• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 3: Of Devils and Ponies

Upon entering Ponyville, Dante was met with quite a site. Small modest houses plotted all around the peaceful town, filled with the hustling and bustling sound of hooves as ponies of all colors and sizes trotted to and fro their destinations. What astounded him even more was the sight of flying pegasi scattered about moving clouds with ease, positioning them just right, giving the town such a serene feel to it.

“Quite the snazzy hometown you got here.” said Dante still gazing around the small town. Although to be honest, it looks something right outta a kid’s book, He thought to himself.

“Thanks. It’s quite a tranquil place if you’re looking for a nice place to live.” replied Twilight happily as Dante, AppleJack and she made their way through the town square.

“Hey, before I forget, I have to ask, what the heck is with these flying horses screwing with the clouds?” Dante questioned.

“Oh, those are the Weather Team Pegasi.” answered AppleJack. “They’re in charge of the weather as you can probably guess, given the name and whatnot. They pretty much keep up the skies according to the forecast.” she then went on to explain.

“Huh. Well that sounds… pretty damn weird to be frank.” The demon hunter replied, flabbergasted by AppleJack’s explanation.

“I take it things are a lot different from where you come from huh?” inquired Twilight.

“More than you can imagine.” said Dante still looking around the town, noticing a few ponies throwing glances in his direction.

“Anyways, why is everybody giving me weird looks? I mean I’m a horse like you after all. I don’t stick out that much do I?” asked Dante uneasily.

“We actually prefer the term, ponies, Dante.” corrected Twilight. “And secondly, I think it’s the way you look. I mean it’s not too often some pony comes into town wearing a big red coat, pants and carries a humongous sword on his back.”

“Guess you do stick out a bit.” said Spike, observing Dante’s sword. “Whattya use that thing for anyways? Looks impossible to even try and hold.”

“Eh, I think I’ll wait 'til we’re in private to tell ya.” Dante answered casually.

“Why in private?” Twilight butted in.

“Yeah, it doesn’t seem all that friendly to be so secretive, Dante. Especially when some pony as suspicious lookin’ as you is trying to get to know everyone. No offense.” interjected AppleJack.

“Fine. Over lunch if you must know, alright?” sighed Dante, eagerly anticipating to get something to eat.

The Café they came too wasn’t all too fancy, but was a nice, little casual gathering place for ponies to sit and enjoy the day talking, be it about weather, sports or just to catch up with one another. If anything it was more of an outdoors eatery with tables topped with umbrellas placed around the building in a neat pattern. It was also where Twilight predominantly came in her spare time to enjoy a nice lunch and a good book.

As the four took their seats, Dante quickly and awkwardly picked up the menu with his hooves and after a few attempts at holding it right he began to notice something about the menu.

“What the hell? Hay Fries, Dandelion Club Sandwhich, Daisy Grilled Cheese!? How in God’s name am I gonna eat this junk? Please someone tell me this is a bad joke.” he said with an exasperated sigh.

“Guess yer really not from around these parts after all?” asked AppleJack.

“What gave it away? The fact that half this crap is indigestible!?” Dante snapped.

“Now now, try and calm down please, Dante," Twilight spoke up. "I’m sure there must be something that’ll suit your taste or something you can at least try. After all you are a pony, and you might have the taste buds and vitals suited for an herbivore diet now.” she said, trying to comfort the worked up stallion.

Maybe she has a point, Dante thought. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. Besides, this is the first time a lady ever offered to pay for me. I might as well make the best of it. As he skimmed the list, his eye caught one particular item on the menu that made his mouth water and his heart burst with excitement. “Sweetness! They have pizza here!” Dante exclaimed. “Hey, Garcon!” he shouted, gesturing for the nearby waiter to take their order.

In a flash, a stallion dressed in a black vest rushed over to their table, carrying a pencil and note pad. “What will you all be having today?” he asked everyone in a polite and patient manner.

“The Daffodil Sandwich for me, and an order of Hay Fries for Spike here.” Twilight answered while Spike simply nodded in agreement with her order.

“I’ve been hankerin’ for a nice salad,” said AppleJack. “And also, ya wouldn’t happen to mind puttin’ a few apple slices on it for me, would ya?”

“But of course not.” replied the waiter ever so happily.

Heh. Apples. Tooooootally didn’t see that coming, Dante thought while chuckling to himself. Hell, it might explain what’s up with everyone having these weird marks on their asses; he trailed off, staring at the three apples marked on AppleJack’s flank.

“And what will you have, good sir?” asked the waiter, breaking Dante out of his daze.

“Oh yeah. Gimme your best supreme pizza...nix the olives, though.”

“Alright then, that’ll be one pizza with the works, no olives.” muttered the waiter, jotting down the order on his pad as he left the table.

“So then,” Twilight started. “You said you were gonna tell us why you carry around that sword?”

“If you really need to know, I’m a Demon Hunter.” Dante replied in an annoyed tone.

“Pffft hahahaha, you serious!?” laughed Spike as he fell out of his seat.

Both AppleJack and Twilight soon joined in on the laughter thanks to the sight of Spike falling over; all while an irritated Dante only looked on a bemused sneer.

“Oh come on! You three are willing to believe I fell from the sky, but laugh at the idea of me being a Demon Hunter?!” he asked incredulously. “Where in the hell do you suspend your disbelief?” Dante pouted as he crossed his forelegs over his chest.

“Sorry,” giggled AppleJack, breaking out of her laughing fit. “It’s just that we don’t usually have any of those demon whats-its here in Equestria. Sorry to put a bit of a damper on yer profession there, sugar cube.” she said, patting his shoulder.

“Ah, whatever. I can’t really imagine such a place like this to have any sort of demon trouble anyway.” he said as he placed his hoof on his chin.

“Wow. I guess you weren’t kidding when I asked if things were different in your world. However, we do have our share of troubles here every now and then in Ponyville.” said Twilight.

“Oh really?” asked Dante, raising his brow. “Like what?”

“Look out beloooooooooooooow!” cried a voice from up on high.

Before Dante could react, a cyan-blue Pegasus zoomed in from the sky, knocking him off his seat as she crashed into the devil hunter, sending them both tumbling onto the ground.

“Like Rainbow Dash’s flying.” chuckled Spike.

“Graaand.” stressed Dante as he picked himself up, sitting upright next to the pegasus mare with the rainbow patterned mane known as Rainbow Dash. “Hell of a way to say hello.” he said as he made eye contact, taking notice of her rose colored irises.

“Hehe, sorry. Ummm, you new around here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, name’s Dante: Demon Hunter, and apparently crash test dummy as of now.” he answered sarcastically.

“Pleased to meet ya, Dante. My name is Rainbow Dash and I happen to be THE best flyer in all of Equestria.”

“Don’t forget to mention one of the most conceited.” chuckled AppleJack.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash snapped

“And by the looks of it, I take it the best flyer title doesn’t cover your ability to land.” joked Dante with a grin.

“Oh, ha ha,” Rainbow Dash laughed sarcastically, trying to ignore their remarks. “Anyways, you said you were new in town?” she directed her question towards Dante as they both walked back to the table and took a seat.

“Yeah, and I take it Twilight, Spike and AppleJack are your friends?” asked Dante.

“Yep, my best friends.” she said proudly as the waiter came back with their orders, putting down a sandwich with what looked like flowers between the two slices of bread in front of Twilight and a plate of hay fries in front of Spike. Then he turned towards AppleJack, placed her salad down, and then moved onto Dante.

As the waiter sat the large, steaming hot saucer down, Dante’s nose was invited with a welcoming scent that reminded him all too well of home. He then looked down at the pizza as the waiter left, ready to enjoy the delicious meal, only for his expression to shift from eager anticipation to that of sheer horror. Dante’s eyes began to water at the sight of the dish. Upon said pizza was a plethora of toppings. Green peppers, onions, and mushrooms, all spread out on a thick layer of melted and gooey cheese, but one tiny detail stood out that had troubled the light yellow stallion. That one mortifying detail was the absence of pepperonis. In their place were circular purple flowers scattered about the pizza.

How could they?! Dante screamed internally. How could they defile the sanctity of pizza? You can’t have pizza without pepperonis, or salami, or any kind of meat for that matter! It’s just not fair. It’s just not right!

“You ok, buddy?” asked Rainbow Dash, noticing Dante was gawking at his plate with a dismal expression.

“Oh, uh yeah…sorry about that. Just well, I've never really seen this kind of pizza before is all.”

“Did I mention he’s reeeally new around here?” Twilight said after taking a few bites from her sandwich as Spike proceeded to chow down on his hay fries.

“Well don’t let it get to ya, Dante. I’ll be sure to help ya feel at home here in Ponyville. After all, I’m also the coolest pony in town; so just stick with me and I can guarantee you’ll fit right in,” assured Rainbow Dash as she grabbed a slice of Dante’s pizza. “Ya mind me having a slice?” she asked with a cute smile.

Dante let out a long sigh. “Sure,” he replied, smiling as best he could. Though he wasn’t really used to their world, he was starting to enjoy the company of these ponies. “This place doesn’t seem too bad.” he muttered to himself before taking a bite out of his pizza. And the food isn’t half as bad as it looks, he thought, chewing the cheesy goodness topped with flowers.

Back in the clearing Vergil found in the Everfree Forest, all that was left from his encounter with the Timberwolves were the torn and sliced open wooden husks strewn about the area. Cracked torsos, splintered legs and moss-covered wolf heads decorated the vicinity, along with a small trail of blood that could be seen leading out of the clearing.

“Damn it all!” cursed Vergil as he slowly edged his way to the end of the forest. His clothes were torn and tattered, marked with scratches and tears while his body itself was full of gashes, bites, and open wounds that were bleeding a considerable amount. Even his hair had begun to muss up, falling out of its elegant, waved back style and into a messy mop of white hair; not unlike his brother’s.

“To think those rabid mutts were capable of actually harming me, let alone able to even touch me is downright disgraceful," he coughed out, finally reaching the edge of the Everfree.

As Vergil left the forest, his eyes were met with the glare of the afternoon sun radiating the lush meadows and fields surrounding a dirt path. He then proceeded to walk down said path with a slight limp as his back leg was still bloodied from the earlier tussle.

“Curse this body.” he mumbled, noticing his wounds weren't healing. Normally by now, Vergil's injuries would have properly closed up thanks to his demonic blood. For now, he would just have to bear with it and find a means to returning to his original state. As he continued on his way, Vergil began to take in the scenery that only now, had caught his attention. It was all so bright and vivid. Butterflies fluttered about the ever vibrant fields on both sides of the path with flowers decorating the radiant, green grass in small patches. The grey pelted pony only scoffed in disinterest at the very sight of it all. How dull, he thought to himself, still curious as to where he was exactly.

However, his thoughts were interrupted as he began to hear the cheerful tunes of whistling birds accompanied with the hums and singing of a beautiful, yet hypnotic female voice, causing his ears to twitch out of curiosity.

Following the sound of the music, Vergil's attention was now focused up ahead to where the music seemed to be originating from. As he continued forward, he spotted a small yet well built cottage that was sitting at the edge of the forest.

“Hmph. Perhaps I’ll finally get some answers as to where I am after all.” he muttered as he started trotting towards the small cottage.