• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 118 – New Asgard


Tønsberg, Norway

New Asgard

9:51 a.m.

Bruce Banner stepped out of the Quinjet alongside all the ponies that came with him.

They were clustered together, not one single file line but in a conglomeration of colorful mares. From unicorns to Pegasi and the lone Earth pony, all of them trailing behind the colossal Doctor Banner as the Hulk strode forth onto the soft, healthy grass swaying under the morning sun. Hardly even a sun, considering the distant storm clouds had succeeded in consuming the majority of the sunlight. It was a storm that would take hours to reach them, so they had plenty of time.

Rainbow Dash pondered the thought if that storm was natural or not. It wasn’t odd to have Pegasi who had migrated to Earth to try and manipulate the weather to better suit their living conditions, but after the United Nations outlawed any tampering of weather from Equus’ refugees a few years prior, Rainbow highly doubted it. It was most likely to be a natural storm, the growing thunder and distant lightning sending shivers down her spine, cool wind into her face, and the realization of what they had finally entered into.

The sign they walked past stated proudly “Welcome to New Asgard”. They ignored the “Please Drive Slowly” beneath it, considering it wasn’t much of a drive to reach the supposed kingdom of the God of Thunder. It wasn’t much of a walk, either, Rainbow Dash choosing to fly alongside Derpy. Tempest Shadow and Rarity trotted together on Banner’s left while Maud slowly made her way behind the group, taking her time and breathing in her surroundings. She especially noted the rock structures they passed, Maud jotting down the size and shapes of each one in her journal for safekeeping.

By the time they had reached the port, the group came across a band of fisherman casting them a few odd glances. They ignored the stares, choosing to focus dead ahead. They all came together, the group of Bruce, Rainbow, Derpy, Tempest, Rarity, and Maud, the Earth pony finally catching up to them. It looked to be a fishing village of some sort, transformed slightly to accommodate a much larger populace. The colony of houses sprawled up the hills and even further into the mountains and along the shoreline, various different people and even some griffons and dragons bustling about. Droves of children born after the Decimation—Asgard’s future—played along the shoreline and within the hills. Banner sighed.

Out of all the Avengers, Bruce had the most sympathy for his old friend Thor. Not only did he lose his home of Asgard, half his people, his best friend Heimdall, and his brother Loki, but half of his surviving populace of Asgard were taken during the Snap. He had very, very little left to his kingdom and his people. It took him months to actually find the Statesman, but when he did, he returned it to Earth and founded New Asgard in the land his father told him about many years ago. Norway was very accepting of one of the Avengers settling there with his people, and soon enough the colony of New Asgard was founded and attracted sightseers and even settlers from around the globe. Even from off-world. Some settled to offer their help. Some settled for a new life—much like the griffon and dragon refugees flying about and fishing nearby. Some even settled to catch a glimpse of the King of Asgard.

But he wasn’t present. He hardly ever was. Banner asked about and no Asgardian knew where Thor was at the moment. Even Rainbow asked a few griffons, and they had no idea where he was. After a short rest to reconvene amongst themselves, the group stood awkwardly in the center of the village, watching as Asgardians, humans, and griffons alike bustled about to fulfill their daily chores of fishing, building, and farming. Larger, adult dragons rested soundly on the distant hills while the younger generation worked away.

There was always that waning thought in Banner’s mind about why Thor truly did go into exile. Five years ago, after they ambushed Thanos and tried to steal the Infinity Stones, it was Thor’s presence that made the most difference among the Avengers. With Stormbreaker in hand, Thor had reached a whole other level of power the likes of which Bruce, Rainbow, or any of them had ever seen before. It was only Tempest, Sunset, Starlight, Rocket, and Groot who knew how much suffering and turmoil Thor went through to acquire Stormbreaker in the first place, so when Thanos destroyed the Stones and himself in the process, Banner could hardly blame Thor for feeling the weight of the universe crash down on top of him. He had nearly succeeded in killing Thanos, the axe embedded deep into the Titan’s chest before Thanos snapped his fingers again.

He blamed himself. Thor refused to see it any other way and blamed himself for what happened. He took that weight with him when he left the Avengers and sought to find his people.

And that was the last Bruce had ever seen him.

After nearly a full minute of no luck, Tempest sighed and took a seat on the stone street. “Do you think we’re going about this the wrong way?” she asked aloud.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, obviously Thor isn’t here or he is and he doesn’t want to be disturbed,” Tempest answered, facing the group and shaking her head. “After what he went through to get that axe only for us to still lose in the end… could you really blame him?”

