• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

  • ...

Part 1 - Chapter 25: Roundabout

Back at the Golden Oaks Library, silence pervaded throughout the dark and empty rooms. The book shelves lay neatly organized thanks to Twilight’s and Spike’s constant upkeep of their home. The only source of illumination to be had was the modest amount of moonlight that peered through the cloudy night sky and seeped in through the odd window or two. Not a single soul was stirring that night, save for Twilight’s pet owl, Owlowiscious, who was sound asleep atop his perch, lightly snoring between involuntary hoots.

All of a sudden, a shimmering orb of light appeared within the library, waking Owlowiscious with a start. The small owl hooted and flapped his wings excitedly as the orb quickly expanded in size, emanating a strong magical resonance before bursting in a blinding flash. The light rapidly subsided as the Elements of Harmony, Spike, Dante and Vergil suddenly appeared within the room thanks to the princess’ teleportation spell.

“Whoo whee!” exclaimed AppleJack, holding her head with a single forehoof. “Ah don’t think ah’ll ever get used to that sorta transportation.”

“It’s not so bad!” Pinkie Pie spoke up. “It just makes the room all spinny and stuff. Whoo!” she exclaimed as she dizzily roamed about the room, bumping into bookshelves. “My bad!”

“That’s probably because such adjustments require an affinity for magic, darling.” Rarity explained in a rather haughty fashion before stumbling over herself as she attempted to navigate the darkened room. “Waaahaha!”

“Whatever ya say, Rare.” AppleJack chortled at the unicorn mare’s bumbling performance.

Taking note that the library was still unlit; Twilight quickly utilized the magic from her horn to ignite the two lanterns in the room: one hanging above the first set of stairs and the other hanging over the front door. With the room properly illuminated, the lavender unicorn was just about ready to send her friends on their way for the night. Just as she was passing by the table in the center of the room, Twilight glanced back at the unraveled scroll upon which she had chronicled the Legend of Sparda. She then looked towards Vergil who was standing next to Fluttershy and Rarity in silence. Looking back at the scroll, she skimmed over a particular passage that had sparked her interest from the moment this story was revealed to her. A passage that no less, contradicted her intial suspicions about the devil twins, yet somehow still held true due to their very existence. But from all that Vergil had told her and all that she had learned from watching those two in battle, there was no doubt just who they were.

“Hey uh, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash piped up, noticing her friend seemed to be staring a little too intently at the parchment. “You ok over there?”

Ignoring her friend’s concern, Twilight silently trotted past Rainbow Dash as she approached Vergil, muttering aloud, “It was you…”

“What was that?” the light grey stallion asked with a slight hint of agitation as he turned to the unicorn.

“It was you.” Twilight repeated once more with a creeping sense of realization, having now come face to face with the half-demon.

Vergil simply raised his brow.

You were the eldest brother.” Twilight declared, pointing a hoof at Vergil. “You were the one who resurfaced that tower: Temen-Ni-Gru. You were the one who sought Sparda’s sword and opened the gates to demon world. And it was you who…” she paused, a grim expression slowly forming across her face.

“Who what?” Vergil asked in an unsettling and calm tone.

Everybody was listening on intently, waiting to hear what it was that Twilight was going to say. With a deep breath, Twilight pressed forward. “The one who was defeated…by your brother, Dante. You’re the son of Sparda that fell into the pits Hell.”

Everyone in the library, aside from Dante and Vergil, were taken back by Twilight’s deduction, each one exchanging curious glances with another before looking to the devil twins in hopes of clarification.

“So you’ve finally pieced it together,” Vergil scoffed. “However, didn’t we already cover this stunning revelation of yours back at the throne room?” His snarky comment caused Twilight’s brow to furrow in irritation. “You know the Legend of Sparda is real now. What exactly are you getting at?”

“What I’m ‘getting at’ is that this little legend you and Dante apparently hail from doesn’t necessarily add up with what’s standing right in front of me!” Twilight replied frustratedly. “If the legend is real then how are you even here; let alone alive for that matter!?”

A pregnant silence fell over the library as everyone turned to the half-demon in shock, unsure whether or not they wanted an answer to Twilight’s disturbing question. Even Fluttershy looked to Vergil with a troubled expression, not knowing what to make of everything she had just recently discovered about him.

Then, as if a dark cloud had suddenly dissipated over everyone’s head, Dante quickly shed some light on the situation as he broke the silence with a simple matter-of-fact response. “You can thank me for that.”

All eyes were now on Dante and even more confusion arose among the group as Twilight’s befuddled gaze lingered towards the demon hunter. “What!?” she shrieked incredulously. “How? And for that matter, why!?”

The yellow stallion merely shrugged as he gave a half-hearted answer. “He’s family. What other reason do I need?”

AppleJack, flustered by his response, quickly confronted the half-demon. “That there’s an awfully noble thing to say fer somepony who just stood by and watched his brother get trounced back in Canterlot!”

“Oh, come on,” Dante groaned, backing away from AppleJack as he threw up his forehooves. “You don’t really think I was gonna let ‘Ol Sunbutt banish him, do ya?”

Twilight silently leered at the devil hunter, vexed by his lewd nickname for Princess Celestia.

“Besides,” he continued. “I would have stepped in if Fluttershy hadn’t beaten me to the punch… or should I say ‘smack’ in this case?” He chuckled, turning to the now red-cheeked pegasus mare who had bashfully shrunk back from everyone’s attention.

Vergil soon joined in with Twilight’s death stare as he, too, furiously leered at Dante upon hearing his brother’s insufferable remark.

AppleJack was quick to act as she trotted up behind Dante and lightly punched him in his side.

“Ow!” he groaned, still sore from his previous fight. “What’d I do?”

“Ya kept runnin’ that big ol’ mouth of yours! That’s what ya did.” AppleJack chided. “This ain’t no time to be wisecrackin’.”

