• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 17: Highway To Hell

Vergil had returned to Fluttershy’s only a short while after leaving the library with an empty saddle bag in tow. After entering the house, he shut the door behind him; alerting Fluttershy, who was currently tending to the few small critters gathered about the living room.

“Oh hi, Vergil,” greeted the soft-spoken pegasus. “You’re back earlier than usual.”

“Is that a problem?” Vergil asked as he draped his saddle bag on the coat rack by the door.

“No, no problem. It’s just that normally when you visit Twilight’s you’re there reading up on your studies till late in the evening. Did something happen?”

“Not at all to be honest,” Vergil began, walking towards the mare at the center of the living room. “It just seems that I’ve read through every source material that I would need for my research.”

“Wow. That’s quite impressive,” Fluttershy commented. “And in just a little less than two weeks. Mind me asking exactly what this study of yours is about?”

“Nothing more than the geography of Equestria is all. I wasn’t joking when I said it’d be necessary for me to learn the layout of the land, so I figured it’d be best to take notes on the subject and learn all I could.”

“So what do you plan on doing now?” Fluttershy asked. After all, Vergil was still going to be in Equestria for a few months. She figured he’d probably end up finding something else to help him pass the time while he wasn’t helping her around the house.

“Right now, I’ll simply be taking a trip.” he stated, walking past Fluttershy, over to the living room couch where his boots were sitting by the far corner adjacent to the wall.

“A trip? Where to?”

“Nowhere in particular.” Vergil explained, strapping his boots onto his backlegs. “I’ll simply be doing a survey of the land to familiarize myself with this world. Primarily, this infamous Everfree Forest your kind deems so dangerous.” He then leapt onto all fours off the couch, landing in front of Fluttershy. “I’m sure it won’t take me more than two days at the most.”

“Two whole days!? Just wandering about in the Everfree!?” Fluttershy exclaimed. “What if you get lost? What if you run into more Timberwolves? What if yo-“

“I can handle myself, Fluttershy.” Vergil stated, calming the worrying pony. “After all, I seem to have adjusted well to this body and I’m sure whatever threat that presents itself before me will be nothing more than a small hindrance on my trip.” He then made his way past her, heading out of the living room. “I’ll be taking my leave in an hour.” He called back to her as he left the room.

Fluttershy just stood there, stunned at how quick Vergil was to simply go off into such perilous territory on nothing more than a whim and curiosity. “Oh Angel, I hope Vergil knows what he’s doing.” She muttered as she looked down at the small rabbit who had been listening in on the conversation while simultaneously digging into a neatly prepared salad Fluttershy had made him earlier. Angel’s only response was just a gesture of him flicking his forepaw as if to say “good riddance”, in regards to Vergil.

“Come along now girls,” urged Rarity as she led two small fillies down the dirt path to AppleJack’s house at Sweet Apple Acres. “We don’t want to keep your friend, Applebloom waiting do we?”

“I can’t wait! This is going to be the best sleepover ever!” exclaimed a shrill, high pitched, unicorn filly known as Sweetie Belle. She was Rarity’s younger sister who shared the same bright white coat as her sister, but her mane was vastly different in that it curled off into small buns at the end of her bangs and tail. Another noticeable difference was the color of both her mane and her eyes. Her mane streaked into two colors vertically; the two shades being light lavender and a soft pink while her eyes were a glimmering, bright shade of green.

“I know right!? We’re so going to get our cutie marks this weekend!” shouted the small, energetic, orange pegasus named Scootaloo. She had a short, messy, red-violet mane that was brushed up into a cowlick. She was a long time friend to both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. What set her apart from other colts and fillies was her inability to fly, despite being a pegasus. However, like Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, she had no cutie mark as well and through that one common ground, she had found a sense of belonging with her friends.

“I see you three have quite the adventure planned for your little get-together,” Rarity giggled as she looked down at Sweetie Belle. “Just don’t go and cause too much trouble, deary. I’m sure the Apple Family wouldn’t be very appreciative of that.”

“Will do!” both fillies replied in unison, saluting Rarity.

In a matter of minutes, the three had strolled up to the Apple’s house where both AppleJack and Applebloom were seated on the front porch. Looking up, Applebloom caught a glimpse of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approaching with Rarity and in a matter of seconds had leapt off the front porch and darted off to meet her friends with AppleJack trotting behind.

“Hey Applebloom!” Sweetie Belle called out as she and Scootaloo met the small, yellow filly halfway between Rarity and the Apple Family house. “So ya ready for the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Ultimate Sleepover Extravaganza this weekend?” Scootaloo asked.

“Am I ever!?” exclaimed Applebloom. "I worked my flank off to get AppleJack to agree to let us all stay the night."

