• Published 26th May 2018
  • 8,009 Views, 7,460 Comments

Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 57 – Remember Us


Badlands, Equestria

Center Valley

1 Mile Away from Initial Eruption

10:33 a.m.

Thanos’ body disappeared as the hunks of volcanic rock soared past him, his body vanishing within the smoke and fire. All that left for the eight mares was the rising plume of darkness and light billowing further and further outwards from the eruption, the earth melting at a burning magma as it was flung towards them.

Twilight Sparkle didn’t waste a second longer. She screamed, “Go, go!” She didn’t even have to look at her friends, knowing they would be right with her. She made a complete 180, taking off at a full gallop across the dirt and sand as burning chunks of volcanic rock flew past her, impacting the earth and ripping it to shreds. The wind screeched as more and more pieces of rock flew over them, the rest of the mares joining Princess Twilight.

In her retreat.

In their retreat.

The remaining seven ponies didn’t even hesitate the moment Twilight spun around. The Pegasi remained on the earth, galloping alongside the Earth ponies and the unicorns. All of them. From Sunset to Starlight, Applejack to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy, and lastly to Rarity. She broke out of her stupor, adrenaline filling her veins once again, running alongside her friends towards escape. Where that escape lied was nowhere in clear sight. The only land ahead of them was the valley filled with towering serpents, all of them facing the volcano and the approaching mares. As they ran, they looked back every second or two, trying to catch a glimpse of what was trailing them.

It was even more horrific than before.

A cloud of darkness and fire melted the atmosphere. The very skies were burning, a towering behemoth of ash, flame, and rock spewing outwards from where Mount Tartarus once stood. It reached so high it scraped the heavens. It spread so far, the approaching pyroclastic flow and ash cloud shot out and flowed down the earth at terrifying speeds. Falling even faster, thousands upon thousands of molten rock fragments rained down like hail, impacting the ground and shaking the earth the larger the rock fragment. Those chunks of volcanic rock flew in their direction, hundreds of pieces big and small striking the earth near, above, and behind the retreating mares.

Yet the sounds

As the shock wave passed them earlier, their hearing returned and they heard every last bit of the volcanic eruption that infected the Badlands. They heard the terrified shrieks of the serpent army as pieces of burning landmass was flung their way. They heard the earth being ripped apart as fire and magma spewed outwards from below the ground. They heard what sounded like growling thunder ricochet across the valleys, impact nearby mountains, and finally fall on them.

Just as suddenly as the volcanic rock fell on them.

It came at a terrifying rate, Twilight spinning her neck back and gaping in horror as the burning stone hurtled their way. She lit up her horn in an effort to vanish her and her friends to safety, but did nothing as Starlight fired a stream of turquoise magic right in the heart of the rock, blowing it to a hundred pieces of red-hot pebbles. It stung when the pebbles touched the back of their heads and their coats, but it hurt a lot less than a massive hunk of rock landing on them. The eight mares ran.

They ran and they ran and they ran. Closer to the serpents, watching as they were enveloped in smoke and fire as the volcanic rock rained down on top of them. Twilight, Rainbow, Sunset, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight, Pinkie, and Rarity saw it all unfold before them as they galloped towards an unknown fate.

Fate turned in their favor, a sparkling portal of an orange whirlpool opened before them, revealing sanctuary within the sparks of orange, a land untouched by the horrors of the volcano’s death and fire. The mares looked up in unison, spotting Doctor Stephen Strange high above and concocting the portal for them. “Get out of here! Go!” Stephen yelled.

The ponies didn’t need to be told twice. Bringing their gazes forward, all eight of them quickly approached the swirling vortex, leaping into the light and vanishing as all eight of them jumped into the portal. It closed, the orange sparks dying once Strange lowered his hands. Hearing the growl of the earth trembling to his left, Strange turned to it, spotting the approaching ash storm and pyroclastic flow enveloping the land and swarming towards him. Slamming his palms together, Stephen rubbed each hand as more sparks of Eldritch Magic burned in his fingertips. Just as the cloud of death fell over him, Stephen shot out his palms, fingers outstretched, unleashing a wave of energy that expelled the ash cloud. It spread further, the magic wiping away the pyroclastic flow until nothing but a clear valley remained. And stepping forth to oppose him, Thanos walked with the Reality Stone glowing a fierce red, protecting him from the heat and the ash.

Their eyes met. Doctor and Titan. Thanos lowered his gauntlet, watching as Strange’s magic washed over the landscape and kept the valley they stood in safe from the ash cloud. Thanos saw as the pyroclastic flow and the ash filled the ground and rolled down it several yards to his left and to his right, even high above him. The land they stood in remained untouched by the fires, the heat, and the darkness of the ash, leaving a valley pockmarked with rock structures, bones of deceased creatures, and volcanic rock soaring through the ash and impacting the earth around them.

Thanos slowly turned back to the Sorcerer Supreme. Doctor Strange stared right on back at the Mad Titan, his hands held outwards, crossed in an “X” formation, ready to enact another spell to keep the Titan at bay. Thanos noticed a lack of equines in their vicinity. Thanos sneered at that, saying, “You can’t defend them, or this world. You can’t even defend your own!”

With his shaking hands still at the ready, Strange shook his head and answered, “Not alone.”

He shot out his right hand and spun it, the Sling Ring glowing and creating a portal directly behind Thanos. Hearing the sparks erupt behind him, Thanos spun around only to witness a body leaping out of the portal, smash his glowing fist against his face, and even manage to knock Thanos to the ground. The strength of the fist was something he had only felt once before. Rising out of the dirt, Thanos looked up to see that figure roll forward, spinning about and facing the Mad Titan with a burning glare.

The Immortal Iron Fist, Danny Rand, held out his right fist, the shimmer of gold in his hand glowing fiercely, as did his glare. “Petulant child,” Thanos growled, rising to his feet. Danny yelled, charging forward and meeting Thanos with the Fist. The Titan did well to block his strikes, missing a few times and allowing Danny to get in a few good hits. Unfortunately for Thanos, those hits originated from the Fist, allowing Thanos to feel every inch of pain that came from it.

