• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,345 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 1: Across The Universe

Part 1: The Sons Of Sparda

“Behold! The Power Cosmic itself!” Boomed the thunderous and commanding voice of the gargantuan being, Galactus, as he waded through the vast asteroid belt just bordering the lone rock atop which our heroes stood.

“What is it with all these heroes and villains wearing tights?” asked the blue-eyed, snowy white-haired demon hunter, sporting a long crimson jacket that exposed his lightly tanned bare chest and well toned abs, known as Dante. His sights rested quizzically on Galatcus, who donned a magenta and blue strapped unitard, complemented only by his otherworldly headgear that seemed to resemble a large tower.

“We’re fighting a universal threat and you’re more concerned with his outfit?” Vergil, Dante’s identical twin brother who donned a long, flowing azure coat, accented with a gold trim, asked in disgust. “I guess your thick skull has finally come to par with your fighting capabilities.” Unlike Dante’s hair that messily draped down to his neck and past his blue eyes, Vergil’s hair, while the same color and length as his brother's, was swept back with only one or two bangs hanging down from his forehead, giving the devil a more refined and dignified look.

“Lighten up, Vergil,” Dante protested with a laugh. “You’re starting to sound a bit worried with that tone.”

“How about both of you numb-skulls help us fight rather than continue on with your incessant bickering!?” The Maverick Hunter robot known as Zero shouted in anger.

The outburst quickly caught the two demon brothers’ attention as they watched heroes and villains alike from both the Marvel and Capcom universe boldly charge into fray against the all mighty Galactus.

“Well then, I guess we better hurry lest we miss out on all of the fun," Vergil suggested. "After all, this may be the last time you and I fight side by side ever again.”

“Way to kill the mood.” Dante sighed.

The two demon twins then rushed off into battle, accompanying their allies against the gigantic planet eating monster.

“Stand aside! And witness the power of my FINGER LASERS!” exclaimed Doctor Doom as he crossed his hands and readied to fire.


“Inconceivable!” Doom shouted as Galactus’ finger simply thumped the mad doctor off the asteroid.

“Way to go, Doctor Doofus!” Dante shouted. “Now step aside. I’m about to start rippin’ and stylin’!” he said as he twirled his dual pistols, Ebony and Ivory, and began to unload a hailstorm of bullets into the galactic giant.

“You are all such pests!” Galactus yelled in agony. He then raised his hand high, fighting against the pain and slammed his fist down, crushing Dante and knocking away the demon hunter’s pistols into the far reaches of space.

“My gunsmf!” yelled the muffled voice of the demon hunter from beneath Galactus’ fist.

“Pathetic, Dante,” chided Vergil as he shook his head in disappointment. “Watch how a real Devil deals with such trash.” He then planted his feet and readied his stance as he gripped the scabbard of his blade; its sheath adorned with a long, yellow sagero, with one hand, and the hilt of his blade with the other. This sword he wielded was known as Yamato, a demonic katana capable of cutting through anything, material or otherwise, that met its blade.

“I think this job is more suited for a God than a Devil.” Interjected a tall blonde man dressed in a long black coat as he casually strolled up next to Vergil, removing his sunglasses to expose his burning orange cat-like eyes. The man in question was simply known as Albert Wesker.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Vergil retorted as both he and Wesker dashed towards Galactus with incredible speed and precision.

In an instant, both Wesker and Vergil sped across Galactus leaving a countless amount of punches and sword slashes all over the hulking giants’ body causing him to fall below the asteroid belt, unable to withstand the devastating combination.

“Shame really. Here I was hoping that this destroyer of worlds would pose more of a threat.” Wesker muttered as he adjusted his shades back onto his face before walking off.

“Ow! That asshole owes me another set of guns.” Dante groaned as he pulled himself out of the crater shaped into his impression. “Those things were patented for God’s sake!”

“Perhaps if you relied more on skill than you did your crude firearms, you might be half the Devil our father was.” Vergil criticized as he returned Yamato to its sheath.

“There you go again with that whole Sons of Sparda shtick you keep bringing up. Ya know, instead of trying to be like dad, maybe you should just up and…" Dante trailed off before his attention was suddenly redirected behind his older brother, a massive shadow now looming over both the devil twins. "Oh crap.”

