• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 109 – Where the Hell Have You Been?


Milky Way Galaxy


Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility

10:05 a.m.

The Bifrost Bridge struck the Earth.

Everyone, once again, stepped out from the facility. After a restless night of tending to Tony, Twilight, and Nebula, learning all they could about their journey and Thor’s possible whereabouts, and officially meeting Carol Danvers for the first time, time got away from them relatively fast. It was only until they heard the impact of the Bridge against the ground did they turn to it, seeing the undeniable rainbow colors of the Bifrost right on their own grass.

One of their issues solved itself once Thor and his crew stepped right out of it.

And with them, Thor held that weapon he was talking about.

The only ones who didn’t step out of the facility were Tony, Twilight, and Melinda, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent tending to the two while the rest stepped outside to meet with Thor and the others. They were, in total, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Nebula, Daisy Johnson, Robbie Reyes, Alphonso Mackenzie, James Rhodes, Frank Castle, Matthew Murdock, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Carol Danvers. The ponies instantly recognized one another, galloping or flying forward and meeting with relieved hugs. All except for Tempest, who merely nodded to Dash and Rarity. Rocket and Groot joined Nebula once more, quickly giving her the rundown while she nodded in subtle understanding to their plight.

Then Thor stepped in, pausing just in front of Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and the rest. It was an almost immediate reaction when they caught his altered appearance, a few of them flinching back, some gazing to his new armor and cape, and mostly everyone gawking to the large axe he carried in his right palm. Carol, especially, took great but careful interest to their newest guest, her guard risen at first but slowly falling when she noticed his smile, Natasha and a few others returning it. Her fists slowly unfurled, that hardened expression remaining all the same.

“Looks like you got the Thanos-killing weapon,” Steve noted, eyes falling back down to Stormbreaker.

“Which means we are ready to take the next step,” Thor proudly declared, nodding to Rocket, Sunset, and finally lifting his eye back to Steve and Natasha. “But first… we are famished.”

It didn’t take long for everyone to get settled back in the facility. Thor and his crew were glad to see Tony and Twilight still alive after they had lost touch with one another, albeit slightly… skinnier since the last they saw them. Sunset and Starlight were certain to be right by Twilight’s side throughout her entire ordeal, noticing the large IV stands resting between her and Tony, each one injecting fluids into their bloodstreams. Thor and his crew took a more… classic approach.

Rocket, Groot, Tempest, and Thor all sat down at the dinner table and chowed down on whatever was offered them. From sandwiches to pizza, to bread and fruits, to vegetables and enough water to drown a horse. Many empty water bottles surrounded Tempest specifically. Sunset and Starlight settled for a sandwich each, remaining by Twilight’s side as the rest of the team came together around the table in the heart of living room. It looked more like a War Room, if anything, the holograms of Earth and Equus being the center of attention.

Not only that, but still images of several individuals they knew started to fly around the hovering holograms. Those they had lost in the Decimation. From Erik Selvig, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, and T’Challa. Peter Quill, Glenn Talbot, Scott Lang, and Stephen Strange. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike. So, so many more.

“World governments… whatever governments are left took a census, keeping us informed of what’s happening worldwide. We’ve been keeping track of how many lives were lost after Thanos snapped his fingers,” Natasha began to explain.

Twilight closed her eyes once Spike’s picture came up.

“Turns out, Thanos did… exactly what he said he was going to do.”

Tony stared hauntingly to the lone image of Peter Parker staring right back at him.

“He wiped out… fifty percent… of all living creatures. Three billion plus for Earth… and currently two billion and a half for Equus. We’re still… waiting for Novo to gather the rest of the numbers.”

Carol dropped her gaze when she saw Nick Fury amongst the dead. Aside from her colorful leggings, she no longer wore her Kree attire—better known to her and the rest of the galaxy as her Captain Marvel attire. She wore a simple, black, sleeveless shirt with a touch of makeup on her own accord thanks to Natasha’s help. Her long, blonde hair fell to touch her shoulders, even resting on her back and covering the sides of her chest.

