• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 115 – Becoming Whole Again



Canterlot, Equestria

Princess Twilight Sparkle’s Throne Room

3:45 p.m.

Princess Twilight, you have an emergency call from designation F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Lowering the scroll from her face via magic, Princess Twilight Sparkle gazed straight ahead. The darkness of her throne room was hardly aided by the flaming cauldrons lining the pillars, the pair of guards standing idly by her throne while the two others stood at attention by the open doors. Apparently, she had a visitor from one of her various messenger drones, and was so engrossed with the current tax bill that she hardly paid attention to the world around her.

The small drone hovered at the foot of her throne, the large iris blinking with robotic innocence. The voice was a lot more masculine than her other drones. Young but skilled. Experienced but youthful. With a quill and scroll still hovering by the sides of her head, Princess Twilight finally closed her agape jaw and softly cleared her throat. She lowered both objects, nodding for the drone to continue.

With that subtle order given, the drone hovered forth and stopped just mere feet ahead of Twilight’s face. A bright blue light escaped the pupil of the drone’s eye, expelling a single image and recording of the Mark 45 Iron Man armor. Friday, the AI controlling the suit, stared directly onto Twilight Sparkle, face unmoving but hand held out to the Alicorn nonetheless.

She said, “The following message is considered top secret. I will await one minute to allow any unspecified visitors to leave the premises. If you would allow the message to continue automatically, simply wave your hoof in front of this drone’s iris.”

Twilight nodded to her guards. They nodded in return, looking to one another before making their hasty escape out the throne room’s doors. Even the last two Royal Guards stationed by the doors made their exit, as well, the massive twin doors slowly shutting to a firm close. Utter silence began to seep in, the darkness overwhelming and all-consuming. It was so quiet Twilight could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. It had only been twenty seconds. It was all she could take before she waved her hoof to just get to the message already.

“This message comes directly from the New Avengers Facility. Date: April 28, 2023. The Avengers have recently come into contact with an old friend they have once assumed to be among the Vanished. This friend is Scott Lang, and he has provided extremely precious information that cannot be fully explained in this message alone.”

Though she wasn’t particularly startled by the fact that it was a top secret message—considering she got a plenitude of those after she had become the sole ruler of Equestria—Twilight’s suspicions only continued to rise after Friday mentioned that the message came from the New Avengers Facility. It got even more interesting to know that one of the many billions who were taken from them in the Snap was actually found alive. Scott Lang. The Ant-Man. She didn’t really know him personally, but he was a friend of the Avengers. An ally once thought dead, only truly missing. Her attention was fully captured, the Princess of Equestria leaning slowly further where she sat.

She stared right into Friday’s bright, brilliant blue eyes. And what she said took her breath away. “Captain Steve Rogers requires your presence immediately, Your Highness. They might have a plan to undo the events five years prior, but desperately require your expertise and assistance.”

Twilight simply had to have a double take on that. She couldn’t truly fathom what she had just heard before it became apparent to her that Friday meant nothing else. She simply carried a message that came straight from the Avengers. And with that message, a forgotten hope reemerged. A dream, perhaps. Something that was once sought towards years ago but ultimately abandoned, knowing it could never be truly achieved. Knowing that, everyone moved on with their new lives. They picked up the pieces, they rebuilt, they formed new alliances and created new opportunities. Everyone and everypony simply… lived the rest of their lives.

Despite what was taken from them so long ago.

… And now it could be undone?

Friday mentioned they “might” have a plan, but that simple “might” was still a possibility to achieving the impossible. How the Avengers could even comprehend such a feat was beyond Twilight, or how a simple man named Scott Lang gave them that fleeting hope to begin with. It was all so bizarre, outlandish, and definitely out there. Definitely something Twilight didn’t expect to receive or hear that cold, lonesome Sunday.

But it definitely changed it.

“If you would like to respond to this message, simply wave your hoof in front of this drone’s iris.”

Twilight didn’t even move. For several seconds, she simply couldn’t form a coherent thought or speech pattern to be recognized as a suitable response. She didn’t even know how she could respond to that message, that undeniable revelation that was given to her. It had taken her breath away and Twilight couldn’t even breathe. Her lower lip began to shiver once that possibility returned to her, when the idea of the Decimation being undone could have been. It was a dream. A hope that was killed a long time ago. She had given up of ever seeing her friends, her family, everyone.

But now… Steve Rogers had the audacity to claim she could see them all again?