Roaring as Rand connected more punches, Thanos brought back his right fist and swung it for Danny. He ducked accordingly, Rand rising back up and driving the Fist right into Thanos’ chest, directly over his heart. The impact and the force of the punch sent Thanos skidding across the dirt, his feet pressed firmly to the ground, Thanos fully intending to not fall down again. Looking up, Thanos brought the Gauntlet forward and fired a beam of energy from the Power Stone, striking the ground where Danny ran, flinging him several feet into the air and coming to a painful crash several yards back.

Thanos had no moment of rest by the time the other portals appeared. One on his left and one on his right. Thanos made the mistake of turning to the one on his left and spotting Jessica Jones hop out of it. The next thing he knew he was pulled right from the ground, the force of the tackle sending Thanos directly into the nearest rock erected out of the earth. The onslaught didn’t end there. Thanos only had a second to witness his attacker by the time Luke Cage drove his fist directly into his face.

Several times. Never once halting. Luke grunted with each punch across Thanos’ face, the Titan pushed deeper and deeper within the cracking rock. Connecting his fist right in Thanos’ forehead, Luke brought back his hand and stared at the damage. Thanos’ head fell slack, the Titan groaning. Taking no other chances, Luke reared his fist back, only to gag on his own breath when Thanos shot his left palm forward with incredulous speeds. He caught Luke by his throat, the Titan rising out of the rock and reaching full height, a couple feet higher than Luke himself.

Fully intending on crushing his fist, Thanos was halted by a disturbance on his backside.

Leaping into the air, Jessica Jones landed on Thanos’ back, gripping the back of his attire and yanking him back with all her strength. Thanos stumbled backwards, nearly releasing Cage. Reaching for the woman on his shoulders, Thanos was unsuccessful and only felt the full strength of the Private Eye once she slammed her fist right into the back of his head. Thanos then stumbled forwards, rearing his head back when he felt the strands of Jessica’s hair touch his head. He reached back again, successfully grabbing her by her right arm and flinging her forward. Both Jessica and Luke yelled in pain as Jones’ body was slammed into Cage’s. With the two Defenders lying on the ground, Thanos ended their confrontation and kicked them, their bodies dispersing and rolling away to lie unmoving.

Three down. A portal behind him. Thanos barred his teeth and spun around, seeing only the billy club flung for his head. It hit him right above the eye, Thanos grunting at that and meeting his assailant. Matthew Murdock shot out his left hand, the billy club returning to it as he sprinted right for the Mad Titan. Thanos swung for him, watching the Daredevil slide underneath his punch. He swung again, this time with his left hand, this time lower. To his mild surprise, Daredevil dodged again, flipping in the air and landing several feet back.

Their gazes locked. Thanos saw the devil mask, the two red horns, the bright red lenses. The strength, determination, and complete lack of fear. Daredevil saw only the burning Titan. Barring his teeth, Murdock held up each billy club and connected them with a sharp twist. He shot out his right hand, the extended billy club held out and gripped tightly in his fist.

Thanos only smiled. “You think you can best me with a stick?”

Tilting his head and cracking his neck, Matt said, almost breathless, “I learned from the best.”

He waited no longer and charged the Titan, delivering precise and wickedly fast strikes from the billy club. He struck Thanos’ abdomen, gripping each end of the club and driving the edges against Thanos’ head, rib cage, and across his cheek. Thanos grunted, rearing down and swinging for Murdock’s head. He ducked, breaking apart the club and flinging one end around Thanos’ throat. The strong, steel fiber cable wrapped tightly around the Titan’s throat, Thanos gasping as he felt his oxygen nearly cut off. The end of the club wrapped further around, finally returning to Daredevil’s awaiting palm. Stepping back, Matt pulled and further tightened the cable around Thanos’ throat.

Almost desperate, Thanos gripped the cable with his right hand, his other lifted to the skies as were his eyes and focus. He shot out his gauntlet, the Space Stone plucking a flying piece of burning rock right from the air and flinging it right for Murdock. Daredevil lifted his head, hearing the approaching rock and quickly moving away. He released his grip on his billy club, unable to get to safety as the volcanic rock impacted the ground where he once stood. Matt was flung in the air from the force of the impact, rolling to a painful stop in the dirt.

Ripping the cable and billy club from his neck, Thanos tossed the weapon aside, feeling only a gust of energy strike his backside. Stumbling forward, Thanos spun around to witness the Master of the Mystic Arts descend from the air. He remained several feet above the ground, glaring to the Mad Titan beneath him. Thanos stared right on back, saying, “You don’t quit, do you?”

Strange clenched his fists, still holding them out to the Titan. He said, “We can’t afford that, not with you wanting to murder trillions.”

“I can snap my fingers, and it would all cease to exist. I call that… mercy,” Thanos responded.

“You’re a genocidal maniac,” Strange retorted.

Thanos looked away. The ash cloud surrounding them began to clear for a moment, revealing the sun’s light within the distance. It fell on Thanos for just a moment. Just a moment. Then the darkness returned. “That’s what they always called me. Maniac, madman… Mad Titan. They always said I was wrong, and yet with every planet I’ve cleansed I was proven right time and time again. What does that say?”

Strange’s fists ignited, forming a pair of Tao Mandalas. He glared down to the Titan, his brow furrowed with ripe determination. “It says you’re insane, and we need to stop you.”

Thanos smiled, clenching his own fists in return. The Power Stone glowed upon the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos launching a stream of violet energy right for the Sorcerer Supreme. Doctor Strange slammed his fists together, shooting out his palms and creating an even larger Tao Mandalas. The magical shield blocked the purple energy blast, Strange flying right for Thanos with an Eldritch Sword shimmering in both hands.

They struck and shook the very earth around them. But not nearly as much as Mount Tartarus continued to do.

Zipping through the last serpent, Spider-Man successfully made it through the miles of towering snakes and snapping jaws. He landed on both feet, sliding to a stop on the dirt and catching his breath. Peter Parker looked back, sighing in relief to know that nothing but clear skies and empty valleys remained ahead. Nothing between him and protecting Twilight.

