• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 52 - Decomposition

The Garden in the Hospital was abandoned for the most part. But just for maximum privacy, Arcadia asked if the nurse could give them some space for awhile.

Without delay she set Twilight up at the bench Gardeen was writing at and left them to their conversation. Then Twilight removed the spell she placed and told them everything Maheera told her as if it were yesterday.

The story of how Narmeelah neglected the rest of the races, erased them without a second thought, favored them over the rest of the world. And how Maheera tried to explain that all of the races were equal. And they should all be included. How Narmeelah didn't want to listen. And ever since then, they've been at war.

After her recollection was complete and all was silent, Twilight sighed and used her magic to pluck a random rose out from the bush in front of her to smell. Odega burst into a pony from the bird perched on Celestia's head. Then dropped back to the ground and shook her head with denial.

"No way, she lied to you Twilight," she said. "That doesn't sound like Narmeelah at all."

Twilight nodded and slipped the Rose into Celestia's mane. "That's what I said at first," she replied.

Odega gasped in disbelief. "At first? You believe her?!"

Twilight quickly argued sternly, "I can always tell when a pony is lying, Odega. A lie is quick and shows signs of stress. Tell tale signs. A simple nervous twitch of the tail, batting of the eyes. Even you do it sometimes. But not an entire story that actually adds up. Why would Narmeelah place us at the top of the world away from every creature, and execute those who came here? The Gold under our hooves grows, we have enough for every creature. Of course, we won't allow that to happen. But... Maheera wasn't lying. I could see it. She was genuine. She was serious. She was honest. It was the start of the war. Who decreed that the nations never interact?"

"Her Majesty Molten Ice—"

"Who based that ruling from Narmeelah's Law declaring any creature attempting a takeover be banished from Psera soil at whatever cost necessary, including Death. Narmeelah allowed ponies visitation of this land in offering of trade in the beginning, but even she was untrusting of them, remember? I've read Narmeelah's diary. As loving and caring as she was, even Narmeelah had a few demons she had to keep out of the eyes of Psera. Whatever it was she was planning, it has to do with that tunnel I made into my lab."

Gardeen raised a hoof and said, "I suggest it'd be wise to keep that to yourself, your highness."

Twilight smiled and replied, "Oh don't worry, I will. For the time being at least. It's just something that interests me. Now as for why I want to let her out. She may know where..."

Twilight blinked at Odega and stood up to look to the sky. Anxious eyes scanning the air filled with clouds and birds. What is that? A pulsing vibration.

Gardeen followed her sight and asked, "What is it? Did you hear something?"

Twilight slowly shook her head and whispered, "No, I... Feel something. Something's wrong." Twilight looked around her environment. She could feel something off. Something was amiss, but what was it? "I need to see Madun. Now." Twilight used her magic to grab her IV pole and anxiously made her way to the nurse sitting a few yards away. "I need to see Madun. Get close."

Before she could question that, Twilight teleported the group back up to her room and immediately shouted, "Something's wrong!"

Madun jumped up and actually fell out of the bed at her declaration. Gardeen grimaced at his grunt of pain and large impact to the floor. Like a boulder being dropped from eight feet up. Once he was on his hooves again, he faced Twilight and asked, "...what?"

She shook her head and quickly answered, "Something's wrong, something isn't right."

Uh oh! Madun jumped into protective father mode and ran over to start pushing her to the bed. "Are you hurting? Get in bed, I'll get the doctor—"

Twilight flicked her tail and corrected, "No, I'm fine, I'm... Where's Dawn?"

Gardeen stepped forward and reported, "She went back to the castle for something. She usually just randomly goes somewhere for like an hour or maybe longer."

Well that made no sense. Twilight narrowed her eyes and asked, "What's her reason?"

"I... Honestly have no idea. Forget a book, bathroom for thirty whole minutes. You know how teenagers are."

"She's lying. Madun, come on. Something's wrong with Dawn, I can feel it."

Madun sighed and shook his head. Then started pushing Twilight towards the bed. "No sweetheart, you need rest. You're acting delirious again."

Twilight whipped around and put him muzzle to muzzle with angry eyes. "Something. Is wrong. With my baby," she snarled.

Madun blinked into her eyes. Then two more times. She didn't at all. "Check on Dawn it is. Someone send a com—" Twilight teleported away with Madun, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance without them knowing and left the needle from her IV drop to the floor.

They reappeared in what was supposed to be their home. Cadance and Luna were talking with each other about something involving Laughter when they were whisked away. But instantly ceased and stood up from their positions when they didn't recognize their surroundings. Instead of arriving in Madun's humble home, they arrived in what looked like Discord's world, Kludgetown. Or maybe a new Tartarus. Just... More black and red.

Luna sighed and asked, "Now what does Discord want? He is so needy." She glanced up to Celestia and Twilight looking around. They didn't seem as amused. "What is it?"

Twilight slowly shook her head and timidly answered, "This isn't Discord's world." The environment around their clearing was a very dark and spooky forest. Going on for miles with weirdly shaped black clouds that resembled heads and scary depictions.

The sky was red and the trees were black. The ground under their hooves was soft and moist, but... Twilight lifted her hoof and sniffed it. Scentless. A crow cawed somewhere. But it definitely sounded strange. More like a choking sound. This was evil. Chaotic.

Celestia quickly asked, "Where are we, Twilight?"

She shook her head and answered, "I teleported to Dawn, and she was in the Suite somewhere. But... This isn't the Suite. Dawn?!!" She called.

Her voice echoed off the trees and bounced through the eerie silence. They scanned their sight through the environment and Madun called her name again.

Celestia listened close. Listening for any sign of movement. The wind was blowing, the smell of sulfur made her nose cringe. A leaf brushed past her face. Then she heard it. A whimper. On the far right. She whipped her head that way and started walking. "I hear something over here," she whispered. "Dawn? Is that you?"

A scamper of hooves let them know that something was in fact over there. It ran through the muck the Princesses were stepping in and hid behind a tree. But it was too dark to see it. "Don't come any closer!" Dawn cried.

Madun raised his wing and slowed everyone down at least three feet from the tree. "Hey, what's wrong, Sugar Plum? Everything okay?"

"No!" Dawn cried from behind her tree. "Nothing's alright, I don't know what's happening to me! I-I look like a monster!!"

"Shhh," Twilight cooed. "Everything's okay, I'm coming around, alright? I promise you have nothing I haven't seen before, you can trust me." Since she didn't respond, Twilight took that as her authorization. She slowly crept around and looked down to Dawn balled up behind the tree shivering. Or it might have been an imposter.

Instead of her purple and red maned filly, using her daughter's voice was a small, completely black Alicorn-Pseratep curled up in a really tight and small shivering ball. They were small like Dawn. Had the voice of Dawn. Must be Dawn right?

Twilight nudged her softly with her muzzle and whispered, "It's okay, mommy's here. What's going on, sweetheart?"

Dawn uncurled her head and showed her face up to her mother. Yeah, that was Dawn. She knew her Daughter's facial structure. But it was as if she was painted by ink. Everything about her was just... Black. Darker than Dark. She still had her crown on so that was one way of recognition. And her cutie mark had a familiar design of her daughter's. But the star wasn't violet, it was red. And the crown was dripping with that same color. But it was definitely her daughter.

"Heyyy," Twilight greeted. She leaned down and nuzzled Dawn in her cheek.

"What's wrong with me?" Dawn whispered. "What's happening to me?" Her teeth were really sharp. Better watch out for those. And her eyes were black marbles. Shooting Twilight with intense sadness.

Twilight looked her over and observed that she was missing her right ear. All of this was from her Dark Magic, that much she could tell. And it was obvious what was happening:

Dawn's Dark Magic was accelerating while she was decomposing into what she was supposed to be. And the event was clashing. It was becoming harder for her to control and literally tearing her apart. Harder for her to hide.

Twilight eagerly nodded and replied, "It's okay, sweetheart. We'll find a fix okay?"

Dawn shook her head and replied, "You can't fix this."

"Yes we can, come on. Get under my wing." Twilight swiftly lifted her large purple wing and motioned for Dawn to trudge through all of this black stuff under it. Then asked, "Do you know where we are?"

She felt Dawn shake her head and stutter, "I-I don't know. I had screamed when my ear fell off out of nowhere then the Guards rushed in and I exploded or something, and now I'm here. I don't know where I am."

"Okay, okay, we'll deal with it at the hospital. Walk with my steps okay." Twilight guided Dawn back out with the rest of their family and over to the Princesses. "Hold on, okay?" Once Dawn had a good grip on Twilight's hoof, she teleported them all out of that inky world of death and back into Twilight's hospital room.

Gardeen was surprisingly still in there but the Nurse had left. Waiting. Who cares right now?! Twilight quickly closed the door to the room and led Dawn over to the bed under her wing. Then finally lifted it and placed her on it.

Gardeen gasped and was about to scream until her mouth turned into a zipper like the rest of the ponies in the room. Twilight shushed them then focused back on Dawn's other side. The Dark scary version she's been suppressing all this time more than likely based on Gardeen's descriptions. She pulled Gardeen over and unzipped her mouth. "Keep this quiet, we don't need Psera in a panic at this time."

She nodded and coalesced, "I-I never saw a thing. I'll make sure you're not disturbed."

Twilight let her go for the door and focused back on Fresh Dawn. Her magic removed her tiara from her head to place nearby and started scanning her body. Once Twilight released their mouths, Celestia walked over and asked, "Were you doing anything before this happened?"

Dawn shook her head and opened her closed eyes to stare into Princess Celestia's. The darkness was chilling to her very soul. "What's happening to me? Am I okay? Am I sick, what's wrong with me?"

Queen Arcadia finished her scanning and quickly deterred her rambling. "Nothing is wrong with you sweetheart. You're just... More unique than other ponies. You have a range of—"

"That's just a load of mahnurka!" Dawn interrupted. More like hissed.

Madun gasped and yelled, "Dawn! Language, young lady!"

"Forget language, look at me!" Dawn pointed a black hoof at her face. "This isn't unique, this is scary!! I always have to go and hide to try and suppress this, it's not normal! No one likes a pony that can change into a monster at the stomp of a hoof! I'm an abomination, not unique—"

"Enough, Dawn!" Twilight shouted. The Queen's command made the room jump and focus on her. The last time they heard Twilight yell was when she threatened to kick the foreigners out of Psera forever.

Twilight took a deep breath and calmly said, "There is nothing wrong with you, sweetie. A wrong is if you were born different but gained something negative along the way of life. You were born with two sides. You were born with a hidden side that's growing and clashing with the side we all know. We just have to contain and or equalize it."

Dawn straightened back up to stand on the bed and continued her questioning. "But why? And why did my ear fall off?"

Twilight walked closer and decided to recall the tale. She deserved to know. It was about her, and it was time Twilight relayed her theory. She was already fifteen years too late. "When I was almost assassinated, the arrow pierced you. Right in that same ear. But it also caused severe bleeding. I was dying, but you were dying faster because you were much smaller and fragile. So in a desperate effort to save your life... I used a Dark Magic spell to give you life and keep it flowing while I was healing. But I never cut the spell until after you were born when I dropped into a coma."

Twilight inched closer and turned to face the rest of the group with Dawn. "That spell overtook your body and added what it was supposed to be with something else. It saved your life, but since the spell was still running it created a living second one made entirely of Dark Magic that merged with your own. So in reality, there are two of you in a single body. And one cannot live without the other. Your magic is a conscious living pony, and your consciousness is Dark Magic.

"Your blood is her blood, her mind is your mind. Your body is Dark Magic. It's really complicated, but... Long story short you have another Pony inside of you that you can't see until now, and she wants out."

Dawn shut her mouth and asked, "This is what she looks and acts like?"

Twilight sighed and answered, "Well, yes and no. Since you can't exactly 'tap' into your Dark Magic to its full capacity, she's never been able to fully emerge. When you use your magic to its full capacity, she will too. So you must be careful. You're sharing a body."

"But... will I ever be able to use magic?" She whimpered. Using magic like her mother is her goal, has always been her goal. Not to be her, but know what she knows.

Twilight leaned in and lovingly nuzzled her head. "Of course you will, we just have to be careful or we'll have an evil disastrous filly running around making ponies slip and fall on their backs." Dawn giggled and nuzzled back. A move her father never thought he'd see. "Now, let's get you back to normal. Where's you ear?"

"Ummm..." Dawn unfurled her right wing and let the ear fall to the bed. Cadance had to close her eyes and cover her mouth. Dawn's pierced ear was literally on the bed. Holy stars, a dislocated body part just lying on the bed. Dawn merely blinked at it and asked, "So... Why did my ear fall off in the first place?"

"A rush of magic. You see your magic is the only thing keeping your body together, keeping you alive, and keeping your heart pumping. Everything about you is magic. Your blood, your brain, your organs, bones, all magic. Even your skin isn't exactly skin or fur. I'll show you. If I were to burn off a bit of fur on Madun's body—don't worry, your father can't even feel this." Madun rolled his eyes and decided to lift his hoof in front of her face. She always enjoyed doing this for some reason.

Twilight lowered her horn to her husband's hoof and zapped it with a crack. There was a large burn mark there that he just wiped off on the floor, but there was also a small welt Twilight pointed too. "There would be evidence of attack. But if something were to happen to you in pain, in a few seconds there would be nothing there. It depends on the damage."

"So what, like, I'm invincible?"

"As long as Dark Magic runs through your veins, you will live. Now hold still, I have to attach your ear back. It's going to feel a little funny." Twilight held the ear up above Dawn's head and used her magic in the form of wisps to route the Dark Magic back up into Dawn's ear, then back into her body. Once it was in contact with her body, Twilight's words rang true. The ear molded or melted into Dawn's fur until it was once again attached. As if it was always there.

Dawn flicked it and tested the waters. She could hear again! She shook her head around and grinned up happily to her mother and the rest of her terrified family through her blood red haze. "I can hear!"

Twilight smiled and replied, "I told you. You just live through your magic. You're not like other ponies, so you have to be really careful, okay? When I get out of here, we're going to work on a compressor to keep it low when it reaches a certain level."

Dawn jumped up and spread her black wings to hover over the bed. "Awesome! Now umm... I sort of don't want to scare anyone."

"Hold still, sit down." Once Dawn was down and comfortable Twilight focused more of her magic on her body. This was the tricky part. Dawn had an extremely dangerous filly moving around through her veins. She had to keep her compressed for awhile. Which meant no more magic until they had a compressor here with them. To keep everyone safe.

Twilight's struggling lasted almost four minutes, but she did get Dawn back to normal. Back to being purple, red maned and... Wearing a goth outfit with an insanely smooth coat. Twilight leaned back and looked her up and down. "Uhhh... Dawn? What are you wearing?"

Dawn looked down and immediately shot her head back up with rose red cheeks. "It's my thing. Don't judge me."

Twilight chuckled and replied, "I won't, just... Here." She plopped the tiara back on her head. "Go with Gardeen and keep her company, okay? No magic until we get that compressor, and tell nopony about this."

Twilight leaned in and pressed a loving kiss on her horn. Then watched her scamper off for the door. The Princesses moved to the side to allow her an exit. Well Celestia had to open the door first before she could actually do so. Then shut it back and glared at Twilight.

She couldn't believe this. This was beyond upsetting. "Twilight, I see no good things from this," Celestia said.

Twilight used her magic to place a silencing spell on the room. Then turned her attention to Celestia and reasoned, "Well, what do you want me to do Celestia? We can't take her magic out, it would kill her. I'm not letting my filly die simply because her life runs off of dark magic and she can manipulate it. Because she's not like other ponies."

Madun rubbed his forehead and walked up to Twilight clearly upset. "Our daughter is literally a... Soul-less pony, Twilight. Is she even... Is she even real? Have we been living a lie all this time?"

Before Twilight could answer, Celestia answered, "Not to mention, Dawn is capable of controlling the lives of others. She can take lives, Twilight. If her magic goes out of control she might hurt somepony, or ponies."

Luna agreed and said, "If Dawn's magic suddenly spikes at the wrong place and time, it could become a really big problem that could have major consequences."

"I know, I know!" Twilight shouted. She stomped her hoof and asked, "But what can I do, she's my daughter! My only child that was nearly killed and that I haven't seen for ten years!"

Twilight turned around and walked to the window to look out at all the activity of Psera. At all the ponies gathering in front of the hospital to welcome her back home the Psera way. "And I'm going to do everything in my power to keep her safe. No matter the cost."

Celestia sighed and walked with her over to the window. "I understand, Twilight. I went through something similar, in case you forgot." Nightmare Moon. Of course. Celestia had to banish her sister. But it wasn't her own flesh and blood.

"I'm not banishing my daughter because of this," Twilight immediately shot down. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have used magic to keep her alive."

"You had good intentions, Twilight," Madun stated. He walked in on her left and said, "It just didn't work out how you wanted exactly. But it did work out. Our filly is alive, you're alive."

"...why are you so cheerful?" Twilight sadly asked. Her eyes didn't waver from the crowd. Their Pods were just now arriving.

"Because despite this, nothing has changed. Dawn is still hyper, happy, and our baby girl." Madun leaned over and nuzzled Twilight softly. "Nothing has changed. She just needs to be more careful."

Twilight knew he was right. That's why she nuzzled him back. "Thanks, sweetheart," she whispered.

"I'm so happy you're back. The world seriously gets boring without you. Not enough action for us." The two let out an equal lighthearted chuckle. As interesting as Psera was to anyone other than a Pseratep, they were all used to tall buildings, advanced technology, and amazing science. Time for a small change of pace.

Madun turned around and started walking back towards the bed. "Now we have to get you ready to go. Gardeen signed your discharge papers while we were doing Dawn Duty. Time to come home."

Gardeen was a little uncomfortable. And not because of Dawn's goth outfit. While Queen Arcadia was preparing for departure, Dawn was supposed to keep Gardeen company. More like Gardeen keeping her company. They lodged it out in the Hospital Cafeteria of course in a more private area away from all the eyes staring at them along with the windows. They occupied a black booth that Dawn blended in with perfectly and stared at each other across a wooden table.

Gardeen sighed and sadly broke the silence, "Why did you lie to me, Dawn?"

Dawn shut her eyes for a moment then opened them again. "What was I supposed to tell you?" She whispered. "That I... I turn into a monster for some unknown reason?"

Gardeen smiled and shook her head. "No. That you were silently suffering. That's the only reason you... You dress up like this. I take it the therapy wasn't really doing its job?"

Dawn denied that claim with a shake of her head and answered, "No, it worked... Sort of. It gave me better options than sulking in my room all day. But that doesn't make all of this go away. So long as I'm... You know." Dawn stared up at Gardeen and managed to change her eyes back to black. "This, then nothing will work. You don't think..." Dawn looked away for a moment in shame.

"Think what?"

"Think that this is able to be cured, do you?"

Gardeen took a deep breath through her nose and answered, "I'm not sure. This is a magical situation, not a disease. The only ponies who live here that know anything about magic are Queen Arcadia or Secretary Shimmer. But Secretary Shimmer hasn't been here ever since communications with Equestria were cut. Along with all other outside lands."

Dawn nodded then glanced to the right into the cafeteria space. A lot of ponies were sneaking glances her way. "Do you think they know about me?" She whispered.

"Highly doubt it," Gardeen appeased. She patted Dawn's hoof and whispered, "As long as you can control it, you're safe."

"But... What if I can't?"

Gardeen withdrew her hoof and answered, "Then I'm sure your mother would be ready. The Professional on all things magic is back. On a much more fun note, do you dress like this when you're alone?"

"Uhh... For the most part."

"For the boy of your dreams?" Gardeen teased.

Dawn playfully slapped her hoof and said, "No, it's... Just my thing."

"Don't choke yourself... At least too hard, okay?"

"I'm not into that stuff... Mostly."

"Uh huh."

"How's Pink?" Dawn quickly asked. She changed her eyes back to normal by pushing down the magic surging through her veins. It was getting easier to control a bit once she knew the reason why.

"Pink's fine."

"How's the sex?"

"The sex is great—hey!" Dawn burst out laughing. She'd always be able to get Gardeen when she least expects it. Thanks to Dawn's more mature nature, Gardeen would forget she's talking to a freshman in High School. So Dawn would use that to her advantage just to embarrass her.

Gardeen leaned in once Dawn had her laughs and retorted, "How's Kia?"

Dawn ceased her laughter and switched to a serious face. "I don't like Kia."

"You two have a really weird relationship. Wait until your mother meets her." Gardeen winked at her then rose out of her seat. "Come on, let's get ready to get in the public eye."

Dawn rolled her eyes and rose up too. The time for relaxation was up. "Ugh, don't remind me."

Author's Note:

Whoa, what a twist. So... What happened to Queen Tarsafani?

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