• Published 26th May 2018
  • 8,009 Views, 7,460 Comments

Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 1


It was an unnaturally cold summer night. The wind was rough, hard, pushed against the trees until their tips were pressed to the earth. The moon was no more, either hidden behind the heavy storm clouds or simply… gone. Princess Celestia contemplated these thoughts as she practically pushed herself up the grassy hill.

The grass danced beneath her hooves, the wind pushing both it and herself, practically forcing her down the hill. But Celestia was determined. She had faced far greater winds and obstacles in her youth—and even more so in recent years—so a simple storm would not push her down. When she finally reached the top of the hill, however, she soon realized it was no simple storm.

Yes, there was lightning, shades of white, purple, and… red striking across the heavens. The thunder was there as well, but it seemed different. Unnatural, as Celestia had thought of earlier. Even the storm clouds moved in a way that didn’t seem to be nature’s graceful hand at word. They swirled over mountains, covered the landscapes afar. They moved like… serpents. Even the lightning moved in a way that Celestia couldn’t comprehend, following the clouds, striking the mountaintops and the earth below.

And the storm filled the land of Equestria, consuming the south and moving north towards Ponyville and Princess Twilight’s castle. Celestia could only watch, her eyes growing wider and surprisingly more horrified the longer she stared into those hellish clouds moving swiftly across the sky. Another bolt of blood red lightning, the low growl of thunder following shortly.



The earth trembled, prompting Celestia’s gaze to the east. The clouds engulfed all the earth in the direction she stared, but in that quick flash of red and purple lightning, she saw something. Something within the storm, behind the mountains. Something that moved and slithered with an unnatural speed, joining the unnatural phenomenon several miles before her.

It looked like a serpent, just like the clouds.

Another flash of red.

No. Not a serpent.

A tail.

It separated the clouds, breaking the storm with just one slash. And then it retreated within the darkness, slithering into black. Princess Celestia could feel a familiar coldness, not one from the elements of nature, but one from within. From the deepest remnants of her heart that she dared not to think back to. The wind pushed against her, silencing her horrified gasps of air. Her glossy eyes tried to follow the tail despite her heart telling her otherwise. She eventually returned straight ahead, right to the heart of it all.

The storm glowed bright red, like a newborn star. A second sun. It nearly reached Ponyville when the thunder came back, shaking the foundation of Equestria and making Celestia stumble. Nearly fall down. But she stood her ground, forced herself to stare into the mixture of light and dark and witness what her heart didn’t want to believe.

Several bolts of lightning shot across the sky, right over the clouds, right across the massive serpent’s head and the six others that trailed behind it. The beast, with eyes a hellish red, stared right at the Princess of the Sun. And it screamed. All seven of them screamed.

Celestia woke up in a cold sweat. A natural cold sweat. There was no screaming, certainly not from her, but even from the dream. It tried to come back, but it faded shortly, Celestia simply staring at the wall at the end of the room until total silence settled in.

It eventually did, and she silently thanked it for that.

Celestia moved the bed sheets off from her sweating form. She didn’t bother with her magic. The dream, miraculously, managed to make her a tad wearier than when she drew in that night. Then again, she was still finding trouble in declaring it… a dream. Most of her dreams were pleasant, many of which consisted of her, her friends, her sister, her family long gone, and many things she wished she could do when spending her time not running a country.

It was very rare for Celestia to have a nightmare. The last time she did, Lord Tirek returned from Tartarus. Then again, that wasn’t necessarily a nightmare.

Such thoughts rebounded throughout her mind as she pushed her balcony doors aside. Instantly, a fresh wave of cool summer air hit her in the face, eliciting a dream-like sigh from the princess. She closed her eyes and stepped forward, the air cooling the burning sweat drenched on her coat. She almost shivered, and let herself eventually do so. The cool air was welcome despite its temperature. At least it was natural.

When she opened her eyes, she gazed onto the railing lining the edge of the balcony. Her sister’s full moon shined brightly in the night sky, encasing the balcony, Celestia herself, and all of Canterlot in its ghostly white glow. Celestia sighed again, another of relief to see her sister’s moon moving ever so slowly across the starry night. Hardly any clouds, as well. It was gorgeous.

Princess Celestia laid her bare hoof on the cold railing, gazing to the quiet city below. Very few lanterns remained lit, not a pony in the streets. Not a soul awake. It must have been fairly early in the morning, far too early for Celestia to awake and raise the morning sun. Still, a shivering dread caught her by the back of the neck, informing her of what awaited the realm of dreams if she decided to turn in once more.

She thought back to the dream, to the nightmare. The storm clouds that consumed nearly half of Equestria were barely there. The lightning had no color. It was surely fading, but still there. Especially the sounds. Especially the screams. Celestia closed her eyes and waited.

