• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 2: Falling Stars

Dante stared down at his reflection in a continual stupor. “This is a freaking joke!” he cried. “Out of all the things that could possibly happen when screwing with time and space, getting turned into a horse has gotta be the stupidest one ever!” He furiously stomped his hooves in the water, hoping to splash away this horrible dream, but much to his dismay, it was very real and whether he liked it or not, he was stuck in this form. He then let out a heavy sigh. “Oh well. At least I still got my dashing good looks,” he reassured himself, continuing to check his reflection in the pond. “After all, I am quite the cute little bastard.” he chuckled before turning around to perform a full body check.

“Got my jacket? Check." Dante stated aloud, turning his head to observe his long, crimson coat; the large tear on his right sleeve still present from his skirmish with Vergil atop the tower of Temen-Ni-Gru all those months ago. "My sword? Check. Ebony and Ivory…Not check.” he said as a disheartening tone soon found its way into his voice. “Of all the times to be without guns."

It was at that moment Dante began to ponder just how in the world he’d even be able to use his pistols if he had them. After all, using guns would require hands. Something he no longer seemed to have.

Eh, it’s probably for the better, Dante thought to himself. The last thing I need is to look like an incompetent jackass. Though, I wonder if I can still use my sword, He pondered momentarily. Might as well give it a shot.

Dante went to reach for his sword handle on his back when he looked at his hooves again, and noticed there’d be no way to properly grip the blade. "Hmmm, I think I can make this work," he muttered before turning his neck around as far as he could in an attempt to grab the handle with his mouth, just coming a few inches short. “Hmph, a lot harder than I thought it’d be." He then tried once again to bite down on the sword handle, but still came up short. Over and over he tried to grab his blade, but to no avail. "OH COME ON!" he shouted furiously. In his frustration, Dante started spinning in circles, constantly biting at his back in vain attempts to reclaim his sword.

Just then, Twilight Sparkle trotted her way over to where Spike had claimed the glowing object had fallen, only to discover a small crater devoid of any contents whatsoever. To her surprise, she only found a strange yellow stallion with an unkempt white mane and a wild, bushy tail to match, twirling about like a lunatic, biting at his back and swearing at every attempt he missed whatever it was he was carrying. She looked upon this spectacle quizzically, wondering whether or not she should bother this poor confused soul. However Spike managed to break the silence has he fell off her back and began to roll on the ground in bouts of laughter.

“Hahahaha! What’s with the screwball ballet, Twilight!?” he shouted only to be silenced by a thump on the back of his head from Twilights’ hoof. “Ow!”

“Spike! It’s very rude to laugh at others, no matter how…strange they may act.” Twilight snicked with a break in her composure.

Dante stopped spinning upon hearing Spike’s cry of pain and to his shock; he had just noticed that he was being watched by what appeared to be a small, green eyed dragon with purple scales and a lavender unicorn with violet eyes and a dark purple mane, accented by two highlights that streaked through her hair: one dark violet, and the other a bright rose color.

“Um, how long have you been standing there?” asked Dante in somewhat of a worried tone.

“Long enough to enjoy your little ballet,” Twilight giggled aloud. “Mind me asking what were you doing?”

“Oh, nothing really. Just stretches, ya know? Gotta keep myself in shape if I want to keep looking this good.” Dante fibbed as he started doing push-ups in a haphazard manner.

“Uh huh,” replied Twilight skeptically. “Well anyways, you wouldn’t have happened to have seen what caused this crater would you…umm…I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”

“Oh, me? Sorry about that. The name’s Dante.” he replied with a smile.

“Nice to meet you, Dante. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my number one assistant, Spike.” she greeted, gesturing towards the little dragon waving next to her.

“Cool, it’s not too often I get to meet talking horses.” he blurted out while remembering his encounter with the Hellish Horse, Geryon, at the bottom of Temen-Ni-Gru. Though it's a nice change from the non-talking, demon-trampling kind, he thought to himself.

Twilight was taken aback by his comment. “What do you mean by that?” she asked.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m not normally a horse. And also, I’m not normally from here.” Dante said while pointing a hoof up to the sky. “And that crater in the ground? Totally my fault. Then again that’s what happens when you travel through a portal created by someone named Doctor Strange.” he explained casually.

Twilight only stood in bewilderment while Spike simply made a gesture with his finger circling his head, implying Dante was nuts.

“What? Don’t believe me?” he asked while positioning himself towards the edge of the crater. “See for yourself.” he said before falling backwards into the hole.

“Wait, Dante, don’t!” Twilight yelled, trying to catch him, only to hear a loud thud at the bottom of the crater.