The tears sprang forth and began to dribble down her cheeks, Twilight Sparkle gasping for air and quickly shutting her eyes. Her breath shivered, silent cries filling the throne room. Not just cries, but astounded exhales and even more painful inhales. Astounded because just knowing there was a possibility once again filled her with reinvigorated hope… and painful because she didn’t want it to fade.

Because she didn’t know if she could ever come back from another hope that ended in failure.

Her inner conflict would have to wait. The throne room doors burst open, the familiar voice crying out, “Twilight!”

Quickly rubbing her eyes and cheeks free of the tears, Twilight pushed the small, hovering drone away from her face so she could catch a glimpse to her visitor. Or, perhaps, visitors. The drone faced the front of the throne room, as well, ending the message and blinking softly to the two mares racing forth towards the throne.

“Rainbow Dash…” Twilight breathed softly. She watched as General Rainbow Dash of the Equestrian Army flew forth at breakneck speeds, slowing herself and landing upon the carpet, skidding shortly before stumbling to a halt. Breathless. Bug-eyed. Staring fully onto her. Twilight looked away to the unicorn galloping right after her. “Tempest… W-what are you two doing here?”

As Commander Tempest Shadow of the Equestrian Grand Fleet slowed herself right on Rainbow’s left side, she breathed spastically with sweat streaming down her face. Even her spiked mane was in shambles, the same almost being said for Rainbow Dash. A slight frizzle to her mane covering her right eye, but nothing other than that. She sweated, too, but not nearly as bad as Tempest.

“Guess you got the message, too,” Rainbow breathed, holding out her left hoof and the small drone that hovered over it. Tempest did the same, a drone in her right, held out to Princess Twilight.

The hovering drone on Twilight’s right blinked at that, turning to the princess and fully expecting an immediate response. Only there was none. All Twilight Sparkle could do was sit numbly on her throne and try to comprehend that the message just wasn’t sent to her… but to her friends, as well. It was real. It was happening. That hope that the Avengers spoke of existed and they wanted them back on Earth. She sat there, open-mouthed and refusing to breathing, simply staring onto her friends.

Rainbow Dash had certainly changed the most since the Decimation five years prior. For what was once a Wonderbolt proud and true, a professor at the School of Friendship, the weather manager at Ponyville, and the Element of Loyalty… had become the leading general of Equestria’s armies. She gave up the Wonderbolts years ago to help rebuild Equestria’s army alongside Tempest, left Spitfire to lead the fleet on her own. With so much of Equestria’s own infrastructure and defense force so utterly disheveled, broken, and scattered, it was a miracle Rainbow Dash and Tempest were able to collect what remained and reassemble it from the ground up. By far their crowning achievement would have to be the War Horse, a purified symbol of Equestria’s renewed fighting force and the nation’s power amongst the worlds. The flying fortress continuously hovered above Canterlot, protecting the capital city alongside the Equestrian Grand Fleet… Tempest’s own personal achievement.

Tempest had remained an adamant and stubborn unicorn for as long as Twilight knew her. She felt she still owed an unpayable debt to Equestria, even after her tireless efforts over the past five years. Even after everything she had given. Twilight thought about it with what little time she had to herself to recollect on those the universe spared her. A part of Tempest still hadn’t forgiven herself for the Storm King's invasion so many years ago. That same part still hadn’t found peace even after she nearly united all of Equus’ armies and turned them against the same threat. They all still failed in the end… but perhaps Tempest took it harder than anypony else. Much harder than Twilight realized prior. In response to that failure, Tempest focused all of her efforts to truly rebuild the world. She was one of the leading ambassadors alongside Twilight herself to the various nations, being the leading spokesmare to help reunite and rebuild the world she owed that debt to. It was never paid off in her eyes, despite all she had done. Equestria’s Grand Fleet was her final achievement, vowing to dedicate the rest of her life to ensure peace was held within her world… and between the sister worlds. The Twin Worlds of Sol.

Taking a short gasp to contain herself, Rainbow lowered her hoof and allowed the drone to fly off and out of the throne room. She breathed heavily, saying, “We both decided… it would be best to come together and figure this out as a team. Just like old times, huh?”

She practically smiled. A youthful, invigorated grin almost creeping its way back onto Rainbow’s lips. The first one in she didn’t know how long. Unfortunately, that smile wasn’t met with a favorable return. Princess Twilight simply gazed from her throne, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply.

“Rainbow…” she softly exhaled, shaking her head. “Oh, Rainbow, I’m not sure about this.”

