• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 28 – Stranger Things



Canterlot, Equestria

Canterlot Castle

4:24 p.m.

It took more than two hours for Doctor Strange and Wong to see the rulers of Equestria. Two long, painful, question-filled, pony-inducing hours. Strange was surprised he managed to last through it all. Wong was so dead inside that he barely even gave them the attention they wanted. He wouldn’t budge with some of the questions Princess Twilight managed to sneak in. So, she set her attention on Strange.

And as the massive group of ponies and one dragon—which included Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Sunset, Starlight, and Spike—and the two members of the Masters of the Mystic Arts made their way through the towering, seemingly endless hallways of Canterlot Castle, Twilight took every last second she could trying to distinguish who they were and how they got to Equus.

Twilight had no idea Earth had wizards. The idea alone made her brain fizzle with the possibilities and the unknown. All of which she needed to know. There was no doubt about it that Twilight was practically on Strange’s heels, coming up to his side every now and again to ask yet another question. All of which the sorcerer ignored, much to Twilight’s dismay.

“Once more, I think I need to apologize for not getting either of you alone with the princesses sooner. Did I apologize already? I-I think I apologized,” Twilight said, chuckling and letting a snort slip through. “It’s just with all the madness going on with the invasion, and now we have two wizards from Earth wanting to chat with Celestia and Luna… you can see that I’d be a little on edge. That, and you won’t answer any more of my questions. Please, let me ask you more!”

Doctor Strange shook his head, doing his damnedest to ignore the violet Alicorn begging to his right. He continued with his long strides down the hall, closer to their destination. He hadn’t prayed in a long time, but he prayed they reached the throne room soon. He could only take so much of Princess Twilight’s constant flow of bothersome questions.

“Starting to regret making first contact,” Strange whispered over to Wong on his left.

Wong almost chuckled at that, leaning back to Strange. He said, “At least be grateful they got us time with their leaders.”

“Oh, I am grateful,” Strange whispered back. “I’m just getting tired of all this pestering for knowledge on who we are and what we do. Like you said, we need to keep as much secrecy to the Masters of the Mystic Arts as possible, and she’s touching the Cloak of Levitation again.”

The Cloak smacked Twilight’s hoof away on Strange’s command. Looking back and down to the pony on his right, Strange could see Twilight rub her hoof with her wing, smiling innocently up at the Doctor. “Sorry,” she told him, a slight crimson blush on her cheeks.

Pulling on the tips of the Cloak, Strange looked over to Wong, who only shook his head and whispered, “If she’ll stop pestering, then answer her questions.”

Stephen raised a brow. “You serious?”

“I’ll tell you what you can and can’t answer. Now, get her to stop.”

“Okay,” Strange said loudly, spinning around and stopping the line of ponies dead in their tracks. They looked around and over each other’s withers, gazing up to the man in the cape and his Asian friend. Wong stood with his arms crossed, frowning down to the ponies below. The mares looked rather confused, Spike crossing his own arms as a form of retaliation.

But Strange wasn’t focused on Spike or any of the other ponies. He focused his attention specifically on Twilight, holding his finger out to her and declaring, “One question.”

Twilight blinked. “What?”

“You get one question, each of you do, then I’m sealing my lips,” Strange explained.

Ruffling her feathers in agitation, Twilight looked aside, scoffing loudly and turning back to Strange. “But… that’s unfair!” she exclaimed with a stamp of her hoof, almost sounding hurt.

“Things aren’t really fair at the moment, Princess,” Stephen told her, taking a step back and joining Wong in frowning at the mares. Specifically Twilight and her childlike behavior. “We have two worlds in danger from an extraterrestrial invasion. I would expect someone of your stature to be a little more concerned about that.”

Twilight’s ears fell at that revelation. Her head fell, her eyes gazing sadly at the floor. She looked as if she didn’t even want to ask a question any longer. She looked that way because she knew Doctor Strange was right. Their worlds hanged in the balance of life and death, and here she was acting like a little school pony again. It was an incredible moment, certainly, meeting members of Earth’s mystical defenders. But it hurt knowing that she had to put her childlike wonder aside for now and focus on the matter at hoof. After a question that Strange allowed. One question.