With most of the attention drawn to AppleJack and Dante’s bickering, Vergil took the opportunity to confront Twilight once again, picking up where they left off. “And concerning your hubris, I think you’ve done quite enough investigating of my father’s legacy.” he said condescendingly as he circled around the lavender unicorn. “And I would most certainly advise that you refrain from interfering any further in my family affairs.”

“Oh, well I would have absolutely loved to,” Twilight replied, her obviously fake, cheerful tone suddenly shifting into one of irritation. “If you hadn’t gotten all of us wrapped up in your little blood feud in the first place!”

“If I recall, I wasn’t the fool that dragged you and your friends all the way out to Tartarus.” he sneered, tilting his head towards Dante. “You ultimately put your own selves in harms’ way by choosing to follow my insolent brother.”

“Oh, because that completely justifies you opening those gates and letting hundreds, if not thousands of ferocious demons run loose all throughout Equestria!” Twilight retorted sarcastically. “Tell me, Vergil. Do you always raise this much chaos everywhere you go? Or do you only reserve that ire of yours for those special places where countless lives are sure to be put at risk in the wake of your so called ‘ventures’?”

“Hold your tongue.” Vergil growled.

“No! You hold your tongue!” Twilight snapped at the half-demon, inadvertently silencing not just Vergil, but everyone in the library as well.

Dante, Spike, the rest of the girls, and even Owlowiscious’ attention was now undivided and focused solely on Twilight and Vergil’s heated debate.

“You might act as if you know what you’re doing, but you’re not fooling me, Vergil!”

“Which is why I conducted the necessary resear-”

“And some good that did!” Twilight interrupted, causing Spike to cringe back in fear behind the girls who were watching ever so attentively. “Did you even once think this through? And what would you have done had you managed to somehow make it into Tartarus only to find out, Surprise! There’s no way back to your world. And even better: you probably would have done us all the favor of banishing yourself! Bet you didn’t plan on that, did you!?”

The two stood face to face now, both brandishing disdainful glares at one another.

“Alright,” AppleJack finally spoke up as she eased her way between the two, gently nudging Twilight away from Vergil. “That’s quite enough, Twi. I think ya got yer point across. Right, Vergil?” the farm pony quickly turned to the scowling stallion.

Vergil looked to Twilight once more, then back at AppleJack’s expectant gaze. “Whatever,” he sneered, swiftly turning away from the two mares as he proceeded to march past the rest of the group and head towards the front door, brushing past Dante on his way. Just as he reached for the front door, he paused. Exhaling, the light grey pony turned back to the group with a slightly more reserved tone. “Fluttershy.”

“Yes?” the meek pegasus spoke up as she slowly trotted over to Vergil.

“I’ll be outside whenever you’re ready to leave.”

“Ok.” she nodded, reassuring the half-demon that he could leave the library.

Without saying another word, Vergil silently opened the front door, stepped out into the cold, brisk, night air and shut the door behind him.

“Wow,” said Rainbow Dash. “I just don’t get that guy. One minute he’s trying to get rid of us and the next, he’s saving our flanks, and then the minute after that, he’s at our throats again!”

“That’s Vergil alright.” Dante muttered under his breath.

Fluttershy let out a heavy sigh. “I’m really sorry, everypony.”

“Bah,” Rainbow Dash scoffed in an attempt to alleviate her friend’s guilt. “You don’t need to apologize for him. It’s his fault this whole mess happened in the first place.”

“That aside,” Twilight interjected, her temper having now subsided. “All of us will still have to work alongside Vergil if we’re to properly rectify this situation and put these demons to rest.”

“I guess you’re right.” Rainbow Dash reluctantly admitted, rubbing the back of her head.

“Either way, it’s late and it should be dawn in a few hours.” Twilight announced. “I think it’d be best if we get some rest for tonight.”

“Now that’s an idea I can get behind.” AppleJack yawned. “Especially after the mess this sucker roped us into.” she said as she playfully patted Dante on the back.

“You all wanted to tag along,” he griped. “Not my fault if you can't keep up.”

“Says the mediocre apple bucker.” the farm pony retorted with a smug look.

“Touché, cowgirl.” Dante quipped, knowing AppleJack had him beat.

“Alright then.” Twilight said. “We’ll all meet back up here at twelve noon two days from now. Sound good?”

“Works for me.” Pinkie Pie cheerfully piped up while Dante and the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.


“I guess… I’ll be heading out then,” Fluttershy awkwardly announced to everyone as she was the first to take to the front door. “Goodnight, everypony.” she said nervously.

“Oh, by the way, Fluttershy.” Twilight called out to the soft-spoken pegasus.


“Listen,” Twilight began. “I know that Vergil really means a lot to you, and after all that’s happened tonight, I think it’s safe to say everyone here knows that there’s a lot more going on between you two than we originally figured.”

“What?!” Fluttershy’s face lit up as her cheeks burned bright red with shock and embarrassment.

“Yep, sugarcube,” AppleJack chuckled. “It ain’t no secret that stallion’s takin’ quite a likin’ to ya. After all, you seem to be the only pony Vergil wants to be around or even talk to.”

“Or respect for that matter.” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Is it really that obvious?” Fluttershy asked.

“As plain as that shade of rose on your face, darling.” Rarity giggled as she lightly tapped Fluttershy on the nose.

Twilight then approached the butter yellow pegasus. “Which is why I’m asking that you please keep a closer eye on Vergil, and make sure he behaves for the time being. He’ll listen to you.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Fluttershy smiled bashfully, astonished at the amount of confidence her friends had placed in her. “Well, you can all count on me. I promise you won’t have to worry about Vergil causing too much trouble after tonight.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy, and have a good night.” Twilight said as she and the rest of the group waved goodbye to their friend.

“You all have a good night too.” Fluttershy answered back as she opened the front door, ready to take her leave.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Dante spoke up.

“Um, yes, Dante?”

“Thanks for looking out for Vergil. After all, someone has to.”

“Oh… you’re welcome.” she smiled back at the demon hunter before closing the door behind her as she left the library.

“Ya know,” Rainbow began once she was sure Fluttershy had left. “If all else fails, she can always get a leash for Vergil. I’m sure that’d keep him in line.”

