• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 10: Second Impressions

After showering and getting dressed, Vergil walked into the living room to grab his coat, where Fluttershy was patiently waiting for him, seated on the couch with an irate Angel Bunny at her side. Ignoring the rabbit’s glares, he slipped on his coat and made sure that the buttons on each sleeve were adjusted properly.

“You really do like to look your best wherever you go, huh?” asked Fluttershy timidly.

Vergil gave her a look out of the corner of his eye before running his hoof through his partially wet hair, slicking it back to its proper do.

“If one is to grace the presence of others, then one must certainly look the part.” he stated. “Regardless, shall we get going, Miss Fluttershy?”

“Oh, you don’t want to have breakfast first?” Fluttershy asked “It’s still early and if you want I could make you something.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’m not particularly hungry and I’d like to get this little 'tour' of yours started.”

“Ok then.” Fluttershy replied. “Well I guess we better get going then. I already tended the animals so I’m more than ready.”

“Good to hear.” Vergil said as he finished tethering his sheath to the side of his coat.

The two ponies then made their way out of the cottage and proceeded on their trek to Ponyville side by side. Although the walk was relatively short, it was quite silent to boot, possibly due to Fluttershy not wanting to come off as awkward or just not knowing what to say to Vergil. Despite the mild tension she was feeling though, she still couldn’t help but smile as they reached Ponyville.

“So where to first?” Vergil asked staring off disinterestedly into the humble town as they came to a stop.

“Well I figured it’d be best if you got reacquainted with my friends from yesterday. So I guess Sugarcube Corner would be a good place to start.” Fluttershy said excitedly.

“What?” Vergil asked, his eye twitching at the thought of enduring another one of those meetings with Fluttershy’s friends.

“That is…if it’s ok with you.” Fluttershy responded quietly, sensing Vergil wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea.

“No. It’s fine.” he sighed. “I might as well reintroduce myself on more favorable terms if I plan to make my stay here as pleasant as possible.”

“Well that’s good." Fluttershy said as she led Vergil down Ponyville Square towards Sugarcube Corner. “I’m glad to hear that you want to get a fresh start after what happened with you and your brother. After all…you made quite a first impression with me.” she said smiling at the light grey stallion.

“Ah yes.” Vergil started, as though he were reminiscing days long forgotten. “Bloodied, battered and exhausted beyond one’s belief. Truly an introduction of the most refined manner if I do say so myself.” he said, finishing in a sarcastic tone.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle aloud at Vergil’s statement. He did make an excellent point. Their meeting was most certainly an odd one to begin with, but never the less, she was happy she had met him either way. Though the fact that he was from another world had not escaped Fluttershy’s mind and was leaving her with a lot more questions to ask him. But that could wait for another time. Right now, she was content with at least having him patch things up with her friends.

Within a few minutes they arrived at Sugarcube Corner; the whimsical structure still offending Vergil’s eyes upon approaching the confectionery themed building. As they entered, both Vergil and Fluttershy were met with an enthusiastic greeting from Pinkie Pie within their first few steps into the establishment.

“HI!” shouted Pinkie, leaping in front of the two, causing Fluttershy to leap back out of surprise whereas Vergil remained stoic, unfazed by the bubbly mare's antics.

“H-Hi there, Pinkie.” Fluttershy replied, stepping forward to Vergil’s side to greet her friend.

“What brings you here this early?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Oh wait let me guess, you wanna try out my newest cupcake recipe, right?”

“Actually we came here to reacquaint you with Vergil.” Fluttershy answered. “On account of your first meeting didn’t exactly go too well.” she said shying away somewhat as she recalled the brawl that took place yesterday.

“Oh, that was totally my second guess.” Pinkie Pie giggled as she approached the light grey pony. “Well then, Vergy, it’s great to meet you again.”

Vergil’s brow furrowed at the mention of such an abhorrent name. “It’s Vergil.” he corrected the bubbly pink pony. “And I would very much appreciate it if you had the decency to respect such a simple request as to not alter my name in any fashion.”

“Aww, but Vergy sounds so much friendlier than Vergil.” she said, hopping in circles around the stallion. “Besides, it makes for a snazzy nickname, wouldn’t you think?”

“A nickname that in no way shortens the syllables pronounced and only reduces the length of my name by one letter? Truly you’re doing the world a favor by saving them the pronunciation of one single letter.” Vergil said with the slightest mixture of sarcasm and annoyance in his voice.

“I know right?” Pinkie Pie snorted happily. “Oh by the way, Fluttershy, I really want you to taste test this new batch of cupcakes I just made.” she said as she put a hoof around the meek pegasus' shoulder and guided her towards the kitchen.