"Spare me the lecture.” Vergil snidely remarked as he turned to see the sight that had troubled Dante.

“I am not finished!” cried a battle worn Galactus. “I vow to squash you all like the insects you are!” He boomed as he rose above the asteroid, holding a massive ball of pure energy above his head that threatened to destroy the brother's last remaining foothold that gravitated just outside of the planet's atmosphere.

“Dante!” shouted Vergil.

"Got it!"

In a flash, both Dante and Vergil burst into their Devil Triggers, their bodies now taking on their true demonic forms.

It was then that Dante reached behind him and grabbed his sword, Rebellion, from its holster. The blade in question was a massive broadsword with a heavy double-edged blade, notched on both sides near the tip; its handle shaped in the image of the upper torso of a skeleton with two small horns jutting from the skull.

Without a moment to spare, Dante forcfully launched the sword like a burning spear straight at Galactus’ forehead, striking him and causing the behemoth to drop his attack at which point Vergil simply planted himself into his judgement cut stance and in an instant, removed and sheathed his sword, Yamato back into its holster. The moment after that brief display of swordsmanship, multiple cuts sliced open Galactus’ own attack causing it to burst in his face and completely annihilate the Destroyer of Worlds in an astonishing explosion.

“Jackpot.” muttered the two Demon twins in unison as they reverted back into their human forms.

After Galactus’ defeat, both hero and villain alike from the Marvel and Capcom worlds, under a collective truce, had gathered within the confines of Doctor Strange’s lair to bid farewell as they readied to depart to their respective worlds, safe in the knowledge that the threat to both of their universes was vanquished.

Doctor Strange was a well groomed man of tall stature with streaks of grey running through the sides of his black hair. He donned a light blue tunic, black tights, and a large flowing red cape with large lapels that was tied together by his mystical artifact, the Eye of Agamotto, which he wore across his neck. He was renowned as the supreme sorcerer, as well as one of the most powerful beings in all of the Marvel Universe. Thanks to his magical prowess and interdimensional travel, he had been the one to summon all those gathered within his midsts to assist him with the intergalactic conundrum that had threatened to tear both the Marvel and Capcom universes apart.

The sorcerer then stepped before the throng of heroes and villains and cleared his throat, “While I admit that this meeting of two worlds didn’t go as well as any of us had hoped, I am more than elated to say that I could not be more grateful than having the pleasure of getting to meet you all,” Doctor Strange announced. “However, it seems that we must part ways here.” He said while pulling out his book to ready an activation spell for the portal. “Now, Vergil, if you’d so kindly assist me in the preparations for this gate.” He suggested as he pointed Vergil over to a metal arch, stationed at the far end of the lair.

"Employing a brute like him to activate such an intricate piece of machinery?” Doctor Doom huffed indignantly. “Why, I never!”

“Need I remind you that because of your miscalculations in constructing that gate, you inadvertently almost sealed our fate by beckoning Galactus’ planetary appetite in the first place?” criticized Albert Wesker.

“I think that’s enough out of you two,” interrupted Zero. “Besides, it’s because of Vergil's help that we have the means necessary to guide the portal.”

“What makes you say that, Blondie?” inquired the boorish Brooklyn accented voice of Taskmaster.

Dante suddenly interjected as he stepped forth, “If you must know, my brother uses a demonic weapon that’s sharp enough to cut through anything, hell, even through dimensions. That’s the power of the legendary blade Yamato. With the Doc's help, he’ll slice open up a one way trip leading us back to our own worlds.” he explained, gesturing back to the other heroes and villains from the Capcom universe.

“Ready when you are, Vergil!” shouted Doctor Strange as he summoned a swirling, ethereal vortex in the center of the archway.

At that moment, Vergil quickly removed his blade from its sheath as a dark violet aura emanated from his sword. In one fluid movement, he had sliced open the vortex, revealing a portal that had begun cycling through the various locations and times from which the inhabitants of the Capcom universe hailed.

“Hey, it’s Movie Land!” shouted Viewtiful Joe.

“Abel City and the Maverick Hunter Base!” exclaimed Zero

“Nice to see Umbrella Corp. is still holding up.” commented Wesker, observing the countless zombies swarming just outside of his corporate office.

