• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 114 – Wibbly Wobbly


Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility

5:07 p.m.

Scott Lang exhaled through his palms, letting them fall and rest on his hips. “And that’s how it happened.”

Natasha, Steve, and Matthew were all circulated throughout the living room, Steve and Murdock continuously moving back and forth, side to side, listening intently to every word that left Scott’s lips. Natasha, on the other hand, had remained situated on the lonesome couch, a hand resting on her chin and curiously deep in thought. For a couple of hours, that was how she remained… simply absorbing what Scott was trying to tell her and everyone else present.

As for the other pair of Avengers, Steve and Matt turned to one another once Scott had finally finished speaking, the man’s eyes waiting for their word. Their approval. Perhaps even their trust. Whereas Steve was somewhat hesitant in that regard, he still had no reason to distrust Lang, especially after all he did for him and Buck years back.

Scott’s heartbeat was certainly rapid, but Matt could tell he was far from lying.

Every word of it was the truth. He made that clear by lightly slapping Steve’s arm and nodding his way. Rogers took Matt’s wordless decree with a firm nod in return, finally resting his eyes back to Scott Lang and seeing the unease suddenly flush away.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you,” Steve told him, burly arms crossed and expression soft. Helpful. As strong as could be. “Being away from your family for that long… your daughter especially… God, I can’t even imagine.”

Scott nodded appreciatively to that, then paused. “You know, it didn’t feel that long,” he muttered. The room’s eyes were on him and he didn’t even meet them. “I mean, five years still, that’s just… Jesus, that’s… wow. But it felt different, for me, at least. You, Luis, everyone I come into contact with keeps telling me it’s been five years since I stepped in that tunnel.”

He stopped once again, faced away for a moment, then faced them all head-on with that widened expression.

“Well for me it’s been five hours.”

Their shared surprise was welcome, Steve tilting his head and furrowing his brow. Matthew breathed in that information and softly exhaled, taking a seat next to Natasha as he rubbed a palm through his hair. The Widow, on the other hand, refused to remain silent like the others. She leaned back, crossed her legs. “How is that even possible?” Natasha asked with a curious brow.

Scott slapped his hands together, breathed in sharply, and just as sharply exhaled, “You guys know anything about quantum physics?”

Neither Steve nor Natasha had an answer to that. Matt shook his head. “Just that it’s a theory.”

“Okay,” Scott mumbled, hope falling to see their downtrodden faces shared amongst one another. Still, at least one of them had a semblance of the idea, Scott jamming his finger towards Murdock and taking a step his way. “Okay, well, it’s a lot more than just a theory, Devil Man!”

“Daredevil,” Murdock corrected and groaned.

“Before I keep going, do you have any food?”

Would you like a sandwich, Mr. Lang?

Oh, my God!” Scott gasped, clutching his heart. He promptly fell back to the nearest chair behind him, clutching it but somehow remaining on two feet. He pointed straight to the ceiling, trying to remember how to breathe. “Where the hell did that voice come from?”

“That’s just Friday. She’s the head AI here in the facility,” Steve replied.

“She keeps us patched in with everything going on around the globe and what’s happening above our heads,” Natasha added.

Scott mindlessly nodded to that, not even trying to imagine the complications that came with planetary contact. He was, however, interested on the planet. “With the ponies?” Scott asked.

“She’s currently situated in the Castle of Friendship,” Matt said with a firm nod. He leaned forward from the couch he sat upon, hands gripping his cane and eyes hidden behind the dark red shades. “But we’ve secured a distinct connection from there to here.”

“Yeah, I’m still… trying to believe that,” Lang said while rubbing the back of his head. After a few seconds of silence, Scott suddenly recalled that a certain voice was waiting on him. He eyed in no particular direction, not really knowing where to turn to respond to Friday. “Yes, a sandwich would be great.”

Turkey, ham, or peanut butter and jelly?

Scott lifted his head to the ceiling, almost apprehensive to that statement, unsure to where he was supposed to be speaking to. “Uh… all three?”

Friday’s continued silent that followed was as much confirmation as the group needed for what she had shipped off to do. Steve chuckled at that, smiling Scott’s way as he leaned against the nearest wall. “You sound like you haven’t eaten in five years.”

