• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 13 - Monster of the Sea

Arcadia immediately shook her head. "Yeah, no, we're not going this way. All ships back five thousand hooves and hold positions!" The Admiral and Captains saluted then moved back for the bridge and their own crafts. Arcadia looked back to the waters and sighed. "Oh, I really don't want to go around. It would delay us by days."

"What?!" Rainbow yelled. Then zipped over to Twilight. "How many days?"

Twilight shook her head and answered, "Not sure. But I'm not risking over a million lives including my own soldiers over a hole in the planet that even Narmeelah told us to stay away from. I'm so happy I have access to the Diary."

Haakim walked forward and asked, "Your highness, how exactly did you get to Equestria from Psera today?"

"An extremely large portal of my build. I had all crafts line up and move forward, but it was tiring and left me winded..." Twilight stopped speaking then slowly turned back towards the water with narrowed eyes. "Something's moving down there. It's big enough to take up a fifth of my aura." She held up her Comm Block and ordered, "All Elite Guard, ready every single weapon on these Aquata and aim at the water! I'm going in!"

"Ten-four, your highness."

"All hooves on deck, all hooves on deck!! Let's move, let's move! Everyone away from the doors!"

All ponies relaxing by the bay doors jumped out of the way so the Elite, Force, and Aqua Guard could reach the bays carrying large machinery. One pony would setup a stand while another would place a steel rotary cannon on top. Then spin it and aim at the water from the bay doors. Those who didn't have weapons unsheathed their wings and stood at the edge, watching the seas and waiting for the command to swarm in.

The large cannons on the deck hummed then swiveled and tilted for the water. All weapons were trained, armed and ready. The Admiral listened for the confirmations inside the Bridge. Once everyone was ready, he gave her the go-ahead. "We're ready, your highness."

Queen Twilight lit her horn and conjured a portal that she trotted through. Then came out the other side wearing her armor, finished with her sword. With her eyes on the water, she ordered, "All units... Cover me." Then jumped over the edge and glided down towards the seas.

"Admiral and captains, I need those ships backed up." Arcadia opened her large wings at the doors' levels and flapped them to slow and level her descent. The crafts behind her blared before doing as requested. Blowback systems activated, their Aquatas backed away, leaving the Queen. But those eyes never left her. "Admiral, put me on the intercom." Twilight stopped flapping over the water then lit her horn once more.

The admiral paired his crystal block with a pad on the bridge. Then responded, "You're on."

"What exactly is happening?" Madan Singe asked. She walked away from one of her own guards towards an Elite manning a cannon and poked her armor to get attention. "What is going on? Why did we stop?"

She shook her head and answered, "Not sure. Her highness may have sensed something. That's what it looks like." Madam Singe peeked out at the purple speck up ahead of Twilight, wings raised, and hooves on the water. Slowly treading the waves.

"Hello, everyone," Twilight boomed over the intercoms. "This is Queen Arcadia. As you may have noticed by now we have ceased all progress due to a possible threat and are investigating at this time. Please stay calm and in control."

Back on the top deck, Celestia watched the Queen move further and further away on tense hooves. The air was thick with anxiety, no one even spoke. Twilight suddenly stopped moving when she noticed something unnatural. The waves. They stopped moving with the water. It was still like something broke the current.

She lit her horn and flew back into the air, watching the water. If there was something down there, she knew exactly how to grab it. Celestia and everyone else watched her soar upwards.

Then suddenly she saw it. Movement. The water was getting darker. Darker, darker. Green. Arcadia gasped and yelled, "Hold your fire!!!!" She flapped her wings and jumped incredibly high into the air, flipping backwards.

Rainbow Dash yelled, "What?!" No one answered.

The deep water they were about to float into underneath Queen Arcadia suddenly pulsed and grew two blue mountains, slowly overshadowing the ships and splashing water down onto the decks. They gasped before the water fell away, revealing green skin, small eyes, and rows upon rows of giant razor sharp teeth sticking out like scythes. Way bigger than their entire fleet on both sides. Celestia's mouth dropped open. It was some type of sea monster. Definitely. All Aquatas tilted backwards from the waves tossed high into the air, crashing onto the ship's decks.

"Hold your fire, let the Queen work her magic!!" Admiral commanded. The water by their ships suddenly glowed a deep violet, morphing into long tubes and shot towards the creature of legend. It was like a gigantic deadly catfish. With very deadly teeth. King Chancellor didn't want to get caught in those things.

The water twirled around said creature up to its wide open mouth. Then squeezed. The mouth slowly shut, ceasing any roaring. Then the tubes pulled up higher to pull up this monstrosity while more caught onto the rest of its body by the tail.

Twilight was struggling but she's handled a block of steel heavier than the Castle back home. She could handle this. Twilight grunted and watched with fascination at the size. It was just like the Diary said it would be. As big as a mountain with teeth as the valley.

She raised it higher with her magic and brought it into the atmosphere until finally its finned tail of yards rose out with it. Once it was high enough, she used more "Water ropes" and snagged it. Then tilted its body until it were horizontal, facing the way they were coming from before.

She lifted it up to her face and looked into its black eye. She couldn't even read an expression. It wasn't even fighting. But just in case, Twilight tightened her grip on it. Then ordered, "All craft, full speed forward. If another one is coming, I'll know."

"Ten-four. Hold on, everyone." Admiral Silver slowly pushed on the levers that powered the engines and turned the rotary fans underneath the boat just like the rest of the captains. Aquata Zero pushed forward first, then the rest. It was so sudden Celestia nearly fell backwards. PInkie Pie on the other hoof let it happen with her hooves in the air, eyes on the sky. Those inside the ship nearly lost their balance too, but stayed upright as it swam through the waves.

They passed the first tube of water, staring at all the fish and more inside of it that swam up and down. Cadance tracked them up to the monster currently beginning to cast a shadow on their Aquata. At the growling emanating from inside. The guard underneath it swiveled their weapons so they were still aiming at it directly. They remained on tense hooves.

"That... Is one big beast," Applejack whispered.

Even when they were all on the other side, Twilight continued holding it up. She grunted each time she almost lost focus. Maintaining all of these ropes was a struggle. It huffed out a breath of air through its nostrils, spraying water and whatever that blue stuff was into the sea. Celestia was still watching it, even when they were a mile away. It was still in sight as if it were a large trout. Queen Novo gulped down her fear with Skystar, surrounded by their own soldiers. But they were all thoroughly impressed by Twilight's strength. She was still holding it, even after ten minutes.

"Distance, Captains," Arcadia requested.

Admiral Silver answered, "One and a half miles, ma'am. The land is back on the readings as well."

"Good. I'm dropping it now." Taking a deep breath, Twilight ceased her magical flow and returned the tubes of water into droplets, thus releasing the creature. She watched it fall and land belly-first in the ocean. It sent gallons of water into the air, shrouding Twilight's vision from the wall it created. Many droplets hit her armor, but it didn't wear. Once it was back in the water, Twilight felt it move in a backwards arch. Then slowly descend back into the depths of the ocean.

Twilight checked one obstacle off her "Mental List of Obstacles." Two more were scheduled to get in the way. But this one was the only one on her list that was... Slight Imminent Danger. And really big. Much bigger than the others and less aggressive.

Once the monster was out of reach, Twilight flapped her wings and soared through the moist air back down, then over the water. Heading back for the Aquatas. Once she was within sight, she zoomed up over the large back of Aquata Zero, and landed on the deck towards the rest saluting soldiers. "At ease," she ordered. "It's gone under. We barely wasted any time, great. Well too much time anyway."

Celestia and the guests on the deck stared upon her with wide open mouths. Slowly shaking her head, Rarity whispered, "No wonder you're called a legend."

Twilight blushed at the praise and made way for the Bridge. "Yeah, I know. So we're back on schedule. I'll let home know that we're moving forward and making way for Psera. But that was just one obstacle. My team and I have estimated there to be three."

Celestia followed up beside her and asked, "Wait, three more of those?" She pointed a disbelieving hoof behind her.

Twilight immediately shook her head. "What? No! No, no, no, no, like small things. There are the Twins, Marloo and Mahloo. And there's another that's actually... A pony."

Cadance and Luna followed Twilight up to the bridge while the others moved towards the doors for the inside of the Aquata. Luna asked, "Another pony? In the middle of the ocean? Must be lonely."

Twilight turned and walked into the bridge with the Princesses right on her tail, once again blown away by their advanced qualities. A bunch of steel, manipulated lights with shapes, and glass tables. The bridge held two levels. The first level was smaller than the second one below them and was definitely for the captains and higher heads. The one below were for communications and weapon control. The floors was a smooth steel and cool to their hooves when they stepped on.