“OW! See? A perfect fit. This is totally my hole...mind helping me up?” Dante asked innocently.

After fetching the demon hunter from him from his dirt prison, Twilight, Dante and Spike managed to share a few laughs before an orange pony with small white freckles on her cheeks, sporting a Stetson hat and a long, tied-back blonde mane named AppleJack had trotted over to the group.

“Howdy, Twilight. I see you came here to find out about that shootin’ star as well, huh?” asked AppleJack. “By the way, who’s yer new friend there?”

“That would happen to be the shooting star.” said Spike amusingly as Dante puffed out his chest with pride at such a compliment.

“...Beg yer pardon?” asked AppleJack, dumbfounded.

Twilight let out a small giggle at the orange mare’s reaction. “Sorry, but what Spike means to say is that Dante here was the shooting star you thought you saw. Surprising yes, but apparently he’s not from around here."

“Ya mean like from Cloudsdale 'not from around here' or are you saying he’s not from Equestria?” asked AppleJack with an uneasy look fixated on Dante.

“I believe the latter will suffice.” answered Twilight cheerfully. "But I don’t think there’s much cause for worry. Dante here seems to be quite a friendly, if not goofy stallion.” she said, watching Spike show off a giant belch of green flames to Dante, to which she responded with a giggle.

“Well shucks, it’s nice to know we got another friendly face ‘round here!” exclaimed Applejack as she ran up to Dante and shook his hoof rather vigorously. “Pleased to meet ya, Mister Dante. The name’s AppleJack and I hope you plan on staying here in Equestria for awhile. After all, even if yer just visitin' there’s no sense in not getting accommodated ‘round these parts, am I right?”

Surprised by AppleJack’s surprisingly incredible strength, Dante was shaken up a bit by her overenthusiastic hand….er hoofshake. “Sounds good to me. If anything I might as well find a place where I can get a bite to eat if that sounds good with you ladies."

“That’d be wonderful.” said Twilight. “I know just the place where we can grab some lunch.” she commented while gesturing everyone to follow her back to Ponyville.

“Good to hear. I’m so hungry I could eat a hor-” he caught himself before finishing the sentence.

“What was that, Dante?” asked AppleJack.

“Oh, I said I was so hungry I could eat a horse apple.” he said embarrassingly.

“Boy, you sure are one weird fella, Dante.” laughed AppleJack as they all trotted towards town.

Meanwhile, in the dark reaches of the Everfree Forest, lay an empty crater similar to Dante’s in terms of shape and size; from which his twin brother had stepped out of, only to be met with a horrible discovery as well as he stumbled away from the crash site.

“Utterly disgraceful.” sneered Vergil upon observing himself in a murky pond. In his reflection stood a silver-grey pony with a slicked back white mane, dressed in a blue three tailed coat; from which a neatly groomed, silvery white tail protruded out of the back. Tethered to the side of his coat by the yellow sageo wrapped around his sheath, was the demon blade, Yamato.

“A son of Sparda reduced to a lowly farm animal in this accursed forest.” he hissed as he started his trek down the dark and winding forest. “Might as well have sent me to a glue factory.” he muttered, looking around the darkened woods.

Despite the fact that it was the afternoon, the Everfree forest had a tendency to completely block out the sun at times, due to its dense vegetation. However, that was just one of the few minor complications of said forest when compared to the fact that the Everfree forest serves as a habitat to some of Equestria’s most dangerous and violent wildlife in all the land.

Upon finding a small clearing, Vergil decided to try and find the sun’s position so as to gain some idea in which direction he was heading. But not too long after finding this clearing, Vergil was greeted by a multitude of low, menacing growls and glimmering, yellow eyes emerging from the shadows of the woods. Out of the dark corners of the forest prowled a pack of vicious Timberwolves. Fourteen to be exact as Vergil counted them.

“My my, it seems some poor mutts got lost in hopes of finding a free meal.” he said in a condescending tone.

The Timberwolves only snarled in retort as they crept closer, circling the un-intimidated pony for which they saw as nothing more than sustenance.

“I see how it’s going to be. Fine then you mindless mutts. Let me fill your insatiable hunger.” growled Vergil as he turned his head and unsheathed Yamato from his side in one sudden movement using his mouth.

This caused the hulking, wooden wolf-like creatures to pounce towards Vergil all at once. Acting quickly, Vergil dove for the nearest one in the air with his sword clenched firmly between his teeth. All that could be heard from that point onwards was the dozens of pained howls echoing throughout the entire forest.

Author's Note:

Chapter Inspiration and Reference Song: