• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,345 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 8: You Gotta Keep 'Em Separated

After the short yet quiet walk from Sugar Cube Corner, Dante, Vergil, Spike and the girls had all gathered within in the confines of the Golden Oaks Library. They were all seated around the reading table in the main room as Twilight spoke, “Alright then. Now that both of you have had your little ‘talk’, I’d like to know exactly what the hay got into you two back there?” she questioned Dante and Vergil, who had taken to opposite sides from one another across the table.

“Nothing much really.” Dante shrugged. “Vergil here just can’t take a joke.”

“I’d say more along the lines of you acting like a complete buffoon.” retorted Vergil.

“Stop it, both of you!” Twilight interrupted angrily, taking a seat in front of both of them. “Now can either of you please explain what happened?”

“I might as well” said Vergil. “My brother and I were simply discussing our means to getting back to our world. I was informed that you were helping him with that dilemma”.

“Yes, yes I am.” she assured the stallion, nodding her head. “But what I’m more concerned with is-“

“The fight. Yes, that.” interrupted Vergil. “That was nothing more than a simple greeting.”

“Ya sure have a funny way to say hello, don’t ya?” commented AppleJack.

“Ah we do this stuff all the time” said Dante dismissingly.

“Wow!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, leaning towards Dante. “I bet you two must be great at entertaining parties if you fight like this all the time.”

“Ha, as if! Last time Vergil threw a party, it totally bombed!” Dante laughed. “Dude almost killed me and nearly wiped out a whole city.”

Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged worried glances upon hearing Dante’s comment, not sure if he was really joking or not.

“Now then.” Vergil started, turning his attention back to Twilight. “Seeing as how you got your answer, I’d like to know if you actually have a way to get us back to our world.”

“Well not as of now.” she answered sheepishly. “You see, this whole traveling from another world thing doesn’t seem to be within my knowledge of spells and magic. Meaning I’d probably would have to contact Princess Celestia for a bit of help.”

“Well it seems to me that your incompetence on such a matter has delayed our departure. When can we expect a response from this 'Princess' of yours?” he asked icily.

“It shouldn’t be long if that’s what you’re worried about.” Twilight said, disregarding Vergil’s condescending attitude. “Either way, now that Dante’s story has been validated, I can at least continue my report to Celestia.”

“Fine.” Vergil then stood up from his seat. “I expect this matter to be handled as fast as possible. Having to continually subject myself to Dante’s presence is already quite the demeaning task.”

“Well screw you too.” Dante muttered.

The grey pony then began to take his leave from the library, having grown tired of the discussion when Rainbow Dash swooped in between him and the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” she demanded.

“Leaving. Now move aside.”

“No way. After seeing what you did back at Sugarcube Corner, letting you back out in public doesn’t seem like the brightest idea.”

“And standing in my way does?” asked Vergil, raising his brow.

“Listen pal. I don’t trust you and I’m pretty sure no one else here does either.”

“I do.” Fluttershy spoke up softly, walking towards both Rainbow Dash and Vergil.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “What do you mean you trust him, Fluttershy? How can you?”

“Because…well…” Fluttershy started as she looked at Vergil. “He trusted me enough to let me help him when he was lost and hurt. He doesn’t like troubling other ponies and I just think that maybe you’re being a little too hard on him. He’s not as bad as you're making him out to be, Rainbow Dash.”

“Fluttershy! Did you not see what he tried to do to Dante? He’s dangerous!”

“Pardon me, Rainbow Dash.” interjected Rarity. “But I do seem to recall Dante inciting just as much as a commotion as Vergil did.”

“If anything, Dante looked like the one instigating the fight.” AppleJack joined in.

Dante then burst into a laughing fit, causing the girls’ to turn to him with puzzled looks.

“What?” he asked innocently, finally catching his breath. “Who cares who started what? Vergil and I always fight like this. I think it’s kinda dumb trying to play the blame game over a little scrap.”

Twilight, having heard enough, walked up to Dante with a stern look in her eye, forcing him to take a few steps back before bumping into one of the shelves of the Library. “You know what I think is ‘kinda dumb’? Putting other ponies in danger with you and your brother’s little family feud!”

“Yup.” agreed Pinkie Pie as she emerged from one of the bookshelves right next to Dante, holding out an open dictionary. “Says it right here under the definition for Kinda Dumb.”

Dante rolled his eyes and addressed Twilight’s complaint. “Look, I don’t see what you’re getting so worked up about. No one got hurt.”

“But what if some pony DID get hurt? Then what? Listen Dante. I may not know how things work over in your world, but here we tend not to try and kill our family.”

“Why are you making him out to be the bad guy?” asked Rainbow Dash as she flew to Dante’s side. “Vergil was the one that-“

“I’m not making ANYPONY out to be the bad guy!” Twilight interrupted. “And I don’t care who started what first. Both Dante and Vergil recklessly endangered themselves and everypony at the party with their fighting.”

“Not my fault.” protested Dante. “I can’t help it if Vergil’s an uptight ass all the time.”

“And I may not hold myself responsible for what I’m going to do to you if you keep up your shameless and foolhardy shenanigans.” Vergil retorted, taking a few steps in Dante’s direction.

Twilight then moved her way in between Dante and Vergil as the rest of the girls took to either Dante’s or Vergil’s side.

“Which is why I propose we try and keep you two separated as much as possible for the time being. At least until we can resolve your dilemma.”

“You think that’s really such a good idea Twilight?” asked Spike.

“Of course it is Spike. So long as we keep Dante and Vergil apart from each other, there won’t be any trouble for the rest of their stay here. Which is why I may need your help, girls.”

“No problem.” replied Rainbow Dash. “I wasn’t planning on getting anywhere near Vergil myself.” she said, pulling Dante to her side while giving his brother a menacing scowl.

“I suppose I could help.” Rarity spoke up. “After all, a pony as sophisticated as Vergil shouldn’t be scuffling about like a ruffian, am I right, Vergil?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Vergil simply rolled his eyes, knowing that he couldn’t really argue with the fact they were doing their best to keep him and Dante separated. If anything, I should be thanking them for at least keeping that buffoon out of my sights, he thought to himself and nodded in agreement with Rarity.

“What the hell? I don’t get a say in this?” protested Dante.

“No!” snapped Twilight.

“You can’t keep family apart forever, Twilight.” Dante said as he jokingly placed a hoof on Vergil’s shoulder.

“Silence you!” Vergil shouted as he pushed the light yellow stallion off of him.

“Guess it’s settled then.” Twilight announced. “If you’re going to stay here in Equestria, Dante, then I suggest not starting any more trouble with Vergil. I’ll start writing my letter to Celestia soon and once she’s informed of this situation, then I think we’ll be able to get you two back home. Sound good?” she asked, throwing the demon hunter a quick smile.

“Whatever.” Dante replied nonchalantly, dusting off his crimson jacket where Vergil shoved him.

“WHOOHOO!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she burst from another section of the bookshelf, streamers and balloons following in her wake. “This is great! If Dante’s staying that means we’ll get to have more fun and more parties!!” she cried triumphantly as she hugged him tightly.

“Well maybe it won’t be as uneventful as I thought.” Dante mumbled to himself, still in Pinkie Pie’s embrace.

Vergil just scoffed at the sight and proceeded to exit the library, slamming the door behind him.

While Everypony stood perplexed at his reaction, Fluttershy however, trotted out the door after him, apologizing to Twilight while doing so. “I’m so sorry, Twilight, I’m pretty sure he’s still not feeling very well from last night is all. I’ll talk to you girls later…Oh and it was nice meeting you, Dante.” she said as she closed the door gently while taking her leave.

“What the heck was that about?” asked AppleJack breaking the silence.

“Well she did say Vergil was hurt when she met him. Perhaps he really isn’t feeling all that well.” Rarity inferred.

