• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,348 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 6: Out and About

The sun was rising over the bountiful green meadows, slowly illuminating the fields outside the Everfree Forest. Its morning glow graced all that it shined on as it crept up from behind the lofty hills and slowly began to rise into the sky. The morning was here and with it, brought delightful warmth that beamed down on Fluttershy’s cottage. Vergil however, did not find the sunlight to be all too pleasant; the radiant light beaming down through the small window just above the couch. Vergil slowly opened his eyes after growing tired of the unbearable warmth, only to be met face to face with a small white rabbit, bearing a look of curiosity coupled with a mixture of irritation.

“And who might you be?” Vergil asked the stern-looking bunny.

The small rabbit only responded with a gesture implying it wanted Vergil to get up and eventually began to tug on his hoof.

“I suggest you stop that now.” Vergil said irritably as he snapped his hoof back, causing Angel to fall off the couch.

He then stood up off the couch and cracked his neck before rolling his shoulders in conjunction with the tilting of his head from side to side. “Seems I’ve been asleep a lot longer than I thought.” he muttered to himself.

It was then that he remembered the bandages Fluttershy had wrapped him up with. Out of curiosity, Vergil took off a few to discover, with no surprise, that his wounds had recovered completely.

“Glad that’s out of the way. Those felt so unnecessary.” he said while removing the rest of the bandages and patches on his body. Something then caught his attention. Vergil looked over to his flank where he had removed his last bandage to discover a peculiar marking on it. On his flank was the image of his golden amulet that was given to him by his mother and had also acted as the key to the gateway to hell that his father, Sparda, had sealed off.

“How curious.” Vergil whispered, turning his attention to the rest of his surroundings.

Vergil’s eyes then shot towards his sword, Yamato, which Fluttershy had carefully leaned up against the couch he had been sleeping on.

Nice to know she can be trusted, he thought to himself, grabbing the sword with one hoof.

Angel then ran up to Vergil, more irate than before and started pounding at his leg with his tiny paws and pointing towards the kitchen.

“Persistent little pest aren’t you?” Vergil said, moving the rabbit out of the way with the sheath of his sword. “Fine, let’s go see what’s so important that you’d take the liberty to disturb me so fervently.”

Vergil made his way over to the kitchen as Angel followed behind him. Entering the Kitchen, Vergil was greeted with a warm and welcoming aroma coming from a pot that Fluttershy was stirring unknown contents in. She then turned around to see the light grey stallion looking around the kitchen.

“Oh, you’re awake finally.” Fluttershy greeted cheefully. “You were out for quite awhile and Oh my!” she said in shock, noticing that Vergil had removed the bandages and was completely unscathed.

She then trotted over to Vergil worriedly, looking up and down his body in the same fashion as before.

“How did you do that? I mean this doesn’t seem possible at all. Your wounds were terrible. There’s no way they could-”

“Heal that fast?” he interrupted, finishing Fluttershy’s sentence. “I told you I’d be fine. Consider it a special talent of mine.”

“Oh wow.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Then I guess you didn’t really need my help after all.” she said, her amazement dissipating into disappointment. “I’m sorry I troubled you then.”

Vergil, noticing Fluttershy’s disheartened expression, only smirked before commenting, “To be perfectly honest though, had it not been for your treatment and care, I might not have made it to town or even healed this fast. So it seems your efforts weren't in vain. So thank you, my dear.”

Fluttershy then lifted her head and smiled, “You’re welcome.” she said bashfully “Oh, by the way, I thought you’d be hungry so I made breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” Vergil asked taking a seat and placing his sword by the table while Fluttershy walked over to the pot and poured the hot contents into a bowl.

“Yes. I figured you’d be hungry after such an ordeal, so I should at least do you the courtesy of giving you something to eat.” Fluttershy explained, taking the bowl to the table and placing it in front of Vergil. “It’s tomato and broccoli soup. I hope you like it.”

Vergil took a sip of the soup while Fluttershy grabbed herself a bowl as well, and served Angel, who was now sitting at the table with them, a bowl of lettuce.

“Quite delectable.” Vergil stated after taking a few more sips.

