• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 15: Here Comes The Sun

As he opened his eyes, Dante was met with a desolate yet familiar sight. All around him stood fallen stone pillars and ancient structures that led into a single pathway as water began to rush past his feet. He then looked down and began to notice something even more curious. He was dressed in his old clothes he left at AppleJack’s and upon further inspection he had returned to his human form. After much consideration, it was then clear to Dante just where he was.

“What am I doing back in the Demon World?” the demon hunter asked as he held up his hand to the faint luminescent glow above him; testing the movement of his fingers one by one. He continued to examine his appendages before just off in the corner of his eye, he found the source of the glow that had illuminated the pathway in which he stood. Just outside of the pathway at the very end, where the water began its plummet into the black abyss of Hell, was a large portal that seemingly resembled the qualities of a sun going super nova as debris from Hell itself was drawn into its gravitational void.

“Dante,” echoed a familiar voice from the darkness just behind the demon hunter.

Dante snapped around to see his brother, Vergil who had returned to his human form just like himself. “Yo Vergil!” Dante shouted. “Mind explaining what’s going on or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty all day?”

Vergil in response reached into his breast pocket lining the inside of his coat to pull out the golden amulet he was given by their mother and held it at arm’s length.

“Brother,” Vergil started. “I’ve come to retrieve what should be mine.”

It was then that Dante had felt the metal of his silver amulet against his bare chest, causing him to grip it tightly within his grasp. “Don’t you ever give up with that shtick?” Dante scoffed, growing annoyed by his brother’s demands.

“If that is how it’s going to be, then I will have no regrets ending you,” Vergil said tucking away his amulet then proceeded to grip his sword, Yamato at his side.

Thinking quickly, Dante drew both his pistols, Ebony and Ivory from their holsters and began firing a torrent of bullets at his brother. Vergil reacted almost instinctively as he darted from side to side in a blue blur, closing the distance between him and Dante with each dash. Dante then reached back as he holstered one of his pistols and grabbed Rebellion, ready to strike down his brother who was darting towards him faster by the second. With all his might, Dante brought down Rebellion with one arm right as Vergil had gotten a mere foot away from him. Seeing Dante’s sword coming down, Vergil rapidly unsheathed Yamato at an upward angle causing the two swords to clash for an instant before the recoil drove back Dante’s arm. Vergil then used the momentum from the recoil to shift all of his force on his right foot and spun around with great speed, allowing him to swing Yamato and slice a tremendous gash across Dante’s exposed abdomen.

Dante’s eyes grew wide as blood began to spill from his gut, causing him to stagger back as he hunched over in an attempt to cover his wound. Leaning on Rebellion, he looked up at his brother who was staring down at him with a condescending glare. Dante only chuckled, then took his hand off Rebellion and placed it on Vergil’s right shoulder. “Gotta admit, pretty slick, bro,” he coughed. Vergil simply placed his hand on brother’s arm, ready to move it away. An unseen grin crept across Dante’s face as he looked down at Ebony, which was still in his left hand. “But I got a few tricks too!” the demon hunter shouted as he pulled Vergil in closer by his shoulder, placed Ebony at point blank range to his brother’s chest and unleashed a rapid series of gunshots into Vergil’s torso; eliciting grunts of agony from his brother with each discharge.

Blood began to stain Vergil’s coat around the bullet holes as he swung Yamato once again, slicing Dante’s upper chest; driving space between the two demon twins. Dante’s breath grew heavy as he reached for Rebellion and gripped its handle firmly, ready to engage further into battle. Vergil looked down at his bloodied hand that covered the bullet holes in his body and clenched it into a fist out of sheer rage. Standing straight up and fighting against the pain, Vergil then held out his arms and sheathed Yamato as a dark aura began to emanate all around him. Before Dante knew what was happening, Vergil’s body began to change into its demonic form; his coat began to resemble the skin of a reptile as his hands and feet morphed into razor like claws. On his left arm was his sheath that had merged onto his limb. What stood out the most was that Vergil’s face had shifted into a black and flattened demonic head with his hair now hardening into what resembled silver horns that merged on top of his head into a V formation. But most noticeable of all, were his green luminescent eyes that glowed with a searing hatred as he slowly approached Dante.

Putting away Ebony, Dante grabbed Rebellion with both hands and charged at his demonic brother, his sword at the ready. In an instant Dante had Rebellion raised above his shoulder and brought the blade down on Vergil with tremendous force. To his shock though, Vergil had merely raised his forearm to block the attack, not even receiving so much as a scratch from Dante’s oversized blade. “Impudent brother!” Vergil’s voice resonated as a morbid echo that escaped his ghastly mouth. “You still deny our father’s power,” he rasped harshly as his arm began to lift the weight of Rebellion from above his head. “And that is why you will FAIL!” Vergil shouted, quickly unsheathing Yamato from his arm and ramming the blade into Dante’s chest causing the demon hunter to drop his sword at his side. Vergil quickly removed his blade from Dante’s bloody torso and sheathed it back into his arm before catching Dante by the throat before he could fall over.