“Oh, sure.” Fluttershy complied. “But what about Vergil? You think he might want to try them as well?”

“Good idea!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, turning back to Vergil. “Hey, Vergy! Do ya wanna join Fluttershy and me in testing out these new cupcakes!?”

“I’ll pass.”

“Suit yourself! More for us” Pinkie giggled as she led Fluttershy towards the double doors connecting the lobby to the kitchen.

“I hope you don’t mind.” Fluttershy called back to Vergil.

“No need to worry about me.” Vergil dismissed, turning away to catch a glimpse around the room before trailing off into thought.

It seems that pink menace will be quite an annoyance. There’s no other way to put it, Vergil thought to himself. She doesn’t even have the capacity to show any form of respect. I don’t see how Fluttershy intends for me to feel comfortable, let alone welcome, around such a raucous mare like her.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Pinkie Pie guided Fluttershy over to the counter where a batch of just freshly iced cupcakes sat. The icing was decorated into a light rainbow pattern, swirling around the top of the chocolate cupcakes, and was topped with a small cherry on each pastry.

“I call these my Chocolate Rainbooms.” she said, presenting them to Fluttershy. “Go one give ‘em a taste.”

Fluttershy grabbed one of the finely decorated cupcakes but before she could bite into it, she suddenly spoke up, “Umm, Pinkie. I really want to apologize for what happened yesterday. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Cake were quite angry about the damages and all. It’s just that I didn’t know either Vergil or Dante could be so well…violent.”

“No need to worry about such a silly thing, Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie said dismissively, patting Fluttershy on the back. “I always plan on my parties getting a little crazy. Besides, there’s nothing some good ol’ duct tape won’t fix.”

“So you’re not mad about the fight breaking out?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad? That was totally the greatest thing I’ve ever seen happen at one of my parties; well that and the time Princess Celestia snuck a few slices of cake before everypony else. Hahahaha, you shoulda seen the look on her face!”

“Oh thank goodness.” Fluttershy said as she let out a sigh of relief, glad to hear how forgiving Pinkie was. Remembering that she still had a cupcake in her hoof, she took a small nibble out of the delectable treat.

“Mmm. These are great, Pinkie.”

“Thank you.” Pinkie replied, tossing a cupcake into her mouth. “It’s like a Rainboom in every bite!”

“I’ll say.” Fluttershy laughed before taking another bite.

Outside in the lobby, Vergil was sitting quietly at one of the tables, doing what he could to take his mind off his current situation. His thoughts however, were interrupted as a rainbow-maned, cyan-blue pegasus rushed through the front door, jingling the small bell hanging above the doorway.

“Hey Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “I heard you were making some new cup- Oh. It’s you.” she said as her excitement dissipated into disgust upon seeing Vergil sitting in the front lobby.

“What are you doing here anyways?” Rainbow Dash asked, trotting up to the grey pony's table with somewhat of a scowl on her face.

“Why I’m doing what you should be doing.” Vergil stated, not wanting to acknowledge Rainbow Dash’s presence. “I’m minding my own affairs.”

“For somepony who minds their own business, you sure like starting trouble with others.” Rainbow Dash responded coldly.

“Just like what you’re doing now?”

“Listen pal! I’m not the one who tried to kill Dante yesterday and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t see how the others can even so much as give you an inch of trust. Especially Fluttershy!”

Vergil only smirked, knowing he was getting the foolhardy pegasus worked up.

“I will congratulate you on one thing.” Vergil began, standing up from his seat. “Despite how much of a fool you are for even daring to challenge me, you’re at least smart enough to show some inkling of caution as well.”

“You don’t scare me.” Rainbow Dash said, coming face to face with Vergil.

“Good. It’s nice to know you take me so lightly. It’ll only make shutting that mouth of yours all the less challenging.” he replied before turning away.

“Just what is your deal!?” Rainbow Dash asked, beginning to grow flustered at the stallion's arrogance.

“Simple really.” Vergil answered, turning back towards her. “I’m lost in a world unknown to me and surrounded by its inhabitants who insist on interfering with my personal matters. And to top it off, I’m stuck here with my imbecilic brother.” he explained in disgust. “Anymore pointless questions?”

After a brief period of silence, Rainbow Dash only turned away from Vergil, knowing that any further conversation would possibly stir up a wasps nest full of trouble. Instead, she started walking past him towards the kitchen when both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy came through the double doors, meeting her half way.

“Oh good morning, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy greeted happily.

"Hiya, Dashie!” Pinkie said through her teeth, as she was holding a tray carrying her Chocolate Rainboom Cupcakes with her mouth.

“Hi, guys,” Rainbow Dash said sheepishly. “I heard Pinkie making some new cupcakes and I figured I might as well come over and give ‘em a try.”