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy responded happily. “It’s not too often I cook for other ponies, so I’m glad you like it. Usually I just prepare food for the animals I take care of.”

“A veterinarian I presume?” asked Vergil.

“Oh no. I just take care of animals that need help or a place to stay. They really make for pleasant company.”

“I see." Vergil stated. "If that's the case, then I do hope you hold no intentions of making me one of your pets." he said tauntingly.

“No. Of course not! I wouldn’t think of such a thing.” Fluttershy stammered defensively.

“Easy, Fluttershy. It was nothing more than a joke.” he said, dismissively waving a hoof.

“Oh. I see.” she chuckled nervously.

Angel Bunny however, was not amused and had been continuously leering at Vergil from across the table while eating away at his small salad.

Vergil only batted an eye at the rabbit and then turned to Fluttershy.

“Does he always act like this?”

“Who? Angel? Well not always. Although he can be quite the mister grumpy pants from time to time.” she said, patting the small white rabbit on the head. “He’s really quite the sweetheart.”

“How charming.” Vergil said sarcastically. “By the way, where are my clothes?”

“Oh, those? I finished drying them out on the line for you. Problem is that they’re still torn pretty badly.”

“Well that’s inconvenient.” Vergil said before taking another sip.

“But I think I can help you get your clothes fixed.” she said reassuringly.

“How so?”

“My friend, Rarity owns a boutique in town and is great at tailoring dresses and suits. If you want I can show you. I need to pick up some more supplies and feed in town anyways.”

“I see. Well then.” Vergil said, standing up from the table and grabbing his sword, “Perhaps we should pay her a visit?” he asked, gesturing towards the front door.

“Ok.” Fluttershy replied. “Just give me a second to get my bag and your clothes.”

Vergil then took both his and Fluttershy's empty bowls, placed them in the sink and walked out the front door to wait for her while she got ready. While he was patiently standing out in the front yard, Angel Bunny had followed him outside and kicked Vergil in the ankle for his earlier transgressions.

“You don’t seem to know who you’re dealing with, rabbit.” Vergil sneered as he swatted Angel to the side with the sheath of his blade.

Angel grew furious, got back up, and gestured to Vergil with his paws that he was willing to put up a fight.

This only caused Vergil to chuckle lightly at the delusional rabbit’s antics, in which he responded by picking Angel up by his ears and punting him into the pond in front of Fluttershy’s house. The rabbit landed with an audible splash and resurfaced back up to angrily shake his paw at the light grey stallion.

Fluttershy had then walked out of the house, sporting a saddlebag that contained Vergil’s clothes.

“Hey, Vergil. Have you seen Angel? He was just in the house a second ago.”

“If I were to guess, I’d say taking a swim.”

Fluttershy looked over Vergil’s shoulder to see Angel paddling out of the pond before shaking himself dry.

“Angel!” Fluttershy shouted in a soft yet commanding tone. “You know better than to go playing around in the pond.”

Angel only responded by pointing his paw at Vergil in an attempt to plead his innocence.

“No butts, mister!” Fluttershy scolded. “It’s not Vergil’s fault you got caught. Now behave yourself while we’re gone, ok?” she asked as her voice quickly returned to its usual soft and sweet tone as before. She then turned towards Vergil. “You ready to go?”

“Just a second,” Vergil said, walking over to the edge of the pond. He wet his hoof a considerable amount before lifting it up and running it through his hair, styling it back up to his liking. He then took a few seconds to admire his reflection, making sure his mane was just right. “Much better.” he commented, turning back towards Fluttershy.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Fluttershy giggled.

“Shall we?” Vergil asked, holding out his hoof and gesturing for Fluttershy to take the lead.

“Sure.” she happily replied, walking alongside Vergil as the two made their way towards Ponyville

Vergil then looked back to Angel Bunny, who was giving the devil pony a harsh glare, his arms crossed in frustration. He simply replied with a cunning grin and continued down the road next to Fluttershy.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, AppleJack had walked into the barn to wake Dante. “Rise and shine, lazy bones.” she yelled before pulling yanking the blanket off of the sleepy, yellow stallion.