Lifting up his brother at arm’s length with one hand and picking up Rebellion with the other, Vergil began to walk towards the edge of the pathway that led into the black abyss of Hell. Dante at this point was barely conscious as Vergil held him above the waterfall before squeezing his throat, causing Dante to gasp for air. “This was our father’s domain, Dante,” Vergil began. “Perhaps letting you rot down here will help you appreciate your demon heritage.” Before Dante could think, Vergil impaled him with his own sword, holding him over the falls. With his free hand, Vergil’s claw grasped Dante’s amulet and yanked it from his neck. “Now the power of our father, Sparda belongs to his rightful heir!” Vergil rasped triumphantly. Dante could only weakly hold out his hand in a feeble attempt to grab back his treasured amulet, but in that instant Vergil released his grip from Rebellion, letting an impaled Dante fall to his doom as he plummeted to the darkest depths of Hell. The last thing Dante saw as he fell was a menacing grin that had formed on Vergil’s demonic face as he held up both their amulets in victory before Dante was soon engulfed by the darkness below, falling into the bloody pool spread across Hell.

With a jolt and a sudden wet sensation washing over his face, Dante’s eyes snapped open as he wriggled around on the barn floor, tangled in his blanket. Suddenly coming to, he saw that he had fallen off of his makeshift bed in the middle of the night, but still had no answer to how his face got wet as he wiped the side of his cheek with his hoof. Just as he turned his head Dante was met with a loud and cheerful bark, followed by a lick to his same cheek.

Upon a second glance, Dante had come to the realization that he was staring face to face with a brown and white patched sheep dog who was panting happily, sitting across from the demon hunter. “And who might you be?” Dante mockingly asked the dog.

“That’d be Winona,” laughed AppleJack as she entered the barn, the sunlight beaming brilliantly behind her through the crack of the door, causing Dante to shield his eyes. “Seems she’s taken a likin’ to ya.”

“Cute dog,” Dante muttered, patting Winona on the head. “Although she’s not the best alarm clock.”

“Sorry about that,” AppleJack said sincerely. “Ah didn’t expect her to wake ya up so suddenly, but I guess she didn’t plan on ya bein’ such a heavy sleeper either. Anyways, the reason why I got ya up is because you need to get ready for your meetin’ with the princesses today.”

“Oh yeah, that,” Dante mumbled before lifting himself up off the barn floor. “When was it again?”

“At noon,” AppleJack answered. “Which is why I had Winona here wake you up. Y'all got about an hour to get ready and head on over to Twilight’s.”

“An hour’s more than enough time,” Dante boasted as he grabbed his coat and sword and began making his way out of the barn with AppleJack and Winona following behind.

“Gonna go get some breakfast first?” AppleJack asked.

Dante simply dismissed the offer before replying, “Nah. I’m not feeling too hungry. Maybe later, or better yet, we can probably grab a bite at Twilight’s after our little meeting.”

AppleJack just shook her head in response. “About that. Ah won’t be comin’ with ya to see Celestia and Luna, Dante. Gonna’ be too busy helpin’ Big Mac finish our rounds for the apple harvest. Meanin’ you’re gonna have to be headin’ out to Twilight’s on yer own. Hope it’s not too much of a problem.”

“It’s cool. You got your work cut out for ya,” Dante replied as he walked through the front door to AppleJack’s house. “Gonna hit the showers first! Hay doesn’t leave too generous of a musk on ya overnight,” Dante chuckled, proceeding to make his way up the stairs.

“Just don’t take too long ya hear?” AppleJack called out to him as he disappeared behind the bathroom door. AppleJack then let out a long sigh before muttering to herself. “Sure hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble for Celestia; knowing him and his brother.” After adjusting her hat the way she liked it, AppleJack then left the house, returning to her daily duties on the farm.

Twilight had barely finished setting the center table in the library when a soft rapping came at the front door. Frantically she rushed towards the doorway, quickly glancing over parts of the living room she had tidied up before hand, double checking her progress in hopes that everything was just right for the occasion. Within a few moments Twilight had opened the door to see Fluttershy and Vergil waiting patiently at her doorstep.

“Afternoon you two,” Twilight greeted anxiously, still checking from left to right in hopes that not a single book nor chair was out of place.