“What?” Rainbow responded, brow furrowed and tone growing harsher by the second. “Wait, Twilight, are you being serious right now? The Avengers have contacted us for the first time in months with quite possibly our last chance to bring everypony we lost back! And you’re not sure about that?!”

With every emphasizing point she made, Rainbow took a firm step closer to the throne. Even after five years, it felt so completely off to see Twilight standing taller than her. Sometimes she missed the days when their thrones were circular, all the same height, giving them that same equal power amongst each other. Time changed that. Time put Twilight on Equestria’s throne and Rainbow leading a vast, powerful army. Though she still never felt more powerless against her, so much smaller than the Princess of Friendship.

She even gazed down to Rainbow with that condescending stare, Twilight sending a deadpan frown to Dash to add to it. “Don’t be dense, Rainbow. You know there’s more to it than that.”

There certainly was more to it than that, much more than even Twilight was willing to admit. Though she refused to even acknowledge it herself, plenty of ponies around her had seen the stark shift in the Princess of Friendship’s personality. Even her own friends in Canterlot and Ponyville had seen it, but hardly ever came around to admitting it. Never once admitting it to Twilight herself. The truth was… she had become greatly reclusive since the Decimation. Certainly, they needed each other to help rebuild the nation, but once there was a firm foundation achieved and everypony went their separate ways… the toll that Twilight carried made itself clearly evident. Brighter than the sun.

She had shut herself away, facing the world with a forced sense of determination and a helpful smile to go with it. A smile to ensure her little ponies and the world around her that they stood amongst the ashes. They remained despite what was taken from them. The burden she carried from that moment on took so much more than Twilight could give. She only left Canterlot for national conferences, meetings with world leaders, or the occasional mingling with Canterlot’s citizens. She very rarely visited Ponyville and her friends there, the last time being two years ago. They came to Canterlot to visit her often, but even then the meetings were shortened. They all had duties and lives to focus on. Not much time for leisure any more. Not much time for friends any more…

Even the title of the Princess of Friendship meant very little to her any longer. She mainly helmed the title as Princess of Equestria far more than the other. Even when others referred to her as such, she hardly acknowledged it.

Knowing there was not much to acknowledge in that name.

The Princess of Equestria continued on, ignoring General Dash’s fearsome glare and saying, “We have so much more work to do here, girls. We can’t just… go off on some random adventure like we used to. We have jobs. We have ponies that need us. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but we need to accept reality and focus on tomorrow.”

“You think we’re not focusing on tomorrow?” Rainbow snarled. She pointed her hoof to the stained glass window, to the image of Twilight, Rainbow, and Tempest standing proudly upon a bright, reignited Equestria. She pointed to herself, to the image of her staring off alongside the sunrise, never looking any prouder. Definitely a stark contrast to how she appeared then. “I gave up my entire life to help rebuild this country with you. I spent hundreds of sleepless nights tirelessly working to reform and strengthen our military of which you never use by the way.”

“We’re trying to keep the peace, Rainbow,” Twilight groaned. Honestly, she should have known by then that they weren’t trying to enforce fear upon the world. It was order, certainly, but it was peace. There hadn’t been an uprising or riot in years, and it was all because of that showing of dominance.

The shadow of the War Horse fell over Canterlot Castle, darkness overcoming the light.

“That’s beside the point,” Tempest cut in. She stepped forth and rested a steel-cladded hoof on Rainbow’s chest, pushing the Pegasus slightly to the right, silently telling her to back off. She faced the throne, a fuming Rainbow Dash snorting behind her. “The point we’re trying to make is that we have only focused on the future. And with what the Avengers want from us, what they’re hoping to achieve, it’s only to help our future. Billions of lives taken… and billions more that can be reunited with them once again. This isn’t some random adventure, Twilight… this is what we were meant to do.”

Tempest Shadow emphasized her point by taking just one more step closer. One more step further into Twilight’s heart and pushing on. Desperately trying to convince her. Desperately fighting with her words, her pain-filled eyes, as she asked, “If there’s a chance… don’t you want to take it?”

Several seconds of silence filled the throne room. Twilight breathed in.

“Of course,” Twilight exhaled painfully, shutting her eyes. “Five years ago, definitely. A couple of years ago, maybe. But now… Girls, things have changed. We all moved on. We have a country to run, stable relations to keep with an entirely other world, and we can’t just drop all of that for a chance.”