“Hey, it's my Law Firm!” yelled Phoenix Wright as he saw the stacks of legal forms cluttering up his desk. “I nearly forgot about my client’s paperwork before I got sucked into this whole mess.” he mumbled dishearteningly.

Upon a few more exchanges, the residents of the Capcom universe took their leave one by one bidding, farewell to the wondrous world of Marvel.

“It’s been a true challenge fighting with you.” said Ryu, shaking Captain America’s Hand.

“Indeed it was an honor meeting a legendary fighter such as yourself.” replied Captain America.

As they all filed in, returning to their worlds, Dante and Vergil were the last from their world to leave.

“Hey Dante!” A voice called out, catching the half-demon's attention. It was then a tall man dressed a full red and black skin-tight suit, complete with a matching mask, rushed over to bid the demon hunter farewell. It was Deadpool: an infamous, mentally unstable mercenary known throughout the Marvel universe simply as The Merc with the Mouth. Thanks to his accelerated healing factor, the wisecracking Deadpool had managed to go toe-to-toe with Dante in a previous encounter shortly before Galactus had interfered with the colliding of their two worlds. "Yo, Dante,” he began, casually draping his arm around the half-demon’s shoulder. “If we ever meet again, how’s about we finish up that game 'Russian Roulette’, eh? By now I’m pretty sure you’ve got more metal in your head than Wolverine.” he chuckled.

“Please, I’ve had babes put more bullets in this skull than you ever will.” Dante scoffed, tapping his forehead with a finger as he recalled the numerous times Lady had shot him in the face during his misadventures in the ancient tower Temen-Ni-Gru.

“Ya know, for a walking anime cliché, you’re a pretty swell guy,” Deadpool replied, patting Dante on the back. “Seeya around, buddy. Oh, and uh, so long to your asshole brother as well!” He shouted as he waved obnoxiously over to Vergil in hopes to catch his attention.

Vergil simply sneered in disgust as he turned away from his brother and the mouthy mercenary. “Babbling buffoons.”

“As if some wretched hell-spawn like you has room to criticize.” spoke the ever vengeful voice of Ghost Rider as he walked up from behind Deadpool, coming face to face with the half-demon. The visage of Ghost Rider was that of a tall, daunting figure clad in black leather biker garb, wielding a long chain rolled up around his shoulder. Most noticeable of all, though, was his "face". In its stead was nothing more than a skull engulfed entirely in flames from the neck up.

“Spare me your self-righteous prattling,” replied Vergil in a harsh yet smug tone. “If this universe appoints such low-life trash such as yourself to act on behalf of Hell’s vengeance, then it’s safe to say I would have easily taken over as Demon Emperor."

Acting on impulse, Ghost Rider quickly brandished his chain and wildly lashed out at the half-demon, only for it to wind up wrapped around the sheath of Yamato that Vergil held out to guard himself.

“My my, seems someone has a temper.” the half-demon condescendingly remarked, only to antagonize Ghost Rider into setting his chain ablaze. Vergil then unsheathed his blade with lightning-like speed and wafted back the oncoming flames with one swipe. The force from the blade then sliced through Ghost Rider’s hand, traveling back towards the portal behind him where, unbeknownst to the group, it had cut the vortex right down the middle, disrupting its course.

“Flames of Vengeance?” taunted Vergil. “Couldn’t even melt a marshmallow.” he finished before twirling Yamato and sheathing the blade behind his back.

“Enough of this! All of you!” cried Doctor Strange as he rushed between the two would-be combatants. ”Have you no decency, especially after all that has taken place this day?”

“Sorry, Doc. No need to get your tunic in a twist,” Dante apologized. “Vergil and I will just be on our way.” he said, gesturing for his brother to head towards the portal.

“Hmph,” snubbed Vergil, breaking contact from his brother as he proceeded towards the portal. “Do not expect this little incident to change anything, Dante. Once we arrive back in our world, I plan on finishing you properly for both our father’s sword and that amulet of yours.”

Dante then let out an exasperated sigh. "So much for that 'noble resolve' of yours back in the demon world.”

“Circumstances have changed, brother. I did not expect to be plucked from the bowels of Hell because of a clashing of two worlds. However, I am thankful now that I have a second chance to reclaim our father’s power.” Vergil explained. “The power I so rightly deserve.” He muttered darkly as he slowly began to enter the portal.