“Hi Twilight,” Fluttershy replied happily. “I hope we’re not too early,” Fluttershy said noticing her friend’s nervous demeanor.

“No no. Not at all. I’m glad you showed up a bit early. One can never risk being tardy am I right?” Twilight responded quickly.

“I guess so,” Fluttershy agreed.

“Oh where are my manners?” Twilight spoke up. “Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable. I’m sure the princesses will be here soon.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy replied as she and Vergil made their way into the living quarters of Twilight’s library.

“Speaking of tardy,” Vergil spoke up. “I take it my brother has yet to show up?”

“Oh Dante?” Twilight asked. “No, he hasn’t arrived yet. Although I did send Rainbow Dash to remind him and AppleJack, so he should be here soon; hopefully before Celestia and Luna.”

“Figures as much,” Vergil scoffed, not at all surprised by Dante running the risk of showing up late.

Fluttershy and Vergil made their way over to the table where Spike was seated, calmly watching on as Twilight was still frantically checking every detail of the library before turning her attention back towards her guests. “Can I get you or Vergil anything?” Twilight asked.

“A glass of water would be nice,” Fluttershy answered honestly before Twilight looked towards Vergil, gesturing for his reply.

“No thank you,” Vergil answered.

“Right then,” Twilight answered nervously before rushing towards the kitchen to get Fluttershy some water. Upon entering the kitchen, Twilight grabbed two glasses to fill with water. One for Fluttershy, and one for herself. She had been a nervous wreck all morning and could use a refreshment. The fact that both Celestia and Luna were showing up at her home was more than enough to rattle her composure. To make matters worse, Twilight’s memory of Vergil’s outburst the day before last was still fresh in her mind and the implications in his words were all too twisted for a stallion of his appearance. After shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Twilight began filling up the glasses before quickly taking a few gulps of her water. “I’m sure Vergil wouldn’t do anything too drastic in front of the princesses,” she muttered aloud, trying to reassure herself. “That just leaves Dante...” Twilight paused briefly to let the thought sink in before letting out a long sigh. Maybe Rainbow’s right, she thought. Even if those two do start a scene, it shouldn’t be too much for Celestia or Luna to handle. I just hope it doesn’t have to come to that. She then finished her drink and levitated Fluttershy’s glass with the magical aura of her horn as she trotted lightly back out to the lobby with the drink in tow.

Celestia’s sun was lingering high in the sky, still only a few minutes away from reaching its high noon peak as Dante was barely reaching the entrance to Ponyville. The walk from AppleJack’s had been a brisk one, having felt more than invigorated after a quick shower to wake up his senses. Just as he was setting foot into Ponyville Plaza a familiar voice rang out, “Hey! Dante!”

Dante snapped his head up to see Rainbow Dash nearly dive bombing towards him just before coming to an instant hover right in front of him as her wings flapped with tremendous force to break her speed.

“Nice set of breaks you got there,” Dante said, unfazed by Rainbow Dash’s close and abrupt stop.

“Thanks. What else were you expecting from one of the best flyers ever?” Rainbow Dash boasted jokingly.

“So what do I owe this little meeting?” Dante asked, continuing his walk towards Twilight’s house as Rainbow Dash landed to trot alongside him.

“Well Twilight asked me to head out to Sweet Apple Acres to make sure you and AppleJack made it on time, but well from the look of things, it seems you didn’t need the reminder.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Speaking of which,” she began looking around, now noticing Dante was alone. “Where’s AppleJack? Twilight did invite you both.”

“Said she couldn’t make it,” Dante shrugged. “Had to finish up some farm work with her brother or something.”

“Yeah that sounds about right for AppleJack,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “She can be a heck of workaholic sometimes.”

“Tell me about it,” Dante agreed, remembering the past few days he spent apple bucking. “So what are these princesses like?” Dante asked suddenly changing the subject. “Are they those really snobby royal types?”

“Who? Celestia and Luna? No way,” Rainbow Dash reassured excitedly. “They’re actually pretty cool. Plus they’re real friendly with everpony in Equestria.”

“Huh. Sociable princesses,” Dante chuckled. “Now I’ve heard of everything.” Then again this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve dealt with a Sun Goddess, Dante thought as he remembered his encounter with the wolf known as Amaterasu back in the Marvel world.

“Trust me. You’ve got nothing to worry about,” Rainbow Dash said as she and Dante were approaching the front door to Twilight’s house. “Although that sword you’ve been carrying around might raise some questions.” Rainbow Dash then delivered a series of knocks before Twilight arrived at the front door to greet her and Dante.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Twilight said. “Thanks for going out to get him Rainbow Dash.”

“No sweat,” Rainbow Dash beamed.

