• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 20 - Buildings And Whatnot

Wind blew through Dawn's mane everyday when she flew to school. When she runs through the flowers that tickle her fur back at home and laughs. When she took flying lessons with her dad. But with her mom, the Queen? It was magical!

Dawn closed her eyes as they soared high over Lavender. With the really large birds and the towering clouds that stacked on top of each other. It felt wonderful! The heat of the unfiltered sun warmed their bodies. Adding heat to the cool morning air.

Arcadia could feel Dawn's barely contained excitement as they flew. Quivering like she just ate two bowls of ice cream. But there were still lessons that needed to be taught. Information to be consumed sitting down.

Queen Arcadia flapped her wings and angled for a nearby cloud. Then softly landed on it to teach her daughter a few things. The Guards either hovered or landed with her while Twilight pointed to the sky.

"Tell me, Dawn," she said. "What do you see out there?"

Dawn followed her hoof towards the building down below in Lavender they were previously flying over. Then the ocean. "Ummm... I feel like this is a trick, mommy. You can already see this stuff."

Twilight shared an amused smirk with one of the Guards. Then looked towards the ground from the edge of the cloud. There was a lot of motion far below. "Well I see magic. I see the communication of everyone down below, the life born from their smiles, the beauty of nature; I see life. I see magic. I see a wonder that nopony could understand—"

"Ha! You said nopony, mommy! It's noone! You're so silly."

"Your grandma and grandpa speak the same way. Anyway, the magic that flows here isn't the same like you and I. This is natural magic. Sometimes you don't need to have super pony strength to have magic, sweetie. Sometimes you just need to look around and see for yourself. Okay?"

Dawn blinked once at the space. Then two more times. "Uhh... Mommy?"

"Yes, Dawn?"

"I got none of that."

Twilight sighed and smirked. Of course she didn't. "You will one day. Now. I'm sure we came here to show off, right?"

"Y-Yeah! Yeah, let's show off! Mommy and... And Dawn! Onward!" Dawn pointed a hoof towards the ocean with a face of dreams.

Twilight shook her head. Dawn practically lived to have her blood rushing with excitement. With the little actual blood she has.

"Okay! Here we go! Hold on tight!" Once Dawn's hooves were around her mother's neck, Queen Arcadia ran forward and jumped off the cloud. Then angled herself so they were plummeting to the ground. The wind surrounding them blew past faster and faster past their ears, growing in volume until Dawn's mane was a straight line.

"Awwwww yeaaaaaahhhh!!!!" She yelled. Dad was always careful with her. But mom was the one that truly brought the excitement. Of course safely. If Arcadia wasn't sure, then she wouldn't be doing this.

Halfway down, Arcadia slowly opened her wings and angled herself forward. Soon screaming over Lavender. Dawn meanwhile was cheering and screaming in her most excited form on her back. Soon after a few seconds, they sped over Lavender and onto the other side of the city where Area B would be setup. It was going to take around thirty minutes at Arcadia's current speed. And it would be a thirty minutes well spent.

~✶~Thirty Six Minutes Later~✶~

The sky was nice and all, but Rainbow Dash wasn't really feeling it at the moment. They've been sitting staring up at that sea of blue, not really doing anything to be honest. All conversations had pretty much ceased, basking the land of over a million ponies in silence. It was quite unsettling to a majority of the guards that a mass of creatures could actually stay quiet like this. Even the dragons weren't moving.

Of course the Princesses were sleeping. Odega had changed into a large wolf of fire and was huffing and puffing with Merry leaning against her side facing them. All sleeping. She refused to leave Queen Arcadia out here by herself. Let alone her brother. A few of the executives had taken to other things. But overall. Everything was silent.

Until a General leaned over and whispered in Madun's ear, "Area B is complete. Her highness is heading back this way."

Madun immediately snapped awake and asked, "Is there a certain zone she needs?"

"No sir. She said as long as there are no homes nearby it should be fine."

"Alright... Okay." Madun stood up and ordered, "Gather our guests closer to the stage as comfortable as possible. Area A is about to undergo construction."

He nodded and faced the land full of creatures, about to shout before a tiny voice did it for him.

"DADDY, IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!" All creatures jumped, looked around and woke up their neighbors before a Guard landed next to King Madun with Fresh Dawn on her back. Her mane was swept straight to the back while her violet coat had definitely seen better days.

Celestia smiled at her innocence when she jumped off and made hoof gestures. "Mommy was so fast! She was all zoom zoom zoom and I was all WHOOOOooooOOOOAAA! It was crazy!! Why don't you fly like mommy? Meeno mac'kla eena?"

Madun used his hoof to at least straighten out her mane and be presentable. Then smiled and answered, "Well for one, your mother could spot danger from two miles away while I can't. Along with a few more reasons."

While they were speaking, the Guards were herding the rudely awoken and complaining creatures closer to the stage to allow as much space as possible for the Queen when she flew through.

Odega woke up to look around in her wolf form and barked. Then changed back into her Pseratep form, causing Merry to fall on her back. "Ow! Buck!"

Odega eeped and apologized, "Oh, sorry girl."

Sunset Shimmer with Starlight stopped their own movement and looked around at the high pitched whine getting louder and louder. Sunset asked, "Hey... Does that sound familiar?"

Starlight nodded and looked to the sky, trying to find the pinpoint before practically a bomb flew overhead, pulling a jump or a yell out of everyone on the ground. Breaching the barrier, Arcadia did what could only be described as a magical rainboom. When she cracked past, the sky exploded into a wide-spreading starburst of violet raining twinkling stars down on those below. It was beautiful in the day. They could only imagine what it was like at night.

Eyeing the purple speck, Sunset muttered, "Well... Quite the wake-up call."

Nearly two miles away, Arcadia tilted her body and arched upwards to the left to circle back in the form of a tiny purple dot soaring for them. Queen Arcadia eyed the area ahead and immediately made a plan of action. She lit her horn and performed the Natural Resuscitation spell on her body that casted herself in a neon purple glow.

Once she was close enough Arcadia suddenly flapped her wings and pulled them to her sides, literally bouncing off the air and over the targeted region. She released the spell in the form of a shockwave that ruffled the coats of the ponies. But her goal was clear: Reach the ground.

The grass underneath their hooves turned a light purple, glowing with magic while Arcadia flew past then began to circle back. She did the same move again, layering the grass in a layer of purple. Then moved further out as if she were sewing the land with magic in the form of a dance.

Once the region was clear in ten minutes, Arcadia flew up and grabbed a small cloud to bring down to apparently sit on. She eyed the ponies below with violet glowing eyes, using her hooves to count them off possibly. Once she had what she needed, she flapped her wings to bring herself and the cloud slightly higher into the sky. Once positioned perfectly she raised her forehooves and started the building process.

The grass in front of them immediately grew and reached for the blue skies. Creating strange walls that began to dance before the dirt underneath flew up with them like large tentacles. The grass grew higher and higher, soon cutting Arcadia off from the sight of the foreigners. She lowered herself and directed the tunnels of soil to different areas, creating a walkway and other areas. Hopefully there were no crops in here. So far her region was going to be big.

Then she backed up and spelled more out of sight. Out of instinct, Dawn nudged her way between Celestia's legs and settled down to watch. The Princesses of Equestria were practically family, and Celestia had an unknown soft spot for foals. That and Dawn usually expected petting. She ran her hoof through Dawn's thick fur while they watched.

Pointing, Dawn said, "I want to do Magic like that."

Celestia smiled down at her then back up to the area. Even she couldn't do magic like that. This was way out of her own league. The most she could do was provide knowledge on the subject. But actually providing new spells at Twilight's rate was unfortunately not her expertise. Since all the movement was out of sight, they could only guess what was going on by her hoof movements. It was strange seeing a structure come to life by only dirt and grass. Especially to Madun.

As her husband, he's seen a majority of Arcadia's spells. But according to her, she has many more hidden deep within the castle. He remembered in the past that she promised to never keep secrets from Psera. But he couldn't help but feel she was hiding just a little something. It might not be much, but it was definitely something.

