• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 106 – The Forge



Benatar Escape Pod

Realm of the World Tree

“How do you say… ‘I’m sorry I left you’?”

“I am Groot.”

“How about… ‘ambidextrous’?”

“I am Grooot.”

“How about—?”

“Look, it’s always gonna be ‘I am Groot’. You get the picture yet?” Rocket interrupted, twirling around in his seat, crowded by two more resting behind him. In those seats, both Groot and Sunset Shimmer sat by side, the adolescent smiling innocently while the mare could do little more than blush mildly.

“Just trying to fix that language barrier,” Sunset sighed, leaning back in her adjustable seat. “Though I don’t really see how I’m going to if everything he says is just ‘I am Groot’.”

“I am Groot.”

Sunset shot out her hooves to the teenager, her brow hardened and eyes even more so towards Rocket. “Ya see? No idea what he just said.”

“He says he doesn’t want you to worry over it,” Thor called out, all three individuals spinning around in their seats to gaze upon the backsides of the God of Thunder. He stood facing the only other windshield in the small escape pod, arms crossed and gazing onto the beauty of the realm of the World Tree. “Also that he thinks you’re pretty.”

While Sunset merely smiled to the young Groot, who could only look away and rub the back of his wooden head nervously, Starlight Glimmer chuckled at the thought of it. Most of her attention was focused on stockpiling their remaining rations, which weren’t looking too good at the moment. While levitating the small packets of food and water that remained into the storage, Starlight shook her head at the conversation outside of her.

“Aw, how cute,” Starlight mused. Then she furrowed her brow, dropping what she levitated and turning towards Thor. “Wait, you speak Groot?”

“Yes, they taught it on Asgard, it was an elective.”

“I am Groot.”

“Yeah, you don’t want to know what he said that time.”

It had been three weeks. About that time. They sort of lost track after the first two weeks. Rations were low and everyone was always hungry. As hungry as they could have been, considering nopony wanted to take the next packet of food without feeling utterly guilty just looking at the hungry faces around them. Tempest Shadow had cut herself off from rations a couple of days ago, and it showed. Despite the protests from Sunset and Starlight, the unicorn made it evidently clear she would rather see them make it on their journey than her. Maybe the rations weren’t the only thing she had given up on. Still, despite her rumbling tummy, Tempest remained adamant, glaring to the ceiling and then to the front windshield, where nothing but darkness and space rocks were their only greeters for miles on end.

“How much longer?” Tempest weakly stated.

“We are not far now,” Thor stated proudly, an achieved sigh leaving the God of Thunder. He could see it, the heart of the World Tree spreading its vapors throughout the darkness of space. Those branches painted the black a holy white, appearing more like stardust than anything, but Thor knew better. They had made it. It had been a difficult time for everyone involved. They were certainly the bravest bunch he had ever had the pleasure of working with—especially Stark and the few that didn’t make it with them. They tried contacting them for days and there was always nothing. Yes, they went through many trials and pains, perhaps keeping their sanity within the cramped escape pod for three weeks was the greatest achievement. That, or everyone able to stand in the same room that functioned as a bathroom.

They certainly have grown close over the journey, and now… that journey had finally reached its end. No jumps left, no jumps needed to have finally reached their destination. Thor turned away from the back windshield, earning the attention from the rest of the pod. “A word of wisdom, my friends. Nidavellir’s forge harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star. Its energy has created some of the fiercest, most devastating weapons to ever emerge in the universe. It is the birthplace of my hammer. It is truly awesome.”

The only pony among them to have witnessed the hammer of which Thor was speaking so painfully of was Starlight Glimmer, and even then, she didn’t pay it too much heed three years prior. She didn’t give any of the Avengers their rightful due because back then… they were her enemies. They were all forced to work together for the greater good against Ultron and his forces of evil. Despite growing well with the other Avengers, perhaps it was Thor Starlight had not been able to find that common ground with yet. It was certainly difficult, but being physically trapped in a cramped pod for three weeks did manage to create some form of grounding between the two. Between all of them.

It was certainly better to be trapped with others than alone, like she was so long ago.

Rocket’s voice cut off her thoughts, declaring, “Hey, we’re coming up on something.”

Almost instantly, a rejuvenated form of life filled the escape pod as everypony and everyone swarmed towards the front windshield. They did not have many false alarms considering most of their journey had been nothing but space. As long as they were coming up on something, then that something was worth checking out. With every occupant surrounding Rocket, they all paid witness to the grandest form of engineering and design nearly all of them had ever seen.

They flew past the lone asteroid to enter into a realm of darkness and light, the soft whiteness of a distant star cascading its soft glow across the grand feat of Dwarven construction. Rings larger than any of the mares could have imagined circled the dark sphere resting in the center of the mighty machine. Rocket and Groot expressed their awe through a single “Whoa” each, though for Groot it came out differently. As for the ponies, each showed their astonishment through their widened eyes, agape jaws, and breathless expressions.

“Is this supposed to be Nidavellir?” Sunset asked, voice high and lost in wonder to the mighty forge they were approaching. She looked back up to Thor, only to question why his face showed a complete lack of hope and awe… and instead be filled with despair.

“No, no, no… the star is dark, the rings are cold,” Thor observed, palm to the glass and eye wide with worry. After abandoning his friends back on Earth, losing Stark and the others, all that was keeping Thor hopeful throughout the long journey was to see the bright star from the heart of Nidavellir warm his spirits, rejuvenate his soul, and strengthen his fight for the unwinnable battle ahead. Now… it all remained dark, cold, and lifeless.

“We need to investigate.”

Thor’s final words before the rest fell into a wonderment of silence and darkness. The mares took every second they could to gaze to every form of metal pillar, mighty ring, and even the dark star itself until they came into the forge. The escape pod landed with a soft thud upon the metal earth, allowing the mares to exit and breathe actual air instead of recycled oxygen. When inside, they were gifted to the sight of the forge itself, a mighty complex of wires, weapons, and crafting stations larger in scope than anything they had ever seen before. Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest stumbled about, Sunset eventually shifting her gaze to the massive sphere in the heart of the rings, hovering in that darkness. Like a sleeping giant.

“This place is massive,” Sunset exclaimed, still as breathless as the moment she laid eyes on it.

“Where have all the Dwarves gone?” Thor asked, proceeding up a small fleet of stairs.

Tempest pushed over an empty mold, then questioned, “Dwarves?”

“They live here, crafting weapons and keeping the star bright,” Thor explained, turning from the Dyson sphere and then back to the forge itself. Not a single light other than the white star hovering high above that station. Thor’s voice was soft, frozen breaths leaving him in gusts of vapor. “Yet there is nothing. The forge hasn’t gone dark in centuries, so why now does it…?”

“Uh, guys?” Starlight interrupted, having followed Thor, Rocket, and Groot up the steps and pointing a shaking hoof to one of the many work tables stationed in the area. The rest of the mares and her team followed her hoof, gazing to that which she spoke of. “Does this gauntlet look familiar to any of you?”

And that which she spoke of… just so happened to be a mold that resembled a very familiar and horrifying glove. It stood erected against the crafting table, six distinct holes pressed into the mold and creating the undeniable image of the Infinity Gauntlet each of them had the displeasure of recognizing.

“I am Groot…” Groot cautiously stated, slowly looking over to Rocket and Thor. It seemed Rocket shared the same feelings, gazing up to Thor and looking for that response.

“We need to get back to the pod.”

It was exactly what they all needed to hear. It was exactly what they did, only to be stopped by a massive boot crashing into Thor’s chest and sending the God of Thunder spiraling through the air. The ponies gasped, watching as Thor crashed roughly against a solid pillar of metal and came to a painful landing upon the floor. They turned towards the source of the disturbance, seeing only a mighty arm swing downwards and strike them all where they stood. The mares screamed as they fell down the stairs and skidded across the floor, only Tempest being the one to rise back to her hooves. Just in time to see Rocket and Groot get knocked aside all the same, Tempest charged, her horn igniting and spurts of electricity shooting off from its shattered top. She would have engaged with the dark, towering figure had it not been for Thor shooting out his hand to stop her.