But her attention wasn’t settled on her physical appearance. She could only stare at Fury’s picture longingly before it vanished, another face replacing him and joining the numbers. The fact that such atrocities had befallen her home planet—as well as the rest of the universe—was something Carol did not take lightly. Since the last moment she saw Fury and Earth, she had led Talos and his people somewhere safe. The rest became a constant battle to ensure peace within the galaxy, both the Milky Way and the Andromeda. She had done exceptionally well for herself, earning her reputation as the lead defender in the cosmos. But doing so… only kept her away from home.

Away from the real fight.

She showed up just late enough to see the damage and mourn for it.

She showed up just in time to meet the ponies, however. They were… certainly an interesting race of aliens. The planet over Earth was a problem. A big problem. But after learning it was full of the ponies much like Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight, then it only took Carol a few more seconds to realize how they came to be on Earth. Of all the equines she met, Carol found herself most acquainted with Rainbow Dash, her spunky attitude very much mirroring her own, and that alone got a smirk out of Danvers whenever she spoke with her. Rarity was an interesting treat, finding the fashionista personality to be cute, but nothing to care much for. However, it was Twilight that made Carol really consider just what type of species had found its way onto Earth’s doorstep. She was a princess, the Princess of Friendship no less, which meant they had a system of government. A monarchy. Carol didn’t understand how friendship could be a title of royalty, but she kept it in mind. Kept it close to heart as she analyzed Twilight amongst her small group of friends. The way they talked to one another, looked to one another, and interacted earned Captain Marvel’s interests.

Especially how Twilight and Rainbow acted towards one another.

Something to keep close to heart.

Finally bringing herself to face Natasha’s traumatic statements, Carol leaned forward on the table, palms pressed firmly to the wood as she asked loudly, “Well, what are we gonna do about it?”

Her question nearly went without an answer, leaving it up to Steve to take the stand and reply. Only the words never left his mouth. They were filled with the sounds of horrendous scoffs followed by the undeniable croak of Tony Stark’s grave tone.

“What are we gonna do…?” Tony muttered, head resting in his crumpled fist. Pepper was right by his side, joining Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight as each of them slowly turned to Stark. He barely even looked up, large, dark glasses shielding the unbearable pain and grief he held in those deep, deep eyes of his. “We’re gonna lose.”

If the room hadn’t already turned to him…

Pepper bent down to one knee, eye-level with her husband-to-be as Stark surprisingly, shockingly turned away from her.

“Tony, we have the weapon,” Sunset told him, Stark shifting away from Pepper and focusing to the unicorn sitting next to Twilight’s chair. The strength in her eyes was admirable, something Stark really wished would have been put to better use. “We can do this.”

“We know exactly where Thanos is,” Starlight added.

“Yeah, like that’s gonna help for shit!” Stark roared, practically leaping out of his chair and prying the IV needle gauges out of his arm. Fighting it every step of the way even as Rhodes and Pepper came to him and ordered him to sit back down, to rest. He fought through all of it, even ignored Potts’ pleas and turned that rising aggression to them.

His… “team”.

Steve, Natasha, Banner, and Thor could see from where they all respectively stood or sat. It was as if seeing all the dead once again just reminded Stark of what he had failed to do, what he failed to accomplish because of his own team’s arrogance. Or their own beliefs. He didn’t want to blame them but it was all right there all the same. All Tony wanted to do was to protect the Earth, an iron shield with Ultron, a stabilized fighting force with the Accords, and now since both have already failed… Earth was completely defenseless. There was no way they could have prevented what happened in the state they were in. They could have anticipated it. Stark told them exactly what needed to be done… and Captain America said otherwise.

That was who he faced specifically.

“You wanna know what happened out there?” Tony asked rather loudly, rather harshly. Steve stood his ground all the name, knowing all that pent-up aggression was finally turning to him. Rhodes tried to hold him back even as Pepper backed away, but Tony was relentless in his pursuit. “Yeah, you think I told you everything, huh? No… no, we lost. Big time. Up there and down here. And down here… what was it you said, Cap? We lose… we do that together, too? Well, we lost, Captain. We lost and there is nothing we can do to change that. Could’ve prevented it… whether it impacted our precious little freedoms or not, because that up there… that was the endgame. How many lives is it now that we failed to protect, Earth and Equus combined? By all means, take what arsenal you want, find Thanos and do whatever the hell you want with him, and it’ll only end the same… exact… way!”