“Dear sister… what troubles you at this hour?”

Right on cue. Slowly opening her eyes, Celestia gazed at the full moon. She heard the flapping of the wings and the gentle sound of hooves upon marble, slowly approaching behind her. Yet Celestia did not turn to meet her sister. She strangely spoke straight forward, straight toward the moon. Just like she used to.

“I saw something, Luna,” Celestia muttered, causing the sounds of hooves behind her to halt. The princess continued to gaze at the moon, her eyes falling to the south and beyond. “Something I… we would rather forget.”

Princess Luna’s face grew pale, even more pale than her moon’s glow against her face. She didn’t need to delve further into Celestia’s voice to know that her nightmare had managed to shake her. Although Luna did not participate, she witnessed it just the same. The fiery storm, the tail that ripped apart the heavens, and the seven deadly heads she prayed she would never see… again.

“I have… noticed,” Luna admitted, wings curling tighter to her sides. It wasn’t the cold of the night that caused such an action. She approached her sister’s right side, staring at her. “What do you suppose it is, dear sister? A dream… or a vision?”

Celestia didn’t even look at her. Just at the moon and her kingdom. “I… do not know.”

Luna wished for the former, dreaded the latter. Tightening her jaw, she stared at her kingdom along with her older sibling, sighing through her nostrils. “We must be ready for anything,” she commented.

“Luna… I fear it is far worse than that.”

Twisting her head left, Luna stared at Celestia quizzically. She asked, “Why is that, sister?”

She didn’t turn to meet her gaze. Instead, she continued to stare with those blank eyes towards the world beyond their borders. Though Luna didn’t see it, Celestia could see fire in the storms, blood in the thunder and rain.

She blinked.

“I fear we are already too late.”

“Do not say such things,” Luna intervened with a frown, turning fully to her sister. “It is never—”

“Sister, don’t you see it?” Celestia interrupted, silencing Luna for the moment. Her glossy eyes continued to stare straight ahead, not turning away. Almost burning. Almost crying. “The Gates of Tartarus were destroyed, unleashing the beasts and demons who have chosen the path of sin and death upon our world…”

She wanted to say more, but Luna cut her off. “And we have shown them that this world is not theirs for the taking,” she said, sighing at her harsh tone. “Rest easy, sister. He was defeated and tortured for more than a millennium, longer than I have been imprisoned myself. It would not be possible for him to rise again.”

“I understand that,” Celestia said, still staring nowhere. “But I can’t shake off this feeling of… dread. Hopelessness. I froze, Luna.”

Luna waited. She didn’t interrupt. She didn’t want to. She needed to hear what her sister would say, perhaps shed more light on the already dark vision.

“When I stared at that storm… I froze.” Celestia’s voice began to trail away, become frailer with each passing second. Even the cool, weak wind was stronger than her tone. “Those eyes that… I prayed I would never see again. I do not wish to rest knowing they await me.”

Several seconds passed and not another word. Luna sighed, finding no point in digging deeper into what was surely troubling for her sister. “The feeling is mutual,” she simply admitted. Celestia didn’t turn. When Luna laid her hoof on her sister’s shoulder, that’s when she finally broke away from her trance. “If it pleases you, I could guarantee a happier, healthier dream for you tonight, sister.”

Celestia finally turned away from the world and rested her eyes against her sister’s. They both smiled to one another, Celestia dipping her head down to nuzzle against her sister’s neck. It was warm, comforting, far more than the coolness of the summer night. Celestia longed for moments such as theirs, to be in each other’s presence, knowing they were safe as long as they were together. She really wanted to believe in that.

She really did.

“Thank you, Luna. I always find peace knowing you are once again by my side.”

Luna chuckled warmly, breaking away the same moment Celestia had. “And you will find peace the rest of the day… which should start in a couple more hours.” Another chuckle, this time shared by both of them. Luna turned away and spread her wings, ready to take off for the rest of the night. “Tomorrow is the day after all. The day your old student returns from her journey on another world.”

“Another dimension,” Celestia corrected, finally turning back towards her room and where Luna stood.

The Princess of the Night paused, then chuckled. “Our lives have become very strange, Celestia.”

Another weak fit of laughter between them, and Luna was gone, determined to tend to ponies in their slumber. Celestia’s warm smile melted away into nothing, leaving a cold, cold stare in her eyes. She turned away from her room and back towards the world. The night sky shimmered, the moon glowed a bright white, and sounds of the night cried in a conjoined symphony of crickets and whistling wind. All of which Celestia didn’t see nor hear.

Celestia stared toward the south and saw clear skies for miles and miles. She gripped the railing with both hooves, still hearing the seven screams. “Hopefully nothing worse than that.”

Author's Note:

"There was an idea..."

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