• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 159 – The Blip


Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility

5:35 p.m.

Captain America strode forth into the laboratory with his helmet in one hand and shield in the other. Ditching his worn, dirty, and bloody rags that was his classic Avengers uniform, Steve Rogers walked tall while donning his newest attire, an armored chain mail suit scaled from his chest to his arms and shoulders. The rest of his suit resembled more of his modern uniform, a darker shade of blue alongside the red and white.

Behind him walked an army.

The mares were encompassed and spread out amongst the masses, but they entered the laboratory all the same. As one team. From Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity donning their Arc Reactors, to Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest standing tall and bright, and Maud and Derpy bearing their own weapons of war. On Maud’s hooves, her Asteroid Gloves were attached and activated. Derpy trotted inside with her metallic vest wrapped around her and the Domino Gun positioned on her shoulder.

Standing taller amongst the mares, the Avengers and Guardians and agents and Defenders walked as one. Thor led them, his left Uru arm swaying by his side. Groot and Nebula followed with Daisy Johnson, Matthew Murdock, and Frank Castle trailing behind them. Daisy, Matt, and Frank were armored up and ready for war, Daisy in her repaired S.H.I.E.L.D. jumpsuit and the silver gauntlets around her forearms gleaming under the lab’s ceiling lights. Matthew walked maskless, his black Daredevil armor seeming all too small against the immense Punisher Armor walking beside him. Castle also wore no mask as of yet, the Punisher glaring ahead to the object in the heart of the room.

James Rhodes also wore his heavy armor, the War Machine Mark VI dented and scratched but nonetheless holding strong. Just for one more war. Scott Lang entered the room in his Ant-Man suit, his own mask retracted back and unveiling Scott’s astonishment for the project Tony, Rocket, and Bruce had been finishing. Elektra, Natasha, Robbie Reyes, and Carol Danvers soon joined them, each of them wearing their personalized and replenished uniforms.

The final ones to enter the labs were Clint Barton, Melinda May, Alphonso Mackenzie, Shuri, and Friday. The sliding doors closed behind them, yet it hardly mattered when the room was already open up to the War Room, hallway, and garden. Mack had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t be for much longer. Just by analyzing the precarious situation laid before them, Mack’s suspicions had been fully realized and they became clear observations.

The Infinity Stones had been removed from the briefcase, a set of mechanical arms hovering over the table and handling each Stone to the glass containment. Where the Nano Gauntlet was waiting for them. Mack stopped dead in his tracks, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. gulping softly and eyeing the Stones precariously. If just one was dropped…

But Tony Stark was cautious in his movements. Controlling the mechanical hands alongside Banner, Tony led all five of them closer to hover just near the face of the gauntlet’s red and silver hand. Rocket and Bruce stood on his sides, counting off each Stone and noting the last one. The barren, robotic claw that held no Stone. The Nano Gauntlet was nearly finalized, but it needed one more Infinity Stone before they could add them all at once.

Tony had found some earlier trouble handling the Power Stone, as did Bruce. It was as if one touch started a chain reaction that threatened to burn their skin just upon the slightest contact. They had to be extra careful with their robotic claws. Only, when they turned to the briefcase to retrieve the Power Stone, they noticed that it was already gone.

And suddenly held out below them in the hoof of none other than Maud Pie.

“Noticed you were struggling with this,” Maud mumbled, her deadpan expression unphased by the Power Stone glowing violently on her naked hoof. To Rocket’s shock, he noticed that the Stone didn’t even affect her. Not in the slightest. No infectious purple veins coating her hoof. No screams. No pain.

There was just nothing on her face. She blinked.

Tony and Bruce turned to one another, shortly before staring silently at Maud, in shock, and using the robotic claw to remove the Stone from her hoof. Maud simply dropped her hoof and placed the Asteroid Glove back over it, as if nothing had even happened. She blinked up at them, Rocket’s brow furrowed and his jaw refusing to close. Tony didn’t even want to question it, rather wishing to stay focused on not killing everyone in the room.

All six robotic claws came together in the glass containment, each wielding a Stone and pushing them closer to the Nano Gauntlet’s hand. The nanobots on the gauntlet made room for each Infinity Stone, crowding around them and holding the gems in place. The Space Stone was placed beneath the forefinger, the Power Stone beneath the middle finger, the Reality Stone beside it, and the Time Stone by the pinky. The Mind Stone rested just on the thumb, and the final Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone, was placed in the center of the gauntlet. The robotic claws backed away as the Stones shimmered against the gauntlet’s nanoparticles, each gem reacting well and the glove holding.

For the time being, at least.

Meaning they had a limited window and needed to act fast. Watching the claws lift the gauntlet free from the containment and resting it on a small stand against the table, Rocket gave the glove a once over. He nodded, declaring, “All right, looks like the glove’s ready.”

He lifted his eyes to the rest of the room, to the many, many Avengers staring at him and the six Infinity Stones placed on the gauntlet. He cringed at that, sighing, “Guess the question is who’s gonna snap their frickin’ fingers?”

To seemingly everyone’s surprise, Thor raised his right palm and said, “I’ll do it.”

It was so sudden that no one could even turn to the right person in time. Before they could properly react, Thor was already making his way for the gauntlet. Thankfully, those that surrounded it stopped Thor mid-way, Steve laying his palm against the God of Thunder’s chest.

“Whoa, whoa, Thor, wait!” Steve exclaimed, standing in front of him and blocking Thor’s intended path. Somehow withstanding the force of Thor’s glare, Steve held his ground and said, “You need to stop and think about this.”

“What is there to think about?” Thor scoffed, right hand shooting down to the gauntlet lying on the table. “We have the Stones right here, the gauntlet is ready, all we need is someone strong enough—me—someone who’s capable enough—me—to snap their fingers and bring everyone we love back.”

Captain Marvel took a step forward, ready to break the conflict just in case it escalated. Sunset laid a hoof on her thigh, shaking her head to Carol and silently telling to stand down. By the unicorn’s observation, it was already well under control. Lang came up to Thor’s right. “Well, we should at least discuss it first,” Scott said.

“There is nothing to discuss,” Thor retorted, quickly losing his patience with every second longer his brother, his friends, and everyone else remained dead while the solution was mere inches away. He pointed to that solution, exclaiming, “Look, fingers! You can’t have a pony do it, so they’re out of the picture. You need someone who will survive this. Look… I’m the strongest Avenger. I can do this.”

The others were not convinced. Not in the slightest. He may have looked different, but everyone could clearly recall what a mess Thor was when he first stepped inside the facility that day. Tony could clearly remember, the Iron Man stepping forward alongside Rogers and laying his palm against the god’s armored chest. “Thor, step back. Come on, buddy, listen.”

“No, Stark, you listen!” Thor shouted and smacked Tony’s hand away. His sudden outburst caught everyone by surprise, Rarity and Derpy and Twilight flinching back. To their continued shock, they watched as Thor’s sudden anger was doused, only the broken shell of a man in guilt, a man who had faced countless failure remaining.

Thor shook his head as his expression shattered, both hands rising up—both the flesh and the Uru—and joining together to form an inseparable bond. A plead, Thor whispering in agonizing torment, “Please… let me do this. Let me right all these wrongs; let me save those I failed to save five years ago.”

Seeing his plea was admirable, Stark had to admit. Seeing his devotion was another level of respect Tony no doubt held for the God of Thunder. By all means, he should have let him, but Tony’s deeper commitment, his greater understanding prevented him from doing so.

Instead, he told him, “Thor, it’s not only the fact that that gauntlet is channeling enough energy to level a continent… but you’re in no condition. We need someone with their head clear, to focus on exactly what we need to bring back from all this.”

“My head… hasn’t been any clearer than it is right now,” Thor argued.

“It’s already decided, pal,” Bruce interrupted, the room turning to him. Watching as he stood in his Avengers jumpsuit with his shoulders slumped, arms crossed, and face downtrodden with a mixture of acceptance… and anxiety laced upon every green wrinkle.

It all made sense when he said, “It’s gotta be me.”

Those who hadn’t already known showed their astonishment quickly, before it was replaced by a sense of growing concern and fear for their friend. Twilight’s eyes shot wide open, moments before her brow knitted itself into an expression of wounded distress. The Alicorn’s ears fell flat against her skull, the same fate befalling the likes of Rarity, Rainbow, Starlight, Sunset, and Derpy. Maud remained alongside Tempest with their hardened expressions barely shaken, though a slight pinch of sadness could be seen shimmering in each of their eyes.

Carol’s eyes softened, her lips parting but no words able to escape. Matt’s expression nearly broke when he heard Bruce’s heart beating faster and faster, the growing fear in his veins fueling the Incredible Hulk instead of rage. Natasha’s eyes began to burn the longer she stared, the Widow unable to stare forever and forcing herself to look away from him. Others shared similar fates, but not the God of Thunder. Not the Allfather. Thor, on the other hand, was pissed. He tried to maintain that anger had it not been for the overwhelming sense of dread he felt for his close friend Banner. He took a step back, his breathing growing heavier but no words able to escape him. All he could do, all anyone could do… was stare at him.

Watch as Banner slowly approached the table, like he was walking to his death sentence. Even his voice seemed absolutely devoid of all sense of life and hope. “You saw what those Stones did to Thanos… they almost killed him. None of you could survive.”

Steve’s concerned brow grew heavier, the Captain asking, “How do we know you will?”

Pausing in front of the table and gazing sadly down to the Nano Gauntlet, the Hulk shook his head, muttering, “We don’t. But the Stones radiate mostly gamma. It’s like… I was made for this.”

His decision was made following those final words, and no one stepped forth to object. Not even Thor, no matter how much it bothered him or how much rage he expressed on his face. Instead, he kept his distance like everyone else. He took those painful steps backwards, away from his friend, and watched him pick up the weapon of his own destruction.

Tony watched with bated breath, his nerves tingling and the sweat beginning to build. Stepping around the table, he asked, “You ready?”

Bruce stared numbly to the Nano Gauntlet resting in his hands. Regardless, he lifted his eyes to Tony and nodded. “Let’s do it.”

“Now remember,” Tony said, his heart practically beating out of his chest. “Just bring back everyone Thanos snapped away, to now, today. Don’t change anything else from the past five years. That's all you have to think about.”

Bruce nodded once more. “Everyone he snapped away. Everyone who died because of Thanos,” he muttered softly, gazing to everyone in the laboratory. Those who surrounded him, who stared at him with mixtures of concern, respect, hurt, and so many others. Those who had lost someone. Those who could get those people back.

He turned and stared at Thor, lingered on him most of all. “Everyone.”

Thor clenched his fists, staring deep into Bruce’s eyes and seeing that acceptance in his friend’s stare. Hulk saw the raw determination set in stone in Thor’s lone eye, the god nodding to his fellow Avenger and readying himself. He took another step back, turning his body so his left Uru arm was facing the gauntlet. The remaining Avengers followed suit.

Steve Rogers placed his helmet over his head, clicking it in tight and raising his shield to protect himself for whatever may happen. Derpy stood behind him, peeking behind Rogers’ legs. Her eyes shot over to the individual standing on their right. Carol raised her arms, crossing them in an “X” formation out in front of her as her photon energy began to surround and shield her forearms. Sunset Shimmer stood behind Carol alongside Shuri, Captain Marvel shielding the both of them.

To their right, Twilight activated her Iron Mare with a tap of her hoof against her Arc Reactor. The nanoparticles flowed free and consumed the mare from head to hoof, the bright blue eyes igniting and her wings extending in a defensive stance. Her horn shimmered bright, readying herself for any spell that just might save her life. Rainbow Dash beside her did the same, her Iron Mare suit flowing from her Arc Reactor and shielding the Pegasus in a protective suit of armor. Rarity was the last among them to do the same, all three ponies standing together in their Iron Mares.

Beside them, Matt activated his mask and let his Daredevil armor become fully realized. The black mask protracted forward and covered his face and mouth. His mask’s red eyes illuminated, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen bending forward and standing in front of Elektra. Without her own suit of armor to protect her like the others, Elektra took refuge behind her beloved Matthew, but stood ready nonetheless. Ready for absolutely anything to occur. One hand laid on her sai, the other resting on Matt’s shoulder.

Tempest Shadow lit up her curved vibranium/Uru horn, shifting her eyes right to see Starlight master what she could not. The unicorn in question created a familiar shield with a star in its center with just her magic alone, turning to Tempest and Captain America and nodding to them both. Steve nodded back, watching as Starlight slid her magical shield out in front of both herself and Tempest.

Maud Pie stood alongside Robbie Reyes, her Asteroid Gloves glowing softly and the mare blinking so very slowly. She had never been more ready in her entire life. Reyes tightened his fists as his chest rose and fell rather fast. Natasha Romanoff stood to his right, casting the Ghost Rider a consoling stare that he couldn’t return. Instead, she faced forward and found herself pleasantly shocked to see Frank Castle stomp forward in front of her.

Standing tall and large in his Punisher Armor, Frank closed the mask over his face with a resounding clang of metal against metal. The helmet tightened to a lock and the skull’s eyes glowed a violent red. Scott Lang on his right raised his hand and pressed the button on his finger, the Ant-Man mask sliding forward and closing over him. James Rhodes followed them, the War Machine’s mask closing and eyes illuminating a bright red.

Daisy, Mack, and May stood behind Rhodey, using his burly frame as a defensive shield that he gratefully allowed. Nebula stood outside beside them out in the open, having no shield, no defense, and nothing to prevent what was inevitably to happen from harming her. She didn’t want any. She wanted to face it when it happened. She wanted to see her father's work undone with her own eyes.

The Mark 45 Iron Man armor stood with Rocket hopping up on her shoulder, the raccoon bringing his goggles down safely over his eyes. Groot stood beside the AI, holding his ground. Friday turned slowly to gaze to her masters, both former and current. Twilight sent her a weak nod before facing forward. Stark, on the other hand…

Tony tapped on the Arc Reactor over his clothes, the swarming wave of nanobots overcoming his chest, legs, arms, and face. The mask of the Mark 85 Iron Man shut itself and locked into place over Stark’s face. His eyes shimmered a bright blue, joining the various lights attached to his red, silver, and gold suit of armor. Joining the energy shield that spouted forth from Tony’s right fist and protecting both himself and Clint Barton.

With everyone in position, Bruce lifted his eyes and gazed to Tony for confirmation. Stark’s face was unreadable behind his mask, but he stared long and hard solely at Banner before turning aside. He muttered aloud, “Homer, do me a favor and activate the Barn Door Protocol.”

Yes, sir.” There was a tad sense of apprehension in the AI’s voice, but he nonetheless followed through on the order. Even Homer knew what was inevitably coming and dreaded it all the same.

The base went into full lockdown. Steel shutters slid across every window, every doorway, and closed off the entire facility from the outside world. Derpy’s concerned brow shot up when she spun around and watched the laboratory itself get locked down. Steel doors slid across every entrance and exit, ultimately locking them inside and preventing any form of resulting power surge from escaping. Ultimately, preventing them from escaping. That was the risk they all took.

When even the skylight was covered in steel and darkness fell into the lab, Bruce finally took in that desperate breath of air. One last time. Everyone else had done all they could. Everyone else was waiting on him. He stared to the gauntlet, to the six Infinity Stones, and pursed his lips and clenched his muscles. Everyone comes home…

“Whatever it takes,” Bruce whispered.

With as much reluctance, strength, and courage he could muster, Bruce slid his right hand into the Nano Gauntlet. The glove expanded upon his entry, the nanites growing to accommodate his larger hand and forearm. Bruce’s expression shuddered, but he pushed on, sliding the gauntlet deeper and deeper onto his right arm, until finally…

The nanoparticles locked into place. His fingers reached the ends of each glove’s finger. The Nano Gauntlet fit his hand and flinched alongside him when the Infinity Stones ignited.

An alien burst of sound filled the laboratory, every Avenger flinching back accordingly. They watched with astounded and shaken gazes as the Infinity Stones sent several bursts of electricity in a rainbow of color across the entirety of the gauntlet. Those flows of electricity coursed up Banner’s forearm and shoulder, Bruce cringing lightly at first… then quickly feeling the full weight of the universe pull him down to one knee.

He groaned at first as he fell, his agonized breaths of air only growing more raw and wet, each intake and exhale filled with grunts, then groans, then growls, and only continued to rise from then on. To the Avengers’ horror, they watched as his jumpsuit began to burn away, his skin beneath burning and boiling as the colorful bursts of energy consumed his entire right arm and only continued to eat away at him. Carol cringed at that, her glowing fists shivering as she nonetheless held her defensive position in front of her friends.

Sunset, however, couldn’t take the sound of Bruce’s screams forever. Her face contorted after hearing his agonized cries. It grew to unbearable levels, Sunset unable to standby and listen any longer. The unicorn stepped out from behind Danvers and screamed, “T-take it off! Can’t you see it’s hurting him?!”

Steve shot out his hand to her, shouting, “No, wait! Bruce, are you good?!”

Hissing through clenched, bleeding teeth, Banner nodded. He somehow managed. Steve’s face hardened at that. Sunset’s only continued to further break, the lights of the Infinity Stones dancing wildly through her large, wounded eyes.

“Come on, Bruce. Come on, Bruce. Come on, Bruce,” Twilight whispered rapidly. Even when no one else muttered it, they all silently sent some words of encouragement to the Incredible Hulk. Even those who spoke those words were not heard, Banner’s screams growing more and more violent.

He clutched the gauntlet with his left hand. He tightened every muscle in his body. He forced his mind, his nerves, and his very being to unify for one goal, for one thing only. Even if it was the last thing he would ever do. It took every ounce of strength that the Hulk could muster, but Bruce managed. His mind screamed at him and he broke through every obstacle just to lift his arm.

