• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 116 – I Am Inevitable


Five Years Earlier

Sanctuary II

After the Second Snap

The pain was universal.

It infected and ripped at every tendon, every molecule, tore apart the very fabric of his being down to the last atom, and then it destroyed those, too. It very well could have destroyed him, killed him, left him as but a smoldering shell of what he once was. In that light, when the deed was accomplished, he had focused the heavy majority of his willpower to destroy all six Infinity Stones. The second he snapped his fingers, he felt them shatter, watched as they were obliterated. It took a piece of him he never thought he could get back, that heavy majority of his will used to do the impossible.

That very minor pinch of will was used to teleport Thanos back to his ship.

He didn’t know why he did it. By all means, his life should have been taken and he would have accepted it nonetheless, knowing there was no other way the Avengers could have possibly taken away his destiny. Thanos had destroyed the Stones and accepted whatever fate wrought upon him from that moment on, knowing with certainty that his destiny would be protected. Perhaps he just couldn’t face the reality of death just yet. Perhaps death was an old concept he just didn’t want to accept.

Maybe he just didn’t want to see that familiar face smile coldly his way as she took him.

He fell as a smoldering, scorched, and cringing heap on the cold, steel floor of Sanctuary II. He lay on his back, the vicious blue and black portal instantly vaporizing the second Thanos hit the floor. Without the power of the Space Stone to fuel it, the portal had no reason to exist. It vanished in less than a millisecond, closed forever as Thanos lay on his backside and groaned softly.

There was already a pool of blood growing around him, from his left shoulder torn and flesh visibly ripped off from his encounter with the God of Thunder and his new weapon. His chest continued to spill a helping of blood from the wound by the same exact weapon, the cut much deeper and nearly impacting that precious, beating heart that pumped so rapidly, Thanos’ vision was beginning to blur. His breath was tightening, blood leaking from his jaws and painting his chest further with every agonizing cough, every painful intake that gurgled and cried out.

His left arm… was completely scarred.


It was blackened, smoke rising off the withering bicep as those same sickening veins had crawled up Thanos’ entire shoulder and infected his body. The entire left side of him was caught within that sickness, the side of his face scarred and burnt beyond repair. His left eye was bloodshot, a wretched scar tearing right through it and sending several red veins into his pupil. It made it hard to see, but that was the least of Thanos’ worries.

The pain was unlike anything he had ever known. Physically, maybe. Mentally and emotionally… perhaps not. The first time he snapped his fingers, there was a portion of Thanos that was killed alongside it, that emotional anchor that kept him tied to what truly mattered and stopped him from falling into that pit of insanity. With the Snap, he had proved that he was fully willing to give everything he ever loved to ensure of his destiny’s achievement. He proved to himself that in the end… it was all worth it.

With the Second Snap… all Thanos proved was that his destiny would not be taken away.

Was it all worth it?

He could only speak those words to himself, no hope of ever hearing her voice again while tied to the mortal plain. Perhaps it would be worth it in the end, the darkness overcoming his vision, his breath shortening, and the pain slowly numbing away.

… Thanos was not even granted that.

The living realm was not finished with the Titan just yet.

In an instant, like a flocking instinct had filled the inhabitants of Sanctuary II, multiple swarms of Chitauri and Outriders surrounded and fell to their lord and master. The first to find him was an Outrider, sniffing his face and observing his wounds before crying out to the rest of the ship. Crying out for help. Various Chitauri Elite filled the throne room of the Great Titan, gazed in horror to see Thanos himself lying in a broken, bloody, and fading state. He only continued to fade and fall faster and faster.

The Elite ordered droves of Chitauri fodder to carry their master to the medical bay, watching with pained anticipation as the Titan was hauled off with hardly even a movement in response. Hardly even a breath. He carried with him a trail of blood out of the throne room and throughout the mighty, towering ship. His eyes fell under his eyelids, a heavy breath softly exhaling as that darkness consumed him.

And he didn’t even attempt to fight it.

When Thanos came back to that realm of the living, he was greeted to a flushing wave of unhinged agony eating at his body and the bright, white lights glaring down at him from above. He screamed.

