• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 10 - Ready Arms

Celestia could feel how tense that made Twilight. And possibly Fresh Dawn since her snoring stopped. Twilight locked eyes with Celestia and practically stared through them. Celestia knew her student. She knew her well enough to know that Twilight was thinking. That amazing brain was processing. But processing what exactly? In mere seconds, Twilight sighed and looked back down to her filly. She was curled up in her hooves and sleeping peacefully.

"I... Promised that I would never house others here..." Celestia could feel she was going to say more. "I... l will speak with Madun when I see him. You are requesting an extremely big favor Celestia. But I understand why. Psera is the last known place on the globe unaffected by Maheera's Chaos. We haven't even seen her yet and she has taken over. But Psera knows about her. Who she is, where she came from, and are now looking for how to take her down, the upper hoof. And they house the only pony who can fight her."

"So there is a possibility?" Celestia whispered excitedly.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. But as you know, I need intelligence and more to proof your claims. You, myself, Luna, and Cadance all know something evil is out there. As well as the rest of the world. Except the citizens of Psera. They know nothing of this. And I would very much like it to stay that way. But we both know that's not an option. I can't keep secrets from my ponies. I will tell them what is happening. Give me up to four weeks. That is all I can do right now. Send for Ambassador Shimmer and Secretary Glimmer with proof of these claims and we'll move forward from there."

Celestia stood up and calmly approached her. "You. Have. No idea how grateful we all will be."

"I hope so. Honor and respect is huge in Psera tradition. I'll be watching South Neighton like a Hawk. How is my family?"

Celestia stopped beside Twilight and looked down at Fresh Dawn. "They are in Canterlot riding it out as best as they can. She's so precious." Celestia leaned down and almost unnoticeably nuzzled her head of orange-red hair.

"She's our little baby." They looked towards the door at the King of Psera. Striding in with a tired smile. "Hello, Celestia. How are my two girls?"

Arcadia smiled at him then focused back on her filly. Her hooves danced in her sleep when her father approached and kissed the side of her head. "Well one is asleep, and the other needs some. I'm glad you're here. Celestia was just telling me about an International Global Crisis." Twilight looked up and added, "That was mentioned in the Diary of Narmeelah."

"So you did read it." Madun leaned in and nuzzled Arcadia's cheek. "What is the crisis?"

"A foe Narmeelah fought in the past in secret has awoken. But Narmeelah hasn't, leaving everything vulnerable. The creature is the Original God of Chaos, and they wish to overwrite everything Narmeelah has ever created. So far they have taken over Breighton, South Neighton, North Neighton, Prance, Mount Aris and Seaquestria, Saddle Arabia, Hoof Yun, Zebrica, and The Forgotten Land. All by using a magic to overwrite the—I assume—body and mind of the citizens. I have yet to hear on the status of The Dragon Lands. All of this is mentioned in the Diary of Narmeelah.

According to her, the only safe place where her magic cannot reach... Is Psera. Whether literally or figuratively, I have yet to decipher. But either way, she never comes here."

They were in a real pickle. Madun's eyes narrowed and focused. He glanced up to Celestia. "And what of Equestria?" He asked.

Celestia answered, "It is beginning to crowd. Our magic does not hurt these creatures. Everypony is coming to Equestria since they have yet to attack there and they attack in hordes like animals. Now we're waiting for them to pour in from the sea."

Arcadia clarified, "That means when they attack, they are like dogs. Every three per one pony. Based on my estimates, IHT outnumbers them by a vast majority, but it would be pointless if magic doesn't hurt them, and a mere scratch and or bite changes them immediately."

Celestia added, "Magic is our number one weapon. But it has been taken from us. As of this moment, we are doing what we can but are indeed sitting ducks. Once they flood Equestria, every creature will be done for. Equestria is requesting Sanctuary in Psera."

Madun was about to say no. But after a quick thought, he understood. Equestria, the last known place in the world that was safe would eventually be over run and the world would lose. In a matter of a month from a threat no one knew about. Leaving Psera isolated. They were already alone but the Government had actually admitted that partnering with Equestria was actually quite pleasant. When they weren't shooting ponies with arrows.

Madun sighed and replied, "I will organize an Emergency Senate meeting at once. Send for Ambassador Shimmer and any other representative; Equestria needs their leaders." Madun leaned in to nuzzle his daughter and plant a kiss on her forehead. Then shuffled out of the room. "I'll see you back home, love."

"Okay." Twilight turned back to Celestia and nodded once. "We'll do what we can while you hold out as long as you can. Gather proof of these claims. We can't mobilize our military until then."

"I will. Thank you, Queen Arcadia." They shared one more nuzzle before Celestia shuffled off urgently after Madun. Arcadia watched her run out, dreading what would happen next. They will indubitably help them. Psera was kind, but definitely had a firm hoof. Will it be too late? Hopefully not. Arcadia knew Maheera's plan. She could see it plain as day. She was rounding them up, all in one place, fish in a barrel. Then once they were all there, she'd send the signal. They would all fall.

But why? It was a legendary move that she tried to use on Narmeelah over ten million years ago. It didn't work on her, the creator of everything. But the pony they needed to defeat her was asleep. Or gone. Now they need the descendant who holds enough power to defeat her. As well as a pinch of her magical signature to break through the creatures.

They needed Arcadia. The whole world does.

Twilight looked down at her daughter, sleeping peacefully in her hooves. She didn't want her growing up in a world where danger lingered right outside the country. The safest place at this moment were behind the Obelisks one hundred miles off the coast, filled to the brim with her magic and providing a possible gate. A pass that Maheera wouldn't and couldn't get through. It would be suicide. They could stay and hide here. But if they didn't fight, Maheera would build an empire around them. They needed to fight.

With a goal in mind, Arcadia stood up and made her way for the doors. But before she opened them, she stopped and glanced over her shoulder at her sword hanging on the wall. She had a nagging feeling it was going to see some use.

Dragons, Zebras, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Alicorns from the Forgotten Land. The Yaks' status was unknown. All riddling each and every city of Equestria. When Celestia said they were crowded it was true. The rooftops of buildings in all the cities were being used as makeshift homes. The Zebras were camping out. Twilight's friends could see the pressure all the way from in front of "Twilight's Castle", disguised as a glamour. But everypony in Equestria knew what was really behind that spell.

The Elements of Harmony and their friends were watching from in front of the disguised Embassy of Psera, observing all of the creatures moving around Ponyville from afar. The refugees were kept away from this area as far as possible. Even while things were hitting the fan, Psera was still kept secret.

Rainbow drafted a wing over Fluttershy, holding her close and cradling her with worried eyes on the town. As a Wonderbolt, she's required to assist in emergencies. But even while deployed she'd watch out for her friends.

Sunset Shimmer took on the responsibility of having the Element of Magic on her person in a saddlebag, as well as her communication journal. At all times. All of Twilight's friends were watching the madness with uncertainty. Within three days, all of the countries fled and stayed in Equestria.

Their armies were doing all the training and forging of weaponry as fast as they could. The Crystal Empire had been evacuated as a precaution. If those creatures and monsters managed to storm the Empire, everypony would be sitting ducks. Either face the monsters, or the bitter cold that would freeze them all.

The Crystal Heart was packed up, sealed and taken all the way to Las Pegasus with the Pserateps there for protection, leaving the empire to be overlayed with snow and ice. They were more than capable of assisting. But per the Psera-Equestria Trade Treaty weren't allowed to assist except through an executive order.

The Wonderbolts were offering their speed as lookouts to zip in and out of the border's airspace as fast as possible and report on the enemy's positions. They weren't moving. More like waiting.

Sunset turned to Rainbow and asked, "Any news?"

"They're just gathering on the border," she answered. "We're doing what we can. But everypony knows that without magic, we're done. Even Starswirl can't help us out here. Rockhoof unfortunately can't take down ten ponies at once without getting touched."

Applejack grabbed her stetson and slammed it on the ground. "Consarnit!" She yelled. Then took a calming breath and whispered, "We're done for."

"Not yet, my little pony." Everyone in front of the castle turned their heads around to Celestia who was walking out of the double doors. Smiling, she clarified, "Our friends overseas have summoned an emergency meeting with their Senate. But they need claims, evidence, and a story. Sunset Shimmer? The Royal Family calls upon you and Starlight Glimmer to attend. Grab the evidence and go."

Sunset and Starlight gasped and looked at each other. Then immediately took off for Ponyville. It wouldn't take much to grab evidence. It was flying through the air. Trixie raised a hoof and cried, "Do us a solid, Starlight!"

Rainbow turned to face Celestia and asked, "Can they help us fight these guys? I've seriously been waiting for some action from them."

Celestia sighed and answered. "It goes deeper than that. Our magic will not work on them... Because only Pseratep magic can."

Applejack zipped over and stated, "So they will help. Right?"

"Fifty-fifty. Yes or no. Hopefully, Queen Arcadia and King Madum can secure us a yes. They have substantial evidence that Psera is unfortunately involved. In this."

