• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,351 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 7: This Party's Getting Crazy

“Well, here we are.” AppleJack announced, coming to a stop in front of a large residence designed in the shape of a gingerbread house, decorated with large candy features and all.

“No offense,” said Dante “But this looks kinda well…I hate to actually use one of my brother’s insults but, childish.”

“Oh don’t let the design deter you, Dante. Pinkie is well known for throwing some of the greatest parties here in Ponyville.” explained Twilight.

“If you say so.”

Just as all four were about to walk up to the door, a voice called from behind them.

“Hiya, guys!”

The group quickly turned around to be greeted by none other than Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie? What are you doing here?” asked a confused Twilight. “I thought you were supposed to be hosting the party.”

“I am, silly! I just left Rainbow Dash in charge for a bit while I ran over and invited Rarity and Fluttershy, plus some new pony that was with them. He was really quiet, but I was in a rush so I didn’t get to introduce myself mostly because I figured I could introduce him to everypony once they got to the party. It was a bit of a last minute thing so I hope ya don’t mind.”

“Okaaaaaaay.” said Dante, clearly lost trying to follow Pinkie’s explanation

“So anyways what are we waiting for? Let’s party!” yelled Pinkie Pie as she charged past Dante and the others and made her way into the house.

As the door swung open, Dante, Spike, Twilight and AppleJack were all greeted with the almost deafening blast of music erupting from every corner of Sugercube Corner.

“Alright!” yelled the ecstatic demon hunter as he charged in after Pinkie Pie with Spike following after him.

“Guess we better join them.” said Twilight happily.

“Twilight, wait up!” called AppleJack

“What is it AppleJack?”

“What Pinkie said kinda worried me.”

“About inviting Rarity and Fluttershy? I’m sure they’ll get along just fine with Dante, although Fluttershy might not be so quick to warm up to him.” Twilight trailed off.

“No, not that! About this new pony that was with Rarity and Fluttershy. Pinkie said he was new in town as well. Ya think it could be Dante’s brother? What was his name? Vergil?”

“Hmm, you may have a point, AppleJack, but I don’t see much of a reason to worry. I’m sure Dante was just exaggerating about his brother being so problematic.”

“Normally I’d agree with ya, Twi, but after talking to Dante earlier this morning…I’m not sure if he was exaggeratin’ at all."

“Well if his brother does turn out to be the new pony in town, we’ll just make sure they both have a good time. This is one of Pinkie’s parties after all."

“I guess you’re right, Twi.” said AppleJack, feeling somewhat comforted. “Think we should go and enjoy the festivities?”

“Yes, let’s.” answered Twilight as she and AppleJack walked in to Sugarcube Corner together.

Upon their entrance, strobe lights panned across the room as ponies from all around town were letting loose to a mixture of trance and techno music blaring from the large speakers at the back of the room. Between the two gigantic speakers was a turntable and mixer that was occupied by a white unicorn mare with a messy, blue streaked mane and donning a pair of rose-colored shades, who was acting as the party's DJ; rhythmically bobbing her head along with the music as it continued to entrance everypony at the party.

“Ya like it!?” shouted Pinkie Pie, appearing behind Twilight and AppleJack. “I figured Dante was a raver kinda guy, so I went all out to make this one of the coolest parties ever!”

“Ya really outdid yourself this time, Pinkie!” exclaimed AppleJack, trying to speak over the noise.

“Where is Dante by the way?” asked Twilight.

“Over there cuttin’ a rug with Rainbow Dash!” exclaimed Pinkie. “He’s a really great dancer!”

Twilight looked towards the direction Pinkie was pointing with her hoof to see that Dante was actually dancing with Rainbow Dash and a few other ponies, along with Spike in the back grabbing some punch.

Nice to know he’s enjoying his popularity, Twilight thought to herself. However her thoughts were cut short as Pinkie Pie grabbed her and AppleJack.