“Nnngh! Five more minutes!” whined Dante, turning over on his makeshift bed.

“Fine then, guess you won’t be gettin’ any breakfast this morning.” AppleJack threatened.

In an instant Dante shot up and leaped off the bale of hay, landing on all four hooves. “Well why didn’t you say so?” he asked, now fully awake. “Let’s go. I’m starving!”

“Don’t take much to get you movin’, I see.” AppleJack chuckled.

“Hey! Where’s there’s a free meal, I’m there.” Dante proclaimed, following AppleJack towards the house.

As they entered the house, Dante and AppleJack were greeted by a small yellow filly with a long red mane, wearing a large pink bow atop her head.

“Howdy, stranger,” greeted the filly. “Are you AppleJack’s new friend we heard about? Dante, was it?”

“You heard right.” Dante answered, looking down at the small filly.

“Guess you’ll be stayin’ with us fer awhile! My name’s AppleBloom! I’m AppleJack’s little sister.” she said excitedly.

“AppleBloom, mind showin’ our guest to the kitchen?” AppleJack asked.

“Sure. This way Mister Dante.” called AppleBloom, leading the yellow stallion into the next room.

“Umm, just Dante.” he replied casually. “No need to make me sound like an old man.” he complained.

“Alright then, Dante.” AppleBloom said reassuringly as they entered the kitchen. The demon hunter then took a seat at the table and was greeted by two other ponies: A large red stallion wearing a light brown horse around his neck, who was quietly sitting next to Dante. And on his right, sat a frail, green, elderly-looking mare with her whitish grey mane tied back in a bun, who greeted Dante with a warm smile from across the table.

“This here’s my big brother, Big Macintosh.” AppleBloom said, introducing Dante to the big red stallion. “He’s a really nice guy and a hard worker here on the farm. Plus he’s the best big brother ever! Ain’t that right, Big Mac?”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac replied bashfully at his little sister’s compliment.

“And this is Granny Smith.” AppleBloom stated as Dante turned to the elderly mare. “She’s not only our Granny, but the owner of Sweet Apple Acres as well. Plus she’s the sweetest granny a pony could ask for.” she said as she hugged her grandmother.

“Why thank ya kindly, my lil AppleBloom.” Granny Smith said as she patted AppleBloom’s head. “Also, it’s nice to meet ya too, sonny. Heard you was gonna be helpin’ out here at the farm. I can’t thank ya enough for yer generosity.”

“Ah, think nothing of it.” said Dante dismissively. “This wouldn’t be first time I traded favors for a place to stay.”

“Oooh, what’s your cutie mark for, Mist- I mean Dante?” AppleBloom asked as she caught a glimpse of Dante’s flank while taking a seat.

“Cutie Mark?” Dante asked, dumbfounded by AppleBloom’s baffling inquiry.

“You know? Your Cutie Mark. What’s your special talent?”

“AppleBloom!” shouted AppleJack as she trotted into the kitchen towards the stove. “You know it ain’t very hospitable to be bombardin’ our guest with such personal questions.”

“Awww, but I was just askin’ how he got his Cutie Mark is all.” AppleBloom whined.

“Ah’m sure Dante will tell us when he’s more comfortable around here.” AppleJack said before taking a pan of scrambled eggs and serving them onto everyone’s plate.

Dante took this time to look down at his flank to view his “Cutie Mark” and on it he saw the image of his silver amulet, given to him by his mother and father. Heh, Well I’ll be, guess my specialty here is the same as my world, Dante thought to himself before speaking up.

“It’s alright, AppleJack. The kid’s just curious is all. After all, there’s no harm in asking.”

AppleJack gave Dante a nervous glance as she took her seat between him and AppleBloom, hoping he wasn’t about to tell her little sister that he was actually a Demon Hunter.

“So what’s yer special talent?” AppleBloom asked again.

“I’m a hunter...yeah, that's it. A ummm…bounty hunter.” he lied.

AppleJack’s jaw simply dropped at the answer Dante gave. What in tarnation would he go and say that for?! T’aint no better than his real job, she screamed in her head.

“Oooh, neat! What kind o’ criminals do you hunt?” asked AppleBloom enthusiastically. “Robbers? Jewel Thieves?”

“All kinds, really. Though I tend to get stuck with the crazy ones most of the time.” Dante answered with a mouth full of eggs. “It’s a pretty tough job and can be a total pain.”

“Now now, AppleBloom," Granny Smith tutted. "I think it’d be best to let our guest eat in peace. After all, he might not really care to talk about his work over breakfast. Don’t you agree, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup,” the red stallion happily replied as he emptied his plate.

After breakfast, AppleJack followed Dante back to the barn. “What the hollerin’ hoopla was all that about you bein’ a bounty hunter?”

“What? I figured, no one would believe me if I said I was a Demon Hunter…well besides you and the other girls, but hey, I’m technically telling the truth.”

AppleJack let out a long sigh. “You’re right. It’s just that I figured you’d try and come up with something better for a cover-up job.”

“AppleJack, I carry a sword with me everywhere I go. I don’t think there are too many 'normal' jobs that would require that as necessary tool.”

“Well, why don’t ya just leave it here then?” AppleJack asked.

“Yeeeah, about that," Dante rubbed the back of his head. "Call me paranoid, but I prefer to have this bad boy on me at all times, just in case." he explained. "Better safe than sorry, am I right?”

“Just what sorta messes do you get into for you to need that hunk of metal all the darn time?

“Trust me. If my brother’s here, then you’ll know.”

“About him too. Why do you sound so hostile towards him? I mean shouldn’t you be a bit more worried if he’s lost somewhere out in Equestria?”

“Ease up there, cowgirl,” Dante said, taking a seat on a bale of hay. “First off, my brother’s the hostile one. He’s got a bit of a track record for that. Secondly, No, I’m not worried about him. If he’s here, then more than likely, he’s ok, but I’m not sure if I can say the same for anybod- um, anypony that he comes across.”

“And about that too,” AppleJack added, seating herself next to Dante. “Is your brother really as dangerous as you make him out to be? I mean you two are kin, ain’t ya? No sense in family fightin’ each other.”

Dante let out a sigh. “Ah, I’ll worry about patching things up with him later. If he happens to be in a talking mood that is.” he chuckled.

“Well, just try not to cause any trouble if you do happen see him, ok?”

“Whatever,” Dante mumbled under his his breath, resisting every urge to roll his eyes at the farm pony’s request.

“By the way,” AppleJack suddenly piped up. “I suggest you go get yourself washed off. Gonna head on over to Twilight’s place before we go to the party.”

“Oh yeah, the party!” Dante exclaimed as he leaped up off the hay bale. “Which way’s the bath?”

“That way, Mr. Bounty Hunter.” AppleJack laughed playfully, pointing her hoof back towards the house.

“Sweetness!” Dante yelled before trotting full speed back to AppleJack’s house.

He sure is a strange feller, but I think the girls and I can get used to him, AppleJack thought to herself as she watched Dante head inside.

Vergil and Fluttershy had been enjoying the quiet, peaceful walk down the road together as they entered Ponyville. However, after a few minutes of her mind wandering, Fluttershy decided to break the silence.

“Ummm…Vergil?” she asked hesitantly.

“What is it?” he answered back.

“I well…I was wondering…exactly why do you carry that sword around? It seems awfully weird that anypony would be toting around a weapon. Oh I’m sorry, I’m not saying you’re weird, but I’m just curious is all.”

“If you must know, it was a gift from my father. However it does come in handy at times when needed.”

“Oh my…well I really hate bothering you like this, but…”

“No apologies are necessary. I figured you’d have quite a few questions to ask me.”

“Oh I see. I just didn’t want to be so intrusive.”

“You’re not. What was it you were going to ask me?” Vergil pressed further as they made their way down the marketplace of Ponyville.

“Well why were you in the Everfree Forest?”

“Although I hate to admit it, I was lost. I don’t seem to know this land all too well.”

“That makes sense…but where did you come from?”

“To be honest, that’s where I’m trying to get back to.”

“OH! So you’re just trying to get back home huh?”

“Yes. You can say that.”

“Well if you’d like I think my friends and I could help you. My friend Twilight knows her way through the Everfree Forest and I think she could…”

“That won’t be necessary.” Vergil interrupted dismissively. “I’d just prefer to get my clothes tailored and be on my way.”

“Oh I see…” Fluttershy muttered turning her head away causing her hair to cover half of her face. “Well if you have time, maybe I could show you around town…if you’re not in a hurry that is.”

“Perhaps.” replied Vergil casually. Besides, I might be able to find some answers in this town, he thought to himself.

Fluttershy smiled hearing his answer, hoping he’d stay just a bit longer. After all he seemed like a nice stallion and she really wanted to spend more time with him. Maybe get to know him more. Oh maybe if I help him find his way back home, he’ll probably come visit from time to time, Fluttershy thought excitedly to herself.

After about a few more minutes of going through town, they arrived at Rarity’s Boutique. It was a blue and purple two story house with gold trimming designed like a carousel and even had a few horses decorating the sides of the balcony.

Seems a bit gaudy, Vergil thought as Fluttershy then knocked on the door ever so lightly.

“Coming~” called an elegant voice from within the establishment. After about a few seconds the door to the boutique opened to reveal a white unicorn mare with a curled, deep purple mane that seemed to compliment her sapphire blue eyes perfectly.

“Hi Rarity.” Fluttershy greeted her happily

"Fluttershy, darling! How have you been?” asked Rarity, opening the door further to allow her guests inside.

“Just fine, thanks for asking.” Fluttershy said as Rarity closed the door behind her and Vergil.

“Oh how rude of me.” Rarity caught herself, noticing Vergil. “Who’s your new friend, darling?”

“Oh, well this is Vergil, Rarity. He’s new in Ponyville.”

“My, and what a dashing stallion he is. Please to meet you, Vergil. The name is Rarity. I’m the local fashionista here in Ponyville.”

“Charmed,” said Vergil feigning interest. “Fluttershy here tells me that you’re quite the tailor, is that correct?”

“Why yes! I don’t like to toot my own horn…”

Yet you have no problem doing so, Vergil thought, rolling his eyes.

“...but I am quite skilled with a needle and thread. So what does a handsome stallion like you need tailored?”

“This here.” said Fluttershy, pulling out Vergil’s torn clothes from her saddlebag.

“Oh my Celestia!” Rarity shouted in sheer terror upon viewing Vergil’s tattered outfit. “How on earth could something so horrible happen to such beautifully crafted garments? It’s a travesty; a crime against fashion itself!”

“Let’s just say I had some dog troubles.” explained Vergil, wanting to forget the Timberwolf incident altogether.

“You think you can fix them?” asked Fluttershy.

“Most definitely, Fluttershy darling. I can’t let your poor friend here suffer the tragedy of losing this fashionable outfit,” Rarity said as she held up Vergil’s blue coat, observing the details and taking note of the gold trimming on the sleeves and buttons. “I shall do my best!”

“Oh thank you so much, Rarity.” Fluttershy said as she hugged her friend.

“I suppose thanks are in order,” butted in Vergil. “I truly do appreciate you putting in the effort.”

“Think nothing of it, Vergil,” dismissed Rarity. “If there’s one thing I love doing, it’s making sure my friends look their best, and seeing as how any friend of Fluttershy is a friend of mine, I can’t help but offer my services.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” Fluttershy said, turning towards the door. “I need to head back to the marketplace for awhile.”

“Ta-ta, Fluttershy! Do comeback soon.” called Rarity

“I will. And have a good day, Vergil.” Fluttershy waved, turning her attention to the light grey stallion as she walked out the door.

“You too.” Vergil responded.

“Well guess I should get started,” Rarity spoke as she magically lifted her red rimmed glasses from off the table beside her sewing machine and onto her face with the light blue aura that emanated from her horn. “Feel free to have a seat, Vergil.” she advised to the gray pelted pony.

“I think I’ll stand.” he said, taking the time to observe the innards of Rarity’s boutique.

“Suit yourself, or better yet, let me handle that, ahahaha.” Rarity replied, laughing at her own pun.

Vergil only let out an inaudible sigh and proceeded to stare out the window before leaning his sword against the adjacent wall, hoping to pass the time lost in his own thoughts.

Dante and AppleJack had arrived at Twilight Sparkle’s house relatively fast. Dante was sporting his signature red coat and was toting Rebellion on his back as usual, but he did however see no need to take his pants and boots with him, as AppleJack had advised earlier.

Still, it's kinda weird just trotting around in nothing but a coat. Makes me feel like one of those sleazebags that used to hang around the back alleys near my shop, Dante thought as AppleJack knocked on Twilight’s door. Still though, it’s kinda liberating. Hell, one might even say free-ballin’. He chuckled mischievously to himself.

After a few knocks, they were invited in by Spike.

“Sup, little man?” asked Dante, rubbing Spike’s head, to which the young drake shook off in annoyance.

“Eh, not much aside from Twilight passing out after a long night of research. It’s kinda a habit of hers.”

“Ah, the bookworm syndrome, huh?” laughed Dante.

“What was that about bookworms?” yawned Twilight as she was trotting downstairs.

“Afternoon, Twi. How goes the research?” greeted AppleJack.

“Afternoon already?” asked Twilight, grabbing the clock with the magic glowing from her horn.

“Yup. Just about time for the party. But before I forget, you managed to find anything out about this whole world travelin’ nonsense?”

“Unfortunately, no.” replied Twilight. “From all that I’ve read, I can’t seem to find anything pertaining to traveling between worlds. The only place I could think of would be in the Canterlot Library.”

“Ya think Princess Celestia might know anything ‘bout that?”

“I’m not sure, but it’s worth a shot.”

“Woah, wait up!” cried Dante. “You guys have a princess here?”

“Well not here, per say,” explained Spike. “But in Canterlot. She’s the ruler of Equestria along with her sister, Luna. They’re both responsible for raising and setting the Sun and Moon respectively…Plus Twilight is her number one student.”

“Well don’t that beat all.” muttered Dante. “Two Princesses…I wonder if they’re single.” he chuckled lightly.

“I wouldn’t try it, lover boy.” warned AppleJack. “Dealing with the Princesses is serious business at this moment in time, and trying to explain how you wound up here would only make them a bit cautious around ya.”

“Ah don’t sweat it. Just give me a few minutes with those two ladies and I guarantee they’d be willing to help me, no questions asked.”

Twilight only rolled her eyes at Dante’s attempts to be suave. “I’m sure you’ll end up with a restraining order at best. That’s besides the fact though. I’ll be sure to write her a letter after the party, explaining your situation. Hopefully she might be able to help both you and your brother out, wherever he may be.”

“Whatever works for you guys. So long as I get to enjoy this little vacation for the time being.” Dante said walking towards the door. “So we gonna get the party started or am I gonna be dancin’ with myself?”

“Well someone’s sure in a rush.” remarked Twilight.

Spike hopped on her back and they both proceeded to follow Dante and AppleJack outside, only to stop in front of her house as they noticed Dante had stopped dead in his tracks with a blank stare on his face.

“Something wrong, Dante?” asked Twilight with genuine concern.

Dante only turned to AppleJack, Twilight and Spike and said, “I don’t seem to know the way to the party.”

“A regular genius, wouldn’t you agree Twi?” giggled AppleJack.

“Yes.” Twilight laughed, “Very astute deduction, if I do say so myself.”

“Come on Dante.” called AppleJack heading off towards Sugarcube Corner. “The party’s this way.”

“Whoohoo!” he cried jumping up and trotting after AppleJack.

“Something tells me this is gonna be one of those days, huh Twilight?” asked Spike.

“Oh don’t be silly. What’s the worst that can happen?” Twilight asked as she started following Dante and AppleJack.

After about an hour at the Boutique, Rarity was adding the finishing touches to Vergil’s coat with just a few more stitches on the sleeves.

“Aaaaand it’s finished!” exclaimed Rarity, holding up Vergil’s coat for him to see. “A true work of craftmareship if I do say so myself.”

“Thank you.” said Vergil. “It seems you really are as skilled as Fluttershy made you out to be.”

“Oh I’m flattered, dear sir. But before I forget, I was unable to salvage the pants. However I did manage to restore your vest if that’s fine with you.” Rarity said holding out Vergil’s vest in one hoof and his coat in the other.

“Let me see.” he said, taking the garments from Rarity.

“You can change over there.” Rarity pointed a hoof to a set of curtains next to her display mirror.

After about a minute or two, Vergil walked out from behind the curtains, properly outfitted in his dark navy blue vest with his cravat necktie puffed out only slightly to add class. All topped off by his long, flowing, azure coat.

“While the wardrobe itself feels lacking compared to my previous attire, this will more than suffice.” commented Vergil, observing himself in the mirror.

“I think it looks marvelous on you.” said Rarity, stepping next to him. “I am ever so happy I was able to get it just right. Not too tight, nor too loose."

“I think it makes you look very handsome.” added Fluttershy, who had just walked in, returning from the marketplace with a full saddlebag.

“Glad you agree.” said Vergil, grinning at the compliment.

“Oh, Fluttershy darling!” greeted Rarity. “Welcome back. How was your time at the market?”

“It was good. Got everything I need now, so hopefully Angel won’t be throwing any of his little fits.”

“That rabbit of yours needs quite the attitude adjustment.” commented Vergil, adjusting his cravat and holstering his blade into the side of his coat. “His name, if anything, seems contradictory to his nature.”

“Awww Vergil. Angel’s not such a bad bunny. He’s just really defensive is all.”

Before Vergil could respond, a rapid knock came at Rarity’s door.

“Oh I wonder who that could be?” Rarity asked, trotting towards the front door.

As the door opened, Pinkie Pie popped in wearing a party hat with streamers bursting in seemingly out of nowhere.

“Hiya, Rarity!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie! What a surprise.”

“I know right!? I gotta ask ya though. You doing anything right now?”

“Well I did just finish a lovely coat, but nothing else left to do today. Why do you ask?”

“WHOOHOO! I’m asking because I’m throwing this really super peachy keen party for a new pony in town and he’s really weird. I mean like really weird, but he’s also kinda cute too and he’s not really from around here and he carries around this huge, crazy looking sword, something to do with his job or something.”

Vergil’s ears twitched upon hearing Pinkie Pie’s comment. Could that fool really be here as well?, he thought. I wouldn’t be surprised knowing him, but I guess that makes one less loose end to tie up here.

“So anyways, ya wanna come to the party? Everypony in Ponyville will be there.”

“Why Pinkie, I’d love to go.” answered Rarity “How about you, Fluttershy?”

“Oh yes! I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Fluttershy exclaimed softly. “How about you, Vergil? You’re new in town too. I think it’d be great if you got to meet our friends. If that’s ok with you that is…”

“I don’t see why not.” Vergil commented. It’ll definitely help confirm my suspicions to see if Dante really is here, he thought to himself.

“Great!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “Guess I’ll see you all at the party. It’s already started.” In a pink blur, Pinkie Pie was gone with the door slamming itself shut just seconds after her departure.

“Well then, I guess we might as well get going.” said Rarity. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up will you?”

Rarity then trotted up stairs to get ready, leaving Vergil and Fluttershy alone.

“Well these past two days have certainly been eventful.” commented Vergil. “A bit more than most would prefer…”

“I’m sorry if I might have pressured you into going.” Fluttershy said apologetically. “I just thought you might want to get acquainted around town, seeing as how you didn’t know anyone besides Rarity and I.”

“Think nothing of it, Fluttershy.” Vergil reassured her. “This party of your friends, Pinkie Pie was it? Might be worthwhile from what I gathered.”

“Glad to hear.” Fluttershy replied happily.

“Well then! Shall we grace the partygoers with our presence?” asked Rarity as she strutted downstairs after adjusting her mane.

“Indeed.” answered Vergil with a slight grin, allowing Rarity to lead the group as all three ponied walked out of the boutique, making their way towards Sugarcube Corner.