• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 99 – Destiny


The Nation of Wakanda

12:48 a.m.

The first thing Thanos felt when he placed the Soul Stone on his gauntlet was the pain. It flushed across the Infinity Gauntlet, consumed his entire forearm and infected every fiber of his skin, his mortal body, and his mind in a rainbow of veins. Thanos clenched both fists, crying out to the skies as that power fused with him, as the energy of all six Infinity Stones now merged with his very being. Never once had there been someone who had the will or the strength to wield all six infinity Stones. The pain that came with it, the weight, the burden that he held was insurmountable.

That’s all Thanos felt for seconds on end, just the pain.

Then everlasting bliss.

When the agony flushed away, all that was left on Thanos was his original state of being. He breathed steadily, slowly turned his gaze to the Infinity Gauntlet. There it was, proud and bright in the heart of the Gauntlet for all the universe to witness. But only Thanos, for the moment, saw it. He saw the Soul Stone large and bright upon the face of the Infinity Gauntlet, joining the five others in a plethora of lights. It was done. It was finished.

Thanos gasped, hardly even believing it.


He knew that cry by now. Turning to it, Thanos watched as all eight mares and that young dragon descended from the peak of Mount Bashenga, reaching the base where Thanos stood alone. As they all slid to a stop—mainly the leading six with the other three standing back—each mare was breathing as heavily as they could manage, their wide and horrified eyes latched with the Gauntlet and all six Stones resting on it. Twilight Sparkle, most of all, appeared to be hanging by a lone grip off that edge, just one more push being all that it would take to cause her to fall.

But right then she stood. She stood her ground and shot out her wings, that terror in her eyes transfusing into something powerful. Something determined. Something that wouldn’t quit even when it was over. It was all over. But still, Twilight refused to believe that. That fight, that resistance, it still burned strong within her. Thanos stood in silence, lowering his arms to rest by his sides so he could stare at her with his guard lowered. Just for a moment. Just to see what she would do.

What she said was, “It’s over… Thanos.”

Her breathing was so ragged Thanos could have sworn she was fighting for her life, nearing that never-ending pit to oblivion. Her will and determination was what sparked his interests, lowered his guard, and allowed her to speak and act freely before him. And Thanos didn’t stop her. He wanted to see it for himself.

Laying out his arms, palms open wide, Thanos whispered, “Then finish it.”

That’s exactly what they did.

Twilight shut her lips and grit her teeth, closing her eyes as the Element of Magic sparked to life upon her tiara. Pinkie Pie slowly shut her eyes, her bouncy mane swaying in the cold, cold wind as her Element of Laughter burned. Applejack lowered her hat nearly to block her eyesight, her hoof gracing her Element of Honesty and lighting it up a bright orange. Fluttershy kept her wings tight to her body, a quiet whimper leaving her heart as she shut her eyes and touched her necklace, the Element of Kindness shimmering a soft pink. Rarity was next, her breath shivering as she forcefully closed her eyes and touched her necklace. The last thing she saw was the Mad Titan before that brightness of her Element of Generosity filled the air. Finally, Rainbow Dash extended her wings, holding that glare and that frown as her eyes closed tight and her Element of Loyalty burned bright.

Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike all slowly backed away once more, watching their closest friends rise forth from the world. The magic began, birthed out of nothing and swirling around all six Elements of Harmony. All six mares that held them. They hovered forth and kept their eyes shut as that magic infused each Element. Sunset witnessed it all—flashes of memories when Twilight did the same thing to her to rid Sunset of the She-Demon entering and leaving her for good. A shrill cry came forth from her geode, but Sunset didn’t hear it. She stared only to them, the increasing wind circling the six mares and whipping Sunset’s mane wildly across her awe-stricken face.