“Come on girls! We can’t let them have all the fun!” shouted Pinkie Pie, dragging them both out onto the dance floor in an instant.

“So, Vergil,” started Rarity as the three made their way through Ponyville town square. “What exactly brings you to Ponyville?”

“Unexpected detour,” he asnwered. “That’s how I met your friend Fluttershy here.”

“Well I hope you plan on staying for awhile, we have such sights to show you here in Ponyville.”

“Actually, I…”

“Ah ah ah,” Rarity tutted. “As a gracious host, I will not, no. I shan’t not take no for an answer, my dear sir."

“It seems both you and Fluttershy are persistent on keeping me here.” Vergil commented.

“Well it’s the least we can do for somepony who’s lost his way.” Fluttershy spoke up, entering the conversation. “I just thought it’d be good for you to enjoy the sights is all before heading back home…if you don’t mind.”

“She makes an excellent point.” piped up Rarity. “You seem a bit tense, Mr. Vergil. Perhaps spending some time at one of Pinkie’s parties will have you feeling a lot more welcome and not so formal in our midst.”

Vergil only sighed. “Well it seems there’s no point in arguing with either of you, so I think I’ll take Fluttershy up on her offer.” he said turning his attention to Fluttershy. “That is if you have no problem showing me around.”

“Oh no problem at all.” Fluttershy said excitedly as her wings shot out, not noticing her cheeks were glowing bright red.

Well well well, seems he’s made quite an acquaintance with Fluttershy already, Rarity thought, giggling to herself before turning her attention to the house directly in front of them. “Here we are.”

Vergil’s right eye only twitched upon viewing the enormous, gingerbread decorated house that towered over them. Who in God’s name would design such an eyesore?, he thought to himself.

“Coming, Vergil?” asked Fluttershy as she and Rarity had already trotted up to the door.

Vergil simply followed along as the two mares walked in ahead of him. Upon their entry, the party was still going strong as Pinkie Pie leapt in front of the three. “Glad you made it, girls!” she shouted happily. “Ooh, and I see you brought your new friend with you too! My name’s Pinke Pie.” she greeted, holding her hoof out to Vergil.

“The name’s Vergil,” he said, gently pushing Pinkie’s hoof to the side. “Might I ask, exactly who is this party commemorating?”

“Who’s it for? Well it’s for the new pony in town, Dante!” answered Pinkie in a giddy fashion. “Oh! How rude of me. And this party’s for you too!” she said, trying her best to make Vergil feel welcome.

Vergil’s eyes gleamed at the sound of his brother’s name, knowing that his suspicions held true. “Mind introducing me? After all it wouldn’t be too courteous having him feel like the only newcomer here.” Vergil said trying to ignore the pink mare’s incessant babbling.

“Sure! Right this way, Vergy!” replied Pinkie guiding Vergil across the dance floor with Fluttershy and Rarity following behind.

“It’s Vergil!” he corrected the pink pony, slightly raising his voice out of annoyance.

In just a matter of seconds, they came up to a table at the corner of the room where Dante was sitting, helping himself to a strawberry milkshake and talking with Rainbow Dash.

“And then the guy just charges at me, knocks his buddies off the bridge, swings his chariot right at me and I’m like, ‘Whoa! Talk about horse power.’” Dante said before both he and Rainbow Dash burst into laughter.

“I gotta admit, Dante,” Rainbow Dash began. “At first, I thought you were a little crazy, but now I know you’re completely crazy, hahahaha!”

“Guilty as charged,” the light yellow stallion admitted, playfully throwing up his hooves as though he were being put under arrest.

“Ahem!” Vergil suddenly interrupted, clearing his throat as he appeared before Dante with Rarity and Fluttershy accompanying him at his side.

Dante’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets upon hearing his brother’s voice, snapping around with the utmost urgency only to meet Vergil’s cold and icy glare.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Dante exclaimed, regaining his composure. “And here I thought you weren’t one for parties.”

“Why am I not surprised to find you here of all places?” criticized Vergil.

“You two know each other?” asked Fluttershy.

“Know?” Dante chimed in. “The dude’s my brother.”

“Wait!” interrupted Rainbow Dash. “He's your brother?”

“You didn’t tell us you had a sibling.” said Rarity, moving up to Vergil.

“I prefer to keep my family matters private.” Vergil answered, his eyes still locked with Dante’s.

“Umm hey, Rainbow Dash.” said Dante.

“Yeah?” she answered

“Ya mind giving me and my bro some privacy? We have a bit of…catching up to do.”

“Alright. Whatever floats your boat.” she said flapping he wings as she hovered away.

“Come on, Fluttershy.” urged Rarity as she nudged the yellow pegasus. “It’d be rude of us to intrude on their conversation.”

Fluttershy obliged, feeling uneasy as she glanced back at Vergil before following Rarity’s lead.

“Well it seems you’ve managed to make some new friends.” Vergil commented looking around the party.

“I can say the same for you as well. Those two are quite the catch if you ask me.” Dante retorted back with a smug grin.

“That is none of your concern.” said Vergil. “I was simply finding a means to escaping this world, but it seems as though my efforts haven’t turned up any favorable results. Otherwise I wouldn’t be talking to you as an accursed horse!” Vergil growled, firmly placing a hoof on the table.

“I think you mean pony.” corrected Dante jokingly.

As their conversation continued, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had met up with Twilight, AppleJack and Pinkie Pie across the room, observing Dante’s and Vergil’s conversation, unable to make out what they were saying.

“I wonder what they’re talking about.” said Fluttershy.

“Whatever it is, it don’t look like it’s much of a friendly conversation” commented AppleJack frowning.

“Oh I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.” dismissed Pinkie Pie. “Just look at Dante. He seems so happy to be back with his brother.”

“I’m not sure if I can say the same for Vergil,” Rainbow Dash said edging closer to get a good look at what was going on. “Hey Twilight, you think Dante wasn’t just exaggerating about his brother? He looks like a real jerk to me.”

“Personally, I’m not sure what to make of this, Rainbow Dash. I mean Dante said he wasn’t the most pleasant pony to be around.”

“That’s not true.” Fluttershy spoke up. “Vergil’s very nice, I mean…sure he’s a bit odd, but I’m sure he’s not really all that mean.”, she said with a bit of doubt in her voice as she remembered Vergil telling her of the Timberwolves incident.

“I for one agree with Fluttershy.” said Rarity. “From my experience, Vergil’s quite the gentlecolt, and I can’t imagine somepony with as much fashion sense as him being the brutish and uncivilized type.”

“I can only hope so.” said AppleJack looking on worriedly as the inaudible discussion between Dante and Vergil continued on.

“Oh, AJ, you’re worrying over nothing.” giggled Pinkie Pie. “I bet you both Dante and his brother are probably just exchanging some hilarious stories.”

“You imbecile!” shouted Vergil. “You mean to tell me that you found a pony here that knew magic, and you didn’t even bother so much as to find a way back to our world!?”

“Ease up, bro,” said Dante, bringing the straw from his shake up to his mouth. “She said she’s trying to find a way to send us back. We were supposed to find you first. But hey, glad you could make it on your own.”

Vergil only face-hoofed at his brother's callous and care-free response. “Do you even have the slightest grasp on the gravity of this situation, Dante? For all we know, we could be stuck like this, and here you are, partying with the nearest female species like the uncultured oaf you are.”

“No need for name calling. Relax, Twilight’s got it covered.” Dante said, about to take a sip from his milkshake, only to have it suddenly snatched out from in front of him by his irate brother.

“For once in your miserable existence, could you act with some sort of urgency? I guarantee if you keep this up, your nonchalant behavior will only result in your downfall.”

“Oh come off it, Vergil!” protested Dante. “We’ve got a way back and whatever little score you have to settle with me still holds. Just enjoy the time off we have for now.”

Vergil then slid the milkshake back to Dante. “Do what you want. I’ll be focusing on more important matters.” he said as he started walking away.

“Whatever works for you, my little pony!” Dante jokingly called out to Vergil.

Vergil stopped immediately and turned around before shooting Dante a gruesome glare. “Don’t you dare call me that again.” he growled.

“What? Pony?”

Vergil then walked back to Dante’s table, confronting the yellow stallion. “If you insist on continuing your childish games, brother, then I can assure you, death won’t have much longer to wait for you.”

Dante only chuckled at Vergil’s threat and leaned in closer as he cupped his hoof to his ear. “What’s that, bro? Speak up. You sound a little HORSE! Hahaha!”

It was at that moment that Vergil suddenly flipped the table with one hoof, sending Dante’s milkshake flipping in the air as well. He then stood up on his back legs and sliced the table in half as he drew his sword with a single forehoof. Dante merely back flipped out of the way and turned to buck both halves of the table at Vergil, who had sidestepped them in a blue blur. The two halves flew back across the room: one crashing into the far side of the wall, alerting every pony, while the other flew towards the front door just as an unsuspecting azure mare with a pale cornflower blue mane known as Trixie, came bursting through the entrance.

“Hahaa~a! The Great and Powerful Trixie has returned to redeem herself! Now be amazed as the life of the party has arr-”


"MOTHER OF CELESTIA!” she screamed as the table half crashed into her, sending her flying right back out the door.

Dante then, noticing the milkshake was still falling, flipped his sword off of his back using his mouth and caught the strawberry flavored treat with the flat of his blade, perfectly balancing the frozen desert. The sound of turntable’s needle scratching against its record abruptly cut off the party music, with every pony standing in silence as their attention immediately shifted to the two demon twins.

"From here on out...” Dante started, speaking through his clenched teeth, Rebellion's sword handle firmly secured between them. “The only one that touches this milkshake is me, got it?”

Vergil then knocked the bottom of Dante’s blade up with his sheath, sending the milkshake flying upwards yet again.

“Oh you son of a – WHOA!” cried Dante, ducking away from Vergil’s deadly swings. Dante then spit out his sword and caught the handle with his foreleg and watched as the strawberry milkshake landed in his other hoof.

“Well I’ll be damned,” said Dante in genuine amazement. “You really can grab things with these.” He then backed up and tossed the milkshake onto the bar, which landed upright without so much as spilling. After securing his dessert, a smirk found its way onto Dante's face as both he and Vergil stood up on their hind legs and gripped their swords in anticipation for the other’s attack.

“Well, Pinkie, you were right,” AppleJack said. “This isn’t as bad as I was making it out to be.”

“Really?” asked a still smiling Pinkie Pie.

“It’s worse! Those two are lookin’ to kill each other!”

“Ooh! I’ve got just the idea!” Pinkie Pie shouted as a light bulb appeared out of thin air above her head. Pinkie rushed to the DJ booth to find Vinyl Scratch curiously looking on at Dante’s and Vergil’s standoff. Leaning in next to the DJ, Pinkie Pie quietly whispered into her ear, to which Vinyl responded with nothing more than a smile and nod. The white mare ducked under the table briefly only to return the next moment holding a record that she switched out for the previous one. After a few seconds, a particularly hard-rock, possibly metal, song started blasting at maximum volume from the gigantic speakers.

The flinch in your eyes calls your bluff
Feel free to die when you’ve had enough
Useless cause is breaking your back
Your life will end when you attack

“What good is that going to do!?” complained Twilight as Pinkie rushed back to the girls.

“Not much really.” answered Pinkie, snatching a bag of popcorn out of her mane. “But it really helps set the mood. This looks intense.”

Rarity and Twilight both facehoofed at her comment while the rest of the girls, along with everypony else in Sugarcube Corner were paying attention to the fight breaking out between Dante and Vergil.