After a short struggle, Stark pushed past Rhodes, James practically giving in and just letting Tony vent out whatever anger was left in him. Given his weakened state of being—walking around like a near-skeleton—and skin as pale white as his own bone, it could not have been much left. He made sure every last bit of it was centered solely on Steve, Tony practically getting in his face.

“You wanna get in the fight, new blood?” Tony called out, pointing to Carol who furrowed her concerned brow to him. “By all means! And you… Rogers…”

The name came out like vile venom on his tongue. He ripped the Arc Reactor off his chest, slamming it in Steve’s open palm. “Take that suit of armor… fight the fight I couldn’t… and protect the world I couldn’t. I’m done. No plan, no fight, no nothing. You’re on your own.”

That last statement came out as a grunt, a gasp for air as Tony Stark dropped to his rear. He fell, nearly everyone surrounding him flinching towards his aid. They froze, momentarily, and watched as Tony sat there and breathed, gazed nowhere as he felt all eyes on him. Even Twilight’s large, horrified, and tear-filled eyes.

He didn’t care anymore. “You’re all on your own.”

Collapsing shortly after, Tony’s mind began to fade and the darkness took him into a horrid state of rest. Carol fell to her knee and kept her palm resting under Stark’s head to prevent it from impacting the solid ground, the remaining Avengers rushing forward and carefully pulling him back to his feet. He was already long gone, heart still beating but body already given in. He fell limp in Rhodes and Steve’s arms, the two of them dragging Tony to the medical bay, a train of followers directly behind them, all trying to see if Stark was still alive.

They adjusted his IV stand and needles back where they belonged, laying Tony down in the medical bay with Melinda checking his pulse and sitting by his side. Alongside Pepper Potts. She never left him. Even with how he acted towards her and everyone else. With Stark taking care of for the time being, the rest of the Avengers returned to the living room, a weary Twilight Sparkle meeting their concerned gazes and sighing through it all the same.

“Tony’s been through… a lot,” Twilight weakly explained.

Steve, Natasha, Banner, Rhodes, Mack, Castle, Murdock, Shuri, Rainbow, Rarity, Nebula, Sunset, Starlight, Daisy, Reyes, Friday, and Danvers could all completely understand.

Returning to the table and forming that congregation around it, Natasha stared longingly, painfully to the two worlds resting as a pair of holograms. She shook her head, the Widow muttering, “Guess we’re on our own.”

“But we know where to go this time,” Nebula interrupted, sliding away the holograms of Earth and Equus and tapping in the coordinates Rocket gave her on the face of the table. Suddenly, an alien world with vivid rings and a massive moon came into the picture, Nebula backing away from the table to give everyone else a closer look.

“What is it?” Mack asked, crossing his arms. Daisy and Reyes stood by the S.H.I.E.L.D. director’s sides, all three at once shifting their attention to the cybernetic Luphomoid.

“The Garden,” Nebula replied without even looking at them. All she really could stare at was the planet Rocket affirmed to her was the same world with Thanos on it. Mostly, she was trapped in that frozen state of uncertainty, never knowing where the Garden was but truly unable to perceive it lying right in front of her. It was a struggle for her to say it. “Where my father is currently situated.”

“If that’s not convincing enough for ya, we got exact coordinates saved on my tracker!” Rocket called from the dining table, the room shifting in his direction. Groot and Tempest were slowly returning to the living room with full bellies while Thor continued to chow down alongside Rocket. “Not to mention the bottomless pit over here remembers exactly where Thanos is!”

Thor confirmed the raccoon’s statements with a solid thumbs-up for all to see, his mouth chewing furiously on the chunk of bread between his palms.

“Then we go get him,” Carol suggested, the room suddenly turning to her. She was focused only on the hologram, jamming her ignited gaze towards Steve Rogers. “Steal the Gauntlet, use the Stones to bring everyone back.”

Rainbow asked, “Just like that?”

Steve nodded, staring in the same hologram Danvers was. “Yeah, just like that.”

Natasha darted her head from one end of the table to the other, white bangs dancing as she did. As she said, “Look, even if it sounds… far-fetched, we owe this… to everyone who’s not in this room, to try.”