From afar, Celestia walked over to Madun with Fresh Dawn—because she still wants her pets—and asked, "What else is needed before we depart for the castle?"

Madun glanced to the sky and thought. They were already making buildings, pony jobs were going to be delivered next week, they needed a list of names...

Madun turned to Celestia and answered, "We need a list of names to ensure everyone has a job to do. Except the foals, they'll just do school or whatever you can think of. And we also need witnesses to tell the military as much as they can about the threat in as much detail as possible. Give it to one of the Suits, they'll know what to do."

Celestia nodded and looked back to the wall of grass. It was beginning to shift into something different. Or maybe it's just the mud crawling over the face, creating a layer.

Celestia said through her breath, "I remember..." Madun glanced her way. "When Twilight was my student in the past. Treasured memories. She was about as small as Fresh Dawn here just with a little horn. She was very nervous around other foals. Always shying away whenever approached to hide. The best way to coo her out was to pull out a fresh minted book."

Using her magic, Celestia grabbed her bag of treasured belongings and brought it in between her and Madun. Then after digging around pulled out a tied grocery bag containing a sealed bag with a book in it. "This book has been naturally preserved since I first met Twilight so long ago."

Celestia unzipped the bag and carefully pulled the book out. Then held it out to Madun. "Take a whiff. You'll be really surprised."

Since it was positioned under his nose, Madun had no choice but to comply. After taking a silent sniff, his eyes widened with a comment. "Cherry?"

"Strawberry." Celestia pulled it back to stare in nostalgia. "It just so happens that most paper manufacturing plants were near a large field of Strawberries. After they're shipped out and moved to stores, ponies create lines to the outside to get the first books, which are measured in hours. After the books are taken out of their packaging, their scent of fresh strawberries undergo the process of being replaced by the smell of the location. And they are entirely replaced within two hours. With this in mind, I ordered a rarity and kept it in its bag ever since. It was never read. Twilight's inquisitive mind could never resist its smell."

At a tug of the wing, Celestia looked down in between them and smiled. "And it seems her offspring has gained that trait."

Even though her hoof was lightly tugging one of the feathers of Celestia's right wing, Fresh Dawn's eyes were trained on the floating book trapped in a bag high above her. At the smell of strawberries Dawn manically escaped Cadance's hold to investigate. Then she saw the book.

After successfully grabbing her Aunt's attention, Dawn pointed to it and simply asked, "Book?"

Celestia nodded and answered, "I used it to grab your mother's attention in the past."

"Can I read it? Pleeeease!"

Celestia smiled but slowly shook her head. "I'm sorry, Princess. But this is a very important piece of my life I'd rather keep fresh." Celestia placed the book back in its bag and zipped it close.


Celestia lied down and placed a wing over Fresh Dawn's tiny form. "I'm sure your mother buys you more than enough books."

Fresh Dawn nodded and cried, "Yeah, but I've read them all!"

Madun raised his eyebrow and repeated, "All of them?"

"The ones I like."

"There it is. Read all of them. Your mother has... A strange taste in books but still fun. I know you'll find one you really enjoy."

Fresh Dawn grumbled and looked away. Thus training her eyes on the one creature she really wanted to see. The purple dragon trying to look cool in front of the silver pony with a purple spot on her butt. Fresh Dawn gasped, pointed and cheered, "DRAGO!" Then soared straight out of place.

Madun gasped and yelled, "Wait, Dawn! Don't—"

Spike leaned back on his tail and started pushing up, trying to make himself look as if he were staring at the sky. "Seriously. Twilight has gotten way stronger. She teaches me some things, but—OOF!" Spike flew towards the right out of Sweetie Belle's sight, leaving her standing and looking around.

Madun decided to just close his eyes and sigh. It's every single time. He's told her repeatedly not to do that. But... She has her mother's mind. Madun jumped off the stage and trotted into the midst of creatures with his guards. "Excuse me, Celestia."

Celestia smirked and decided to walk back over to Cadance to enjoy the build up. Dawn was quite the little rascal. Leave that to the parents.

Spike groaned and let his body relax for a moment after that big disturbance. His large scales adjusted to the bit of weight moving around on his chest. "Hey, Drago!!" Fresh Dawn greeted. Spike weakly reached up and patted her on the head behind her crown.

"How ya' doing, Fresh Dawn?" He greeted. Then sat up and made Fresh Dawn slide into his lap. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, he smiled down at her and commented, "Some little filly's getting bigger."

Fresh Dawn spread her wings and grinned widely. Spike noted that she seemed to enjoy attention and praise. Twilight was... Sort of like that. Not entirely, but still. Before she could respond, Sweetie Belle walked over and asked, "Spike, are you okay? What happened?"

Fresh Dawn looked up and pointed a hoof at her face. Then turned to Spike and asked, "Who's she?"

He pointed to Sweetie and said, "This is Sweetie Belle. A friend of mine from Equestria."

Fresh Dawn gasped and yelled, "Equethria?! They're not supposed to be here!! Only Aunt Caddy, my cousin, Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna, and Uncle Shiny are allowed to be here!! Mom! Mommy!!! She snuck onto my land!!"

Sweetie Belle thought it was cute when this little... Alicorn? She's an Alicorn?! Sweetie turned to Spike and asked, "Alicorn?"

He just nodded fervently and said, "Don't worry, she's fine."


The growing of the building suddenly stopped and after a pop and flash later, "What's wrong?! Spike what happened?"

Sweetie gulped and slowly turned around to face... "Princess Twilight?!" She asked. Twilight blinked at her then turned to Spike.

He pointed to Fresh Dawn who zipped under her wing and said, "She got scared because she's never seen Sweetie before."

Twilight nodded and looked underneath her wing at Dawn's quaking form by the time Madun caught up with two Guards. "It's okay, Dawn. This is just Sweetie Belle. She's fine. Everyone here is fine. No need to be scared." She lifted her wing and used her head to nudge Fresh Dawn to Madun's hooves. "Let Daddy read you a story. Those always make you feel better, right?"

Dawn nodded and walked over between her father's legs who decided to greet Twilight's previous assistant. "Hello, Spike. How are you?"

Spike let his hoof go and answered, "I'm doing alright. This is Sweetie Belle, one of my friends. Sweetie, this is King Madun."

Sweetie bowed gracefully and greeted, "Your majesty."

"Hello, Sweetie Belle. I see you've met our friend Spike here. Also known as Drago to a specific little filly. Where are you two staying? Out here, or at the castle?"

Sweetie looked up to Spike and stammered, "Well, I'd rather not be away from my friends, so... I think I'll stay here. Unless they're coming too!" She added quickly.

Spike stated, "I'm sure they are, they wouldn't want to leave Queen Twilight alone. Especially since they're here." He looked up to Madun and answered, "We'll take the castle."

"Very well. I'll let Twilight know when she's finished. If you'll excuse me, I now have to deal with some business. Let's go, sugar plum."

Madun lead Dawn back towards the stage with her reluctantly trapped between his legs. "Awww, daddy!" She whined.

"Come on, Sugar Plum."

Sweetie Belle watched them leave before she turned and smiled up to Spike. "So... Castle?"

While Arcadia was doing her thing behind the wall of Grass, Gardeen was speaking to the rulers of the nations. Clipboard in hoof, she eyed her assignments. "As Royalty suggests, it is highly recommended you stay at the Castle, a few hours from our current position," she prompted. "From there, emergency meetings can be called in and you have access to different secretaries. Of course it is optional but highly recommended."

Saddle Arabia's Haakim asked, "And what of the second choice?"

"With your citizens. Here. But the castle is highly recommended."

A little hoof poked up in front of Madam Singe's face. It surprised her enough that she jumped back. Fresh Dawn turned to Gardeen and said, "She can't move in my house! I will not allow it!"

"Already exercising your abuse I see, huh Red?" Gardeen teased. She calmly pulled Fresh Dawn in between her hooves and got back on task. "When the Queen finishes she will want an answer. She has a busy schedule this week."

Queen Novo nodded and replied, "W-We'll have one ready Secretary Gardeen."

Gardeen smirked at her and replied, "Thank you... Queen Novo. Now, let's go little Red." Gardeen pushed the clipboard into her bags. Then swiftly moved to the side and used her large wing to scoop Fresh Dawn up and onto her back.

Fresh Dawn raised a hoof into the air and cheered, "Kalmee! Terquimas!"

"Nee, kay Kalmee kah Terquima!" Gardeen walked off the stage for the exit with two Guards around her. Then the wall of grass started to swivel and bend, stealing attention again. The grass shot out of the ground like needles. When they were all out of sight the ponies fawned at the structures the Queen created with simple movements in less than an hour.

It was a land of small homes, but big enough to serve all of them. There was going to be some bunking up, but that would be no problem. They were literally houses with tables and other things inside. Numbered via signs outside of their doors. They were a dark brown with pretty solid grass roofing and looked like an average house from Ponyville.

Satisfied, Arcadia flew back down into view on her cloud and jumped onto the stage. "I'll leave Psera Skies Extra to the Military. We have much bigger things to worry about right now." She looked around and locked eyes on Madun in the crowd. Anxiously trying to escape... Oh Narmeelah. Pretty much every mare was staring at him.

Arcadia used her magic to teleport him back to her side. Then focused once more on the rulers. "Your decision?"

Princess Luna nodded her way and answered, "We'll take the castle your highness."

Madun stated, "Your friends are also wanting in on the castle."

Arcadia and Madun walked off the stage when she answered, "Very well. Let's go, everyone. The Guards will do the rest."

"Hey, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash landed next to the Queen scanning everything and asked, "Where's the squirt?"

Twilight smiled and answered, "She's with Gardeen by the pods. She'll want to hear all about your adventures later so—"

"And that's why I'm here!" Rainbow proudly trotted ahead of her for the sleek golden pod Fresh Dawn was strapped inside of.

The second Fresh Dawn saw that mane and tail, she looked over the doors and yelled, "RAINBOW DASH!!"

"Hey, Princess Squirt!" She walked up to Gardeen standing by the door for a hug. Then rubbed Dawn's head of red hair. "How are you?"

"I'm turning five!" She answered.

"Aww, man! You're growing up so fast! Last I saw you, you were so small!! Hey, let me introduce you to my sister! Big squirt!!"

Scootaloo casually trotted out from behind the wall of grass with the rest of the ponies at Rainbow Dash's beck and call. Then gawked and slowed her speed at the golden pod Rainbow Dash was standing next to. "Holy buck!" She yelled. Scootaloo trotted up to Rainbow Dash with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, impressed eyes on it and asked, "Are we—"

"Nope. This is for the Royal Family. Big Squirt, say hi to Princess Squirt."

Scootaloo locked eyes on Princess Fresh Dawn. Mainly because she was excitedly waving like a mad mare from inside this nice chariot. "Hi!! I'm Fresh Dawn!" She greeted. "I'm a Princess!"

Apple Bloom waved back and replied, "Hello, Princess Fresh Dawn. I'm Apple Bloom, that's Scootaloo, and this here's Sweetie Belle."

She waved to them then pointed to Gardeen. "This is my sister, Gardeen! Hi, mommy! I'm the boss now!"

Queen Arcadia walked up to the Pod on her side while the door automatically lifted. She giggled and greeted, "I see that, sweetheart. Hey, girls. Getting acquainted with my daughter?"

Rainbow Dash stepped back so Arcadia could get herself and those long wings in. Then answered, "Yeah. Princess Squirt has to meet the Big Squirt."

Fresh Dawn looked over the door when it shut and decreed, "I'm not a Squirt! I'm, I'm, I'm a filly!"

"I know, kiddo!"

Arcadia just shared a look with Madun and shook her head. She had a feeling those two would get along well in a strange sort of way. If not her, then Scootaloo.

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