For some reason, she did. She stopped dead in her tracks and watched that giant stomp forward and raise its metal fist towards Thor. Only for the God of Thunder to scream, “Eitri, it’s me! It’s Thor! Please, stop!”

He did. To Tempest’s amazement, the hulking beast stopped just short of crushing Thor with his fist. Tangled hair dangled from his head and concealed his expression, but soon enough the other mares, Rocket, and Groot found their footing once again and cautiously began to approach the giant from all sides. And Eitri, the Dwarven King with no people to rule, stared down to the God of Thunder he almost didn’t recognize.

Thor?” Eitri cried, visibly shaking from both his hardened fists and quaking body. “You were supposed to protect us… Asgard was supposed to protect us!”

Thor slowly got back to his feet, holding out his hands defensively. “Asgard… is destroyed.”

Eitri’s expression took on a whole other level of despair on that news alone. That despair quickly shifted to confusion when his head shifted over to the noise he had heard coming from his left, spotting the three mares standing below and gazing up to him in mixtures of wonderment and anger. Then he turned to Rocket and Groot, the two of them doing the same. “Who are these creatures?” he asked.

“These ‘creatures’, for your information, are ponies,” Tempest Shadow answered, prompting the Dwarf’s attention to the broken unicorn. She slowly approached him, metal-plated hooves stomping harshly on each stair step closer to him. “We have traveled… across the entire galaxy to find this place. We are out of rations, out of time, and out of patience. So, unless you want this to get dirty, I suggest you ignite this forge and get us the weapon we need. Now.”

Her horn sparked, the obvious threat written, packaged, and delivered with Eitri receiving it shortly. Only, to her surprise, he only grumbled in response, pointing his metal fist to her and declaring, “You have a big mouth, little one. I just don’t want to see it.”

“That is not… the way we treat friends,” Thor interrupted their rising feud, hand held out to Tempest once again to calm her down. With the unicorn offering a snort in response and taking her steps backwards, Thor took that as best as he could and focused only on the Dwarf King. “Eitri… tell me what happened here.”

Realizing shortly that they wouldn’t leave him to his torment anytime soon, Eitri closed his eyes and sat down. His metal hands comforted his fall, but the pain he felt in those palms never left him. It was all he could think about as he recalled the wretched events that occurred years prior. “300 Dwarves lived in these rings. 300 innocent lives… all but one. When Thanos came here, he ordered us to construct a device capable of wielding the power of the Infinity Stones. None would dare to help him… except me. I thought… if I constructed the gauntlet, he would spare us. Then he…”

Eitri paused, looking away.

“Then he killed them all anyway… all except me.”

“Oh, my gosh,” Sunset gasped quietly, hoof rising to cover her agape jaws. Starlight shared her expression, her breathing growing rather ragged amidst the death-filled coldness of space and metal they were surrounded in. Tempest Shadow was hardly shaken, keeping her expression hard even against the mention of Thanos’ name.

“Your life is yours, he told me,” Eitri said, lifting up his fists forever forged into slabs of metal. “But your hands… those are mine. I cannot help you… not with what fate has cursed upon me.”

“Eitri, you need to listen to me,” Thor began quickly, already knowing their time was short and the wretched news of Thanos’ depravity only further fueling him. He stepped forth, holding out his hands for Eitri to pay attention closely. “Thanos has already done it. He killed half the universe but the Stones remain intact, I’m sure of it! We can undo every last wretched deed Thanos has done but only if I have the weapon capable of standing a chance against him and what he wields. You must believe like I do, Eitri, that it was never your hands that created those weapons.”

Eitri’s eyes slowly opened, alongside his heart. He had never seen such desperation practically radiating off of the son of Odin, but if what the words he spouted were true—if Thanos truly had already won—then what was the point? If they could undo what he did, if they could save the universe with the opportunity Thor was promising Eitri in his most desperate hour… then he mustn’t wait. He must listen.

