• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,218 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 29 - Arcadia's Accident

After she stomped her hoof on the Castle roof, Twilight whipped around and furiously raced past the Princesses for the entrance to the castle. "Someone summon the Senate Board at once! I want useful information by tonight! Not tomorrow, tonight!"

The Captain here saluted. "Yes, ma'am."

"Start gathering ponies in the Press Room immediately! We'll have a statement ready in a matter of hours!"

Cadance, Luna, and Celestia all followed after her while the guards prepared. But Cadance didn't leave until she cast that last glance to Psera's news central. There was nothing but dust and smoke where that beautiful tower once stood. And bodies.

Cadance sighed and continued following the Queen while trying to bury tears of her own. It all happened so fast.


When the elevator doors from Molten's floor parted, Madun walked out with Fresh Dawn in his hooves straight into chaos. Pserateps from all departments and representatives from the land's City-States were nervous. Dawn would've had a panic attack if the Guards didn't do their jobs.

A multitude of flashing cameras accompanied by questions flying with the light. But Madun continued moving. Even when Gardeen flanked him. She had a feeling she was going to be really busy for the next few hours. She quickly announced, "Her highness has ordered an emergency meeting with the Council in two hours. Do you approve?"

"I do."

"She's also initiated Narmeelah's two stomp."

The two stomp? Oh boy, she's angry enough to legally... Madun sighed and replied, "I will speak to her as soon as I see her. I think it's safe to say..." He glanced down to the filly he was carrying in a free hoof. "That this birthday is one we will never forget."

Dawn had no idea what was going on. Nor did she like it. All she knew was that a lot of somethings shook the ground. And her cake was still whole. "D-Daddy?" She asked. "What's going on? Where's mommy?"

"Mommy's coming in a few minutes," he replied. His steps picked up on his way to the throne room. He ignored all the ponies asking questions before he and Gardeen got past their line of defense. And instead focused on the double doors in front of him.

The Guards stationed saluted and started the process of opening them. Thus letting out the sound of the Queen's tirade. There she was. Pacing angrily in front of her throne and the foreign rulers she more than likely summoned. The Arcadian Guard had been put into action and lined the red carpet leading up to it.

Arcadia stopped in front of her throne once again. Eyes narrowed, practically growling by this point in time. "That was the second most occupied building in Cop, at lunch it's a beehive of Pserateps, of my ponies! I want to know why this happened, I want to know who did this, and if it were any of your ponies, then I promise YOU AND THEM ARE OFF OF PSERA AS FAST AS—"

"Shhhh," Madun loudly sushes. He calmly trotted past the line of ponies and up to his wife. She was furious. Her eyes were starting to glow and his coat was getting all... Static-y. "It's okay," he cooed.

Arcadia turned to him next. Her glowing eyes nearly caused Dawn to fly off. But Madun set her down and nudged her down the stairs towards the Princesses. She didn't need to be near. Once she was safely under Celestia, he looked back to Twilight. Eyes glowing, mane flowing, and magic sparking from her horn. He took careful steps up to her. "Shhh."

"How can you be calm at a time like this?!!" She bellowed.

Madun walked up to Twilight and whispered, "It's okay. Everything's going to be fine—"

"No it is NOT going to be fine, a tower just collapsed to the ground with thousands of lives!!"

"Shhhh..." Madun stopped directly in front of Twilight and calmly pulled her in. "Shhh, calm down. Calm... Calm. Deep breaths, shhh, let it out."

Arcadia did as instructed with Madun's hooves around her. She breathed in his scent and allowed her heart rate to slow. Her eyes went back to normal and the room's temperature cooled. Then everything came crashing right back down.

The tower exploded. Floor by floor. Ponies could have made it out, but they didn't know what was happening. Just... Boom and gone. At that moment, lives were lost.

Queen Arcadia buried her face in Madun's coat. And cried. She cried for the ponies who had no idea what happened in there. She cried for all of them. There wasn't a number yet, but there was definitely over a thousand. A thousand innocent lives. She cried for all of them. She cried loud and tightened her hooves around her rock that was Madun.

Dawn didn't want that. She trotted out from underneath Princess Celestia shaking her head. "Nuh uh!" She ordered. Twilight opened one of her teary eyes and observed this tough little filly climbing the stairs to them. "You're not crying today!" Dawn ordered.