“Yeah, or maybe he’s a stuck up jerk!” commented Rainbow Dash.

Dante on the other hand, only smirked and let out a silent chuckle. Always the charmer, aren’t ya, bro?

“Well I guess that’s my cue to get going as well.” Rarity said. “I just had the greatest inspiration just now after repairing Vergil’s coat and I simply must get it jotted down on the double. Fashion waits for no pony. Ta Ta Twilight, Pinkie Pie, AppleJack, Rainbow Dash and Dante. It certainly was quite an eventful afternoon.” She then trotted to the door, which Spike has rushed to open for her with a courteous bow.

“Oh why thank you, my little Spikey Wikey.” she cooed and kissed him once on the cheek before leaving.

Spike only wooed in excitement, watching the majestic white mare leave.

“She’s a real piece of work there huh, kid?” Dante asked.

“Yeeeeah” Spike replied dreamily. “She’s the most beautiful pony in Ponyville.”

“Ah, to be young and in love.” Dante chuckled. “All joking aside, I guess I’m good to stay. Right, Twilight?”

Twilight simply sighed, looking back at Dante who was grinning almost pleadingly. From a distance he looked more like a kid who was trying to avoid a timeout rather than some fearless demon hunter, which he claimed to be.

“I guess so.” Twilight finally said. “That is if AppleJack is still ok with housing you.”

“No worries here, Twi.” the farm pony piped up. “Ah still need me a good worker on the farm. And Dante here’s the stallion for the job. Ain’t that right, Dante?” she asked, giving him a nudge on his shoulder.

“Oh yeah…right.” Dante replied hesitantly. Damn. Almost forgot I’d be pulling hard labor. Man, talk about lame.

“Well I guess we best get back to Sweet AppleAcres…That is, after we help Pinkie clean up the mess you and yer brother made at Sugarcube Corner.”

“Aw come on!” whined Dante. “Vergil should have to clean up too!”

“Don’t worry about it, AppleJack.” said Pinkie Pie as she trotted over and placed her hooves around both her and Dante. “I wouldn’t dream of making a new guest clean up a party I made just for them. I wouldn’t be a very good host if I did.” she giggled dismissively.

“You sure you don’t need help cleaning up?” asked Twilight.

“Yup. I’ll have it done in a jiffy.” Pinkie replied as she began to bounce her way out the door. “Seeya later, alligators!”

“Well guess that’s our cue to get goin’ as well.” said AppleJack, making her way out of the library. “Come on, ya big troublemaker.” she called out to Dante who was following after her.

“Well guess it’s just us three.” said Rainbow Dash, addressing Twilight, looking on as Spike closed the door behind Dante. “Mind if I just hang here, Twilight? I’ve been meaning to get on that third Daring Do Book.”

“Sure, Rainbow.” Twilight answered, somewhat exasperated. “I could use the company. Right now I’ve got a huge letter to write to Celestia concerning those two.” she said as she gestured her head to the door, obviously referring to Dante and Vergil.

“Is it really that bad?” asked Rainbow Dash who was now hovering over to one of the adventure shelves in Twilight’s Library. “I mean Dante’s a pretty cool guy and sure he’s a troublemaker, but he’s not all that bad. Vergil on the other hoof…” Rainbow’s tone turned to slight disgust upon mentioning his name. “I can’t quite put my hoof on it, but something about him just doesn’t feel right. Makes me wonder what Fluttershy sees in him.”

“Who knows?” answered Twilight. “Right now, both Dante and Vergil are pretty troublesome in my opinion." Although Vergil does come off as bit more volatile than his appearance implies. It’s quite unnerving; she trailed off into thought before making her way up the stairs towards her room. “Come on, Spike. I’ll need your help when I’m done.” she called down to him.

“Coming.” answered the small purple dragon, bounding up the stairs after Twilight.

Vergil was making his way to the outskirts of Ponyville, muttering quietly to himself. “That idiot! To think I lost to that flippant, foolhardy bastard at the gates of hell. It just makes my defeat as a true son of Sparda all the more humiliating.”