“Sure.” Pinkie Pie said, spitting the tray into one of her forehooves and holding out the platter of delectable delights in front of her friend.

“Wow! Thanks!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, grabbing one. “These look so awesome.” she said before taking a bite out of the cupcake.

“Well whattaya think?” Pinkie asked anxiously.

“I’d say these are officially the coolest cupcakes I’ve ever eaten!”

“Whoohoo!” Pinkie Pie shouted before turning to Vergil who was silently watching on.

“Are ya sure you don’t want one, Vergy?” she asked, holding out the tray to him now.

“Yes, I am quite sure.” Vergil said, lightly pushing the tray away. “I’m not too fond of sweets.”

“Well I take it that you and Rainbow Dash were at least getting re-acquainted?” Fluttershy asked, turning her attention from Rainbow Dash to Vergil.

“Yes.” Vergil replied coolly. “She and I were taking some time to get to know one another.”

“Yeah. Just ya know, trying to get off on the right hoof.” Rainbow Dash chimed in, smiling nervously at Fluttershy.

“Oh, I’m so glad.” Fluttershy said softly as she trotted towards her friend. “I was worried that you and Vergil would still be angry at each other from yesterday.”

“Please, dear Fluttershy.” Vergil started. “I like to think your friend is above such petulant and childish acts. Am I right, Miss Dash?” he said, looking to Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

Not wanting to start a scene, Rainbow Dash only feigned a smile at the three. “Of course I am.” she laughed uneasily. “Vergil and I just didn’t meet under the right circumstances is all.”

“Well that’s just peachy keen!” Pinkie said before grabbing the three into a group hug. “Friends shouldn’t stay mad at each other. Especially if they've just met.”

Vergil pushed away from Pinkie’s hug after a second or two, dusting himself off. “Friends should also respect another’s personal space and name for that matter.”

“As you wish, Vergy!” Pinkie Pie saluted him with a smile.

The grey stallion simply placed his face into his hoof in response to her gesture, knowing that she wouldn’t let up anytime soon.

“Well as fun as it’s been, Vergil and I should get going. I still have a few more places to show him around town.” Fluttershy explained to her friends.

“Okey Dokey Lokey!” Pinkie said before tossing another cupcake into her mouth. “Have a good morning, you two.”

“We will.” Fluttershy said reassuringly as she and Vergil left Sugarcube Corner.

“Yeah I might as well get going too.” Rainbow Dash joined in. “Still gotta handle a couple more weather issues in Ponyville.”

“Ok then. Seeya, Dashie.” Pinkie waved before the rainbow-maned pegasus flew out the door, discreetly soaring a few meters above the departing Vergil and Fluttershy.

“I’ve got my eye on you.” Rainbow Dash muttered softly, looking down at Vergil just before taking off into the blue sky.

“So what did you and Rainbow Dash talk about?” Fluttershy asked Vergil.

“Nothing of too much importance. Just a simple greeting, and a few exchanges here and there about our little misunderstanding from yesterday.”

“You mean between you and Dante, or you and Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy pressed further.

“Both,” he answered. “By the way, I’m guessing that your friend, Pinkie Pie is the local caterer, is that correct?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy answered. “Well, her and Mr. and Mrs. Cake, who own Sugarcube Corner that is.”

“I see. And exactly what does Rainbow Dash do?”

“Well, she’s a weather pegasus. She’s in charge of keeping up the weather according to the forecast for Ponyville. Plus she’s one of the best fliers in all of Cloudsdale.”

“A weather pegasus you say?” Vergil said. “It would certainly explain why her head always seems to be in the clouds.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but burst into a small bout of laughter at Vergil’s comment. “I didn’t know you had quite a sense of humor.” she giggled.

“I guess anything’s possible here,” Vergil replied with a smirk. “So where's our next destination?”

“I guess Sweet Apple Acres would be our next stop.” Fluttershy said, contemplating their destination. “Although I remember Pinkie telling me that your brother, Dante was staying there with AppleJack. So we don’t really have to go if you don’t want to.”

“Nonsense, Fluttershy,” Vergil said dismissively. “I have a few important matters to discuss with my brother anyways. After all, what’s the harm in a little idle conversation?”

“I guess so. Although I am glad to see you’re in such a positive mood about the whole thing at least.”

“Positive is one way to put it.” Vergil said as he and Fluttershy made their way onto a dirt path leading out of Ponyville.

Positive couldn’t be any further from the truth, he then thought to himself. The day has barely begun and already I’ve met two unrelenting pests. Especially that Rainbow Dash. No matter, though. Perhaps a few "words" with Dante might ease the stress a bit.