Twilight sniffed her tears away and adjusted her body so she was facing her daughter. Once Little Dawn got her hooves on a stable surface, she pulled herself up and started to walk to her mother with her chest puffed out proudly. With puffed up cheeks, Dawn ordered, "No crying on my birthday! Because I said so!"

Of course. She's so bossy. Arcadia sighed and closed her eyes. Dawn was just hungry. She's all grouchy pants without any food. But she just ate, right? Arcadia let Madun go and walked towards her daughter. Then settled down in front of her with a wet smile and asked, "Are you hungry, sweetheart?"

Dawn shook her head and trotted over to nuzzle her mother's face. "You were crying! So I did what you do best!"

"And what's that?"

"Tell you to stop and listen!"

Arcadia just closed her eyes and tried not to laugh. It was really hard not to and she did let a bit flow out since Madun was just letting his go. Cadance too. Arcadia sighed and then opened her eyes to stare at Dawn's innocent smile. She had no idea...

"Your mother..." Madun dropped down in her peripheral vision with a calm smile and kind eyes on their daughter. "Wanted to give you a gift before your birthday. But I was all... No. Birthday." He reached into his outfit with a free hoof and dug around for a dark brown wooden box bearing a red bow on top. It was opened with a hinge. Perfect presentation.

Arcadia wasn't mad he kept that. It was actually really good foresight in his eyes. She hadn't thought of it when she was making them. Madun placed it in front of Dawn and said, "Happy fifth birthday, sweetheart. From the both of us."

Both of us? Arcadia was about to correct him but decided to just close her mouth and let him admit he couldn't find a gift later. Dawn used her magic to undo the bow and place it on the carpet. She clicked the latch open to flip the lid. Next, gasped loudly at the gift.

The glowing pearl pendant swirling with a mix of red and purple magic. Dawn squealed and ran around the box. "Ooohhh, it's so pretty! I love it, I love it, I love it!"

Arcadia grinned and reached out with her mouth to knick Madun's cheek. "Really? You couldn't find anything?"

He shrugged and admitted, "Dawn's really materialistic. And she has almost everything already." Eh, that was mostly true. He looked back to Fresh Dawn still running around her present and eyed her figure curiously. Long wings, purple coat, a lot of red hair. But... "...she hasn't grown."

"So since you noticed too, I'm definitely not seeing things. I'll get Triage as soon as I possibly can. Aren't you going to put it on sweetheart?"

Dawn stopped running and eyed the present with uncertainty. "Ummm... I'm afraid I might break it," she admitted.

Of course. She wasn't really in tune with her magic yet and could barely control it honestly. And if Twilight's theory was correct, she probably wouldn't be able to in a few years. So for her to think like that was a very great step in learning her magic. Know your limits, lest you hurt yourself.

Arcadia used her own magic to gently lift the necklace. Then slid it past Dawn's horn and mane, and settled it around her neck. It was just the right size and everything. Perfect shape and form to fit. Fresh Dawn used a hoof to lift it up so she could eye the colors even closer. They were like bubbles made of purple and red, illuminating brighter than the day.

Arcadia shifted closer and explained, "Whenever mommy, daddy, or even both of us are away, this..." She softly placed her hoof on top of her daughter's, feeling the pendant. "Will remind you that you are an important piece in our lives. And that we will not be gone for long. Okay?"

Dawn nodded before Queen Arcadia pulled Dawn into a big hug. "Happy birthday, my little angel," she whispered. "My little Veola."

"Thank you, mommy. C-Can... Can I have some cake now?"

Oh yeah, she hasn't eaten the cake. "Of course you can, I'm sure it's in the Castle kitchen that you like to run in whenever you think I'm not watching."

Arcadia winked and Dawn's eyes grew wide. She knew?! Dawn turned around and immediately jetted out of her mother's hooves. Past the rulers still standing there and watching with smirks for the doors. Even the Guards behind their masks were smiling. The ones at the doors pulled them open and allowed her to run out right before they were closed back.

Now that the air was tense once again, Arcadia lost her smile and glanced back down to the Rulers of the nations. "I meant what I said earlier," she stated. Then started the walk back down to them. "If any of your ponies are responsible for the death of a number that is to be determined, they will be silenced and all of your ponies will be expatriated from your places of residence, and placed behind the Obelisk Line."

Queen Novo shook her head and replied, "I agree, although I highly doubt that is the case, Queen Arcadia."

She nodded and moved for Novo. "I as well, but it still must be said. Especially at a time like this. We're in war with a creature that has taken command over all of your countries and are all aligned with each other... I hope." That look Queen Arcadia was delivering was letting them know she was expecting a response.

