• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,224 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 27 - Maheera's Move

All eyes except Twilight's moved down to the shattered wine glass on the floor that exploded out of nowhere and drenched Celestia's coat. She just pulled her lips in and used magic to clean up the mess. But also moved her eyes back to Twilight. She was angry. Was degrading the Queen based on unjustified rumors even legal? Sure didn't sound like it.

Twilight slowly raised her hoof to the mare in the middle and ordered deeply, "Your name."

She raised her head up high and replied, "Pudge Mount."

Arcadia moved her hoof over to the red mare next. "Hard Love." Then to the stallion. "Hard Seas."

She asked, "Are you all under the same house and hold the same views as Pudge Mount?" The two of them nodded. "Then I, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle condemn and restrict you from ever entering my Court."

Pudge Mount stomped her right hoof and replied, "I suggest you check your laws, Queen Arcadia. You are not allowed to restrict a pony from entering this court for expressing their views."

Queen Arcadia sighed and slowly stood from her throne. She may be small but she was very intimidating. In Equestria, she wasn't. But here in Psera, an assertive nature was needed. That horn alone was way sharper than before.

Twilight countered, "I suggest you visit the library in Downtown Cop, Madam Mount, and do a little research yourself. You are right that it states in Article sixty-two paragraph three that you are allowed to state your views. But it also states in Article sixty-two paragraph four that you are not allowed to belittle the King or Queen in the process of stating said views. Now, leave my throne room and never return as long as I rule or equal party reinstates."

Pudge Mount growled but slowly did as ordered. Backing away with the others. But not without leaving some words behind. "You will regret this Queen Arcadia! We will prove to Narmeelah that you have spat on her land and disgraced it with your magic, and have illegally conquered it as the true evil you are! You may have deceived the rest of Psera but you have not deceived us! We will rid Psera of your disgraceful ways and prove to her inhabitants that you are no Queen, but a tyrant through any means necessary! No matter the cost!"

Arcadia waved a hoof to a Guard on the side, triggering a more tactical response. Six moved from their positions and started the process of forceful removal. They grabbed their hooves and literally started dragging them for the doors in a calm orderly fashion. "Your spawn will not inherit the throne with your evil in her blood! She will bring danger to our shores—"

That did it. Arcadia jumped to her hooves and snapped her wings outwards. Static of magic crawled over the costs of anyone present. She narrowed her eyes and bellowed, "Someone get these three out of my castle, or so help me I will do it myself!! And it will not be pretty!!"

They dragged them out into the hall, but their rebukes could still be heard. "You are not a true ruler! You cannot protect Psera's citizens from the death you have brought here!"

Once they were out of earshot and the door was shut, Arcadia stomped her hoof and said, "Ten minute recess. I want a report on my daughter please. And get a background check done on those ponies, I don't like what they said." And after that, Queen Arcadia traveled down the stairs and made way for the back with Gardeen and the Princesses hot on her wings.

Above them on the decorated ceiling, in the darkest corner of the room above the rear entrance held a shadow with a single red eye trained on the Court. Maheera had seen all of that from the peace in her destruction of Mount Aris. And it greatly pleased her.

"So... Trouble in paradise," she whispered. She could use this to her advantage. These three ponies want this "Queen Arcadia" out as much as she does.

She would help them.

To the shadow ponies on land, Maheera ordered, "Silent infection. Keep it quiet."


After the Queen's party reached the safety of the back lobby of the throne room, Gardeen immediately queried, "Are you okay, Twilight?"

Twilight took a deep breath and walked into her relaxation area, a kitchen. Honestly, she wasn't. That was the first time anyone had ever said that to her here on Psera and it troubled her. But she didn't let it show how much it truly affected her.

Making a note to speak to Molten later, she answered, "They should be arrested for disrespecting the Queen and even worse an innocent four year old filly. Those were crazy ponies that walked into my court this morning. Absolutely crazy!"

She took a seat at the table already prepped with three water bottles. She grabbed one in her magic, ripped off the top, and drowned herself in relief. But her anger refused to ebb.

Gardeen decided to get her mind off of it for the time being with, "So the birthday tomorrow?"

The birthday! Twilight set the bottle back down on the table and answered happily, "My baby's turning five! Five years old tomorrow! She's going to be so happy! And a little bossy. When the day is all about her, she turns into Secretary Manny."

Gardeen glanced away and muttered, "How delightful. Two of them in one setting. Is she coming tomorrow?"

Arcadia answered, "Not sure, but she is invited. Believe it or not, she has a soft side for foals. Seriously, you should see her office and all the pictures. I enrolled Applejack's help in creating a few of Dawn's Apple favorites, and Pinkie Pie's for the party. She's going to be so excited!"