“So where’s AppleJack?” Twilight asked.

“Farmwork,” Dante and Rainbow Dash answered in unison before turning to silently chortle at one another.

“Oh. I see,” Twilight mumbled disappointingly. “Well anyways, come on in,” she said in a chipper tone, opening the door more so as to invite both ponies in.

As Dante and Rainbow Dash stepped in, the first thing they noticed was Fluttershy, Spike and Vergil sitting patiently at the center library table, quietly passing by the time till the meeting.

“Make yourself comfortable, Dante,” Twilight spoke up as she closed the door behind her. “The princesses will be here any minute. Hope you’re not too worried about meeting Celestia and Luna. I’m sure they’ll more than taking a liking to you,” Twilight rambled on as she trotted around the room to still make a few more adjustments around the bookshelves.

“Not sure if I can say the same for Vergil,” Rainbow Dash whispered to Dante as they approached the table to take a seat.

“You ain’t lying there,” Dante mumbled as he sat down, causing Vergil’s ears to perk and turn his attention to both ponies.

“I must admit I’m surprised, Dante,” Vergil began. “You actually managed to muster the discipline needed to arrive on time.” His condescending words only elicited a harsh glare from Rainbow Dash while Dante merely shrugged in response to his brothers words.

“What can I say? Couldn’t resist to get acquainted with royalty; aside from you, you royal pain in the ass.”

“It’d be wise of you to hold your tongue, dear brother.” Vergil replied coldly, his hoof hovering over Yamato at his side.

“Ya sound a bit hot under the horse collar there, Vergil.” Dante said with a smirk.

Nervously glancing back and forth between the two, Fluttershy quietly spoke up, addressing Dante in hopes to turn their attention away from one another. “I’m really sorry to interrupt, but I didn’t really get a chance to meet you. Dante was it?”

Dante looked over to the quiet pegasus before answering, “That’s right. And you are?”

“Oh…I’m Fluttershy,” she answered cheerfully. “I’m sorry we didn’t get acquainted earlier at Pinkie’s. You seem like a nice stallion.”

“Thanks. You’re quite the looker yourself there, Fluttershy,” Dante said smoothly, eliciting a soft giggle from the mare.

“Thank you,” she said.

“I take it you’re letting my brother crash with you for awhile huh?”

“Oh yes,” Fluttershy answered. “He’s been a great guest and quite helpful around the house.”

Dante sat there slightly slack jawed at what he heard before composing himself. “And here I thought I was the only one to whip him around. Then again it’s nice to know someone else is keeping him line.”

Vergil merely sneered at the comment before turning away from the conversation, facing towards one of the adjacent bookshelves.

Spike, noticing Vergil’s actions, leaned in closer to Fluttershy before whispering, “Nice save there, Fluttershy.”

Dante and Rainbow Dash then looked at Vergil as well before Rainbow Dash began to chuckle at his response while Dante only glanced back between both Fluttershy and Vergil before a sly grin formed at the corner of his mouth. I see how it is, Vergil, he thought to himself.

Before their conversation could continue further, a series of knocks came at the door followed by an assertive and commanding male voice, “Is Twilight Sparkle home?” demanded the voice from behind the door.

“Coming!” Shouted Twilight Sparkle as she sprinted towards the front door.

“Wow, the princess sounds like she could use a lozenge,” Dante quipped causing everyone at the table, but Vergil to burst into laughter.

As she opened the door, Twilight was met with two of Celestia’s winged guards standing before her. “Good afternoon, Ms. Sparkle.” greeted one of the armor-clad pegasi. “The princesses will see you and your guests.” said the other. The guards then stepped aside as both Celestia and Luna stepped out of the chariot that had been towed by two of their royal guard pegasi.

Twilight couldn't help but smile at the sight of both her mentor, Celestia and dear friend, Luna approaching the doorway; their long flowing manes emulating their prowess over day and night respectively.

“Good afternoon, my faithful student,” Celestria greeted as she and Luna arrived at the front door to the library.

“Yes, ‘tis a good day is it not, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna chimed in with her sister.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Twilight smiled up at Celestia before noticing something peculiar about Luna. After a second glance, Twilight had discovered that Luna was wearing a light blue scarf with navy blue patterns alternating between the colors. “Interesting scarf you have there, Luna.”

“Oh this?” Luna gestured with her forehoof to her neck? “Why thank you, Twilight. It’s nice to know some ponies can appreciate the time spent into looking one’s best.” Luna said, directing her comment towards Celestia.

“By that she means she was up all night digging through her closet looking for that scarf,” Celestia lightly chuckled.

“That is because it is my absolute favorite, Tia,” Luna stated.

