• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 51 - Talk Of Dawn

Dawn may have been out of touch with her magic, but she was quickly picking up teleporting. Within twenty minutes, she was teleporting endlessly across the room in silent puffs. Her parents simply ignored it and indulged in the LiVAM from the comfort of Twilight's bed, set on the news. She's missed so much, everything seemed alien. Unreal. She had yet to be outside, but Madun said Triage recommended staying in bed until she was feeling "uppity" again.

So here she was. Leaning into Madun under his wing watching their daughter practice. This was everything she'd ever want. Sitting with her husband and watching their daughter have fun. Although with no Dark Magic, no hospital bed, and no time skip of ten years. It was one of those times where everything is peaceful.

But it wasn't supposed to be this way exactly.

One step at a time, Twilight thought. Dawn burst into a shadow in front of her wearing a big grin. "I got it! I got it down! What's next, I'm ready!"

Twilight laughed silently and slid out from under Madun's wing for the side of the bed. "Well the next step requires an outdoor atmosphere. Everything requires outdoors. So you're going to have to wait a bit more, okay?"

Dawn was disappointed. But her mother was in the hospital, so she relented and sat down in front of the bed. "Uh uh, come up here." Twilight pulled Dawn up in a violet aura and set her down in front of her on the bed. Then used her horn to playfully poke Madun. "Move aside! Us fillies need our space."

"Ow! Jeez, okay, so pushy." Twilight and Dawn laughed while Madun slipped out of the bed to make room for his daughter, then nuzzled Twilight behind the ears. She happily nuzzled back with clear love and affection.

As comforting as it was to see her parents in love and together, the nuzzling directly over her head was making Dawn shuffle and glance around just to avoid it. Something her father took note of. "Uh ohhh, Dawn's uncomfortable, she's feeling left out."

Twilight shared a wink with her husband. "Well let's include her. We never leave our little princess out of family moments." Then they both leaned in and nuzzled Dawn's cheeks. Much to her horror.

She slowly shrunk into herself and formed a small quivering bubble while their muzzles attacked her fur. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ewwww! Dad's already bad enough, mom!" Then jetted out from in between their assault. She threw the door open and ran into Gardeen's hooves. Well one of them. She was preparing to knock. But apparently was also about to interrupt something.

"Gardeen!" Gardeen was unceremoniously pulled into Queen Arcadia's hooves after she teleported over. Looks like Gardeen didn't have to contemplate on what to say. Which gave Dawn enough time to rush out. She had something important to handle anyway.

Gardeen hugged Queen Arcadia back just as hard and whispered, "Welcome home, Twilight."

"It feels good to be back, my second filly." Twilight leaned back from their embrace and measured her up and down. Then gasped in surprise and covered her mouth. She noticed it. The one piece on Gardeen Arcadia's never seen. She reached out to carefully lift up the marriage ring from around her neck. Gardeen was... She was...

Twilight looked back up to Gardeen and whispered, "When?"

She sighed and whispered, "The same month you disappeared. I realized that life was too short and... I was ready for the next step. Ten days after, I proposed to Pink and she said yes. Two months later, we had our wedding."

Twilight tried to keep her tears at bay, but... "I'm so proud of you," she whimpered. Then pulled her back into a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"You risked your life so I could make that move. Don't apologize." They parted and smiled at each other once more. "We have a lot to catch up on, ma'am."

Twilight rolled her eyes and replied, "You know I do not like formalities with family. Does this hospital have a Garden?"

Gardeen eagerly nodded and answered, "I was there writing before I came up here. But it's on the first floor, which means..." She bit her lip and whispered, "Certain ponies will see you."

Twilight relentlessly shook her head of purple hair and replied, "I do not mind. I only ask they watch from afar and not interrupt our conversations. Sweetie?"

Madun shifted his eyes from the bed and ordered, "Don't wear yourself out, take it slow, and bring a nurse with you. I'll keep the bed warm."

Twilight turned around and walked out the door with Gardeen by her side who said, "I'll grab a nurse for you." Then waved a hoof to the nurse's desk for attention. "The Queen requires a nurse!"

Once Twilight had her nurse and a mobile heart monitor by her side, they were treading the halls. Each time they walked past a pony, they squeaked and bowed. It was always awkward. Up to the point where Gardeen broke the silence it trapped them in and said, "You've missed a lot, Twilight."

"I've been asleep for ... Ten years," Twilight whispered. She took a deep calming breath and let out her frustrations. "It's hard to believe my daughter grew up without me."

