other.

Celestia laid out a stack of papers and motioned to them, training Twilight's eyes on them. "I recently showed you the Countries that will be attending. Now we must focus on their current leaders." Celestia grabbed the first one and pointed to the photo of an off-white Earth pony stallion with a snow white goatee, mane, and tail. With a sneaky smile and light blue eyes.

"This is Consort Snow, the ruler of Prance. He stays out of Equestria's mane and usually sticks to talks with Breighton."

Cadance leaned in with a serious expression and added, "He's really nice, but some of his advisors find it as a weakness. So they come up with 'kind reasons' to help him make the wrong choices."

Arcadia nodded in understanding before Celestia flipped that sheet and moved it over to the side. Then grabbed another and slid it in front of Arcadia. This one of a yellow unicorn mare with thin eyes, and ears that were folded back on her head.

Luna pointed and introduced them. "President Manamar, ruler of North Neighton. Has a tendency to stutter and believes she is the third strongest in the House because she inherited the throne in her father's name. But she is very kind and doesn't abuse that power."

Arcadia nodded her head before Cadance moved on. An alabaster unicorn mare with no smile that was similar to North Neighton's looks. But had ears that stood up straight. Twilight could already tell she was going to be an issue.

Cadance sighed and groaned, "Madam Singe, ruler of South Neighton. Separated North Neighton from their alliance because 'they are weak'. North Neighton doesn't like South Neighton, but North Neighton at least makes attempts to befriend. Madam Singe does not, and is only under the House for what the rest of the world has to offer."

Celestia slid the sheet over to the side and revealed another photo and biography. One very familiar to Twilight. "Queen Novo, the Co-Creator of IHT and ruler of Seaquetria and Mount Aris. You already know about her. She's bringing her daughter to this one, so let your Guard know there is an excitable Hippogriff on the loose."

Twilight nodded before another sheet was slid to her. This brown themed pegasus stallion looked similar to North and South Neighton, but their coats were a gradient to two colors.

"Hoof Yun, ruled by a dictator named Jim Sun. Not much on him, he usually stays quiet. But ponies like that you must watch out for. He aligned his country with North Neighton, thus becoming an enemy with South Neighton. But just like his partner they wish to join forces and benefit each other. South Neighton, once again, wants nothing to do with them."

Twilight glanced up to Celestia and stated, "It seems South Neighton is violent."

"With their mouths, yes."

"That could become quite an issue with my guard. The Elite treasure me greatly since the wedding and stepped up their training regimen by involving... Offensive terms as clues to a violent pony. They say a certain word, they are trained to take them down or watch them very closely. I will have to amend that since South Neighton's ruler is in fact very violent."

"Yes, although she holds tensions with every creature in the room the second she walks in," Luna admitted. "It's as if she feeds off of anger and emotion. If there is anypony you have to worry about, it would be her."

"I'll alert my captains. Who's next?" Twilight moved her eyes to two familiar faces from—

"Saddle Arabia's Haakim and Amira," Cadance introduced. She motioned towards the two earth ponies. "They were elected recently and have now taken up the office of Saddle Arabia. As I'm sure you recall, they are fair."

Twilight hummed and nodded. "Yes, very. Guard?" One of the Elite by the door saluted. "If the teams and squads are ready to move out and are prepared, let them know I grant them permission to move with Shining Armor, the captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard."

"Yes, ma'am." The guard quickly scampered off, leaving Arcadia with only one that was quickly replaced by another. She'd apparently never run out of protection. Something Cadance wanted to ask about.

She turned to Twilight and asked, "I am aware that you need protection Twilight, but I'm sure Psera and Equestria knows you can protect yourself quite well. Why all the security?"

Arcadia took a deep breath and smiled. "I've asked that question many times to different ponies and I usually receive the same answer. This may give you the wrong impression, but listen closely: It is because... I am a mare."

"Huh?" The Three gasped.

"Even though Psera has their share of terrorism, pain, and reasonless rebellion, and the Royals as a whole are targeted, the ones who are mostly hurt are the mares. Narmeelah goes missing, Saemool her daughter was abducted and disappeared because she was believed to have killed her mother, another mare ruler was attacked, Her Majesty Molten Ice was attacked on stage a few times, and I was almost killed on my wedding day. All five mares in power in Psera were attacked one way or another. Another reason why Secretary Manny is very protective of the Royalty enough to send three hundred guards by boat out to sea while seventy are on land with the Queen. They don't want to take any chances since I'm, admittedly, a priceless asset to Psera. Who's next?"