“Regardless, you both look amazing today,” Twilight said before opening the front door to the library, gesturing for the princesses to proceed through. “Please come on in. I’m sure you’ve been waiting to meet Dante and Vergil.”

“Yes we have,” Celestia agreed, ducking slightly through the doorway. If there was one downside to being an alicorn, it was the fact that she was nearly twice as tall, towering over most ponies; where as her younger sister, Luna was merely a head taller than an average pony.

As they entered into the library, Twilight had directed Luna and Celestia over to the center table. The two princesses stood before table to greet all who had come to the meeting.

“Afternoon to all of you,” Celestia started, greeting Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Dante and Spike who were all facing both her and Luna. They all simply nodded in response before Celestia looked towards Dante. “I take it you’re one of the new comers Twilight has told me so much about?”

“Got that right,” Dante said hopping out of his seat to greet Celestia and Luna. “Name’s Dante, and I must say princess, you two are certainly a lot taller than I figured you’d be.” He said looking up at both of the princesses. “Not that it takes away from your radiating good looks.”

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle in response. “How charming,” she said before introducing herself as well. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dante. I’m Princess Celestia and this here is my younger sister, Luna.”

“’Tis a pleasure to meet you, Dante,” the night princess replied. “Tell me, are you this forward with all the mares?”

“That’s a big yes, your highness,” Rainbow Dash answered, growing annoyed by Dante’s "charm".

“I aim to please,” Dante said as he jokingly bowed before the two. “By the way, you two mind me asking a question?”

Celestia nodded her head in response as she looked towards Luna.

“Go ahead,” Luna spoke up.

“Mind explaining exactly how you two both have wings and horns?” Dante asked. “Is that a royalty only perk?”

“Dante!” Twilight spoke up. “They’re alicorns. They were born with both pegasus wings and magical horns.” Twilight went on to further explain in an offended tone.

“Nice,” Dante said. “So they get the best of both worlds I take it. Talk about being born with good genes.”

“While that is true we were born as alicorns,” Celestia carried on. “It was by no means of being born into royalty or because of what we were that we became the rulers of Equestria.”

“If I recall, I believe it was after both of your triumph over Discord.” Vergil spoke up, grabbing everyone’s attention in the room.

Celestia and Luna looked at one another amazed that a pony who was supposedly knew practically nothing of their world would take it upon himself to learn the origins of Equestria in such a brief period of time. “Yes,” Celestia answered after a brief pause. “That is correct. It seems some pony made good use of his time here with you, Twilight, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, good use indeed,” Twilight laughed nervously, doing her best to avoid gazing at Vergil for too long. “One can never learn enough.”

“You must be Vergil,” Celestia asked, directing her inquiry towards the grey stallion clad in blue, who was still facing away from the ongoing conversation. “Dante’s twin brother?”

Vergil only turned his head slightly to acknowledge Celestia, observing her with a cold look in his eye. “Yes,” he responded after a second or two of silence. “You would be correct in assuming so.”

“My, I certainly see the resemblance between you two,” Celestia continued as she looked from Vergil to Dante and back again. “Regardless, my student has informed Luna and I that you two are in fact from another world, is that correct?”

“Pretty much,” Dante answered nonchalantly. “Crazy doctor messing with portals to other realms, makes a mistake, we wind up here and now we’re ponies.”

“And that you two also happened to have started a rather large ruckus at Sugar Cube Corner, causing numerous damages with those weapons?” Celestia continued; pointing at Dante’s sword, Rebellion that was holstered on his back then turned her forehoof to Yamato that was hanging at Vergil’s side.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash cringed at the mere mention of the fight that had broken out only a few days ago, remembering the animosity that had sparked between the two brothers in only a matter of moments. Twilight, who was now at Dante’s side couldn’t help but nervously look back at him as sort of an apology for Celestia’s stern response.

Vergil now stood up and walked over to the princesses, a fire burning in his eyes, not unlike the look that Twilight saw in him two days ago over their game of chess.

“Yes,” Vergil answered coldly. “My brother and I were responsible for the incident that transpired a few days ago. And to be frank, I see no need in bringing up something that no longer needs mention; for as you can see the problem has been resolved, has it not?”

Twilight clenched her teeth as her entire body tensed up at Vergil’s response towards Celestia. She was worried that Dante out of the two would run the risk of saying something out of line, but Vergil’s tone towards her mentor left her reevaluating her expectations on a much more frightful scale.

“Yes, while I am relieved to know that Twilight handled the situation,” Celestia began. “I still cannot overlook the offense of both you and Dante putting my subjects in harm’s way and I feel it should be addressed if you two are to continue to take up residence here in Equestria.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem then,” Vergil retorted. “I, nor my brother, have any interest of staying here longer than necessary. Which is what I was hoping would be discussed rather than trivial formalities and pointless introductions.”

“Hey watch it, buddy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, leaning up from the table by both her forehooves. “The least you can do is show some respect to the rulers of Equestria. Not that you of all ponies would know what that means.”

Fluttershy merely recoiled back at Rainbow Dash’s outburst, practically hiding under the table while Spike looked on worriedly as Vergil glared at Rainbow Dash.

“Stand down, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said, trotting over towards the sky-blue pegasus. “’Tis not the time for whatever quarrel you may have with Vergil to take place.” Luna then addressed Vergil in the same stern tone. “That goes for you as well.”

“But he-“ Rainbow Dash stammered before she was cut off by Celestia’s calm and collected voice.

“He is right, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia started. “Their arrival and departure are in fact the matters that are to be discussed.” She then looked over to Vergil whose full attention was now directed towards her. “I was just hoping that our warm welcome would have at least done away with such tension.”

“I’m pretty cool with it,” Dante said but was soon silenced by Twilight placing her hoof over his mouth.

“Whether or not your subjects are comfortable with our presence is none of my concern,” Vergil said rather flatly. “Judging by all that Twilight has probably told you, I take it some measures were taken to validate the truths of both mine and Dante’s origins being of another world.”

“Actually yes,” Celestia answered. “As a matter of fact there were. Twilight had also informed me of where Dante had fallen and upon further investigation; Luna and I discovered that a magical tear in our dimension had occurred within the proximity.”

“Good,” Vergil said, his tone somewhat lightening. “Considering your knowledge of magic seems to extend as far as your reputation has led me to believe, I’m sure there is some magic within your knowledge to open that rift once again so that my brother and I may be on our way.”

“Yes…and no.” Celestia answered.

Vergil’s brow furrowed instantly. “Come again?” he said still perplexed by the nature of Celestia’s answer.

“What my sister is trying to say is that even with our vast knowledge of magic at our disposal; we’ve yet to really develop a spell for such purposes.” Luna went on to explain.

“Then why hasn’t there been any development between now and the time that your sister received Twilight’s letter!?” Vergil demanded.

“There has,” Celestia responded calmly, keeping her composure with the ill tempered stallion. “Luna and I have been working in our spare time to find a method to reopen said magical rift, but due to the limited to nearly non-existant knowledge of dimensional rifts in Equestria’s archives we have come up fruitless in our search for a decent spell. Traveling through other worlds is practically unheard of nor was it seen of any use here in Equestria.”

“Then when can we expect a spell of this sort to be created?” Vergil pressed on. “You and your sister just proved to have some knowledge of dimension tears. On top of that, being alive for a few millennia must have honed your magical capabilities to such extents…or am I sorely mistaken about the renowned Goddesses and rulers of such a pristine land?” Vergil said suddenly shifting into a condescending tone.

Twilight staggered back, stunned at Vergil’s brazen words, as the others watched on in silent stupor while Dante looked quizzically at his brother, wondering just exactly what Vergil was hoping to accomplish. Celestia let out a long and frustrated sigh after a moment of silence before addressing Vergil once more.

“As a matter of fact, my dear Vergil, you are not mistaken of our magical prowess.” Celestia began as Luna trotted to her side. “You are simply mistaken of our methods in which must be followed to produce this type of magic.”

“I’m listening.” Vergil said, urging the sisters on to continue.

“The matter of the issue isn’t entirely about returning you and Dante to your world, but to also restore both of you to your original forms.” Luna said. “After reading Twilight’s letter and all she had to say about you and Dante, we not only had to look into transportation spells, but also into transmogrification types as well.”

Celestia then resumed where Luna left off. “And to be frank, the complications behind creating entirely new spells of those specific types will take some time. I hope you understand.”

“So how long we talkin’ here?” Dante then spoke up, noticing Vergil quietly contemplating Celestia’s and Luna’s words. “A few days? Weeks maybe?”

“That is the news we came do deliver,” Luna looked up to Celestia beckoning her to answer then turned her head as her sister nodded.

Celestia cleared her throat before she stepped forward to address everyone in the room. “Given the complications of conjuring a transdimensional transportation spell along with the added burden of restoring Dante and Vergil to their original forms, the time needed to create these spells will be five months at best.”

The room fell silent as everyone exchanged uncertain glances with one another unsure that they heard the Sun Goddess correctly. Dante shook his head disappointingly, “Great. Now I'm just left to wonder how in the hell Lady’s gonna hold up shop for five freaking months.” he muttered under his breath as Twilight gently placed a hoof on his shoulder to console him.

“Five months!?” Vergil shouted angrily as he snapped his head up, throwing a menacing glare up at the princess. “Millenniums worth of magic at your disposal and you mean to tell me that I am to wait five whole months for two spells!?”

Fluttershy, seeing Vergil’s anger grow by the second quickly got up from the table to try and pull him away from the princess. “Vergil p-p-please understand. Princess Celestia knows what she’s doing!” Fluttershy pleaded with the enraged stallion.

Vergil then turned towards Fluttershy, whose hoofs were still on his coat. “Obviously your precious rulers haven’t a clue what they are doing if they’re magic is so limited.”

“Vergil…” Fluttershy quietly whimpered as the grey stallion turned away from her to face Luna and Celestia.

“Perhaps I really did overestimate these all powerful entities.” Vergil muttered.

Celestia, having heard enough of Vergil’s tantrum, brought down her hoof before speaking up. “That is just about enough out of you! My subjects and I have done all that we can to accommodate both you and your brother. I sincerely apologize that your expected departure is not to your liking, but I promise you that Luna and I will be doing what we can to ensure that both of you make it home. On my honor as a ruler of Equestria, you have my word.”

Vergil just scoffed before he stormed off past Celestia, making his way towards the door.

“Hey Vergil, where you going?” Dante called out to his brother.

Vergil simply turned back towards the others whose gazes were all fixated on him as he said to Celestia and Luna, “As rulers who have done nothing but display their incompetence towards our situation; your word and honor is meaningless to me.” He then turned away, stormed out the front door before slamming it shut behind him, causing Celestia’s guards to jump in fright as he walked past them and continued on his way towards the outskirts of Ponyville.

“I’m so sorry, Princess!” Fluttershy stammered as she tried to head for the front door. “I should go get him, he’s probably not-“

“That is quite alright, Fluttershy,” Celestia stated as she blocked Fluttershy’s path with one of her forelegs. “Let him be. I think it’d be best for him to calm down. Despite his rather rude outbursts, I’m sure it must be upsetting for one to be worlds away from their own home in a body unlike their own.”

“No excuse for him to keep acting like a stuck up jerk the whole time,” Rainbow Dash commented, sitting up from the table.

“Rainbow Dash, we really shouldn’t be so judgmental of him,” Fluttershy spoke up, turning towards the rainbow-maned pegasus.

“Oh, come off it, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “You of all ponies should know that there’s something not right about him. Twilight and Dante can vouch for me.” She then turned towards Twilight who was sitting next to a still facehoofing Dante. “Right?”

“Rainbow, maybe now’s not the time to discuss those things.” Twilight said calmly.

“Oh come on!”

Dante then let out an exasperated sigh, “Just let it go, Dash,” Dante said as he stood back up on all fours. “Vergil’s always been like this and knowing him, the worst that can happen is he takes it out on me.”

Celestia and Luna then looked to Dante.

“I apologize once again that the waiting period for your departure is most unfavorable,” Celestia said. “I hope that you will not hold it against us.”

“As if,” Dante answered with a grin. “I can’t blame ya for trying to get us outta here. And while five months is a hell of a long time to wait, at least Vergil and I can leave here once it’s all said and done am I right?”

Celestia simply smiled down at the white maned pony. “I thank you for your understanding, Dante.”

Luna then walked up to the red jacket clad stallion. “I hope the rest of yours and your brother’s stay here will be a most favorable one.”

Dante looked back at Luna with a smile, “Thanks, your highness. I appreciate the welcoming committee you two got going on here. By the way,” Dante continued. “That’s a pretty good lookin’ scarf you’re rockin’ there.”

“Thank you,” Luna smiled back with a blush before turning towards Celestia. “See?! I told you this was a good scarf!”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike suddenly broke out into a laughing fit after Luna’s outburst.

“Hey what’d I miss!?” came a high pitched, enthusiastic voice from outside Twilight’s front door. Within a matter of moments, Pinkie Pie had burst into the library, toting her signature party cannon that was mounted on two wheels with Celestia’s guards chasing in after her.

. “No artillery allowed in the presence of the princesses!” one of the guards shouted angrily.

“Artillery?” Pinkie Pie said, puzzled by the guards’ reaction. “This isn’t a weapon, silly! This is my party cannon!” She immediately pulled the fuse at the end causing it to fire off an explosion of confetti and party supplies that had instantly decorated the entire foyer of Twilight’s library with streamers, balloons and a table cloth spread neatly out onto the table.

The two guards sighed in relief after Pinkie’s demonstration before returning to their posts outside.

“I really need to get me one of those,” Dante said, looking around the room.

“So am I late?” Pinkie Pie asked Celestia and Luna anxiously.

Celestia then looked to Twilight before giving her a courteous nod of approval. “Actually, Pinkie,” Twilight began. “You’re just in time.”

“Yipee!” Shouted the ecstatic mare as she bounced into the air.

Celestia and Luna then gestured for Dante and Twilight to join them as they took a seat at the center table where they would spend the next hour sharing stories and getting to know Dante while exchanging a few laughs from time to time.

Fluttershy on the other hoof spent the rest of the afternoon quietly avoiding conversation while glancing over to the window now and then, wondering if Vergil was doing alright handling the news.

After his walk from Ponyville to Fluttershy’s cottage, Vergil slammed open the front door and was greeted by Angel who as usual was not happy to see the grey pelted pony. The rabbit looked up at him with disdain in his beady black eyes making gestures as to where Fluttershy was. Vergil however was beyond livid and glared back down at the rabbit. “Out of my way you useless rodent.” His voice rasped, sending both Angel and most of the other animals in Fluttershy’s cottage scampering away from him. He then made his way over towards the couch where in front of him sat the geography book he had spent most of his time studying after checking it out from Twilight’s library. Picking up the book, he flipped it open to the page that he had so carefully dog eared two days ago.

As expected, the page displayed the current layout of Equestria, but more importantly the detailed mapping of the Everfree forest where at the end of those woods, just past the bad lands lied the Gates of Tartarus. Vergil stared at the location on that map for minutes on end, remembering all that he had read from Equestria’s Abridged History. After a while longer Vergil set down the book still continuing to stare at that one specific location on the map before he muttered under his breath, “I guess it’s time I prepare for the worst," he said picking up the book. "And secure the best possible outcome.” he finished as he slammed it shut.

After the princesses departed from Twilights and everyone had left for the evening, Fluttershy bid her farewells to Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Dante and had flown her way back to her cottage; Vergil still on her mind accompanied by Dante’s parting words.

“Hey, Fluttershy! Don’t look so down. I’m sure you can probably find some way to break Vergil out of that constant mope. Cheer up ok?” Dante’s words rang in her head, giving her some hope that once she found Vergil, she could at least console him even if only a little.

After a few minutes of hovering, Fluttershy landed just outside the proximity of her house where she began trotting her way across the cobblestone bridge that ran over the small stream in front of her house. As she continued up to her house she caught a glimpse of somepony sitting by the tree outside of her house. Quickly, she ran over to the base of the tree where to both her surprise and relief was Vergil sitting quietly under the glow of the setting sun, looking out into the cloudy, orange sky with more or less an agitated look across his face.

“Umm…Vergil?” Fluttershy spoke up, walking up to him.

“Yes? What is it?” Vergil answered in a calm tone that didn’t seem to suit his facial expression.

“I was just checking to see if you were alright.”

“To be perfectly honest, I’m not.” Vergil answered the meek pegasus.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy whimpered, backing away from him.

Noticing this, Vergil stood up from the base of the tree before turning towards Fluttershy. “Don’t be sorry,” he nearly demanded. “It is not your fault that Dante and I are stranded here for a whole five months and I request that you not take such guilt on your shoulders; especially when you have nothing to do with the problem.”

“I just wish I could help is all,” Fluttershy said looking up at the stern stallion.

“Well you’ve been generous enough to offer me a place to stay and eat.” Vergil said calmly, reassuring Fluttershy. “You’ve done quite a bit to help make the best of this predicament.”

Fluttershy perked up upon hearing Vergil’s response. “So you’re not mad anymore?” she asked hopefully.

“No. I still am very much aggravated, but there’s no sense in taking it out on you.” Vergil answered flatly. “I still need a place to stay and I did promise you to help around the house in exchange for my time spent here.” he then said with a grin.

Fluttershy only smiled back at Vergil. “Well, you certainly don’t seem too mad.”

“Well I just remembered a bit of my own advice after I had stormed out,” Vergil replied.

“You mean ‘prepare for the worst and secure the best possible outcome’?” Fluttershy asked.


“Perhaps we should get inside.” Fluttershy suggested after a few moments of silence, noticing that the sun had completely set and the pale crescent moon was rising over the horizon.

“Let’s.” Vergil responded, following closely behind Fluttershy as they walked back towards her house.


“What is it?”

“I’m really glad you’re at least making the best of this whole situation,” Fluttershy said, smiling bashfully back at him.

“More than you can imagine,” Vergil muttered as he approached Fluttershy’s doorway and took one last look out at the Everfree Forest; his gaze focusing further into the pitch blackness that filled those forbidden woods. More than you can imagine, his thoughts echoed before shutting the door behind him and heading off to bed.