Twilight sighed in dismay and stopped in front of an empty waiting room. On the left of them were windows that Twilight peered out of. She was on one of the top floors. Probably the eighth. She was able to see all of Psera. The Castle still looked the same, the Central Obelisk too. The sky still held Psera Skies. And they managed to rebuild the CPC. Of course a monument was there too to replace its past space. Even after ten years, it all looked the same with just a few minor changes.

Gardeen stopped beside her and whispered, "She never gave up. She always knew you were alive. But when you left, Dawn changed. From the playful filly she once was to a more... Secluded antisocial state. She has friends, but you don't see her with them that much."

"So what does she do with her time?" Twilight was afraid of the answer.

"She studies and searches. Constantly finding out how to use magic and looking for you. Sometimes she'd ask for my assistance."

Twilight slowly shook her head and stated, "That's not good. If she doesn't go out and be a filly, she won't have any friends. She'll become isolated and alone, trapped by her studies. I'll change that. I need to start acting like a mother. Teaching my daughter, training her for the struggles ahead. I never got the chance. Now I do. But..." She turned her body to face Gardeen. "I have to face the consequences of my actions first."

Twilight turned around and began to walk back to the walkway with her nurse and Gardeen, whom of which repeated, "Consequences? Twilight, you saved Psera and all races because you sacrificed yourself."

"Gardeen, I used Dark Magic under the muzzles of my citizens, I had an unauthorized laboratory holding all of my spells along with illegal testing done, including practicing the Dark Arts. And... The Obelisk Line is still not corrected. The only pony who can do it is me. And it hasn't been corrected for ten years. So I have to get to work on that when I'm not spending time with my daughter."

Gardeen giggled and commented, "Dawn wouldn't want you mothering and smothering her. She likes to take care of herself."

"Well she's getting mothered and smothered because I haven't gotten that chance yet. Now... About her magic."

Yes, about that. Gardeen glanced to Twilight and said, "Rumors are circulating around that from IHT."

"Speaking of..." Twilight lit her horn and teleported a specific pony in front of her. A pony who she's known to be concerned about her life to the point where it's annoying. Princess Celestia.

She was snacking on a slice of cake she got from somewhere and froze a fork an inch from her mouth to glance around. Then focused on Twilight's smile and sighed. "You of all ponies should know it is more polite to ask than teleport somepony away from their meal," she lightly scolded.

"You may want to hear this," Twilight calmly argued. She walked past Celestia and whispered, "It's about Dawn."

Celestia immediately threw the fork into her mouth and ate the simple piece that was on it. Then followed after her, Gardeen and the nurse. Twilight had that look on her face. The one where she knew something they didn't. And nopony liked being left out of the loop from their family.

When she was close enough and a specific privacy spell was up around her, Gardeen, and Celestia, Twilight sighed and admitted, "Fresh Dawn is only alive because she is made of Dark Magic."

Well that's confusing. Twilight the Vague has returned. Celestia kindly asked, "Could you clarify that a little bit more?"

"When Blueblood shot me with that arrow, it pierced my daughter before she was even born. And as fragile as she was, she would have died..." Twilight stopped walking and looked up to Celestia. "The spells Dawn use to bring her toys to life—based off of what Madun tells me—is the same spell I used to keep her alive. But I never ceased the spell. So it took over her body... And changed her. She's not who she was supposed to be."

Oh no. Celestia whispered, "Are you telling me that technically Dawn is..."

"Dawn is a walking corpse. Her heart isn't pumping blood, it's pumping magic. The reason she doesn't get sick is because anything that gets into her body is immediately burned to ashes by the magic circulating through her veins. Powering her body, her organs, her eyes, her mind. All magic. She can't learn standard magic because she has no regular magic. Or at least not a lot compared to how much Dark Magic. If Dawn were to fall dead today, only I would be able to bring her back with Dark Magic. Nothing else in the world can because only she and I know the spell."

Gardeen sighed and asked, "So she's stuck with Dark Magic?"

As Dark Magic. Twilight began walking again and answered, "Yes. But it's not too much of a bad thing. She is the holder of Dark Magic. But it also makes her a target."

Celestia nodded and replied, "I was afraid of that. Dawn is the only pony in the entire world who is able to use magic to give life. But Novo also made something clear to me on the Aquata over here."

Twilight glanced up when they stopped at an elevator and asked, "And what was that?"

When the nurse pressed the button Celestia asked, "If Dawn can give life... Can't she take it too?"

Twilight was about to respond no. But... Then again... "Has she done it before?"

Gardeen nodded and replied, "All the time to Sky Blue. It serves as a sort of... Therapeutic Tool for when she's overwhelmed or lonely. She gives it life and plays with it for awhile. Then takes it back and stuffs it away when she's done."

