• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 18 - Welcome To Psera

After Twilight showed Cadance through the other ships, they soared over the blue oceans and landed on the deck of Aquata Zero. The ocean breeze ruffled through Twilight's feathers while they soared over harmless blue waters. Nothing but blue as far as the eye could see. It was nigh in the day as of this moment. The sun warmed the coats of the Guard standing around making conversation as well as the Princess and Queen.

Once they landed, Queen Arcadia pointed ahead of the bow and stated, "At our current speed I am estimating us to reach the Obelisk line at around eight tonight. Until then, I have business to attend to here in my office."

Cadance smirked and repeated, "Office? You have an office on this ship?"

"Yes. We have a whole suite of business areas on Aquata Zero. You've already seen the debriefing room. Then you have my office and Madun's, then the Secretaries of Defense and Royalty, or Manny and Gardeen. As well as a small library."

Oh stars above, Singe... Cadance giggled behind a hoof and stated, "Singe is going to enjoy Manny."

Arcadia glanced at Cadance nonchalantly. But couldn't help that eventual smirk too that broke out on her face. Yeah, those two would definitely get along. "Yes, I can see them bickering already. But I have a feeling they won't. Where is Spike? I haven't seen him."

Cadance swooned with a hoof above her horn and answered, "More than likely swooning over Sweetie Belle."

"What?" Twilight shot her head back to Cadance from the sea. Did she just hear that right? "Sweetie Belle? What about Rarity? I just saw them in Equestria a few weeks ago."

Cadance chuckled and nudged Twilight with a hoof. "You've missed a lot these past five years. His crush on Rarity has now moved onto her sister. 'She's more his age.'"

Twilight seethed and whispered, "Ouch. Does Rarity..."

"Rarity knows about his new 'crush on somepony else', but not the reason why. She said as long as Spike is happy, she's happy too. He's growing up in a sense."

Twilight nodded and faced back to the waves. "Yeah, I expected him to. Speaking of which, I have to get back to my work before I get behind schedule." Arcadia raised her hoof and relayed, "Arcadia to Guard. I am passing over the head of temporary command to Admiral Star 'til fourteen hundred hours. All be advised I'm moving towards the offices. For all other inquiries please consult Admiral Star, who in turn will consult me for any guidance or clarifications needed. Arcadia signing off."

"Aquata Zero, acknowledged."

"Aquata One, Acknowledged." One by one the ships acknowledged her status.

Arcadia just simply lowered her hoof and smiled to Cadance while ignoring their responses. "I'll see you later on, Cadance. I believe you know how to get back to the hangar from here?"

Cadance smiled softly and answered, "Yes. I'll speak to you soon."

Twilight flipped her sparkling mane out from in front of her face then turned around and made eager steps for the inside of the ship. She needed to get some work done for Psera while they were in the clear. There was no telling when another attack would rear its ugly head.

Cadance watched her go whilst the breeze blew their manes out of proportion. Then focused back on the calm sea in front of her. She should probably talk to some of the other leaders. Even though some questions were answered yesterday, they definitely have more concerning the Pserateps themselves.

King Chancellor sat alone among other more talkative ponies at the edge of Bay A with a straight face. His despondent eyes stared down at the waves of the sea splashing against this Aquata. That was a long way down. His ponies were around there somewhere but he didn't really pay them any mind at the moment. His mind ran chaotically with thoughts about what has happened so far.

Psera weren't to blame for this apparent temporary situation, but their history may have had a hoof in it. No matter how small. All of their lands were struck with plagues because of an evil draconequus. Then zombie ponies. And finally evacuation to Equestria to whatever happened back there. Did Maheera have a part in Equestria's steel shortage? Possibly.

Chancellor abandoned the ledge of boredom and walked back deeper into the hangar of excitement to get answers. Only one pony knew the answer to that question. He strided towards a nearby Aqua Guard, a mare at post and asked, "Is Queen Arcadia available?"

The Guard shook her head and answered, "Queen Arcadia has signed off for a majority of the day."

"Horse apples. Thank you." He had no idea what "Signed off" meant to them, but it must've meant no because the guard shook his head. With his answer, Chancellor turned and begrudgingly shuffled away with a destination for a resting area. It was boring on this ship. Not much to do but sleep really. He's done that more than enough.

But his eyes caught sight of the other rulers gathered in a medium-sized circle in the darkness of a corner. What were they talking about? Changing routes, he swiveled and made way for them. Being left out of a circle was one thing King Chancellor didn't enjoy. Let alone being left out of informative and important topics.

Maybe a few feet away he caught ear of their conversation before he arrived. Cadance spoke in a hushed tone, "Queen Arcadia has informed me we'll be reaching their Obelisk Line around eight tonight. That would land us nearly in Psera by tomorrow morning if all goes well."