“It was always a chance for us, Twilight,” Rainbow interjected, much calmer and more controlled thanks to Tempest’s interruption. She stepped forth and gazed straight into Twilight’s eyes, each just as painful. Yet what she said hardly helped the tears cease in Twilight’s eyes.

“It was a chance for us to go into the Everfree Forest, reclaim some relics meant to be mere legend, and defeat Nightmare Moon. It was a chance when we stood against Discord with those same relics and did the same exact thing, not even knowing if we were fully able to control them after what Discord did to us. But it worked. Count that to how many other times we went up against so many other insurmountable odds and came out on top! All of it was for a chance… and this is no different.”

She fully expected to see Twilight’s mood shift dramatically from that. It did… but not in the way she had hoped. What went from apprehensive and adamant transformed into something darker, the shadows from the War Horse not helping in any regard to lighten the mood. Twilight’s face darkened as she raised it, her eyes hardening and lips doing the same. A straight line of nothingness as she glared down to Rainbow Dash and Tempest Shadow. Her voice fell several octaves, the paid riddled with the anger and only fully blossoming when she said it.

“Was Thanos any different?”

The name caught everypony by their hearts. His name was almost unspeakable, becoming more like a curse if anything. Normally, there would have been slight hesitation to even mentioning the Titan behind the Gauntlet, behind the death, behind all the desolation he caused in the universe. But for that moment, Twilight declared his name with as much emphasis as to support her stance. She didn’t turn away from it. Everypony visibly flinched to the name, but stood regardless.

“Thanos is dead,” Tempest replied in a shaking breath. Twilight’s darkened expression shifted towards the unicorn, gazed to her broken horn, and fell into her eyes. “We can do this, Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash aided her, stepping forth and declaring, “Just give us… a few days. Just a few days and then we can come back to our lives here. Novo can handle everything while we’re gone… just like she did before.”

Listening to that proposal made Twilight’s heart fall. Not for the reasons it should have. It fell to that rising hope that Rainbow and Tempest gave her. It fell because there was some merit behind their words, some reasoning to their claims, and some plausibility to how they can achieve such. It fell to know that Thanos was certainly dead, with the Infinity Stones alongside him. That hope to undo all the damages was gone with Thanos’ death. He was certain to take the Stones with him. Now they stood one last time, the three that faced a familiar storm so many years ago, given that same hope to save the universe. Twilight dropped her head and sighed.

“I’m so tired, Twilight,” Rainbow sighed, stealing Twilight’s own breath from her. The Pegasus took another step forward, eyes hurt and bleeding tears. They never fell, however, even when she shook her head and shivered. “I’m tired of living in a world without my best friends…”

Twilight lifted her gaze, a shimmer glowing within the tears and shining within her pupils as she met Rainbow’s.

“Aren’t you?”

Ponyville, Equestria

Castle of Friendship

4:28 p.m.

Rainbow Dash’s personal airship was much faster than the train. They had arrived to Ponyville in record timing, a plethora of Royal Guard falling from the ramp and clearing a path of Ponyville citizens to allow Princess Twilight a safe passage through.

The crowd gawked to her, human and pony alike. Even Gabby the griffon flew by and waved to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, returning shortly to her mail work once the Royal Guard cleared out the bystanders. Though some lingered still, Twilight assured her guards it was safe and ordered them to focus ahead. To the lone standing Castle of Friendship next to the familiar school Twilight used to run.

She breathed in… and breathed out. A smile found its way onto her lips. It certainly had been a long time, and seeing some familiar and friendly places was enough to calm the princess’ nerves.

Seeing those familiar and friendly faces was even better.

The front doors to the castle opened and they were instantly greeted in a shower of hugs. From Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, and even Derpy and Maud, the welcome party was much-needed and well appreciated from Twilight and Rainbow. Tempest… not so much, but she accepted the hugs nonetheless.

“Oh, Twilight, you look absolutely frazzled, darling!” Rarity cooed after breaking her hug, toying with Twilight’s mane while the Alicorn merely scrunched her face at the invasion, smiling softly nonetheless.

It certainly had been quite some months since she had seen Rarity last. Not much had changed, other than the tight ponytail she had adjusted for herself, her mane still as vibrant and beautiful as always. A pair of glasses sat at the bridge of her snout, the kind she wore when she dealt with creating various dresses and clothing. Definitely with the kind of workload she was given considering her new business in the Distribution Center in Ponyville. A couple of uneasy bags hung under her eyes, but it was still the same Rarity she knew. Her same friend as ever before.

Twilight raised her hoof and laid it over Rarity’s, chuckling softly. “It’s okay, Rarity! No need to get any more worked up than you already are.”

“Considering the messages we all got, I think that might be a problem,” Maud droned, she and Derpy trotting forward and holding out their right hooves. In each, a simple drone hovered and blinked innocently to the Princess of Equestria. Twilight blinked back, brow furrowing in a curious stare.

“Wait, you got the messages, too?” Twilight pondered aloud.

“Friday told us that Steve was very specific in who he wanted to come back to Earth!” Derpy exclaimed excitedly, hooves shooting outwards as she hovered in mid-air. She even reached into her saddlebag, pulling out a large, metallic vest that Twilight had only seen one other time before. The Alicorn caught her breath at the sight of the Domino Gun in Derpy’s hooves, uneasy memories flushing inwards just at the sight of it. It really didn’t help when Maud did the same, pulling the pair of Asteroid Gloves from her saddlebag and giving Derpy a hoof bump with them.

“Yeah…” Twilight whispered. Noting the sudden drop in her voice, the Alicorn shook her head and turned back to her friends. She tried to manage a smile, the audible gulp escaping her instead. “Guess we’re really doing this, huh?”

“You don’t have to worry, Twilight,” Starlight said, trying to ease Twilight’s clear tensions with the whole situation. Twilight turned to her, almost sighing sadly to see the larger bags under Starlight’s eyes. If there was anypony who tried to take as much responsibility as Twilight, it was Starlight. From taking over the position as mayor of Ponyville, rebuilding the Castle of Friendship, and singlehoofedly running the School of Friendship as headmare and teacher, perhaps Starlight truly just wanted to cement her place among her friends. She wanted to be useful whereas she couldn’t by Twilight’s side any longer, considering Twilight’s rise as ruler of Equestria. No more being a student to the Princess of Friendship. It was her turn to be the teacher for the next generation.

And it showed in every painful inch and detail of her weariness. She tried not to show it through her smile, saying, “I got Cheerilee to handle the school while we’re gone and left Amethyst Star in charge of Ponyville and the Castle of Friendship. I’d say we’re good to go for a few days. Just… a few days.”

Her eyes shifted over to a certain general of the Equestrian Army. Rainbow sighed, eventually nodding. Knowing Starlight, she would undoubtedly keep to a tight schedule and be back earlier if time or circumstance permitted it. She really was Twilight’s old pupil, Rainbow imagined.

Twilight turned shakily to both Derpy and Maud, the Earth pony placing the Asteroid Gloves back into her saddlebag while Derpy did the same for her Domino Gun. Their weapons made for war. Why in Equestria they needed them was beyond Twilight. Whatever plan the Avengers had in mind would most certainly spell trouble no matter what happened. A part of Twilight wished she had packed more appropriately.

That part of her won in the end.

“So, are we ready to do this?” Sunset asked, tightening her saddlebags and looking about amongst the group. From Rainbow, Rarity, Tempest, Starlight, Maud, Derpy, and finally to Twilight. All of them seemingly packed and ready for the jump to the world above. She adjusted her hoof to be pointing up the staircase that led to the hallway. “Friday’s waiting for us in the library and—”

Her voice trailed away when Twilight’s hoof shakily rose.

Sheepishly smiling, Twilight mumbled, “Just… one more minute. I… I-I need to get something.”

She made her way through her bundle of friends, each mare turning curiously to one another before they all eventually fell shortly on Twilight’s path. Following the Alicorn up the stairs, through the winding hallways, passed the library, and finally into the throne room, the group were brought back to an old but welcome sight nonetheless. Individual thrones circled around a crystal table, the remnants of the old castle reformed into the new. The roots from the Golden Oaks Library were completely destroyed when the castle fell years ago. It was unfortunate, but Twilight paid the lack of roots no heed. She proceeded to the back of the throne room, facing the pair of locked doors specially added on Twilight’s word during the rebuilding.

Her friends watched as Twilight dipped her head low, gently injected her horn into the hole on the face of the door, and ignited her magic. Numerous veins of the soft violet filled the doors, activating the locking mechanism and automatically pushing the two doors open. All that rested in the towering backroom… was a simple lockbox lying on a single shelf just on Twilight’s eye-level. She opened it with her magic, as well, pulling forth the object of her desire. As she turned back to her friends, they slowly fell into a state of silent curiosity, none of them truly able to form the right words as to why Twilight wished to bring it of all things.

Resting in her aura was Applejack’s hat.

Resting in the hat were the remains of the Elements of Harmony, dozens of colorful, dead shards lying scattered within it.

Sunset’s mouth fell. “The Elements of Harmony?” she asked, still unable to close her mouth.

“Don’t even try to ask me why,” Twilight explained, the magic around Applejack’s hat fading and the hat falling into her awaiting foreleg. She closed the distance between her and it and brought the hat close to her chest. Close to her heart. She breathed in deeply before letting out a shaking exhale. “It just… it just feels like we need them. Who knows? Maybe this plan will work out in the end after all and I can finally give this back to Appleja—”

Her voice stopped. Dead. Sunset’s ears fell against her skull once she noticed Twilight’s hurt expression. Rainbow began to feel that old, familiar pain creep its way onto her face, her expression scrunching and tightening to keep in that pain. Rarity practically deflated, a depressed sigh leaving her when she saw Twilight’s eyes, her growing, hopeful smile… only to see it all fall apart in an instant. Starlight and Derpy shared similar fates. Maud and Tempest remained unmoved, perhaps a drop in their eyes, but nothing more than that. Twilight nearly broke right then and there, boiling tears threatening to fall. She hadn’t realized how hard the hat was pressed to her chest before she finally released the pressure.

“You don’t have to worry, Twilight,” Sunset assured her, stepping forward and laying a helpful hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, offering an even more comforting smile. Her burning eyes fell to the hat, joining Twilight’s saddened stare into it. “I have a good feeling everything will turn out how it’s supposed to.”

A deep breath in, and one out. She had done that a lot lately. “I hope you’re right,” Twilight sighed, rising back up from her sitting position to join the rest of her friends in their stance. And join them she did, those helpful smiles moving about and filling every mare, everypony, and falling altogether on Twilight Sparkle.

A smile that couldn’t last when the mission came back to her. “I also would have hoped the last time we saw the Avengers had ended on a cleaner note.”

Luckily, Sunset was right by her side, smiling and assuring her, “It’s only been a few months. It won’t be that weird.”


Brooklyn, New York

Denny’s Diner

10:02 a.m.

The next morning after they had arrived to the New Avengers Facility, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Matthew Murdock, and Scott Lang treated their equine visitors to breakfast in Steve’s hometown of Brooklyn. It was there that they had promised the eight ponies a strong start to the morning… as well as meeting an old, familiar, and friendly face.

They never expected the face of the Incredible Hulk.

They definitely didn’t expect to see nothing but Bruce Banner from him, either.

From Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, Tempest, Derpy, Rainbow, and Rarity, all of them stared onto the sight before them with eyes incredulous, jaws agape, and completely and utterly motionless and breathless as the towering, green… Bruce sat on his side of the table. The other half of it. Maud was the only mare monotone throughout the entire ordeal, her only form of movement being the reach for her glass of water or the soft, slow blink of her eyes. Other than that, complete silence from the ponies. A complete and total lack of an intelligent response as they gazed to the intelligence… of the Hulk.

Bruce Banner chewed on the entire pancake he had jammed into his gaping maw, his green lips smacking and massive hands swaying in the air as he explained, “Pretty big change? Yeah, I get it. Been a while since I’ve joined up with the Avengers and all. Hey, it’s just like old times! You, and you, and you, etcetera, etcetera, and of course… the big green! Me!”

They were in a Denny’s for the morning breakfast rush. Hardly a rush, considering a mere handful of patrons were present. A collection of humans and ponies were bustling about, either situated on the various tables or working within the diner itself. Just beyond the window they all were situated against, several other ponies roamed the streets of Brooklyn alongside even more humans. All of them practically molded against the same society, two different worlds blended into one. The only person who didn’t seem completely situated with that was Scott Lang, the man sitting between Maud Pie and Derpy Hooves as he, too, was simply at a loss for words at the sight of Bruce Banner.

At the sight of the Hulk.

At the sight of both.

Raising the glass of milk to his lips, Banner took a soft sip that emptied half the glass. Sighing as he lowered the milk, Bruce continued. “Look, I can tell you’re all pretty tongue-tied right about now. Trust me, if you told me that Bruce Banner and the Hulk could come to a peace five years ago… I would’ve thought you were insane. Nah, after I left the Avengers a few years back, it really got me thinking. Why didn’t the Hulk want to come out? Why was he so afraid? At first, I thought it was because I got my ass kicked, or… he got his ass kicked. No, I realized that it was because the way I had been treating him. You know, like a disease, a fail-safe, something that didn’t deserve to have full control.”

