• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 12: A Devil's Research

It was late in the afternoon when Vergil and Fluttershy had returned from Sweet Apple Acres, making their way through Ponyville Plaza, past the shops and many bustling denizens. Just as they were halfway through, a voice called out to Fluttershy from across the way.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” cried a mint green, unicorn mare as she and an accompanying crème colored, female earth pony made their way to greet the meek pegasus.

Fluttershy turned around to see that it was Lyra and BonBon, who were both quite excited to see her. “Hey, Lyra. Hi, BonBon,” she greeted as the two ponies approached her. “How’re you two doing today?”

“Just fine. Thanks for asking.” answered BonBon rather cheerfully. “Lyra and I were just stopping by to say hello ask about your new friend there.” BonBon then pointed to Vergil who was standing behind Fluttershy, making no attempt to acknowledge anypony else’s presence.

“Oh, this is Vergil.” Fluttershy said, gesturing with her hooves for the stallion to turn his attention to the two enthusiastic mares.

With a half glazed look, Vergil only turned his head to greet the two with as little interest as possible. “Charmed.”

“Pleased to meet you, Vergil.” replied BonBon. “My friend Lyra and I couldn’t help notice but...”

“You and that other stallion were so awesome yesterday at the party!” interrupted Lyra, who was practically bursting with excitement as she was trotting in place. “I mean I’ve never ever seen a pony use swords like that. Not even the Royal Guards in Canterlot and those guys are like the bravest of the brave.”

“Hehehe, please excuse Lyra.” BonBon chuckled nervously. “She’s quite the excitable pony.”

“I see.” Vergil replied.

“I’m guessing you saw what happened yesterday, huh?” asked Fluttershy.

“Did we ever!?” exclaimed Lyra. “That was one of the coolest fights I’ve ever seen!”

“Yes, and despite Lyra’s fanaticism,” BonBon started. “Where exactly are you from? It’s not too often a dashing stallion like yourself just shows up out of the blue.”

“Nowhere in particular,” Vergil stated bluntly. “I’m simply visiting on behalf of a business venture. Your friend, Fluttershy, here was kind enough to accommodate my stay near Ponyville.”

Fluttershy simply blushed at his comment, and smiled timidly as Lyra and BonBon looked directly at her, following Vergil’s outstretched hoof towards the butter yellow pegasus.

“Oooh, mysterious and charming.” Lyra giggled, still in awe of Vergil’s presence.

“I see,” BonBon said, before noticing Celestia’s had begun to set over the horizon. “Well Lyra and I don’t wanna bother you two anymore than we already have. It’s getting late and I think we should be heading on out.” she explained.

“But it was really cool getting to meet you,” Lyra said excitedly as she walked up to Vergil. “Hope we get to see you around here more often. Not too many awesome ponies like you come around!”

“Perhaps you might; although I’m quite busy for the time being.” Vergil answered rather disinterestedly and somewhat annoyed by Lyra’s excited demeanor.

“Well have a good day sir.” BonBon said to Vergil as she pulled Fluttershy aside while Lyra continued to happily admire Vergil.

“Quite a handsome guy you bagged yourself there.” BonBon whispered to Fluttershy.

“What?!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“C’mon, you know he is,” BonBon continued to tease. “Any chances of him staying here? He seems like the real gentlecolt.”

“I’m not entirely sure,” Fluttershy replied. “From what he’s told me, he plans on leaving as soon as he’s finished his business here.”

“Too bad,” BonBon sighed disappointedly. “Maybe once he’s done, you could probably convince him to come back every now and then. He seems like a nice guy and I can tell you think so too.” she said, nudging the yellow pegasus’ shoulder.

Fluttershy’s face grew a deep shade of red as BonBon’s implications sank in.

“Well, I think Lyra and I should be going now,” BonBon giggled, noticing Fluttershy’s flustered expression. “Seeya around, Fluttershy.”

“Bye.” Fluttershy said as BonBon and Lyra departed, making their way across the plaza.

“Bye Fluttershy! It was really awesome meeting you too Vergil!” Lyra called back as she waved.

“Quite the enthusiastic acquaintances you have there.” Vergil said as he and Fluttershy continued on their way towards the Golden Oaks Library.

“Well I guess you seem to have garnered a lot of attention since the party.” Fluttershy noted observantly, taking a few glances from left to right as she navigated through the streets.

“Definitely not the most favorable attention.” Vergil muttered under his breath.


“Nothing. Just thinking aloud is all.”

“Oh, well here we are anyways.” Fluttershy said upon reaching the Library.

“Quite the humble abode now that I look at it.” Vergil said, observing the structure of the library, noticing that its architecture was comprised out of a hallowed out tree.

Fluttershy proceeded to knock on the red, oak door with a large lit candle painted on the front, possibly indicating the library stayed open late at night. Or at least from what Vergil could guess.

“I’m comin’, I’m comin’!” called a voice from within the library.

After a few moments, the door opened as Fluttershy and Vergil were greeted by Spike.

“Hey, Fluttershy. What’s up?” asked the small purple dragon.

“Just stopping by for a visit is all.” Fluttershy answered softly.

“Ok. Come on in. Twilight and I were just rearranging most of the library around, so don’t mind the mess.”

Upon entry Vergil and Fluttershy were met with quite the sight. Stacks of books arranged in varying patterns and placed at the corners outside of the bookshelves along with a few other scrolls and texts scattered about the small table at the center of the library.

“Hey, Twilight!” Spike called into the other room. “Fluttershy and that Vergil guy are here.”

“Be there in a second!” Twilight called out from behind the door leading into the living quarters.

Fluttershy then took a seat at the center table next to Spike while Vergil continued to walk around the library, skimming over the covers of the many books scattered about. As he pressed on further there were a vast assortment of texts strewn about that had happened to catch Vergil’s eye. A book of listed spells concerning psychokinesis for unicorns, a large book covering the geography of all of Equestria, and one book in particular that brought Vergil to a stop as he leaned down to observe its title and contents. The book was titled, An Abridged History of Equestria: Volume 1 of 2.

Just as Vergil curiously opened the cover, Twilight Sparkle had emerged from the living quarters into the library to greet both him and Fluttershy.

“Hey there, Fluttershy. ‘Scuse the mess, but you know how it is; weekly cleaning and all.” Twilight giggled.

“It’s no problem at all.” Fluttershy said dismissively. “Vergil and I were just stopping by for a visit and to reacquaint him. You know…trying to make up for bad first impressions?”

“Oh, I guess that’s understandable.” Twilight said with a bit of hesitation in her voice. She then noticed Vergil on the far side of the room closing the cover of a large book before turning his attention to her.

“Hello, Vergil.” Twilight greeted the stallion in an uneasy but cheerful tone.

“Evening, Miss Twilight.” Vergil responded as he set the book aside onto one of the empty shelves. “It seems you have quite the vast assortment of knowledge scattered across this room. I take it you’re one for indulging on the process of research and studying?”

“You guessed it.” Twilight nodded, taking Vergil’s observation as a compliment. “I like to broaden my horizons in the pursuit for knowledge as best I can. It certainly helps keep the mind sharp. If anything, I believe that knowledge is one of the most important and most valuable things in life…next to good friends that is.” she said as she smiled back at Fluttershy, who in turn happily nodded in agreement.

Vergil simply scoffed at the absurd claim. Knowledge was most certainly a valuable tool if one was to succeed or obtain what they wanted most, but under no circumstance was he willing to demean its value by placing something so trivial such as companionship over it.

“By the way, I have great news.” Twilight began as she turned her attention back to Vergil. “I just got a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that she and Princess Luna will be here in three days to meet both you and Dante. Hopefully they’ll have a means of transporting you both back home.”

“Oh wow! Both the princesses are visiting here?” Fluttershy asked excitedly. “I can certainly see why you’re so eager to tidy up the place.”

“Yes. It’s quite the honor to be honest.” Twilight beamed cheerfully.

“Good then,” Vergil said, walking over to where Fluttershy and Spike were sitting. “Three days is an acceptable waiting period to confirm my return trip. I most certainly hope these princesses you speak of are as competent as you make them out to be. It’d be a shame if not.”

“Oh you needn't worry about that, Vergil.” Twilight said. “If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that both Princess Luna and Celestia are some of the most resourceful rulers and will no doubt find a way to get you and your brother back to where you belong. After all, they are in charge of raising both the sun and moon.”

“I will expect no less then.” Vergil stated before returning his attention towards the shelf where he had placed the history book.

“So you’ve already told Dante and AppleJack about the princesses?” Fluttershy then asked.

“Well not yet, Fluttershy,” Twilight answered. “I was just informed earlier this afternoon and have been a bit busy with Spike helping clean up.”

Really busy,” Spike emphasized as he got up and headed towards the kitchen. “Gonna go grab a snack. Anyone want anything?”

“No thank you,” Fluttershy responded. “AppleJack already showered us with enough hospitality as it is.” She chuckled as she slid off her saddlebag.

Twilight joined in on the light hearted laughter with the yellow pegasus as she fondly remembered her first visit to AppleJack’s being an overbearingly hospitable one.

Shortly after, Spike had returned from the kitchen with a small bowl of gems before placing them on the table to snack on.

“So when do you plan on telling Dante about the whole thing?” Fluttershy asked, bringing back up the subject.

“Probably tomorrow considering how tight my schedule is for today.” Twilight said as she levitated a set of books onto a shelf with the magical aura emanating from her horn. “But thanks to you both coming by, you’ve taken care of one thing off of my to-do list.”

“Glad we could help.” Fluttershy replied. “If you want, we could tell AppleJack after we leave.”

“No no. No need to trouble yourself.” Twilight said shaking her head disapprovingly. It’s already getting late and I really wouldn’t want to have you running errands for me this late at night.”

“Oh my, you’re right. It is getting late.” Fluttershy said as she looked out the window to see that the sun was beginning to set, casting elongated shadows from the small houses outside accompanied by the dim orange tint of a long day just nearing its end. “I really hate to just up and leave Twilight, but I think Vergil and I should be getting home. After all I still need to make dinner and tend the animals.”

“It’s alright Fluttershy.” Twilight said to ease Fluttershy’s worries. “Besides, Spike and I need to finish straightening out this library before bed. Glad you could stop by at least so I could deliver the good news.”

“Well thank you for telling us.” Fluttershy nodded politely before throwing on her saddlebag as she stood up from the table to leave.

“Coming Vergil?” she called politely over to the grey pelted pony who was still flipping through the Equestria History book.

“I suppose so.” Vergil answered, now closing the book and turning towards the front door to make his leave with Fluttershy.

Just then, a magenta tinted aura encased the large text book, causing it to levitate past Vergil as it floated towards Twilight.

An Abridged History of Equestria: Volume 1 of 2,” Twilight read aloud as she hovered the book a few inches from her face. “This is quite the interesting read, Vergil. Seems you have an eye for quality literature.”

“I take it you’ve read it before?” Vergil asked, still standing at the end of the bookshelf while Fluttershy waited for him by the front door.

“Oh, many times,” Twilight answered cheerfully. “It’s definitely a great summary and compression of all of Equestria’s history. If you want, I could lend you out the book along with a few others.”

“In that case, you wouldn’t happen to have Volume 2?” Vergil then asked, having now taken a genuine interest in the texts.

“Yes, I do. Unfortunately it’s probably lost in this huge mess for the time being.” Twilight said disappointedly, looking all across the library that was littered with many disorganized stacks of books and scrolls. “However, if you want to come back tomorrow to retrieve it, I’ll definitely have it in its rightful place by then. In the meantime feel free to check out any other books you may want to borrow along with this one.” Twilight said cheerfully as she levitated the large history book back towards Vergil, which he grabbed with one of his forehooves.

“Guess I’ll be taking this as well then.” Vergil said as he turned around to pick up a book that was lain out on the floor directly behind him.

Twilight then trotted over to see which book it was that had caught his attention.

“Oooh. That’s a really good one too.” Twilight chimed as she read the cover which Vergil had held out to show her. “Equestria’s Geography: Then and Now. You must really have taken an interest to learning about Equestria.”

“It’s only natural that one who’s lost in a strange land would do what he could to learn about the world around him so as to make the necessary adaptations.”

“Definitely can’t argue with that.” Twilight Sparkle said as she turned her head and levitated a small, tan, empty saddlebag off of the coat rack followed by a tablet of paper accompanied with a quill and ink vial towards herself. “Since Fluttershy seems to be carrying enough of a load, I figured that I could at least let you borrow one of my bags to carry your books.”

She then set the tablet, ink vial and quill down on the table as she and Vergil approached it. “I’ll just need you to sign your name here and write down the books you’ll be borrowing.” Twilight gestured, placing her hoof on one of the empty spaces on the tablet.

Vergil silently took the quill from the vial and proceeded to sign his name and the two books he had stashed away into the satchel. While he had managed to learn how to work his hooves like hands as everyone else did in Ponyville, he couldn’t help but still feel somewhat mortified at the shape he had now taken as he finished signing his name with his eyes more focused on the gray stub of a hoof rather than his own writing.

“Well then, that’s settled.” Twilight chirped happily as she lifted the tablet up to view Vergil’s signature.

“If that is all, then Fluttershy and I will be on our way.” Vergil said, throwing the saddle bag onto his back. It was certainly a strange feeling to be toting around objects like a common pack mule, but he was willing to make due.

“Alright, have a good night you two.” Twilight called as Fluttershy and Vergil headed out the front door.

“You too, Twilight. Thanks again for letting Vergil borrow those books.” Fluttershy said.

“Think nothing of it.” Twilight said bashfully before Spike had shut the door behind Fluttershy and Vergil as they left.

“Wow. And I thought Dante was weird.” Spike commented after walking back towards the center of the library.

“Well he might be odd, yes.” Twilight said as she returned to reorganizing the shelves. “But he most certainly has some admirable pursuits for knowledge, so he can’t be all that bad. Plus Fluttershy seems to trust him well enough.”

“I think that’s because Fluttershy’s pretty good at taming wild animals.” Spike chuckled to himself.

“Spike!” Twilight scolded. “It’s very inappropriate to talk that way about our guest behind his back. Now help me arrange these chronologically.”

Spike half-heartedly obliged as he grabbed a small stack of books and began to continue fixing up the library.

“That was really nice of Twilight to let you borrow those books.” Fluttershy commented as she and Vergil were making their way to the outskirts of Ponyville. The sun had just barely set and the moon was edging over the horizon as the stars radiated the night sky like thousands of kindling candles.

“Well she runs the library. It’s to be expected of her to loan out books.” Vergil stated bluntly. “Never the less I do believe this information will come in handy for the time being. At least until I make my departure.”

“You really think you’ll need all of that reading for three days?” Fluttershy asked. “Seems a bit much for such a short time.”

“Possibly more than a mere three days.” Vergil corrected.

“What do you mean by that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Simple. These princesses of yours are merely visiting to assess the situation within the span of 3 days. Meaning more than likely whatever preparations they have set up for an arbitrary occurrence such as Dante’s and my arrival are hasty at best. After all if your knowledgeable friend Twilight didn’t have access to that type of spell then it’s safe to say that a spell like that is either one consisting of many complications and necessities out of a common pony’s reach or forbidden.”

“That makes sense.” Fluttershy agreed. “So how long do you think it will really take?”

“I give it a week. I find it best not to underestimate those capable of raising the sun and the moon. So if my suspicions hold true then they most certainly will be capable of casting magic on a high magnitude. So for now I will simply prepare for the worst and secure the best possible outcome.”

“You mean prepare for the worst and hope for the best?” Fluttershy asked?

“No. Hope is for those who are uncertain of their own abilities and lack the capability and strength to do for themselves.”

“You certainly are confident about all of this.” Fluttershy commented, admiring Vergil’s intelligent analysis of the scenario.

“I suppose I have to be, given my situation.” Vergil then said as they slowed their pace walking down the dirt road towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I’m guessing you miss your home?”

“Not really.” Vergil stated. “But more along the lines of something I need to finish upon my return.”

“Well I hope…oops.” Fluttershy giggled before correcting herself. “Well I’m sure you’ll make it back to finish what you need.” she said cheerfully.

“…Thank you.” Vergil replied; surprised at how supportive Fluttershy was. As naïve as she may be, she does seem rather endearing in her sentiments. He thought to himself as the two ponies had made their way across the small bridge, arriving back at Fluttershy’s cottage.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, a few protesting groans and whines could be heard coming from AppleJack’s house.

“Is this really necessary?” Dante complained as Granny Smith was patting his wounds with cotton balls dipped in rubbing alcohol.

“Oh hush up now, youngin’!” Granny Smith said before AppleJack passed her the medical gauze.

“Besides, if ya hadn’t gone and got yourself in such a tussle, we wouldn’t be here listenin’ to ya bellyache.” AppleJack said sternly, walking up next to Dante who was wrapped and bandaged on most of his torso and legs, whereas his face had but a few patches, and his once bloodied forehead was now neatly wrapped with gauze in the fashion of a headband.

Never once had Dante required so much medical attention, but due to AppleJack’s observation of his wounds, he couldn’t help but notice how slow he was recovering from his fight with Vergil. It was then that Dante had thought back to what Vergil said to him earlier that day.

“But you can’t seem to harness that strength of yours you so callously flaunted about in our own world. Face it Dante. This world and that body, has not only weakened you, but has even managed to suppress your Devil powers.”

“I hate it when he’s right.” Dante mumbled under his breath as Granny Smith left the room, toting the first aid kit in her mouth.

“Now don’t you go and get yourself in anymore trouble, ya hear?” Granny Smith called back to Dante.


“What was that?” Granny Smith replied, somewhat peeved as she poked her head back in the room.

“Ahem.” AppleJack nudged Dante with her hoof.

“Yes ma’am.” Dante sighed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

“Good.” Granny Smith smiled smugly.

When Granny Smith had left for the kitchen, AppleJack then turned her attention to Dante, who was sitting quietly in the arm chair adjacent to Granny Smith’s rocking chair, looking a bit more irritated than usual. Rather than wanting to nag him further for what happened earlier that day, AppleJack figured she’d at least find out what’s been bugging Dante. After all, he hadn’t made too many wise cracks after she found him picking himself up from under the tree. If anything, the entire incident seemed to have left him a bit riled up.

AppleJack then removed her hat before gently nudging Dante on the shoulder. “What’s wrong there, fella’? Ya look like ya got somethin’ on yer mind.”

“Nothing much.” Dante said dismissively, turning away from the orange farm pony.

“Don’t look like nuthin’.” AppleJack pressed further. “Listen. If this is about Vergil, I’m gonna cut ya some slack. I’m not really so much angry at you as I am about this situation. He shoulda talked to me before even so much as going off into the apple orchard. He knew both of you were to be kept apart just as well so I’m not going to blame you for this entirely ok?”

“Heh, thanks,” Dante said with a smile, knowing AppleJack was being sincere as she smiled back at him with those emerald green eyes. “Speaking of apple orchards, I think you’ll be happy to know that before that little fight broke out, I emptied thirty-three entire apple trees for the day. Give or take one or two seeing how I used a few bushels as ammunition, but pretty impressive, huh?”

AppleJack couldn't help but giggle at the stallion's boast. “Pretty impressive for a filly...or maybe even for a colt.” she said with a playful grin.

“Oh yeah?!” Dante shouted. “Well just how many did you get, little Miss Farmer?”

“One hundred and sixty-four.” AppleJack replied smugly.

Dante simply remained silent, staring at the blonde-maned pony in disbelief.

“Don’t let it bother ya, Dante,” AppleJack chuckled, trying to dismiss his uneasiness. “You’re new to this, so I’m not gonna hold it against ya if ya can’t buck as many apple trees as I can.”

“Thanks I guess.” Dante said, feeling a little relieved.

“I will however hold it against ya, if you go about trying start that lumberjack mess up again though.” AppleJack laughed as she pointed to Dante’s sword that was neatly leaned up against the wall next to the armchair he was occupying.

“Trust me,” Dante reassured her. “I don’t think I’ll be leveling anymore trees after today.”

“Well that’s good,” AppleJack smiled. “I appreciate that you’re at least trying to help out around here; and to us, that’s what really matters.”

“No problem,” said Dante. “After all, I do need a place to stay. So thanks to you too.”

“You’re welcome,” AppleJack replied before placing her hat up on the rack in the living room. “Now c’mon, dinner’s about ready from the smell of things.” she said, taking a few whiffs of the air.

“Sweetness.” Dante exclaimed as he leaped off the armchair to grab his sword. As he approached his weapon, Dante couldn't help but stare at the sword for a few moments. A series of questions had begun to plague him the longer he stared at Rebellion. Just how in the hell did Vergil manage to get back Beowulf? On top of that how did he even figure out how to regain his Devil Powers as a pony? Dante thought to himself before looking at the cutie mark on his flank under his coat.

It was then that Dante had remembered during his fight with Vergil that his brother’s cutie mark was glowing just before he had summoned Beowulf. More than likely it has something to do with these weird tattoos. He thought further on before reaching for Rebellion.

“I suggest leavin’ that here.” AppleJack said, turning back to Dante. “Table manners and what-not.”

“If you say so.” Dante sighed turning away from Rebellion before following AppleJack into the kitchen. I think I can wait 'til later to figure out this whole reawakening business. Right now I’m starving. Dante thought as he and AppleJack took their seats at the kitchen table with AppleBloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith.

The night had pressed on to the late hours as Vergil was seated on Fluttershy’s couch, reading through the history book he had received from the library. It had only been a few hours since he and Fluttershy had returned and already he was at least a hundred pages in. On the small coffee table in front of him rested an empty bowl that once contained his dinner that Fluttershy had been so courteous to make. It was a bowl of steaming, hot potato and vegetable stew he recalled. Delicious to say the least as it had given him the necessary nourishment to continue his studies on Equestria. Next to the empty bowl sat a candle that had illuminated the minimal space he needed in the now dark living room of Fluttershy’s cottage. Vergil had insisted on reading by the candle light so as not to disturb Fluttershy if he were to keep the entire living room light on. As he flipped the page, he heard the familiar sound of hoof steps coming down the stairs. It was Fluttershy who had finished readying herself for bed, dressed up in her white robe with the violet trim around the collar and sleeves.

“You going to bed soon?” she asked quietly noticing Vergil was still nose deep in the book.

“Not likely.” Vergil answered politely, turning his attention away from the book as he sat it down, face up onto the coffee table.

“Must be a really good book I take it?” Fluttershy commented.

“You can say that.” Vergil said as he got up to take his bowl to the kitchen sink not wanting to leave a mess. It would be undignified of him to simply leave his host with the clean up.

“By the way.” Vergil started as he returned to the living room. “Dinner was excellent and I appreciate the gesture of you cooking. Not too often I’m able to enjoy a meal.”

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy replied happily. “I hope you had a good day today; getting to start over with my friends and all.”

Vergil only winced as he thought back to earlier that day. It had most certainly been no better than his first impression of Fluttershy’s friends, especially that of both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. However he did take some solace in besting Dante back at Sweet Apple Acres followed by Twilight informing him that Celestia and Luna were working on his and Dante’s return trip. So the day was not a total waste he thought as he turned his attention back towards the book laying on the coffee table.

“It went better than I had expected.” Vergil answered politely as he returned to his seat on the couch.

“I’m glad you think so.” Fluttershy said as she walked back towards the stairs. “I’m going to bed now. Try not to stay up too late Vergil. You need your rest too after all.” she said kindly.

“Your concern is admirable, but I think I’ll be fine for now.”

“If you insist.” Fluttershy replied as she trotted up the stairs. “Goodnight.” she yawned before disappearing upstairs.

“Goodnight.” Vergil called back half heartedly as he regained his place he had left in the book.

After a few more minutes, Vergil had come across a particular passage in the history book that had caused him to stop and review the text with a more careful eye.

“Nearly two hundred years had passed since Equestria had established a truce with Tartarus, which lay past the furthest reaches of the Everfree Forest, towards the edge of The Bad Lands. For those two centuries, both equines and demons would live in mutual separation; their worlds open to one another. While most demons did act in accordance with the Princesses’ rule, Tartarus would soon find itself on the verge of a full scale rebellion led by Minos, the current Lord of Tartarus, to usurp the rulers of Equestria. Through much delegation, the princesses chose to seal off the now forbidden location due to the constant threat of demon kind leading attacks on both the kingdom and all of equestria. After multiple failed attempts to lock the demons away, it seemed that not even the Royal Guard could stand up to the might of Tartarus' inhabitants. That was until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took it upon themselves to seek the aid of Starswirl the Bearded. They would then venture into the hellish pits of Tartarus, so as to find a permanent solution. There, they found the Hellhound known as Cerberus, who Celestia had tamed to act as Tartarus’ guard dog, whereas Starswirl conjured up his most powerful of magical prowess to build a large gateway that would serve as a means of keeping the inhabitants of Tartarus from leaving. This is now known as the Gates of Tartarus, which to this day, Cerberus guards with his very life.”

“Interesting.” he muttered as he folded the page, marking its place before opening up the geography book he had also borrowed. As he flipped through the pages he had finally come across a map of Equestria labeled as the most current and up to date. There he had located exactly where the Everfree forest ended and just at the very tip was a small cave like feature on the map titled “The Gates of Tartarus”. A grin then crept across Vergil’s face. “How very interesting indeed.” he said aloud, taking the time to mark the page which held the map.

Vergil then picked back up the history book, continuing onto the next page, where he resumed his late night studies into the early hours of the coming dawn.