“Oh you did, did you?” inquired Rarity, who was just trotting up behind Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

“Yer darn tootin’ she did,” AppleJack chimed in as she walked up to the three fillies. “I promised Applebloom here that ah’d let ‘em have this little sleepover if she got herself an A on her next test.”

“And ah totally aced it!” Applebloom beamed, looking up at Rarity. “Spent all week studyin’ for that darned thing.”

“My my, seems to me like AppleJack here has found herself quite the means of motivation.” Rarity replied. “Perhaps I, myself should allow a few incentives for your hard work as well Sweetie Belle. Regardless, I can’t thank you enough AppleJack for letting the girls stay the weekend over. It certainly helps lighten the workload I’ll be dealing with this week. I just got an order in from a few mares in Trottingham who want the absolute finest wedding gowns.” She explained, flipping her hair to the side with one of her hooves.

“Ah you and yer fancy dress makin’, Rarity.” AppleJack smiled. “Not sure how ya can put up with it day in and day out. I personally wouldn’t be caught dead tryin’ to stitch together any sort of dress.”

“Speaking of work,” Rarity piped up, “How’s Dante faring with his job here at Sweet Apple Acres? I’m sure somepony like him might have some trouble keeping up with the work required to maintain an entire farm.”

“Actually, he’s handling it pretty well,” AppleJack answered assuredly. “Might not be up to par with either Big Mac and I, but he’s at least doin’ his part ‘round here.”

“Well that’s good to know.” Rarity replied. “Seems both he and Vergil can be quite the pleasant company so long as those two are kept apart.” She chuckled.

“Ain’t that the truth?” AppleJack joined in with a half hearted laugh.

“Well it seems I better get going. Those dresses aren’t going to put themselves together, although it’d certainly be more convenient for me if they could do so.” Rarity muttered jokingly. “Now behave yourselves you two. And be on your best behavior.” She said as she bid her farewells to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“No worries, Rare.” AppleJack assured her. “The girl’s will be having too good a time to get themselves into any trouble.”

“Thank you again so much, AppleJack.” Rarity said one last time before trotting off back to Ponyville.

Once Rarity had left, AppleJack simply looked at the three fillies, before speaking. “Welp, guess you three best go off and enjoy yer selves.” She then stepped aside allowing AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to rush off in a bout of laughter and excitement as they ran off towards the back of the house and out into the orchard.

“Hehehe, have fun you three,” AppleJack spoke aloud after the girls had already left. She then adjusted her Stetson hat before making her way back up the porch and through the front door.

Meanwhile, Dante and Rainbow Dash were lazily lounging about under a yet to be bucked apple tree, as Dante had taken the time to catch a rest from his daily chores. He was quietly sitting at the base of the tree where as Rainbow Dash was resting up on one of the lower branches just above him. He was quite relieved to have Rainbow Dash around to say the least. She made for good conversation along with keeping some rather “attractive” company as Dante put it. Rainbow Dash herself didn’t mind putting up with Dante’s “charm” seeing how she had found herself a new napping buddy. On top of that, she was constantly finding herself drawn more to Dante as the two had been exchanging stories with one another over the past week. He would tell her about the numerous demon hunting jobs he had taken up as if it were an everyday occurrence along with his occasional brushes with death; while she would go on about the strange adventures she and her friends always found themselves in on a day to day basis in Ponyville. If there was one thing Rainbow Dash was thankful for, it was that Dante, although as flippant as he was, was at least a good listener. After awhile of listening to each other go on and on; each story more engaging than the last, it was quite apparent that the two had managed to impress one another in their own way in the short time they knew each other.

“Hey Dash. Toss me an apple will ya?” Dante asked, looking upwards at the cyan-blue pegasus resting on the branch above him.

“Gotcha,” Rainbow Dash acknowledged before gently kicking an apple loose with her back leg. She then proceeded to juggle and bounce the ripe, red fruit with the same leg a few times before adding a bit more force to her last kick; sending it flying back past her face, smacking into the trunk of the tree, and finally falling into the held out hoof of Dante below her.

“Thanks,” Dante said, biting into the apple.

“No problem, buddy,” Rainbow dash replied. “Man, its days like these that just really make lying around soooo much more rewarding.” She said arching her back out to stretch before letting out an audible yawn.

“Ain’t that the truth?”

Before Dante could take another bite into the apple, a faint sound of excited murmurs and hoofsteps came to his ears. He then sat up to behold the sight of three energetic fillies hurriedly walking towards him.

“What’s all this about?” Dante asked Rainbow Dash.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash then looked down towards where Dante’s gaze was fixed to see Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rushing up towards the tree. “Oh it’s just Applebloom and her friends. Guess she wanted to show off her new guest.” She chuckled, looking down at Dante.

“I’m not really good with kids,” Dante grumbled uninterestedly.

Just as he had attempted to take another bite out of the apple, Applebloom walked up to him, with the other two fillies looking on quizzically behind her.

