• Published 17th May 2019
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Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 16 - Trouble On Paradise

There was a night shift. A night patrol. Queen Novo didn't know how she was going to sleep tonight, but there would be a way. Skystar was already knocked out with a few of the Hippogriff guards in front of the bays. And a few more ponies followed her example. The sun had barely set, but it had been a very troublesome and tiring day. A very hectic one. At least she thought so.

While her daughter slept and a majority were quiet, Queen Novo decided to go where the others were speaking by a door. Luna, Cadance, Celestia, Thorax, Singe, Ember, and even Queen Farue of Breighton. Novo could have sworn that pony was on a different boat. They were in some type of discussion with Celestia once again by the time she arrived.

Chancellor asked her, "How have we never heard of Psera before? It would be hard to miss ponies of this size."

Celestia shook her head and replied, "I'm afraid I cannot answer that question. The only one allowed to answer that would be Queen Arcadia. I am not authorized."

Novo looked around the hangar at the mention of the name. Then asked, "Speaking of, where is she?"

Cadance pointed up and answered, "The last we heard, getting some fresh air on the upper deck. She became heated earlier and needed it. I don't believe she wishes to be disturbed at the moment."

Luna glanced up and commented, "She sure has been up there for quite a while."

Celestia hummed. Whatever happened must've really gotten to her. But Twilight wasn't even really on the boat. She was once more in Psera.

After a notice from inland sent to their Aquata, she told the Admiral she was going off-site for a while. Her Majesty and a few more ponies wanted to meet with her about an urgent matter. One of the best things about being an Alicorn-Pseratep was the time it took to appease their wishes. A simple portal spell and a few hoofsteps forward, she was once more in front of the situation room. Her Majesty, Secretary Manny, Bright Gold, the Chiefs of Police in the city-states, and a few more were with her, along with generals and staff.

Molten was wearing an older golden crown that had a veil of some sort over her face, littered with sparkling gem dust. Not to mention the rest of her. Where in Psera was she going at seven in the evening?

When she walked in, Arcadia bowed to Her Majesty, who in turn bowed back. "Good evening, your Majesty," she greeted.

"Good evening, Queen Arcadia." After rising, Molten said, "We have a situation here in Psera that may impact the safety of our arriving guests."

"How so?"

"A rumored threat is circulating through the cities by mail. It was intercepted at six and was brought to our attention. Some citizens have agreed to allow the ponies peace and enable the law to handle them. But others do not and appear to declare the law weak and soft. Each City-State's governor has received this notice."

Arcadia hummed and asked, "So what is the issue?"

"They don't want them on the land. And some Pserateps tend to take matters into their own hooves, if you catch my drift."

Bright Gold commented, "Serl is also a little fearful of these ponies you are bringing to Psera. What type of creatures are we dealing with?"

Arcadia motioned with her head behind her and conjured another portal. "It is better if I show you. Last I heard a majority were sleeping."

Her Majesty stood up first and walked around the table followed by everyone else. Once they were ready, Arcadia calmly led them through the portal and out onto the forward deck of Aquata Zero pointing towards Psera. The taste of salt hit their tongues and the air's humidity grew thick. The wind blew back their manes and tails.

Night had fallen by this point, urging Twilight to light her horn and observe. It was hard to see through the darkness that is the sea, but Twilight motioned to the left and right of her. The party followed her wings and made out the flashing lights of the Aquatas around them.

"At the moment we have three Aquatas full of foreigners out of the many we have out here. A total of two million. That may seem like much, but Maheera has her claws on three fourths of each nation, whom I will show you to."

At that they began walking again towards Aquata Zero's entrance. The Guard up ahead opened the door leading into the Aquatas clean steel halls and saluted when they passed. Then closed and sealed them in when they did.

From behind the Queen, the Chief of Homeland Security asked, "Are any of them residing in Cop?"

Arcadia shook her head and answered, "At this moment, I doubt any of their civilians will be. Madun and I would like them rounded up in one area. But if there are any it would be their rulers and military leaders. They would provide great insight into what we're dealing with so they need to be close."

Her Majesty asked, "Do any pose a possible threat?"

Arcadia stopped and thought for a moment. Then nodded, "Yes. Changelings."

While Twilight was missing, Celestia decided to get some insight thoroughly on Psera through a pony who was conveniently, and awkwardly nesting in a nest made of fire directly above their circle, mistaken for a light. She was possibly authorized to speak about it. And there was still so much they didn't know about it.

"Odega," Celestia whispered. "Could you come down for a moment please?"

Madam Singe looked around and was about to ask who she was talking to when a tired voice greeted from above. "Celestia, I swear, this better be good or so help me there will be a burned patch on your tail in the morning." They looked up at the "light fixture" above and the tiny phoenix head made of fire peeking out from above it. A talking Phoenix. Well that's a new one.

Celestia explained, "We need info on Psera. Is there anything we need to look out and be prepared for?"

Odega rolled her eyes and clumsily fell out of the nest onto the floor by her back. Cadance grimaced before she then burst into flames, back into the fire maned mare she once was, as if she was there this whole time. Technically she was.

Ignoring the scared face of Madam Singe she nodded and answered, "Well I'm sure you ponies know this, but I'm going to repeat it for those that don't. Psera is a pretty peaceful land full of dashing flowers, an insanely large Castle, and real estate you wish you could own, let alone build. I have a feeling none of you will be living in them.

"But while everything is pretty, there are some ugly spots too. Lavender is a military base, but also a city. It is a city plagued with nothing but military, and that is where we will more than likely be docking. So the ponies there will be keeping a really close eye on you." Odega leaned in really close to Cadance's face. Then backed away and continued. "Some ponies may like you, but I find that hard to believe. They'll give you a chance, but at the end of it all, they're doing it for the King, the Queen, and the whole Fire Family."

Consort Snow leaned in and whispered in his foreign tongue, "The... Fire... Family?"

Celestia answered, "The Fire Family is the Royal Family Queen Arcadia married into. They are the rulers of Psera and are really serious when it comes down to these matters."

Luna pointed out, "Especially Merry Fire, believe it or not. She may seem ignorant at times, but she's definitely stern."

"And Her Majesty. King Madun is the more calm side of things while his wife, Queen Arcadia is a mix of both. Calm, and firm."

Odega nodded and whispered, "Now while Queen Arcadia can enforce a temporary law providing you protection, some ponies may find it funny to... Make some things happen. That's just how Psera is. When it comes down to our land, we're really, really selfish."

Celestia nodded and whispered, "I can vouch for that."

"Not to mention Psera has a past of war and action they wish to never participate in ever again." Odega waved her wing around their environment and added, "There hasn't even been any action involving the Aquatas before Equestria's steel trade many few years ago with Psera."

Celestia found the slicing at her neck to be utterly helpless and just stopped to a sigh. Twilight was right. She talks too much. Queen Novo glanced to Celestia with her eyebrows raised and repeated, "Steel trade? That explains a lot."

Cadance nervously chuckled and stammered, "O-Odega, what else should we be wary of?"

Odega rolled her eyes and sang, "Well... The extremists. You know, like the pony who hurt Arcadia? On her wedding day?" Celestia sighed and facehoofed while the others gasped. "Yeah, he may not be affiliated with them, but it's not uncommon for things like that to make the front page. As long as you don't ever, ever, and I mean ever bring that up you'll be solid.

"I can tell you right now there's going to be some work going around to keep the economy rolling solid. Farming, engineering, things like that. Money needs to flow. And as long as you're staying on their land, they're going to make you work. But at the end of the day, everyone is rewarded with a safe, happy, and healthy life."

"Is there anything else?" Cadance inquired. She had a feeling there was.

"Well besides trying to understand the Pseratopian tongue, which I guarantee you will all fail at, there are areas you will more than likely be restricted from. Such as the... Oh." Odega glanced up to the walkway covering them above. She cowered down and whispered, "I think we should stop this conversation. Like, right now."


"The big crowns are here." Celestia didn't know what she meant until a lot of hard hoofsteps from above made her and the company's ears twitch. Celestia slowly tilted her head up and watched the shadows dance from the passing ponies.

"So... Changelings? Why are they here?" Cadance shared a glance with Luna and Celestia. Then at Thorax who had a confused look on his face. That was Her Majesty Molten Ice. What was she doing here?

Queen Arcadia answered, "As I told the Senate in the past, there are two kinds of Changelings. One I like to call Changed-lings, and the other I call Changelings. Those are the ones that caused us trouble in the past, and the ones my Guard are keeping an extremely close eye on. I'm sure you know I would never leave any creature behind, as long as they're not Infected. Even... The Changelings."

Her Majesty lifted the veil from over her face and approached the rail over the ponies below. Her eyes scanned the still crowd of colors while Twilight flanked her right and delivered information. "The creatures on these Aquatas are the Hippogriffs, Seaponies, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, Alicorns, and Pegasi from North Neighton, South Neighton, Prance, Equestria, Saddle Arabia, The Forgotten Land, Breighton, and Dragons from the Dragon Lands. The Dragons are tough. But they aren't fast. I heard absolutely nothing about the Yaks or Zebras. I believe they are lost."

"Don't Dragons burn things?" Her Majesty deadpanned.

Arcadia nodded and answered, "Yes they do. And they like to break, smash, overall damage. I have the perfect job for them back home. Their scales are impervious to heat."

"The task would save us millions of shims," one of the Generals said from behind.

Arcadia nodded and added, "As well as labor. Some ponies in that department are working themselves to sleep in there. The only issue with the dragons concerns me greatly."

Molten glanced her way and asked, "What would that be?"

"Food. Dragons eat gems." They all glanced her way then back towards the dragons in the corners. One of them, Garble was munching on a sapphire of some sort that confirmed her claim. "And they are hoarders. Psera is a land of luxury."

"So definitely keep them away from RayRay," Molten suggested.

"Without delay. Now about the Alicorns from The Forgotten Land. They do not hold nearly as much magic as myself or even Celestia, Luna, or Cadance combined. And are about the same as a regular pony in Equestria. But their ruler is... Strange." Celestia, Luna, and Cadance smirked and glanced to King Chancellor holding a deadpan expression. "He tried to flirt with me. I of course turned him down, I am a married mare and a mother."

"Ugh, despicable. Shall he be taxed for disrespecting her highness?"

"No need. Madun will see through to him. He did not know."

"When did this happen?"

"At the summit. The Princesses warned me about him. Such a dirty pony. I'm happy Madun wasn't there, he would've pummeled him as if he were a test dummy in Lavender." King Chancellor turned to Celestia and Luna while Odega was struggling to contain her laughter. "Him and the other leaders are around somewhere. The only pony I have an issue with at the moment is Madam Singe." Singe glanced to Celestia, who glanced right back. Twilight was on to her. And now they both knew it for a fact.

Molten backed herself away from the rail and made way for another direction on the steel walkway that was over the ponies and creatures with the rest of their party. "Yes, Merry told me about her. Said you nearly had a conniption in her library."

"I almost had a conniption in that room," Arcadia corrected. "My guards did an excellent job keeping themselves in check. I know Dark Silver was anxious to cause pain. Let alone Captain Sword. Even sweet Gardeen was ready to pounce. I am happy to report they remained professional."

Her Majesty stopped directly above the center where Rainbow Dash was sleeping on a cloud. Madam Singe poked her head out and gazed up to the Great Queen. She looked really intimidating. Not too intimidating where ponies would want to definitely stay away, but with all that gold and the ponies behind her with long wings, she clearly held a lot of power.

Celestia leaned down to her level and whispered, "Her Majesty Molten Ice. The Great Queen of Psera. She holds a lot of respect in Psera and is the mother of King Madun, and Mother-in-law to Arcadia Nova. The former Queen of the country for many centuries."

Odega proudly trotted out from underneath the cover of the walkway and transformed into a small phoenix to fly up to their level. Her Majesty spotted her soaring their way and smirked. "Well, well, well!" She greeted at the same time Odega landed on the railing in front of them. "If it isn't Merry's friend!"

Odega bowed with a spread of her wings and greeted, "Hello, your majesty. Been awhile."

Molten reached out and petted Odega on the top of the head. "Hello, Odega. How are you?"

"Burning alive."

"Make sure you get some water. I take it you met Queen Arcadia, Saviour of Psera."

Odega rose back up and nodded. "Oh yeah, we met. I also met her band of refugees. I was told Maheera's awake. I haven't seen the damage yet, but there is definitely something going on if that one is winded." She pointed down to Rainbow Dash through the steel.

Molten hummed and stated, "I see these ponies are riding along again."

Arcadia nodded and answered, "Yes. I hope they have the Elements of Harmony with them, it may be of good interests. And if they do, they will be held in the castle where we can keep an eye on them."

"If they are weapons, I recommend they be held in Lavender. That reminds me." She turned to face Arcadia. "Are there any magical items we need to know about?"

"Besides the Crystal Heart and the Elements of Harmony, I will have to ask their leaders. We also have the package for you, Bright Gold."

Bright eagerly walked forward from the back of their ground. She nodded and asked, "Where is it?"

Twilight lifted one of her large wings towards the open port bay the walkway was pointing towards. Portraying the over Aquatas. "All fifteen are in Aquata Eleven. Fourth level. They'll be taking a different route for the far side of the continent once we reach Psera by connecting with another Aquata. I'll be doing a check tomorrow morning. Now as for our obstacles. I have predicted Mahloo and Marloo to arrive early in the morning, we passed Odega earlier on as you can see, and later on tomorrow night we should reach the Obelisks. Then later the next evening, we should reach Psera. But something has me concerned. Where is Maheera?"

Molten repeated, "Where is Maheera?"

Arcadia nodded and clarified, "I could tell just by how she rounded up those ponies below us back on Equestria, she wanted them. Nothing else, just them. But when we extracted them, she didn't even give chase. She just... Let us go. I mean yeah, I knocked her to the side, but she still would've followed into the waters. She would've caught up to us as fast as we sped away. So why didn't she follow? A giant Draconequus of that size would've caught up."

