• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 3 – Children of Darkness


Andromeda Galaxy


N5X2 1O6311411+2123518

Space was always so beautiful. Thanos liked to imagine that. He knew it wasn’t true. Because within that space, within the darkness and the endless void of no return, there was the blight. An immortal blemish that constantly plagued not only the galaxy he remained, but every galaxy. Every single galaxy. The entire universe even. That blight, that blemish, that sickness, it was but one thing.


And he stared at it on his throne. He stared into the stardust that ranged from the cool, velvet purple, to the raging, boiling red. The remains of stars, nothing but dust in the vast, open space. They lived their life, expelled their power, and went out. In a flash. So quick. So painless. In such an instant, a life was gone, a life that supplied millions of others on nearby worlds. So fast, it could have been done faster than Thanos could have snapped his fingers.

In an instant. Just like that.

Thanos’ weary gaze turned away from the remains of the stars and rested to the left side of his throne, to the golden gauntlet that he wore upon his hand. Embedded within it, six indents remained, four beneath each finger, one near the thumb, and the last and largest on the face of the gauntlet. Perfectly crafted. Without fault. Created just for him.

And his destiny.

To some, destiny came when it wanted. Sometimes it was meant to be a grand occasion one would have to be patient for in order to reap its full benefits. Others saw destiny as events that are meant to come, unchanged despite the most painful efforts to prevent it. For Thanos, destiny was his to command. He would not wait for the universe to tell him no, to fight back against him and what he saw true. For Thanos, he would seek his destiny and claim it for himself.

But for now, that destiny remained on hold. For now, he and his children awaited the return of his army, and their mission that took them years to reach. Thanos had received the word not too long ago from his Chitauri Elite that they have found them. They have actually succeeded. Their journey across the universe has yielded its reward, for they have succeeded and were returning to Thanos to tell him what they found.

And now, he and his children just had to wait. His children. The Black Order.

“This… is truly a moment you should be proud of, my Great!” the Ebony Maw declared, strutting back and forth atop the great mound of space rock. His bony, white fingers pressed softly with one another, each hand close together, his eyes lost in hope and wonder. Corvus Glaive sneered from the boulder he sat upon, sharpening his glaive with a short blade, the sparks reflecting off his fangs.

Ebony Maw spun around, his attire dancing as he moved to strut forward once again. “As we speak, the Outriders return from their journey. In just a short moment, they will inform us of what they have found, and the Cleansing will finally become… truth.”

“We heard you the first time,” Proxima Midnight growled. Ebony Maw turned to her, spotting Midnight sitting by the steps beneath the great throne. In her hand, her three-pointed spear was pressed to the rock, the tip facing the heavens. Maw stared into her eyes, stared into the madness. “At this point, you’re just sucking up to Father.”

Within the shadows, Cull Obsidian chuckled. Not because it was funny, but because the Maw actually flinched to her comment.

“I just wish for all of you to know of what’s to come,” Ebony Maw said softly, spinning around and away from Midnight’s glare. He held his hands to the heavens, declaring, “For we have been blessed to be a part of Thanos’ children! To be spared once the Cleansing is to begin! And for Father…” he paused and turned around, to the shadowed throne he stared upon, “… to know that this came to be… because of his greatness.”

“This is ridiculous.”

Ebony Maw looked down to her. “You blame the Great Titan?”

“I don’t blame Father,” Midnight said, stepping up to the Maw with spear in hand. Obsidian grunted, stepping out of the shadows and gripping his hammer. Midnight grew closer to the Maw, narrowing her gaze. The Maw didn’t move. “But it has been years since we have sent the Outriders out to the universe, and only now do they decide to return. They should be lucky we won’t slaughter them all when they arrive.”

“If it be at the hands of Thanos, they would be pleased,” Ebony said.

Midnight smiled, slowly circling the Maw. “You grovel like a parasite to Father, too afraid to speak your mind, too weak to hold your own.” She stopped in front of him, eyes meeting his own. “Why is it that he likes you more, again?”

Ebony Maw smiled, slowly raising one of his fingers. Several jagged rocks rose from the ground, centering towards Midnight and hovering there. “Need I demonstrate?”

Proxima Midnight bared her teeth, gripping her spear even tighter. In the right side of her vision, she could see Cull Obsidian growing closer, hammer in hand. Ready for another warm-up before the Cleansing. In the left side of her vision, she saw Corvus Glaive hop down from where he was perched, approaching her. She allowed herself to settle as he came to her side.

“Ease yourself, my love,” Corvus Glaive’s raspy voice said, resting his claws on Midnight’s shoulder. Doing so caused her to settle, just for a moment, and place her spear’s end into the ground. Her body became more relaxed. Even the Maw dropped his finger, the jagged rocks falling to the ground.