“Hey, Mister Dante!” Applebloom cried out enthusiastically. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Well I WAS trying to eat,” he grumbled as he turned away from his apple. “And what’d I tell you about calling me mister? It makes me sound like an old geezer.”

“Hehehe, you sure are grumpy like one though.” Rainbow Dash giggled as she hovered down from her branch.

“Says you,” Dante said taking another bite of the apple. “So what’s it you want, kid?” Dante asked with a mouthful of apple, looking down at the yellow filly.

“Well, since we’re havin’ a sleepover, ah figured I’d introduce ya to mah friends, Mis-… umm I mean Dante.” Applebloom then turned back to both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, gesturing for them to come closer. The two walked up alongside Applebloom to greet Dante.

“Dante, these here are my friends. Sweetie Belle,” She said holding out one of her forelegs in front of the unicorn filly. “And Scootaloo,” she then held out her other foreleg in front of the pegasus filly. “And together we are…” At that moment, all three girls joined in unison to shout “The Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Hmph, cute.” Dante commented.

“It’s kinda their thing,” Rainbow Dash went on to explain to Dante. “They usually hang out and try and find their talents together, hoping to get their cutie marks.”

“So it’s like a club of sorts?”

“Exactly!” Applebloom answered.

“Oh oh oh,” Sweetie Belle called out, looking up to Dante. “Is it true you’re actually a super cool bounty hunter like Applebloom said?”

Dante suddenly went blank momentarily, having to remember his and AppleJack’s half assed explanation as to what his occupation was to her family. “Oh ye-“

“Of course he is!” Interrupted Scootaloo. “Why else would be he carrying that huge sword on his back? And on top of that, hanging out with the coolest pony in all of Equestria, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hahaha, thanks, squirt.” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she ruffled Scootaloo’s mane.

“So how did ya get your cutie mark anyway, Dante?” Applebloom asked excitedly. “The girls and I were tryin’ to find ways to get ours and we wanted to know what you did to get yours. It might give us some inspiration.”

Dante uneasily exchanged glances with Rainbow Dash, both of them unable to formulate any sort of explanation as they both took a quick look back at his flank where his cutie mark rested; still resembling the same silver amulet his mother gave him.

“Well umm…” Dante began before being cut off by a voice coming from just down the orchard path.

“Applebloom!” cried AppleJack as she trotted towards the group, a box shaped object held in one of her forelegs.

Applebloom hesitantly approached her sister, curious as to why the orange farm pony had summoned her. “Yeah sis?”

“What’s this?” AppleJack questioned, almost interrogating the small filly as she held out what turned out to be a book she had brought from inside the house.

“Oh, that’s mah library book I borrowed from Twilight last week to study for the test!” Applebloom exclaimed proudly.

“And it’s apparently overdue.” AppleJack looked down with a furrowed brow.

“It is!?”

“Yep. Says right here it was due Friday. Same day as the test.”

“Aww cut her some slack, AJ.” Rainbow Dash chimed in. “Poor kid musta had a heck of a lot of stress goin’ for her. I’m sure she’s sorry about it.”

“Yeah. I really am.” Applebloom agreed.

Letting out a long sigh, AppleJack looked back from Rainbow Dash to Applebloom. “I guess I can let it slide this time. After all ya did get an A on yer test so I can’t say you didn’t earn it.”

Applebloom looked back to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, all three crusaders smiling big, toothy grins in unison.

“Hey, Dante,” AppleJack said directing her attention to the uninterested demon hunter who was currently leaning back into his spot at the base of the apple tree.


“Feel like doin’ me a favor?”

“Not really, but knowing you, you’re going to make me do it anyway.” Dante yawned.

“That’s the spirit!” AppleJack smiled. “Mind runnin’ this book back to Twilight’s? I’d really appreciate it if ya did so.”

Taking the book, Dante stood up from his napping spot to do a quick stretch. “Well, I’m off then.” He tucked the book away into his coat then began his trek down the dirt road towards Ponyville.

“Thanks Mister Dante!” Applebloom waved as she and the girls then ran off in the opposite direction towards a small tree house that could be spotted at the outskirts of the orchard.

“I figure I better go and keep him company,” Rainbow Dash commented as she began to trot off after Dante.

“Hold up just one minute there, RD!” AppleJack called before yanking Rainbow Dash’s tail with her mouth.

“Hey! What’s the big idea!?”

“Dante can handle this little task on his own, Rainbow Dash. No need to get so clingy.”

“I’m not being clingy!” Rainbow Dash pouted as she turned her head away from AppleJack. “I’ve just been bored and Dante’s a pretty fun guy to hang around.”

“Well you’ll get to have more fun when he gets back,” AppleJack smirked. “But right now, since you’re so bored, I figured you could help Winona and I round up the sheep. Sound good?”

“Ummm I’m not really sure.” Rainbow Dash said rubbing the back of her head. “You see I’ve got this really nice branch up in that apple tree that’s just the right amount of comfortable and I’d sure hate to lose it.”

“Oh I see how it is. Guess that’s what I get when I ask the laziest pony in all of Equestria to help me out.” AppleJack muttered mockingly.

“What was that!?” Rainbow Dash snapped having heard full well AppleJack’s implications.

“You heard me. Ah said you’re so lazy that you couldn’t herd one single lamb even if ya wanted to.” AppleJack said with a smirk.

“Oh it’s on now, Sister!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she landed next to AppleJack. “We’re rounding up those walking cotton balls in record time!”

“Ya sure you’re up to the task?”

“Ha! Is there anything I can’t do?” Rainbow Dash replied with a grin.

In a matter of moments, both Rainbow Dash and AppleJack took off sprinting into the pasture as AppleJack’s dog, Winona, followed close behind the two ponies.

“Well it seems this’ll be all I need” Vergil said aloud as he tucked Twilight’s geography book into his saddle bag that was sitting on the small coffee table in the living room. Looking around the room Vergil silently placed the saddle bag onto his back with his mouth, preparing to leave; his blade, Yamato, holstered to the side of his jacket.

“Are you sure you have to go?” Fluttershy asked as she approached the grey stallion, who was already making his way to the door. “I mean two days is a long time to be out in the Everfree all by yourself.”

“Yes I’m sure,” Vergil calmly responded, turning to make eye contact with Fluttershy. “Your concern, while admirable, is not needed. I am capable of handling whatever may come my way and I can promise you that I will return in the allotted time for which I’ve set myself.”

Fluttershy looked up to Vergil with a small frown across her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not saying you can’t keep good on your word. It’s just that I’m a bit worried is all.”

“There is no need to worry, my dear. If anything, you should be more worried for whatever foolish creature that might make the mistake of confronting me.” He said with a chuckle as he turned to the door, hoping to ease the pegasus’ mind.

“I guess you’re right,” Fluttershy replied with a weak smile. Just then, before Vergil could leave, she quickly called out to him. “Oh wait, Vergil! I forgot to give you something! Wait right here please.”

“Fine, but please make it quick.”

In a matter of moments, Fluttershy quickly hovered into the kitchen only to return a few seconds later, holding what appeared to be a neatly wrapped package, held together by a yellow cloth with patterns of daisies decorating its entirety.

“I almost forgot. I packed you a lunch.” She said, enthusiastically holding out the package in front of Vergil. “If you’re going to be gone for so long, I figure it’d be best to take something to eat with you. No need traveling on an empty stomach after all.”

Vergil graciously took the package and placed it into one of the empty pockets of his saddlebag, somewhat thankful that Fluttershy was considerate enough to provide him some aid on his trek.

“I know it’s not much, but it’ll at least hold you over until you get back. I made a few cucumber sandwiches and packed some celery sticks on the side.”

“Seems plenty,” he responded before opening the front door to take his leave.

Quickly running up to Vergil's side as she followed him outside, Fluttershy spoke up one last time. “Oh umm, Vergil… One more thing I forgot.” She muttered weakly, almost unable to speak up.

“What is it?” he asked, turning towards her, a trace of impatience in his voice.

“Please be safe.” She said as she walked up to Vergil before planting a light kiss on his cheek.

Vergil only stood in stunned silence after Fluttershy’s kiss made contact, looking at her with nothing short of surprise written all over his face. After what felt like an eternal pause, a wave of embarrassment and shame swept over Fluttershy. Having realized what she just did, her face heated up as a rosy blush formed across her cheeks while she slowly backed away. It didn’t help at all that Vergil was still just standing there in shock, as though she committed a crime, but all she wanted to do was hide her face, run back in the house, and pretend she didn’t just make a move on him.

“Oh my gosh, Vergil! I’m sooo so sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind!” Fluttershy stammered frantically, trying to plead her case. “But really, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything! I was just being nice is all and I really didn’t think you’d take it the wrong way! I’m so sorry!”

Having shaken himself from his stupor, thanks to Fluttershy’s rambling, Vergil calmly walked over to the still jittering pegasus, placed his hoof onto her shoulder and said in a calming voice, “It’s alright.”

“You mean you’re not mad?”

“Not at all. To be perfectly honest, the sentiment is quite appreciated.” He grinned. “Thank you.”

Fluttershy’s heart began to race upon hearing his response, but she quickly composed herself as not to let her excitement get the best of her and smiled back with a joyous resolve. “You’re welcome.”

Nodding silently at Fluttershy, Vergil proceeded to make his way down the path leading from her house into the Everfree forest. As he neared towards the edge of the forest, Vergil lightly touched his cheek where Fluttershy had kissed him. “That girl’s kindness seems to know no bounds.” he commented as he entered the woods, no longer within Fluttershy’s sight, looking on ahead into the thick of the Everfree. It was the same as when he first arrived; a forest so thick and clustered that even the sun seemed to be blotted out by its overgrowth. Silently looking onwards, Vergil continued on into the forest, disappearing into its dark depths with only one goal in mind: Finding the Gate of Tartarus.

After Vergil had left into the forest, Fluttershy quietly walked back into her house, shutting the door behind her as her heart had finally begun to slow its pace. “I think I might have came on a bit too strong.” She said aloud to herself, placing her hoof over her chest. Still though, I’m just glad he liked it. She thought with a sigh of relief. Fluttershy then looked up at the clock to see the afternoon was nearing its end. Noting that she had quite a few more tasks to get done with tending the animals outback, Fluttershy left out the back door with a smile on her face while humming an upbeat tune. Guess things are turning out for the better after all, she thought to herself as she made her way over to the small critters awaiting her arrival.

The afternoon was winding down as Celestia’s Sun was beginning its descent over Ponyville. Dante, having spent most of the past week acquainting himself with the residents of Ponyville, had become quite well known in most circles as his walk to Twilight’s was littered with friendly hellos, greetings, and the occasional conversations from the local shopkeeps. Roseluck had become a particular favorite of Dante’s since he always stopped by her flower booth whenever he was in town with AppleJack in hopes to woo the burgundy-maned mare with his charm -- only to strike out numerous times. Yet somehow she’d always invite him back over to try again. Whether the pale yellow mare did this because she found his attempts amusing or actually fancied his company, Dante never really could figure out. Unfortunately, Rose wasn’t there today, as Dante noticed that her shop had closed down earlier than usual. “Oh well, her loss.” Dante muttered. After a few more minutes he had finally approached the front door to Twilight’s library in the center of the town.

Impatiently, Dante knocked at the door. His rapping elicited a series of complaints from inside. “Hold on a second! I’m coming!” shouted a frantic yet familiar voice from within the confines of the treehouse. After what felt like a minute, the door to the library finally opened up as Twilight stepped outside to greet her guest. “Hi, Dante. Didn’t expect you of all ponies to stop by.” She said cheerfully inviting him in.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” he commented, stepping inside. “Books aren’t really my specialty. I’m just here to drop this by.” Dante said as he pulled out Applebloom’s book from the inside of his coat.

“Alright then,” Twilight said as she levitated the book from Dante’s hoof in front of her using her horn. She then magically flipped the pages all the way to the back of the book where the date was marked. “Huh. Says here it’s overdue.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much why I’m here,” Dante sighed. “AJ wanted me to take it back for Applebloom.”

“I see. Well still that doesn’t excuse the fact it’s late,” Twilight noted as she started cataloging the book. “Seeing how it’s not really your fault, I’ll just mark the late fee for later.”

“How much is it gonna cost?”

“Only two bits, really.”

“Normally I’d probably have you open up a tab for me,” Dante said, reaching into his coat pocket. “But I’m feeling pretty generous.” He then pulled out three bits from one of his pockets containing a small bag of bits that AppleJack had given him as a sort of weekly allowance for helping around the farm. “Keep the change, babe.” Dante smiled as he tossed the three coins to Twilight, which she caught midair with the magical aura from her horn.

“Thanks, I’ll try not to spend it all in one place,” she replied sarcastically, putting the money to the side. “By the way Dante, if you see Vergil could you have him return that book he borrowed last week by tomorrow? I’ve got a request from somepony who needs it and it’s already late as it is.”

“Last I checked, I’m not a delivery boy, or a messenger,” Dante groaned.

“I’m sorry, normally I’d do it, but my schedule’s kind of loaded this week.”

“Tell me about it,” Spike complained walking down the stairs with a ridiculously long list in his hands, practically stretching up to the top of the stairs. “Trying to get this checklist planned out for the week is a major headache.”

“Fine,” Dante sighed. “I’ll go get the book when I see him.”

“Thanks Dante. Just try not to start any fights while you’re at it.” Twilight giggled.

“Whatever.” Dante said walking towards the front door. “Besides what kind of book did he get anyway? Didn’t really expect Vergil of all people to actually take interest in anything here.”

“Oh it’s just a geography book is all. He said it was for his studies about Equestria.” Twilight replied. “He seems to have really taken an interest to learning all about this place.”

“Really now?” Dante asked raising his brow?

“Yes really. He’s done a lot of research mostly over Equestria’s history and its geography. Says that it’d be best to get to know the land since both of you will be here for while. Not to mention he also had the courtesy to share some of your world’s history with me as well.”

“What kind of history?” Dante asked as he turned to face the lavender unicorn, her words finally catching his full attention.

“Well he briefly explained the differences between our worlds, but mostly focused on retelling an old legend from your world. The Legend of Sparda. In fact it was only earlier today that he told both Spike and I about it."

“Yeah, it was an awesome story,” Spike piped up. “Full of demons and how Sparda fought them all to save the world. It was so cool.”

“I take it you know the legend as well?” Twilight asked innocently.

“I do.” Dante answered flatly. “Mind me asking one question though, Twilight?”

“Sure what is it?”

“Exactly why did Vergil tell you about Sparda?”

“Was I not supposed to know?” Twilight asked, as concern had begun to grow in her expression.

“No.” Dante answered shaking his head. “It’s just that he’s usually not too talkative when it comes to that story. What caused him to bring it up?”

“Well if I recall, I do remember him telling me about how his studies covering Equestria’s history and geography on Tartarus reminded him a lot of the Legend of Sparda; namely this place in your world known as Hell.”

“This Tartarus place of yours,” Dante began. “What’s it like?”

“Well from what the history books have described, it was an area in Equestria that was home to a number of hostilities, but most prominently Demons. Thankfully it was sealed off long ago and is nothing more than a prison to its former inhabitants.”

Having heard Twilight’s explanation, a sickening realization had swept over Dante. It was all too apparent just why Vergil had taken such an interest in this place. “God damn it, Vergil.” he cursed under his breath.

“Is… is something wrong, Dante?” Twilight asked, noticing that Dante had started walking towards the front door.

“Vergil. I need to know where Vergil went.”

“Well the last I checked, he returned to Fluttershy’s house after leaving the library earlier. What’s exactly going on here, Dante?”

“Nothing.” He answered. “Just Vergil trying to stir up some old family business.” Dante muttered out of earshot.

“Anyways I don’t have much time, so I’ll seeya later!” Dante then darted out the front door, disappearing from sight as Twilight and Spike watched in silence.

Spike, still confused as to what all was going tried to speak up only to be interrupted by the loud banging of the front door swinging open once more. In the doorway stood Dante, who had returned with a blank expression on his face.

“Umm yes?” Twilight answered looking at the demon hunter pony.

“I don’t know the way to Fluttershy’s house.” he admitted almost embarrassingly.

Spike let out a small chuckle before Twilight spoke up. “Fine, I’ll show you the way to Fluttershy’s house, but only if you tell me just what the hay is going on between you and Vergil!”

Dante let out an exasperated sigh before finally answering. “Sure. Whatever! But I’ll tell you when we get there. We don’t have a lot of time to waste.”

“Alright then,” Twilight answered as she gestured for Spike to hop on her back. The small, purple dragon obediently followed suit before both Twilight led Dante outside, shutting the door behind her. “Ok follow me.” Twilight ordered Dante as both ponies ran off towards the edge of Ponyville, leaving the small town behind them as they continued their urgent sprint.

“So you mind telling me what’s going on now?” Twilight asked Dante as their pace had reduced to a brisk trot as Fluttershy’s cottage came into view.

“Listen, I’m not exactly sure, but I think Vergil’s been studying up on this Tartarus hell hole of yours because he might have found something a little too interesting, if you catch my drift.”

“What would make you think that?” Twilight asked Dante. “You’re both demon hunters aren’t you? I’m sure Vergil was just interested in the history of its demonic inhabitants.”

“Man, you really can’t read him can you?” Dante scoffed. “Vergil never invests in anything without some ulterior motive. That’s how he’s always been. I’m just trying to make sure he didn’t find anything in those books he plans on using to suit his needs.”

“Why would he do that?” Twilight asked as both she and Dante trotted over the cobblestone bridge leading up to Fluttershy’s house.

“Like I said, I’m not entirely sure, but knowing Vergil, whatever reason he had for studying up on this place for so long can’t be good.”

Twilight then proceeded to knock on Fluttershy’s door as Spike, who was still sitting atop her back turned to Dante.

“You sure you’re not just being paranoid?” he asked. “I mean I know you two really don’t like each other and all, so it kinda makes sense you’d overreact a little if Vergil was doing anything a bit off.”

“Just drop it, kid.” Dante dismissed Spike, waving his foreleg in front of the young drake. “I just wanna find what it is Vergil’s up to and hope to high hell my suspicions aren’t correct.”

“And how do you plan on asking him? Just outright interrogating him?” Twilight asked.

“Possibly.” Dante grinned. “That’s why I’ve got this bad boy with me.” He said pointing to his large blade, Rebellion that was holstered onto his back.

“You can’t be serious,” Twilight groaned before the front door finally opened up. As expected, it was Fluttershy who had answered the door.

“Hi there, Twilight, Spike, Dante.” She greeted happily. “What brings you here?”

“Hi, Fluttershy,” Twilight started. “Listen, Dante’s been meaning to talk with Vergil and we were wondering if he was here or not. It’s mostly about the book he borrowed last week.” Twilight lied, not wanting to worry Fluttershy; especially over nothing more than a ridiculous suspicion held up by Dante’s reckless speculation.