Multiple machines hung precariously above the Titan, the robotic, almost monstrous medical personnel tending to Thanos’ wounds. There were a lot of them. The majority of their attention was centered just over his heart, the axe wound having nearly reached the life-giving organ. They spoke in a garbled, robotic, alien tongue to one another, removing burnt flesh and muscle in order to stop the bleeding and seal the wound. They were programmed to ignore the cries of agony from their patients, especially from their master.

A lone Chitauri Elite oversaw the procedure. Various other Chitauri were walking about the medical bay, carrying supplies and tools for the machines to handle. Others more attuned to the medical field applied pain-relieving injections to calm the Titan from his pain, some even helping to remove the burnt skin from his left arm while the machines cooled him off and applied the appropriate healing.

Throughout the entire surgical endeavor, he was screaming.

He thrashed on the table, the straps barely able to contain the unholy strength of Thanos as the machines and Chitauri backed away, let him thrash, then proceeded to work on him when he took a short moment to breathe again. Thanos’ eyes flickered back and forth as his chest arched into the air, a blistering pain shooting out from his chest when he realized that the medical drones still weren’t finished with his chest cavity. He could barely see the several clamps and lasers surgically sealing the wound and stopping the influx of blood seeping outwards. It was almost enough to make Thanos black out once more, but he held on.

The pain was too much anyway.

By the time he was done screaming, when all the adrenaline and panic in his body had faded and all that was left was a wilting Titan upon the surgical table, the machines and Chitauri got back to work. He didn’t even fight them that time. He was too weak. The pain made him that way, turned him from what he once was. Every fiber of what he was screamed for that pain to end and for death to claim him as its champion. He had no more reason to fight. He had no more reason to live when all that he had was taken or finished. The loyalty of his troops—in the end—saved his life. Kept him alive.

They could just as easily end that.

Thanos slowly turned his head and let it rest on the right. He stared straight into the burning blue visor, the golden mask, and the towering structure of the Chitauri Elite gazing down at him from the end of the room. It lifted its head when Thanos weakly raised his right fingers, listening intently for the words barely escaping Thanos’ dried, bloodied lips.

“Kill me…”

For as long as the Elite had served Thanos, there was never a moment of weakness that he ever showed. Thanos was as cruel, as bloodthirsty, as brilliant, as philosophical, as diligent and strong through every waking second of every fighting moment. The softest the Elite had ever seen his master… was when he spoke to or of his daughters. Daughter, to be exact. But right then, in that moment of weakness that would not last, Thanos showed a whole other side the Elite never knew of…


And the Elite could not stand for that. He would not allow his master to give in for some pain that would not last.

The Elite shook his head, gazing to Thanos’ widened, wounded eyes. He stood his ground and told him, “We cannot let you die, my Great. We will have no purpose. Our lives… are you.”

The procedure continued on. For hours and hours and hours. Every second spent saving the Great Titan’s life. Even when he didn’t want it. Even when Thanos would only mutter, “Let me die… Let me be with her…”

Every single time.


Crying out and begging for the pain to die.


The surgery was a success.

For the most part.

What had once been the feared, ever-looming and ever-present Dark Lord known as Thanos had been reduced to a state that one may perceive to be incomprehensible. His mind drifted, his body failed him, the once philosophical and utterly unstoppable force changed both on the inside and the out. He remained as a shell of his former self, hardly ever leaving his throne room, hardly ever present for his Chitauri. Sanctuary II had never been colder, quieter, practically lost in the vacuum of space and stopping nowhere. Heading nowhere.

In that time, Thanos was even more so.

It took days, weeks, months…


However long it took to regain that lost strength, the Chitauri were certain to see their master return them to glory. Mostly for Thanos to return himself to that pedestal he had built for years and years, dominating his corner of the universe and earning that dreaded reputation amongst the cosmos. For so, so long, various Elite took more of a commanding role amongst the ranks of Thanos’ remaining armada. In that time of quiet, they eased their master’s worries and pains, keeping him alive every single day as he only seemed to wish for the opposite.

But he grew stronger. Through physical, mental, and spiritual training, Thanos grew. He was strengthened. He was hardened. He was built back from the ground up. While the physical portion of the rigorous training his Chitauri put him through showed powerful results, the other two… didn’t. In fact, his psychological and spiritual essence only continued to grow more fractured as time went on. His body healed, but it took more than that to become whole again. Without the right mindset, Thanos only became that outer being he once was.

Just the shell…

And with that shell—no inner spirit to strengthen and guide it—Thanos grew more wrathful.

It showed in his fighting, the sparring sanctum within Sanctuary II fresh with boiling blood painting the walls and severed bodies scattered about the floor. They were various alien species, some robotic drones, and even a few Chitauri fodder. Anything to improve Thanos’ skills on the battlefield and return him to his former glory. He stood as a ragged mess, as a warrior bathed in that crimson darkness with a pair of dual short blades in each hand. He wore no attire upon his upper body, thus showing his wretched scars over his heart and upon his left shoulder. On the entire left side of his face and body. His pants were soaked in that crimson, dripping from the tips of his blades to the soles of his boots. He knelt amongst the bodies, breathing heavily and gazing to the floor.

Even as the doors before him broke apart and slid upwards and downwards, unveiling his final opponent.

With a pair of mighty chains attached to its neck, the humongous Chitauri Gorilla stumbled inside the sparring grounds, growling and smacking the Chitauri that held it at bay aside. Ripping the chains from its neck, the Chitauri beast reared up on its legs, slamming its fists against its armored chest before driving those fists into the metal earth. Roaring right into its master’s face.

That was when Thanos lifted his eyes. The clean… and the scarred.

Then he struck.

With a ferocious roar joining him, the Titan tore through the blood and body-soaked sanctum in order to reach his target. He ran at breakneck speeds, sliding underneath the Chitauri’s swinging forearm in order to appear on its backside. Once there, he rammed the left blade into the beast’s rib cage, a horrific cry leaving the Chitauri. Thanos reached for his blade, only to feel that palm grip his left arm and fling him clear across the sparring grounds.

Tumbling across the metal flooring, Thanos grunted and growled as he slid back to his feet, lifting his wild and bloodshot eyes towards the oncoming rampage stampeding his way. The Chitauri Gorilla huffed with every stomp closer, the blade still embedded in its side and Thanos’ eyes solely attached to it. He could roll out of the way, go for the blade before the beast reacted, and finish what he initially started.

It didn’t go that way at all.

It went as far as Thanos rolling to the right before it all fell apart. Once he did, the beast merely stuttered to a halt before slamming its arms down right on top of the Titan. Right before he could even get back to his feet. Thanos only had a brief second to react, and he did so poorly. He made rash decisions on instinct instead of years of training and experience. Following his failing instinct forced him to raise his left arm in order to catch the strikes. He merely blocked them, the Chitauri Gorilla slowly overpowering the Titan and pushing him to his knees.

Then it grabbed Thanos by his scarred, left arm, twisting it painfully and slamming Thanos on the metal earth. Repeatedly. Even through the ragged, painful screams that escaped him. His last blade skidded off out of his reach, the Chitauri snorting before tossing Thanos into the wall, the Titan grunting with agonizing clarity as he fell to the floor in a broken, bloody heap.

The Chitauri shook its head, slamming its fists into the ground before charging again.

It stopped when Thanos raised his right hand as well as his voice.


Just the single utterance of the word from his master prompted the beast to instantly halt, the stumbling Chitauri snorting before slowly easing itself back into its cage. Slowly backing away from the sparring sanctum just as the Chitauri Elite made their way inside. They wore ceremonial garb, long blue and gold capes flowing from their backsides as they slipped through the massacre and approached the kneeling Thanos. He had made a considerable distance away from the wall before the weight of his own failure pushed him back down, lungs wet with blood, muscles torn and bleeding.

Thanos refused to even look at them. He breathed and listened.

One Elite stepped forward, arms behind his back. “We need you to be better.”

Thanos’ heavy breaths filled the sanctum, the Titan trying to lift his head but even failing to do that. He shook it instead, mumbling, “I can’t.”

Slowly, the Elite turned to one another, speaking in their sharp, alien hisses before eventually turning their falling visors back to their lord and master. How he knelt in the slaughter only reminded them of the days he led them in his conquest, taking aged and dying worlds and cleansing them for the greater good. He led those battles, those unwinnable wars and stood on the top of every fallen empire. Yet there he knelt, unable to defeat one of his own creations.

Destiny had changed him, certainly in more ways than one.

A lone Elite began to circle the Titan in his lowly state, Thanos observing him cautiously as he softly spoke. Softly warned, “This is not an option. The universe will soon discover who cleansed half of all life, and when they find out it was you… they will come for you. In this current state, they will take you. They will strike you down.”

Thanos breathed and wiped his bloody lips. “They already have. Let them finish it.”

“This,” the Elite growled, emphasizing each word as he forced himself in front of his master’s eyesight, “is not… an option.”

Thanos slowly eased his eyes forward, glaring with the intensity of a dying star into the Elite’s visor. A glare that threatened more than a simple maiming if his soldiers dared to take another step forward out of line. The Elite noticed such, taking a step away and conversing once more in those strange, alien hisses amongst the others. Another Elite rose up from behind, Thanos barely shifting his attention back. “However, there are… others,” the Elite mentioned.

Thanos knew what was coming. They had been consistently offering the option to him for months, and he continuously denied it, knowing he could become stronger on his own. Knowing he would soon leave the mortal plain. “Enhancements?” Thanos considered.

“For your arm,” another Elite replied, claws held out to the bloody and scarred limb hanging limply on Thanos’ left. “It seems to be your greatest hindrance on the battlefield still. A simple… medical procedure could change all of that. Your mind, however… that will take more.”

Thanos’ mind was his personal domain alone. None were allowed anywhere near what he held dear in the confines of his shattered consciousness. None would be able to withstand the torment that he carried with him to that day, to that second of every waking moment and even in the darkness of rest. His nightmares were his burden, his sanctuary within sanctuary. He would not let them touch his mind.

His arm, however…

Thanos lay upon the medical table, observing as the machines hovered above him and burned their blinding white light into his vision. They all soon retreated to the left side of the table, their small, robotic arms flicking towards the scarred and broken arm that lay pathetically upon the table. It was all numb to Thanos anyhow, the Titan turning away once the sound of the hovering drone caught his interests.

Above him, the flying drone carried a large, metallic, endoskeleton arm. It settled itself on the left side of the table, joining the other machines as they prepared the saws and surgical tools. Thanos watched as the drone handed off the endoskeleton arm to the medical machines, the robots observing them momentarily before turning to the Titan himself. They held it out for him. Thanos stared onto it. He sighed.

It was not meant to be visible on the outside.

“Great Titan,” a Chitauri medic spoke forth, Thanos lifting his head further down and gazing to the fodder holding out a large syringe. “Would you wish I injected you with a pain-nullifier?”

Thanos shook his head. “No.”

He laid back, gazed into the haunting darkness of the ceiling and held his breath.

“I need to know this.”

He needed to know of the pain. He needed to understand what it offered, what it meant to him, and how much it mattered. How much it could change him on the battlefield. For if Thanos could understand the burden that came with it, he could truly be one with it as if it was his own flesh, bone, and blood. That was the only way for a warrior to rise above such adversity.

They began.

He knew the pain. It was a familiar friend. He knew it and remembered every last blood-curdling scream.

The Chitauri Gorilla roared and sent spittle across the floor, stampeding forth with the intensity of a steaming train with no intention to stop anytime soon.

Thanos had no intention to stop it.

He used it to his advantage. As the muscles tightened across his left arm, Thanos reared back and with a mighty cry, flung his blade clear across the sanctum. It struck its target with deadly precision, right between the beast’s neck and shoulder blade. The Chitauri cried out, skidding to a halt as it reached upward to pry the blade the loose. While it was distracted, Thanos took that prime opportunity.

With his remaining blade tight in his right palm, the Titan sprinted forward and leapt through the air, diving down with his blade leading as he drove it into the Chitauri’s opposite shoulder blade. The Gorilla cried out, rearing back to snatch the Titan from its backside. But Thanos was too quick. He was too unpredictable for the feeble-minded beast to comprehend. Upon the Chitauri’s back, Thanos reared forward and grabbed the left blade with his right hand, the right blade with his left hand. With his arms crossed over one another, Thanos watched as the powerful claws of the Chitauri had found him, reaching for him as the seconds shattered away.

Thanos grit his teeth, let out an ear-piercing battle cry as he uncrossed his arms.

Severing the head clean from its shoulders.

A torrent of black lifeblood spewed forth like a broken geyser, spraying across Thanos’ face and body as the Chitauri Gorilla’s body slowly fell slack. Its arms and legs gave away, the body hitting the floor shortly after the head did. And when it fell, Thanos jumped free from it, rolling across the sanctum and resting shortly after on one knee. No longer broken. No longer defeated.

But rising forth in victory.

The first ones to meet him in that glowing sensation were the Elite once more, congratulating their lord and master with several nods and bows. Their voices calling out…

“Well done, my Great.”

It was all needless banter that the Titan no longer heard. Their voices dropped to an incomprehensible slur as all Thanos could hear, all he could see, and all he could feel were various other emotions and pains flushing through him. The training was complete for now, but the real struggle, the true battle had only just begun for him. He thought only of that as he retired to his personal sanctum.

Just near the towering throne room, Thanos’ quarters remained as an even darker shroud of chaos and disorder. He lay upon his bed, what could be called a bed. It was a metallic containment cell, allowing for seamless zero-gravity whenever he laid his body upon its splendor. Thanos did not rest. He could not rest. He rose up and suited himself for a sitting position, elbows easing themselves to his kneecaps. In the darkness he was entrenched in, Thanos stared onto nothing, seeing so much more than the darkness could allow.

Turning to his left arm, Thanos noted the progress of his Chitauri with waning interest. The scars were still there, but the strength had returned to him. Metal plates could be seen protruding out of his skin, Thanos slowly flexing and releasing his fingers from the fist he formed them into. He could subtly feel and hear the metal grinding against his flesh and bone, slowly becoming more and more apart of him as the days went on. As the weeks turned into months, and years became but another day.

If what life had burdened him with from that point on was to be taken as an absolute, then Thanos did not seem to grasp the idea of why he continued to live on.

Some of his thoughts still pondered to the moment he saved himself. The very second before he destroyed the Infinity Stones, Thanos saved himself from the wrath of the Avengers, transported himself to the safety and confines of his sanctuary. Back then, when things seemed to be so much simpler, Thanos saw it as just an escape. An escape from them, from death… and even from himself.

During his time in the Garden, Thanos found solemn comfort to know that the work was done. He could finally rest knowing that the universe was spared the tragic fate of his own world. However, the universe turned against him when the Avengers came as an overwhelming storm of ferocity and power, so much so that he couldn’t even stand against it as he did before. The Gauntlet, the Stones, they had become more of a weight to him than ever before, a hindrance on the battlefield that nearly cost him his life. Only… a part of him… wanted to die.

Every day on Titan II felt like more of the same. It had only been a few weeks of the harvest and it felt like a millennium. Retirement from the bloodshed, from the war, from the constant struggle was meant to be the most rewarding aspect to destiny fulfilled. Yet it was a burden, a constant burning agony that never left him since the moment he stepped foot off Earth. The moment he snapped his fingers for the first time was the moment he would always cherish and dread.

For it was the moment he saw his daughter. For the last time.

Since then, there had only been the wretched desire to be with her, to die and let his soul truly rest with his beloved child once again. He had considered it since then, finding it so incredibly easy to let that blade sink slowly into his skin, into his heart, across his throat and let the life flow free from him, let his wounded spirit finally find that escape it so desperately desired. But Thanos knew better than to give in to the desires of himself. He taught himself that ideology after he discovered the Infinity Stones and sought them, knowing his personal loves could not stand in the way of destiny.

That same ideology still burned in him.

He needed to live. He needed to remain as the Dark Lord of the universe. For if he was to perish, if he were to leave the mortal plain right then and there… Thanos would not be able to feel truly complete. He needed to live because… he couldn’t face that death. He couldn’t face her.

More personal love that tormented him so. More reasons to live every single day and carry that burden as the darkness clouded his judgement, clouded his vision and airwaves and nearly strangling him in it. But Thanos knew there was more to his survival than a mere distaste for an old love, a fear of facing her once again and unable to perceive what would come after. The fear of the unknown was not what kept Thanos alive…

He thought he would feel complete after cleansing the universe… but the Mad Titan had the feeling, the fear that something was off.

The forsaken fear that his work was not finished.

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