Countless memories filled each pony. The time they first entered the Everfree Forest on a quest to find the very Elements they wielded, the moment they all came together to defeat Nightmare Moon once and for all was the first thing each of them saw in that darkness. Applejack flinched at that. Then came forth the memory of each one of them losing themselves, coming back together and defeating Discord, trapping him in that stone prison for what they believed would be the last time. Fluttershy winced, holding in her whimpers. When their cutie marks were swapped, their destinies changed, all for Twilight to earn her wings thanks to the magic from the Elements that consumed her followed. Rarity shivered. The moment they gave up those very Elements to the Tree of Harmony to save Ponyville from the foreign infestation came next, Pinkie Pie gasping for air. Then that magic from the Tree, birthing the Rainbow Power that defeated Tirek and sent him back to Tartarus, was what flowed through their memories next. Rainbow Dash’s expression tightened. The Pony of Shadows was vanquished, with the Pillars of Old Equestria standing by their side and their magic flowing through them and the Elements of Harmony, strengthening them, giving them the power to finish it.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes. They were a blistering white before…


A tear. A split. A fracture broke through those memories and each pony felt it. Felt it like a stab wound right in their hearts. Every last one of them felt it at the same moment and cried out because of it. Perhaps nopony cried out more than Twilight, the Alicorn screeching in unhinged agony as the Elements all reached the breaking point, as the tiara burned on her crown. Their light was brighter than ever before, but without that escape, that magic did nothing. It burned brighter than the largest star… brighter than any star Thanos had ever witnessed… and then it died.

Doused in an instant.

In that instant, every last necklace and tiara grew dull, the light fading and leaving nothing but lifeless gemstones within the gold. All six mares practically passed out, falling to the grass rather roughly and lying, trying to stand once again and regain their composure. Sunset, Starlight, and Spike all gasped and cried out, rushing over to their friends to understand what had gone wrong, to know how they could fix it. But it was too late. Sunset lifted her eyes away from Twilight’s and gazed to the Mad Titan approaching them. Sunset snarled like a feral hound, her horn shimmering a ferocious red, intent on only seeing nothing standing where Thanos did.

She never could have. Even when she tried. Thanos blew them all back with the Power Stone, every mare and every dragon captured within that wave and falling back because of it. If their minds were fading before, then they were already lost at that point. Nearly every last one of them fell into that darkness that desperately called to them, and that time they listened. From Sunset, Starlight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, and even Rainbow Dash. Every last one of them passed out as that energy took their minds and led them to nowhere. But one remained. One still held that dying torch in the darkness and traversed it still. She was stuck, however, trapped in the dark with nowhere to turn. Not knowing what to do. Completely and utterly lost within it.

Twilight Sparkle lay upon the grass and cried. It was heart-wrenching, horrifyingly strong and seemingly endless. The Alicorn kept her head low, eyes shut as tight as her fading strength could manage as she let loose the tears. Let loose the whimpers and the gasps for desperate air. Her tears stained her snout and fell to the dead grass in tiny droplets. Her body quivered and quaked, like an abandoned foal forgotten, left to die, not a life in the world knowing or caring if she did.

But there was one… who saw her. There was one who stepped forward and gazed to her sorrow with just as much boiling in his tear-filled eyes. His gentle breaths fell into silence, his footsteps being the only sound in the world. And Twilight lifted her head to that, raised her tear-stained face to gaze onto the Titan that walked up to her.

Spoke to her with more sincerity than she ever could have expected.

“I understand… child… more than anyone. I know how you must feel. The loss. The pain. Everything. You were never alone in that regard,” Thanos said to the Alicorn, pausing just short of a few inches in front of her. His boots remained near Twilight’s head, the Alicorn shivering and whimpering as she stared up at him. No other word or sound could leave her. She didn’t have that strength anymore.

Then he did something that continued to surprise her. At first, he lowered himself with his right palm leading, intending for Twilight’s head. She winced at that, cowering beneath his touch and what he would do. However, his fingers were gentle against her scalp, softly caressing her mane and ears with a touch she never felt before. Twilight shivered all the same while under his touch, knowing it was wrong despite how it felt, despite the warmth Thanos tried to give to her.

And when he finally pulled away… he took her tiara with him. Twilight gasped, another tear slipping down her face as she weakly held out her hoof to it, to his right hand and how he observed it. The tiara, the star gemstone that was the Element of Magic rested in Thanos’ palm, the Titan studying it with waning interest. He sighed through his nostrils, eyes half-lidded and slowly returning to the Princess of Friendship.

He opened his palm to show the tiara to her. More importantly, he opened his palm to all of them, his fingers falling to the five other mares who lied with their dead Elements still attached to their necks.

He said, “You see it now. There is no magic of friendship. The most powerful ‘magic’ of all is what I wield.”

Using the Space Stone, Thanos pulled the remaining Elements of Harmony from their respective mare just as they began to awaken once more. The many eyes, the many heads turned accordingly to witness their necklaces float freely into the air, hovering before Thanos. Their weariness instantly faded away, the mares gasping when Thanos closed his right fist and crushed the tiara. Then further tightened his left and crushed the remaining five necklaces, the last five Elements. All of them falling to the earth in shards of gold and dead rock.

The ponies were deathly silent, but Twilight was the only one to whimper at that, to shudder when she witnessed what remained of their last means crumble near her hooves. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t possibly be real. But even Twilight couldn’t deny that forever. Just like she couldn’t deny what followed.

Thanos slowly raised his left arm, his eyes staring forever but only centered on the Infinity Gauntlet. His expression seemed to be lost in a sea of wonder, like he was in a dream, like even he couldn’t believe what was happening. He quickly turned those thoughts aside, thinking of only one thing. The only thing that mattered to him now more than anything.


He slowly twisted his wrist, the face of the Gauntlet centered on the mares. He caught his breath, gazed forever.

“The most powerful magic of all… is this.”

He lowered his middle finger to connect with his thumb. Pressed it.

Twilight’s eyes burst open. She shot out her hoof and screamed.



Then all of reality turned white.

When Thanos opened his eyes, he was gazing to an endless sea.

It was everywhere, burned brighter than any form of light or sensation Thanos had ever experienced. But it did not harm him. The clouds above his head were like a fog of orange, endless and forever. The sea he stood upon rippled under his boots, mixtures of crimson and soft orange spreading further, further, until he could see no longer. The world in which he stood upon was limitless, boundless, completely void of life and barren to every eye who would dare to witness it.

Thanos caught his breath, slowly turning his eyes to his left palm and seeing it bare. No gauntlet. No Stones. No more weight that kept dragging him down. It was as if that wretched burden he carried was suddenly lifted, Thanos finally free. The pain he felt was cleansed, every wound upon him healed to the point that Thanos felt born anew. But when he lowered his left hand, gazed to what lied beyond it, that familiar pain returned.

A lone structure stood within the world of orange, erected above the endless sea. Thanos narrowed his eyes. He had seen that structure before, those pillars, and he especially recalled the lone figure standing beneath it. Completely alone. But Thanos already knew who it was even from his distance. That dreaded feeling returning to claim his heart began to burn as he took that step closer. The sea rippled with every step he took, but Thanos did not see that.

He saw only the young girl standing with her back facing him.

Thanos stopped. Just short. Gazed onto her black and red locks as she stared forever, away from him, to an unforeseeable destiny. Thanos nearly quivered where he stood, those dreaded tears threatening to arise and blind him again from what he saw.


Never again.

The young girl slowly began to turn once his voice called out to her. And when she did, when she unveiled her face and showed him the truth, Thanos nearly fell apart. It was her, his daughter. His little Gamora so young as the day he first saved her. She expressed no tear to his plight, kept her lips pursed and her expression soft.

As was the innocence that escaped her voice. “Did you do it?”

The last thing he saw was the pure whiteness succumb reality. “Yes…” Thanos muttered.

Several seconds of seemingly-endless silence filled the void of the unknown. Gamora just stared onto him, into him, saw him for what he truly was and still could do nothing to change that. All she could do was ask, “What did it cost?”

Lifting his head, Thanos saw her. Saw the life that kept him tied to himself, saved his life from devolving into madness. Gamora meant more to him than she would ever know. Now she would never know, because he knew that which he saw wasn’t real. It was but a fragment, an image of how he always saw her. As his daughter. His one, true love.


A drop in his head...

“Was it worth it?”

Thanos lifted his head after he let it fall. And he just stared at her.

Just stared and said nothing.

Doctor Strange held them off for as long as he could, slamming entire pillars of Eldritch magic into the earth to prevent any sorcerer from conjuring a portal to Earth. That’s all they did. After Stephen cut off the only portal to the Earth, they took it upon themselves to conjure several at a time, allow the Avengers to enter them and aid in the fight against Thanos.

But every single time, Stephen Strange would stop them. By using any means, the full front of his magical arsenal, and doing everything in his power as the Sorcerer Supreme to keep them from creating a portal, preventing any of them from reaching Earth. He fought off the Avengers, held his own against Tony Stark and even Thor, and barely managed to escape Star-Lord’s wrath. Even through it all, breathing heavily with blood splotched on his right temple and cheek, Doctor Stephen Strange held his ground. High above the air, hovering over all of them.

To his rash actions, Wong cried out, “Stephen, what do you think you’re doing?!”

From his elevated position, Doctor Strange held out his palms with a pair of Tao Mandalas fiercely spinning in each hand. The Cloak of Levitation kept him airborne, the Sorcerer Supreme gazing down to every hero he held back. He was one against an army, every Avenger, Defender, Guardian, and sorcerer turning their aggression towards him. And what he did…

Still, he firmly held his stance, declaring, “I can’t let any of you go to Earth!”

“Hold him down!” Wong ordered, the sorcerers behind Stephen complying and whipping bands of Eldritch magic upwards. The whips wrapped tightly around his wrists, constraining the wizard and making him lose control of that magic. Stephen turned frantically to his hands, gazing downwards to see Wong jam the Wand of Watoomb right for his chest. The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak expelled forth from the mystical weapon, wrapping around Strange’s entire body and locking him firmly in place. Doctor Strange fell to the earth after that, not even the Cloak able to keep him afloat.

And with that taken care of, Wong spun around and conjured the fastest portal he could manage. The Sling Ring birthed forth its magic, the orange portal swirling to life and opening large enough for everyone to enter. That’s exactly what they did. Entire armies of heroes flew or ran as fast as their legs could carry them into the portal, leaving just Wong and the sorcerers within that general vicinity in the Dragons’ Lair, within the Dragon Lands. Upon Planet Equus.

The sorcerers pulled Stephen off the dirt and onto his feet, the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak still keeping him tightly constrained. He didn’t fight them anymore. All he did was hold his breath as Wong led him and the sorcerers onto planet Earth.

The Avengers that burst forth onto their home were led by Iron Man, Tony Stark jetting forward and scanning his surroundings for any form of life. War Machine was right behind him, joined by the Mark 45 AI Friday. All three of them hovered for seconds on end as they constantly scanned the nation of Wakanda, scoured the burning landscapes, and tried to find Thanos.

Not too far behind, Steve Rogers slowed his sprint to a halt when he realized that there was nothing there. Natasha, Thor, Bucky, Falcon, and Spider-Man were right behind him, every last one of the Avengers searching alongside their leader. Seeing nothing just like Steve.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were led by Star-Lord. And Peter Quill was screaming as he flew through that portal, his last Quad Blaster leading his emotion-filled charge into the fight. Except there was no fight. Quill jetted forward and crashed upon the grasslands, raising his free hand to deactivate his mask.

Holding out his last Quad Blaster, Peter whirled his head around to a near 360 degrees, roaring with raw, emotional pain in his voice, “Where is he?!”

There was no fight because there was no Titan. Thanos was gone. The remaining Guardians of the Galaxy ran forward shortly after, Drax gazing to the storm-filled clouds, Groot and Rocket doing the same. Behind them, the four Defenders and the Punisher stumbled forth onto the Wakandan fields, Castle jutting his LMG outwards and Daredevil scouting and listening carefully, billy club held tight in his fist. But they were already too late. There was no fight.

Only what remained.

Black Panther bent down the moment he exited the portal, his mask materializing back to gaze at only what remained. His home… but a barren, burning wasteland. Mount Bashenga, its ruins, lying further to his left. Even the grass beneath his feet had perished, swaying softly and breaking under the dying wind. He didn’t bend down to grace the grass of his homeland. He bent down to pick up a shattered shard of vibranium lying in the burning grass.

T’Challa stared somberly at it, clenching his palm around only what remained

Leaving the others to witness it for themselves.

When they realized Thanos was gone, their guard dropped exponentially. Matt Murdock pulled off his devil helmet, letting his sweat-stained hair fall flat against his scalp. He breathed and let that rest consume him, even when he stood with his wounded friends, the remaining Defenders. Tony Stark and the Avengers all slowly succumbed to the same sickness, Iron Man twisting his gaze further across the landscape… until he heard that undeniable whimper.

His eyes faced it, his feet touching the earth. “Twi…” Tony called out, his mask vanishing into his suit alongside the rest of it. The nanotechnology of the Mark 50 disintegrated back into the bright Arc Reactor resting over Stark’s heart, leaving just him. Leaving just Stark in his gray camo jacket to gaze into the face of desolation, the horror gripping his expression as the blood and bruises did.

His voice carried over, every eye turning to it and witnessing the same thing. Watching as Twilight Sparkle held out her hoof and allowed Pinkie Pie to grip it. Hoisting her friend back to her hooves and rubbing her back, the Alicorn slowly wheeled her eyes—so lost and so utterly helpless—onto the one who called to her.

She gazed to Tony and the others, the many more who were too late. All of them standing as statues and remaining just as silent. Backing away from Pinkie Pie and approaching them, Twilight lifted her right foreleg, even her breathing shivering alongside her body. Especially her voice, when she shook her head and tears burned down her cheeks.

“I… I’m so sorry,” she muttered.

It didn’t take long for them to realize what she meant. But it was Peter Quill who cried out, rushing up the large hill within the valley and practically crumbling when he stood over her. He did crumble. He completely fell apart once his knees touched the earth and his eyes fell on Gamora.

“No! No, no, no, no!” Peter screamed, clutching her face and body. She remained unmoved, eyes closed and lifeless. He shook his head rapidly, the tears blinding him, unable to see anything else but her. Hear anything else other than his shattering heart. And his own screams. “No, God, please! Gamora! Gamora, please NOOO!”

“She’s gone, Quill,” Starlight whispered, the unicorn standing several yards behind him, unable to look anywhere else other than the heart-wrenching sight before her. Before all of them. Her face practically broke, tears leaking down her cheeks as Sunset Shimmer joined her. Walked past her. Sat next to Quill and cried with him.

Her geode was dark and remained like that. Sunset didn’t even notice as she gazed to Gamora’s body and let the tears flow free, her body convulsing, unable to keep in that pent-up sorrow and agony. But unlike Quill, she didn’t completely lose herself. She didn’t lose everything. Even when she felt it all the same. And as Peter’s fellow Guardians gazed upon their fallen family, they all slowly congregated near them. Every last Avenger, Guardian, Defender, sorcerer, pony… and Spike… all coming together to surround Quill and stand with one another. In silence.

They were joined shortly by the remainder that entered the portal. From Maud Pie, Derpy, Trixie, Capper, Shining Armor, Sunburst, several sorcerers, and Wong. And who they held in bondage. Everyone else stayed on Equus. That silence started to build as every eye fell on Gamora, the fallen Guardian, and listened to Peter Quill’s remorse as he cried over her. Cried over the love he would never get back.

Even as the storm began to arise and the lightning cracked in the distance, it could never conceal Quill’s torment. Drax stared at that, at those clouds, asking, “Where’s Thanos?”


Nearly every eye turned to the sorcerers and Wong, all of them backing aside to reveal Doctor Strange firmly tied together by the glowing red bands. When they realized his fight was gone—just as they realized Thanos was gone—they removed their bonds from him, letting Strange stumble forward and finish what he started.

“Far… far from here,” Stephen struggled to breathe. Every eye minus Quill’s was on him, watching the Sorcerer Supreme like he was a leper. Stepping aside and holding that distrust in their eyes. When he maintained that breathing pattern, he proceeded aimlessly forward, staring only to the mound of vibranium rock lying upon the grass. He sat down upon it and exhaled every last bit of exertion that plagued him still.

And still they would not turn away from him. Especially Tony. “Why wouldn’t you let us fight?” he asked, his face only expressing that look of despair. Of loss. Of wishing to know just like everybody else. The blood trickled down the bridge of his nose, joining the deadly gash on the side of his face.

Stark shook his head, asking, “Why would you do that?”

Almost all eyes were on him. The thunder roared overhead outside of Thor’s will. The storm only grew more and more feral as the light of the second sun showered a soft orange over all the land. And Doctor Strange sat in the heart of it all, seeing the heart of it all, staring to his shivering palms and listening to his heartbeat. To his breathing that just couldn’t seem to stop shaking. Almost all eyes were on him and he needed to tell them just one thing.

Stephen lifted his eyes to them. Shook his head to them. To Tony Stark.

“I’m sorry… There was no other way.”

It was the last thing he said before he shattered into ash.

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