“Oh, he’s not here at the moment.” Fluttershy answered.

Dante’s expression changed from stoic concentration to a look of actual concern. Something Twilight wasn’t sure somepony of his nature was capable of.

“Where did he go?” Dante asked, frustration growing in his tone.

“Well he said he’d be gone for about two days, but he went off to explore the Everfree. He said it’d help him learn the layout of Equestria and get accustomed to the land.” Fluttershy explained. “I know it sounds dangerous, but he was so persistent on going.”

Twilight’s eyes shot wide with realization as she turned back towards Dante.

“Twilight, where the hell is Tartarus?” Dante asked, an unusual calm setting in his voice.

“Past the Everfree, and towards the edge of the Bad Lands.” She explained wincing in anticipation for his reaction.

A scoff escaped Dante’s throat before he let out a frustrated yell. “God Dammit, Vergil!”

“Is something the matter?” Fluttershy asked. “Did Vergil do something wrong?”

“I’m not entirely sure, Fluttershy,” Twilight explained, looking back at Dante who was more than just irritated at this point. “But when did he leave? We might still be able to catch up with him.”

“A little over an hour ago.” Fluttershy answered, pointing to the path that led into the forest.

“Quite a head start he’s got there.” Spike commented.

“Guess we better get moving then,” Dante said as he started trotting off down the path.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Twilight snapped.

“Where do you think? To get Vergil. You know he can’t be trusted out there.”

“And neither can you!” Twilight replied. “You don’t even know the first thing about the Everfree and you expect me to just let you run off in there!?”

“Got any better ideas!?”

“Twilight, Dante, please don’t fight!” Fluttershy cried as she rushed outside. “Maybe we can all go and get Vergil. Twilight knows the way around Everfree and as much as I dislike it, I’m more than willing to join you if it means keeping Vergil out of trouble.”

“Good idea, Fluttershy.” Twilight said, a cheerful resolve replacing her previous frustration. “Dante, listen to me please.”

“What is it?” Dante asked, looking back at the unicorn mare.

“If Fluttershy is right then we have some time to catch up to Vergil. He may have studied the Everfree and Bad Lands through maps and geography, but that doesn’t necessarily means he’ll have an easy time getting there. After all there are too many factors to account for in that forest; not to mention that one wrong turn can leave you completely turned around.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that we’ll be able to find Vergil and resolve this whole issue. First things first though. Fluttershy and I will have to round up the girls if we’re planning on going into the Everfree.”

“Wait, why?” Dante snapped. “Why can’t we go just now? He’s only got an hour head start. Didn’t you say ‘if we hurry we can catch him'?”

“Yes, but we’ll more than likely need as much help as we can get at this point.” Twilight explained to Dante. Her irritation with his objections was growing more and more. “Besides, if we all go then I’m sure we can more than likely reason with Vergil instead of just running in there and trying to use force like I’m sure you plan on doing.”

Dante only sneered at her comment, before plopping down below the tree in front of Fluttershy’s house. “Fine. We’ll do this your way, but I suggest you hurry up if you want me to go along with this little operation of yours.”

Twilight only shook her head as Spike just shrugged at Dante’s snarky response. “Listen, Fluttershy. I’m going to need your help ok?”

“Ok.” The pegasus responded weakly, still confused as to what was all going on.

“I’m going to need you to go get Rarity and Pinkie Pie while Spike and I fetch AppleJack and Rainbow Dash. Once that’s done, we’ll all meet back here.” Twilight explained pointing at the ground. “If they ask what for, just tell them it’s an emergency and we need to get Vergil out of the Everfree Forest.”

“Right.” Fluttershy answered, rapidly flapping her wings as she hovered gently above Twilight and took off in the direction of Ponyville.

“Just wait here, alright, Dante?” Twilight asked, looking down at the yellow earth pony who was now leaning against the trunk of the tree. “Once I get the girls we can go get Vergil and settle this mess.”

“Suit yourself,” Dante shrugged, turning away from Twilight. “Just don’t try any heroics if Vergil doesn’t necessarily cooperate, got it?”

“I’m sure it won’t have to come to that.” Twilight replied, looking at Dante with sincerity.

“Come on, Twilight. We better hurry.” Spike urged the lavender mare as he pointed in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Right.” Twilight ran off down the dirt path leading back to Ponyville where she planned on cutting through to get to AppleJack’s.

Dante only looked on as Twilight disappeared off in the distance before lounging back against the tree. “This sure is a fine mess you’ve made, Vergil.” He muttered before closing his eyes in hopes to catch a quick rest before Twilight got back.