“Just one?” Twilight asked, giving almost a pleading expression. Strange had to hold back the sudden sensation he felt when staring into her saddened gaze. He held his ground, nodding firmly.

Sighing at that, Twilight thought back to her slew of questions she had in store for Strange had he ever intended to open up. She had so many on the organization he worked for, his magical skill set, the history of his ‘Masters of the Mystic Arts’, it was so hard to choose just one. Then again, she thought back to what he said, about focusing on what really mattered at the moment.

The first question that came to her mind on that thought was perfect. Twilight smiled at that, looking up at Strange and asked, “Okay… why do you need our help?”

Strange looked to Wong for confirmation. The man pursed his lips, frowned, and nodded to him. Sighing, Strange turned back to Twilight’s victorious smile when she saw him give in. A small victory for her. “As you can see, we don’t really know… too much about the situation. We felt if we made contact with the leaders of this world, then we’ll get a better understanding.”

Twilight almost chuckled. “Heh… just like us.”

“We’re not so different, Twilight Sparkle,” Strange said, and actually managed a small smile to go with it. Twilight smiled even wider back. They were breaking ground, building partnerships. Maybe even friendships. The short but warm bond building between the two was instantly vanquished when Pinkie Pie bounded into the center of attention.

“Oh! Oh! I wanna ask the wizard something! I wanna ask the wizard something!” Pinkie announced excitedly, waving her hooves around and bouncing around both Wong and Strange.

“Easy,” Strange said, holding out his hands to the mare bounding about. “One at a time… uh…”

“Pinkie Pie!” the mare exclaimed, freezing in mid-air directly in front of Strange and Wong. She held out her hoof to him, Strange still somewhat hesitant and confused on how exactly she was floating without wings, a horn, or a magical cloak. Whatever it was, it kept the mare floating to their eye level. It certainly kept the mare smiling. “Nice to meet ya!”

“I’ll try to remember your name this time,” Strange told her, shaking her hoof quickly. “What’s your question?”

Once Pinkie Pie hit the marble floor, the question she asked managed to confuse both the sorcerers and even her friends. And what she asked was: “Who’s Beyoncé?”

As if everypony wasn’t already focused completely on the pink pony, their total attention was centered on her now. Twilight’s mouth fell, not a syllable escaping her. Rainbow and Applejack slowly looked to one another, neither one of them having the slightest idea what Pinkie was on about. Strange and Wong, on the other hand, looked somewhat surprised. Somewhat. Like Pinkie Pie wasn’t the weirdest thing they had ever seen.

Looking to Wong, Strange playfully nudged his shoulder and asked, “You wanna answer this one?”

“Funny,” Wong stated, his humorous smile vanishing and only a frown remaining.

Chuckling at that, Stephen turned back to the pink pony, pursing his lips at her as she sat like a well-trained puppy right at his feet. “Well… she’s a pop artist, singer, actress on Earth. I haven’t listened to her in years, but Wong…” Strange said, looking over to his friend, “gave her a go. He’s like her number one fan now.”

Wong shook his head. “Again, so funny.”

Laughing at that, Doctor Strange waved the ponies forward, prompting them to follow him. He said, “Here, let’s walk and talk.”

As the two sorcerers continued on their journey to the throne room down the hall, the ponies managed to collect themselves, both on Pinkie’s question and the even stranger answer she was given. Picking themselves up, they followed quickly behind Strange and his friend, Spike hot on their heels.

Pointing down to the orange farm pony to his right, Strange said, “You… uh… Apple… something…”

“That’s Applejack, partner,” Applejack corrected for him, turning her emerald eyes up to the wizard.

“Again, I want to apologize if I can’t remember all your names,” Stephen told them all.

“Don’t sweat it,” Applejack chuckled, pushing down her hat. She tapped her hoof to her chin, looking up to the ceiling as she thought about her one question she was allowed to ask. Her eyes shot out to the left, spotting Strange’s naked palm. “Ah guess mah question would be… why are yer hands always shakin’ like that?”

Following her gaze, though not needing to, Strange spotted his hand and brought up both of his palms. As he lifted them closer to his face, a slight shiver could be seen on each of his hands, the scars still clearly evident. In the corner of his vision, he could see the ponies growing uneasy after seeing the scars. “I try not to show that,” Strange sighed, dropping his hands. “All you need to know is that I got in an accident. Next question?”

Rainbow Dash shot forward. She hovered between Wong and Stephen and asked, “How’d you know where to find us?”

Her tone was still distrustful, that much Doctor Strange could pick up on. Her eyes, her body language, her growing frown, all of it also added to that idea that she still didn’t trust either Wong or Strange. Somehow, Stephen couldn’t blame her. An alien world and invasion appearing right on their doorstep and they’d shoot the first thing that knocked. Thankfully they kept their fingers—or in this case, hooves—off the trigger long enough.

“Would you believe me if I said it was luck?” Stephen asked, smirking at Rainbow. Her frown was answer enough. “We managed to get a portal working to Equus, failed a couple times, but actually managed to step through one that brought us to civilization, the capital of this nation, no less. Guess fate brought our paths together.”

Appearing somewhat satisfied with that answer, Rainbow flew back to join her group of friends behind Strange. He followed her path, looking down to the Pegasus directly below her. “You?” he said, pointing her way. The pony yelped and backed away, moving forward behind Applejack. “You got a question?”

Fluttershy mumbled, “I… don’t really have a question. Sorry.”

“Great! Next?” Stephen exclaimed, Fluttershy’s expression shifting from fear to confusion.

“I have a question!” Rarity announced, stepping forward to trot on Strange’s right, between Wong and Stephen. “Where did you get your absolutely dashing cape, darling? It is simply lovely!”

The Cloak of Levitation tickled her chin, Strange quickly swatting it aside. Rarity giggled, hoof pressed over her smile. “And quite the charmer.”

“He’s a smart-ass,” Strange muttered. The Cloak promptly smacked the back of Stephen’s head, causing him to stumble forward. The mares behind him all tried to hide their giggles. Glaring back at them, Strange rubbed the back of his head, saying, “I found it in the Sanctum Sanctorum, and apparently it chose me of all people. And I think it likes you, too.”

The Cloak rubbed Rarity’s mane, the unicorn giggling at the touch of the cape.

Spike, using the extra momentum from his wings, pushed himself off the ground and floated on Stephen’s left. He asked, “All right, so what are you a doctor of anyway? And is Strange like your superhero name or something? Kinda weird.”

“That’s two questions, but I’ll allow it since the yellow one didn’t use hers,” Doctor Strange said, Fluttershy’s confusion shifting to a disgruntled frown. “If you must know, I was a neurosurgeon before I devoted my life to the mystic arts. And I’m not a superhero; we’re more like protectors of sorts. And ‘Strange’ is a weird name to you?”

Spike snickered, crossing his arms. “It’s kinda strange.”

“Horrible joke. I like you a little less now,” Stephen said, Spike caught off-guard by that response. He certainly wasn’t ready for his next retort. “Yet you live with ponies literally named ‘Rainbow Dash’ and ‘Twilight Sparkle’. Next question.”

The ponies mentioned by name didn’t take too kindly to that insult, burning a hole in the back of Stephen’s head with the growing flame in their eyes. Already seeing the rising conflict, Starlight managed a calming chuckle amongst the group, being sure to move between Twilight and Strange.

With her teacher trying to look around her, Starlight turned her attention back to Strange. She felt she needed to change the subject fast, lest the situation escalate. So, she asked her question. “Your magic. I don’t think you ever explained it to us. Is it anything how unicorns conjure spells?”

Looking to Wong, he saw him stumble for a moment with his thoughts. He finally gave in, nodding to Strange. “Well, it’s not like your magic that stems from each of you, as well as the world around you, as Twilight told me,” Strange answered.

The Alicorn smiled gratefully at that, the anger in her eyes cooling down. Rainbow still looked mildly annoyed by the wizard’s continued presence. Strange continued. “The magic we, as the Masters of the Mystic Arts, wield stems from the literal energy of the Multiverse, drawn from other dimensions. Think of it like as a language, a code, even. We can hold the very fabric of reality in our hands. We could make weapons of war…”

Strange shot out his right hand, a blazing orange blade spewing out from his palm. The ponies flinched back in shock, gazing in awe at the glowing sword. He pulled back his hand, disintegrating the sword and meeting his other hand. His two hands danced in a unique way, unlike anything Twilight had ever seen. Strange held out his right hand, spinning his fingers in quick, small circles.

“Hold out your hoof, Starlight,” Strange said. Somewhat hesitant, Starlight obeyed and lifted up her left hoof. To her amazement, a small orange spark appeared in her hoof, several more sparks shooting out as a juicy red apple rested in her hoof. “We could even make nature’s delicacies. Whatever you can perceive and are allowed to perceive. And that’s just the tip of iceberg.”

A large bite appeared out of nowhere, embedding itself in the apple. More and more followed, the apple eventually covered in bite marks, nothing but the stem and core remaining. The apple core vanished once Strange dropped his fingers, disappearing in a shower of harmless, orange sparks over Starlight’s hoof. Strange tapped just over his heart, offering a small burp, then quickly apologizing for it. The unicorn’s jaw was agape, staring at her empty hoof in awe. The rest of the ponies stared blankly at Starlight’s hoof, then back to Strange, simply amazed by the magical prowess that Strange explained to them. All except for Twilight, who could magically conjure an apple anytime she wanted. She rolled her eyes, turning back to Strange. However, she had to admit that how Strange ate it was... especially clever.

Turning their heads back to the Sorcerer Supreme, the ponies all met his gaze shortly, the man smiling back at them. “Last question?” he asked, turning his eyes to the unicorn with the fiery mane.

And Sunset Shimmer already knew what she was going to say. Narrowing her eyes, not a smile to be seen on her lips, Sunset asked, “Who are you… the Masters of the Mystic Arts?”

Twilight mentally kicked herself for not asking that question. Once more turning to Wong, the man already looked dead set on telling Strange no. And he nearly did, but Strange could read his face as easily as he could speed-read a book. What Wong told him, just by his expression, was that he could answer her, but only with so much information. They couldn’t know the whole truth of how they were formed. Just the basic history.

Then no more questions.

Sighing, Strange dropped his head to the ground. His footsteps became much slower. His voice suffered as well. “The Masters of the Mystic Arts began once Agamotto was able to draw power from different dimensions. His intention was to protect the Earth from dimensional threats, and so formed the protectors of the Earth Plane, the Masters of the Mystic Arts. We keep the balance in this dimension. Any and all threats to our world, our universe, our dimension, will be dealt with by us. Mostly mystical… rarely physical.”

He could see a pair of massive doors approaching at the end of the room. Strange, for some reason, kept on talking, even when they had begun to reach their destination.

“Unfortunately, we couldn’t really stand idly by this time around, even for a physical threat.”

“How come the Avengers never told us about you?” Rainbow asked.

“We have already said too much,” Wong stated firmly, Rainbow turning his way with a frown.

“And as much as I would like to ask more questions,” Twilight said, looking up hopefully to Strange. He looked as if he completely forgot she existed, causing Twilight to huff. Remembering to control her breathing, Twilight pressed her hoof to the twin doors. “It would appear we’ve made it.”

With aid from her magic, Twilight opened the door for her friends, Doctor Strange, and Wong. And before them stood the throne room to the rulers of Equestria, the throne room of a Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It was absolutely stunning, at least to Strange and Wong. The marble was a mixture of light and dark blues, several pillars lining the walls to the throne room. As well as the pillars, there were several decorative drapes, stained glass windows, and a single red carpet that led directly to the twin thrones. Beneath said throne, and where both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat, several high-ranking Royal Guard, Canterlot royalty, and other dignitaries stood together and argued. To the princess about the situation. Their tired eyes turned away from the madness below their throne and centered on their newest guests.

Princess Twilight, her friends, and her two visitors from Earth.

The weariness from both Celestia and Luna’s eyes instantly vanished. Celestia stamped her hoof twice on the marble beneath her throne, causing the ponies beneath them to silence their conversations. “Leave us!” Princess Luna declared, hoof outstretched to the doors. “We will continue this discussion later!”