As an added bonus, he looked up to see Tony Stark and James Rhodes fly over his head. He managed to keep up with them the entire journey. Peter gave himself a mental pat on the back for that, watching as Iron Man and War Machine flew by and soared right for Mount Tartarus and where Twilight was engaging Thanos.

Peter faced fully forward, the blues of his mask’s eyes widening at the sight of it.

Mount Tartarus was gone. Nothing but a rising mushroom cloud of fire and darkness remained, thousands of fragments of volcanic rock spewing outwards and several hundred pieces flying his way. To make matters worse, he could see as Tony and James immediately shot out their hands and feet and froze in mid-air, spun around, and retreated right back where they came from. Peter’s shoulders deflated when he witnessed the volcanic rock impacting and tearing apart the valley directly ahead of him, only growing nearer.

“Oh, you gotta be kidding me!” Spider-Man screamed, wheeling around and firing two strands of web right for the serpents. He yanked himself forward just as a piece of molten rock impacted the ground where he once stood. The pair of serpents he slipped through bit at the air where he once was, completely ignoring the volcanic rock flung their way. The serpents cried out as the molten stones struck them.

From within the sea of serpents, Spider-Man flung, flew, and shot his way through the twirling, towering bodies of the monstrous, demonic snakes. As he did so, that same tingling sensation told him what was coming, directed him where to go, and kept Peter safe as he zipped and swung through the fangs and jaws snapping at him and managed to dodge the burning rock falling from the sky and striking the beasts. Several serpents were crushed as larger pieces of landmass struck the earth with such fury and power it created secondary explosions upon impact, igniting several more serpents until their bodies were encompassed in fire. The screeches and cries from the snakes were amplified tenfold. Peter did his best to ignore the cries, focusing only on escape.

From above the sea of serpents, Iron Man and War Machine flew high over the heads of the snakes. They shot up every now and again, snapping at Stark and Rhodes, trying to catch either between their jaws. The two responded with repulsor blasts and a plenitude of ammunition, courtesy of the War Machine. Several rockets shot out, striking the serpent rising up and blocking Stark and Rhodes’ path. As they tore through the smoke, Rhodes turned his head back, shouting, “Tony, we got a situation up high!”

Following his best friend’s gaze, Stark looked back for only a second to see it. To see the hundreds of chunks of rock flung their way, the trails of fire following closely behind them. They only got bigger and bigger, each fragment of volcanic rock nearly striking the two men and instead zooming past them to strike the serpents below. Tony turned away from the massive eruption in the distance, focusing only ahead, continuously dodging more and more hunks of melting rock. They kept flying, watching as the sun’s light and warmth was covered by the ash cloud, trails of fire falling from the heavens and crushing the earth below.

They just kept getting bigger and bigger. Bigger and bigger. Bigger and…

A dark shadow fell over them. Both Tony and Rhodes looked back in unison to see the gargantuan piece of earth hurtle towards them with speeds they couldn’t counter. They tried to. They tried to fly away, to break off from the rock’s descent, but even they weren’t fast enough. The massive piece of landmass fell over them, Iron Man and War Machine caught underneath it and driven straight into the earth, right in the heart of the sea of serpents.

The explosion that followed was devastating. Dirt, rock, and earth were expelled from the ground as the landmass made impact. Serpents in the dozens were crushed beneath it, their cries silenced as the rock extinguished their lives. A shock wave of dust and fire shot out from the impact, burning even more serpents and enveloping all in the surrounding area in a wave of fire. More serpents cried out as their bodies burned to a crisp. More serpents were flattened by even more falling rocks.

Spider-Man was blown away, the wave of dust and fire overcoming him until his body vanished within it. All could be heard of him were his screams.

Lost within the sea of the serpents’ screams.

Just before he could make it out on the other side.

Standing just on the edge of the serpent army, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, Vision, Punisher, and Nebula gazed up in horror to the eruption of Mount Tartarus. They ran back, a few frozen in terror as the volcanic rock numbering in the thousands approached quickly, impacting the grounds surrounding them. They were unprepared once the shock wave of dust expelled from the towering serpents, knocking them all to their backs or chests. Many tried to rise back to their feet, only to fail time and time again as more volcanic rock struck the earth around them, the tremors knocking them back to the dirt and sand. More explosions followed. More molten rocks fell. More chaos ensued.

Peter Quill reared forward, grabbing Gamora by her hand and trying to pull her to her feet. Looking up, Gamora cried out to Peter amongst the shattering explosions around them, tried to call to him through the screaming winds of the rocks soaring over their heads. She cried, “Peter!” But he didn’t hear her. He didn’t look at her.

The red of his mask’s eyes slowly rose up.

Gamora slowly rolled over, lying on her side when she saw it.

A piece of earth, ripped straight from the mountain, falling right for them. Its shadow blanketed the earth it struck, spewing a torrent of dust and fire once it collided with the ground, breaking apart the surrounding lands and spewing earth right from below. Serpents were crushed beneath it. The rising tower of rock and sand quickly enveloped the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula, Thor, and the Punisher. Their bodies were blown aside, the lower gravity within the Badlands sending their bodies spiraling across the valley before they finally landed within a safe distance, a wave of dust washing over them.

In the aftermath of the collision, as the dust began to settle in the valley once more, the Vision emerged and descended towards the ground. In his arms, he held a wounded Mantis. The sun’s rays managed to split through the dust cloud, vanishing only once a piece of burning rock would fly across it. In the distance, more fragments from the volcano continued to rain down, but for now… in the calm within the storm of fire and ash… the Vision tended to the wounded.

Laying Mantis down softly in the sand, Vision analyzed her wounds, minding his own in the process. Her head softly fell towards him, eyes opening slowly to meet the Vision’s. Vision nodded to her, assuring her of her safety. His head—as well as hers—perked up when he heard the sounds of the portal emerging behind him. Almost readying himself for the impending fight, Vision spun his neck around and was relieved just to see one of Doctor Strange’s portals birthed within the madness.

And out of it came eight terrified equines.