Smiling to that, Corvus looked to Midnight and said, “Let Father deal with these… beasts when they arrive. He can be very… considerate.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Cull Obsidian growled, stepping back into the shadows.

Proxima turned to Glaive, and a smile appeared on her face. Not one of malice or ill-intention, but of content. She let her hand drift upwards, caressing Glaive’s scar-covered cheek. She sighed. “Of course, my love. You always know what to say.”

The two stared into each other’s gazes for a moment longer, eventually breaking away when the Maw declared, “Praise be to the Great Titan! They have arrived!”

In the distance, the Black Order could see as a Chitauri Command Center approached Sanctuary slowly. It was concealed in the shadows, an asteroid three times the size of it blanketing the entire warship in shadows. And from it, only one ship was launched. The Black Order stepped forward, narrowing their gazes and watching as the ship grew closer and closer.

They watched as the Outrider Dropship impacted the asteroid beneath the steps leading to the Titan’s throne. Debris shot up from the dropship’s landing, pieces of asteroid floating off into the void. The ground the Black Order stood upon shook, but then fell into peace and silence. Watching as the dropship began to open beneath them, Corvus Glaive growled, twisting his neck back to the throne.


By that single utterance, the throne slowly turned. Away from the asteroid field and the remains of the stars. The throne faced forward, and the Mad Titan, Thanos, stared ahead. In silence. Watching as Corvus Glaive led his children to the feet of his throne and bowed. They fell to their knees, weapons pressed to the rock, heads held low. Then they rose. Thanos blinked and nodded to them. Other than that, his expression was unreadable.

The Ebony Maw took a step forward, standing by Glaive’s side. He held out his hands to Thanos, saying, “The Outriders have returned from their journey, my Great. Allow them to inform you of what they have discovered.”

Thanos nodded once more. His eyes shifted upwards, past the Black Order and towards the steps spiraling downwards. The Black Order followed their father’s gaze, stepping aside as a horde of Outriders poured in from the steps. They arrived in a drove, a mix of limbs and screams following them like the mindless beasts they were. Some trampled over each other. Others led the pack, using their claws on each hand—all four of them—to halt several feet ahead of the great throne of Thanos. Their master. The Outriders turned their eyeless heads forward, dipping them to the ground. Every Outrider did, until none remained fully standing.

Until they all bowed before their master.

“You may speak,” Ebony Maw said, a hint of excitement in his tone. Just the thought of the Cleansing growing that much closer made him tingle. Thanos sighed from his throne, resting his chin upon his right hand.

Amongst the crowd of shifting forms and low growls, a single Outrider stepped forward on two legs. It was considerably larger than the Outriders surrounding it, holding an extra pair of arms, making the count to six. The Outriders in front backed away as the larger Outrider stepped forth to Thanos’ throne. It stared straight ahead, growled softly.

The Outrider General said, “We found them. All of them.”

Thanos lifted up his head. The Outriders surrounding the general began to screech in unison, twisting about from where they stood, growling and snapping their jaws. Savages, Proxima Midnight thought to herself, taking several steps backwards.

A lone Outrider crawled forward. It looked to its general, seeing the nod in confirmation. It approached Thanos’ throne, gazing up to it’s master and saying, “The… Infinity Stone in Asgard was… not found. Asgard… is destroyed.”

Thanos leaned forward.

The Outrider quickly followed up with, “But the Asgardians still hold it in their Ark! They are on their way to Earth. The Space Stone is in the hands… of Loki.”

Just the utterance of his name caused several Outriders to screech in protest. They slammed their hands into the rock, snapping their teeth together and screaming at that name. The Black Order sneered when the Outrider said his name. Thanos… just smiled. He lifted his finger, prompting them to continue.

Another Outrider stepped forward, earning a nod from the general, and said, “The Reality Stone remains with the Collector in Knowhere.” Thanos turned to the Outrider, the beast lowering its head to the ground.

Then another stepped forward. Another nod from the general, and then it said, “The Power Stone is within the vaults of the Nova Corps on Xandar. It is not far from here.”

Thanos contemplated that thought, turning to the next Outrider that stepped forward. It turned out that three stepped forward that time. They bowed quickly to their master. The Outrider General looked down, nodding to them. The first of the small pack crawled ahead, lifting up its head and saying, “We have found two of the Infinity Stones on Earth.”

Two. Thanos blinked at that, his brow furrowing.

The Outrider next to the first said, “The Time Stone… with the Masters of the Mystic Arts.”

The third Outrider hissed, “The Mind Stone… in the forehead of the Vision.”

The first Outrider dropped its head, barring its teeth. Each of the Black Order turned to one another, waiting for it to speak, but hearing nothing but the silence of space. The Outriders had fallen silent. None of them spoke. Barely any of them moved. One would assume they had died on the spot under the gaze of the Mad Titan. Not uncommon.

Finally, Proxima Midnight asked, “Well… what of the last Stone?”

The Soul Stone,” Ebony Maw whispered. His voice traveled to each Outrider, making them all flinch and cower beneath his gaze. “Where is it?”

The first Outrider lifted its head, its eyeless gaze facing Thanos. It didn’t cower. They didn’t cower. The first Outrider stood up on its hind legs, slowly stepping forward and pausing just feet beneath the throne of the Great Titan. It could feel the powerful gaze that bore the sight of billions of lives vanquished. It could feel the eyes that watched as the universe tore itself apart, nothing to keep it in balance.

It could feel Thanos’ gaze rip right through it.

And it answered, “… Earth.”

The Outriders by its sides nodded, hissing together. “Earth…”

They chanted.


They all did.


Until they screamed.


Until Ebony Maw raised his finger and silenced them.

Proxima Midnight sneered at the beasts before her, her nose wrinkling in disgust. But she couldn’t focus on them right now. The location of the Infinity Stones have been given, and it was her turn to take command. To prove herself to Father. She approached the throne, saying, “I say we save Earth for last. Xandar is the closest. Shall I prepare the Chitauri, Father?”

For that, Thanos didn’t answer. At least not at first.

He left them waiting. In discomfort, in silence, as he closed his eyes. The Infinity Stones… all six of their locations found. Since the birth of time itself, the Stones could never have been brought together, nor could they have been torn apart from one another. They were caught in a twisted limbo, a hell where trillions of lives have been lost just to gaze at the utter power the Stones had. If one could imagine… what bringing the six Stones together, wielding all six, could really do?

Thanos sighed and opened his eyes. His gaze fell down to the Infinity Gauntlet he wielded in his left palm and forearm. The light of the dying suns caused a soft glow to reflect off the gold-colored plating, the six indents bare and waiting. If one could imagine what bringing the six Stones together…

If one had the will… the destiny… to see it through.


The Outriders cowered and backed away. The Black Order flinched and did the same. Proxima Midnight backed off, watching as her father rose from the throne and slowly descended the steps. The shadowed throne hid nothing any longer. Thanos’ golden armor shined in the light of the residue of the dying stars. His helmet glistened and gleamed as he stepped off the last step and approached the Outriders. The six that remained directly ahead of their general fell to their knees, refusing to look up unless told so.

And they waited.

Thanos looked to them. Then to his empty gauntlet. His violet skin didn’t even flinch to the aspect of its nakedness. He knew it would be sealed soon, with power beyond comprehension. With power that no one in the entire universe could ever imagine. With power that he would wield… even if it cost him everything. If one had the will to see it through.

And so, Thanos spoke, still holding a lost gaze at the Infinity Gauntlet.

“For years, I had every opportunity to find what I needed. And every single time, those opportunities were stripped away. I could have accomplished it so much earlier. I could have seen my destiny… so much sooner.”

Thanos flexed his left palm, the Gauntlet’s metal plating clenching. He frowned at the sight of the empty indents. “I have been played a fool two times too many. No more. The time for rest is over. Watching as the universe wastes away… is something I can no longer bear. It’s time to take what is rightfully mine… and it begins by fulfilling a deal with the adopted son of Odin.”

He dropped his hand, and more so the Gauntlet. Turning to Proxima Midnight, he said, “Ready my ship.” She nodded without question, the rest of the Black Order following her as she went to obey her father’s command. However, they were stopped. They, as well as the Outrider General and all of its followers. They stopped and watched the scene unfold beneath the throne.

“And as for you six,” Thanos said, eyes landing on the six Outriders still kneeling before him. They lifted up their heads upon hearing their lord and master address them. Thanos reached behind him with his right hand. “I believe a reward is in order for your cause.”

From his back, Thanos unsheathed a massive blade and brought it forward. The Outriders’ jaws fell together, their claws held out to their master and to the blade he wielded. Thanos observed his reflection, saw the stardust and the trillions of lights glinting off of its surface. He turned the blade right, then brought it left, then sliced downwards in less than a second.

So fast.

So clean.

Six heads shot up and fell down with the bodies.

The Outriders screamed in joy. The General held out one of its many hands to the Mad Titan. The several others beneath it did the same. Thanking him. Praising him. The Black Order; Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, and Cull Obsidian just stared. Stared and smiled.

Thanos slid his blood-covered blade into the holster on his back, stepped over the bodies, and began his holy quest.

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