Molten hummed and looked back down to the ponies. She had to admit, that seemed a little fishy. Arcadia was right, like always. If she was as big as described, she would've caught them in less than thirty seconds.

"I'm not sure, Queen Arcadia," she answered. Her sights were directed back up to her violet eyes. "But just in case, we'll have more Aquatas waiting at the entry point near the Obelisk line. Just make sure she can't get back to Psera. And please..." She wrapped a hoof around Queen Arcadia and delivered her a hug. "Make sure you get home."

"I will," she whispered. They pulled back but kept one hoof on the other's. "We'll deal with everything once we get across these waves and to Psera. We will figure this out. Meanwhile, I'll be researching my Obelisks and their magic to guarantee Maheera can't get through."

"Do you require any assistance?"

"No, not at the moment. But I will let you know when I require something. Is there anything else?"

Molten turned her sights to Bright Gold and motioned to Arcadia. She cleared her throat and explained, "There is one thing. It's about the... BG."

Ah, yes. The BG. Arcadia nodded and motioned back towards the door leading into the rooms. Then led everyone around towards it. Top Secret matters, nopony else were allowed to hear this. Those on the ground watched them leave in silence.

Odega flew back down and transformed into her pony self. She pointed to King Chancellor and stated, "For real though? You're a dog. Stop it."


Arcadia led them to Aquata Zero's situation room, the same one the rulers and Element Bearers were in that morning. Once the door was closed she said, "This is the best place to have this conversation." She gestured to the chairs while she sat in her own, followed by everyone else. "Now. What about the Blue Gold?"

Bright Gold cleared her throat and excused herself. "Sorry, I have a throat thing going on. So far, our efforts to discover the developmental process has been inconclusive save that it grows underground. But we believe at SERL believe Narmeelah created it for a reason and it may have something to do with what is happening right now. The Blue Gold gives off a sort of harmful ray of energy that diminishes when it turns into regular gold. It doesn't hurt us too much, but it does leave the body aching after twenty minutes of being around it. It does it to animals and Pserateps alike. Which would explain the legend of Narmeelah."

"Er... I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand," Arcadia stammered.

"Maheera never came to Psera because of the Gold. The land is made of it, but it all starts at the Blue Gold stage. It's highly dangerous to her. We're not sure if it will harm the dragons, but if it does, we'll have a big problem on our hooves."

"As if we don't already," Arcadia groaned. "Are there any other side effects?"

Bright Gold shook her head and answered, "Not at the moment, we're still doing research. King Madun has already been informed of this information."

"Okay. Then... Hmm..." An idea crossed Arcadia's mind. It was crazy and might not work. But it was worth a shot. She blinked at the blank wall across from her and focused back on Bright Gold. "Actually, while you're doing that, you could sneak in one more item to study with it. Earlier, Odega told me something that scared me. Maheera can't be defeated because her weak point has a defensive scale over it. Reason why she was instead put to sleep multiple times, only to awaken once more. Maybe those scales are vulnerable to the Blue Gold, which would explain why she never came to Psera."

"And why she's not following the Aquatas?" Molten assumed.

Arcadia nodded and answered, "Possibly. I'm not too sure about that since Equestria's coast is nearly five hundred miles away. It wouldn't hurt her this far out. There may be another reason. Until then, I suggest we request for a few scale samples from the dragons. Hopefully Ember's awake." Arcadia stood up and made way for the door. "I'll be back."

Once out in the hall she walked through and to the doors. Then through those and back onto the walkway. She lifted her Comm Block and ordered, "Can someone get Dragon Lord Ember up here please?"

While the Guards were doing as asked, Arcadia kept her eyes on the ponies below, specifically Rainbow Dash. She was snoring logs on that cloud of hers. ...cloud...

"That's it," she whispered. Arcadia made a mental note to request a census in the morning. How many Pegasi were on these Aquatas?

"Queen Twilight! You requested me?" Dragon Lord Ember landed on the steel walkway next to her. Then shot her with a dashing smile. Poor Spike. He would be leaving Rarity for this one soon.

Arcadia casually yawned and turned her way with her own. "Good evening, Ember. My team and I believed we may have found a way to affectively attack Maheera, but we need some scales."

Ember raised an eye and repeated, "You need... Dragon Scales?"


"Well... Alright." That was a pretty strange request, but everything going on right now was. Ember reached up to her left shoulder and ripped off three scales. They'll pretty much grow back overnight.

Arcadia grimaced and asked, "Doesn't that hurt?"

Ember shrugged and presented the scales. "It's a pinch." If she says so.

Arcadia brought the scales up to her face and observed them closely. At the surface shining with a beautiful luster and the rough lining. "Alright. Thank you, Ember." Then turned around and walked urgently back into the hall. After this, she was going to sleep. In the morning, they were encountering Mahloo and Marloo. Based off the diary, she needed more energy for that more than anything.

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