Scott took a seat on the couch opposite to the Black Widow, a palm rising to his head while the other rested on his abdomen. He breathed in deeply before softly sighing, “Maybe a part of me actually experienced that, most likely the stomach, but still…”

Natasha tilted her head at that. “What do you mean a ‘part of you’?”

And it was at that moment where Scott stopped talking. For the longest period of time since he stepped foot in the New Avengers Facility, his continued silence was unnerving to say the least. It was even more unsettling the way his eyes gazed in no particular direction, seeing no particular end in sight and gazing off into… nothing. He stared at nothing, spoke to nothing, and breathed for nothing. It was all the Avengers could experience out of him, but for Scott Lang he saw so much more. He sighed and leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his eyes low, and his breath tightened. The moment he lifted those large, desperate eyes was the moment the Avengers fully embraced him.

“All right, you guys are gonna have to really follow me on this one.”

It was when they knew they had to listen.

He began. “When I was stuck in the Quantum Realm, there was… something I probably shouldn’t have seen. Definitely something I shouldn’t have walked right into. Then again… if I hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t even be here telling you guys about this. You see, before she was… taken… Janet told me about these anomalies called time vortexes. Basically, they’re these whirlpool spawns of… otherworldly energy. Janet said she crossed a couple in her time, but she never, under no circumstance, ever stepped inside one. Because she told me there was no way out if you do.”

Scott leaned back and shot out his arms, palms open wide to the world around him.

“And yet here I am. Janet told me that she had only seen a couple when she was stuck inside the Quantum Realm. But for me… there were hundreds. All of them compacted into the vast expanse, swarming around each other while others appeared to be miles away. I know it’s hard to picture… but for me it looked just like—”

“A universe.”

Scott turned to Steve. Natasha did, too. Murdock just listened, turned nowhere, and experienced the conversation on a level no one else could have. He listened to the various heartbeats in the room, listened as Scott’s only continuously rose. Never turning away from the truth, but fully unveiling every last image of what he witnessed. When Scott’s heart suddenly slowed to Steve’s interruption, Murdock could tell that Steve had hit it on the nail. Which only further left even more questions…

“Galaxies. Entire pockets of reality swirling in their own little worlds,” Steve continued, arms still crossed and eyes still latched with Lang’s. He shook his head from where he leaned against the wall. “I don’t know about you, Scott, but the Quantum Realm sounds a lot bigger than you made it out to be.”

Scott nodded for all to see. “That’s not even scraping the surface, because when I stepped into the time vortex—”

A drone flew up to Scott’s right, holding a metal plate with a sandwich resting on its surface. “Mr. Lang,” the drone called, Friday’s Irish tone softly evident within the voice. Turning to it, Scott could only gaze into the robotic iris for so long before he began to feel uncomfortable. Instead, he smiled thankfully and took the plate from the drone’s metallic arms. That smile slowly deteriorated, gazing onto the mess of bread, meat, and condiments slapped on the plate.

“You just put… turkey, ham… and peanut butter and jelly all together,” Scott observed, turning to the drone once more with that ludicrous expression on his face. Like someone had literally slapped him and had pissed all over the hand.

Friday wasn’t affected in the slightest, the iris widening slightly while hovering innocently by his side. “You said all three,” she responded, a slight sense of sass added to it.

“You know what? This is disgusting, but I don’t even care,” Scott said. He placed the plate down on the table, taking a large bite out of the sandwich and spewing the excess jelly and turkey back onto the plate. As Friday turned to leave, Scott chewed carnivorously and licked his fingers, the sides of his mouth leaking jelly and peanut butter. Natasha scrunched her face at that. “Anyway, as I was saying, after I stepped inside that time vortex, things only got weirder. I was basically free-falling from that point on, okay? And you know how you see your life flash before your eyes moments before death… well, I kinda saw that, too… only…”

He took a moment to swallow, but even then, he remained silent several seconds after.

“Only what?” Murdock asked.

Scott put the sandwich back on the plate.

“It wasn’t… all I saw,” he finally responded. The moment he lifted his head was the moment he saw their eyes. The strange looks on their faces said it all, followed by the rising disbelief the longer Scott rambled on about the impossible. On that basis, Scott rose up from the couch.

“Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but we live in a time where multicolored ponies are walking among us! Okay, literally everything is on the table at this point! What I saw when I fell in that time vortex were alternate versions of reality! Different dimensions! Various different timelines all swirling together in their own little pockets! On account to me actually witnessing my own birth, my childhood, when I first met Luis, when I found the Ant-Man suit, and even my own deathbed, I can only assume that what that time vortex showed me… was something I could have reached.”

The room was silent. The three Avengers kept their tongues frozen, their expressions even colder, as Scott lingered on his words. He laid a hand on his hip, the other rising up only to slap against his side. He sighed, shaking his head.

“I could feel it. These different pockets were trying to pull me in, l-like they had their own gravitational pull. And those flashes of my life that I mentioned… I can almost guarantee those weren’t flashes. They felt real, like I was right there once again reliving those moments. Maybe a part of me did. Maybe a part of me was able to go back—for a few seconds even—and relive those moments, see them again from another lens.”

“Scott, what you’re saying…” Natasha interrupted. She watched as Scott turned his astonished expression to hers, eyes wide and wild. Fully leaning on the edge of the impossible but still daring to take that leap. Natasha was wondering if she was even willing to gaze upon it. “You’re talking about…”

“Oh, yeah,” Scott said with a nod, a smirk, all of the above. “Time travel.”

He expected their reactions to be just as incredulous as the moment he convinced himself to believe the possibility. That was all it was, truly: a mere possibility. He could rave for hours and hours how time travel functioned in all of his favorite movies and television series, and even in science fiction in general. But for the possibility of the real, the consequences that came with it, when time travel was proposed as not just a possibility… but a reality… then Scott Lang had most certainly discovered something that could change the course of human history. Certainly, everyone would like to go back and kill Hitler, or prevent 9/11, or stop any other wretched event that cost countless human lives in the process. So much suffering could be prevented… but at what cost? They save how many lives in the past, and how many more would be affected in the future? Would the world still remain intact as it should? Would people who have made a definite impact in history not even have been born?

In a timeline of just five years, what could really be drastically changed?

Just one thing.

Scott walked about the living room, every word laced with the rising desperation in his heart. The Avengers were silent and let him vent. “I know it’s a long shot, but it’s a shot that we’ll have no choice but to take. There’s a chance, okay… for us to harness this power within the Quantum Realm and utilize it under our command! We can focus that power to several distinct moments in time! To the future… and even to the past!”

“Like before the Infinity Stones?” Matt asked, almost breathless.

Steve was completely breathless, his voice so quiet that even Matthew had struggled to hear him. “Before Thanos snapped his fingers.”

Exactly!” Scott said, pointing directly to Steve Rogers with both hands and walking straight to him. He slapped his fist into his palm repeatedly, emphasizing almost every syllable that escaped his adrenaline-fueled tongue. “We can do this Back to the Future style, baby! We can change the past to save the future! We can bring everyone back!”

And he was finished. He let those words linger in the air, realizing shortly that it was more like a bad fart if anything, considering the expressions that filled the Avengers. They were uncertain, faces downtrodden once they took a moment to actually realize what Scott was trying to convince them of. Murdock never spoke up about Lang lying in any sense, so they could trust his story. His word, however, it needed a lot more than just a heartbeat to gain the full trust of the Avengers. Mostly all of them were still trapped on the possibility of time travel, and accepting that as a plausible option.

If there was ever a moment they could have gone back, changed one thing or several out of the many mistakes they made five years ago, they wouldn’t have hesitated to make that choice and follow through with it. Now, with Scott Lang literally giving them that moment, that opportunity, they froze. One of the Infinity Stones was the Time Stone, so the idea of altering time was possible and it existed. With time travel being considered, they could only wonder what repercussions came with it. They could stop Thanos from snapping his fingers, but what then? What would the world become then? It was impossible to fully understand it, yet if they could save… trillions of lives that were unjustly taken away by one man’s will… then what was stopping them from doing just that?

It would take much, much longer to fully understand it… but…

“Steve, this is…” Natasha gasped, shaking her head from where she sat. Right by Matthew’s side. Steve turned to her, stepping away from the wall to allow his arms to fall to his sides once again. He stared right into Natasha’s expression, watched as she shook her head and gazed straight on.

“This is out there,” she said and looked to him, met his eyes. Saw no sense of irresolution.

Just Steve Rogers.

And he said, “Just means it’s possible to reach.”

He nodded to Natasha Romanoff, turned to Matthew Murdock, and settled his strengthened eyes on Scott Lang. Said to all of them, “We need to get the team together.”

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