• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 20 – Strange Encounters of the Equine


Canterlot, Equestria

Train Station

2:03 p.m.

When Twilight and her friends managed to get off the train, they were greeted to a wave of ponies trying desperately to get on the train. They paid no heed to the ponies around them, the ones trying to enter Canterlot, let alone the Princess of Friendship and her closest friends. Before they knew it, the train was filled, the doors closing and conductors refusing to let anypony else on.

Twilight and her friends managed to sneak away before the growing mob managed to get any rowdier. Making their way through the train station, the eight mares and one dragon couldn’t even imagine how terrible Canterlot must have been if the train station was an indication on the current state of events.

Their group consisted of Twilight leading the pack—naturally—Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hovering above their friends, Rarity and Applejack trailing on Twilight’s left and right respectively, Spike directly behind Twilight and Pinkie hopping right by his side, and finally Starlight and Sunset following in the back of the group, taking in the scenery and the chaos.

Because when they entered the streets of Canterlot, that’s all it was: chaos.

After the news of the alien invasion being halted basically at each planets’ gates spread like wildfire, nearly all of Equestria was shaken, and rightfully so. The only thing keeping Equestria safe was the golden shield that had miraculously spread over the two worlds, thus preventing the aliens from enacting the invasion. Twilight knew all of this when Celestia sent the letter earlier that morning explaining everything they discussed with Discord about.

Which meant that the planet hanging above Equus… definitely was Earth. Discord was telling the truth. That same letter told Twilight that she and her friends may need to contact Earth… as well as the Avengers. The reasoning behind Celestia’s intentions were sound, as she and her friends had the closest connection to them, but the thought that Celestia gave her was still a little strange to think about. It made Twilight feel uneasy, as well as the rest of her friends.

Because Celestia wanted them to help bring the Avengers back together.

She believed that they could have a greater understanding on the situation at hoof more than they currently did, which probably wasn’t wrong, but just the thought of returning to Earth after so long pushed Twilight the wrong way. She knew the others felt the same, minus Sunset. After all, meeting their human friends… especially after what happened during their last excursion on planet Earth…

Nothing ended well last time. No matter how much she wanted to say or believe otherwise, there was that little part inside of her heart that still hadn’t healed.

That didn’t matter now. She could care less about her feelings when the fate of both of their worlds hung in the balance. If that meant having the most awkward reunion imaginable, then so be it. They were just about to leave for Canterlot earlier that morning, but were stopped when Spike burped out yet another letter.

When they all read it…

It was as if all their hearts seemed to fall, even Sunset’s. Especially Fluttershy’s, the mare constantly in a state of worry the entire train ride. Celestia informed them that the shields have fallen, that Equus and Earth were vulnerable, and that they lost contact with Discord.

She didn’t write another letter, just informed them in her last one to get to Canterlot immediately. Twilight ordered Friday to watch over the castle while they were gone. The AI somehow appreciated that, being much more willing to protect the castle instead of being cooped up in the library all day. With that out of the way, the ponies and dragon got on the first train that morning straight to Canterlot, constantly looking to the skies, wondering if anything would ever descend to their world.

Not too surprising, Canterlot—while heavily defended with Royal and Lunar Guard patrolling the streets and rooftops—also seemed to have the same shield that once protected it during Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s wedding, and the same shield that Shining Armor used to protect Canterlot during the Ultron Offensive. It barely held then, so just the sight of that light violet shield camouflaged with the bright blue sky and hanging over their heads wasn’t too comforting. That probably explained why ponies were leaving the city. It fell twice before, so what kind of assurance could this one offer? Canterlot’s skies were otherwise empty, minus the airships leaving the city.

While the defense of Canterlot would certainly be a topic Twilight would discuss with Celestia about, that wasn’t their main concern at the moment. Their main concern was getting to the castle, meeting with the princesses, and knowing exactly what they had to do. Whether that be helping in warding off the alien invaders, or traveling to Earth via Twilight’s portal back home to get the Avengers back together. Whatever it was, she was ready. Her friends however…

Rarity shrieked as ponies push by her without even offering an apology. She scoffed at the ponies leaving their homes and filling the streets, all rushing past her and her friends in a way that completely disregarded the ponies in the middle of the street.

“Oh! Why, I never!” Rarity exclaimed, crying out as a pony stepped on her hoof as he fled towards the train station with his large bag. She kissed her hoof, frowning behind her. “What in the name of Celestia has gotten into these ponies?”

“You’re telling me!” Rainbow said, ducking as a Pegasus flew over her head. “It’s practically a frenzy in this city!”

Applejack held onto her hat as a group of ponies blew past them, kicking up dust as they did so. “Ah haven’t seen it this bad since that good-fer-nothin’ Storm King invaded!” she said.