Below them were five rows of four stations hosted by Pserateps in communications. They were focused on their work and less so to the Queen's voice. Psera was too advanced. Celestia couldn't help but feel dread at the immense power Psera held. May Faust help them should they ever go to war with each other. Hopefully that day would never come.

Queen Arcadia made her way for the biggest glass table between the Wheel and abandoned stations surrounded by a few more higher-ups. Admiral Silver, Captains, Lieutenants and more wearing medals and clothes belonging to their branch of Psera's military.

One of them noticed her presence from the far side and saluted. Then the rest followed suit. "At ease," Queen Arcadia ordered. They parted to the side to let her and the other three princesses pass, and observe the table. They were observing a map, a digital one made of lights. It hurt Celestia's eyes and forced her to squint from the intensity. Among the LEDs were more noticeable ones, such as a blinking red light on the far left while two blues were up ahead in the middle of the table. Then a little bit past that was a vertical line of purple dots forming a sort of barrier.

Twilight pointed at the blinking red dot and explained, "This is us. We're approximately four hundred forty-five miles off the coast of Merōl. By tonight we should be four hundred and one miles. And by tomorrow evening, two hundred one. And this..." She pointed to the second blue dot. "Is Odega. According to legend, Odega is a pony made of flames and fire. A physical form of ignited Hydrogen. According to the Diary of Narmeelah, she's a close friend. The only ponies who are allowed to pass are those from Psera. Any creature who is not from Psera... Are burned alive by Odega herself."

Cadance deadpanned, "I can't wait to meet her."

Twilight nodded and faced them to brief them. "I asked Merry about the legend and she went all haywire over the fact that Odega was a close friend of hers. I find that very hard to believe, but I went ahead and asked her for more details. She said that she would let us pass if there was an escort, and that all I would have to do is tell her that I am the Queen of Psera, pass the quiz, 'her mouth,' and take her to Psera. Not sure why, but I'll just bring her 'friend' to Psera. What time are we estimated to reach the next checkpoint?"

One of the Captains saluted and answered, "We should reach the spot by nine tonight, your highness. It may be earlier based on our current speed."

Twilight nodded and looked back toward the map. "Good. Now, I want information on preparations for the docking as soon as possible. Get in contact with Secretary Manny and the Department of Welfare for a briefing of their setups. I want all of the details."

Order given, Twilight turned around and made her way back towards the door while they responded. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance followed along back into the noon sky. "Now, it's time for food. Oh boy," she muttered.

At the same time Twilight was taking safety measures at sea, King Madun was taking measures to ensure things were in order on land. Now if only Twilight's parents would disappear for at least an hour. One hour, that's it. The castle's halls were noisy with Madun's hooves as he trotted around without most of his Royal Wear. His wife wasn't the only one who wore hoof shoes. Hers were more on the "pretty" side while his were more fierce.

The gold was forged into the shape of flames, representing the family. Fire. They all had different last names, but overall, they were the Fire family. The thought of why that is ran through Madun's mind as he treaded through the Castle Halls for one of the meeting rooms. Wearing only the dark orange suit Twilight gave him on Hearth's Warming years ago with a medallion pinned to the right chest. Loyalty.

He knew what that term meant. Yet running away from Twilight's parents seemed like the more reasonable idea. He had to pick up his daughter in a few minutes anyway. Both Twilight and Madun knew that they could just send for an Assistant to do it instead. But they wanted as much as an impact on their daughter's life as possible. Being King and Queen sometimes tore them away from their little Princess. So spending as much time as they could was a priority. As the mother, Twilight was addicted to her foal. And speaking of Twilight, she was beginning to study too much again.

This morning before they left, Madun witnessed "The Chaos of Twilight" in the living room; a lot of open textbooks, notes, and other educational material. All of that stuff was just lying out. He was pretty sure he saw Fresh Dawn trying to wrap her curious little red head around whatever was in them. Her ears were flicking all over the place just trying to figure it out. Madun didn't bother with it. It confused him a lot when Twilight talked about what were in them, he didn't want to actually read the source of these great tales.

When he reached a corner, Madun stopped and peeked around it. No in-laws in sight. Great. He took this opportunity to dart across. Then followed by four guards. After a few more minutes he reached the meeting room and stopped in front of it. Then pulled the handle down and pushed the door open. Those required to attend were already in place.

Director State, the Director of the Department for Civil Welfare. He was an all business Stallion with no sense of Humor. At. All. A pretty boring guy at a party, but was always ready to work. He had a light blue mane and tail, light blue eyes, and a red coat underneath that dark blue vest with a red neckline. Secretary Manny and General Bold Shoulder were there too, as well as a few more ponies in the C-suite side of Psera who stood up when he walked in.

"At ease," Madun ordered. Then walked around for the chair at the very end. "So what do we have?"

He dropped down into his place while the Guards softly shut the door, encasing the room into a business state of noise. Secretary Manny sat in her seat and answered, "Well I think it's without question that Events at Eventa is off the list." The table erupted into agreements at once. "We were thinking between Fenix and Merōl, and Fenix and Lavender. That seems like the most reasonable option. We would like them to actually live in a home of some sort but the only available homes are out of their reach. Serl. They house plenty of empty bunkers in case of a National Emergency in the underground sector."

Madun shook his head and responded, "Yeah, that's a no. So between Fenix and Merōl, and Fenix and Lavender huh? Yeah, both of those areas seem like the biggest they could all dwell in. They're not entirely uninhabited, that'd be ridiculous. But we do have enough space to have a refugee camp there combined. Queen Arcadia just needs to set up the living areas, which she planned should be a large complex or something of some sort. That she would expand the nature there to create homes. They just have to make it back first. How's that coming along?"

One of the generals, a mare responded, "They just checked in a few minutes ago. A little bumps along the way like they expected, but are still on the move back to Psera. They're also keeping an eye out for Maheera Dark, who definitely wants them for some reason that Serl is researching. All systems are a go and Queen Arcadia is doing just well. They've also reported that fifteen of the packages for Serl to research are in their custody."

"Great. Keep me posted on their status. Now about the military presence here. They should know by now that Psera is doing them an ultimately huge favor by allowing refuge on the only place Maheera can't get to and are exhausting our resources for them. But Her Majesty Molten Ice is going to let them know for sure when they arrive."

"Yes, sir," they all responded.

"Excellent. Like I said, keep me posted. I have to go pick up my daughter." The King stood up and made his way for the door just like everyone else. One handle twist later, it was pulled open. But he stopped immediately and yelped into the face standing there waiting for him.

Twilight Velvet gasped and asked, "Are you picking up little Fresh Dawn? Can we come with you?"

Oh Psera, no. Madun chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I usually fly there and grab her. You're welcome to wait, Mrs. Velvet. It doesn't take too long. I have to meet with the parents of one of her friends so they can have a playdate set up some time this afternoon."

"Great! We'll wait here for the little filly. Ohhh, I can't wait to see her!"

A majority of Psera's guards relaxed and slept in the lower levels of the Aquatas, listening to the sounds of the engines and silent waves crashing. Some talked, laughed, prepared their weapons, and play fought. But some, like Captain Gliding Sword, preferred to relax in a dark room and take it easy with a deck of cards in their hooves, eyeing the symbols. Only one light shone down onto a round table of four. All the Elite Guard holding decks and measuring up the one across for some sign of cockiness.

It was Gliding's turn. Her turn to show these rusty stallions sitting at this round wooden table who's the boss. She glanced up at their anxious faces, reading their expressions highlighted by the overhead table lamp. The new private was keeping her eye on the captain from the top right corner, trying to read her own expression. Private Smalls was new to all of this wartime, get-out-of-bed-and-start-shooting lifestyle. But she proved herself out there in that field during the quick evacuation. She was doing some impressive air work, and blended in perfectly well.

Gliding was watching her, just like the rest of her team. Those were some classic moves. That completely black coat with red eyes may strike fear in the most fearful of ponies. But that was something they all looked past. Off the field, Private Smalls was like a soft pillow. But on that field, she was just as fierce as a mother going at it for their foal.

Deciding to cease the tension in the room, Captain Gliding grinned and threw her deck down. "Gamble and won!" She cheered. They all looked at the deck, groaned in disapproval and threw their decks at her. "Hey! Assault on a higher officer!"

One of the older guards crossed his hooves and shook his head. "No hoof has been laid on you, Officer."