"Pserateps aren't the friendliest ponies and as you know don't like to share," Luna put in. "They're technologically advanced and truly adore their rulers as long as they are fair and willing to listen. According to history, Queen Arcadia and King Madun are their second best rulers, running a close second behind Queen Narmeelah. Arcadia herself said that way before all of this, ponies actually considered her as a uhhh... Reincarnation of Narmeelah. Or even a relative. They didn't realize how right they were."

King Haakim asked, "And this... King Madun. What is he like?"

Luna chuckled and answered, "He. Is. A. Darling. Has a soft side for flowers, cooking, and pleasing his family. Then has a tough side for Psera. Fair and firm. But there are some characters in power that you have to look out for. Such as..."

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor all stated with the same pony in mind, "Secretary Manny."

Shining clarified, "Secretary Manny is Psera's Secretary of Defense. She more than likely provided the securement for the rescue off Equestria. Queen Twilight just organized it all. I have a feeling you'll meet her."

Celestia cleared her throat and added, "To clarify further, excuse me Singe, but she's similar to you. Only... Worse. Her attitude is 'do what I say, or you are done here'. She's not one to mosey around."

Dragon Lord Ember muttered with crossed claws, "She sounds more like me."

"The second pony you have to watch out for, but far less so is... The Secretary of Royalty. Gardeen."

That name sounded really familiar to Novo. She repeated, "Gardeen? As in... White pony, silver mane, green eyes." Celestia nodded, confirming Novo's suspicions. "So they snuck in. I believe I may have seen her at the summit. She seemed nice."

Shining immediately clarified, "Oh she is. But if you step out of place, she's quick to push you back in it. Her role as Secretary of Royalty is she takes orders directly from Royalty. Twilight was in her position before she was crowned. She gives orders to the Captain of the Royal Pseratopian Guard, Police, Military Police, all of them. Technically, she's directly under the Queen. If you miss your taxes, you receive a letter from the Secretary of Royalty. If orders are to be delivered personally, she is the pony you see at your front door. To get to the Queen, you have to go through Gardeen."

Singe nodded and stated, "She sounds like a take charge sort of mare."

"She is. But in a place of power there is a pony who isn't. Princess Merry Fire. The Daughter of Her Majesty Molten Ice, sister to King Madun, and step-sister to Queen Twilight. Even though she is Royalty and lives in the castle, she prefers a more simple life. She is a highly sought out seamstress and actually designed the dresses for Twilight during her wedding, and Coronation. At times she enacts her status in a surprising way. She's easy to communicate with but still has an attitude you must watch out for. So watch what you say."

"Then last, but definitely not least of the original family, Her Majesty Molten Ice," Cadance said. "I can't exactly remember how old she is, but I think around five thousand."

Ember whistled and whispered, "Wow, so she's been around before Celestia."

"Way before Celestia. Not much on her really. She's ruled Psera for many years and was an adventurer. Apparently she's toured Equestria underneath our noses a few times, including during the Nightmare Moon era. Eventually she passed on the title of prime ruler to King Madun and retired."

A loud snap-crack ripped their attention from the briefing to the overhead walkways. Arcadia was walking around with a face of focus briskly in a violet robe holding three documents and a golden pen. The Guards saluted when she moved past. She must've been taking notes or something.

Luna motioned up to her and said, "And this brings us to the last of Psera's newest main heads. Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera. That's her entire title. Based off of their words, she changed her name in hopes to leave all parts of her Equestrian past behind. As well as keep her secret in case somepony asked who she was. After rebuilding Psera at an extremely quickened pace, she was given the title of Executive Secretary of Royalty, Gardeen's current title. Months later, news of her and Madun's courtship began to circulate. Then, after nine months of dating, a proposal. During this time Pserateps all over their nation held a voting pool to push her to power. During the planning, Arcadia and Madun told the world that she was pregnant with a foal. Then finally, first wedding, disaster, second wedding, marriage, birth, and Coronation."

Thorax waved his hoof and interrupted, "Wait, wait, I have a question! What disas—" Cadance covered his mouth with her hoof.

Leaning in, she whispered, "We don't talk about it on Psera, around Twilight, around any Pseratep, and definitely not around her family."

Luna waved her hoof in a circular motion to the ceiling and added just as timid, "It's a taboo to do so. So refrain from asking or seeking out information in any other form."

Twilight teleported away from one walkway far away to the one directly above their position near the wall. She jiggled with something metallic and pulled open a door. Then started clicking something around. "Arcadia to Bridge, have you received an update?... Ten-four."

Twilight closed the door back after taking a note. Then teleported away once again back into her large and warm carpeted office. There was a large wooden desk in the right corner where multiple documents were laid out, situated between photos of her family, daughter, and friends. Both Equestria and Psera. Dark didn't like photos so he chose to glance away like he heard something when the photo was taken. Cute.