Sunset exhaled through her nostrils, nodding softly to that statement and rising to her hind legs, hooves pressed to the table and standing right in-between Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “We have to,” she said. The still images of Capper, Sunburst, Trixie, and Celestia were still plastered on her mind, still reminding her of everything she and everyone she knew loved and lost. They could either be lost forever… or come back that very day. It all depended on whether or not they were willing to take that chance.

Steve seemed to be on the same boat as her, nodding to Sunset and saying, “We will. Whatever it takes.” That last statement was joined by another firm nod, that time sent to Natasha who returned it with a small and sad smile.

Though not quite as confident as any of them were on the plan, Bruce offered his two cents and asked, “Okay, but what if Tony is right? How do we know that this is gonna end any different than last time?”

Captain Marvel was the one to answer that. “Because last time you didn’t have me.”

The room suddenly turned deathly quiet. All eyes rose up, turned appropriately, and fell on the lone Carol Danvers on her own end of the table. The temperature seemed to drop. She stood with her palms on her waist, confident in her statement and never once turning away or retracting it. Never having the need to or facing any challenge that deterred her from it.

She never met Frank Castle.

He was crazy enough to say what was on everyone’s mind, jack it up to eleven, and speak his mind without having an ounce of guilt. He raised his palm in a manner that showed his disbelief, looking to everyone, frowning to everyone, and saying, “Is this bitch serious?”

The temperature dropped even further. It was so quiet that Shuri and Rarity’s near-silent gasps were the loudest sounds in the entire facility.

Though they didn’t want to, everyone slowly turned back to Carol to see her response. Her hands were still firmly placed on her hips, that slow, powerful stare rising up and centering on the lumbering hunk of muscle, brawn, and testosterone. That stare of hers only intensified, a growing frown to join the drop in her voice.

“Excuse me?”

Steve wanted to end it before it could even have the chance to get heated. There couldn’t be any tension between themselves if they were all that stood against Thanos and saving the universe. Right then and there, more than ever before, they needed to be a team. They needed to act like one. Unfortunately, before he could even take action, Frank was the one to act first. He broke the distance between himself and Danvers, pushing past Rhodes, Daisy, and even Reyes to get face-to-face with Carol. She stood her ground, smelling the pure ferocity and malice in his breath as he towered and growled over her. She never once backed away.

“I said… is this bitch serious… bitch.”

Just stood there and took every second of it. Even as he narrowed the distance and got further in her own face. “You think you have any idea what we’re up against? You think you know what we’ve suffered through, what we’ve lost? No… no, you think you can just waltz in here and claim to accomplish everything we’ve all failed to. You think you can be our little hero, huh? Newsflash, sister… you’re not. You were never a hero and you’ll never be one. You’re just gonna have to accept that you let all these people die, too… and there was nothing… you could’ve done to stop it.”

The conversation could have escalated even further, but it ended quicker than anyone anticipated. It ended when Carol shoved Frank straight to the floor. He hit the ground so shockingly fast and strong that even Frank was surprised by the time his ass hit the floor. He was especially shocked by her strength, almost knocking the wind out of him. Almost. That look of shock quickly transformed into a glare that met Danvers’, the fiery woman practically radiating with heat on her person and her own glare. He got back up and nearly charged her, but Captain America stepped forward and became that human barrier between them. Matt even grabbed Frank and pulled him back, fighting him every step of the way.

“That’s enough, both of you!” Steve shouted, palms held out in each opposite direction. Neither one of them paid Steve any attention, glares only focused on another, practically melting through the First Avenger.

“You should really put a leash on your mutts,” Carol commented, glaring Castle’s way.

While Steve sent his own personal glare to Carol’s escaping comment, it ultimately turned back to Frank when Castle spat, “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen this before. Arrogant little shit. Better not let her lead this mission, else she’s gonna get us all killed.”

“You won’t have to worry about that, Steve,” Carol stated plainly and perfectly, finding no doubt in her own voice. Steve turned back to her, lowering his palm from her chest.

“I’m telling ya!” Frank yelled, physically struggling as Matt tried to hold him back. “How do you know we can even trust her?! Where the hell has she even been while we were getting our asses kicked?!”

Carol met his glare once again, instantly responding with, “Universe is a big place. They need their heroes just as much as Earth needs all of you.” Though she didn’t really refer to Frank when she said that, specifically disregarding him amongst the masses.

While everyone was caught in their pointless argument, Matt had already learned of Carol’s sincerity behind her words… and within her heart. While the voices numbed into silence, Murdock listened carefully for her heartbeat. No increase. No decrease. Just a steady, subtle beat that kept her alive, kept her human, and kept her word. “She’s telling the truth, Frank,” Matt whispered harshly into Castle’s ear, the Punisher shoving him away. Carol shifted her attention quickly to Murdock after hearing that whisper, suddenly turning back to Castle and Rogers.

Frank shook his head, turning that glare to Steve. “Don’t trust her, Captain.”

Though, despite their word resting on him, it was not Steve Rogers who made the call. Thor had been listening carefully into their argument for the past minute and a half, and judging from his slackened position he did not take the ferocity behind their words too seriously. It was only until the statement of trust was brought up did Thor choose to take action. Not only for Castle, but for everyone. They all needed a reason to find sincerity in the so-called “Captain Marvel”. They all needed a reason to trust the person who showed up out of the blue and offered to fight their war.

Trust, now more than ever, was at an all-time importance.

After finishing his bread, Thor lousily pushed his chair out and stood up, being sure to make as much noise and attention as possible by the time he reached the living room. And once he did, Steve had already backed away, making room for the God of Thunder to approach the Human/Kree Hybrid. He walked up to her, Carol once more having to stand her ground and face the next body that chose to test another side of her. She laid her hands on her hips once again, expression flat and emotionless, just as much as Thor’s was at the moment. Both of them studying each other.

Then Thor shot out his right hand and brought forth Stormbreaker, the king’s weapon creating thunderous chaos within the cloud’s above the facility and practically emanating raw power. It merely blew Carol’s hair slightly, the woman unfazed and casting the weapon a sideways glance before returning to the god. He sat the axe down in front of him, arms resting on its head as he exhaled and stared at her. She to him. Both warriors, both fearsome fighters, both otherworldly beings staring into each other’s gazes and seeing just that.

She slowly smirked.

He nodded.

“I like this one,” Thor declared, giving his vast approval of Carol Danvers.

“I think she passed,” Steve said. Castle growled and turned away, just in time for Carol’s smirk to shift in his direction. The rest of the room quickly fell in line, sending their own smiles to Danvers who returned them shortly. Steve leaned forward on the table, eyes trapped with the hologram. “With that settled… does everyone know what we’re up against? Is everyone ready?”

The room once again, for the last time, fell silent. From every last Avenger, Defender, Guardian, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and even to their own newest member, they all took a short moment to turn to one another, seeing the silent agreement shared amongst every last one of them. They were shared through nods, through smiles, through that assured decision to face the impossible together. As a team. Even Castle fell in line, crossing his arms and refusing to look anywhere else except the hologram. He was in.

Starlight rose up to the table, hind legs keeping her settled as Carol shifted her head down to the unicorn. All Starlight could really do was shake her head, gaze to the Garden, and sigh. “He made us weak, wanted us to believe that. But he was wrong.”

She turned to everyone after she said that, seeing all of their combined strength finally come together. It gave her that smidgen of hope, just enough to believe that what they were about to do would be worth it in the end. They were going to do it. They had the element of surprise and the means to actually commit the impossible. Win the unwinnable. Fight the unbeatable.

Bring everyone back…

“We have the tools, we have the Avengers, we have everything we need,” Twilight explained, leaning forward on her chair. She instantly flinched and clutched her stomach, her chest, and took several cautious breaths in and out as Sunset and Rainbow turned to her with wild concern for their friend. Even Steve and Carol turned to the Alicorn, jaws falling and expressions tight with worry.

Waving out her violet hoof, Twilight breathed again and whispered, “I’m gonna sit this one out. Good luck, all of you.”

Rainbow, Rarity, Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest all froze at that. Those who hadn’t been facing her suddenly wheeled on the Alicorn, actually shocked to hear Twilight not wishing to participate in the battle that would determine the fate of the universe. They were going to bring everyone back—everyone Thanos took away—and she was just going to sit it out? Their confusion quickly fell to her exposed rib cage, her pale coat, her weary eyes and the heavy bandages wrapped around her hind leg. She was in no condition to travel and definitely not able to fight. She assured them all of where she stood with a confident and warming smile, though it didn’t really fill any of them with that same confidence.