“Every axe, sword, hammer, shield, spear, dagger, weapon, anything you have ever made lies in here,” Thor exclaimed, shivering finger rising to point to his temple, to his head. To his mind. “And that is something Thanos failed to take away from you. We can take a stand even when the universe bows, when all hope is lost and everyone believes we have already lost the war. But Eitri… the war has merely just begun. You must think now, my friend, for the fate of the universe itself lies on our choices now. You must tell me…”

Thor stepped forward, his last remaining eye wide with burning adrenaline.

“What… can stand… against the Infinity Stones?”

It was a long shot, but perhaps Thor was right all along. Perhaps wasting away and watching as the universe died alongside the Dwarven race was not how Eitri saw his last moments. If there was a chance to take it all back, to undo the damage and save what once was, then there was no better moment than right then and there.

There was no other time than right then to bring it out.

“Follow me.”

Eitri’s voice traveled amongst the masses, the mighty Dwarf rising up and stomping forward out into the midst of the forge. The ponies stepped aside to make way for him, soon joined by Thor, Rocket, and Groot. Reluctantly, the three of them eventually followed, as well. They followed the mighty Dwarf into an even mightier room. Mold casings lined the walls, a pair of metallic clamps moving across the ceiling and prying a specific mold from its place, bringing it forth to rest before the group.

“Whoa…” Starlight managed to utter. It was all she really could.

“What, what are we lookin’ at here?” Rocket asked, pointing to the mold.

“A mold,” Eitri answered. “A king’s weapon, I should say. Said to be the strongest in Asgard and all the Nine Realms, even being able to summon the Bifrost. It is Nidavellir’s greatest possession. If you want a weapon to rival the Stones… look no further.”

That statement alone brought their attention back to the simple mold casing for what would become the weapon to defeat Thanos. Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest all held their breaths as their eyes widened to the point of exertion, each mare refusing to breathe.

“Does it have a name?” Thor asked, turning back to Eitri.

The Dwarf smirked, turning to Thor and nodding. “Stormbreaker.”

Just getting chills from that name alone—like lightning itself raced across her coat and spine—Sunset Shimmer shivered and focused ahead. Turned back to Eitri and asked, “What do we need to do?”

Eitri stared down to the small pony, sighing heavily through his nostrils. “It will be difficult, but we need to melt the Uru metal into the mold… by awakening the heart of the neutron star.”

On that, the Dwarf King turned around to gaze upon the rings and the Dyson sphere, soon every head and every eye doing the same. Within that encasement, a living star was just waiting to be released once again, a feat that nopony, not even Rocket and Groot, knew what was needed to be done in order to accomplish such a task.

Thankfully, Thor did.

“Rabbit… get back to the pod.”

“Is everyone in position?” Rocket asked, activating all comm links within the Benatar pod. He hovered dangerously above one of the many rings of Nidavellir, being the sole pilot and occupant of the pod while the rest of the group were either inside the forge… or there was Thor standing atop the escape pod with a wire attached to its surface.

Ready!” Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest all harmoniously declared through the comms.

Ready!” Thor shouted from above the pod Rocket was piloting.

I am Groot!” Groot replied from within the forge.

The mold awaits, but a word of caution,” Eitri’s voice chimed in everyone’s ears. “The forge has been dark for years. There is no telling if the sphere will function as it should or the rings will turn.”

“If we don’t take this chance, half the universe will continue to suffer,” Thor called, hopping off the Benatar pod and landing upon the surface of the mighty rings of Nidavellir. All he could see was the whiteness raining down atop of him, the dark sphere and the frozen rings being constant reminders of Thanos’ wrath brought upon the innocent Dwarves. Another thought to fuel Thor’s rage for the upcoming moment. Another spire to raise to his duty and his quest for the weapon destined to kill the Mad Titan. Thor’s grip around the wire tightened, Rocket’s voice rising in his comms.

“Look, man, this has been a fun adventure and all, kinda messed up in a few places, but overall not a bad time. Look at where you are now,” Rocket said, paws gripping the controls of the escape pod. He hovered directly over the God of Thunder, shaking his head. “I think you’re going about this the wrong way. I mean, you’re in space! You’re not gonna be able to move these rings!”

Thor placed both palms upon the wire. “Just watch.”

Rocket was about to say something, only for that something to transform into a plethora of horrific screams and cries for help when Thor began to twirl the escape pod around like it was nothing. Like it weighed nothing. Like he was never in space to begin with. Spinning about rapidly, only continuing to pick up speed, Thor finally released the pod and let himself fly from the ring.

“Ignite the engines!”

Rocket pressed forward, ignored the twirling mess his brain had become, and roared as the engines came to life. The escape pod burst forth, dragging Thor along for the ride as its added speed sent Rocket and Thor directly around Nidavellir until they came to a quick and abrupt end on the opposite set of rings. Just as Rocket flew past them, Thor planted his feet upon the closest ring’s surface, ripping apart yards and yards of pure steel in order to slow himself down, keep himself planted within it, and ultimately release the rings from their entrapment of frozen ice.

Thor achieved nearly all three, coming to a complete stop, lodging himself into the ring, but doing nothing more than that. With his palms gripping the wire with all the strength he had, Thor shouted, “More… power, Rabbit!”

Rocket responded in kind, putting everything he had into the thrusters, nearly draining all of the fuel. Wary of that, Rocket gazed back through the rear windshield. Thor lifted his eye above to the rings hanging over his head, and with an exasperated growl, found ease when those rings… began to move. The ice that sealed them shut began to crack against the pressure, finally releasing after enough stress pressed against it. The rings proceeded to move into position, the Dyson sphere erupting into a flurry of lights and color beyond imagination.

The heart of Nidavellir was opened, the neutron star escaping the bounds that held it and showing the Nine Realms its power. Across the vast universe, the strengthening star that infused every enchanted item was once again set ablaze, and every eye within the rings and the forge and nearly beyond was captured under its glow. The fiery oranges shot out and burned the blackness of space, the soft violets and blues of the neutron star dancing across the sphere’s surface like tentacles from an ancient beast stirring in its slumber. Finally awakened.

Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Tempest Shadow, Groot, and Eitri were all caught within its light, gazing from the forge onto the ignited star. The dying star, birthed from a supernova centuries prior, but a powerhouse all the same. Sunset shook her head as the energy rippled past her face and mane, making her shudder, unable to breathe. “This is incredible…”

Eitri smiled down to her. “Just watch.”

The eye of the star opened, unleashing a beam of pure, raw, otherworldly energy directly into the forge. Eitri, Groot, and the three ponies watched with awe-stricken eyes, the manes from each mare blowing wildly behind them as their eyes could grow no larger, their jaws could fall no farther, and their smiles could beam no brighter. Even Tempest let a small grin slip out. The eyes of the ponies all showcased the vivid beam of light shower across their heads, impacting the forge and reawakening the mighty machines within Nidavellir.

Eitri nodded, a weary but accomplished sigh leaving him. “Well done, boy.”

From the lone escape pod finding its position high above, Thor pressed his face against the front windshield, unable to contain the giddy smile that escaped the God of Thunder. He pointed down to the ignited star, a newborn light returning to the rings of the heart of the World Tree. “That’s Nidavellir!” Thor proudly declared.

Rocket’s eyes reflected the pure majesty of it all, a smile sneaking its way onto the raccoon’s face. But before that smile could grow any further, the clamp which held the eye of the sphere snapped, and the coldness of space returned to the three ponies, Groot, and Eitri. The sun died down and the darkness returned.

Eitri shook his head, grumbling, “Dammit!”

Dammit? What’s dammit?” Rocket asked via comms.

“It is as I feared,” Eitri growled, stomping forward with the mares trailing him, every eye gazing into the darkness of the Dyson sphere. Eitri shook his head once again. “Years of disuse have destroyed the clamp. With the eye damaged, I cannot heat the metal.”

Thor stared from atop the escape pod, his expression injured after witnessing such events play through. They had come so close only to be closed off from what fate willed into place. Perhaps… fate chose this, chose them… to commit the unthinkable. Thor pondered on that thought a moment longer, knowing there was no other way to stop Thanos than with the weapon to rival him. He had made his decision long ago… he must finish it.

“How long do you need?” Thor asked.

A minute… maybe longer,” Eitri responded.

Thor stared down to the sphere, to the dying star growing and burning within it. He gulped, affirming his stance by standing up fully. “I’m going to keep it open.”

That’s suicide.

“So is facing Thanos again without that axe!”

Without another doubt in his mind, Thor leapt from the pod and down to the awaiting star, the swirls of raw, fiery energy still coursing throughout the emptiness of space between them. From aboard the forge, the small group could only pay witness to Thor’s heinous decision and act, Sunset and Starlight gasping to see Thor actually follow through on his statement, as ridiculous as it sounded.

Tempest just shook her head. “He’s insane.”

Watching Thor land upon the surface of the clamp surrounding the eye of the sphere, Starlight sighed. “He may be insane, but he’s not stupid.”

“Standing against a star?” Tempest retorted, tightening her lips and watching with just as much anticipation as everyone else. Perhaps not as much worry, considering she held no faith for whatever Thor wished to achieve. “Your friend will get vaporized instantly.”

Shaking her head, Sunset Shimmer held her breath and watched with shivering hooves as Thor took a stand in front of the eye. She whispered, hope in her voice and even more hope burning in her eyes, “Come on, Thor.”

Perhaps they all held a fleeting sense of hope within them. Especially the God of Thunder himself, Thor gazing out to the forge awaiting its power source. The axe awaiting its strength. The hopeful eyes of the ponies silently cheered him on, believing in him even when he didn’t fully believe himself. When he finally realized where he was standing...

Against death itself. “Allfathers, give me strength,” Thor breathed.

“Do you understand, boy?” Eitri shouted, the mares and Groot turning their heads away for a moment to gaze onto the Dwarf. “You’re about to take the full force of a star! It’ll kill you!”

Thor stared right at them, stared only at his friends throughout the entire ordeal. “Only if I die.”

“Yes… that’s what… ‘killing you’ means.”

Tempest slowly turned over to Starlight, brow raised. Starlight just looked away, shaking her head with another sigh to follow. “He’s not completely stupid.”

No final words to give. No final words he needed to offer. Letting them be his anchor that tied him down to the physical realm, Thor offered one last smile to Sunset Shimmer and his friends, thanking them silently for standing with him through the impossible journey… soon to be made possible. His spirit would not be taken from him that day. Valhalla and his family would have to wait a moment longer. Thor had an unfinished mission to finally accomplish. It started with him gripping the edges of the clamp, pulling with every bit of his strength and slowly unfurling the light from the eye.

Once the clamp was set into place, once Thor had found his footing, the eye of the sphere opened once more. The temperature surrounding Thor already jumped up a thousand degrees and quickly climbed the further Thor opened it, the longer he held it open. Holding the clamp was possible for him, containing his screams was not. No mortal being, no matter how strong, could withstand the force of a star. And Thor… screamed.

He screamed so unrealistically loud that it could be heard even through space, hitting each of the mares and Groot right in the heart without the use of the comms link. Those bellows only persisted, the beam of energy unleashed once more and impacting the forge.

“Hold it!” Eitri cried, rushing back to the casting station. “Hold it, Thor!”

Thor stared back into the swirling chaos within the light of the star, forced to return forward as the pressure was too intense for him to handle. All he could manage for the short moment was to hold his ground, keep his grip tight, and not let go. It was already unbearable, Thor’s heightened body and hardened Asgardian skin already beginning to burn against the power of Nidavellir. His suit and armor were beginning to melt, Thor wailing in unhinged agony as the heat, fire, and wrathful power of the neutron star washed right through him.

The screams were horrific, stabbing Sunset, Starlight, and Groot right in their hearts, the looks of despair on their faces clearly evident. Even Tempest was beginning to grow worrisome, surprised to say the least to know that Thor managed to survive for more than ten seconds already. Not long enough to melt the metal, but long enough to earn her continued attention and growing admiration.

Eitri stared down into the rising heat to see the Uru metal beginning to heat up, turn red-hot, and slowly start to melt into the mixture. But it wasn’t enough, Eitri lifting his head and staring onto the light and listening into the horrific screams.

“He’s giving in!” Eitri declared, turning back to still see solid slabs of Uru metal intact. “I need more time!”

From the face of the star, Thor kept his eye sealed tight, one last painful cry to leave the son of Odin as the fires burned the back of his head and consumed his face. Sunset took a step forward, listening to those screams and breathing harder as each second ticked away. As Thor’s life continued to escape her grasp, knowing she didn’t do a thing to save it.


Sunset shook her head, twisting her neck back to Eitri. “No… you need more heat.”

On that statement alone, Eitri lifted his eyes to the mares and witnessed both Sunset and Starlight take their places around the casting iron. The heat and energy from the star’s beam made their faces sweat and their manes blow wildly in every direction, yet they remained undeterred, standing their ground and gazing ferociously onto the iron.

“Girls, on me!” Sunset shouted. Starlight affirmed her stance by Starlight’s side, spreading out her forelegs and snorting, horn igniting.

“What are you doing?!” Tempest screamed, stepping forward then taking a cautionary step back once the heat from the star and the iron impacted her like a blazing oven. With a foreleg raised, she continued. “Are you all insane, too?! You can’t match the power of a star!”

“Just stand back if you’re not gonna help,” Starlight grumbled. Tempest’s face fell at that, but not in hurt by any means… but in awe.

Both of the unicorns closed their eyes in unison, a radiating power flowing through the air and infecting their horns simultaneously. As they slowly rose from the metal earth, Sunset and Starlight opened their eyes to reveal pure blankets of nothing but white glowing inside of them. Their horns withheld all of that energy, then finally released the magic and fired it right into the casting iron. Although nothing happened at first, Eitri then turned back to the mixture to see the white flames beginning to consume the metals, melting them even faster. Eitri tightened his jaw, metal palms nervously pressed onto the iron and waiting as every painstaking second passed. And then…

Thor gave in, his mind fading as his arms broke away from the clamp and he flew straight towards the forge. He was caught within the star’s beam, Rocket trailing right behind him just as the sphere closed and the fire died a second time. He crashed into the forge, rolling several times upon the floor until he came to an eventual halt upon the metal flooring, unmoving and unresponsive. And then…

The mares gave in, as well. The immense pain from their horns was almost too much for either to handle, Starlight especially since her horn still hadn’t fully recovered. Even with the weeks of rest she gave it, the amount of energy she released at one time was nowhere near safe for her to handle. Starlight passed out first, the mare’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as she hit the floor with a solid thud. Then came Sunset, the fire from her horn fueling the iron as long as she could handle, as long as her mind was bright and her heart was beating. But even then, it was as much as she could give. She gave it all… then gave in. She collapsed right next to Starlight, Groot sliding to the floor right between them and dragging the ponies to safety.

He pulled them near Thor, checking their pulses and finding both to be quite alive. Spent, weary, and utterly exhausted, but still alive. Tempest Shadow stood several feet behind Groot, watching with disbelief in her eyes to what she had just witnessed. She did not even notice Eitri pouring the mixture into the mold, cooling it significantly and then ripping the mold off the table and onto the floor. Rocket jumped out of the escape pod, rushing over to Thor and checking on him.

Tempest slowly stared onto Thor especially, her eyes filled with unbridled awe… and respect. For Sunset and Starlight, of course, but for Thor most of all. The feat he had just accomplished was nothing short of a miracle, and the fruits of his labors lied before them, Eitri smashing the mold and unveiling the prize from within.

“Thor… Thor, can you hear me?” Rocket said, shaking Thor’s shoulders but getting no movement from the god himself. “He’s dying!”

“I am Groot!” Groot cried, kneeling over the two mares and turning to Thor with pain burning in his eyes.

“He needs the axe!” Eitri shouted. He quickly shot his gaze down to the head of the weapon, the two pieces burning bright red but ultimately remaining lifeless, powerless. Shaking his head, Eitri stood up fully, looking about with a wildness in his eyes. “I need more time to power it up and find the handle!”

Tempest laid her hoof over Thor’s chest, feeling a very faint and fading heartbeat. Her expression—for the first time in the longest time—softened as she gazed onto his burnt, broken, and near-lifeless expression. Such raw power from such a magnificent individual, giving it all for some fleeting hope to save the universe. He had done the impossible, something Tempest didn’t even imagine was obtainable. Yet there it was, the weapon he wished for lying on the filthy floor and slowly darkening. Slowly fading as the power from it and Thor left them both.

“No…” Tempest whispered, taking several steps back. Her gaze slowly fell, slowly turned, finally faced the towering Dwarf once more, his eyes joining hers. Both of them experiencing that intensity she felt. Tempest Shadow hardened her expression, releasing that intensity with every ounce of her will when she said it. “You need us.”

She turned to Groot, he turned to Tempest. Both of them somehow, someway… knowing the same thing. Knowing exactly what to do. They both nodded to one another.

Standing aside to see what she would do, Eitri was more shocked if anything to see such raw power leave the unicorn. For he saw the power of heaven’s might itself, rivaling even that of the God of Thunder when several bolts of lightning shot out from her shattered horn and consumed the axe head. Tempest Shadow lowered her face to the ground, eyes tightened to a close and will pushed to the breaking point. For with every pain and trial that came with her horn and her magic, Tempest knew there was no escape for it. There was no escape for her now, right then and there, as the axe head began to rise from the ground and slowly be consumed by that power.

Crying out, tears welled up in Tempest’s eyes as she gazed onto the blurry image of the two axe pieces rising higher and higher, Tempest falling further and further. Her lightning shot out in every which direction, uncontrollable as Tempest gave her last cry and collapsed. Just as Groot shot out his left arm and wrapped his vines tightly around the two pieces. He cringed as the lightning tore at his limb, but fought through it all the same as the magic from Tempest’s horn finally vanished and the pony fell to the floor in a defeated heap.

She could barely lift her head, barely stare onto the lone image of Groot wielding the mighty head of the axe high above his own, screaming through every second as he lifted his right hand and sliced downwards. He severed his left arm, ultimately creating the handle for the weapon and letting it strike the ground with a powerful and resounding clang.

Stormbreaker was complete.

The ponies began to awaken, standing back up one by one with help from Rocket.

Thor’s palm twitched.

The axe began to rise forth from the steel floor, spurts of electricity shooting off of its face. Witnessing such an event playing forth, Groot began to back aside to watch events unfold at a safe distance. Rocket, picking up Sunset to stand back on her hooves, slowly turned to see the axe rise. Starlight and Tempest stood together, wearied gazes widening at the mere sight of it. They watched, everyone did, as it suddenly shot forward and flew into Thor’s hand.

A storm of lightning filled the forge and caused the mares to back away rapidly. Swirling clouds of fire and lightning surrounded the floor where the god laid, the winds picking up to a level none could fight against, Tempest holding Starlight and keeping the two mares latched to the ground. Groot shielded his face, only dropping his right and remaining limb once the storm died. And once it died, there stood Thor Odinson.

God of Thunder.

King of Asgard.

With his weapon in tow.

A bright red cape joined him as the electricity slithered across his body and armor. His back faced the group consisting of Sunset, Rocket, Starlight, Tempest, Groot, and Eitri, cape flapping in the wind that slowly began to dissipate. Slowly began to return to Thor and the axe he wielded. When he spun around to face them, his left eye shimmered a bright and otherworldly blue, joining the fire melting off of Stormbreaker.

Then he turned to them, jamming his axe in the air and screaming, “Bring me Thanos!”

A plethora of lightning shot out from the head of the axe, filling the forge with rejuvenated light and life forever more.

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