She was already pretty excited. A few miles away from the castle was the Preschool Princess Fresh Dawn, Dark Dust, and Merry's daughters or Dawn's cousins attended. It was a single-floor building with a over 100 classrooms, students, and adult Pserateps. It was just like any preschool. Bright, colorful, and happy.

The room Fresh Dawn occupied was joined by her cousins and best friend Dark Dust. The floor was bright green with small round white tables for four Pserateps each. There were cubed cubbies on the side decorated with funny faces of animals where they stored their books and belongings. Up front of course was the board and teacher's desk. Beautiful photos lined the walls and small stickers lined the windows overlooking the city of Cop. A portrait Dawn would start out of when she was bored.

But the class of thirty foals were too busy drawing, coloring, and talking to care about appearance. Fresh Dawn's table held her family and friends, all trying to create an image of their loved ones like they were assigned. Dark Dust was drawing her mother and the twins were drawing each other. Well trying to.

Fresh Dawn was drawing her mommy too. Daddy was on another project tapered to the wall. After a while of purple Crayon in her mouth, she spat it out, looked to Dark Dust and said, "My birthday's tomorrow, Dusty."

Dark Dust looked up from his drawing and cheered quietly, "Yay. How old are you turning?"

Dawn pointed a hoof at him and announced, "Five!"

"Yay. I'm four. How about you two?"

The twins looked up from their terrible drawings of each other to him and asked at the same time, "What you say?"

"How old are you?" He asked.

"We're four!"

He looked back to Dawn and repeated, "We're four."

Dawn threw her hooves up and announced, "I'm the oldest!"

"Yay." Dark Dust was a much more quiet colt. He didn't like talking too much and was mostly scared of crowded gatherings unless he was joined by someone else with him. He didn't have a lot of friends except Dawn and her cousins. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the princess?

Well the filly who just threw a yellow pastel at her head for one. Dawn yelped and looked at it on the floor next to her hooves. Then glared her eyes to the only filly who would ever do that. The evil white coated Pseratep directly across with a white mane and tail staring back at her with yellow eyes laughing. She threw it.

Dawn ordered, "Hey! No throwing!"

The filly just blew a raspberry then threw another that Dawn ducked. She scoffed in disbelief at her. Then pointed and yelled, "Kia's being meeeaaan! You're not invited to my party!"

Kia craned her neck and retorted, "I don't want to go to your dumb party anyway!" Then blew one more Raspberry.

Dawn was about to reply but the sound of growling in her ears stopped her. That sounded a lot more important. She shut her mouth and her ears flickered all around, picking up the sound, tracking the source. Something was growling... Outside the window.

Dawn whipped her attention through the rest of the foals over to them, but there was nothing there. Nothing but a sticker of a puppy with a dopey face and the city she lived in behind it.

What did mommy and daddy tell her when something strange started happening and she couldn't really explain it? Dawn raised her hoof and yelled, "I hear growling noises!!"

The teacher at the front of the room, a mare around the Queen's size and age abandoned her writing and walked over immediately. She queried, "What was that, Dawn?"

She looked up to her teacher and repeated, "I hear something growling." Her ears flickered left and right. Up and down. Then she pointed towards the window. Specifically a red dot. "Right there."

The teacher followed her hoof and caught sight of the red right before the black shadow zipped out of view. It covered the entire wall before. How did she not notice that?! The wall isn't black, it's pink and blue! "Oh my stars, children get away from the wall! Guards! Guards!!"

The door opened and two Pserateps from Dawn's escort team walked in looking around. The first one, a mare with a medical kit on her back walked in and asked urgently, "What is it, is everyone alright?"

The teacher pointed a shaking hoof to the wall and said, "Dawn saw and heard a growling, red eyed shadow moving over there on that wall. I don't know what it was, but I had the children move just in case. It zipped out before I got a good look."

Dawn tugged on the Medic's wing to get her attention. "Ms. Tall Pony?" She looked down to Dawn who pointed to the window. "It's running away."

The other pony walked over to the window and looked out of it just in time to see whatever that was that spooked them take to the air. He nodded and reported, "Something just took to the sky. Send in the report and look over the rest of the school."


Maheera silently cursed that child. Whoever they were was able to spot and hear her silent spies. They had Guards. And a horn. No other Pseratep had a horn except...

"Queen Arcadia's foal," she whispered. Now things were getting interesting. A magically-infused Alicorn-Pseratep. A hybrid. But something was rather off about her. Unlike most foals of Alicorn descent, her magic seemed ... Dark. Unnatural. Something was really off within that filly. It was like she was made of something else that she shouldn't be made of. She could possibly use this information in the future. Maybe. But first...

Her mind moved to the Shadow Spawn following those three ponies flying back for Rayray. They were her main goal. With them, she could be on Psera and do what she wants. While innocently relaxing here on Mount Aris. Perfect.

Rayray was the most luxurious side of Psera. Of course it would be, this was the city where real dreams came true. Where the nameless become the known. Roads practically made out of golden Ponies heading towards their high ended fun jobs while others had to move for different cities to start their lives.

But Pudge Mount was born into money. Head of House Lightgold, just one of the many Houses of Psera Nobility, she was truly devoted to keeping Psera for the Pserateps. When Queen Arcadia first landed on Psera, she as well as many more Houses were watching her with a few inside ponies. She turned out to be trustworthy. Until foreigners landed on Psera and almost caused a war.

At that time, Lady Arcadia Nova brought trouble. She was a really desirable pony. So desirable that one pony tried to kill her to keep anyone else from having her. Apart from her own tale to many sources, not much was known about her. She was born in Equestria and was taught by a Princess on how to control her magic in a school created by them. Next, she was given the title as an Element Bearer when she and five others were given Elements of Harmony. Weaponry.

They rode into danger, fighting evil. She grew in magic and skill after that. Then ascended to becoming an Honorary Princess. Not Royalty as they led her to believe, but honorary. She was respected.

But not enough to be told the truth. After all the drama, she arrived on Psera and the rest was seen. But the fact of the matter was still the same:

Pudge Mount landed on the rich green lawn of her home and growled, "She will bring death to Psera."

Hard Love landed on her right and asked, "What exactly can we do about it? She has the whole nation at her command. She has risen through the ranks within a year because of her kindness, skill, and knowledge."

Hard Seas landed next to her while Pudge Mount started the walk up to her home. The property was protected by an iron fence. The grass perfectly cut and green with life. The front of the house held white columns to support the roof dangling over the porch and double wooden doors. When she opened them, she stepped onto a lovely blue carpet in the living room. On the left were the couches, tables, and pictures of family and her fellow Noble House ponies.

Once Hard Seas and Hard Love were inside, she began to shut the door. But didn't notice the three shadows slipping in through the crack along the wall beside it. Once they were in supposed privacy, Pudge Mount softly clicked the door shut and sighed into it with stress.

"I don't know," she replied. Then turned around and faced the two staring at her with serious expressions. "You're right, Hard Love. She is a very powerful pony in Psera. The nation looks to her for guidance in this war against Narmeelah's enemy."

Hard Love stomped her hoof and decreed, "I cannot stand here and watch as she changes Psera into her own image! This is Narmeelah's image, not hers!"

"I know!" Pudge interrupted. She calmed down for a moment and whispered, "I know. But what exactly can we do? Do any of you have any recommendations?"

They didn't. Queen Arcadia had a huge influence on Psera. Going up against her would be impossible. But the shadows silently moving up their hooves to their heads may have had ideas.

Once they reached their target, they slipped into and down their ears. Wiggling into their brains. Taking over. Slowly but surely, all three of their eyes gradually changed from their original colors to a deep blood red.

Their breathing slowed first. Then they all looked up to each other at the same time, grinning. Hard Love raised a hoof and suggested, "I have an idea. The honor of Narmeelah comes before anyone. So... Why not just make that known... By attacking Cop?" Hard Seas and Pudge Mount looked at each other then back to Hard Love. "It shows that Narmeelah is first and foremost. Anyone that follows the Fire Family ... Shall be put to death."

Pudge countered, "But everyone follows the Fire Family."


Pudge Mount blinked at her a few times. Then nodded and replied. "You ... Are a genius. And I know just where to do it."

Perfect. Maheera leaned back on her throne with hooves behind her head. It was truly beautiful when a plan like this comes together so naturally.

Rarity couldn't take it anymore. She had to get out of this castle. Yes it was truly beautiful and the glamour was amazing, but there was nothing but that. Besides, she's never seen Cop up close and personal.

The halls were a treacherous journey. With Sweetie Belle on her hooves, she traveled them and eventually found her way to the foyer. Of course getting to the floor was hard. It was so far down. And stairs weren't Rarity's cup of tea.

During the descent, Rarity huffed and puffed. "Phew!" She exhausted. "These are a mighty flight of stairs, right Sweetie Belle? ... Sweetie Belle?"

"Hey, Rarity!" Rarity gasped and ran over to the protective railing keeping ponies from falling. She peered all the way down to the pony waving up to her from above. Sweetie was already on the bottom floor with Spike by her side. How'd she get down there so fast?!

"Sw-Sweetie Belle?!" She quickly picked up the pace and eventually made it to the bottom floor restless. She was beginning to get too old to be doing this. Running around chasing ponies. Pserateps have wings and could live for thousands of years. Rarity has magic she has never used for more than picking up and moving fabrics, diamonds, and her friends. She would sure croak if she went up those stairs one more time.

She walked over to Sweetie Belle and Spike with a slow pep in her step and asked, "How... How did you get down here so fast?"

Spike pointed to Sweetie and answered, "I flew her down. I couldn't bear to see my pretty diamond walking down a bunch of steps when she has a dragon to carry her."

Rarity was about to respond before she stopped and replayed what Spike said in her head. My pretty diamond. Rarity pointed between them and stammered, "Wait... Are you two... Dating? Spike, is this the mare you said you had a crush on?"

"Er...." He and Sweetie glanced at each other then back to Rarity's unreadable face.

"So you moved on from me ... To my sister."



Saved by the light of Dawn! Spike whipped around and eyed the purple princess rushing through the door with one of Arcadia's many Elite Guards behind her. "Drago" walked over and replied, "Hey, Fresh Dawn!"

Fresh Dawn slowed to a trot and held up a hoof for him to shake. She stammered loudly, "I'm! I'm! I'm turning five tomorrow!"

Spike softly shook her hoof and replied, "That's great! What's the first thing you're going to do?"

"I'm going to have Daddy bake me a cake!" She flapped her wings to hover up to Spike's face. Then booped him on the snout. "You're invited to my party!"

"Awesome! Thanks, Fresh Dawn! Can my girlfriend come with me?"

Rarity gasped from behind and yelled, "GIRLFRIEND?! Since when did you and my sister become an official thing?!!" Spike gulped and looked down to Sweetie Belle. Who in turn looked up to him. The Guards in front of Spike were either sucking in their lips to hold in their laughter. Or giving him a knowing wink. Great work, Spike.

Spike seethed and immediately scooped Sweetie Belle up. Then booked it for the doors. "Oh no you don't, you have a lot to explain, Drago!!" Rarity sped right past the Princess and followed them out the door. She seemed to have found her strength at Spike's little slip up.

Fresh Dawn watched them from afar before the doors shut. Then yelled after them, "Yeah, she's invited!!!" She didn't know who that mare was, but she seemed nice enough. So with that in mind, Fresh Dawn followed her Guard escort back to her mother. Daddy was doing something else today. That left only mommy! They were going to have loads of fun!

Dawn looked up to one of the Guards escorting her and asked, "Where's mommy?"

She looked down to the Princess and smiled. There was no way in the Underground that a sweet filly like this could cause any trouble. Her father says otherwise.

"Mommy's busy managing the country," she answered.

"Oh I know that. Where is she doing it from? I wanna go talk to her and tell her all about my day!"

"Okay, okay. Let's get you to mommy or whoever is watching you right now." Fresh Dawn quickly traveled behind her escort leader over to the elevator a few ways away. If mom wasn't on the bottom floor waiting for her then she might be busy. Or sad. Or mad!

The Guard pressed the button to summon the elevator doors to open. Then followed after Fresh Dawn after she rushed in first and pressed the button for the third floor. Finally the doors shut and they were on their way.

The ride up was silent. No elevator music or anything. Dawn's sudden sneeze made her escort team jump. She wiped her nose and whispered, "Excuse me."

The biggest Stallion in the back replied, "Bless you, Princess."

"Thank you!... Was that right?"

"Yes it was."

"Yay!" The elevator's doors slid open for the red carpet of the King and Queen's home. The third floor. The throne room, dining hall, Psera offices, everything King and Queen were up here.

Mom must've still been at work because there was a line up here of ponies that looked down to her when the elevator dinged open. Dawn smiled and waved with a greeting of "Hi! Hello!"

"Good afternoon, Princess!"

"How are you, filly?"

"Meecha Kee!" They parted to allow Princess Dawn and her escort team through for the hallway adjacent to the large throne room leading to the back. Her mother's office. Her mother was definitely there. They turned the left into the hall and into the back hall she's taken so many times. There she was. Mom was talking to Grandma Celestia, Aunt Luna, Aunt Caddy, and whoever that white pony with a curved horn was.

She rushed past her guards and cheered, "Mommy!!!"

Twilight looked down when Fresh Dawn pushed her way into her wings. There was the light of her life. Dawn's presence slapped a smile on her face and a quiver in her wings.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your day?" She used her magic to pull Fresh Dawn up to her face to plant a kiss on her horn. "Tell me everything!"

Dawn wiggled in her mother's hold and blew her red mane out from in front of her face. "I saw a moving shadow monster today!"

"...what?!" She looked over alarmed to one of the guards for an explanation. "What is she talking about?"

The medic mare that was there saluted and reported, "Princess Fresh Dawn and her teacher recalled a moving shadow in the classroom that we believe was a pony possibly looking in. Whatever it was, we're already conducting an investigation per procedure."

"Good. Let Lavender know that when something strange is spotted, check all visuals and obelisk readings just in case. Starting with this event. We never know when Maheera could make another move.

"Yes, ma'am."

Arcadia set Dawn on the floor and said, "Mommy is still working so you're going to have to stay with me in the throne room. Do you have any homework?"

Dawn closed her eyes and shook her head of hair. "I did it at school already," she replied.

"Okay. Come along."

Before Twilight and Dawn started walking, Celestia raised a hoof and volunteered, "I'd be happy to watch Dawn for you while you're finishing up."

Arcadia looked down to her daughter for a second. She was trustworthy. Not to mention sitting on the throne would bore Dawn immensely. She didn't like being bored and wouldn't be able to sit still.

"Are you sure, Celestia?" Arcadia asked. Then looked back up and added, "Dawn can be a wild little filly."

"Absolutely." Celestia walked over to Dawn and kneeled down to her level to smile into her eyes. "She doesn't need to be on the throne at this age. She wants to go and play. I'm sure Flurry is bored out of her mind and would enjoy a playmate."

Cadance actually couldn't deny that. Ever since they've arrived at the castle Flurry's just stayed in the room reading or something else. Cadance nor her father questioned it. She was her own pony after all.

Arcadia hummed down to Fresh Dawn then up to Celestia. Fresh Dawn again. Celestia once more.

"Well..." She stammered. Then sighed and decided, "Alright. I'll let you watch her until either Madun or myself come get her."

Dawn jumped up and cheered, "Yayyy! No boring chair!"

Arcadia leaned down and asked, "What do we say?"

"Thanks, Granny Celestia!"

Arcadia leaned down and kissed her cheek. Then gave her a gentle nudge on her butt towards Celestia. "Have fun, sweetheart."

Dawn rushed over to Celestia and hopped onto her back. Then with a nod to the Queen, Celestia, Luna and Cadance decided to leave her be. But Madam Singe stayed and just watched them go with a blank stare.

Arcadia glanced to her and queried, "Aren't you going to follow them?"

"Nope." She looked back down to Arcadia and added, "I have absolutely nothing to do today, so..."

"Actually..." Arcadia placed her hoof up to her chin and said, "You can help me with something. Dawn's birthday is tomorrow and we need supplies. Pinkie needs supplies. This is a big one. Do you have strong magic?"

Madam Singe nodded and swiveled her body to face her. She was asking her to do a big thing. "My magic is not as strong as your own, but I can still do basic skills," she answered.

"Her Majesty Molten Ice is helping out with the party for tomorrow, but she is having trouble getting a few supplies down from her floor. She wants to use the same supplies she used for Merry and Madun when they were Dawn's age. But she can't seem to get to them. I need you to go up to that floor and help her out."

"Alright. What floor is that?"

"The very top. Here." Arcadia walked over to a nearby assistant and asked them something. He nodded and reached into one of the bags on his back. He dug around and pulled out a single slip of paper that she took and walked back over with. Using her magic, a pen appeared in front of it so she could sign her name on a line. Then held it out for Madam Singe to take in her own magic. "This is a record giving you my permission to head up to her floor. It's the very top. She should still be in her room at this hour. If a guard stops you, just show them this document. They will let you pass."

Madam Singe nodded and replied, "Alright. Does she know the way to the... Oh who am I kidding, I really shouldn't be asking that question. How do I get to her floor?"

"The elevator, the very top floor. The elevator directly on the same hall as my office. Right there." Madam Singe nodded and started the trek before Arcadia called, "And Singe?"

Singe looked behind her and eyed Queen Arcadia's smile. "Relax. I notice you're really tense. You're safe here." Then she walked back through the doors with her assistants.

Madam Singe sighed and did just that. Although, she wasn't sure about that last bit. Psera was really strong. But that didn't mean everypony was really safe.

Author's Note:

How true is that last statement? Keep reading and find out? You guys are going to kill me after the next chapter.

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