On the left side of the room was a large round glass table where a small LiVAM was setup nearby for conferences. Along the top of the walls were more LiVAMs displaying feeds of the important areas of the Aquata. The battery room, the hangars of course, the decks, bridges, and cameras at the sea for the bow and ports. All labeled so she knew. But she wasn't focused on them. She was focused on her paperwork and the LiVAM on the table. An important call was going to come through concerning the final choice of location as well as anything she may have missed.

After a few seconds, she pushed the paper on the side and focused on the screen when Gardeen's face popped in. Too close. Her nose was in her face. Arcadia smirked and said, "Back up somewhat."

Gardeen's eyes widened before she backed away. "Is this okay?"

"A little more... Okay... Good, right there. Hello, Gardeen."

Gardeen decided to go back to her own desk and take a seat. It was much better than being muzzle to glass with a LiVAM. Smiling, she greeted, "Hello, Twilight. How's the sea?"

Arcadia sighed and responded, "Eh, a little tense. We have it under control. Now what's happening in Psera?"

Gardeen lifted a sheet and answered, "As of two hours ago, the Senate decided that Psera will house the Foreigners in between Fenix and Merōl, Fenix and Lavender, and Psera Skies Extra to preserve land space. Based off the amount of fliers incoming from your census it should dwindle the space taken and appease the Pserateps already occupying these areas. Those areas will be split up into equal sections in numbers and age range. They're waiting for an approval from you and Madun."

Arcadia liked that. It could work. "I love the idea. Place the form on my desk as soon as possible. What else?"

Gardeen looked at the document and checked off a few things. "Uhhh... Serl is requesting to intercept your ship with one of their own so the subjects don't get on Psera."

Arcadia wrote down a note and asked, "What time?"

"Three miles away from Psera. They're in contact with Lavender."

Arcadia took a note to inform the Admiral to stop all motion at Mile Three. "In which direction is Serl arriving?"

"Rear helm."

"Then they're coming in early to loop around. What else?"

"You told me to remind you of the Aquata zero-two-seven's decommissioning? And the welcoming of the V2s?"

Twilight nodded and asked, "What day is that?"

"Lunch, the day after tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll be there to set it off. Anything else?"

"No, that is all."

Arcadia grabbed her notes and put them together into a stack. "I'll inform the leaders on the ship. Now... One more thing, Gardeen." Gardeen nodded and gave the Queen her full attention. Arcadia leaned in with an intense stare and whispered, "...you already know what I'm going to ask."

Gardeen blinked at her nonchalantly for a moment. Then closed her eyes and sighed. "Your highness, I really don't think it's a good idea to tell you."

"Tell me, Gardeen. Come on." She waved her hoof her way. "Give me the details and be honest."

Gardeen stared into the intense and quivering eyes of her Queen. Then sighed. It were as if a loud trumpet was rising into their ears with a single tune. After a few seconds, Gardeen smirked and confirmed Twilight's worst fears. "Eventa lost."

Arcadia sat back with a straight face and stated, "There's a penalty for lying to the Queen."

Gardeen shook her head and laughed, "Four to three. They were close though."

Arcadia shook her head and corrected, "They won."



"Lost, Twilight."

"Gardeen, I will speak with you later."

"You're going to watch the recap, aren't you?"

"What? No of course not." Arcadia quickly pressed a button on her desk to cut the feed before she could reply. "No way," she whispered. "No way Eventa lost, they're undefeated." Arcadia crossed her hooves and shook her head. While the seconds ticked by, tiny beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Next a bite of her lip. After a minute of silence and the loud ticking of the clock above the door, she couldn't take it anymore. Arcadia lifted her hoof and turned the frequency control up all the way. She had to know. She had to know now.

Even though a majority of the questions were answered, there were still a few concerns the leaders continued to inquire on the rulers of Equestria. Specifically, Dragon Lord Ember asked about gems and Jim Sun about seaweed for food.

Cadance shrugged and answered, "Well the gems we're not authorized to speak about, and the seaweed... I... Honestly don't know. But then again, we only know a few minor things about Psera and—"

"Attention, all staff on deck," Arcadia interrupted through the Aquata's intercom. Two guards walking past stopped to listen. And Odega burst into view next to Celestia. Where has she been all this time? "I was just informed of some devastating news that... More than likely isn't as devastating to you as it is to me, but I need clarification. And I. Need. It. Now."

Celestia shared a concerning look with Luna. "I want to know... If Eventa actually lost. I mean I was told they did but I don't believe it. I'm desperate, someone tell me."

What? Rainbow Dash yelled, "Huh?" She shared a look with Applejack who only shrugged in response like the other ponies. She was just as lost. Must've been a Psera thing.