He laid a helping of syrup on his pancakes, diving in for another mouthful of half the stack as he pushed the bowl of eggs over to Scott Lang, offering it to him. When he denied it, Banner chewed for several seconds on end, holding up a green finger politely to let himself finish.

He swallowed. “Well, eighteen months down the line and some serious mental training later… you may now bask in the glory of what I managed to accomplish. Arguably one of my greatest achievements: the brain of Banner and the brawn of the Hulk… molded into one. The best of both worlds.”

He held out his arms at that, quite pleased with himself. “I call him… Professor Hulk. Pretty nice ring to it, huh?”

With a clear lack of royal regalia joining her, Twilight Sparkle sat between Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. Sunset sat on Rainbow’s left. Rainbow had a complete lack of her uniform and armor. Tempest didn’t fall into that line while sitting on Rainbow’s right, wearing her armor within public becoming a strong normality for her. Matt sat beside Maud, taking the window. With Starlight sitting across from Tempest and Rarity on Natasha’s left, Twilight turned to Sunset on her deep right, an eyebrow slowly rising.

Both mares completely taken aback by the situation and how weird it was.

“We… haven’t seen you in a few years since you left the Avengers, Bruce,” Twilight managed to sputter out after clearing her throat. She tried to stare at him, still unable to perceive the same Bruce Banner with the hulking body sitting before her. “Is this what you’ve been up to this whole time?”

“Aside from making the public eye turn a complete 180 on the image of the Hulk, I’d say I’ve just been keeping it easy,” Bruce replied, cleaning his lips with a white napkin. “Heck, I’m practically a celebrity now. Everyone loves the Hulk, and they don’t see him as a threat anymore! Honestly, things couldn’t have turned out better for the Big Guy.”

Scott shook his head. “I’m so lost.”

Banner smiled at him, but was unable to respond when a slight tap on his arm brought his attention to the right… and downwards. Standing there giddy and smiling, a youthful Earth pony hopped excitedly up and down once Banner’s eyes met hers. She exclaimed, “Um, excuse me, Mr. Hulk… but… could I get a picture with you, please?”

She held out her hoof, her smartphone offered to Bruce. “Big fan,” she said with a toothy grin.

Almost ignoring the Princess of Equestria to her right, the mare only shivered with excitement when Bruce gently plucked the smartphone out of her hoof, offering that large, welcoming smile to her. “Absolutely, my little pony,” he told her, handing the phone to Lang. “Here, Scott, can you take that?”

“Oh, sure,” Scott replied, taking the phone and holding it out to take the picture.

He saw as Banner bent down and wrapped his right palm softly on the back of the pony’s back, both of them smiling wide. Banner declared, “Say… green! Greeen! You get that?”

Scott nodded, offering the phone back to the pony. “You want a picture with me? I’m Ant-Man.”

The entire table watched as her smile almost deflated, still barely held awkwardly upwards. She tilted her head slightly sideways. “Um… who’s that?”

“You know what? Just take the goddamn phone.”

He handed her smartphone back rather roughly, Hulk handing it off to her and watching as she pocketed it away into her Denny’s apron. “I… really should get back to work now,” the pony quietly explained, scanning the diner as if she was scouting for her boss. When she was in the clear, she turned back to Banner and whispered sweetly, “Thank you!”

She scurried off, back to work and cleaning the tables.

“They’ve seamlessly adapted to our technology. It’s incredible,” Bruce said with a smile, big green thumb pointed to the mare in question.

“Yeah, it’s unsettling,” Scott groaned, falling back in his seat. Derpy offered a sympathetic pat on his shoulder. “Ponies have jobs on Earth and everything.”

“You act like we’re gonna take over your world or something,” Maud piped up on his left.

Scott turned to the mare. “You’re joking, right?”

Maud slowly blinked. “Am I?”

He was at a complete loss from that response. It was practically unreadable, something Scott was usually an expert at. Ignoring the giggles from Rarity and Starlight, Lang faced the individual sitting across from him, elbows pressed on the table as he leaned forward and asked, “I thought you said they were our allies?”

Steve nodded, taking a sip from his glass of water. “The few allies we have.”

Twilight nodded at that. “Yes, Scott, Maud is just playing with you. She just shows it differently.”

Still quite uneasy with the pony on his left, Scott steadily shifted his eyes her way once more. “You sure about that?” he asked no one in particular, maybe the entire table, as his eyes studied Maud Pie from top to bottom.

Maud slowly smirked his way, eyes half-lidded and knowing.

“It’s always nice to see you again, Bruce, but you know why we’ve called you in,” Natasha said, bringing that table back to her and the focus of the conversation where it mattered. In an instant, Banner’s expression seemed to soften, almost sadden, as he recalled just what his old team wanted from him in the first place. Couldn’t even enjoy a free meal with old friends anymore.

“You’re trying to undo everything that’s happened…” Bruce said, gulping. “With time travel.”

It was the first time any of the mares had been informed on what exactly the Avengers had been planning to do, and it was none other than time travel itself. Twilight and Starlight were instantly captured by that, each mare turning to one another and holding their breaths and tongues for several consecutive seconds. Both had the same thought in mind, the same dreaded, wretched revelation that came with time travel. Just before Twilight could open her mouth to it, Matthew beat her.

Being relatively quiet for the breakfast, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen finally found his voice. Murdock leaned forward, eyes hidden behind the dark shades as he explained, “We know it’s a stretch. But Scott gave us the possibility and we’re willing to take it. Alone, we won’t be able to do it. Amongst us, you’ve got the biggest brain here, metaphorically and physically. If anyone could figure this out… it’s you, Bruce.”

Twilight’s voice seemingly failed her, both she and Starlight facing the same probability. There would no doubt be a moment where they would have to tell the Avengers about the truth and the dangers of time travel and its effects, but just hearing about the possibility… caught them for a moment. They were intrigued, guided towards that hope, and fell silent because of it. No doubt holding that truth in the back of their minds for later.

Banner slowly nodded his head, gazing longingly to the table as he mused, “I’m definitely gonna need to take a look at that van you drove to the facility, Scott. If we’re gonna figure this out, I’ll have to check out that Quantum Tunnel you mentioned earlier.”

“So, you’re saying you can do it?!” Rarity asked excitedly, practically leaping to her hind legs from her seat. Just the possibility of having all the stress, all the work, and all the wretched years taken away so she could go back to what really mattered was almost overwhelming. Living her dream of becoming a world-renowned fashion designer alongside her best friends and family could return to her. All those who were taken away from her. It was possible and it could be done.

Unfortunately, her hope fell alongside her heart when Banner shook his head. “Never said that,” he said, lifting his eyes to the unicorn. He offered a faint smile. “But I’m willing to give it a try.”

Rarity’s ears straightened, a hopeful and gleaming smile returning to the mare.

Banner tried to smile wider, but ended up only sighing. “But even before that… we’re still missing a few Avengers.”

“We know,” Steve said. “That’s why Natasha and I’ve come up with a little… split up.”

“Split up?” Rainbow asked, turning to Steve on her left and looking for that answer.

“We’ll split up,” Steve continued, looking straight at her and eventually… the rest of the table. Everyone present. “Twilight, you and Starlight, Sunset, Matt, and Scott will join Nat and I to get Tony. Bruce, you’ll take Rainbow, Rarity, Tempest, Maud, and Derpy to find Thor. You’re more than welcome to take the Quinjet, considering where you’ll be going.”

“The Quinjet?” Rainbow pondered. Steve turned to her, watched as she shook her head and asked, “Wait, how far is Thor? Where did he go?”

She wasn’t there when he told them… four years ago.

“A little place called New Asgard,” Steve answered.

Rainbow’s eyes slowly enlarged. With the rest of the team breathing in that information, Scott Lang was still stuck on the person he was supposed to meet up with. “What about Stark?” Scott asked.

His question… didn’t seem to reach them until miles later. In that time, each Avenger took a moment to recollect and regather what information they had, what they knew, and what awaited them. Most importantly, Steve and Twilight seemed the most affected by that question. Steve appeared downtrodden, not even able to find the strength to reach for his glass of water. He almost looked guilty. Twilight on the other hand… appeared apprehensive. It had been a short few months since she had last visited Tony, but it still wouldn’t be a welcome meeting by any means. What they were going to ask of Stark would require more from the man than he would ever be willing to give up. With what he had grown, what he had built, what five years down the line had done to him and Pepper and their lives together… the possibility of changing all of that for their time travel plan seemed…

It didn’t seem right.

But they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

Turning to him, Twilight slowly nodded Scott’s way. “It’s better if you see it for yourself.”

Natasha smiled to the table, laying some cash down for the meal. “Avengers… disassemble.”

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