Oh no. The same way worked with ponies around her. Twilight looked to her right and kindly waved to a few Pserateps watching. "Does she know she can do that to anyone?"

"Highly doubt it." The elevator door dinged open and Twilight strode in with Celestia, Gardeen, then the nurse. Once they were turned around, the doors slowly shut.

The nurse faced them and asked, "Where to?"

"The Garden," Gardeen answered. She turned to Twilight when the elevator began its descent and asked, "So what are you going to do about it? I highly doubt she knows she herself doesn't actually have blood in her body."

Or actual organic organs made of real flesh, Twilight thought. She sighed and answered, "I'm not sure. It's a hard truth. A really hard truth that even I'm not sure should be known."

Celestia groaned and scolded, "Twilight, you cannot keep this from your daughter of all ponies. Her birth may have been magically corrupted, but even I know she deserves to know about her true nature."

"I know, I know," Twilight interrupted. Then lowered her tone and stated, "But there's just too much going on right now. I just escaped from that endless nightmare, all eyes are on me now and... Wait..." She looked back to Celestia when the doors opened and asked, "Did Maheera fall out too?"

Celestia smiled and shook her head. "No, she was still in chains when—"

"We have to get her out of there." Celestia ceased her speaking and shared a look with Gardeen.

Gardeen repeated, "Get... Maheera Dark out of Prison? Why?"

"It's... A huge complicated issue. I know the root cause of the war between her and Narmeelah, but I need to get her out for a much better explanation between myself and the rest of... Where is Odega?"

"Well as I live and breath." Arcadia looked up to the ceiling of the elevator at the Bat made of fire hanging low. "If it isn't Queen Butt, back from the dead."

And Odega was still mocking her. She hasn't changed a bit. Well what could you expect from a pony as old as time itself? Twilight smiled and kindly greeted, "Hello, Odega."

Odega dropped down and landed on the top of Twilight's head. Then transformed into a long snake that elegantly wrapped around her neck like a burning scarf to stare into her eyes. Twilight's only reaction was to roll her eyes. "Give me a reason as to why I shouldn't choke you. Because letting Maheera out is suicide."

"Maheera is as Harmless as a bunny with sheep," Twilight explained. "Let her out and I'll show you."

"You didn't see the remains of Equestria after the final battle." Odega teleported into a spider and crawled in between Twilight's eyes. Her voice ascended in pitch when she descended in size. "Maheera is a liar."

"She certainly didn't seem like one when we had our discussion inside of that portal."

"...what discussion?" That question came from Celestia. All eyes were laser focused on her now. All except the nurse's.

Twilight answered, "I'll tell you in the Garden." Right before the elevator opened on the first. Where the top floor was partly busy, the bottom floor was really busy. Everyone was moving. A glance down told Twilight the emergency room down the hall was packed with a thick amount of ponies on this day. Was it Flu season?

Gardeen stayed behind Queen Arcadia and watched her wings when they walked out into view. Nurses and many other ponies bowed towards their progression and flared out theirs in honor and respect.

While they followed the nurse, Celestia leaned over and whispered, "Nostalgic?"

Twilight giggled and answered, "Just a little. I'm always reminded by how different Psera is from Equestria."

"Is it from the tall buildings, the massive technology influx or something else entirely?"

"It's everything. We have a similar democracy, but everything after that is different. The currency, our laws, our military of course, our science, our language. Everything is much different."

"Including your Gold Mines." Twilight stopped and glanced up to Celestia's humored face unamused. "Don't worry, we signed an agreement. Our mouths are sealed shut."

Twilight hummed and continued walking forward. "Let's keep it that way. They authorized you access?"

The Nurse led them out into an intersecting hallway holding glass windows and doors. Behind them was an exquisite garden with very high flowers, tall grass, small rivers, flowers, and insects that Twilight could see so far.

Celestia nodded and answered, "Yes, as the few ponies who know magic at least close to your level, we offered our assistance. And the only way to get to you was underground."

"I never would have doubted you."

When mom left, Dawn decided to leave for a bit too. She couldn't be around Dad all the time. She trotted through busy hospital halls that smelled of medical chemicals, cleaning supplies, and food, and ignored the greetings to her title.

"Hello, Princess."

"Good morning, Princess."

"Good Day, Princess!" How could mom do it?

Dawn shuffled out of the Hospital's doors into Psera's surprisingly windy atmosphere and was followed by two of the four Guards stationed there. Thanks to them, she didn't always have to tell her father where she was going. She could just go.

She jumped in the air and flew back to her house. The Castle in the sky. Maybe one day she could live off the ground. Live in Psera Skies. She always enjoyed flying. Wings spread and wind flying through her mane and tail. She closed her eyes and allowed the air to give her comfort.

When she visited Equestria she gazed at the city on the clouds in between Ponyville and Canterlot. She couldn't remember the name—doesn't remember hearing it really—but she knew she wanted to visit.

Dawn flapped her wings and slowed to a gentle landing at the steps to the castle. Once her hooves were down, she trotted up the stairs and through the doors. Her mind was only on one thing. Two things actually. Since there was no flying in the castle, Dawn quickly took the elevator up to the third floor and trotted with her Guards to her and her father's suite. The one her mother would be staying in with them. She wondered what it would be like. Maybe she should clean her room a bit.

Dawn stepped into that same room once she was safely back in her darkened home and sighed at all of the stuff strewn across the floors. A bunch of clothes mainly in the black variety. Black leather choker with a violet crown as the pendant with a golden buckle, a region full of mascara, a few rock band posters on the constantly shifting walls, the black bedsheets, everything just... Dark.

Using her newfound magic, Dawn levitated over the choker from in front of her body sized mirror. And slipped it over her head. She adjusted the tightness to where she couldn't feel it, but knew it was there. She grabbed her mascara and eyeshadow next. Her magic dabbed the brush into the palettes and applied them gently under and over her eyes. Next combed her fur into an almost smooth perfect surface with gentle caress. So gentle you would barely notice a change until it was there.

Once she was done, she grabbed the dress from the bed. A black one made of lace with white stripes that stopped in the middle of her rear hooves. There were no sleeves which allowed her smooth-as-glass hooves out to breath. In public, she'd have to dress like a Princess. Which meant bright colors, frills in the dress, her family's crest, crown on her head, Mane done up into something that attracts attention and triggers consent-less photography.

But here, behind these doors in her large room holding her crown, she could be herself. She could be the pony she feels she should be. She could dress up as dark as she wanted, as weird as she wanted... "What's wrong with me?" Dawn whispered.

She grabbed some black lipstick and spread it flawlessly on her lips. Then put it back, all without pulling her eyes away. She didn't know why she always does this. The urge was strong. Just to go out and show off. Everyone thinks she's just entirely happy because she's a Princess and the daughter of rich and powerful parents.

But her secret... She's evil. She could feel it. She could see it in the mirror. While her mother and father were the icons of beauty, love, and peace, she was the icon of death, pain, and destruction. The Alicorn-Pseratep in front of her was no longer purple and red. Her eyes were growing pools of black. Her coat turned into a pitch black state, reflecting light as a sheen. Her mind painted over with flashes of a terrifying future. Fire, death, screams, whispering that sounded like her.

"Let me out," it would say. "Let me out, let me out, LET ME OUT!!"

Dawn grimaced at the angry scream and whispered, "No. You're never coming out. Not as long as I can feel you."

"You can't keep me in forever. One day, I will break free from this blackened prison."

Dawn sighed and knew that she was right. That she would always be around. Hiding this... This monster from rearing its body of black ink and maw of sharp teeth from view would be about as possible as not being called Princess for a day. It was non existent. She may as well embrace her other side. The side no one sees or has seen. The one she pushes down as hard as she can with as much strength she could use, but knew that "going to the filly room" for thirty minutes could only last but so long.

Dawn lifted the back of her dress and eyed her new cutie mark. A deep red crown with obviously blood dripping off of it. The same star above. She didn't like it. Not one bit. This other side. But it was her. She's always had it in her. Dad didn't know, Gardeen didn't know, even her best friends didn't know. Didn't know that she could melt everything in her room like butter. Didn't know she could bring everything to life.

Dawn sighed and just let her sight turn red, let everything bathe in blood. Let her heart race to impossible speeds. Let... What just fell?

Dawn moved her black eyes down to her hooves at the... Purple... Ear. Ear? Dawn used her magic to pick it up and locked the small white pinpricks in her eyes on them. It was dripping something black to the floor. A texture that reminded her of ink.

She glanced up to herself in the mirror and looked at the place where her ear was. Now vacant. She was too confused to even... Did her right ear just fall off? What was...

Dawn lifted her wet right hoof and flicked it to the mirror. A spray of inky liquid disgraced its surface. Dawn immediately stuffed her dark side down so hard she almost passed out and changed back to normal. Yep. Her ear just fell off. But something was wrong. Her blood wasn't red like she's seen from the movies, LiVAM, her teammates, or anyone. It was black. Black blood streaming over the right side of her face and onto her hooves.

Her ear just fell off, her blood was black... This wasn't a dream. This was real. Her ear just fell off! Dawn screamed.

Author's Note:

Yeahhh, things just turned spooky. Talk to me, leave those comments! What'll happen next?!

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