“Ooh, ooh, ooh!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Maybe we can even get him a matching collar that says Vergy on it!”

“Or you could just give him a good smack.” Dante suggested. “That always seems to work.”

As if on cue, AppleJack slowly trotted up behind the devil hunter and delivered a swift hoof upside the back of his head.


“Ow!” shouted Dante as he grabbed his head in pain.

“Hey, you’re right. It does work.” AppleJack grinned.

“You’re mean.” Dante whined.

“Ah’m honest.”

“To be fair,” Spike snickered. “You set yourself up for that one.”

“Speaking of honesty, Dante deary,” Rarity joined in. “Your clothes are in absolute tatters. Just look at those rips and tears all along your otherwise magnificent, scarlet overcoat.”

“Really?” Dante said as he looked himself over. “I think it’s more of a crimson if you ask me.”

“Never the less,” the fashionista pony interrupted. “After all you’ve done to help us; I couldn’t imagine not returning the favor in some form or fashion. Perhaps tomorrow if you’re not busy, you can stop by my boutique and I’ll have your outfit fixed right up.” Rarity then proceeded to feverishly inspect Dante’s jacket; going over the tears and holes on his coattails, taking note of the material that made up it’s composition, all while muttering aloud the necessary supplies. “Hmm, yes, yes. Might need a spool of waxed thread and I’ll most definitely have to retrieve my old stitching wheel for this.”

Dante meanwhile, was silently fidgeting as Rarity continued to study ever inch of his coat from top to bottom, constantly rolling his eyes and letting out the occasional irritable sigh. Suddenly, the fashion-centric pony made an observation that fully caught the devil pony’s attention. “And I’ll most certainly have to find some matching material to fix this horrid sleeve.” Rarity said. Dante’s eyes urgently wandered down to his right sleeve.

“Ya know, Rarity,” the demon hunter chimed in. “I think I’d rather leave that one as is.”

“But, Dante.” the fashionista protested. “This sleeve of yours has been torn like this ever since you arrived here. Surely you’d have wanted it fixed by now, am I right? If you’re worried about the hassle, I can assure you, it won’t be any trouble at all to repair, darling.”

“It’s not that… It’s just well…,” Dante fumbled with his explanation briefly as he remembered how his sleeve had torn in the first place. That frigid, blood-soaked, rainy night atop Temen-Ni-Gru was still clear as ever in his mind. How he had awakened his inner devil, all just to spite his older brother. How it served as a constant reminder as to what he and Vergil truly were.

“It’s what?” Rarity asked politely, snapping the yellow stallion out of his trance.

He then lifted his sleeve one more time before lowering his hoof back to the ground. “It’s just fine the way it is.” Dante confessed flatly. “I mean I really appreciate you fixing up my jacket for me; it’s a one-of-a-kind after all. But maybe you could just, I don’t know, roll the sleeve up maybe? No excuse it can’t look decent at least. Am I right?”

“Well, it is your coat, so I don’t see why not.” Rarity replied. “Seems as though you’d prefer to brandish a more asymmetrical style, am I right?”

“Yeah. Guess you could say that.” the half-demon agreed, barely paying any attention to the unicorn mare’s fashion lingo.

“While all this talk about sewing and stitching is just sooo exhilarating,” Rainbow Dash sarcastically butted in. “I think I’m gonna head on out as well. Been a long day, what with the crazed demons and all.”

“I feel ya, Dashie.” Pinkie Pie agreed as she joined the mare’s side.

“Night, Dash.” Dante waved to the cyan-blue pegasus as she and Pinkie Pie trotted over to the entrance.

“See ya, Dante,” she smiled, opening the door. “Maybe tomorrow we can hang out or something, if you want.”

“Sounds good,” Dante smiled back at the cyan-blue mare. “I’m up for it.”

“G’night, everypony!” Pinkie Pie enthusiastically waved before following Rainbow Dash out the door.

“You too, Pinkie.” AppleJack called back to the party pony.

“Bye, Pinkie.” Twilight joined in.

“Well, beauty sleep is a necessity.” Rarity commented, looking at the clock on Twilight’s wall. “And judging by the time, it appears that I’ve missed out on mine tonight.” she said, wearily trotting over to the entrance.

“Don’t worry about it, Rarity.” Spike said as he walked ahead of the alabaster unicorn. “Even without beauty sleep, you’re still more radiant than any gem in all of Equestria.” the young dragon then bowed as he proceeded to open the front door for the mare of his affection.

“Oh, Spikey. Thank you,” Rarity gleefully cooed. “Always such a gentle-drake, and ever so sweet.”

“Oh, brother.” Twilight rolled her eyes at her assistant’s hammy performance.

Rarity then planted a kiss on the purple drake’s forehead, said her goodbyes and trotted out the front door.

“Still got it, kid.” Dante chuckled as he patted Spike’s head, forcing a blush out onto the young dragon’s cheeks.

“You just about ready to head on out too, Dante?” AppleJack asked the yellow stallion.

“Yeah,” He yawned. “Guess we might as well get a move on.”

Turning back towards Twilight, AppleJack tipped her hat to her, “Have a goodnight, Twi. We’ll see ya later.”

“You too, AppleJack,” Twilight replied as she walked her and Dante to the front door. “Oh, and Dante,” she said right as the devil pony had taken his first step outside.

“Yeah?” he came to an abrupt stop.

“I’m sorry for not trusting you earlier.”

The demon hunter gave her a quizzical look as the mare stepped outside to confront him.

“Ever since you and Vergil got here, I was hard pressed to believe that you two were anything but a destructive pair of brothers who saw the world as your own personal battle ground, ready to kill one another for the sheer pleasure of it.” Twilight went on to confess as Spike listened from the door to the library. “But after Vergil told me all about this legend of Sparda, I was terrified of the possibility of you two being his sons. And then…my fears were validated.”

“Yeah,” Dante said awkwardly. “Sorry about leaving you guys in the dark on that detail.”