"Whatever. You ponies are just mad that I beat you four times! Whoo! Go Gliding! Yeah, I'm goin' for a drink." She hopped out of her seat and towards the steel door behind her. The rest decided this was a momentous time to relax in their own ways.

Many sat back for conversation while others like Private Smalls hopped out of her seat and made way for the door after the captain. She had to get some sunlight. Being in the dark like these ponies and she'll be darker than she was now. The halls in Aquata Zero were more quiet than usual, even with the tip-tapping on the steel floor. Private Smalls hasn't actually been on an Aquata before except during training. So this was a first for her.

She walked up the steel stairs to the busy first floor for the Hangars and Bays. Just to get a glimpse of what was going on. This area were full of Lieutenants and Captains. Mainly because she was on the same level as the Refugees. Smalls pushed open the door and stepped out into the beyond-busy hangar. Nothing but Ponies, Hippogriffs, dragons, and some colorful bugs. They seem nice so... Maybe they're not so bad?

Private Smalls shook her head and walked out just to look around like the rest of the soldiers. Some foals were investigating and poking at the armor of the Arcadian Elite. Making fawning sounds while they just remained more stoic than a rock. Those guys were some serious business.

Smalls smiled and proceeded further in. Was it just her or did all of these ponies except the black bugs have marks on their butts like the Queen? Weird. She noticed they had their own military too. Less advanced like their own, but ... It was something.

The Guard in all the gold with spears, crossbows, and wearing blue jackets were Equestria's. She recalled seeing them before. But they've never seen her before. She wasn't new to the stares. The only Elite Guard who had a black coat with a black mane, black tail and red eyes was bound to grab some attention. It matched her uniform perfectly.

Rainbow Dash was in the midst of a conversation with Applejack when she spotted the most darkest guard she's ever seen walk past. She was definitely an Elite if all that gear was any indication. As well as the purple block on her wrist. But that was a really dark coat. Applejack followed her eye and nearly blanched. She wasn't too scary. More calm than anything. But still scary nonetheless.

Smalls calmly moved past and over to the open door, took a seat in an empty spot and watched the sea move past. It was around two o'clock and according to the ponies barking in her earpiece they've reached the one hundred mile mark. A little early. Queen Arcadia must be over the clouds.

Something soft brushed up against her right hoof, grabbing her mind. She looked over into the eyes of an orange coated teenage mare with a Magenta mane. She had one of those butt marks of a purple shield with a lightning bolt.

Scootaloo looked her over and asked, "So... You're a... Guard?"

Private Smalls smiled and answered, "Yes I am. I'm First Private Smalls of the Royal Elite Guard, at your service."

"Coooool," Scootaloo fawned. "So do you like go hoof to hoof or..."

Private Smalls looked back to the sea and answered, "The Elite Guard are the first ones in the field. We secure the landing site for other troops or it's just us. We provide protection for Queen Arcadia Nova, King Shimmering Madun, and any other envoy of importance. King Madun, Princess Fresh Dawn, Princess Merry Fire, Prince Consort Blazing Fire, and Her Majesty Molten Ice. We do all the heavy lifting for them."

"Ohhh..." Scootaloo looked out towards the sea that she was staring at, gazing at the other ships in the distance. "So... How many boats do you have?"

"To be honest, I have no idea. But we have more than enough."

"Oh... Okay. Ohhh, what's this?"

Private Smalls looked over at Scootaloo. Her eyes locked on a tiny orange light in the shape of a tiny sphere coming towards her from the front of the ship. Private Smalls couldn't explain it, but she had a bad feeling about that.

When Scootaloo reached out to touch, she quickly reached out and held down her hoof. "Hold on, kid...." Rainbow Dash, who was watching the entire conversation shared a look with Applejack who returned it. Then made her way over.

She stopped beside Scootaloo and watched the small orange light slowly come closer in silence. "That doesn't look right," Private Smalls whispered. Then reached out with a bare hoof and allowed it to touch her. She instinctively pulled back and hissed through her teeth. It wasn't a light. It was an ember. And it was hot.

"Fire," she whispered. With her eyes on the water, she raised her hoof and relayed urgently, "Private Smalls to Bridge, Aquata Zero, are there any reports of a fire? Leak or something?" She lowered her hoof when more passed. She raised a weaponized wing fitted with razor sharp blades to block Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. "Step back, ladies."