“I can’t watch.” yelped Fluttershy, covering her face with her hooves.

Dante charged towards Vergil, swinging Rebellion right at the grey stallion's chest, only for it to be deflected by Vergil’s own blade, after which, he dashed towards Dante and whacked him in the face with his sheath which sent his brother stumbling backwards. Dante regained his ground and reached for one of his pistols, but to his dismay, had suddenly remembered that he had lost Ebony and Ivory in the battle with Galactus when his hoof felt nothing occupying his holsters.

“Damn it!”

“It seems you’re at a disadvantage brother, having to rely on pure swordsmanship rather than your tasteless firearms.” Vergil said, slowly walking towards Dante across the dance floor.

“How’s this for tasteless!?” Dante shouted as he lobbed Rebellion at Vergil like a boomerang.

Vergil merely deflected the blade, sending it spinning before it lodged itself into the wall right above the doorway. “Pitiful, dear broth- BWAH!” was all that he could say as he turned towards Dante only to be met with a buck to the chest. He then caught himself mid flight and flipped back to regain his footing.

Dante hastily started running on all fours as he made a break for his sword. But Vergil was not willing to let him get away with such a cheap shot, as he sheathed his katana and readied himself into his infamous Judgment Cut stance.

In a matter of moments, Vergil instantly unsheathed his sword in rapid intervals, sending wave after wave of slashes at Dante, who was doing all he could to avoid the deadly attacks; bounding over tables and chairs while a few onlooking party goers had taken shelter behind some of the furniture that hadn't been destroyed.

“This is the last time I let you talk me into coming to another one of Pinkie’s parties!” complained a cream colored mare with a curled up, cobalt and pink mane.

“Awww don’t be that way, BonBon.” replied the aquamarine colored unicorn with a white and lime green colored streaked mane known as Lyra. “Great music, dancing, free drinks and we get to see an awesome fight.” she said excitedly, peeking her head out from behind the table. "What more could you want!?"

“This might be the buzz finally kicking in, but I think those two stallions are actually trying to kill each other.” commented the magenta colored mare named Berry Punch as she proceeded to watch on with Lyra.

After dodging Vergil’s judgement cuts, Dante leaped up to the doorway and latched onto his sword. Using the momentum from his jump to dislodge it, Dante then bounded back off the ground as soon as he landed and dove right at Vergil, blade in hoof. He then swung his sword, only to just barely miss his brother as Vergil swiftly ducked under rebellion's blade, turned his back to Dante and jammed the butt of his sheath right into his brother’s sternum. Twisting the holster into Dante’s chest, Vergil quickly used his acceleration against him to fling the devil hunter over the counter of Sugar Cube Corner, sending him crashing right into the wall adjacent to the girls.

Dante got right back up, ready to continue fighting, leaning on his sword and holding his chest with one hoof. “Asshole.” he coughed.

Vergil was now slowly approaching Dante and the girls, his sword ready to strike down all that stood in his way.

“That’s it!” cried Twilight angrily. “I’m putting an end to this!” She then jumped between the two brothers as Rainbow Dash helped Dante up.

“You gonna be ok there, Dante?” she asked.

“Just a scratch,” he boasted, dusting himself off. “I’ve had worse.”

“Out of my way!” commanded Vergil, now glaring intently at Twilight. “Can’t you see my brother and I are having a conversation?”

“Well I think we should take this little 'Talk' of yours elsewhere.” Twilight retorted, scolding the light grey stallion.

“And if I don’t?” he asked, intrigued by the unicorn’s bravery.

“Then you’ll have to answer to me, ya jerk!” yelled Rainbow Dash, who was now hovering in front of Vergil with her hoofs up, ready to fight.

Vergil couldn’t help but chuckle at the cyan pegasus’ amusing antics. “I suggest you back down while you can, cretin. Aside from my brother, I’d prefer not to dirty my hooves with someone as foolish as you.”

“Hey!” Dante cried out.