“It’s alright,” she reassured as she dismissively waved a hoof. “Only now do I realize that despite yours and Vergil’s, um, ‘family affair’, you two being demons doesn’t change the fact that both of you helped save my friends and I, and are even now risking your lives to help save Equestria. It really makes me believe that perhaps maybe you and Vergil carry your own distinct sense of justice…just like your father.”

Dante silently turned his back to Twilight and walked forward, stepping out into the cloud covered night. “I suppose legends can have different interpretations,” he finally said, an oppressively solemn tone lingering in his voice. “Just depends on who’s listening, don’t you think?”

“I guess.”

“Then don’t waste your time sweating the small stuff, bookworm,” Dante chuckled, any trace of his once somber tone had now suddenly vanished; much to Twilight’s bafflement. “I appreciate the apology and all, but no need to get so sappy over it.”

“Right, sorry.” Twilight apologized nervouly.

“Hey, Dante!” AppleJack shouted from a ways ahead of the demon hunter. “You comin’ or what?”

“Better not keep AJ waiting,” Dante said. “Have a good night, Twilight.” The demon hunter then lightly galloped off as he and AppleJack headed out to Sweet Apple Acres together.

“You too!” Twilight called back. The lavender unicorn let out a sigh of relief as she stepped back inside the library, closing the door behind her.

“So what should we do with this?” Spike asked, holding up the scroll that contained the Legend of Sparda. “Do you want to send it to Celestia now?”

“Maybe tomorrow, Spike,” Twilight answered, levitating the scroll out of Spike’s claw with her magic and laying it out on the table.

“Considering everything we’ve discovered about Dante and Vergil, it looks like I’ll have to make a few amendments to this legend,” She then set out an ink vial and quill next to the parchment. “Mostly for clarification purposes on the princesses’ part.”

“Well don’t stay up too late, Twilight.” Spike said, climbing up the stairs to their bedroom. “You need to get some shut-eye too.”

“I know. I promise I won’t be long.” The lavender mare answered as she dabbed her quill in the adjacent ink vial.

“G’night, Twilight.”

“Goodnight, Spike.”

Trotting down the path to Sweet Apple Acres, Dante and AppleJack were deep in discussion over an even more pressing issue than their previous dilemma of a demon infested Equestria. And that was how they would go about breaking the news to the farm pony’s family that Dante was a demon himself. All the while, a light rain had begun to shower down from the darkened cluster of clouds covering the night sky.

“So how do you think they’re gonna take it?” the demon hunter asked.

“Ah’m not too sure,” AppleJack replied. “Ah mean, we Apples are a rather accepting bunch, but you bein’ a demon sure might throw them for a loop. Heck! Ah didn’t even learn about it till now and ah’m still not sure of what to make of it.”

“If worse comes to worst, I’ll just make a break for it while they grab their torches and pitchforks.” the demon hunter chuckled.

“Kinda short sighted, don’t ya think? What if they rally all of Ponyville into a crazed mob?” she sarcastically remarked.

“Then I’ll just find some way to pin the blame on Vergil.”

“Snrk!” AppleJack tried to stifle a giggle at first, but soon found both herself and Dante bursting with uproarious laughter, leaving the two ponies gasping for breath. “Hahahaha! Whoo! As messed up as that was,” she chuckled, wiping a tear from her eye. “Ah gotta admit it was pretty darn funny.”

“Hahaha, I know, right?!” Dante agreed, finally calming down. “But seriously, I gotta say, for someone as down to earth as you, AJ, you’re taking this whole demon thing rather well.”

“Well, stranger things have happened ‘round here.” AppleJack shrugged.

“Such as?”

“Well, just a few months ago, Twilight’s older brother, Shining Armor’s wedding in Canterlot was crashed by this crazy changeling, Queen Chrysalis who was pretending to be his fiancé, Cadence. Who, by the way, was the Princess of Love and had gotten herself locked away beneath the castle.” AppleJack explained.

“Sounds like one hell of a wedding. How’d the reception go?”

“Twilight being the braniac she was, figured out what was really goin’ on and then Canterlot got invaded by a whole army of changelings. The girls and I kicked some tail, and apparently the magic from Shining Armor and Cadence’s love managed to save everypony by blastin' the changelings and their queen straight outta Canterlot.”

Dante stared blankly at the farm pony. “...That is strange.” he finally admitted after a momentary silence.

“Told ya,” AppleJack smirked. “Besides, if ah didn’t know any better, I’d say you were just trying to use this whole ‘I’m a demon’ excuse to get outta farm work.”

“Nothing gets past you, does it, AJ?” Dante grinned. “Still, I just hope your family will handle the news better than most people from my world usually would.”

“We’ll find out soon enough, devil boy.” AppleJack playfully rubbed Dante’s head, ruffling his already messy white mane. “Just make sure ya don’t go bonkers the next time ya do that creepy little transformation of yours, got it?”

“Yes’m, Miss AJ,” Dante answered in a mock country accent. “I got it under control.”

“Good to hear. Now come on, the rain’s starting to pick up.”

The two ponies then proceeded onward, making their way down the winding, muddied dirt road that led to Sweet Apple Acres as the rain continued to shower the night in a light drizzle.

Along the way to her cottage, Fluttershy and Vergil had been walking side by side in complete silence for what the pegasus mare felt like was an eternity, but in reality, had only been about twenty minutes. Come on, Fluttershy. Say something, she urged herself, the silence proving to be too nerve-wracking for the meek mare. Then again, what was she supposed to say; especially after all that had transpired that night?

The two ponies then reached the small bridge leading up to the cottage. Thankful to finally get out of the rain, Fluttershy led the way, but had only made it halfway across before she noticed that Vergil had come to a complete stop directly in front of the bridge; his eyes seemingly drawn to the small brook that passed under the stone structure. Curiously, the mare trotted back over to the light grey stallion. “What is it, Vergil?”

The half-demon said nothing at first, continuing to look down in the small, rippling stream that ran under the bridge leading to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Ver-Vergil?” the timid pegasus raised her voice, if only slightly louder than her usual dulcet tone.

“I never did get a proper answer,” He finally spoke, still staring at his distorted reflection in the brook. “Why did you defend me?”

“Come again?”

“Back at the throne room,” Vergil spoke louder, leering down at the water as the raindrops continued fall and stir its surface. “Why did you save me?”

The gentle pegasus could only look to the half-demon with a sorrowful expression. There he was, standing alone in the rain: wet, humiliated, defeated and utterly distraught as he struggled to wrap his mind around her simple act of kindness. With a heavy sigh, Fluttershy placed her hoof on his shoulder. “Vergil, can I tell you something?”

The light grey stallion slowly looked up from the stream to meet Fluttershy’s ever soft and soothing gaze. If there was one thing he could attribute to that mare, it was how just a simple glance from her could quell one’s own hostility, if only temporary. “What is it that you want to say?” he asked; a dull, almost monotonous tone in his voice.

Fluttershy cringed upon hearing how empty and emotionless Vergil’s words were, but did not fall back, knowing she’d have to tell him one way or the other. Steeling herself, Fluttershy took a deep breath and looked him square in the eyes. “It should be pretty obvious, Vergil. I stood up for you because I like you. You’re a wonderful friend.” she boldly confessed with a bashful smile.

The half-demon stared at her in disbelief.

“I mean, yes we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but I’ve really grown rather fond having you around. And I can see you have as well.” The raindrops trickled down her and Vergil’s faces as the pegasus, like the clouds above, poured her all out to the stallion. “It’s kinda funny to be honest. You always look so focused and cold, but whenever we’re together, by ourselves, you look so relaxed and at ease -- happy even. When we talk, you listen so intently and you’ve taken such good care of the animals around the house. You’ve done so much for me and my friends; more so than I’ve done for you… even more than you’re willing to admit.

“You say that as though I weren't a demon.” Vergil stated rather bluntly.

“Just because you’re a demon doesn’t mean you’re a monster,” Fluttershy replied. “You and Dante have both proven that.”

Vergil merely sneered at the mention of his brother’s name, but had continued to listen to Fluttershy’s reasoning.

“When the girls and I were cornered by those beasts, you risked your life to save us. And even though I was scared of you at the time, you made sure I wasn’t hurt. You protected us,” Fluttershy smiled hopefully. “And then I wasn’t scared anymore. How could I possibly be?” the rain gradually began to fall much harder. “That’s why I stuck up for you, Vergil. I wasn’t going to let you be banished, even if it meant standing against Princess Celestia. That’s why I can trust you.”

Vergil finally broke eye contact and turned his attention back to the rippling stream below him. Fluttershy, despite her meek and fragile demeanor, had proven in that one instant that she truly did value him, and would even stand her ground against the rulers of Equestria to keep him safe. Her words, her actions and her smile: they were all so genuine and heartfelt. How could a demon of all creatures be worthy of such unrequited kindness? What had he done to deserve this mare’s undying devotion, let alone affection?

Fluttershy then placed her hoof underneath the light grey stallion’s chin and gently raised his head up to where his pale blue eyes met with her gaze once more. “I know you want to get back to your world and after what happened back in Canterlot, I can kinda understand why you’re so hesitant to take the princesses up on their word. But while you may not believe Celestia and Luna, will you at least trust me when I say that my friends and I will do everything we can to help get you and Dante back to where you belong?”

The half-demon looked at Fluttershy with a slight grin before letting out a low chuckle. This girl truly is sincere in her words, he thought to himself. Even after all hell had broken loose and spilled over into her world, she still stuck by his side. She knew he was a demon and it didn’t matter to her so long as he was safe. Catching himself, Vergil finally had an answer for the kind-hearted pegasus. “It seems you’ve convinced me, Fluttershy my dear,” he said with a rain drenched smirk. “And the answer is yes, I will trust you. After all you’ve done for me up to this point; I’d have to say that I am more than indebted to you.”

“Thank you, Vergil,” Fluttershy smiled back as she parted a soaked lock of her mane from in front of her face. “Just promise me one thing, please.”

“And what would that be?”

“Promise me that you’ll try and get along with my friends. I know it might seem like I’m asking much, but I just want you to be able to trust not just me, but all of us,” Fluttershy then averted her gaze momentarily. “And I know what you’re probably thinking right now, but no. I’m not expecting you to make up with your brother…not after all that I’ve seen and heard tonight.” she said dishearteningly. “At first I didn’t know what to think when you said that you and Dante didn’t see eye to eye on some things, but when Twilight told us about your family… well… I can’t help but say that I’m sorry. I knew you and Dante were different, but, it’s just so awful to know that a family can be torn apart like that.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. What’s done is done. Besides, there’s no sense in dwelling on the past.” Vergil said coldly, staring up to the blackened sky as the rain began to fall harder. Upon hearing a hushed whimper, he looked back down at Fluttershy and saw the hurt in those teal-blue eyes that pierced his own as he so carelessly dismissed her concerns for him. Taking a deep breath, the devil pony stepped closer to the pegasus mare before speaking, “However, I promise that I will try my best to cooperate and possibly get along with your friends. I owe you that much, my dear.” he said as sincerely as possible.

Fluttershy’s face lit up with joy upon hearing those words coming from Vergil. “Thank you so much.” she said as she wrapped her forelegs around the devil pony, pulling him in close for his second heartfelt hug that night.

Vergil, without hesitation this time, submitted to the mare’s tender embrace as he too wrapped both of his forelegs around Fluttershy and held her tight. There they stood in the pouring rain: two wet and weary souls.

Slowly pulling away from the hug, Fluttershy placed a hoof on Vergil’s cheek and said to the demon, “Come on. Let’s go home.”

Vergil silently obliged with a simple nod and followed the pegasus mare across the stone bridge and up into the warm and brightly lit cottage.

Meanwhile at the Apple Family House, AppleJack had gathered Granny Smith and Big Macintosh into the living room to reveal to her family the truth about Dante.

“He’s a what!?” shouted Granny Smith from her rocking chair as she nearly spit out her dentures at the discovery.

“A demon, Granny,” AppleJack calmly repeated. “Dante here is a demon who just so happens to hunt other demons.” she explained, trying to assure the elderly green mare there was no need to panic.

Dante simply looked back and forth at Granny Smith and Big Mac with a sheepish smile and a shrug. “Sorry for not telling you guys earlier, I guess?”

Granny Smith slowly placed a hoof on her chin as she narrowed her gaze at the yellow stallion. “Hmm, ah never heard of a demon pony before.”

“Well technically he’s a half-demon, but trust me, ah’m just as surprised as all of you,” AppleJack said, taking to Dante’s side. “Heck, I didn’t event know about it myself until tonight.” She then directed her attention to her brother. “Besides, Big Mac, didn’t we agree we’d let Dante earn his stay here?”

“Eeyup.” the large red stallion nodded.

“And hasn’t he done nothin’ but help around the farm?” she pressed on.

Big Mac skeptically raised an eyebrow at her last question.

AppleJack let out an exasperated sigh before she corrected herself. “Ignoring the multiple naps he’s taken on the job with Rainbow Dash.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac finally agreed with a smile.

“In my defense,” Dante protested. “It was her idea to take those breaks.”

“So whaddya say, Granny?” AppleJack asked her grandmother. “Doesn’t he deserve a place to stay?”

Granny Smith took one last look at Dante then finally answered her granddaughter. “Of course he can stay!” she exclaimed cheerfully. “Anypony, or demon for that matter, that can put in a hard days work on this farm like Dante has certainly earned the right to call Sweet Apple Acres their home.”

“You serious?” Dante asked.

“Yup. On one condition though.” Granny Smith spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention to her.

“What’s that?” Both Dante and AppleJack asked in unison.

“You’re always more than welcome to stay here…just so long as you don’t try and eat us all in our sleep, ya hear?!” she cackled playfully.

“Can do.” Dante nodded with a grin while AppleJack buried her face in her Stetson hat in embarrassment.

“No way!” shouted the ecstatic voices of three small fillies from atop the stairs.

Everyone in the living room quickly looked up to see AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looking down from the railing of the second floor.

“Ah, can’t believe it!” AppleBloom exclaimed. “Mr. Dante’s actually a real live demon!”

“And he hunts other demons too,” joined in Scootaloo. “Like some kind of awesome demon superhero!”

“And he’s living in your house, AppleBloom!” Sweetie Belle squeaked excitedly.

“Girls!” Granny Smith shouted sternly. “What in tarnation are you three doing up this late? Ah thought y'all were supposed to be in bed.”

“Ah’m sorry, Granny.” AppleBloom apologized as she and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders trudged downstairs. “We just heard you shoutin’ about demons and we came to check it out.”

“Well, we were gonna tell y'all in the morning,” AppleJack chuckled as she readjusted her hat. “But I guess now’s a better time than ever.”

“So what’s it like being a demon?” Sweetie Belle asked as she, Scootaloo and AppleBloom crowded around Dante. “Do you have wings or drink blood?”

“Of course he doesn’t!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “He’s a demon. Not a vampire. He probably eats the other demons that he hunts.”

“Ya think that’s why he and AppleJack were gone so late?!” AppleBloom directed her question to Scootaloo. “Just look,” she then lifted the tail of his coat, revealing multiple tears, rips and stains on his otherwise luxurious crimson jacket. “He musta got himself in one heck of a fight.”

“Uh, well guess you could say that.” Dante tried to speak over the three fillies clamoring around him, but to no avail as the girls continued to bombard him with even more questions.

“So is it true? Were you and AJ and her friends off fightin’ a whole bunch of demons!?” AppleBloom jumped up and down, her large pink bow bouncing along to the motion of her leaps.

“Is that why your jacket’s so torn up?” Sweetie Belle pressed on, inspecting other areas of his jacket.

“Were they really scary? How many did Rainbow Dash beat!?” Scootaloo asked as she shoved past her friends.

“Girls, girls, girls!” Granny Smith raised her voice. “Ah think that’s enough questions for tonight. Ah’m sure AppleJack and Dante are both tuckered out from the night they’ve had. There’ll be plenty of time for questions and what-not tomorrow.”

“But, Grannyyy~y!” AppleBloom whined.

“No buts, youngin’!” The elderly mare interrupted. “You and yer friends march on up to bed.”

“Yes ma’am.” all three fillies answered collectively before bounding up the stairs back to AppleBloom’s room.

As the door closed behind them, Granny Smith looked back to Dante and AppleJack. “Kids, ah tell ya.” The light green mare then hopped from her rocking chair and proceeded to head towards her bedroom. “Welp, you three best be gettin’ some sleep,” she said looking to AppleJack, Dante and Big Macintosh. “AppleJack, you and Dante can tell us everything that happened tomorrow, alright?”

“Yes ma’am.” AppleJack nodded.

“Welp, goodnight, everypony.” Granny Smith then disappeared through the doorway and down the hall that led to her room.

“Night, Granny.” AppleJack called back.

“So, just so we’re clear,” Dante started as he approached Big Mac. “You’re not upset about me being a demon?”

“Nope.” The towering red stallion answered, looking down at the devil pony.

“And you don’t have a problem with me staying here?”

“Nope.” Big Mac answered once again.

“But…you will definitely be keeping an eye on me around the place to make sure I can be trusted?”

“Eeyup.” AppleJack’s brother nodded with a smile.

“Well…good talk, Mac,” Dante finally said, patting the stallion on the shoulder before passing him by. “Looks like I’ll be heading to bed myself,” he announced, walking towards the front door. “I’ve got a nice bale of hay calling my name.”

“Oh no you don’t!” AppleJack grabbed the demon hunter by the foreleg that was reaching for the door knob. “Ah had somethin’ special to show you today before we went chasin’ after yer brother all across Equestria.”

The devil pony simply raised his brow at her gesture. “And what would that be?”

“Why don’t ya come upstairs and find out?” she said in a mock-sultry tone.

“Tempting, but I, uh…don’t think that’d be too good of an idea,” Dante chuckled nervously. “I mean your brother’s literally right there.” he pointed a hoof to Big Mac, who innocently looked the other way, whistling to himself.

“Oh he knows,” AppleJack smirked as she pulled Dante over to the stairs. “Now come on, ya dork.”

Without further objections, AppleJack led the demon hunter up the stairs and guided him down the hallway and over to a closed door.

“Your room I take it?” Dante asked.

“Nope,” AppleJack shook her head. She then opened the door and turned on the light to reveal a bedroom furnished with nothing more than a single twin sized bed and a recently sanded down, mahogany dresser against the opposite wall. “Yours.” she smiled as she led Dante into the room. “Granny, AppleBloom and Big Mac and I worked all week on puttin’ this place together. We figured you were getting’ mighty tired of sleepin’ out in the barn this whole time, especially with that musky smell the hay left on ya.”

“You guys really didn’t need to do this.” Dante said, inspecting the room before walking over towards the lone window by his dresser. The rain was still pouring down outside, no doubt he would have had to put up with a few leaks if he were sleeping in the barn tonight.

“Of course we did!” AppleJack said as she draped her foreleg around Dante’s shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. “Believe it or not, you’re practically family now, Dante. And family looks out for each other. Besides, what kinda sister would I be if I made my new brother sleep out in the rain?”

“Family, huh?” Dante muttered, looking back out the window and into the rainy darkness of the night. “Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.” he smiled weakly.

“Now how’s about ya go get washed up?” AppleJack asked, pulling away from Dante. “No offense or nothin’, but shoo wee! Ya smell worse than a wet dog.”

“I can say the same for you,” Dante laughed. “By the way you handled those wolves back there, I’m sure you don’t smell much like roses either.”

“Ya got me there,” the farm pony admitted as she took off her hat and untied her flowing blonde mane. “Ah’ll be hittin’ the showers downstairs. You know where the upstairs restroom is.” She then trotted her way out the room, only to stop at the doorway. “Oh, and Dante?”


“Have a good night. After all you’ve done for this family and my friends, you’ve earned it.” AppleJack then left the room without another word.

Dante silently left the room shortly after AppleJack took her leave and made his way down the hallway. On his way to the bathroom, he stopped and looked up to see a small picture frame hung neatly on the wall. It it was a picture of AppleJack, Big Mac, Granny Smith and AppleBloom all bunched together out in front of the house, smiling and laughing amongst one another. “Family…,” the demon sighed before turning away and continuing down the hall. “Must be nice.”

Back at Fluttershy’s cottage, Vergil had just finished showering off in the downstairs bathroom. With his torn clothes folded neatly in one hoof, the undressed stallion stepped out into the living room only to be met with the sight of Fluttershy trotting downstairs, her wet mane wrapped neatly in a white towel. If there was one thing the half-demon still had trouble adjusting to in this world, aside from being transformed into a small sentient horse, it was the ever present fact that clothes were an optional accessory for the most part of society. Or perhaps that was just him admiring the subtle shifts and bounce of the mare’s exquisitely elegant figure with each and every step she took.

“Feeling better?” Fluttershy smiled as she approached the light grey stallion.

“Much,” Vergil replied casually. “As usual, a shower does wonders for relieving stress.”

“You certainly look a lot better,” Fluttershy complimented as she lightly brushed aside a draping lock of the stallion’s mane before looking down at what he was holding. “By the way, if you want, you can just leave your clothes on the coffee table. I can fix them up for you tomorrow.”

“You’re not going to take them to your friend Rarity’s shop?”

“No need,” she answered happily as she unraveled the towel around her head and started to dry her mane. “While she and I were at the spa last week, she told me all about how she had tailored your outfit: what sort of fabric she used, the types of needles for the appropriate stichings, and the exact color thread needed for each part of the coat. She figured with the way you and Dante act out all the time, it would come in handy.” she giggled as she lifted her head up from the towel to reveal her still wet and frazzled mane.

“I see,” Vergil said, looking down at his neatly folded yet horribly torn attire. “And you don’t have any problem fixing them up yourself?”

“Oh, not at all. While I might not be an expert like Rarity, I still have quite a knack for tailoring outfits and dresses.” Fluttershy admitted modestly.

“Well, you’re just full of surprises aren’t you, my dear?” Vergil grinned. “Honestly, I’m rather impressed at the variety of your talents.” he said as he trotted over to the coffee table in front of the couch.

“I'm glad you think so.” The bashful pegasus blushed.

Vergil then set his clothes down on the coffee table when he noticed a small speck of yellow fabric jutting out from the breast pocket inside his coat. Reaching into his pocket with a single hoof, the demon pony pulled the fabric out to reveal the daisy decorated, yellow cloth that Fluttershy had used to pack the lunch she made for him before he left for Tartarus. Strangely enough, it was to be the only thing he brought back with him from his journey; having regrettably lost both the saddlebag and geography book Twilight had lent him in the wake of all of Tartarus’ demons breaking loose.

Still holding the cloth, he then turned back to Fluttershy and presented it to her. “I believe this is yours.” he said, placing it in the mare’s outstretched hoof.

Noticing that Vergil had returned nothing more than the cloth to her, she looked to him with a hopeful smile. “I take it you enjoyed the meal I made?” she asked.

“Yes,” he answered. “It was delicious.”

“Thank you.”

“No,” Vergil said as he held up his hoof in objection. “Thank you.”

Looking down at the daisy patterned cloth in her hoof; Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle to herself. “You’re sweet, you know that?” she said as she trotted up to Vergil and lovingly placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Vergil smirked, evoking a few more playful giggles from the pegasus.

“I’ll just go put this back in the cupboard.” She said, stepping out of the living room and into the kitchen.