He screamed through every inch of his movements, through every second it took to raise his right hand just above his ahead. It took his heart and soul and every last bit of him left to close his middle finger and thumb against each other. It took everything he was and ever could be. Beneath her mask, Twilight Sparkle painfully shut her eyes away from his torment, prepared herself. Held her breath like everyone else.

Bruce Banner screamed and snapped his fingers.

For a brief second, all of reality turned white. Blinding white, so much so that everyone closed their eyes and looked away as that brightness filled the laboratory. A second later, it darkened, and everyone instantaneously turned back to see the aftermath. Bated breaths and wide eyes filled the room, the Avengers focusing solely on Bruce.

Watching him close his eyes and collapse. The Nano Gauntlet slid off his arm.

“Bruce!” Steve shouted, being the first Avenger—as always—to fall to his knee and check on his friend. He was still breathing, even if it was ragged. Noticing his scorched arm, Steve pointed to it and ordered, “Stop that burning.”

Clint kicked the gauntlet away, watching it precariously slide across the lab’s floor. Stark’s mask slid backwards as he released a helping of coolant spray onto Banner’s arm in an effort to heal it and cool down the sickening burn Bruce had acquired. Sunset and Twilight sent their streams of magic into his arm to heal it even faster. Everyone else crowded around them, gazing to Bruce with worry and fear laced on their facial expressions.

“Bruce, are you okay?” Starlight asked sharply, laying her hoof against his sweating forehead. He breathed out an agonized groan, Starlight shaking her head and casting a spell that flowed from her horn and through her hoof to ease the pain in his mind. “Oh, sweet Celestia, that was insane.”

“Did it work?” Banner groaned, gripping onto Steve’s arm in hissing pain.

The Barn Door Protocol ended once the immediate threat had been detained, the steel doors that blocked off the laboratory to the rest of the facility slowly opening. The remainder of the headquarters began to open itself up to the evening sun, the barriers opening and light pouring forth through the windows. Scott Lang found himself oddly entranced with the nearby garden when a subtle sound caught his ears, the Ant-Man slowly making his approach to it.

Clint also heard a subtle sound. Not from the outside world… but nearby.

On the table.

The soft, harmonic vibration of his cellphone against it.

The roof began to open as the skylight was once more unprotected, fresh sunlight pouring down and illuminating the room in its warmth. Some, like Carol, Frank, and Robbie darted their eyes skywards momentarily, quickly bringing their concerned gazes back to Banner. Others, like Twilight, continued to stare to the sky, a smile sneaking its way onto her lips to hear the sound of birds chirping and singing. A sneaking suspicion made its way into her heart and told her what she could have only dreamed of. A thought. A feeling. Now, a possibility. Clint paid no heed to it like everyone else had. He broke away from the group as the pestering silence persisted. And for some, the only sounds were that of Bruce’s pained breaths.

For Clint, the only sound he heard was his cellphone. He approached it, staring to the brightened screen as if he was staring into a dream. Something that didn’t even seem real. For how long had it been since he received a call? How long since he was able to stare onto his phone’s screen and actually feel an emotion other than dread?

How long had it been… since he had seen his wife’s face grace his phone’s screen?

It continued to vibrate for several seconds before Clint finally realized it was real. His hand shuddered as he reached down and gripped the cellphone, answering the call and bringing it to his ear. Utterly astounded, Clint managed to say the name he hadn’t been able to in many years.

“… Laura?”

It hurt still. Only that time, someone responded.


Barton gasped, tears pooling in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but all he could manage was a weak stutter, unable to fully fathom who he was speaking to on the other end of the line. Her voice, her breath, the undeniable tone of his wife waiting for his response.

Scott, meanwhile, approached the glass window that separated him from the garden outside. The warmth of the sun felt nice on his face, a natural sunlight returned to a natural world. He stared to the chirping birds landing on the tree branches, all of it so undeniably natural.

He slowly smiled. “You guys… I think it worked.”

Then, he looked up.

Then, a darkness took away the sun’s light and filled the laboratory with shadows in an instant. The inhabitants slowly looked up. Twilight Sparkle was the first, followed by her friends, the Avengers, and the many, many others. Her smile vanished. Her pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks under the coldness of the dark.

Then, Banner opened his eyes and looked up to the shadow falling over the New Avengers Facility. It came from the likes of Sanctuary II entering Earth’s atmosphere.

Then, the lights falling from the ship struck the facility with devastating force.

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