They jumped through the portal and landed painfully below, their coats covered in soot and dirt. The portal died the moment they exited it, the sparks fading and leaving just them. The eight ponies tried to stand, tried to recuperate, tried to catch their breath. All attempts that only led to failure. Time and time again. Failure was ripe in their expressions and body language, the mares looking pitifully to one another, all eventually falling back to Twilight, to see how the Alicorn would react to her plan failing in the worst possible way.

And in her eyes, in her expression, there was only defeat. That, and awestruck horror directed straight ahead. Many followed her. Many refused. Sunset Shimmer was one of the ponies to follow Twilight’s gaze and latch it with what remained of Mount Tartarus. And just as Twilight had, Sunset gazed in horror to the aftermath of the volcanic eruption. Ash and fire rained from the skies like snow, the remaining chunks of rock continuously falling in the distance like rain. Smoke and flame filled the horizon, nearly blocking the sun and causing a dark shade of orange and yellow to cascade across the Badlands. Sunset felt her eyes burning with tears at the heat and smoke in the air, her lungs nearly filled with her, causing her to gasp and cough. Each of the mares filled the same way, gazing in horror to the absolute devastation that filled the Badlands. Nothing but darkness remained where Mount Tartarus once was, a plume of fire and ash matching that of a mushroom cloud. Despite the heat of the desert, despite the fire falling around them and burning the air they breathed, the mares still shivered.

They all did. Especially when the blue and black vortex opened mere yards ahead of them. Swirling shades of misty blackness, encompassed with clouds of blue practically sucking the air where it emerged, the portal was birthed and out came the Titan himself. Thanos, stepping through the trails of black and blue, stomped forth onto the sand and dirt, glaring at the eight mares standing before him.

Yet his eyes trailed elsewhere as well. Beyond them.

Twilight looked back to Vision, watching as the Mind Stone practically burned in his forehead. The Vision growled in agony, hunching over and clutching his head. He fell to his knees, the Stone shimmering brighter and brighter, making him weaker and weaker. Pushing him further and further down. Twilight grit her teeth, slowly turning back to face her adversary.

But he was already walking towards them. More so intending to walk through to get to Vision. Twilight felt her heart freeze, then drop, then come to the realization that this was it. They were all that stood between Thanos and the Mind Stone. No more plans. No more time. All they could do was defend him, and do everything in their power to keep Thanos away from him

That’s what they did. What they tried to do.

Rainbow Dash was the first one, flying right for Thanos at top speed. Applejack was right behind her, kicking up shards of rocks surrounding her and bucking them right at the Mad Titan. The fragments of rock shattered once they struck Thanos, dealing no damage to the Titan. Thanos responded by simply raising his gauntlet and closing it, the Power Stone sending a wave of violet energy that knocked both Rainbow off course and Applejack right up from the ground. She hit the dirt and rock beneath her with a painful thud, both mares lying unmoving.

Pinkie Pie galloped forward, yanking her party cannon seemingly out of nowhere and firing a helpful supply of cake batter towards the Titan. Thanos ignited the Reality Stone, turning the batter into bubbles and Pinkie Pie into a string of ribbons. Her body fell limp, the wind pushing the ribbons that were once Pinkie’s body away from Thanos’ path. Pinkie’s large, blue eyes blinked and stared at the Mad Titan, watched as he continued forward. Thanos used the same power of the Reality Stone to transform the whimpering Fluttershy into a young spruce tree. Her terrified eyes opened and widened from within the branches, gazing to Thanos as he stomped past her, closer to the Vision.

Rarity cowered beneath the fearsome glare of Thanos. Realizing the terrified unicorn would do nothing more than cower and cry before him, Thanos sneered and raised his gauntlet, the Power Stone blasting the earth where she sat. Rarity screamed as her body was flung like a rag doll from the explosion, her head striking the ground rather hard, and the unicorn’s mind fading into black as she came to a rest several yards to Thanos’ left.

They were nothing to him. Like foolish children begging for attention, and Thanos kept them down, ignored the cries and brought order to the chaos. He tossed them aside like the bumbling pieces of discarded nuisances they had shown to be. And this time they stayed down. Smart. Except for the only three that remained, the only three Thanos truly saw as worthy adversaries.

Using the Space Stone, Thanos ripped several pieces of rock up from the ground. He cut off the energy from the Space Stone, letting the lower gravity within the Badlands to take the rocks and keep them hovering above the earth. Twilight Sparkle dodged and weaved through the rising chunks of rock, even blowing right through one with a blast of her magic. All that stood between her and Thanos. Her glare was met with Thanos’ own, the Titan firing a stream of energy from the Power Stone right at her. Twilight flew out of the way from the Power Stone’s beam, Thanos trailing her with it, trying to strike the Alicorn down. With his sights set on Twilight, the two remaining unicorns teleported from one rock to another, eventually finding their ground on the largest piece of stone that had arisen from the earth.

Twilight enveloped a rock with her magic, flinging it right for Thanos. He destroyed it with a single punch of the Gauntlet and the Power Stone, the massive piece of rock spewing fragments over him. Tossing the remaining rock out of his path, Thanos gazed upwards to find where the Alicorn vanished to. Resting upon the largest chunk of earth, Twilight stood with her friends Starlight and Sunset, standing right between them as they all stared down to the Mad Titan.

Looking to her left and to her right, Twilight nodded firmly and shot out her wings, her horn igniting. “Together now!” she shouted, rising higher above the two unicorns and hovering above the rock as it slowly teetered closer to Thanos. Both Starlight and Sunset nodded in return, charging up their horns despite the pain flooding through their bodies.

With all three of their horns aglow, the mares fired a continuous stream of combined magical energy directly down at Thanos. Yet—to the surprise of the Alicorn and her friends—Thanos dodged it with rejuvenated speed and precision. He leapt through the air, vaulting from one rock to another, higher and higher to the Princess of Friendship and her two friends. The magical stream of red, turquoise, and violet eventually broke apart, instead with each mare firing madly where they thought Thanos would jump to next, missing him every single time. Their eyes shot open, their jaws fell in horror when Thanos jumped right for them, right for the rock they stood upon, and punched it.