Turning back to the coffee table, Vergil silently made his way over to the couch, holding every intention to finally get some sleep. Resting against the side of the couch was his blade, Yamato, which he had set aside upon his and Fluttershy's return earlier. Looking at the scabbard in which his sword rested, Vergil was instantly reminded of the expedition he embarked on that night, and subsequently, how even one of his father's most treasured weapons proved little match for that accursed Sun Goddess. With a sneer, he turned away from Yamato, hoping to put this entire night of bloodshed and failure behind him. As he sat himself down on the small green couch, a bright white light suddenly flashed through the window behind him as a streak of lightning tore across the rainy, night sky. It wasn’t long before the deafening crack of thunder followed after the lightning strike, stirring most of the animals in the house. Not bothered in the slightest by the stormy weather, the devil pony merely lied down as the pitter-patter of rain against the window coupled with the occasional rumbling of thunder nearly carried him off into a somewhat peaceful slumber.

That is until he was brought to by a hoof tenderly shaking him. “Umm, Vergil?” said the hushed voice of Fluttershy.

“What is it?” yawned the half-demon as he opened his eyes.

“You know, you don’t have to sleep on the couch,” Fluttershy said nervously. “I figured with how tired you were and how bad the weather was outside, we could share my bed tonight…if you wanted to that is.” Another bolt of lightning lit up the night sky as the accompanying thunder boomed just moments after. “Eeek!” The mare practically jumped out of her skin in fright.

Vergil merely raised an eyebrow at her offer, but after seeing Fluttershy panic like she did, figured the poor girl obviously wasn’t particularly fond of storms. She can handle a tyrannical princess of the night, a god of chaos, and even demons, yet nearly falls apart at the prospect of thunder and lightning, Vergil thought to himself. What a strange, strange girl.

“I understand if you don’t want to,” Fluttershy stammered, her face growing red with embarrassment. “I just thought you’d like a more comfortable place to sleep is all, and I can see how you’d think I might have been coming onto you, but I wasn’t. Not that I don’t like you, but I was just wondering if you wanted some company during the storm, what with the thunder and lightning probably keeping you awake when you’re all alone…in the dark…” The shy pegasus was fumbling her words at this point as she tried to feebly explain her reasoning to the half-demon.

With a sigh, Vergil stood up off the couch and directly in front of Fluttershy. “Sounds good.” he answered bluntly, leaving the flustered pegasus surprised by his compliance.


“Yes,” he answered. “I guess with how bad the storm’s gotten, you might have a point. No sense in sleeping alone tonight.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy smiled.

She then guided him over to the set of stairs that led up to her bedroom. As they trotted across the living room, Vergil caught a glimpse of Angel Bunny, who was sound asleep, tucked into his little woven basket bed at the corner of the living room, not at all distressed by the roaring thunder outside.

Hmph, for once that long-eared rodent looks as though he weren’t some pest hell bent on provoking my ire, he thought smugly as he and Fluttershy trotted up the stairs. Upon entering the mare’s bedroom, Vergil couldn’t help but take notice of its few notable features: a small stone fireplace and chimney at the far side of the room, two small birdhouses hanging from the ceiling, a regular sized bed with a wooden frame, two pillows and a butterfly patterned blanket that alternated in squares of orange and white, along with two windows on either side of the mare’s bed.

“I can get you a different blanket if you want.” Fluttershy offered, noticing Vergil had been inspecting the bed.

“No need,” he sighed. “This’ll do fine.” Vergil said as he crawled into the mare's bed and pulled his share of the covers over himself. Laying his head down on the downy white pillow felt almost heavenly as his body relaxed into the mattress. Not often had he slept on a bed so soft or this comfortable; far more relaxing than that rigid couch downstairs. Feeling the covers shift, he opened his eyes to see Fluttershy getting into bed with him, pulling the blanket over herself before slowly wrapping her hooves around him and nestling against his body with a contented sigh.

“You look comfortable.” the half-demon remarked.

“Very.” Fluttershy softly replied with closed eyes, cuddling up to the light grey stallion while the soft sounds of pouring rain began to lull her to sleep.

In any other case, Vergil would have brushed aside such acts of affection, but here and now, after both his mind and body were dangerously exhausted, and after everything this girl had done for him; even at the risk of her well-being, he wouldn’t dare fight it any longer. Feeling Fluttershy quiver at sound of the ongoing thunderstorm, Vergil silently reached a foreleg across her body and embraced the sleepy mare.

“Goodnight, Vergil.” Fluttershy sighed, softly nuzzling the stallion's neck.

“Goodnight, Fluttershy,” Vergil sleepily replied as he gently stroked her back. “And thank you.” he whispered quietly before the two finally drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s embrace.

As he stepped back into his room, Dante tossed his red coat over the foot of his new bed and propped Rebellion against the adjacent wall. Taking off the towel wrapped around his waist, he then threw it over his head before drying out his mane. “Whoo, nothing like a nice shower to leave you feeling like a million bucks.” the demon hunter sighed, pulling the towel down around the back of his neck.

The devil pony then threw himself onto his bed, bouncing up and down as he landed atop the spring filled mattress.

“Been awhile since I’ve got to sleep on a real bed,” he said to himself. “Certainly beats lying on stacks of hay.” The yellow stallion took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh as his body relaxed into the soft, cushiony bed. “Hell of a mess I’ve gotten myself into though,” he reflected. “Demons are running wild, my brother’s still a crazed asshole, and to top it all off, by the time I get back, Lady will have probably taken over my business and have stuck me with the bill of a lifetime…or two.” Dante continued to stare up at the ceiling as all of these thoughts lingered in his mind.

Still it’s not all bad though; met a few nice girls, got to raise some hell, and now I've got a place to call my own. He thought as he let out a long, drawn-out yawn. The bright yellow stallion then pulled the covers over himself before falling back on his pillow. Even with all of Tartaus having spilled out into Equestria, a demon hunter still needed his shut-eye, and there’d be plenty of time to clean up this mess after a good night’s rest. For now, Dante simply shut his eyes and let the comforting embrace of sleep take its hold.

Author's Note:

Chapter Name and Inspiration brought to you by this fitting song. What better way to end Part 1 than with a bit of Yes!?