Grumbling at that order, the ponies left the throne room with their muzzles to the air, casting Doctor Strange and Wong the oddest—and somewhat most disgusted—looks they could manage. Neither sorcerer paid them any heed, keeping their eyes only on the princesses. They looked absolutely exhausted.

From what Twilight told Stephen, Celestia and Luna were the most regal and majestic ponies in all of Equestria. Their strength, beauty, and influence were matched by no other. Yet they appeared like they could barely keep their heads up, their eyelids drooping every few seconds. Strange pursed his lips and sighed. Twilight even managed to inform him of their current state, that the princesses took it upon themselves to hold up a magical shield around Canterlot, to protect the capital of Equestria from any invading hostile forces. The toll it must have been taking on them to keep up such a powerful shield was clear as daylight.

And yet, they still managed a smile when it was just them left in the throne room. Minus the two Royal Guards standing at the bottom of their thrones, the room was empty save for Twilight and her friends, the sorcerers, and the princesses. Strange admired their strength and determination, still offering a warm smile to them. He already felt welcomed.

“Doctor Stephen… Strange… is it?” Celestia asked.

“And with a close friend of mine,” Strange said, approaching the thrones and holding out his hand to his left. “His name is Wong.”

Together, the two wizards paused several feet from where the Royal Guards stood, an appropriate distance from the thrones. They bowed their heads in respect, the ponies and dragon behind them doing the same. “It is a pleasure to be in your presence, Your Majesties,” Wong said, dropping his head.

Strange dropped his gaze just the same, bowing appropriately to the royalty. “Yes, thank you for your time.”

With heavy bags under their eyes, Celestia and Luna still managed another smile. The burden of keeping Canterlot safe was something they carried with pride. They would ensure that no power from the alien armies would be able to pierce the combined strength of the Princess of the Sun and Moon. It was a burden they knew they had to uphold. For their little ponies. The ones that stayed, that is.

“It would seem we have even more visitors from Earth,” Celestia said, managing a small chuckle. The ponies, Spike, and the sorcerers rose up to full height, Celestia resting a hoof over her heart. “We apologize. As two members of Earth’s more… mystical power… we were not properly prepared for people of your stature.”

“Hardly a stature, Your Highness,” Strange said, almost chuckling. “Not many people on Earth know we even exist.”

Rainbow Dash blinked at that, furrowing her brow in thought. She wondered if the ones who did know of their existence were the Avengers. She would never know because Strange would never tell her. Another reason she didn’t like the wizard.

“Besides,” Stephen began, taking a few steps forward. “I think we have more important matters to deal with.”

Luna nodded, her tired eyes resting on the wizards. “That we do, Mr. Strange.”

“Doctor, please.”

Luna closed her eyes, letting her head fall, telling Strange she both understood and apologized. Celestia managed a tiny grin, saying, “So… Doctor Strange, Twilight was kind enough to inform us of every detail she could manage before our meeting. She mentioned you were… not willing to reveal more about who you were.”

“They told us a bit more about their organization, the Masters of the Mystic Arts, as we were making our way to your throne room,” Twilight interjected. All the eyes in the room quickly shifted her way, the violet Alicorn managing a weak and awkward chuckle. She slowly backed away to join her friends, pointing to Celestia. “I’ll tell you everything later.”

“With that dully noted, it would be in our best interest to know more about this situation, Doctor Strange,” Princess Celestia said, returning her weary gaze back to the sorcerers.

“An alien invasion is something we don’t normally deal with,” Luna explained. She turned her head to the stained glass windows, the afternoon sunlight spilling in and giving somewhat of a clear image of the world beyond their throne room. “Yet we’ve managed to send several battalions of our Royal and Lunar Guard out to deal with these threats attacking our Equestrian cities. That much we were able to understand and act upon.”

Watching as Luna dropped her head, both in a lack of strength and disappointment, Celestia sighed and nearly did the same. She faced Strange and Wong, saying, “Yet what we can’t seem to understand—”

“Is why there’s an alien planet above your atmosphere.”

Twilight nearly lost her breath at Strange. Not many ponies were able or willing to interrupt Celestia just like that, with no fear or hesitation in their tone either. Celestia didn’t react at all the way Twilight imagined she would. She just grimly nodded, staring at the marble floor in disappointment. She and her sister.

Strange almost did the same. “I was afraid you’d say that.”

“You do not understand either?” Luna asked, looking back at him.

“It’s a mystery to us,” Wong said. He held his hand behind his back. “We were hoping the rulers of this world had clearer knowledge on the subject.”

Celestia’s fears had come true. Neither Earth nor Equus had any knowledge on the threat and how to properly deal with it. The invasion was one thing—something so profound that they had been holding the shield nonstop since they lost contact with Discord—but with Earth causing massive amounts of destruction on Equus, something of that size and magnitude was something Celestia and Luna weren’t prepared to face. And neither was Earth.

At least, the Masters of the Mystic Arts didn’t know how to handle the situation. There were still others who might hold the answer. Celestia said, “There still might be those who know more than we.”

Strange and Wong listened intensively, but were surprised to see Celestia’s focus centered on the ponies behind them. Specifically, Twilight Sparkle. Strange and Wong spun accordingly to the young Alicorn. Twilight’s ears perked upwards, the mare stepping forward once Celestia addressed her.

“Twilight, since you and your friends are here, we ask of you to travel to Earth to bring the Avengers back together. Do whatever you can, and once you do, bring them back to Equus so we can figure out a plan to reverse this madness that has befallen both of our worlds.”

Twilight nodded without question, before Strange could take in the information Princess Celestia had given out. By that time, Twilight had already turned back to face her friends, almost ready to leave Canterlot Castle and head back to Ponyville.

“Hold up,” Strange said, holding out his shaking palm to the ponies and dragon. They stopped, turning around to face Strange. He slowly looked back to Celestia, a single brow raised as he took a few cautious steps towards the throne. The guards at the base of the throne narrowed their eyes, tightening their grips on their spears. Strange stopped, then asked, “The Avengers?”

Both Celestia and Luna nodded. “Yes,” Celestia answered, tilting her head slightly. “Do you know them?”

Instead of answering to her, Doctor Strange looked back to Wong, who was already cooking up the same plan in mind and expression, the same plan Strange was formulating. Turning from Wong, Strange looked back towards the thrones. “We might be making some changes to your plan, Princess,” he said, pointing to Twilight. “The ponies can stay here and help deal with your own problems at hand. We’ll take care of the Avengers for you.”

Rainbow appeared somewhat relieved by that statement, Twilight taken aback by it. Celestia began to rise from her throne, raising a hoof. “Doctor Strange, we cannot simply let you take upon this burden—”

Once more, he interrupted her. And once more, Twilight looked ready to crack. Holding out his hand, Strange said, “It’s no issue for us, really. If it gets us closer to a solution, then we’ll gladly help.”

Celestia opened her mouth to interject, but instead turned to Luna for support and guidance. The Princess of the Night simply shrugged, nodding to Strange. Celestia seemed to give in, as well, slowly taking a seat back on her throne. “Well… thank you, Doctor Strange. Good luck.”

Smiling to them, Strange smacked his friend on the shoulder, facing away from the thrones and walking away. “Come on, Wong,” he said, pausing just in front of the ponies and Spike.

“And just how do you two plan on returning to Earth?” Luna asked.

Doctor Strange just smiled back at the Princess of the Night. Facing forward, he waved the ponies away, to which they backed off and watched as Strange spun his right hand in a large circle, the Sling Ring acting upon his command. Instantly, a sparkling orange portal opened in the center of the throne room. Within it rested the inside of a larger sanctum, the ponies peeking inside and mouthing words of complete awe. Twilight, as well, almost lost her composure at the mystical artifacts and rows upon rows of books. Ancient, mystical, alien knowledge. She couldn’t help a tiny squeal of excitement leave her, her hoof failing to hide her giddy smile, her eyes sparking with childlike curiosity.

Both Strange and Wong stepped inside the portal. Strange looked back and waved to the princesses one final time, saying with certainty, “We’ll be in touch!”

And just like that, the portal closed, and they were gone. As was Twilight’s giddy smile.

Raising her brows, Luna slowly nodded her head, puffing out her lower lip. “Hm. Earth has wizards. That’s strange.”

“That’s Mister Doctor Strange,” Pinkie corrected her with a grin.

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