It only filled them with the haunting feeling of doubt.

“Is that it then?” Shuri asked, looking around the room to every individual.

Friday nodded her way. “That’s it.”

Steve stared at the hologram, at the planet simply called “The Garden”. The only place in the universe where Thanos and all six Infinity Stones were hiding. Steve clenched his fists, looking to his team, his Avengers, and declaring, “Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”


The Benatar

Earth Upper Atmosphere

The Benatar was freshly repaired thanks to Rocket, Nebula, and Groot. In less than a couple of hours, they were off-world and bound for space, the ship breaking through the atmosphere and reaching the zero gravity of empty space. The first thing they all saw was planet Equus, Rainbow and Rarity momentarily stunned into silence before being forced to focus ahead.

Steve sat in one of the few seats, decked out in his STRIKE stealth uniform from the Winter Soldier endeavor four years earlier. Natasha, Rhodes, and Castle took the last chairs and sat in their own personalized suits and armor, James in his War Machine Mark VI armor and Castle in his Punisher attire, a large grenade launcher resting in his lap. Banner and Nebula took the very front seats while Carol and Rocket took the main pilot chairs. Matthew Murdock stood behind Carol’s seat dressed in his full Daredevil attire, minus his helmet that rested beneath his left armpit. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Tempest, Sunset, and Starlight all surrounded nearby seats and held on tightly to each one. Groot was right there with them, his vines tightening around the back of Rocket’s chair. Daisy Johnson stood behind Natasha in her tight, S.H.I.E.L.D. jumpsuit with the silver gauntlets attached to her forearms. Robbie Reyes wore the same clothing he always wore, joined by that same scowl courtesy of the Ghost Rider. Mack, Shuri, Davis, Piper, Friday, Twilight, May, and Pepper all remained at the facility alongside Stark. The only one they were actually missing was a certain God of Thunder.

Thor told them he had his own mode of transportation. He would meet them there.

“Who here hasn’t been to space?” Rocket asked aloud.

Although somewhat hesitant, Steve, Natasha, Rhodes, Banner, Murdock, Castle, Rainbow, and Rarity all raised their hands and hooves respectively. Sunset, Starlight, Tempest, Groot, and Danvers looked back and around, smiling humorously to their uncertain expressions. They would truly not know or be able to understand what they would face in the great black yonder. The mares also weren’t veterans by any means, but three weeks in space gave them that much more experience than either Rainbow or Rarity combined.

Though a couple of human hands were missing. Everyone looked over to Daisy and Robbie, who slowly looked back and met their gazes. “What?” Johnson said, as innocent as ever.

Reyes shook his head. “You don’t wanna know where I’ve been.”

With that subtlety given, the rest of the cabin turned back to the front windshield where Nebula was tapping away on her personal console. Exact coordinates for one last trip. One last chance. She sent them to Rocket and Carol, announcing, “Coordinates locked to the Garden. Jump in 3…”

Rainbow and Rarity followed Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest almost exactly, watching as they held onto the nearest seat as tight as they could and doing the same. Castle tightened his grip around his grenade launcher. Natasha gulped, holding her breath and staring straight on, right there with Daisy. Rhodes gripped the armrests, his armored palms nearly shattering them. Reyes narrowed his glare. Bruce slowly looked to Nebula, who didn’t look back. Only stared ahead.


Matt laid his gloved-palm on Carol’s left shoulder, Danvers slowly looking to the touch. Maybe he was nervous, given that he was one of the many who hadn’t been to space prior. Then she looked to him and saw the same face from back in the facility, the same Matthew Murdock who trusted her first and foremost when hardly anyone else did. She gazed back down to his hand resting on her shoulder, a tiny but strong grip that assured her of where he stood. That simple statement that silently told her: “I trust you”. She raised her right hand and laid it over his.

Nebula stared straight ahead, hoping, praying, begging that they would make it this time.

“… 1.”

They jumped. Steve gripped his seat’s armrests, practically pushed back into the chair as his eyes reflected the lights that traveled a million miles a second.

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