"No, there's no fire or leakage, Private."

"We have tiny embers hitting Hangar Bay A on Aquata Zero. Captain Sword, permission to investigate."

"Granted, be careful private."

"Ten-four." Private Smalls raised her other wing and pushed down, soaring out of the hangar and into the air beside the door. Flipping, she moved at the same speed as the boat and looked around in front of the doors. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and a few more were a little interested so they came and sat down beside Scootaloo and Rainbow. Private Smalls looked ahead and moved to the right a little when another passed her. Then flapped her wings and moved forward. "I'm leaving Aquata Zero Hangar A, moving forward," she reported.

"Ten-four. More reports incoming about small embers hitting their ships. Her highness is being informed as of this time."

Private Smalls squinted at the air ahead of her. Then gasped and stopped flying. "Private Smalls to the Captain, I see a wall up ahead!"

"All Aquatas, hold!" Queen Arcadia boomed through the earpiece. Just like last time, an alarm blared then the blowback system triggered. The Princesses on the Bridge nearly fell forward just like everyone else. Rest time was over.

Queen Arcadia walked slowly towards the glass window of the bridge and looked at the giant wall of orange forming up ahead. Those embers were merging together, creating a wall of fire. Sunset Shimmer was with her with eyes on the color before it solidified into an inferno.

She whispered, "What is that?"

"...Odega. The Pony of Flames," Arcadia answered. Then raised her hoof and ordered, "To all Aquatas, all soldiers off the decks at once. Drop everything and get down to the lower levels." Lowering her hoof, Arcadia lit her horn to create a round purple transparent sphere around the entire fleet. It shimmered into view from left to right. Rainbow Dash and those in the lower levels watched it cover the area, keeping them back from the flames.

"Just a precaution," Arcadia whispered. Then created one on herself. "All units, I'm going out there." She turned around and made way for the door that was sealed, all eyes on her. Once she was out there, she closed and sealed the door, keeping those inside in for safety. Then made her way down to the barren deck. The air was too hot. She was here.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance joined the rest at the large glass window of the bridge, watching her walk towards the helm of the ship and stop directly at the front. She shouted, "Odega! Come out, I know you're out there!" No one spoke. Only the bassy sound of the flames moving reached Arcadia's ears. Twilight's eyes scanned the area, listening to everything.

The water in front of their ship suddenly lurched and shifted the Aquata. Enough to force all to the floor inside of Aquata Zero. It ascended upwards and immediately evaporated with a sizzle to the sky above. Underneath the mass was a lot of orange. After it disappeared, what stood where it once was before was now a beak, eyes, and feathers. All made of flames. A giant phoenix. Even from Celestia's shocked point of view she could see the intense heat waves out there, moving past the glass window. It was like the main Crystal Obelisk compared to Twilight. And the bird was looking right at her.

Twilight slowly backed up, but kept her eyes on Odega. Then it spoke. "You know my name." It was like a deep feminine voice belonging to a forty year old mare.

Twilight nodded and answered, "Yes, I do."

"Then you know my legacy and role in these waters. This is my only warning." She leaned down into Twilight's face. "Turn back now and your fleet survives."

Twilight gulped and responded, "I am Queen Arcadia Nova—"

The Phoenix lunged forward and yelled, "I DO NOT CARE OF YOUR TITLE, LITTLE—"

"Of Psera."

The Phoenix's head pulled back. Celestia was positive her eyes widened at the same time her beak shut. "Oh! Well then!" She raised her wings from her body, flapped them down onto the water, and propelled herself into the air. Then allowed herself to drop with a destination straight for the ship. Before anyone could gasp, her body shrunk and turned into a rotating ball of fire that ignited the front of the deck into a small inferno on impact.

Twilight stepped back and watched the fire dance with a glare. Sizzle and crack. Then a hoof stepped out followed by the body of a pony. She had a hot white coat and long wings made of flames like a Pseratep. The same was for her mane and tail. Moving on its own, similar to Arcadia's own, Celestia, and Luna's. She had a sneaky smirk on her face when she approached Queen Arcadia, neon blue eyes full of mischief. Then sat down and rubbed her hooves together.

That smirk turned into a grin full of sharp teeth made of blue flames. "So... Queen of Psera, huh? Well that makes things really interesting."

Author's Note:

Oooh, what do you guys think of Odega? You'll like her, I promise.

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