So Cadance from the far left took the wheel and replied, "Of course we are, it'd be utterly ridiculous if we weren't by this point."

Queen Arcadia nodded and coalesced. She turned around and started the move back up to her throne next to Madun. "Excellent. Now..." She sat down and took a deep breath. "I think it's time we came clean about this war effort and why we have not staged any sort of offense as of yet. I figured later on when Dawn had finally ran herself to sleep I would drag you all into my office and tell you there, but... Somepony just wouldn't let that happen. So while Madun and I wait for an update, I'll tell you now."

Well this just got interesting. Madam Singe shared a look with King Haakim and Amira who both have been mysteriously quiet this time. More so than King Chancellor and the rest of the ponies in this line of nearly twenty. Queen Arcadia sighed and admitted, "During the storm on Equestria, a specific ship of soldiers out of sight managed to stun fifteen Infected ponies and get them onto one of our ships. They... Were our second priority. We brought them to Psera and—"

Luna immediately asked, "Has one of them escaped?!"

King Madun raised his hoof and sternly ordered, "Calm yourself, Princess Luna. None have escaped. And even if they did... They would be captured once more."

Queen Arcadia nodded and continued. "These infected have been part of an experiment to get any other Infected back to normal quickly. However, success has been..." She and Madun shared a look before returning their sights back to the line. "Slow, but gradually climbing. I know it's been a little over a week since your arrival, but ever since you have arrived, Psera has indeed been attacked. And things are getting worse. Today's attack may have been from Maheera, ponies from either of your countries, or even my own."

Celestia squinted her eyes and queried, "What exactly are you saying?"

"I'm saying... That if the cure is not done in time, Madun and I may indeed have to force our hoof and go with the more permanent backup plan."

"And what exactly was that?"

Madun stammered, "Uhhh..." He and Twilight quickly looked at each other nervously again then back down to the line. "Well... This idea was actually slid across the table in secret by Secretary Manny, Generals Bold Shoulder, Admiral Silver, and other high ranking military officers. All of this information is classified." That would explain the Arcadian Guard in here, Luna thought. She could feel them watching her back.

Madun disclosed, "During Arcadia's first year in office, she paid way more than enough attention to our defense department with the idea that even though Psera was well-defended, there were a lot of enemies and allies in our past that... Disappeared without a trace and nothing further. She doesn't think they're deceased like we believe."

Arcadia took over with, "So in foresight, I began work on a project with a Lab concerning weaponry mixed with magic. It was at around the same time we created magical projectiles that stun and immobilize rather than impale an assailant. We wanted to create a weapon that works similar just like that. But only one shot can immobilize a large array of assailants.

"We had the magic and spell ready. Then proceeded with the test, but..." Arcadia and Madun shared a look of trepidation and fear. "The results were, disastrous, to say the least."

Madun raised a hoof and summarized, "A large array of land—seventy miles—across from the shot was completely totaled, magical feedback electrocuted and nearly burned all in the area, and some are... Deaf from the blast. Thankfully, no one was in that weapon's path. There wouldn't even be a body to bury. After that weapon was released, Queen Arcadia immediately wanted to scrap the idea." Celestia nodded with the expectation that that is exactly what Twilight would do. That sounds extremely strong and very dangerous. "But a few officials and directors stated that even though this spell and weapon were an accident, it could potentially be useful in the future."

"So we archived the formula in the event of a national emergency." Arcadia took in a deep breath and released her next statement with a sigh. "So... If things get desperate, and defeating Maheera does not change the Infected back, we will indeed launch this weapon on whatever land Maheera and her ponies are waiting on. And take them all out in one go. We will have to possibly break your land apart to free it."

Before they could gasp a masculine voice behind the throne added, "Do not be alarmed, it is only magic. And from what I hear, you are all very well experienced." Queen Arcadia turned her head and watched Captain Dark Silver with other captains trot out from the corner of Fresh Dawn's throne with a black folder in hoof. He pointed it to Celestia and added, "If the egg heads who knew dirt about it can figure it out just enough about magic, I'm absolutely positive you can."

Arcadia sighed deeply but did make a motion of admittance by tilting her head to the side a bit, then back in place. "Although his entrance was dramatic, Captain Dark has a fair point. I'm sure you could figure something out."

The unicorn mare with a gray coat, a pink flowing mane and tail with light blue eyes shared a look with Queen Novo. Queen Farue was sharp. She picked up on things that weren't said that are usually assumed. So she used that gift. "You're not helping rebuild... Are you?"

Queen Arcadia sighed and leaned forward. Madun was busy speaking to Captain Dark. She had to deal with this on her own. She crossed her front hooves and shifted her wings into a more comfortable position. "It was one of the limitations I told the Princesses back in Equestria. After we help get rid of Maheera and restore your ponies Psera will effectively cut off any other technical ties with foreign communication."

Shining raised a hoof and assumed, "So once the war is over, you're... Going dark again."

"The details are still going under intense clarifications, so to speak. It's been made clear that Psera doesn't want to cut all ties. There's still a lot to go over, and we haven't had time. Trade with Equestria did wonders for economic growth and Psera was discussing even more partnerships. And now, because of this attack, talks are being pushed back further. Trade is still open. But military assistance is still in question."

Arcadia glanced her eyes to Madun. Something was wrong, he wasn't talking. He was holding the folder in his lap, eyes closed, and had one of those same eyes covered with a hoof. It made her worried. All eyes were on him now. Queen Arcadia reached over and placed a soft caring hoof on his bigger one. "What is it?" She whispered.

Madun slowly lowered his hoof and grabbed the folder with small but noticeable tears in his eyes. "This... Is from the first hour. Not even the surface."

Queen Arcadia nervously took the folder and held it down in front of her. On top of her purple dress in her lap. She swallowed hard with the reality. The numbers. So far. It was her duty as queen to see this. Queen Arcadia gripped the edge of the folder and flipped it open. "Terrorist Attack Number... Four... Oh Narmeelah."

Two thousand three hundred sixty-eight. So far. First hour report. Queen Arcadia took a deep breath to swallow her tears and flipped it to the side to reveal the gruesome images. Very disgusting images. She should honestly be puking by now. But she... She trained for this. In the event something like this happened, she was ready. She just never expected it'd be on her daughter's fifth birthday. Body parts. Pony parts. It was a good thing the populace was inside, a... Free falling head landed three blocks away from the location. Holy Narmeelah, a foal—

Queen Arcadia snapped the folder closed. "...okay," she whispered. "An awful, terrifying, absolutely brutal first hour. Are there any clues?"

One of the captains passed another black folder tagged "Images" to Dark. Then he walked up to the throne and answered, "Thousands of suspected clues, actually. We're looking at strange characters we've never seen before. Perhaps you could give a little insight, your highness."

Madun wiped his eyes and eyed the folder Arcadia took in her hooves. She carefully flipped it open. Photographs. Of the wreckage. One of the captains below stated, "They're not Old-Pseratopian, that much we can figure out. But they're also not normal either."

They may have not been Old-Pseratopian. They may have not been new Pseratopian. And they may definitely not be Ponish. But Queen Arcadia knew these symbols. She's seen them thousands of times living in Equestria to both thwart abd cast magical spells.

She narrowed her eyes at the multiple images of destruction and started, "You're right. It's not a language per se. But they are still for communication..." She glanced straight up into Luna's eyes. "For magic."

Whoa, what, magic?! Queen Arcadia stood up and slammed the folder to the ground. "These are runes! Physical spells!"

Madun gasped and growled at the ponies clearly alarmed. They stood up, gasped, and looked around. The Guards were clearly angry, Arcadia's eyes were glowing purple and her large wings were spread out blocking Madun's war path.

Celestia held up her hooves before the Arcadian Guard grabbed them. "Wait, wait, Twilight, I'm sure there's a much clearer explanation!"

Twilight started slowly walking down the steps. "There is literally no other pony here except Unicorns and Alicorns who can perform spells! Let alone draw runes! Maheera Dark cannot reach land and there have been no signs of Infected anywhere! Who else could have possibly done this spell at this magnitude?!!"

Arcadia summoned her own spell. A spell they have never seen before. None of them. A light blue glowing ring cut through the floor around them. Then runes and patterns were drawn under their hooves before magical chains shot up out of specific ones, wrapped around them, and tugged all to the ground. Restraints against their wills.

Queen Arcadia was powerful. She was strong. She was brilliant. She had influence. She was the bucking Queen. Cadance could possibly teleport out of these runes. Maybe. But she'd only get so far away from the fastest ponies on the planet surrounding her in a maze that seemed similar to Tartarus right now with their all powerful Queen who apparently knows spells she wished she knew, with a husband who had the biggest Physique she's ever seen look good on a stallion.

Bulk Biceps is not an exception.

So the Princesses could do the only thing reasonable at this time and hour: Bargain and come to a compromise.

Cadance gulped and focused back on the ponies angrily approaching. She hastily yelled, "Wait, wait, Queen Arcadia! Please, please listen! Look, I know this looks really really bad, but I can assure you that IHT has absolutely no part this attack! You of all ponies should know that neither I, Celestia, Luna or your brother are capable of this! We would never participate in a mass genocide! And our subjects definitely would not!"

Arcadia stopped in front of them and leaned down to stare really close into Cadance's eyes. She knew she was scaring them. But this wasn't about their comfort. This was about her country. "Maybe. Maybe Equestria doesn't. But North Neighton? South Neighton?!"

It was Captain Dark Silver who saved their lives. He stepped forward and bowed next to Madun. "Your majesties—" Both Madun and Arcadia looked to him. "With all fairness and respect, I believe what Princess Mi Amore Cadenza speaks is true. It is very unlike Equestria, or any of these ponies to actually create a chained bomb. And honestly, I would expect this skill of magic from you, Queen Arcadia. Not them." Arcadia was about to send something flying his way before he added, "Princess Celestia, according to their records, doesn't even seem to be nearly on your level of spelling, let alone the rest of these ponies. And she's the second most-powerful in Equestria. I highly doubt they could have pulled something this big off without being reported by even a foal since a half of Psera is clearly wary of them. With Cop being the number one in right wing views."

Arcadia hummed and looked back down to them with Madun. He was actually correct. Besides, it really wasn't like her to just jump to conclusions like this. It was... It wasn't normal.

"Let them go." She looked up to Madun's stern eyes glaring down at their suspects. "Now, Twilight."

Cadance blinked up to Madun then glanced over to Twilight. Her eyes ceased their glowing and the chains of magic withdrew back into the ground. The circle and symbols disappeared and all was once again calm. The Arcadian Elite Royal Guard let them go and backed up to allow them room to scramble onto their hooves. Shining had a large ache in his back now. Madun turned around and walked back up the red steps to the throne while Twilight stayed. And closed her eyes.

He flopped down onto his throne and stated, "Captain Dark is right. I feel these ponies are out of this stunning equation that is mass murder on my daughter's birthday. We must initiate a more thorough investigation.

Celestia silently praised Cadance for her quick thinking. If she didn't Dark Silver would not have supported them, and Twilight would have... Twilight...

Celestia focused back on the present and stared down to the Queen. Her eyes were still zeroing in on her past location. They were empty. Lacking of any emotion. Celestia was about to speak before she whispered, "Excuse me." And teleported away. Then the room became silent.

Madun ordered, "You are all dismissed. Captains, continue the great work."

All bowed in respect. Then rose and took their exits. Except Celestia. Still bowed, she requested, "May I see these runes, King Madun? Perhaps if we recognize the peak year of usage we can find something."

Madun hummed and eyed Princess Celestia closely. She knew her stuff. He nodded and peacefully grabbed the folder containing the images. Celestia watched him approach and hold out the folder in an inviting gesture. So she took the invitation literally and opened it. The unicorns gathered around and eyed the images. The runes were on bloody bits of steel and walls, all in a straight horizontal line. But the blood and death was ignored for the cause behind them.

From above Luna, Singe shook her head and quietly stated, "I have never seen these before."

"Neither have I," Cadance admitted.

"I have." All eyes shifted to Luna. She lightly traced one and whispered, "These runes are old. Ancient. So ancient I'm not surprised Celestia doesn't recognize these. They were used a lot in the past for miners. Instead of creating and wasting our material to mine for jewels, this rune was created. It gathers the magical energy in the air and compresses it together. And when it overloads, it explodes.

"This rune is so old that... They're not even held in the archives anymore. Let alone the blueprints back home. These runes were before our time, when ponies were still living in huts instead of houses. Centuries before my sister and I were born. They were dangerous and sometimes created more work for the miners. So many stopped using them and instead resorted to much safer and longer spells."

Madun hummed and asked, "Do you know any possible character that may have use for these?"

"On Psera? No. On Equestria? King Sombra. But he is deceased."

"So still no idea. It's alright, we will find them." King Madun took the folder back and started the trek to the back of the room. "You're dismissed. Stay in the castle to avoid suspicion."

Scootaloo was all for exercise but Rainbow Dash's pacing was killing her. Scootaloo decided to stay on their shared bed and read while watching. After ten minutes, she sighed and dropped the book down. "Rainbow Dash, what is bothering you?"

Rainbow Dash stopped pacing in front of the window and answered, "Something happened earlier and I still don't know what. I haven't seen Twilight but she definitely knows."

Twilight was actually on her way to the press room's rear entrance with Gardeen on her tail. She was worried about her. Twilight was clearly shaken. But it wasn't easy to figure out the what.

The press room wasn't nearly as packed as they should be. But it didn't take a genius to know where they were. She ignored the camera flashes and walked up to her podium. "Hello, everyone," she first said. "I wish I could say good afternoon, but... It isn't. As of eleven forty-three today, the Central Press Center in downtown Cop... Was attacked and demolished by an unknown assailant or assailants. The Department of Defense, Homeland Security, The Elite Royal Guard and Police are actively looking into this.

"The results... Are staggering. We lost..." Twilight had to close her eyes to keep the tears back for a few seconds. Then opened them back up and admitted, "Two thousand three hundred sixty-eight in the first hour. If you live near the destruction, please follow all orders and stay away from the scene. We will have more updates for you by tomorrow morning. If anyone has seen or heard anything, The Government is asking you to step forward and help us assure that the deaths of these innocent ponies were not in vain. Thank you. No questions at this hour."

Even though she was being called upon, Queen Arcadia stepped away from the podium and proceeded to make her way back from whence she came. The hallway packed with officials and investigators. Gardeen was the first pony she met up with offering a cup of coffee. Decaf, iced. Twilight thanked her and took it in her hooves while many other ponies walked out there with their own news. And Twilight signed a few forms she needed to using her magic.

Gardeen knew something was wrong with the Queen. She didn't look as determined as she usually did. Yes, the accusation in the throne room was big but... Did it hurt her? She sighed and whispered, "You're not alone in this, your highness."

Leave it to Gardeen to notice something off. "It's not that," Arcadia replied. She handed back the documents to their handlers and took a deep calming breath. It wasn't working like it usually did. "But I feel I need to be alone for awhile. Redirect any summons."

She turned around and started the walk back down the hall. Gardeen had no idea where she was going. But being alone was what she needed right now. That and some rest.

After everything that happened in that throne room, it would be absolutely foalish to not think about this. While the others went back to their rooms, the three Princesses and Shining Armor were reminiscing in the cafeteria-lounge on the first floor. The doors were wide open, an inviting gesture. But the entire space was empty, and a little dark and cozy like a cafe. Just like they needed. Psera had everything.

So they took a much larger booth in the corner and held their conversation. Although, there wasn't really much to say. After eleven minutes of silence, and an intense staring contest with the most glossiest table they've ever seen, Shining Armor whispered, "This... Is bad."

Cadance glanced over from his right and asked, "Twilight, or the attack?"


Luna hummed and looked over to the entrance. "I've never seen a spell like that before. It was... Really, really advanced."

Celestia shook her head and countered, "That is besides the point, and the obvious fact that something is wrong with Twilight. Her husband and family here may say that she's the same, but I know Twilight. I raised her alongside her own parents, and it's very unlike her to jump to conclusions without the proper data or evidence to do so."

Shining nodded and added to that with, "It was very... Odd, to say the least."

Celestia knew it was. From where she was sitting, Psera was a really tough nation. They may not seem like it on the surface, but these ponies were something that Twilight honestly shouldn't be a part of. But it's too late to change that.

Celestia huffed and suggested, "We need to speak with her. As soon as we possibly can. At least just to get an understanding of her recent actions. She's more stern and... I do not like that Twilight."

Luna nodded and trained her eyes on the door when a figure trotted in. A figure that put a smile on her face. "We should take a page out of Fresh Dawn's book." She pointed and said, "Become cute, take it easy and smile."

They followed her hoof over to the Princess of Psera running in on tiny hooves over to the drink bar. She was so innocent it was painful. Unaware of the terrifying reality she was living in. Instead, she chose to grin and play with a lopsided tiara on her head. Destination for the beverages.

Shining exchanged an amused glance with Cadance. That drink table was pretty high up, how was she going to get whatever she was after? Instead of stopping at the table, Dawn slowed to a walk underneath it out of sight. She knocked or hit against something that may have been the source of that large cloud of steam shooting out from under there.