No one paid any heed to Derpy hovering higher and higher from the port, scanning the nearby hills with her awkwardly-directed eyesight. The conversation continued amongst the grounded members, Banner affirming his stance when he said, “Well, we’re not leaving here without him. So, you all might want to settle down for a bit if you’re done—”

“Hey, everypony!” Derpy called from above, prompting everyone’s heads to shift towards the skies. The second they did so only further grew their suspicions on the storm, noting how close it was to the land. It was odd because it definitely hadn’t been hours since Rainbow last saw the storm. It had only been about ten or so minutes. From somepony who was once the weather manager in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash knew her storms. She knew there was something unique about the clouds above.

It turned out to be the center of attention when Derpy pointed to those same clouds, then to the bundle of hills where the storm clouds were gathering, swirling over them in what appeared to be the eye of the storm. She called, “I think I might have a lead on where Thor is!”

They all exchanged various glances of concern, yet intrigue. Uncertainty, yet curiosity. Bravery, yet that haunting shiver of worry crawling up their spines as the thunder growled just over New Asgard. Like a beast slowly hunting its prey and waiting for that perfect moment to strike. Everypony anticipated that strike from a bolt of lightning, but never saw a single bolt strike the earth or across the heavens. It just waited above them, the cool wind blowing across them and making their journey into the hills that much more difficult. Bruce led the way, following close behind him being Rainbow, then Derpy, Maud, Tempest, and finally Rarity. All of their manes were splaying wildly against the force of the wind, their heads low to the ground and eyes shut tight as the winds only increased the closer they got into the hills.

The closer they got into the eye of the storm.

But they needed to. They finally realized they had to when they reached the top of the hill.

He was sitting alone in an open field of grass, overlooking a great peak to the vastness of the ocean surrounding his kingdom. Upon his person, a gray jacket with intricate and lovely Asgardian runes were displayed on the back and arms, his black pants cross-legged. The ocean waves clashed against the pillars of rock beneath the peak, the cry of thunder overhead and the wind pushing past his face and creating a harmonious cry only he could hear, a mystical chant forgotten a lifetime ago upon the ruins of Asgard. Yet he was unmoved. He sat with his back hunched forward and his long, golden hair dancing with the wind.

For a moment too long, the group Banner led into the hills didn’t know how to approach him. Especially Rainbow Dash, considering she hadn’t seen Thor in years, possibly the longest amongst them. It all began with that first, brave step forward, Rainbow Dash and Bruce taking the lead as the group of four trailed slowly behind them, apprehension evident in their eyes. All except for Maud, who witnessed events unfold before her with a glazed expression. She wasn’t bored by any means; it was just how she expressed herself in nearly every situation and emotion.

Even concern.

That same concern that filled Rainbow’s voice as she approached his left side. “Th… T-Thor?”

His long, ruffled and golden beard hang lazily from his face and down to his chest. A simple gray T-shirt lay underneath the jacket, the almost unnoticeable extensions of his chest indicating he was breathing. And with that breath, life came forth. He opened his remaining left eye as the right was covered by a black eyepatch. He stared straight on into the gray, swirling storm above the ocean for a second longer, eventually shifting that stare onto the mare to his left. He was eye-level with her, instantly taking notice to the blue coat and the rose-rimmed iris from the only visible eye, the other consumed by her rainbow mane.

For the first time in a long, long time… Thor smiled.

“My friends…” Thor softly exclaimed, voice weaker than expected. He turned back to them. Tempest and Rarity exchanged a glance, Derpy and Maud doing the same. Banner stared sadly onto Thor’s backside, the god failing to notice him for the moment. “My, you all certainly have grown since the last our paths have crossed.”

His gaze fell back to Dash, the rainbow Pegasus smiling through the pain rippling in her heart. Just from the octave of his voice, Rainbow could tell Thor was in pain. She had heard it before. She had been there before herself and managed to overcome it. Had it not been with the help of her friends, however… Rainbow could only fear where she would be following the Decimation. Thor, unfortunately, didn’t follow that same path.

She forced that smile, sighing shakily through her nostrils. “Yeah… you could say that.”

Thor grinned at her, spinning about to see Banner appear on his right. He exhaled a breath of shock, stating proudly, “Banner… you have finally conquered your demon.”

“Made peace is more like it,” Bruce corrected, meeting Thor’s smile with a sad one in return. Even that smile faded, Bruce’s eyes falling to the grass as he towered awkwardly above the God of Thunder. “Listen, Thor, I know now isn’t really a good time, but we’ve decided that… Well, we kind of need your help with something back at the New Avengers Facility and we just thought that…”

Thor broke Banner’s train of thought with his weak chuckles.

“Oh, Banner, Banner, Banner… you talk too much. You think too much,” Thor softly explained, turning away and facing out into the oceans that traveled for an eternity. Pillars of rock pockmarked the ocean surface, the clashing of waves against them distant, not as concerning as the storm clouds above their heads. Thor shook his head. “Avengers? My friends, there is more to this life than just an idea, an… old-fashioned notion. Look at that over there…”

He pointed to a slew of ships exiting the mists and fog of the ocean’s surface and approaching the port. “The fishermen have returned with a bountiful catch. New Asgard will feast well tonight. Perhaps I could join them. Yes, perhaps I could…”

His voice fell away from him, turning into ragged and unholy silence that engrossed the group surrounding the King of Asgard. The longer it persisted, the longer they stood in the cold winds, unease filling their veins. Rarity softly cleared her throat, taking those soft, cautious steps closer on the god’s right side, directly between Thor and Banner. “Um… Thor? Darling, you… you seem to be doing fairly well with yourself. Meditation, I take it?”

Thor didn’t say a word, just stared softly into Rarity’s eyes with that even softer smile.

Rarity bit her lip, rubbing a strand of mane that had flown across her vision behind her ear. “But… we couldn’t help but return to an old issue. Something came up, darling. The Avengers, they… we think we have a plan to fix everything.”

He stared at her innocently, like the clues she was laying down were numb to his ears. He furrowed his brow and shook his head, that humorous smile on his face opening for him to ask, “What would require fixing?”

Rarity’s expression broke, the mare turning back to Banner and the rest of her friends. Maud and Derpy cast her an uncertain glance—the best she could make of Maud’s. Rainbow held that same uncertainty, shaking her head and dropping her gaze. Tempest, on the other hoof, held nothing back. No clues, no hints, no nothing.

She stated firmly, directly to Thor’s backside, “The Decimation.”

Just like that, Thor’s smile completely vanished. His humbled and innocent expression darkened as the clouds did so above, a flurry of lightning cackling in the distance with the rumble of thunder stirring overhead. The wind even picked up, Derpy flapping her wings to keep herself situated with the earth while Tempest steadied herself, as well. Rarity was pushed back against the wind, holding her ground and tightening her jacket across her shivering frame. She and the others turned back to Thor, seeing him further himself forward, hunched and gazing forever into the seas.

“Did you hear me?” Tempest asked aloud.

“Yes, I heard you loud and clear,” Thor said. It came lower than anypony expected, like a beast growling in its slumber. Ready to awaken…

Rainbow, unfortunately, was deterred from the hints. She took that step closer on Thor’s left, trying to meet his remaining eye as she demanded, “Well…?”

The wind blew across his face, blowing strands of gold out of his eyesight. The hardened glare he had formed was nearly unbreakable, the God of Thunder breathing heavier and heavier as the seconds ticked away. As he could only think of that word that escaped Tempest’s mouth. “I have my people here who need me,” he murmured, body visibly shaking, gloved-fists tightening in his lap. “That is all that matters now.”

While a shared expression of pain filled each mare and Banner, it was Rainbow Dash who flared her wings, rose her voice, and screamed out against the onslaught of wind. Everyone turned to her with a look of trepidation radiating off their faces. Thor just stared on, taking the full fury.

“Your people? Your people?!” Rainbow shouted against the thunder resonating shortly afterwards. Her mane blew wildly across her face, revealing both bloodshot and pain-filled eyes every second. She jabbed her hoof accusingly towards Thor. “Your people hardly even see you let alone know who their king is! From what we’ve seen and heard, they’ve been taking better care of themselves without your help! I’m sorry, Thor, but don’t you realize what's going on?! The Snap, the Decimation, the Vanished, all of it can be undone! What, you’re just gonna sit here all day knowing that Thanos killed everyone we loved?!”

Then he turned to her, slowly at first so as to contain that unrelenting agony and fury that burned in his veins and fueled that rising heat from within him. He had kept his eye closed for the entire onslaught of screams Rainbow hurled his way, only opening his left eye when he was fully facing her. When he did, Rainbow had to physically take a step back, chest heaving quickly when that bright, otherworldly blue shimmered in his eye and stared right through her.

Even that light eventually faded, leaving just the vein and tear-filled eye meeting Rainbow’s. He lifted and pointed a shivering finger in her direction. “Don’t…” he muttered, “… say that name… again.”

The raw power in his voice could be felt between each pony, even Banner. Like a bolt of lightning had struck each and every one of them in a plethora of electric webs and hit them all dead in the heart, causing them to lose their breaths. For everypony present, that caused them to take a step away from the confrontation.

But for Rainbow Dash, it only caused her to push further. “So, what, you’re just gonna let Eitri down? You’re gonna let the universe down? We didn’t travel all the way to Norway just to listen to you betray yourself! And for someone who got the killing blow on Thanos—!”

Thor quickly rose to his feet, easily towering over Rainbow Dash and the mares, but failing to match Banner in height or build. It was still intimidating nonetheless, Bruce taking a step back as the wrath of the God of Thunder was unleashed. Pent-up and broken. Painful and agonized. Rainbow practically fell on her back as Thor fired back at her, the Pegasus falling to her rump and gazing with shaken uncertainty in Thor’s bellowing rage.

He yelled, “Thanos is dead! He’s gone! My mission is done! I’m done!”

Several bolts of lightning shot across the sky, lighting up the rising darkness and bringing chaos into the storm. A single bolt struck the earth to their far left, Derpy and Rarity shrieking as the strike decimated the grass and left nothing but a burning corpse in the earth. Rainbow shot her eyes back to where the lightning struck, gasping fearfully when Thor towered further over her. The storm clouds grow fierce, lightning striking the heavens and even the ocean’s surface, close to where they were standing. Everypony gazed upon the confrontation with held breaths, shaken expressions, and fearful hearts. But in the end, it was Thor who eventually gave in.

He turned away from them, shutting his eyes and approaching the edge of the mountain peak. Instantly, the storm began to die down, the darkness dissipating and the lightning growing calmer. Rarity and Tempest came to Rainbow’s aid, helping the shivering mare back to her hooves as they all slowly, steadily… turned back to Thor. They saw only his backside, watching apprehensively as Bruce Banner approached it.

“Thor…” Bruce softly began, laying a palm on the god’s shoulder. Not even an acknowledgement to Banner’s presence, Thor’s eye closed tight and his expression shivering. Banner stared onto it nonetheless, holding the pain and expressing the strength. “I know what you’re going through.”

Thor shook his hand off his shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re in a rough spot. You’re depressed, looking for all means to find that semblance of happiness again. Meditation. Solitude. Exile. Just to find peace again. Believe me, I was there, too. You wanna know who got me out of it?”

“Natasha?” Thor guessed, tried to humor him. He sniffled. “How is she?”

What Banner said was something Thor didn’t expect to hear that day.

“It was you,” Banner explained. He bent down to reach Thor’s eye-level, waiting patiently for Thor to make that next step on his own. To break that barrier he himself had built. He nearly succeeded in doing so, turning barely to his right before retreating dead ahead again. “Listen, Thor, we can’t do this without you, pal. You were the one who killed Thanos, so it only makes it right that you would help us to bring everybody back. This is a chance we may never get again. This is a chance for all of us to redeem ourselves.”

He didn’t know why, but it seemed that his words finally reached Thor where it mattered. He turned to Banner fully, breathing in his friend’s words before breathing them out in hard, shaking exhales, alongside the burning tears filling his eye and flowing down it. He could only think back to that single word Banner had mentioned, that single statement that took his breath away and promised more than he could have ever hoped.

“… Everybody?”

Banner nodded, a soft smile growing across his lips.


Both god and Hulk turned around to see the bundle of mares make their approach. The voice didn’t sound intimidating, powerful as Rainbow’s had. It wasn’t sophisticated or charming like Rarity’s was. It wasn’t as edged as Tempest’s sharpened tongue. It was soft. Concerning. So full of innocence and strength that it was just powerful enough to catch the attention of such beings. And Derpy Hooves stepped forward, gazing onto the God of Thunder’s expression with one so hopeful, one so pained and concerned for his well-being that it caused Thor to hold his breath. Just for her.

She said, “If there’s a chance… to change everything that’s happened… then why not take it?”

And that was it. That was all she had to say, yet it took that breath right out of Thor’s lungs. He contemplated, replayed her words, Banner’s words, and everybody’s words over and over again in his head. The recent and the final, Thor still hearing his brother Loki calling out for him as he shattered into ash right before him. He fell back down to the grass and took a seat, his breath practically taken from him. All the strength that Thor tried to convince himself he still had faded alongside that ash in his mind, the flakes of the past like a burden too great to abandon.

There, the God of Thunder sat, trying to breathe and trying to find himself. That piece of himself he tried to find was long abandoned, the piece that blamed himself for the Second Snap. For the destruction of the Infinity Stones, everything Thanos had taken away from them when Thor knew… he had the power to stop it. He had all the power in the universe flowing through him, yet he was not strong enough. Even right there and then… he was not strong enough.

Not even to get up again.

So, instead he sat, turning back to his friends with tears in his eye. He painfully, truthfully asked, “How do you know this is going to work?”

Just wanting to know the truth.

Rarity laid a hoof on his shoulder, meeting his pained expression with one even more so, the tears filling her eyes but the strength still standing. Rarity… still standing, still saying, “We don’t.”

Author's Note:

“Remember this place. Home.”

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