Twilight managed to escape before the Power Stone could fully destroy the rock fragment. As she flew off, she could only watch as the rock exploded in a bright array of violet. Landing painfully to the earth below, Starlight and Sunset bounced from the impact, their bodies eventually coming to rest alongside the others, their eyes slowly closing as the pain and darkness finally consumed their minds.

And that was it. Twilight just watched as each of her friends were defeated and tossed aside as if they were nothing to Thanos. None of them stood a chance. Not even a little bit. Thanos walked right through them and continued to do so, narrowing the distance between him and the wounded Vision. Twilight’s heart sped up at that thought. If Thanos got his hands on the Mind Stone, he would be that much closer to wiping out half of all life in the universe.

And he would kill her friend in order to do so.

Thanos was once again stopped, not by detrimental force against him, but by his own will. He paused only momentarily when the Alicorn landed directly ahead of him, her head held low, her wings outstretched. A gust of wind and sand shot out from her landing, the dust painting Thanos’ boots. When she brought up her head, all there was in her eyes was pure malice. Nothing but fury laced in her facial features. More and more forced strength. Thanos’ lip nearly twitched in an amused smile.

“You won’t get to Vision,” she said, making herself low and ready. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Twilight Sparkle…”

All other distractions in the world were ignored. It was if she could hear nothing more than his voice, the deep, resonating power that was built within it, and calling out to her. By name. The fury and strength in Twilight’s expression slowly faded away, replaced only with a disturbed wonder. She slowly rose back up, gazing towards the Mad Titan, meeting his eyes filled with untold horrors and knowledge and more importantly… seeing him smile at her.

It was so sick, so unnatural and wrong that Twilight actually took a step back out of her control. “How do you know me?” she asked, her voice failing to hide the timid nature burning within her.

He still held that smile. He answered, “In my dreams… My word, how you’ve grown.”

Twilight didn’t know why, she didn’t know how, but the way he spoke to her—how he knew her—caused something to snap. How anyone could have seen her—all her strengths, weaknesses, past pains and triumphs—and still treat her and her friends with such scorn tore her apart. He knew her. He knew what she was capable of. And he still stood against her to commit one of the greatest acts of evil she had ever heard. Because he knew he could. Twilight’s lips twitched, unyielding anger bubbling up deep within her and finally unleashing. Finally showing Thanos the true power of the Princess of Friendship. Twilight’s face shifted to that of a feral animal, teeth clenched, glare burning, wings outstretched, her body low, and her horn shimmering far brighter than ever before. The very rocks by her hooves began to rise.

Then Twilight shot up, her very magic fueling her with the power needed, with the power she wanted. Every last bit of it focused on Thanos. And she unleashed it all in one powerful blast of magic. The stream of violet and white shot out from her horn with such speed and ferocity that the very air screamed as it tore through the sky and descended for the Mad Titan. Thanos did nothing more than raise his gauntlet, the power of the Infinity Stones being more than enough for her minuscule magic. Compared to the very energy that helped shape the universe, her magic was nothing more than a flicker against it. Meaningless. The blast struck and pushed against the Gauntlet, pushed against Thanos, but didn’t break through. It wasn’t enough.

She wasn’t enough.

Thanos cut off the magic, swiping his gauntlet to the side and gazing skywards to meet the Alicorn, yet she was gone. Vanished in a flash. She reappeared in that same flash, directly behind Thanos. When he spun around, he almost wasn’t ready for her next attack. In fact, he looked almost intrigued. Larger stones began to hover in place around the Alicorn, truly exemplifying the power of the Princess of Friendship. Twilight glared at him with more hatred than she ever held for anyone else, using that anger to further strengthen her magic. She barred her teeth, held out her hooves, her eyes nearly a piercing white as she focused her magic right between her hooves. The magic flowed from her horn, filled her veins and escaped through her hooves. Between each, a ball of violet began to form, began to pulsate, began to radiate with unhinged power. And from that power, Twilight Sparkle gave it life. She gave it a direction. She gave it an intention.

She fired it right at Thanos and screamed as she did so.

The ball of magic spun violently once it left the Alicorn, growing only more and more intense and powerful as it descended faster to the Titan. It seemed to rip apart the very fabric of reality around it, lightning striking the ball of energy and only further fueling it. As the energy ball finally contacted Thanos, he ensured that he was able to absorb it. Thanos clenched the Gauntlet and watched as the magic’s energy fell within the Space Stone’s glow, completely absorbed within it. He then unleashed that same power, amplified even further from the power of the Infinity Stones, and sent it right back at Twilight. The ball of magic shot out like a rocket for her, Twilight barely managing to dodge it and fly right down to meet Thanos head-on. Behind her, the ball of magic exploded, creating an array of energy and lights that broke apart the clouds of ash within the sky. The explosion was so profound and bright that Thanos almost had to shield his eyes just to keep them on the princess.

She flew straight down towards him, firing a paralysis spell as she did so. The blast that was meant to cripple and freeze him did nothing more than cause him to stagger backwards, the Titan blocking the next oncoming paralysis spell and meeting the princess up close and personal. Twilight, using her magic to enhance the strength in her body, dove with her hind legs leading, bucking Thanos square in the chest. He nearly crashed into the pile of rock behind him, looking back up and watching as Twilight charged up her horn and shot out her wings. She fired, a resounding shock wave of magic exploding from her horn and sending Thanos right into the rock column back-first. Thanos looked up once more, raising his arms just as Twilight latched herself onto him.

She reared her left hoof back, an aura of violet surrounding it as she swung and struck Thanos in the cheek. The punch—even when fueled by her magic—did little to nothing. Thanos scowled at her, rearing his neck back and head-butting her right in the snout. Twilight heard a sharp crack and fell backwards, rolled several yards, and came to a rest on her back. She felt a stinging pain in her face, a hoof rising to rub her nose. She brought back her hoof, spotting the crimson painted on it and feeling it continuously flow from her nostrils. Ignoring the blood, Twilight looked up and saw Thanos jump towards her, the Gauntlet reared back, his full intentions set on crushing her beneath it. Twilight lit up her horn, an explosion of magic escaping it the moment she closed her eyes and felt all else to be still.

When she managed to hear her own breathing, feel her own heart rate, Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes. Directly above her, she could see Thanos completely enveloped in her own magical aura. The freezing spell, one she had cast many times before, worked just as well against a Mad Titan as it had her friends and even an army of feuding ponies. He was frozen mid-air, fists closed, teeth clenched, staring down to the Princess of Friendship. Twilight took a much-needed breath of air, rising back up to her shaking hooves and dusting the dirt and sand from her wings. With her horn still aglow, Twilight closed her eyes and took in several breaths of burning air. They were probably the calmest, most refreshing breaths of air she ever breathed.

Then she heard it.

The irregular sound of pure, wrathful energy… powering up.

Twilight’s ears perked up, her head spinning around to see the Reality Stone on Thanos’ gauntlet glowing brighter than her own magic surrounding it. Her eyes shot open, feeling the magic instantly drain from her horn and his outer body as the Reality Stone unleashed its power. Twilight quickly jumped back the moment Thanos was released, his fist coming down and crushing the earth where she once stood. Twilight tried to kick off the ground and fly, her wings batting wildly, but the rush of wind and dust flooded over her, knocking the Alicorn into the sand. She yelped as she hit the ground, her hooves rising to cover her head as the wave of sand washed around her, overcoming her.

Losing her in the darkness.

Shreds of light managed to break through the dark and smoke, emerging from the sun. Twilight could hear nothing but the howls of the distant wind and her own shaking breaths, her eyes slowly opening to witness her surroundings. All around her, she saw nothing but a wave of dust, sand, and smoke, all bathed in a golden glow from the morning sun. She lay on her belly, blood still dripping from her snout, somehow being the only sound she could hear for a moment as it fell into the sand and dripped onto her hooves. Even the wind seemed silent. She couldn’t even hear her own breathing.

Just the drip of blood.

And the irregular sound of pure, wrathful energy.

“I see it…”

Twilight caught her breath, looking about through the smoke and dust and seeing nothing more than that, but hearing so much more. She heard his voice like a breath over her shoulder, constantly whispering to her, speaking only to her.

“You’re afraid. That simple instinct of facing life and death. The desperation you must be feeling.”

Twilight scrambled to her hooves, unable to hide the constant shiver racing in each. She spun around, eyes wide and locked with the cloud of dust surrounding her, his voice always seeming to appear behind her, in front of her, or just all around her. Twilight’s chest rose and fell faster than before, her horn bright and ready to defend herself.

“It must hurt so bad to know that you can do nothing to stop it, even with the strength you have. You trained your entire life in one specific power.”

“You don’t know me!” Twilight screamed, instantly catching her breath once again when he responded.

“Twilight Sparkle. Element of Magic. Princess of Friendship. Friendship… such dying ideals. You try to control this magic, this power that fuels this world… and your friends. Yet you’re nothing. You hurt, you’re damaged, you’re not fit to hold that title, that responsibility. Often times you are nothing more than a disappointment, much like reality.”

To her surprise, Thanos appeared through the smoke on Twilight’s right, smiling down to the Alicorn. “At least… you were.”

Twilight didn’t even hesitate and fired a beam of magic right at his heart, Thanos disintegrating into a red mist. Twilight gasped at that, taking several precautionary steps backwards as she saw the red mist completely fade away. She still heard his voice through the thick fog, meaning the Thanos she saw was nothing more than a copy, a false reality created by the Stone. She didn’t know for certain. That’s why she was scared.

“Now… you have shown impressive strength, princess. But you’ve never faced me, you’ve never seen what I can really do.”

Thanos appeared again, this time on her left side. Twilight reared her neck back and stamped forward, firing another beam at another copy. It too faded into nothing but mists of red. She staggered to and fro, darting her eyes back and forth and her head on a constant swivel. “You’re scared… I know you are. Scared to lose.”

Twilight shot blindly into the smoke, crying out as she did so.

“I know what it’s like to lose, to feel so desperately that you’re right… yet to fail all the same.”

Twilight fired again.

“You can dread it…”

And again. Until tears started to well up in her eyes, painful breaths of air escaping her.

“Run from it…”

Twilight stopped firing, stumbling in no certain direction, gazing fearfully into the smoke.

“But in the end…”

The smoke and dust finally cleared, Twilight spinning around and staring onto Thanos as he approached her. Her hooves moved on their own, finally giving in to the fear flooding through her. Her jaw fell, as did her ears against her skull as her head kept rising higher and higher to finally meet his eyes. He clenched his gauntlet, all three Infinity Stones glowing on its surface. Thanos looked to the Stones… and finally onto her.

“Destiny still arrives.”

Despite every ounce of fear she felt, Twilight still put on a brave face. She shot out her wings and hovered above the ground, her magic keeping her airborne. Her magic glowing bright within her horn. Thanos furrowed his brow, shooting out his gauntlet and using the Reality Stone to suck the very magic right from her horn. Twilight felt like her life was being drained, the mare gasping and her eyes opening wide to see the Reality Stone actually consuming her violet aura surrounding her horn… until nothing remained. The act weakened her, Twilight’s eyelids drooping and her jaw falling, no breaths leaving her.

Her eyes only widened when she saw the fist coming, but even then she did nothing to stop it.

Punching her across the face with his right fist, Thanos watched as Twilight landed in the dirt chest-first, skidding several feet before finally coming to a painful stop. Her mind thumped with pain. Her skull ached. Hearing nothing but a constant ring in her left ear, Twilight got back up anyway despite the pain in her neck and face. She spun her neck around from where she lay, a stream of blood leaking from her nose and painted across her left cheek in a straight line. Her eyes shot open wide when she saw the Power Stone glowing on his gauntlet, Thanos unleashing a stream of pure energy from the Stone right at her.

Commanding every last bit of magic and strength she had left, Twilight concocted a bubble of magic to protect her from the blast, finding no other strength to move or teleport away fast enough. So, she took it. She took it all. She took the very power of the universe against her. The Power Stone pushed her back, the bubble cracking against the violent stream of energy beating against it. Tears welled up in her eyes, Twilight closing them tightly as her hooves dug further and further back from the blast. Her horn ignited, Twilight teleporting away just as the Power Stone breached her bubble and blew it apart.

She only had enough strength to teleport mere yards into the air, the Alicorn flying forward despite the pain flooding her systems, damaging her mind, and weakening her magic. Even Twilight wasn’t impressed with the spell she fired at Thanos, but she gave it her all. She gave everything she had left in a ditch effort to bring the Mad Titan to his knees. The magical blast was nothing more than a brush of wind to Thanos, and he made that clear by using the Reality Stone to turn her magical beam into nothing but bubbles. Twilight gasped, batting her wings and trying desperately to stop herself from getting any nearer.

Unfortunately, she flew right into Thanos’ grasp, directly into his right hand. He gripped her by the throat, the Alicorn’s hind legs thrashing beneath her and her wings doing the same. Her hooves pried at his fingers, Twilight’s eyes closed tight as she did everything in her power to fight back. Thanos clenched his jaw as he witnessed her meek efforts. He brought up the Gauntlet, the Power Stone fueling it as he drove his fist right into her chest.

Twilight was shot back like a rocket, her body tumbling across the sand, rock, and dirt until she came to a painful crash in the sand. She tried to breathe, her mouth wide open but not a single breath able to enter her lungs. She couldn’t feel that desperate need for air. She could only feel the Power Stone as it burned her. It burned the feathers on her wings, her violet coat, and even the skin beneath it. Her mane and tail had scorch marks as the Power Stone slowly continued to eat away at her. The moment she took in that breath of air, when she actually forced herself to open her lungs, Twilight gasped and cried out. Her bloodshot eyes darted over to her right, spotting Thanos as he slowly approached her. His menacing frame, the glare in his eyes, all of which Twilight caved in and cowered beneath. She whimpered, crawling back until she hit a pile of rocks. Twilight leaned against the rocks, trying to stand, trying to get away.

She fell anyway, the pain too much for even the Alicorn to handle. Crying out as she did so, Twilight fell and kicked up a small amount of dust around her body. Seeing her wounded, Thanos scowled and slowly closed his left fist, all three Stones beginning to glow. Ready to end it.

He didn’t close his fist. He couldn’t. Thanos looked down to see a restraint fly downwards and latch tightly against the palm of his gauntlet, the armor a bright red, the light in the center of it an even brighter blue. Confused at first, Thanos’ answer came shortly when he heard the unmistakable repulsor from above.

Lifting his head to it, Thanos watched as the Iron Man landed in the area between him and Twilight. He slowly rose to full height, the burning blue eyes of the Mark 50 glaring at Thanos from afar. Thanos chose to stare right on back, an amused expression filling his eyes and facial features. Twilight lifted her head up, blood painting her snout, cheek, and tears leaking from her eyes when she saw Tony standing between them. Standing up to Thanos. Standing to protect her.

She was breathless, watching the events unfold before her.

Tony breathed, saying, “You keep the fight on me, all right?”

Thanos smiled. “Stark.”

Although not as shocked as Twilight was earlier, Tony still stood slightly shaken. He said, “You know me?”

“I do… Both of you,” Thanos responded with a slight nod, taking a brief second to turn his gaze to the wounded Alicorn lying in the distance. Tony did the same, his expression softening and even hurt to see Twilight in the state she was in. He and Thanos faced each other in unison, the Titan finishing with, “You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge.”

Tony exhaled, almost scoffed. “My only curse is you.”

From his backside, Twilight could see several small missiles extrude outwards, eventually flying off his suit and directing towards the Titan. Thanos readied himself, shouting, almost taunting, “Come on!” Each missile impacted him directly, but through the smoke the Titan still stood.

Stark didn’t even waste a second, jetting forward and planting his feet ahead of him, the nanotech forming a large foot thruster. When it impacted Thanos, the resulting blast sent Thanos teetering backwards. Meanwhile, Stark flipped back and landed on his feet, the nanotech quickly forming a pair of foot clamps and keeping him latched with the earth beneath him. With that added leverage, Tony’s arms formed a pair of battering rams, the thrusters at the ends of each launching them forward and smacking against the Titan, sending Thanos crashing into the same rock column Twilight knocked him into, that time almost completely shattering it.

Thanos shook his head, quickly retaliating and wrapping his naked palm around Stark’s helmet. With one swift pull, Thanos ripped Stark’s mask clean off his head. Twilight caught her breath. Almost shocked at first, Tony quickly looked back up to see Thanos rearing back. The nanotech created another mask just as Stark raised his arms, failing to fully block the punch Thanos drove into his face. As Stark fell backwards and landed on his chest, Thanos pried at the constraint latched onto his gauntlet, eventually ripping it free.

“Tony, look out!” Twilight screamed, her eyes reflecting the light of the Power Stone.

Lifting up his head to gaze at her, Tony spun around—his mask slightly scraped from Thanos’ punch—only to witness Thanos charge up the Power Stone and fire it at him. Rising back up to one knee, Tony only had enough time to bring up a shield from the nanotech on his left arm. The Power Stone’s energy blast impacted the shield, Tony skidding across the earth but nonetheless lasting against it. Finding his opportunity, Tony broke away from the Power Stone and flew straight for the Mad Titan. Thanos raised his gauntlet, but was actually surprised to see Stark kick it aside, pressing it to the earth alongside his foot. A large clamp formed around both Stark’s foot and the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos looked from it up to Stark, watching as he spun towards him, a power mallet forming in his left fist, striking Thanos across the face.

Thanos kept his head low. Steadily, softly, breathing even softer, Thanos raised his right hand and graced the side of his cheek. He looked to his two fingers, seeing the splotch of blood against it. Thanos slowly smiled, still feeling the slight sting on his lower lip, now joined by the sting on his right cheek.

He lifted up his eyes, met Stark’s, and said, “All that for a drop of blood.”

Beneath his mask, Tony’s face slowly fell apart. Just as everything else did.

Thanos roared, overpowering Stark’s clamp and sending the Iron Man flipping through the air, eventually coming to a painful crash on his back. Tony looked up, eyes widening and arms rising just as Thanos unloaded punch after punch. Each time his fist would break through Tony’s arm, striking his mask and shattering it even further. Each punch was more devastating than the last, the nanotech crumbling and breaking as Tony laid there and took it. Tried to defend himself… and failed each time.