"How? What evidence?"

Celestia sat down and answered, "Narmeelah. You already know that she is the creator of Psera. But according to Twilight and everyone else there, Narmeelah is the creator of everything. All the land, water, everything. Equestria, Saddle Arabia, Mount Aris. The creature we are facing is an old enemy of Narmeelah. Nothing else can fight them but her. Discord called them, 'Maheera Dark. The original God of Chaos."

Rarity assumed, "So we're up against Discord's mother?"

"Not sure. But they're much more powerful. You'll need a surplus of magic to defeat her with a specific signature. Which means..."

"Twilight," Pinkie figured.

Celestia nodded. "Correct. The Pserateps, who gain magic from each other. And their Queen, who has even more magic than myself, Luna, Cadance, the Alicorns, everypony noticeable combined. Only Queen Twilight can fight her."

"Well where the buck is she?!" Rainbow shouted. She flew up and exclaimed, "We need her!"

Celestia shook her head and answered, "She didn't even know any of this was happening until this afternoon. When I told her. They just initiated an emergency meeting with the ponies who will decide Yes or No. It relies on every creature. Including Starlight and Sunset." They turned back towards the road that Sunset and Starlight were anxiously approaching from. "For now, we need to hold out as long as we can. Sunset? Starlight?" The two slid to an anxious stop at Celestia's hooves. "Please. Be convincing."

Sunset nodded and led Starlight through the Glamour. The Embassy looked strange. Really strange and not Equestrian. Behind the Glamour were an entire row of Elite Guard. Weapons out and ready. Unlike any of the other countries out there, theirs were like electrical crossbows. Small rotating cannons on the side of their bodies underneath the large wings fitted with extremely sharp blades. One of them even had a very long blaster-thing of some sort at the top of the building.

Starlight and Sunset shared a glance when they entered the Embassy. They really needed soldiers like that. It was no news that Psera was a military nation. Heck, Events at Eventa looked like a military base on its own. Same for the Castle.

They slowed their speed and walked towards a guarded door. Sunset and Starlight flashed their badges, earning a nod from the Guards standing in their common stoic positions. Given the green light, Sunset and Starlight opened the door for the Portal room and walked in front of the violet colored portal in the middle of a giant steel ring, reading "Psera" at the top. Arcadia had this made when the Embassy first opened. It's master connection was in Psera. If there was a threat in Equestria and Psera knew about it, the one there would be shut down, and this one would mirror it.

Sunset took a deep breath to gather her wits. Then opened her eyes and strode right through with Starlight into the International Embassy of Equestria. They knew the drill. The Guards there immediately barked, "Hooves apart, stand up straight, let's go."

Once patted down and hair checked, they were given the green light out of the Portal room and into the large offices. Like an office complex, the offices were placed in glass cubicles, sized to accommodate the wings of the Pserateps in here. The second floor was pretty much the same, along with the back that actually contained records and meeting rooms. The glass that made up the walls of the Embassy let in the heat and sunlight, blinding Sunset and Starlight. But they were more adapted to it, having been here on multiple occasions for visits and other things.

Pserateps of all forms strode around with papers and documents. Not many ponies knew of Psera in the world. Only Equestria. They watched them move around for a moment, long wings behind them. Starlight nudged Sunset, taking her out of her trance and into the present.

"Let's go," she said. Then shuffled off for the front doors at the end. Sunset huffed then walked across the glossy floors behind her. On the way, she happened to look up at the many LiVAMs attached to a few areas and regions that held the news talking about an Emergency Senate Meeting involving "The Diary of Narmeelah." Sunset bet her bits Twilight had it with her.

They exited the building into what looked like paradise. High buildings, tall palm trees lining the meridian of the streets packed with Pserateps driving Pods, ready to head home among the setting sun in a cloudless sky. "Hey. It's a Sunset, Sunset." Sunset sighed at the lame pun Starlight just told her from the bottom steps near the street.

She rolled her eyes and followed her once more to the crosswalk, waiting for the signal to cross to the other side with the other Pserateps ready to head home. They had to get to the Castle of the Gods, very suiting since they could see it's gigantic structure from this far away.

It took them five years to build this magnificent place. And it was open to the public with, of course Guards. Can't have the Royal Family and little Fresh Dawn in danger. She was just too cute to be in the middle of that.

They walked up and down the sidewalk, passing other Pserateps who eyed them briefly before moving along. These ponies have some serious wings, Starlight thought. She passed one whose were beginning to hit the cement ground like the Queen's. They stopped in front of an ice cream shop for a moment and peeked through the windows. They've only tasted the food here once and that was during the wedding months before all of that Cold War stuff started happening. Other than that, nope.