“Oh it’s on now, pretty boy!” growled Rainbow Dash. “You and me, one on one!” she shouted, coming face to face with Vergil.

“My money's on the chick in blue.” Dante chuckled playfully.

“Dante!” Twilight scolded the light yellow stallion. “I appreciate your confidence in Rainbow Dash, but I don’t think now is the time to start placing bets.”

“I wasn’t betting on Rainbow Dash.” The demon hunter admitted with a mischievous grin.

Pinkie Pie then burst into a fit laughter upon hearing the demon hunter’s remark, tossing her popcorn as she rolled around on the floor in a giggling fit.

Fluttershy however, quietly walked up next to Vergil and tugged on his coat. “Umm Vergil?” she stammered. “Could you please, maybe, stop fighting? I really don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

“Fluttershy, please let me handle this myself.” The silver stallion replied dismissively.

“Vergil, just stop!” she yelled, moving in front of him. “I’m asking nicely. I don’t want you fighting with my friends.” her voice now raised in both volume and authority.

Vergil only sighed and holstered his sheath back into the side of his coat. “Fine. If you all insist on taking a diplomatic approach to this matter, then I suggest we do it in the confines of a more accommodating environment… if you have no problem with this, Miss Twilight.” he said with an icy tone.

Twilight Sparkle eyed Vergil skeptically. “Just don’t try anything funny.” she said sternly.

“Funny is more along Dante’s department… if you can call idiocy funny, that is.”

Dante only pouted as he moved next to AppleJack and Pinkie Pie, keeping a considerable distance from his brother.

“Well I guess you wised up as well.” commented AppleJack.

“Come on, girls.” ordered Twilight as she led them along with Dante and Vergil out of Sugarcube Corner. “The party’s over. We can deal with these two back at the library.”

“You too, Spike!” she called from the doorway, noticing the young drake was at the cupcake table.

“Awwww.” the young dragon whined as he trudged after Twilight.

Before leaving Sugarcube Corner, Dante approached the counter at the front where his strawberry milkshake sat. Vergil however, grabbed it up before Dante could even get his hooves around it.

“Hey! Get your own!” whined Dante.

“I’m curious as to why you defended this thing so adamantly.” Vergil explained before taking a sip of the frozen dairy treat. “Ugh.” he shuddered in disgust. “Too sweet.” He then threw the milkshake on the ground, spilling the contents out onto the floor.

Dante could only helplessly gaze at the tragic sight and whimper his goodbyes to his beloved dessert.

As they all left Sugarcube Corner, the rest of the guests began to leave as well, figuring the party was over. As everypony left one by one, they looked on curiously at the two brothers following Twilight and her friends, wondering just what in Celestia’s name happened.

“Are you sure bringing both of them to the library is such a good idea?” asked Rarity. “You’ve seen what they did to Pinkie’s place. Heaven forbid you keep them in a more confined space.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” answered Twilight, somewhat annoyed. “Whatever keeps these two from making another scene out in public.”

“I’m really sorry, Twilight.” whimpered Fluttershy. “I didn’t know Vergil would be such a problem for you all.”

“It’s not your fault.” Twilight reassured her.

“Yeah, it’s all Vergil’s fault!” butted in Rainbow Dash. “If he didn’t start anything with Dante, we would all still be having fun.”

“I’d rather not focus on playing the blame game, Dash.” AppleJack said. “As far as I’m concerned, Dante’s just as much at fault.”

“I don’t care who started what!” giggled Pinkie Pie, bouncing along next to the girls. “That was one of the most awesome parties I’ve ever thrown!”

Twilight only looked back to see Dante and Vergil following behind them in silence, neither one willing to make eye contact with one another.

“You ok?” asked Spike, waddling alongside her.

“Not really.” Twilight said with a heavy sigh. “Dealing with these two is going to be more troublesome than I thought.” Celestia only knows that I’ve got one heck of a letter to write now, she thought to herself as they all walked slowly along, making their way to Twilight’s house.