Royal Guards walking around The Crystal Empire were a common sight. Doing patrol in front of shiny buildings, monitoring streets and more. Mostly just to cool down emotions. Crime in the Crystal Empire weren't as serious as one would expect. The big problems would be the fact that a Changeling was running around, taking love from the spinning Crystal Heart that captured the sights of the many tuxedo wearing "Pegasi" entering the city by Chariot. And train.

Arcadia and the Princesses were entering in later on when the place was secure. But first, they had to set up her living quarters and study area. Shining Armor had directions to her living quarters which were in the Crystal Empire's castle.

Captain Blinding Silver was adjusting his earpiece and testing it out when he spotted the castle. Same for the rest of the guards following along except the ones that arrived yesterday. They were impressed by the crystal buildings and the bodies of the Crystal Ponies, casting curious glances as they came and went about their day through the signs and more. But the true glory was the castle. Their mouths dropped open when it entered their vision. The sunlight glinted off the giant crystal structure. Although much smaller than the castle back in Psera, the glory were the crystal side of things.

The street lamps were decorated with flags representing each nation. So far there were around ten or twelve that the captains could differentiate. As well as soldiers from different regions.

Captain Blinding Silver recognized a few from the dossier he and the other Captains reviewed earlier from Shining Armor. Him and his men were tasked with providing overall security for the event because, for some odd reason, anything happens during these times. A changeling invasion to steal love, a rogue alicorn makes an appearance, and sometimes an old and ugly manticore with an army shows up and ruins a summit.

Something Captain Dark Silver took note of as he and his twenty men walked down the sunny concrete sidewalk for the castle. They passed a few soldiers that looked like giant birds wearing golden armor watching them closely. He and his own men were watching them too. With even more guards.

Once they were out of sight, Dark reached out and contacted Captain Gliding Sword back at the train station through his earpiece. Approaching the Crystal Heart thoroughly protected by Equestrian Royal Guard. "Dark to Gliding, the streets are easy," he whispered. "You're clear to enter."

Gliding Sword was with ten more Elite Guards wearing Royal Guard armor around "Princess Twilight" carrying her bags. She reached up to her right ear and responded, "Ten-four, we're on the move."

She turned her head to Princess Twilight wearing her Royal attire. Only the Hoofshoes and a small crown she used to wear when she lived here in Equestria. "We're moving. Let's go, everypony. Pony. Oh my Psera. Jeez." It certainly didn't match her tongue.

Twilight giggled before they moved, rolling down the street in a golden chariot followed by a second one with her guards. The ponies around watched the chariot move and recognized her as the purple Alicorn from off Equestria but didn't pay it no mind as they passed. While they did, Twilight looked up and around the area. It's been so long since she's been here on business that it felt alien.

One of the guards in her chariot was watching the Crystal Heart twirling as they passed it. "The Crystal Heart," she explained. "It's what keeps this city in the middle of a frozen wasteland alive. Without it... This entire area would be buried underneath snow, thanks to a curse cast by a pony who wanted to take it over."

Gliding Sword commented quietly, "Equestria sure attracts trouble."

"This country is just full of magic. A lot of magic. That attracts trouble. Especially since, as of later down the line, three ponies can raise and set the sun."

"Interesting." Gliding Sword reached up and relayed, "Escort to Servants, we're approaching the castle."

Just as expected when they walked in, there was a lot of activity. Different creatures were walking around wearing dress outfits in all types of colors. Some were of their customs back home, while others were of the custom here in Equestria. A lot of creatures with snide looks. Mostly ponies, A few dragons, and a few of those birds, all conversing with who Dark guessed were nobles from each country. Not much was occuring. But there was always a reason to be tense. Especially since the ones with their ears folded back were watching them with suspicion. One had careless nature written all over them while the others stared ominously. That one gave the Elite Guard a reason to be suspicious. What, scared an Elite Guard was going to put your head in your own flank?

Ignoring those thoughts, Captain Blinding Silver reached up to his earpiece and relayed, "We're in. Waiting for instructions."

"And we're in the loop," Captain Gliding added right when their chariot pulled in. They didn't need to worry about Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. Just to cover up Twilight's arrival they went ahead and set up a few things with the security, as well as to meet the dignitaries, Queens, Kings, and anyone else who made it this early.

Gliding turned to Twilight who had already applied the spell to her wings and long light blue dress, letting everypony know the true size of her wings. "Are you ready your highness?"

At Twilight's nod, the guard attached to her chariot ran to the side and helped her out. They carefully moved her dress and anything else that came out with her before she was safely on the ground. Then began to lead her down the sidewalk towards the castle. Even if her wings weren't big, the dress would still be a little appropriate. This was her original home after all, they couldn't tell her how to dress.

It's been a while since Twilight came to this castle and it was this active. So much so that it brought back memories of when she first came here. When she and the others helped save it. Mainly Spike did, but still.

"Twilight~!" Someone sang from the street. Twilight looked over to Rarity striding her way with—speak of the dragon—Spike on her back, both obviously pleased to see her. While Gliding reported that Twilight was speaking, the rest of her guard were eyeing Rarity closely. Not to mention Spike. So much that it made Rarity shiver. "Whoo, your friends are giving me goosebumps, darling."

Twilight chuckled and nodded "Yes, that is their job. What are you doing here?" Rarity pulled Arcadia into a hug, delivering love and emotion before backing away to allow Spike to deliver his own.

Twilight lovingly nuzzled his head and asked, "Is everything okay?" He nodded. She didn't need to treat him like a baby dragon anymore. "Good. You know you can visit sometime. Fresh Dawn would love it."

Spike shrugged and popped a gemstone into his mouth. "I'll think about it," he responded.

Rarity smirked and answered Arcadia's earlier question with, "Well darling I have a store I'm setting up here and I came to review its success!" She pointed behind her at a building in progress currently on its wooden skeleton. Staring at it with pride, Rarity added, "It will add profit from the Empire and help my business grow."

Twilight eagerly nodded. "That's really great, Rarity!"

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Ah yes. Even little Spikey-Wikey has been enjoying it too as my little helper. How's the filly?"

"She didn't want me to leave and gave me a parting gift. She also braided my hair, but a toy fell out of it earlier."

Rarity, with a knowing smirk asked, "Had to take it out?" Twilight honestly nodded. The toy was beginning to hurt her. "At least you have whatever else she gave you. I'll leave you be and tell the others you said hi. Ta ta!" Rarity turned around and quickly left the area, watched closely by the Elite Guard.

Taking her eyes off of Rarity, Gliding Sword asked, "Are you ready your highness?" Twilight turned back and eagerly nodded before Gliding reported in. "Escort on the move again. How's the castle?"

"Were setting up right now in an office behind the kitchen. Perfect place for command." Dark Silver watched two Guards from the office doorway carry in a black plastic crate and set it down behind a desk, in the middle of two others that were currently in the midst of being decorated with two display screens. They were connected with a cord towards a large blue crystal set up on the side. "The Equestrian Guard are setting up our eyes while we connect them down here. Have fifteen in here, the rest are out there reporting what they are seeing."

"Ten-four, we're coming in." One of the guards pushed open the door to the castle and walked into the large foyer, busy with activity. Just like Twilight remembered it, except there were a lot of creatures in the building. And chatter. And a little of laughter. Very lively, unlike usual. A large banner was hanging overhead reading "2nd Annual IHT Conference" with the flags as logos to the attending nations.

"Princess Twilight I presume?" Twilight turned her attention to the left at who she guessed was President Manamar. She had her own all-unicorn guards, wearing kimonos armed with swords on their sides while she wore a single Kimono. Her eyes betrayed what her words sounded like, which were a greeting. Twilight felt like she was being sized up. Wasn't she a kind pony?

Princess Twilight feigned a smile and nodded her way. "I am she," she answered. "President Manamar?"

"That is I. It is a grand opportunity to meet you in the flesh. I hope this conference will bring forth grand opportunities for both of our nations."

"I as well." Twilight turned and continued moving while the Guard covering her rear made it known to not step on her trail by walking around it. President Manamar watched her walk away then moved on herself, heading to Celestia knows where.

Speaking of the Princesses, they were conversing with Captain Shining Armor in the corner of the meeting hall, which was actually just a very very big room with an equally as big round table. Equestria had the biggest side. The room was occupied by Dragon Lord Ember with two of her own guards, and Queen Novo with her daughter making conversation with one of the Guards. So far, it looked like they were all here. Except for one.

With worried eyes on everyone Celestia asked, "Have you seen King Chancellor?"

Shining shook his head. "Not yet, but my soldiers are ready to reassure the Elite that Twilight is safe and that he means no harm if he does show up."

Celestia groaned and whispered, "Twilight's going to have an aneurysm if he talks to her and acts like—"

"Princess Celestia!" A cheerful, yet strange voice called behind. Princess Celestia stretched her jaw by flexing her mouth muscles and ending with a smile. Then turned around and faced King Chancellor while Shining trotted off for the kitchen. The pony in front of her was a dark blue coated Alicorn stallion with a light blue mane, tail and neon blue eyes. He had six guards around him wearing armor too similar to Equestria's. He wore a sneaky smirk on his face. Something Celestia didn't like. Not one bit.

But she went ahead and greeted him. "Hello... King Chancellor."

Author's Note:

Ooohhh, who are these characters? Stay tuned this friday(May 24th, 2019 05:02PM EST) to find out!

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