A big white cloud that Dawn jumped back out on and beat up to make create a floating platform. She elevated it and floated over the table to grab a few snacks. Then she turned around and started to float back out of the room. Flapping her wings with a pleased grin on her face. Mission accomplished.

"Ooohhh, Daaawwwn~!" Who called her? Dawn lost her grin and looked around before her form of transportation bumped into something. Princess Cadance closed her eyes when she collided with her. But it was the equivalent of getting hit with a small cold pillow.

Dawn quickly looked around from the top of her cloud. Coast seemed clear and the cafeteria was nearly abandoned save for her family. She leaned in and whispered, "You didn't see anything, Aunt Caddy."

Cadance covered her mouth and giggled at her response. So she wasn't supposed to be raiding the cafeteria kitchen? Who would have known? She took a breath and replied, "Your secret's safe with me. Where is your mother? Is she around?"

Dawn reached under her wing and pulled out a tiny piece of muffin to munch on. With a mouth full, she answered, "I dunno. But mommy's upset. I can feel her emotions. When you find her, tell her she's not supposed to be crying on my birthday."

"Will do, Princess. We'll—" Her sentence was suddenly cut when she, Celestia, Luna, and Shining suddenly teleported out of sight with a purple flash. All at the same time. Fresh Dawn jumped in surprise and looked around hectically. Alone once again. Fresh Dawn shrugged and continued soaring out of the cafeteria with her load of goodies. The less she had to say the better.

"—we'll just... Uhh..." Cadance glanced around and immediately asked, "What... Just happened?"

All around them were... Moving lights. A nebula of moving stars in a land of darkness. Underneath, above, left, right, endless. They were bright but not blinding.

"Wow," Luna whispered in awe. She allowed one of these stars to glide into her hooves and brought it up to her face. They looked like glass balls with a glowing center. Celestia looked around the space for an exit. Good news, the exit was a few steps away. Bad news, she recognized them. Two violet colored doors.

"Welcome to my safe space." Celestia whipped back around to face the voice. Twilight was lying down on a cloud in a Rainbow Dash fashion. Her face was graced with a pleasant smile and eyes closed. "This is the reality I hide in to suspend myself away from my problems."

She was having a rough time, Cadance could tell. That smile was overly forced. She sighed and walked over to provide even minimal comfort. Twilight deserved that bit. "What's wrong, Twily?"

Twilight inhaled deeply and dropped that smile. She answered, "I'm ashamed, I'm scared, and I think Madun's mad at me."

Luna sat down in front of Twilight and repeated, "Mad? At you? For whatever reason?"

"The same reason I'm mad at myself. I jumped to conclusions. I allowed my anger to lead my actions. As a ruling Queen of Psera, my actions are determined by evidence. Runes alone are not solid evidence, no matter how obvious they are."

"It is okay," Celestia appeased. She took a seat next to Luna and added with a raised hoof, "You are clearly stressed, that is all."

"Celestia, at the stomp of a hoof, I could have had you executed without a fair trial. You would be dead, and the real culprit would still be out there. I allowed my emotions to take control of me without thinking about the implications. I would have made extremely poor judgement with equally as extreme consequences. I, the Queen and Savior of Psera would have shamed my country by sentencing the wrong ponies to an execution. Innocent ponies, let alone my friends and family. My baby's family. It would have made the entire crown look terrible.

"All because I allowed my emotions to get the best parts about me: My judgement, and my mind. Now Madun's upset with me because I almost made us commit to a grave mistake we would regret later, my baby's fifth birthday is ruined after everyone's hard work, and we were attacked by ponies with no name. This is a terrible day."

Twilight leaned her head back and groaned loud. Then dropped it back down onto the cloud bearing the mistake at the tip of her mind. "I messed up," she grumbled.

Shining Armor stopped next to her cloud and sighed. He used a free hoof to free her mane of its tangles. Cadance would get worked up over things like this all the time and this is what he'd do to calm her down. "There, there, Twily. Yes, you messed up. Yes, it could've ended very badly. But it didn't. Luckily, Bold Shoulder saved our lives today. You don't have to worry about that. We learn from our mistakes. This was just a learning experience. And what exactly are you scared of?"

Twilight sat up and shook her head. "I'm not scared of anything right now. But I am scared for all on Psera. Not just my citizens. The only one who can fight Maheera and take her down is me. The lives and wellbeing of everyone else lies solely on my wings and horn. And if I fail, then everyone on this continent, this massive land of love and peace will face the unknown future of imminent death and darkness.

"Yes, Psera's military is strong and they have weapons of destruction thanks to my magic. But if I lose to her, and Maheera does in fact come here, then everyone will be victims of Maheera's jealousy. They don't see what could go wrong. They're not scared of Maheera. Because they don't have to face her. But they should be. Because if I lose the fight against her—"

"Whoa, whoa!" Luna interrupted. She waved her hooves around and smiled at Twilight. "There is no I in We. You're not going back there alone. You're going to have a massive army with you. Plus, do you honestly think we're going to let you take on all of this alone? Not happening."

Celestia proudly nodded with Shining Armor and Cadance. Twilight had a feeling they were going to volunteer themselves. It wouldn't be like them if they didn't. It wouldn't be Equestria.

Celestia stated, "We may not be as strong as you, or as smart. But we can definitely contribute."

Twilight smirked and blushed. Of course they'd make her feel better while saying it. "Thanks, Princess."

Celestia pulled Twilight into the hug she was preparing for. She was pulled in tight and close, receiving love and affection from one of the many ponies that has inspired her and pushed her through life. "You're welcome, Queen Twilight." After they separated, Celestia looked around and asked, "Your spells are becoming extremely complex by the way. I am beyond impressed."

Feeling much better, Twilight stepped off her cloud and said, "This is one of my important spells. It uses illusionary magic, but on a much stronger and grander scale. Anyone who steps hoof past the entrance of this room will in fact see all of this. I have thousands upon thousands upon thousands of custom made spells. But it has to go now." Twilight lit her horn and began the process of diminishing the area. Everything slowly faded away and were replaced with Queen Arcadia's Natural Office with the twirling sun.

Shining had never been in here. The crisis had allowed him the first time to ever step hoof onto Psera. And it was pretty nice, right up before an entire building exploded. So he gandered Twilight's office and queried, "Did you use another spell?"

Twilight giggled and walked around her desk so she could finally plop into her chair with confidence. As the Queen of Psera everyone knew. She answered, "Well yes, but it was performed years ago. Everything in here was created when I first took office and Dawn was learning how to walk, jump, and fly. Ohhh, it was so cute. I'll show you pictures sometime."

A ringing underneath Queen Arcadia's desk caught her ears and the attention of her visitors. Business time. She lost her smile, held up a hoof and reached down out of sight to open a specific drawer. A drawer containing around twenty Comm Blocks all labeled for different departments. She could get in contact with those department heads at the press of a button, and vice versa. And the one that was ringing was for...

Serl. Twilight glanced up at her family for a moment then back down to the Comm Block. Hopefully everything was alright.

"Excuse me." She picked up the Comm Block and diddled with it for a few seconds. And grabbed another wayyy smaller device in her magic and placed it in her ear. Then pressed the switch. "Yes, Bright Gold?"

"We did it, your highness. As of five fourteen this morning we ran the test and managed to restore entire bodies on all of our subjects."

Arcadia smiled at the announcement in her ear and locked eyes with Celestia. "Are there any... Unwanted changes? I'm sure the Princesses would like all of their citizens back to normal and not a third." Twilight nodded to Celestia and winked at her before Bright Gold replied.

"None. Everything is perfect. We're doing a replay on the chemical to get a good run in. The Blue Gold seems to restore all previous aspects of the subjects. Not partial aspects. We believe the Obelisks may have had a play with the reach of Maheera's magic to the mind."

"Excellent. Great work... Wait..." Queen Arcadia thought for a moment. And thought hard. Those runes she saw on those reports popped up into her head all of a sudden. They seemed... Dark now that she actually took the time out to think about them. Among other things that popped into her head that made her blood run even colder. She should look at the report again, but Madun has it right now.

Urgently, Queen Arcadia requested, "Bright Gold, could you send me a sample please? I just thought of something I need to check out."

"Yes ma'am. Is there anything else you need?"

"Yes..." Queen Arcadia slowly stood up. "But you don't have it at the facility. It's in Cop. Thank you, Bright. I'll be in contact with you for any meeting details."

"Yes, ma'am." After they ended the conversation, Arcadia urgently stuffed all of the materials she took out back into their respective places. She just had a troubling thought. And it may have cost her.

Queen Arcadia Nova urgently walked out from behind the desk and started on the movement for the doors. Fresh Dawn remembered seeing monsters in the windows. There was an attack on Psera that involved magical runes she didn't recognize, but certainly looked odd...

She walked past Cadance and stated, "I fear we've been invaded. I need you all to come with me. Now."

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