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Her heart continued to fail her, dropping farther and farther with each punch Thanos delivered into Stark’s face. She was watching a nightmare, a complete and utter nightmare. There was no other explanation. She wanted to believe anything else other than to be witnessing reality playing forth before her. And that horror, that fear continued to plague her the longer she stared, making her limbs feel numb, her jaw slack and teary eyes gazing to the terrifying events unfolding. And the worst of it was that she could do nothing.

She could only watch as one of her closest friends was beaten in a way she never could have imagined.

Bringing Stark to his feet, Thanos reared the Gauntlet back, the Power Stone glowing fiercely against it, unloading a powerful punch that sent Iron Man tumbling back, the remaining armor smacking against the stone and rock until Stark came to a screeching halt. Tony gasped for air, the side of his face visible from his shattered mask, his eyes darting upwards to see Thanos sneer his way, quickly approaching him. Tony forced himself back to his feet. He cringed at the intense pain flooding through him, at his shattered armor doing everything in its power—everything in his power—to fight back. The nanotech scurried up his legs and body, eventually forming around his hands so Stark could successfully craft two repulsor beams. He fired those beams at the Titan, Thanos blocking each with his gauntlet and the Space Stone.

He wouldn’t stop. Neither would Stark. He quickly shot his eyes back to Twilight, the pony—his injured friend—resting merely feet behind him. He was the only thing standing between Thanos and Twilight. The only thing. It was no simple fight for his own life anymore. He was fighting for another life. Fighting for his friend’s life. For a friend that couldn’t fight anymore. Facing forward once again, Tony unloaded every bit of power he had left in his shattered Mark 50 on the repulsor beams, only watching as they melted against Thanos’ gauntlet. Like hot, burning magma dripping from the solid gold plating. And Thanos just kept coming, narrowing the distance between them until there was nothing left. Thanos smacked Stark’s arms aside, managing to rip the remains of Stark’s helmet away as well. With his face bare and the battle wounds visible, Tony quickly raised his arms above his head, Thanos bringing his forearm back down and smacking it against Stark’s, the two caught in a small stalemate.

That quickly ended, Thanos prying Stark’s left hand aside. Shooting his right arm down, Tony allowed the very little nanotech he had left to form a katar on his right wrist. Twilight gasped at the small dagger jutted out from his hand. She held her breath as Tony drove the blade forward, intending to stab Thanos right in his chest. Her heart fell when Thanos dodged it. Tony’s face showed his dismay.

Both of them gaped in horror when Thanos ripped the dagger right from Stark’s wrist, twisted it, and drove its end into Tony’s abdomen.

No!” Twilight screamed, hoof held out. The tears flowed freely from her eyes, mixing with the blood on her cheeks, falling down the pain riddled in her expression. She saw the end of the dagger sticking out from Stark’s back. “N-no…”

Tony Stark gasped for air, pressing his free palms on Thanos’ chest and the other on his right arm. He struggled to maintain his footing, almost falling into shock to see the dagger embedded deep in the left side of his abdomen, just beneath the rib cage. Staggering, Tony was forced back as Thanos moved forward. Tony looked from Thanos’ palm gripped tightly around the katar and onto his face, into his eyes, seeing the expression of the Mad Titan remain almost stagnant throughout their entire scuffle. Now, it seemed to soften, showing almost a sense of lament hidden in the swirling shades of light blue in his eyes. And most of all… admiration.

The silence was infectious, painful, riddled with Tony’s agony-filled gasps. Twilight watched on in tormenting horror as Tony fell back, sitting down on a pile of stones. His head fell slack forward, Thanos reaching up with his gauntlet and pressing it softly on Tony’s head, bringing it back up. So he could meet his eyes. So he could fully experience the sincerity when he said it.

“You have my respect, Stark,” Thanos told him. Blood leaked from Tony’s lips, his vein-filled eyes forced to stare into Thanos’ own. Thanos pursed his lips, slowly nodding. “Both of you.”

Tony felt the pressure on the gauntlet on his head lessen, allowing him to turn over to Twilight on his far left. Her mane was tattered and burnt, as was her coat and wings. Bloody and beaten. Tears everywhere. The mare only stared on in shocked silence, still in disbelief to what she just witnessed. Stark was right there with her, gritting his teeth as more blood slipped through his lips. Thanos forced Stark’s eyes back to him, the two minds meeting, the two cursed souls staring into one another.

Seeing what each had been plaguing them. Tony his nightmares… and Thanos…

He breathed out and ignored his plaguing thoughts, nodding once more. When he spoke, his voice was soft, sincere. Truthful. “When I’m done, half of humanity will still be alive.”

He backed away, releasing Stark’s head. Tony gazed to the dagger deep within his abdomen, gasping at it. More blood leaked from his lips and his wound, Tony trying to breathe, finding the task to be more and more difficult. He looked up, watched as Thanos continued to back away, finally stopping merely a few feet away from where Tony sat.

And he slowly looked over to Twilight. “Very, very impressive.”

Twilight Sparkle tried to maintain her own breathing, looking away from Tony and joining his gaze, latched on to Thanos. A single, painful tear was stripped from her eye and fell down her left cheek, rolling through the blood. Her jaw was agape, eyes wide and in pain. She could do no more than that. The two battered souls, the two leaders lay beaten, broken, bloody, and devastated. Shocked to the very core. They couldn’t say a word. Thanos never even let them.

“I hope they remember you.”

The Badlands burned around him, the ash, smoke, fire, and death filling the skies and blotting out the sun. Tony Stark and Twilight Sparkle laid there, gazing to the Mad Titan. Waiting, unable to do much of anything else. Thanos lifted the Infinity Gauntlet towards them, all three Stones glowing. Twilight’s eyes slowly widened even further. Tony stared straight on, tightening his expression.

Thanos did the same. “I do hope… those that survive… remember… everything.”

Author's Note:

“You don’t know me.”

Artwork by NCMares

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