“Even after all that’s happened, you still haven't changed a bit.” Dante mumbled dishearteningly as he followed behind his brother, waving goodbye to Doctor Strange before stepping through the portal.

In an instant, the two demon brothers were whipped about in a torrent of space and time, being thrown into a spiraling mess of reality until they had both reached the end of the long and unruly tunnel through which they were flung. As they came towards the end of the portal, a blinding flash met Dante’s eyes for the briefest of moments, causing him to lose track of Vergil and his sense of direction.

After a few moments of disorientation, Dante opened his eyes to discover that he was falling a considerable height over a green pasture and rural-like area, spotted with small houses in somewhat of a tranquil environment.

This doesn’t seem like home at all, he thought to himself as he began to approach the ground at an accelerating rate. Realizing this at the last moment, Dante was unable to brace himself before crashing into the ground. The resulting collision resounded with a thundering boom throughout the area and knocked the demon hunter senseless as he made a small crater upon impact.

“Twilight! Twilight! You won’t believe what I just saw!” shouted an enthusiastic purple dragon as he barged in through the library door, interrupting a certain purple unicorn’s studies.

“Whatever it is Spike, I’m sure it can wait. I’m in the middle of important historical research on the origins of magic!” exclaimed an exasperated Twilight Sparkle.

“No way can it wait! I just saw this weird glowing thing fall outta the sky! It landed right outside of Ponyville. You should have seen it. It was so cool!”

With an inquisitive and somewhat concerned look, Twilight pondered the small dragon’s words. She silently stood up from her desk and trotted over to the far end of the library where her saddlebag sat. She then threw the saddlebag across her back, deciding to finally investigate the situation. “C’mon Spike,” she said. "If what you say is true, then this is definitely a matter worth looking into."

“Wait. We’re going to go find it -- by ourselves?” asked Spike with a sudden shift of enthusiasm to dread.

“Of course we are! There must be a reason for such a strange phenomenon happening around Ponyville. Plus in the name of science, I cannot let an event like this go uninvestigated! After all what if it’s a moon rock or an actual meteor from space?” said Twilight in a giddy fashion, trotting out of the library with Spike riding on her back.

“What if it’s dangerous?” whimpered Spike as he contemplated what sorts of of horrible things would fall from the sky.

“Oh Spike, you’re overreacting. For all we know it’s probably just a harmless space rock or a piece of debris from Cloudsdale.”

“That glows in broad daylight!?” he shouted.

“All the more reason to look into it.” Twilight said cheerfully as she continued to trot towards the outskirts of Ponyville with the nervous young dragon clinging to her back.

Dante slowly opened his eyes, trying to regain his senses despite his grogginess. Upon regaining some awareness, he was greeted with a view of a beautiful blue sky…along with the fact that he was viewing it from a hole in the ground. At that point, Dante’s head began to throb as he recalled the events which led up to this point in time. “Dammit. That’s the last time I fly coach.” he grumbled before leaping out of the hole in a single bound. As he landed onto his feet, Dante instantly fell over on his side in a stupor.

“Hehehe, must be dizzier than I thought,” Dante chuckled as he tried to stand on his feet once again, only to fall forward on his face. “What the hell!?” shouted the frustrated Demon Hunter. He sat there, dumbfounded as to why he was so uncoordinated yet felt just fine. As he placed his hand on his head, he accidentally knocked himself in the face with a hard thud.

“Ow!” Dante yelled, retracting his hand…or at least what he thought was a hand. Upon observation, he discovered that he didn’t have a hand, but rather what looked like a yellow, furry stump. Panicking while still trying to retain some composure, Dante began to look around the area and had noticed a large pond bordering the grassy meadow in which he sat. He hurriedly stumbled over to the body of water in hopes of finding his reflection. As he looked down into the now settling water, he was met with a horrific discovery. Where his head should be was a small snout, perked up ears, and a messy white mane.


Author's Note:

This story takes place after the Season 2 finale of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
Inspired by my good friend, Darkwing, and proofread by my amazing editor, Nightmare_0mega, who helped make this story possible.

Chapter Inspiration and Song Reference: