• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,327 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 14: Preparations and Relaxation

The rooster’s crow woke AppleJack up as it always did every morning, signaling a new day and the start of her early morning regiment. AppleJack leaped off the bed to give herself a quick stretch, her blonde mane unkempt as it draped past her shoulders. She then made her way down stairs and started towards the front door. “Might as well go and wake up Dante, otherwise he’ll never get outta bed,” she yawned as she walked out the front door and headed towards the barn.

Celestia’s sun was barely rising as AppleJack enjoyed the brisk walk towards the barn. If there was one thing the farm pony enjoyed above all else, it was the cool breeze that came with the early dawn every morning at Sweet Apple Acres. It was just something about the light yet chilly gusts that made the start of her day all the worthwhile. Finally she had arrived at the barn and opened the door only to find that Dante was nowhere to be found to her surprise. She also noticed that his sword, Rebellion, along with his coat was missing as well. “Oh for cryin’ out loud,” AppleJack muttered under her breath. “I really hope that boy ain’t out doin’ nothin’ stupid, especially at this hour.”

As AppleJack turned away from the barn she caught a glimpse of a small white flash off in the distance in the pasture, just at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

“What the hay?” she mumbled under her breath before deciding to go check out the source of the strange occurrence. As she trotted across the pasture the orange mare couldn’t help but feel uneasy at just what she might find, but regardless of what danger might lay ahead, she had dedicated herself long ago to help keeping Sweet Apple Acres safe. Nearing the outskirts of the Everfree, AppleJack approached what appeared to be a large patch of scorched grass, completely singed and black. “What in tarnation happened here?” she asked. Upon further inspection she couldn’t help but notice that there were more markings across the small patch of land she was investigating. Just only a few feet away AppleJack discovered that there were also small patches of the grass that were frosted over along with one long scorch mark stretching across nearly ten feet. Just when things couldn’t get any stranger, AppleJack came across something that just made things all the more bizarre.

Sitting at the base of a tree was none other than Dante, who looked completely exhausted as he leaned his sword into the ground at an angle.

“Dante!” AppleJack shouted, running up to the worn out stallion. “What happened here? Are ya all right?”

“Whoa. Relax there, AJ,” Dante huffed between breaths. “Was just enjoying a light workout.”

“A light work out?!” AppleJack shouted. “I don’t know if you’re seein’ what ah’m seein’, but whatever this is don’t look like no workout to me.”

“Guess I got a little carried away then,” Dante said standing up, looking back at the mess he made.

“Ya mind explaining just what exactly you were doin’? ‘Cause I’d really like to know how you even did something like this.”

“What can I say? I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” Dante shrugged. “After all, being a Demon Hunter teaches you a few skills you won’t get anywhere else.”

AppleJack only raised her brow as she looked at the Devil Hunter pony skeptically.

“Look, I’ll explain later,” Dante said as he began walking back towards the barn. “Besides after seeing that fight at the party are you even all that surprised?”

AppleJack let out a long sigh before trotting alongside Dante. “Guess ya got a point there, but no more funny business ya hear?. We’ve already got our hooves full of strange happenings here in Ponyville as it is.”

“Will do,” Dante saluted sarcastically. “By the way, that look really works for you,” Dante said noticing AppleJack’s mane wasn’t tied back nor was she wearing her signature Stetson hat. “Always had a thing for blondes.”

“Nice try there, Romeo,” AppleJack laughed. “You always this bold with the ladies where you’re from?”

“What can I say? I’m a real charmer,” Dante grinned.

“Too bad that charm ain’t getting’ you outta work today,” AppleJack said as they walked in through the door to her house.

“Worth a shot.” Dante said.

“Well I suggest you hurry up and get washed up,” AppleJack explained. “Breakfast will be ready soon, plus I gotta go get AppleBloom up.”

“Got ya,” Dante said as he made his way up the stairs and into the shower room. After closing the door and throwing off his coat, Dante leaned his sword against the bathroom wall and simply stared back at the skull handle, losing himself in thought. I wonder if I’ll be able to re-adjust myself like Vergil did. He was only here for two days before he learned to use Beowulf again and here I am, barely able to pull anything off.

Dante then looked back at his cutie mark as he sighed. “Oh well, progress is progress I guess. Just hope this doesn’t screw me over when I make it back home.”

Just then AppleJack opened the door. “Hurry up in there Dante, we ain’t got all morning to dilly dally!”

“Whoa! Hey!” Dante shouted as he leapt into the tub and pulled the shower curtains shut. “Mind knocking!? I’m naked for god’s sakes.”

AppleJack rolled her eyes. “You do know we don’t normally wear clothes right?”

“Oh yeah,” Dante mumbled looking at AppleJack. “Still though, give a guy some privacy, I’m still getting used to this whole ‘naked’ thing!”

“Alright then,” AppleJack said. “But hurry up please. I gotta get in the shower after you. Big Mac’s usin’ the one downstairs.”

“You’re more than welcome to join me,” Dante said with a charming smile as he opened the shower curtains up, inviting AppleJack in.

“Dante,” AppleJack spoke up.


“Stop that,” she said with a disapproving look.

“Have it your way,” Dante said closing the shower curtains. “You’re the one who’s missing out.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” AppleJack chuckled before shutting the door as she left.

Later that morning, Vergil and Fluttershy had decided to take a walk around the park outside of Ponyville. Vergil joined the shy pegasus in hopes to ease his mind for the time being. Plus he and Dante would be meeting with the princesses tomorrow so he was more than willing to take his mind off the thought of putting up with his brother as well as this worlds’ rulers. Fluttershy walked along side him, glancing back from time to time in an attempt to start a conversation. Angel who had accompanied the two was growing more and more frustrated at Fluttershy’s antics to say the least and proceeded to scurry up to the top of Fluttershy’s head as he caught her attention.

“Oh what is it Angel?” Fluttershy asked, looking up at the small white rabbit.

Angel then began pointing at Vergil next to him and started making kicking motions with his foot along with shaking his head and repeatedly crossing his arms back and forth as if making an “x”.

“Angel! That’s not very nice,” Fluttershy spoke up softly.

“I take it the rabbit isn’t too fond of my presence?” Vergil asked, feigning his innocence as Angel glared at him.

“I wouldn’t go and say that,” Fluttershy spoke up, but was then met with the rapid thumping of Angel’s foot on her back; to which she turned to see Angel nodding in confirmation of Vergil’s question. “I guess he doesn’t,” she said disappointingly.

“I’m not surprised,” Vergil said shrugging it off. “I admit I’m not the most agreeable person to be around so it’s normal that others would be wary of me. Then again, your hospitality has more than made me feel welcome in such a distant land. I guess thanks are in order.”

“It’s the least I could do,” Fluttershy smiled before looking Vergil in the eyes. “I know it might not sound like much, but I find you pleasant to be around and maybe in time I’m sure my friends will warm up to you as well.”

“I like Vergy already!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie who was bouncing her way towards the two down the park trail.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Fluttershy greeted the ever enthusiastic mare.

“Hi-ya Flutters!” Pinkie Pie said joyously. “So what’re you two doing out here on such a fine day? Goin’ for a walk?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy answered. “Vergil and I thought it’d be a nice day to relax.”

“Ooh sounds like fun,” Pinkie Pie commented. “Mind if I join?”

“Sure I don’t mind,” Fluttershy replied before turning towards Vergil. “Do you?”

“I suppose not,” Vergil answered dishonestly. To be perfectly frank though, I’d like nothing more than to keep as far away from that pink menace as possible, he thought. Aside from her friends, I doubt any sane fool could so much as tolerate her obnoxious presence.

“Whoohoo!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping in the air. “Don’t you two worry, I’ll be as relaxed as possible.”

“I doubt that,” Vergil muttered.

“Oh Vergy, you’re such a kidder,” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Hey I almost forgot to ask.”

I’m sure you forget a lot of things with your mentality, Vergil thought as he turned his attention towards the pink mare.

“Why’d you seem so grumpy yesterday?” Pinkie Pie asked. “You didn’t even say hi to Rainbow Dash, or Dante and I. Was it something I said? Is it because you don’t like us?” Pinkie Pie began to plead causing Fluttershy to throw a questioning look in Vergil’s direction.

“What happened yesterday?” Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie Pie then tilted her head backwards meeting Fluttershy at an upside down eyelevel and explained. “Well Rainbow Dash and Dante and I were out enjoying this awesome lunch AppleJack made us, then Dante and Rainbow Dash start talking about a Sonic Rainboom when we get the idea to make it into a pretty neat drink, then Vergy just goes and walks by and completely ignores us. I even tried to talk to him, but he just kept walking away!” Pinkie said imitating Vergil’s walk with a mean look on her face.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked.

“I guess my mind was in other places at the moment.” Vergil answered Pinkie Pie, feigning sincerity. “It was a rather long day and I didn’t care for much other than getting some rest.”

“It’s true,” Fluttershy agreed. “Vergil hasn’t slept since the night before. He was really busy with a few books he got from Twilight and stayed up all night trying to finish them.”

“Oh then why didn’t you say so?” Pinkie Pie cheerfully asked.

Vergil simply let out an exasperated sigh.

“You ok?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m alright.”

“I’m guessing you’re a bit nervous about meeting Celestia and Luna tomorrow huh?”

“Not at all really,” Vergil responded. “Given the impression from the fact that they raise the sun and the moon, I’m more anxious than anything to talk with such powerful beings. Plus I’ll find out just how much longer Dante and I will be here.”

“Ooh you’re going to meet the princesses?!” Pinkie Pie asked. “I’ll go load my party cannon for tomorrow! Talk to ya later, Flutters!” Pinkie said as she zoomed off into the distance back towards Ponyville.

Vergil let out a long sigh after her departure.

“And cheer up Vergy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she appeared directly behind both Vergil and Fluttershy from the opposite direction from whence she left; then proceeded to take off towards Ponyville again.

Vergil only looked on with confusion as the pink mare bolted off.

“Pinkie tends to do that a lot; so that might take some getting used to,” Fluttershy said, giggling at Vergil’s reaction.

“Charming,” Vergil replied sarcastically as he turned back towards Fluttershy. “Shall we?” he asked gesturing with his forehoof to continue their walk down the park trail.

“Yes we shall,” she answered cheerfully as the two ponies returned to their walk through the park. “C’mon Angel.”

Angel Bunny on the other hand, was more than un-amused as he rolled his eyes at the two before leaping onto Fluttershy’s back.

It was early in the afternoon when Twilight had decided to take a breather from preparations and catch up on her readings out on her balcony. Levitating her book with her horn as she opened the balcony doors, she then found a comfortable position to lie down and read as she opened the book in front of her with her magic. The day should have been perfect for relieving any sort of stress the young unicorn might have been feeling; be it the cool brisk air that blew across Ponyville, or just the peace of mind knowing that everything was set in order for tomorrow for the princesses’ arrival. However, there was one thing that had plagued Twilight’s mind since yesterday that she could absolutely not shake. What Vergil had told her after their chess game simply would not stop pestering her, despite the multiple attempts at shrugging it off. There was just something fundamentally wrong with the way he had acted and it only sent a wave of anxiety crashing over her the more she thought about it. “Ugh! It’s useless!” she groaned as she buried her face in the open book that lay before her.

“What’s useless?” asked Rainbow Dash as she hovered down to Twilight’s balcony, showing genuine concern for her frustrated friend.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight greeted, lifting her face up from her book. “Don’t mind me, just trying to take my mind off the stress is all; what with setting the meeting up between the princesses and Dante and Vergil.”

“You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you, right, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said as she took a seat next to her friend.

Twilight hesitantly looked to her flying friend before letting out a long sigh. “Can you promise not to tell anypony if I do tell you what’s wrong?”

“Sure,” Rainbow Dash answered, hoping to comfort her distressed friend. “What’s up?”

“Well, it's Vergil,” Twilight began, causing Rainbow Dash to move in closer at the very mention of his name. “Something about him just doesn’t feel right. The whole time I was with him yesterday, he just seemed so…threatening.”

“I've been saying that since day one!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flapped her wings, elevating her off the ground. “I told you something was up with that guy. He’s a total sociopath if you ask me.”

“Well that seems a bit extreme,” Twilight responded as she attempted to calm her pegasus friend down. “But there’s just something frightening about him. The way he talks and acts whenever Fluttershy’s not around. It’s just so…”


“Yeah, especially with what happened yesterday.”

“What’d he do?” Rainbow Dash asked in a furious tone. “If he so much as laid a hoof on you I’m gonna…”

“No. Nothing like that,” Twilight interrupted.

“So he threatened you?” pressed Rainbow Dash, still curious as to what happened.

“No. He didn’t threaten me, but what he said just really bothered me. He just seems to have a really twisted view of the world where he’s from.”

“Yeah, but look at Dante,” Rainbow Dash said. “He might be Vergil’s brother, but he seems to be a pretty alright guy despite all that. A little goofy I admit, but…”

“But there’s more to those two than what they've told us.” Twilight interrupted. “Whatever history those two have with one another has more than once led to serious violent conflicts. At this point, I really don’t know if I can even trust Dante. But Vergil; he’s a pony we’ll have to keep a close watch on.”

“Yeah, but we’ve seen that Dante’s a nice guy.” Rainbow Dash defended once again.

“But look what he’s capable of, Rainbow.” Twilight said. “Even if he is as friendly as he seems, that still leaves his brother whom he’s always starting a fight with. Regardless of their personalities, they both run the risk of endangering those around them.”

“Guessing that’s why you wanted to keep them separated until Celestia and Luna showed up huh?” Rainbow Dash asked rubbing her foreleg with her hoof as she noticed Twilight was growing more frustrated by the minute.

“Yes,” Twilight answered as she let out a heavy sigh. “I just hope the princesses have a solution to this whole mess tomorrow.”

“Don’t you worry,” the cyan-blue pegasus comforted her friend as she wrapped her forehoof around Twilight’s neck. “I’m already keeping an eye on Vergil if it makes you feel any better. I don’t trust the guy as it is, and the fact that Fluttershy can tolerate him is obviously something worth looking into.”

“Thanks, Rainbow. I appreciate you looking out for us,” Twilight smiled weakly. “Just keep this between us ok? I don’t want to make any assumptions past this. Hopefully I’m wrong and Dante and Vergil are just two really dysfunctional twins and nothing more.”

“Two very violent demon hunting twins,” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“You really believe that, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, thinking back to when they first met Dante.

“I mean it’s possible,” the rainbow-maned mare went on to explain. “They both show up from a different world and they both have some crazy fighting skills. Plus I’m pretty sure that’s why they carry their swords around all the time.”

“Heh, I guess that makes sense,” Twilight said. “I’m just having a hard time believing this is all happening.”

“C’mon, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “How about you just take your mind off this whole thing for awhile? I’m pretty sure Celestia and Luna can fix it.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight eventually agreed after a brief moment of silence.

After a few more minutes of friendly exchange, both Rainbow Dash and Twilight got up to say their goodbyes as the afternoon was nearing its end.

“Seeya tomorrow, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said before flying off into the sky.

“Bye,” Twilight waved from half way out the balcony door.

Despite Rainbow Dash’s comforting words, it was virtually impossible for Twilight to stop worrying completely about all that had been going on. Still though, even if what Dante and Rainbow Dash say is true then what could lead two demon hunters, let alone brothers at that, to want and attack one another? Twilight thought as she shut the door behind her.

“Ugh, this all too weird,” Twilight mumbled to herself before trotting off to her room.

“Oh, what to wear! What to wear!?” shouted Princess Luna – a dark azure alicorn whose brilliant sapphire mane wafted behind her as though it were the night sky itself, complimented by its surrounding grayish blue aura. The frantic princess had been sifting through her lavish closet filled with fine gowns and formal attire in the hopes of finding a suitable outfit.

“Is something wrong, Luna?” asked Celestia as she poked her head into her sister’s chambers. The inquisitive mare known as Princess Celestia was a tall white alicorn with a glorious flowing mane, streaked with the colors of light cerulean, turquoise and pale pink.

“Oh, Tia this is awful,” Luna cried. “We’re meeting these newcomers tomorrow and I can’t find anything that might make a good impression.”

“Oh, little sister,” laughed Princess Celestia as she walked in. “This isn't going to be like our regular meetings with nobles and ambassadors. If anything, I’d say this should be less of a formal meeting so as to make our newcomers feel welcome.”

“You think so?” Luna asked.

“Yes, dear sister,” Celestia said, walking up to Luna. “From all that Twilight has told me in her letter, these two seem to be a little more casual than most ponies. Although, I’m somewhat nervous myself to be meeting two ponies from another world.”

“Which is why we have to look our best, Tia!” Luna pouted.

“And we shall,” Celestia replied cheerfully. “Is nothing more graceful and honorable than meeting others in an honest light without such formalities?”

Luna was taken aback by her older sister’s response, but couldn’t help think back to her visit to Ponyville last Nightmare Night and how welcoming everypony had become the moment she had dropped her royal Canterlot voice. She then let out a small laugh.

“I suppose you are right, Tia. Nothing is more inviting than being honest with those whom you wish to meet.”

“I’m glad you agree, Luna.” Celestia said as she made her way out of Luna’s chambers. “We’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon so you can at least get some rest after raising the moon tonight.”

“Thank you, sister.” Luna said as Celestia left.

Just as Luna had shut the door, she immediately turned back towards her closet with excited fervor. “Oh I just have to find something nice for tomorrow, I just have to!” she cried from behind the closed doors to which Celestia was listening.

The Sun Goddess simply let out a small chuckle before making her way back to the main hall, “Oh Luna.”