Tired of mentally savoring those delicious treats, Sunset poked Starlight and they were on the move again. After nearly getting hit by a Pod and ducking under a landing Pseratep, admittedly one of the most exciting instances in Sunset's life, they arrived at the magnificent Castle of the Gods, front packed with Press. Including other Pserateps wearing those lab coats and more. Some had on suits and ties. Whatever was happening, it involved S3, or whoever the heck managed all of this. Who were they anyway? Sunset knew for a fact that Twilight wasn't telling them everything about Psera. Like how they managed to create all of this stuff. There were ponies driving vehicles here, for crying out loud! Where do they even make those? They couldn't be in Merōl!

Starlight sighed and adjusted the badge around her neck. Then approached a security guard and held it up. "We're here for Queen Arcadia Nova's evidence during the Emergency meeting."

The Guard scanned the badge for a moment before utilizing his Comm Block and relaying, "We have two Unicorns from the International Embassy of Equestria who say they are with Queen Arcadia." He listened to the voice in his earpiece for a moment. Then responded, "Ten-four." He stepped to the side and gestured with his head for them to enter.

They quickly passed through the gates to the staircases leading up to the many doors inside, packed already. Sunset felt the tension in the air the second they walked past the other Government leaders into the magnificent and grand foyer of the Castle of the Gods. Sunset couldn't even see where they were going, it was so packed in there. Where's the organization?

"Hey, there's Gardeen Daisy," Starlight whispered in her ear. Then pointed towards the side where a white coated Pseratep with a silver mane was sitting. Starlight took the lead and made way over there, moving through the fast Pserateps. She was looking at a clipboard, checking off something before they blocked her light, grabbing her attention.

She glanced up to find the source of her disturbance. Then dropped her pen and greeted, "Hello, Ambassador Shimmer. Starlight. Her highness has been expecting you. She's in the Senate Hall already and told me to look out for you. How is everything?"

Sunset sighed and answered, "Honestly? Tense."

"I understand. Follow me." After tucking away her clipboard, she rose and made her way down the hallway towards the other Pserateps with Sunset and Starlight directly on her wings. "From what I was told," she whispered. "An imminent disaster is nearing our shores?"

Sunset shook her head and answered, "Not sure about Psera's borders. But it has already reached every other single nation. Countries all around have been taken over by some unknown force and we can't fight them because our magic doesn't affect them. Every creature except the dragons reside in Equestria now and we're surrounded. When they attack, everyone loses. We need Psera's help."

"And that's why this is an emergency, I see. Over here." Gardeen lead them down a hallway past two big and muscular Pserateps wearing Queen Arcadia's armor. The Arcadian Guard. A branch for the Elite that consisted only of the strongest of Pserateps. Like Pump-weight-everyday strong. Something Rainbow Dash would be into. Gardeen walked past them without a sweat while Sunset and Starlight were more careful. Man if Equestria had those guys with them it'd be over before it even started. They were matted down with stell, not a single piece of fur was out. Even their wings. It must've been difficult to fly.

Gardeen approached the door on the end and knocked calmly. "Enter," a calm voice responded. She twisted the door handle and stepped to the side, letting in Starlight and Sunset. Twilight was sitting in the middle of a waiting room speaking to Molten Ice.

In her hooves she held Fresh Dawn. Her first Granddaughter. Her little hoof was reaching up towards her chin and batting at it while her mother delivered instructions.

"Make sure she goes to sleep with Blue Sky." Using her magic, Twilight made the little doll in Fresh Dawn's hooves shake, pulling a bit of laughter out of the filly. "And that she gets her blanky. She can never go to sleep without her blanky and Blue Sky."

"I can too!" Fresh Dawn denied. "I'm a big Falafel, I can!"

"Filly, dear," Twilight corrected. "Make sure—"

"Twilight, Twilight!" Molten interrupted. She laughed and stated, "I've raised two foals already, I know what Fresh Dawn needs. Just do what you have to do for Psera. They're your children now too." She turned to Sunset and Starlight awkwardly standing by with Gardeen. "Hello, girls. How are you?"

"Tense," Starlight repeated. Then turned to Twilight and greeted, "Hey, Queen Twilight. Haven't seen you in a while. How's the mom and married life as a Queen?"

Twilight sighed and answered, "Stressful. How's Equestria doing so far?"

Sunset strode over and reached into her saddlebag with her magic, pulling out a card. "We're holding out, but every creature knows it's any time. We've lost a half of our troops to this army and we can't hit them. Only run." She hoofed the card over to Arcadia who took it in her own grip.

"So that's what Discord meant," Arcadia muttered to herself aloud. She sighed and turned back to her daughter. After a quick nuzzle and a peck, she stood up and told her, "I have to go meet daddy, okay? I promise I'll be back."

"Bye, mommy!" Fresh Dawn called. She wasn't worried. Dawn had Grandma Icy.

Arcadia smiled at her then walked towards the girls by the door. Sunset could just feel the magic pouring off of Twilight. It was as if she were getting stronger everyday. She may have been the same size of herself, but there were miles worth of raw magic in that itty bitty body, if not around it. Her wings dragging the long floor were a prime example.

"Let's go," Arcadia ordered them. She walked past and out into the hallway. "Milk, Molten!"

"I'll give her some," Her Majesty responded. "She's in safe hooves."

After they breached the hallway, the Arcadian Elite Royal Guard abandoned their post and followed after her. Those guys were like boulders rolling after Starlight and Sunset. They were just that big.

Everyone that were in the hallway earlier had vanished by now. Probably in that four-doored room they were approaching.

"Madun is already inside," Arcadia informed. She held up the card Sunset hoofed over in her magic and asked, "Everything is up here?"

"Yes," she answered. "I still have no idea how you guys make this stuff."

"It's a secret," Twilight responded. At least she was obviously honest.

The guards standing by the doors saluted then pulled them open to allow Queen Arcadia inside and everyone else with her. Just like Sunset assumed, all the ponies they saw in the hallway were in the Senate Hall. It looked like the throne room but with eight seats at the panel and elevated ones across. Like the Supreme Court on Earth.

When Arcadia stepped into the room, all conversations cut, everyone stood up and bowed deeply. Even the Pserateps on the Panel.

Upon entry Arcadia ordered, "You may be seated."

As instructed, the Pserateps all sat down and focused on her. She gestured for Sunset and Starlight to follow after her towards Madun. One of the ponies on the panel, a blue themed stallion greeted, "Good evening, your highness." Sunset recognized him as the same Pseratep who swore Arcadia to the throne so long ago.

"Good evening, Judge Berry. Thank you all for responding so quickly." She stepped into the middle of the floor while Sunset and everyone else stepped back where Madun was sitting. "First off, I want to thank everyone for attending at the last moment. But an emergency has come to my attention this afternoon from Princess Celestia, one of the ruling Princesses of Equestria. She has been burdened with the task of looking out for multiple nations at this very moment from a threat. Of Psera origin."

The hall erupted into chatter a little before one of the judges, a yellow one raised his hoof, silencing the hall. "Could you elaborate more, my Queen?"

"Early this week, I retrieved the famed Diary of Narmeelah, which revealed everything we theorized were inside after I opened it. As well as the fact that I am a descendant of Narmeelah herself. Thus giving me the ability to open the book. When I did, I read through every chapter discovered many things. Including my own name written in the book millions of years before I was even born. The story was that Narmeelah wasn't the only living deity. With Harmony and Peace, there is Chaos and Destruction. A balance of peace and harmony with disharmony and chaos.

"A being by the name of Maheera Dark, a secret foe of Narmeelah, sought to overwrite everything Narmeelah created. All creatures, lands, everything you can think of. But not Psera. Why, I'm not sure. But we were not in her eyes. Narmeelah describes Maheera in her Diary as a being of unnatural power, able to wield and control anything to her word and magicks. Her last entry being the night she disappeared. And hid the Diary."

"She hid the Diary?" One of the ponies behind her repeated.

"According to her words in the Diary," Twilight cleared her throat and recalled, "'This book holds the answers to the strength and reason for Psera. Even though I will slumber, I knew my vision will come true. And this book be found by the right one.' She hid the Diary and created a spell that put the both of them to sleep. Maheera and Narmeelah both. The reason I called this meeting is because Maheera Dark has awoken. Early this month, I visited Equestria incognito to keep Psera a secret in a meeting. In that meeting I learned that the lands were all experiencing plagues of unnatural causes.

"Plants were dying, fruit melted, trees coming to life in lands of no magic, like Saddle Arabia. Those lands were depending on each other to help. I even gave one some of my Starswirl the Bearded books to help in trade of the Diary. From what I was told, the spells did not work. Why? Because what was happening there in the Forgotten Land was of magic that no pony can heal. Except Narmeelah's magic. Psera Magic.

"Shortly after, as of three days ago, Mount Aris and Seaquestria were overrun by creatures of unnatural origins. Ambassador Shimmer delivered to me a recording of this event from the memory of a Hippogriff who claims witnesses the start." Twilight tossed the card Sunset hoofed over to her earlier in the middle of the floor and stepped back before it glowed and shot a beam of blue light into the air. Then split off diagonally, creating a light blue "V". In the middle was a recording from a memory of a Hippogriff running through the woods. Huffing and puffing. Pushing aside brush and branches.

"This is from the memory of a Hippogriff in one of the southern cities of Mount Aris," Sunset clarified.

The Hippogriff ran out into the clearing of a town, hustling and bustling. "Everygriff!" He shouted. "You have to run! you have to run now!!" The Hippogriffs there stopped and looked at him for a moment. Then continued what they were doing. "You don't understand!! Run!" He turned to the left and watched a foal, a filly walk towards the woods for a ball that had rolled over. Before something black like a shadow shot out and grabbed her. She screamed and flapped her small wings before the pony yelling ran over and grabbed a stick. Then hit the darkness with all he had. Once the shadow let go, he grabbed the filly and hightailed it back towards the shocked and screaming Hippogriffs.

"What is that?!!" One of them yelled.

"No questions, run! Run!" He turned to the left at a bunch of them who were beginning to turn around and fly away. But were grabbed by the shadow and taken into the woods. "NOOOO!" A few seconds later, they hopped back out. But they weren't the same. They looked like they were mish mashed of dangerous creatures. Creatures with sharp fangs and claws. It happened so fast. They immediately ran into the town and rained down on other Hippogriffs, changing them in mere seconds.

Guards there with spears rushed in and aimed. Then fired all they had. But just like Queen Arcadia stated, they had no affect on them. As a matter of fact, it just made them angry. So angry, they jumped on them and changed them too.

"Mommy!!" The filly screamed.

"Let's go, kid!" He took off into the sky with all the other Pserateps. Into the brown haze that had overtaken the entire sky as far as they could see. While in flight, he looked down at the trees and nature below, making out a whole lot of movement. As if an army were heading straight for the castle in the distance before the footage paused. The senate and judges muttered amongst themselves, making decisions already.

Arcadia stepped forward and said, "From what I assume, that was taken an hour or so before Mount Aris and Seaquestria flew the nest and now resides in Equestria. Alongside the inhabitants of Hoof Yun, North Neighton, South Neighton, Prance, Saddle Arabia, Zebrica, The Forgotten Land, and Breighton. Celestia has informed me that crowding is becoming a secondary issue and that these creatures and metamorphosed ponies now wait outside their borders, leaving them with no where to go and no defense. Celestia told me they have no idea why they're waiting. In Narmeelah's Diary, she wrote about this from one of her battles. As well as envisioned this very day. These very events. Maheera isn't scared to enter in. The only group not in there right now are the Dragon Lands. And once they all are, Maheera will strike. Caught between a rock and a hard place. They are surrounded entirely by creatures who can't be hit by Equestrian magic. But Psera doesn't use Equestrian Magic. That is why Narmeelah was able to defeat Maheera. Narmeelah was able to wield magic and use it to fight her. And defeat her time and time again. But now.. Narmeelah has spoken of me. From a piece of the diary..."

The doors to the side of the room opened, letting in those Pserateps in the lab coats. They pulled in a large pod thing on wheels, containing an old green book that Sunset and Starlight could make out. They stopped it in front of Queen Arcadia and typed in a code on a pad on the back. The airlock on it lifted, letting in the air with a very dramatic hiss. Once it stopped, they lifted up the glass lid and exposed the Diary to the elements once more.

After unlocking it, Arcadia opened the book to a certain bookmark and read it aloud. "'Dear Diary. I had another vision. This one more peculiar than the earliest. I have seen purple Crystal Obelisks surround my nation. Unbeknownst providing defense to my Pserateps, keeping Maheera shall she ever approach. They hold unimaginable power. I have seen the creator as the only one who can defeat Maheera. Her magic equal to my own. The only Pseratep who has a horn, such as my Unicorns. But wings for the love of Psera. The land she walks blooms with green. A descendant of thee with streaks of purple. Thy knowledge unbeaten, intelligence matches my own. My descendant of millions of generations. I have seen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour and Queen of Psera... Save my world.'"

The hall was silent. Even Sunset was shocked. Twilight lightly shut the book and stated, "Imagine my face when I read that. My name was in the Diary way before I was born. She knew Psera needed to help. And that the rest of the world needs it. Psera is more than capable of supplying assistance to these ponies who need it the most. I understand our reluctance to help any creature who approach our borders. We have families, have a great land with beauty and prosperity. Friends. A life here. We do not need attention, mysteries, rumors, or trouble. Their trouble. But unfortunately, this is our trouble too. This God of Chaos has come and attempted to take apart the world that Narmeelah created. For her own evil greed and ways. And the only ponies who can stop her... Are us. Psera.

"The ponies overflowing with more magic than anypony else. The only creatures with the magical signature of Narmeelah, giving them the ability to pierce Maheera's magic. And the strongest one here has the strength of hundreds of millions of us. They have asked us to please open our borders and provide sanctuary while we work out a plan. Now before anypony says no, let me tell you something. If we do in fact say no, those waters out there?" She pointed to a random spot. "Will be uninhabitable. Every creature out there will be against us. The pony who can control the sun will be the same pony who can and will destroy us, more than likely against her will.

"The only thing keeping them back will be the three hundred Obelisks filled with my magic and the armies we have here. But at the end of the day, we'll know that we can never leave Psera, and we will be constantly under threat once again, such as over twenty thousand years ago. Because every creature out there is waiting for the chance to take us down. And sadly the only pony who can take them down... Is me."

Once again silence. Even Madun was considering the possibilities from what Starlight could tell. They all knew what Arcadia was asking. Authorization to open the borders. To let in ponies from all over the world. All gathered in Equestria. But would they say Yes? Or no? Arcadia turned to Starlight and Sunset and gestured with her head for the door. They knew what that meant. It was time to head back home. And hope for the best. The case would more than likely be opened and a decision will be made to push aside a centuries-old law: Keep away from other nations.

While Starlight and Sunset were dealing with everything overseas, Celestia flew back over the crowded land of Ponyville from the Embassy of Psera, dotted with creatures and ponies of all kinds towards Canterlot. The road that lead up to the city and the green lands besideit were packed with Zebra and more. All the way to Canterlot, where more ponies stayed. So much that chariots and more were restricted to avoid any possible conflict. Just like during the plague they held here in the past.

Once Celestia was at the castle, she landed on her bedroom's balcony and walked inside. Her bedroom was pretty. She had a feeling it wasn't going to stay that way. Just in time, Luna teleported into the room with a look of urgency.

"Sister, the Changelings," she said.

"What about them?"

"Both kinds, Thorax's and Chrysalis' have arrived to take up refuge. They are situated in Ponyville."

"I saw, now what is wrong?" Celestia trotted past and made way for the door.

"Psera was attacked by Changelings. There is no way they'll—"

"They will, Luna," Celestia interrupted. "This is Psera, ruled by Queen Arcadia. Twilight. She would never leave a pony behind. Queen or not, harmful or kind. How are the rest of the rulers?" Celestia opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, followed by Luna. If her hunch was correct, everyone important was inside of the cafeteria.

"Madam Singe continues asking for 'The filly.'"

Celestia grumbled and stated, "She is beginning to eat at my nerves. The others?"

"Every creature is asking for Twilight. I told them she is not available. How did the talks go?"

Celestia walked eagerly down the hall with Luna right behind her. "She wants her parents evacuated there as soon as possible. And has summoned an emergency meeting with their Senate Hall. I know they are upset with us right now. But the rest of the world is going down soon. It's been three days. We need everything we can get to. Any news on the Dragon Lands?"

"None. Dragon Lord Ember is watching over her father, who is saying he can handle these creatures on his own. The poor fool."

Celestia rolled her eyes and stopped in front of the Throne Room where the Royals and defense set . "He's too big. He won't be able to see them, let alone know when they bite."

"His pride shall be his biggest folly."

Celestia couldn't have said it better herself. She pushed the doors open and walked into the room. Everyone was bickering and arguing. Saddle Arabia was doing what they could to keep the peace, but North and South Neighton were at it again. What surprised Celestia the most was when she spotted Dragon Lord Ember on the side, claws crossed and watching the back and forth with her staff in hand.

"Ember?" She asked. Ember looked her way. "When did you arrive? Luna?"

"I just got here," she answered sadly. "My father's been bitten, as well as five more major dragons. We had to evacuate as soon as possible. Where are they coming from? They just appear out of nowhere."

Celestia sighed and answered, "I have a feeling we'll soon find out."

Celestia sat down at her throne and got comfortable for a moment. Haakim asked, "Where is—"

"Twilight is still unavailable. But she knows the situation and is putting together a solution as fast as she can. You must be patient. Believe in Twilight, she knows what she is doing."

"I find it hard to believe Twilight can figure this out," Ember stated. "I mean yeah, she's really smart. I'll give her that. But everything here is about unknown magic. And from what I can tell, this isn't even dark magic these creatures are using. I've never seen it before."

"Neither have I," Chancellor admitted. "But we have to do something, and fast. The last country to hold out was the Dragon Lands. Now every creature is here. Without a possible defense that can hurt these monsters. It happened so fast."

Celestia wanted to tell them to not give up hope. But she knew that'd be futile. So she only sighed and folded her hooves in front of her face, eyes on the map of the lands they had on the table. All the known lands were scratched out, leaving only Equestria in the middle. And unbeknownst, Psera. The unmapped land on the far left.

Come on, Twilight.

After Sunset Shimmer left, so did Twilight with her husband and Guards. They really didn't need to do anything. They saw the proof, the evidence, and the story. Twilight just needed to seal the deal which would take a few weeks. Hopefully, everything would work out in their favor in time. Twilight would really hate to have them fall victim to this enemy of Psera, and not do a thing. She loved her country. But those ponies out there did not deserve this. None of them do. Even Madam Singe.

While they walked side by side, Madun sighed and stated, "I don't want you going out there. I know that's what you're going to do."

Arcadia closed her eyes and sadly nodded. "I know. I don't want to either. I want to stay here with my country, and my family. Especially Dawn. But you and I both know that without me, all of those ponies will fall. In one week. I can easily get us there. But it will not be easy to get out. Those are a lot of creatures. Add that to the fact we have to secure them here on Psera and the dangers the transportation poses, if the Senate does in fact say yes. Eventa is not an option. But there are gray areas between the lands we can have them stay at. Not much really happens there. We can have them stay there. Seen to by medical professionals. But of course our resources will come at a cost because I have to create them to keep our economy stable. Food, water, all of it I have to create. And those are a lot of ponies."

"I know you can do it. Because you're Twilight Sparkle." He held out a hoof, stopping his wife in her tracks. With a smile, he said, "You've overcome so many obstacles without magic. I know for a fact you can do so much more with it."

Twilight smiled and blushed. She glanced away to avoid his loving eyes. "Thanks, firehead."

"You're welcome, my love." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. Then followed her down the hallway where his mother watched over their slumbering daughter. Hopefully everyone else can get a good night's sleep tonight.

3 Weeks Later

Sunset could barely sleep a wink. Her room was inside the Embassy with the rest of the Elements of Harmony. While Starlight and Applejack with her sister snored from next door, both sides, she lied awake, eyes on the ceiling with her hooves outstretched from her barely covered body. The room was dark and quiet, save for the ticking of the clock over her desk.

The dragons have arrived. They were all rounded up. They were ripe for the plucking. And Twilight still hasn't responded yet. It's been three weeks. According to Luna, things were becoming tense in the castle and they were doing everything they could to keep the rulers from sending out an executive order in IHT to apprehend Twilight. Which meant the Guards would stride right over here and force their way in. Thankfully they were holding out.

But there was good news, if not absolute. Every now and then, Twilight would tell Sunset what was happening in Psera. Just like it was expected, this whole thing was a huge major deal. It was capturing the eyes of every single Pseratep there. Each time an update came on the Nation was silent. Nopony talked save for the senators and their rulers. They were small and simple ones, but they held a lot more meaning.

One sixths of the house voted for weaponizing Equestria to defend themselves, but were then compromised with the fact it would take forever to teach them how to use them. Two thirds voted for a spy to fly in and see what was really happening, but were then countered that it would take too long and there was no telling when the "Infected" would attack, as they called them. Then finally, they settled on arming Aquatas with batteries of Arcadia's Magic to supply defense off the borders. That was currently pending.

Sunset rotated her head towards the journal sitting on the mahogany desk. It's been silent. No vibration. Nothing. Sunset sighed and looked back towards the ceiling. Would they rip her apart and put her back together? Or would they give her some options? Knock out, ripped up, stitched together, then back in one? Maybe.

Sunset sat up and got out of bed for the bathroom. She had to go something fierce. Like a bubble about to burst. She was halfway to the zenith of relief when a vibration reached her ears. She froze all movement for a moment. Then slowly turned her head back towards the book.

It was vibrating. The bathroom suddenly lost interest in Sunset's mind. Using her magic, Sunset grabbed the book and brought it to her face. Then gulped down that fear and flipped it open.

Author's Note:

Oh boy. 'nuf said.

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