• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 138 – Wake Up



The Caverns of Tambelon

Year: 2015

8:39 p.m.

Twilight woke up in a dark, lonesome cell. Her surroundings were blotted in a perpetual shade of black, the Alicorn—despite knowing she had opened her eyes—would never had known she had actually woken up. It was the resounding and echoing screams bouncing off the walls and impacting her cell that allowed her to open her eyes, take in that fearful gasp of air, and turn towards the sound.

With the sound came light. With the light came perception. Perceiving the world beyond her cell caused Twilight to lose her very breath. Even as she rose up to her hooves, she took a step back and gasped to see what lied beyond.

Minus the stone catwalk resting before her cell doors, there was no ground to see. For as far as she could notice, the floor was nonexistent. It fell into a deep, dark, never-ending crevice that traveled to the blackest pits of the earth. The stone wall directly ahead of her only assured Twilight of one thing. She gulped, slowly twisting her neck from left… and slowly to her right. Just as she assumed.

The winding, tower-like walls stretched and turned as far as the eye could see. Lanterns and cauldrons lined the stone walls to give light to the otherwise dark and depressing canyon she was in, showcasing an even more horrific world than what was initially perceived. She was certainly in a canyon, presumably the heart of one. She tried to gaze up—and even with the cell bars blocking her—she was able to gaze to the ceiling. It stretched on forever, only the blackness being an indication to its end. Twilight gulped at that. Definitely an underground canyon.

But somehow far worse than that.

The walls were not barren. She was not alone in terms of cellmates. From every inch and corner she could see, the walls of the canyon were lined with prison cells, much like her own. From the very top, even to the shadows of the bottom, the cells rose and stretched and forever traveled. Very few were vacant. Nearly every single one of them were filled.

With ponies.

With crying, moaning, tortured ponies. Twilight’s expression went pale, the realization striking her heart the moment those cries reminded her of what had awakened the Alicorn in the first place. She could only gaze to the masses in torment, ponies young and old reaching out of their prison cells with flailing hooves and weakened attempts to reach out. For anything. Anypony they considered friends, family, every soul under the subjugation of the guards.

The guards.

One of those very guards walked past Twilight’s cell, the Alicorn gasping and backpedaling rapidly when the familiar set of armor walked before her in an intimidating shadow. Only the glowing red of its eyes could be seen illuminated from its person, the blackened horns and red saber turned slowly to Twilight. She didn’t say a word, just stared on into the nightmarish eyes of the guard. Her chest rose and fell at a terrified pace, the guard noticing such and finding a sick form of joy in seeing the fear radiate off of the new prisoner.

The Tambelonian Knight growled softly, spewing an unknown fog and malice out of its steel-plated mouth before continuing on its scheduled runs. It muttered soft words under its tongue, Twilight furrowing her brow at that and taking that brave, shaking step forward. She gazed to its back, listening.

The knight wasn’t alone. Traversing the prison catwalks, Tambelonian Knights walked at a cautious, calculated, briskly pace. They held weapons of war from every caliber, from axes, swords, spears, maces, and sabers. Their dark blue and black armor shone softly from the lanterns and fiery cauldrons, the red of their weapons dripping a certain magma of energy that fell to the depths of the canyon. Drips of light that faded into the dark. As they strode past prison cells and gave the occupants a waning glance, Twilight could constantly hear that tongue being spoken within the cries and distant screams.

They spoke in a dark, ancient language, unlike anything Twilight had ever heard in her life. Soft enough for the knights to utter to themselves like some demonic mantra, but loud enough—and in chorus—to be heard by the Princess of Friendship.

What they growled was, “Htaed sraef amonTbel. amonTbel si lanretE. Eht lleb lliw gnir dna eh lliw emoc. Htaed sraef sih egdelwonk.”

They said it again and again and again…

Repeating those same exact words that made Twilight’s skin crawl beneath her coat.

She simply couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. All statistical logic pointed to them making it back to New York, back to the facility. Sure, there was that pinprick of a chance they could be diverged, but that was a thousand to one chance. It was improbable. Twilight closed her eyes and sat down, the cold and sharpened stone of her cell’s floor poking her rump. She ignored it, thinking only of that improbability.

Scott Lang was pulled into a separate time vortex. He warned them all again and again of what would happen if they failed, if they somehow… were trapped in the past. She just didn’t listen. She didn’t take it as an absolute, when it was very well a possibility. And now there she was, trapped in the past without the Tesseract, her friends, and any hope of escaping.

Well, perhaps that last one wasn’t so accurate.

Noticing a lack of knights traversing her catwalk, Twilight focused just on the piece of stone resting before her, just outside her cell bars. Frowning, she ignited her horn for a simple teleportation spell. Only nothing came of it. She frowned, tried again, and still she remained. In the cold, dark confines of her cell. Her heart was starting to quicken, an unnerving panic beginning to fill her features. Her eyes darted upwards, spotting a unicorn resting in her cell several cells above. She looked absolutely miserable, heavy bags under her eyes as she lay her head outside her cell, hooves dangling weakly off the ledge, her horn…

No horn.

It was barren, a clean cut that severed the unicorn from the horn.

Twilight gasped and reached up. She let loose a breath of relief—the first in a while—to feel her horn still intact, still attached to her forehead. While that singular moment of fear had come and gone, it still did not answer why Twilight could not teleport out of her cell. Turning back to her cell’s bars, Twilight furrowed her brow and rose a shaking hoof to them. She lit up her horn once more, watching the bars glow softly, radiated a certain energy that seemed to seep that magic straight from her horn, leaving nothing. Sighing weakly to that, Twilight dropped her hoof.

Her eyes fell all the same, down to her Time Travel GPS still attached to her left hoof.

A moment of hope clutched her heart and being, Twilight tapping the tip of her right hoof onto the GPS to understand what had happened. It appeared as if the knights failed to take the GPS from her, perhaps finding no interest in it. The light from her Arc Reactor still burned softly over her heart, giving her an extra bit of assurance to know they also forgot about that. Maybe they thought it was part of them. Maybe she didn’t have time to think about it and only focused on the GPS.

She found her coordinates, noticed the year to, in fact, be 2015. They were definitely in Equestria, as well. Just as she suspected. That much she could understand. Everything else was a mystery. How they were diverged, why they were diverged, who their guards were, why ponies were being imprisoned, and where her friends were all flowed continuously in Twilight’s mind.

One question at a time. One answer at a time. The soft groaning from the darkened cell directly in front of her caught Twilight’s attention, her flattened ears rising and eyes widening with a spark of hope. All she needed to see was the glowing blue heart of the Arc Reactor to tell her exactly who was rising up from the stone floor.

That was all she needed in order to whisper sharply, “Tony!”

Iron Man woke up in his Mark 85. Quite possibly the most uncomfortable nap he had in a long time, but he couldn’t have time to focus on that. Instantly, his mind shot back to the clearest moment he could recall, those demons racing down the hill and firing their twisted magic at him. Then darkness was his only friend for a while. Then he woke up in a dark cell, the sound of his name filling his ears.

Tony froze. Dark cell. His mask and glowing eyes materialized away, revealing the disheveled hair and shaken expression from Stark hidden beneath. He shot his eyes back and forth, gazing out to the canyon walls outside his cell and eventually… to her.

“Twi…?” he muttered.

The Alicorn nodded rapidly, gripping the bars and leaning as far out of her cell as possible. She opened her mouth to respond. “Twilight?”

But the voice came from above. Directly above Tony, from a dark cell emerged a rainbow mane and bright blue Arc Reactor. Rainbow Dash was situated directly above Stark, Tony lifting his gaze upwards once that familiar, raspy tone came back to him full force. Twilight was growing ecstatic, a relived smile finally finding its way onto her lips.

“Yes, Rainbow! It’s me, it’s me!” Twilight called, flinching back when she heard the growls and spotted the Tambelonian Knight a catwalk below gazing up to observe the commotion. After a few seconds of silence—thankfully Rainbow and Tony hadn’t uttered a word—the knight moved on, focusing ahead instead of above. Exhaling at that, Twilight whispered, “Where’s Steve?”

Ah… my leg.”

“Steve?!” Rainbow shouted, earning several shushes from the Alicorn. Despite her best protests, Rainbow was undeterred and called out again and again. “Steve, is that you?! Where are you?!”

Trapped within his own darkness, Captain America shook his head and raised his arms, turning to each red glove before eventually scanning his cell walls. He breathed again, twisting his weakened expression to the signs of light from the outside world. Passed the prison bars and towards the lanterns illuminated above the cells. Steve breathed heavily, squinting. “Where are you?” he asked aloud.

“Steve, I’m right here,” Twilight calmly explained, pressing her ear and the side of her face against the left wall of her prison cell. She emphasized her whispers, Steve realizing quickly what she was trying to tell him without saying it. “I’m right next to you.”

Gazing to the wall directly before him, Steve nodded at that. “That’s at least comforting,” he groaned, rising up from his back against the floor to rest in a kneeling position. He tried to breathe again, the overwhelming noxious fumes in the air making it quite difficult. After catching his breath and looking about, Steve froze. “Wait… where’s my shield?”

“Where’s the Tesseract?!” Rainbow screamed, Twilight shushing her.

They all performed a quick sweep in their cells, but there was nothing. No cube, no bed, not even a toilet. Tony laid his head on the bars of his cell, joining his arms and muttering, “Oh, no…”

“Okay, okay… what do we know?” Rainbow said within her cell, voice echoing off its walls and impacting her. She counted off on her hoof, only really smacking it again and again. The panic clouded her logic, the Pegasus thinking back to earlier. “We know that… those freakish monsters attacked us… knocked out Tony, Steve… and that’s all I remember.”

“They took the cube,” Twilight called, scanning the catwalks and ensuring they were free of any wandering red eyes. When they were still clear, she sighed and sat next to the wall. “I saw it.”

“You know where they took it?” Tony asked, gazing to the Alicorn between his bars.

Twilight shook her head, leaning her back and head against the wall. “I blacked out.”

He cursed under his breath. A short misstep, but nothing that couldn’t be easily fixed. They had the tools to see it through after all. Jutting out his two left fingers, Tony ignited the tips of each until a small but powerful blue flame burned on them. “What do you say then? One more trip to the seventies?” he called out.

“We need to save our particles, Tony,” Steve replied, finally able to rise up to his own two feet after a moment of struggle. With Tony about to retort, Steve was already there. Noting the healing wound on his leg, Steve tapped away on his GPS and shook his head, saying, “Not to mention my GPS has been acting up ever since we left the camp. Don’t think it can take much more of this time hopping. Our best shot is straight back to the facility.”

Rainbow winced. “So… you’re saying that…?”

Steve finished for her. “We’re not leaving here without the Tesseract.”

Finally giving in to that dreaded revelation, Tony dropped his fingers and turned off the flame. “Great,” Tony grumbled. That unnerving silence filled the team of four momentarily, Twilight letting loose that sigh of aggravated torment. She closed her eyes and leaned back, listening to the canyon walls echo the distant cries. The growls of the Tambelonian Knights filled what remained, that same mantra spoken. Then came the alien voice, the unknown tone weakly sputtering from above.

“You’re not leaving here at all.”

“Oh, even better,” Tony responded loudly, leaning out his cell and pointing skyward. “Hey, Birdman of Alcatraz, you mind butting out of this conversation? Not really shining any more light on this situation.”

While Tony responded the only way he really knew how, the others took a different approach. Rainbow, unable to see, merely listened in. She stood against her cell’s left wall, ear pressed against it. She was dead silent. Steve limped forward while Twilight weakly shifted her weary gaze to the left and upwards. Far to Tony’s left and merely a catwalk above, a lone stallion leaned out from the shadows of his cell. The lanterns illuminated his face, the missing eye and evident scars left as a clear reminder of where they were, their lives while under subjugation. He was but one of many. One of the many voices.

“T-there is no light. No hope,” that voice said, the stallion stuttering a terrified whisper under his breath before continuing. Almost like a quick prayer. “He blots out the sun and claims the earth.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “Ah, jeez. Don’t even look, girls. Nutjob.”

Twilight didn’t think so. She rose up and stepped as close as she could without touching the sharpened, rusty bars that separated her from the world. She gazed up to the stallion, noting his remaining eye shifting downwards to her specifically. “What are you saying? Who’s ‘he’?” she asked, curiosity spiking her conscious instead of their current endeavor.

She didn’t know why. Maybe it was the fear riddled on his tongue that earned her interests. Maybe it was his state of mind, his physical appearance, or the way he was the only pony for several cells outwards that actually responded to their existence. Whatever the case may be, Twilight was curious what the world of Equestria—her home—had become in an alternate, twisted timeline. The stallion stared to her for several silent seconds, the scar over his missing eye sending chills across her spine. Then he finally found his voice.

Spoke to Twilight with words that made her heart shudder. “You cannot utter his name. It is a curse… a damnable tongue that we dare not speak of. He reigns this fear-soaked epoch of darkness. His children… unleashed upon our lands… our homes… our families. Without warning. Without mercy. He is of no mercy. He knows not of the meaning. All he knows is of the darkness... the ancient world and the knowledge with it.”

The distant cries and wails made his tone all the more menacing. Like the cries of Tartarus. Of Hell. Steve gulped silently, he and Twilight gazing to the pony with as much worry as there was uncertainty. Rainbow Dash could not see, but she heard everything. Enough to make her take a seat and shiver. She did her best to hide it, and thankfully no one saw her. Tony just shook his head. Twilight, on the other hoof, was completely engrossed in his words. She stared fully onto the stallion, watching as he finally turned away. But not before he could give one last warning.

“Beware his eternal reign. Fear the bell. May the Great Sorcerer find pity in you.”

His voice fell silent among the few others, the many more continuing to wail, cry, and reach out to the heavens for salvation. “So, we doin’ this?” Stark asked aloud, the tips of his fingers igniting a small flame once more. The three others shifted their attention back to Iron Man. “Gotta break out and find the cube sooner rather than later.”

“We can’t leave them here, Tony,” Steve said, already earning a gripe and groan from Stark.

“Do you listen to yourself from time to time?” Tony asked, rubbing his temple. He held out his metal palm to Steve. “Newsflash, Cap, this isn’t our timeline. Whatever happens here has no effect on where we’re from.”


He turned appropriately forward and promptly felt his blood curl at the sight of it. Twilight’s expression was dead serious, hardened to the point of no return. No amount of force could break it or her. It did not help his stance when she glared solely to him, that strength of the Alicorn being more than enough to turn Stark against his own words. Her final statement was just the icing on the cake.

“We. Are not. Leaving. Them.”

It was always a pain in the ass for him. Even then, they still wouldn’t listen to logic. Knowing it wasn’t a battle worth fighting, Tony sighed, looking aside to his cell wall and shaking his head. He finally nodded, rising up. “All right. Stand back.”

That was all it took. Twilight was actually surprised her little intimidation technique worked against him. Or maybe he just wanted to get out and find the Tesseract as quickly as possible, and arguing wouldn’t help their predicament. He found the middle ground instead, the preferable route that only he could take.

Tony cut through his bars with the small flame. Before he could react, the broken bars clattered and fell off the catwalk and into the black abyss below. They crashed with a resounding clang. No more stealth. No more time. Stepping out of his cell, Tony aimed and shot out the locks on Twilight’s cell with a repulsor blast. Then on Steve’s. Then he flew up, firing a final repulsor on Rainbow’s cell. The noise caused a disturbance throughout the Caverns, droves of knights filling the catwalks and gazing to the lone Iron Man flying high above and between the walls. They raised their weapons. He responded in kind and fired hundreds of miniature rockets from his shoulder blades.

He was already quite a commotion from his little acts earlier. Once those rockets struck their targets, it was complete chaos from that point on.

Catwalks exploded and knights fell to their doom, some missiles even striking the Tambelonian Knights themselves and killing them in fiery explosions. Ponies leapt upward and jammed their heads between the bars of their cells, watching the madness unfold above, below, and surrounding them. They watched the creature in the suit of armor flying about, firing streams of energy from his palms that struck the prison guards. Then he fired at a cell that contained a mare and a stallion, blowing the gates open and freeing them. Maybe he missed.

Then he did it again.

Another one.

One more.

And he just kept firing and breaking the chains. Unleashing the forsaken. They responded in kind and flooded out onto the catwalks, charging headlong into their captors racing to contain them. Iron Man stopped them before they even had the chance, the ponies gazing to their heroic savior with widened, tearful eyes and gleaming smiles. The first smiles in ages.

Tony flew between the canyon walls, blasting off the locks to every door he flew past. Even when he wasn’t looking, Homer assisted in launching various rockets towards the locks and blowing them to pieces. He was unstoppable, flying up and down, back and forth, and only further continuing across the canyon until every lock was broken. Rainbow joined him soon enough, the Iron Mare flying beside Tony and getting every cell he and Homer missed. The cries of the captive turned into thunderous roars of uprising, resistance, and rebellion. Unicorns unleashed resounding spells now with the bars destroyed and their freedom obtained. Tambelonian Knights fell like rocks from the catwalks, roaring with every descent. The battles ensued throughout the chaotic prison break.

Allowing her to finally take action. Twilight stepped out of her open cell, turning left after hearing the growl to see the Tambelonian Knight aim its spear at her. Steve rammed himself into it, launching the knight off the catwalk and impacting the opposite wall. It fell to a long and painful death within the shadows below. He turned her way, nodding once through gritted teeth. Twilight nodded back with a smile in tow, her horn igniting and wings extending.

She slapped her Arc Reactor, the nanobots swarming her body as she leapt off the catwalk and joined the fray. The purple, pink, and black Iron Mare soared between the canyon walls, firing off various different spells alongside her repulsor blasts to any knight she could see and analyze. The suit made it incredibly easy to point out the hostiles, Twilight thanking Tony quietly.

“Heads up!” Stark called, Twilight twisting her neck around to see Tony aiming his chest to the ceiling and firing a single Unibeam towards the darkness. Everything was lit up, the light from his repulsor and even to the Caverns’ roof. It was destroyed in a resounding explosion, pillars of rock and stone raining down from the eruption. Ponies took refuge in open cells as the rocks fell, watching as those same boulders destroyed catwalks and crushed knights. Dozens of others fell to their deaths into the black sea below.

Once they poked their heads out, they felt the fresh air from the outside world impact their filthy, sweat-stained faces. They looked up and saw the night sky beckoning them. Pegasi cried out in triumph, grabbing nearby Earth ponies and making their hasty escape. Unicorns either teleported or levitated themselves out of the Caverns and out to freedom. It was a chaotic exodus of flying ponies, leaving only Tony Stark, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle flying in the heart of it all, gazing to it all. Each of them managed a short smirk of victory beneath their masks. Just that one time.

Even if there were some Earth ponies left behind, they found their way and raced towards the towering staircases on the ends of each catwalk, one eventually leading to their escape. Captain America twisted in mid-air while simultaneously dodging the axe swung for him, slamming his boot against the chest plate of the last knight that faced him. It fell, reaching for the Captain but failing to do so. Its body joined the many others that failed to stop the prison break. With the catwalk clear, Steve waved for the flood of ponies to rush past him, urging them to hurry before any more of them showed up.

Twilight joined in pointing towards that freedom, her mask retracting back to reveal the familiar face of the pony beneath, giving the masses a reason to trust her. One mare in particular paused just in front of her, gripping Twilight’s hoof with both of her own.

“Thank you,” the mare exclaimed, fresh tears in her eyes. Her eyes rose past Twilight’s warming smile to see the horn upon her head, then to the wings on her sides. “An Alicorn… You are still alive.”

Though somewhat shaken by that haunting statement, Twilight nonetheless nodded one last time her way, before pushing the mare along. “You’re welcome. Now go. Take as many as you can and find a safe haven.”

But she would not budge. Or, she would not let go, gripping Twilight’s hoof until the Alicorn was forced to meet her gaze once again. She was about to tell her, but Twilight’s voice failed when the mare asked, “You spoke earlier of a cube?”

Rainbow zipped down, landing in-between Twilight and the mare. “You know where the Tesseract is?!” Rainbow practically screamed. Seeing the look of fear grip the pony’s features, Rainbow cringed back and let her mask retract away, unveiling the pony beneath.

Seeing that, the mare found some form of ease to continue. “I know not of this… Tesseract. But I witnessed the knights speaking of a great, mystical cube retrieved in the Wastes. They were to bring the cube to his greatness. To the Castle of Tambelon is where you must go.”

Both Steve and Tony turned appropriately to the conversation unfolding, the talk of a cube and its location finally revealed. Hovering over to the catwalk where his team was stationed, Tony gazed to the mare in his intimidating stature, causing her to flinch back.

“Any idea where this castle is?” Tony asked as calmly as he could.

“Beyond the Caverns!” the mare cried, a fresh wave of Earth ponies washing through her and pushing her towards the staircase. The four Avengers continued to stare at her as she swept away. But she called to them, waved to her saviors and screamed, “Beyond the Caverns and through the Everfree Forest! Within its heart, the castle stands! Beneath the moon’s glow!”

Then she was gone, washed away. “Yeah, that really helps,” Tony grumbled, the sarcasm laid thick. He twisted his neck down to Rainbow Dash, the mare turning to each of her friends and holding out her hoof to the open ceiling.

“I can point out the Everfree from ten miles away,” Rainbow declared, Not really proudly, but more so as an absolute. Like a fact. No one objected or thought otherwise, not even Twilight. She knew whenever Rainbow would lie. Not a word from the princess.

Rainbow took flight, her repulsors upon her wings bright and keeping her afloat. She waved them along. “Just follow me.”

“Maybe we can help the rebellion a bit before that?” Twilight recalled, pointing beyond the Iron Mare. Rainbow, Tony, and Steve all turned in accordance to Twilight’s observation, witnessing it for themselves. A fresh wave of Tambelonian Knights exited various corridors embedded throughout the canyon and spilled into the catwalks. They roared to the wave of prisoners trying to make their escape, raising their weapons and bringing them down on the ponies that tried desperately to dodge and fight back. Chaos continuously flowed in and out of the canyon, like a beating heart flowing blood in and out. Continuous. Unending.

Tony’s mask closed over his face. “Let’s fan the flames.”

They were off, the Iron Man leading the Iron Mares into battle and clearing off the catwalks so the ponies could escape. A certain Captain America was left behind, but that did not stop him. He ran with heightened speed and agility and leapt from one side of the canyon to the other, landing perfectly on the opposite catwalk to where the knights were spilling in. He rammed into them with his shoulder low, launching several to the depths. Turning to the sound of growling behind him, Steve leaned back as the sword was swung for his head.

The Tambelonian Knight was just outside the corridor when he ripped his sword back and swung it for the Captain’s head. Its edge was stuck, embedded against the stone wall mere inches from Steve’s throat. Rogers noted that, grabbing the knight’s arm and flinging him over his body, down into the bottomless pit. The cries were all that he heard of him as those shadows swallowed the knight. Breathing raggedly at that, Steve was just about to continue on when he caught that slight shimmer under the lantern’s light.

He turned back into the empty corridor, spotting an even emptier armory displayed before him. Every weapon taken save for one. A shield.

Steve smirked to that shield. To the red, white, and blue.

There wasn’t a weapon left in that armory once Steve rejoined the prison break.

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