Just then, Vergil heard Fluttershy calling after him. The grey stallion turned around, looking up to see Fluttershy flying towards him.

“Oh, there you are.” she sighed happily. “You took off so fast I didn’t know which way you went.” she softly landed before joining him in his walk.

“It should be obvious.” he answered coldly. “Seeing as how the only place I have to stay is your cottage…or have you decided to withhold your offer after what happened between Dante and I?”

“Oh no. Not at all. I’m just curious is all. You didn’t tell me you were from another world or that you had a brother.” she said, turning her head towards him bashfully.

Vergil sighed. “I figured, you’d take me as some sort of loon and would refuse to help me if I had told you such a story. So regardless of the details, I still stuck to the truth, seeing how I am lost and I am still trying to find a way back to my world.”

“Oh I see…but what about Dante?”

“What about him?” Vergil asked sternly.

“I’m sorry.” Fluttershy squeaked, edging a few inches away from the light grey stallion as they continued their trek back to her house. “I mean why do you and him fight so much? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

“Let’s just say that Dante and I don’t necessarily see eye to eye on many things. Many important things. It’s been that way for years and I doubt it’ll change at all.”

“How awful.” Fluttershy replied, now moving in closer to Vergil. “I don’t think I could ever fight with anypony that much. It just doesn’t seem right.”

“Perhaps in time you’ll understand why.” Vergil said, wanting to dismiss the subject at hand, or hoof in this case. “I’d rather not discuss such things now though. I’d like to enjoy my time away from my obnoxious brother as much as possible.”

“Ok.” she conceded.

The walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage lasted another ten minutes or so, with both Vergil and Fluttershy walking side by side in mutual silence. It was calming for Vergil to say the least. The air was crisp and while he wasn’t particularly one for the scenery he couldn’t help but enjoy the kind pegasus' company. While somewhat curious, she at least was willing to respect one’s privacy and did make for decent conversation.

As the two arrived at the front door to her cottage, they were greeted by a scowling Angel bunny, who was thumping his foot and leering at Vergil.

“Thank you for watching the house, Angel.” Fluttershy said sweetly, not noticing his attention was turned to the accompanying silver pony.

Vergil however, having still been in a foul mood after the incident with Dante, only looked down and gave the small rabbit a deathly glare. Angel quickly faltered upon making eye with the devil pony and fearfully edged away, knowing he was out of his league this time.

“Hmph, I guess that rodent's starting to learn his place.” Vergil smirked as he placed his blade Yamato at the end of the couch and proceeded to take a seat next to Fluttershy. “So then,” he started. “It seems that my stay here has been prolonged a tad longer than I had hoped.”

“I guess so.” Fluttershy blushed. It wasn’t too often she had visitors stay over, but for a stallion like Vergil, the whole idea just seemed a bit overwhelming to her.

“However, seeing as how you are ever so kindly offering me a place to stay, I might as well offer what help I can give around here.”

“Oh, no need to do that,” Fluttershy protested. “I’m more than happy to let you stay. It’d be rude of me to make you work.”

“You’re not making me work,” Vergil corrected her politely. “I am merely offering what help I can give as a form of gratitude for your generosity. Consider it payment for my time spent here.”

“Ok.” she conceded before inching herself closer to Vergil. “Perhaps tomorrow then, you’d let me show you around Ponyville?”

“I’d rather steer clear of any social interaction for awhile. Given all that’s happened, I don’t seem to be viewed too favorably in the eyes of the locals.”

“Please?” Fluttershy asked beseechingly. “You said you’d take me up on my offer,” she said meekly, her eyes locking with his. “Please, Vergil. It would be very rude of you if you were to go back on your word.”

Vergil let out a slight chuckle at Fluttershy’s response. “I guess it would." he commented. "Fine then, tomorrow it is. Although reluctant, I look forward to this little tour of yours.”

“Yay!” Fluttershy exclaimed quietly. “I promise you’ll love it, Vergil. Plus, I’m pretty sure there are lots of ponies around town who’d like to get to know you. After all, you’re nowhere near as mean as Dante keeps saying you are.” She then hopped off the couch and started to make her way to the kitchen. “I’m about to put on some tea. Would you like some?”

“Yes, I’ll have a cup.” he answered, still sitting.

Fluttershy giggled cheerfully and trotted off into the kitchen.

Vergil couldn’t help but think back to when he took Fluttershy up on her offer just before the party. For someone as shy as her, she sure was determined to get to know someone like him. It was certainly a curious predicament to say the least. Quite an interesting girl, he thought admiringly.

After a few minutes of preparation, Fluttershy returned to the living room holding a tray with two steaming cups of tea in her hooves. Using her wings to hover her way to the table, she then sat the tray down before taking a seat next to Vergil.

“Here,” she said, picking up one of the cups and passing it to the light grey stallion. “It’s really good.”

Vergil proceeded to take a sip while Fluttershy drank from her own. “It seems as though you weren’t lying. It certainly is splendid.” he said before taking another sip.

“Thank you!” she said cheerfully as the two continued to enjoy their drinks in mutual contentment.

I guess she could make for quite more than just enjoyable company if she keeps these pleasantries up, Vergil thought to himself as he returned to his tea.

After leaving the Library some time ago, AppleJack and Dante had arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres. The trip prior to their arrival was almost dead silent, leaving Dante a bit uneasy around the normally hospitable earth pony.

“Well I don’t know about you.” he started, trying to ease up the tension. “But I think I’m just gonna call it quits for today, what with the whole farm work for tomorrow and all.”

Just as Dante began to trot towards the barn, AppleJack finally spoke up. "Dante." A trace of concern in her voice.


“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure. What do you wanna talk about?”

“About that fight you had with your brother.”

“What about it? You know what happened."

“Yer right! I do know what happened.” AppleJack said, her tone growing more serious. “From what I saw, it looked like you were the one startin' things with Vergil. Is that true, Dante?”

“So what if I did?” Dante answered defensively. “Just because he can’t take a few harsh words doesn’t mean I’m at fault.”

“Yes it does! It means you were the one instigatin' the whole thing. You told me before yer brother was the violent type and you went ahead and got him all riled up knowing this!”

“So what are you saying?” Dante asked, starting to turn towards the barn.

AppleJack then trotted around him and stood in his way, looking him right in the eyes. “What I’m sayin’ is that you shouldn’t be goin’ around and starting trouble! Especially when my friends get involved in your family troubles.”

AppleJack’s tone then began to soften as a frown came across her face. “Listen Dante. I like ya. And I think yer a swell kinda guy, but I just don’t understand what yer problem is with Vergil. It’s not right. I’m not here to judge ya, but if you know you can’t get along with him, then why don’t you leave well enough alone? Twilight was right. Somepony could have really gotten hurt with what you two were doin’ and I just can’t imagine you as the type of guy who’d hurt other ponies.”

Dante only looked away from the freckle-faced orange mare, a sneer across his face. “Whatever. If it’ll make you guys happy, I’ll try to avoid causing too much trouble.” he groaned

AppleJack smiled at the light yellow pony, knowing he was trying to be sincere. “Good. I’mma hold ya to it then.” She then began trotting back to the house, hoping that she had made some sort of impact on the demon hunter.

Dante suddenly called out to her, “Just as long as Vergil doesn’t start anything either!”

The farm pony simply shook her head. “I swear that boy is somethin’ else.” she said before walking into the house.

Dante then made his way inside the barn, where he tossed his sword and coat onto the rack before plopping down onto his makeshift bed. “All this time, and still nothing has changed, huh Vergil?” he muttered quietly, losing himself in thought as he stared up aimlessly at the barn ceiling.

Author's Note:

Chapter Inspiration and Reference: