• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 8 – Power


Milky Way Galaxy


Badlands, Equestria

11:39 p.m.

The second Thanos stepped foot on Equestrian soil, a tremor resounded across the valley of death, in the heart of the Badlands.

A vicious black and blue portal opened for Thanos and his Black Order, all five exiting the swirling blue and black mist as it quickly faded away. The Space Stone on Thanos’ gauntlet dimmed down as the portal closed, but it never stopped shimmering, as well as the newly-acquired Power Stone. The Badlands remained just as they were. The night was still alive and well, and the desert surrounding was just as horrid a landscape as when they first arrived. None of that mattered.

Thanos raised the Infinity Gauntlet into the air. The winds howled, the dust storm picking up around them, blotting out the night sky. The Black Order shielded their eyes from the storm, but Thanos stared on. He narrowed his stern gaze, clenched his gauntlet, and yelled, “Typhon!”

He had felt Typhon’s presence the second he stepped on Equus the second time, but now the tremor had only increased, as well as the storm around them. Before it could get any worse, before the sand was certain to devour them and never let them escape the desolate wasteland known as the Badlands, the wind stopped.

It stopped as the eruption of solid earth followed, Typhon’s serpent-like head and demon-like eyes broke through the storms and silenced it. The wind died. The sand fell. Typhon’s towering, burning neck and flaming head were all that remained of it.

When it all settled and the silence of the night returned—save for Typhon’s burning skin—the beast slowly narrowed its eyes on the Mad Titan, slithering closer. Thanos didn’t even blink this time as Typhon’s burning gaze met his own. Not even the Black Order backed away from the increasing temperatures.

Smoke and ash drifted from Typhon’s head and nostrils, the beast growling, “You have returned… quickly. I assume with the power needed to resurrect me?”

Thanos smiled and slowly turned his left wrist so it faced forward. Typhon shifted his gaze to the Gauntlet, widening at the purple gem shimmering next to the bright blue one. Thanos slowly began his approach, stopping just a few yards from Typhon’s burning face.

He clenched the Gauntlet, the Power Stone glowing brightly. “This may hurt a bit.”

Typhon glared at him.

“I have been tortured for more than a millennium, every shred of my skin melted and peeled away. My intestines, my heart, my lungs, everything within me was ripped away and thrown to the River Styx. My bones were melded to the very chains that held Tartarus together, every year pulling harder and harder and harder until… there was nothing left. Until my very soul was trapped in a forever burning hellscape, forced to watch as my children suffered the same fate.”

Snarling at every syllable, what appeared to be Typhon’s maw yielded burning magma that dripped into the dirt and sand. He brought back his neck only slightly, narrowing his slit eyes at the Mad Titan. More specifically… at the Infinity Stone and the power it held, the same power he would experience very shortly.

He said, “I know what it means to hurt. If it hurts… then I’ll scream.”

Thanos could admire that. Willing to go through anything to reach his goal. Strange how fate works, bringing two Titans together, working together, fighting in the end for similar causes. If he wanted to, Thanos would have smiled. But he didn’t. He couldn’t when he focused on controlling the Power Stone’s energy. The gem shimmered brightly as he clenched the Gauntlet harder and harder. But unlike on Xandar, Thanos thrust its energy outwards instead of directly to the ground.

A stream of raw, unending energy was propelled from the Stone and the Infinity Gauntlet. It was so great, so unhindered, that the Black Order nearly fell back from the shock wave that followed. They shielded themselves as the wave of energy pulsated throughout them. Thanos didn’t even move. He kept his left arm jutted outwards, his fist shaking as he forced the Gauntlet and the Power Stone’s energy directly ahead of him.

He watched as it struck its target, right in Typhon’s neck.

Instantly, the burning red skin encompassing Typhon’s neck shifted to a horrible dark purple. Typhon howled in pain, rearing his head straight to the heavens and screaming to the stars. Those screams turned into high-pitched screeches. The Black Order cringed at the sound, some covering their ears. Thanos gritted his teeth, but kept the energy flowing.

Unlike when the same power impacted Xandar, this power didn’t completely overwhelm Typhon. It nearly had, devouring all of Typhon’s neck. It had nearly reached his head, but stopped just at the bottom of his jaw. The purple cracks across his skin yielded, then slowly began to retreat. The purple sickness across Typhon’s body quickly fell back to where it originated, where Thanos drove the beam of energy. Typhon’s screams soon turned into roars, then… laughter.

“Yes!” Typhon exclaimed, looking down to his neck to see the purple energy withdraw from his skin and flood into his very essence. He reared his head back, roaring,Yes! The power… I can feel it! My body! My being! They’re…! They’re…!”

A shock wave of energy was all that could be expelled from Typhon’s statement, ending his voice there. Thanos cut off the energy flow, shielding his eyes as a wave of energy washed over him and his children, spreading for miles on end, all originating from Typhon. Lowering his naked palm, Thanos stared at the flaming serpent, concern in his frown.

Nothing seemed remotely different. Typhon just appeared winded, his head drooping lower and lower to the ground. Speaking of the ground, it had barely survived the shock wave that had occurred not too long ago. Chunks of rock had been expelled from the earth, a small crevice surrounding the Titan. As for Typhon, he breathed steadily. Almost like he had functioning lungs and he was breathing for the first time in more than a thousand years.

Perhaps not far from the truth. “The power…” Typhon breathed, in and out, slowly and steadily.

“I assume it worked.”

Typhon nodded, his glowing red eyes slowly dimming, quickly closing. “Yes… I must rest now… and let the power flow throughout. Let it… rebuild.”

Nodding to that, Thanos lowered his arms so they rested by his sides. His Black Order stepped closer to him, all of their eyes centered on the wilting beast grow smaller and smaller. “I’ll take good care of Equus while you’re gone,” Thanos declared, watching as the mighty tower became less than it was before.

But just before he could fully collapse, Typhon reared forward at speeds that were so unlike him previously, even with his weakening state. The Black Order jutted their weapons outwards, but found no need for them as Thanos stared down the mighty Titan. Neither blinked. Neither flinched. Typhon admired that.

“Do not forget, Mad Titan. When I return… this world is mine… and the Princesses and the Pillars are mine to kill.”

Thanos said nothing, didn’t even nod. He and his children just watched as the beast disappeared beneath the earth. They felt another tremor pass throughout the Badlands, much stronger than any previous one they had encountered. Amplified with the strength of the Power Stone, there was no wonder Typhon’s descent was much stronger than previously. But unlike the previous times, they could see where Typhon traveled next.

A wave of red energy shot away from where Thanos and his children stood. They watched as the bolt of red shot across the Badlands beneath the dirt, impacting the tallest peak in the wasteland, the destroyed mountain directly ahead of them. Another tremor passed, not as strong as where they stood but equally as devastating. The mountain Typhon had struck began to crumble, then began to rise higher out of the ground, practically growing three times before their very eyes. And it just kept getting bigger. Proxima Midnight’s jaw fell. Corvus Glaive shared the same fate. Ebony Maw narrowed his gaze and watched as the mountain grew taller and taller, wider and larger. Cull Obsidian watched on in silence. They all looked somewhat concerned, impressed, or surprised.

Thanos was not like his children very much.

The mountain trembled, then yielded. If it was massive before Typhon had struck it, then it was colossal in size afterwards. No longer was the peak sticking straight out of the ground. It was larger, wider, appearing more like a volcano than a mountain. At least, that’s what Thanos and the Black Order thought. Coincidently enough, a black smog began to bellow from the peak, rising and building just above the mountain.

Then all was still and quiet.

As if nothing had even happened.

“You can’t trust him, Father.”

Thanos slowly turned around, gazing towards Proxima Midnight. She continued, dropping her head a tad. “He threatened to slaughter us the second we stepped foot on this miserable world, and now we just gave him enough power to do… whatever it is he just did.”

“If he was able to resist the Space Stone beforehand,” Corvus Glaive took over, “how powerful will he be now?”

“And when the time of the Cleansing is to be upon us, what of Equus, Father?” Ebony Maw asked. Cull Obsidian grunted and nodded, standing behind his siblings, hammer resting on his shoulder.

Thanos turned his eyes to each of their concerned gazes. His expression was unknown, his eyes holding little emotion and revealing nothing. When he answered, his voice sent shock waves across each of his children. “He spared our lives and we made a bargain. I’ve fulfilled that bargain. I’ve given him rebirth. I owe nothing more.”

“Yes, but at what cost?” Maw asked. “Now, this world will be spared!”

“Not necessarily.”

The Maw actually stepped away from that statement. Just an inch, but it showed. He was clearly taken by surprise at the revelation his father had revealed. Thanos looked to his gauntlet, stared at the two gems still glowing as bright as when he first laid eyes on them. “The Infinity Stones will take time to acquire, and in the meantime, I will be certain to have this world experience salvation… even if it may be spared from the Cleansing.”

He heard silence for a moment, then a soft chuckle. Thanos looked to Proxima Midnight, seeing her smile and shake her head. “Just like old times?” Midnight asked, fingers tightening around her spear.

“Half the world’s population,” Thanos muttered, his voice lost in pure bliss as he gazed at the Stones. “Nothing more… nothing less.”

Corvus Glaive smiled sickly, each of his fangs showing. “We will ready the Chitauri right away,” he said, bowing his head. The rest of the Black Order bowed their heads, as well, but were shocked to see a blue portal appear behind them. They turned back to their father, seeing him hold out his gauntlet and control the very fabric of space with just the blue gem.

“Leave that to me,” Thanos told them. “As for the rest of you, take my ship and retrieve the Reality Stone.”

It took a while for Ebony Maw to nod along with the rest of his siblings. The portal’s light cascaded their shadows across the dirt, leading to Thanos’ feet. He asked, “What will you do, Father?”

He smiled. “Make things easier.”

And so, he would. They didn’t need to be told a second time. The Black Order stepped into the portal, one by one. Thanos closed it quickly. As the light died and the Stone’s light began to dim down, Thanos breathed in the dead air and dust. He stared at where the portal once remained, nothing left but wisps of sand blowing through the wind across the vast desert landscape.

The portal wasn’t very large, just big enough to fit Obsidian. Other than that, Thanos hadn’t crafted a portal from the Space Stone any larger. For what he had in mind, he didn’t know if the Space Stone could have created a portal big enough for him to “make things easier”, as he had stated not too long ago. Then again, the Space Stone wouldn’t be working alone.

He looked to the Infinity Gauntlet, brought it closer, and stared at the second gem. At the Power Stone. The very Infinity Stone that could burn planets in an instant and rebirth ancient Titans long since dead for over a thousand years. Its strength was never-ending, had no limit. The strength of the Power Stone and the ability of the Space Stone molded together… He hadn’t tried it before.

He would now.

With his children on their mission to acquire the Reality Stone, that just left three. Thanos thought back to where the remaining Stones be, all three resting in one central location. One world. Planet Earth. He knew exactly where that was. The years of constantly waiting, constantly watching events unfold on the miserable planet taught him well enough what he should expect. He raised his gauntlet, higher and higher, the face of it turned to the night sky.

No need to constantly hop back and forth across the entire galaxy any longer. Thanos would make things easier.

Looking to the stars for guidance, Thanos finally found it, both the Space and Power Stones igniting brighter than any star that night. Then he closed his left hand.

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