After nearly an hour had passed, Twilight, AppleJack and Rainbow Dash were rushing towards Fluttershy’s cottage, the sun slowly edging towards the horizon as the final hours of the evening were fading into a bright orange glow. On their way they were thankful enough to meet up with Fluttershy who was leading Rarity and Pinkie Pie out of Ponyville. Once the girls had gathered, a series of confused and worried conversations were exchanged back and forth up until their arrival at Fluttershy’s house.

“So Vergil went and got himself lost in the Everfree huh?” Rainbow Dash said. “Hmph. Serves him right if you ask me.”

“No need to be so hostile, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity chided the brash pegasus. “While he may not get along with you, I fail to see how that’s grounds for wishing such an awful fate on him.”

“Well he did just run off in there on his own.” AppleJack noted. “Not exactly the smartest thing to do. Even if he thought he could handle himself.”

Twilight only sighed, having heard more than enough arguments than she wanted to for one day. Once they finally made it to Fluttershy’s house, the girls were greeted with the sight of Dante practically asleep underneath the tree he had taken refuge under.

“Hehehe, seems like he’s got the right idea.” Rainbow Dash chuckled trotting up to the passed out pony.

“Wow he’s out like a light!” Pinkie Pie giggled as she hopped after Rainbow Dash.

Twilight, upon seeing Dante could only facehoof as AppleJack trotted up to her side. “Guess this ain’t too much an emergency for him I take it.”

“If this is how he treats urgent matters, I’d hate to see him taking up a simple, mundane task.” Rarity huffed.

“Hey Dante! Wake up!” Rainbow Dash yelled into the demon hunter’s ear, startling the once at peace pony.

“I’m up. I’m up.” He yawned, leaning up to be greeted by the six mares.

“Umm… sorry to wake you, b-b-but we s-should really get going,” Fluttershy explained hesitantly, hoping Dante wasn’t too irritated from being woken up.

“Right then.” Dante then hopped up on all fours as he did a quick stretch. “So which one of you fine ladies will be leading us on our tour to get my sorry brother back?”

“That’d be me.” Twilight spoke up. “I already told the girls what all happened about Vergil trying to find Tartarus. So I think we’re more than ready to go in after him.”

“Welp, lead the way then.” Dante gestured with one of his forelegs for Twilight and the girls to go ahead of him. The girls simply nodded in silence before trotting on behind Twilight.

“And I also told them not to let you try and start anything once we do find Vergil.” Twilight explained to Dante. “So don’t either of you think of starting anything, otherwise we’ll be the ones ending it!”

“Yeesh. Buzzkill much?” Dante laughed following behind the girls. “Remind me not to have any fun around you.” His laughter was cut short though as a hoof lightly smacked the back of his head.

“What the hell!?”

“I think that’s just about enough, Dante.” AppleJack hissed. “This is serious and we’re gonna hafta get in there as soon as possible without dillydallying.”

“AppleJack’s right.” Twilight agreed as the group approached the entrance to the Everfree Forest. “From here on out, everypony, be on your guards. Aside from Dante, we all know how perilous the Everfree is; especially with Nightfall approaching.”

“Right.” The girls all responded in unison.

“You sure you’ll be ok, Spike?” Twilight asked turning her head to the purple dragon who was still sitting atop her back.

“Y-y-yeah sure. It’s just a forest is all… a really dark and creepy forest, but still just a forest. Nothing but a bunch of tress.” He replied sheepishly, trying his best to be brave in front of Rarity.

“Alright girls,”

“Ahem,” Dante interrupted Twilight.

“And Dante,” she added exasperatedly. “We’re off to get Vergil!”

It was then that the group had entered the Everfree forest, the chilling evening wind at their backs with nothing short of life threatening danger awaiting them as the forest began to grow thicker the further they proceeded. Soon Dante and the girls had completely disappeared into the dark depths of the forest.

“Hey Twilight,” Rainbow Dash started, hovering next to the lavender unicorn. “You really think Vergil’s lost? I mean after all, Fluttershy said he came from here when he first arrived, so for all we know he might actually know how to find the Gates of Tartarus.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” Twilight answered. “I can’t really figure out why he’d wish to go there.”

“Any ideas, Dante?” Rainbow Dash called back to Dante who was pulling up the rear of the group.

“Can’t really say, but whatever reason he has for trying to find this demon prison of yours, it can’t be good.”

“I just hope he’s alright,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don’t want him getting hurt like the last time he was here. It was so awful.”

“Aww, cheer up, Flutters!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully bounced over to the moping butter-yellow pegasus. “I bet you he’s just fine, and probably planned a surprise for us all when he gets back.” she said, patting Fluttershy’s back reassuringly.

Knowing Vergil, I’m sure he's got one hell of a surprise in store for us, Dante thought to himself as the group pressed further on into the dark abyss.

Author's Note:

Chapter Inspiration and Namesake: Highway To Hell by AC/DC