Private Smalls snickered and responded, "Rayray won, your highness! Four to three!"

"No, no way! Eventa won, they had to, they've been bragging about this all season!"

Captain Gliding yelled, "Yeah, but Drophoof got knocked off his hooves near the end and actually dropped the ball! Command told me the story! So—"

"No, no, no, I'm going to watch the recap! Is there a recap? I'm watching the recap!"

"Yeah, there's a recap!"

"I'm watching it!" And with that, Arcadia cut the feed.

Celestia blinked once. Then two more times and asked, "Er... What?"

Luna shrugged and asked, "Uhh... Eventa?"

A Guard strode forward and saluted to them with a straight face. "Her highness wishes to speak with you in the briefing room. Follow me." He lowered his hoof and made way for the stairs, followed immediately by Celestia and everyone else, completely forgetting the event that just transpired.

They walked up the steel stairs and onto the oh so familiar hallway. Soon, they arrived at the room's closed door, guarded by the Arcadian Elite Guard, two of them. The one escorting them suggested quietly, "Try not to keep her waiting." Then shuffled back off to his post.

Luna took the initiative and pushed the door open with a vision in mind of Twilight in her chair reading to pass the time. That was unfortunately not to pass. Twilight must've had a soundproofing spell active because when Luna opened the door, all they heard was a bunch of shouting and cheering. "WHOO, YEAH! GO EVENTA LIGHTS, WHOO HOO!!"

The lights in the Debriefing/Situation room were dimmed and Twilight was watching something on the far wall next to the door from her chair beside Madun's. Definitely excited about something.

Shining walked right in despite Cadance's tugging and checked out what she was watching, let alone extremely excited about. It was... A ball game? Twilight liked sports?! Yeah it was a sports game! The Pserateps had on helmets and gear, running across a grassy field while their wings were strapped to their sides. There was a text below in Pseratopian Shining couldn't get but it was obvious it was a game.

"Whaaaaa..." Shining diverted his gaze to Twilight who was hitting her hoof on the table, shooting the LiVAM with a pleading look. Although there were a few documents in front of her, she was focused on the display. Probably just to pass the time.

She waved her hoof to the left and yelled, "Left! Left, my friend, left—yeah, there you go! Keep going!"

The others walked into the room and viewed the LiVAM with Shining Armor. Celestia was the most surprised. And not by Twilight's current actions. But by the fact that...

"I believe Twilight likes sports," Luna guessed. Then turned to Twilight. She had her hooves up in the sky waving them around.

"Whoo yeah!! Go, Eventa! Go, Eventa! Go, Eventa!" The end goal was in sight. Celestia glanced to Novo who was trying to wrap her head around this. A player from the bottom of the screen was running up to intercept the one with the ball. Which he did.

They were knocked off their hooves and the ball twirled in midair. Twilight gasped before it was snatched by a pony on the opposite side, and they began running back the way they came. "NO! NO, SOMEONE STOP THEM!!"

Cadance leaned over to Shining and whispered, "I did not know Twilight was so into sports." He nodded but shrugged.

Twilight stood up from her chair with horror on her face. "Noooo! Come on, come on, come on!!" After a few more seconds the pony with the ball ran into the endpoint. And the crowd went wild. A zoomed in shot of the Pserateps playing zoomed onto the LiVAM before it cut off.

Twilight groaned and dropped her face onto the table. "We were sooo close!!" She cried. "How can you win all the games but the most important one??! Madness!"

Seeking an end to this, Novo lifted her hoof to her mouth and cleared her throat. Twilight eeped and sat back up. Then urgently pressed a few controls on the pad in front of her. The lights dimmed back on, the screen was replaced with the crest of Psera, and Twilight quickly righted herself back to a nonchalant Queen.

Clearing her own throat, she gestured to the chairs and ordered, "Have a seat."

Shining had to keep down a laughing fit while he moved to his chair like the others. Celestia sat near Twilight and shot a smirk her way while everyone got comfortable. They clearly saw everything and weren't so discreet to let her know they did.

Queen Arcadia blushed and stammered, "Uhh... As of less than ten minutes ago, I was informed of your placement on Psera soil. The Senate decided to have you split among three locations to restrict overcrowding: Between Fenix and Merōl, Fenix and Lavender, and Psera Skies Extra. As I'm sure you know Princesses, Eventa is not available."

Cadance replied, "Yes, we've gone over that."

"Good. I just want to make it clear once more.Psera Skies Extra is only accessible to Pegasi. And based off our census, we have a lot on these crafts. That should help us preserve the land for my ponies already living out there. Now as for the basics of what happens when on Psera. Once we're on land and everyone is settled in, you will be assigned tasks to keep our economy moving. Any of your available military will work closely with ours to provide intelligence and assistance of the threat. I have yet to hear what we're already doing, but I have a feeling I'll know by lunch tomorrow.

"Speaking of which, once we pass the Obelisk Line, I'll be returning to Psera to prepare our land for your arrival and leave you in the hooves of the Admiral and military. As for your stay, all of you have the option of either staying at the castle, or close to your citizens. And the same goes for the Captain of your Guard. Whichever one you choose, we need to be able to get to you in case of an emergency meeting. Any questions? Yes, Ember."

Ember lowered her claw and asked, "What about food?"

"We should have enough food for all of you. We have a warehouse of rations and Terquimas. Now as for gems. Obviously, Dragons eat gems but Psera is extremely lacking for those reasons. We use gems for other reasons. But we'll see what we can do. Yes, Jim Sun?"

Jim Sun lowered his hoof and stated, "As Queen, I'm sure you have a lot more on your hooves other than us. Who will be in charge?"

"You are correct to assume I will be sticking to the sidelines. A few of my Guard Colonels, Military Police, Department of Public Safety, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of International Relations, the Princesses, your Guard Captains and whoever they assign, King Madun, then finally myself. Like I said, this is going to strain our economy. But with enough time and effort, it will turn out alright. Now, about... The Changelings."

This again? Thorax sighed and asked, "Queen Arcadia... Are you a racist?"

Twilight gasped and answered, "Absolutely not! Why would you make that assumption?"

Thorax seethed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... You keep talking about them, so..."

Arcadia smoldered her eyes and clarified, "Changelings on Psera, let alone approaching, is something we do not take lightly, Thorax. Psera's devastating history is actually thanks to those same Changelings on this very boat."

Singe asked, "How, exactly?"

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. "Well... Let me tell you how it is. A Pseratep's wings don't start of this size. They grow. Through love and admiration. Psera... Is a haven of love. A store full of nothing but orbs of love sitting on shelves. The more love and admiration you receive from another makes your wings grow, albeit small. A few centimeters. Not trying to sound self-absorbed here, but Psera loves me a lot as you can see."

Twilight motioned towards her massive wings going fifteen feet on the floor. Ember nodded and whispered, "Yes, kind of hard to miss those."

"Notice how I also have stayed away from Chrysalis' changelings ever since they got on these Aquatas. I told Her Majesty Molten Ice about them and she said they have the possibility of being Quarantined."

Celestia gasped and repeated, "Quarantined? Queen Arcadia with all due respect this isn't like you."

Twilight responded, "That's because this is not a friendship problem. Chrysalis and her Changelings were responsible for five years of a terrible lifestyle here on Psera before I arrived. Pain, suffering, and death. As Queen I must look out for the safety of my subjects first and foremost. I know it seems wrong, but we're not taking any chances.

"Now back onto another topic. Once you're three miles from Psera's coast you will be intercepted by a special Aquata for an exchange of special cargo. You'll be still for ten to fifteen minutes before a direct trip to Lavender."

Madam Singe raised her hoof and asked, "We've already asked Celestia but we want to be sure once more by asking from the direct source. What exactly can we expect on Psera? Noise, nature, language, dangers..."

Twilight sat back in her seat and answered, "Well for one rules and instructions. Like I said before, Psera is a military nation and all rules apply there. As long as you follow the rules, Psera will remain nice and calm. If you don't follow the rules, then... You'll experience Psera's harsh detention rules and centers even if we see fit. My ponies are very protective of each other and the land, so if we do give you the clear to tour one of our cities, be wary of what you say and do. Other than that, you'll be safe. Anymore questions?" Shining's hoof slowly raised. "That are about the current situation?"

Shining lowered his hoof back to the side. He had a definite question about what he saw earlier. Looking around, Twilight nodded and ordered, "Okay. You're all dismissed to report what you heard to your ponies." Twilight gathered her papers and immediately teleported away before Shining could ask. He really wanted to know what was going on before any of them walked in. Well it looked like he wasn't getting any answers today. But he would get those answers.

He would get Twilight to say that she enjoyed sports.


The evening soon fell upon the convoy of escapees, sending the ponies of the lands into a drowsy-like state. The sun basked the steel Aquatas in an Orange glow from behind, highlighting the area from the front. After telling their ponies about what would happen tomorrow, Celestia lowered the sun and Luna began the raising of the moon. Twilight's friends decided to be a few of those sitting on the edge just to watch. It was always a grand event whenever Celestia and Luna did their works. To watch the blue skies be replaced with a black canvas twinkling with stars.

Once the moon was up and the show was over, Luna turned with intent for rest and searching of dreams. But her muzzle bumped into the muzzle of Private Smalls, as dark as the night.

She stepped back and apologized, "Oh, excuse me." Then started to make her way around before Smalls raised her hoof.

"Not so fast," she warned. The others turned to her to witness the situation. "Her highness is requesting your presence on the deck. All of you."

Celestia and Luna shared a look and shrug. Looks like Twilight needed one more thing before heading back home. After a trek and climb up metal stairs, they walked through the thick steel doorway leading into the ship onto the semi-abandoned and lightly glowing deck of the ship.

Everything was peacefully silent, save for the splashing of the waves they could barely see and wouldn't if it weren't for the moon's glow. Twilight was flanked at the bow by Odega and the Twins, Mahloo and Marloo. All facing the seemingly empty dark horizon. The twins had been missing since this morning. Strange. Not as strange as seeing them there though. They were really intimidating and Twilight was standing beside them like it were no big deal. Fearless.

Clearing her throat, Rarity called, "Er... Twilight?"

Without turning around Twilight answered, "Over here. Have a seat."

Odega and the others scooted over to allow them a seat by the Queen. Celestia and Cadance flanked her left and right. Her glowing and sparkling mane licked Cadance's face. It draped over her front while her content gaze was focused on the distance. Celestia wasn't sure what she was looking at, but it must've been important.

Twilight gestured towards the sea and stated, "I figured you'd want to see the Obelisks together before I head back. We're actually really close to them right now. They're in sight, less than a third of a mile."

Rainbow placed her hooves on the steel railing and looked around. All she saw were more Aquatas and an ocean as dark as the sky. "Yeah, uhh... Where?" She asked.

Twilight closed her eyes and calmly lit her horn. Celestia focused back on the ocean, gasping at her find. Not too far but still a ways, a light pink glow climbed from the ocean taking shape in the form of a very tall spire; a monolith, starting from the base and ascending until they reached the apex, reaching up to the sky. Its hue became higher and the glow brighter, bathing the entire fleet in a warm neon violet glow. It looked exactly like the one in Cop. Just much bigger.

The Guards on the bridges of the Aquatas slowly abandoned their posts to check out not one, but three of the Obelisks in sight. One in the center, another on the far right a little ways out, and another on the left in the same suspected distance. Admiral Star smiled warmly at the sight and pressed the key for the intercom. Inside of Aquata Zero, many of the ponies were sleeping, ignoring the patrolling of the Guards before Admiral Star boomed, "All please be advised..." Novo sat up with her daughter and looked around. "We have arrived at the PDS Obelisk Line. It is truly a sight to behold. Thank you, Queen Arcadia."

Obelisk Line? They made it? Novo stood up and made her way to the Hangar Bay with a few other ponies. Those already there were staring with their mouths open at whatever was out there. Even Queen Chrysalis and a few of her drones were entranced. Novo looked her way then followed her eyes to the distance, jaw dropping.

The Obelisk line was massive. And the Obelisks themselves were towers. Before Novo knew what she was doing she—and the others—were on the top deck with Arcadia and the Guard, watching the approaching towers. They even changed colors! From the bottom they changed from purple to green.

Rarity whispered, "That is amazing, darling. Truly inspiring."

Twilight nodded and replied, "Just one of my works. Once you pass this, you'll be in Psera possibly by tomorrow morning. Or at least ten. We're severely over schedule." The Obelisk line was nearing their fleet now, urging the ships to tilt around. Ponies like Moondancer and a others had their eyes glued to the sight when it begin to pass their Hangar bay. They all followed it to the rear of the ship, so close in reach. The dark waves below splashed against the crystal in an eerie silence.

Cadance whispered, "There are three hundred of these?"

Twilight nodded and answered, "Yes. It took a while to build. Two weeks with effort, but... It's worth it. It's time I returned home." Twilight lit her horn and blasted open a portal, blowing back the manes of those on board. "Odega, assist in defense if any trouble arises. I have a feeling there won't be any."

From down the line, Odega saluted and replied, "Yeah, girl."

Twilight nodded back before striding through and closing the portal. Leaving them out of sight. She relished in the stable and soft atmosphere of her home's living room. And the toys and books lying around. Something was telling her Fresh Dawn was pretty busy today. Reading, playing, and sleeping. Good.

Twilight used her magic to quietly pick them up and place them back in the toy bin next to her library where they belonged. Then made her way to the back. Being a Queen was a tough job. But there was a reward at the end of the day. An anchor that kept her grounded through it all. Arcadia's face morphed into a smile when she walked into the bedroom at what she saw.

Fresh Dawn was on top of her father's upturned face snoring logs with him. That was cute. Arcadia took off her crown and placed it in the glass box next to her husband and daughter's. Then crawled into bed behind Fresh Dawn and nuzzled her mane. Her only response was a small wing twitch. This was the part of the job she cherished most. Coming home to her baby. Her family.


As the Princesses of the Day and Night, Celestia and Luna were the first to see it. Although they have never seen it on approach, they knew their defenses. Can't miss the fifty something Aquatas sitting at sea and waiting for their escorts pointed towards the ocean. As well as the slight elevation of land in the distance for Cop many many miles away. Once the sun was in the air and the moon was lowered, Celestia teleported back down into the hangar to grab Cadance, happily sleeping with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart.

She nudged them all and whispered, "We're here."

Flurry was the first to wake. Tired eyes focused on Celestia's faded Magenta's. She yawned and greeted, "Morning, Aunt Celestia."

"Good morning, Flurry. We're here in Psera. Wake up your mother and father for me while I grab the others." Celestia straightened up and moved to grab the rest of the ponies needed on the deck. Within four minutes they rendezvoused with each other on deck and locked on the green horizon and the Aquata's nearing them.

Madam Singe yawned and looked around before Luna said, "We should be making an expected stop any—" An Aquata honked at them from behind, cutting her off. Rather rude.

Luna turned and anxiously led them over to the other side of the huge bridge to get a glimpse behind the boat. An odd white Aquata was approaching from the rear of one of the Aquatas, forcing everyone to stop. Unlike literally all the Aquatas the Equestrians had ever seen, this one was really different. It looked like The Front Lawn, just smaller and was white. Entirely white.

Chancellor murmured, "Fancy. What is that?"

Celestia slowly shook her head and answered, "We don't know. When we made visits here in the past, we always had a feeling the Pserateps hid things from us. They didn't answer certain questions about their world and treated it as a touchy subject. If it was friendly, they'd tell us."

With her eyes on the boat approaching the side of another Singe asked, "And I take it they didn't answer a certain category?"

Cadance shook her head and corrected, "Categories." She stepped back and looked around. No Guards in sight. But Pserateps were known for their stealth. She leaned in and whispered, "But a majority is their technology. I remember Queen Arcadia visiting the Crystal Empire in the past, a standard play date for Flurry and Dawn. While they were playing, I inquired on their tools and advances. Arcadia made an excuse that Psera is just way older and has more experience in harnessing without the help of magic—"

Novo interrupted, "Wait, no Magic?"

"None. All they can really do is walk on clouds and manipulate the weather. Twilight is viewed as a God in their eyes. Then again she is stronger than any Alicorn. But back to the conversation. Knowing Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle since she was a foal, I was expecting a lecture of some sort. To tell me how incredible their methods were for harnessing energy and manipulating it to do whatever they wanted. But surprisingly... Not a peep. We moved that conversation to Donut Joes and Maphitos."

Luna looked around then inputted, "We have asked Twilight other questions involving their technology and methods. But I know the Pserateps are hiding something. For one she will tell you about the Comm Blocks and how they work. But she will not tell you about the Situation Room. The room with the equipment blasting your face with the dancing lights. The only clue we have that Psera has secrets is... Well... They're very obvious about it. The only ones who really know the secret would be that of the Pserateps."

"You ponies are loud." All eyes shifted up to the sunny sky into the fierce fiery eyes of Odega. She was leaning over the railing of the bridge maybe teen feet up, gazing down at them with a dreamy look complete with hooves supporting her chin. "If you guys ever try to plot a coup watch your volume. Word of advice?"

Odega teleported down to them in front of Cadance and poked a hoof in her chest. "Never talk possible secrets near a Pseratep."

"But there is a big secret... Isn't there?"

Odega shrugged and answered, "Maybe, maybe not. It's not in my job description to tell you. My job description is to keep ponies away from Psera waters and to defend my race by burning ponies to smithereens. Not wear my sexy body down with the thought that Psera is keeping secrets."

Odega walked around them towards the hull and watched the sun rise on its own. "You're lucky Arcadia's in power. Madun in the past was... He played by the book, he did what everyone else did way back then. But they never had to go through a desolated wasteland thanks to black flying bugs. So when everything went to the Deep he didn't know what to do. Sort of let the generals handle it. Then the idea of mass evacuation was slid across the table. That literally would have killed everyone. Then Arcadia showed up and made everything all sunshine, ladybugs, and flowers again."

Odega faced them once more and said, "If somepony had heard you ponies talking about Psera holding a possible secret, and Arcadia wasn't around, you'd either be dead or watched under a very close eye. It depends on what you really know."

Shining asked, "So there is a secret."

"Yes there is. Like I said, based off what I heard up there you'd be dead once you reached land if a Guard heard you. But thankfully Queen Arcadia is in power. Yaaayyy. The least she would do is kindly ask you to keep your mouth close. Then Secretary Manny would kick a door down and order you to keep your mouth closed, or she'll tie your wings to your side and drop you from five thousand feet. The worst Arcadia could do is erase your mind. Such as a... Group of Changelings led by a black bug? Surely you remember that, Equestria?"

Celestia hummed and eyed the land they were approaching. "How can I forget?" She whispered.

"By dropping the 'Psera Secret' nonsense. You'll never find out Psera's secret. And even if you did, they will grab you in the same hour you found out. Then it's back to the beginning: You don't know, and you never did."

Odega walked towards the door for the innards of the ship while Shining asked, "How can you freely talk about it?"

Odega stopped and answered, "I know everything. Nothing can really be done to me except by Arcadia herself. But even she may have a problem because I'm just a body made of fire. I have no mind to dig through. You can try to pour water on me but I've been living in the ocean for millions of years, it won't work. And I know everything the moment it happens. I could tell you right now that Arcadia is snoring logs with Fresh Dawn all over her face, playing with her ear. Nothing will ever happen to me. So with that, I'll keep it a secret that you know something about Psera."

Fresh Dawn didn't know what this menace was. She couldn't figure it out. But each time she blew air on it, it would dance and vibrate. She had crawled all over her mother's shadowed face just to get to this point. This thing moving in the dark on her mom's head. She sniffed it. Smelled like mom. Was it mom? Dawn shook her head to get her red flowing mane out in front of her eyes. Then poked at the thing again.

Underneath her by Dawn's stomach, Twilight's eyes cracked open first and focused on the darkness that was her vision. She reached up to feel her face, only to come in contact with... Dawn. Her back right leg. What was she doing with her ear? Dawn blew air on it forcing it to dance and move, and forcing her to jump back in surprise. Looks like she couldn't see what this was.

Deciding to mess with her, Twilight purposely buzzed it some more. Madun liked that for some reason. It made him laugh. And it confused their daughter greatly based off her reaction.

She jumped back in Twilight's vision and eyed it in suspicion. What was that?! It was driving her insane. Dawn leaned down into Twilight's face and poked her muzzle. "Mommy?... M-Mommy, something's on your head."

Twilight grinned to Dawn's face and giggled. "That's my ear, sweetie."

"Ohhhh. It moves funny."

"I know, dear." Twilight yawned and rose up to look down at their princess staring up into her eyes in response. "Good morning, my Veola."

"Good morning, mommy." Twilight shifted and moved out of bed to the floor, followed closely by her daughter. "Where have you been? Daddy was sooo boring."

Arcadia chuckled while Madun mumbled something and lead Dawn through the halls for the kitchen. "That's because Daddy doesn't use magic like us," Twilight excused. "As a Pseratep, your father can't harness or focus magic like us Alicorn-Pserateps."

She stepped into the kitchen and flipped one out of the seven switches on the wall by her head. The kitchen was gradually basked in a warm orange glow, much easier on the eyes.

After climbing into her chair, Dawn's curious nature scanned the kitchen while her mother calmly made her breakfast. More than likely cereal. The only time mom gets up this early is to handle business ruling the country. But something was bothering her daughter.

Dawn hesitated to ask a question. A question she's been trying to ask for a while but never got an answer to. "M... M-Mom?"

Without turning from her Cereal task, Arcadia responded, "Yes?"

"Are... Ummm..." Arcadia stopped fixing breakfast and turned back towards their kitchen table to focus on her daughter for a moment. She was becoming fidgety. Something was up. "Are there... More ponies like us? Like you and me?"

The cereal task ceased. Twilight sighed and pursed her lips. She knew this conversation was going to come. But not this quickly. How do you tell a foal that they were the first of their kind?

"Oh Dawn..." Twilight grabbed the bowl of cereal with two maphitos and walked over. "We are the first of our kind. You're the first Alicorn-Pseratep to ever be naturally born. And me... It's difficult to understand. But to answer your question..." Twilight set the bowl down in front of her obviously distraught daughter. "There are no others. Not yet anyway."

Fresh Dawn used her magic to grab the spoon and stir her cereal before the Maphitos were added to the mix. Arcadia watched her in sorrow with a saddened frown. It distraught her to see her filly sad. But she knew just how to cheer her up. Dawn goes crazy whenever she does Magic. So...

Arcadia smiled and whispered, "But hey. Us two fillies can go and have a good time on our own. As the Queen I can make sure you enjoy your time, okay? How about we spend the day together? I want to show you your heritage and other neat tricks that you will one day be able to do with magic. Okay?"

Dawn's ears shot back up in excitement. She was always happy to watch her mother do her tricks. "Yeah! We don't need Daddy here!" Arcadia chuckled when she heard Madun grumble in the back. At least he was up.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! P.S. There's going to be a pretty hardcore Clop Scene in Chapter 26. If that's not your thing... Read it anyway, I guess.

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