Sunset Shimmer narrowed her eyes, raising a foreleg to block out the morning rays of Celestia’s sun. She hoped it was Celestia's sun. She eyed the airships leaving Canterlot, the hundreds of Pegasi taking to the skies. “Been a while since I’ve been here. Is it always this hectic?” she asked.

Twilight shook her head, continuing down the nearly-empty road to the castle. “Not always. Everypony’s just freaking out because the shields that Discord were supposed to keep up broke.” She sighed. “I don’t blame them. The thought of another invasion… this time alien…”

Fluttershy whimpered, hovering closer to Rainbow Dash. “I really hope Discord is okay,” she said, her fellow Pegasus patting her shoulder.

“He’s the Spirit of Chaos,” Starlight assured, looking up at Fluttershy with a supporting smile. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

It was wishful thinking. Even Starlight tended to doubt the tone she used, the assurance in her voice. Sure, Discord was a pain and a goof. But when it came to helping the ponies he knew he cared about, it wasn’t like him to just abandon them. Or maybe it was. Starlight didn’t really know him all that well. But Twilight did. Fluttershy did.

Neither of them felt well.

They had just passed the last buildings leading into the city when Rainbow said, “So, about this whole… plan Celestia has…”

The buildings were behind them, leaving only the gardens and the castle ahead. Twilight kept her pace, her friends following, but listened in to what Rainbow had to say. “She wants us to travel to Earth to get the Avengers back together?” Dash asked.

“Yes, Rainbow, that’s what she mentioned in her letter,” Twilight confirmed with a nod.

“Then why are we in Canterlot and not back at the castle where your portal is?”

A sigh left the Alicorn, her eyes closing. She kept at her pace, shaking her head. “I told you already, Rainbow, because the princesses wanted to discuss their plan with us before we did so! It’s the smart thing to do considering we have little to no idea how Earth or an alien army are right at our doorstep!”

Rainbow huffed, looking away, showing her scars. “Just doesn’t feel right.”

“None of this feels right,” Starlight said. “And if you ask me… it would probably be for the best if we contacted the Avengers. Like Celestia mentioned, they would know more about this than us.”

“Yeah, well, nopony asked you, Starlight,” Rainbow suddenly snarled, turning on Starlight.

“Rainbow!” Applejack shouted, spinning her neck back to glare at the Pegasus. “What in the hay has gotten into you?”

Rainbow didn’t even look at her, keeping up with her stubborn attitude. “Nothing!”

“Is it the fact that we may just have to meet with Tony and the others again that’s got you acting this way?” Twilight asked. They entered the Canterlot Gardens, the castle not too far ahead. But somehow, they didn’t pay attention to that. All attention suddenly shifted to the rainbow Pegasus screaming over their heads.


“Then what is it?!” Twilight screamed and stopped dead in her tracks, causing everypony else to flinch and stop just as suddenly. She must have struck a nerve, knowing Rainbow’s particularly painful past with the Avengers. But at that moment, Twilight didn’t seem to care. She just wanted to get to the castle and meet with the princesses, and there was Rainbow complaining like she usually did, wishing to do things her own way or just be as stubborn as always.

The Alicorn and the Pegasus glared each other down, a familiar fire beginning to spark, something neither of them wanted but couldn’t help. The ponies behind them just stood in silence, some glaring like Applejack and Rarity, others uncertain like Starlight, Spike, and Sunset, and others downright terrified like Fluttershy. Pinkie belonged to none of those categories. Her eyes lit up and a tiny gasp left her, the mare spotting something in the distance.

“Are you that hot-headed and stubborn as to reject help from the only people who could be willing to help us understand what’s going on?!” Twilight asked, her voice as hot as melting steel.

“I’m not rejecting their help!” Rainbow shot back, just as heated.

“Then what are you doing?!”

The Pegasus rose her hooves and pressed them against her head, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth. “I’m just… I just…!”

“Everypony, please!” Pinkie Pie cried, hopping near the two ponies. She pointed directly between them, to something directly between them. “Stop fighting and look at that awesome—!”

Not now, Pinkie!” both Twilight and Rainbow shouted.

The mare flinched back, sniffing hard with large tears boiling in her eyes. Those tears instantly vanished, as did the hurt expression on her face when what she had mentioned earlier exploded into a flurry of lights and sparkles. The resounding pop caught everypony off guard, everypony spinning towards the location of the sound. Both Twilight’s and Rainbow’s fury died, their expressions shifting from anger to confusion.

Whatever it was, it appeared to be a flurry of orange sparkles dancing around in a growing circle. That circle shifted as it grew, forming a large oval that barely touched the ground. The oval’s face was away from the group of ponies and one dragon, instead facing the castle. Each mare took a quick step back once the oval pulsated, shooting off orange sparks that danced and died across the grass.

So that’s what Pinkie was trying to show them.

“Ooooo! Freaky deaky!” Pinkie exclaimed, her eyes as large as dinner plates. Her jaw, however, fell once something actually stepped out of the oval. Pinkie gasped. Everypony else did, too. It was at that moment that Twilight realized it wasn’t just an oval that appeared out of thin air. It was a portal.

And a human stepped out and stopped just feet in front of it.

He—they assumed it was a he considering his short, dark brown and silver hair, the goatee also being a dead giveaway—looked very strange. He stumbled forward wearing an attire that took each mare by surprise. Twilight instantly connected the attire similar to that of Star Swirl the Bearded, considering the blue robes he wore beneath. Alongside the robes, the man wore a long, dashing red cape with pointed tips near his face, said face staring straight forward and completely disregarding the ponies to his right.

The man in the cape looked around, gazing wondrously at the castle that laid ahead. Somehow, after several seconds of silence, the only sound being that the portal continued to make, he still didn’t notice the ponies. He was too focused on what was directly ahead of him to take notice to the eight awestruck equines and one frozen dragon.

He did react to the voice coming from the portal, though.

“Is the air breathable?” the voice asked, having a somewhat far-eastern tone to its male voice.

Taking a few cautious breaths just to be certain, the man replied with a nod, and said, “I’m alive, aren’t I?”

The ponies shifted their attention from the man and back to the portal, remaining silent. The voice said, “Don’t be a smart-ass. Did we find the right planet?”

“Let me see and…” The man took the moment to look up, spotting the planet resting above the atmosphere. “Yep!” he said, pointing straight up with one hand. “There’s Earth!”

“How can you tell?” the voice asked.

“I can see North America,” the man said, adjusting his finger.

“Are you sure? Last time we almost appeared on Venus!”

“Yeah, explain to me how that trajectory works,” he muttered under his breath, but was quick to add an: “I’m certain.” He said it loud enough, turning his head right so his voice was able to travel clearly to the man within the portal. As he turned his head, he took notice to the eight ponies and the young dragon that continued to stare at him silently.

His eyebrows shot up, his jaw falling just slightly. “Ah, locales. Perfect.”

Then suddenly, without warning, the man with the dashing, red cape began his approach. The mares huddled closer together, Twilight at the ready with her horn, still unsure if she should trust the human just yet. He offered a weak smile, waving. “Uh… hi. I hope you’re all as concerned as we are about the planet near the atmosphere?”

He stopped about five feet from them, noticing how on edge they appeared to be the closer he got. Waiting for an answer, contemplating whether or not if they can even talk, the man was pleased to see the pack leader—the violet Alicorn—nod in response. First successful alien contact, the man thought. Good job, me.

“Yes… we are,” Twilight said. She didn’t let her guard down, studying the man now that he was closer and in full-view. He wore several different robes around his waist, joining the blue. On his fingers, he wore a large ring of some sort, his hands shaking very subtly. Odd.

He smiled. Or, tried to. It was a weak one at best, if not a bit awkward. The strange man pointed to Earth as he spoke. “I’m from Earth, the planet right… there. And this planet…?”

“Equus,” Twilight answered. None of her friends said a thing, some still on edge, some like Rainbow holding a distrustful glare at the man. Only, he didn’t act hostile towards them. He just nodded to Twilight’s answers, finding it somewhat satisfactory.

“Perfect,” he muttered, shaking hands rising to rest on his hips. He noticed that the ponies were watching his movements closely, the Alicorn furrowing her brow at his shaking palms. He narrowed his eyes just the same as he got a closer look at her, at the violet Alicorn.

“‘Equus’?” he repeated. The ponies froze, the Alicorn nodding. He raised his head suddenly, jaw falling farther as the thought finally recurred to him. “You know what, you and your friends there look familiar. Would you happen to be the alien ambassadors that visited Earth not too long ago?” he asked.

They still remembered them. Then again, after their whole fiasco on Earth, it was hard to forget. Nodding once more, Twilight took a step forward, growing somewhat less tense around the man. “Yes, we are,” she said, her hoof pointed to herself and then moved across the rest of her friends.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends; Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer.”

A few of the ponies smiled and waved at him, those ponies being Starlight, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie, if the man could recall their names. Others remained distrustful, which the man didn’t take offense to. Those ponies were Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. Spike was still awestruck.

The man nodded, pursing his lips at their reactions. “Pleasure,” he said simply.

The Alicorn stepped forward, narrowing her gaze at the man. He brought his attention down to the mare that stepped even closer to him. She was either getting used to his appearance or getting closer to strike him down. Either sounded plausible. She didn’t go through with the latter, instead asking, “Who are you and why do you want to know?”

That’s when he actually smiled. It looked so forced, so strange. And he said, “Twilight Sparkle, my name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and I believe we can help each other.”

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